Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    TJfclJU UJMAHA JDA1JUX' JBJUJU : WJ < JD&EttJL > AY , JUJNJW 10 , 1891. 3
Delivered by Carrier In any part of the City.
nuMncis Ofl'.ce ' , No. 43.
NlRht Editor. No. 23.
N. Y. P. Co.
Council DlulTa Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loani , 204 Sopp blorKr.
If you want water In your yard or house
' pi > to IJIxby'B , ! UW Morrlatn block.
Comnloto accounts of the races will bo
founJ each day In the sporting column.
Unlboy'n bond will RVO ! Its fourth annual
promciinde concert nnd hall tomorrow even
ing.The special Internal rovcnuo tuxes nro duo
ntul must ho paid before Juno 80 to Deputy
Heveiiuo Collector Oulttar.
Unity guild will give u lawn sociable next
Friday evening at thn residence of Mr. .1. Q ,
Anderson on street , to which all
friends are cordially invited.
Johnson Dixon , aged seventeen , was locked
up last night , charged With seiluelnir Ciirrlo
Green , ngod llftccn. The girl askud consunt
to marry Dixon sotno tlmo ngo , hut her par
ents refused on account ot thu youth of the
parties. .
Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to
the following parties : W. II. Swnrtz and
Marv McClotid , both of Omaha ; Itnbort E.
Leo and Johanna Green , both of this city ,
and Elmur F. Abel of this citj and Nora U.
Hall of Omiiha.
In superior court a motion wns llled yester
day bv the defendant In the rase of Henry
' Wagner against J. P. William * , nsiclnir that
the suit bo dismissed at the costs of tno plain-
tin . Ho claims that ho has been wrongly
joined In the suit.
Tno cnso of G. S , Smith , charged with the
cmbc/zlomcnt of a sowing machine , was sub
mitted to Justice Swcurlnuon yesterday , unil
the defendant was bound over to await the
nctlon of the grand jury. His bond was
fixed tit ? 100. Smith gave a bond and was
The Oddfellows of Council Tlluffs will hold
their annual memorial exercises next Sunday
afternoon nt : 'M o'clock in the Masonic
temple. An excellent programme has been
prepared for thu occasion , and ttio deceased
members of the order will bo comnieminoratod
In n lilting manner , In accordance wl'h the
tlmo honoiod custom.
Tun BPI : was in error when It stated that
n judgment wns given by Judge MeGoo In
favor of ? the plaintiff in the case of Yodor
ngalnst HolTman and Altmnnsporger. The
judgment was In favor of the defendant Alt-
jiianspcrger , and the was continued us
to the defendant Hoffman.
It is stated that a largo number of damage
Bulls will bo commenced by property owiinrs
In the western part of the city , against the
city of Council Bluffs , on ncruunt of the re
cent overflow of Indian crook. Tncy will
nllogo that the water poured In from the In
lets of the Thirteenth street and Avenue B
sewers , ruining guldens , entering houses ,
nnd malting devastation in general.
A motion for a contlnuancu was Hied In the
district court yesterday In the case of the
state acainst P. J. MncMnhon , charged with
cmbiVi/lumcnt. The motion is supported by
nn ndldiivltof G. Wright , stating that ho
has scon a receipt from Edtnoml Latham , the
ptofcputlng witness , to MacMahon , In full
lor till the money which it is claimed was
ciulK.v./led. Ho states that MacMahon insists
iliat ho Wright , took the rcceiut , but so far
'ho has been unnhlo to nnd It. Ho states that
it would bo suicidal to MacMtthon to co to
trial without the receipt and ho accordingly
asked for the continuance.
A , crolinit's Opinion.
Mr. John Carnghar , a merchant at Carag-
har , Fulton county , Ohio , says that St.
Patrick's ' I/Ills nro thn best selling pills he han
dles. The reason lsthat they produce n pleas
ant cathartic cfToct and arc certain and thor
ough In their action. Try them when you
want a reliable"cathartic. For sale by all
druggists. ' _
At the Boston Store , Couiiull DIufTrf ,
Special Juno sale for two weeks began
Ono or two of the thousands of bargains
offered nt this great salo.
15o Vlgoroux suitings for lOo a yard , UO In.
lli'i ' c Columbia suitings , choice styles , 8 0 ,
or 12 yards for Sl.OO.
Co challtes for 3 0 , or 10 yards for 25c.
lOo outing flannel for O c.
hantontr Pongee , worth ISe , for 12JyC.
lOoliiillos * ribbed vests Tc , or 4 for 2."ic.
SOo ladles'- shaped vojts , l'J ) o or 'J for 2."c.
f > 0c ladles' fancy vests ; i'c. )
7io ! ladles' silk vests for 4tc. !
25o bulbrlggan hose Ulc or it pair for fiOc.
Just received another lot of our No. 275
ladles' last black hos > o , worth 4iic , for this
sale 2 ! > G a puir. Ask to sco thoin.
4.p > c brllllantlnos , during sale for Die.
f.Ui : brllllnntlncs , during sale for ! 10o.
All tno newest and most deslrablo shades.
All our ( Vie nnd 7ftc black hcnriettns , serges ,
etc. . In one lot for f)7) ) < j'o din ing this sale.
, A11 our * 1.00 black goods In henrlottns ,
sorgos , whip i-ordj , satin strinos. Drape D'
Almns , in ono lot for this sale 77Ko.
Council Bluffs , la.
, jt'utA ( SKA j'lis.
T. C. Dawson returned yesterday from n
visit to SU Paul , Minn.
Mrs. L. Rccbo left last evening for Musca-
tine to attend the funeral of her mother.
W. J. Davenport of the Burlington re
turned yesterday from n few day's visit to
De * Molncs.
II. S. Lewis , formuily day clerk at the
Ogdun , Is now occupying the same position
nt tlio Hotel Gordon.
W. Ashton of Jersey City , N. J. , supply
npont for the Wells Fargo company , is In the
Bluffs , accompanied by his wlfo.
Attorney General John Y. Stone returned
vestcrday morning from DCS Moines , where
lie has been attending n session of the au
premo court.
E. R. Fonda of the Union Pacllio returnee
from his western trip. Ho is accompanied by
George Vroonmn , the chairman of the Broth'
crhcou of Locomotive Engineers on the Union
Pacific system. _
Mothers will II nil that Halicr's Pain Par-
"Ityror is a sure and pleasant euro for dar
rhoca ,
Guoruo Cooper Terribly Injured
by Hurnlnt ; Oil.
Mrs. Gc rgo Cooper , who lives nt 810
Avenue C'mot with a horrible accident jos
torday morning. She arose about I : . ' ! < ) o'clocl
to wm-v some milk for the baby. She
lighted a lamp and was holding the tin cup
containing the milk over It when the lamp
exlodcd. The burning oil was thrown Iu al
dltoctlons nnd a largo share of it alighted 01
Mrs. Cooper , setting her clothing on lire
She wns Immediately wrapped In tlamos am
her agonized screams soon aroused her bus
band , who ran to her assistance.
The neighbors were also aroused , but bj
the tlmo they arrived Mr. Cooper had sue
ceedod In extinguishing the flames. Dr. J
O. Waterman was summoned to attend to the
Injured woman. Ho found that she had beat
terribly burned on almost the whole of be
Tno burning oil had struck her In the face
mid the clothing on the entire upper portion
of her body had been soaked. The flesh 01
her fuco , arms and chest were burned to a
crisp. At first her life was despaired of , bu
later In the day she was roiwrtcd resting
easily and It U now thought that the will do
well. _ .
Gosaler's Maglo Headache Wafer * . Cures al
headaches In 20 mtnutos. At all drug U
f The finest line of spring and summer
goods , most export workmen , U whut you
Uiid at Kcltcr's , tlm tailor , U10 11 roadway.
Drs , Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl street ,
next to Oruncl hottl. Tclophouo U3. High
Ciado work u i > ocUlty.
ilarvelous Exhibition of Intelligence Given
at the Deaf Mute Institute ,
Which Delighted nml As-
tcKtlnhcd ix Ijnrgo Audience
Nome IntciTHtliiK Kmtn : About
till ! Great School.
"Many persons remark to mo that they can
understand cosily how wo mannRO to educate
lie deaf ami dumb iiftoi- mart H made , but
t U getting the Htirt which puzzles thoin.
flioy don't sec how It Is doao. Wo propose
to plvo you n tlttlo lilcu ot how the start Is
tnmlo. "
Prof. \ \ yukolT then proceeded to Illustrate
lv n , class of primary pupils , while the InrRO
iimllciico L'athurcd in the chapel of tbo Insti
tution for the do.if mid dumb , listened at
tentively. They not ordy listened , hut
watched , for there was fully as much for the
in os to c.itch ai for the cars ,
The professor called his auditors attention
: o some facts , readily conceded when stated ,
but not generally thought of at ad. The pu
pils when they come to this Institution know
no Micro of English of Hebrew. They
icihnps communicate with friends by slRns
familiar to those of the home circle , but they
have not oven the advantage of a uniformity
of MKII language , and no knowledge at all of
any written or spoken language. The tlrst
: afk of the teacher Is to glvo the child a
uiowlcdgc of names. The bov , for Instance ,
lias some sign by which no slgnilics his
lint , out it takes much patlcnU ) and
tact 10 got Into his head the Idea "hat"
ns written or printed means the same as the
sign ho has used. Other nouns follow , then
the nupll is into the further revelation
that people , too , have names. It scorns
strange that a ten-year-old boy should not
tiavo any idea that ho hail a name , vet many
a lad came to this s > : hoot in Just that condi
tion , \vholly unconscious of oven that much
of the spoken or written language so glibly
handled by speaking pupils.
After learning names of things and person ?
It Dccnmo nocossarv to learn the names
of actions. Most of the teaching is
by the use of objects. A key is
shown , then the word written on the board
anu the pupil taught to associate the two and
quickly write the word on being shown the
This exposition , illustrated by the hole of
a bright little fellow at the blackboard , gave
the visitors u peep at the mysterious and fas
cinating .system of developing the intellects
of those unfortunates.
The other exercises on the programme ot
this , tholr annual exhibition , wcro likewise
interesting. The pantomimic features were
vury amubltiir , several brief but vividly told
stories and bits of comedy being presented so
clearly by action and without a word sponen
is to bo readily understood oven by those not
at all conversant with the sign language.
John 11 u ! pin , a natural cnmtncdian , pic
tured most comically the sac , fate of a cat
which had been thrown Into the churn by a
monkey during the temporary absence of ttio
housouifc. A nnmberof the youngest pupils
joined in a merry pantomime representing a
school in which the master was over-drowsy.
Two colored bovs , Musters Jones and Jotor ,
made an amusing showing of a melon-sto.d-
ing scene.
Waldo Ilothert , son of Superintendent
Kothmt , anu who is ono of the brightest
pupils in the institution , gave nn amusing
sketch of "spirit photography. " ° aumber of
the other pupils sitting for their pictures ,
the result in each case being an amusing
surprise for both pupils and audience.
Uccitationa and songs of a move scrlo'is
nature wore given in the sign laneuairo by
other pupils with equal effect. Three little
girls recited "Jesus , Lover of My Soul. "
Miss Li/zio Teller gave as u sign
recitation , "Mrs. Lofty and I. " Messrs.
Puller and Jackson very gracefully
rendered the hymn "America. " Mrs. Grace
Gait gave as a sign song "Tho Star Span
gled nannor. "
A Hag drill and a dumb-bell drill excited
much interest. They were rendered with
wonderful precision and with an astonish
ing regard for the rythmic measures of the
inarch , pluycd on the piano , not a note of
which couldbo [ hoard by the paitlcipants ,
who wont-through various mazes of stop and
action with the precision of well trained
Ono of the most ptithotlo and pleasing num
bers on the programme was the recitation of
the Lord's ' pni.vor by little Bertha Teller.
She is ono of the few pupils who can speak
although almost totally doaf.
To those not familiar with the articulation
work , as shown by Mlsa Hamilton and her
class , it was difllcult to rcalUo that the chil
dren who took part could understand what
others said to them siiViply by watching the
motion of their lips , not being able to hear a
word , Still more wonderful did it
seem that they could themselves reply
in words ot the sound of which they had little
tlo conception. Miss Hamilton illustrated
the method of instruction. Whnu the pupils
Imitated successfully the different sounds
given by pigs , roosters , geese , etc. , also
speaking the names ofvarious animals , the
Interest of tho. audience reached n point
where the objective "thrilling" would not bo
far amiss.
1 In connection with the entertainment in
the chapel there were some interesting dis
plays in adjoining rooms. In ono there
was an educational showing , examination
papers , mathematical calculations , etc. , being
placed in rcadlnoss for the inspection of vis
In another room was the art work done oy
Miss Clement's pupils. Hero wore ciayon-
ings , art paintings , water colors , and some
most beautiful wood carving. The work
charmed nil w'io visited the room.
The parlois looked like a fashionnblo
church fair. All sorts of fancy needle work ,
novel In design and elegant In finish , at
tracted the eyes of the ladles , and the
prices put upon those oltorou for sale were so
moderate as to boar out the assertion of Mrs.
Hothcrt , the matron , that I'm policy is to got
buck only the cost of the material used , so
that the cxponbo of this educational depart
ment might not all fall on the state.
Altogether the visitors had much to enter
tain and delight them. Those who had time
to devote to n walk through the buildings
found kindly guides , and Superintendent
Hothert , as usual , \\iis anxious to have every
nook and corner closely inspected.
Ho and his co-workors nro striving so
earnestly to make this the model
institution of the land , that they nro
over caper to have others vco what is being
accomplished. They certainly have the
rlght'to feel proud of the result of their care
nntt labor.
The management of the Iowa Institution is
peculiar in that it Is n dual ono. The two
heads are Superintendent II. W. Hothert and
Principal 05. L. WyekolT , the latter being In
charge of the intellectual training of the
pupils in the school proper , which is entirely
distinct from the general management
of the Immense household , whoso
physical wants and industrial training
are under the care mid control of Superin
tendent Hothort. In the industrial depart
ment are taught farming , gardening ,
culture , carpentry , cabinet making , wood
carving , tailoring , broom making , baking ,
shoo making , printing , plain sowing , needle
\\ork , dressmaking , household work , iron
ing , family cooking , etc. In all these depart
ments there was a display yesterday which
evidenced how thoroughly practical 1s tbo
training which these pupils are securing.
Supoilntondont Uothort has u family of
about four hundred , for which to provide 1s
no little task.
The educational department embraces culture
turo in language , arithmetic penmanship ,
geography , history , physical geography , civil
government , naturu philosophy , bookkcop-
lap , grammar , batorlo , scripture lemons ,
drawing , painting , artlculutlon , lip reading ,
eta Prof. Wyckoff has seventeen ladies and
gentlemen engaged with him In this great
work ,
\Vhllo Superintendent liothort tins been so
steadily boturing the uhyslcal condition of
the little world under his charge , the school
training has bcea also going butter , anil the
standard hltfncr. under the management ot
Prof. WyckolT , Tha Iowa school now stands
second to none. It has ten eruduates In the
national college tot the dca ( at Washington ,
D. C. , Iowa's percentage of ronrr > sontaton !
at this college bolne at present greater than
that of any other state.
Use Holler's garsaparllla and Burdock , tbo
great blood purifier.
Bright upland hay at slaughter prices for
next thirty days ; 450 tons , II , L. Uorman.cor-
nor Pearl and 5th avenue.
Union Pnrk races , Omaha and Council
Bluffs , Juno IMS. fl.OOO ; Sept. 8-11 , W.BOO ;
Oct. SO-21. , fl.OOO. For programmes address
Nut llrown , sec'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha.
Morgan's prices for furniture on Install
ment plan lower than any other house In city.
Mar Bourlctus , musto teacher , removed to
63b Uroadway , over C. I ) , music company.
Great millinery removal sate nt .ho.Louis'
Masonic block , commencing this weak. Must
bo sold boforu changing location.
Fourth Trial of a C clolirntcd Case In
OlHtrlut Court.
The case of the state again it Jonathan
Jones , on the charge ot murder , was en trial
yesterday before Judge Deemor. This suit
hai caused a great deal of attention In Its
day , but It Is now becoming rather hoary
headed , ns this Is the fourth tlmo it has been
tried. It was commenced in 187 , when
Jones was Indicted for the murder of Uavld
Roberts , who lived In the Keels settlement ,
several miles north of Council Bluffs.
At the original trial of the case the defence
was that Roberts had alienated the affections
of Jonos' wife , but Jones was nevertheless
convicted. An appeal was taken to
the supreme court , and the de
cision of the lower court was re
versed. A second trial was had , and again
Jones was found guilty , hut the verdict of
the jury was set aside by tbo court on tech
nical grounds.
The last trial was In 1S87 , before Judge
Ucemcr , and again Jones was found guilty ,
but before ho was sentenced to the peniten
tiary , his attorneys , Messrs. Scott & Scott ,
now of Omaha , interpose. ! a plea of insanity.
The court ordered that the case bo especially
Investigated with this point In vlow , and the
case has boon hanging lira cvor since. The
only point that is now to bo investigated is
the question of the sanity of the defendant ,
and if ho is found to have been sane at the
tlmo the crlnio was committed , ho will bo
sent to the asylum , but If not , ho will bo sen
tenced to the penitentiary.
Jones is represented bv Scett & Scott of
Omaha , and J. .1. Stewart of this city.
County Attorney Organ is assisted by W , A.
Mynster , who lias boon connected with the
case from Its first trial. " "
The only witness on the stand yesterday
was Dr. A. J. Cook , who had tnado an exam
ination of the defendant , and bad conio to
the conclusion that ho was Insane. Ho
stated as bis reason for so thinking that the
man did not seem to bo capable of making n
coherent answer to any question. Ho also
found his temperature to be 10J degrees ,
which ho thought was an evidence that the
man was not all right. The whole day was
taken up with Dr. Cook's testimony and tno
cross examination bv the attorneys for the
state. This morning Drs. Thomas and
Barstow will be put upon the stand.
Coltiix Spring i viu the Hock Island.
Everybody has beard of thorn , located on
the "Great Hock Island Houte. " Colfax has
a dozen medical mineral spiings and hun
dreds daily testify to their merits. SJVen
first-class hotels furnish pleasant homes at
very low rates to the throngs of health and
pleasure seekers.
Buy your furnlturo , carpets , stoves and
household goods of Mandcl iSc Klein , Council
Bluffs. Prices very low ; freight prdpiid to
your city. '
Pianos , onaii9 , C. B. Music Co. , 633 B'way
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit julco
tablets. They are delicious.
Bogus Count's Strange Aots.
CniCAOo , Juno 9. Albert Englo , some
times known as Count Schaffnor , appeared In
a police court this morning charged with a
unique criminal procedure. It was iu evi-
dcnco that ho secured keys to a vacant house
in a fashionable quarter of vVabash avenue ,
into which ho enticed young women on rep-
presentations that ho was a merchant from
China and had a lot of valuable silks which
ho was giving away , being unable to dispose.
ot them. Having got his victims Indoors ho
would make indecent proposals to them and
If he met with resistance would flourish a
murderous-looking knife and threaten to cut
thorn In pieces and put thorn In a largo trunk
which ho had in ono of the rooms. Two of
hi" victims broke away and ran ucreamlng to
the noiehoors for protection. Ono of ttiom
subsequently disappeared , but the other was
in court this morning and on her evidence
the prisoner was fined heavily and hold to
await further developments. Englo is n
stylish follow about fortv years of ago. This
Is not his first adventure. A year or two ago
ho was arrested for writing love letters nnl
annoying a fashionable young lady in this
1 "V
PaokerH vs Stoukrnrda.
CHICAOO , Juno 0. The flghtbCt\Vocn Ar
mour ft Co. , Swift & Co , and Nelson Morris
& Co. on the ono side and the Union stocK
yards on the other was taken lip this mornIng -
Ing by Judges Tuloy , Collins and Horton sit
ting together. The litigation came up on a
motion for an injunction rnado by , cq in plain-
nuts to compel the stoclt yards and transit
company to allow complainants 16 use de
fendants' track for the delivery of live stock
direct to complainants' private yards , which
can bo reached In no ether way. Complain
ants claim that In so far us it owns and uses
tracks the stock yards and the transit com
pany is a common carrier and is obliged to
allow the use of its tracks to any ono who
will pay n reasonable charge therefore. The
object of complainants In having their stock
delivered at their private yards Is to avoid
the payment of the alleged oxcosslvo yardage -
ago charges of the stock yards company.
Defendants claim that their tracks are solely
for their own private use and benefit , that
they are in no sense common carriers and
that they have a right to refuse thq use of
their facilities to persons who are in effect
their rivals in business.
V iRCOiKlu Farmers' l Illiinco.
Li CIIOSSK. Wls. , June 9. The state farm-
era' alllancn mot In convention in this city
this morning to continue two days , the prime
object of the gathering being the discussion
of a project to organize nil Tanners' societies
under ono head. The convention Is presided
over by Colonel C. M. Bull of Vlroqua ,
After the appointment of u committee on
credentials the convention was addressed by
II. R. Eagle of Clilcago on the subject cf alli
ance co-oporativo supplies.
Ho was followed by Alonzo Wardcll of South
Dakota , president of the National Alliance
aid society , who spoke on the subject of In-
Rurunco and the nccc sity of organizing all
societies under ono head.
The convention wont into secret session at
11 o'clock and lenunncd so up to the noon ad
Among the notables present are President
Polk of the National Farmers' Alliance and
Representative Jerry Simpson , both of whom
\ \ address \ u public mooting tonight.
SHJ-H Prnotor Will Kuuccrd Kdniiinils
CIIICACIO , Juno 0. Thomas J. Phelps of
Burlington , Vc. , ox-minister to England , is
in Chicago on a vacation. He says ; "Secre
tary of War Proctor will probably bo ox-
Senator Edmund's successor. The governor
will cheese some ono for the vacant beat be
fore the senate meets , and If the secretary
desires the o.llco no doubt ho can have It , "
A very small pill but a very good ono. Do
Witt's Llttlo Eurlv lUson.
i Doiith oCDoxtcr Bir gom.
ATCIIISOV , Kan. , Juno 0. fSpsclil Tele
gram to TUB BtSE.I Dexter A. Burgeas ,
general yardmaster of the Atchlson , Topcua
& Santa Fa at this place , died last night ,
ngod tlfty-clutit. Howaitho father of the
Into Frank A. Burgoas , formerly supcrln.
tendent of .the eastern division of the Santa
Dr. Blrney cures uutarrh , Boo
en from Vari < Wis UrnnuliiH
Hold n Secret k'c/ ' < '
FONT WATMR , Ind. , Juno S. The conven
tion of railroad employe * assembled In secret
session this morning. U ettatos represent
ing the Brotherhoods of onijmcor.s , conduct
ors , firemen , tologrnplU "operators and
trainmen were present.Che [ question of
dissension between the switchmen and other
organizations was discus 1) ) . Publte nu'ot-
Ings woiohcld this afternoon and evening.
Among the prominent ' } iion present are
George D. Howard of Toljxfo' , grand chief of
conductors , John A. HidlOf Chicago , editor
of the Switchmen's Journal , and W. A. Sim-
scott of Chicago , grand treasurer of the
Switchmen's Mutual Benefit association.
It Is understood that the dissensions grow
ing out of the dispute between the Switch
men's Mutual Benefit association and the
ether organizations nt the time of the North
western strlko wore amicably adjusted.
This afternoon there was n grand paradoof
the railroad tnon and a public meeting. The
meeting was nddicssud by Supcrindont
O'Kourko ' of the Grand Knplds & Indiana
railway , J. M. Hoblnson of this city and M.
D. Shaw of the Telegraphers' association of
St. Louis.
A public meeting was held this evening.
ddresses wcro delivered by Hon. L. S.
Colllu of the Iowa railway commission on the
"Deadly Pin. " He
Coupling gave very inter
esting statistics of accidents resulting from
the method of coupling car ? . It Is estimated
that In the United States as many as VJ.UOO
were cither killed or maimed for life by acci
dents occurring from the present defective
methods. Ho made u plea for n Sabbath day
rest for railway men.
Ovcr 450,000 Howe scales nave bocsn sold
nd the demand incrj-ulntf continually , Bor
on & Selleck Co. , Chicago , III.
O.V , t'Oll 31VII It Kit.
I2vdcnco ! -aliiHt ( oi'pnral Ptirkln-
HOM Pure y ( Jlrcunnlantlal.
Ciuvi\sn : , Wyo , Juno 9. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Br.B.I-Tho trial of Frank B.
Parkinson , corporal in the Seventeenth in
fantry , for the murder of Key Baker was
commenced today , and after a hard day's
wont a jury wai secured. The case against
Parkinson , so far as known , Is purely cir
cumstantial , although very strong. It is ex
citing much interest hero , chlolly because of
its mysterious charactar.
Be sure and use Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing
Syrup for your children while teething. 25
cents a bottle.
Kel'ormcd Prcsltytcri.m Synod.
PITTSIIUUO , Pa. , Juno 9. In the Reformed
Presbyterian synod this afternoon Dr. Mc
Allister began the closing speech to thn trial
\\hichlcdtoaquostionof veinclty between
himself and Kov. E. M. Milligan , the latter
finally being sustained by witnesses. Moderator -
orator McAllister then announced that ques
tions could bo asked and Elder Torrcncc of
New ifork put such sharp and embarrassing
questions to ttia conservative that ho was
shut off at once amid crlos of "Foul" and
"dnap judirrrent" from thp liberals. A sot
of ready made resolutions was then sprung
on the synod , driving all , other discussions
from the lloor. They lead/ : ,
Kcsolvcd. That the suspension of the inln-
istors lie now removed cm' ' tliMr acceptance of
the follouIng conditions : l. That they sev
erally UNPICKS tholr fcorroMGfor the dissensions
In thu church so far as lliyy li.ivo neon the oc
casion of tliosnno. : : . ' . Tlijit they dlsiunv tlio
"East end" platform. S. they en auo to
ab do by thu existing lnW ot the church as to
\otlng at c vlj elections and as to ho dlni ;
olllco , and to curry thin out In the cxuiulso of duties , and that they OM .IK not
to promulgate contrary views to the above
wlillo holding positions : ls ministers In the
Reformed I'icsbvtcrlaii church.
Discussion of the resolution was not com
pleted when the hour of adjournment arrived.
The impression prevails thnt the resolutions
will pass , but that the youpg iLon will not
accept the conditions. ' , , ' ,
; " u ; . .
DoWltt's Little Early Risers ; 'best'littlo
pills far dyspepsiasour stomach , bad breath
LOUISVILLE , ICy. , Juno 9. Louis Grauman
& Co. , boots and shoos , assigned today. Lia
bilities supposed to bo about $70,000 , with
cqurtl as cts.
NKW YOIIK , Juno 9. Alfred Q. Freeman ,
Henry Keeper and E. C. Haight , composing
tno firm of Charles Haight & Co , flour mer
chants at No. 24 State street , made nn as
signment today without proforencoto Parker
P. Simmons Mr. Freeman was also a
partner in the firm of A. A. Freeman & Co.
of LaCrosse , Wis. , and of Freeman & Ruytor
of Ulvor Falls , Wis. , both largo flour mills.
The firm claimed a capital of 5100.000 , having
always stood very high in credit and had the
confidence of the trade. The sheriff today
served an attachment which was obtained
njralnst Uobcrt Gregg & Co. , millers , of Car-
tnou Falls , Minn. , by the Chemical National
bank for $ iiOO : on 'drafts dated January .10.
It was supposed that Haight & Co. , had Hour
belonging to Gregg & Co. in their stores.
Russell & Co. , the china merchants of No.
00 Wall street , made nn assignment today to
Henry Hannah , being unable to meet thuir
liabilities in full.
BOSTON' , Mass. , Juno 0. The creditors of
Potter , White & Bayloy , hoot and shoo man
ufacturers , held a meeting this afternoon.
The total liabilities were given as $1 , Ws.SOO.
The nominal assets are f"10C)0 ) , and the as
signee's valuation tbcioon $ JOJ,470.
"On the Side"
call for Satorian Ginger Ale bottled at Ex
celsior Springs , Mo.
Commencement AVeQk nt Princeton.
PuiN'ChTos , N. J. , Juno 9- This was the
third day of commencement week nt Prince
ton college. The students marched by
classes to university hall , where President
Patton spoke briefly. Ho said that no matter
what individuals might say or believe ,
Princeton's spirit was ono of liberality and
pi ogress , and each man was cxphctod to and
did form his own opinions of nil matters
theoretical and otherwise. President and
Mrs. Patton hold a reception from I to ( ) .
The sophomore reception was hold In tno
evening , Thu debate for the Lyndo prizes
$150 , $ W and $110 was hold in the evening.
The question for debate was : "Reciprocity
In trade with European states is more de
sirable than with American states. " The
verdict of the Judges was not announced
this evening.
Ladles who vuluo n refined complexion
must use Pozzonl's Powder. It produces a
soft and beautiful skin ,
THE It 13 A IjT Vn "M A It K. 13 T.
TNSTIIUMENTS pUouaToV rooora Juno 0 ,
.A. 18J1. tit
Throsa AdnmoU to Mary K/Apar / , n ' , ' lot
ID , h S lot II , blk 1) ) . ICoiillU/0 lid add . .
Mary J Illanulmrd anil liusnand to C'ary
M limit , lot IX blk U7 , himth Omiiha 1.COO
A J Olark toClnlconaudAV'J ' Krltts , lot ,
" > , A J ( Jl.irk K Niib . I. . I. ' 1100
W J IJlHolior and wlfti to V A. . Smith , 'lot
j > . ilk II > , Dundee I'lnce . . . . j
W 11 Krldlurauil wlfu to Oill Tiito , s 41
feotlols I uiiiia , blk l&U&hard Mill 60
UhrNtlun lutulher unil wife to Krunk
I'uuhu , lots 1 to 18 , blk to , ton n of Mll-
lurd . jjlt . COT
Aumikt Kount'o and wlfmio J II Stoke/1
lot li , .blklU , KoiinUn t'liifo . "MO
M I'Uimw ot ul toV \ S Kf UK , lot ' . ' , blk
IU , Smth Omiiha , , ' . . , ( w ,
SaniutoMinir. ' Intl , Mime , < t > . " . . . 1's 0
Merchants' National UAW to U M
Droxoi ' , u'JsoHW ' U-NI.IIH. 7. . . . . 700
John O'Donahou and wlfo to K T Vnnk
nii st ) lots.i and O.blook II , . , , |
merit association udij . n/.n
boiith Umahii land I'linipiiny to Koto II
Curtis. s > ; lot S , blk 5 | houth Omaha . 375
hmno to J J Will , .ot il. l.k < l. sumo . '
1 V Vir V'k , ! lllltl * lfu . to °
GW , ' .IS,10,01"1 ' * to M ° Holtximin , lot 8 ,
, llorcuco . . J
Total amount of transfers .
u fivlnt foollntf , tibtul taste in tho-inoiith ,
luck of appetite , despondency , irritubil-
ity , nil nriso from u disordered stomach.
A little Curlsbud Sprudol Suit will cor *
rect these troubles , nnd prevent them In
the future. Ho euro and secure only
ho genuine.
lAithrrnn Synod.
YOIIK , Juno 9. The eastern district
of the Missouri synod of the Lutheran church
concluded Its conference In this city today.
Ofltcors and committees were chosen as fol
lows : President , Pastor Brandt , Pittsburg ;
vlco president , Pastor Walker , York , Pa. ,
secretary , Pastor Hcchtold , Alloghany City ;
treasurer. Charles S. Hlllmati , Baltimore.
All the foregoing were ro-clccted. The mis
sion comintttoo is composed of PastorsSonno ,
Slokor and Orlamccr ; auditing committee ,
Messrs. Singorwaid , Thlormeycr nnd Frcnke.
The synoJ adjourned to moot in Juno of next
year at such a place as the president shall
Do not forget tlm Bailor's Pain PnnUyror
will cure all cases of dysentery , relieving the
griping pain nnd restoring the bowels to
healthy action.
Slow Her Illvnl.
Citirwio , Juno 9. Annie Allen crept up
behind Belle Rogers at n picnic today and
plunged a huge dirk knlfo IIvp times Into
Belle's neck and bacit. The victim sank to
the ground nnd in ten minutes was dead.
The murderess clung frantically to the police
man who arrested her , begging him not to
allow the crowd to lynch her. The two
women were both colored and were rivals for
the affections of n dusky youth named
Brownwell Jonos.
Klllott Murder Trial.
Cot.fMiit'ff , O. , June 9. At the Elliott mur
der trial James A. Ml.'cs , n local attorney ,
xvas the principal witness examined. Ho was
an eye-witness to a portion of the shooting
and confirmed the line of thn prosecution on
one disputed point that Elliott tired several
shots niter ho had gotten behind a woman
passing on the street.
The explosion of a bomb
is not more sudden or unlocked for
than the attack of some malignant
disease which would not occur wcro
the blood in older. To impure
blood * is due a great variety of ills
that make life n burden.
All the year round , you may rely
upon Dr. Pieree's Golden Medical
Discovery to purify the blood and
invigorate the system. It's not like
the sarsaparillas , that are said to be
good for the blood in March , April
and May. The "Discovery" woika
equally well at all times , and in all
cases of blood-taints , or humors , no
matter what their nnme or nature.
It's the cheapest blood-purifier ,
sold through diuggists , because you
only pay for the good you get.
Your money is returned if it
doesn't benefit or cure you.
Can you ask more ?
"Is life worth living ? " "That
depends on the liver. " Dr. Pieree's
Pellets arc the best Liver fills.
DB. ncHi'iniErs'SrEcincsnre scientifically nud
carefully prepared prescriptions ; usul for nmuy
years In private Jiractlco with succcss.niulforovLT
thirty years used by Uio people. Mery elUKlo bpe
cine u a spec ) il euro for tlio disease named.
hoBo Bpocincs cure without druKKlUR , pu
or reducing the E ) stem , mul nro la fnci nt.J
UST'OF rmt < cirAL > .o3.
I Fevers , Congestion , InllammatloL. . . .
'J Wormn , WormKoer , Warm Colic . , 5
3 Crylnir Colic , orTcelhliiKof Infants . ' .25
4 IMnrrhcn , of Children or Artnlw . . .185
A I K entorjj Griping , llllloiu Colic. . . .
( I lifiolora niorbuH , Vomiting
7 CoilghH , Cold , llroncliltln
t Neuralgia , Toollmchc , 1'accaclio . .
, HlckUcauaclii * . Vertigo
KIoadncucB Bilious Htnmnch. . . .
I SupurcxHoil or Painful I'erlods.
i \VUftCHtool'rofii8o 1'crlods - { . >
I Croup , CoiiKli , Dinicv.UlTfnthlnK,3
Knit Itliriim , trjbirclas. fruntluni. .18f5
IMiciiiiintlNin , llliouinnllc 1 nlns US
2s NoT"oVi 7iiTiiy ' " . , ! .
: llrluiiry WonkiipiM , Woljlnfcnrd. .541
aa illnciiMUMof tliiilleart.l'alpltntlou 1.00
Bold by Dnigcl/-tii , or ocntiiontpnM on receipt
of price.Da. . lIUMi'iiKEVS' MANUAL , (144 ( pamr )
richly bound Ja cloth and gold , mulled free.
Cor. William and John Streets , Mow York.
To euro nillousness Sick Headache Constlpatloo ,
Malaria , Liver Complaints , Lnko the utla
and certain remedy , SMITH'S
CtothoSMAI.I. BIZE(40 ( little boons to nio bet
tle ) They are the most convenient ; suit all u ni
i'rlceof either ( lie , 2S ceuu per tiottlo.
KBSSlR9f2at 717' 70 : fbolo ( rravuro.
IVHCSOBBUVws panel slio ot this plcturo for 4
CUOL3 ( coppers or eUiuipa ) .
Makers of "Ulle Ilenns. bu Louis ilp
AHKNUINK MIUUnilbiKll.l.Utt U Kllllt H CKHM
KIlADlUATOU-Curoa all rtUemes bccnil o It kills
tha inlcrolO ur t'Diin I'm mi iml rotulliMl In U , 18
anu U kUa' , Ilio latter 2 I 2 tuitions Pent any
whcro pri'i > nlilou ieccl | > t uf pike ore U 1) ) . XNu
I HUO nuiinmntco to euro. Ihu puhllc. tniilunncl
1obl ! r bilpiillc'il liy Ilio ( lOoilinuii Druu Cn M'-
Cormltk X l.nnil , ( liiinhiii U , A Mulchur , llowanl
Mycrx nnil I : . J. huykora , houth Oni.ili ] A , 1) Kus-
tcr unil M. r. l-.llln , Council Illuil" .
* , 1'icturo Ilx > k nn < l t rda
8g Jft icit lu any ono utldieii./ *
t | . < o. K. luiirs I'-llciUIlt , tc -
! Burnt a bright ( lime from a minute to 2 hours
The flr tmiUleal | flf lightingl'oikrt
I.QIUII unit Uivnr l.Uliureiiriinro.
( luted , A iiidlch lattt In ai > | earauce ,
but umalUrlii i > lze. A niartvlof luk'e *
, . \ nuit ) . L > , fill ami cnnunleut.
, * . .VHiin | > lecnini leta Ith alt acccno.
it-.Writ" , txireittil , | rr | > alil lo any
I R liwldrtM , ou receli't ' uf bl.oo.
Co . llvo llulMlru , Oiimlia , Neb
Council Bluffa , la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
Is Now Open
George T. Phalps ,
REflDI So That YoU Will Not Be D'eoeh/ecl /
Unscrupulous tnntitifucturors of medicines nro olTorlng to supply the retail
druggists with an articla put up in red wrapper , almost Identical in Ronornl np
ponranco , nnd closely asslmlhitod in every tlotnll to Cur tor's Llttlo Llvor Pills.
In this wny they hope to profit by the merit ol Carter's Llttlo Liver PUb , and
pnlm off nn Imitation on tlio unsuspecting sufToror anil purehnsor.
It Is ft source of wonder to honest people , that there are men ready and willing
to perpetrate such frauds.
Lot them beware ; a day of reckoning will surely come ; there are "upright
judges" In the land who will punish such people ,
But the moral of It all Is this : When you ask for Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills ,
insist upon having "C-A-U-T-K-K-.S , ' ' and see that you get thoin.
Tito proprietors of Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills huvo spent hundreds of thous *
ands of dollars to make their vnluo known. True merit always wins with the
people , Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills have won.
R Positive GUre for Sick Headache
With an Entirely "New Line of Goods Bought for
Cash Direct From the Manufacturers.
Cash Always Talks.
I have secured some of the SOO Men's Black Worsted Sultg
greatest bargains in men's and A.L SY.OO
boys' suits ever heard of in this '
BOO-Men's All Wool bress Suits ,
city. I can sell men's and boys'
in different styles , from
clothing BO per cent off of manu
facturers' prices. I am prepared
to back up every word 1 say by SOO Boys' All Wool Knee Pants ,
showing goods and giving In different styles , at
prices. For example , here are BOO.
a few leaders : BOO Boys' Suits , ago 4 to 14 , dur
ing the sale at
6OO Men's Working Suits Sl.OO.
4OO All Wool Boys' Suits , ages
SOO Men's Suits at to 14 , at
I Carry a Splendid Line of Gents' ' Furnishing
Goods , Hats , Caps , Boots , Shoes , Etc.
546-548 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Ol'I'OKTUNITUS : to miiKo money wcro
IIUXCT moru plentiful thun ntpiuHcntm
Council DlnfTs. Jiiy C. Solo , real entitle and
loan hrokor , No. 1 Pearl stieet , will put yon In
tlio way of ni.iUng Imndbomo piollts on Mii.Ul
I710K SALE Lot 45 feet front on Fifth
JL1 UMMIUU , liutwocii IRth and llltli St. , on
motor line. H. 1' . Uiilinlmn. VI10 ( ith live.
CLAIRVOYANT and psychometric , or char-
ncUT ro.HlhiK-i ; also dl.iKiiosIs of dlsu.ihC.
iioiid lock of hair for luadlnes by letter. Siin-
i-nys and oxenuiKS. Mrs 11. lloopor. 14-J A vo-
dnu H. near corner 15th street. Council Illuir ? .
Tei ms , 5Jo and Ji.OJ.
FOKSAhE-KorKiMit Wuntcil If you want
to btiv. soil or runt anytlilii ) ; In tbo rual
cstatu line don't do It until you liuvp scnn our
lar.o list of Imrralni Sw in A , Walker. No. U2
Main and 1111 I'm , rl b I roc Is Uoilnull lllulTs.
I > AsTiitAGP. for lior o\"niay bo had on the
Gall.i her farm. Apply to John U. I.oo , 100
PINK lircul horse , run bout -'l't : , will -it'll
or tr.ido. Address or eull on U. ltro\vn ,
Ita U'uat Uniaihray , Council Illnirs.
Swan & Walker's 113 Main snoot and II I
1'eiiil , Council Hlullt- , yon will ulwiiys find
a "hiiap Ij.irKiilu" in real et tic If you want to
buv , uraxooil pl.u'U to list a bargain It you
want to soil or tr.ido.
FOU SAI.n Anabitiactand Insurance Unsl-
ne'-s ; joel ll\ory stoek and controlling In
terest In an ustahllslicd business Will take
Boino good city property. Johnston & Van
1'attcn. _ ; _
171 OK SAM : niesi'intearrla.'o ti'.im and fine
J-1 single drhi'is ; prhes ieison.ile : ! ; call
and sco tlicih before hiiylnif. Kaau M. Smith
sales stubles t\u. 41S North be\unth street ,
AT AUNiriCliNT aero uropcity In flvr-ncro
1'J- tracts lot ; . tied i'i miles from | io-.tolllee ,
for fiiilo on lensoiKihlo tuims. S-onio line resl-
( leneo property for rent by Day & Iless.
FOlt KENT Tbo TlcMnlion block. : ; htory
brick , with basoiiiunt and elevator. J , w.
Siilro | , 101 I'o.irl strcut _
TTlOKS.vLK or Hunt Uirlun land. nltU
i houiai , uy J. U. Ulao. 10J ilila U , Oouaall
O ! Council Bluffa.
CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 ,
IWETOin I. A. Mlllor , P O aio.non , E U
Bhiixurt. H 1C. Hart , J U Ediunndson , Uh.xrlm
11 , llannan. Trans lot Ronertl lunkliK bu-ti-
ncis. l-ar.'nit capital und nurplui ot any
tnnrfln Soutliwoitarn IO.VA.
31. ii. ciiA.iiiit/tfif.\ . tt.
I'ye , Knr , No < o an I Throat
SIMM I ill.U
Council niuiN , - - Iowa.
roro t'yoi , cioss eye1 * ,
pnlnful anil wi'ak v
canaiio , ilcnfnii i ,
clmriu < from thu c.irs , ,
tirrh , hny fuvcr , uithmi
unit nil ucutu unil Lhronla
ntTecllontuf thu u
tpoclally ( llni I'voi tit
led wlilioiit p.iln < il.m oi uccuriluljT proiorlhal In
illtllcult e.mui , iiflon eiirliu chrnale nuurilitli at ) 1
rick honilncho. operation ! , wliun nucoi-
mry , piilnloulf purfur.niM , minrliu batt ruiulii
UlllcoSliu.'iirt-llunu blncic , rouiul ( . 'ouiiill Ilium , U
First--National--Bank : :
I'nlil Up Cii'iltii' ' , . . . . $ lK ( > jOO'J
Olcloit urKiinl'Uit Umk In Ilio city KoroUfii unl
ilonu' tie uxclnnjn ami local iccumloi. INiucli
attuutluri palcl to collucllimt. AcojunU of Inillvll
uulH , hanki , b.iiikurnuiiiluurparatlJli * Jllcllv 1 Cu , '
roMpondenta luvltuil
U1JO 1' . bANtOUl ) . I'ro-liliint.
A. W. U1KK11AN , Caihlor.
A. T. UIUK , A.iHtnnt Caihlor
Gas Heating Stoves.
No AHiiK.-il No
Just the thlnjt for bath roonji , boil rooms , eta
Call and Beoourlar o usiurtmcnt.
C. B. Go * nnU Elastria Light Co.
211 1'aarl and 310 Mulu SlrooU
DR. C. B , JUDD ,
606 Broadway , Council Bluffs , ! a
All kinds of Dying and Cleaning doiio In tlia
Illchcstbtyloof thu Art , KudeJ and btatned
raliilcsinado to look tu good us now , lied
1'e.itheis ( loaned lly Htcain , In l''lrst Olaii
W.inner.Vorlc promptly done and ilollvorod
In all parU of tliuoouutry bund for pried
O. A. MAOHAN. I'ron. ,
10U Uroadwav , Northwostoru Uapoi ,
COUNCII , Itl.UffS. lA.
Over O. II. Jacuuniln | to Co. , Juwulrr Stor
ThoNuw O.-ilun Hotel. In Oounull lllnlfH , has
been completely retuinlslied ami modernized
throughout , and Is now 01111 of the best hotels
In tint auto. It Is louatod In thn bnsliuias part
of tlioulty and the o'ootrio motors pusa tlio
door uvury four ininiitoi. 1'lro cxu.ipov anil
lire alarms ihnm.'hout the bnlldliu. Hlonm
heat , hot and cold water and sunshine in
uvory room Table iinsurpasaed anywhoro.
ItutuH , < -.i i u day ,
GEO. M. WHITNEY. Marmgor
R [ Sllllll1prc : Attor"oy"lt law. I'rrvo.
ft OtlllllULlb tco | i , , the Htiito nml
federal courts , Hooins : i , 4 and 6 Uhugurt
lleno block , Coiinell 11 lulls , la.
HI f Inmllflrc. Attorney at Law , No. 19
, J , VllttlllULla , i > uiiri Htroot , over Iliish.
null's storu. Telophoiio No. 'i
hourtt. B u. in. toU p. in. Council Illuir , la.
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' aid PaoXiri' ' SuiIiJ3 ( , ) ,
Market Fixtura ; , Casing ,
nlcoKand Fauia o MakerV Machlnary. 833.
i ! .Miilnst. , t'ounell Illuir a , Iu. Al o doalori
u Illdus and Kuri
Medical and Surgical 'Institute
nits. iini.uNQKitH , ruoi'H.
Chronic ( Incase * of all Ulniln mid deform-
Itlou kpuulaltifs. .No * . liWJl uad 'MU llruadwur <
Coiinell llluirs. la.