Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA fAlLY ) BEE : WEDNESDAY , JUNE 10 , 1891 ,
CJmrlcs Gilbert , whoso exuberant
spirits led him to stntish Idn Thomun'
hcrul with n , bride , will qulot down in
tbo courtly jnll , wlioro ho will tarry for
the next Aftcon daye.
Complaints linvo boon ( lied npuliiMt
Dldc Bilrdlsh , Chnrlcs Nobor and A. B.
McAndrowH for violating the Sunday
lliior ] luw. It is claimed that they sold-
liquor last Sunday at thulr Bitloorm
J. P. Molnndor was trying to dispose
of several cold watches when arrested
as a suspicious character. Ho proved
that lie was Belling the goods on com
mission for a Boston firm and was re
Burglars tried lo enter the building at
the fcouthoast corner of Ninth and Howard
streets at ! lJi : ( ) o'clock yonlorday morn-
Ing. They broke out a pane of glass at
a sldo whitlow , but were scared away by
the people in the house.
A complaint has been made to the
chief of police of the vacant and un
graded lots nl Twentieth and Harnoy on
which are pools of stagnant water. A re
quest is made to have the nuisance abated
before hot weather sets In.
William Young , who was sent lo the
penitentiary from this city in 18S8 for
three years for robbery , is suspected of
being the man who was detected by
Ollleor llonzor trying break Into Judge
Uundy's residence a short time ago and
shot 'nt the olllcor. IIo is an accom
plished criminal and the police are look
ing for him. '
Constipation poisons tno blood : Do Witt's '
Llttlo Early Ulsera euro Constipation. The
causer cmovcd the disease Is trone.
Do Witt's Llttlo Enrly Hisors , best pill.
Help Wanted.
There Is work for 500 boys and men at
good wages in the beet fields. Apply at
Beet Sugar olllco at Norfolk or Grand
Work Willed ( \lllancels Interested
Tlio Presbyterian alliance of Omaha , hav
ing for Us momoerslilp all of the Proshytor-
Inn pastors , oldore , deacons and trustees of
the thirteen PresbyUirlnn churches of this
city , held Its annual mcotlncr at ttio First
Presbyterian church last evening. This or-
ganl/atlon by uniting tbo forces of all the
churches , hnvo been able to advance the
work In this city very rupittly , and Omaha Is
today the bnnnor city of the united States as
to the work of c'lurch extension. The nlll-
anco took hold of the now Presbyterian hos
pital by voting to aid It to the extent of S'JOO ,
16r the coming year , thus providing for three
free boils.
Officers were elected as 'follows : Presi
dent , Jlon. Wnrron Switzlcr ; vice president ,
Rev. Asa Lcard ; secretory , L. An
derson ; treasurer , James Jamison ;
( Directors : First , church , W. F. IJobuln-
son ; Second church , D. S. Huston ; South
west , W. 11. Drummond ; Castellar , C. N.
, Robertson ; Westminster , William itandall ;
I Kiiox , C. A. Starr ; L.OWO avenue , J. 1C. Flom-
1 Ing ; Ambler Place , L. S. Skinner ; First
German , Fred Cochran ; Bohemian , Stanley
f Boranok ; * Grace , Uobort Capson.
The llrst work of the new ofllcers Is to bo
the curly preparation for a reat Proshytcr-
lan banquet.
A box of Ayer's pills has saved mnnv a flt
of sickness. When a remedy docs not happen
to bo within roach , pcoplo are llablo to
neglect slight ailments , and , of course , if
Bcrlous illness follows they have to suffer the
consequences. "A stitch In time saves nine. "
Music lit tlio Park.
The Qulntotto club fromBoyiVsoporahouso
orchestra will give the following musical pro-
grammo at Hanscom park this evening :
, - . , " I'AiiTi.
Booloty Mnnh.t . O. Peiler , oti
Overture "Handltonmrolchu" . . . . ! > > . v , Snppo
I u Itulnodo In Mor Wult/ . J.I' . Sousa
Jtoiniinza.for Fmto. . E. llach
Mr. 0. 1'udorsuu.
Selection from "Mnrltatm" . W.ilnco
VJoltn Solo 7th Arlu . Herlot
Mr. K. iS'onlln.
, "SantliiKD , " Snunlsh Waltz . A. Corbln
' ' tiorotiudu for C'ollo anil iriutu . Tlt'l
Messrs. Lltovsky and I'eilurson.
Gallop. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gco. Wlegand
Do not tnlto any chance of being poisoned
or burned to death with liquid steve polish ,
' paints or enamels In bottles. The "Rising
Sun Steve Polish" is safe , odorless , brilliant.
the cheapest and best steve polish maao. and
the consumer nays for no extensive tin or
gin sspackago with every purchase.
T ! o Ilrulfje Cases.
v President R. R. Cable of the Rock Island
will arrive in tno city this morning to
bo prcson .at the llnal hearing of the now fa
mous case of the RocK Island against the
Union Pacilio railway which will commence
in the United States court Thursday of this
Justice Drawer has signified his Intention
of being present and Judge Caldwell will at
tend If ho is sufllclontly recovered to do so.
. DoWitt'a Llttlo Early Uisars : only pill to *
cure sink headache and n alutotho
Want the Union Depot.
A mooting of the advisory board of the
Real Estate Owners' association has boon
i called for Thursday evening for the consideration -
oration of a number of ( [ uostlons among thorn
being the matter of the union clopot.
Several of the members have expressed
i themselves as in favor of Inking the satno ao-
, tlon In the matter as was taken by the board
' of trade , namely , appointing a committee to
, rtovlso ways and means to clour the way so
that the building tmiy bo completed.
i Every tissue of the bodyovory bone , muscle
and organ , Is made stronger and more health
ful by the use of Hood's ' SnrsaparlJla.
Humor Unconfirmed.
A report Is current on the street to the
effect that John A. McShana has disposed of
his mines in Mexico to a syndicate of Eng
lish capitalists A visit to Mr. McShnno's
ofllco In th'.s city failed to con linn the report ,
the ofllco people denying all knowledge of the
JuOgoJ. M. Woolworth was asked about
the truth of the report , but disclaimed any
knowledge of It , but Kupgcstud that the poo-
'plo ' in Mr. McShano's ouico "ituow all about
Have Xou Got a Morse ?
' Every man who owns a horse should know
tuaV JltUler's Harbod Wire Uulmont is the
only rtnnudy that will give urompt relief to
nil sprains , cuts , bruises and Rails , and Is
warranted to effect n complete euro.
The foUnvvlnif marrlajo lliumai werj Is.
iiucdby Judiro Shields yesterdays
N 111110 1111 address. Ace.
JohipWuyhrlicht. Oniahn . . . ! H
Avnus Tux , Oui&lui , gj
' ( \Vlllltim 1' . Sdyles. Junosvlllc , WIs : u
| l l.uulsp hjyutliain , Umuhu u
Say I
Do you want to remos-o those plmplos from
yourlaful .UsoHallorNSiirsnimvllU nutl llnr-
ilock. It Is wurrantod to ottoct a coiuplutu
Frank MooroH' Klnjis.
Frank E. Mooroa will now display more
patriotism than over before. Yesterday ho
purchased two 10x18 foot llnica and will lly
them uo'.h from the hlch HaKstuff that stuuas
In front of his residence.
Ilrown RIWS you are about buying n typo-
writer. Way not look at the Cailgruphl
Campion Hound Over.
J. L. Campion waived an oxammatlon in
pollco co rt yesterday afternoon and was
bound over to the district court In the um
of tl.OOO. An effort Is bolui ; made to huvo
him released on ball ,
Small "in * Ue. frroat m nwulUt Doltt
Little EarlyliUow. 'lost pill for Constipa
Uon , boat for BIcK Headache , boat for Sour
| omacb.
Members of the Hoard of Eiliicntlon
Kxnmlne tlio City Hall.
Committees from the city council and the
board of education met nt the now city hall
yesterday to select the quarters that have
bcoa assigned for the use of the board.
The roomi selected for this body by the
council are live In number , situated on the
ilftfy floor , In the northeast corner of the
gilding , and Just in the of the public
llbrarv rooms. After completing the Inspec-
tlirf tlio t o committees rcnulrod to the onico
of Suiwrl' ioiido-.t Whltlock , whore the
school board 2n3ti onto'aU several well developed -
oped protests.
Mr. Martin rena , * i nijrcomont entered Into
bo'.wcon the council and ' fl board of educa
tion July 2" , 1SS5. This nirrcOmon * provided
that upon the payment to the > y by the
board , the board should bo entitled to "w-
eighth of the lloor space of the building.
Mr. Martin handed the paper over to Pres
ident Lowry of the council and said : ' 'Wo
have paid our nhuro of the money and the
city now wants to nut us off by giving us
ono-slxtccnth of the lloor space. "
Mr. Lowry nupondod that at the time the
contract was made the proposition was to
erect a $ JOO,003 city hall. Now the plans
have been chanced and the building will
cost in excess of S.KXOJO. Ho did not think
the payment of ? 'J5,00 ( ) should entitle the
board to one-eighth of a $100.000 building.
Mr. Goodman of the board nrgued that the
space was not enough and besides he did not
llko the location Of the rooms. They arc In
the roar of the building and not in a good
location. Ho would r.ithcr have them on the
third floor. Mr. Coburn of the board in
sisted that the rooms would not afford the
accommodation that will bo requited for thou
u o of the board and the schools.
The removal of some partitions was sug
gested by Mr. Specht of the council.
This was agreed to and after a few changes
are made in the shnpo of the rooms , the board
of education will accent the quarters.
New Ijliie to DCS
Commencing Sunday , May 31 , tlio
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway
will establish a through line of sleeping
ears between Sioux City and Dos Aiomes
via Madrid. Pastongers from Omaha
and tlio west can leave Omaha at 0iiO : p.
in. , secure sleeping car accommodations
and arrive in IJcs Moines at 0 a. m. He-
turning , leave IJca Moines 0:40 : p. in. ,
arrive Omnha-l.j-.i. ! ) : in. Dining cars on
both .trains. Ticket olllco , 1501 Farnam
street. F. A. NASH , Gen. Agt.
J. E. PKCSTOX , City Puss. Agt.
UccordH SInilc by Sonic of the Railway
1'o-uul ! . '
- loy.- .
Chief Cleric Vandervoort of the railway
mail service has completed his monthly rec
ord for the examinations held last month in
this department. Twonty-nmo mail clerks
took the examination , consisting of throwing
cards with poitofllco addresses upon thorn
into pigeon holes'with the corresponding
mail route printed above thorn : Not one in
the entire twca'ty-nlno fell'bolow 00 per cent ,
in the test and llftoen of the number irmuc a
record of over 09 per cent. Following are
the llftccn highest in the list : C. S. ICclloy
throw 1,118 Nebraska ofllccs and mado'Jl )
8'J-100 per cent ; A. P. Wyatt , 1.118 Nebraska
ofllcos , 09 72-100 per cent ; D. C. Hudson ,
1,031 Iowa ofllces , 99 00-100 per
cent ; William Armstrong , GS8 Colorado
rado olTlces , 99 5i-10 ( ( ) per cent ; J.
T. Lyckhom , Wyman. SOU Wyoming oniccs.
995'MOO ; A. H.'Sincluir , 1118 Nebraska of
fices , 99JJT-100 ; W. J. Nash , 1118 Nebraska
ofllces , 09 27-100 ; J. M. Butler , 1113 Nebraska
offices , 9904-100 : A. II..Sinclair , 209 Wyom
ing onices , JfJK-100 ; II. G. Paul , 1118 Ne
braska offices , 09 S'J-100 ; H. C. Fairchllds , 470
Missouri onices , 39 37-100.
W. II. Crosby has been promoted from the
third to.fourth class : M. T. Dunlap from the
second to third ; U. H. Deal from the second
to third , aud" It. W. Miller' ' from second to
third. '
E. B. Shaffner of Chadron has been ap
pointed to the Chadron and Gleurock route.
A New Move.
Leslie & Leslie. 10th and Douglas.
C. J. Frico , Mlllnrd Hotel.
W. J. Hughes , 334 Farimm. 024 N. ICth.
J. W. Clark , S. U9th & Woolworth nvo.
A. Shrotcr , 152 ; ) Fnrnarn.
All the above named leading druggists
handle the famous Excelsior Springs , Mis
souri , waters and Soterian Ginger Ale.
' '
- - * -
American Wonders.
Yellowstone park is beyond all ques
tion one of the world's great wonders ,
and the Union Pacific excursion in July
will bo the event ofIho season. Ask
your nearest Union Pacific agent about
One Mini AVho Did Not Mind
Confined in Jail.
Even if ho is in Jail VanBuroa Van Lawls
Is n happy man .yesterday. Van Lewis was
convicted at the lasttorm of the United States
court of stealing liquor' th'U belonged to the
government , and sent to the county Jail to
await the sentence of the court.
Van Lewis lived in tUo interior of the
state , where ho was the owner of a small
distillery' . ' ' Business vm * good , but not good
enough so that ho could pay his government
license. Tbo plant anil six barrels of vvhlsky
wcro seUod and loft iti charge of an officer.
Van had a lot of neighbors who onjoyodjanip
now and then , and for a consideration ho was
In the habit of visiting tbo store house while
tbo officer slept. Ho unlocked the door and
took away what no called water from the
red sprinc. During one of bis vIMts ho was
discovered , arrested and locked up.
Yesterday when the jail mall was delivered
there was n loiter for Van Quran Van Lewis ,
and as the seal was brokea-.n draft for $ $ r > 7.00
foil to tbo tlqor. The 'prisoner was happy , as
the draft represented a "pension that for
yours ho has been striving to secure.
Ho danced In glee , and at once ordered two
suits of now clothes and groceries enough to
supply the jail table Jor a week.
Sareaparlila belongs to the smilax family of
plants , and isfound very generally over the
American continent ; but the variety that is
richest In medicinal properties Is the Hon
duras root' ' , of which tno fatr.oua Ayor's Sar-
suparllla Is made.
Grabbed Her I'oukotlinolc.
Mrs. Doe living' at Twelfth and Center
streets dropped her purse on tbo sidewalk
yesterday - 'afternoon , James Samson , a
twelve-year-old Italian boy , picked it up and
ran , Mrs. Dee reported nor loss to the po
lice and the lad's ' arrest followed. Ho is
charged with potty larceny.
A Pure Cream o ) : Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes :
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky
Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable
and \Yholesomo ,
[ JXo other baking powder docs tucb. work,1
Street Hallway MUCH Kenuhlng Put In
Man } ' Directions.
Humors of a motor service and funeral
trains to Forest Lawn arc again rife , but
Secretary Goodrich of the street railway
company , says they will hardly come this year.
According to his statements the company
has fully ns much work already laid out ns It
can accomplish this year. The transforma
tion of the Thirteenth street line from mule
power to electricity Is In Itself a big season's '
work , ns the change contemplates the cntca-
sion ot the line to the south city limits.
The work of oxcnvat'ng hits nlromly been
commenced at the corner of Twentieth and
Nicholas for an addition that will nearly
double the plant at that location.
Another now electric plant Is being placed
in the cable power house nt Twentieth and
Harnoy. This great Increase in motive
power will bo nemo too much to supply the
. /whiles that are to bo built , and the Don-
son an'1 V.iHt Omaha lines that are now
nearly i./iplotci' '
The South EUccatbtroot line Is to bo
extended to Sixteenth i id V" trans
fer South Onnha passengers to and "ri i-ho
union depot.
The Walnut Hill line will bo dlvcrtou from
its present ROUIMO at Seventeenth nbd Web
ster , so as to run by the Webster street
The switches and curves have been
ordered sot , and contracts for some of the
material have been placed.
Mr. Ooodricn says that a Forest Ln\vn ex
tension Is bound to cotno , but whether as nn
extension of the Sixteenth street line or
Twenty-fourth street line is a matter of con
jecture. The Sherman avenue line Is booked
fnr an extension to Monmotith Park , leaving
the cemetery odds in favor of the Hanscom
park lino.
"A Forest Lawn extension would undoubt
edly bo run as a transfer line oven if it was
built , " said Mr. Goodrich , "ns it would mnko
altogether too long n line If coupled to any of
the present across town linos. "
. i , .
A Su tf. stion.
If you are troubled with rheumatism
or a lame back , allow us to suggest
that you try the following simple
remedy : Take a piece of flannel
the size of the two hands , saturate it with
Chamberlain's Pnin-Balnvnnd bind it on over
the scat of pain , It will produce ' a pleasant
warmth and relieve you of all , pijn. Many
severe cases have been cured In this wny.
The Pala-Balm can be obtaliic/.l from all
druggists. . .
A Free Show.
At nn enormous salary wo' hnvo en
gaged the services of Professor Gold
Eagle , the cowboy paper king the bal-
nnco of this week , lib .Will give two
performances daily in our show window.
His wonderful skill manipulating
paper without the aid of any instrument
must bo fccon to bo appreciated. All
the designs , articles , ornaments , etc. ,
which ho fashions , will bo presented
gratis to our lady collars..People's
Clothing House , i03Jouglass ; ! street.
m " ' i f
"Wants Her I > nii l tdr. ' ; f f
Mrs. Hoffman of Pacific Junction' rqad m
Tnc Bin : of the alleged cruel treatment of
her daughter. Mrs. William Knight , by her
husband , and has notified the chief of police to
send the daughter homo , bag and bnsrgago ,
as she can have a good homo with her par
ents and all she wants to' eat if her husband
persists in trying to starve her to death.
Well Merited Praise.
in almost every neighborhood there is some
one or more persons whoso lives have been
saved by Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
Diarrhoea Homody.or who have been cured of
chronic diarrhoea by it. buch persons , take
special pleasure in recommending the remedy
to others. The praise that follows the intro
duction and use makes it very popular. 25
and 50-ccat bottles forsalo by all druggists.
Judge Dandy Hetn Sonic Convicted
I'onplo llovrn Very U | > lit.
William B. Loa and wife , who were con
victed of perjury lui attempting to obtain
pension money by fcnud , wcro arraigned In
federal court ycstenlay afternoon to hear
Judge Dundy dollvorihc .sentence.
Mrs. Loa came in tending n small boy , very
shabbily clad and evidently very much In
need of some one tnjpcovldo for his wants.
Judge Dundy looliea. llrst at Mrs Loa and
then nt the child. Too woman was weeping
and the llttlo fcllovj presented a picture that
would have wrung pity from a sphinx.
Mr. Lea hung his head and appeared to bo
ready to tnko almost anything the Judge
might see lit to announce.
"I am not going to send you to Jail with
that boy , " said Judge Dundy. In his bru.sqtio
stylo. "For hli sake I will permit you to
remain In the custody of the manhnt. Your
lines will bo $ > . > each and tea days in the
custody of the marshal. "
Dudley Line was convicted of selling
liquor to the Winnolmgo Indians and Judge
Dundy proceeded to toll him n few
colus cutting facts with regard to
the .vny Uncle Sam lays his
band upon offenders of tlu.t kind , and then
told him he could have his choice between
going to the county jail for six months or tno
penitentiary for ono year. Lane selected the
Hotel Uoyd forslx months , and was taken up
the hill and shown to his room.
A. S. Hlchards and Peter Chrlstofforson
pleaded guilty to the charge or soiling liquor
to Indians. They wcro lined $25 each and
given ten days In the county Jnll.
Judge Dundy onnounccd that unless there
should bo some business on hand ready for
hearing this morning when court is called
the jury will bo discharged nnd the criminal
and law buslucss for the term would bo nt ,
an end.
A Card.
Wo want every lady nnd all the boys nnd
girls to call on your d'ruirgist and get some of
our beautiful cards and a book of valuable
nformation free.
PuoPiticTAur Co.
Hoard of Public WorkH.
At the special meeting of the board of pub
lic works held yesterday , Hnmnr.n .
McDonald , McGavok & Dalloy , C. E. Fan
ning and F. L. Hooves & Co. , bid on the con
struction of 1,070 foot of llfty-two-lnch brick
culvert to be laid In Walnut Hill. The con
tract was awarded to Hooves & Co. Their
bid was us follows : Throe-ring culvert , S7.75
per lineal foot ; two-ring culvert , $0 10 ;
catch basins , 75 cents each.
Vanilla -A Of perfect purity.
- OC great strength.
Almond Z ( Etjonomy'nthelrusa '
Roseecc.rj Ravor | aa delicately
and dellclouaiy as the fresh fruit.
Browning , King & Co.
Enjou the Reputation of Reliable
Clothiers ,
No special sale advertised or cut price mentioned , but what the
customer can fully rely upon as bona fide. Our speckil men's suit
sale at $8. $10 , $12.5O and $15 is still in'active opera
tion. Hundreds attracted by this sale have been led to see the
folly of buying : trash at $3.50 , $4 and $5 a suit , thrown out by others
as catchers for the unwary , when an additional dollar or two will
secure a man's suit that's got the material in it for service ,
that's got some style to it and necessitates but one purchase where
at least three would be required to secure the same satisfaction
in trash.
and Children's ' Suite.
In this department we're a little crowded , and for
$2 , $2.50 , $3 , $3. 50 and $4 ,
"You can secure knee pant suits with all the style and appearance of
suits tiiat cost twice the money elsewhere. You'll see lots of life in
our children's 'lepartment. It don't take long to educate the people
to know a bargain from a bait. The bargains are here ; come and
get 'em.
Hot weather clothing and furnishing goods in every department
at correct prices for modern styles.
" " "
i.f. .
'Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Sts.
( Money cheerfully refunded when goods do not satisfy. )
( Send for Ilustratod Catalogue. )
Sfe § > . Today .jy.e' place on sale in our Men's Clothing Department the
greatest snap. in.the } way of a suit of clothes ever offered , to the male portion
tion ot this comfminity , when we will sell Five Hundred Genuine All
Wool Fancy , Scotch-Cheviot Sack Suits , in all slzes..fronr 34 to 42 , cut ,
made , lined andtrinimed way up in "G ; " suits that-never should see a
mark under .the : Tenr-Dollar notch , at Five Dollars > Tsuit. \
As a.c6mpanion picture to the suit sale we , will'also put on sale
today Five KiindtetL-Fancy Pique , Marseilles andvDuck Vests , in all
sizes from 33 to 42 in all sorts of checks , plaids , stripes and figures , in all
sorts of light handsome colors , either single or double breasted , with
handsome pearl buttons. Not a vest in the entire lot worth a cent under
a dollar , and from that on up to audollar and a half , rail in one grand lot
all at the one .uniform price of Fiftyv Cents each. We can't give you the
earth for half a dollar , because JayjGould owns it' ' , but'this comes mighty
near to it.
1316 Doug-las Street , Omaha , Neb.
grmluato In mertlclno in diplomas ibow. U HUI treating with the
10 a. m.'to 1) m. btnij Um'p ( or Itpif ,
uninly ( or all Iti. ;
unnatuir ! rtlKc-h l KCJ and
prlv Uull u a odiien. A
certain cunt for tl ) - ilt-blll-
tatliijr weukueea peculiar
Irrticrlboltand fooltata
In r comnj udluc H W
orglverell Mlko lr. IMercel Afagnello KlMtlo
rruii. " Ithairumlttiouiandal If you vrmittte
IlUaT.iendAoluntainpa toffteel'arojiUltt.'Vo. I.
MaMtlo lilwUoTruji Co. , Uia fcrui. < ; UcVi Vt
Baud's Opera House ,
Coiameiicliii ; Tuesday , June D.
Grand Product on of
The County Pair ,
Presented Exactly as nt tbo Union Square
Thoutre , Now VorU. where It has been thu per
manent attraction for thros joirs. :
The Union Square Company.
Thu Kimnliia Horse llaue ,
820,000 exploited un the stage In this produc
C'ofncr JJth and 1'arnani Streets.
The WrCHtlliiL' Hours.
Tlio Koyul Hi.llan Gypsy Hand.
Tlio Dailies , In Karcot'iimcdy.
IJIok Juvln ! , the Irish NlKhliiKalc.
Bol tftono. Hit ! Mullieniatleal Marvel , and a
host of Sketch Artists.
A I'roirtiitjlo Hour of Amusement.
HHifrnu , Cot : 1-ttli nnd
irttie. moat aultHtantlnllu constrnctcil
Hotel Jlutlttiiift in Vinnhit. liei'arnl
licavu tirlrl ; jlre irultH rttintliio foiii
bnaeinent to roof. All the cetllnux < niit
tlooi-ulliH-il trltk AubcHtus fire proa/
ititnriintlsliiu it itnjtoHNititv to hunt
ytildt. f ire p cape * < m * / ' ' tilariHH
tltrotialiont the uitll < llnu > tit f am hunt ,
hot uiul coltl iratur mid minHltint-
eccrunioin. Uciblo itnmii iiisucil tiny-
CAPITALS : 100.000.00
National Bank
Capital , - - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st. 189O , - oa.OOO
onicori anJ IHroclori Henrr W. rat i. I'roililonti
I.cwl > . Hood , Vlco-l'roMdont ; Jamas W. Sarmo. W
V.Morio , John B. Co III in. 1U 0. OuiUInx J. N. U
faulck. W. U. a Hume' , cuililor.
Corner 12th aud Karnam.-iti
A GenerallluuUliuHii lno Tnuisaot8U
Graduate Dentist.
A Full Sot of Tooth on Uubhar ,
( or HVIJ Kol.l.Aiis. A porfuit
ntuunrnnlovd , Tuuthiixtracto ]
without l"iln at ilaiiKiir. unl
without nnnOJtlietlca. ( JolU iinJ
> llvor nllliiin nt lniro.1t niott.
llrldfa ninl Crown Work. Toutli
without ulatua All wort wur-
Unlrniicc , IClU itrcot elevator. Opun
UDIII3 o'clock.
n.r laitr. end tnmi | and K t ffi'o inmpln
kiirfo of I.yuinn Oak l < cuf ppuctllo for l' -
I mtlo Troiib | i itml lxiic < irr'ui , thu mint no-
I cetidil fuiunlu rcuirdr ttror mild. You H 111 M > O
I Ihouxcollacit ortci-t allor takliiK thu llr.t troitl-
I inent , H.UJ at druuKl.H or 1 } mull.
DOGUTA boil anil onlr capiulu prutcrlbaj iir
totalni [ lUr'ltlani for Ilio curd of
Oooorboia and dltcbaritaf from tba urlnarf ornuui
BC < julr 4. ll.Wytir bux.
"i r J * - .
3EAUTYofPoLIS. . . -
Morotlian 15 TC.IM riporlenco In Ilia troifuaat ol
A euro guaranteed In 3toi ( lnr , wltliont liolonof
un linur'a tlmo.
The mo t complete ninl nb'iiluto euro for gleet nnd
iillnnnorliiuilliicharitoj orur known to the inoitlcal
profession. I'Drnnnoiitljcuroil In fromitolj dajJ
Or pnlnlnrcllcTlnir the M.iiMor enrol without pilrl
or Instrunieiilj. no cnttlnit. no illlniliiif. Thouioil
rcmnrknbloremedy knoivn to modern solflnco.
rtircd In m to JO iliyaDr. . .Mcdrow's trcntment tot
llili terrible blood ilhc.i 10 h.t been pronounnvl tb4
nin t iiccoj3ful ri'iiioilr ovcT illicoveri'il for the HO
nluto euro of llio ill ui o. Ilia nuccoti withliilJ
ill enso liiii noror been oqiulle I. A oumplutti cura
noin.nll wonlini9. e9 of tl o totiml oivin : , norvom.
Anil tlnilillty nnd do poinlcnc ) nljjohuely cutoj.
Tli urc'lluf Ij an. ) coiuplotti.
nnd nil ill-on'Oi of tlio blooJ , llror , klilncrs , nn4
bladder purmnnently cilro.l.
Tlio doctor < "IIoico Troatinont" for ladles Is pro *
noiiiiced bjr all who have nvul It to be thu incut com *
plt'toiind convt'iilcnt reiiRvly uvur oiTcred for th
treatment of ( eiuilodl : oi < u < . U N truly n woildorlul
remedy. Hours fur ladles . from 2 to 4 only.
Marvellous niirccss In the treatment of private dli.
casus has won for him n it-putntloti which li trulp In character , nn.l his army of patlcnu
reaches from the Atlantic to the I'aHllc. Thu doctVf-v
Is n ( 'raduate of "rotfular" medlclno nnd hai liny
IOIIK anil careful o porl ncn In ho-pltal practice ,
nnd Is classed nmonjr the icadlni ; dpccialtst ! * In mod.
ern Kclonce. Treatment by eorreflpondenee. Wrlla
for circulars about eich of thu nbOTO illsoaso ) , froou
Ollico , 14th and Fnrnam Streets , O
Nob. Entrance ) on cither strust.
The Original and Genuine
Imparts the moat delldoua taste and zoat tO
TLEMAN nt Mid-
ns. to hlft brother PJSIjt ,
May.1861. HOT & COLD
that their HJUICO la
lilt-lily esteemed in
Imlla , Miilinin my
opinion , tlio moat WELSH-
palatable , as well
an tlio inofit wliclc. HAUKIUTH.
tome n&uca that li
Eewarejrfjmtations ;
see that you get Lea & Pen-ins'
Signature on every bottloof Original & Genuine.
from which the excess of
oil has boon removed , la
\Absolutcly \ Pure
\anditis \
No Chemicals
nro used in Its preparation. It has
more than three times the strength ot
Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , nnd is therefore far moro
economical , costing less than one cent
a cup. It is delicious , nourishing ,
strengthening , EASILY DIGESTED ,
and admirably adapted for invalids
ns well as for persona in health.
Sold by Croooru ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO , , Dorchestor , Mass.
Lot uiiotliuriiuin pruihi'tlicu. iinil iinltlilna
nun iniMitli. A RtrniiKcr and not thino nwa
lips , " Itnv. OiMirs'ti Mlliiir. < urlilo luwiii Hnyi
Anthony Jacobs , Hlilnoy. Juwni llnv J.V. .
Cm tor. I'ldiiHant ( Inin ) . lo a ; llov ! - . I' .
I'arry. CVdurltiiulds Ii-wii , ltiW | , II. Ulo *
L'lnvcnwortli , lv ti"iiii Hi > I T Mumfiirili
Kiiifit-on , Inwu ; ituv , J W Outliuiiit , Knior-
son. Inwiii Uuv. ( illiiiun 1'uiliiT. Kniorsnn ,
lnw.i ; lion.'I' . J. Alml , IK'uiitur ' , MliioNV. ; .
A Htrmiraiini'll lllulTH. lowu. Wliuu xuul |
tr.un IIH tlio ulxivr luivc islvini Iliulr ti'xtlinont
iiils in prulsu of MOOIU'M 1'iro < if l < lfo nnd the
Ic-inlliu wliolu ulu ilrinc lioustH my th-r liuva
Klvuii ( Jiitlio hiiltsfiuHliiii who to Hi'-y liuvii
IM-UII sold , wluit but'.cri'vliloiii'o iluymirntitT
Why hhoulil you Riiirnr wluui ynuciin bu uiireu
by ilsltiK Mo3n'H'I'ifdof | I.Kn
Mooro'i Tioaof I.lfa. n | io inro cura for KMnof
ami l.lrer ( miipl ilnt uiKlult Uou | < tilfifvi i. I > o9i II
nr lo iniTor nliuu roil can hi curml Or uiloMo'Ao'a
Tri-oof Ufa. tiiuurou l.lfu Ituiuoilri ' s.
OMAHA Semi for Urcumr orcnllon W.J/ /
II , HIIiil\VOOI ; ) . m Now Yorli
BOHOOL OF , Onaun ,