Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1891, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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I'lgeon-Holo Oomotory of Guanahuato and
Its Countless Occupants-
Mexican KiinonilH licuror 'I linn hlfo
Wlillo Dcuoratuil .Struct Cars
Servo ns IICHMCM In the
. Metropolis.
mi M/fVniik i .
) , Mexico , Juno 3. [ Special
Correspondence of Tun llnu.l
(11 ( K strangest burying
' ground of the world is here
nt Guanahuato. I have
visited the most curious
graveyards on record , hut 1
have never seen anything
that compares with the horrors
rors I saw today. I have
stood In the lonely garden
of the Wat San Kato in
In Slam and have watched
the hungry dogs light over the bleeding
Hash of thn dead humans who were
thrown there for burial. I havoseon the vul
tures by the hundreds swoop down upon the
naked dead babies of thn Pawees ns they
Silence ut Bombay
worn laid upon tlio Towers of
bay , and I have wandered among tlio tombs
of the thousand generations of Chinamen
which 1111 the sides ot the \Vhllo Cloutl moun
tains near the big city of Canton. I have nil-
ml red the .sculptured marbles representing
living wives bending over their dead hus
bands in the wonderful Campo Santo In
Genoa , have seen the dead piled naked on too
of ono another In the cemetery at Naples nnd
have wandered among the bono receptacles
of the catacombs at Uomo. 1 have seen the
mummy tombs of Egypt , the burning ghats
of the Ganges , the cremations and quick llmo
burials of the Japanese , but the sights of this
Mexican cemetery are stranger than all. I do
not find thorn down in nny or the books on
Mexico and I would hardly have believed
Viat they existed hail I not soon them with
Biine own oyes. Imagine , if you can , the
bones of 100,000 human beings torn to pieces
and piled ono on top of another like so much
corn in n granary. Put ull ages and sexes to
gether. Tear them limb from limb and mix
the mass of aluilK legs , arms and ribs to-
gather so that the bony lingers on ono runs
into tlio hollow eyes of its neighbor , and the
parts of the different skeletons lose them-
aMves in the vast pile ot this vaulted granary
of bones.
I'liccon-IIolcH for llrnlns nnil Iloillos.
This gives but a faint idea of what I saw
today. The cemetery of this city of Guana.-
huato Is situated on the top of a high hill
overlooking the town. 1 rode up to it on a
little donkey and was admitted to it ny an
Indian who had a hat fully a foot high on his
swarthy head , a revolver a foot long tied to
his leather Dolt and a pair of buckskin panta
loons which lilted his lean lees like a glove.
This town Is a mile nnd a hair above the sea.
The air hero Is as dry ns nro the bones of
these skeletons the year round , and nature
wears n perpetual smllo of blue skies , bright
liowors and bracing air. The cemetery gives
a view of hundreds of low mountain peaks ,
every ono of which covers incaleulablo riches
of silver nnd gold , and the precious metals
undoubtedly lie under the very bones of
these tons of thousands of the dead. I on
to roil by Its wide gate and found myself sur
rounded by great walls Iw a court which con
tained norhaps flvo acres of ground. The
walls of this court were about eight foot
thick , and as I examined them I lound thnt
tlioy were in fact made up of pigcon-holo
nbout throe foot square and six feet deep ,
some of which were open nnd others of which
were closed with marble slubi , on which
were printed the names and virtues of the
dead who were shelved away within. There
were thousands o'f these plgoon-holoa and
my gulilo showed mo u card giving the rates.
From it 1 see that these holes are rented
out to the bodies of the dead , and
the guldo tolls mo that the most of
thorn uro taken for about live years , after
which the bones of the deceased are taken
out , the pigeon hole Is cloawd out and it is
rOady for the next occupant. It coats $ J. > for
the use of ouo of these pigeon holes for flvo
years and this seems to bo the shortest term
tor which they are leased. A man who wants
ono perpetually can tuivo It. by paying $100
and if ho cares to crowd his whole family In
to the same hole ho can have it for the lump
sum of ? .V)5. )
( iriivcynril Sniulw Iclioi.
The ordmarv.dcad are , however , buried In
the ground. The city of Giinnahunto is rich
but Its great wealth is in the hands of few.
The malority nro too poor to buy a vault for
nny number of years and tha masses are
buried. Tlui rates are also on the rental basis
sisIt cost u dead man $1 to Ho two years in
these burial gruunds and after that his bones
are taken up and another body tills the holo.
The live acras which make up the court cemetery -
otory nto literary composed of bouo dust.
Each removal has loft some pieces of a skele
ton behind , and the ground is made up of the
dust of past humanity. In going over it , you
soollttlo pieces of bones sticking up everywhere -
where , nnd tit one point where n nuinbor of
graves was being dug.l noted pieces of skulls
nnd other bits of skeletons among the mix
ture of dirt mid bones thrown up. I was In
terested In watching the digging of the graves
nud In the curious maunurin which the bodies
wcro laid In them. Ono digging hero
BuQIces for a number of burials. The
hole made Is about two foot wide , seven foot
long , nnd from six to eight feet deep. The
ilrat corpse that comes gets the bottom berth.
Ho Is tniten out of his rented collln nnd laid
with hts head on n bunch of loaves , nnd over
him la put perhaps six Inches of dirt. The
grava Is then ready for the next arrival , who
It burled In like manner , mid so the bodies
are sandwiched ono on top of the other until
the grave Is tilled. Guanahuato is n very
unhealthy city , and the death rate is very
largo. During the past month thorn were
four burials a day In this cemetery , and I
saw six graves already dug when I visited It.
Throe of these were only halt tilled , and the
others hud nothing whatever In them.
Cutiu'ombs null Mummies.
Leaving the court , I was next conducted
down Into tlio great store house for the bones
of the doau titter their lenses have expired ,
nud they have been ousted by their landlords
from their tenements abovo. Going down a
winding' stair so narrow thnt my sides grazed
th'o walli as I pissed , I entered a long
v mi Hod passage walled with stones and
paved with cement. This passage W.IH well
llnhtcd by openings from ubovo , and It was
dry und free from smells It runs clear
around and under the cdga of this flvo acres
of ct'iiiotorv , and Is In fact a walled tunnel
about twelve feet high , six ( cot wide and
inoro than ono tbouaand feet long , for ages
this tunnel has been the receptacle of the
bones of the dead of this city , nud it Is now
almost tilled. Only about two hundred feet
of It ronniln vacant , and the entrance to it Is
in the middle of this. I stood at this point ,
nnd looking either way I could see the great
plies ot skulls ami other pieces
of skeletons jumbled together In
all sorts of shapes anil mixed up
into ono heterogeneous ! mass of bones rUIng
in a slanting way from the floor of the tunnel
at an angle of forty-flve desreoa to the roof.
Everything was jumbled together in tbo
gr.oat democracy of doiith , The bones of old
Wid youuf ? were piled In aud nn oua another.
The foot of men rested In the skulls of women
and I saw a great too In the grinning tooth of
what may have once been ft beautiful girl.
About another skull , the bones of nn arm
were thrown almost carcsslnglyand logs nnd
arms , ribs nnd thighs , whole aud In bits , were
piled up ono on tin ) top of another like so
iminy stonej , and the whole , ghastly as it
was , looked moro like the piled up Indian
corn In n crib than anything else.
Some Ocml .V/.trt'H.
The most ghastly things , however , In this vault were the mummies wtio stood ,
leaned against the wall , guarding as It were ,
the remains of the thousands of broken
skeletons beyond them. There were nt least
ono hundred of these mumtntoi.o.u'li of which
was tnoro horrible than anything you will see
In the museum of Honlak , near Cairo in
Hgypt , or any of the horrid examples of South
American and Alaskan mummies which you
wiilllnd in our national museum in Washing
ton. The air hero is so dry that It sucks the
Juices out of the dead , and thoio mummies
have been m.ido not by splcw and by linen
bauds , but by the atmosphere. Tlioy nro
more horrible and llfo-liko than the nrtl-
llchilly preserved article , and they retain the
features nnd the uxproision.s of the dead ,
shrivelled It is true , but all the
more horrible In their thousands of
wrinkles. Il > rc , against the wall , ls
propped the mummy of a bearded
man. His face is perfect and the whiskers
faden into n bleached ilust color by hundreds
of yonm , cover the whole of the lower part of
his fuco. His clothes have long slnco rotted
oft of him und his bare ehost.silghtly sunken ,
looks like the parchment of an old drum. I
tap it with my pjiicil to test his lungs , .ind It
forth hollow drum-liko sound of
gives a - ro-
monstrance. His shrivelled arms are crossed
nnd his withered brown logs nro straight.
As my eye travels down them , I see that : i
part of an old boot still clings to nno of his
foot nnd that the other , like all the rest of
his clothing has rotteu off , long long ago. Next
to this ghastly object stands a mummy moro
ghastly still. It is that of a woman whoso
white teeth are as well nreservoa in acath us
in lifc.mid whoso black tongue sticks through
thcso in a sort of lew. She has a wealth of
long black hair reaching to her waist , and
oven In death she shows some signs of grace
nnd beauty. Next her stands u man whoso
features scorn to bo contorted witu agony nnd
a little further on is the mummy of u boy of
twelve whoso mouth is wldo open and who o
sunken fr.unu makes you think of a skeleton
of Smiko , the persecuted student of Squires
nt Dothoboys halt
A Collin for a Tripoli.
I had my camera with ma in this vault and
I wished to take a photograph of It. There
was however no place on which to rest the
camera , and P suggested to the guard of thn
cemetery that bo go and got mo a board. Heat
at once picked up a coDln from a little pile
which contained the mu.nmloa and babies ,
ana takine the mummy out held It under his
arm , while he propped the collln on
end and made it stand level by putting n
thigh bone from the crcat heap under ono
corner. Upon this I rested jny camera and
succeeded in taklnu a very fair picture. Before -
fore L loft I took another picture of this man
with the mummy in his arms , and another of
him and his brother ghoul holding' up the
municipal collln in which ull the dead of this
town have to bo brought to the graveyard.
There are no hearses in this mountain city ,
and the town has llxed rates for the rent of
its colllns. cotllns are so big that
another collln can bo placed inside of thorn ,
and they are carried on the shoulders of the
bearers up the steep hill. As soon as they
enter the cemetery the coftlns are placed on
a lodge or stone and are opened , for the pur
pose , it is said , of seeing thnt not more than
ono coi'pso is buried in ono coHIn , and that
the cemetery gets its full fees for every
corpse. The roadway up to tbo cemetery has
many coflln shops , but tlui caskets , though
expensive , nro very rudely made , and many
of these for babies arc painted a light blue or
grained in oak. I saw at Zacatccas u boy
carrying one of thcso blue cotllns on his head ,
but whether ho was on hU way to the ceme
tery or to the bouse of mourning I could not'
Mexican Funerals.
The general customs of mourning in Mexico
ice uro somewhat different from ours.
Mourning is much moro general nnd black is
put on for intimate friends and for distant
relatives. It is , however , worn a shorter
time but the occasions for mourning dresses
nru so frequent that every lady has her
mourning suit in her wardrobe. If , for in
stance , n young lady dies , her friends wear
black for her for thirty days , and if it is the
young girl's mother who is dead , the friends
will put on black for half thnt , time. Ladies
do not attend funerals in Mexico , but they
pay visits of condolence soon after the death ,
nnd such visits are made in mourning clothes.
Cards and letters of regret are always sent
to the family at the time of n death by such
friend who cannot call , nnd the announce
ments of funerals nro of the most touching
and extravagant naturo. Funerals are cele
brated ns n rule , almost Immediately after
death nnd in Mexico city us soon us possible
after the twenty-four hours' which the law
prescribes that the dead should bo kept be
fore Interment. The collln Is procured im
mediately , the cards nro sent out and the
ceremonies take place.
Stroi't Curs as Hcnrscs.
Mexico city Is perhaps , the only place in
the v.-orld where the street cars ore the
hearses. There nro no other kind used and
the car lines make a good thing out of their
funeral business. There are 1.TO deaths a
daj In Mexipo city and you see these cars
draped In black and dr.ven by drivers in
mourning spinning along the road towards
the cemetery every hour or so during the
week. The funeral car has a raised place in
Its renter for The collln. It la open nt the
sides but has n black canopy tit the top and
its decorations are tnoro or less elaborate ac-
cordlnu to the charge for the service. Uo-
lund it etmiui n second car containing the
mourners nnd t'ie cars co very fabt as they
Imvo to go on the same track as the other
cars and hero the deatl have to run to got out
of the way of the living. Thocar service costs
nil the wny from t to ? l' 0 per funeral , nnd
some of the higher priced can are covered
with silk , and in the case of the dead being
infants or young people , are often trimmed
in white biitln.
\Vliut it CostH to Din In Mexico.
Mexico city is In fact n very oxponslvo
ulnoo In which to dlo. A funeral costs $300
nt the least , If It U at all respectable , und In
the HMO of foroliruors the expenses run up
Into the thousands , Thh is especially so
when It is dcsiicd to tuko the bodies out of
the country. If the friends of the dead are
not posted , nil sorts of oxtraviiRnnt charges
are imposed upon them , nnd the ixstato of u
Kansas millionaire named Smith , who died
horn lately , paid fc,0 ! < X ) for expenses hero.
Among the charges was ono of ? MX > for em
balming , and I heard of u tnso yesterday In
which n Mexican mnbalmcr or doctor charged
f. " > ,000 for proparlne the body of a Fronch-
iniiii who ( licit here , for shipment. The work
win not properly done and the deceased
could not bo sent away , whereupon ono of
the American newspapers published an arci-
clo as to the outrageous charge. Tbo doctor
then brought suit against the paper saying It
was true ho had brought In tbo bill for em
balming as stated but as the body had dccoin
poiod before ha began , bo was not able to
unsserva it nnd had wltbirdxvi | Uiu bUL
Ilnd tho'nowspapor not published the fact ,
tbo bill would hardly have been withdrawn.
Everything , however , to expensive m Mexico
nnd the undertakers have to make hlpli
charges. All of the materials for conins are
Imported from abroad though Mioy nro put
together hero , and the prices uro projiortlon-
ntely largo.
.Mexico IIH n Ilonltlil'tit Capital.
The death rnto of Mexico city Is very blch.
It U said that It nvoraso * about thlrty-sovon
In the thousand , and the only wonder Is that
It is not higher. Were It not for the perpet
ually bright r.un nnd tbo high attitude , the
city would bo n morgno , avnsteharnal bouse ,
n ( iolgotha , a place of the skulls. Think of u
city winch has had a population of hundreds
of thousands for many generations built upon
and over n swamp , with no drnlnago what
ever , nnd let this city go on with Its accumu
lated mass of Illth increasing year by yonr
and sinking down into the soil , and you Imvo
some idea ol sanitary Mexico city. A con
stant miasma rises hero at night ana the
water is only three fcot under the city. Is It
liny wonder there is r.o place in the world
where tvphus nnd typhoid fever Is so preva
lent as horol and is Itnot surprising that the
Mexican capital Is for many people a favorable -
orablo health rc.sortl The cllmnto Is so
ciiunblo , the thin , dry nlr and the hot sun
MIC it up thu juices of decomposition , nnd
mien people as are careful and sleep nbovo
the ground floor nro in Uttlo danger. Out
side of the city Ihoro is no danger whatever ,
and If It had been built on high ground It
would bo the llnust health resort of. the
world As It is , foreigners have to bo very
careful of tneir health here , and ' .tic forolen
cemeteries contain many ocoupants. The
American cemetery contains about twclvo
hundred , nnd It is so full that thn colony is
about to uurchaso u new ono. Still' I nnvo
met several Americans who told mo thnt
their lives have been saved by thrir coming
to Mexico , and this country Is snld to bo tlio
best resort In the world for consumptives.
The great ( loath rate comoa from the lower
clascs , who sleep ritrht on the sowor-liko
ground , and the Mexican agent of a well
known life insurance company tells mo that ,
during his first twenty-eight months hero ho
did not Imvo n single death to pay for out of
tlio great number insured.
If you are troubled with rheumatism
or a larno back , allow us to suggest
that you try the following simple
remedy : Tnko n piece of flannel
the si/o of the two hands , saturate It with
Chamberlain's Pnin-Hnlm and bind It on over
the seat of p.iin. It will produce a pleasant
warmth nnd relieve you of nil pain. Many
severe cucs : have bcon cured in this way.
The Pain-Dnlm can be obtained from all
3. W. Lynch of Fo'.ton ' , Dela. , has a health
ful three-logged calf.
There is a mockingbird in Eatonton , Oa. ,
that can talk and whistle "Johnny , ( Jot Your
Hair Cut. "
Maud Evans of Beaver .Fulls , Pa. , who is
only sixteen years of age , has u third sot of
natural teeth.
John Hoynolds of Dutch Neck , Dcla. , near
Smyrna , owned a lamb with llvo legs until an
eagle bore it away.
Tno biggest orancrc tree in Louisiana is
claimed to bo in Terrebono parish. It is 15
feet hi circumference and 50 feet high. The
ylela this year is expected to rech ton thou
sand oranges.
Orovlllo , Ala. , has a boneless boy. lie is
four years old , weighs twonty-llvo or thirty
pounds , cannot stand , as his bones seem to be
like sott rubber ; but ho can scratch the base
of his head with his foot , or roll himself into
a ball.
A strange and terrifying beast is prowling
about Woodland , Pn. , caro'ing off cattla and
scaring.tho fiercest dogs. No ono has caught
sight of it yet or Identified it , but its trucks
have been measured , nnd are about sixteen
inches long and eight broad , with long claws.
George Waters , living four miles eas , of
Alexandria , La. , has n sow which had eight
pigs. Ho found them in the pen when four
hours old. Four of them were not extraordi
nary , but the other four were tailless , and all
of them had his perfect car-marks , vu. , n
crop and a slit in thurignt ear and a swallow
in the loft.
A. J. Williams of Garllold , Wash. , had a
four-legged chicken hatched on bis farm. It
was strong and healthy , but was accidentally
killed. The second pair of logs were rather
frail specimens and too far astein to bo of-
fectivo. Ono of tlio curious features of the
freak was that ono pair of legs was dark blue
and ono pair yellow.
Mrs * Martha Harnlsh of Pequa township ,
Lancaster county , Pa. , became the mother of
n healthy male child having only ono oar , the
loft , but that us largo as the oar ot a full-
grown person. The only visible trace of the
other oar is a small hole whore the car ought
to be about the si/o of a pen. Otherwise the
baby is perfectly formed.
Mrs. Rebecca L. Lapp , wife of F. H. Lapo ,
a workman in Mcllvniu's rolling mill ,
inp , Pa. , gave birth to u wonderfully line ,
large boy baby , weighing exactly sixteen
pounds , with blue eyes and golden hair. Or.
D. G. Long says the baby Is as largo as an
ordinary four-inonths-old child. Both mother
and baby are doing well. The mother is
thirty years old , nnd has six other children.
A cow belonging to Joe. Turner , a ranch
man near Livingston , Mont. , gave birth to u
calf no lanror than a common sized jack.rab
bit and of about the same color. Some forty-
eight hours after it was found Turner , out of
curiosity , weighed the diminutive creature
and it tipped the beam at just fifteen pounds.
It was perfectly formed nnd ns lively-as uny
calf , and bids fair to develop into 11 cow of
usual proportions.
Ono of the curiosities of the waters around
Fortress Monroe , Vu. , is the swullmg toad.
It is n six-inch creature of the tinny tribe ,
with the skin of n toad , which is capable of
expansion to the size of a Thanksgiving day
football. It has to bo handled carefully because -
cause its bite U said by the colored folks to
bo poisonous. Its belly Is white , like thnt of
a toad , but ns prickly as a chestnut burr.
In order to see It swell its captor has to rub
this pricklv skin with n stick , when the
creature will immediately begin to draw In
air , which it can not expel so lonp as it is
held bottom side up.
A Now Movfi.
Leslie & Leslie. 10th and Douglas.
C. J. Frico , Millnru Hotol.
W. J. Hughes. ' , ' : l Fanmm , ( lit N. 10th.
J. W. Clark , S. ii'Jth ' & Wooiworth nvls.
A. Shroter , 15'il Furnnuu
All the above named leading druggists
handle the famous. Excelsior Springs , Mis
souri , waters and Sotonan Ginger Alo.
Kit I/CM Tl OX A h.
Haymaking parties arotliq latest educa
tional innovation in Vassar. - . ,
An college Infirmary to cost $ .1,000 , will bo
erected at Princeton this year. , ,
The programmes of tha various summer
schools this year promlso greater attractions
than over. , .
Twonty-sovun negroes and eight Indians
composed the graduating class of Hmripton
normal school.
The twenty Utah schools of the now west
commission close for the summer vacation
between Juno "i nnd IT.
The University of Upiula , Sweden , during
the present term has nn attendance of I.U5S.
Of thcso i5l ! uro in the depart
ment , 740 in the philosophical , 44:1 : in the law ,
and --1 In the medical.
Victor F. Lnwson of the Chicago News has
given Adclbort college of the Western Uo-
ervo unlvcrsltv at Cleveland $50 ns u prize
to the student who passes tlio best examina
tion in English for entrance to the college.
Tno building fund of thu nuw Chicago mil
vor lty has been enlarged recently by f.'WX- )
000 , making u total of $ l , ' . > r > ( > ,000. In addition
to its building fund Is Uio endowment fund
of f J.000,000 for the support of profussors ,
scholarships , otc.
Steps tire being tnkon to combine the three
colleges of Now York city and form ouo
grand university whoso buildings will occupy
the grounds of the Bloomlngdiilo insane usy-
luni a forty aero lot and o'no of the finest
sites on Manhattan island.
Tha educational interests of Spain are In a
deplorable condition. Threa-quartors of it
million in back salary Is duo the teachers ,
and no assistance has been received from the
government in seventeen years. Many of
the schools nro sustained by charily.
Beroa college , Kentucky , U the only insti
tution of learning south of Ihe Ohio which
admits to Its privileges white and colored
students In about equal numbers und on
terms of perfect oqunlltv. It was founded
by Uev. John U. Fee , a Kontucklan , and the
son of a slaveholder ,
Sovontv.ftvo mala students In the \Vvoin- \
ing seminary , the largest educational Insti
tution in Northern Pennsylvania , have re
volted aud loft for homo. The trouble grow
out of the rcfJSdEnf ibo culinary deportment
to glvo them f Jrawborrv ahortcako. n deli
cacy reserved Mr tUo prdldssors.
A romarltnmb volume will soon bo pre
sented to the Harvard university library. It
contains manuscript copies or nil the coin-
inonronient programmes of the college from
1TSO to 18W , rntut specimens of the order of
commencement iLHorclscs at Intervals from
the first RrnduHttftn in 10W to the revolution
ary war.
A grnndnioco of Jamas U. Blrnoy , the abolitionist
litionist , whoso Jlbrarv was given tif the
Johns Hopkins ufftverslty nbout six months
ago , has offered n prize of $100 for the best
original contribution to American history
made by n stuij ij , or the Hopkins during the
year ending June , IsW. It will bo known ns
the Scharf.UlrhbyVrb.o. ;
Even the May weather has turned hetero
dox , nnd wants warming at n stake.
"Llfo is full of trials , " .sighod the deacon ,
"Yes ; particularly for heresy these davs , "
put In his wife.
Satan I wish I'd stayed In heaven. Imp-
Why I Satan I'd like "to hear Barnum and
Noah swap bear stories.
Onieinls at Watervlllo , Mo. , have forbidden
the holding of religious services in the town
poorhouses , as it "excites the paupers. "
Hoy. Straitlaco Ho.illy , the church scorns
dead. What shall I do tonrouso 1U Cynlcus
Deny the inspiration of the scriptures.
"Tho preacher , vho lives altogether In his
study will soon bo dead In the pulpit , " says
some ono. llrottier Tnlmngo manages to pot
all the physical exercise ho requires in the
Uov. Dr. Morse , president of the California
college at Oakland , licenses Uev. Frank
Dlxon , pastor of the Tenth Avcnuo Baptist
church In that city , of heresy. Church pco-
plo are arraying themselves on cither side.
"It uln't always do man dat makes do mos'
noise In church tint huz do mos' religion , dean
breddern. A miilo kin make mo1 racket wlf
his mouf dan u dozen good bosses , but wen It
comes to gottin' up an' gittin' do mule uln't
ilur , "
At a ministerial conference the presiding
ofllcor announced that Elder II. would , uttho
afternoon session , ivail a paper oil "Tho De
vil , " nnd added , "please bo prompt in attend
ance , for Brother U. has n carefully pre
pared paper and Is full of his subject. "
About eight hundred clergymen of Phil -
dolphia will bo summoned before the board
of health In the course of n few days to show
cause why they Imvo failed to report to the
registrar nearly two thousand marriages
which they have celebrated within the past
twelve months.
The difference between the Dutch church
and tlui Presbyterian is that ono follows the
Hoidelburg catechism nnd the other the
Westminster , between which there Is no dif
ference. The Dutch in Now York city have
the advantage of owning the Immense prop
erty of the Collctriato corporation. So it Is
dollars , not sense , that keeps thorn apart.
Hov. Dr. G. H. Smyth , pastor of the Second
end Collogato Reformed church of Hnrlcm ,
has received StU.OOO in return for his resigna
tion. Ho wanted ? : > 0,000 , but n compromise
was effected. A faction of the consistory
thought ho was too old and requested him to
resign , nnd this led to a difference between
pastor and peoplu with the result ns stated.
A priest , in Lorraine was before the courts
for insulting the imperial family. Ho had
refused to shrive and give absolution to u
dying man in njjjDdyn wbero pictures of the
Emperor and Kturtrcss Frederick hung. Ho
got out of it by declaring that his objection
was to the cmprosR being depicted in a very
low-necked dress , Iwhich ho considered un
suitable. >
In the West United Prosbytoriau church
nt Kirriemuir UiO' other Sunday afternoon
the minister was culmly preaching his ser
mon when a intidorn Johnio Geddo * . infuri
ated at ono of t&o'rfialo members of the choir
being asleep , butle'd her blblo at the head of
the delinquent , from the gallery where sbo
was sitting. The b.ihlo missed the sleeper ,
butstruek tho.shouldor of another man in
the cnoir , who started up nmazod. The min
ister became pa6"paused in his discourse ,
nnd exclaimed : ' ' " 'What's wrong * " "Tho
blblo struck thq.Avpong man , " she cried ris
ing up in her tjew , although her friends
vainly her down ; " 'twas
meant to wauken the Sinfu' sleeper. "
t . 'OO t " ' '
Purify your'blood. Nqwis
the time to do it , or else your
system will be out of order all
summer , cleanse your liver ,
stop your kidney pains , quiet
your nerves , cure your sick
headache. Turkish Tea will
do it. 250 package , from your
druggist , or sent by mail on re
ceipt of price.
Halm's1 Golden Dyspepsia
Cure , warranted cure for dys
pepsia. 5oc box. , Will refund
money if it don't cure.
Omaha , Neb.
C r. 14th niul Capitol Avc.
Just completed , has 1OO rooms , three
stairways , ft-om the top to the bottom , has
Qua elevator and dining room service , i.s
flrij p-oof throughout , flno billiard rooms
and. the llnojt tnllot rooms in the city. Largo
sample rooir.s. Suites with bath , etc. Cor.
l < lth and Capitol Ave. Street car fierrlo3 tn
all directions. Rates , from $2,50 , to $ 1.
Tlif jnut'rnjt , < ' < ' 1-ltlt. unit 7/Vinxvr.
f/f/i < i lilONf ttiibHtiintlnllu fHllHti'lirtetl
Hotel Jtnlttllniin Oiiifilni. fici't'iil
licin'u lirleliro irtilltt I'uiintttffrotn
bHHCinrnt tit roof. AH ( lip ceilinuti nnil
floors I Inert trltli AnueHtoaro jirouf
niinii. tinititiui It tuiiiomiHiln to bni'n
rjiilcl ; . J-'ii'tteneiiitrH nnd Jlra < iirms
tliroiiiiliont tha tmllillna. Stemn Ituitt ,
Imt nnil < / < ( ii-dtcf anil utiMint
'i/room , 'tnlile ttnnnrjmuutil nny-
Dr. fjo Duo's Periodical Pllln.
Tills Knmcli rutuuily ntt directly upon thuKoncra-
tlvo orKiun nnil vtuoa upptc sUin ut thu mon.iov
ttnrllirvo for * i , UII/.CAU / | bo tunlluil. HIiuuM not lie
llictl ilurlnK prriinunfJubbura , drunxlstn und tlio
jubllc supplied by ( pui man Drug Co. . Oiimlin.
- - - "
yr W 1H v -
I haTOapo iuvo remedy for tlionlioiniliseaso ; tylt )
u n thauuml * of c.iwu of thu worst kinil onil of lonn
Handing InvolM.on cured InJwl tn ttrontt U mjr faith
la lt > olScicj , thai I wllUimil TWO DOTTLES ruiCE.witli
VALlUllUrrilEATIKK mi tin. iliwasa to ny uf.
ferornliowillwnilluothfir Riprnmanil P.O. nJJrerff ,
T. A. Slot-mil , .11. U. , 181 I'unrl St. , N. V.
In thu only romoily thiit rulluvus tuolmdio lii'.ul
ni'huniul Mimrn'Klu ' II U HIP clio.t | iil , : 'i rtino fur
Mr.n ) iiackuu-u Neither imwilur , lli | lil pill nor loi-
enicu U It Uiu most mireimblu | i > takeVu war
rnntthlnriimcilr lo l o ll fui'tun. | Cun bo mallml
Itutiill of I.UHU | | \ l.i'Jilu ami Uuuituiiin limit Co , Uiu
gl'KOl'LUwrlta for Illmlratel
Ifanilly f i'ircu ; nH. [ rutluu up
. on tumora , ttitulit. ptln , > rl
r cocnle , liyilraceli'i brace * , appll
incca for iluformltlrii nl > n cunn
. . ,
n pniv Hi nii-rin. ! irjal hoiile MIII fr e. Mr.
.iei.iB .V o.i. , : uiV. . Nlolli ktrcct , lUiuiut uiur ,
Max Meyer & Bro Co.
Sixteenth aud Farnam Streets.
FOR ONE WEEK ONLY We will sell Rogers Triple
Silver Plated Table Knives and Forks at $1'.45 per set of
six , or $2.85 per dozen. Fine Steel Carving Sets only $2.
Rogers' Extra Plated Tea Spoons $1.25 per set , warranted.
Rogers Silver Metal Spoons and Forks Tea Spoons 60c
per set of six , or $1.10 per dozen. Table Spoons and
Forks $1.15 per set , or $2.25 per dozen. These Silver
Metal goods are not plated but arc Solid through and
through , and arc finished exactly like the solid sterling sil
ver goods of similar pattern. Full Line of Ivory Antique
and Pearl Handled Knives ; Sterling Silver Spoons and
Forks , Etc. , at lowest prices. Special Bargains in Clocks
and Fine Silver Plated Ware. We make a specialty of
A BONANZA Ladies' Elegant Watch , American
movement , case set with genuine ruby , diamond and
sapphire , warranted for 25 years , complete only $25. [ Only
a limited number of these watches on sale ] Novelties in
Aluminum Goods Photograph Frames , Etc , only $1 each.
500 Fine Silk Umbrellas from $3 up , with beautiful oxi
dized handles. Our PI a If Price Sale of Fine Spectacles and
Eye Glasses [ fitted scientifically ] continues to draw all in
telligent wearers of these necessary articles.
Mre. M. D. RILEA'3
Curoil n cnso of ; iO yciirs' ntini It c in lie norn
n thu snme sl/o shou. Mil" on nnil nil wild lliu
stocking , llldoi an oiilnrnoJ joint , tin.I KlviM In-
Htant relief.
Kor snlo t > y , T. A. Puller & Co. , Klnsler's Drill , '
Store , McCormlcli A Lanil. nnil Cook's blioo Sloro
Kuctory lireO Sherman street , Clilcauu.
Morntlmn II yciin oxporloncu In tin trjil naiil ot
AcurOKunrantcurt In .Ho 5 iliiys , without liolouof
nn hour' * tlniu.
The moit complotn : uiil absolute euro for eloat nnil
all nniiyrl"K illtcliarmis over known to
nroluaslull. I'orm imwtly cnnnl In from T > tu ID U.iyi
Orpnlnlnrcllurliu ! tlio hliulilur uurinl without piln
or InHtrunii-ntH , nn rutllni ; , no illhillnn. Tlia uioit
rcranrkublurunic'ly Known to nioilurii aoi'jnce.
CurefltjiM to M ) ilny. ' Dr Mrliron's truntmant far
tlilB turrlblu blood illsomolKu been pronounciM tha
moitmiccossful rumeily UVIT illscovorml for tin' ub-
golulu cure of the ilUoiia. HI * nuccoii wltlit'ili '
illseaso Ims'novuf buan uiiiiilla | 1. A ooinilotu | cam
ixunninteeil.LOST MANHOOD
nesn.nlt wo-iknomio * ot tl u setiint orifnm. norvnm-
And tlmlilltriinil ileipomluncy abioluU'ly euro I.
I'll etellef. U lummJhuo mill i oniliii | < ,
mil nil ( Ihn.tioi of tlio blooil. llrir , klilnor , "nil
blmlilur pormniimitly mirwl.
Tlio doctor s "Ifoic * Trvntniont" for laillni It pro
nounced by all who Imvo u oil It to bu tbo moil cum-
nlclitnml convenient rumoily over ollereil for tau
rentmentof timmio illioiuui. It Utrnly : i wonderful
rumcily. llinua fur laitlus . from 2 to 4 only.
MnrTOllous niiceu § In tb-j trratment of rrlv tortl -
nlili-li Is trnlp
umi'i hn < won fur hint n reputation
pntlonilln chnr.ieU'r , nnil Ills itrunt urniy of pallanH
reiuliu" from tlioAtlnnllo to the I'.irlrto. Tuu ilm-lnr
a Krailiiuto of ' rex'ilat" mwllclno and Ima hay
nn ami caruful inparloncn In hinpltnl pr.iutlou ,
mil In clinsi'ilamona III' ii'iwllnn | iuclall H III nni'1-
Til ncleniH ) 'minimum by eurrotiKiniliMiru. > rlta
for circulars about uix'h of thu above illiu net , f run.
Dtllce , 14th nud Farnnm StruaW , Omalu
Nab. Entrance on olthar titraat.
A POSITIVE nd pernuntnt CURE for all
dlMMtt oTtVo U R I N A R Y 0 R G A N S . Cuttt
bottle. Price , one dollar. Sae signature ol E. U
STAHL For Bale Dy All Drueglste.
* * & *
IPU. . . . ! ; .ei. . .y 'or all It
unnamir' diw'lii > ig i an
prlVHtodli iitio ( invn s-
cftrlftliicur * for Ihe ilubill
lattiitf weuinc peculiar
to wt men.
J | irmoribeltnnilftwl f
In rocommeudlUK It M
t | | mT ( rur ,
J.8TONlRMD.Dlc iv , IU.
Hal a i > jr ni-iiu-Klit * ,
I'll let 91.00.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
N. E. Cor. 14th and Farnam Sts.
li. on IlKST I'lililior. anil ( JPAUANTEEP lit fur 11.00. Wi
also urn , o the Morris thin cli-.t : c jiliito. whluli Is the plfiistintcst plain to wt-ar. lielns us tlilt -
as. caul hoard , and WIU , NOT ItUKAK lit tlui niuntli.
With our NEW I'UITI'AKATION teeth aio extracted AHhOIiUTIM.V WITIIDIJT 1'AIN
tlio natlcnt ri'iiiiilnlns I'onscliins.
Open evrnlnco until HN : : ) ; Sundays 10 n. in. tn.'lp. in. llrani-h ollli'i ! : , \ ; \ N. St. , South Omaha
All work warranted as represented.
1 I-2c per square foot. By the roll
$1.40 per hundred sq. f.
JamesMorton&Son Co.
1511 Dodge Street , Omaha. Tel. 437.
Interest Paid on All Deposits from 5 Cents to $5,000.
W. II. KI'SHRM , . . 1'ri'sldunt.
W.M. I' AI.i.KN Vli-i' I'MHlilniit.
( i. M NATTINllliU U.ishlnr.
T1IO . KII.I'AI'HK'K , I , . II KOItTV. U.ishlnr.W.M KMIMINO ,
TIIOS. II. IIAII.KV. .1. I1. ( iAKDN'Cit. I' . W. IIII.I.S.
. * r. FKM v i.oriiAri * oKir.vr vi ,
rt je f JUmort'i r n , I'lmpli * , fcr rk-
jS/i.SS : ton. Mi'ttt I Hteliiw , lUuhund hkiu
blfinUh uu
MMlty , UlMl lit 111 4
ilitn'tiun. 1C Inu
tui'U ( ho to t of 10
| iAM. nn.l in no
tu iMjfiLrtt Jtl i > r i > >
erl > imi'lH. A n-.t |
DO rounttrlYit nt
imUni nniiitf. Ur I * .
A. bu > tr ratil tu t *
Uil > ttf tliuluut-luii
( aimtlfitl ) "Ayuu
1 rtcommi nil ' ( * ii *
rnixlUf ifum'fttibt *
lVa tit > rinftU of "It
tdu tkm pn'inra-
tlonn. " Knr.ulcliy
alt lljre l UH ami
j tlnlttxl Stair * , ( ' natlninml Ei ni | ' * >
nsui > .Tt IIOi'KISa.l'roii'r.anjreat Jun * Sl. S. Y
ITS ! S "C ?
I My cum I ilunvt m nn rooruly toBtup them
for a time "nil then lu u tht m return aictln. I iniuu a
radical euro. IlttTemada tlio dl eiiu of KITS. ji'I. :
I.KKSY or KALM.NO filCKNKHS a llf lon ( ituily. I
warrant lujrHinuUy to euro the wurtteaiei. Dccausa
oUwraharafiileilli no tuaaun fur out now r" lruiK a
euro , Knuil at onca fur a traatiwi anil 1'ttw lluttla of
iy Infallibla remtnJy. Cf ire Klprau anit IVint OfDcti.
U. il. if > OT. Ji. U. . ISa I'curl Ut. , N. V.
, InvoUatitr . Hu itn turrtv
fAUi > l tr uvvr xaitlu of thn bralnt ewlf-i tmift or
ovvr tmlulirwnc * . Knch lw > i contain * on month'i truaU
ment. 01 a bus. or aU for (4. runt t > y m it | > r atd.
firii urdur for li haxvn , will * nU purchayjc
antbo tu rvfuml tnoavy U ( bo irt tmtnt faiUi W
. Uuariuity * * ttuu aiiJ tfwuujau ell uulf Lr
llururnam ht , - U nialia. N'uk
\t \ yt'icic. otlirrs In
cuinparlton are low or
It I'oiirtrnln , Uo- .
ileva * , Curvfl *
All Druygiit'i.