TJ-JJfi OMAHA DAJLJUX UJJJE , CmUUSJDAY , JUNE 4 , 1891. 5 IOMEOPATI1Y PAST AND NOW , Wto Society of the Llttlo Pill Doctors in v * Session in Omaha. OF THE RISE OF THE SYSTEM. Qlolincninnn , His Inl > orq null Trln tnplis Ilia .VobrnHKn. I-'ollojvcrH Dr. JInnclictt'HKloiiucnt to the IU > ( ly7mnl The first session of tno annual meeting of the Nebraska Homeopathic Medical society \VM hold yesterday afternoon In the p.irlors H > f the Murray hotel. The ollicers of the so- floty are : W. H. Hnnchott , M. D. , Omaha , president ; W. A. Humphrey. M. I ) . , Plaits- mouth , llrst vice president ; D. K. Foristall , J I. D. , York , second vice proslucut ; W. K. Iluck , M. D. , Mlndon , secretary ; O. S.Wood , M. D. , Omaha , treasurer. Homeopathy was founded rjy Frledrlch Ilahncmann. Ho was n celebrated physician , Vom In MclsHon In Saxony , In 17"w , graduat ing nt Erlangcr In ITi'J nnd piactlclng for pome years nt Dresden. But his claim to re nown rests largely , If not solely , upon his establishing the now system of medicine , which ho announced about the year 171)0. ) It Js not dlfllcult to comprehend the great prin ciple underlying his whole theory. It Is this : In order to cure an v disease , woshould employ n medicine having power to produce n similar affection in the body of a lioalthy person , believing that an iirtlllciul affection ( caused by the medicine ) displaces the original disease and , on discontinuance of tlio medicine , this second disease ceases of Itself. 11 once the motto adopted by homeo- " * curantur" pathlsts "Slmilia stmillbus ( "llko euros like" ) . From ( Jormany homeopathy spread first .ovor Europe , then over tlui United States , its Introduction into this country Dclnv In 3Si5. The honor of having llrst pr.icticcd jlhls system of mediclno in America belongs to Hans B. Gram , a native of Boston. Ho not with Immediate success. Other physicians of that city soon investigated the rules laid down by Hnhnomann , nil of wnich were considered by him ns elementary : 1. The practicionor should ascertain the effect of modlciiinl substances upon persona in health. 13. From the knowledge thus obtained ho should sf'lect n remedy .vhoso action corre sponded with the symptoms of the patient under trcntmont. ! l. Ho should give this remedy by Itself nlono. 4. The dose should bo so small as not to cause any general disturbance of the system , Its action tioing limited to that portion of the body whicn is in a morbid condition. Naturally enough tins wn- > considered novel , but others in the United States beside Grain who hud their attention ntlractotl to these singular propositions , nfter n careful Htudy of the nexv thcnrv gave It their adher ence , and entered upon the practice of homeo pathy. They , too , woio successful , und it was soon clmmed that not only ordinary dis eases could bo properly treated , but epi demics , usually fatal , yielded to homeopathic treatment , The system r.tpldly gained prestlgo which neither "time nor dissention" could arrest or desttoy. The llrst practicing homeopathic pliyslcian In Nebraska was Dr. A. S. Wright. Ho came to Omaha In Ibffl , in October. Ho had previously practiced in Indianapolis , Ind. It was long before his professional labors were rewarded with suc cess in this city. Hero ho remained until May , 1871 , when , his health failing , ho re moved to Santa Rosa , Cala. , whore ho still follows his calling. Ho was the solo repre sentative of homeopathy in Nebraska until 3800. In May , 1SUS , Dr. W. II. H. Sisson from Massachusetts located in Omaha , fol lowed during Iho next month by Dr. O. S. Wood from Philadelphia. The first named dlea January SJ5 , 18y , but Dr. Wood Is still practicing in Omaha. The doctor opened his ofileo on July 30. of the year of his coming , devoting him self steadily and successfully over since to his profession. Ho is senior member of the American institute of homeopathy and of the Northwestern Medical association and Northwestern - western academy ot medicine , and was n charter member of the Nebraska State Homsopathlo Medical society. Of the early homeopathic practitioners who came to Omaha besides those already named wo may mention Dr. W. J. Earhart and Dr. Mnssdon , who came in IbO'J ' ; Dr. F. Saxonborgcr , in 1871 ; Drs. F. Hoyt nnd James M. Borghom , In Ih74 ; Drs. H. C. Josson nnd H. A. Worley , in Ib7ii ; Dr. C. M. Dinsmoor , In 1875 ; John Ahmansor. ( estab lished in Otnauu ns n physician ) , in 18iS ) , nnd Drs. Willis B. GllTord and C. S. Hart , in . .1880.As As early ns September 2 , 187. ) , the organ ization in Lincoln of the Nebraska Stnto Homeopathic Medical society was perfected. Dr. E. T. M. Hurlbut was elected president ; Drs. A. H. Wriglit nnd J. ll. Way , vlco pres idents ; Di. A. C. Cowperthwait , secretary ; Dr. O. S. Wood , treasurer , and Drs. W. A. Burr , J. H. Wav , D. H. Casloy , Emlon Lewis and A , S. Wright a board of censors. From Its beginning In Nebraska homeopa thy has boon steadily gaining ground. At the present tlmo thcro Is no city and no vlllugoof nny slzo that has not Its homeopathic physi cian or physicians in active practice. At the afternoon session of the society the reports of tlio secretary and treasurer were rend. Seven applications for membership were read and elected , Dr. Laura A. Edwards read n paper en titled "Homeopathy. " The icport of a committee on by-laws and constitution was next road and commented on at some length , and the rest of the after noon session was taken up in the discussion of the reports of olllcors nnil board of censors. \ At 8:110 p. in. the evening session was called to order ana the president's address dellvoicd , President Hanchott said : "It is with sincere pleasure thut the physl- clniri of Omaha welcome the members and friends of this sociotv to our city and it gives mo great pleasure to bollovo that this will bo a very satisfactory and profitable session. The progress of nicdlclno , notwithstanding ttio testimony to the contrary of those who are profoundly Wlso In subjects of which they know nothing , lias Ooen great nnd wo nro today standing on the threshold of n vast Inheritance. " Tlioro Is much to interest the thinker,1 says Giuisalus , 'when the fragments of some flue old muduuvnl ship uro lifted upon the sands. Mnnv hands lent their skill to its creation nnd many human hearts fastened their hopes and aspirations to its strength. Much of the highest faith which men know wits oiihhrinod in its hard tissues and much of human longing went out with the move ment of Its dedication to thu unUnown sou. " 'If it boa creed \\hlcbonco promised n vision of some far nway shore , or an institu tion \shtch held the desire of man from the depths , tl.ero will DO voices only to wall , and eyes only to weep ns the wavu rolls back. U must not astonish if often when some wnva more vast tlmn the rest and Hashing fuller Bplondor , shall have thrown fur to land n .sin- Klo penrl , stolen in lu leaping energy from unsuspected depth ; n pearl which lias both Orient and Occident hidden In Its radiant completeness , a pearl which shall remind us of the richness of the concealed realm of llfo.1 "Such men ns Galen nnd Hahnemnnn have lived and died , and the mighty ocean hits thrown up the single pearl , sometimes spark ling with thu genius of the rising sun , some times covered with the sllma und sea weed. It Is our prerogative nnd privllcgo to seize the gem tossed nt our foot , bearing in Its lustre the pulse throb.s of n heart worn out In lla polishing. Such men ns Jennor , Pas teur and Koch demand attention mid study , not dorlslon which Is never study. "Tho carefully worded claims of Dr. ICoch himself should bo distinguished from the loud clamor of enthusiasts who follow In his wnkc. "Ml reformers In art , religion or sclenco Blnco the world began have nt some tlmo been culled bigots , fanatics and renegades , and n pcoplo have stoned u prophet to whoo memory the next generation hits raised a monument for tbo greatness of his deeds. "Tho short reign of epidemics of this ago Is an object lesson to the world If It will road tlio history of plagues , nnd speaks with no uncertain sound of tbo progress of the Btudy ot sunltuUon. X "Autlccpsls shows Itself In the wonderful > operation of hospital sur ory , a potent old to the skillful surgeon's knlfo , nnd gives to suf fering humanity results which ton years nco were not possible. "Ulght hcru 1 would y that the trained Ind competent uuno is Iho uurso iu demand. Often a physician bears Iho reputation of being unusually successful and skillful , when his ability lies lu the Judicious selection of his nurses. "In the light nnd progress of the eye and car specialties , those that have for long years nut In darkness with little or no hope sco light , nnd oars that have long been closed are opened to the music of the living world. Tim rapid advance of the chemist has completely transformed the world of mechanism nnd modlciuo , and the electrician's power has overcome the paralysis oi ages and brought the dead to llfo. What yet are bis possibili ties ? "Tho study of the mind call It what you may demands from ovorv intelligent man nnd woman thought and study. An almost nnoxplorcd Held without bounds lies open for Investigation. "To our school wo glvo all credit for Its materla mcdlca , Its study of pathology , Its reforms In dose and Its benign methods of administering modiclno. Our proving of drug4 on the healthy subject Is ono of the greatest strides that mcdlulnn has over made and our Law of Similars is not merely a theory , it Is a logical deduction from the phe nomena of life. With this work before us , end its grand possibilities , wo will do well to call every man brother nnd bo physicians in every sense of the word. " Dr. Hnnchctl'3 address was loudly ap plauded. Following the uddrcis , Dr. C. L. Hart In troduced n clinical cnso nntl nearly an hour was spent In studying the patient. Dr. Paine followed with nn Interesting history of a recent case , and tbo session then adjourned until this morning. The physicians present are : DM. Laura A. Edwards , Mary J Breckenrldgo , Freda M. Lauktnn , Omaha ; Surah Smith , Council Bluffs ; Alice A. Goodrich , DCS Moines ; J. E. Miller , G. A. Weirlck , L. A. Simons , Om.ihu ; E. Bradford , M. II. Chnmborlln , M. It. Uegan , Wayne ; J. A. Mirtlock. Kcribner , Neb. ; P. H. Mallon , Chicago ; Charles A. Brown , Spencer , In ; M. J. C.irrlker , Omaha , F. B. Ulghtur , Lincoln ; A. P. Welles nnd wife. McCook , Nob. ; W. C. Wright , Tabor , la. ; T. J. Morryman , Ne braska City ; 11. W. Council , Omaha ; D. E. Fonstalt , York ; W. H. Parsons , E.T. Allen , Omaha ; Willis E. BUCK , Mlndon ; Sumner Davis , Grand Island ; B. L. Pain , Lincoln ; E. L Colburn , Fremont ; W. I' . Brooks , Cook ; E. L. Alexander , Omaha ; C. W. Hayes , Omaha ; H. U Clarke , Falrb\iry ; J. F. Bruncr and H. P. Holmes , Omaha. The piogramtnu fortoduv will boos follows : Oa.m. Buro.iu of matorla mod lea , J. W. Hingston , M. D. , chairman ; bureau of surgery , D. A. Footc , M. D. , chairman ; bu- ro.iu of gynecology , Sumner Davis , M. D. , chairman ; bureau of pudology , Mary J. Bicckcnridgo , chairman. ti.OOp. m. Bureau of pathology , W. F. Whltmoro , M. D. , chairman ; bureau of oph thalmology and otology , E. T. Allen , M. D. , chairman. Question box. Election of ofll- eoi.sund llxlng place of meeting. O'0 ! ! p.m. A drive over the cityof Omaha. 8:130 : p. in. At the Young Mon's Christian association rooms. Music. Invocation. Music. Address bv John \V. Strcctor , M. ll. , of Chicago homeopathic medical college. AT LAST. Arrest of iv Mull Itol > ! > or Clcar.s Up u Bn.uvos , Mont. , Juno 3. Through the Maciden-MeDermott feud In the Big Horn basin of Wyoming n mystery of long stand ing hero has been cleared up and the suspic ion that boa for three years hung over the name of George Swift of that place has boon removed. McDormottaccording to the story told by Madden , frequently robbed the mails , and ono instance was given where ho secured Sl'JO from a registered letter sent from Billings. George Swift was the man who sent the money to Cassul George , nnd when the envelope which should have contained it reached its destination empty , the Hillings man was ac cused of appropriating the money to his own use. Mr. Swift , though protesting bis Inno cence , was induced to make good to Casscl George the amount of mono } ' missing , and has continued from that time to this in a po sition of trust with Bahcock & Miles. But the unfortunate occurrence has never been forgotten by him nor thu United States gov ern mont , and all these years the secret ser vice arm of the government has been exerted to clear up the mystery. Mr. Swift , with no premonition of the storm about to burst , and with the confi dence of conscious integrity , enclosed the money , registered the letter and scut it on it way without taking thu precaution ) f inclosing the bills in the presence of wit nesses. Ho had no proof that ho had inclosed the money , nnd the consignee receiving an empty envelope , duly stamped and regis tered , naturally refused to accent the word of the c.ishlor that tbo moncv had been Inclosed. The work was finely done by the mall robber and it seemed a hopeless task for Mr. Swift to over substantiate his claims and clear his record of Its only blot. Ills integrity is now fully established and In duo coursu of tlmn his money will bo refunded. li.MGHTS llKViritttCl TV. 1'lniis Formulated for Organizing IjudfoH Throughout the Wont. TOPKKA , Ivan. , Juno 3. The grand ledge of the Knights of Reciprocity , at last ovo- nlng's session , amended the constitution and by-laws of the order. Iho obligations pub licly announced are an oath to support the constitution of the United States and work for reciprocity. Organizers will bo sent out through the western states nnd the republi can leaders will bo asked to assist in estab lishing lodges. The plan for orgnnt/ution of lodges Is practically the same as that of the cltl/ens' nnd farmers' alliance. There will bu a corps of lecturers and a "reciprocity songster. " More than ono hundred delegates representing 1110 lodges nro lu the city and many republican leaders who have refused to Join uro hero for thu purpose of watching the organization. The membership of the order is now -0,000 in Kansas , whllo lodges have been established In Iowa , Nebraska and South Dakota. The knights nro finding their bitterest opposition among the members of their own p.u-ty , who oppose secret society woik in polities as uii-Amorlcnn. The old ciowd of politicians , with tlio exception of Congressman Peters , has refused to jo'u. ' But the younger leaders are taking hold with enthusiasm nnd with the continued growth of the order It will bo In n position to dictate party nominations in this statu and to form the platform. Constipation poisons tno bloou : DoWltt's Llttlo Early Hlsors euro Constipation. The cause removed the dUcaso Is cone. ' 1III3V G < INK ! ) IkY IT. Two HurKlnrs Get in n Hlg Nlglit'H Work. Burglars were busy Tuesday nlghtand managed - aged to secure enough to tldo thorn over sev eral days. They entered the room of H. Clever nt Sixteenth and Cass and stele f 100 that was lu his pants pocket. Clever was not awakened nnd did not discover bis loss until yesterday morning. They also broke- open and entered the Webster street depot , und secured Jll in change from the till of the candy and fruit stand At the residence of A. Moore , Thlrty-llfth and Miami , they got nwoy with a silver watch , but failed to Und any money. They also visited the residence of City Prosecutor SUns Cobb , U112 Burt street , hut while attempting to force a window attracted the attention of the dog and were frightened nway. The burglars were soon , but a good dUurlptlon could not bo obtained and it was only discovered that there were two of them. DoWltt's Llttlo EarTy Ulsorv , best llttlo pills for dyspepsiasour stomach , bad breath i Gone AVronjj. For four days gossip has boon currant in trade circles affecting the Integrity ot J. M. Campion , who was recently forced to resign his position as cashier of the Consolidated Tank Line company In this city. For the suko of hU family the newspapers wuro In duced to withhold a full statement of the case. case.Dr Dr , BIrncy cures cuturrh , Bco bldff IllttliiK tlio Pipe. An opium joint at Twelfth and Douglas was visited Tuesday night by Oflleor Walker , mid Nora Burns. Lena Smith mid Tom Ling who were found in the place , were arrested , Several pipes and the accompanying 1mpie- , iiionU were taken to the station. The pris oners have not yet had a hearing. IN THE CLUTCHES OF A LION , Terrible Battle with a Beast to Eave a Boj's ' Life. RESCUED AFTER BEING BADLY HURT , Superintendent Mostlcr of Atlnntn'B 1'nrk Injured In tliu HtrugKlo \vltli tlia Int'urlntcd Animal An Ktultlnu Hoeno. On. , Juno 3. Superintendent John lj. Mostlor at Grant park had u torrlblo battle with Molly , the Mexican lioness , yes terday. Ho was lighting for tno llfo of In- min : Uoil , the eight-year-old sou of Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Bell , and n nephew of John H. of Now Yorlt. The Itttlo fellow the superintendent were Injured seriously. But for the coolness of Mostlor the boy would have boon horribly mangled by the sharp claws of the boast. As It was , the little - tlo follow was bndly scratched and bitten. Mr. Moatlor had his right nnnd severely lacerated. Tlio light for llfo was witnessed by several people , among thorn the mother of the Injured boy , and wliilo the battle was beIng - Ing taught the most Intense excitement was created among the suoctntors , Molly , the lioness , Is usually quiet and poaroiiblo , this being the IlrU thno she has ever shown such a bad disposition. Her attack wus entirely unlocked for. It seems that Mrs. Bell , accompanied by Inman , was stundlng at the railing the animal's cage when Mr. Mostlor came by on the Insldo of the railing. Mrs. Boll asked If the baby lions could bo seen , saying that her boy was nearly crazy to sco them. The super intendent said that ho could not snow them , and started to pass on. In speaking of It afterwards he said the llttlo fellow was so nice and looked so disappointed that ho de termined to give him a peep through the cracks. Picking him up ho walked to the cage and lot him look tbroueh. The llttlo follow was all delight at getting a glimpse at the baby lions , and Mr. Mostlcr started to move around to the other sldo to glvo a bettor view. , Being Insldo the railing ho had to pass within two or throe foot of Molly's ' cage , which was next to tno onu containing the cubs. Suddenly the lioness stretched out a paw between tno bars and made a strike at the boy. The blow foil short out caught In his clothing. At the same tlmo she attempted to drag him to lior , and then for the llrst time Mr. Mostlor saw the danger. Before ho could move the llttlo follow had boon pulled up to the enraged boast , and with a snap she sui/cd ouo of his hands in her mouth. With one foot she braced herself and with the other she was Just about , to make a blow di rect for the child's fnco. Mr. Mostlor still held to the child and was pulling with all his might to get him from the animal. Ho throw ono hand against the c.ige. This act probably - bly saved the child's ' llfo. The attention of Molly was diverted , and she savagely clnwod the tunu's hand. All this occurred In a few seconds and the horrlllod spectators hud not hud time to help In the battle. TUo mother was well-nigh crn/uu by the sight of her son In the clutches of the beast. The boy's hand was between the animal's ' teeth and his f.ico was within an inch or two of the half open mouth when Molly turned to strike Mostlor. The spectators then rushed to the cage , and with walking sticks , umbrellas and rocks beat upon the sides and head of the lioness. With a growl she released her hold of the child and turned to meet her enemies. The almost distracted mother grasped her son In her arms and rushed to her carriage. The boy was blooding from his nock , .sido , and arm and his injuries appeared fatal , or at least , quite serious to all. The battle was won , but would the boylivol The excite ment of the crowd was greater than over as the carriage dashed off with mother and son to tboofllco of Dr. Westmoreland. Hero the wounds were examined and it was found that the boy was not fatally hurt. The wounds were quickly dressed and tno injured boy was carried homo. Soon afterwards Mr. Mostlor went to the sumo olllco and hud his hand dressed. In speaking of the matter ho said : "You don't know how relieved I felt. I had no idea of the extent ot the boy's injuries and all the way to town I was wondering If ho was ( load. Ho was in my charge and I would gladly have taken every scratch ho received. ' The little follow was' as bravo ns possible and never uttered a cry , oven when his face was within four inches of the lion's tooth. I toll you it was a scary tlmo. " The causa of Molly's rage seems to have been the removal of the lion from her cage Saturday morning. Then , too , of course , the presence of joung ones always Infuriates mothers of the cat family. It was learned afterwards that Molly had scratched the hand of the negro who did the feeding just a few minutes before. JF.t/K SIVJITS. Plans for Interesting Kxliihitg nt the Grout Imposition. CHICAGO OITICE OF TUB Bun , ) CHICAGO. Juno 3. f A reproduction of a section of the Ameri- cun desert. Including cacti , .sagebrush and Indians , will bo ono of the features of the world's fair. Four of the tribes which will bo represented will bo the Sioux , Zunis , Molds and Nnvnjos. In the desert will be located the tepees of the Sioux and the hogaiis of the /Cunis and Molds. Whllo the Indians will have their peculiar houses in the desert they will bo given space In the main government building for Illustrating their methods of work and the things they manufacture. The committee on foreign exhibits has recommended to the directory that $50,000 bo expended In reproducing the ancient con vent of La Htbidu at I'.ilos , Spain , as the building for the exhibition of relics of Columbus. It was at the door of this convent ttiat Columbus asKed for food and shelter for himself and his child. It was hero that ho found an asylum fora few years whllo ho de veloped his plans and prepared the argu ments which no submitted to the council at Siilnmunca. It was in ono of the rooms of this ho mot the Dominican monks in debate , and it was hero also that _ hu con ferred with Aloii7o Pliuo , who afterwards commanded ono of the vessels of his Hoot. In this convent Columbus Hvod whllo ho wus making preparations for his voyagu , and on the morning that ho .sailed from Poles ho attended mass In tbo llttlo chapol. coxncu ONTIV. . Hon. A. L. Conger , who is at the Grand Pauitta and who Is ono of those interested In the big tin plant which Itjs proposed to erect nt IChvood , Ind. , says the stock books have been opened and a good portion of the stock In tlio enterprise has been taken. Said ho : "Parties interested in the project are also Interested In the tin mines in thu South Da kota Black Hills.Vo are not making much nolso about the ontoipriso just at present , but wo are going to glvo the undertaking a fair and thorough test. " insposKD oi' TUB coiirsi : . Aoar , ago Mrs. Ann Hunnan of 177 North DELICIOUS ElaYorhv NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla -j O' perfoot purity. LemonI Lemon - of great strength. AlnS If Economy In tholruao Rose etc.rj P'avor ' as delicately And dollclously ao the fresh fruit. Paulina street was adJiiilRcd Itiaano nnd sent to the asylum nt Jertnp < on for treatment. Last Sunday Mtchnel'llannau , son of the wotnnn. called to sco hb mother and was told she had died May 13 and that the body , aftur boliiR Itcpt six ila s , was turned over to the Chicago Domonstrnttlltf assoclntlon. The son llnnlly traced tlia body to Dcnnott col- IORO , where It win found In an Ice chest nud tunied over to him. The funeral took plnro vostordav. The woiniin when tnUcn to the hospital had W > \ In luir t'ooltot ' , and the nsy. lum tnanagomont h sovaroly crltlclred for Its action. This U not the lint caio of the kind nt tlio asylum. < > CAIITKH S II.T , IX IT. "I don't propose to ( Withdraw from Chicago politics , no matter wlio wants mo to do so. " That Is what Carter I Tarrlson said today In reply to an artlclo In a morning piipor In which It is stated that , Inasmuch ns ( Jrc > : lor Is out of politics for Rood or evil , Mr. Harri son ought to withdraw In order to hasten the hoallnp of the breach between the two fnc- lions of Chicago democrats. ' There Is too much corruption therein , " said the ox-mayor. "I am going to stay In politics until clement of wickedness and vice Is eliminated , When that Is done , let people who really wish to see mo wiUidraw como to rco nnd I will gladly retire. " rou ois. City oniclals are holding n conference with the proprietors of the city gas company on aa proposition to furnish grs to the city for $11 per lump and to private consumers ot ? 1 per 1,000 foot. The city now pays (20 per lamp and the citizens $1.25 per 1,000 cuulo feet. wrisrniix PEOPLE IN CHICAGO. Among the western nooplo in Chicago today were the following : At the Grand Pnt-IIie Samuel Merrill , Dos Moinos. In. ; P. K Hall , Charles ll. Clark , Cedar Hnplds , la. ; ] J. H. Burrows , W. J. Carroll. Mr. nnd Mrs. George A. Rogers , W. H. Crary , Henry l \ Cady , Arthur Johnson , S. L. Wood , Omaha ; K. D. Ullnn , Lincoln , Nob. At the Auditorium Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Douglas , Cedar Uapids , Jo. ; John Clarkson , Mr. anil Mrs. R C. liubbcl. Uoi Moines , la , At the Palmer Mr. ami Mrs. A. P. Han- chott , Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cumpboll , Council UlulTs ; W. T. Coad , Uapld City , S. D.J. ; W. Tuttle , Omaha. Falling of the hair Is the result of Inaction of the glands or roots of the hair , or n morbid tsato of the scalp , which may bo cured by Hall's Hair Uoiiewor. WON'T GO TO N Vnn CIoHtcrniul Nuckolls county's sheriff will return to Nelson today , but Van Clostor and McLaugh- lln who were arrested on Iho charge of hav ing disposed of mortgaged property , will not accompany him. The fauts regarding the mortgaging of the oattlo to John N. Mlles and their Until dispo sition is known. Afterwards tno sheriff came to Omaha nnd arrested the two men , They at once sued out a writ of habeas corpus , alleging that they had boon arrested on the same ctiargc before , and that the case had been dismissed. Judge Ksti > lle heard arguments upon the question of the former arrest and" allowed the attorneys to cite their authorities. Yesterday ho handed down Ills opinion , which ho says is something now in practice , but is.borno out by the de cisions of the suproma courts. Tno writ Is allowed und Friday morning the court will sit as n Justice of the peace to hoar testimony and 'iotormino if there is probable cause for ordering Van Cloitor nnd MoLaughliu tonoii to the county where the criino Is alleged to have boon committed. In deciding the question the Judge said : "I do not want to bo understood ns holding that n former prollmlnnry' examination is a bar to n subsequent examination. But us the case now stands , I think it devolves upon mo to hoar the testimony arid discharge or recom mend that the prisoners bo hold to the dis trict court. " . - m Marriage Ijlceusos. The following marriage licenses were is sued by Judge Shields yesterday : Name and Address. Ago. ( Charles L. Ringer , Lyons , Neb . 2 < l 1 Ruchul Llllgor. St. Joo. Mo . 23 I Ancust I * . Choral , Omaha . 20 ) Koilnu Qudwiiy , Omalin . 21 I Ollvor Haiiiinorliin , Oakland . 21) ) ( Josephine Oorlson , Oakland . 13 A very small pill but a very good ono. Do Witt's Llttlo Earlv Hisore , The Nebraska division of the Loyal Legion hold a business meeting at the Mtllard hotel last night and transacted some routine busi ness. Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Figa ia taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tlio taste , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its eflects , prepared only from tlio most healthy and ngrccablo substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. ayrup of Figs is for solo in COc and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly1 for any ono who wishes to try it. Jp not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FltAUOISCO , OAL. ( OUISVIILE. Kr. _ _ NEW YORK. H.Y A Written Guarantee Ic , CURE EVERY CASE or I MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro U | x. i mam nt njvl not a patching up. Conn trralnl tl o yean ORO ItSro lu'rrr wn n symptom sliuo. Hyile ciltilnifi.u.luly | wo can tioat yon by mall , ami wo Biro thu nMftk' ktroni ? Kuaranti e to i in u or refund nil money. TltoMJwbo piofor lo como line fortnutmentcandaio luulKawIll pny rulhoail faro both way * and hotel bllli whllo li ro If wo fall to cure. Wo challenge Iho worlilVJr' a ca o that our MAU10 ltKSIr.UY will not cure. 'rj | for full parlkulari and But Iho OTlduuoe. V > knuir that > uu are kkepllcal , JuMly § o , too , o the m Jill umlnent phy lclim ha > iioterbionablotagira luaro than limiwruiy nlltC III our lira yean' piaciui With the MAlllO UKMKUV It | ia > lirvn nioit dimcult to overcome thoprvjiiilkri aialn t all to i-allcil | wclllc . Hut under our vtroiitf KII iranttu > on khotild not lio-ltalo to try thin nnmly. You take no cham-o of loilnir your money. We guar anli o to cure or refund on ry dollar , and m wolia > oa reputation to protect , al o llnamlal backing of 3CO- 0 0 , It l > porfoctljr snfo tu all who wilt try Iho treat ment. Ileretoforuyoii hav been puttlni ; up and pa > Inn out } our money for difTcn nt treatment ! and although youarenotyotcure < lnoonoha < pnl i back jrour nion. y. lonotvra leanymor hioneyuntilyoulryui. Old ihi-onle , deepieated caw * ciinil In 3D to VO daya. In- Ve tltat ( our llnanclal Uudlnc , our reputation ai bu < lnu men. Wrll u for nanm and nddriuti of tliu.a wo IHYO cunNl who nave Riven rx-rmluloit tu ro- fertothem. Itco t > ouonly po taiso to dolhltilt will ava i oil ft world of > ulfi rime f luin mental tlraln , and If > ou are iii rrli-d bat nmy your oil.prinsr mrtcr tin ouuh your own nujllttein-u. K your nymptonu ar ere thiout , inucoui patihe < In mouth , rheumntlim In l n < > anil julnt * , hair Ulllni ; out , eruptlomt on any iartoMliot > djfeellnirof Rener l deprvinlon , palm in head or bonrt , you hate no tlmo tu vra.te. TlioMi who uru eon > taiitly l klii mercury and pola > h should dlocontlnueit. Conitantutoof tbe druu will unly brlni ; BUM > and enllnir ulrenln Ibo cuil. Han't full t'j writ * . Alliorrvpondeno > iteiii alrd In plain onTtl ope * . Wo Invlto Iho mu t rlttld Inrcillif lion nnd trill do all la our power to aid you la It. Addr < , COOIl JIK3IKIH' CO. , Omaha , Jfrbrtnlia. Ofllco 1Mb and Farnain. lecond floor , cntrauc * 131UBI HOME HITS. Tlio homo li to nooloty what tlio heart la to the body thu vital mot ho IH > VMT. When the father U vigorous the mother chcrrfut , iul children Imppy , it Is u noaron on ourth , When ill > on > < < stMkn In and fell the fn thor prostruto the mnthtir , orsolios the dhlldruu , till koc-nnipH ili'solulhiii. To mnko tliu home happy. kc < < p the lionlth poouro. Poverty may come , but It can bo en dured If tht health remains. Nohonlth vrainvor miiliit.itnnd without m- slstnnco. lluiilth , llko the body , must be inp ported. lluCdo not make u mUtaku and do It foolishly. The bust way toiustnln the health U to nn- 8'At It , to stlinilluto ll. The InMt wty to henlthtly stimulate. Is by the USD of pura ntiadiilleratcd meillclnal whiskey. IMi-tOM deulnred this , si'lontUts na\o conllrini'd It. and both luito Inslitcd that DulTy't I'uru .Mult Whiskey H llio oniy strletly iiirdlclniil one In the market Indeed It has become , n < i tt ( Itwervvi , n hoiiioliold noee.sslty. Drs.BBttslBetts Pliysicians , Surgeons and Specialists , L4OO DOUQIiAS STREET OMAHA , NKO. Tno most widely nnd favorably knonnipeo * lallaU In the Unite ! Htntoa. Their loiiH ox * porlonoo. roranrkubloiklll nnd iinivoraal iuo > COM In the treatment nnd euro of Nervous , Uhronlo nnd Surgloal Dlsnn us. entitle theM eminent phyalolnns to tliu full confidence ol the uflllotocl ovorywhoro. They cunrnnteol A CEUTAIN AND I'OSITIVF. OUHB for the awful AfToctH of early vlen nnd tbo iumor- oim erlU that follow In Its train. _ _ miVATK. 11I.OOI ) AND SKIN DISEASES epoodllT. completely nnil poniinnrntly curod. NEHVOUS 1)EHILITV AND SEXUAL IHS- OHDKHS yield readily to their skillful treat- 8. FISTULA AND HECTAL ULOEH9 cunrnnteod cured without pain or detention frnm business. HYOUOOELE AND VARICOCEI-E ponnn- nontly nnd successfully ourod In every ease , BYPHILIH. OONOIUUIKA , OLRCT. Bpor- matorrlvoa , Scmlunl Wenkness , Lost Manhood , Night Emissions , Decayed KnciiltlcB. Koinnli Wcakneia anil all dcllnato dlsc/rJprs pcoullnf to cither iox positively cured , us well ns nil functional disorders that result from youthf.u follies or the excess of mature years. sTPTPTMPK Guaranteed viurnmne n t ly J I r\l l U 1\L. cured , removal complete without outline , caustic or dllatntton. Cure * effected nt homo by putient without mo ment's pain or annoynncn. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. A IIPU niPJJThn nwful offoeU ol n. OUA.C L/UIVl. , onrly vlcu whloh brln oreanlo woaktirsn , ( Icstroyln ? both mind and body , with all Its dreaded Ills , permanently curod. HP * ! RF'IT's ' Address those who hnvB tra- IJRO. IlEllJ paired thcmf Ivcs by 1m- proper Indulgence nnd military nablts , whloh ruin both mind and body , undttina them ( or biMlnosd. study or mnrrlUKO. MARRIED MEN or these entering on that happy life , a ware of physical debility , quickly assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is baaed upon facts. First Practical experi ence. Second Every cnio Is specially studied , thus starting right. Third medlolnei ure prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit uachons * , thus effecting cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET. - - OMAHA , NEB _ _ _ _ I nvniiY NIGHT | T1iS [ WEEK. This ( Thursday ) Evening , m a In tlio Trolly Comedy , I Pair of Owls , SATURDAY NlflHT nn olou-ant $ V ) 00 Sixteenth century solid oik luidroum nultu , purch neil and ox- hlhllud atJulTcrnoiiBqimro b'urnltiiro store. lUiVorth ll. til ntrcut , will be ttlvon nway Saturday M itlnvo , a handsome doll will bo presented tu HOIIIII ono as a Hpeclal prize , while every child Rots a candy sou venir every one a present. Friday , Saturday and Sunday , Juno 6 , 0 , 7 , With Saturday and Sunday Matinee. B ottomlll TudllS e a. . Thu dront Marino Spoct : qlo Itascrvod souts SSi : , : ! 5o nnd Me. llov ihuut opins Thuriiliiy. Boucl's ' Opera HQUSB , CoininciK'IiiK Tiii".dny. Juno 9. Gntml I'rniliaalon of The County Fair- Presented Kxactly as iu tlio Union i-quaro Tho.iln1 , Now York , where It has boon tliu per manent uHriotloti for thrue > o irs. f > Tp pv ITjio lliiliin Njuitro roiiiiiiiy. | [ Tin ) Kuimlnx lloisu Itnco , THU MKIt'tY ' Ill'SKINO IlEH. J20COOo\ploltod on thu htaso In thlsproduo- tlon. _ _ DIME EDEN MUSBE. Corner llth and rarnain Streets. WEEK 01- ' JUNK 1ST. The Parisian I.mljr Kinhrnldiircru Klvo huiutlful ludliiiiPxorntlitKhundHoiMoiUialuiiH In embroidery A npmluion Klvi'li tu enrli laily pntron on I'rhlay A tlrst-cla.n npuclalty onturtalninunt In both IhvatroH. A company of stellar arllita HOYAI < KlMlt STEAMSllIPd , MONTREAL and QUEDEC To DEHUY and LIVERPOOL CA1IIN. t.V ) to f.-JI Aiiordlne In btcainor anil location "f MaU'room Intermodlatonnd steenuo at low rates Nil CATT1.1J t'AlllllCII. CIT1 A 'P'P1 1 SI.KVIOK OK i3Ajra.XJElL AUI.AN UINQ LINK. I STEAM.SIIIPS. NI3\V YORK nnd OLA iQOW. vln Iiondondcrry , nvory I'urtliUht. nth.Mny. HI'ATK ( IK NIIVADA. H A M. ath Muy , 8TATK OK NCIIUASKA. 1 P M llth.liine , HTATK OK ( iCOUI.lA. 1 1M CAIII.V , tv&and npHardi Iteturn , fi und upward * Hlnernco lit low riitoii Apply in II A. A A 1. 1 , AN , Montnml , or to II K MOOHKS , I.VTi rarnaiilSt . Onmha I BufTorlnic from the effects ol 1 jouthful crron early docny , wftstlnnwoakncsj , lost mauhuod , etc. 1 wfll scud n valuable tmatlso ( noahidl conUUiilnj full particular * for homo euro , I'llKIS of rliarKO A ( iiluivtld nifillcal work | oliouhl Ixi rtoU by liver ) nian whn Is ni'rvoni end dohllltaUil. Audrort f. v. < ; . IMvLiat. . SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTE near KliA-NKKOliT , Kr OPEN THUOUGHOUT THE YRAR. Thu second term of thu ncuilonilu jenr rxvl" Urst Monday lu July and cloie4 third \Yoduoadtiy In IKcumhvr i\oi CU H I ) y inVii Supt I'ost onico KAUIIIIALC , Kr. LE FRlNOAiS. Kronch Monfily JUiti-lii'j. ' Anlnraluiblo help Krunclntnilunla anil teauhorK. Kroo xamplu imp AJdriii. UEitLiraiCo.V Madlsua b | . . Now Yo H Has turned the tide our way. Too busy for long talk. Follow the crowd for cool summer cloth ing and furnishings for solid comfort. RELIABLE CLOTHIERS , Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Sts. ( Money cheerfully refunded when goods do not satisfy. ) . ( Send Tor Itustratcd CfUologuo. ) HOTEL Tr JHiirran , t'oi : 1-lth aurt fttho mont siibHtantlttllu coiintrnctcil Hotel Jtnllilinu in Oinaliit. Scvcrnl Iictii'u brlcltfro trn//M 1111111/110 from littHcincttt tu roof. All tliv ccillnijf ttinl floors lim'il trill * AaucHtoa flro jtroof iimliina it tniix'HHtltltt to Itnrn Mrt'CNCHiieii amire alarum tin : bitlltlliiff. titr < nit In-lit , hot Htitl cold iratcr it ml NII-IM/I/IIC Ju cvcrurooin. 'Ittolo tuiHiii-jxiainnt B. SILLOWAY , Prop. DU. T. 1-KMX COUIIAI 1 > 'JI < HIli : > TAI. C1IKAM , OK JUAU1UAI. 1IKAII I'lFlKK. 3 rf - w HemoveaTan , I'lmple * , Heck- i * i S oif , 1 . Moth I'liiclwsltiiili nnil hkln 'fl U o $ Ct2) ) Uiaeot > esaiid on-ry bkmUh on W5"a fS ? Ji \ - iH-nut ) , and deflu - " § V r Sl /5Vletullon. It ha.1 * ' ZiS'i ( K - . JtlKTMO' / * ' the tc t ot 10 ' "S oo 'HPv (3y W V/ / } ' ' " ' " ! " > * o ° ! rfS5t"a vV ff * 111 //ImimlriMW , , u tolt tolioruiiiltlHinnii- ui Iy iimut' . AiLti't IM cuiuitirft It i > f Bimllur nitnv. Jr.L , A. buyer tuilU tu a lady i > f Ihohitit ton ( A jintlent ) "As you I ITCOtHIIU'tlil MiOU- rnuft'Hl'iiniu'antho Lttlinimrut ttt nil tliu nUtn prt'iwini" tli > n " Kormue ity nil DiuirKi-ttt ami 1'nncy uoods Deal- cm In tlio tTnlttO'l States. < * u > mttnfiniiil Ktiiupt * 1KIOT HOI'KIN'S , 1'iuii'r. J-.ntsHt.N Y Wo npiid the m < xr\rlotm Krrnch Uriniily CALTMOS r ! < , and n local Ruarantm that ( ' * I THUS will rUltl'Sprrninlorrliruarhucilo and KKSlOKi : l.i.t MCur. Use it and ( my tfsalisfifj. Adlrw.VON MOIILCO. , HoU Amtrltim Ag iiU , Ourlanlll , Ohio. Bathe aore feet in Pond's Extract. LOST POWER Nerve llcans cure all Hcxtinl wenkncni In olthosr ox , iicllnit on mirvox , brain , soxnal ciriinns Aimn- Ltrrt CIMIK for linpuleiioy iiluhlly tMiilKnlons. lost moniory , hail ilreains , uvuralnn tu noiluty. il box , poMtpnld HU lioxi'i . " > NiilVi ; : 1IKAN CO. , Ilnffalo , N Y , Sold hir ( jouilli.un Druif Co. , 1110 Kariminal Omaha " Worplilim Ilnlill cnr.Jlnloto''ld ii Olt.J BTEPUENa.L.biaou.O FRENCH "SPBCIFiCT A POSITIVE andparmanint CURE lor all dlieaMiollheURINARY ORGANS. Curei whore olherlroitmontlalli.Fuiruiroclioni wflh each bottle. Prlet , oao dollar. See slgniiturocl E. STAHL For anlo By All { Stihiffmtui'iAetixzna [ Cure ntrar/m/i toriro j , . IHIWM rci'm / tU wun ciMt ; iciurti tom- Ifortatilo l ! p ( ( Ifcl4 curfi vh r * lUtturs fall , A ronitnr ( A * u > tt < i ( jV-i ( , I'ro | , 60 eU tnd 181.00. of DruggUU or fcr mall fiarnrlo fn"E ! for jataar. DR. lt8OnmMAim , Btl Paat. ± 1nn ! OMAHA 3cnd fo clrculororcnilon \ J B HKUWOOI ) . 4' Now York - - ur tr rkTw oUtiUULi Ob LireliMiTi Oniuhn , Neb TELEGRAPHY. 3JADIBS OHLY I emu * IJcin * , Ihi moit powerful knulr rrffuUior rcf. { "mcuiVi'ifJJicti ' i.v6l < * iVKu6tco'uuaVi1riV ' , v ! 11 mi1) I y I ii t'n nn 1 i tit ( c Omnha. . OAl'riUI.KS are the DOCIITAg ami only capiulo4 protcrlbu-t uy runalar pliytlcUui for th curd uf QonarbcBa nad UUcliartf0 < from tua urlnury orrfiina nuurltu ilur aoquiroU | l U ) par liux All tituvMttt RMJLWRYT1MEJ5RRD T.o.iTOi | Ulfll'AllO. lllfllMNT.TON A CJ I Arrival" " JDnmhn. I Depot IQtli nnd MHIUMI Ms. I Oinnlin I. ) p ml . . . .ChlotiKO Vmtllinlo . . . . I 800 n in ilUlnin . . . .Clilc.uo Kxproii. . . , IIIUi a m Ha ) p nil I'lilciiKO Kxproti. . . , il .1) p in K.U ) p ml Clilcoco , V lonn I.DC ill 8 r > n m l.unvoa | lHJUI.IN tJTi.V ) A MO lllVCIl Xrrlvo JnuiliH I Doput lUtlinml .Mi on MH. I Omnliii III V > n m . . lltmrrr liny ixpio : 1 0 p m lu . ' > n m . . . . . . . 1 ) oiidwood 111prim 4.1)5 p in llU.t a m DonviM' l ! prpii ( i'-ll p in 7 10 p in . . .Denver Kxpruis . i < .Id n in o ( XI p in Lincoln l.lniltitl 1I..W n in 8 15 _ n m Lint oln W p m Jcnvos I K. C , hT. .1 \ C II I ArrlvuT Oiniha. I Depot lOlli nnil .Musun Bin. I Om.-ilio. ' 'J HO ( TnTi . . .Knii'ui t'ltr liny Kxiirnt * . p liT ! ' l'i p in j K C NlBlit Kxp via IT. I' Tiam I t. . - n in UNION 1'ACIHC Oimili i. Di > pot lUlli nnd Mnrcy Bin Oiniilin 10.10 a m I Kansas City rtxnroii ( ax Sun. ) 4 . ' ! ' > p m 10 20 n in Dunvur ICxnnisa 4 m p m 2..W p in . . . Ovrrlnnd l-lycr U' . p m 4..1U p m . . ( irnnd Mnml Kxp. ( OT. Hun ) 11 Ki n in 7.A1 p m I'uclllo Kxpreu . . . . . . d .X ) p m "l.onvo * CHICAGO , M1U A STTl'AlM U I * , ilopnt , nnd .Mnrcy Ht < I binnlia 0.20 p ml Chlciik'O hFxprosr VM m U.IS n in | > tlilciiKO Kxpreai . .JJUO _ m l.mivoi 1 cTiTcA7ioriT J."A. I'AOiPfil f ATnvm" OninlinjJlJ ljlopoUJOtli anil .Mnrcy Htt. | Oinnlm II'M p niTrr.T. | "Niuiit I'fipiiiiTir .TI \ > u > * m ! > .l.ri 11 in . . . . . . All.itilltt lixprois | ( ! 51 p m 4.U p ml Vuiilhiilu l.lmltod IIDM in IjOHVUf MOU.CITV.V I'ADU'IIX i Arnvoi Onmtin Dapot lOtlinnil Mucy SH. I Oiimht. hiux City PuiieiiKiir ID1' ' p m HI. rnni Kviirosi ID .M n m l.i'avi'S SIOUX ( ITV.V 1'ACIlTl1. I Arrlvei" Oinnhn. Depot mil anilVnlmlfr Hts. I Oinalni nil hi I'nul Uniltuil I ' .n't 11 m _ Uiiinlin | t ) I' ill-pot , lUlli und JMnroyStt I Oinnlm. n in H 11 a m 4 . .0 p in Vimtlliiilu Limited I ) U n inn ! a ) . . . . Knilurti Klynr . . . . . ! M a in .11 p III l/ocnl Knit KT. ( ojrcupt Mondiiy ) ti'iti p in I.PIITO I OMAHA X ST. I.OUIH . . I Arrivo-T J"l1 ? ! IU ! ' iluput. IDlJi nnd .Miircy m . | Oin ilm "j K ) p ml . . HI. LinilH ( 'Ttmiiiir llnll . . . , 12 ll p m l.cnvo I Ff : , V .Ml ) VAIiMJY I Arrlvn" Oiinlin | Dnpiit lath nnd Wabntur Hti. | Omalm U OU a in . . . Illuck lllll < 4 Kvpro . . . | 5'JU p m I ) III a lu . . ( I2f. hal ) Wyn IUi | ( llx. Mori ) A..i ) p in fi.lU p in Wnlioo A l.liuoln ran. ( I'.x. Hun ) II l'i a in JLULl'Jli i-Jiirk ANiirfnlk _ ( li _ Huniliilj. ) \ \ . ; u m ] < oti\tm " ( ' . , HT lr , M A"V ( Arrives Omaha _ Depot l.'itli und WrbHlpr Hti. Onrilm slouv city Audinniodiitlon Ulti p m i m p m hloux tltyllxprnii ( Kx hiindiiy ) rnu p m A 41 , . St 1'iiul I.lnilliMl . . p III } ! IIUI J.IIIIIll'll Dili n in p inlllancrolt I'msi-nccr ( KxSunday ) 8 41 n in iTUSVusl MIBHW7i7f lrACiKir I Ar7lvi"i Oin.ihT.1 Depot 15th and Wobntnrritu I Omiilin 1UIIO a ml . .St. LoulK A K ( " KxpruiH. . . I ( I'll ) a in" JM p . . . . UitilH A 1C. C Kxpiuis IfittOtiin " ' " mvoB I K.1'8T. JO11 AC.'ll | Arrives. Triinstdrl Union Depot , Ciiiincll lllnlM. ITraimfur IIIUU a nil. . .Kiimni Cliy Day Kxpruns . . .I & 4J p m 10 15p _ ml Knimai City NlKlit Kiprotn | II ai a m H'avei rilU'ACO , It I .V I'ACIKIC. Arrive * TrnnfnrJ Union Depot , Council Illulli. Tra infer C.'lll p m , NlKlit Cxprnts I JIM a m t > M a in . .Allnnllo Kxprii 1 AM p m , ' > . < / ) p in ViiHtlbiiln l.lmltcd ilO.W n m "li'avoTTfIICAlTv ( ) NOItTHWI'SrHUN I ArrfviM Tiun for | Unlnn Depot , ( 'oiiiull DIuITi iTianifur tt Ml a in . Chlc.iKii Kxiirnin . I (100 ( p m 5m ) p in . VontlhulH lilinlttxi . .i.vj n m lOOlpm . Knitum Myur . 'iWl 1 > in BUD pm Atliinllo .Mall . , . ,0 a m I/.H p in lown Acciiniiiiiiiliitlnn ( Sat only ) ll II ) p m TimtTiVl OM.UIATSr | 7)IMH ) I Arrlviis" TriinifuilJrilon | _ Depot , < iiiinrll lllnllii. iTriimfur 4 II p ni .Ht. l.oilll ( 'niionjliill . _ . _ II3IS p m MiivnH | ClllrAlll)71lUlll.'N A'yiMNCV'i Arrlrm3 'rrniiHfi'rl Union llopol , I'uiini IJ HIuiii l'1'ruiufor ' ' .Mil a m I'lilcMun Kxpiuii . .7TT > ( IJU p in ID ( HI p in I . . Clilr-MO KnprrHD U.til H in JU.IIMII' ' l rititon hiif.iK . i 7 1.1 n m Umvin" I HlllliX CITV A PACIFIC , Arrlvo" Trninli'rl _ Union Ixm.t . < VHIIIC | | llluiK Trmi-fur 7 Din nil Hlonx ( Ity Airoinmod itlou ( l U a in Ulto p ml KU I'nul Kxura IDI/J p in UoWs Nerve Tonic Tills ' UurolniouiunU.nrrTOUNiinill'lijtl. ealDebilityltul Kxlmuillun , I'alu Clrcalitlon , llluo I.loeH noder tlio Kj , l'lnirleiniilnllolliorNffTO ( . ot Illood L'Uoaio * la Kltlicr Hex. Hobb'a Nerve Tonio Pilla WAKES NEW HEALTHY BLOOD AMD RESTORES THE NERVOUS SYSTEM I TboylirlntfttinroNy tliitofllcullli to tlia i NnlliMV clii > ! lc. If younronuirorlng from Do- ranKomontol the NorvcM , Jinpliro Illouu or i i K'UMt Hrrorn. you should at ouoo tnko Ir < I lloltbh * Nvrvo 'J'oiilc IMIIx , tbo Orenl I Eilfo H < Hlo\voruH they will onrlcli your Uloml and tlrvnirttienyuur Norvon. I'rlco , 60 centa It viol , For Bale by ilruxgloU or u ut by mall. , HOBO'S [ V1EDIOINE CO. BAM PIUMOI8CO , CAl. CHIOJLQO.