PART TWO. FHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. PAGES 9 TO 16 ; 1 TWENTIETH YEAH. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , JtJiSE 7 , 1891-SIXTEEN PAGES. NUMBER 3'19. JWc , arc Compelled to Vacate the New Annex , in a Few Days Notice the Low i im fmmimimuimmmi I MI t Prices in Order to Reduce Stock. Special Notice , \Vo received from our eastern buyer during the past week , two shipments of Mill RomnanU of fiu > t black DI-CFH Ooods , eonslHting of plain , fast blauk lawns , also lace stripes and about two do/en other styles , in plaids , checks , stripes , etc. Wo will place them on baleen on Monday at fie , ( Jo , fie and lOc a yard. None in this lot worth lc s than be and from that up to 26e. This is our best olTer thisheiifcon. You will find these remnants run from 3 yards to 12 yards in jv a piece over one-half of them full dross patterns. Closing out our entire stock of White Dress Goods before wo move. Call on Monday and see what you can buy for 2Je , 3jc , fie , Oc , 8c , lOc and 12jc a yard. Read this carefullyyou may llnd borne- thing that will interest you. 61 inches wide , red anil white checked Table Damask reduced to 25o yard. Red Bordered Damask 25e yard. Red and green fi8 inches wide Dainahk Sou yard. Turkey red fringed Napkin ? 18c dozen. 10 inch paper Napkins 100 for 50c. Large full sixo Crochet Bed Spreads 59c , (19C ( , 7fic,88c , ! )8c ) , $1.15 , $1.2.5 , $1.50 , $1.75 and $2,00 each. All we ask of you is to examine them and compare them. Tliov bell on sight. Remnants of Shaker and Outing Flan nel fie yard. Have you soon our new Outing Cloth ut 8c yard ? Largo Momio LSIp Robes fic. ! ) Cotton Diaper in nil the different widths ; also a full line of Linen Diaper. Over 100 do/.en Fancy Turkish Tidies at lOc , 15c , 19c , 25c , 39o and fiOc each * All our Kino Sateen Comforts have been reduced to close. Comforts that hold at $3.60 , you can now have thorn at $2.60 each. Double Width Sheetings arc down at IlaydcnB' : 8-J , 16c ; i--J ) , 17Jo ; 10-1 , 20c yard , fi-4 Rubber Sheeting 75o yard. Double Faced Cotton Flannel 15c yard. Imported Cretonne was 2fic ; now down to Ific yard , and fast colors at that. All colors in Mosquito Not and the best quality , full width , at 40c a piece. Lonsdalo Cambric , lOc yard. American Beauty Bleached Muslin , Scyard. 6 bales extra heavy and line Brown Shooting , fie yard. Bebt grade Skirt Cambric Lining , 3c. } Our stock of Solibia is complete , all colors and grades ; alhO n full line of Hummer Lining Porcalino , Collar Can vas , iScc. Special bargains in remnants of Wash Dress Goods , Table Linens , Double Width Shooting , &c. , at prices to close. Wo Imvn only a few more days to remain in our now annex , mid if you arc in need of anything in dry goods , now is your chance ; wo will BIVVO you money. Silk Department. SPECIAL FOR MONDAY. Full line of new styles in Chinasworth 60c , to close , 35o. Chony Brothers Drebs Silks , worth 91.00 , to close , ( ioc. ' "vBalanoo of our Wash Silks in shaded stripes , worth $1.00 , to clobo , 05c. A nice line of Plaid Surahs , regular $1.00 goods , to close , Ofic. French Failles , in colors , regular 81.00 poods , Monday , 88c. Black and Rod Gremidinos , in stripes , worth $1.26 , Monday , We. Plain Black Grenadines , worth $1.25 , Mommy , ! )0o. Satin Rhadamcs , from 55c to ! )0c. ) Gros Grain Dress Silks , from 85c to $1.60 , that wo guarantee equal to any silks of the same quality usually sold for double the money at any other house in the city , A nice line of remnants of Black and Fancy Silks to close out at half former price. Wash Dress Goods. Now is the time to buy your summer drcbscs. Before wo move wo shall maKe prices on wash dress goods lower than you will find thorn any where ol. = o , so if you study economy you can not puss llaydoiiB. 3 Cases Chullls Dos Antilles J at fie a yard. Where can you get such challls nt 5c a yard outside of Haydens' . The general retail price of these Challis is lOc a yard. Challls Do Nymph , Imperial Chiillia lie India , etc. , at 2c } and 8Jo a yard. Thobo are not remnants and old stvles , but among this lot you find the latest Styles out at 2Jo and 8jc a yard. Only 60 pieces more of line Colored Manchester Satoons at 6c a yard. Hay- dons' prices the lowest on Sateens. Plain Black Satcon So , lOc , 12Jc , 15c , lOo , 25o , and 35c a yard. All plain colors in Sateen , Imported Sateens best made reduced to 25ca yard. Fancy Imported Sutoons reduced to ISo a yard. Wo carry the largest stock of Sateens In Omaha. Pine Apple Tissue reduced to 12jc a yard. Bent make Shirting Prints Bio a yard. Down go the prices on Sorges before we move. You can buy Armenian Serges , all colors , ever one hundi oil styles to select from , 80 inch wldo , double fold , 7Jc yard that's right , 71o yard others able you JSoyurd ; Haydons'price 7e } for 30-ihch wldo Armenian Sorgo. We will ult-o close all our black and whlto 3d Inch wldo Lyons Sorgos at the snmo price , 7Jo yard ; thos-o prices for the retail only ; only ono dress pattern to ouch customer nt 7jo yard. If you want "Korah Molro " "Brotonia " " , Cloth. "Branden burg Cloth. " "HhunUmg , " "Canton Cloth " "Jura " " Cloth , , "Avoyron Cloth , " and all the lending Wash DrobS Goods In the mnrket , you should huston to Uuydons , where vou find them all , uml It s the only place in Omaha where you find a full assortment of Wash DTOSH Goods ; n vh > it to this departimwt will convince you of the truth of thib us- Trimmings. This department is making special cuts on all kinds of dross trimmings. JinlngH nuU drciemakoru' material * . Colored Dress Goods- On Monday wo will place .on sulo the greatest bargains ever olTcred in colored Dress Goods. Our stock must bo re duced , and to do this quickly wo will make the following low prices : 22-inch Plaids , former-price lOc ; to clobo , 80 yard. 10-inch all wool Plaids , a good thing for fiOc yard , reduced to 27c. 10-inch all wool Plaid Summer Suit ing , sold at 85c , goes in this sale for 40e. 10-inch French Plaids , very fine , worth 05c ; take what you want for 05c yard. 38-inch all wool Homespun , would bo cheap at 60o ; wo will sell Monday for 27c. } 40-inch Brilliantinos reduced from 76c to 33c for Monday only. 10-inch English Pinlicad Check , form er price 45c ; Monday , 19c. 10-inch all wool hair btripo Chnviots , that wore bargains for 75c ; wo will close atI9c. . 12-inch wool Check Suiting , very beautiful patterns ; former price , $1.25 ; reduced to 85c. < 10-inch Summer Serges , in Grays , Tans and BroMns , to close , G9c. li-inch ( Serge , very fine , former price $1.10 , to close , G9c. 10-inch Henrietta , in dark colors , for mer price $1.25 , to close , 75c. 40-inch Henrietta , in' all the latest shades , extra fine , reduced from $1.25 to 95c. 95c.Wo Wo have a largo line of Sacking Flan nel , in all shades , ranging in price from 35c to $1.25. Our stock of Albatross Cashmeres and Henriettas , in all the light shades , is very complete and at the lowest prices. 10,000 yards Royal Serge 3jc yard ; 5,000 yards Beige Suiting Gjc yard ; 3.000 yards'Debcigo lOc yard. 3(5-inoh ( English Cashmeres 19c , 25c , 29c , 33c and 35c. Wo have a largo stock of Remnants whicn wo ofTer for half price on Mon day.And And btill wo have made another cut on our Black Dress Goods department. Everything marked down and must go as our stock must bo reduced and in or der to do this wo will offer the best bar gains ever offered in Omaha. Just no tice our prices : Black English Cashmere 36-lnches wide at Illc and 24c. Henrietta cloth wo will offer for Mon day at 29c , worth 50c per yard. Our Black French Henrietta which wo have found n good Article At 73c we will sell for fific , guaranteed all wool and ab solutely fast black. German Henriettas very wide silk finished blue and jot blacks nt 88c. Our nil wool serges 40 and 46 inches wide wo will ollor on' Monday for 65c , OOo and 72c , worth at least $1.00 , 81.15 and $1.25. Our Black 'Mohair Brillinntino , 42 inches wide , a.s nice a lustre us a good silk , former prices $1.25 , $1.00 and 88c , have cut the price to 88c , 75c and 55c. It is necessary to see thebo goods in order to appreciate their good v.ulue. Fancy Fine Raised Check , black and white , reduced from $1.00 to C9c. Novelty Wool Goods has been sold for 75c , but wo will clear them out at 39e. Black and White Striped Cashmere , 30 inches wide , will oiler them for Mon day at 34c per yard. Remember wo have made a reduction in our fancy weaves , of which wo carry the latest designs of all the bebt makes , and will offer them at less than the cost to import these goods. Remnants at one-half the cost of the goods , odd lengths , and will bo sold on Monday. Gents' ' Furnishing Goods The season being very backward and having on hand an immotibo stock of summer goods it will compel us to cut prices very deep to move the stock. Commencing Monday wo will sell 100 do/.on gents' fine linen cults worth 25c per pair at 15c. Gents' extra largo black silk handker chiefs only 50c each , worth $1.00. 100 do/.on gents' fast black cotton half hose , Ilormsdorf dye , only 25c per pair , worth 40c. 50 Oo/on gents' fine suspenders only 20c , worth 350. 1 case of gents'ecamlobs half hose only 5o , worth lOc. 100 do/on gents' Windsor scarfs only 6c , worth Ific. 50 do/.on gents' took scarfs , elegant patterns and flowing ends , only 25c , ac tually worth 50c. 1 ciiso of gouts' New York mills unlaundered - laundered shirts , double back and front , continuous facings , hand made button holes , linen bosoms and bands , only 50c , reduced from 75c. 1 case gents' laundered shirts , made from the bust muslin that money will buy , open and rUtbod front , only JJ , rog uliir price $1.60. 1 case Gents' Domot Flannel Shirts only 35c , reduced from oOc. Gents' line plaited Bosoms Ovorshirts only 60o , reduced from 75c. 100 do/on Gents' Fine Summer Outing Shirts only $1 , reduced from 31.60. Ladies' Jersey Knit Underwear. 1 case Lndlos' Vests only fcc.othurs ask 15c. 1 case Ladles' Fancy Knit Vests lOc , reduced from 20o. Ladies' Willlmantie Lisle Vests only lOo , worth 40o. Ladles' line Swiss Ribbed Vests , tied with ribbon on nock and elcovud. only 25c , a bargain nt60e , Lndlos fancy Lisle Vests only 50c. worth * 1.00. 1 case ladies' fine summer Morlno Vests , French necks and ribbed tail , ouly 60c , worth 75c. Millinery. - . , . ; Millinery. Our millinery department Is now showing an enormous stock of line Trimmed Hats in all the newest styles , including the most exquisite novelties- , at less than 25c on the dollar. Phcso goods must bo bold , and cost , value or profit are each and all lost sight of in th s Eule. The only considc'raiioti ts td sell the goods and condense stock be fore moving day. I The greatest wonder of all is that so many ladies will go out with a doll ur hat on when she can buy a charming $3 or $5 hat for 76c or $1.25. Why not study yotjr own Interest just a little and come to this sale and sec for yourself. Look at our faplondid stock of fine millinery ribbons , 'beauti ful French flowers , ostrich tins , jeweled lace trimmings and gracefully brilliant ornaments , and all at lc-s tluui.-tho cost of every day common hardware , , , Ladies' and Children's Hosiery 1 aso Children's Fubt- Black Hose , double heels and toes , only 19apcr pair , actual value 40c. Ladies' Black Cotton IIosoSc per pair , worth lOc. Ladies' fancy cotton hose 5c per pair , worth lOc. Ladies' Fust Black Cotton Hose , Rich- 1 cliou ribbed , only 12c } per pair , roduucd . from 20c. I 1 case of Ladies' Fast Blnck Cotton ; Hose , Hcrmbdorf dye , only lOc per pair , 1 reduced from 25c. 1 50 dozen Ladies' Fine Imported Fancy Hose only 25c per pair , reduced from 60c. 60c.Ladies' Ladies' Extra Fine Fust Black Hose , Ilormsdorf ay o.only 35c per pairreducod from 60 < x Ladies' Black Lisle Thread Hose 50c , worth 75o. Boys'Shirt Waists- On Monday wo will place on sale 100 dozen boys' fancy Percale Waists in now patterns , every colors and well made. They are worth 40c to 50c each ; on Monday your choice of this lot only 25c. 25c.Also Also 100 dozen Sun Waists , equal to the Star Waibt in every particular ; no old styles : all this spring's patterns ; your choice of this lot only 50c , reduced from $1.00. Corsets. " If prices will do it wo intend closing out a good many lines of Corsets on Mon day regardless of cost. An elegant Summer Corset only 39c , worth 50c. All our French Woven Corsets and Striped Corsets worth 75c , reduced to 50c. 50c.An An extra fine $1.00 Corset reduced to 75c. Hat Department MEN'S HATS. Men's Stiff Huts 95c , worh $2. Men's Soft Hats at from ii5c up. , . Men's Straw Hats , black. 35c. Mon's Straw Hats , white , 25c. FOR MONDAY. The "Tiger" Hat , $1.49 ; worth $3.50. The ' 'Refuge" Hat , $1.50 , worth $3.50. The "Gilt Edge" Hat , $1.05 , worth $1. BOYS' HATS. . Boys' Straw Huts , lOc. Boys' Straw Hats , lc ! ! , Boys' Straw Huts , 15c. Boys' black straw , 25c. 2 dozen Cloth Hats , 25c , worth 50c. 10 dozen Felt Hats , 25c , worth 50c. Clothing Dept , Wo are overstocked In this depart ment. Wo have marked prices on our Men's and Boys' Clothing for , this week never before heard of. 600 Children's Knee Suits , $1. 'worth 82. 82.400Children's 400Children's Knee Suits$1.25 , worth $2. 250 Children's Knee Suits $1.50worth $2.50. 300 Children's Knco Suits $2 , worth $3. $3.All All our bettor suits , $2.50 , $3 , $3,50 , $4 , $4.50 , $5 , $5.60 , reduced $1 to $2.60 per suit , 200 Boys' Pants Sults$2.50$3.60 , $4. These suits are gems of bargains. 1,000 all wool Knee Pants 60c. worth 85c. 85c.Wo Wo will give you a chance on Men's Suits , $2.50 , $3.60 , $4.50 , $5. $0 , $7. Every ono of these suits are worth $5 more inonoy , Wo mean whai wo say. Men's Pants , 50c to $0. Wnltor Aprons , 20c , worth 50c. Jackets , 85c worth $1.25. Laces. Laces. The largest disp'aj of fine Drapery Nets ever attempted. 05 new and ex quisite styles to select from. Warranted pure black SilU Nets , 48 inches wldo , at 43c , nt 47c , at 65e , at O.'to up to $1.25 , actual value 75o to $3.25. This is a special lot from New York cus tom house auction sale of confiscated goods. This lot also includes a line of jino Flouncing , Li nun Torchons , Medici and a large variety of line Silk Lacoa , in wide and narrow widths , of all kinds. French Chantily , Guipure nnd ether black and cream Silk L-ices at So , lOc , 12c , 15c , 18c up to 35o yard. Wall Paper. Splendid wall paper at 2c } , at 3jc , at 6c , up to 7o roll. The most complete line of absolutely high art styles to bo found on any mar ket. Grand Special ; Sale FOR MONDAY. Grnml clearing sale on Umbrellas and Sunshades for Monday ! Every dollar's worth of thcso goodsto bo closed out re gardless of cost. A fine sunshade on Monday only 59c each ; 21-inch English futccn , fust black , only "fie , worth $2.00 ; 20-inch Alabama serge Umbrellas , gold cap handles , only $1.00 , reduced from $1.50 ; fine 20-inch gloria silk Umbrellas' , natural sticks , silver trimmed , only $1.60 , worth $2.60 ; best quality imported 20-inch gloria silit umbrellas , gold Ct-ooU umbrellas , only $2.00 , worth $3.50. Special. The greatest bargain of them all : 20- inch Milan serge , buragon frame , ele gant horn handles , ' only 82.45 , good value at $1.00 ; 20-inch rainbow silk , war- runted for ono year , 'paragon frames , come in 50 different Uyles of handles , on Monday only , $3.00 filch , worth $4.50. On Monday wo will phico on sale 1 lot of 20-inch volunteer sllW Umbrellas , part silk nnd linen , and 'warranted ' for 1 year , paragon frames , English sticks and elegant handles , only $3.50 each , worth So.OO. Drug Department. Just received an elegant line of Soaps nnd Drug Toilet Article which wo will sell to you at the lowest , price that ever was named In Omahn i Beef iron and wino , fiOc. ' Hops and malt bittorsi75c. Catlin's sursuparillji , 750. . Hunyadi bitter waterj3pc Idanha mineral wateriJ5c. Rosewater , 25c per bptiMOi Bay rum , 25c pqr tipple. * . Witch Hazel , loc pb ; ' bpttle. Ammonia , lOc , largtyhottlo. All of Colgate's" perfuinO at 29c per ounce. All of Wood worth ' popfotnp at 29c per ounce. ' All of Eastman's p'erfujno at 29c per ounce. Toilet watdr , lG-6-uticotl)6ttJo.40c. Toilet water , 5-ounpeJbotilb * 35c. Florida 'Water , 35ci15wtaf ; 60c per bet tle. Aj j + . . . , Lai fe bu'jfrgy sponges xi 15c. School si)6ngos , 16. " * Gold painl at lOu , " IGo 106 to 25c per bottle. French enamel ptilHt , Hc ) per bottle. Vaseline , perfumed , 71& Vaseline' , plain , 5c. Syrlngosfrom 60c , ,05o , ftje up to $2.00. Fountain syringesfrom 95cup to $1.75. Hot water bags , from1 85c up to $1.60. TOILET $ OAPS. Wo have such a large variety of soaps and not having spacoenqugh to enumer ate them , will only say wo have the best soap in the world anJ ( oui ; prices are the lowest. Soap from li ? , p. ' rr\ t T'j. Toy.Jept. , A * On first floor in nnnfc'x you will find a full line of all kinds of. toys and fancy goods. ' /i „ Hammocks of all kinds at all iiriccs. Croquet eots and bajls of nil kinds. Marbles , jack stones , dolls ( albums baskets , both lunch baskets and waste baskets , wagons , velocipedes nnd games. ' All those goods are to be sold out at 'i/really reduced prlces'beforo wo move out of this building ; . ' It will pay you to got anything in this line now. : On fourth lloor in the furniture de partment you can get 4-foot lawn fold ing settees for $2.85. fi-foot for $3.15. Lawn chairs 75c and < $1. Camp stools 25c. Camp chairs 30c Sale all week. Furniture Dept. Commencing Monday morning wo shall start ono of the grandest sales of baby carriages over known in this or any ether city. $8 carriages for $5. $10 carriages for $5.30. $12 carriages for $7.25. $14 carriages for $8.45 , , $10 carriages for $10.50. $18 carnages for $12. These are all cronulne ; reed and rat tan carriages , steel .whe&is , upholstered in crotonnot plush undirjiaie , and first- class carriages In every respect. Wo carrv the .largest stock of car riages In the city. , j We make the lowest i prices , nnd wo exchange carriages or refund inonoy if everything is not satisfactory. For this week , also grand special ealo on solid oak center tabk'M finished an tique , 10th century , onojdtEngllsh. 45 styles to select from. Goods direct from madufaeturor. No fire sale , but at llrpsnlo prices. Tables at 81.75. $1.83 , * 2 , $2.85 , $3 , $3.00 and * 1. \ Com3 and see , pleasure to show goods. ' Grand special sale on rood and rattan chairs and rockers. Buy ono now and beautify your homo , Any price from $2.85 un. : Wo are first on the list for low pri.'os , for genuine good furniture of all kinds , puits , tables , plush phairs nnd rockers , lounges , chairs and'rockers of all kinds , easels , pictures , hat racks , etc. Before you start on your trip thin summer run In and see our line and got prices. We can savq you from $1 to $3 on a trunk anu always a JHtto ou a valise. Special ealo all week on trunks and Special Bargains for Monday in Ladies' Shirt Waists & Blouses Ladies' outing llannel blouses , 7fic. . Ladies' sateen blouses , pleated. l)8c. ) Ladiesophyr gingham shirt waists , pleated , with belts , 1'Se. ' Ladies' black sateen blouses , 98c. Ladies' white dossing sacks , pleated front and back , with bolts , 75c , USc , $1.15 and $1.25. Ladies' calico sUirtsand waibts , $1.25. To clean up our stock of blazers and reefers wo will reduce thorn one-half of former prices. Children's reefers and blazers , ages from 4 to 12 years , In blue , tan and car dinal , gold and silver trimmed , $2. Misses' roofers and blazers in olack tan and blue , ago 14 to 18 yours , $2.50. Ladies' black cashmere shawls , three thread silk fringe all around , $3.50 , re duced from $5. A full line of misbos' and children's white dresses , ago from 14 to 10 years , $2.50. Ladies' house jerseys , in olack , blue nnd tan , ! )8c. ) Ladies' skirts 50c. Ladies' white wrappers , $1.25. lufants' short cloaks , in cream and tan , embroidered , $1.50. Infants' long cloaks , in cream and tan , embroidered , $1.50. Extraordinary Sale of Notion Departm't Special Bargains. Full count pins Ic. Beet English pins5c , worth lOc. Safty pins Ic do/.cn. Hooks and Eyes. Ic do/.en. Brook's Thread , 2 spools for 3c. Harbour's Linen Thread , 3c. Colored skirt braid 3c. 6 hook Corset Steels , 5c. Macrame Cord , 8c ball. Best Knitting Cotton , 5c ball. 08 .stylos in highest crrado Hair Brushes , at less than one-half usual prices. Immense variety of combs , loom webs , silk > elastic webs , braids , hobo support ers/and various other notions. Art Needle , Work Material ' Silk plush balls at Ic , 2cand 3c ; worth Cc to lOo. Embroidery silk , 5o dozen spools ; worth lOc. Fine tinsel cord , in Dulls , nt3c ; worth 6c. Wtjsh and rope silk linen lloss nnd or naments nt loss than half regular prices , Stamped linens in endless variety , at 3c , 60 , 7c. lOc and 15o for doylies , bibs nnd scarfs worth lOc to 25c. Finest qualities of stumped linens of nil kinus at closing- out prices. Carpet Dept , Wo can only repeat what wo said be fore on'Carpets. The stock is the larg est , the styles are the latest and the prices the very lowest for high grade standard troods. Standard Ingrain Carpets at 27c , 35c , 43c and 48c. Standard extra super , finest wool car pets at 55c , 67jc , 03 and 08c , actual vuluu 76c to $1.25. Splendid liijo Moquettes. Axminstors. Velvets , Brussels and "Royal Wiltona. Chenille Curtains- A splendid array of finest Chenille Curtains and Portiors purchtibed nt forced sale of Now York importers stock. Curtains at $3.75 , $1.60 , $5,75 , $0 , $7.50 , $9 , $10.60 , $12 , $15 and $18 , actual values ranging from $7.50 ur > to $30. Thih department is positively show ing the most varied and extensive line of fine Swiss , French , Nottingham and Tambour Lace Curtains over shown in Nebraska. These goods wore all pur- cluisod-nt the recent Now York auction Bales , nnd are now on sale at less than import cost. Jewelry Department. Unheard of low prices for guaran teed goods. GpnuliiQ coral beads , 15o , 20c and 25a a string , worth 60c. Gpld-plat ) d nock chains 25o. Rolled gold-plated breastpins at lOc , at9c ! , at 25o , at 'loc , at 45c , worth 35o to $1.25. Solid silver lace pins at lOc ouch. ITair ornaments at fie , lOc , 15o. 19c 39c , 75o and l)5o ) , worth 2"c to $2.50. Solid gold Baby Rings at 25c. Ladies' solid gold sot rings at 25c. Ladles'rollod gold plated rings at 25c. Rolled plated hair pins fie per do/on. Coin silver nock chains , 25c. Nickel alarmclocks , 95o. Splendid 8-day m-intol oloolcSj catho- dr.U chime , nti2.95 , worth $5. Fancy largo mantel clocks nt $1.25 , $1.76 , $2 and $2.50 ; worth $3.50 un to $7. LudioH'coin silver watch at $ . Gents' sllvorlno watch , Elirln or Wultham movements , $3.60 , worth $0. Gents' gold-filled watch at $10 , worth $ -0. Gents'host gold-filled , Boss case , full- jowolod. at $17.85 , worth $35. All the newest designs in Indies' flue watches , all sola on n basis of dry goods profits. Every article fully warranted na rep resented or inonoy refunded. Ruchings , Ruchings. Exqulslto htylos in fine silk nnd crepe ruchinga at Cc , at 7c , at lOc , up to 25o yard , HOUSE Furnishing Goods GARDEN HOSE. Wo will soil you a Green Hose at lOc per foot. This is not made of a lot of I old rags with u thin covering of rubber. I The friction on this hobo is capublo of standing SO-lb pressure , and at the end of the boason will bo us good UH at the beginning of the sotibon , and will bo so for several years. If you should burst a length wu will refund you your money. This hosn has never beun bold any less than 17jc per foot. All we wore able to obtain of this hose was 10,000 foot. The lOc per foot includes couplings and all ready for use. I The Wonder , the finest reel miulo , will hold 200 foot hose , $1 ; worth $3. Peerless Refrigerators I The Peerless Refrigerators uro made i of oak , antique finish , mineral fibre fill ing. They are made open to allow a perfect circulation of dry cold air. The coiibtruction of the upper horizontal Hue is such that it can bo ononed or closed at any timo. Thisisan important 'new ' device not employed in any other refrigerator , and is patented. The fipaco between the outer and inner cases is filled closely with a mineral fibre which is superior for this purpose to anything ever before used. Other makers use saw-dust or charcoal us u filling or leave the space empty. The saw-dust will rot and decay , the charcoal will settle and leave blank spaces hero and thoro. The mineral fibre in the Peerless will never settle or shako out ; it is colorless , udorloss and indestructible by heat or even lire ; vermin or germ ciinnot exist in it ; as a non-conductor of heat it is double that of charcoal anil greater thnn that of any known substance. The Peerless is the only refrigerator using mineral fibre filling , giving you the best refrigerator made in the world for the least money. Our No. 1 $8.50 ; all other makes of the same si/.o sell from $12 to $14. Our No. 2 $10 ; all ether makes of the same size soil from $15 to $18. ' Wo have over 30 different styles with corresponding prices. Granite Ware AND BLUE ENAMELED WARE. Wo have purchased the biggest line of Granite and Blue Enamel ware dvbr received in Omaha. Our prices tell the story. Preserving Kettle No. 10 2-qt. 30c each ; regular price 50c. Preserving Kettle No. 20 3-qt. 43c each ; regular price 75c. Preserving Kettle No. 22 1-qt. 52e each ; regular price 90c. Preserving Kettle No. 20 0-qt. 08o each ; rogulur price $1.13. Preserving Kettle No. 28 S-qt. Olc each ; regular price $1.25. Tea Kettle No. 7 $1.25 ; regular price $2.25. Tea Kettle No. 8 $1.81 ; regular price Sauce Pans No , 10 ii-qt. aoc ouen ; regular price 50c. Sauce Pans No. 20 3-qt. 43c each ; regular price 75c. Sauce Pans No. 22 4-qt. 52o each ; regular pi ice OOc. Sauce Pans No. 20 6 qt. C8c each ; regular price $1.13. Sauce Pans No. 28 8-qt. Olc each ; regular price $1.2. " ) . And the whole line comprising every thing made in the above ware at corresponding spending prices. WASH TUBS 35C , 45C , 55C EACH. THE BEST WRINGER MADE $1.75. THE WESTERN WASHER $1.50 EACH. Unbundled cups and saucers , 2ic oach. Handled cups and saucers , . ' { Jo each. Dinner plates , -He oach. Pie plates , 3e oach. Wash bowl and pitchers nt27jc each. Sauce dihhos , 2c each. Platters at 3c , 5o and lOc oach. Soup plates and bowls at 5u } each. Chambers at 23c each. Cream pltchurs at flcs each. Vegetable dishes at 3c and 5c oach. Tumblers at 2jc oaoh. The above goods are the very best white ironstone china tn.ulo. Bargains DECORATED WARE 100 piece imported decorated dinner got , $9.60 : worth $25. I 112 pieces Imported decorated dinner sots , $10.50 ; worth $35. ' I Decorated cups and saucers at C2o per bOt. Decorated dinner pinion , 3"c per sot. Decorated pie plates , 33o per sot. Vegetable and covered dishes , 59c each. Decorated banco dishes , 22c per sot , Milk crocks at 3jc per gallon. Mason fruit jars \Vo have just received - coivod a car load , 11.400 , fruit jars , wo will put them on sale Monday. Lawn Mowers. Wo will sail you lawn mowers cheaper than ever boforo. Wo have jiwt re- colvod 600 Keen Klinpors from lU-lnoh to 10 at the following prices : The 10-Inch S. G Ko on Kllppor $5.09 The 12-lnoh H. G. Ko on Kllppor $0.50 The 14-imhS. G. Keen Klippor * 7.2j. The Ki-lnoh S. G. Keen Kllppor $7.50 Every part of the Koorio Kllppor Is warranted. Ice Cream Freezers Two quart $1.15 Four quarts $1 75. Wo carry a full line of the Leythlng and Waito.Mountaia fraoxers. Letting Down Prices Flour , Flour , Flour \Vhy pay $1.75 per 60 lit sack for a niiiiii-V when you can buy from us , the very bust Minnoanolis full pitont Hour made expressly for us from selected wliout , "Hiiyilon Hros' Ho < t Suporlu- tivo" tit $1.35. Every sack guaranteed or inonoy refunded. Snow Flako. Doc. C'ontnil Mills Best Superlative , $1.09. lust received another lot of pure strawberry jam put up in pure granu lated sugars 15o pound. This IH the linost poods you ever out , you cannot inako jinn as good us this yourself , the strawberry is all whole , not all mashed to a jolly. You will have to see the jam to appiociato it. You can make very line strawberry short oako of it. " I'uro granulated" sugar and fresh cream caramels , 17Jc per pound. You know you cannot buy thorn for less than 40cand our lion Rons arc made from pure granulated sugar and cream , and if you can prove otherwiseby any good author ity or important judtro or chemist wo will pay for your trouble. Wo furnish the sugar and cream to make these gooda and they miint bo puro. BUTTER. A good country Intttor IK1. It would costyou ; 15e in any store.Vo will soil the very best country butter at 12je. Wo oiler our Iowa creamery for l/ie / and 17c. } Come hero and got two pounds ol butter for what you would pay for ono to other dealers. CO L11 ! HE. Wo sell you a good Samoa and Rio colToo , crushed , 19o , and Moca and Java , cotreo crush , 25o. Our pure Moca and Java roasted froslj every day , 35o. Deviled Ilam , 5e Potted Ham , 5o. Potted Ox Tongue , 5c. Spiced Pigs Feet , 5o per Ib. Spiced Tripe , fie per Ib. Shrimps , 20e per can. Imported Qucun Olives , 35e per qt Very line evaporated Californ ia Peaches 15c : worth 25e. Very line evaporated Raspberries , 20o worth 35c. Very fine evaporated Apricots , 19c ; worth 30c. Very fine evaporated Black berries. 7ic ; . worth 12Je. Pure Fruit Jolly , par pail , 95cvorth ; $1.25 Very line evaporatott Apples , 12Joi worth 25c. Imported Chow-Chow 16c per qt ; worth 80c. Imported Mixed Pickles , 15c ; worth 25c. 25c.Very fine gallon Apples , 20c ; worth 45c. 45c.Very line 3-lb can all yellow table Peaches , lc. ! ) All kinds California 3-lb can Pluma , 15c. 15c.3lb 3-lb can California Dluclc Cherries 15c. Importea small Pickles lOc per qt. , worth 35o. Wo will sell you largo Pickles 5o per qt. Imported Valencia Raisins , very fine , 81c. Imported Strawberry Jams. 3. ' > c. Iniortcid ] ) Rod Raspberry Jams , 35c. . 3-lb. Civliforniu Poaclios , Wo. This is the best Peach you ever bought. Importea Catsup , 15c per qt. Imported English Currants , 7ic Sweet Chocolate , 5c. Premium Chocolate , 17je. ' Condensed Milk , lOe Sugar-Cured Hams , lOc ; Picnic Hams , 7c ; Boneless Hams , 9c. Bologna Sausage , fie ; Liver Suisaijo 5c ; Head Ghooso , 5c ; Frankfort S.m bago , 7e. Dried hoof , lOc and I2ie. 2-lb. can Blackberries , 8Jc. 2-lb. Preserved Raspberries , put up In sugar syrup , 17Je. Mustard , fie per bottle Absolutely pure Baking Powder 35c. Oil Sardines , fie. Mustard Sardines. , lOc. ! )8 ) per cent Lye , for scrubbing , lOc. 60 nor cent Lye , for scrubbing , Tic. Teas , - Green Japan , a good ton , 19c , 21c , 26a 29o. 29o.Simdrlod Simdrlod Japan Tea , 15e , 19c , 23c , 29o , 35c and 49c. Uncolored Japan Tea , 20o. 29c , 35c , 43o , 60o , 5o. ! ) Banket Fired Tea , lc ! ) , 23o , 25c , 29c , 35c , 49c. Young Hyson Tea , 35e , 40u , 49u , OOc. English Breakfast Tea 35o to 95c. Oolong Tea 35o to Hoe. This Is the finobt line of Tea that was ever offered in Omaha. Do not say to yourself that wo cannot neil good Tea for thobo prices. Buy a pound and bo convinced. If you do not liito the tea wo will rotund the inonoy. They are all worth two and three times the prico. LADIES' Pocket Books , 1 case of ladies' knit vests only 8a each. LudioH' Swiss ribbed vests only lOcj reduced Irom 20c. Ladies'Swiss ribbed vests , Egyptian cotton , only 25c ; reduced from 40c. Ladies' fancy liulu vests only COo ; re duced from $1. Swiss & Hamburg Embroiderie. . Finn Hamburg Edgings ut Ic , at 2o , at 3c , at Ic , at fie , at 7o , at 100. Fine Kwiub and Hamburg houmltuhed nnd embroldoroJ Flouncing , in white or black , at 2io ) , 36c , 13o , 47c , S3o , 03c , 78c up to $3. Allovar Embroideries at 29o , 3 > o , 13o , 6ro , 03o , 76c , 87c. Every article a sterling bargain to reduce rUoi-lc. Windsor Tics. New htylos satin Windbor ties at 3d and 5c H'lic ' Windsor lion at lOuand 12c. t'inoit Scotch plaid silK ties ul 150. at IDo , atZdo ; worth 35 to COo ,