Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAJ-IA IAlL.\r ) . BJSJS : WEDNESDAY , JUNE 10 , 1891. 5
Banker Tbajer loses a Big Roll Between
Omaha and Ohictgo ,
tTwo Hundred HIilp Dnllilrrs Thrown
Out or Employment A
City Council
CHICAOO Omen or TUB Bnn , I
CiiKuno , Juno 0. I
E. D. Tlmyor , the octogenarian banker of
Brandon Is said to have lost (10,000 In notes
nnd securities while an liU way from Omaha
to Chicago last Friday. In Omaha , accord
ing to the story , Thaycr has lartro business
interests , and that city wis ou < of the points
visited by him. After completing his bust-
ness in Omaha , Mr. Tlmyor loft for Chicago
"Friday night over the Hook Island , arriving
hero at noon Saturday. With him ho car
ried n small hand satchel containing notes
nnd mortgages to tlio vnluo of M0,000. Be-
ton rcarhlnr ; Chicago Mr. Thnyor vUlted
'tbo timing car , leaving the satchel with Its
precious contents unguarded In the sleeper.
When ho returned It was gone. Tha con
ductor xvtunppoalcd to , llltowiso the porter
nnd the train boy and the brakeman and the
various passengers. None of thorn could
tell anything regarding It nnd Mr. Tlmyor
landed In the city without a satchel and
without n clew as to Its whereabouts. After
registering nt the Atlantic hotel , opposite
the Hock Island depot , Mr. Thnyor went to
the police headquarters and made known his
The depression In lake trnfllc has compelled
the Chicago ship bulldlng'cotnpany to shut
down Its yard at South Chicago , and work
has been indefinitely suspended. "I have no
Idea bow long the yatd will remain shut
down , " Manager W. -Babeock said , "but
with the present outlook for ship building It
\villboforsomotlmo. " Over two hundred
men nro thrown out of employment.
Alderman Haynes created n big sensation
in the cltv council last night by introducing
n resolution nsKlng Mnyor Washburno to
resign. The resolution , was preceded by five
"whorenses , " reciting that Wnshburno had
referred to the council as n boor garden nnd
said to preside ovorits deliberations was dls-
tasteful to him. The rules were suspended
nnd tbo resolution wus placed on lite , only
Alderman Huyuos voting in favor of the
Rov. F. G. Parish , pastor of the Methodist
church nt Hanover , 111. , paid such marked
attention ton school teacher named McBride
that his young wlfo was prostrated. Ho
brought her to a Chicago hospital and return
ing to Hanover continued his relations with
the school teacher. The wife laid the matter -
tor before the church ofllclnls. to whom the
preacher confessed and was discharged. The
hchool teacher resigned nnd the preacher and
his wife cnmo to Chicago , where they are
snld to have become reconciled.
When the congregation of Kov.
S. L. Conrie wont to a pio-
ula on Sunday contrary to his
wishes ho mounted Mi bicycle nnd riding
furiously to the ground whore the picnic was
being held , took u stump for n pulpit nnd de
nounced the picnic nnd picnickers in the se
verest terms. Ho says he intends to keep up
the practice so long ns his Hock continues to
Book forbidden postures.
Fred Hartlng and F. Harrington pleaded
guilty in the federal court yobtcrday of using
tha mail for fraudulent purposej. They
formed the Pacific portrait company and had
ofllccs in this city. Their schema was to
Bond circulars In the country offering big in
ducements to people who would act as their
nconts. Those ngents they would Induce to
order what they called a free picture , nnd
when It was finished n big bill was sent to
the agent , who generally bad to .settle. They
did a thriving business. Many other portrait
trait companies were Indicted for working
the same scheme , and n majoritr of them
liavo consentcil to plead guilty. Sentence in
the cases of Hurting and Harrington was re-
nx-pnornn A OAHUBX OF EDKK.
A colony of about twenty-live Poles loft last
evening for Now York , cnrouto to the land of
their nativity. One of them remarked that
the colony was returning to Poland to re
main permanently , not being pleased with
America. They had boon Induced to leave
tha fatherland by flattering reports sent out
of n country full of gold mines , lucrative po-
* -tpns ! , free homos , etc. They tlid not llnd
the ! frurdon of Eden pictured in their minds
nnd longed for the old homo nnd its easy ,
quiet mode of life.
Papers were filed yesterday In the circuit
court Inn cnso which Involves the title to
eighty acres of property situated just southwest -
west of Jackson park and worth $200,000.
The case Is one of peculiar Interest , ns it re
quires n decision which will sotllo the prop
erty rights of lusano persons. In 1837
Charles T. Stan ton acquired tltlo to the
property now in litigation from Henry A.
1'ardeo , who had the some year received a
patent from the government. In 1343 Stanton -
ton started overland to California. Ono any.
while the party was camped in Colorado , ho
wandered into the mountaihs nnd was killed
by wolvoi , bis partially devoured body being
found the next morning by his comrades.
His heirs thought co little of'tho eighty acres
of swamp land lying south of the then strug
gling little city of Chit-ago that they ne
glected to pay the taxes on It , nnd in 1S-IU it
was sold to William Husscll for 75 cents nn
ncro at a tux salo. The property changed
bands many times and finally was'purchased
by E. S. Droyor. Uroyor recently sold It tote
to L. W. Fnrnhnm. who now wishes to either
quit the tltlo or hold Mr. Droyor responsi
ble. Ono of the sisters of Stanton , Mrs.
Elizabeth Stauton Bryant , was nt the tlmo
of his death n maniac. This woman Is still
nllvo , though nearly ninety years of ngo.
Dccanso .Tames McDonald and John IColloy
at In the yard nt the county hospital until
10:1)0 : ) , wnen the regular bed tlmo of that In
stitution was 0 , they were dismissed. Both
had their logs broken n feu days ago and
still were piaster casts when they hobbled
Into Dosplamos street station. It took them
ilvo hours to come from the hospital.
A syndicate of Boston capitalists , at the
lictul of which is Colonel Samuel Parker of
the Parker honso of that city , has opened no-
. . . ( Totlntlona with Hobort Strnhorn of Hyde
1'urk for tha purchase of the Uniloy hot
pprlngs of Hallcy , Idaho.
Society around the stockyards believes that
the wife of Michael O'H.illornn nnd Frank
Gaul have eloped to Omaha. Mrs. O'llallorau
was loft n small fortune by her father , who
died recently.
* The Gllmoro-Rvan fight was broken up in
the llrst round last night by oQlcora from the
East Chicago avenue station.
Inquiry nmonKlo.uiingoleetrlo lighting con
cerns of this city fall to oonllrm the reported
combine nmong carbon manufacturers of the
United States. The flrnu mentioned as hav
ing- formed a trust Include the National ,
Btanilard nnd Brush carbon companies of
Cleveland , fidelity carbon company of St.
Louis , Thomson-Houston carbon company of
Fremont , O. , nnd Faraday carbon company.
U'besQ iucludu almost all of the prominent
( Inns engaged in tbo manufacture of carDnn.
"I know of no combine amoin ? the carbon
manufacturers , " said H. K , Su nnv , thn west
ern manager for the Thomson-Houston clco-
trlo company to Jay. "An effort wits made
four yours ago to effect n combine but It
proved disastrous to Its promoters , "
Among the western people In Chicago
today were the following :
At the Sherman Mr. and Mrs , N. O.
Worth , l > a Molncs , la.
At the Trtmiout Mlts Carrenter , Miss
Karlo , Omaha.
At the Palinor-0. E , Lee , Onmha ; Wil
liam M. ITorry , Park City , Utah ; Miss
Myers , CheyQnno , Wyo. ; Sonnen.icholn ,
Mr. and Mn. It. P. IClokeVcat Point ,
r * At the Auditorium O. H. Robinson , Hoi.
cnn , Mont. ; Mr. nnd Mrs. J. IU Windier ,
POJ Molnos , la. ; J. E. Uoogo , Sioux City ,
la. ; J. O. Wllcko , Hoatrie *
At too Clmud Paclilo-Mre. Uobort E.
} V enrol. Jamoi E. Street , Uruat fulls ,
Mont. ; W. E. Skinner , D. J. Colltnv DCS
Molncs , la. : E. T. Iticn , Cednr Kapld * , In , ;
Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas F. Eastman , Dos
Molnos , In. ATKISSOX.
_ _
Wni. II. Doyle Ftinoral sorvlcca nt
his Into residence , 1710 Dart , nt 2I0 : ! p.
m. today. Donn Gardner olllclntlnfr.
1'Vlonds of the family cordially Invited.
HOVTMl 'ojlAJlA.
Tlio City Council.
Mayor Sloono nnd ail members of the city
council were present at the meeting Mon
day night.
The petitions of John Fit/herald , Mlchnol
Hanson , M. F. Egnn , Thomas Flaherty and
Jnmcs Murphy to bo appointed members of
the lire department , nnd J. S. Vosburg to bo
appointed inspector of public works , were re
ferred to the mayor.
The license applications of Charles Splttt
nnd Dnnlul Haftnrty were referred. The li
cense npphcattou of John Stronglon was
H. H , Uarcn was appointed poundnmtor
vice Edward Murray , who refused to act.
The city attorney will draft au ordinance
for a sidewalk on the west side of Twenty-
fourth street from Q to Wyman streets , and
u III also look up the eight-hour law as It may
relate to the city.
City Clerk Hyan will notify low owners on
Twenty-fourth and L. streets to fill up the
holes within liftoon days or it will bu con *
deinncd as a nuisanca nnd filled up by tha
city nt the expense of the property owners.
Ulds for tbo grading of Thirty-third street
from H to L streets were opened as follows :
price per OverISluoh
Bidders. yard. haul. plpo.
John Condon . lOtfc. Jfc. ( We.
Edward Pholan . 101-5 1 78
Turnpleton & Morrow. . 11 4-5 1 05
Cash Brothers . 110-10 1 75
Slophonson& Williams. . 12 1 75
Norton Brothers . 132-5 1 II. 'Jo
Tl-o commit too on streets nnd alloys was
authorized to enter Into n contract with
.lohi * Condon the lowest bidder , to do the
Adjourned to meet Wednesday evening.
School Kxhlb In.
A novel nnd Interesting exhibition of school
work has been prepared by Superintendent
Munroe nnd his corps of teachers In the city
school for parents of pupils and persons in
terested In the public schools. Commencing
next Thursday ami lasting three days nnd
three evenings , n public exhibition
will bo made of the written work of
nil the pupils of the schools during
the past school year. Uoom 2103 N street ,
occupied by Masson & McMillon , will bo
used for the display. AJ this Is simply a
means of giving parents nn opportunity to
become familiar with the worn and progress
of the pupils , the exhibits will consist
simply of the daily routine of the pist school
year. All parents of pupils and persons in
terested nro Invited to visit the room.
A Trio of Accidents.
While working nt one of the stamping ma
chines at the Cuduhy packing house Fore
man Michael Connors got his right thumb
caught In the stamp. The member was so
badly mashed that amputation was uocos-
Frank Flustos. * boss In one of the depart
ments of the Cudnhy packing plant , got his
left hand hadly burned with chemicals. The
Injury is not serious.
William Snmmcrs got tbo two first fingers
of his right baud caught between a couple
of tlorcos nnd the members were badly
DeRreo of Honor.
At the mooting Monday night to organize
n Degree of Honor , Ancient Order of United
Workmen , Mrs. J. C. Graham was elected
chairman and Mrs. H. C. Hllllker secretary.
A committee on arrangements , consisting
of Mesdames Harry B. Monofeo , A. Boyd ,
Frank 1. Leo , C. W. Miller nnd A. L.
Boblnger , was appointed.
Messrs. Jacob Joskolok , Harry B. Monofoo
nnd H. C. Hllllkor were appointed n commit
tee to receive nnd entertain Organizer O. I.
Van Dyke of Shelton on his arrival next
Monday night to Institute tbo degree.
A housofull of friends or Landlord and
Mrs. Daniel KnfTorty llllod the City hotel Mon-
last night on the occasion of the eighteenth
birthday of Mr. John nafferty. Mr. liafferty
was remembered by friends with welcome
presents. Dancing was the order of the
evening , the largo dining room being filled
with interested narticlnnnts In the hmvitch-
ing waltz. Vocal and instrumental music
and a great spread made it as pleasant a
gathering as oven the entertaining Landlord
and Mrs. liafferty could make. It was a
PleiiHiint Call.
The Nonpareils , a social club , twonty-flvo
or thirty strong , went In a body Monday eve
ning to pay their regards to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Clifton , Twouty-sixtb nnd H streets.
Together with the club members nnd friends
the cozy homo was lilted with smiling faces
nnd welcoming hands/ Music and lunch
added to the pleasures of a delightful social
evening. The party left showering good
wishes on the popular groom and his charm
ing brldo.
No\VHpai > op Organization.
The stockholders of the Drovers' Journal
printing company have organized by electing
Perry Soldon of Ulnlr president and Donna
Alibory of Blair business manager. At the
next mooting- . Saturday , the l.'lth , the elec
tion of secretary and treasurer will bo mado.
Notes About the City.
D. Dean has returned from Iowa.
Mrs. Michael Keinor is among the sick ,
Mrs. Temple , wlfo of J. W. Temple , has
gene to Lincoln to visit friends.
Dr. T. A. Bcnolck has gene to Boston ,
Mass. , to spend a fortnight at homo.
Tbo now militia company will moot tonight
in Kowloy's hall , Twenty-sixth street , for
A mootlncr of Foroitors will bo hold m
Evans' hall , Twenty-eighth nnd U streets ,
this evening.
Anton Notusollstl and Mattie WUa , both of
this cltv were granted a marriage license by
Judge Shields.
Mr. mul"Mm. 1 . TJ. Pinnoll have returned
from 1'oru accompanied by Mr. Pinnoll'a In
disposed mother.
The weather permitting the King's Daugh
ters will give the postponed picnic tomorrow
afternoon In Syndicate park.
The postponed entertainment the
league will bo given In the Methodist church ,
Twenty-third aud N streets , Thursday even
The building committee of the Presbyteri
an church today will dcclda on tbo plans of
tno now church odillce nnd work will com-
moiico ut once. *
Delegate Fred McDougall and Captains
Frank 13. Hart nnd O. C. Cole have gene to
Geneva to attend the mooting of the state
camp , Sons of Veterans.
M. J. Stephen of Morris , 111. , formerly of
this city nnd one of the popular yards em
ployes , U back and Is receiving a hearty wel
come by lib many friends.
Postmaster John M. Glasgow Is having the
southwest corner of tils resilience lot on
Twenty-fourth street graded nnd will move
bis oflico on tbo graded spot.
Mrs. Collins , wlfo of Superintendent C. J.
Collins , nnd her sister , Mrs. Huntwifo of A.
B. Hunt , have gouo to Vermont to upend the
summer nt their n-\tnl placo. They will visit
St. Johnsbury and Moutpollor , Vt. , and Bos
ton , Mass.
James H. Bulla of the board of education
has secured the room in the Hurdy block ,
-MOH N street occupied Masson &
- , by < Mo-
Millon. for the school exhibit to bo given
Thursday , Friday and Saturday next. The
room will bo open to visitors each ovonlng.
Commencing Jane 15 , by a recent Union
Paclflo order , tntiisiMrtatlon for ono will bo
issued with each bhipmont of two to live carloads -
loads of stock , transportation for two with
shipment * of Ix to ton carloads , nnd for
three with eleven or more oarloadi. The
order appllu * to both east an J wait ahlu-
How'to Cure the COIIKI ! Following Ijii
toot tirlppo.
For n troublesome couirti there Is nothing
better thanChamberlain' ? Cough Hemody.
It strengthens tbo pulmonary cigans , allays
any irritation aud u Hoc tu ally ourea the cough.
It la especially valuable for the cough which
so often follows an uttack of the grlo. For
sale by all
Passage of Men iu Obargo of Shipments o
Live Stock-
Effort to Abolish Unlimited Ticket *
in Western Passenger Associa
tion Territory Has Not
Prorctl Successful.
CniCAOo , Juno 9. Ono of the most Im
portant questions before the Western
Freight association , which began its Juno
mooting today , is that of the passage of men
in charge of llvo stock shipments. The
roads have boon in the habit or allowing free
transportation to the men who are required
to nttend to the llvo stock on route to mar
ket. The practice has given rlso to much
abuse. Parties receiving this transportation
have frequently put in claims for moro than
they worn entitled to and have succeeded In
securing It , with the result that the roturu
portions of the drovers' tickets have fallen
Into the hands of scalpers nnd proved a
never-ending source of demoralization la
passenger rates. How to got rid of this evil
is a question that has boon under discussion
by the western roads for n year or more , nut
there Is a prospect that it will bo settled al
t his meeting. The question was up today ,
but no change was made In the present rules.
Forms of bills of lading offered by various
shippers were considered and referred to a
special committee to report at the July meet
ing. The fixing of ratoj on dock coal to Illi
nois points was referred to n cointnittoo ol
the Interested linos.
The effort to abolish unlimited tickets In
the territory of the Western Passenger as
sociation has not thus far proved successful ,
as the movement was really inauguratec
within the association , and has been produc
tive nf good bccauso the eastern roads have
ngreod to discontinue the USD nnd sale of un
limited tickets , but the western Hues have
been unable to reach a unanimous agree
ment on tbo subject. The Chicago , St. Paul
& Kansas City is the one road that blocks the
movement in this territory , that company for
sorno reason or other having failed to record
its vote for or against the measure , though
all tno other roads have voted In favor of it.
Chairman Flnloy has called upon the Chicago
cage , SL Paul & Kunsns City for its vote ,
but bus not received it as. yet.
A delegation of merchants from Grand
Rapids , Grand Haven and other Michigan
towns have been in the city today for the
purpose uf demanding from the roads bettor
rates on east-bound freight than they are al
lowed at present. The rates from the towns
mentioned uro now the same as these from
Chicago , nnd the shippers claim that ns the
distance from these points Is shorter than
from Chicago they should bo allowed lower
rates. It Is not probable that tbo request
will bo crantcd.
Another Could Itoad.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Juno 9. Mortgage
bonds of the Fort Scott & Eastern railroad
have boon put upon record at Clinton , Mo.
Georce Gould is named as president and
Edwin Gould trustee. The contemplated
road runs from Fort Scott , Kan. , northeast
The Shah of Persia
Though advanced In years , has hair of rnvcn
hue. Gray hairs ace stilctly prohibited In
ills dominions , aud hdico the large ship
ments to that country of Ayer's Hair Vigor ,
by the use of which the Shah's subjects save
not only their hair but their heads. Ayer's
Hair Vigor restores the natural color of the
hair. It should be on every toilet-table.
. " Some time ago my hair began to fade nnd
to fall out so badly that I thought I should
be bald ; but the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor
lias restored the original color anil made my
hair strong , abundant , and healthy. It does
not fall out any more. " Addle Shaffer , MO
Race st , Cincinnati , Ohio.
"My hair ( which had partly turned gray )
was restored to Its youthful color and
beauty by the use of a few bottles of Ayer's
Hair Vlcor. I shall continue to use It. &a
there Is no better dressing for the hair. "
Galilo Gapp , Ueorgcaua , Ala.
Ayer's Hair Vigor.
DR. J. 0. AVER & CO. ,
Sold by all DruggljU and I'ert umer .
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tne moat widely nnd favorably bnoTrnipeo *
mllntoln the Unftei SUvtoi. . Tliolr long ez
portonoe. remarkable lUlll nnd universal iuo-
COM In the tronttuont nnd euro of Nervoua ,
Chronto anil BurKlcnl Dlsnaxon , entitle thei
eminent phyilolnnt to the full conDdenceol
th * nnilotcd nvurywhero. They gunrantooi
the awful arreotoof onrly vlco and tha iumor-
onn ortla that follow In Hi trnln.
iporxlllr , coinnleloly anrl pcruianntlr cured ,
OUUER8 yield readily to their uUlllful treat-
guaranteed on rod without pain , or detention
from builne n.
nontly nnd luoccssfully anrud in evorr case ,
matorrKos , Hoiulnal Weakmws , Lout Mnnhood.
NlKhl EmlsiloiiH. Decuyrd Faculties , KeinuU
Weakneu and all dollouto dhorilur * pooullnJ
to either ox poaltlvoly eured , HI well as all
functional disorder * tun t result from youthfv'J
fnllloa or the nxcosanf mnturo years.
Retired , removal complete
without cutting , onuitio or illtixtiUlon. Ourct
effected at huma by patient without too *
mont's pixln or annoyance.
A SURF niRl' The n"ful effooU ol
early vlco whloh bring *
pruanlo woalcnoss , destroying both mind and
body , with all its Ore.dod ills , permanently
HRS H1JTTS Address those whti riaro 1m-
L/1VO. 111,1 1O '
paired thoiui Ivea' by Ira-
proper Indulgence and solitary nablti. whloh
ruin both ml nil and body. unuttlUB them ( or
builnrn. it lid y or nmrrlnxe.
, MAHIIIKI ) MEN nr thoiu entering on that
buppr life , ware o ( pbysloal debility , qulokljr
la oa M upon facia. First Practical exptrt *
encq. Beooiirt K ory cmo la ipeclally stuuleo.
thus itartlntt rlpht. Third medlolne * are
prepared In our laboratory axnctlr to suit
each oaM , thus offoctlnj ouioivlthout Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
( ilert and J.eucorrliona
cured In ; days by the Krenoh Humody en
titled the KINO. It dissolved BBnlnst. un U
absorbed Into ttie InOamod purls. Will ID fund
money If It does not euro or causes stricture
uentlemon. hero Is a rullublu article , lla
puekaee or S for J.l per mull prepulcl. Mc-
pormtck A Lund. Ouiuha ; U A Melchnr ,
Howard Moyoru and K. J. Suvkorn. Houth
Omaha ; A , I ) , tfwtet-and II. 1' , Kills Council
through Vernon , Daloi and Henry counties
and on m toward Si. Louis. This Is prno-
ticnlly the route or tno St. LouU. Kntnas
City & Colorado road/runninff from St. Louis
to Union. The roiylja Irondwl for $1,000 n
mlle for construction. , only nnd the instru
ment recites the tlmo"nnd , manner of build-
Intf the road.Vh4iV built It will contest
with tbo MIssouri.mKunsiw & Texas for
tranio In that country. It will mnko n first
class feeder for tbo Mlssouil I'nciflo and the
road Is actually consU-ncted from Fort Scott
to Uich ill 11. -
To Dlffftbl Coltls ,
hondaenes nnd fovefal to clcanso tbn system
ofroetnnlly , yet pontly , when costive or bilious
or when the blood li.lmpuro or sluR ish , to
permanently euro Hn'bllur.l constipation , to
itwnkon tha Kidneys and liver ; to a healthy act
tlvlty , without Irritating or weakening tuoui
use Syrup of Figs.
Wlijr tlio Fifth Wnrtlors KJcic on the
1'lnn of AHHCsstiioat.
Chairman O'Keoifo was the only member
of the board of county commis
sioners who put In nn npponr-
nnco yesterday afternoon to sit as n
board of equalization. Ho listened to the pro
test of the taxpayers of the Fifth ward who ,
hooded by Fred Scbnako , chairman of the
citizen's committee , objected to having $1 17 , .
000 of personal property taken away nnd
credited to other wards. Mr. Schuuko's ox-
plnnntlon on tlio part of the people is this :
With this property taken out the valuation of
the Fifth ward will fall below what It should
bo. Thou ho fears that the commissioners
will add n per cent to the cutiro valuation of
the property of the waril , which will raise
the rate of assessment accordingly.
The protest was filed and will bo consid
ered nt some future mealing of the board.
The property that Is sltuatod In this , but has
been assessed , in other words , is as follows :
The Consolidated tank line , tno Nauglo tie
company , the Crystal Ice company , tbo
Bocock- & Proctor coal company , the Fowler
elevator company , the Hammond Ice houses.
the lines of the street railway company , be
sides tbo mains of tbo pas and waterworks
County Attorney Mnhouoy was present and
said "This Is not a question of law , bntoiio
of fact. If these companies have tholr prin
cipal ofllccs in the Fifth ward , there their
property must bo listed , but If the ofllccn are
not in that ward , then tbo property must bo
listed iu the ward whore the ofllcos are lo
cated. "
Mr. Schnako pointed out the fact that if
this rule is followed a largo amount of prop
erty will oscnpo taxation. To Illustrate , ho
cited the case of the Crystal ice company.
Last year the property of this company was
listed in the Fifth wntd and something in
excess of $3,000 was roturhod. This year the
assessment was made by the Fourth ward
assessor and the return shows n valuation of
5700 , which Includes ofllco llxturos nnd n few
horsos. The stock of Ice , which is In the
Fifth ward , is not assessed.
Do Witt's Llttlo Early Risers. Cost little
pill ever made. Cure constipation every
time. Nona equal. Use them now.
Dr. Blrnoy curea.catarrn. Boo bldy.
Drew Up 'n hotter.
The executive committee of the Omaha
board of trade mot yesterday afternoon nt 3
o'clock and formula ted. n letter to bo sent to
each member of the pan-republlo conference
committee. Tha letter vvlll present the ad
vantages of Omaha as n convention city nnd
will Invite the committee to moot m Omaha
next October. ell
A full house witnessed the first presenta
tion ofTUo Country Fair" to nn Omahn
mullcnco nt the Uoyd lajt evening , nnd found
In it ndoal of Ronuino fun nnd wholesome
entertainment. Truo. the loiiRthy dlnloffuos
were at times aoinawlmt tiresome , but ns a
whole the Yankno courtship of Otis Tucker
and Ablpnll True was siilllclontly luillcroua
to cnptivnto the spectators. Tlicro is Jtnt
enough of n plot to hold the four ncti to
gether , audit at no tlmo unduly obtrudes
Cold Molasses , by himself. Is n very well
behaved thoroughbred and Is apparently
filled with n realizing scnso of the
responsibility devolving upon him In win
ning the $ .1,000 stakes nt the county fair to
save the old farm from the villainous mort
gagee. The horse rnco is really n remark
able piece of mechanical \voric , the three
horses under whip nnd spur nnd nt full
gallop remaining In full vlow of the nuilloneo
for the space of n mtnuto ntul a half.
The situation Is exciting enough to nrousn
the keenest enthusiasm nf oven tha most
blaso of thoatpr-goors. This nlny will bo the
bill at the IJoyd for the remainder of the
week , Includma Saturday matlnco. The
closing performance will bo given Sunday
i , j.t u.
Urvy Nye of Fremont is at the Millard.
F. J. Warner of Lincoln li nt the Dcllono
James Sklowlngof Stewart is at the Bar
A. 1C. Kendall of St. Paul Is at the MiU
P. C. liarris and wlfo of Chicago are at the
Miss Ella Peterson of Tekamah is nt tbo
J. F. Clnrkson of Chicago is a guest at the
Frank 1' . Ireland of Nebraska City Is nt
H. E. Wormloy of Nebraska City is nt the
W. O. Allyn nnd wlfo of Loxtngton are nt
the Dollotie.
\V. Ci Urooks and wlfo of Beatrice nro at
the Millard.
J. Ward and wife of Grand Island are
guests at the Murray.
A. II. Duboln nnd M. II. Doe of Now
Brunswick , N. J. , are at the Banter ,
Mrs. James Gill loaves for Now Vork to
day , where slio will spoud the summer.
M. O. C. Slmonds , landscnplst of the de
partment of the Plutto , went to Chicago
Mr. John Hood , a talented young attorney
of Portland Ore. , h visltinc his sister , Mrs.
Licutoncnt Malloby nt Fort Omaha ,
Messrs. Baucrols and Puls who have been
engaged nt the German theater for the past
mouth started yesterday Lake , Wis.
J. K. Chambers ana n party of kindred
spirits will leave today via the North
western for Lake Superior points on a Hsu-
ing trip.
Miss Clarence Hartsuff , daughter of Major
Albert HartsulT , surgeon , Fort Omnlm , has
returned from the Packer Institute , Brook
lyn , to spend vacation with her parents.
Jeff \V. Bedford has returned from the an
nual mooting of the Northwestern Coal
Dealers' association nt Milwaukee nt which
ho was elected a director of the association.
Knttctx of flve lines nr lti unilcr this heMl , fifty
cents : ftich ad'litlonal line ten cf.nt * .
DOYLE William II. , Juno H , n o 31. Funeral
services from family resilience , 1710 Daven
port , todiiy at 2M : p. m. to Prospect Hill.
Friends of the family . .vlted to attend.
Face Complete Scab
From Eczema. Horul L okocl as If
Sculdod. Baat Phya'clnna Ono
Year Wi'hout Donoflt.
Completely Ourocl by 3 Sots of the
Outioura Romocllos.
ami ncalptliiit tliortoc-
Ion rnllcil Oivnnm. Mjr fnca wna , i tomploto vnli.
nnil bir lii'iul whim I Imvl my hair cut Himlookml !
in though Ithi'l bffon soalrtmt. Am lm | > l > r l > ' > 7
after I rinvMvcit a ropy or jour Ircntlso on nklii ills-
i > JO' . I imrvhiurl nsrtnf , Aftur I h ul
token HIM tlilnlt. . It hut nit illiapi > oir d , rttnl what
I inntl toll JTOII li Hint 1 wn ilocliirltiK wltli mitonil
of tlui boil niijFMi'liiiii In this country fur im-r n
yenr. nnrt none of thorn aoomcJ tmlo tholot t hllof
good. K. D 1'KltltV.
I'ruprlptor Klkhurn Ilouu , Kwlnit , Nob.
! J I i Breaking Out 5 Years
J 1 tiiilcrocl nltlm biuiklnu out Hpun my tin-nil fur
fimror tlvu yp r . I ilootnrtM with tlio fnmlliloc -
lor for n Imiit tliuo. but f I'ciuml tn itnln mi toMor , wlion
n Irloti'l nf tiihui n'ktnl luo ti > try your ini'illclno. ntul
1 roniini'iiroil t iklnir It. ntul II illil niu moro KUIII ) limn
nnytlilnir ! orcrtrlcil Itunktwo bultlot of tlio Ctr-
iii't'ttA itK'toiive.NTi ' moil tnotiiixoi or tlio curt-
t't'lil , unit Hitco pnkn'urtliii 01 rn I'lt.v SOA ! ' . niui
ttnt untlroly onrvd I cnn nay , ttunki to tlio CU11-
CtlllA lltAHiim. ? a nil tliplr loitmlor.
l.iy.y.lK HANKI.r. . Calrl.ii.i ) , Inil.
Cuticura Resolvent
Tlio now lllood ntul Skin I'tirlflor ' , iiml greatest
of Muiniir Itoinoillcs , Internally ( toolcmiMiitho
bliMid of nil Ilium rltli'.s nnd poUonotiH ele
ments. and thus remove tlio can-Hi ) , ntul Uim-
ouiu , llin ijri'nt Skin euro , nnil Oui-ift'itA. '
fo.vi1 , nnnvqulslto Skin llonutlllor , ovtortmlly
( to olour tint skin iintl sonlp , anil restore the
linlr ) , speedily and potinaniMitly cure ( ivory
species of Itchlni ! , burning. truly , crusted ,
pimply , Rcrofulona , ntul lieri'illti.ry diseases
ntul humors , from infancy to axe , from ulm
plei to aurofuln.
Soldo very \vhoro. 1'rlco , .
2. " > cs ItKSOiiVKNT , SI , I'ruiiurixl by the I'OTTUU
DlUTd & iilKMlOAI. ; Oortl'Oll VTION. IllHlOM.
7 feonil for "How to Cure Skin llsea ) es"CI
cw , 5D Illustrations , anil 100 testimonials.
P1M I'LES , black ho uK red , rough , ohuppoil
and oily skin cured by OinicuiiA Sou- .
and pain ; , back ache. Weak kid
neys rheumatism , nnil ulii'st pains
relieved In ONI : MINUTK by the Ou-
first and only Instantaneous paln-kllllng
Pimploa on the Faca /
Breaking Oat |
Skin Tionblos )
LUUoBores ) Hot Skin |
Bolhl Blotches |
Gold Bores | Bad Breath |
Sore Month or Lips |
If you Buffer from any or
tficio njniptoin * , tuke
E W H Y ? BECAr8sltfp0uOOD
" II TO you rvornsed mercury I If BO , did yon
! nlvo roimolf tlio needed attention t the tnnol
: Wo need not ttll you that you require a Wood
medicine , to ensure freedom from ' " , ? * , , Ttn
' . Illoatl I
Ifects. llr. Ackcr' Ililrlsthp
: only known medlclno that vrlll thorouRhlj crniII-
Sc-ito the polnon from the " . . "rf.lVutJ
larJffw'Stu ' wMSw
Ill Olio's Pprioilicnl Pills.
Tills French roniodr ncti directly upon the Bonorn-
tlru orKani and cures lupprosuloii of ttio uiennea.
J3orthrco forlfS , nnil cnn bo imilietl. HliouM not bo
moil during prt'ennncy. Jobbers , clrUKUlsts nnit the
public supplied by Uoodmun Drug Co. , Oranlin.
Evr.UYIlOlW 1.1KK3 IT.
SKVKUAliTllortSAiVIMtl' * T11K.M DU1NH
Tin : SAUS i AUOII ; { TIIAN Ai.iiuviinn
* Io\v rui'i.n IT m : OTHKIWISK.
Wurrr ruuocunuou xvnirii isi't'
tw SrilONU UU 'K.
ooic OUT rou onnAi1 IMITATIONS.
jOni.irioUi'si'AuicidNa LONuoNonuiiY
Kor Sale by all Kliat-CIass nriiRsUN and
1'AXTON * OAMjAOIIKIl , Distributing
AKonl ! ) for OiiKilm.
OHAnijB3B. 1-KUKINS & CO. .
ai Kllby St , lloslun , Mns > 4. , aullliiK Agunta.
Wonderful fcptulta
llroicily , Is > old with a
tu cure all .Vcryoui lu- )
coirs , euch at Wctk
Mrmorjr , ix 4 of Ilmlu
1'owor , Ilcadarho ,
Wskcf ulof ti , Loit Jlar-
hooJ , .s > rvou net , IAS-
Bltuclc. all Uritlni and
Before < t After Uao. lod.i of power cf the
rhotoicraphcd front life. Ornoratho Oreani , tu
either PCI. cnuttil by
orcriertlon , > outhful lnilo creUon , or tlio ciceMtvo
mo of tobacco , opium , or timulont , which ul'lmatcly
lead to InQrmltr , Cousunu'llon and Iiunnlty. I'ut up
In con > tnlcnt form to carr > In tlio veil pocket 1'rlco
II puckw , or 0 for J5. with errry N order we lra
n written nunrnntco t euro or rnfuml the
inonoT. 6f ut by mall to ny addrua. ClrcuUr Irco.
.ifcntlou thl > pijwr. Addrcs * .
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Hranch Offlco for U. B. JL
4I7 Itewnnrn Stri-fV , CHICAOO. lfI
Knlm & Co. , C r , ISth , t lloi.nUi St .
J A. Fuller A To , , Cor Uth A Doiu-ll
A * O Fovtrr A Co. . Coutuil llluffA. I * .
Cor. 1-lth nnd Capitol Arc.
Just completed , has 1OO rooms , three
stairways , from the top to the bottom , baa
fine olavatar and dining room service , IB
fire proof throughout , line billiard rooms
and the finest toilet rooms In the city. Largo
sample rooma. Suites with bath , etc. Cor.
14th and Capitol Avo. Street car sorvtoiin
all directions. Rates , from $2(50 ( to $ 1.
DomandPond' a Extract.
Accept no substitute *
3000 PAIRS OF OUR FINEST SPRING and summer fancy worsted pantaloons
at a most startling reduction in prices from early figures this season ,
'See what it is ! Read the details and methods by which we assure every purchaser of a
No talk , no words , no imagination connected with it , but actual discount made from former
prices and paid to every purchaser in SIL VER COIN.
Commencing Tuesday , June 9th , we offer as stated above , 3000 pairs of our finest and most
fashionable styles of fancy w,9sted ; spring and summer pantaloons , of which we have a large sur
plus received too late from- our manufactory , at a most bewildering reduction on 'every pair ,
amounting in some instances 'to 40 per cent discount.
In order that there be no question in regard to the actual discount made each purchaser , the
original prices marked on each pair of pantaloons will remain the same as they have been all the
season , and the actual reduction made will be given to the purchaser in Silver Coin. You can
handle it and estimate the discoimt you are getting without any talk from the salesman.
On this entire stock of 3000 pantaloons , on all that are marked $4.50 and over the discount
in silver will be found attached to each pair of .pantaloons , and after payment of the same the
purchaser will be in possegsipn of an amount of silver coin that will show him the most amazing
and satisfactory discount which he has ever received.
Lot 1. 500 pairs of Fine Striped Worsted Pantaloons , correct styles , most desirable color
ings in every respect , at $4-.50 per pair , accompanied by the discount , which willbe/z # in silver ;
on every pair.
Lot 2. We offer 800 pairs of our popular $5 line of Fine Plaid , Striped and Mixed Pan
taloons goods made by some of the most celebrated American mills all new , fresh , desirable
styles , ancTwith each pair purchased the discount in Silver Coin will be obtained by the purchaser ,
Lot ' We offer 1,000 p'airs super quality Fancy Cassimcre and Fancy Worsted Panta
loons , mamifactured in our own machine rooms in the most perfect manner , the latest styles
placed on me market , at $6 a pair. A large cash discount in silver will be received by each
purchaser 'filbm this lot. ,
Lot 4. 'uVe / offer 500 pairs of the very finest quality Fancy Worsted and Silk Mixed Striped
Cassimere i-Fantaloons made in America , all tailor made , and embracing all the choicest novel
ties of botlWlomestic and foreign makes that are so popular this season. We ' offer them now
at $7 per , j33ir , with the large cash discoiint payable in silver coin which accompanies each sale.
As it is our purpose to distribute these bargain pantaloons as widely as possibly , and as
the novelty of paying the cash discount in cash in silver coin is original , and we wish to make it
as widely known as possible , we reserve the right to deliver biit one pair of pantaloons to each
purchaser at the time of purchase.
Continental Clothin
Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing House West of the Mississippi River.