Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TIFjUflSDAY ; , JUNE 11 , 1801.
Delivered by Carrier In nny part of the City.
fill sin e s Office , No. 43.
NIpht Editor. No. 83.
N. Y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , C0 Sapp block.
If you want v/.itor In your yard or house
0 to Blxby's. SOU Morrlnm block.
A social will bo given this evening In the
parlor * of the Presbyterian church.
A strawberry nnd Ice cream festival will
be given tomorrow evening at the Christian
church ,
Joseph Larson nnd Hulda Anderson , both
of Omaha , wcro married yesterday by Jus
tice Swearingen.
Messrs. Cam and Kirk Patterson gave n
highly enjoynblo muslcalo last evening at
their home on Willow avenue. A select com
pany of friends was present.
Marriage licenses wore Issued yrstcrdny to
AVIlllnm P. Attlcy and Anna F. Bam , both
of Polo , 111. , nnd to CJrorgo Onmck nnd Nellie
M. Kltchlo , both of Crescent City.
Mr. W. A. Coulter nnd Mrs. Emma
Simmonds , both ol this city , were married
last ovonlne nt the resldenco of the bride on
Broadway , Hev. O. W. Crofts officiating.
The ladles of the Broadway Methodist
church will entertain a social this evening at
the nsldcnco of W. S. Mnyno on PnrK ave
nue. Ice-cream nnd coke will ho served.
The case of Henry Wacnor arnlnst John
Schofller was taken up again before Judge
Deemcr Inst ovcnlnir. All the evidence Is
now In nnd the arguments of the attorneys
will bo made next Saturday afternoon ut 1 :30 :
Elder Morrison , n slxteon-yenr-old boy
prcncl er nnd slncor of lied Onk , will preach
nt the Christian church , corner of Seven
teenth street mid Broadway , next Sunday
morning and evening. Ho will also render
fiomo of his Hue solos.
It was expected that the taking of the
evidence In the Cut-Oft" island case would bo
commenced In n few nays , but on account or
the departure of Howard B. Smith , the com
missioner for Nebraska , It has been post
poned for about two weeks.
The revival meetings In the Trinity Meth
odist church , corner of Ninth avenue nnd
Fourth street , are Increasing in interest and
attendance. Dr. Tovis of ( Cnnsns City Is ns-
slsting the pastor , Hov. S. Alexander , nnd
will remain during the rest of this week.
A meeting of the council will bo hold next
MontUiy nltrht. It Is expected that at that
time something will be done to remedy the
dnfoots In the resolutions which wore passed
nt the last meeting of the council with rcgnrd
to the assessment of the Union Pacific rail
way company.
Johnson Dlxson was arraigned in superior
court yesterday morning on the chnrco of
having seduced Cnrrio ( Jrecn , theflftcen-
yenr-old daughter of Jack Green. Ho pleaded
not guilty nnd his bond was fixed nt S. > 00 , In
dofnult of which he was sent to jail. Ho will
probably bo given n hearing this morning.
Invitations have been Issued for a muslcalo
to bo given tomorrow evening by Master
William M. Murphy at the residence of his
parents. 'ISO Avenue F. In honor of Mr.
Prank Bndollet , who has recently returned
from the National conservatory of America
nt Now York. Some af the lending talent of
Council Bluffs nnd Omaha will lake part.
Judge Macy held court yesterday In the
office of the county superintendent of schools.
Ono of the multitudinous cases of David
Gray against U II. White , in which the
property in Turloy's ' Glen , upon which Gray
squatted n few Sundays ago , is the subject of
controversy , Gray was on the witness stand
almost nil day , and the business matters of the
Grav-Whito combination wcro pretty thor
oughly ventilated.
The follow lug officers were elected nt the
last meeting of Council Bluffs lodge No. 3 ,
decree of Hobckah , Independent Order
of Odd Follows , last Tuesday evening :
Miss Koboccn Dwlgcins , N. G. ; Miss
.Lilly Huff , . V. G. ; Miss Barbara Ander
son. secretary ; Mrs. Anna Dougherty , treas
urer. Miss LUzle B. Matthews was appoint
ed to represent the lodge nt the state conven
tion to bo hold In Dubuque near October.
Johnnie , the four-year-old son of J. P. Fil
bert , had n narrow escape from n serious nc-
cldont ycsterdny nfternoon. Ho was plavlng
nt the corner of First avenue nnd Seventh
street with n number of other children , when
the mall wngon cnmo nlonp. Just ns it passed
him hn stepped backwards nnd collided with
the horses. He fell to the ground nnd the
horse stepped on both his feet. Both wheels
of the wagon also parsed over him , but
strange to sny , no bones -.vero broken. One
of the boy's lower limbs was badly bruurod ,
-Tj gtherwlso ho was unhurt.
An Interesting athletic exhibition was
given Tuesday evening in the Younir Men's
Christnln association rooms. The attendance
was not so largo ns had been hoped for , but
that fact did not detract from the general in
terest In the performance. A class exhibi
tion was given on the parallel bars. Phillip
Pnsohol gnvo n line exhibition of fancy In
dian dub s.vliiL'iiiK. L. C. Dale , Hlchard
Rutherford and Itobert Dailcy did some fine
tumbling , after which a novelty was pre
sented In the wnv of a contortionist perform
ance. The letters "Y. M. C. A. " wcro formed
b > Dale nnd four of the boys , who stood on
their heads and spread themselves in the air
so as to ninka tbo different letters.
rianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 53S B'way
I AIiIC ! S/il.K !
At the Doston Store , Council niuffH ,
Special Juno sale for two weeks began
Ono or two of the thousands of bargains
offered at this great salo.
15o Vlgoroux suitings for lOc a yard , 30 In.
lU ) o Columbia suitings , choice stylos. S ! c ,
or 12 yards for $1.00.
5o cb allies for .JKe , or 10 vards for 25o.
lOo outing ilnuncl for OUc.
Chantonc Pongee , worth I8c. for lVa ! }
lOo ladles' ribbed vests Tc , or 4 forSSo.
SOo ladles' ' shaped vests , \o or 3 for Wo.
Wc ) ladles' fancy vests : iOc.
75o ladles' silk vests for 40c.
Sflo bnlhriggnn hose Ho ) or it pair for fiOc.
Just received another lot of our No. 875
ladles' fast blaclc hose , worth 4r > c , for this
sale ' .TU u pair. Asic to sco thorn.
41)0 brllllantlnes , during sale for .Tic.
s fiOo brllllanttnes , during sale for ! )9o. )
All the newest and most desirable shades.
All our ( lie and 7Ao blaclc hen deltas , serges ,
etc. , In ono lot for AT' 0 during this salo.
All our (1.00 blaclc goods In hcnrlettas ,
serges , whip cords , sutin stripes , Drape D'
Almas in ono lot for this sale 77 0.
Council Bluffs , la.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Juice
tablets. They are delicious.
l't.Jiia\l lt JTM It.Hi It A I UN.
Mrs. W. H. Troynor has gene on an ex
tensive trip In the west.
Miss Cora Vurnsworth has returned from
nsix months' visit with friends In California.
P.V. . Voswlnklo has moved with his fam
ily from Kansas , ana will reside nt 105 Bluff
street In this city ,
Mrs. H. L. Shepherd and Miss Mary
Pullllns will leave for Seattle on the 17th.
Miss Phillips will remain in Seattle with her
brother , Urenvlllo , und Mrs. Shepherd will
return to the Bluffs in about a month ,
Mr. Joseph Brouillot , who has occupied the
position of foreman In the power housu of the
Omaha ft Council BlulTs railway company
over since the road was first put in opera
tion , has resigned to accent a similar position
with the Oakland electric railway company
of Oakland , Cal. Heylll leave fur his new
place of residence next Sunday ovonltu- .
Senator H. D. Coggcsbnll and his cousin ,
Prod H , rogceshall. of Wntervllle , N. Y. ,
wens guests ol John N. Baldwin yesterday ,
The finest line of spring and summer
goods , most export workmen , Is whnt you
11 ml at Keller's , the tailor , 1110 Broadway.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 80 Pearl street ,
next to Grand holol. Teloobono IO. High
Urndo work a specialty.
Terrible Accident to a Pedestrian Through
a Motonnau's Carlcssncss.
Knocked Down , Dragged , JIuriicd nntl
IIornMy DlHflgiircd JtiHt ImllKim-
tlun nt llic HnoklcHHiioHH of
tlio Motorman.
Wllllnm Salvldtjo mot with a bad accident
yesterday afternoon nt about 4 : ! )0 ) o'clock as
tie was crossing Pearl street In front of the
courthouse. Ho was looking ot some object
In tlie air , and just as ho reached the center
of the track a Main street and Upper Uroad-
w.ay motor caino dashing along at the riita of
llftcon miles an hour. The motor mnn fnllcd
to stop his car , and Snlvldpo was thrown to
the ground and dragged a distance of twenty-
llvo feet under the wheels.
A crowd of bystanders rushed to assist
him , and ho was picked up and carried Into
Ur , Plnnuy's office , whcro his wounih
wnro drcsscit. Ills right limb was
badly bruised and a patch of the skin sev
eral Inches square was burned to a crisp by
the clcctr'c ' current. A terrible bruise was
suffered above- the right eye , but the most
serious Injury was that of emasculation.
Salvldtjo was removed to the house whcro
ho had been stopping , 805 East Plerco street ,
as soon as his physician had prepared him
forthctttp. It was feared at first that his
Injuries would provo fatal , but at last ac
counts ho was resting easily , and ho will
probably recover.
llo was visited by President Stewart of
the motor company and It Is stated that the
case will bo Investigated. The motor man
who was at the helm at the tlmo the accident
occurred has officiated at a number of acci
dents of late , and much prowling is being
done at his alleged carelessness. Ills latest
accident was on Decoration day , when ho
collided with a team of horses and a wugon ,
knocking the wagon to pieces and giving
several people who wcro riding a narrow os-
Notice ot Anilfiiineiit , for ncncflt of
Ci editors.
Notice Is hcrobv given as required by sec
tion 'JUO , Miller's cede 18S3 , that tbo Judd &
Wells company , a corporation whoso princi
pal plaoo of business was In the city of Coun
cil Uluffs , Io. , did on the 27th day of May ,
IbOI , make nn assignment of all of thutr prop
erty and effects to the undor.slencd for the
benefit of their creditors and that , all claims
against said Judd & Wells company must bo
filed with the undersigned , properly verified ,
within ninety days from the date thereof.
Dated at Council Bluffs , la. , this Oth day
of Juno , 1891. W. II. KiJKi'iuni ,
Assignee of the .ludd & Wells Co.
Attorney for assignee.
Gasollno and oil ; CODS , wood and coal :
prompt delivery. L. O. Knotts , 24 Main ,
telephom 203.
So Slid the Hcimhlionii County Con
vention nt Vi alnut Yesterday.
The delegates who were appointed last
Saturday evening at the republican primaries
started yesterday morning for Walnut ,
where the county convention was to bo held.
At 11 : 'M the delegates had nil assembled and
the meeting was called to order. Delegates
were present from all parts of the county , a
full representation being bad from almost
every township. Hon. Spencer Smith of this
city was appointed temporary chairman , J.
II. Jonks of Avoca secretary , and Colonel E.
J. Abbott of this city reading rlerk. The
committees on credentials , resolutions nnd
permanent organization wuro appointed ,
after w hich the convention adjourned for
In the afternoon the temporary organiza
tion was made permanent , and the committee
on credentials reported the names of the del
egate : ) . Thcro were no contesting delega
The following delegates were appointed tent
nt I end the state convention : J. SI. Ualvln ,
J. "J. Stcudman , Henry Coffeon , J. K. Heed ,
G. A. Yancey , TJ. A. Casper , Pinloy Burke ,
E. P. Walts , I. M. Troynor , G. P. Wright
and E. L. Shugart of Kane ; Alex Osier and
J : K. Osier of Grove , T. U Bardslev of
Walnut , E. E. Smith of Macedonia , A. B.
Jonas of Center , E. A. Consigney nnd W. D.
Craig of Knox and Frank Shinn of Carbon.
The committee on resolutions presented n
resolution Instructing the delegates to vote
for B. P. Clayton for the nomination for gov
ernor. This was adopted unanimously by a
rising vote , after which Mr. Clayton made a
speech , which was enthusiastically received.
A resolution was presented Instructing the
delegates to work for Omaha as the place In
which to hold the next , national republican
convention In 1MI2. This was also adopted
A. S. Hn/elton of this city was elected his
own successor to the chairmanship of the
county central committee. Ho made a sug
gestion which met whlth the hearty approval
of nil the delegates present. Ho stated that
in the past much h convenience had been
caused by the separation of the
chairmen of the dristrlct committees
from the candidates whom they were
supporting in the race for legislative honors.
Ho suggested that in the future the chairman
of the committee bo the member of the com
mittee from the county in which the candl-
dldato for the legislature rosided. Ho
thought that In this way the forces would be
bettor concentrated , and the chances for the
success of the ticket would bo greatly in
creased. Thcro was no dollnlto action taken
with regard to the suggestion , but it was
popular with the delegates , and it Is probable
that Mr. Hn/clton's plac will bo followed In
the future.
The Bluffs delegation returned home last
CoK'ax Springs via. tlio Itoolc Island.
Everybody has heard of them , located on
the "Great Hock Island Uouto. " Colfax has
a dozen medical mineral springs and hun
dreds dally testify to their merits. Savon
first-class hotels furnish pleasant homos at
very low rates to the throngs nt health and
pleasure soekora.
Union Park races , Omaha and Council
Bluffs , Juno 0-12 , CI.OOO ; Sept. 8-11 , Kl.fiOO ;
Oct , 20221,000. . Per programmes address
Nat Brown , seo'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha.
CundldtitcH for the CommlnHlonerH.
TbTOO Insane patients will bo before the
insane commissioners this motiilng to ba ex
amined nn to their mental condition. Three
deputy Midriffs went to Silver Creek town
ship yesterday afternoon to get Henry Dean ,
who has been exhibiting signs of Insanity
for some tlmo pas t. Of Into ho has been
acting so strnnuely us to glva his friends
fours for their bodily safety , and ns n result
they have tiled an Information against him.
Charles 1'iindlo was brought from Omaha
yesterday. Ho was examined in Omaha
homo tlmo ago und was found to DO Insane.
Buforo ho hod been ordered confined In the
stuto asylum nt Lincoln It was found that ho
was a resident of Cut Oil Island , und consequently
quently of Council HlulTs. Ho was accord
ingly brought to this sUlo of the river to betaken
taken care of. Wulla In the court housu yes
terday ho gave nn exhibition of his skill at
song mid dance. Ha has un Idea ho Is
Ma polo u I. , unit ho cells attention to the
fact frequently.
S , Terry , who Is under indictment for
criminal assault , Will also bo up for an exam
ination on the chnruu of Insanity ,
Morgan's prices for furnltu o on install-
mcnt plan louer than any other house In city.
Mar Bouriclus , musio teacher , removed to
KW llrondway , over O. B , mualo company.
Great inllllncry removal sale at the Louis'
iMasonlo block , commencing this wcok. Muat
bo sold before changing location.
Jud"o Iluoil Honored.
News was received In this city yesterday
of the appointment of Judge J , U , Heed ,
formerly congressman from this district , to
the position of chief juatlco ot the court of
private land claims. Ibis U nn ofllco which
was created at the last session of congress.
It was rumored some tuna ago that Judge
Itcod would bo given nn appointment on the
federal bench , but it was generally supposed
that no woulu bo chosen ns ono of the now
circuit judge * . Ills new ofllco will take
him to Washington , n fact which will c.iuso
rccrel among the citizens of Council Bluffs ,
although they will congratulate htm upon the
honor which has boon so worthily bestowed.
Bright upland hay nt slaughter prices for
next thirty duvs150 ; tons , II. L. Carmancor
ner Pearl and Cth avenue.
DoVVItt's Llttlo Early Hlso ; best llttlo
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad bruath
The Mirth of the Imw.
"I would like to have Mr. Organ take the
stand nnd bo sworn. "
Colonel Scott made the request In behalf of
his client , Jonathan Jones. Mr. Organ , the
prosecuting attorney , had just finished a
sharp and lengthy cross-examination of Dr.
Bellinger. Tbo doctor had tostltted that ho
had examined Jones , nnd In his opinion
the man was insane. County Attorney
Organ questioned the medical export
very closely , especially ns to what
he knew regarding the text books on insan
ity , and whnt this author nnd author
had to say on this and that particular point.
Dr. Bellinger was not nblo to answer all tbo
questions to the satisfaction of the attorney ,
or at least Attorney Organ sought to Impress
the jury with the idea that a physician who
cannot tell just what the different text books
contained between their covers was not much
of an expert.
There was n llttlo Hurry of minded curios
ity nnd .surprise discernible In the court
room whet : Colonel Scott announced his
next witness to bo Mr. Organ himself. The
prosecuting attorney's face gave evidence by
a passing blush that his usual equanimity
was a llltlo disturbed as ho mounted the
llttlo platform nnd settled himself uneasily
in the big arm chair.
"What Is your namol"
"Organ. "
"Your first name , sir ! "
"John P. "
"What Is your business ! "
"An attorney. "
Colonel Scott proceeded thus with tnntallz-
Ing formality until ho had got on record
quite a sketch of the brilliant
young prosecutor. Then ho plunged Into a
scries of queries as to What law books Mr.
Organ had studied , and n urgent demand for
the witness to state word for word any single
sentence , oven in the statute book of the
state. As soon as the drift of the council
proceeding was discernible the court
promptly decided the question to bo im
proper , but not before Colonel Scott had
got before the jury his blatm that
if Organ's theory of a doctor's testimony was
correct , then Mr. Organ himself must admit
that bo was not much of a lawyer , because ,
forsooth , ho could not quota accurately a sin
gle passage from the books.
The proceed Ing was fully as farclal as Its
improvisor intended , and there was nn all-
around laugh , in which the county attorney
bad to join , nnd even the gravity of Judge
Dcomcr was so shaken that Colonel Scott
felt in duty bound to offer a semi-apology to
the effect that It was only a restful bit of
sldo play to occupy n few moments while
walling for another witness.
Dr. Barstow occupied the cntiro morning
session , nnd after County Attorney Organ
Dr. Mnlloy was put upon the staud , whcro
ho remained until court adjourned. Both
physicians thought that Jones showed signs
of insanity.
The case will bo resumed this morning.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves und
household goods of Mundel & Klein , Council
BlulTs. Prices very low ; freiirht prepaid to
your city.
Be sure and use Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup for your children while toothing. 25
cents u bottle.
i oung Ideas Shooting "tt'ell.
Yesterday afternoon a number of the par
ents und friends of pupils in Mrs. Ware's
room in the Bloomer school building had the
pleasure of seeing some of the educational
work being done there. A pleasing pro
gramme was presented showing the pro
ficiency reached in various studies. The
number work was especially gratifying , it
being indeed remarkable for pupils of this
age. There were also some very pleas
ing calistheriu exorcises. Tbo dis
cipline has resulted in a remarkable
promptness and accuracy of action In move
ment , and the manner in which , the pupils
are marched out of the building at cloio of
school would put even the guards to shame.
Altogether the showing was quite convincing
that in physical and intellectual training
the Council Bluffs pupils are being well
cared for.
Fireworks , flags , lanterns , etc. , to deal
ers only. PUYCKE CANDY Co.
Saloon Uurncd. '
A flro started nt 8 o'clock yesterday morn
ing In n small one-story building near the
corner of Broadway nnd Pirst streets owned
by Charles Barghausen nnd occupied by Gus
Hunt nnd Henry Jurgons as a saloon and
restaurant. The flames had gotten quite u
headway before the department arrived , and
the building and all Its contents were almost
a total wreck. The loss , on the fixtures is es
timated at ? 100 , ind that on the building at
f'JOO. There was no Insurance.
Constipation poisons too Dlood : Do Witt's
Little Early Klsors euro Constipation. . The
cauboromovcd the disease is gone.
EXPEL LEIt j ? < > It Jlf. KES V.
Five Ministers Turned out of the
lie formed 1'ivHliytorliiii Church.
Pirrsnuiio , Pa. , Juno 10. The sensational
trials of the six young ministers
of the Reformed Presbyterian church
ended today nnd the synod , by n vote
of 05 to 37 , expelled live of thorn from
the church. The charges against them were
scandal , libel and following divisive courses
In declaring In favor of the right of franchise.
Their names are : Hovs. E. M. Mllligan , J.
H. J. Mllligan , W. II. Hood , W. T. O ? Sam
son , J. C. K. Mllligan. Key. A. W. Mo-
Clurklns' appeal was sustained , and H. B.
Burnetttho student also charged with heresy ,
has not yet been tried. Immediately after
the announcement of the vote all the sus
pended ministers loft the church. They wore
mot on the outside by several ministers of
tbo United Presbyterian church , who ex
tended to them in an informal way the right
hand of fellowship. The scone during the
voting \vas very exciting. The verdict was
not unexpected and several ministers notified
the synod of their intention to follow the
young men.
The thirty-seven who voted against the
suspension of the young nion , this afternoon
presented a paper of dissent from
the action of the synod and asked
that It bo spread upon the minutes.
Hoy. E. M. Millignn was the first to catch
the eye of tbo moderator after the announce
ment of the vote. Ho said : "In vlow of the
fact that this svnod has found mo guilty
of scandal , libel and following divi
sive courses , I therefore appeal to
the bar of an enlightened Christian
conscience nnd place myself on trlul In the
Monongahcln presbytery of the United Pres
byterian church. " Ho was followed by the
othorsuspendcd ministers.
Ladles who value a refined complexion
must use Pozzonl'a Powder. It produces n
soft nnd beautiful skin ,
Dntlnbln Goodn Uroii hl to California
on War
SA.V KHAN-CISCO , Cnl. , Jiino 10 , The Chron
icle states that a treasury agent visited the
Mam islMid navy ynrJs last weak anil made
the discovery that a largo quantity ot dutiable
merchandise hud boon brought Into thn coun
try by several American war vessels which
recently returned from the Chinese station
nnd no revenue charges had been p.ild. It Is
said tint goods worth nevoral thousand del
lars were seized by the customs ofllcor and
xubmltU'd to the nppralsur. The Chronicle
states that some of the principal o 111 COM of
the Omaha nnd one or two ofilcora of the
Swatnm are concerned In the smuggling and
that fcctlon Is being taken in tbn matter by
the naval and treasury dcpurtmcnts in Wash
DoWltt's LHtlo Early Hisors i only pli | to
euro sick hoadauho anu rogulatotho bowels
The Association Reconsiflcia Its Action Eo-
gurdlug World's ' fnjr Exhibits.
Doubt Antony Ilnllroiid Men at to
T/iclr / Il-liitf Uphold Western
Lines Meet.
CHICAOO , Juno 10. The Central Traffic as
sociation closed Its monthly session today.
It was decided to make a rate on pig Iron
from Buffalo to Eist St. Louis of $ ) .8. > par
ton , taking effect on legal notice. The asso
ciation reconsidered the action taken nt the
May meeting In regard to rates to bo charged
on exhibits for the world's fair , nnd ndoptod
the following rules to govern exhibits to bo
charged nt full tariff rates , plus switching
charges when going to the exposition , but on
returning exhibits are tendered to the rail
road by which they are carried to Chicago
and the owner of such exhibits will execute
n release relieving carriers from nil liability
in consideration of free return trunsportv
tlon , nnd will present paid freight bills or
original bills of lading and certificates signed
03' the nropnr ofllcor of the exposi
tion. Articles tcmleiod for return
or unsold exhibits which have been on exhi
bition and which have paid full rates goin' {
will bo returned free to the points within tr *
Central Trafllc association nt the point tii
were originally received. It was suggests
that a form of release by all roads bo adopted
and that it be prepared by the uniform bill of
lading committee. A resolution was adopted
providing that on all wotld's fair business
delivery would bo made at the current
charge of ralos on such trafllc direct to the
various connections with the Illinois Central
road , the latter to accept the freight for de
livery to the exposition giounds nnd to as
sume the payment and collection of charges ,
if any , besides full responsibility for the
property after its acceptance.
I\ST : AXi > wr.aT-iiouxn IUTES.
Considerable doubt exists nmong railroad
men as to the stability of the advanced rales
that went Into effect today on east-bound
lake and rail traffic. These rates are now re
stored to the basis agreed upon for the season
prior to the opening of navigation , and the
public Is expected to believe that they will
not again bo interfered with during the sea
son. But there are those who still hold to
the opinion that so many contracts were
made with favored shippers on the basis of
the war rates that the restoration will bo
more apparent than real. The situation ns It
affects the all-rail routes will no doubt soon
bo relieved to a considerable degico by heavy
shipments of the now winter wheat crop
from southwestern points. Should the volume
oven approximate the estimates made by
some western railroad officials there will bo
enough business for a while to keep the lake
and rail and the all-rail routes busy.
What is to Become , of west-bound rotes
from the seaboard is still a problem. The
Chicago line has been unnblo to obtain any
assurance from the Canadian Pacific that it
will withdraw Its Sl.orrato from New \orlc
to St. Paul , and already the Lackawnnna has
taken steps to meet competition. The west
ern agent of that lit e said today that his
company had filed a tariff with th'o Interstate
commission making rates from Now York to
St. Paul and Minneapolis by way of Chicago
on the basis of 51.07 first class. This will no
doubt be the signal fern , general break.
A train of llvo private cars is a thing not
often scon In this part of the country. Such
n train will arrive hero from St. Paul to
morrow morning over the Chlcaco , St. Paul
ivnnsas uity road , carrying a large pany
of railroad officials and capitalists. The
party includes H. H. Porter , John Egan ,
president of the MaplaLoaf ; Ilobert Brown ,
the London banker ; : Hoswoll P. Flower ,
Benjamin Browstcr , Hru. Bishop , Mr. Kimball -
ball and many others. The party has been
attending a mooting of the Duluth Iron
Hango company at Duluth und inspecting the
new road , in which a number ot the nbovo
named ure Interested.
The board of commissioners of the West
ern Traffic association has denied two appli
cations made by the Chicago , Burlington &
Northern roiid , which were appealed from
tbo Western Freight association. Ono of
thcso asked for a special rate on bar
Iron and carriage wood from Chicaao to
AVlnona. The ether was a similar request In
regard to rates on window glass , bottles and
plato'ghibs from Chicago to St. Paul. The
commissioners decided that the proposed
changes were not expedient and should not.
bo mado.
The Western Freight association completed
Its labors today and adjourned. A majority
of the subjects before it wore either stricken
from the docket or referred to committees. It
was decided to bold tbo next regular meeting
at LakoMinnotonka In July , and n resolution
was adopted providing that after that tlmo
the meetings of the association should bo hold
bi-monthly instead of monthly.
The freight committee of the Traus-contl-
ncntal association is in session , but thus far
it has confined itself to the consideration of
routine matters and the checking of rates.
Daily sessions will probably bo hold during
the remainder of the week.
A Former Famous Beauty Now
in Now Vork.
NK\V Yoii't ' , Juno 10. Mrs. Coventry Waddell -
doll , who was the social loader of this city
before the war and a famous beauty in her
day , became honelessly 111 on Saturday and
her death has been expected at any time
sinca then. She is now lying at No. 3-40 West
Twenty-third street , where she has boon
Hvlg recently with some relatives nnd
friends. Chauncuy M. Dopow is quoted as
saying that Mrs. Waddell was the first
woman of this city to establish n salon , and
that she was a social 'oadcr ' In n fuller and
broader sense than It Is understood today.
She was the daughter of Jonathan Soutnwiek
of this city.Vtlltiim Waddell , her second
husband , was n man of wealth and social
prominence. Ho built u line mansion in 1S45
on the slto now occupied by the present brick
church in Fifth avenue , whcro ho nud his
wlfo entertained the best people of the city
nnd eminent foreign visitors. A newspaper
extract of 1857 says of n great ball given at
the Waddell mansion ut that tlmo : "Tho
gathering of beauty mid it ho concourse of gal
lantry could uot bo surpassed. " But In the
panic of ISTiT Mr. Waddell lost his fortune
nnd soon after dlodjn.Mrs , Waddull was u
woman of great courage and considerable
business faculty , nn l when she returned
from her retirement lodcomcd n part of her
husband's fortune byuUucky transaction In
real estate. She was thus enabled to rccclvo
many of her old frlcndiun something of the
old stylo. She was < h.qrn about soventy-two
years ago.
_ p l
Kscajio ill1 a' ' train Itolilicr.
MoNTicui.1.0 , MlmCi' Juno 10. Herbert
Simmons , who with Cnnrlos Bulloy robbed n
Northern I'nelllc tralnf8.0,000 last August ,
today Jumped from a/ralu / going at full speed
south of bora. Ho wusibolng brought from
St. Cloud to Fargo foiMrial. Ho struck in u
bunU of sand and was nppr.ronllv not hurt ,
as ho got up at once and ran into' the woods'
Simmons' homo Is In Wheeling , W. Va , . und
ho Is ono of the most notorious criminals In
tbo country
Died f , iht NlKlit.
Jnsoph Matvusick of Neola , In , who was
asphyxiated nt tbo Kuroocan hotel laM Sun-
have bought to prollt by the
highronututlonof JohtiiinlJolT'a
Malt Extruut. Bawnroof thoin.
Look for the slpnnturo of
Johanii IIolT"on tlio nook of ,
vary bottle. Kisnor & Mon-
iloon Co. , 0 Buruluy Streets
Now York , agents.
Bargains all the year round ? Do ! Eh ? Well , you may get fooled on it.
But there's one thing you can't get fooled onand that's in buying one of
those five dollar suits of us this week. They are without exception the
grandest value that ever tested the purchasing power of a five dollar note.
They are made of strictly all wool Scotch Tweeds and Cheviots , goods
that if you know anything at all about cloths , you know arc as good
goods to wear as any goods made.The colors arc in greys and fancy mix
tures , the patterns neat , the sizes from 34 to 42. We rise to remark that
we will guarantee this suit will wear as long , hold its shape as well and
look as well at the end of its usefulness as any ten dollar suit you can ,
buy in Omaha.
_ . , , . . . . . . . . . . .
- * -v. ,7 > .A. - * H i. -jft- r * * * -J * " < r' w
In connection with this great five dollar sale , we begin today a sale
of elegant all wool dark suits , at six dollars and fifty cents. A great many
of our customers could not get suited in the five dollar ones , as their
preference was for a darker suit , and in order to meet this demand , we
place on sale four hundred strictly all wool sack suits , in two handsome
patterns. Suits that if we hadn't struck a snap in buying , would have
been marked eleven dollars , go this week at six dollars and fifty cents.
which we are selling for fifty cents , are talking for us in every quarter of
the city. They are made of Pique , Marseilles and Duck. They are in
white and light grounds , with neat figures , stripes , checks and plaicls , in
all sorts of colors. Compare them with the ones your partner paid a dollar
lar or a dollar fifty for. That'll tell the story.
Why are these vests like a Dago ? Because they can be washed and
not hurt 'em one bit.
' ' . ' to makemoney
Ol'l'OUTUNITir.b' - money were
never moru plentiful than ut present in
Council Illulls. .lay C. Cole , estate and
luuu broker. No. I I'o.irl street , will nut you In
the way of niiiklng liandbome profits on hin.ill
T710K SALE-Lot 45 feet front on Fifth
J2 uvonue. between 18th nnd lUth St. , on
motor line. II. 1' . Callnlmn , "HO Cth live.
CljAIUVOVANT nnd psychometric , or chnr-
aeter roualiiK : also ( ll'ijjnosls of disease ,
neml lock ot hair for readings by letter. Sun-
bays and evcniir.'H. Mia K Hooper. U-J Avo-
duo C , near corner 15th street , Council 11 InIV ?
Terms , 5'Jo und $1.05.
FOKSALE For Rout Wanted If you want
to buy. soil or rent anything In the real
estate line don't do It until you have soon our
lar o list of bargains. & Walker , No. 1 .a
Main and 113 Pearl streets. Connell HIiiffs.
TJASTUUAGE for horses may bo had on the
JL iiulhuhor farm. Apply to John O. Lee , 100
liro'ulny. .
FINK bred horso. that cun hunt -iM , will Hull
or trade. Address or e.ill on I ) , llroun ,
Kta West llruadway. Council lIlulTs.
& ' Htreot and ll.'l
1'eail , Council Binds , you will always ( Iml
n 'Snap bargain" In real estate if you wunt to
buy , or a good place to list a bargain if you
want to soil or trade.
FOIt SALT' An abstr.ictand Insurance busi
ness ; good livery stock uncl controlling In
terest In MM established business. Will take
seine Rood city pioperty. Johnston & Van
FOR SALE Elegant carriage team and line
single drivers ; prl * us reasonub'o ; call
and sco thoin before huvlnv. Isaue M. Hmllh
sales stables ISO. 413 North Seventh htreet ,
Council muffs.
AONIl-'lOKNT IUTO property In ilvu-iiuro
tracts located 'i ' miles from postolllee ,
for sale on lensonablo terms. Home line resi
dence property for rout by Day & Iloss.
FOR KENT The MoMahon block. 3 story
brie It , with basement and elevator , jV
Squire. .01 I'ourl street.
TpOK9A.LiR or Hunt Xirilan land , with
f houiei , Ur J. It Uloa. 10' 3laln it. , Oouaoll
KciYlgcratoi-f ) on I hliillmciUH.
Wo buy only Incur lots. Gin Klvolouoit
prices. Our ftnclnu refrigerators took first
prl/e last year at Minneapolis for beat and
most economical refrigerators against all
OlIHOllllO StOVCH OH IllNtjllIlllClltH.
The genuine New Process und Quick Meal
Now I'roe8s. No Inferior Imitations. Dull
and bee at , Old generator .stoves for $9,09 up.
Victor ' ioyolCH.
Wo are now nblo for the first tlmo to supply
our trade on these celebrated bicycles. The
best Is always the cheapest.
Screen Wire , Iloni'H iwl Frames.
Largest line of fancy und .plain doois ,
frames , hinges and wire. If you know how
llttlo It costs to lit your homes with HCienns
no ono would be without.
Coi.u & COI.K , 41 Main street.
day night , died ut St. Joseph's hospital last
even ! UK. The remains wcro removed to
Heafey & Heafoy's. An inquest will bo held
on the oody atii o'clocit this afternoon.
No cripinp , no nausea , no pain when Do
Witts Little Earlv llUori are U.UJ. Suull
pllL Safe pill. Boat pill.
Norton In I < TO.
Detective Doinpsoy arrived last night from
Minneapolis In charge of U. S. Ilorton who
U wanted hero for forgery. Some time ago
Ilorton forged Charles Ogdon's niiino to a
check for fill and was finally located In Min
neapolis and arrested there on a telegraph
description furnished by the police.
DC. Illrncy euros uaiurrli. I3co bldir
l \vltli .
Burton A. ICarr has been arrested for em-
be/zloincnt on complaint of John W. Logan.
Ho was tried a fo\v \ weeks ago on a charge
of larceny as nalloo , preferred by the same
complainant , but the case was dismissed on
motion of the prosccutlnc attorney.
Logan still had blood In his eye and II led
another Information touching on u different
nil as u of the same case. I.ogan U n money
Icndur and chattel mortgage broker , and the
trouble arises from u complication with one
pf his customers. The amount involved Is
alleged to be loin.
A very small pill but u very t'oocl one. Do
Witt's Llttlo Early HUors.
G. A. Sctioedsnck , Proprietor , Offices 621 Broadway , Council
Bluffs and 1521 Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean nnd refinish goods
of every description. Packages received at either office or at the
Works , Cor. Ave. A and 26th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Merchants who Imvo t > hop-worn or soiled fabrics of any charautor can have
them rctlyod nnd finished equal to now.
latest and moat approved machinery , at less cost than you over paid boforo.
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
is Now Opsn.
George T. Paalps , Manager.
ori-'ICn. 41f. llro-ulway. Council llluffn. la
ThoNow O.-don Hotol. In Ooiinull Blairx , has
been completely refurnished und moclernl/ed
throughout , und U now onu of thu best hotels
In the state. It is loo.iled In thu huslnoss part
of thuuity and thn eleotrle motorn pass thu
door every four mlnntos. 1'lris e.seapes and
liie alarms thronhoiit the building. Steam
heat , hot und cold water und suiishlno in
every room. Table unsurpassed anywliore.
Hates , } ' . ' .UO a ( lay.
I oii't fJivo Awuy Mimoy
And ict imthhu In relnin. You are simply
duln , : \\hunyoup.iy thu price commonly
aslicd for an ordinary lawn mower It the price
| H moru than $ VX ( > . Wo III hell yon a Hist-
class , warranted nnd cnaiantced twolvo-lneli
movtur for 15.1X1. i\amlno : them.
O nloii i os1 to ) per Vt.
flood duality und will Khoyou satisfaction.
Come und see It.
Tlio ItcHt llolVIoriitor |
IH the North Htnr UN not Illie homo others
that are warranted to fruo/o without leu In
iloL'-dnyH. It does use Rome lee. but uses less
und produces u loner temperature \\llhlcsn
than any other refrUetator on thu market.
Moxloan HaiiimoukH , 7. > u.
They are worth looking ut and will give you
lots or comfort during thu xuiiiinur.
Coliimhl i Hluyolo ) .
Plenty of them now ( OHiiimly nil demands.
Ihoiu Is no other In the world cijual to It.
Huso hull spoils , step. ladders , water coolers ,
liumporri uml clothes haskiitK , thu llghtii nx
Ice cream freeze i ; < , thai fren/o In from lluoo
to llvu minutes , from < I. ' . ' . " > up. Junior Kaso-
llno stoves from f I to K. thu Hollalilo. thu bust
Proocb.s.KvapoiatliiK Move made ; for sale only
at P. U DjVolV. , VJJ llro.idway.
First-- : National - : - Bank
1'ald Up Capital , . . . . $100,01)1) ) )
Olilait urtMiiUcil b'ink lit tlio cllr. KuraiKii nnd
doniuitic oxftmiuu nil 1 luoil uuiirltlui , KipucH
utlurillun p.itil ft elli > 3Eli i > , AuojJncs o ( lullrll
unit liuikt , bnukur * jiUcjrpQr.itluiu jullcitail Cue
ri'ipoiulemo Irnliud
UKU. I1. tIA.NI'-OlU ) . I'ro litunl.
A. W. 1UUIOIAN. diililor.
A. T. KICK. AOUtunl Caiblor
OP Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 ,
s I. A , Mlllor , F. O Olaason , R fj.
Shunart. E. K. Hart , J. I ) . Edmumlxm , Uairloi
It. llannun. Transact UanUlnt Oini-
neit. Largest c.iplttl anil lurplui ot any
banKln Southwestern lotr.v
It Is thu amount that poohlo nave , not so
much what they earn , that eventually inukoi
them rich. In tinylnir a household necessity *
111(0 n refrigerator It Is well to consider HOUIOI
th nx UHO | than the first cost In dutormlnlutf
Its economy. The Guernsey Household Hiifrlgi
er.itor IK as handsome us a plevu of parlof
furniture ami eostH less than any other Urst-
oliiss article , und stands ut tlio head na an
ucomiinl7orof Ice , giving the lowest cold air
temper. itnrn , All the packing Is mineral
MOO ] , thu best non-eonilnetor of beat and
moisture known. All parts can lie taken out
nnd elmined. InvcHtiguto the Guernsey
Household buforu Uiiyln ; .
| J1\VI1 MOWGI'H ,
The Now Qniiknr Oily U In iivury rcxpoot thp
counterpart oT the I'hlludolplilii , mid much
I'heanei. I'lomtltotT. We carry thu 1'hlla'
dulphla also und you can take your choice.
Soroon Ioorn
and window nuruuns , the liirgi'st nnd fluent In
the city , and all the latest novelties In tliil
hardware line , at HIIIIOAUT & HONH. /
No. U Main Ktieot. Council Illnirn.
DTH. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' and Pa nn' Supjlin ,
Markat Fixtum , Casing , <
nlces anil Sansnjo Maker * ' Machinery. 87-
23 Main St. , L'onnell I ! I airs. la. AUu doilurl
u I Helen und Fun
Medical and Surgical Institute
1)119. ) 1IKIIINGEHB. l'UOI'3. '
Chronle diseases of ull kinds and deform *
Hies kpcelaities. Nos. 'Aal und -WJ Uro.ulwuy ,
Council HI nils , la.
Gas Heating Stoves.
Just thn tiling fur bath rooms , lie , I roo-ns , otOk
Call und bcu our lur o assortment.
C. B. Gas nnd Etoatrlo Light Co.
1 ! I'turl und 210 Muln Street.