Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 'THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : THURSDAY , JUNE 4 , 1801.
The Idcn thatnn ex-patrol conductor Is
to bo reinstated IB scouted by tboso who
claim to know , nnd It IH stated thnt none
of the men recently lot out will bo re-
.placed on the police force.
The nrimml tnuotitifr of the Presbyter-
Inn uHsoelatlon of Otniihn , for election of
oIIIcorH and transaction of other im
portant business * , will bo held Thursday
evening. Juno ! , at the First Presby
terian church. The attendance of every
member Is desired. By order of the
_ _ _ _
Must bo cnrofuily considered by the tfrcat
nmjorlty of | > oopla In buying oven necessities
of life. Hood's Siirsiiparlllneommemlb Itielf
with scolnl [ force to the Kreut middle classes ,
because It combines * * * - * ' economy with
KientinciHclnnl power. It U the only medi
cine ( if which cnn truly 1m sild : " 100 tlosos
one dollar , " and n bottle taken ncconlinB to
UlrcctlonH will average to lust a inontb.
Wanted to buy A matched carriage
team , weight 2,100 to 2,40(1 ( pounds , must
bo sound , perfectly broken , truiulu and
pleasant drivern. Address O / > ( > IJeo of-
lice with price and description ,
Sco ppocial page for line of grain clo-
vntorh for sale or rent ,
American Wonders.
Yellowstone park is beyond all ques
tion ono of the world's great wonders ,
anil tlio l/tnon Pacilie oxcui'hion in July
will bo the event of tlio season. Ask
vour nearest Union I'aeille agent about
Coroncr'H ItuiiioNt Over Ilpnry GIHcw
Without tlio Coroner.
The Inquest over the body found In Flor
ence luke on Monday afternoon was sot by
Coroner Harridan for" p. m. yesterday nt
liurltet'B unilertnUitiK ostabllshiimnt.
When the time arrived about ono hundred
members of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen , tlio Troubund nnd the Druids , of
which orders Henry Olelow , tbo supposed
dead man , wns a member , were gathered at
the point named for the purpose of attending
the Inquest and determining the Identity of
the body In order to pay over to the widow
the t,7UO insurance which Glclow carried In
these orders , and also to see that the bodv
wns properly cared for. '
The body was placed on the marble slab
wliero tno post mortem examination had been
performed , nnd where the coroner tind di
rected that It bo allowed to remain until after
It had been viewed by the Jury.
The corpse WHS swollen past all
recognition , and badly decomposed.
It gradually became noised about that the
coroner wns out of town. At the coroner's
headquarters It was stated that Dr. Hurrl-
gnn iiad gone out of town early Tuesday
morning , nnd the statement was corroborated
at his ofllco.
Diligent efforts on the part of the irate
members of the benevolent societies men
tioned failed to unearth any person who had
DCCII dcputi/od to act as coroner In tha nb-
Bonco of Harrigan , and the county attorney
wns appealed to for advice. Ho called on
SherllT Uoyd to hold the Inquest in the ab
sence of tlio coroner , nnd the proceedings
were finally commenced.
It wns necessary to hold the inquest In another -
other pl.ieo , and a vacant room in the vicin
ity wns secured.
Dr. Coulter , the first witness , testified that
ho Iiiul made a post mortem examination of
the body and had found nothing to indicate
oxtcrnal violence. Prom the condition of the
heart ho was of the opinion that death hud
been caused by diowning. The doctor iden
tified a plain gold ring as ono taken from the
right hand of the body , and a ring of keys
nnd stub of a chock book as having been taken
fioni tlio pockets of the clothing. Ho test- !
tied also that thcro was no doubt the body
was that of a white man of medium Height ,
who had brown hair and a brown mustncho.
The bed } ' had a scar on tno right breast near
the third rib , evidently the result of a burn.
Dr. LUCKQ had Known Henry Glolow and
had seen the body. QIulow had a scar on his
breast in the same place as thnt on the corpse ,
and ho was positive the body was that of
Giclow. The doctor also idoulilled the ring
as ono worn ny Giolow.
Charles Uicko nnd Dr. Hamilton testified
to the same effect.
11. If. Uurkot testified that ho had received
a telephone message from Florence at 8 p. in.
Monday and had made efforts to find the cor
oner , but had been unable to locate him until
11 o'clock Monday night. The witness re
lated the facts In the case to the coroner nnd
the latter said ho was too tired to go out that
night , but would go in the morning. Ho said
the "body would bo all right until morning. "
At ( J10 : ! o'clock the next morning n telephone -
phone message was received from the cor
oner nt Florence to coino after the body , aud
the brother of the witness wont nfrcr it.
The witness also testified thnt Mrs. Giolow
enmo Into his place yesterday and Identified
the rings and other articles found on the
body as belonging to her husband.
C II. L. IJurkot wns culled and testified that
ho wont to Florence Tuesday morning In re
sponse to the telephone message from the
coroner. Ho found tlio body lying In shallow
water fully exposed to the hot rays of the
sun. Ho learned that the body had bo < m
found in dcop water and had bcon towed to
the shorn in shallow water the night before.
Those portions which were under water wore
not discolored.
The inquiry wns adjourned at this point to
enable the sheriff to summon moro witnesses
and will bo continued at \ ) n. in. today.
It was learned thnt Coroner Hnrrigan had
pone off qn a chase aftnr further evidence in
Ins case against tuoOnmhu medical institute.
DeWitt's Uttlo Kttrlv KUor * for the Uvor
Important License Decision Rendered
by the CoiimilMHlon.
The board of flro and police commissioners
hold a meeting yesterday aftcinoon to con
sider the application of Dillon Jb Co. for n
transfer pf license from 10 $ South Fourteenth
street to 4'Jl South Eleventh street , nnd
against Which a remonstrance 'was filed by
Dr. S. I ) , Mcrcor , who owns ttio buildlnp to
which Dillon proposes to remove. The build
ing Is loused to I'oyeko Ihottiors , who sub-
routed n portion ot It to Dillon.
Dr. Mcivor held that a saloon thcro would
bo n detriment to hi * property and denied the
right Of the board to transfer a license.
City ( Attorney I'oppleton and i iunorul
\Yobstor expressed an opinion that tbo board
could transfer In thn sumo ward , although
the law does not touch specifically on this
point , and ttio hoard dccluod to allow the
transfer as requested.
His reported thnt Dr. Mercer will go Into
court unit maku a test case of It. Dillon is
backed uy the Schlltz brewing companv.
I'oycke Brothers had tholr leases before tlio
board , and the session partook largely of the
nature of a very Important ono
Commissioner Coburn occupied bis sent
with the board for the first tluio.
Dr. Hirnoy cures ciuarrn. Boo bid ; ; .
The sale of icaorvod scats for "Tho Hotjom
of the Sq.v" engagement nt ttio Grand opera
house on Friday , Saturday and Sunday ovon-
IiigH , with Saturday and Sunday nmtmcns ,
will open this morning. Notwithstanding
the heavy ovponsn of putting this great ma
rine Bpcctuclo on the stage , the engagement
will bo at popular prices. All orchestra seats
reserved will bo M cents and nil balcony
cats reserved will bo 85 and US cents. At
these prices this great sconlo attraction ,
which has in much siu'clul scenery that
extra stafo hands art ) romilivd to work It ,
klioulu have lurgo nudloncos. Theater
patrons gut full value- for their nioiioy while
enjoying the unusual acuuio splendor of "Tho
Uottom of tliu Sea. "
The Kilcn Musco this week haj a novel fen-
tura In curio hull In thu persons of ttio
1'urljlun lady embroiderers. Those beautiful
ladles execute tuuulsomo doslgus on plush In
Bilk and chonllK' , ami will provo a pleasing
attraction for the ladles. In the theater * an
excellent variety entertainment Is provided.
tbo feature beliia the singing of MUs Gra-
lam ana the comic ikutchcs of Mortimer.
Lucille aud McGlouo.
Hcgciit lliirnliiiin hny ( tie Ilonrd Will
Not Qiiurrct.
Mr. Lcavltt Burnhnm , ono of the regents
of the stnto university , stated yesterday
thnt ho wns not nwnro of any fight In the
boardof regents over the selection of a chan
cellor , as stated In Tin : Dnr.'s Lincoln corre
spondence. Ho said the utmost harmony had
always prevailed among the members nnd
tlioro had been no blckcrlftg on any subject.
It wns true , he stated , tlintJ. Clark Hod-
path was n candidate for the position of chan
cellor , nnd his appointment had been urged
by a number of friends , but Mr. de
clined to state whether or not ho favored Kod-
path.Ono of the prominent candidates for the
place. ho said , was 1'rof. James Caullold of
the Kansas university , but the candidacy of
Lieutenant Dudley was n surprise to Mr.
Hurnhum. He also expressed ignorance of
the report that Judge Cobb tmd been offered
the position.
With reference to the report that Gere wns
trying to induce Merrill to resign In order to
increase the former's chances of rc-elf-ctlon ,
Mr. Hurnlmtn stated that he had no reason to
believe that such wns the case. Mr. Gere ,
ho said , was very busy with his business
outside the board of regents nnd Mr. Hum-
ham did not think .Mr. Uero would bo n can
didate for re-election.
Speaking for himself Mr , Furnham ! said
ho did not contemplate or deslron re-election.
Ho had been on the board for two full terms ,
nnd while tils relations had always been
harmonious , ho did not cara to servo any
Mr. Hurnhnm snld the board of repents
would hold Its annual meeting Juno 0 nnd 10 ,
nt which time a committee consisting of He-
g'cnts Gere nnd Merrill and Acting Chancel
lor Hcssoy would rcnort on n poison forchuu-
ccllor. This committee was appointed when
It was Known that the legislature had made
some provision for the payment of a chancel
lor , and was instructed to recommend some
suitable person for that office.
Antony Children ,
especially Infants , is prevalent moro or less
nt all times , but is largely avoided by gl ving
proper nourishment and wholeomo food.
The most successful and reliable of nil is the
Gail liordon "Kaglo" Brand Condensed Milk.
Your druggist and grocer kcop It.
Nebraska Democracy Will Flul't I'or
KvorytltitiK in Sijlit.
"There nro too many county court houses
In Nebraska in possession of the republican
party , " said General Victor Vlfqnum of Lin
coln to a reporter yesterday afternoon , while
engaged inja short conversation at the Pnxton
hotel. "Wo propose this fall to stir things
up and capture n few of the county court
"The recent decision of the supreme court
in the Uoyd case has awakened the demo
crats to ttio fact that wo should bo looking
out for our interests all the way from the
township organization to the state house.1
"Who will bo the democratic nominee for
supreme Judge this fnlH"
" 1 conlu not say , but if the Independents
nominate n man of nbility and brains , the
democrats will endorse tbo nomination.
Judge Broody has bcon mentioned.
Ho is a good man nnd would
fill the oflico with much credit
The democrats will unite with the inde
pendents on any good man to relegate Judge
Cobb to private lifo. "
"In case Mr. Uoyd is reseated as governor , again become adjutant general of the
state militia ? "
"That , matter will rest entirely with Mr.
Boyd. As I understand It ho will have to
make his appointments all over again in case
the supreme court decides that he is a citizen
ana therefore the rightful governor of Ne-
urasuu. '
Pozzoni's Complexion Powder Is universal
ly known nnd every wticre esteemed as the
only Powder that will improve the complex
ion , eradicate tan , freckles and all skin dis
The County's Test Mortem Kills Arc
Too llifj for Him.
Whcri the county commissioners meet
Saturday "afternoon they will bo called upon
to pass upon fiSO of bills presented by Dr.
Coulter , who ofllcos with Coroner Harrigan.
These bills arc for fourteen post mortem ex
aminations made since February 1. They arc
all ceriiUod to by the coroner. Tno bill
as filed shows that post mortetns were held
on Elsie Williamson w ho was pounded to death
by McNnmco ; the man who cnmu from Kile-
horn nnd died of consumption ; Dennis , who
died witli tromoins. and on n man who was
run over by cars. Nearly all of the others nro
cases where the cause of death was equally as
well known.
In addition to this bill Prof. Mueller , the
chemist , has a bill of ? 200 , $100 of which is
for examining a stomach and the other S10U
for examining n liver. Both of these
bills are certified to by the coroner.
Commissioner Timme denounces the pres
entation of the bills as a raid upon tlio treas
As n mimbor of the commmlttee on Judlcl-
nry , ho will report ngalnst the allowance of
the bills. Ho states that ho is anxious that
the coroner shall investigate the cause of
every mysterious death , but opposes the pay
ment of ? IOO per month salary to a physician
selected by the coroner to carry on the busi
ness of making nest mortem examinations
whenever a death'occurs.
Do Witt's Little Kurly Risers. Dost llttlo
pill over made. Cure constipation every
time. None equal. Use them now.
UKOPlMil ) I ) HAD.
Sudden Fatal Kmllng of JnineH IMo-
Awlrewn' Trivial Illness.
James McAndroivs , a man about forty
years of ago who had bcon employed at the
smelter for about two years , dropped dead
early yesterday morning at the Plttsburg
house on North Tenth street.
McAudrows hud boon s > lck for about four
days but was nblo to bo about the house.
This morning ho wont for a pitcher of water
nnd as ho passed throuch the ofllco ho dropped
to the floor and expired.
Assistant Coroner Houfoy viewed the body
and had It removed to his undertaking estab
lishment where an inquest will bo hold.
Do Witt's Llttlo Early Uiswrs : only pill to
euro sick Uou laotio ana rogjUtHho bowoU
XtMcftiif flct ( m < xnr/M iinil'r tltls haul , flftu
cento ; eitcltMtiHttoiMlltiifttnctiitii ,
HATDOltl'1lli'iir ' / , nist'd 41) ) yours am ) 0
months. IMHHTII ! survk-u will ho hold 1'rl-
day at tlio family residence. 11:17 : Nlitb uvo-
iiiio ul : ! | i. m. Intel-infill ut Torubt Lawn ,
rrlunds Invited ,
A Pare Cre.ira of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard ,
Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky
UUcuit , Griddle Cakcj , Palatable
and Wholesome.
l tto other baking powder doci : uch work.
The thin coats and vests which we are selling for the exceptionally low price of seventy-five cents , are making thp
heat more tolerable for dozens of men who have bought them in the past few days , and will cool off dozens more when ,
their splendid value becomes better known. These garments are made of genuine French Nankin. They are cut in"
good style. They are made in good shape. The colors and patterns are in good taste. They are made with patch
pockets , have pearl buttons , the button-holes are made with silk , and the backs of the vests are made of the same
material as the vests themselves. They are just as good coats and vests as you can buy in any other house in Omaha
for double the money , but to make it more comfortable for you , and not make your pocketbook sweat , we are selling
them while they last for seventy-five cents.
At this price we give you a grand assortment of handsome plain Brilliantine Coats and Vests ,
They are in an assortment of popular shades and colors , and are made with every attention that
can be paid to making. They come in all sizes , and are worth , anywhere you look , three dollars
and a quarter.
The Coats and Vests which we are selling at this popular price are bound to be rapid sellers'
l They are made of corded mohair , which you know all about. They come in a large assortment
of shades and colors , and are in a number of styles of cords. Four dollars invested in a coat and
vest outside of our store won't better the quality a single bit.
If you're a man like a good many others , who think there's nothing like a "skeleton" made ou
of flannel , we've got just the thing to suit you. They're in all wool goods , in plain and neat mix
tures in the good old grays and tans , and the newer and nobbier shades besides. These garments - ?
ments are positively worth four seventy-five , but we've found a way to sell them for less , sd
we've made the price iwo ninety.
You want something still better ? We've got lots of very fine goods at three dollars and twenty- *
five cents , three dollars and fifty cents and even four dollars arid fifty cents. At these prices w0
will guarantee you a positive saving of from one dollar and seventy-five cents way up to ,
three dollars. These statements unlike the celebrated "air ship" that nobody went to see ( ? ) are
not backed up by WIND , but are based upon
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets.
Cures all disorders of the Stoinsicli , Liver , Howels , Kiilcnys , Itl.uldjr , Nervous
licenses Loss of Appetite , Heirlnche , ( 'oiHliiiillm. | : Costivcness Iiuliffcsliin , Hllious-
ness , Fever , Tiles , Etc. , and ren 'crs the system loss liable to contract dise.iso.
ItADWAY'S PILT.H nro cure- for this complaint. Tliisy tona up the Internal secretions to
Iioitlthr action , rostoru strimatli to the stnnriuh , nnd piriblu It to nortonm Its functions.
I'rfcoc a Imv. Sold by all druajjlsw , or mailed by UAUWAV i UO. , IB Wurron Struct , Now
York , on receipt of prlco.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Mnny yenrs'experience. A reisiilnr Brndunto In incrtlclno us illplonuiH show. Is still trentlnu with the
Kreiitestsiicceaii , nil Nervous , Chronic anil 1'rlvato Dlsomoi A pctm.inont euro KUiirnntc'od for Catarrh
yperiuatorrhren. Lost Manhood , ScMiilnnlV'cMkms | , Nlcht I.ossi-i , Impotency , Syphilis. Stricture , mill nl
( llxpases of thu Illood , Skin anil Urinary Orn int. N. II. 1 guarantee * > UJ lor every c.iso I unilorlako ami full
to euro. Coniultatlon tree. Hook ( Mvsterles of I.lfo ) sent freo. Olilco hours D u. m to a p. m. buniluy
10 u m. to 12 in. Senil atauip for reply.
CnHC of tlio Uofuiiat Kitnlc of
The case of Richard Lymcr , receiver for
the City National bank of Hastings , against
C. N. Diotz of Omaha wns dismissed yostor
diiy afternoon in the United States court.
Jiulpo Dundy Informed the plaintiff thnt ho
would bo obliged to Instruct ttio Jury to find
for the defendant , and the plaintiff hail the
privilege of dismissing the case before tbo
defendant wont on the stand.
The nttornoy for the City National bank at
once dismissed the cnso.
JndgoDundv held thnt the plaintiff had
fulled to show that tbo notes which bau boon
given by Mr. Klsomoro had bcon mitliori/ocl
bv Mr. Dietz , nnd therefore Mr. Dictz could
not bo held responsible for their payment.
Had the amounts obtained by means of the
notes bcon obtained by overdrafts on Mr.
UioU.'s nccount Dy lilhomore , thnn , the Judge
said , the plaintiff would have huu a good
The federal grand jury completed the work
brought beforu It for the present term nnd
was discharged yesterday afternoon. The
Jury returned In all 105 Indictments. A very
largo number of them wcro found against
parties who hnvo sold liquor without llconso ,
for selling to the Indians nnd for passing
counterfeit monoy.
For Skin iHm-nscs
UNO lIoi'Hl'ord'w A old Phosphate.
Or. P. Lo HIcur Weir , Philadelphia , Pa. ,
says : "In certain cases of skin dlseaso.swhcro
the stomach is ( n a condition unfavorable to
the diseases , not infrequently hnvo I found It
to correct that condition , when nothing clso
yielded the desired result. "
SUMMI2U O.V a1 UK 11OA.I ) .
School Mn'nniH Will Spend the Hot in rilnlit.
A number of Omaha's cfllclcnt school
teachers are already planning for n pleasure
trip during the summer vacation.
Miss liertlm Dewey wbo teaches calis
thenics In the schools will probably bo
Joined by n score or moro or the teachers who
will tnko In the Carpenter vacation
tours , starting from Chicago about Julv 1.
The tours will Include a trip through the
\ \ hi to mountains mid down the St. Law
rence river. Some of the loading suashoro
resorts of Maine will bo visited and the party
will return by way of Itoatou aud Now
The trip will occupy about four weeks tind
the Indications nro that a score or more of tbo
Ouiaha tuachors will take It lu.
Tbo vocal organs nro strengthened by th
use of Ayor's Cherry Pectoral. Clergymen
lawyers , singers , actors and public speakers
find thU preparation the mo t effective for Ir
ritation ftnd weakness of the throat andluuf *
tad lor all aflacUous gt tbo vocal organ * ,
Tlio Annual Conimcnucniciit to l > o
Hold X .xt Woclc.
The eighth annual comiqoncoincnt exercises
at Hollovuo college will bo hold next week ,
commencing on Sunday , Juno 7 , at 11 a. in. ,
when the bnccnlaureato sermon will bo
preached by President ICorr.
On Monday evening , Juno 8 , nt S o'clouk ,
Dr. Stephen Phelps will deliver the annual
address to the students.
Tuesday afternoon the hoard of trustees
will hold Its aniiunt meeting , nnd Tuesday
evening the annual solrco will occur In the
college hall.
The programme for commencement day ,
Juno 111 , is ns follows :
Chorus , Ocean lailluby . College Choir
I'luno Duet , Overture /.tunna . llerold
MiMta Sutherland. Kllu IA-O Adams.
The Chariot Kaci' . Hi'n llur . J. A. Done-
Ian. I'liiUhiiumth.
Every Choice for l > mtiilty . Mamie H. Wal-
laru , Wnyno.
Mlllon . 1'rud I. Lyinniii Pent In
I'lnno &olo , Kalry Wlilsnunt . b. Pmllh
nlary Connor.
American Types . Anna Hlanchnrd , South
< 0inilia. ;
riithnsliism . David Oastlor , Itellnvue
Qiiarti-ttc , itliioOulllei- . I'.ilmei .
MO--SIS. MltcJioll. layman , Oarmthun
aud Wllflains ,
Was Ho a Heio ? . O. W. I.owrle , O'A'olll
I.ongfullow .
. . I'unnloAI. Wldtloy , South Onniliii
riano Solo Alloo . Asrhur
Mnrle Adams.
The Successful StuUfnt . . . . .
. J. A. Smith , Atkinson
Valedictory Wlilon- Fields .
. Hello U. lloovur. Morrow , Kan.
Trio Violin. Mandollu and piano.
1) ) idnmas awurdixl.
Cook's Imperlal.Champagno 1ms stood th
test for thirty voars. Thcro Is no botto
sparkling wlno mado. It's extra dry.
Iloaior'H Hot ray oi1.
William Bolan was brought up from
Springfield yesterday and lodged In Jail.
Hols the allogcd betraycrof Isabella Heaver ,
the I'lattsmouth girl who mot her death In
the Omahu medical and surgical Institute ,
nnd Is charged with oolng accessory and aid
ing to procure u criminal operation on tbo
dead girl.
liolnii Is a young farmer , nnd admitted to
the olllcor that ho wai familiar with Miss
Beaver , but expressed some doubt ns to
whether ho was the author of hortrouiilo mm
denied emphatically thnt ho had anything to
do with her trcatmckt nt tbo Institute.
The Inquest on the remains of the Beaver
woman , which wus to have been continued
yosteruny , was postponed until this morning
at 10 o'clock.
Mrs. Wailow's Soothing byrup reduces
Inflammation whlloehildren are teething ,
eeots a bottlo.
T E&
isLwKat bvoieed , for it cures
all liver , " kidney and nerve
troubles.250 package.
; Remember that
is warranted to cure dyspepsia ,
sickheadache , bilhousness ,
linnplil < e fcoiinp in tlio stomach , or
money refunded. Price < > 0c , of your
drupgist or by mail on receipt of price.
Oinaliu , Nebraska.
Samples of Tea & Dyspepsia Cuie for'Jo .stamp
4 Colds in the
W Bs&d
U ) by one applica *
lion. o
Catarrh o
inm in a vtry ihoit
H time.
0 Hay Fertr H
0 from three tofivt tn
days ; ta
Ear&ohi taP
instantly. P
50o par Battle.
Ci cM s f iidi.
MiJiitxt Cff ,
Graduate Dentist.
A Full Sot or Teeth on Uubbor ,
lor HVi ; DOLLARS. A purluit
lit fc'unmnteL'rt. Teetli uxtrnctol
wltliout | mln or ilanxor , unl
i without uimuitliutlc ] . liolil iiml
% > tllvur Illlln s nt lowust riiut .
HiUlKO nnil CrOHii Work. Tcuth
without ( ilatoi All worn wur
' " "
Entninco , lUtli itrcct elevator Open
nntlis o'clock.
Flmploa on the Pace |
Breaking Out )
Bkln Troubles |
Little Bores I Hot Bkia |
Bolls I Blototes )
Gold Borei | Bad Breath )
Bore Mouth or Lips |
If jou aulfer friim our al
tUVBO ) lllplUIII * , tlluO
WHY ? BECAlJ88pMvP0ul yLOOD !
L , Hy known mKlVlnythat.nithorouiihly.ra.l.
citi tliu polnon from the . > ' ' < ' 'A-ti-it '
joiirilrujru'lut. or wrlto to V. II. ' . ' . ' " 'J'.ViV I ,
J'O111 , > e \ urk III
? ' ' ' ! . -111 . . . AV : ! . . . t . . llruudwur . . . . . . . . . : . 11" ! > !
uro ma li > by mismiiiulotit
m imilnvturi'iH anil iVuli-w
lu purouH plasters i ( 'Kuril-
Ins lh 'lr ( tinitlvo iMiMfia
nro the only ones Inilorwil
by over 5,000 pIiyblolaiiM
lind phanniii'litK. llfwuru
of linltutlons and KubtlU
regxilar bonrcli aotl nolIU Ue.U. 1'rlcc , SOJ/
- - . ' % .a
The following : is nn extract from iv letter -
tor of Hov. J.V. . C'nrtor to Rov. .1. T.
Mumford :
"It. 1ms bonclittod by wife so much I
wnnt her to continue tlio iihO of the med
icine. Taking into conaitlonuioti her
n'C { .of ) years ) and the lonjj standing of
her liver nnd kidney troubles ttio Tree
of Life has worked wondortj in her
case. "
Slooro'aTrooof I.lfo. a poittlvo cure for KMner
and I , Ivor Coniplilnt anil all blood illiu.-iim. Dnoi It
ny lu Miller when you cnn bo curoil hy uihu Mouro'i
True of I.lfo. tlioCJront I.lfo Itenieilr ?
Is no' pleasant to take , na It la composed -
posed of all the medicinal < iuilltloa (
that fjo to make now and rich blood
without compelling the consumer to
r > av
which can bo bought any wnoro for
thirty-flvo cants a gallon , OB all sur-
aparillas aro. BBOaS' ' BLOOD
oompoeod of pure medicine , u'ul al
lows the purohaaor to add syrup
Wh'.ch 13 udvlaoi when alvoa to
If y lions riot kcin | ) It in'copt nn
. liutonlor dlro't I r < i n lli-'C , ' 1lr f
Oil. . IUV1II7 Mlchlquii Ht Uileiisii. III.
tliuy will fornurd , uxpru i prupala , one utit
tie fortl or lx tnrX
< " '
Cnally , Quickly , Permanently Rnntorod.
AVcukncx , .NrrviiiKiirxi llrbllllvuiul all
tbo train uf evlli from I'arly crniriorlnttir eicukx ; * ,
the reunite nf ornrwork , ilrknvia , wntrr. vie Kull
itrongth , ilorclopniont , and tnno nlvi'ii to nvpry
oiyan nnd p < irtlon of Ihii l ly. hlinplo , ntlural
mottiod ) . JuiinediAtii Improveuipnt ' en Kalluro
liopuolble V.UiU retert'iicn. Jlixik eiplauatloai
nd prixifi aiallod OealoO ) free. Addre.a
Morotiinn 15 ycnn experience In the troatruont of
AcurORuarimteoJ In 3 to 5 ( UyiUhont lielOJJOt
nn hoiir'B tluio.
Tim most cumploto iiml nbnoluto earn for gloot nn4
nil nmioylriu dj | < clmrk'cs ovur known to tliu JneOloaS
profusion. I'eruitinuntlr cured la from5 to 1U Uay4
Or pnln In rellovlnif the lilmMor on roil without puln
or ln trnnicnti , no cuttlni : , no dllntlnit. The uioii
rcniiirkubloromcdy known to inoilurn scl''ncu.
rnrort In .10 tn 11 } dnys- Dr.IcJrow's ( treatment for
this turrlblo blood dliemohiK boon pronounci'il IIH
mont siicco ifnl nunoily vtT illncovor * tl for HIP lib *
olnlo euro of the illionu. Ills nuccen with lnl
itlneniiu Ims no\cr buon uijiiulloJ. A coiuploto cur *
" " " " " " " '
noa.nll woiiknoinon of tl o noxunl oruani , norvoin.
Anil llinlillty mid ( Ipapoiiiluiicr nbiioliitolj curoJ.
Til uruilof Is ImmoilluUi iiml cinuplt'to. _
nnil'nil illicniot of tlio Moo I , llvor , klilnoys , un4
blutlilor poriiiutioiitly cuiojl.
Tliortoctor "lloinoTri'iitini'iit" for ladlu * M pro
nouiK I'll by nil who hiivo uin.l It lo bo thu limit com.
pleteunil convi'iilunt nuiioily ever olluruil for llm
tri'iilihuntul luniMlo dHc.iso" U u truly " woiulerfiU
rt'incily. Ilourn for hullo * . friuu 2 to 4 only.
MnrvelloiM iiccua In the trfutiiiuiit of prlvnloilli.
oiisi'i IKH won for him n ri'putntlon which In ImlO
niilloinil 111 chftnictiT , nnd hli Kront iiriny of patliuita
UMiihox from thoAthinth' to the PurlHc. 'rhi'ilocto *
In H Krailuulo nf "riiKUhir' nii'illclno nnrt him Imy
IOIIK nnil eiiroful t < xp rh'ni'n In hojpltil prnctaa.
nnil H t'hitiioil niiiDNK the ii'iulltitf Bpociiillsts In mod *
i rn donco Treatment by t'orreipoiifli nt VVrlt
for olrciihirn about unuh of the nbovo illse-iiev , froo.
.Olilco , 14th anU F.iru un StreutH , Omaha
Nob. Kiitranci ) on olthor Htrout.
She Saved Her
Anil no run orcrr KOIM ] Ilouiekucpar by altrnjrn bar *
UK on luiiul
luiiulCAMPBELL'S '
tin niiiy HI tlclu ever proilurml with whlrli unr per *
inn mil lit nllKlit nml uy onv npl'llinll ' a
rmiiiiniiiiil viirnlrh uliI < lihinlM'r fcln Murriuin llud-
nli'u.U i hnli.i. Tul'loi. Dm r mid nil klinUnf HOKil *
Hiirk in l > i-iHiilliil tint , 'it CIIKHUV , WAI.Nl'r ,
MAM'H.AN'i. USI\Viiill ( ) , O\l < or VKIIMII.IIirl.
I lll Kliiiiil w Khlnu iiml l < very dnrnl/lo. / llitK
utiinil wilt riMlnln anil Hull i tt Hot or t halri. nnil OPI
ilnt wlllonluiirllr roiiew m liamixirbet For rouiui
inn iiunrt tn nnu Kiillun iirinrillnif Ui il > 1'rlceil
IAI.1'1 I'l-STH iwi- . I'lNI'ic. . Hlcharilion Drug
u oiniihii , WhuluMulo ' Aiti'iiU _
National Bank
u. a ufcroaiTOiiY. OMAHA.
Cnpltnl , - - - - S-IOO.OOO
Surplus Jnn. 1st , 1HOO , -
Ultlcuri ami lilrectorIIeurr W Vatai , I
_ wli rt. lluu.l , Vlcu I'ruinlunli Jarnsi w. Havana ,
V M ' .u , John H Collins It. U U'uihlnj. J , N. 11
utilU w U. a Ilugnui , tuililur
Tlibk IliON BANK.
Corner 1VIU uJ t'unmiu Jl ,
A acnerftlUkakla UuilncuTraniaot 4