THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JUNE 0 , 1801-TWELVE PAGES. THE CITY. An Insurance ngont nnmcd Llllla 1ms 6ccn nrrcotcd clmrRod with nltamptlng to bent his bourd bill nt the Dollono. The llrst ovoninr onlorttiliiinont of the Arlon Singing society will bo given tit the hull nt Klovcnth nnil I'icrco streets on Sumltiy evening. Al. Wurel , n ilotccttvo , wns nrrostcd ycHtonhiy for disturbing I ho pence , lie Is accused of rolling ti row tit n house near Ilcr's dlntlllory. Dos Molnos wants to litivo n linger In thocasoof Ulchiird Melody , who d'cd ' at the Omaha medical ntid surgical .nstl- tute. A prohibition dotoctlvo has written - ton Chlnf Setivoy concornlnir Mulody's residence here and his oceup.'ition. The Drovers' Journal company of South Omaha filed article * of incorpora tion in the olllco of the county clerk yesterday afternoon. The purpo o Is to publish n dully stock paper tit South Omaha. The capital stock In W.OOO , with I'orry Selden , Dennit Allbcrry , L. R Hilton. Alonzo Perkins , T. C. Hilton , J. T. DaVlsandJ. II. Ilungiito. Hev. K. A. Fogohtrotn , proiident of the DenconoHH institute , situated at Mnnmouth park , has coinnioncfd the erection of n building that will boused oxclimhely for the sisters of the Dea- couohs institute. The building is of wood , lOx/iO / feet , two htories high , and will cost not loss than $5,000. It will bo supplied with all modern conveniences. The Intor-stalo townsito company has been organized find has liled Its articles of incorporation In the olllco of the county cleik. TIio object of the company is to wiy lands and boom town- hites in Nebraska , youth Dakota and \ Voinlng. . The incorporators are P. C. Grablo , W. 15. Millard , J. O. 1'hlllipl , C'harles K. Ford. Frank 1) . Muirand Benjamin Ihittorworth. The company lias a en pi tal stock of 92,000,000 , divided Into 12,000 blmrcs. The nrliicipil : place of business is located in tali city. It is stated on the authority of a gen tleman who is intimately connected with the business afTairs of Frederick L. Ames that the latter did not purchase the building at Thirteenth and Ilarnoy streets for < i 1/50,000 / as reported. The property was ollerud to Mr. Amos , as woio bovcral other desirable pieces of inside properly , but hododinod to make any further purchases at this time. He is engaged in rebuilding several blocks in Boston which were destroyed by the recent lire and declined to consider any oilers. "A stitch In tiino saves nine , " mid if you tnlto Hood's SnrMinatilln now it may save months of future possible sickness , Try Jos. Harth's cash market for best and cheapest moats. 711 N. 10th. MAIH'J A STAKT. Hoard of I'nljlio Works Awards a ( "iradinu Contract. 'Tho board of public works met yesterday nnd awarded the contract for grailliitf Ilarnoy street from 'I'wouty-clKUt to Ttiil'ty- sixth street. Tticro wore ci ht bidders for tlio ] ob. Ivnl ht Uros. & Barnes captured ttio contract nt 9 ' .1-10 cents. In grading this street it will require the removal of about fortv-llvo thousand cubic yards of earth. Tfio Drst htcn taken towards the grading of Douglas street was taken by Major Fumy * Ho offered a resolution which provides that nil bidders shall submit two propositions for doing the ( rinding. One will bo at a certain price , the citj to have the dirt , nnd the other , the contractor to have the dirt. The question of where the dirt shall go was discussed. Engineer THlson stated that there are hut two places where it can bo placed if it Is talten by the city. Ono point is in the low lands oa Thlrty-llrht street , between Fora am nnd Dodge ; the other on Twenty-sixth street , west of the high school grounds. The en gineer .stated tbat It is impracticable to t.illc of liaulltip the dirt to the river. Tlio usual number of estimates were al lowed. The bill of the street commissioner , amounting to $2,700. for repairing streets during the month of May , was presented and allowed , subject to inspection by the chair man of the board. An invitation was accepted nnd next Wednesday the board will visit Do-s Molnes to inspect .some vltrilied brick that are being burned In that city. Just before adjournment the board went nfter Tom riermingham. the sidewalk in spector. Major Kuray offcicd a resolution that provides that the chairman shall nsslgn one of the recently appointed Inspectors to go over the walks that have been laid this season , investigate and report to the board In support of his resol ution Furay said that the pcoplo are being robbed right and loft ; that rotten matcria1 is being put into walks , while the property owners are naj ing for the host in the market , lie said that it will not bo long before something will drop In the sidewalk dcp.irtinent. The resolution was adopted by n unani mous vote , and the monthly estimate of side walk. Contractor ICdward Hums was hung up until the board ean got the report of this special Inspector. DoWltt's Little Early Uisors : only pill to cuio slclc headache and ro-jnUtotln bowels Try Jos. Burin's cash market for best nnd clioancst ineius. Til N. Kith. IMtKKKNTKU IMIOTKSTK. Property Owners' I'etitloiiH to the Hoard of Kimll/.ntloii. | Eleven members of the city council mot nt the city clerk's ofllco nt 10 o'clock yistenlny nnd nt oneo organised us n bo.ird of equal i/atloa by the election of Councilman Uluinor m chairman. Numerous protests were Illed. The .Second Congregational church protested ngaiiibl bring taxed to pay the cost of the change of Kr.ido of St. Mary's avenue from Twenty- sixth to Twenty-seventh streets. II. U 1'lorco and a number of others pro tested against the gradlngof Twenty-seventh street from I'opploton avenue to Hickory street. W. B , Chit ko , who advanced J.'tW to pay the damages reMiltIng from the change of grade on Soutn Tenth street , from Marcy to Itancroft , nsked to bo reimbursed. Ho wants thy damages assessed against tlui property ttmt has been bcnetlteu by the change. Al | of the matters were duly considered , niter which the board luljourned'to meet upon the call of the chairman. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup reduces Inltaimnallnn while clilldron aio teething."i cents n bottle. Try Jos. lliirth'b cash market for best nnd cheapest moiit.s. TUN. Kith. Mi'dioiue or Money. narnott lt , Jones of Carbon , la. , thinks ho wants a whack nt the Omaha medical Insti tute ; anil its linpriioncd proprietors. Ho writes that about April 1 , ft man ropro- Bcntlng himself to bo n doctor and an nuthor- I/oil agent of the institute , went through Unit section taking cases to cm o , nud in each In stance secured either cash or good paper Among the patients secured was the fattier of Mr. Jones , who gnvo m.s notti for fTO , and they iii'nt him money twice as perngreoment. A few days ago lie wrote for moru and re ceived no reply. Jones naively adds , "Now , If the Institute la gtwulnu and all right I do not want to ciiuso them tiny trouble , Init If It is not 1 would like to get my father's note back , us ho Is not llnanciully able to lose KO. " ( jcsjler'sMagloHcailacha Wafers. Curesall hcuiltcucs In " 0 minutes. At all U A * XOI'Xt'K.11 KXTS. A mntlnco performance of 1Tho Bottom of tlio Sea" will take place at the ( Jrand this af ternoon , U U n great s ) > cclnco ! for llio child run , Tlio admission is nt populut prices , .tborpfoit ) motive * of economy will keep no 0110 away , Thq Visual uveulng pcrformanco will tnUu plico. TUo ouguijoineut will close Bucday BELIEVED HER MOTHER DEAD , Slrango EplsrJo In the Life of a Pretty Omaha Girl , DAISY HUDSON'S ROMANTIC HISTORY. blie Find * Her Mother From Whom She U'nH Stolen When n .Mere Child Interesting Details. Abduction nnd final restoration to her lorttr lost mother promise to bo cx'entful features la thu lllo of MNs Daisy Hudson , who is now engaged In doing housework for a family on North Seventeenth street , nnd who for years has been taught to believe that her mother died during her infancy. She lately received Information , however , that caused her to doubt the truth of this storv , and tier friends sot to work with re sults that will shortly lead to the reunion of the mother and daughter , c.ich of whom had supposed that the other was no longer la the land of the living. Miss Hudson is a remarkably pretty girl , nnd Is now In her sixteenth For the past six ye.irs she has leslued in various places in thii city , although alwnvs under the eye of her father , .I L Hudson , who was rmplmcM as salesman at the "Two Orphans" clothing house , nnd Is now In the employ of the snmo llrm , Andrews Brothers , In Kloux City , where ho went two weeks ago , le.iving the girl here , but Intoning to send for her In a short time In view of recent developments it is highly imnrobalilo that she will join him , ns she Is now familiar with the history of her early life. life.It seems that Hudson nnd his wife lived In St. I.ouis , iwid ho was addicted to drink to such an extent that she Dually refused to live with him nnd obtained n divorce , the court giving her the custody of their child , Daisy , who was rthen a wee aid ) winsome tot oulj four yea s old. Some time afUTwaril Mri. Hudson was man led to a man named IJ.ivls. and shortly thereafter little D.iisv was stolen while ou't riding with her stepfather. Ho loft her In the caulagu while he eutoied n store , and when ho icUirned a few minutes later she was gone The sc.irch for the missing child was most vigorously prosecuted , but not , a trace of her could be found. It supposed that her father had abducted her , but he disclaimed all knowledge of her whereabouts , and of late jcnrs when appealed to by the friends of the mother he Insisted Hint the girl wns dead nnd had been for seine time. Hudson , however , kept the child in seclu sion , and six years ago brought her with him to tins city. She was sedulously taught to believe that her mother was , , uul h.ul not the faintostsuspicion of the truth until a short time ago , when Hudson's mother wai here on a visit. Then it wns that the old lady told Hudson in the girl's hearing that his first wife was alive and In St. Louis , and she at once took steps to communicate this fact to some of her friends , who bet'.m writing and sending out letters of Inquiiy that hnvo been the means of substantiating the statement of the grandmother of the gill. Tlio ( laughter is very anxious to loliirn to her mother , and the mother is , ns may bo expected , overjoyed at the prospect of having lestorcd to her lue daughter whom hho had not expected to see again upon earth. The mother will at once start for Omnha from her St. Louis home , and at the reunion that will spcclllt take place the hearts of several filends "will beat happy in conjunc tion with these of the two persons who are so deeply and intimately concerned. How to Cure the Cough Following Iii Grippe. For n troublesome couch thcro Is nothing hotter than Chambeilaln's Cough Kemedy. It strengthens the pulmonary organs , allavs any irritation and effectually cures the cough. It is especially valuable for the cough which so oftc-n follows an attack of the grio. For sale by all diuggists. Decision In Favor of tlio Chicago Milwaukee ; & St. 1'anl Ity. The now Palace sleeping cars of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul lly. , with eloetrie lights in every berth , will continue to leave the Union depot , Omaha , at 0iiO : p. in. , daily. Passengers taking this train avoid transfer at Coun cil BlulTs , ami arrive in Chicago at 9:30 : a. in. , in ample time to make all eastern connections. Ticket oflico , 1501 Farnam street. F. A. NASH , J. E. PlinSTON , General Agent. Uitv Passenger Agent ix it\iijUOAu ciuciacs. es Rumored and Appointments That Hav. < Iteen Made. A rumor comes from S'llt Lake to the ef fect that it is the intention of the manage ment of the Union Pacille to divide the system into two grand divisions under the control of assistant general managers , with K. Dickinson at Omaha and \V. II. Hancroft nt I'ortlnnil. It Is slutod that this report came Indirectly from the Dillon party. The report Is not given much credence at headquarters In this city , although It is nd- mlttcd by some of the oftlcmls that the scheme would bo n good'ono in some respects , as It would allow ot a more satisfactory man agement of the western end of tlio system which is very remote from the Omahn ollicc. The 1) ) it M. has issued a circular annoiine- ! nu' the establishment of n dally str.go line between Merino nnd Huffiilo , Wyo , The Wyoming line of the " ( J" system ii being rapidly extended to the Hello Fourcho river , a distiiiico of twenty-two miles and will bo in operation by the 1,1th inst. Tlio stage Hue will tho'i connect with the cud of the railroad , tanking tlio distance to liullalo about one hundred and fifteen miles. At the rate meeting held in Kansas Citv last month the rate between tlio Missouri nnd linlt.ilo was reduced about $1.1. Fort McKlnney , ono of the principal government posts , is located nt liulltilo. H. M ( innnon , who has Deen chief cleiU in olllco of Cisnernl Agent 1'hllllppl of thu Mis souri Pacific In this city , has been appointed commercial agent at Atchlsou , to succeed K. K. Lane , who has gone to Kansas City to accept another position. S. S. Sonno" has been appointed chief clerk to succeed Mr. ( innnon and J. U. vVilsou succeeds Mr. Soimu as rate clerk. II. C. Dlnklns has been appointed freight agent of the Atclnson , Topolca & Santa Fo rend nt Omahn , in charge of freight business la Nebraska nud Council HlulTs. Cioneral Pnssougur Agent 10. L. Lomax of the Union I'aclllo returned hut night fium uu extended trip over the entire system. An Onv-imlvn llrenth nnil dry throat nro promptly relieved by n drink of Sulpho-Sallno bottled nt Kxcelslor Springs , Mo. Choice native corn-fed beef at lowest prices at Joseph liiirth's cash m ' ti'kot , 7H N. 17th htreot. Telephone Itt'lU , Tnny'h , Poor MarkNinanshlp. Lou Kmorrffin nnd her esteemed friend Tony Dnmlnsky , bad another disagreement nt the , former's bouse on Ninth street. Loud , super-heated words ( low thick and fast , and Tony ilnally drew a revolver and punctuated his roinurks with a couple of leaden periods. Tuo woman wns the target , but Tony fulled to score imtj dropped the gun In disgust. It was picked up by Lottto Kutter , another In- mnto of llio place , who turned It on Mr. DomlnsUv. running him out of the house and chasing him ns far ns thu Klevcnth street school , stunting until every chumbur was empty. Tony escaped unharmed and ut once bonided a motor for Council Hluffi. Lottlo was arrested for discharging Dronnns insldo the city limits , and me Umerson wopwu wns also locked up foe being drunk and uuor- " dei ly. .Rin.illm size , crcat m results : UoVVllt Little Karly Ulsors. Uost pill for Constlu tlon , bust for SIcic'Headache , forSocr Stotuuch. t , \ i'holco native corn-fed beef ht lowSht prices tit Joseph Uurth's cash umrkot , 7H N. lUth street. Telephone 1310. THIN COATS THIN COATS AND VESTS. AND VESTS' ' The thin coats and vests whicih we are selling for the exceptionally low price of seventy-five cents , are making tlio heat more tolerable for dozens of men who have bought them in the past few days , and will cool off dozens more when their splendid value becomes better known. These garments are made of genuine French Nankin. They are cut in good style. They are made in good shape. The colors and patterns are in good taste. They are made with patch" * ' ' pockets , have pearl buttons , the button-holes are made with silk , and the backs of the vests are made of the same material as the vests themselves. They are just as good coats and vests as you can buy in any other house in Omaha for double the money , but to make it more comfortable for you , and not make your pockctbook sweat , we are selling them while they last for seventy-five cents. "We give you your choice of about two hundred Black Alpaca Coats , in siz s from thirty-four to forty , worth a dollar and fifty cents , at seventy-five cents each. They are a suitable coat for * office , street , or store wear , and also can be used as "waiter's jackets and barber's coats. At this price we gives you a grand assortment of handsome plain Brilliantinc Coats and Vests , They are in an assortment of popular shades and colors , and are. made with every attention that can be paid to making. They come in all sizes , and are worth , anywhere you look , three dollars and a quarter. „ The Coats and Vests which we are selling at this popular price are bound to be rapid sellers. They are made of corded mohair , which you know all about. They come in a large assortment > f shades and colors , and are in a number of styles of cords. Four dollars invested in a coat and vest outside of our store won't better the quality a single bit. If you're a man like a good many others , who think there's nothing like a "skeleton" made out of flannel , we've got just the thing to suit you. They're in all wool goods , in plain and neat mix tures in the good old grays and tans , and the newer and nobbier shades besides. These gar ments are positively worth four seventy-five , but we've found-a way to sell them for less , so "we've made the price two ninety. You want something still better ? We've got lots of very fine goods at three dollars and twenty- five cents ; three dollars and fifty cents and even four dollars arid fifty cents. At these prices we- will guarantee you a positive saving of from one dollar and seventy-five cents way up tp three dollars. These statements unlike the celebrated "air ship" that nobody went to see ( ? ) ara not backed up by WIND , but are , based upon SOIJD F\A.OTSi nrv Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , TIII3YVlltIi FIGHl' . Filth Wnwlpri In Arms Over Assess ment Diserlininatfons. Fifth ward taxpayers wcro out out in full force nt Erlllng's hall for the purpose of protesting against the system of assessment that has been practiced in that ward. Joe Kcdman was unanimously elected chairman , after which the committee np- pointed at a previous meeting made its re port. The chairman of the committee , Fred Schnako. had seen Assessor Franklin and had requested him to list the property of the Crystal ice company , tlio Fowler elevator company , the Consolidated tnnk line com pany , tho'IJnbcock coal company , the Cleveland - land hay company nnd the P. II. Mahoaoy coal company In the Fifth ward. Franklin wns willing and ready to do so , but wns prevented by the O'ICoolTo resolution which provides that the property of nny cor poration shall be listed in the ward in which the principal olllco is located. This was the signal for a vigorous kick. Chairman Kcdman denounced the resolution as a'plot to steal the taxable property of the Fifth ward and credit It to the Third and Fourth wards. John .Jenkins declared It an outrage. lie had made nit investigation and realised that O'Kccffo was doing the work in his own political Interest. J. U. Kyner said : "I am surprised to tnlnic that O'ICeofo would have the nerve to put this construction upon the law , but ho is not so much to blame , ns ho is backed up by the opinion of the county attorney. Attor ney Mahoney may bo a smart man , but is ho smait enough to got $117,000 from us , nud credit to other wards of the city i . 'I am in fnvor of going before the county commissioners , demanding our rights , \\o must stop talking. Wo must got to work , show this matter up and If wo eannot got our own , wo will light for it. For one I never propose to submit to this damna ble stealing scheme. It is plain onoui'h to me. O'Keotlo wants to bo sheriff and thinks ho can curry laver by stnmllng in with the other wards. " T , U. Miunchau ssld : "U'o want to go slow. Let us look up the law nnd If wo are wrong , wo must submit gracefully , but If wo tuo right , \v will light , and light like h1. . Ono thing Is ccrt.iln. It is not talr for other wards to have thu bonellt of property that is in the Fifth ward. " Jacob Counsmun was in favor of list ing all propei ty nnd then letting ting the county commissioners tuke the responsibility of tailing it away and giving it to other wards. Fred Hchnako did not think the assessor could Mick with the O'KooiIo do a thing reso lution staring him in the face. Franklin said : "I must obey the Instruc tions of the resolution , although I am awuro that the ward will lose 147,000 by the opera tion. " Chairman Hodman favored tnxli'g the telephone - phone company , the waterworks nud the street railway. Ho said : "Wo should list nil the property they own in this ward. Wo can list th Mr wlics , tracks , pipes and mains. They nro in this ward nud there is no roa ou why they should not pay tixes hero , " Hy u unanimous vote It was decided , to. make a tight. Thn committee was increased to tlvo by adding thu names of .loo Redman and Jacob Counsman. This committee was given authority to expend mouey and In structed to appear before the connIV commis- MOIILTS and tnhb nil necessary stupi to pro- cot the Interests of the cltlions of thu ward. The vocal orgnns nro strengthen eil by th use of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Cl orgymen lawjierf , singers , actors and public speakers llnd this preparation the most offocyvo for Ir ritation and weakness of tlio nmUungJ and for all affection ! ) of the vocal organs. A motleanVoiulcrH. . Yellowstone pnrk is tieyuud nil ques tion one of the world 'ri great wontlur.s , nnd the Union 1'uciliu excursion In July will be the event of the season , . Ak vour nearest Union I'ucillc nycnt about It. New Tilne to DON Coimnonolng Sunday , Mtiy 81. the Chletitfo , Milwaukee it St. I'uul f.illwuy will establish a throiiirh'uno ' oPIloeplnt' cars between Hlou.x City and Pen Monies via Madrid. Pn ongors from Onialia and the west can leave Oumliti-jit ( | ; 1M p. in. , secure Bleeping oar aceoiujnodatlons and arrlvu In lcs ) ) Molnes at U a. in. Ho- turning1 , leave Don Moluoa0IO _ : i > . in , , arrive OmahaO.-l5 a. m. Dliitng e.ivs on both trains. Ticket olllco , 1.101 b'avnam Htreot. F. A. NAbll , Gen Ajjt. , J , li PilESTOX , City PUSH. Agt , SUSPKOT8 FOUL PLAY. A MiftRotiriait's Letter About "Millfknii'H Death. J. .7. Wrni of P.arnoll , Mo , , writes Chief Scavoy regarding the death ot Elnert Mit- , who .was asphyxiated at the Hotel Fnrris on February 17 of this year. Mr. Wray evidently suspects that Milllkan mot with foul play , und writes ns follows : "It wns thought ho was nsphyxintcd , and the investigating parties loported to us that ? 1 1 and some ; cents wns found on his person. Now. wo tiavo found out that Millikau w.n nt WllDiirt Baker's nnd N' . E , C. ird's , near Tnrklo , and was in tliolr employ , but loft Tarklo on February 10 and died that same night at the Hotel Fan is. There were nine teen ivory harness rings in his trunk , n. deer foot match box , three pocket-knives , nnd a great souvenirs , too numerous to mention here , together with $150 cash , none of which wns evorroturnod. There wnsnl oa silver-cased watch which is not nccountod for. On the Inside of his now undershirt that ho hud on nt the time of his death , he lind sowed a piece of now cloth near the left groin. This piece of cloth was about four inches broad , forming a closed pocket , but this was found to have been ripped nnd opened on the right sldo of the secret pocket , which was cmoty. This wns , no doubt , where no carried his money. Ho undoubtedly was robbed , either before or after his death " Mr. Wray wants the chief to Interview the hotel men and all persons who had access to room ! Ci in the hotel after Mllliknn'.s death , but the chief says the matter was fully in vestigated nt the time of the occurrence. For lTm > IIorsr < > r < l'Hei l IMiosplinte. Dr. F. Lo Slour Weir , Philadelphia , Pa. snys : "In certain cases of skin , where tho.stomiich is 'n a condition unfavorable to the diseases , not infrequently have I found it to correct thnt condition , when nothing oho yielded the desired result. " Kxeiirsion to St. Luni ? . via the \Vubnsh. The Gorman Hlllo association will leave Oinahii , Sunday , Juno 7 , at 4 . in. via the "Wubnsh for their bi-annual meeting. All friends are earnestly in vited to join oxcurslon as it is to have the next meeting in Omaha. A rate of ono and one-third faro for tlio round trip has been soeu'ed. For tickets , sleeping-ear nccoinmodation and full in formation eall at Wababh ollluo 1C02 Farnam btrcet. Kell In a Kit. A young man giving the nnmo of Arthur Wenr , wlnlo istandmg In a corridor of THIS Dei : building talking with a friend tills afternoon about it o'clock , suddenly be- ' cnmo unconscious juud full full length 'upon the stone tloor. Uuirocelved n severe giiiti above his luft ovaarul bled proftisoly. Hu was- removed ; to Dr. Uosewntur'8 ' ofllce , where ho soon retrained consciousness and had the wound di-eaacd. A Purcj Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other knowri. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light-Jb'laky Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome. LNo other baking powdsr docs such work. THE OPTICAL , - , NEW ( I " ' * HOUSE VS * , OK Till ! ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , Practical Opticians Anil branch of norlil renowned option ! estnlilltth- luuntof A. s Aluo A. ( "o . St l.oul Our method Ii superior to all others our IIMI CS nro superior : will nut weary or tire the co . 'Iho frames properly lul- jiiHiud to the lace. Eyjs T.stocl Proo of Charge. Prices Low for First-class Goods. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , 114 S. ISti S1- . , Next Post-fflco. > . V BAD BLOOD I Pimples on the Face | Breaking Out ) Bkla Troubles | IlUlo Sores l Hot Bkin | Boils ) Blotches | Gold Boroj ) Bad Breath ) Bore Mouth or Llpo I If JUM nulrir lr ini nnr or tflCIO jllllltulll * , tUkO = WH Y ? BEOAlJ88tavp0ulIHLOOD ! ! Juiily known medicine that ulll tlioroiiBhljr craill- citutlio poleon from the \"lV.ninj. * i'rii ' i < l"ll11 tb : } oiirdmk-l > t-or'irltoto u " lA : t > . ,4ll Wc.t llruuilwun > o \ nnnliri SANivij\vooi-cAPsti ) < Ks r the llllltll I ll beat nn > l only capsule ) prescribed by uuuu l n rcvu | , r piyuani | | | for the euro of Gonorhuon nnd from the urinary urKnna niierltu dur ncqtllreil. tl 6U per Uuv She Saved Her MONEY , And n rnn ovcry tfooil Hounokcopor by aliraya hav ing < m hand handCAMPBELL'S ' VARNISH STAINS. the only article ovpr pioitncccl with hlcli nny per Mm nt slight ( xpuiiKU nnil by ono uivlhrulnji rcstnlnnm ! vnrnMi old I Iminbcr ' eU lliirt'.Hii , Hud MraiM , I hnlr . TabUx. Donrt unit nil Klml * of n nil TV ( irk In hfniitlln ! tlnti of CIIDUUV WAIAM'T MAIIO'.A.SV , KOdUWOOIl , O Ui or VIJIIMIUO.V It will stnml waililng * ami ts very dunlitt * Ilnlf pound ullt rotnln nnd finish .1 M't or i liulrn and ono pint wlllonlln nil ) renowiK linmbJrM-l h'or rcnim iiiia'iii irt lo line unlltm mcurdlni , ' tn nlw I'I Icon HAM' PINTs ) L , PINT > ! . lliuti.irdion to , Oni.ilm , Wliolei ilo A onta. Phenolic CURES C lds in the a Head o (0 ( by one pplit * * (0fl ( non , § Cfti&rrh a tn very ihort aQ time. aUt 0 Hay Fever 0 front three lofivt UtW d y * UtM Ear&cbo UtP initinily. P 50o per Bottle. Mtdttttr Co , OMAHA S-nd forclrciiiar orrailon W J II MIKIIWOOI ) 42-J .Sen lurk SCHOOL OF Life Hid p , timnlin , .Ni'li TELEGRAPHY. TJfkVn'C ! 11 AST joj JL JL > a t'laiti oitM TODA.Y. TO1JA.Y. AFTERNOON AND NIGHT. ReiillJw's Jolly Pathfinders MATINEE AT 13:30 : , SIX PERS IN H POD. EVENING AT 8 , THE FRST MRIL. RATUHDAV NHiHT mi ulcunnt JWJ W BUIoonlh cont'tiy solid o.itc botlrouin vnttL . purcli ixt'tl nnil ox- li i hi it'll ut.lL'tTorson Sqti ir Hit nlttiru ttorn 41J North Kith s trout , will 1)0 ) tflvcn 'UMIS itiirdny M itlnt'o , a liarnl'.onio doll will bu pioscntiMl to sotno ono n a prl/o , wlillu ovnry thlld Ket.i n caudj aou- \uuir o\or ) ono a pru < * unt ' THE G-RAND T' ' " ' " ' ' ' Ji JLJLJLB V - JLUA.L. J Q &Jr > MariuU SpUUtUUl * V\ \ MATINEE AT 2:30. : J | EVENING AT 8:15. : \viansTiait K l B o fytorLiLIMIS e n. Its IjlUo NovprSeon Itoforo Hoscrvcd scats " "ie , .LV and OQc. llu\ shoot now 011011. Boyd's Opeira'TioLlsB , Tui'sd ly , Juno 0. - . Granil Production of The GoUnty Fair. I'rcsontod n\iu'tly us ut thu Union " -ruiiiro Tln'alii' , Now Voile. ulii > n > IthiiH been till ) pur * iiutiiont tittr ictlnn for tlnoci jo.irs. C N TT * . TTp. ( Tlio Union Sqiinro ConilifinJV \T3JLlXjLlX I The innnliiK lloisollucis TIM : MI H .v in SKI.NO iina I"0iO ( ) u\iloitil on the stin'u : lu tlila [ iroduo- DIME EDEN Coiner llth und I iiriiuin Htroots. \\IIK : : ur JUM ; IST. Tim Parlilnn I.mlr ICiniin.MiTcrs Ute Lo nil if ill Indies rxei utliiKliiindsoiiiiMli * In ombroldury A npei IIIIIMI Klvun to eai Ii I id ) patrun on iTlilny A llrit chins ipcclulty outertiilumont In butt ) ttllMltlO ! ) A coiiipnny of xtoltnr artutn OFFENSIVE FEETJHBH with a lUrmlen Bdnriljr Hind it > mp for ptrtlcultri. .1II-XJ. < ' < > . 337 Vine. ClDclnnttl. 0. MIS F fTS We have just received the largest assjgn ment of Merchant Tailoring garments from the leading merchant tailors throughout the' - countrywhich we will sell for OOc on the dollar lar , for the next 18 days. l , s Tailor-made Suits , SL 2 Men's ' Tailor-made Pants , styiL , ri \ i t i I Tailor-made A11 ens Spring , Styles - - Alteration clone free of charge to insure a per fect fit. Remember number and plaoe , MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS , 18O9 Farnam Street. 18O9