Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OMAH& DAILY BE.E : ! TE UHSDAY- JUNE 11 , 1891.
The Eook Island-Union Pacific Eridgo Coaa
'in Federal Court.
fr to lie Commenced Today
I'rCHlduiit Cable TliltitcH It la
Jtoad Will Help Move tlio
Nclmmka Crop.
President K. H. Cnbloof the Hock Island
nnd JudRO Wlthrow of Chicago , KCtioriil lit-
torr.oy for that road , arrived In the city yon-
tcrduy morning to bo present tit the irlul ol
the ease of thu Hoclt Island against the
Union Pacific , which Is set for today in
the United States court huforo Justice
Juilgo Dillon of Now York , the poncrul
counsel of the Union Pacific , Is also In the
elty and will ttiko an uctivo part In the pres
entation of the caso.
President Cable's first Inquiry after his
arrival at the Mllltird was about tlio
condition of crops and whether theio hud
been too much rain. Upon being assured
that the crop outlook was never bettor ho ex
pressed satisfaction.
"Lo ) you folks expect to haul much of this
crop out of the statal" was asked.
"wo certainly do , " replied Mr. Cable , very
"Will you build another brldf-o or haul It
across the river In boat * I"
Mr. Cable leaned back apninst the balus
trade of the stairway leading from the ro
tunda nnd stuck his thumbs In the armholes
Of his vest as a quiet smllo spread over his
features. Then , in a deliberate manner , ho
said : "If I wasn't a poor man I would bet a
ult of clothes wo will haul our share of
jour crop over the Union Pacific bridge. "
When pressed for further llRht on the in
tentions of the Koclc Island with reference to
the building of a now brideo which ho men
tioned when here last , Mr. Cable declined to
muko any statement regarding the matter ,
saying they shouldn't cross a bridge until
they reached It.
The case which brings these gentlemen to
Omaha Is still fresh In the minds of the pco
pie In this suction , but a brief statement of
the main points in the ease may not prove un
A contract was entered into between the
Union Pacillc on one Mile and the Hock Island
and Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul roads on
on tlio other , whereby the latter roads
were to bo allowed the use of the
Union Pacific bndgo and the tracks of that
rend from the biidgo to a point one-half mile
south of the South Oiimlm depot. In con
sideration of this use of the track the two
roads were each to pay an annual rental of
f5,0X ! ( ) besides a certain proportion Of tlio
expenses of keeping the track in repair. The
Hock Island was also to bo allowed the use of
the Union Pacillc tracks between Ueatrico
and Lincoln and the Union Pacillc was to use
the track ot the Hock laland but'.vcun South
Omaha and Lincoln. This contract was
dated April 2 , ' , IhlK ) , and went into effect
Mav 1 , 1MJO.
The Milwaukee entered upon the use of
the track to South Omaha July 1 of last year
and used It until December BT , when the con
tract was suddenly abrogated bv the Union
Pacific , connecting tracks In the Bluffs were
torn up and Uillon Pacific engines were
placed at every point where the Milwaukee
oilKlit'crnln ' access to the Union Pacific tracks.
Whcii the Hock Island attempted to carry
out the terms of the contract on Jan-
nary 4 last by entering upon the
tracks of the Union Paeillo it mot with
the same fate as the Milwaukee and was not
allowed to go upon the tracks. The Hock
Island engine gained access to the Union Pa
cific tracks nt Ucatrlco , however , an > was
Ziept there for twenty-four hsars , "awaiting
running orders whichever came and the en
tflno was then \vkhdrawn.
The Unloii'Pacillo went into court and ob-
jtflillc'd a" restraining order preventing the
"Rock Island and the Milwaukee from using
theUnion Pacific tracksclaiming that the con
tract was not legal because it had not been
proporlv ratified by the hoard of directors
aim claiming that the Union Paciflo company
had no right , under Its charter , to make such
a contract.
Thu first hearing of the case was had ho-
fore Judge Dundy who continued the re
straining order and the case comes up for
final hearing today.
It is generally understood that whichever
way the case is decided it will bo taken to
the United States supreme court for final
Talk about foreign champagnes , trv Cook's
Extra Dry ; It Is superior to two-thirds of 111
Imported wines.
Fire Snlo of Shoes.
Must bo sold in 150 du.ys. Bipr cut In
prices. Slightly dtumipeil by snioku mid
water , Indies' sale of shoes and slippers.
Ladies' line kid button boots S1.-18 pair
worth $ : i.OO.
Ladies' fine kid button boots $1.87 pair
worth $3.oQ.
All of Burt's fine shoos goat $3.00 pair
worth $0.00 , in button and laeo , kid or
cloth , top. Our bargain counters are
loaded with bargains in all kinds of
shoes. Special bargains in ladies' shoos
and , slippers Thuiadny. Fire sale of
Bhoes 11-1 S. 10th street , ( old Boston
Store ) .
IVliito Pcoplo Object to Indian I OJ-H
Helnj ; FiimlHliod KmploymiMit
Hccont VVashlnton dispatches would Indi
cate that tfio superintendent of the Indian
Ecliool nt Genoa this state was not in favor of
having the Indian boys work In the beet
iiclds at Norfolk. Such Is not the case. In
fact quite a number of the Genoa Indian boys
are working on farms in the immediate
neighborhood of Genoa and all are reported
as doing well.
Ttio Norfolk matter may bo summed up as
follows ; Mr. Oxnard of Grand Island wrote
to Secretary Husk requesting permission to
employ the Indian boys at Genoa for the
purpose of weeding boots nt Norfolit , Dialing
In bis loiter that ho was unable to secure
enough men and boys to keep the boot fluids
clear of weeds. This letter was forwarded
by Secretary , Husk to the secretary of the in
terior , who endorsed the application and sent
it to the commissioner of Indian affairs , who In
turn granted the necessary authority , and
advised Superintendent linclcus of the Indian
school to allow such boys as ho could spuro
to go to Norfolk and work In the beet fluids.
Mr. Ojimml and Secretary Hamilton of the
boot sugar company , called at the Genoa
school and made arrangements for thirty
Indian boys , who were to receive the sumo
' wages as the whites engaged In the same
labor ,
The iCuights of Labor and a few outsiders ,
when they heard that the Indian bovs hud
boon engaged to work In the boat fields mot
in a mass meeting and passed resolutions
condemning Indian labor , and forwarded the
resolutions to the commissioner of Indian af
fairs and Superintendent llnekus.
Superintendent Backus had the boys
road)1 mid was watting for the train when ho
received a dispatch from Mr. Hamilton ask
ing hlni not to semi tlio boys but to wait for
a letter. In this letter , which came to hand
next day , Mr. Hamilton said that It was not
best to send the Italian boys to Norfolk In the
faca of the resolutions adopted by the mass
Booting nt Norfolk , but that ho would tike
to have the boys sent to Grand Island for
work there.
Mr. pxntird , In his interview with Super-
inteiiduut Hackus , stated that the farmers
of Grand Island were pooling agaiust the
Oxnnrd company , and that ho thought thu
sentiment there was against the employment
of outside labor , mid that It would be batter
that the Indians be sent to Norfolk.
Knowing Mr. Oxnanl's ' seutluionU In re
gard to Grand Island , Superintendent
llackus recommended that the Indian boys
bu'not sfint to Grand Island and forwarded
all coimmmlcatlous In regard to the atTalr to
Washington and is now waiting for further
That the employment of thlrtv Indian bovs
should create such confusion is to bo re
gretted. Quito a number of the thirty en
gaged are children of parents who are citi
zens of this state being Omaha and Wluuo-
bago Indians.
Some white people say that Indians are
lazy and won't work , but when a chance Is
plyeu thorn , a vigorous protest Is tuudo and
ibp time changes.
An OlTtucr of the Company Explains
tlio Situation
Speaking of the action of the board ol
trudo In urging the completion of the new
union depot , an officer of thu depot company
said the matter was not properly understood
by the members of the board of trade or the
citizens generally. Speaking of the present
situation of affairs , ho jald :
"In the arrangement between the city and
the Union dnpot company It was agreed that
tha IJurltngton and union Paciflo companies
should build a viudUct aeross the railroad
tracks on Tenth Direct , and that the depot
company should build a depot according to
the plans submitted and approved by the
city , the viaduct to ho completed and opened
by January 1 , le'Jl.
"I might say rljjhthcro that the plans orig
inally submitted ; * ontomplatcd the use of the
old depot shed an a train shed , and an en
trance for vehicles by means of on Inclined
plnno leading from the viaduct lo the tracks.
This was objected to bv a largo number of
citizens and city officials and the plans wcro
then changcil , prescivlng the main features of
the original plans , but doing away with the
old shed and making a wing on the viaduct
for the use of vehicles , allowing them to
reach the depot , but doln ? away with the In
clined plane. In place of the latter It was
arranged to build a long train shed for the use
of through trains. Some details in
the construction of the building wcro
also changed but changes wcro not
material. These plans were approved by all
the city officials and a full account of the
changes were given In Tin : Ur.i : at the time.
All this occurred before the election nnd was
given out to the public on every occasion
with no effort at concealment.
"The depot company entered upon the
work and completed and opened tlio viaduct
according to agreement , besides spending
several hundred thousand dollars upon the
depot plant. This work was going on in full
forcu and , through no fault of either railroad ,
was stooped by Injunction.
"As a part of tno bargain with the city ,
bonds were voted in aid ot these Improve
ments to the amount of SlfiO.OOO , the bonds to
bo delivered to ICountzo Brothers , trustees ,
at any time after voting the &amo that the
bonds could bo printed and executed in duo
form. At the same time the city was to con
voy the title of the depot grounds to the depot
company by quit claim deed. The delivery
ot the bonds and this deed by the city was to
bo simultaneous with iho dollverv ,
by the union depot company and the
Union Paeillo r.illwr.y company , of
bonds to tlio amount of 5200,000 each
providing that the depot company should
allow all railroads , which now or may hereafter -
after enter Omaha , to occupy the duuot on
equitable terms , and if parties failed to
agree , the terms to bo settled by arbitration.
The bonds to bo given by the timon Paeillo
also provided that all roads desiring to cross
the bridge to reach the depot should have the
right to do so 0:1 : fair and reasonable terms ,
subject to arbitration in euso of disacreo-
"It is understoofl that at the time the
Stuht suit was brought all those bonds and
deeds had been executed and were ready for
the exchange , but the restraining orJor
of the court in-evented their delivery.
"The Union Pacillc company did not feel
much like going ahead with the work on
ground which it could not convov to the
Union depot company without risk of for
feiture to the city and the Burlington com
pany could not see its way clear to spend
more money on promises to which it hau no
title nor prospect of tltlo until tlio quojtion
had been litigated.
"Both companies felt that they had fairly
earned the right to demand the delivery of
the $150,000 bonds to the trustees , as they
had performed their part of the contract in
good shape and expected the city to do the
same. "
It is understood that it is the intention of
the Union Paciflo company to cnrw- the
aepot up onostory higher than Vs. ' : & Tires o tit
and then put a s.h&i.To'of < J's.-4l and use it
in that sliivpo , thereby avoiding the oxpondl-
Uiru'of any more money m the premises.
A box of Ayer's pills has saved manv a fit
of sickness. When a remedy does not happen
to bo within reach , people are liable to
neglect slight ailments , and , of course. If
serious illness follows they have to suffer the
consequences. "A stitch in time saves nine. "
Clears Dealers
Can obtain excellent bargains with the
undersigned who are now Boiling out the
bankrupt cigar stock of Win. Darst &
Co. , at very low figures. Lists mailed
to country dealers. , I'IYCKK CANDY CO.
. _ _ _ i
.Tunics Crowley "Wonts P.iy for Ills
Acoltlc t G.mrt Notes.
In the district court James Crowley has
brought suit to recover $10,000 from Swift &
Co. Crowley avers that on February 27 ,
while employed about the packing house he
fell into a tank of hot lard and received per
manent injuries.
Anna Pate bus brought suit and asks to bo
divorced from her husband , Harvev Pato.
She alleges that ho is a beast of a husband.
S. E. Maxon , an architect has brought
suit against the city and the park commis
sioners. Ho charges IhaMio furnished the
plans for the Hunscom park pavilion and
that the sum of $200 has never been paid.
Charles L. Oukford has brought suit
against the Omalm street railway company
and seeks to recover the sum of $7,500. In
Juno , 1888 , Charles was employed in the com
pany's burn on Park avenue , While so om-
Eloyed ho" was kicked by a horse and his leg
roken. Ho now feels that a judgment must
bo obtained bqfore ho can ever become a well
man. , *
.Boys' tennis shoos , 35c ,
" at the "Firo Sale , "
" , 114 So. 10th street.
The funeral of W. H. Doyle tuok place at
2 o'clock-yesterday afternoon from the family
residence , 1710 Davenport street. Dean Gard
ner of Trinity cathedral officiating. The re
mains were interred In Prospect Hill ceme
The funeral services of Mrs. T. K. Wright
were held at the late residence of the de
ceased. 1U04 North Twenty-eighth street ,
yesterday afternoon. Hov. Savldgo oftlclatod.
Friends were present from Chicago , Topoita
and Lincoln. Interment at Ptospect Hill.
The Howe scale took llrstpromiein atPhlla
dolpht.i , Paris , Sydney and other exhibitions.
Borden & Solleck Co. , Agts. , Chicago.
At tlio Temple.
At the temple on Harnoy street , near
Twenty-fourth , the Jewish Feast of Weeks
will bo celebrated tills week. Services on
Thursday evening commence at 750 : ! and on
Friday morning at 00. ; ! ! The doors of the
church will bo closed at 10UO : , at which tune
Lho cotillrmatlon exercises will begin. A
beauliful musical programme has been prepared -
pared for the occasion. All are cordially in
vited to attend.
A Puw Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky
Biscuit , Gridtlla Cakes , Palatable
\Vholesoru4- -
I No other baklog pomlar dus tv % work.
Don'tattcmpt to reform the Worldl H , Is
irxe heniUiiharo nnd 1 fo N sl.ort.
Don't talk politics to lad I nor rtry xoodt to
gontloirenl Uootl tiisto w 11 endorse neither.
Don t think lioMmso you havu heon success
ful In ano tiling you can nuurced In itlll 1'ow
lieoplo iiiccuctt In even otiuthliiK.
Don't think yourso'f physically cmnlpo-
tont'f 'I lie nu.iKa < it pertioiiB nnd sir rtou
lived nru fro.itiently the e who foci tliu.oU. .
Don t doltty when you fonl wonk , Irttmuld ,
run-down or ilchllltutoll Take something to
Btlniulnto your nnett ? cs at once.
Don't tli nk Unit any Htlmulnnt will dot
Doctors , Hcli'iitlHN tin I thu lu'tt ituthnrltlHs
agree t hut pure whiskey Is the only reliable
Don't ho deceived Into using nn Inferior
whlikyl Iteincinbcr thnt the tnntt populnr ,
the most pure , the in xt powerful nnd the
most vuliml lo wli'sliy Is Duffy's 1'iiro Mult
and thnt It has heun so mini ttcd for yearn.
Don't lot you r duulcr dccol vo you or Iniposa
tipiin you hy siiyiiiu ho has "rionibtliliu ju.t
us Rood1 "soino liluir ho eun reeoinmend. "
Ho Iris tin inter , stt d mntlvo In utieli ussor
tlons and they should ho distrusted.
DPS. a Ete
Puyslcians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tno moit widely and fnvoriihly knownipeo *
Inllata In the Unite I States. Their loop ex *
porlonce , remnrknblu skill nnd universal BUO
COBS In the trcntinont nnd euro of Nervous ,
Chronlo nnd BiirRleal Dlsnnscs. entitle these
eminent physicians to thu full confidence ot
the ufillotoil every where. They guarantee :
the awful cfTocts of early vlco and the umor-
on drill thatfollnw In It" train. _
speedily , completely and permanently cured.
OKUER8 yield readily to their skillful treat-
cuarantcetl cured without p.iln or detention
from buulnosfl.
nontljr and successfully cured In every case ,
matorrlMia , bouilunl Weakness Lost Manhood ,
Nlglit Emissions , Docujod Faculties , FomiiU
Weakness and all dellentti disorders peoullai
to either BOX positively eurcd , as well as all
functional disorders that result from youtut.U
follloaor the excess of miituroycara.
rRiri'IIRP aiiarnntead yermane ntlJ
O 1 1\1V 1 U I\C cured , removal cornpleto.
without utittlnc. caitxtic or dilatation. Cure *
effected at homo by patient without a mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
A SURF Thn awful effects ot
rt. OUfvL. UI\C curlv. vieB which brltiRS
preanlo weakness , dcstroylnir both mind and
body , with all Its dro ( led Ills , permanently
ni ? < nPTT\ * Address those who have 1m-
s \
L > I\O. JJL.1 1O pnlrod thumi l > ea by Im
proper Indulgence and solltaiy nablts , which
ruin both mind and body. unUttlnn them lot
business , study or marriage.
MARIIIEU MEN or those entering on that
happy life , aware of physical debility , quickly
Is based upon facts. First Practical 'e ' p V
once. Second Every cii'io Is suoelally studied ,
thus atartlnx rlgbi. Third medlolnes are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each case , thus effecting cures without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts-
Pimples on the face |
Breaking Ont | *
Skin Troubles | _ „
Ilttlo Sores j Hot Skin )
Both I Blotches ]
Gold Boroai Bad Breath )
Bore Month or Lips |
If you luffcr from onjr of
lUvo you ever tied mercury ! It to , did you
clvo yourself the needed attention ot tbo time I
Wo nocd not till you that you requl a blood
y'ounlrusTirlst. or write to H" . II. yooltV1't"s '
CO. . 40 AVeit llroodwny , "Jw1 " , r.IliJ1..l ; ;
National Bank
Capital , - - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - 62,500
Officers nnd Dlrcctori IIonryV. . Vntoj , I'roildonf.
I.owlsH. Hood , Vlco-1'raiidont ; JninoV. . bafiKO. W
V.Morio , John 8. Colllnt , U. U. Cuibln . J. N. U
fuulclt. W. 11. S. IIuBiio ) , cAililor.
Corner IZtli nud i'urna-ndti.
A GcncnillluukliiUu3lncisTram ijt.ol
niiilnto tlio torpid llvor , fitrciiKtlicn the
< llKosttve orRiuis , rvguliito the bo ols , uud
11 ro inicquiiliMl its ivu
Anti-Bilious Medicine.
JioTiintlyBii-iirciitcil. : ( ( : DowHiimll. 1'rlco ,
5 cents. Olllcc , 3 ! > & 411'iivk 1'liicc , N. V-
Dtin't Iiu Jlitiiiiii.rit.1
hy thu lictlclous iiliilins
mnilu for I'orous l'lnsten >
thtit cure lioforo they aiu
nppllcd. Uba Dctison's , n
Bclentlllo prepamtUin thnt
plves prompt relief and U
Inddrfccd hy over 6,000
reputable Pnyplcinns anil
DruKKlsta , Get the
AVcstorn I'onsloiiR.
WASIIINOTOX , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram
to TtiK DHE.J Pensions hnvo boon granted as
follows : Nobrnskana : Original John Dor-
bntb , Joseph Johnson , Michnol Poppert ,
Cyrus R. Byorly , Peter Uorwoocl , Is.iuo A.
Hoyur , Suinuul F. Clionoy , John Bcobo ,
Watorraan Vnn Ness , William O. Coon ,
Austin I. Olggs , Francis Trlalplco , Willlum
C. Ilookor , Sllus M. Milllgun. Addlttonal
Aaron Scull. Increased John Dowlthop ,
Isaac Ingram , John Hawks , Alonzo Robin
son , Jonathan Williams , John Carver , Ho-
Issued John A. Kolsoy. Oilgiiinl widows ,
uto. Ann , widow of Donjaniin L. Badcr ;
Mary K. Stobblngs , Luclnda Hulsimcr.
South Dakota : Original Oscar Hullou ,
Samuel T. Dlukson , Frank W. Dralto , Henry
D. Andrews , Jason Aldus , Daniel Shearer.
Additional William H , Blizzard. Increase
Malcolm Dunov , Jurooa Shannon , Hugh
Leo Brown.
Iowa : Original John Calilll , John Wle-
laud , Ocorgo W. Lower v , Louis Blalno ,
Jacob Domuth , John B. Chirkilllum O.
Anderson. John llowlott , Hiram bicKlrlcd ,
Jerome Smith , Jonathan Bishop. Hobort
iungsbury , John M. Burk. ChrUtian Stun
ner , Lcvl Mastmi , Jusso Laird. Additional
Ellphas Hnunlg. Charles H. DrlOlth ,
Goer o W. Hlght , llenry W. Leidig , David
Rolnhart , Oeorgo W. Burgman , Uoorga' U.
Woods , Michael Hayes , Asabol D. Whlt-
ootub , Daniel O , Uardnor , ( leorRO Mathurly ,
W. Carsou , George W. Kelly. Charles Dan-
lelson. Douglas Cramer. Original widows ,
etc. Nathan Reynolds , father of llormlue
Karbcrtf. _
Do Witt's Little Early UUora , boat pill.
3000PAIRS ; OF OUR FINEST SPRING and summer fancy worsted pantaloons
at a most startling reduction in prices from early figures this season ,
See what it is ! Read the details and methods by which we assure every purchaser of a
No talk , no words , no imagination connected with it , but actual discount made from former
prices and paidto every ptirchaser in SILVER COIN.
Commencing Tuesday , June 9th , we offer as stated above , 3000 pairs of our finest and most
fashionable styles of fancy worsted spring and summer pantaloons , of which we have a large sur
plus received too late from our manufactory , at a most bewildering reduction on every pair ,
amounting in some instances to 40 per cent discount.
In order that there be no question in regard to the actual discount made each purchaser , the
original prices marked on each pair of pantaloons will remain the same as they have been all the
season , and the actual reduction made will be given to the p2irchaser m Silver Coin. You can *
handle it and estimate the discoimt you are getting without any talk from the salesman.
On this entire stock of 3000 pantaloons , on all that are marked $4.50 and over the discount
in silver will be found attached to each pair of pantaloons , and after payment of the sams the
purchaser will be in possession of an amount of silver coin that will show him the most amazing'
and satisfactory discount which he has ever received.
Lot 1. 500 pairs of Fine Striped Worsted Pantaloons , correct styles , most desirable color
ings in every respect , at $4.50 per pair , accompanied by the discount , which willbe/tf/ silver
on every pair.
Lot 2. We offer 800 pairs of our popular $5 line of Fine Plaid , Striped and Mixed Pan
taloons goods made by some of the most celebrated American mills all new , fresh , desirable
styles , and with each pair purchased the discoimt in Silver Coin will be obtained by the pitrchaserT *
Lot 3. We offer 1,000. pairs super quality Fancy Cassimere and Fancy Worsted Panta
loons mantufactured in our-own machine rooms in the most perfect manner , the latest styled
placed on the market , at $6 a pajr. A large cash discount in silver will be received by each
purchaser from this lot. . " . .
Lot 4. We offer 500 pairs of the very finest quality Fancy Worsted and Silk Mixed StripedN
Cassimere Pantaloons made in America , all tailor made , and embracing all the choicest nove
ties of both domestic and foreign makes that are so popular this season. We offer them no1
at $7 per i pair , with the large cash discount payable in silver coin ivhich accompanies each sale.
As it is our purpose to distribute these bargain pantaloons as widely as possibly , and as
the noveltyFof paying the cash discount in cash in silver coin original , and we wish to make it
as widely .known as possible , we reserve the right to deliver biit one pair of pantaloons to each
purchaser at the time of purchase.
Lar gest Wholesale and RetailClothing House West of the Mississippi River.
KBLLEY , 8f IG1R & GO ,
Special Sale Ladies' ' , Misses' ' and Children's
These Shoes have neither been damaged lay fire or water ,
nor purchased at bankrupt sale , but were carefully selected
from the most celebrated manufacturer's ol Fine Shoes in the
All $6 Ladies' French Kid common sense $ } IMV $5.
All $6 Ladies' French Kid Opera Welts now $5
All $5 Ladies' French Uongola Turn fiffl now $4.25
All $4.50 Ladies' Dongola Fine Shoes now $3.5O
All $4.5O Ladies' Fine Shoes. v " now $3
All $4 Ladies' Fine Shoes . now $3
All other $3.5O Ladies' Fine Shoes go at $2.95
$3 Fine Shoes of all kinds go at $2.6O
$2.50 Fine Shoes , all sixes and kinds now $2.15
$2 Shoes , in Ladies' ' , Misses' and Children's. . .now $1.70
$1.50 Shoes in Ladies' , Misses' and Children's go at $1.30
Corner Farnam and-I5th Streets.
Cure * all disorders of the Stomnci ! , Llror , Uouols , KUonyi , Illaddor , Nervous
Dhcnm'H , Loss of Ai'iicUtc ' , Hcn'lndic. Cuiistlpiitlin , I'osthciiDss , Intll'ostl'iu ( , Ullloiis-
ness , Fetor , 1'Hcs , Kti' , , nml rcn * crs tlio system less liable to contract dUcasc.
RAILWAY'S riljI.S nrocnru for this coniplulnt. Tlioy tone up tlio intcrnnl soorotlotn to
healthy tiutlun. restdro strength to thu atoitmuh , uiul onimii : It to iiorfnnn Its fnnutloin.
1'rlootUo u not. ohl by ull druggists , or niullod by KA.UWAV & CO. , 'JS Wiirruu Street , Now
York , on receipt of price.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
ilanr joar 'eorlinco. | A rmulir grmltuto ID mrdlclno as dlpluiUM iliow I > itlll treittlng with tlio
atejliucreti , nil Nerroui , Lliruuloniid I'rlTalo ll oi o A ixirniiiuuiit euro guotanlecil far latitrrli.
, , aknei , IKISII. , liuputaicr , HyplillU. Stricture , and nil
pf nuKtorrhcua lx > t MHQbuod Beuiliml W a Nlglit
dlie e ofltio Wocul , tfkluonil t'rlusry OfKun . N 11. 1 uuaritalea MfJ for MTer/ cine I uudcrtnko nd full
to euro , Coniuliatlon I ruo. Ilook ( Mritcrlei ot ) uat treo. OmqJ Ijgur. 3 * . m. to tt p. tu. Huuditjr
ID . m. to )3 ) a. Bind lump lor teplj.
llllUJU vl JUIl JU
"Let another man pralsetlice , and no' thine
own month. Astrnngor and not thine nun
lips. " Kov. Giunito Miller , t'ailllc. Iowa ; U v.
Anthony Jacobs , Sidney , Inwaj Hov. .1. \v
Culler. Pleasant CJiove. loua ; Itov. I. r
1'erry , Cedar KiitildH low.i ; liuv.V. . II. Win
Ijimvcnuorlh , Kansas : Ittiv .1 , T Mumfoid ,
KmoiMin. Iowa ; liov. ,1V. . ( Jalhciut. Kmor-
hon. Iowa ; Itov. Oilman I'arKcr. Minoison ,
Iowa ; Hon. T. J. Ahul , llouatur , Illinois ; W.
A Htroni ; . I'onnull IllnHV. Iowa. When sn"h
man as the above have given their testimon
ials In pr.ilsti of Mooro's Tieo of 1/lfo nnd tlio
leading wholesale driiK houses hay they have
given entile satisfaction whom they have
been sold , what better evidence do yon want'/ /
Why should you Kiill'iu1 uhen youcan be cured
by using AIojro'H Two of I.lfo.
Mooro'a Tree of Life , n poiltlro cnra for Kldnor
anil I.Ivor foml | lint nml all blue 1 ilUoi'ov : Dual It
ny lo a tier when you can ho curoil by uilmt Mooro'1
Treoof liru , tiioUrunt Uu Homoilr ?
She Saved Her
And fa cnn every tsouJ llQuiekcoi > or by Miraja linv
InK on In ml
the only article over produced with wlilcli any pur
on cnn lit slight onmiusu urul br ono iiiipllunllon
runlnlnuncl vnrnl li oldClnimuurpcU lluruam IIrd
> ICHI | > , t'linlri , Tuliloi. Duurj and till klnili of wo oil
work In beniiltfnl tlnti of CIIUUKY.VAIN 1)T )
It nlll Mnnd wanlilint nn < l li vury durnlilu. Hull
pound u III rttuln unU tlnlji u not of uhulri , nnd tine
pint wlllurillmrllr rcnuwuCliitinliJrHut. Kur room *
onoqunrt to imo li.ill'i" nccunllnv lo rliu I'rloos
IIAI.K I'lNI'.S , : IM I'lST : , ' ! , UiclurdiO'i Driu
Co. , Oniahn , Wliulciulo Atcnt ; <
lllfliurcl II. llcgk , l.ocliport N \ irrltci lliut aflor
ruuny ; vuii'kiitlvrliiK fiuin Nurvoui llotilluj Hluup-
ft'iinfii' , Twin liliiK uf Mu > clvi lie wo rrHorcMl by
luurbcnuWtiiVJc UKANH"ImiibU. . " liarayi , but
tcolliko u tutuiK uiuu. " II perlioi , poituuld. 1'mn-
fliletfrcc , NKUVKllKANCO.lll rirAl.o , N V
Iwld b ; Uoaduitu il/u Co. , 1110 i'uruaiu til. , Uiuati
Morotlmn 13 yoixri ozporlonco In the troatrajiit of
AcurOKUnriintcoJ In 8 to 5 dnr , without haloiiof
an liour'i time.
The mo t coraploto anil nuinluto cura for xlcot anil
ill ] minorInifcllsclmrKoi uvc-r Unuwn to Ilio mcdloal
prulusslon. I'urtuunontly curud In fromS to ID da/ *
Or pnln In rallovlni ; tin ) hlmtdor cured without pila
or limtruiiionta , nu cuttlnir , no dllntlnir. TtionioJl
rcmarkubluromody known to modoru ol nco.
Cured In SO lo M dajr - Dr. Mrflrow'i treatment for
this turrlblo blooddlsoix ulmj boon pronounced tli
nio t nuccossful roinody over ( llicorornd for the ub-
loluto euro of the dUoinu. Ills nucceii wltlnnli
dlieasolmi never boon oqunllaX A oomploto ouni
nofla.all wonknoasos of tl o xoxunl ortrini ,
And timidity nnd du.ipoinloncy nbiulutuly curoil.
Tli orulluf l ItnniodliiUi unit coinploto.
nml nil dlieniai of th blood , llrer , kldno/3 , anil
bluddur purmnnently cured.
Tlio doctor "Homo Tnmtment" for ladles li pro-
nimnccil by nil whu have it > od It to bi the most com-
lilutonnd conronlont ronimly n er nlturod for llnl
truatmontof fomnlo dli nioi. Ull truly n wonderful
remtidy. Ilourn for lailluj , from 2 to 4 only ,
Mnrvellous .ucccis In tliotrentmeut of prlvRtadl-
oiiM'i hna wnii for him n reputation which l trulp
nutluiiHl In clmructur , and hli rn t army of pntlunti
rc'iubes from tliuAtluntlo to the 1'iu'lflo. Thudoitor
l n Krudiinto of "ri'Kiilnr" nimllulno and hni hay
lonx and careful oxporlcncu In liuiiilt l p rue I leu ,
anil In cloniud IIIIIOIIK OKI hmdlnit ( pnoUlliU In m > l-
ern nclenco , Troitmnnt br corriMponitunco. Writ *
for circulars about oneli of Iho nbora dliaio < , fro * .
Olllco , 14th and Farnam Btruota ,
Nob. Entrance ) on Dither stroot.
\ jl .Burnt a bright flamofrom a minute to 2 hours
' . Tliilri.t | nicHrjiUflf lljlillllltrpcktl
I.aui | > uiid Uluar Llitliter ever Intro.
, iucw | , match Mfo In arifuriiiice ,
but mmlltr In ilro. A mar < ! of lime ,
nulty. Uicful and convtulcuL
Harnilecomict , | | with all ncctmo-
Arlo. uicrewK ir ald tu uny .
ou recoliit of * i.o < / .
( o , llmi MulldlilK , Oiiiuliu , Ncli
Graduate Dentist.
A KullHot of Teeth an Itubbcr.
' '
MlKUitmntei'd. 'feolli oitractol !
without pnln or Unnaer , onll
nlthout anamtliotlci. Uo
ll ur tilllntfi at lowest
llndvu and c'runa Wurk. ToulU Ta
Hltliyut [ ilntui. All work warr
Kntruiico , ICtb ilr et eluratar. Oycn
uutlli ) o'clock.