Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by Carrier In any part of the City.
Business Onico , No.ID. .
Nljrht Editor. No. ! EJ.
N. Y. P. Co.
Council Uluffs Lumber Co , , real.
Craft's chattel loans , 201 Sapp blocrt.
If you want water In your yard or house
eoto'Ulxby1 ? , WW Mcrrlam bloi-lc.
The cnso of C. K. Stone against the city
wns on trial all day yesterday Itr district
J. K. C. Smith and Catherine Main , both of
Koutb Ornahti. worn married ycstorday Dy
Justice Swoarlngun.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
to UuatalY E. Susdorff of Omahaand Nora K
Sucger of Greenville , Pa.
The Married Ladies' Social society will
meotThursday afternoon at the roildeneo of
Mrs. G. H. Brown , ( WO Mynstor street.
A meeting of tbo Ancient Order of Hiber
nians is to be held next Sunday to complete
tlio preparations for the grand celebration on
the r'ourth of July.
The members of the Pythian Sisterhood held
a plcnlo yesterday afternoon In Falrmount
park. It was attended by a largo number of
the friends of the order.
The arguments of the attorneys In the
case of J. W. Squire against R B. Hart and
G. R Wright were made In superior court
yesterday morning nnd the case was sub
mitted lo the court.
The suit of Jennie White against David
Gray , for the possession of the upper story of
the building nt 15 South Main streetwas put
on trial in the district court yesterday. It oc
cupied nearly the whole day ,
The Oddfellows will have a celebration at
Atlantic today , In honor of the consolidation
of the two lodges nt that place. There will
bo a largo number of members of the order
from all parts of the state. L. Bioilorman
of this city will bo present and will respond
to the toast , "Welcome. "
The Council Bluffs hose tonrn will Icavo
next Monday for Cedar Hap'ds ' to attend ttio
stnto tournament. The members are confi
dent that thov will lead anyone who tries to
Deal them'a lively chase. The records that
have been madn by them in their practice
beats have been very good.
In police court yesterday Joslo Hulbert and
Agnes Belmont , the two oyprians who in
dulged in a knife contest Tuesday afternoon ,
were lined fin. 10 each. Tom Burns and C.
W. Tuttle , who were arrested for being all-
around crooks , were discharged because the
court did not sco the matter in the same light
ns the policeman who arrested them.
W. Hone , who has boon for a number of
years accountant at the Union Pacilio trans
fer , has resigned his position and will go
into the grocery and feed business at Beat
rice , Nob. J. Meyers , who has been assist
ant accountant , takes Mr. Hone's place ,
while ttio vacancy caused by Mr. Meyers'
promotion will bo tilled by A. Ehrcnstoln.
Miss Kuto I'urcell , who has graduated In
dressmaking from Mrs. L. Simmons' , lias
taken Mrs. Simmon's business ami hasopencd
her establishment at thorornorof Eighth and
Mill streets. Miss Purcell Is a skillful artiste ,
and Mrs. Simmons wishes to assure the la
dies of Council Bluffs that her work will sat
isfy thorn In all respects. Mrs. birnmons
quits the business entirely.
Articles of incorporation were Hied with
the county recorder yesterday by the Na
tional Building and Loan association of
Council BlutTfl , with a capital stock of $10-
000,000. Tlio ofllcers of the corporation are
as follows : T.J.Evans , president ; W. II.
Thomas , vice president ; S. B. Wadsworth ,
secretary : J. P. Weaver , John Schoentgon ,
G. R Wilglit , Thomas Bowman , .1. E. R
McGco nnd Lucius Wells , directors. The ob
ject of the association is the same as that of
other similar associations.
The report was circulated on the streets
yesterday that Ofllcor Murphy was down
With an attack of the smallpox. The rumor
was given color by the fact that ho arrested
Ed Lavin , the Ncbla man who is now in the
pest house with an attack of the much
dreaded disease. Ofllcor Murphy was vac
cinated the same evening that ho met Levin ,
and tbo vaccination has commenced to take
effect. It Is doing so with such n vengeance
as to render it necessary for him to stop
work , but the rumor that ho lias the small
pox is wrong. There is no danger of an epi
demic , according to the statement of City
Physician Jennings.
Park races , Omaha nnd Council
Bluffs , Juno 1M'J , M.OOO ; Sept. 8-11 , fO.ttX ) ;
Oct. 'JO-'J'.1 , fl.OOO. For programmes address
. Nat Brown , seo'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , ! )0 ) Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145 , High
grodo work a specialty.
J'KKNOXAi , Jt-AllA < 3ll.t I'JIS.
Charles Bauglm has gene to California.
E. L. Shugart loft for Chicago last even
G. E. Brooks of Salt Lake City was a
Bluffs visitor yesterday.
John E. Ashlos and A. J. McClnrcn arn at
tending the convention of iho third party in
DCS Moines.
Mrs. L. Heldcrman nnd daughter , Hosa ,
have gene to Muscatlno , where they will
make n visit of ttiroo or four weeks.
H. W. Bycrs of Harlan , G. W. Culllson of
Shelby and L. J. Nottlotou , cashier of the
Tabor bunk , were In the city yesterday.
W. T. Smith , formerly presiding older of
the Methodist church for this district , now"
nt Indlanola , was In the city yesterday visit
ing friends.
J. N. Brown of Brooklyn , J. V. McDowell
and E. H. Walters of Om.iha attended a
molting of the Burnham-Tulloys company
yesterday afternoon at the Grand hotel.
Dr. A. P. Haiichott and wlfohavo gene on
n month's trip to Now York , Philadelphia
and other eastern cities. Dr. Haiichott will
attend the American Homeopathic institute
which meets nt Baltimore oa the Kith.
A. J. Earllng of Chicago , general manager ,
and C. A. Goodnow of Marion , superinten
dent , of the Iowa division of the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad were In the
city yesterday attending n meeting of the
Union elevator company.
The finest line of spring nnd summer
goods , most expert workmen , is what you
llnd at Keller's , iho tailor , : I10 Broadway.
/ p * , Pianos , onjnns , C. B. Muslo Co. , 53S B'wny.
Colfnx Springs vlu tlio Itock Inland.
Everybody Uns hoard of thorn , located on
the "Groat Uock Island Kouto. " Colfax has
n dozen medical mineral springs and hun
dreds dally testify to tlielr merits. 'Sovon
llrsl-class hotels furnish pleasant homes nt
very low rales to the throngs of noalth mid
pleasure seekers.
Now School
A meeting of the school board will bo hold
his ovonlng for the purpoio of making
further arrangements with regard to thu new
school building which Is to bo built at ttio
corner of McGcoavonuo and Harrison stroot.
U'ho property on which the building is to
stand has been purchased from H. C ) . McCieo
for # 1.500 , and the next thinIn order is the
adoption of plans for the fctruuluro. Bell &
norllnghnf nro the only architects that have
offered to bid for the drawing of the plans ,
und they have prepared a set of plans which
will be presented to the board tonight for Its
approval or rejection. They have iiBrued to
superintend tho'work of construction for loss
than faoo , and a member of the board stated
yostcrdav that tlio contract would In all prob
ability bo let to them. The plans which have
been prepared are for a four-room building ,
instead of an eight-room , ns was nt llrst in
Wh n P by wan ilck , w guve her Cutorln ,
If ben ( howns n ClilM , ihurrUM forCiutorio ,
rVhea itie became Mki , klie clung to Caslorla ,
Wlum ilut tuvj CUUJniu , IUD i-ovo
Important Land Decision Given in the
Dts'.riot Ouitrti
Original Surveys Wore Incorrect
Title to u Valuable Tt-niit of Imml
Settled In Favor of ttic
An important decision was rendered In the
district court ye'tenlay , In Mi > ) case of Will
iam Slodontopl ot ul. iiiMitisl Godfrey Par-
trldgoi'tal. A tract of land con till n I UK about
two square miles was the subject of the dis
pute which led to the law suit. The land
lies ni-ur Honey Crook , several miles north of
the city. Thoru are a largo number of frac
tional lots containing a few aeroi each , lying
along the meander line of the rlvor , ai It was
aid out by the government surveyor * In
l-.1t. Rotno of thuso fractional lots were
purchased by SloJcntopf , who then applied
the doctrlno of accretion to the case and
claimed all the laud adjoining the
lots , between the meander line
nnd the river , which Is nearly a
mile away. Partridge In nls defence claimed
that the surveyors had not laid out the
meaner line whuro It belonged , but had
turned to one side on , account of the swampy
condition of the land on the river bink. Ho
brought In evidence to show that trees two
foot or rnoro thick had been found at the tlrno
of the survey growing on tne land which It
was claimed had been added by accretion
since that tlmo.
The decision of the court was In favor of
the defendant. The Ir.Junutlon which was
secured by Slcdentopf to prevent Partridge
from trespassing on the land was dissolved.
The title to the property is awarded Part
ridge. and In ; Is given a Judgment of $100
damages. The land is covered with a heavy
growth of limber , and Is valuable.
Watch the daily papers Friday for the an-
nouiici'inciit and prices at the Boston store.
Their special Jus'c * M.R coMMr.Ncm S vrinc-
DA and will continue for two weeks. Uos
ton Stoic , Council HI lifts , In.
Mar Uouricius , music teacher , removed 10
f > : M Uroadway , over C. B. music company.
The Itotlom KullH Out of ttic Saloon
Injunction C'nuoH.
Where Is Attorney P. 1C. be.ibrook !
Tliut Is a question which has agitated the
mind of some of his friends for the past few
days. When ho commenced uls seventy-two
Injunction suits against the saloon keepers
last spring it was prophesied that he
would soon find out what a moun
tain ho was attempting to carry ,
and drop it. lie carried bis bur
den , however , longer than a goou many pco-
plu thought ho would , but Judging from ap
pearances ho ha * decided that the quickest
way for him to get rid of the unpopularity
which his move won for him was by [ raving
the city , and ho has loft. He sold out his
furniture , gave up his ollico in the Mornum
block , and took the train lust Monday for the
south , where ho formerly lived.
Whether his business will go on can not
yet bo determined. 0. R Houlton , It U said ,
will take up the trial of the injunction suits
where It was left off and will try to engineer
then through to a successful termination.
lie was looking for the papers in the cascj a
few days ago , but they were taken away by
Seabroblc and ho cannot got the court Hies
without an order from thu court , which will
hnrdlv bo given In the present case , so that
It Is hardly lilcolv that the trials will go on.
The saloonkeepers , as many of them as know
of Reabroolc's ' departure , are somewhat
hilarious over the turn affairs have taken.
They do not anticipate nny further trouble
from would-bo cnjoluers.
iiX the County Scat.
Attorney C. AI. Karl returned yesterday
morning from Logan , where ho spent Mon
day and Tuesday in the Interest of Mis
souri Valley In the county seat squabble
which is now agitating the people of Harri
son county. Ho appeared before the county
supervisors with a petition containing 4'JOO
names of citizens , asking for the removal of
the county seat from Logan to Missouri Vnl-
ley , and the attorney for the other sldo pre
sented a remonstrance containing about
thirty-llvo hundred names of Lognnltos.
There was a great deal of excitement over
the matter ur.d the meetings of the board
nro attended every day by crowds of
representatives of the two factions.
The parties who were in favor of
moving the county seat to Missouri
Valley claimed that they could prove that
false Inducements had boon hold out to the
citizens ot the county to sign the remon
strance , and the friends of Logan claimed
that over half of the signatures of the peti
tion had belonged to Idiots , Insane people ,
minors , non-residents and other inoligibles.
Evidence that would tend to establish either
of these theories was ruled out , however , by
the board. The petition and the remonstrance
contained s , 10 ! ) signatures , while there nro
only 15,000 voters in the county , so It Is evi
dent that then1 is a eoloto.l man concealed
somewhere on the premises. The board has
adjourned and will moot again next Monday
evening , deciding in the meantime what they
will do about Investigating the charges of
corruption , _
Furniture , carpets , refrigerators , baby car
riages , stoves , crockery , and all liouso fur
nishing goods , cash or on easy payments , at
Mandol & Klein's.
Watch the dally papers Frldav for the an
nouncement and prices at the Boston store.
Their special Ju.xi : S.U.H COMMIIXCKS Svrtw-
D\Y and will coatlnue for two weeks. Dos
ton Store , Council Bluffs , la.
NOWH from tlio "OnniH. "
Yesterday's dispatches announced that the
gamblers had been driven out of Burlington
nnd that their paraphernalia had b on boxed
up and sent to this city. An Investigation of
the report yesterday resulted In the discov
ery that a lot of gambling devices wcro
rented to William Llhoboriror , who formerly
kept a gambllnir house In this city , by n man
who had irene out of the business. Linobcrger
moved to Burlington about a year ago , and
lias been there uvorslncc. The stuff is being
returned to Its owner and that probably ac
counts for the report that Council Bluffs Is
about to bo visited again by the knights of
the green cloth. A well Known member of
the profession st.itedestordny Hint , so far
as ho know , there would bo no moro than the
usual number of gamblers in the city. It is
curtain that the games will not bo allowed to
run openly as before ,
Watch the dally papers Frlitav for the an
nouncement and prices at the Boston atoro.
Their s | > oolnl Jisi ; SAI.U c'o.MMKM'iis SVITH-
invaud will continue for two weeks. Bos
ton btore , Council Bluffs , la.
Morgan's prices for furnljuro on Install
ment plan lower than any other liouso In city ,
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Julco
tablets. They are delicious ,
For upwards of u generation Theodore
Thomas has been the central figure In the
mUHlcalltfo of the country. His name has
stood for the very host In the beautiful , rc >
lining , ennobling art , and though Omaha
may bo tlvo hundred miles from what Is
bhoiily to bo Mr. Thomas' now home , as long
as ho Is that near lovers of music can truth
fully say that they live beneath the baton of
America's uhlefiMt musician ,
Not content wUh having rovenled to the
devotees of his iivt the musters of the past ,
Theodore Thomas has 1:0110 farther and given
us glimpses of th shadowy imislo of the
future und predominant In that clasulllcaUoii
Wagner particularly occupies the honored
place ,
A proper estimate can hardly ho placed
upon the work Thomas had douu for lovers of
the hlchcst class of musical compositions ,
1 ( a has Interpreted the fnntnsle.t of Suhu-
mniin , the songs of Rubinstein , the Schubert
transcriptions of Liszt In that masterful
style of his until tbo now world has caught
the enthusiasm of the man and taKcn up
with renewed Interest the study of thu
But not content with the triumph of the
i iwt "ho Is still pushing on and on , " as tleorgo
William Curtis .said of him. "llko Columbus ,
sailing beyond thu horizon Into the unknown
seas. But through nil thu changes the ono
llguro which hus remained , the laiircuto of
the past nnd the herald of thu future , Is
Thcodoro Thomas. "
While there ore other great directors In
Atncrlct , and this is not In the least meant
to bo disparaging to the ability of Anton
Soldi or Walter Damroscb , still Thomas Is
nearer to us than all others , for the west has
had a taste of that which the world regards
thu highest tyno of musical thought , and this
typo has been revealed to us by
the eminent director whoso orchestra
won so great a triumph at thu afternoon and
evening performances of yesterday at tno
At the matlnco the orchestra's best mini-
bow were Vorspiel from "Molstorslnger , " by
the Shakespoaio of music , Kichard Wagner ;
the unllnlsheil symphony in B minor No. 8 ,
by Schubert , and Grief's siilUi "Peer CSynt. "
Their rendition was a revelation to the atldl-
cnco. The unfinished symphony Is one of
the most sublimely beautiful compositions
ever written , and was given in u superb
manner by the inagnlllcont orchestra.
Throughout the second part there runs a
minor .strain that suggests oven to nn unl'ii-
aginative nature the divine inspiration of the
theme so tenderly developed by the com
poser , and so wonderfully Interpreted by the
Last evening the orchestra was even heard
to better advantage and I Li beautiful inter
pretation of Bcothoteu's C minor symphony
No. . "ijcannot be praised enough. Notwith
standing that late coiners creaked down the
nislc-i , nothing could dim the lustro of the
tonal qualities of the band , especially m the
magnltlccnt llnalo which Is known and loved
oy every musician. The beauty of the
pianissimo passages in the schnrzo were lost
on the nudiuncc on account of those who
persist in dining at : : ! 0 o'clock and coining to
the theater at SW. : :
"Siegfried's Uoath" from Wacnor's "Got-
tcrdammerung , " nnd the "Tannhauser"
overture gnvo the lovers of music an oppor
tunity to Lro into cestucics and the applause
which followed both numbers indicated
that the seeds were commencing to taku root.
If Americans got an impressionist view of
music it is not to bo wondered at. Foreign
celebrities , attracted by the unblushing men
dacity of the pitiful pretenders who como to
this side of the pond and go back to boast of
their success and convoy the false Idea
that anything Is good enough
for America , fit across the pub
lic gaze Incessantly. They "como
like slrulows nnd depart , " and on the public
which bears ono style one day and tomorrow
another , they make no more Impression than
footprints on the sands of the sea. it Is only
now and then a man comes who is likely to
sut up n milestone to mark the line along
which music is inarching nnd leave
behind him n memory worth cherish
ing. Ono of these men is Hafael
Joseffy whoso piano playing Is
as notable as was iho violin playing of
Thcodoro Thomas years ago. At tbo after
noon performance ho plays Liszt's concerto
in A major , nnd at night the Chopin-Tauslg
concerto in E minor. From u closely
analytical standpoint possibly his best work
was douo at night , although one cannot
help but applaud his Interpretation of Liszt.
His technique is marvelous , which coupled
with a velvety touch and t'uo poetic soul
of the virtuoso makes hU playing remarkable
and raises him to the front rank of the
world's famous pianists. Ho is brilliant , and
rnlined , with a style that is absolutely fault
L'ampanini was n surprise. In these days
of the a-uuto advance agent , one takes with
allowance the stories told by the heralds of
an attraction. Vet in this case they did not
misrepresent. Campanini luu regained his
voice and is singing with much of his old
time brilliancy , although the beautiful flute-
Hue qualitv , which so distinguished his voice
twenty years ago , when .ho was in the zenith
of his faun ; , Is lacking. Still thu method is
there , and tbo voluma too. At the nntlnoo
he sang an oria from ' 'Eurynntha" and
in the evening "Adelaide" by Beethoven ,
one of that composer's almost forgotten
pieces , its orchestration having been accom
plished by Air. Thomas. This song won an
encore. "Open Thv Lattice , " by Greirb , n
very rythmic bit of composition.
Miss Fleming is not properly classed.
While possessed of a contralto voice of largo
compass , it Is very crude , showing lack of
proper training , and the young lady will have
to "bide n weo" before the public will take
kindly to her style of singing.
Both concerts were largely patronized , the
audience of last evening beiug part'cularly
fashlonaolo , and the Apollo clubunder whoso
management the concerts wcro given , bin es
tablished a nice nest egg for next season's
Owen to be Made
MipcrlntrmliMit of Immigration.
WisiuxciTox , June 3. [ Special Telegram
to TUB 13KH.J--H is the Intention of iho presl-
ilent to take up and dlsposo of the question
of the appointment of a superintendent of
Immigration within a few days , probaoly
this week. It has been determined that the
appointment can bo demanded at any time
and the salary paid out of the head tax levied
upon emigrants. It is altogether probable
that ox-Congressman W. U. Owen of Logans-
port , Iml. , will bo appointed. Mr. Owen is
now ut West Baden , Ind.
C. C. Frost , formerly of Huron , S. D. , who
was shot hern the other night , Is likely to re
cover , but is not out of danger ,
Leave of absence tor three months , to tnko
effect on or about Juno 1 , is granted Major
David L. Huntlngton , surgeon. The loivo : of
absence granted First Lieutenant John
Adams Perry , Eighth Infantry , Is extended
llvo months with permission to sro beyond
the soa.
_ _
Shot nnd Killed HH | U Iff.
Ci.Rvr.i.ANit , O. , Juno ! ) . Emerson Money-
smith , n restaurant keeper at Scott , a small
town on the dividing line between Vanwort
nnd Paulding counties , this state , went homo
drunk Tuesday night and osuiultcd his wife
with a scantling , knocking her down and
cutting a long gash in her scaip. Money-
smith then loft the house , tmt returned soon
after , nnd tinning his wife had regained con
sciousness ho secured a revolver and shot her
dead , the ball passing completely through
her body Just below the waist. Ho was ar
rested soon after and locked up in Jail.
DoWltt's Little Early Ulsors , bjjt pill.
XKn'S OtiKSTKitltAV. .
The wasu committee of the Iron workers
In sessional I'lttsburg completed Its work and
presented the scale to the convention.
The llr a twDlve-lnch stool gun over made
In the Unltod ' tales has heeii completed at
\Vatcrvllet arsenal and shipped to the Sandy
llooK proving ernund for testing.
At Cincinnati the American llasohall asso
ciation hold a mcoilriK behind closed doors.
It Is understood that It has been ducMed not
to move thu Cincinnati club to another city.
The director * of tbo Amiirleiin suar lufln-
IIIK eompuny have do > | ilud to dodaro a full
semi-annual dividend on preferred stouk and
ol iiNlilu unniiteli tn provide for the dividend
on preferred stock for thu rust of the year.
The south-hound pa-S'iist-r train on the
Missouri. Kansas , v Toxus mul In a head-end with n north-h'iunil freight at Km-
poila. Kan. The passenger tr.iln rim Into a
snitch on whleh a freight was staniiliu- . The
pashcnuor was rimntni : at a slow niloof spued ,
lloth enuliiiis. however , woio demolished and
suverul froUht cars wuro tulum-npud , Hutu
eiulneerH anil both llruintiii uiuu severely
heahleil , but nut fatally ,
' Positively cured I'
those Little IM'.ls.
Thcv also relieve DIs
trc-ss from Dyspepsia , In
ITTLE digi'Mlon and Too Hearty
IVER Kntliip. A perfect rctn
edy tor DlzilncM , Xnuaca ,
PILB.S. Drowsiness , Had Taste
In Urn Mouth , Coated
Toaguo , I'aln In thafl < lo ,
regulate tbo Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
01 !
It ,
We hay'e straw hats for every man and boy in Omaha , they must be sold in the next
ten clays. You' ' can buy a single hat for less than dealers pay for them by the case. Men's Fine
Mackinaw Braid , in all shapes , at 25c , 35c and 50c. Don't be afraid of the quality on account oj
the low prices. Hat dealers get double these prices , The finest braids manufactured will
be found i our stock , prices $1 , $1.25 and $1.50. Don't pay a fancy price for an article no better ,
Young men's flat brims , the latest shapes , in black and colors , $1.25 and $1.50.
We have all sizes in the balbriggan underwear advertised last week at 75c per suit , and
about two cases each of the brown balbriggan shirts at 15c and 25c ,
Good clothing is always the cheapest. Don't buy until you have seen our popular
styles , at $12 , $15 and $18 , for hot weather. Don't fail to see our skeleton serge coats and vests *
Largest , Glotliiiier House West , of ttie Mississippi-
fl lKAl KA
Kansas Oity Shippers Withdraw Their Coin-
plaints Against Western Roads.
Financial Affairs ol'lho Company De
crease In Gross ami Xct Hurnli
Western Passenger Asso
ciation Matte : s.
CmMo. . , Juno 3. The Kansas
City grain men will withdraw their com
plaint against the Sartta Iff , Hook Island ,
Missouri I'aclllc and Union Pacilic , filed
some tlmo ago bcforor the interstate com
merce commission. The papers had nil been
Hied and the arguments prepared by the
Kansas City attorneys to bo made before the
commission , which was to sit hero this
month. The cause of the withdrawal Is not
stated , but the surmise is that a compromise
has been effected. It Is'known that "certain
concessions have boon madd by some of thn
roads , which , it is claimed , reduces the al
leged discrimination agahist Kansas City tea
a minimum. The Hocn'Islnml has agreed to
pro rate ut this point , nnj other roads hnvo
promised rates into Kansas City which will
go far to oven up with the shippers.
Ilouk Island Kluutl.m.
CHICACIO , Juno H. The annual meeting of
the stockholders of the Chicago , Uock Island
nnd Pacific \vas held today , resulting in the
election of the following named directors : K.
tt. Cable , Hugh Hiddlo. II. II. Bishop , Alex
ander E. Orr and Alexander T. Vanncst
the first four to succeed themselves nnd
Mr. Vnnnest to succeed Sidney Dillon.
Subsequently the bord of directors met
and ro-cloctod the present ofllcors as
follows : President , K. U. Cable ; first vice
president , Benjamin Brctvstor ; second vice
president , treasurer and secretary. W. G.
Purdy ; third vice president , H. A. Parker.
The appointive offices were filled oy the reappointment -
appointment of the present incumoonts , and
Hugh Ulddlo , H. U. Cable , H. U. Porter , H.
H. Bishop and Benjamin Brown to
were constituted an executive com-
'mltteo to servo during the year.
The question of the future policy of the
board was discussed and it was the unani
mous opinion of the directors that the earn
ings of the road should go to the stockhold
ers. In view , therefore , of the fact that
there was a deficit of about 1' per cent on
the capital stock after paying uno usual
I per cent dividend , the board decided
that the August dividend shuld ho
ono half of 1 per cent. 'Iho report for the
year ending March HI , was submitted to the
stockholders. It shows that the gross earn
ings for the company during that porlod were
$ lT,4rith)4 : ) against $17,0:19,001 : for the
previous fiscal year , a decrease
of SKl.'i.-l'Jl. Operating expenses nnd
taxes were reduced from $13,475,0(17 ( in
181K ) , to $ rj-4it.7'JI ; ' in 1801 , leaving not earn
ings of f.-iO.VJltO ( : against W.11H , 1)93 ) for the
previous year , a decrease of $101,154. Cash
receipts of lands sold and interest received
from the Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska
brought the net income up to $0'J7G,15'J. , from
which was paid In Interest on Its bonded
debt , rental , dividends , otc. , an aggregate of
$ iWIsii ) ( , : : , showing a deficit for the year elM
$ M < .I&1.
At th cotlng of the Western Passenger
association today the question of abolishing
unlimited tickets was further considered.
The outcome was a resolution to discontinue
the biilo of unlimited tickets , but two mem
bers withheld their votes ami It was left
with the chairman to obtain these votes In
tbo atllrnmtlvo In order that the reso
lution may bo recorded as adopted.
Thu question of rates from
Cincinnati to San Francisco. Sacramento
and Portland were discussed mid a resolution
placrd on the minutes to be voted upon ut
the next meeting , The purpose of the reso
lution Is that rates from Cincinnati through
territory not in association shall bo
based on Chicago ami St. Louis rates.
There was consldcrablo'u'is'cusMoa overrates
for the Fourth of July , but'too much divers
ity of opinion to admit of an agreement.
The annual meetingj.o/ , the Chicago &
Kastorn Illinois ratlwa.v , company wits hold
hero today. The old dlrqv'tors , ofllccrs and
executive committee were' ro-electeu. The
company's statement far' ten months end
ing April HO , ft'Jt , show the
gross rnrnlnus to bo fcl , ( l.i"4 : ; operating
expenses , $ lfilO'J77 ; noUoarnlngs , $ | ,5'4OIKI ,
an Increase of $ IS4'W ! ! ; Income from other
sources , $ -1,77 : . ' ; net litwno , $ lSI8Stll ! ; Interest -
terest , rental nnd taxcSfSW,518 ; ; surplus ,
fC4'.ii. : > 0. A dividend ofiJ , ) per cant on pre
ferred stock was declared.payable July 1 ,
Hoolc Inland Dividend.
Nnw YoitK , Juno ! ) . The Chicago , uock
Islam } & Pacific directors declared a quar
terly dividend ot ' per cent today Instead of
thu usual 1 per cent.
Fatal Kxplosloii In a Hawmltl Near
ItoU'ord , Ind.
Iii.roui ) : > , Ind. , Juno . Dusard's sawmill
engine , located six miles west of here , ex
ploded this morning , killing Dobo Kern , Hd-
ward Dusnrd , son of ono of the proprietors ,
.lames Perkins and ( Jranger Hvann , all of
Fayettcvillo. The clothing was stripped off
of two of the killed. Thu holler was an old
ono. The loss Is estimated at * U'0,000. ,
The WntorCoivn Cyoloiu1.
ST. PAI i. , Minn. , Juno I ) . A special to the
Pioneer-Pn < s from \Vatortown , S. D. , sayh
Uoports of yesterday's cyclone como lu
171OK KENT Ono of thr. oust imylnv hotels In
-L Missouri Valley , la. ; onu block from
depot ; i.1 } blocks from postolllce ; 2.1 euocl
rooms , partly furnished ; easy terms to rlKht
party. Address 11. O. Warner , .Missouri Valley.
AT Swan k Walker's If. Main street nnd Iii :
I'carl , Council Mlnlfs , you will always ( Ind
a "Himp bargain" In real estate If you want to
buy , or a food place to list u bar uln If yon
wunt to sell or trade.
"JjlOU SALE An abstract and Insurance busl-
J. tiet ; good livery stock and i-ontrnllliiK In
terest In an established business. Will taku
some gojd eliy pi i/erty. Johnston > t Van
WANTED A peed , second hand safety bl-
uycle , for cash. ! ' . Lamb , us , l.VJ Gra
ham avenue. Council ItlulY * .
FOR PALE Klcgunt enrrlago team and fine
single drivers ; prlres reasonable ; eMl
and see them before buying. Isuao M. Smith ,
-sales htablcs No. 419 North Seventh stioet ,
Council llluirs.
MAGNIFICENT aero oropcrty In live-acre
tracts , located ! ! < i miles from postollloe.
fur sale on reasonable terms. Sonic.'lino resi
dence property for rent by Day & Hess.
FOUSALK-Ourllne suitable
for riding or driving. Apply to 1110 S. Oth
' .reel.
rpO lovers of hor.-cs The lamest lot , of oats
Jand tlm finest In the city ; also hay und
feed or , all kinds , at S. Goldstein & Co' 1X2
West Broadway.
CLAIRVOYANT and psychometric , or char
acter readings ; ulno diagnosis of disease.
Send lock of hair for readings by letter. Sun
days and ovcnlnzs. .Mrs. R Hooper. HiU Ave
nue K , near corner 15th St. , Council II nils.
Terms. 60c and Jl.OO.
T71OII SALK-HotoI centrally located , doing
J-1 good business. Or will exchange for good
farm In western Iowa.
Hotel lease , farn.turo and fixtures ; an A
No. 1 chance to stop Into a good paying busi
ness. Keasons for selling , other business re
quiring all owner's attention.
Ilargalns In residence and business prop
erty. H. 1' . Ofilccr , real estate ana insurance
ugenU No. 13 N. Main St. . Council I'lulfs.
FOU KENT The McMahon block , 3 story
brick , with basement and elevator. J. W.
Eqniro , 1U1 1'oarl street.
"EnOR3\LE or Uont 3inloa Und , with
J ? houiei. by J. 11. Itlaa. 10J Mala it. , OouaaU
Bluff *
'iho Wonderful Now Process Vapor
We sell the only genuine Now Process
nnd the celebrated Quick Meal New Process
stoves , the best miulo. Ono difference between -
twoen the genuine and Imitations Is that the
imitations have a small necdle-liko tube to
draw oft oil that don't evaporate ; the penulm
lias no such flimllams. Wo have sold nearly
ono hundred already this season. Lights
like pus ; absolutely safe ; no smoke or soot ;
as simple as a cook stove. See us before
buying. A few line 15.00 gas ranges closing
out at $10.00 each.
The best ever offered : 20 per cent discount
over lost year's prices.
Ijiivvn MnwcrH.
Highest grade only 0.00. Screen wire
doors , frames , etc. , etc.
Largest stock in the -.vost. The famous
Little Giant bov'u wheel , the Victor , highest ,
grade , world's best wncclboth for ladles and
gentlemen. COM : UOI.K ,
41 Main Street.
Don't Give Away Money
And get nothing In return. Von are simply
dulng It when you pay thu price commonly
asked for an ordinary lawn mowur If the prluu
Is more than J'l.O'J. Wo will sell yon u llrst-
clusa , warranted and guaranteed twelve-Inch
mower for B.XI. ( Kxamlno thimi.
G'trdcn i'onu tu per Kt.
Good unallty and will give yon satisfaction.
Como und see It.
Tlio Hem KcfVlcerator
Is the North S'tar It Is not IIUo some others
that art ) warranted to freeze without I In
dog-dayx. It ( lees use some ice , but uses lens
and produces u lower temperature with less
than any other refrigerator on thu market.
Mexican lIiiiniuookH , 7. u.
They aio worth looking ut nnd will give yon
lots or comfort during the summer.
Colninliiu ltlcyulo.4.
Plenty of them now to supply all demands.
Them lu no other In the world equal to It.
Huso hall goods , stop-ladders , water i.-oolurs ,
hampers and clothes baskets , the llghtn ng
leo iTuam freezers , thai fn-r/.u In from three
to 11 vu nilnnl's..fioin fl.'J.'i 1111. .Junior gusu-
llnu stovus from M tntr. thn Itellulilo. thu host
I'roce&s.Kvtiporallng ' stove made ; for bale only
at I' . U. DuVol's , Ml Uroadway.
slowly from the rural districts. The report
of three fatalities has been confirmed. The
victims' were Henry Crigor , his seven-year-
old son and Conrad Haag , a neighbor. They
wcro In a barn owned uy Criger when the
storm cainoon. It first lifted the building
from Its foundation and nil but these throe
escaped by running from the falling building.
Nevada ImwyoiSululdcH. .
CAHSONNov. . , Juno I ) . Judga T. I ) . Ed
wards , district attorney , committed suicide
last night by shooting himself. lie had been
sutTurlng for some tlmo from nervous pros ,
trillion. He is suppose ; ! to h.ivo been labor
ing under a tit of temporary Insanity.
itiI > KUKI run ,
especially when your health
mny bo nt stuko. If any ono
oilers you Johiuin IfnlT's Mult
Extract und "Johuim HotrV
B'Smturo ' | ifi "ol on tllQ noulc ° '
tlio bottle , tlo not tuko it under
any clroumdlanco-
With an Entirely New Line of Goods Bought foi
Cash Direct From the Manufacturers.
Cash Always Talks.
I have secured some of the 8OO Men's Black Worsted Suit !
greatest bargains in men's and At STZ.OO
' heard of in this
ever '
6OO Men's All Wool Dress Suits ;
city. I can sell men's and boys'
in different styles , from
clothing BO per cent off or manu
facturers' prices. I am prepared
8OO Boys' All Wool Knee Pnnts\
word I
to back up every say by
and In different styles , at
showing goods giving
prices. For example , here are BOO.
a few leaders : OOO Boys' Suits , age A to 14 , dur
ing the sale at
BOO Men's Working Suits SH.OO.
, S3.0O-
4OO All Wool Boys' Suits ,
8OO Men's Suits nt 4 to 14 , at
I Carry a Splendid Line of Gents' Famishing
Goods , Hats , Caps , Boots , Shoes , Etc ,
546-548 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Ills tlio amount thit : iiooplo siivo , not so
much what they cum , that ovontiiiilly iiiiiktH !
tliuin rich. In ImyliiK a housulinld noccsslty
llko a riifrlULTiitor It Is wull to consldur MIIIIC-
tliliiK else than tlio first cost In ilutorinlnlni ;
Its t'cononiy. Thu ( luurnscy Hunsuliold HnfriK-
crater Is as handsome ai n pluco of parlor
furniture and costs Ions than any other llrst-
class article , and stands at tlio huad as an
economizer of lie ; , giving the lowest cold air
tutnniiratnro. All the packing Is mineral
wool , the best non-conilnctor of heal anil
inolsturo known. All parts can ho tiikrn out
nnd oil-ailed. InvustiKuto the Uucrnsey
llonuL'hoUl hefuro Duyin ? ,
fj'i\vn Mowers.
The New Quaker City Is In every respect the
counterpart of the l'hllalelilila | , und iitiieh
cheatier. I'rom fHo $7.V carry thu Phila
delphia also und yon can taku your eholeo.
Hcrorn DOOI-H
and window screens , tlio liirKest and In
Ihoelty , and all the latest , novelties In thu
huidwuru line , at SIH'OAUT .t CO.'H.
No. 11 Main Stiuot. Council lllnira.
Over O. fl. Jactiuernln & ( 'o. . .Jowolnr Stor
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchors' ' aid Paston1 Sup. ) ! ! ) ) ,
Markit Fixluraj , Casing ,
plccsiuid Pausaso MakurV Machinery. S' ) ) . I
' ! MnltiMt. . Oonnoll llluirs. lu. AUo Utriluri I
u Hide * am ) l''ur ' * i
TVr < cisj jBttTr TCTvr irjr4"kii A.111
i\i t * inVf UTJLFJujJLii JCS.s J. JuJ-ti
Thu Now Otrdon Hotel , In C'onnell llliHK lias
l > cen complutitly refurniNhod and mixlornl/.ed
throiiKhont , und U now ono of the host helms
In the si nil ) II Is hie itedln thu IIIISIIIUHS part
of thoelty ami the oleotrlo motors p > ss the
iliMjrovury four mlnulin. I'lio i-si-upui. nnd
tire alarms Uinm thout the linlldliu. Htunii
boat , hot and cold waU < r arid .iinshinr In
awry room. Table iinsiirpitsieil unywhuru
ItateK , KM'U a day.
OEO. M. WHITNEY. Manugor.
Council Bluffs , In.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
IB Now Open.
George T. Phelps. Manager ,
Medical and Surgical Institute
HUH. lir.l.UMJKUB ,
Chronlu ( lisnii es of all Muds and deform
ities specialties. No * tiWl and 'MXl llruudwuy ,
Council lliulls , lu.
Of Council Bluffs.
UlUEnrons I. A. Mlllnr , If. O Olu tson. R. f *
filiiik-firt , R E. H.-irUJ. I ) . Gdmundaon , Un.irloi
It. llunnnn. Tranaaot t > : uikln < bust-
ncis. Largest capital and turplui ot any
baiikln ijouthwoitorn Ijwa.
at. ii. c x , .11. n.
Kyo , Kiir , No o nnd Throat
Hicul | IUU
Council llhlH.1 , . . Iowa.
Here oyoi , cro s cyoi ,
painful mul wunlc vltlon ,
carnulio , dcnfiieu , Uli
< ImrnuJ from tlio uiira , cn
tnrrli , liiy : fuvor , iintlin
mill nil ncutu nml ctirunlo
niTttctluiiv uf tliu thront u
upecliilty. ( ilnii u/ui II t-
tuil nliliunliuiln. lilimoi accurntuly iiruacrlbail In
illillcullci o , oftoii curing clinmlo luiir.ilidt enl
sick liuaitnchu. SurKlunl oporiitluin , nliun noca >
nry , puliiloiily parruriuod , msiirlnu liott runiltl
Oila-u. .Sluuiirt-lluno block , room I Council llluJi.lj
FirstNational : - : - Bank
I'alil Up Capital , . . . . $100,000
Olilukt ornanlifd bunk In tlio city Kurolitn ancl
( liiliUKtlc oxcliillvo mul locnl luvurltlui , Mipurln
uttuntlon p.llil tu oolliKHIoni. Aco.nirilH of Inillvli )
iinlH. liunkn. linnkHr.iiuiiluurpuritttuii ) aullcllud. Cur
rimpntidunco luvllod.
liKU. 1' . SANK ! I III ) . I'rnildont.
A.V. . UIKK.MAN , Cuihlor
A T UIOK , AH l < tnnt
All kinds lit l > ymc : .in < l UluuniiiY dime In th *
lIlKhestrityloof the Art , Kitilu < l anil Ht.ilnml
( 'alirlun raado to look in K'ood ai no it. lied
Kealuriu i itMiu-ii lly .SHIHIM , In 1'Vst. n.'m
Manner. Work promptly donii and ilollvoroil
In all paru of the country tend for prlcu
list ,
O. A. MAiJIIAN. I'rnp. ,
101J Uroadwar. Nnar Northwuitora Uuyji.
UOUNOII. lliurrs. IA.
Gas Heating Stoves.
No AHiiEtil No SMOKK.
Just the thliii ! for bath rooms , lied roon.a , otu.
Call and hei. ounurn'o assortment.
C. B. Gas nncl Elaatrio Llgin Co.
ill 1'eurl and 210 Main Hircab