Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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i1 A UVr.IITISEMKNTB for thcno columns will
.o 1,0 mkrn until I2op. tn. . for tlio evnn IIR
dlllon , siwl until : . Op. m. , for thu morning
rdftlon nnd f-t.'NtiAV Her.
S Cash In advance. '
lATTP-Aflrr-rtlfonirntson Hits pncowllHio
J flmri/cd for Hi thr rnto of 1H rcnlii p r
vt ii > fnrtlin first Innortlcitt , nnd I cent ncrword
fr-t rnrh cut Fccittrnl liiRcttlon , nnd II , V ) per
line i cr niiinth. NnndvertliPtncnt taken for
JtfN Ihijn tl eents for tlm first Insertion.
JMTlAI.H. HK Hytnbols , etc , , counteach
i nno ord ,
rplirst * ndvrrtlsrtnents must run
J lively and under tm elnMitnstnnn-s will
Ihey 1 1 t iikcn or dlnron'tnuod by telephone.
TJAinifHndvi-rtlslnir In these rnltimns nnd
Imv liitf their nswprsnnilrif ( d 1on"num-
If ml Irtlrrln core of Tun IIKB will ruri- yea
ri'tuli ' trdehfi'k torntible them to gel their
Ii'tlrrii. Answers will le nollverrd only on
nip oiilntloii of this elirek. I ne'loso iitiBwors
in envelopes properly adiln-sseil.
A 1.1. ndvcrtNenirnts un rr tlio lirnd of
J"Hirclnl Notlres" nrr t'tibmiied In both
thr tnorn'nB nnd nvi-nln ( dlltonsof 1 UK Ilrr.
Ilio clrpiiliit'on ' of which nrirrppiitcs nioriitlnin
TlOrt piipors dully , nnd clvc-s tie advertiser
l ho 1 < Mii'flt not only of thn li rpn rlroulntlon of
Tl'K HH' 'n "tnnlia , 1 ut nlco 'n rnuiipMHIiiffs ,
1 Itlvolti I'lld othcrclt'rs i llo iis tithe west
"BRANCH oFFicssr
Advert Ulns ? for these co'unni' wij ' o tit > on
ontho nl'ovorondlllon' ' . nt the f I'.owlnif ' liusi-
no'H houses who nre nnthnrl/od to tiiKonpoolil the Hiimo rates as can bo had at the
iniilri nfllrc.
OMAHA liuANcii trncn-Nc
rfgl N. f troct. I.jster lllo.'ic. ' _ _
I'lmrniocis't , lllh ft Maon
" "
"HAM ? * EDDY. Ptatloncrs nnd I'rlnter
linpoilth Ifith street.
_ _
" * "
] ! . rAUN wbllTH , Pharmacist. 2115
. Cuinltu street _
V\r .1 lU'TjllES , I'hnriiTacKt. a'4 North 10th
street. _ _ _ _ _ _
T\r.O wTPAItlt , Phiirniaclst. 1713 Leavcn-
\ ' n 01 th street.
T r ronrs1 PHAHMACV. 24th nnd ramam.
J i inttit , etc. , reetop o//r trnliimn onif ( / * ) > i/ ( / .
WANTED lly competent ynuiiK woman on
plain ilressi-sor rhlldrcn's \vort > In foinl-
llcsj price. tl.OC pei day Address PI , HIMM5 - .
M5 2 I *
" \A7'ANTni--Uy Industrious youna nnn , to
learn railroad engineering , wages no ob
ject. Address or.7 Hen. _ M 1 1H ij *
"VXrANTKD lly young man with experience
' In retail and wholesale cropery and ton-
feet lottery lines , position : is salesman or as
rustler If chance of advancement ; very best
references. Addrens OOI. care llee 4S" > 4 *
ANTED 1'osltlon by itrilo stenozriher |
. .ml bnokUecpor ; best of references Ad-
dressOK' ' , Hco olllce. M48i 5 *
ANTED Situations for peed hls ; my
waiting rooms , ire always full f rout ( l a.
in toli p in. Canadian I'mploymeiit olllce.
HII" H. 11th. Telnplione 8SI. _
XW ANTED Hy n youii' la ly , a position In
' notion sforii ; several years' experience ;
refeienuo glvon. Address O f > : i , Iteo olllce
4-n2 It *
pllOri > MONAL nurse. Mrs. S. E. lloiiton.
L 181 > 0.issstreet. Omulip. 'Ml j 10
lurxilff , rtc , , rrrtnpof ttrit , tolumnon til
WANTED A neat appoarlnz young man
with good address , one who can hustle ,
to piiiivuu ) city and on inid ; salary , commis
sion and railroad fnro trud Call at 7 ] ) in. at
the Pullman House on E. P Mcltcrnan.
, M514 4 *
A ItIENTS wanted ; cash registers , first-
class , responsible agents to sell "Tho
Cnshler , " the only register perfectly adapted
to lot nil stores ; cash or credit business : rea-
nirililo prices , Amorlo.ui Cash Koglster Co. ,
1 8 Qtilney street , Chicago. M511 ! >
WANTED To mistershovelers and
trai'kinen for work In Wvomlne and
South D.iknt'i. Albilght Labor Agency. 1I70
I irnnin streot. M4SI
\\7 ANTED A stout Herman or ' wcdlsh boy
who understands care of .horses , ote , 1511
N. 22d t. 40'J.'J *
. ' . n. i i , ' ( . . * .
"ISrANTICD .An Industrious voiing man to
' fill n'Mionslblo pos tlon ; give refoieneos.
AddiossOOl , Hee. M 470 4 *
"W ANTED Paper hanger. 0. 11. Keys
' > 2 th alid Plneknoy st. 4.i 4 *
r ANTED Experienced stenographer with
machine. Apply bet. 0 a. m. and lJ:3i : )
in today. L. L. II , , foi the Ptir. Co. ,
ii 715 Dodge. M503 4 *
SHOW people v\anted Variety song and
dniico inuslclons , sketch teams and all
people at 11 north Main street , Council IllulTs
' 401-U *
] WANT an all round printer for perinanont
position , who Is a good local writer and a
coed solicitor , makes friends and can keep
them ; must send satlsfurfoiy references us to
lionostv , sohilctv. faltlifnlni-ss Mild not'vlty ;
wages from JIO totlSj state experience ; want
JilmTtght away fora litr o weekly In Kansas
Address O 61 , tleo otllco. lib 8 *
WANTKD Scenic nrtlst , fresco painter and
lady to paint plettnes. State piovlons
experience. Address for six days , Henry Pul-
Dioi Art Co. , Atlantic , la. 45 4 *
"TArANTED A competent butter roll maker.
> T Apply to the Ciidahy Packing Co. M4I1 1
TV ANTED Salesmen on nnlniy or commls-
" ' Hltm to bundle the now patent chemical
Ink eiiislng pencil ; the groitestnlllni1 novel
ty ever produeod ; ornses Ink thoixitighly In
two seconds ; no abrasion of paper ; ' 'Oil to 50(1 (
poreonU protlt ; one agent's sales amounted
In W 0 ip < djt days ; 'mother SO In two hours
We wiint one general agent for each state und
territory I'ortnrms and full particulars ,
dress the Monroe El user Mfg. Co. , La rosse ,
\f\ \ 217
_ _
\ \ ' A NTED- man of coed address to call
' on the iimiiufaelnrlni ; trades and take
orders for stumped and emluHsod work. Wo
vvanl a ir-ldi'nt lepiesentathe to handle ex
clusively rill the goods of our own manufac
ture ; u limit who has sold lltluuraphle work
preferred ; nvlnry and lontinlssloii to the right
num. Address with full p irtleulars. .1. W ,
Ciirroll , W Dunne st. , ft ow YorkMlitlh *
\\7 A N T l-i ? VA few onorgetlo agents to soTl
' " magic Hpeclalt Irs , Including miiglo self-
lighting 'pocket ' lamp , mnglo dlmo saving
bank and other good selling uitlulus. All our
poods eell tit sight. Applj with references ,
Rortliwrslcin Specialty t'o. , room 4iw lion
lildfvOnuiu ) Nob. _ M 107
fin mri ( , rc. , 'f fop ofjlift column i > iije.
" \\rANTED A shrewd , quick , active young
T Inrty to take euro of stoek and iniiKe
herself geneially useful. No other need
[ > pplv. l ) , U horwood , N. VI'lfe. . MW8 ! 4
WANl'lfl girl forlioiisewoiU In small
family : none but experienced girls need
* iwly. i tn O.IHS bt. 5uj ; i
WANTKD competent so unstress , 22.M
_ raiiljini , 4'H-S '
G1H1. forRencrul hou oworl > , 2122 St. Mary's
HVoinlo. MI70
_ _
\VANTI D A lady compositor for weekly
fl papar. Call ut room II < 'rolghton hlook.
4HJ.I *
\yANTED-Oood general borvaut 2llft
T T I.iiimot st. M477 4 *
* \\rANTr.D-C'ompctoiitsewing woman. IUu >
iniiiient eiiiployiuunt. .vlrs. A. M. Carter.
D5IO rariinin street. 457
AVA rj l * A Klrl for general housework
Mrs. M. I.ovy,2W7 Dodge street , opposite
Muli school. , ) iu 4
\VANTnt > Competent girl for housework
TT lii family of two ; best wages. Cull I02il
Now York I/llo. 41' ' ) 5 *
XX'ANTEi ) A first-class dra per ; none
T > other need apply. E. H. Torrlil. 210) )
> loiulqs street. M4 < 5 4'
" \\t ANTKD-A Klrl at 10111 rarnum street ;
Ti Gormuii prefeircd. M430
- T JO-Ohl tn doght
tuko euro of children. NWS. 23rd st.
, , . . - _ _ 4.1 ! J
\\fANTHD-A oomjietont girl for socoml
TJ w0rU at a beautiful country home ; fifty
nines from On\ha. | : Clias. A. Iliirvoy , 1 > .4
I'ltrnaiti street. _ 121
? on
Forrntei.etf , , iwtopaf flrtt.foln nn ouUIi 1113
avenue , between JacUbnii nnd l.e.iv-
ei'wortU sts , Tory deslrublo IIUUM ; , rooms.
liiitli room , ( urnuco. Imiulru Itoom B , 1JU %
. _ _ - _ - j _ . . -
HKNT-lo-roiim houti. all modern con-
vruleucoK. ourpuu. window iltturos and
furiulo. Inquiruat 17UJ DoiU-o btreot.
4J 4
f or rntrt.etf. , rrr lop nf M" < column i'i < nn
Jutic , ( jr. , with lurge twrn , furnuoo. KIIH. ote.
0 ttxini luniMs ! U19 i.eiivonworth St , w. , I'ulh
BUS , nmntiils , Die * ! ) room , 1718 Doilfto St. . Ml.
nil modern Improvements. A room , ills ! nnd
Musnn * r > . olty water. largo yunl. IT. O.
MK : 7
i _
FOH KENT furnished house. nil modern
conveniences ; four months ; dump to xoixl
party. 2PJ1 .Inokion atrool. Call In morning.
FOIt KI'.NT Two lO-rootn brick residences ,
nil conveniences. jn l compli'toil. tfM ) )
( Irorsla iivo. Kent Mi.OO for first year. ,1 II.
I i rroltu. Douglas block. -ID
LI' you wish to rent a IIOIIHU or store sue II. 1
Colo. Continental block. SM
IVOR UKNT I'litir ' 0 and T-rootn Hals with
JL lialli , hoi water , etc . P.IVIM ! streets ; near
I mlness ! nil Improvements : only $25 perino.
ISoforoiu'os rt'iitilrcd. Tito Mend investment
Co , 142 Iloo building. 2M
n-lOOM ! hou- . nlrti yard , shade tree , city
Ji-nd cistern Water , elegant neighborhood. 2
blocks f rom strroi cant , HII S. 7th avenue. or
Hull's pharmacy. cor , llfli and Mason , _ 25 i
ii'Oll UKNT lO-room house , ontitrilly loeul-
i-il , modem liiipiovcincnts , I mi til re , 712 N.
I'lth. '
TJiOK KENT lly Juno 2J. n 0-room house
1 newly pilnted and papered , well , cistern
and city watoi , b Uli and furnace , 1)4 Dav
enport M 5I 4 *
rprN-tOOM ! hnu so with barn ; dosiruble lo-
JL cation , moderate rent , licard llroi. 1410
Douglas st. M b37
IJpoK KENT furnished 5-room cottugo for
I. the Summer ; deslrible location and low
rent. Aildress O. r , ' ' , lire. 4U
IjMN Know 12-room Imitso with all mndorn
JL' Improvements and birn ; line location for
a physician. J. H. P.irrotto rental agency.
OOI2 Capitol Avenue vrootn cottage. West
-J half''VIl Davenport slicot , Che IP. liuiulro
nt2'l8 Cniiltol avenue. Mill 5 *
O-UOOM house , city and olstern water , ill ) to
Jsmiall family. Corner nth and Paclllc.
heated nt"ilern flats. 707 nnd 700
STEAM 10th. E. If Khifier , 1MO farnurn
20I-J27 *
KENT 0-room house , inodoin conven-
JjAOK , 2(121 ( Davenport street. Imiulro
S'i" ' ! Davenport street. 48
"TT1OK KENT 8 room house. 0 room cottage ,
J bath. etc. Apply 0. S. Llgutter , 801 N. Y
Life bldg. 490
FIFTEEN 0-room brick houses all modern ,
except furnace , $22 ftj nor month , near Sher
man avenue motor C , P. Harrison , 012 N. Y ,
Life. U14-J22
171OK KENT I'Mat. ' 0 rooms. 2d floor , CM N |
JL ? Ibtli ; WOOa Hood & Solby , 1,1 , Ho ml
Trade. MKil
I r\OIl \ KENT S-rootn Hut , Lange block , nth
1 and Jackson. M170 G
FOK KENT-Modein 0-room Hat , now dec
orations. Good locality. L. S hklnner.
" st , un
ROUSII for rent Two story house 8 rooms
with all modern Improvements , 2.'H Iinko
streetO. . 1) . Woodworth 1'ilJ 1102
F"bll RCNT 7-room house , Sffli llarnoy. I n-
iliilroA. H.Ohidbtoiit ) , 1J1Q DoucLii street.
fpOK Ur.Nr Kitchen , dining room , and o\-
J- tr.i looms If desired. In Hat of XJ fur
nished rooms. I < 'amll7 of ( Ho persons will
loirdwltli pally , and c.iu have any amount
of Hrst-cUss bo irders besides. < Inquire ( > ) - S.
J.llh. 4G1-B
FOR HHN I' Now 7 room IIOII-B. with all
modern lmpro\ cutouts , 1 block r > rom
nnt Illll motor , * \ Then. Olson , VOJ N. V. Mfo.
71OK HKNT Kljilit-room IIOUMO mid b.irn.
J- 8'l South ' . tb street. Apply on premises.
-I 0-HOOM house , h.u-ii ; Ivotint/o I'lai'o : J.B.OD
1 a month to right p irtlea J. i. Ulbson. U.
It , OrolKbton block. _ Ml'O '
S-HOOM brick house , all convonlencos , &S ;
- ( i-iooiit brluK house , J.'O. IT. U Cole , 0 Con -
tlneittal. y-M
HOI'SKS. all kinds thipo nicely furnished.
Itilnilv * to. ! , Ilil4 Capitol aM-nue. b07
Til Oil HKNT-Ilotises with all modern im-
-L provemetits , sto tut : 1 blpak from ItlKh
school ; IRJVOO toW.OJ pur month. Also stores ,
S4tli and Uuvonport II. II. Iroy , 2UG N Y blfo.
1J1OII 1JENT l/iirso number of houses. s > toros ,
JIbtts , ote. , WOO per month and up Now
list Istof each moiitb. Ceorgo J. t'.iul. ICO1)
I'lrnam atretit. ! )0l ) , Ty2
IriOK KENT , cheap ; a coed < on room modern
house. Inquire 'JXS Capitol avenue. II.
II. Iloblson. Mb75 J13
TflOIl KENT Handsome Jl-room modern
-i- house ; nil con > enlcnces : In perfect order ;
paved streets : motor , und within 5 minutes
walk of postolllco. Nathan Hholton , 1(111 ( Tar-
naiii street. Mill
Forralex. etc.trrtopofflrL rounn on Mil * j ) tat.
3l''lHNIHIIKD ) rooms for rent to contlomon
only. Highest point In the city. Modern
conveniences ; loforoni'os required ; pilvato
family. Address O , 54 , lleo oHlee. M5004
1T1OII HHNT Nicely furtilsliod rooms In prl-
Jvale leslilouip , i.vt ; Howard , corner 10th
street. All modern convonloaces. J awn
around liulklliip. 407
nplIKHKorfour rooms , private house , fi28o !
JL Idth sticot. MK.O 4 *
T7IO11 KENT Deslr.ibtqi-oonis for light house-
JUooping ; also single looms. 2JI7 Dotmlns
street , M4T.1 4 *
TjlOU HKNT Nicely furnished room , ( 'as and
- - bath. 2t510 Hainoy street , Uoferenco ro-
iiulrod. ICisc *
iron ItHNT Kiiriilslicd rooms ; fiTs" and
L bath. 17J1 Dodge sti cot. Uefoionccs.M .
M 471 7
TTIOU UF.NT Nicely ftirnlahod front rooms at
-L1 820 South 24th street , near Ioa\enworth
motor. 7 *
"VTIOEFA' furnished l.irjo south too in for
- * - ' lent ; modern couvcnlenccs. 2J10 Hartley
furnished room for the bummer
rAIKiHeool _ tl ; .t.JUt I ) . _ 421 it *
T Allan front room , 1701 Uapltol avo. 413
NIIWM' furnished room , suitable for ceutle-
mnn and wlfi-.iirlviite residence , lofoinnuo
louulrrd , bUUd. I7tlt street. 4U-.I *
illJNT rnrnlshed rooms , IdO" Douglas.
VKHY pleasant f tout room in private fuin-
.ly for gentleman. 8JAB. tlist OH
I ) rooms at IHOS Uapltol a\o.
2i C *
_ _ _ _ _
TnilltNlSHKDrooms.cornor l.ltli undJacUson
JL' streets. No , pat H. 1 Itli , _ 21) ) 1-3
rp\VO or four rnoniH , light housekeeping , 201(1 (
JL ht. Mary's iivontie. _ 172
I rooms , slnslo or eiihdlto. 11 %
bouth ' "Otlt Ht , 778
lnritite _ , _ ttrttetni > ufflrttcnluinn on IMs jnut
Oil UKNT 2 or 3 iinfiiinlslied rooms ! no
water or KHS. but very lar'o and pleasant
and clump. 17IA 1' M.I5 *
K I'Nl'UllM ' 11 El ) rooms , lint llnur.forliiinsol
tJUcopIni : . U.CI S. I7th nve. , botneen Jackson
and l.oavemuirtli , 4VI 4
iron IlKNT rind , small family upailmentN.
-L1 nil oulHldo rooms ; host loi'illty , modern
Improvements. Inquire Ml I'uxton block. 2a7
"VfKW , modern um ) mostdiHlrablelnlheolty.
X > Threoor ( our loom siiltes.blstJ. " 'ndatieot.
T. I. . Von Horn. M4S
'UNrUUNIKirnrTromiiii. llr-t Hour , modern
Improvement * , rungo lu kitchen IlldS. Silt 1 1
at. MH7 J4
, itcrttlnpof flrttrntvinn
or without power , formerly cwupleil by the
lli-o I'tibllshlnKfo. , lUiiriirnamst. The bulld-
Inu lias u llroprouf cement liaMHi'.ont.compluto
Htoam heatlii ) : llxturi's.uator on all thollgors ,
gas , etc. Apply at tlm olllco of Tito lice. 015
1(1011 ( UKNTn'bhcnniiTlia5irrir. n
- > brluk btislnesH house , third door from
postotllco. lnqulii ot J. U. Irvln , bheiiandoih.
13 *
_ _ _ _
HlINT-Orhiile , my building on A. llth U , A Undmitst.JIt ) b J.'
_ _
T OH UKNT-Desk loow , ut Oil N. vT IdfH
J building. jj
ITpH llhNT The three-story tirlel. btilld-
Jlur. . 1110 DouwUs tr.'t-l , sultiiblo for whole-
silu purpojos , ) lli ) per montU. Unas. Kaiif-
matin , l.VW Douyltis street. 2iL1
IOTOHK roonjat707 ; * nilTOJ outli l tlistoan
IO lieatoU. K. F , Uluior , Ul'J Faruum.
Farratf , ett.t ttttnpnfflrtl rnliimn mi tht * page.
3DI.I slrwt.
R xcellont board , IJ5 and i < per
month , 411 N. I'Jtli Htroeu 4SMU
st. Olalr Kuropoan Itofcr. cor. Kltt and
Dodze. will rnaki' low rntrs for rooms by
the week or month with or without board.
OOM with llrst-clnw board , 1814 Dodge
4 1 1 - . " > *
I71OII UINT l > argu neatly furiilslied front
L1 room n Itli bo ird. No. 2oil ) Callfornlii st.
4U5 7 *
Foil UKNTfurnished room with board ,
dislrable location , table bo ml. 201 R iltli
4.3 '
IfUJKNISIIED rooms nml bo ird , 10i ) Dodsjo.
room with board. Kofcronoos.
2214 l-'iiriiain. 'U7 ! >
FIJKNISIIED room and board. 2013 llarnoy
streot. JI2I-5
IOK KENT Ploasuiit rooms with or with
out board at Ml South 2Mb avenue. Mill 4
rorrfiteictc.feett > i > offlrtl column oil fftd plgc.
PHM.MAN IIOUMO. KIIO Dodge street , lor
Rood board , nice rooms , modern conven
iences ; rates and location It uunnot be ex
celled. Mrs. Horn , I'rop. M4C.I .Ty2
Forralexetc. , teetap ojjlnl column onthtepiat
JHAVE n peed tame-grass pasture of 100
ucies. 7 tulles west of OniUhn , for horses
and cattle Mrs. Kathreno Ernst , box 70.1.
Oiniiha. Nob. M3IO f. '
1T1OK KENT from Juno 10. blue grass pust-
JL uriico for 100 horses. Seymour p irk ; am
ple shaue. water pure und plenty will bo pro
vided. Apply to Dr. Oeor o L. Miller , room
, IIJ N. Y Llfo lildjt. ; 4VM
STOCK ranch for rent ; abundance good
water ; good range ; 80 acres In crop ; 1,200
acres fenced. P. O. Uox 17 , Harrlsburg. Colo.
WE have thn best horse pasture In this
state , at QllmorO Station , three miles
south of Ninth Omaha : 1U ) acres of blue grass ,
spring water , bo ird fence ; have a good one-
half mile track on the farm ; will take a few
hoisos or colts to break or train , liarton fc
PholDs , or A. W. Phelps A. Son. Al.lV-J6 ) *
Forralr * , ttc. , tee fop nf tint column on thti jyige ,
VI7ANTEI ) Hy a gentleman and wife , one
' or two furnished rooms and board In url-
vato family. Address 1'3 , lleo olllco. MM4 7 *
\\rANTKD-lly a couple of nulet habits , one
T furnished room anil board In private fam
ily. Address i' i , i > oo. soo-a *
A YOUN'O lady holding a. good position
-c\ wishes room and board In strictly prl-
vato family. Ueforoncos. O 62. lleo. 454-'J'
For rate * , etc. , uttnp offlrst column on ( hut vaoe.
BKST storage building In Omaha , govern
ment bonded warehouse : household goods
cared for : lowest rates. W , M. Itushman , loin
I.eavonworth. 2GTi
CHKAl'KST and bet storage for furniture.
Wells. 1111 Parnam street. 2W1
STOHAOK of household goods : clean , dry
place , privately stored , teims moderate :
wo also storu stovei during the summer : wo
will get them from the houses and deliver
them In the fall In good trim. Tel. 000 : 1207
Douglas. Omaha Stove Uepalr Woiks. 7i9-.T17
O hDEST. cheapest and best storage house In
city. Williams Sc. Cross , 1214 Uarnoy streot.
For rate * , etc. , tee tup offtnt column on thix page.
FOIt SALE furniture of iv ten room house ,
centrally located. Kent $25 per month.
Address P.I lleo olllce. 4-6 *
TT1OR SALE 2 bed rooms bets , first-class and
JJ very cheap ; also other goods , 1347 N. 17th
street. 450-4 *
FOR SALE Furniture of a 10-room house
cheap. Ho use for rout. Inquire I'J-.I UoOco
AUCTION Thursday at private sale ; house
hold furnltiiro. 1024 street ,
MJOG 4 *
OIT9EIIOU ) fiirnituro , now and second
hand , for sale on easy payments. Call
and examine before puiuhaslug , btore 1U21
Howaul stieot. i\Ult \ .I.'M
FOH SALE At a great sacrifice , elegant
household furniture , line carriage team ,
carriages , sleigh , harness and robes , also fine
Jersey cow. A. J. llanscom. 1824 Douglas st
1X)7 Jin *
For rale * . ttc.tcelopnf flnt column anthl * page.
FOll SALE 52-lnoh Victor light roadster
bicycle. Inquire at ICO' Douglas strcct.nQ
CJ f- i M510 5
FOR SALE Cheap , 2 bay horses , Oyearsold ,
sound and In good condition , bioken for
double or single driving. Will sell ono or both.
Apply Mollne , Mllburil & fetoddard Co. , Oth
and Pacllli-ats. 493-5
MMIE Standard Cattle Co. have a few gentle
JL old cow nonlrs suitable for children that
they can sell cheap. Apply at their olllco at
Ames , Neb. ? Lil425
TpOUSALK-t double carriage , 1 phaeton. 2
Jhoise - . , 1 double harness , ! single harness ,
1 fresh milk cow , Imiulro at the Huston
store. 114 South liitli stioet , 1,13-4
FOK SAI/E A tine pair of Iron-grey Norman
maiesanda black hoise. Henry liaran
ii.7 ; ! N. ailth St. 410-4
"IPOK SALE ramtly carrlaso. . < nloh-
J ; ol . stable 28th and l.oavcnworth. in2C8
FOH SA tiE Diindy road wagon. Can bo ! > eon
room 4 llee bidhVUiK , 2U
FOK SALE Elegant delivery wagon , brand
new , iniido In the city and warranted. M. A.
Upton Co , Hco bulletin , ; . W7
Fnnate , etc. , tee tap offtril column on thti page.
F Oil SAIE Elegant ra lb7ry ? ) Uino7"eas'y
teims. lO.'jtf. , , ( ) th stieet. iM31J 0 *
KAI'1 ' > forsulo No. 1.5 v4S\tO ; outside meas-
iiieinent with burglar proof chest , double
Hanged doors outside mid Inside , combination
lock.lloaid Ilros.Ht. I/ouls. No.2 , 70xtli\'r.out-
slde meabtiieinent.Dlebold ; Noriist'tCo.doois '
waine as In No. I. These t ifes are tlu > piopi-r-
ty of Wiislilngton county , they are just the
safes for county purposes. Address Thomas
Wilkinson or W. U. UuriUon. lllair , Neb 4O ! 8 *
TjiOK SAKE or exchange for plano.ono brown
- IHtalllun , Clyde , ono full single rig. 2 young
cows , splendid milkers , one line dining net
nearly new , ono baby carriage , one liuao
nuigf , two mis stoves , one smalt cook stain ,
hhades , curtains and pulis , utc. , etc. This
will hear the closest Inspeutlon , call and sto
U Hood 17 Hoard Trade I ) , D 451 5
TT1OK SAl.E An elegant fire proof safe with
J-1 burglar chi-sl. Phil htlmntol , Oil Jones
street , Oniulm. Nob. 70
FOli SALE Magnllleo'it iiprlcht piano at u
hlgsaerlllcu. Inquire at241'J ' Ualdwoll Ht , ,
after 7 o'clock evenings M'Jtia '
For rnffin , tic. , tee top nfftrtl column on 1/ito pagf.
P VlN'1'INO I'rcsses VVftitVed'-T'uir "poiiK
J- about IS by 20 , jobber about 10 by 15 and
go r about 6 by H. Ilrlgliaiti Printing and
Engraving Co , t-onth Onntliu , M4NJ 4
\\7ANTED-To buy for cash a flrbt-olass
T lady's driving horse and phaeton , R 1\
Hlngnr , No. 15UI I arnam street. M47JG *
\\7ANTED-AcottaKeof3or4 rooms with
' ' > ard , or.'lor I unfurnl.iliud rconn. Kent
mujt bo roanonablo. Address O. 0,1 Deo.
M478 4 *
\\rANTIU-A , matched c.irrliigo team ,
T weight 2,10i ) to 2,400 Ibs , mint bo sound ,
perfectly brol.en , gentle nnd plomnnt drivers.
Address O58 Hue olllco with price and descrip
tion. M44Uis
V\7 ANTED-To buy o llrst class liuly'sdriv--
i i Ing her o and phaeton for ciili. Address
E. F KliiRor , No. lil'J ' Faruum st. M441 a
W ANTED To buy good residence lot or
liouio and lot , or he > oral lots located teas
as tomako a good bulldliu'slaht , must bo In
llrst cluxs resUlonco part of the city. Parties
answering this should Rlvo full description of
property , lowest j.rlco , terms , whether Ineiim-
berud , and If bu how much. O 10. Hue office.
| U71
I 1' you liavu any old clothes tn sell let mo
JLUnow b } Mull. KalUh , 213 S. 13lu HtrccL
U U7U-J 10
Forraten , ( tc. , tee tup of.tint rufumii on ( At * pigi
GEO. F , Gellonbeolc , teacher of tbVbanJu
with llusiio. 1513 DougU * . Ji'J '
BEl'OUE buying piano examine the now
aculo liluiball plano.A. IIo pol3U Douulas.WO
Forratft , etf , . ttrtnpaf flrtl rolilmrt rintftd plge.
' ' '
butuhrr bUHlness In this city. I'M no fixtures
ami good cash trade. Tn anyone meaning
bim'noss here U nn excellent chance. Must
bo sold In next sixty days. M , A. Upton Co. ,
lleo building. Mfiutf
_ _
GRAIN olovntors for snlo or rent A line
of grain idevators nn the II. & M , It , It. In
thu best grain section In Nebraska , together
or separately , with n transfer elevator at Lin
coln. Address llox 513. Lincoln , Nob. M4tViB *
TT\OK \ HA LE-t-d-rwill buy an" oldest ablTsbed
A business where party can clear JIM ) per
month. Address P 2 llee. _ 4IU
FOH SALE Ycrv cheap , stock of groceries
and llrst class fixtures , laiscumlng street.
Ml3 *
_ _
171OU SALE rurnlturo and nmlort-iklng
JL business In good town , with or without
store building ; part cash , balance gilt edge
paper or clear rial estate ; Invoices about
HIXO. Ilex III. Lincoln. S 5
AdOUlI opening for a reliable business
man , ono experienced In journalism and
job printing prefuricd. Addrc-4 O07 , llee.
171OU HALE A llrst-class meat market with
X1 good trade , leo house , slaughlnr house and
everything In Urst-elaas style , will be sold at
a bargain ; located In one of the best towns In
Nebraska , only 50 miles fnun Omaha. Ad
dress Oils , llee. or Louis llcllcr , butchers'
tools and supplies , IHOJticksnn st , 48- ' )
LEAN general stouk of merchandise for
C farm and money. Ilex -.Vi , I'lankfort. Ind ,
HOTKIiinen tike notice. Do you want n
good business ? Ituy the Commercial , the
leading hotel at llrokcn How , Neb 401) )
Tn SCIIKMTis to MuUo Money. U the tltlo of
1\ > our new I ook , containing ten legitimate
and honorable schemes for mulling monev on
small capital ; exposes tricks and swindling
In business ; gives hints and advice that may
be worth thousands of dollars to you. The
schemes are so eleatly explained any ordinary
person can iindeistand them. It will give you
now Ideas , aid vou In planning other deals
and enable you to grasp future opportunities.
Sent prop tut for tl. American Hook Co ,
Omaha , Nob. M129 J 2. >
FOK SAIjK block of drugs and drug sun
dries , well assorted , Invoice at one thou
sand dollars ; for Halo If taken at once for
seventy cents on the dollar of wboles.ilo prleoj
Will trade for clear property. Addiess , T. It.
Ulawson. York , Neb. 211-JO
HOTKII.caso and furniture of forty room
hotel doing good business. Must bo sold ,
oven at a sacrifice , as proprietor has other
business. Centrally located In city of 110,000.
Address W. H. Cooper , No. 10 , Main street.
Council HlulTs , lowi. 1IISJI
Forratcf , etc. , tee top of Jlrsl column on thti page.
CHOICE stook of general merchandise and
store building near Dos Molnes to exchange -
change for L4 cash and Improved farm In
western Iowa or southeastern Nebraska.
Hoods Invoice $5 OOJ ; building , $1,500. Address
T. K. Pnttcson. Vandalla. la. M461
" \TICE homo In Dos Molnes for one In Omaha.
-Ls Hiitchinson ft Woad , l"i.4 Douglas. 4213
Giixl40 with brick block of three houses. 10
rooms o ich , rented tor ? IV1 per month ,
only four blocks from court house , price $10-
000 , liiciinibraneo $9.000. Will trade enultv for
good vacant lots. E. I' ' . Klngor , I"iil > L'nrnuin.
rpo r.XOIIANOK Corner faelnz llanscom
Jp'irk and 11o other good lots forChlcago
rcbldenco property. Address O 40 , lice.
! ' 183 J 20
WANTKD To trade iplano tor a family
horse and light pltueton btiRgy. A. llospe.
KDoiiKlas. \ \ . r i 735
Fan /'ct / , etc. , rettnp nf first column on thti pays
i ; I'iit OENT first inrf.-ase ( loans. Klchard
'C. Patterson , ' ) J7 Noyij''yorlt Life. M074
MOUTGAOnS wanted. loiiR or short time.
George a. Wallace.'JIOJ. J. lironn build
ing , ICth and Douxlas. " ' Ml
LOANS made at low-rates on city property.
W , M. Ilairls , U a > Krenzer block , opp. l > . O
, - > 4JO
Or. . &O.M. Anthoify.aiSN.Y. Ufa building.
lend money on fat mtf In choice counties In
Nebraska and Iowa , nltrton good Omaha resi
dence property ; lowest rates ; best terms ; no
delay : money ready. Tltlpsand values passed
here. n " *
on _ _ * '
V > tIILlING loans'n ito 7 percent ; no addl-
JJtlonalcharKesfor eoiiiiulsslonor attorney's
fees. W. ll.Melkle , first National bank bldjr.37li
MONKY to loan on linprovod city property
at current rates : funus on hand ; no do-
lay. Geo. lllnat&Cn.'JJ.l Itamno bids. 374
PKIVATH money to loan. J. D. Xlttlo. 014
N. Y. uto. an
MOIlTnAGE loans wanted. McCaguo ln-
vcstment company. 278
MONTY to loan on Omaha nroperty. Fldol-
Hy Trust company , Illll Turnnm. 270
EAfaTEKN money to loan at very low rates.
H. 11. Irey , 20U N. Y. lAte M2SO
KIMJIALU Champ & . Hyan
make loans on Improved
city property at lowest rates
I20'i farnam street 4I3-J30
ClIHAl' Money I'lilln. Mortgage and Trust
Co , wants ullt edco loans. Geo. W. I' .
Uoatos , loprescntatlve. 7 lloqid Trade. 281
FIRST and second mortgage loans Alex
Moore , -lul Boo bldg. b02 7 *
MONEY to loan on city property or eastern
Nebraska farms. 1) ) . F. Klngor , lll'l b'ar-
iiuni. 2J3-JC7 *
I'orrales , etc. , eeetopof flnt column onthtspuye.
MONHY to loan by II. r. Masters on chattel
and collatuial securities for any time from
1 to 12 months , In any amount to suit bor
Loans made on household Roods , pianos , or
gans , her o- , , mules , houses , leases , warehouse
receipts , etc. . at the lowest rates possible
without publicity or remoal of property.
My loans are so arranged that you can make
a payment of any amount at any time and re
duce both pilncloal and Interest.
If you owe a balance on your property or
have a loan that you want ch.ingod I will puy
It elf and cany It for you. If you find It more
convenient call up telephone 10J1 and your
business will bo arranged at homo.
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest , lates. I ! . 1' . .Masters ,
Hooni 4 , Wlthnoll blk. 15th and llarnoy sts.2S2
MONEY to loan on hoises.wagons.fiirnltuio ,
plano-&collat'al security. Iluslnessstilet-
ly confidential,1'rcd Terryroom Ul Kamgu 1) I If
O HATTBIj bunk , .110 S. nth st. , loans money
'on ' chattels or collateral at reasonable iitt- >
MONEY on furniture , horses , etc. Keystone
Moi Igagi * Oo. room ana Slicoly block. .M2h4
MONEY loaned on furniture , live stock.eto
f ram 1 to 3 months , without publicity ;
lowest rates. Dull UieCn , room 20 , Continen
tal block. 210 J27
OHAOTEL loans at lowest rates. 02.1 Now
York Life biilldln , ' . H. A. Morris. 874J21 *
HA. DAUNEU louujinonoy on chattel so-
curlty. Uoom 54fhumberof Coninierco.
M.BS 11)
t'orrate.elreetn ] > ottJU l column on thin p ge.
MltJ. IU. Chamber - , magnetlo physician
and celebrated eUklravoyant and ino-
dlinii , 400 N. filth streot. 40M-U *
COME ono nnd all nwf learn your future.
As I haVe boon lnumahaU inontlia I will
start wol the 10th. i MM. Htuver , 400 Ninth
street. , , f 7UI .1 *
MKS. WALLACE , ulalrvoyant ; naturally
elfted ; tells past dud future , love troub
les , absent friends , cluuisOH , travel , business.
1 HU I'limum street. MtOl J b *
M US. Nannie Y Wacreli.olalrvoyant , trance
speaking , writlngJmd reliable btislnehs
medium , four years lii'liiahu | , llfl N. loth. 2)0 ! )
MUS. KOltT. palmist fortune teller , tolls
past and future fioni lines of the hand In
old gypsy way ; ladles only ; foe 11.0 } . O'llli ' N.
B4tli. *
_ M750jf lg
MAssAUE Madam Uolzlor , overOlO sTTltlt.
or iote > , ttc. , tee top ofjint column on thti page
H Hi II class aressnuiijInK. EvonlnR , dinner
nnd wcddlnx tronso.iu a speoinlty. Pit
and style vvurran ud perfect. It. U , Maxwell ,
Uuingo block , room4C. jftiJIQ *
NUAllEMENTd to do drossinaklnjt In fum-
Illea solicited. MUj Sturdy , SOW llarnoy
street , M32 JU
SAN HEKSON , cornVr lith aiid J eks"n.
1IO-J24 *
Mohle , 3 , E. cor. l''urnam aad llth.
_ _
Formtr * . etr. , ree top of n > t column on Uil * p tjt
Oil SALE -Kami adjoining oltv of lllnlr.
Nob. 11. W. Mollrlde. MMU2 *
SALE 22 fcot. in best block on Douglas
street , pirlnRH per cont. 12s.x2 < 8 , 22nd
street between Leavonworth and St. Mary's
n von no ; would make a bountiful hotnn. luOx
140 , corner 15th und Illekory streets iitHiut , !
foot above grade. 100127. half block , west of
24th on Wlrt. south front ; the best lot In
Uranuiicroy Park. Thuabovn will be sold nt
: i rtnsonabm price and onsy terms H. O.
Ulark- Co. . 1218 Iliirney street M47G 7
TI1OK SALE-Or rent ; house with 1.1 largo
-L rooms and large attic , double lloor , brick
In the studding , adamant pin-dor , splendid
fin mice and nil thu other modern Improve
ments ; lot 40x120 , Improved with sod and
large sl/n shtulo tiecs ; the house is almost
completed ; there is a gooil stable on the lot.
Price. JHVO ( ] Jl.OUOoash. biluni'o $ IOi everv ,1
months ; will also take a lot between farnum
and Cuiiilng west of .r.'d st In part payment ,
Willis M. Yates. Il.'il nnd Cullfornla sts 4VJ
iriOK S VLE five-room house and full lot ,
JL1 north pirt ot oily ; wilt t iko some trade
as llrst payment ; bilunco monthly payments.
O. L. Clreon , 47 Barker block M4U 4
T71OK South Omaha roporty , business , track-
-L ago or residence , go to the hndliu11 as
tutodoilors In South Omaha , Ed Johnston
Co. , cor < w'4th and N sts. MJ30
ITUVE-room houses In On-har , ! Hill , $1,500
JL' each on monthly piymonts. Thomas ! ' .
Hall , : ill Paxton blk. 27
I/1OK SALE A homo at a bargain : ennven-
JL lent house of 10 looms : modern Improve
ments. Including lungu : lot41x120 feet ; line
shrubbery , ete ; $1,5 0 ; tvw oush , baliinon * 100
every ,1 months , with Interest at 7 per eent.
Willis M. Yutos. S. W. corner .CM and Cillfor-
nla sts , 4V )
"IPOU SALE A line Improved farm of 203
JL acres ; 100 under cultivation , shade trot's ;
fruit , windmill , wagon s-ales , ete. ; IiW miles
vest of OmiilmilU per aero. Address G Is , llee.
JI. ( illlsON , solo agent KoiinUo Place ,
room 3 , Cielghton block. % U
EAS T front on 21st st , , near ICo.intzo Plitoo
% 0xl2l , Jl.O'iO llutchllibon & Wo'id. 1524
FOU SALE four llnest. now three-story
stone houses In city. 2" > th and Cass stioots
one blodc south of Orolghton college ; all nio'l-
ern Improveinents , haidwood llnlsh , city and
soft water , heated by latest Improved hot
water system , electi lo light and bolls t hrough-
out , plato and art glass , clcgunl hardware ,
olectrlu and gas fixtures , on motor line , paved
street , ho.Uthy locution , inostdoslrablo neigh
borhood. Parties desiring elegant and com
fortable homes are Invited to look ut those
buildings , II , T. Clarke , a w. cor 25th and
Cass , or rooms 19 and 20 , board of trade build
ing. 'MS '
ADMINISTKIX Siloat north door of court
house. 10 a. in. . Juno l ! . of undivided ' of
lots 14 and 15 , block 12 , Patrick's addition.
fronting on Squiulors street. M 1.1(1 ( 5 *
JL. KIco , ic'al estate. 922 Life building.
. . 251.17 *
FOK SALE A flno 8-room cottage , with
hath , cltv wutor. gus , etc. . In choice p ut of
Orohaid Hill add. , 2'i ' block from motor line ;
pi Ice and terms reasonable. 1 > \ L. lllumor 201
and 20r > llrown block. JJJ-5
If you want to buy or sell lots In Dundee
I'laco uddre-sor call , f. W. Poor , 241 ! lleo
bl'd'g. M.IM 5 *
KOIllIINS.real estate. N. Y. LlfelihTg"
. - _ . 240.1,8 *
FOK SALE Elegant homes on montly pay
ments. Will build any priced home to
suit you. E. K Khmer. 1510 Ifurn un. 20T-J27 *
FOK SALE , cheap , eusy payments : 1'J-story
now t-room house , with oath , cellai , etc. ;
full lot. N. bhclton. 1GI4 I'urnam. UI5
"Ij OK SALE To worklngmon only ( speeu-
JJ lutora nrod notapply ) on time or monthly
payments a neat oottugo at le-.s than actual
value. Inside property , only nun block to
oloctrie line. Inquire at room 2J2. Onriha
National bank building Mo1 HI
For rates , etc. , set top of ftmt column on thin pige.
WANTED Trial subscriptions for Ladles'
Homo Journal before July I. Ell/a-
bcth C. Mori ell , 1014 fainam , Omaha. M4 II ! 8 *
TTlUKNITlUm bought , sold , Stored. W oils
Jl 1111 "trcot 271
N farm to rent. T. Mm ray.
- - $ from sittings or photos , 311
Jtanlgo hlodk. . M , ! 80 , 5 *
T bargains In all kinds of jewelry and
silverware on account of the recent lire.
S. Jonasen , 1 iirnun and llth streets. 174-JM
NGUAVINfi Wood , zinc , chalk , oto. Work
guaranteed on time and quality , lirls-
hain-South Omaha , Ml'J ' ?
G OOD homo for ladles ilnrliu confinement.
Inquire at Mis. M. Prusll , 1470 South Kith
Miai J4
Ferrates , etc. , see topofflrst rnlumn on IMs p ge ,
MASSAGE baths at JIudum Hinltn's parlors ,
3d lloor. 4'Q S. 15th st. M4J8 4 *
M ASS AO E treatment.electro-thermal baths ,
scalp and hull treatment , manleiite and
chiropodist. Mrs. Post,31'H ' ) b.isth , Wltlmell blk.
27 J
MASSAGE cabinet baths , tape worms cured
In 21 hours. Mdmo Guerotte , 19JII Dodge.
M707.II1 *
M'it STOWE , masseuse , oloctilclun , 3U
Kanigo block. M > 8 , 5 *
MASSAGE Madam DoUier , vor 010 S. 13th
For rate * , etc. , tee top of fit st column an this page.
LObT--A red note book with numo sowed on ,
containing notes , pipers , anil tocelots val
uable only to ownoi. Leave at llKU olllcu and
receive reward. 404-3 *
For rata , etc. , see top of nrtl column o i this pigt
COKHEHPOND for amusement. Instruction
or matrimony. The best correspondence
buieaii , particulars In plain sealed envelope
for lOe look Io3'ii. ! . Omaha. 21G-.J.J71
tomitei , etc. . see topofflrtt coumii ou thli pig
PATENT lawyers and solicitors. G.W hues &
Co. , lleo building , Omaha. Hranoh olllce nt
Washington. D. C. Consultation fieo. 2./J
rpAICEN UP llrown niaro with halter and
JL collar marks on shoulder , It. Palmer , 4Jd
and Emmet Htrents. 4V.1 *
trrrntrt , etc. , < topot tint rodiiMit on Ihl * IMVI * .
r.T E. COI.E rental agency , Continental blk.
llondrfnartors Dopartniont of the Mis
souri , Oflleti of the Chief Quartermaster , rit.
I.ouls , Mlssour.l , Mayfl , IS'll. ' Soiiled proposals ,
In triplicate , subject to tno usual conditions.
will bo received at IhlsoUIro and at the ofllces
of the ( juaitorinastersat the following named
st 'it Ions , until o'clock , noon , cuntial tliuu
Juno I Ts IMil , und then opened , for fiiinlshlng
ami delivering dining the Ilicul yoai Ix-gln-
nlng July 1 , Itul , of hay and Htraw at Torts
Lonronwiirth and Hlloy , Kansas ; at Port
1. 04 an and at Denver , Colorado ; at 1'oit Heno
anil camps at Guthrie and Oklahoma City.
Oklahoma Territory ; of hay at 1'oit I < owis.
Colorado ; I'ort Sill , Oklahoma Tertltory , and
I'ort fcUpply , Indian Tcrrltoiy , Pioposals for
dollvero at other points will be entertained
Hidden , must Htato the places whole they In
tend to make dellvei lo * . Thiigoveiiiinent re-
seres the right to rojvot any or all bids , or to
contract for either kind of supplies , or Rtich
portion of each as ntiiy he considered tor tlio
nont Inleiost of the nerv leo , and to walvu suuh
defects an uro not In conflict with the law.
1'ruforonco will bo given to articles of do
mestic production or manufacture , conditions
of nuailty and price ( Including In the pi Ice of
foreign production or manufacturer the duty
thoiTonf liolng equal. Illank proposals and
inlnted ulri'iiUrs giving full Information will
bo furnished on application to this olllco or to
the Quartermasters of the station * named En
velopes containing propus ilbshould bu marked
"Proposals for Hay and btraw ut - " and
iiddresnQd to the nndeihlgm'd or ta thoQuui-
termastera of thu stations nuined above. C.
W I'OnTEIt QIIIII turmuslui. USA , Chluf
Qiiartonnnstor. M5-dit-j l-i
A Tun- tins Durwt Hlook.
Paris , Allen ft Co. , wholesale liquor deal
ers , siHuirud a writ of attachment In the
United States court yesterday against the
stock of William Darst & Co. for a bill
amounting to 11,000. ,
Aroyou open to conviction ? ff o , consular
candidly our machine. Don't repeat to your
self what Is told you. Investigate , and your
own opinion will bo of some value. If you
wish export opinion do not consult Interested
Send for Illustrated catalogue giving full
description of the bmltli Premier 1'yp J-wrltor
The Fmitli Praiiier Type Writer Co , ,
E. H. MA.YHEW , Mauaaror.
1009 } Furnam Street , Omaha , Nob.
; : U13AI/TX
TNSTRUMENTd placed on rooord Juno 3 ,
I 1SJ1.
K A Benson , trustee , to Matlldn Ilortol ,
lotsH and I ) , blk 77 , Henson i 1.000
LauiltChrlstonsen to A I' Anderson ,
lot 1.1. Oak Illll add CIO
E I' Uevrles and wife ty M J Dovrios , lot
14 , blk fi , Omaha View 2,000
I'otor Krlckson ot al to Swan Johnson ,
fotai , blk I , Ciitntiu add GOO
0 1' 1'ahs and wife to J II K gers. b 2-r >
lot 10. blk sr. South Omaha 2,100
0 1''Pahs and wife to Jasper Kggors , a'j
of ii2-.r. lot 10 , blk 87. bouth Om ilia . . 2,400
II I ) Hood to L H Hood , lot 7 , blk a , Sher
idan I'laco 5 ? !
Guit.iv Sesoman and wife to Kdwaid
Kothery , lots G and 7 , blk 2. Meolls
( iiitden 900
Hontn Omaha limn company to Joan i
lloepstedt ot al , lot IS , blk 10s , South
Omaha. . , 3V )
G to John Lewis , lot 3 ,
blk7 , I'lalnvlowadd 000
QUIC ct , vivt Dir.ns. :
0 W Dtingoy to Uasmus liarnen. Jot 7 ,
blk 10 , Hi-own park . . . 173
Henry Gibson to A A Gibson , s'S ' lots 1
and 2 , blk 18 , Omaha 1
Alfred Mlllard and wife to Commercial
National bank , undlv ! j of n S.'i'j feet ,
s'5 blk II. J I Uodlek's subdlv of J I
UcdlcU'sitdd , and w 118 feet of n S21/
feet s'j ' , Iot20 , J I Kodlck's add 014
UO Meuandlsh and wife to Alfred Mll
lard , undlv S"s imo . , Oil
Alvlu haundcrs and wife to Josephine
Htolgoinis ( ! < lots3ancl4blU 17,0redlt
I'oneleradd . . * . . . . . M
Same to Flunk , hebrou , nii lota ,1 und 4 ,
same 60
Kamo to Josonh Pioohaska , 55 b(5 ( lots 3
and 4 , samu CO
E J Bush , special master , to E A Denson ,
lot : ) . ' , blk J , llrlggs1 I'laco 023
J It CarmlchaoUsamo , Iots3.7and ( Vj , blk
ti. llrlirgs I'laco. . , , , , * . . . l.COO
G U C satuo , to 0 T Shaw.o 100 feet
lot 1 , blk 11 , Kountzolkl add . . . . 75
Total amount of tmusfora. . , 11VJ4U
The G. A. R. ProtoHt.
Kobcrt H. LivhiKstoti post No. iiS'J , Grand
Army of tlio Ilopabllc , held a special meotlnK
Tuesday uiKbt to close up the business of
Momoilal day.
The following resolutions were passed :
Whereas , On the 30th day of May , 1891 , a
day set apart mid dedicated to services In
honor mid memory of our comrades who foil
in battle find tboso who have since died ,
Robert H. Livingston post No. " - , Grand
Army of the Republic , department of Nebraska -
bra-ska , to fittingly observe the day , made
preparations for such observance in the city
of South Omaha , Neb , , and
Whereas , It VAKS a part of said programme
that the dilTorcnt societies , societ orders ,
suhool chlldion and others should participate
in saidoxeioibcs and matching totho grounds
ut Syndicate park , and
Whereas , It was arranged the snid proces
sion was to be headed by the police force of
this city ; mid ,
Whereas , Because the chiol marshal of the
day were a ynllow sash , the color distinct
ively recognized as the carnliy color of our
nation , and the sash bclnc the regulation
sash for all romimindtnp officers ; and ,
Whereas , Doruusu of the suld marshal of
tbo day wearing such a sash , thu police of our
city refused to march In the procession , say
ing said sash "was the oragcmen's ' color ; "
therefore bo it
Resolved , That Robert R. Livingston
post of the Grand Army of the
Republic of the city of South Omaha , con
demn such unloyal action from a body of
men , who uro the servants of the entire
people of the city , and not of atly class , and
who should have known enough of their
adopted country to have rerognUeu thoiog-
ulatcd martial colors , mid who should ube
have known that the Grand Army of the
Republic is strictly u non-scetarlan order ,
having nothing to do with strifes or factions
existing at other Union , and in other coun
tries , bo It further
Resolved , That tlio mayor of our city
be and hereby is requested to
Investigate the matter ; suspending the ofll-
corn of thu police force who started tlio
movement , pending sueli Investigation , and
after the Investigation removing from olllco
all olllcers connected in thu promotion of tlio
disgraceful affair.
Resolved Fai tlior the resolution bo spicad
ou the minutes of the post , n copy bo given
each of the dally papers and the mayor of
our citv.
Resolved , That a cop. % of these resolutions
lie forwarded to the department commander
of the Grand Army ot the Republic of No-
brmUo. K. 1C. Wri.i.s ,
S.V , OKXNJS. Acting 1'oit Commander.
Test Adjutant.
A PliMiHiuit llli't'iiluy Puny.
The homo of Mr. and Mrs , K. .f. Plorco , Al
bright , was the scene of one of the pleasant-
cat birthday parties over hold i.ti that social
suburb , given In honor of Misses Lulu and
Nannlo VnugHan , sisteis of Mrs. Plorco. IC1-
cgont refreshments wore nerved and a pleas-
apt social evening enjoyed. Among these
present were Misses Laura , Georgia and Ht-
ta ( Jhadd , Ida and Canio Belilon , Alice
Knight and Aynivi Adamson ami Messrs. W.
AV Cook. Frank and Lewis Mullen , Frank
Beldon , William Vuughan , .1. C. Thomas , O.
W. Vaughau , Mr. Smith and Mr. Hlmpton.
Shot In tliu Otic ok.
At noontlmo yesterday while Miss ICutlo
Fora , daughter of Mr. auil Mrs , U U. Ford ,
Twenty-ninth and T stroots. was playing the
organ her brother , Thomas , nuutit ten
years of ago , pointed a revolver at
her , supposing it was not londod , and after
snapping it the third tliuo ho shot his sister
in the cheek , the ball penetrating just In
front of the right par und pnnslng In front
nearly to thu nose and Just below the avo.
The woutul is more piiuful than set-tons.
A surgeon was called and droisril the uonnd.
Will He CrmluutiMl.
Misses Anna Blanch ird and Fannie M.
\ \ hitoly of this city will bo graduated by
the Holloviio college at the close of this term.
In the commencement exercises Wednesday ,
Juno 10 , Miss Uliuichard will read a paper on
"Ametii'.m Typos" and Mus Whltcly on
"Longfellow. "
Stnuk lloi'i'lpt Nut CM.
The report of Hr.iml Inspector Claud L.
Talbot shows 3Wi : head of range cattle were
received during May.
Among yesterday's receipts werolllO south
ern and 510 Utah cattle. The latter were
brought in frottr Mil ford by B. M. Glbiou.
Notes Alioiit the Olty.
A. C. Powers has gone to Lincoln.
A young child of Henry Mlo * , is siclc ,
Frank , son of Frank Shtlony , is very sick.
Sidney Loadbottor Is able to be out after a
severe sick spell.
A son has been born unto Grading Con
tractor John Owens.
The King's Daughters will arrange to glvo
a picnic ut an early data.
Mrs. Clmrlas 1'nvno of Vail , la , is the
guest of Mis. Jennie Mnrtln.
W. 15. Skinner of the stockyards traveling
force has gotio to Kansas City.
James U. Smith has gone to Lincoln to at
tend the state shooting tourney.
A son has been born In the household of
Mr. and Mrs. George Dickman.
The Uusincss Men's association hold an
important meeting hist evening.
Teller Harry C. Mlllor of the National
bank has leturucd from Chicago.
The Epwoith loncuo will give an entertainment -
tainmont in the Methodist church this even
ing.Allen Root , state loprcsontativo ot the
state alliance , has returned from Kansas
Five carloads of tin from England hiivo
been received by the Cuduhy packing com
Miss Kate Johnson of i'olstoin , la. , is tha
plea-sant guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L.
Michael O'Horn sold a Syndicate lot on
Twenty-seventh and K snoots to John
G. W. Harmony of Douulus , Wyo. , Is visitIng -
Ing his old friend Deputy Postmaster Jamoa
F. McRoynoIds.
Cashier Hiram Mills of the G. II. Hammond
mend comp.inv.aftor a short recreation period
in Iowa , has rotnrned.
Nucholl P. O'Horn ' , has sold Oscar P.
Hills a lot on Twentieth street between I
and H. .streets for $ ' . )50. )
L. G. Turner Jlles n complaint before .Tudpi
King charging Charles C. Cummings with
feloniously toning a cow.
An important mooting of Lily division. No.
8 , Uniform Rank , Knights of I'ythiiw , will beheld
hold this evening. Uvory member is urged
to attend.
KJoctment proceedings have been com
menced by tbo yards company to oust Jack
son , Higgms & Co. out of room No , 15 , Kx-
change building.
Jnmos M. Grantham , formerly ot tlio Mo-
Cioud-Lovo commission company , is back
from his now homo In Illinois , visiting his
many warm friends.
Kdvv.ud ri. Dultols , a young painter , of
heretofore irooU reputation , Is not to bo
found , oven bv the vigilance of numerous
and heavy ciodllors.
Mr. Fred H. Clark , ono of the popular
boys , nnd Miss Mattlo 10. Baker , a charming
Cedar Falls , la , , ladv , were married
Wednesday evening ,
The Ladles' Auxiliary society of the Epis
copal church will moot this afternoon at thu
residence of Captain and Mrs. A. L. Lott ,
Seventeenth street and Missouri nvenuo.
Constable P.Urlok Utitler charges M. M.
Parrish with stealing twenty tons of hay loft
in Mr. Pnrrish's ' posiession. Judpo King
will decide on the guilt or innocence ot Mr.
Arrangements have boon completed for the
grand musical ontortnlnmeiit und festival by
the ladies of St. Airnos' ' church , in Hlum'.H
hall , this evening. An exceptionally line
musical programme will bo rendered.
Boils , carbuncles and eruptions of all kinds
are nature's olTorts to tluovr oft poison I torn
ho blood. This result may bo accomplished
much moro effectually , as well as agreeably ,
thiough the ptopuroxcietory channels , by tlio
use of Ayer's Sarsnputilla.
Decision In Favor of the Chicago
Milwaukee & Ht. Paul Hy.
The now Pnlaco sleeping cars of tlio
ChiiMpo , Milvvnukoo & St. Paul Ry. ,
with oleutrlo lights In every horth , wilt
rontltiuo to lutivo the Union -depot ,
Onmhu , ut 0:20 : p. in , , daily.
Inking1 tliis train avoid transfer ut Coun
cil Bluffs , and arrive In Chicago tit ! J:30 :
u. in. , in umplo time to rmiko till nnslorn
uonnootioiiH. Tioltot ollleo , J/)01 Fiirimin
itroot. F. A. NAHII ,
J. te. PnnSTON' , General Agont.
City Passongcr AgonL
Nogriplng , no aauioa , no piin when Do
Witts Little Barlv Riiori are taltou. Small
pill. Safe pill. Best pill.
The IiaUo Slioro'H Now Fast Trnln ,
.luno 7 the L. S. & , M , S. railway will
plnuo in ilallv aurvlco a fust morning
train via the N. Y. Central and U. < fc A.
to l i\o Chicago at 10.0 ; ! a. in , aiM'lvtnt ;
at Now York U:10 : p. in. , Hoslon fl'lOn.
in. , next day. Close connoctlnn in niailo
with all divorglng lincfl throughout Nt-w
Mnglaiu ] , onahllng passenger * to ruach
the inoru hnpoi taut puiuts In tlilahocUou
fta well as the Atlantic coast romirlH , ho-
fore diirlc. Tlio equipment of thin train
Is now throughout and OoiiBlsts of yosti *
btilcil aloopors , bulTot library o.i1 , nih
anil dining cur. No extra faro , Homl
for complete ) bchudulo nf trains and sum
mer tourlnt foldur. H. S. Ilarlow , IM
Hldillo Btrcot , MilwauKCO , WlH. ; C. K.
Wilbur , \V. I1. A. , Chicago.
Ncvv Linn to DON MOIII | > H ,
Coininoncliig Stintlay , May ill , the
Chicago , Milwaukee fi St. Paul railway
will OHtabltah a through line nf aluopln/r /
cara bctwoun Sioux City and Den Moines
via Mail rid. 1'aBnengors front Oinaluv
and the west can leave Oinnha ut ( IUO : p.
in. , secure Hlcoplng car acRominodatlonu
and arrlvo in Ooa Molncm ut 0 a. m. Hu-
turning , leave Ues Monies 0:10 : p. m. ,
arrive Ontaha.l5u. ! ) m. Dining cara oil
both trains. Ticket olllco , 1601 fc'urnaru
Btreot. K. A. NAHII , Uon Agt ,
J. K. PHKSTON , City PJW *