THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. J-tTKE 11. 1801. 7 . SPECIAL NOTICES , JtV t)6 Inkrn until 12M : p. m. . for tlio evening rdltlon , nnd until gsiOp. ni. , for tlio morning edition mid fcum > AY HUE. nsh In advance. "I ? ATE8 Ailvertlsotncnti on thM pnjr wlllbo J * charged for ftt thn rnto of IVt cents per word for the IIMtlnsertlon , nnd Iccntwrword lor rncli sulfcqumt Insertion , nnd tl.M ) per jlno porn onth. No advertisement tnkcn for KM than 1 cents for tlio first Insertion. INITIAL1 ! , flit ; 'symbols , etc. , counteach nsono word. fpIIESE advertisements must run ronpecu- J. lively nnd under no rreunistnne ! > s will tlioy Im tiikcn or discontinued by telephone TJAIIIIRH ndvertlalntr In these roliimnii nnd X having lhclmnswersnlflrr id ! ton"num- rerrd letter In cnro of TUB HKK. will receive n mimlerod chrck toennble them to pot their Irltrr * . Answer * will ho oollvcrcil only on pre .cntntlon of thli check. Fricioso answers In envelopes proprrlr addressed. Ll i niivortlseinrnts under thn hcnd of A "Ppprlnl Notices" nro piilillMieil In hotn the niorntnir nnd ovonlng rclltlnnsnf Tun NEE , DIP rlrnnlnllon of which ntfgrcgntCB morotlmn SO.COO pnpors daily. nnd plvos the ndvortlscr theh > nrflt not only of thn largo rlrculntlonnf THE I1K : In Omnhn , hut nlso In Council muffs , Lincoln nnd other cities and towns 'n the west BRANCH OFFICES. Artvertl'lng for these column" wiJ1 " taken ontlio ill 01 n conditions at the f il.owlnz busl- noes house * who are authorized to tiiKo pcclal the same rates as can bo had at the main ofllcc. § 10UTII OMAHA 11RANCH CITICE-NO. ICJ3N. Ftrcot , Lister niov-k. TOIINW. 1IEI.U Phnrmaclst , lllh A Mason street. /"IIIAHE J : . EpDV , Stntlonors und Printer 113 South 10th street. II. TARNSWORTH , Phnnnnclst , 2115 rnmlnc street. < - * , . " \A7 J , Ilt'OHES , Pharmacist , C24 North 10th 'r' VV . Btrcot , 1EO. W. PARR , Pharmacist , 1713 Lcavcn- " worth street , UOIIKS' PIIAIlMAOY.Slth nnd Varnam. IT SITUATIONS WANTED. Torrattf , tte. . teetnp of fit tt column on f/ita / p'ige. SITUATION wanted l > y a coed broad and . , cnko linker. IB years' nvpo IPIICO. Address nt onoo , IVM. Miller. Oroonionf , Kiih. M74I112 * "V\7 ANTED Sltnntlon ns assistant hook- liconer , olork or gcni'inl ollico work. Jlcst of references. Addrcs1' n ) , Hen.M . M 0 < H 11 * WANTHD Situations for peed clrlsj my walling rooms are always full from 0 a. In. loll p. in. Canudl.'in Employment ofllcn , iIK ) ! H. l.'ith. Telnphono Bfll. " 43 pltOPE'SIONAIi nurse. Mrs. P. K. Ilouton. JL ISI'i Cass strcot. Omaha. Ml J30 WANTED MALE HELP. J"or'i < Jfrx. etc. , itelnpofflrfl toliunnnn thttpage. WANTED-Atonce , drauchts- man , good ntdotall and construction. Ap ply W. II. Alford manager , I. Hoduson , Jr. , llrown block , IGth nnd Douglas streets. GENERAL agents and canvassers looking fora porinnnont nioney-inaklnK business , no competition , should neunrn the sale of the patent ndiustahlo shoo. Address with stamp. Uonsolldatml Shoo Co. , Salem. Mass. M717 - - * r ANTED Salesman traveling from Omnha to hundln "Magic" pocket cl ar lighter , dime. nlcKcl nnd penny Milf-roalsterlnc banks. Fxcellont sldn line. Liberal coinmlsslnn. N. \i. Specialty Co. , lice building , M CS7 11 BIO money selling the llfo of 1' . T. Barnum , inly tl. . * > 0. AROIIIS wanted. American 1 . Book Co.Now York I.lfo bulldliiz.Oniaha.Neb. 732-Jy ! ) WANTED A tinner who Is a good tuDa player , salary $10 per week ; must bo good HtronK player.Vrltoat once to A. II. Ji-ster , Hebron , Nob. 707-11 * WANTED A peed moulder for architec tural work. No other need apply. Hast ings Iron Works , Hastings , Neb. 737 11 ! * news agents , good runs for peed men. Apply in pprsonj no attention paid to letters. U. 1J. News Co. , Lincoln , Nob. 00210 " \317ANTED Salesmen nnd salesladiesovery- TV wlii'iv. on salary or commission. Cull or ' address McQulston Stfi ; . Co. . room UItarkor block. JI01.1 111 * W ANTED 2 flrst-clnss milkers. Ames Ave. Dairy. J. V. Hoch , COI 10 * WANTED Oriinnlrors by the Friendly Aid Society. I'uys Its members 41(10 ( ovnry MX months. Hns nnld ? . ) ) , i XI In benefits. Reserve nnd bcnoflt fund hold In trust by the Htnto of Massachusetts. Terms liberal. Ad dress Krlondly Aid Society , Wnltham. Mass. MKW Jy3' ' WANTED At Grand Island and Norfolk , uctlvu younp men nnd boys to work In Icot Holds. J. O. Hamilton , Secy. MB37 11 \T7 ANTED Teamsters , shovolors and TT trackmen for work In Wvomlnsr and South Dakota. Albright Labor AKCIICV. IILI ) .I'arnum street. MJ31 " \\\VNTEI > Salesmen on salary or commis- > ' Hhftr-to handle the now patent chemical Ink ermine pencil : the greatest soiling novel ty o\or produced : erases Ink thoroughly In "two seconds : no abrasion of paper : 200 toSOO per rent , profit ; ono agent's sales amounted tojii.o In six days ; another &Q In two hours. Wo want one. general agent for each state nnd territory. I/or terms nnd full particulars , ad- .ilress the Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co. , La Orosso , Win. 247 WANTED FEMALE HELP. * Fnrra'tttte. ' , tee top oJlnl column WANTED Plrstolasa dressmaker to take general responsibility of work. None other than first class need apply. Answer 'Immediately ' , Lock box 156 , Holitroge , Nob. , 174111 * _ _ _ _ " \ATANTED WhltoKlrl for Kcnoral houso- > yvorkt.XI Spruce st. 7lf-10 * " \\7 ANTED Olrl for housework , 4i4 V > N Kthntroot 7 8 11 * A OIIIL wanted for general housework SSlli half Howard. r.'fl-ll * WANTED A goo.l female moat and pastry cook. Hood WUCPS and porninnont situa tlon. Address , M , II. Judd , Now I.ognn , Lyons b. T-.T-lil * GIlllj wnjitod for goner ij housework 1010 Sherman avo. Airs. J. M. Counsninii. C77-14 * \\7ANTED-A girl for general housework , Kood'roforonoos at Klghth and Worthlng- ton , ono block ' cant of Ilrownell hall. E. 1C. ' ! Itrufo. CUtl-10 \VANTEU-nirl to tnko euro of children or < VI assist at housework ut Oil N 17th St. 071-10 * \\rANTED-airl for general housework. ii ( lood wages paid , U In family. Inquire fi4 ! BiiSthfrtrcot. ecu \\7ANTED-Olrl for general house work. > T ISU S. ISth street , MOll Ul * FOR RENT HOUSES. Fn > i ' " . ' " „ ref Inn nf < ir < ( //lit > IIIQ T71O11 UENT Corner tint , six out.sldo looms : X' al o rooms sultablo for ollico nnd living rooms. Hoforences required. Wright fc Las- bury , 1001 Howard. cc'-MO TTWO 0-rt)0 i now brlok houacs , 257:1. : 2173 Jllnrnoy stroot. Smeuton i. Allen. IB'xl Knr- iiam stroot. S1 ( W 12 * 1 TTOl'Pl , 5 rooms. Imrn , olty water , 3 > J acres , JLJUuiiblurc. North 24th st , duo cast Kort Uinuliii , IW per month. Apply Immediately ucnm thu Hi rout. ji tui IS * lilOll HV.NT 10 rooin house , all modern Im- JL' piovrments. H. sad , v , between Ht. Mary's n\o- line 11 ml llowartl. KiKjuIro cor 2Ut and Ht. Mary' * avenue. filO HUNT l-room pottngowlth barn : part funilturo for salo. I7J3 S. Uth st , SNI i ; TTUNnnowlS-rooni house with nil modern JL' InipruvomonU and barn ; flno location for a physician , J. II , I'ltrrottu rental agonov _ _ _ TjlOll UENT-Chonp. Elght-rixim furnished JL1 motor llnu ; Inrgo hlituly vardi . goou barn. Muolcotl , UI5 N. Y. Lite. 'TO4-1I fx-UOOJl house , nlco yard , shade trees , city 'und eUleru water , nlagnnt nolghliorhixid , U blocks from atruot curs , 1411 S , 7th avenue , or Hell's pharmacy , cor , Uth and Mason. ! iM 17101111KNT Largonumborof houses , Mores , JL' llutj , otc..VOO nor month and up. Now list tut of each mouth. Ucorgo J. i'uul , 16 > J li'ariium sticut , Wl-JyJ TI-AM heated modern Hats , 707 ana TOO South IDtti. E. If lllngfr , 1MU Farnum. -Ml-W' .fJHK HKNT 0-room bouse , modern convon- itJ" " ? . * " ? ' A' ' von port street. Inquire KENT Ilrlok house , cloven every couvenlunoo. Aiiply ou promUca , r. bwurUluuae. Wth and Capitol avunue. M5J1 U * FOR RENT HOUSES. ForrJla.cte.fieetrip of flrsl column on 1/iU / page. ; EiOlT ilEJT Elegant To-room brlclc IIOUBO JU cor. VOth nnd Hurt ft. modern Improvo- mrntit npuly to J. II 1'arrotte , y. E. cor 10th nnd Dodgo. 07j IlENTlOroom homo centrally locnt- IjiOH - -lO-room , - JL'cd , niodorn Improvements. Intiulro , 712 N. 10th. | _ _ SjVI niEN-UOOM hou o with harn ; ( losirablc Io- JL cation , moderate rent. Hoard llro * . , 1410 Doualns st , . M M7 Foil HENT fl room house , n room cottage , bath. otc. Apply 0. S. Llguttor , 801 N. Y Life bldg. 400 TTUKTEEN fi-room brick houses , all modern. JL except f Urnnco$22.riO per month , near Hhor- mnn avenue motor , C. F. Harrison , UlN. . Y. LJ f n. 014-JZ. T71O11 IlENT-I'lvo rooms nnd stable. 10ID JL1 south llth street. CIB-10 * _ HOUSE for rent Two story house 8 moms with nil modern Improvements , S.'l1) ) Lake street. 0.1) . Wood worth l.'iia Douglns. IMJ " 17IOII RENT 7-room house , 1031 Hnrnoy. In- JL' quIroA. H. Gladstone , 1.110 Douglas stroot. I71OII RENT Now 7 room IIOIISB. with nil X'modern Improvement * . 1 hloek r > rom Wai- nut Hill motor , US. Thoo. Olson , 0)4 ) N. Y. Life. 8-UOOM hrlok house , nil conveniences , W5 C-room brlou house , S.U II. E. Cole , Con- POK KENT Very neat C-room cottage near paved street nnd motor ! vho.ip to good tonant. Hutchison , r.Ml'nxton. 70i-10 : HOI'SES , nil kinds-tlirco nicely furnished. Itundy k Co. , 1011 Capitol avenue , 807 TpOK URNT furnished A-room cottage for X1 the summer : doslrablo location null low rent. Address O V ) . lleo. 702 _ IK yo wish to rent a house orstoro see II. R. Cole , Continental bloelt. _ "V ) T710K UKNT Very desirable private reil- X1 dnnc-e. 2. " > th and L'arnam. II. O. I'littorson. 007 N. Y. Llfo. F OH KENT , cheap ; a eood ' .en room modern house. Inquire 2529 Capitol avenue. B. II. Itoblson. MU75 J13 FOK KENT Handsome 11-room tnodorn house ; all conveniences ! In perfect order ; paved streets ; motor , and within 5 minutes wulkof postomca Nathan Shelton , inn Kar- niun utrcot. MI51 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Farratcn. tU.,6fctiipofArt column ni ? tMi TTIOK KENT Kitrnlshod room. C-'O H. _ JL1 strcot. nil lloor. M740 in * FOR RENT Pleasant rooms , furnished or unfurnished , and good board. 210,1 Douc- 1ns street. M7 : II FURNISHED room for rent , 2315 Douglas strcot M741 17 * Furnlslipd rootns , 110 S. ' . ' 5th strcot. Splen did nolKhborliood. M5IU 14 * TT1OR RENT Nicely furnished room , Rns and X1 hath. " 2010 Hartley street. Reference re quired. * "TpOR RENT I nicely furnlahod room , inofl- X1 orn coiivenlencns , 2nd lloor , $10 ; must have ruforoncea. Aim. H. C. Moses , 2 J3 Karnam. t > LEASANT rooms with private family for three gentlemen , 2401 Gas * St. M (180 ( 15 * FOR RENT A desirable front room nicely furnished : nrlvato family. Gentlemen preferred. 2112 Dodge street. 724-13 LADIES or gentlemen doslrliiK clORantly furnished , rooms , slnulo or en suite , cheat ) , please call at 210 N 17th stroot. Tianslont solicited. 7il-12 : TWO or three nice rooms fdr housekeeping ; . JSlli N 15th stroot. Hal O. CM-10 * FURNISHED rooms. KCU N.21st. near cable. 057 Jy 7 * FOR RENT Nicely turn shed rooms In pri vate residence , l.'iJ2 Howard , corner loth strcot. All modern conveniences. Lawn around building. 497 TAKGE front room , 1701 ( Japttol avo. "U1OR KENT FurnUhed rooms , 1C07 Douglns. YERY pleasant front room in private fam ily for gentleman. 8i1 S. 29th st. a.'l TWO or four rooms , light housekeeping , 2020 St. Mary's iivoniic. , 172 "OLKASANT rooms , single or ensulto. 315 JL feouth autlint 778 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. rorratet , etc. , tcttnpofflnt rolttmu nn thU plot. HANDSOJIEsuIto of rooms with board. 162.3 Chicago strcot. A1G4S 14 * T71URNISHED room with board , gas and bath X1 for 2 gentlemen. MO each per month ; refer ences. 611 North 18th. - 72510 * TJ ORRENT To gentlemen , a Inrgo nicely X1 furnished front room with Inrso alcove nnd bay window. All modern conveniences , nice hiwn ; private family ; with board. No Oi. Georgia avenue. 3 21)th ) street. CfiO-10 * ANIOEI/Y furnished front room and board for two. .2011 Haruoy street * CCS-11 * FOR RENT Neatly furnlbhod rooms with board , 2019 California St. 701-15 * PLEASANT furnished rooms with board , very desirable loca.ttou. References. i214 Farnain. M Kit 13 * "TVESIRARLE second lloor rooms , either fur- Xnlshcd or unfurnished , nnd bonrd nt the Fronzor. 11 N. 25th street. M571 Jy5 ROOMS nnd board ut young women's homo , 100 S. 17th st , 701 FURNISHED rooms with first class board. 2013 Douglns stroot. J'JlMO ' * ROOMS and llrst-class board , 1001 California. ' n&'i _ Jygi LARGE front corner room , handsomely fur nished ; also smaller ones ; llrat-class board. 1991 California st. Mii 12' T\URNISHEIroomsboard,23a3SuMary'savo | \ ri lll ! St..Olalr European hotel , cor. loth and X Dodge , will make low rates for rooms by the week or month with or without board. 250 T7\URNISHED \ rooms nnd board , 19ZJ Dodsu. X1 J12.VS FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED FonatcKttc.ttetiiinfftrtenlumn on thin FIRST lloor prjvnto house ; ynrd nnd shade. 012 S. Kith street. MGI5 13 * FOR RENT Kind , small family apart mtMits. all outside rooms ; best locality , modern Improvements. ' Inquire UiiH'nMOn block. 257 "VTEW , modern and most dcslr.ible In the city. J- > Three or four room sultes.813B. 22nd street. T. L. Von Dorn. M484 BOARDING. Forrate * . etc. , 'ret tnji ofjlrst column on OMrmNn T.Miro nrd ? for"a7ow gents. with or without room ; bath und gnu. 1015 Douglas. Mii'O li1' TT\AY boarders solicited at 001 South 20th Xstreet. . GGM2 * IJULLMAN house , l.'J10 Dodge street , for good board , nlco rooms , modern conven iences ; rates nnd locution It cannot bo ex celled , Mrs. Horn , I'rop , M4KI Jy2 * FOR RENT STORES & . OFFICES FariatatteK < tauofjinttHlvmn on thd piae. FOR RENT-Tho 4-story brick bulldlng.wlth or without POM or , formerly ocuplod iiy the lloo Publishing Co. , Utii rnnum st. The build ing has n IIreproof cement basumont.i'omplotu stonin-hoatlng fixtureswutor on all the lloors , gas , etc , Apply at the otllco of The lleo , U15 "I7\OU \ RENT Dck room or part of oilleo ; X1 front room on I'arimm stroot. Inqulro at 001 Uco bid's , ' > to 1U a. in , and 4 to fl p. m. m.73CS3 * J/OR REN 1' Store , good stand , with U-rooms ' upstairs , lately ouuiipicd u saloon , 2j.M N srrout. Pouth Oniilm. : Apply E. L'ouron , 3108 15th street , Omalm. 527-10 * TTIOR RENT-In Hhcnnndonh. In. , n gooi X1 lirlck buslnt > si iioimv. third door from postotllce. Inatilruof J. R , Irvln , guonundoah. la- M30S IS * RENT-Orsixtomy bulldlni ; on Jonoi uUboUOth i llth G.A.LlndnuUt.318 8 15lh. 201 noik room , ut 811 N. Y. Llfo building , --aa TfOR RhNT-'lho throoory brick bulhl- X'in ? , 1110 Douslm street , suitable for wholo- BiUo pliJJSf ! ) ? ! ) * > ? lll ) p r ' " "Ot Chus. Kuuf- inann. 13OJ Doiivlus * treot. 2(13 ( FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. ForraUt , tte. , r < op u/frtt column on thtepwt Q AltDEN farm to rent. T. Murray. n > 2TJ I WILL take horses In pastures of 'JOOaoros. ChiitTeo farm. 3 uiltoa , w. Of Bouth Omaha. uoarSarpy mills. U558 U' * RENTAL AGENCY. rtt. , rr Innnf fnltntumfl on Ihft HE. COLE rental agonoy , Contlnontnt 1)1 k. . 25 bTORAGh. , rtc , , ier.lnp nffirtl column un'flM page. BEST slorngo bulldlnz In Omnlin , covorn- inont iHinded wnrchousni household goods cared for ! lowest rates. W. M. Uushman , 1013 Lon von worth. " ' 0 TlEAl'EST nnd best storage for furniture. Wells , 11111'arnnm street. 2i STOIlAtlE of household poods ! olonn , dry place , prlviitnly stored , terms moderate : wo also store sloven durlnz the slimmer : wo will pot tnoni from the houses null deliver them In the full In Rood trim. Tel. 000 ! 1207 Douglns. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 7IB-.T17 LDEST , cheapest and best Morauo housoln O city. Williams & Cross , 1214 Hnrnoy street , M497 WANTED TO BUY. For rattf , tie. , ice top cfjlnt column on thlt page. WANTED Platform scales to weigh COO to l,0x ) pounds correctly. Also medium stod burglar proof snfo In good condition , all cheap for cash. State slzo and price. Address , P. 30 , lloo. M710 13 WANTED To buy on easy payments house of about 7 rooms nnd fair sired lot In good location. Address P31 , lloo olllce. \\7ANTE1) I'o buy some good second-hand TT show eases. H. 0 , Moses , 1114 Howard st. 7201 ? * WANTED To buy good residence lot or house nnd lot , or several lots located seas as to make n good building sight , must bo In first clnss residence part of the olty. Parties answering this should give full description of property , lowest price , terms , Whether Incum- bored , and If so how much. O 19 , Uco olllce. 071 IK you liavo nny old clothes to soli let mo know by Mall. Kaltsh , 213 S. 13th strcot. M 070-.T 10 FOR SALE FURNITURE ETC. For rate , etc. , tte tap of first column on thti page. T71OR SALE A bedroom set of furniture , X1 now , very cheap. 2-'l'J ' Lathropo stnut. ( ) T71OUSALE Kiirnlturoot a 10-room nouso X' cheap. House for rent. Inquire 10-3 Dodge 207 HOUSEHOLD furniture , now and second hand , for sale on easy payments. Call and ovnmlno before purchasing. Store Ifi21 Howard stroot. M3.ll J30 T71OR SALE At n great sacrifice , elegant X' household furniture , line carriage team , carriages , sleigh , harness and robes , also line Jersey cow. A. J. llanscorn , 1S24 Douglas st. 007 J15 * FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. Forratex , tie. , ret top nf flrxl column on Hit * page , TJ1OR SALE A npnrly now first class covered X1 delivery wngon for butcher orgrocer. Ad- drossl * . S. Caaoy. South Umaha. M740 10 FOR SALE Sorrel horse ; good driver or for saddle : perfectly gentle. Owner leavIng - Ing city. Addrosg P. 27. Hee < 653-10 * pHOR SALE Ladles' phaeton , nearly now , X1 yory cheap. Inqulro at Park Avo.lilvory stable. 581 li * fTUlE Standard Cattle Co. have a fo\v gentle- X old cow ponies sultablo for children that they can sell cheap. Apply at their ofllco at Ames. . 10 FORSALE-Famlly carrlaso. l.oi . ols , stable 23th and Lo.ivenwortli. m'JCS FOll SALE Dandy road wagon. Can bo soon room 4 HOP building , 212 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Fnr rates , etc. . rtetttp offlnl column on this page. FOll SALE An olozant flro proof s.ifo with burglar chest. 1'hll Stlmmol , Oil Jones street , Omaha , Nob. 270 FOH SALE Magnificent upright piano at a big sacrifice. Inqulro at 2110 Oaldwoll St. , after7 o'clock evenings M933 MISCELLANEOUS. ForraUa , etc. . see tnp ofjlrst column ou Mifa page. MASSAGE treatmcnt.olcctro-thormal baths. > sQalp and hair treatment , miinlciiro and chiropodist. Mrs. I'ost.UlDM S.lath. Wfthuolf lllh. T T 1'IIOLSTEUING and mattresses rono- U vated : also furniture repaired. E. I'otor- son. 1136 North 18th at. ' " M501-20 * " \X7"AIINING Understanding that Irrospon- ii slblo piano tuners are traveling through the state ns being In our employ or represent ing us , wo would warn the public to bownro ot thorn unless they can show proper creden tials. Max Mover & llro. Co.larsu3t and most reliable musle nouso In the west , , " 533 12 T71URNITUIIE bought , sold , Stor bd. Wells -L' 1111 Farnam strcoti 271 GREAT bargains In all kinds of jewelry mm silverware on account ot the recent fire. 8. Jonason , Furnan nnd llth street * . ' 174-JfC CLAIRVOYAN U > 'l " Forr.ites , etc. , see fop nf tint column nnthlt . : . : , A..U.I y- . . PERFECT satisfaction nnd-.choapcst or no money. Mrs. Stovor , 40ti N. 10thstroot , 3rd Hoor. . ' . ' M7.6 12 * / t O nnd see Prof. AVarmg Medlun'i'ami rdal VJT astrologer at 323 N. loth stioot. $100.00 to nnyonc who can equal him In. telling , present and future , causing speedy marriages , Inlnglng the separated togethtir , and In busi ness affairs his advice Is Invaluablo. Ho tells your numo In full , nsics no questions and uses no cards of any doscrlptlonln his profession. .Satisfaction given or no pay. Consultation fco , ladles , 11,00 : gontlcmon.fl.Oit. ' 3I.YJ3JJy5 * AbSAOE Mndam Dolzlor , ever G10 S. 13th aM-JyC * MADAM Do Carson , born with n dailblo'voll , daughter of the .sunny sou til Js the won der of the world In telling past , present nnd future. Como and see her 007 N 10th street' upstairs. . 517-lt/ * MRS. Nannlo V. Wnrron , clairvoyant , trance speaking , writing and reliable business medium , fouryo.irs In Omaha , HON. liith. 200 RS. FORT , palmist fofttino teller , tolls past and future from lines ot the hand In old gypsy way ; Indies only ; too tl.OJ. ouij < N. 24th. M7MJ 18 * FERSONALS. Forrate.i , etc.icetnpof first column on thlt pngt T > ERSONAI- Indy with references'would i like to give music lessons In o.xclmngo for room. Address 1' 15 , lloo ulllco. MfliTI n * pORREai'OND for amusement. Instruction v > ormntrlmony. The best correspondence bureau , particulars In plain sealed envclopo for lOo. Look llox U20 , Omaha. 2IO-J27 * MASSAGE , BATHS ETw For rates , tte. , tcetnpnfflrsl column nn thlipige. ASSAaEiiathsat MaTlnin Smith's parlors' M lloor , 4'U S mil-street. G74 14 * MASSAGE Madam DoUlor , over 010 S. 1'lth. ' gOQ-jyO * MASS cablnot baths , tape worms cured In21 hours. MdmoUuoiottc , lOJa Dodge. MISS STOWK. massouso. olcotrlelan , Itamgebloek , M as8 , ART AND LANGUAGE. , etc. , reetnp nf nrnt nifiimn on thli pigt GEO. V. Gollonbeuk. toaclior ; of the banjo with Hospo.lMl Doiib'las. _ -4'J ' BEl'OUr. buying n piano oxaiulno the now acute Klubnll plano.A. HoMpo.lllll Douglas. VGO LOST _ _ Forrateatti ; , tee ( op of Jlnt roluinn OH this psge , COST A "cream cbloroil cow wiurliorns. ran away onuvonlng of Juno llth. A reward If returned to II , Itohfold , 442 8. 24th avo. 72S-10 * _ STIIA. .RD-ltlz bay horso.1,200 lbs.j strlng- linltod In hind logs , llmler please notify L. Hllcott , S. E. cor. llth and Nloholus atreot , 7JU-I'J _ _ - T OST Juno 7 , six-year-old cow : finder -IJulouso notify Ju.ipersou Uros. I'lorenco Lake. 70U.12 * STKAM F13ATII13K itKNOVATOU. For rate * , tte , uetapjaf Jrt ( > . rultimriua lM ] M j STEAM feather washer ) beds. tlokn and pil lows washed ; feathers bought. Mailer ders prnmntly tilled. Work culled for nud de- llvarcd. Prank Alison , 3Ut and Franklin Htrouta. M7 DRESSMAKING. or rottt , tte. , tittup ojfinl column on thl $ pagt HIGH clau dressmaking. EvcnTng , dliTner ana weddliu trouiouu a Bpeolnlty. Kit and style wurrun od purfoct. It U , Maxwell , liatugo block , room iXi. 405J1U' BUSINESSi.CHANCES. ForratcK , rtc. > ttclnpafffjl rotitmn nnUth ptgt. opening Is oirorolt , Address U 41 llro ofllco. | | A M747 13 * Tfion SALK-IIO.OOO sjiSek In host Wyoming . * ? oil compniiyi ninko 'iin offer. Address I * 83. Hco. " ' M71U 12 * _ _ WANTEIJ-To horrfllr $1,500 for 2 nnd 3 years. Oood tCcond mortgage Riven. Address l')7 ! lleo. M7I5 13 * _ ANTEtHtntloij'wlth ( * > .f > X ) to M.00i1 to tnko Interest Inflow enterprise. No op position. Ulg monuy.ijAddross , I1 IW lloo. , i i M COI II TVANTEn-l'nrtncr'JTllhilJOOorfS 0 to ftnrt Y pfKil room nnd clMr store. Address. 1' 110. liooonieo. MOS3 11 * WANTED-Aman to tnko u half Interest IT in n livery. Iwnrdlng and sale stable. A line chance for the right man. Address l > , ID , lieu. MMO 13 * WANTED-l'artlos having money to loan on ro-il estate to correspond with ( Ino. J Paul , 1000 Karnam si root. MC27 13 TjioR PA"LE-A llrst class , well ostahllshed XA butcher business In this city. Kino IIxlures and good cash trade. To anyone meaning business hero Is nn excellent chance. Must ho sold In next sixty days. M. A. I'pton Co. , Uco building. MW9 FOR SALIKurnlturo nnd undertaking business In gooil town , with or without store building ! part cash , balance gilt edge paper or clear real estate ; Invoices about yVJCO. llox 111 ! Lincoln. 283 stock of nierchnndlso for GLEAN nnd money. Hot 393 , Kranltfoit , tnd. 7CO-J2 ; ! HOTEL men take notice. Do you wnnt a goml business ? Buy the Commercial , the leading hotel at llroken How , Nob. 400 1 SCHEMES to Make Money. Is the title of JLv our now book , containing ton legitimate nnd honorable schemes for maktiu monov on small capital ; exposes tricks and swindling In business ; gives hints nnd advice that may be worth thousands of dollars to you. The schemes nro so clearly explained tiny ordinary person can understand thorn. It will glvo you now Ideas , aid you In planning other deals nnd enable you to grasp future opportunities. Hunt prepaid for Jt. American Hook Co. . Oinnlia. Nob. SI 123 J 23 MONEY TO LOAN RcAL ESTA I Forrata , ( If : ncetop nf flrttcolumn nn thti pao ECOND mortcngo loans from J300 to 110.000 S Alex Moore , 401 lleo building. Mf84 / 1'ER CENT llrst tnortgazo loans. Richard " 0. Patterson , IJ7 ) Now York Llfo. MO'l MORTGAGES wanted , long or short time. GcorgoG. Wallace. 310 J. J. Ilrowu bulld- Ing , 10th and Douglas. 531 IOANS made at low rates on city property. JW , M. Harris , 1120 Frenzer block , opp. 1' . O 4JO E. & C.M.Anthony , 3I8N.Y. Life building , .lend money on farms In cholco counties In Nebraska and Iowa , also on good Omnh.t resi dence property ; lowest r.itos ; best terms ; no delay ; money ready. TItlosand values passed on hoio. 275 BUILDING lonns n to 7 percent ; no addi tional charges for commission or attorney's foes , W. It. Moiklo , First National bank bldg. 270 MONEY to loan on Improved city property at current rates : fuiuls on hand ; no do- lay. aco.I'MMustAOo.'ji : Ramge bhlg. 274 PRIVATE money to ,10an. J. D. Zlttlo , 014 N. Y. Life. ' ' 2T7 M1 ORTGAOE loans wanted , McCaguo In- .vestment company. 278 MONEY to loan on Oip iha uroporty. I'ldol- Ity Trust comp.iiiV , 1014 K.iriiain. 370 EASTERN money to loan at very low rate- * . II. 11. Ircy. 20J N. V. Llfo M'JbO IMBALL , Ohamp & Ryan make loan on Improved city properly at lowest rates 120Jt'-.iriianihtroct 4I.1-J30 CHEAP Money 1'hllu.TiIortgago and Trust Co. , wants gilt eflcp lo.ins. Goo. W. I' . Coates , rcprusBiit.itlve7Ho.trd Trado. 231 MONEY to loan on olty property or eastern Nebraska f.irms.T.'A If. Klngor , 15t Kar nam. * ut 218-j : " * MONEY TO LOfAN CHATTELS. For rate * , etc. , tcetopof'.fmicolumnonthl * pjgc. 6 ltYrto loaTriVn."KrMastor.s on chattel and collateral securities for any time from 1 to 12 months , In any amount to suit bor rower. Loans mndo on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses , mules , houses , loai.cs. warehouse receipts , etc. , nt the lowest rates possible of property. M v loans are so arranged that you can make n payment of any amount nt any time and reduce - duce both prlnclual nnd Interest. If you ewe a balance on your property or hnvo a loan that you want changed I will pay Itoir and carry It for you. If you find It more convenient call up telephone 1021 and your buslne-s will bo arranged at homo. Jlonoy always on hand. No delay. No pub- llcilty. Lowest rates. II. V. Masters. Room 4 , Withnoll blk. 15th and Harnoy his. ONEY to loan oil' ' chattlo security. No M publicity. Address Hoc. P gil. M R68 12 MONEY to loan on hordeswacons.furrtllure , planosicollafal security , lluslncssbtrlct- lyconndcntlall''rod Terryioom4JJUamo ; ; blk 415 M ONEY on fnrnlturo. horses , etc. Keystone Mortgage Oo. . room 20S Shcely block , M-34 ' MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Fortatcnctc.secto ) > offlrsl coliiiim on thli page /"IIIATTEF , bank , 310 S. loth St. . lo.ins money Won chattels or collateral at reasonable rates MONEY loaned on furniture , live stock.oto from I to : t months , without publicity ; lowest rates. DulT Green , room 'M , Contlnon- tal block. glOJ27 / tIIATTKIi loans at lowest rates. Oil Now V York Mfe building. It. A. Morris. B74JJ1 * FOR EXCHANGE. Forratcs , etc. , eeetop nf first column on fhfs pige. CLEAU land to oxohntiga for mdso. Ilex OSi ! Shouandoah , la. MK11.1 * HOUSE and IntoleartoovchaiiKO for x'acant property. O. J. Oaswoll , 810 N. Y. Llfo.G'13ll G'13-ll ' WHAT hnvo you to exchange ? Call or wrlto full particulars. Alox. Moore , 401 lloo building. TOO OU E.XOHANGE-Gold watch for delivery wagon. Safety blcyolo as part uaymont on piano. 11,500 stock boots and shoos for good ptoporty. Address I' ! , lloo. 704-10 * IjlOll EXOIIANGE-W.OOO equity In Omaha JL ? residence for Iowa farm , business blook or merchandise. Address K 7 , lloo , Council niiifla , la. ' MC1413 H OI1SES for lots. 40'1 Drown building. building.MSCOJyj CHOICE stock of general loorchandlso and store bulldlni ; near Dos Moines to ex change for U cash and Improved farm In western Iowa or southeastern. Nebraska , Hoods Invoice ftS.OOJ ; hulldlng , JI.JOO. Address T. 1C. I'attoson , Vandalln.'la. M40I rpo EXOHANOE Corner facing Ilnnsconi J- park nnd IIvo otnor 'W > ( ) d lots for Clilcago rosldonco property. Address O 40 , lion. > UQ 1B3 J SO ANTED To tral\iplano ) \ ! for a family horse and light pli.ioton buggy. A. llospu. 15111 Douglas. , | 1f 73J FOll SALK-UMijUj JiSTATH. Forratei , etc. , tte top o/f.jjf ' roliiiuu on ( M * p i/e ( rp WO elegant houses , , Wth lar o east front JL lot 75x150 feet , on i/Httfof / the llnoit streets In the olty. tinlondhr'nqlghborl ood. houses huvu all modern Improvements , furnnco , bath , hot nnd cold water , cistern , elc , largo barn with city water ami suwcr connection. Everything In flrst-olKW condition. 1'rlce. 8in.'iOi. Property will annual Income of $1,500 , Will sell 7qrud t.tku u moderate amount of real estate iirpaymmt , ( Jeorgci N. 11 Ic Us. agent , N. Y. I.lfo bldg. M713 12 \7\LEOANT \ \ modern built eight room house. JLUHniiHcomplace. All convenlonees. Hnlen- dul neighborhood , lllg bargain. IHcka. N. Y. Llfo bldg. M71J18 IIY pay 14,000 or'OUO foru house ana small lot when yon can buy ten boautt- ful acres , splendidly adapted for n nlco homo and gardens for the naiuo money. Itomomhor ten acres will platM beautiful lots that will bring (500 uaeh with the city's growth. Call and hco the cholcu bargains wo otter In noru property. Illuka , N. Y. Lltu bldg. MTia 18 "TT OK SALE Host bargain In the olty : housn JL' Imllt for myself 3 ye-ars ago : full lot.nplen- illd barn for2 hones , on 20th st. near Walnut Hill motor ; will move In I or 2 months ) very uasy terms. Thee , Olson , 201 N , Y , Llfo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ml II * Oil SALE Two lots Improved witliTccm venlent houses : close to business : u few minute * walk from line scnoolu , colleges and motor uurs ; one or both of them at u grunt bargain for vushoron easy payments. Title perfect , Willis M. YutCa NobrmUa National bank , 722 I FOR REALESTAE. , ttf. , reftttiftnt Unl niliimn nn tltii FOU HALE A bnrgnlnt a nice lot in Kowler place , South OmahK , very cheap If cash Is imltlj good IiiveitmonU Adilross 1' 10. Urn.7MI1 7M-I1 TT1OU SAljE-Cholcn lots In Dundee Place. Jcars now running. C. M. I'owcr , room TA Chamber of Commerce. M U1M 15 * .1. alllSON , solo agent ICountzo plnre , room 3 , Crelghton block. MM ! fIt SAMv-Farm ndjolnlng city of Illnlr. JL1 Nob. H. W. Mcllrldo. .MS01J2 * T710U SAI.E-SS-foot lot with brick bulldlnc Jou Dodge nnar I''th. price * 5,00'.00. Address J. K. Mil aw. igjo Lowe aveniii' . 6'J3' \ OOUNEIl on "Ith atreut South Omnhn can bo had nt a linrealn s.iino tr.ido might betaken taken , If some cnxh. Hutchinson & wead. 1.V2I Douglas. 7J1-12 LOWEST rate * on estate loans. 0. J. Oaswoll , 810 N. Y. Life. ( VJ7-Jy8 LOTO. block 0. ShulU 2nd. t-V.'Ot.OO. Hewers paid for. Call at Once , 0. I' . Harrison , IIIS Now York Llfo. 703-30 TjTOIl South Omaha ropcrty , liuslnoa * , tr.iok- J- ago or residence , go to the loidlnvi. is tiitodealers In South Omaha , Ed Johnston Co. , cor. ' . ' 1th and N sts. M-au FIVE-room houses In Orchard Hill , $1,500 each on monthly payments. Thomas R Han. 311 I'iixton blk. 237 FOll SALE A flno Improved farm of 20J acres : 100 under cultivation ; shade Irons ; fruit , windmill , wagon scales , ntc. ; 100 mlle.i west of 'Jmulm ; J-J ! per aero. Addioss G 49 , lloe. 2SS S. HOiniLNS.rcal estate. 10J.IN. Y , Llfo bldg . 210 J.8 * TTlORSAIjE Eh'gant homos on montly pay- X' nionts. Will build nny prleod homo to suit you. E. P , Rlngor , 1510 Karnam , 20-J2i * FOR SALIC , cheap , easy payments : lij-story now fi-room house , wltli hath , collar , etc. : full lot. N. Sholton. 1014 Knrnam. im "T710R HAljE To worklngmon only ( specu- X' lalors need notnpply ) n time or monthly payments a neat cottage at less than nclual value. Insldo property , only ono block to oloctrlo line. Inquire nt room 202 , Omaha National banlc building Mftxl PATENT SOLICITORS. lorratc * , , tlc.teetop of first couiitn oniti ! / pag PATENT lawyers and solicitors. O.W.Sues A Co. , lleo building , Omaha. Branch ofllco nt Washington. D. C. Consultation fioo. 2.M ) PAWNBROKERS. TJIRED Mohlc , S. R cor. I'arnam and lllh. 201 FOR RENT WAREHOUSE. S1 TOUR rooms nt707 and7 ( Pouth 10thsteam heated , K. K. Klngor , 15IU Tarnum. 05-JS7 * PATTERNS AND MODELS. R SANDERSON , corner l.Hh and Jackson. . 110-J24 WHAT TYPEWRITER TO BUY Are you open to conviction ? [ f so.consldor candidly our machine. Don't repeat to your self what Is told you. Investigate , nnd your own opinion'\vill bo of some valuo. If yon wish expert opinion do not consult Interested competitors. Send for.JIlustrated catalogue giving full description , of the Smith Premier Typo-writer Be Mill Premier Tyns Writer Co , , B. H. MA.YHBW , Manager , 1600J Farnain Street , Omaha , Neb. HOTEL. Co - . 1-ttlt ami tnrtia\i \ , if tha iiiUHt mibKtuHtlallu coiiHtriictctl Hotel Jliiililliisin Omnlin. Ncvaral Itctivji tiricJi Jti'c ii'nllH 1111111/11/7 from ( xiHcntfiit tit'foof. All tint cclliiiffH it nil floors fined with ANliCHtott jtro jtraof intuit , imtlilna it liniHtHNtlilu to burn flitlcf : . Jrcfifictijiea tunl Jlre al < ir in tliroiit/Jiottt tlio tiitllttlng. Stettin luit , hot ami colil irotciitntl mniHltimslii ever u room. 'Jttble ttnanrjiasmsil any. wlt'ci-e. B. SILLOWAY , Prop. FRENCH SPECIFIC. where olhor treatment falls. Full botclo. ' "Price , one dollar. See signature ol E. U STAHU For Palo By All Drugfllote. i Bchlffinann's , Aethms Cure niTor/uid to civ * i ianl r < d'la the word cuoi ; lasarti corn-1 BforUWo ! < ? ! cH < tti cures vbtranllcUuri fail. Hnti ( nuiiU'M IA moil iktflttal. Trice , CO ct > tnd I 491.00 , of Dmrjljts or br mall. Bampla FREE for ! itump. , n . ll SCimiHANN. St. P al , Bfln- ; Buffering from the olti'ctfl ol youthfulerron p rly decny , wmtlnK weaknosi , lost roau&cxxl . , etc. . . . 1 will nenil nvaluahlo truatlso r- ( > alcil ) cautalnlui full particulars for liomo euro , l'Uii ; or cliargu A. tploiullil medical work j should bo read tyororj mnn who U n < hrrou4 unit Ocbilltatett * Auilrvri 1'rof. F. C. fOWMiK. Ittoodus , C'oitu OMAHA Send for circular orcnlten W.J , II. SUIJIlWOOl ) , IS ! Now York SCHOOL OP J.lfo lllil I , ' , Uniiilm , Net ) . TELEGRAPHY. PAY KOll rOSTOIOilTKMS. Attorney Aliihoucy TnlnlcH tlio County llonml to Settle. The county oommissloncrs hold on ad journed mooting yesterday afternoon ana or dered tbo laying of 000 yards of sod ut the poor farm at a cost not exceeding 8 cents per ynrd. County. Attorney Mahoney furnished an opinion on the hill of fJXi of Or. MeManlcal for h'oldliiff ton post-mortem examinations , Tlio. claim is now in Judgment , and tlio at torney thinks It would bo umvlso to appeal to rome court , ns there is an Implied contract that the county shall pay 35 for each post-mortem ordered by tbo coroner. Dr. Blrnoy euros cnturrn. Boo bide. Fotloral Court Notcn , John Chapman , n farmer from the western part of the state , was arranged in the United States court yesterday , charged with per jury. Ho pleaded not guilty. It is charged that Chapman testified ns n witness In a land case In the Chadron land ofllco that ono John Squibb had never sold or offered for sale a certain tract of land to which ho asuod n title , whereas. In fact , the land had already been sold to Chapman , Lars Hanson , n saloonkeeper In the neigh borhood of the Union depot , was arraigned on n churco of soiling boor to a party of In dians. ' lie pleaded guilty and was fined $5 und costs and was romandsd to the custody nf tbo marshal ( or one day. Uoorgo . Barker of Hlchardson county plofldou entity ot Helling liquor without a license and was fined t' 5 and costs. JudgeDundy discharged the petit Jury for the term and will boar motions and equity cases for the balance ol the torm. BE SURE irto REMEMBER Su ALL GROCERS KEEP it : HOU5EW1FE WANT5 IT. CON'l'IOMPIj V'l'INO O Army "DIvlHloiit" Slay Ho Al > olslioil ! with llit'Ho HosultM. Chicago papers hnvo recently opened up the old question of doing tuvny with the "divisions" of the army nnd placing the var ious departments in direct comimmtcatloii with the secretary of wnr Instead of having division coininan Jers. This matter has been discussed many times before ami there nro whisperings about Washington to the effect that Itmay be taken up again by the secretary of war nnd tha schonio may bo adopted. "If the secretary of war should sco lit to break up the divisions , " said n prominent army ofllcial yesterday , "In all probability General Miles would go back to California and take command of tha depart ment of the Pacific. The departments of the Columbia nnd the Pacific could bo Joined nnd make ono vary good department. It is now qulto generally conceded that General Kautz will not go to Dakotn. for ho will bo retired next January , nnd ho has considerable work on hand in connection with the superintendence" of small arms practice that will require most of his time between now and the date of his ro- tiromont. "Should General Miles bo sent to Califor nia General Itugor would probably bo sent back to tbo department of Dakota with hendiiuarturs either nt St. Paul or Chicago. Chicago is nolv the headquarters of tho'divlslon of Missouri. If the divisions wore , broken up Chicago would have to got the department hondqunrtcrs away from St. Pnul or bo loft in the cold so far as headquarters onicors would bo con- cornea. St. L.ouis would undoubtedly retain the headquarters for the department of Mis souri. General Howard would probably bo placed In command of thddop.irtment of the Atlantic when that apparently useless divis ion had been broken up. This arrangement would provide for nil the major generals nnd all the brigadier generals , and would no doubt bo n more convenient method of handling the army than that in vogue at . The pofii..Vity | ? which Hooct's S < rsaparllla has gained ns a spring medicine is wonderful. It possesses Just those elements of health- giving , blood-purltying and appetite-restoring which every body seems to need at this season. Do not continue in a dull , tired , u'nsatisfnotory condition when you may bo so much benefited by Hood's Sarsuparilln. It purifies the blood and makes the weak strong. Decision In Favor ol' the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Iiy. The now Pahvco sleeping : cars of the Chicnpo , Mihvaukoo & St. Paul Ry. , with electric lights in every berth , will continue to leave the Union depot , Omaha , nt 0:20 : p. in. , dally. Ptissongors taking this train avoid transfer at Coun cil Bluffs , and arrive Jn Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. , in ample time to make all eastern connections. Ticket ofilco , 1601 Farnain street P. A. NASH , J. E. PRESTON , . General Agent City Passenger Agent Judge HolHley FollowMr the District Court Precedent. The gambling cases against Kennedy , Bib- bens , Morrison , Donnelly and AVhito were dismissed today by Judge Helsley , who hold ' that in view pf th'o decision of the district court in the case against Prlco and Golsor it would bo useless to bind over any of the above named defendants. "Tho caao against Price nnd Gciser , " declined the Judge , ' 'was stror.gor than any of the others now before roe , nnd If n conviction could not bo secured In that It certainly could not bo in those. I do not propose to needlessly saddle the ex pense of it trial on the county , and the de fendants are therefore discharged. " SIclcncHS Among Children , especially infants , is prevalent more or loss nt nil times , but is largely avoided by giving proper nourishment and wholesome food. The most successful and reliable of all Is the Gall Bordoii "Eagle" Brand Condensed Milk. Your druggist and grocer keep it. New Iitnu to DCS Commencing Sunday. May 31. tlio Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway will establish a through line of sleeping cars between SioiixCity an'd Dos Moines via Madrid. Pabsongors from Omalm and the west can leave Onmlm at 0:20 : p. in. , secure sleeping car accommodations and arrive in Dea Molncs ut 0 a. m. Re turning. lenvo.IJoa . Moinoa Oj-10 p. in. , arrive OiimhaOMua. m.i JJhiifig cars on both trains. Ticket ollico , 1601 Farnain strcot. F. A. NA&it'Gou. Agt. J. E. PRESTON , City Pass. Agt. liooth'H Coining. Commissioner Balllnpton Booth , the sou of General William Bootb , the author of "Darkest England , " aim founder of the Sal vation Army , will deliver nn address in Boyd's opera house on Monday evening next , Arrangements nro bolng made for tbo proper reception of tha commissioner , who will ar rive in Council Bluffs at 5:50 : p. m. on next Monday. A delegation numbering some onu hundred pornons , comprising members of the Salvation army nnd Christians of other denominations - nominations , will go over to tha IllulTs to meet the commf.iMonor ami escort him to this city. Ho will bo iiccompnnlcd by his wife and Malar ICoppel nnd wife , who hnvo charge of the Iowa , Dakotn , Montana nnd Nebraska division of the Salvation army. Thora will also bo with them a number of olllcers and a brass band , Sarcaparlllu belong to the smilux family of plants , nnd U found very generally over the American continent ; but the variety that is richest In medicinal propcrtlci is the Hon duras root , of which tlio famous Ayer's Sin-- uuparlllu 13 madp. Orlllnntlon. Mr. John A. Williams , who lm * recently graduated \vlti | high distinction nt Faribault , will bo ordained deacon by Ut. Key. Bishop Wortlilngton nt Bt. narnnbus church today at 10:30 : a.m. Ho will bo appointed to minister to tbo people of hli own color who are organized as St. Philip's mis sion , in thU cllv. Mr. Williams' whole course of study at college has been of a charcler to foitor bright expectations of hli future usefulness , and the clergy of the city receive him into their ranks with warm affection. Small m size , eroal m roaulUt Do Witt Little Ka rlylllsers. Best pill for Constlpa tlon , best for SIcK Ilcadaoho. best for Sour Stomach. / ' TtlK XOttTltWCtiT. Dakota county's Jnll , which has ooon empty for four months , received four prisoners last week. The now wngon brldgo across the NIo- brara between Bassott mid Sprlngvluw has been completed. Will Jiuitz of Colorldgo paid ? 2. and costs for the privilege of assaulting County Com missioner Loiwge. Ponder citizens have raised $1,000 to cole- bra to the Fourth , Horse racing will be n fenture of the day's sport. Two gnmblors were nrrcsted at Norfolk and lined $15 , Thcso are the arrests since May I , when all the gambling places were closed. Herman Blonhoff , who was hurt by the cars at Crete on Decoration day , submitted to the amputation of his right log Tuesday and will recover. A hundred men nnd boys working In the sugar beet Holds around Norfolk struck bo- cnuso the manager announced that they would bo paid by the ploco Instead of by tbo day.Tho The Thurston county Indian association has boon organized for the purpose of pro tecting the Indian from the avaricious white man and to secure for him the full privileges of an American citizen. Citizens of Ausolmo waited on W. L. Pester - tor , a horac dentist , nnd invited him to leave town inside of four days or take the cense quences. Foster , who Is accused of wlfo- beating , still holds the fort. A Union Pacific engine exploded in the roundhouse at Grand Island , but lucidly no body was injured. The tlomo cap of the cn- Kino was thrown 301) foot Into the nlr and landed 150 from the onglno. Some time ago n son of Klloy Williams , n Saline county farmer , lost n part of ono of his legs by having It mashed In sonic machinery. Last weik a vicious cow kicked the young man nnd broke the same log. Benjamin ! ' . Bo.vor , Jr. , and Albert Tlngloy wcro tried and convicted nt I Ins tint' 3 of burglarizing n store cf Konesaw. Boyer goes to the penitontlnry for one year , nnd Tlngloy being under nge goes to the Industrial school forjuvonilo offenders. The Investigation of the death of W. H. Watson at Elm Crook by the Buffalo county cvand Jury has resulted in tbo discharge of b. U. Clark , who line boon arrested on the charge of muuiur. There was no evidence to show that Clark was ij ; any manner con nected with Watson's death. At n meeting of the Adams couiu.r cUlnnco the advisability of forming a mutual insUi- nuco company under the provisions of n. > law passed by tha last legislature was considered. A committee was appointed to investigate the matter and report at the regular mecllng on the last Saturday in Juno. They also agreed to hold a county colouration at Ayr ou July 4. _ Iowa. The Masons of Ames will plcnio on St. John's day , Juno 24. The Toledo Uaclnc association will hold Its first mooting Juno 2i ( and -T. The old soldiers of Wright county will hold a reunion Juno 10 ana IT nt Bclmond. The wheel scraper company nt Mount Pleasant has been granted a charter nud will light Mount Pleasant by electricity. Charles City has raised a bonus of 8 0,031) to secure tbo removal of an educational insti tution from Galena , III. , to that place. D.xu Davis of Oskaloosa has n tree of cher ries completely ripened. This snmo tree bore two full crop ? of cherries last year , ono In Juno and one In September , Tbo Anti-Homo Thief association of Dubuque - buquo county mot last week and elected ofll- cors. The organization is nearly forty years old and is composed of early settlors. Clarence Dlckorson of Atlantic has been appointed a cadet to the West Point military academy. His father , l aao DIckorson , was tendered nn appointment to the snmo acad emy in IS-'O from Iowa , but for some reason did not nccopt. The female baseball club which Is touring Iowa trot Into trouble ut Osknloosa. A Mr. McFnddon , the father of one of the player.- ? , wanted his daughter to Jump her contract nud go home with him. She refused and ho had her and her manager arrested. A young man stopped within the shelter of n doorway In Dos Moincs the other evening to light n cigar. His damp shoe's rested upon the iron doorplnto and ono baud happened to come in contact with the iron post at his aide , The post in turn was In contact 'with the line of wire that supplied the current to a group of incandescent lamps. The young man was Instantly chained to the spot. Ho screamed for help , but was utiablo to move. Ho remained in his uncomfortable position for several minutes until n night watchman came along and pulled him away. THE ItliAI/l'V MAUIU5T. TNSTIlUMENTd pl.icoa ou roqorl Juno 10 , JL 1SJ1 * WAKRANTIT DUfjlJSt .Tunics Ilovorldiro und wlfo to A S Vin cent , lot IV , blook ti , Sulphur Springs add , . . . . . . . . . . .8 1,250 F 1) Cooper and wlfo to Henry ( Jiirl/.un , oi lot o , block 4H1 , Orandvlnw " 53 F 1) Coopur and wlfo to J U Clnassun.wii lot 0. lilook 181 , Urandvlow. . . , . . . . , , . . . ao W S King and wlfu to W O Klo.m ot ul , und , ' lots I tii ! ! , King's sub 1.CQ3 H Leavcnworth and husband to Omaha l.oun and Trust company , w DO fi'i-t lot -'i ) , block bliull'al'nd add . . . J W Mil Donald to K 11 l.cnvunuorth.w 'JO futitlot ! . block 1.1 , .ShiiU'riU'iid udd. . . ' . 0,000 V It Mnml and wlfo to A N Smith , lot 4. r'luuk'sbiiu . „ . , . . , , . 3,400 1'loncor Town Site compiny to Huluiol district No. GU , lot I , block .1 , Iloilnlnc- ton . „ . . , . . . . . U U Patterson and wlfu to Amanda Manic , lei ID , blook 'J , llluiobuugti & I'jttomnn'ssiili . . . . . 400 H II nnd U A Uatokln to II A.logo ] , lots 1 , : . ' nnd 4. block I , sub of block x'O , Al- 1 rlsht'H Uholcn . 2,100 11 /.luxul to Valentino Hulc.lots l.U'amH , blkl , sub of blkyj , Albright's ( Jholcu. . I'.IUO yuix UI.AIM IIKUIIB , II II Doriioy nrid wlfo to Kll I.osiin , UUft , lots 7 and 8. bll < 4 , Illllsldu udd , . . Unlhurlno llnmion und husband to i ; \V Iliotvn wi [ lots U and 1U , blk lii Omaha DKKDS. 1' 0 Shallor , master In chancery , to Val ley Loan & Tnmt Uo lot 0 , bile 8 , Kountzn M add . . s.'ttl Hamu toh.iinu Iot3 , Hunnysldo add. . . ' . . . . y.100 Alien llrcixl to publlo dodlcutlun of Unl- vnr'HHUbof lot li , lc'orli'n nub . , . . W H King to sumo of Klng'a sub of lots 1 und " , ulk IU , Houth Omalm . , . , . . Total amount of transfers. , . J.y,037 WIMJ flaby wui lick , we gate tor Cutorlo , tThtn ctiiiwu a CW1.I , JioerUJ fordutorU , When tlio bec&tiic Mlu , the cluntf to Ciutorla , ' VYiwa i > hoU ClUUrvo , ( ha gar * thua C atorli ,