Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 TJtLEJ UMAJtLA. JUAJLJL..Y J UJNJfe 10 , 181)1. )
Oocsldorablo Strength Exhibited in Chicago
Wheat , with a Decided Advance.
New York Ceronls Clone Ijower In
I'rlocH on Fuvorablo DoincHtlc
Ctop Jli'jorts StoukH and
IJomlH 'Mining.
OIIICAGO , Juno 0. Althouah the nheat
tnarxct wobbled a little at the start and
teemed dUpcsrd to sell elf and did declines
Konin for thu opening , the feollnc gradually
chanxod to ouoof Btioiislb and there was a
very decided advance , though all of the Im
provement was riot held. After the close of
the board yesterday a dispatch was * shown
around to the cITcct that the French senate
hnd amended the lower house bill reducing
the tariff on wheat so as to niako It RO Into
clfect ut once Instead of AUKIIHI I. and that
ony ! the iiMscntof the lower house was needed
to put the reduced tariff Into effect. On this
Intelligence the price of calls wan advanced
on the curb. Thu consiiuonco ! | was a ( Inn
opening this inornlnu at an nilvniicn of 'fcc
over thu closlnc price yesterday In spite 01 the
fact that prices were lower at Liverpool.
There wcto. however , frco offerings appar
ently by persons seeking to make a soft
market to buy on. The consequence
was that July , which opened at I'S r ,
tjulckly Fold off to UT'.c. This was
followed by good buy Ins : for Now York and
local account. An advancoinovcmont set In
and the shorts loiiin to cover. White , Cot-
tiell. Mlllnilnc , llcrgmun and Schwartz &
Dupce led the buying. About the sumo time
private cables reported cold and Wet weather
In Franco , InjnrliiK the already poor pros
pects for the crop and also reported liljior
prices thoro.
Thn Associated press dispatch ( | iuitlnB the
IliiMilcn olllclnl report as putilni ; the wheat
crop of that country below thu average as-
sited the upward movement. The price ad
vanced Irregularly to llOc. thougn tralis.ictlons
at the top wejo limited. The docldeil appre
ciation In values started a fr < ; o roill/lm
iiiovoincntnnd liberal thortselllng. Tilt seli-
cr- were assisted In breakliiK the market by
the r < oirti'd heavy Increase In the amount of
wheat and Hour on ocean possigc. making tno
( jimntlty the lar.-cst on record. In ad
dition a dispatch from Minneapolis
reported that the ciop prospects In
the Hod river valley exceeded anything
ever known before. Tlio Dakotas and Kansas
al ( > o hcnt In bearish crop reports. Under
these Influences there wasa decline tolis e
In the lust hour and with some minor fluctua
tions near the close , the icsult of covering hy
hhortH , the market closed steady at thoprlco
lust named.
Corn oponcd strong In sympathy with an
advance of Md In price at l.Ucrpool , but
weakened under free nolllug by local tra < lur.s ,
rallying acaln , however , with wheat. July
started at.VCjo ngnliist.'iOo at the close yes
terday , sold off toSUc. nml then took a sharp
upturn when the estimates for tomorrow
came In , Miowlng light expected receipts.
July udviiuccd tofio. ! ) There wtis realizing
on tno way up and the boars took udvantitRO
of the situation to weaken values by otrerlnu
Inr e amounts without Milling much. Tlio
pi lee broke badly near the close am : closed
Btiady ut ftS c.
Outs started weak aH4c for.July , soon fell
to J.IJJc. but on other gr.ilns hhowlin ; so much
strength advanced to < 4'6c ' , then toward the
close InoUe with corn and closed at4.'l30c ,
W thin ! Jo of tlio bottom juice.
Provisions were quiet with narrow fluctua
tions. Armour. Poole and Shcrmnn did most
of the buy-jug of pork. Options snow the fol
lowing losses at the elo-so cOmuared with final
Jlgutes yesterday : Pork , ir > c ; lard , So ; ribs ,
7 } c.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
Cash iiuntatlons were as follows :
I1 i.otiu Dull and nominally iinvlinnRCCI.
WIIUAINO. . a sprlnp wheat , lJS ) ! > Uc ! No. : i
iprliig wheat. ( r > © ll7o : No. 2 red , U9J4ill.OOy.
CoiiN No. : > , Be.
HYE No. 2 , We.
IlAiit.EY No. 2 nominal ; No. 3 , February , 71ci
No. 4 , February. 04iflc.
KI.AX SKED No. l , 11.12.
TIMOTHY SEIH : I'rlmo , $1.27l.21.
MESS I'oiiK I'ar barrel , 8lWu10.3' ) > i lard ,
per cwt. , $ .10 ; short ribs slilcs ( lociso7iir5 ) ( dry halted shoulders , ( boved ) , ;
short clear sides , ( boxed ) . Jtl.20iJ < I.a > .
WIIIBKY DIstllleis' llnlbhod goods , per gal
lon , ft. It ) .
8UOAII Out loaf , unuhiinuod ; granulated ,
unchanged : standard "A , " unchanged.
Receipts iiiul shipments tojay woru as fol
lows :
Now York MnrkctH.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 0. Ki.ouu-Kecelpts. 40,851
packages ; exports. l.VJil barrels , 4aui saoUsi
market unchanged , moderately active , clos
ing easy ; anles , IVVK ) barrels.
CniiN MuAL-rirm , demand steady ; yellow ,
WHEAT Itccolpts , OO.noo bushels ; exports ,
P.llG biuhols : sales , : tOIO,00) ) bushels of fu
tures ; I.S'J.OOJ ' bushels spot. SuotmiirUet fairly
active , chlclly o.xpurt. No. S rod. ifi.osi ! ®
] .t8 > i In store mid elevator ; JI.O ! < J.I.O'.i'a {
f(1 ( , SW ; ® JllUy f > ? u' ! " "Rradtd red ,
II.IO ( © 1,12.1 ; No. I northern to nrrlvo , tl.ll :
No. 1 harfl to arrive. tfl.lSK. Uiitlona aU-
vancod early H'tilUuon I'ronch ItigNhalon In
regard to a repeal of duty , and rouort of il.iin-
auo to Jiussian crops ; opened H'ie down
and closed sti'iulv at MMe under yesterda
with thoiuactlon due to favorable
cropieportn. No. 8 red. .lime. * l.07Ml.l'8' ' ,
oluxliiK lit tl.08 : July , * 1.00' © l 07U , closing at
Il.tO. ' . ; AuxiiHt , Jl.im4tai.oi ! . . eloslms at $ l.oi ; ;
Boptoniber , l.OJffll.OJ . closing utll.OlU ; Ou-
tobor , J1.03ril. ; iJ ( , closing at JI.O.IJ4 ; Noveni-
bor ll.OI'iffll.OI.1 ; , closing at.l.04'i ; Docembur ,
ll.04iI.WJ ? , . closing at SI.OIXs May , ( Iblr,1) ) ,
ll.OhhSl.OH. closing ut l.08S.
IIAULUY Dulll Uanadlun country iiiiulo.
COIIN jtpcelpts 10.7M bushels ; exports ,
C0. ll bushels ; sales , 612.000 buhhelsof futures :
IW.OOQ bunhols spot , Sjiot marUut opunuil
higher , closed lower and heavier ; lair trade.
No. 2 , ilflfflOTJjo in elevator ; OTdilkSo alloat ; iin-
Bradeil mixed , ftvawlo. Options advaneuu jia
Jio on llglit olTerliigs , full fil > jo with the
west , and closed heavy at ? < iM4o underyester-
diiyJune , closing , ( UKoi July , M\GtMe , olos-
Ing nt W'ic ; August , ( Uinn'ic. olosln , ; at Ole ;
Euptember. KIMiUl c. atli'lj.c.
OATHUvcolpls , ai > ,000 btisliolsi sales , 170.000
bushels of futures ; 172,000 biibhols ( .pot. Spot
market fairly uctivo. weaker. Options ( inlet ,
ousler. weak , Juno closliiL' , tui u ; July. 411 ©
Mtic. olosliu , 4'V'o ) ; Auiusl,4riJIISiC. elus'ng ,
4lo : beptumher , 40c. closing , 4)c ; snot. No. 2
white , KKi S4ui mixed wosturn , 47 < a.V.'e ; whlto
wostcrii. KGIO ! ; ; No. S Ohtoago , 37c.
Mill's lullHtondyKtatocoiumontooholco ) ; ,
S.Viii2.o ; I'aolllo coaht , 'J.ViW2o. ! ;
Corrtu : Options opened barely stoudy at
6 ® 10 paints deollne , elosixl steady , unchanged ,
ttnU'B. 2.\00a baga , Including June. Hi.Mj ( ) July ,
1111.4 Q1K.4. ; | Aiu-ust , IIJ.KXTfil.V03i Fcptembur ,
J15X 1.\I,1 ; October , ( H.hOdtiU.M ; Ducoiuber ,
H4.10 < ii.l4A'Spot Itlo , dull ; fair cargoes , JUUHJ ;
MaylbtK ( ) , | 7.0.
tiiioAii ltuw , ( itilot , about steady ; sales ,
7.427 bagscentrUugui. W test , ntia-iuu : lo'Now
York , nml A.OOU baga of thu same to lloston ut
the muim prk'u ; rullned , dull , easy ,
MIII.ASKUS Korolgn. dull at 12'u for M test
In hognheads. New Orleans 'inlet , steady.
Hiou- Dull , stoudy.
rKTttot.KiiM Quiet , stuudy ; untied closed ut
CSUu for July.
TAI.I.OW Uulot ; city ( I-.CO for pligs ) , JI.27.
UOSIN Quiet. Me idy.
Dull , hteady.
wuktorn. lulio. Itcoipta.
Wool , 'Ilull , easy : domestic lleeco , I
liullo'l , 10 Uo ) ; Texas 17&2le.
I'oilK Qulot , unchangt'd ; old mess , flO.M ®
1I.5U ; now muss , tU'.ooOi . &o ; extra prtmo ,
C'ur MBATH Dull ; sternly ; middles , ( julot ,
\l nji |
liAUDVeuK ; inoderata donuind ; western
uto.iui , t < : sales , i.ius tlurccs ut Jk ViM.t1. " ; .
Uptlon Kuloi , & .7.VJ lloroes ; July , :
closing atJfUT ; Aiwiut. W.K. , i-loslug at NUsi
biO id ; b'oiitember , < < J.a iiU.GI , cloning ut ftlUO blut
O ctober , W.70.
ilUTTKU-Bloady , inoUorately active ) wcnt-
ern dairy , lliTMOo ; weRtern creamery ,
western factory. 1151U'ici Elglns , 10o.
( 'itirai--yiilct ; : , cany : pnrtnUlmc. 4(3So. (
I'lO IltON-QuIot ! American. II8.00B18.SS.
Cot'i'Eit rirnii lake June. Him.
I-v.'Ali toiiily : doiucgtlc. tIM.
TlN-QuIetj gtralglita , til.W.
KANSAS CITV , Ma. Juno o.-l-'t.ouH-pull.
unchanged ; fiiiully , (1,1SI,3S ; choice , ll , * > o
l.W ) ; fniiov. | t.ra tl.tV > ! extra fancy. fl.SOt half
palrnt , fl.iririM.iirii patent ,
WHEAT Quiet : No. 2 hard , cash , Ole ; June ,
Ole iiskcdi .No. 2 ted , cash , D2c. ,
Coim-atronKor ; No. 2 caih,574 ! < a.Ho ! Juno ,
OAT3-Qulot ; No. 2 cash. 4lie ! bid ; June , 44o
bid. . . .
Ilt'Trnii Sllt'iidy. unchangnl ; crOnmory , 12
( SlJo ; store , MJICc ; dairy. li > Sio : ) ; packing , 0 ®
I.'ons-Flrni at ll4e. ! . . . . _
CiiKESE-Hteitdy. unchanged ; northern. 10 ®
I0 > io ; young American , 10IOio ! ; western ,
ftic' ! sklmiiicd , 4S je. ,
IIAV-I'Mnu ; fancy , JIO.OQflll.OO ; other grades
unclitingcd , ,
1'ltoviHioNS Steady unchanged ; ignri'iiriyl
mcatR. hami , OBlOc ; breakfast b.icou , nl(0 ( ;
dried beef hanm. lOc , PrV salt iticatf ,
? c ; lo
\Voor < Dull , unchanged ! MKsdiirl. un-
wailted , heavy fine. lltSlii. ! light Hue , liiCl'c" ! '
medium , 2tX < i22cr ICansas heavy line. lll.c ! ;
llaht lino. UfdlOc ; low and carpet , ( > T5llc. 'l'"b
washed , , WltSX * ! , ' medium , : VJ&'i2c ; dliuy
and low , , < &yt ? .
HKCKII-TH Wheat. 27i03 : bushels ; corn , 2,003
bushels ; oats , 40J bushels ,
MIII'.MI.NTH : Wheat , IJ.OOO bushels ; corn.
24,000 huslicK
Ijivi-rpoi , ! MitrlcetH
ItvKitfoouluiicO.-WiiKAT Kocelpts for the
past three dajs were ( W.tOO centals , Including
4i.noo : American.
COIIN Steady doiiniiKli mined American.
! > sid percental. Kt-ci'lptM of American wheat
the past tlirco days were 21. SCO centals.
I'KAS Canadlnn , llrm ,
I.Aitn I'rlmo western , Ills ( id per cwt.
Wheat Market.
. . , Minn. , Juni1 9. Iluslncss for
No. 1 northern wheat active and prices
higher ; low grades dull. Kecclpts. 104 Cars ;
shipments , K > e rs. C'lnso : No. I hard , June.
tl.Ol ; on track , Jl.OI'/J'ftl.'fi ' ' : No. i iiorthi-rn ,
.Mine. SI.02 ; July , J1.02el814 ? ; on traik. * 1.0i
(141.0214 ( ; No. 2 northern , June , OOu ; on track.
UOc < 3. l.i.O. _
St. Ijouls .Markets.
ST. I.otits , Mo. , Juno 0. WHEAT Firm ;
cash , flSUo : July , lll'ic.
COIIN IllEhor ; cash , f > Gc ; July , fll 'c1-
OATS Kaslur ; cash , IGo ; July. 40c asked.
roiiK-oniot ; ia7.\ :
I/Aim Kasler : SS.C5.
ItUTTEii Unchanged.
\ \ HlsKV S1.10.
Milwaukee Market * .
MIMVAUKEE. WIs. . Juno 0. WHEAT Easy ;
No. 2 spring , cash. Me ; July , 03c.
CollN Firm : No. 3 , Glo.
OATS Stonily : No. 2 whlto , 48o.
Clnoliuiutt Markets.
CINCINNATI. O. , Juno 9. WHEAT Easier ;
No. 2 red. $1.03.
Cons Firm ; Na 2 mixed. (14W ( ( > c.
OATS Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 48JiIOc.
WnisKrJllL (
Toledo Markets.
Tor.Eno. O. . June 9. WIIBAT Easier ; cash
and June. ? 1.02J { .
COIIN Steady ; cash and Juno , COi-Jo.
OATS Quiet ; cash , 4 , " > ! 5o.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 9. The street h still In a
waiting attitude. Tiio market , today was
very dull and unlnturcstlng fbr the "rnllroad
list outsldo of the few shares which were in
cluded by special causes , and the whole at
tention of the tru lors was concentrated upon
the Industrials. The meeting ef th j directors
to act upon the question of the dividend wus a
source of strength to sugar and the announce
ment of the dividends was followed by fur
ther Improvement. ChlcijO d is followed
with u inoro limited fluctuation , The ship
ment o"f gold-today by August Itolmont ft Co. ,
while It hud HOIUO InlluunCo upon the general
list , was used principally aalnst Louisville &
Nashville , as the traders were dispose : ! to re-
gaid the shipment as evidence that the cli
ents of the house on the other sldo
had lately been sellers of the stock ,
and free offerings were followed by a
material decline In the value of the
stock. Of the rest of the railroad
slocks , the coal shares were looked upon with
loss favor tmm the olliors , and both Lacka-
wnnnu and Jersey Central , were depressed on
light trad I M. . The general market showed
tlio pathetic condition of opera tors' minds , and
while .St. Paul , as usual , Atchfsoii fol
lowing , showed sonio animation , their move
ments throughout the day were devoid of In
to test. There Is a disposition manifested to
again bank upon the .Inly disbursements and
many houses are looking foruur.l to that date
to .seo some revival of the demand for bonds
which seems to bo lacking , at present , and the
absence of such domnnd Is ono of the depress
ing Influences In the stock murkot. The open
ing of the market this i.iornlng was made at
some decline from laht night's llgorcs , except
In Industrials , which were all slightly higher
and made further Improvement In the early
trading. A heavy tone marked the dealings
In the regular list throughout the day. and
the attack upon Louisville dropped that stock
1 per cent , though u largo portion
was recovered , before the close. North
western wus the * weakest point In ttio
li t. however , selling ex-dividend of a per
cent It retired 14. per cent at the close , and
the coal stock followed , though a late rally In
Ijiiekiiwnnna recovered most of the loss In
that stock. The rest of the list remained
within the narrowest limits ihrougnout the
( lav , oven St. I'aul lluotuatlng over a range of
only 54 percent. The market llnally closed
dull and steady , hut generally at i-oino frac
tional lo.ssesof the day. The adv , net's In the
Industrials were on the same scale , however ,
us a Into weakness neutralised u largo pro
portion of the Improvement of the morning.
The final chimgos of Importance Include only
losses of IJi In Northwestern , nnd 1 per cent
each In Jersey Centr 1 and Louisville.
There was the usual trading In
railroad bonds and while the silos reached a
comparatively Inrio number of Issues , there
was-no movement , and a heavy tone In strict
conformity with that In shares prevailed , All
are lower , but the Importiintchiinges as Uhiial
are only among those Issues which are only
occasionally reported , The total business was
on y M" > 8. 00.
Government bonds were dull and steady.
State bonds were entuely neglected.
Petroleum continues neglected. The open
ing today was steady at ' { o decline , but al
though lower olTurs wore made , no other
transactions occurred , and thu closing wus
dull. Pennsylvania oil , Jn'.v ' option , opened
ntOSUc. Total sales , 2,000 barrels.
Tnu following uro thoclosingiiuotutlons for
the loading stocks on the Now York stock ex
change todays
The total MiloH of htocki today were lill.WI
shaics Including : Atchlson. ,5.1I ; Delaware ,'kawaniui At Westtirn , UI/JDli l.oulsvllle it
Nashvll c , ; St. Paul , KUITO ; Union Pa-
cllk' , f3 ; Norlhern Puolllo preferred , 4.4W ,
NEW VOIIK. Juno a The Post nays : The
exports of oven JMJ.OOO of gold In tha present
condition of tno excliango market continues
to ovcllo a grout deal of comment and
suggest theories of ilnanclal noceNsltles
In l.uropu for gold to sustitln cmllt.
The shipments of gold and the stilu ot duiuiind
bills against It utt I. b7 implies a loss of H8-100
of 1 pur cunt on thodgllur , uud to olTset this It
would rcqulro that thu gold should i > ell In Lon
don for a premium of ! l pence ou thu ounce , or
say ut the price nnu * . S * d.
The Money Murkot.
New YODJC , Juno e.-Uo Ki o CALL Easy ,
ranging from3' ( to 3 per cent ; Inst loan 3
PIT cent , closed offered at U percent.
PimtF. Mr.iujANTir.r. PAPEII SiJ ® " per cent.
t-TKHMNfl BXCIIANOE-QlllOt Rtld WPAk lit
ei.81'4 ' for sixty-day bills and $ I.87M fordo-
iimntl ,
The following were the closing prices on
bonds :
II ink ClunrimocB.
NKW VOIIK , .Tiinu O.-Cloiirlngi. $113.241,000 ;
balances , { . " > 10 ! > r > , ( vsi.
llAi.Ti.MOitr ; , Md. . .luno 0. Clearings. $2,202-
OViibiilitnccs. $ . | 75D'H. Money , 0 pur cent ,
I'mt.ADH.i'liiA , I'a. . Juno 0. Uloarlnitfl , $10-
OOVWK ! ; balances , JltJl'jl. , ) Mouuy 4li ! per
CINCINNATI. Juno n. Mottoy fl per cent ,
fti.stein , ( iO at7u per cent premium.
Ulcarlngs $ l.lKiHX ( ) .
HOSTO.V. Muss. , JtinoO. Clearings , ( I XII.ftTu ;
biilanees. JI , : > : r.,4TJ. Money. 7 per cent. Ex
change on Now "Vork , ' . ' "c il'scnunt. '
UiiiCAtio , Juno I ) . Kiitcs for money remain
tit . 'iJ ! iii-r cent for cull lo ins mid (1 ( per cent on
time. New Vork oxi'lniiiue. 7SiWOe iiromlum.
Cleat Injt.s , fU.Ti&OUO. Sterling exchange ,
steady : uiil unclmnsod ,
ItoHtoii Stoo i .Market ,
llnsrn.v. Muss. , Juno 0. Tlio following were
tlio oloslnr prices on steak ? In tlio Huston
sto.-'k market today :
A Ichl'on , JT Tiipcku. . tU'S ; Calumet A llecla . . . . % ' > ( )
IIo ton , t Albany 8U2J FrnnklUi , 17)- )
do Maine lluron V :
C. . II. Jl'rtf Krarmrno ! ' <
Fltcliliurg II. U . 71) ) ( Hceola 37
Flint AI'ero.M . 17W Qtilncy 103
do p'fil 731. , Santo KaCopper -
MUM. Central IS Tamarack IW-i
MM Cen. cum 18' ' * , Sun Dli'KO Innd Co. . 191 $
N. Y. A N. KiiKland. . S.TU\VcJt { Knit l.auil Cede
do 7 118)1 ) lloll Telephone I'.KJ
Old Colony Hit Lnmson Store S 15 ]
WK Cent com 18 IWnlcr 1'onor 2
Alluiirr Mill C'u ( new ) n'O..M ' | | 15
Atl.mtlo IS .N. K. T 50
Boston A Mont 44 111. A , II. C 15
Bank of lOnjjIand ilullion.
LONDON. Juno 0. Amount of bullion KOHO
Into the liank of England on balance today ,
x'ti ,0 0.
Paris tiontCH. ,
PAIIIS , Juno 0. Tineo per cent rentes , 03f
Sliie for the account.
Heaver ; > Iiiiiii < _ r Stocks.
DENVEII. Col , , Juno . Prices on the min
ing exchange today closed an follows :
Alleghnny 20 JuUIco 1.1
Amity ; t Lenal Tender 4
Argonaut IB I.lttlo Hulo. , . . . . .k. 108
Ilnllaral DO Mutctilofs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Smuggler < 4 May Maroppa 124
ni.igkok i llornlnuOlliu 47
Ilitfi Hunter 10 Ore , 11'4
ll\x \ Indian 114 1'ay lloclc , . . 2U
HlgSlx 4 1'otosl fi ;
IlrovFiitow 16 I'.irk con. . . . . . . 1T (
Calllopo 42 Hood National ' 6U
Century llu Itl.ilto 103
Clay County 13 llimnlnij J.oclo 23
Caihluir aj { Leavcnrrorth. . . . . . . 14
Diamond II 7Ui JolmJ. pfd 5M
Denver ( Ins & OIL. . . 5 I'litzler fi
Kminons , . 2j Claudia J SIJ1
( ioldjl rims tire 2J ( jBttynburg. j 15
San Franolsoo Mining Quotations.
SAN FUA.VCISCO. Gala. , June O.-Tho olllclul
closliig ( [ iiot-itlons for mining stocks toauy
were as follows :
" " " ' "
llulner./ . .
Hen A llcl
He die Com
Chollar . .
Con. Cala. „
Crown I'olut
1'urokn Con
( ionlil , t
Hale A . '
Mexican ,
St Louis Mining Quotations.
ST Louts , Mo. , Juno 0. The mlnliiK market
was brlslr today and a niiiuhor of transfyiB
were made. The following bids were made on
call :
Aztec , lo Mountain Key 47
Illmctnl . . .337,1 M llreen W
( irnnltoMountaln..2J75 Sliver Age 170
Little Albert M Kllzabeth ! . . . . " UO
Montrose. . . . . 60 Yuma S7M
Now York Mining Quotations.
yoits , June 0. The following are the
nlnlii stoQlc quotations :
Allco lij Horn Sliver 240
AdnmsCon Ifi5 Iron Silver 10J
Aspen 200 I'lymouth . . . . 250
Con. Col. & Vn ! > 50 Pnvngo I'M
Kureka 350 Sierra Nevada. . , , , . . 1085
Deadwor.d . . . . . 110 Union Con.i 200
Hale A Norcross. . . . 200 VellowJacket 215
Homcstako 1b. > 0
Trn < le la New York , * ,
NEW Yottic. Juno 0. IIubt > ard , l > rlco & Co.
say : The trading today has not been largo ,
and the close Is bteady at a decline of 4 to 5
points. Tlioru hns been a general disposition
on the purt of most oporutors to aw.-jlt the
publication of the government report , which
will bo Issued at r.oon tomorrow. It is gqn-
orully expected that it will Ulscloso a condi
tion at least 4 percent under lust your , and
should It bo no worse thuh this the imirKct
will probiilny bo found to have discounted It
In the advance of yesterday. Tlio movement
of the crop Is enormous anil HI ruibsostlio ex
pectations of oven the most Banijuliio boar ,
and the rallying power of the 111111561 oven
with thostlmuliiutof the poor eiopaccounts
Is seriously hampered by the rtecuhiulatlnij
* Hoston Wool ainrk'dtf " ' " "
HOSTON. Juno 0. Tim demand for wool con-
tlniic to bo conduct ! to smillJots./and In this
wuy there la a fair . .mount of 'trade. Now
woo H uro arriving with mure freedom * und
sales luivo been miido of line terrlfory On the
Imsis nf ( ' ' TI.IM ; linn medium , ( KKi li''c , unjl med
ium , r > , V3..7u now Texas mill" Otlllforrifd- wools
ijulct ; Ohio ttnd I'ennsylvanl.i llueces In mod
erate demand at Me f or X andtlU ; ( Ko.forX.\ ;
.Mlchl''itM X fleeces uro olTeretl at 28ffiH ;
washed , combing and delaine lleccyMmlet and
firm at pluvious prices , anu unwiihlied comb
ing wool In 11 lit reiiuost ; pulled wool sells
steadily at 4J4r > c for choice snpoM. > wOi8o : for
fair to good supers , and ! Qi"u for extras ;
Australian wools are In good duniand at D5
@ 4io ; ! , as to quality. '
HAVANA , .TunoO. Spanlsh gold * J.jli32.37li. ;
( Julot ; TOO lines molasses puuar , ' 93
de.'iurs polarUatlon , were sold at 4S.U. ' gold
per quintal.
lalk.- ' *
ST. Louis. .TiinoO. I.atigenburj ; Ilrothors to
CocUroll llrothers. The following was the
range of prices on the July option at thlsipolut
today :
COMMOIUTTl Open. | Ulitli. | Cloao. | Vojt.
July [ U DIM
July 40 40 40
CIIIGAUO , Juno 0. I.ogan & Co. t < J Tonoray
k llryan : Wheat opened with consldorablo
pressure to sell. Thu llrst transautlona woio
lit about ! Mo for July. Some free covering by
shorts turned the mailiot ; this with advices
of heavy purchases In New York for foreign
account unused the early sellers to becoiuu
buyers and the market advanced tou87ic.
UealUln'i by holders gave us ado < * llnonud the
market closed at UsJiQUSiJ. The foivlgu cables
tire alt dull and lower , Increasing
Hiipplles and liner weather. Our own crop ad
vices are all that coald be looked
for , but , untilvo are Into harvest
wo do not e\ec.t | ) much If any de
cline. The demand fur Khiiiiuent east
continues and all cash oIlorltiRsarn absorbed
tit 9 toil cents over.I uly. The government report
port line tomorrow It IH expected will shown
groiitly Increased uvruaiu nnd some estimate
of n hut our total yield will he. We Mo not
look for It to bo as high In condition as last
month. Corn opened at 5Uti for July with u
goo.l deal of uvulteuient , sold up to SUV , Thu
closing prleo Is .Vii. ! Until receipts Increase
It will bedlllluult to establish much decline.
Oats , fairly ucuvo , July closed 4i : ? . Hog
pruduuta wouk , n deolino of v0 ! cents on porl <
? cunt son lard and ribs. The liquidation has
been heavy.
OiiiCAH ( ) . Juno 0. Schwartz , DUPOO& Mo-
Cortuluk , Chicago , to K. U.BwartCo : Thoio
\NIIM an IncruaAO of I.OW.MK ) lushels In the
amount of wheat on passuuu , cables were
lower , thueUlmr ; line and thu eiop reports
favoraMu , A uniwd at Now York , piesiim-
ably laigelv uhort here. WIIH Inclined liowever
to cover. lt < purchases aggievatcd jiosblnly
T.Vl.WH ) bnsht'ls. advuucetl prk'ex frauttonally
mid cloM'il them Hnmuwhiit over Monday. The
Now YorKurs were Inlluunccd probably hy
news wliloli iMisonhand lute Miuuluy relat
ing to largo charters huro ovor4 > , iOl btibh-
i'ls and to the pass'ivo by thu I'roneli wn-
atu of u bill ruduuliiK uhuut duties.
Uniuusttonnbly | too shorts have bt > en
moved wimowhat by tomorrow's government
report , conciMiilug which thcro u KOIIIO un
certainty. Thcro has been within thruo
\sueUs an lnureit > u In thoumountof wheat on
of 7.0-0,1X4) and there Is now alloat.
dt'stlni'd for Kuiope , the enormous itgxregii
of 4I.MKK.o ) ( : biiHhelii. In corn thu bullnere
elated at the mudernte v r loin , 402 , and at the
niiiiili estimates for Wednesday. Under the
mniiliiulation which hus boon everted here
whenever thu opportunity olTured price * were
advanced ? i of a cent. Thuru followed a
iiutuk reaction. Uecelven tinlay report
loud I us a In the country much larger ,
the result uiu.ucstlonably of better
weather , Ono of ttio largest recelror * irai1
. today onoof Umlicst,5o4lorso ( fuliinio. Sain-
I tiles wcroatrntu lint 4lrt < iiot otonont the top.
1 Our innrkct will scllotriliiirply with uny pros-
pcctof liiercjisltin ronorntti. The movement
. of onts In rolutlvcly frtnr tlinn Hi til of cornt
I | today cars. 4IVciiiie [ dny citltmite. 1M. Tlio
. ruins arc iirnvliifr tno'Htcini'llclnl. t'orwlfftipr *
j nro potting very wonkuni provisions. It lins
I been thuirHGllliig wliloh i.urlnr tlic pant few
, iliiys lins brought nhoilt thoiloclliio. Knalhlt-
mcn tint reported loader ! wild Inrd mid inoiit" ,
\vt1itrndoiitlinniu crSfitly depressed. 1'ork
tpiliiy dccllno.l Lie. 'Ih'rd ' iiml Him 7)S'Oo. ) '
1'iiohi ri uro ptadlrttiiR sHich n docllno In pro
duct us will foreo n liirRcr consumption.
CiltCAOO , .TiinuO. Rcnnott. llmiklni k Co.
to S. A. MuWlioilor lihCiio clinrtt'rn lioronnd
a possibility that a reduction of the t'rcncli
duty mil-lit BO Into eitrct immediiituly Instead
of Auitust | , tojtutlior iftCh iibullof ciicouripocl
by foroicn tulvlcus'1 tlmt the acrmun
government pill luive to yield to imp-
nlur sentiment ntul reduce the duty
on corcals , Rave ua u gtrong curl ) innrkct In
wheat , July selling lit P8'jo. ' At the opening
there HUB a concerted raid by the boiirs ap
parently to counteract the upwind tendency ,
nnil the prleo was forced down to U7' < o hut
ralllud qulcldy unil'T peed Inlying , and the
market was fiurlv well Biivtalnod most of thu
scsttlon coiis'tlorltig ' the waiikuoBs In otliiir
Solnts. Cables wore caller , wcallior
tie , ana the amount on pussaito
showed mi Increase of ' . ' .000,000 bushols.
India Is shipping heavily , her of ports slnco
April I having been tuoro than double the
amount shipped In thu sumo period last year.
It Is claimed that this Is not duo to a largo
crop , but rapid marketing of the surplus In
duced by .ippreh"iislon that the unllolpated
bumper crop In the United States will depicss
values whenlt begins to IIHMO. Coin has had
an advanuo of over tc In a few days , whlto
most all other products havd stood stl I , This
Is luraoly duo 10 manipulation by a strong
elliio | of bulln. It would seem that
prices had been higher than they
could be successfully maintained and that
shorts on the sharp link-os With stop loss
eiders aftyr showing a profit to jimrd against
manipulation would bo toasoiiably safe. The
languor lately In the provision market gave
way to an nouto break. It was thought a
largo amount of September pork was wanted
at 110.70. but when It was found not so room
traders throw their holdings and outside
onleis came In to sell. What so n..rrow a
market may do from day lo day can only uo
surmised , but we think with continued f-ivor-
aIo | crop prospects thu tendency will bo yet
O.M.1Y/.1 STUCK.
OMAHA. Juno 0 , 1S31.
OATTLC Ofllclal rocoluts of cattle 1,087 ,
compared with 510 yesterday and 1'MH Tues
day of lust week. The inurkot was active and
steady on all desirable grades of benvcs and
butcher stock with commoner grades slow and
weak. I'eedcrs were active and htromrer.
lions Olllclal rocoluts of lions 8,003 , as
compared with yesterday and CMK )
Tuesday of last week. The market was ac
tive and steady to So lower. All sold. The
range of the prices paid was $4.1V3il.i7 : ! { , the
bull' selling at J4.2)iil.p. ) ( : The quality of the
receipts was good. Light (4.1. > ® ; heavy. : ! ; mixed , $1.2.- > ® 1.30. The average
of the prices paid was $ I/.T > ! 4 as compared
with SI.'J7H yesterday mid $ I..UJ ! Tuesday of
last week.
SMKEIOlllclal receipts of sheep 4110 as
compared with 41H Tuesday of last week. The
market was active and stronger. Natives ,
shorn , J.I.OU5.v5 ; western , shorn. $ i.75"i.2j.
Receipts nnd DlHiiosltlon of Stok. .
Oniulal receipts antl dlsoosltlcn of s ooi : as
shown by the books ot the Union stockyards
company for the twouty-four hours endtux at
6o'clock p. in. Juno U , 18)1 ) :
lluyers. Cattlo. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co „ > 1,828
The C. U. Hammond Co. 454
Kwlft A Co U)7 ) 184
Tlio Cudalif I'ncklni ; Co. 113 3,42.1
J. I' . S < julru3 i IKJ.I llothclill It a 84
U. , lockar& ! Dcgcn 1X2
Divls 184
I.ohnmnn A. Unas . : 117
liomliler 202
Ilhoe Ilrothcrt 35. ' .
Shippers and feeder.1 s
Total 1.SJO 7,631
Representative Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Avufr. No. Av. I'r.
" 8UO (4 00 18..U ! < ! MK > 10 19. , 1211 (53.1
l" 1170 4 00 20..1245 n 15 43. , 1310 540
20 : 1010 ,4-15 39. . 1084-5 20 13. . Iii4 : 540
18. . 1007 4 05 7Dr.l-.iG ? .fi 25" 52. . 1210 545
7. 1070 4 80..1170 5 25 Iti. . Ilh7 545
0.Ml. . 1003 4 ' I.ii40 : R 25 59. . 123,1 550
Ml. . 10.V5 4 75 SO .1:145 : 5 25 20. , 1327 550
G. . 1001 4 85 8..Iir > 7 5 25 2:1. : . 1185 555
JO. . 1258 4 E5 11. 1170 5 25 19 , 12W 555
ns. . 1100 4 UO 20..1240 , r > 25 18. . 1328 5 GO
10V1 405 41.1087 r , ' . ' 5 71 :12ir2 : 5 GO
1077 5 00 17..1053 5 25 17. . 1317 5 CO
1241 fl 00 39. . 1274 5 110 28. . ii52 : 5 GO
108J 5 CO 13..1180 530 35. , 1355 5G5
, TO ) 2. . 11.10 2 20 1. , 1053 275
, op 1. . U10 2 20 1430 300
. 8.VS 3 , . 111.1 225 iV 010 300
. R' > 0 1. . 590 2 25 1 ' ' ,1050 300
. UJ2 i. . 10:10 : 3 : t5 1l' . ,12X ! > 350
, 780 11..1027 2 40 3. , 10'M 350
. 00. ) 25. . 1CU 2 45 1 12JO 375
.1140 1..10W 250 5. . 1370 375
1110 1. . 020 2 50 1. , 1180 400
. U15 1. . 070 S 50
, nee 83 2. . 800 3 50 17. 428 380
, 57G bOOil 21. . 070 3 55 ? ' - ' 1057 380
. 475 Oil 15. . 7H4 3 GO 8U7 31)0
18. . 530 12V4 4.6. . 1O3 3 03 19 ! 1041 395
35 1. . 89J U 70
, 2,1 1..I440 200 ,1550 , 3.10
,1210 , 50 1..I4IO 3 15 1840 375
tuuo 50 1..1300 323 1393 410
CAI.VB * .
1. . 200 250 CO. . 107 350 5. . 140 400
1. 280 3 00
No. Av. Pr.
18 steers , Toxans.cornfed . . 870 $1 03
No. Av. dh. Pr , No. Av. Sh. Pr.
3 . . . . 153 $1 00 G7 . . . . .251 100 $125
.75 171 200 4 Ol ) 78. . . . . .22J 120 4 25
77 lb" 200 4 ( )7J ! 71. . . . . .248 415
4 :15 : > bO 4 15 CO. . . . . .210 120 4 25
70 2J1 240 4 15 53 . . . . .200 200 425
70 2 2 2bO 4 15 72. . . . . .25 ' 320 425
82 207 1GI ) 4 15 . .101 40 4 25
b3 170 2bO 4 15 75. . . .258 10U 425
84 211 480 4 17' ' { G5 . .217 80 425
7tf 1W IfiO 4 17(4 ( 07. . . .2U8 120 425
( a 181 80 4 171J 82 . . 1C8 120 425
74 170 200 4 20 . 220 210 4 25
70 . . . .2IG 11.0 4 20 . .220 bO 425
74 2.7 120 4 20 .204 2 0 425
70 211) ) 120 4 20 . .2G.I 240 423
7tf. 215 2 0 4 2J . .223 2)0 ) 423
4 20 18 280 423
82.214 ! ! ' MO 4 20 .104 120 425
111 MM 240 4 20 .231 IbO 425
K4 21S 28) ) 420 . 225 427)4 )
n 254 N ) 4 20 4 274 !
55 IftJ 8J 4 20 4 2.4 !
75 19S bO 4.0 4 27ii
II ' 2(11 ( 4 20 4 27J !
. . „ .Z& 123 4 20 427)4 )
75 .a 100 4 20 4 27)4 )
(15 ( 24 N ) 4 20 4 27M
0) . . . . 213 280 4 20 42D4
0 . . . .14.1 4 20 430
G4 215 1GO 4 20 4:10 :
70 241 120 4 20 430
(12 ( 257 BJ 422" 430
81 181 8J 4 2214 4,0
81 207 200 4 2214 430
70 . . . . 2il 1(1) ( I 43J
70 i 2j"4 120 4 22 ] { . , 04. . 430
77. . .207 120 4 2ji ( , CO. . 430
73 , 253 100 4 25 4.-HI
63 . .217 103 4 25 430
8) ) . . . .lf-0 4 15
GS 214 40 4 2i
GO. , .212 40 4 25
in. 221 I GO 4 S5
78 218 41) 4 23
58 4 25
80. . . . . 'JKI IGO 4 25
. . . ,8. 4) ) 4 25
bO . . . .218 N ) 4 25
W ! . . . 281 2bO 4 25
72 . . . . 'ill 40 4 25
70 . . . ,2i5 : IM ) 4 U3
07. . . . ! i21 MJ 4 25
63. . . . .237 U10 4 25
75 . . . 2:17 : 40 4 25
70 . . . .205 IBO 4 '
70W. . . . .1S1 1(10 ( 4 25
W.W ( - ' M 4 35
No. . .rr Av. I'r.
20tt wchtcrus , mixed..V.H. 110 II bO
Ijlvo HtooH IMurlcot.
OiiiCAni ) , Juno O.8pceliil [ Talusnuii to Til it
lliiKl I'rl'iesilld notaveruKomaterlallr hlcher
tlian for Monday for any class of cattlo.though
tno llmltocl number on HulOMeomed lo warrant
n movement In that direction. Uf natives
there wuie not enough to iiiako u decent
Hhowlng , only iiuout2,500 head being olfured ,
but HO weak was the duijiand that sullom were
unable to do niui'h mote than hold the market
steady. AlU'Mbucb of buyers took hold uin-
gerly , and anlde from sblmilriK grade * trading
waHttlow , 1'rom ll.Nxai.i5 for Inferior CO H
and bulln. Pricer.inged ) upward to (
for nxtru htcoin. llottever , there ere few
trades below (2.23 , and only hero mid thoio
one at 13.00. Texas cattle were ( juotcd
at Jl.MKifl.73 for grassort ) . and at J'l.'f i
4.00 for fed ateors. Kverythlng was
bought up In uood scucon and the general
market closed Hrm.
Karly tradln ? In hogs was ut n miiall nd-
vance on Mondny'Hquotations , Upenlng sales
were ut tt K&t.K > for common to eholeo heavy
and modlum weights , ami at W.4K31.W for
llsht. but thono prices were not loirx sus
tained , the market boon falling back toI4.CO
for best heavy and medium , mid to J4.55 tor
eholeo to light welxhts , where It closed ciulte
noak , wltU nonio liogi left la the seller * '
' hand * . There were few poor lots nml sales
i wnro largely ut prices nbove.
| The Kxetilng Journal rcnorts OATTU : Ito-
eclnts. 5,000 ; ahtpmcntA , 2.000) ) .Nntlvc § . steady
toHtrongir : top prices , , \o , ) < aaoO ! tin extra
Moe on sale. Others. M,7.V2A.7.1 | Texans ,
slow at ri.504.IOi Rtookeri , 8.5.tt4.50 ! cows.
t. ' .5004.50.
' Hoos-Hccolpts , 17.000) ) oblpmentd. 10,0 Oj
market opened active ; closed wcaktrough ami
common. JI.IOJM.V.'i ! ; iii.oand \ packers , * 4.4i. < i >
4.r > 0 ! prime heavy mitt butcher weights , < l.5.'u5
4.a- , ; llglit. fl.2aiM.
SitKKp Uecclpts , 8,000 ; shipments H.ROO ; mar
ket actlvei Toxans. W.'iVtM.SO ! natives. J4.fKXU
5.53 ; westerns , l.i5ffl.\23 : : lambs , J5.7r < S7.UO.
Now York I Ivc "took Slitrkof.
NKW YmiK , Juno 0. UP.EVER No fresh ar
rivals and no trade. t'eolltiBstcn-ly. Ircs ) od
beef dull , W.7.Vilo.rO ; shipments tomoirow , 482
benvcs and n.uo quarters of boovcs.
OAI.VES Uecelpt1" . 420 lienil : mnrkotstendy ;
vonls. ; buttermilks. Jfl.0i > ii4,00.
b'liEKiUccelpts , 2,55(1 ( hoiid : market steady :
shuep , $ l.)0i34.75 ( ) [ lambs , t it 3)i7)4 ) * : ) ! dressed
mutton ( Inn at 010o ; dressed Iambs steady
ut mri'jc. '
II OdsReceipts. . 0,728 head , all consigned
direct ; nominally steady at W.3C5M.40.
KunsnH City fjtvo ( itouk Afnrket.
KANSAS OITV , Jto. , Juno u. GATTW ! Ito-
colptp , 3.3CO head ; shljiments , fkid bend ; mar
ket , natives slronit ; Tex a us steady ; sleets.
Ki.MKUi.KS : cows , } 2.ooiii4.&o : stockers and feed-
ern. r.WXB4.S. ! !
lines Itccolpts , 8.G40 head : shipments , 580
head ; innrkct steady ; bulk , 74.2 4 35 ; all
grades , K1.MXS4.45.
SIIECP Keen pts , 870 head ; shipments , 150
head ; market steady.
St. I.oulw Ijlvo Stou'c .Haricot.
PT. I.nuis , Mo. , Juno 0. OATTI.K Kocmpts ,
0,500 ; shipments , 000 ; marUot steady ; natives
fair to fancy , H0030.0 ' ; Texuns and Indians ,
J2.0l 5.2.- > .
HOOK Kccclnts , 0,000 ; shlpmontB , 700 ; mar
ket sloady : heavy , SI.45QI.53 ; mixed , $4.00 ® ! A n'llOM.KSALK 31,1 11KKTS.
The following quotations represent the
prices ut which choice stock Is billed out on
orders unless otherwise stated ;
PBAS Per bushel box , $1.50 ; per M bushel
box , GOc.
CUCUMIIEIIS Per do7on , 75c.
SOUTIIKIIN MIANS : Wax , W75c per M bushel
box : string. .VlOc ( potM bushel box.
DcitMutiA ONIONS 1'cr ease , $2.50 ; Gal. , 2Jio
per Ib.
SOUTIIEIIN OAUMKr.owr.n Per do7cn , $1.53.
Nuw POTATOES per Ib. 2'4c. '
TOMATOHS Southern stock , btishol boxes.
$ .1.50 : fancy , ctate , 0 baskets , $ J.003.50 per
POTATOES Homo ttrown stock In small lot
fiom the store. JI.dCX31.IO.
ARi'AtiArJus-Mu per do/en.
NKW IIKKTS Per do/en , 50o.
OAiuiAnr.-Unlirornla stock , per Ib , 2)4c ) ;
Bodthorni licr u ate , tO.OO.
Callfrtrnla , per 10-lb box. $1.75 ;
black Tartarian , $2.1)0 ) ; soutlicrn cborrles. $1.75
® 2.00. per drawer of 19 quarts ; oases , S2.50.
TEXAS I'EACiiES'-Por H bushel box , $1.50 ®
2.00.STitAwneimius Missouri stock , $2.252.50 per
2 quint case.
OIIANOES tps Angcies. $ . ' 1.00 per box ; River
side , W.75 : Mediterranean sweets , $3.50.
GIIRCN O0ofiniuuus ; : Per 24 quart case ,
$2.5' ) ; drawer of 18 quarts. $1.75.
I'lNBAl'PiteS Per doz. t2.50iii.OO. :
LEMONS Oholco stock , per box , $0.00 ; fancy ,
$0.50 ,
1JANANAB Per bunch , $2.501.00 for fancy
stock for shipping.
Country Produce.
ntiTTEH The market Is steady at lOo for
good country butter.
Enns-Oonoral market , 13)14c. )
I'oui/ntv-OId fowls , * i.5' ( M.75.
IlAv llcst upland , $10.uill.oO.
Omaha Milling Co. . Reliance , Patent , J2.00 ;
Invlniilblo Patent , $2.80 ; Umo Star Superla
tive , $2.50 ; Hnowllako , $2.10 ; Fancy Family ,
$1.00.U. T.Davis Mill Co. . High Patent No. 1 and
Oreum , $2.65 ; Blue I ) , full patent. J-.OO ; Hawkeye -
eye , half patent. $2,4J ; Special Itoynl , patent
No. 10. $3.10 ; Minnesota Patent , J2.1K ) ; liansas
Hard \Vheit. : patent , $2.05 ; Nebraska Spring
Wheat , patent , $2.GO.
S. F. Glliuuirb Oo'.d Medal$2.bO : Snow White.
$2.50 ; Snowllake. J2.IO ; low grade , S1.IXI ; Queen
of the Pantry , $2.00 ; bran , $ I7.0U ; chopped feed
$25.00 ; Minnesota Superlative , $ . ' .80.
No griping , no nausea , no pain wQon Do
Witts Little Early UUora are U tea. Small
pill. Safe jiill. Best pill.
Some Resolutions.
At a special meeting of the Real Eshito
Owners' association of Omaha , hold at its
rooms in the ftow York Lifo Insurance
Buildlnpf , on Tuesday , Juno 9 , 1891 , the fol
lowing preamble and resolutions wore unani
mously adopted :
Whereas , It has pleased the Supreme Ruler
of the universe to call from amongst us our
esteemed friend , fellow eltlren and co-worker ,
Hon. liyron Uced ; therefore bo it
Uosolved , That the Heal Estate Owners'
association of Omaha has received the Intelli
gence of thq death of Air. Reed with deep
hcnslblllty and profound sorrow , as ho was
ono of thu oldest and moat highly respected
p onyorb , , of the olty and commonwealth ,
whoso success and prominence during an ex
tended citizenship In our midst 1ms been equal
to tlie most snuecBsful and prominent.
Hcsoved : , That during his long career In
conducting a vast ro tl estate business , ho has
proven himself a mnntrue to all his trusts ,
faithful , honest , conservative , able and over
awake to the Interests of those whom ho rep
resented ; authority on all real estate laws ,
costums'and usages , uncrrlnir In tlie correct
ness of his Interpretations , wise aii'l far seeing
In his transactions , often taciturn but ever
courteous , that In his deith this association ,
the poople.of Omnhn. and the community at
largo , sustains an Irrenar.iblo loss , ai.d that
In the hHtory'of Omaha there can be but ono
liyron Keed.
RoiOlvcd.1 That'tho proceedings of this asso
elation ItrrolntlUti to the death of our highly
esteemed "dltl/on , bo communicated to the
wltlow'anil ' fumly ) of the deceased by the sec
retary of IhlSI association , lly order of the
executive Uparit.
" * ' ' Gilonon II. Nonas. President.
Guouai : P. UKMIS Secretary.
DcWitt'a Llttlo Kurlv Risers for the Liver
r .Coti.t Notes.
Judge Davis is occupying the bench in the
criminal court and is hearing evidence ) in the
case of the state against Dan Uoisor i.nd
Neil Price , charced with gambling.
S. B. Maxon , an architect has brought
suit against the city and the park commis
sioners. Ho charges thav ho furnished the
plans for the Hnuscom parlc pavilion and
that the sum , of ? . ' 200 has never been paid ,
Bertha Curnoy has brought n divorce suit
in w I ) loll she as Us it separation from her hus
band , Uobort Cnrnoy. She charges cruelty
and failure to support.
The case against Dan Goiscr and Neil Price ,
that was called in criminal court , was dis
posed of yestoidny afternoon and both oftho
men sot free. They were charged with gam
bling. During a recent raid made by the po-
llco , u gambling shop on Douglas street was
pulled. These men were found in possession ,
arrested , tried in police court and held to the
district court. YVstorday they denied the
ownership of the gambling tools found in
their possession , and us the state was unahlo
to fix the ownership the case was dismissed.
Dr. Kensington treats the oyo,1310 Dodpo
Fortune Tolllnji Detectives.
Mrs. HyUoll is after Kuto Fox for larceny.
The complainant missed S'J.SO ' , and consulted
a fbrtuno teller , who stiutlled the curds and
told her that the money was taken by a wo-
innu taller and honvlar than the victim. Kato
didn't quite 1111 the bill , but tbo woman part
of the revolution was enough to verify Mrs.
Rydell's suspicions , and she straightway
swore out iv warrant for Koto's arrest. She
now wunt-s a witness wno can not bo' found ,
anu the ease will not bo called for trial until
another visit can bo mudo to the foituno
how easy it was .o rid
yourself of face pimples
and blotches , you would
take a few bottles S , S. S.
end remove them.
' 'I vnsannoyed fora joir vlt'i pirn'
plo.s and blotclies on tlm f.ico , I con-
pultc-d iiroinlnont pliy-dnns nntl UFO 1
din'orent kinds of iMlvji-tlbotl moll-
( Inos wltliotit any bcnollt , Finally I1
Ir.o.l Swift H .Specific , and Ilio smootu-
HUBS of my dldn vsw coinjilutoly re-
stoied by the use of r. few bottles. "
Thalia Thcatir , Now York City.
COOKS o/f-atooa A/ID axi/l OISCAHS fxtc.
TUB rivTSrJ ( .iFio Co. , Atlanta , Qa ,
KUWKlUtUlWfl ( I
mnha Tout & Awn
ing Co.
Kli\ ? , Hummock * . Oil unit
UulitjcrClotliliiK. Solid ( or
cnlulounc. 11 l.l rarimm.
A. H. Perrigu&Oo , I M , 0. Daxon ,
All .Make. , All Prices , All llcrclc ! Sold on Monttilf
Part * .
MIS Dodfio Street. Knrnniu St. , Oninliit.
Omaha Republican Printing Oo. ,
Law brief * , bunk euppllnj , nnl eror/ltda/ tia )
printing 11 no.
I0th and Duu.'l t * atrcati.
Ackermanu Broi. & Heintzo ,
Printer. * , blailuri , clo.'trntrpcrJ , blank book mnmi *
111(1 ( lloivnr.l ftroot , Oinitn.
John L , Wilkie , Lonia Holler ,
Omnlutpaper bor factory llutrherV and Packers'
1317-1110 Doiulu. Tools , V 8iippllo . Hoof ,
liog A * hcep easing .
Orders promptly llllul. ; < 'k < ou st.
West & Fritschsr ,
Manufacturers flnoclgnrs
jobbers of leaf tobacco i.
1011 FnrnHin street
J , J. Johnson & Oo , ,
2188.13th itrsn
Omaha , Nob.
M. E. Smith & Co. , Zilpatriok-Kosh Dry
Goods Oo.
furnishing ,
Dry ( ,
. Dry Roods notioniront *
Roods , notion }
furnishing uoodj.
Cor. llth nnd Howard ti. Corner llth an I Hurnoy
Wolf Electrical Oo. Electric. - Motors
Illustrated Catalogue uud Dynamos. Cntaloxuo
frco. free. H. A. Klnnuyii'n'l (
1G14 Cupltol Avenue. Aut 832-3 N.V.I.Ifu Illil'u.
Parlin , Orendorff & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo , , General western afiont
Corner Jonoa and 'Jtli st , Bkandlft 1'ioir Co ,
Omaha , Nob. 1319-1351 Sherman nvo.
Schneider & Loomisi J. T. Eobinson Notioa
Oo. ,
Jobber" and ImpoVtori of - furuUhln ? uooli
notions and furnUhlui ro'f'K culebr.ited branl
, "llucksklu" ovornlH.
pniiti , hlrt < , eoiitt , ota
1111 Howard ntrcot. Cor. 12th nnd Howard H.
AN. ) P3OV13IDN3
Tonray & Bryan , S , A. MoWhortor
llrokors , itrnln , prurlilotH 313 UlNMIllnnV tlrokcu
lid tork . al& S. nth 1'rlvntn wlro to No
St. I'rlvnlP wlro to Clil Vork , flilcAKO and Bt
eo. t , loiij | nnd Now Iiouli. Umli Rral a
Vork , boimhtforall market. ) .
Oookrell Bros. ' F , 0. Swartz & Oo ,
Itrokers. Prlrnto wires llroXor"lrnlnl'rorlsli'inj (
to .Sow Vorx , ( . 'lilc.iKti A clo. Prlrnte wlro to St.
St. I.OUM , Hpeclal niton- l.ouln ami Chleiiio. onico
tlun KlTon to truck bid * In lntNnll llnnk.Omnlin
lit Nal'lllnnlt. Ktchantiobldy , B. Um h
Rector & Wilholmy 0 Loe-llark-Audroea
Cor. 10th niut Jnckioa Hi . oa
103-lltp Ilarnor street ,
immhn No't
Paxton ft Viqrlin Onmhu Snfo & Iron
. „ Iron Works , Work
l cnst Iron ,
, , nniit'r ! * nrn nnd
mirk , ncinorM prwif mfc * , Tnnlt * , J.ilj
idiinilrr. ninclilna nn > l work , Iron Kuutien unit
hluckMiiltli work. U. 1 > . tire ( " ont > m. (1. Aa-
Wilson & Drake ,
M'f'K tiihiilnr Huoi. lira
box boilers , tJtnki , oto.
1'loreonnl l ! > lli lrocli.
Ilor & Oo. , William D.irat ,
Uqinr .Mfrcil vntl. Wlnu.1 , Liquors nail 01-
\\l \ \ [ llnrnuy gari.
Knutliullitlllttorj. 3 Kurnnm St. , Omih >
E. R. Grotto ,
Importer nnd Jobber of
\Vlno nnd I.tijuorj.
lO.'O nail Vttl Kitrnnm SU
I'rlco llat < on nppllcatlon
L. Kirsoht & Co , , Prick & Herberts
\Vliol03nlo Liquor Dealers \Vliolosnlo MquorIc lCM
1001 Fnrnnm Street Fill - SB S. 10th St.
Cady & Gray , Louis Bradford ,
' I.lmo , cement , etc. , cto Lumber , limecorncntotJ
cor , Oth and Douglas V23 Douglas street.
0. A. Stonohill , I. Oberfclder & Co. ,
Millinery , Notions Importers and Jobber ! la
Ulu.lfel , Bt3 Millinery.
2US'IOnnrJia iioutU llth
110-113 S. ICth St. , Omaht ttrcct.
Oonsolidatod Tank
Line Oo.
Keflned and lubrlO'xtlnt
oils , axle ttnvHO , ota.
U. 11. Until , Mani.ior.
Eibbel & Smith , Sclirosler & Oo , ,
Dealers In country prod Cash buyori b'Jttor : ml
uce , trulls , veuetabloj , ? Kt'n. nn 1 Kenoral co.u-
etc. tulnalon marolianti ,
1207 Howard street. I2J Soutli llth street.
Botort Purvis , E. B. Branch & Oo. ,
1217 Howard street
Produce , fruits of ill
Write for prleoi on kinds , oysters ,
tor , poultry ana
, esw . 1211 Howard street.
Kirsehbrauu & Soijs , Jos. A. Olark & Oo.
, cheese ,
Butter CB/fs / and poultry
poultry an
1209 Howard street W.i South 13th street.
Bates & Oo. , Williann & Gross ,
, ' rulti ,
Country produce and
Produce fruity
vegetable ) , grocer * '
epeclultloi , toil , splsoi ,
etc. 417-41'JS. llth.St. 1211 llarnoy strait.
L Ranclazzo & Son ,
211 South 12tli Street.
Foreign ADomcstle I'rillH
Flurlila Omngot A Sicily
Fruits. Hnmcti house , 7
N. 1'otcM St , New Orl'ns
Carpenter Papar Oo. , Omaha Eubber
Carry a full ntoclc of Maniifacturlm and j
printing , wiapplnx and Lursull kliuUrubbJ
nrltln paper , card pa Kood l.
per , oto. 1003 t'arnniii strojt.
Emorsoa Sao.l Oo. , DafFy-Trowbridja
Seed KTOWOM , doilori 1 Sto 73 Mi'Uifao' ' ? Cb ,
Harden , ur.m , | '
trco sec 11 , Mnnufnstur'K ttovoi in I
fil-ril youth ISth. HtOVO pip- ) .
121,1-1215 Lo.'ivenwnrth 't ,
M. A. Dishrow & Oo. , 3jlm Sai'i & Djar OD ,
Manufactureri of Bush , .Manufacttirorj of mo ill-
iloori. bllndi and lui4 , blhi'H. dojri ,
.Moulillnu's. llranchof- ota.
llco , 12th and Uurd it ) . Kith and CUr ! < itrmti.
U. S. Wind Engine & A , L , Str.ang & Son/
Pumo Oo , ,
Hallldny wind mllli. OIS 1002-10 ] ! farn.iui strj3t ,
nnd IBU .lonui st. (1 ( , R
Ho.i , aetliiK nmnnitor. Omaha , Neb.
Consolidated OoOau
Company ,
1414 nnd lilt ) IIurneyiL
Omnlm. Neb.
H. Hardy. & Co. , Tlio Hrtinawick-Balkl
Toyn , dolN.albuini.faiioy n Collendor Oo ,
lOoda1housafurnljlilnJ ! Illlir I mirRhan dtio ,
H.'vloon Ilttiirai
Koodi , chlidron's car- 407. < 0'i ' H. 10th utruat.
rl e . 1.11'J Karnam tt. Omaha
1653.1151 Murkut I.trcet. Dunvur. Colomlo.
KlKln , III. . Mill VVo-tUirn Cro iiuorir HutUr , KitJiiril
Chuu o IU , ( * " A 1 oraplr OBII ciuui , with 111'"J ' *
iiniJoUnirMtobuUHulillvocaiu *
&i aM Ji1.1 ML'W ' W KraS
' " "
ToUl lnuei of CITIES ,
IW VsS m BSJ v DlflTfllCTH , WATEIt *
o .
101.105 Dearborn Street , CHICAQ < 1'
15 Well Otroot. MEW YOIIK ,
70 Slat * St BOBTOHo