THE OMAHA DAILY BE ; THUHSDAY , JtJNE. 4 , 18D1. PEARS AND SOWDERS FAILED , Omaha's ' Hard Hitters Do Up a Pair of Ambitious Kansas Oity Pitchers. EITELJORG'S ' SUCCESS ON THE KAW. IM die's .Scandinavian Arm Too Much Tor the Illtii'M Lincoln Pulls Out Another * Oamo In the Ninth. Omaha , 13 : Kansas City 1. Lincoln , 5 ; Denver , 4. Minneapolis , 5 ; St. Paul , 4. Milwaukee No game ; rain , KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Juno I ) . [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin ; BKK.J As the gnmo today was the last of the Omaha series n largo croxvd , probably twenty-five hundred or moro wns out to sco it. The tnoro's the pity that a ball game wasn't there to be scon. Omaha was there as brisk as a dog with a new brass collar , und tilayod Its nnrt of the game right no to the handle from start to llnlsh. If Kamas City nad been In the same humor a very pretty guino might havn been seen. In- atcnd of thut , after Pear3 was Knocked out of the box nnd Sowdors had mailu tno wildest throw on record , Omaha getting six runs In I'm meantime , the Illuos quit trying to play ball. They played for ruin , for a'.eyclono , for nn eclipse , for an earthquake , or for any thing else that would slop a gaino of bnIL In Iho fourth inning It looked for r. minute or two ns If they were on top. It rained and Emslio called time , but the weather was simply "playing borso" itself and in a vorv few minutes Emslio had called the boys back to the Held. Plckett wiis touched up for a $ .1 line for getting too guy and throwing the ball out In the Hold. Another titno the ball was silled out to Foster , who Immediately turned his back and meandered out toward the field looking for It. "Hick" Carpenter and Pick- ctt wont out to help find It , but when Dan Stearns nndOuiibon Blurted out Emslio called n halt , throw out a now bdl : and told Man ning If ho didn't ' piny ball Iho game would bo ( riven to Oaiuhu. Shannon cnmo to the but In the fourth In- piug and hit at the bull ns if ho were mowing 7rass. Ho finally got nn easy ono to 'Manning. The manager put out his foot , stopped It , toyed with It for a while , and tossed It up and down. Colonel Shannon looked as If ho was mak ing n dcsnornto olTort to got to llrst base , but nn experienced eye , by noticing closely , would have scon that ho ivns going ul ) nnd coining down In the sumo placo. As a matter of fact , he would have made much moro pro gress had ho followed tbo example of the par- ndoxicul crawfish and journeyed backward. Ho was finally thrown out. The next man at bat was "Uncle Ponup" Jimmy Donnelly. Sowders gave him llttlo chance to do anything , hut sent four balls nnywhoro but ncross the plato. Jimmy took first. first.Hnlllgnn was the next man. Sowdors nltched n ball somewhere over by the players' bench. "Ono br.ll , " said Emslio. "I struck tit dat ball,1'said Hallignn , who observed the clouds getting blacker und blacker. "No , you didn't strike at It , " said the um pire."Yos "Yos , I struck at her. Of course I did. I know when I strlko at n sail. Of course I " Hero the How of conversation was stopped by Sowders , who passed n ball sovcrnl yards out of Mr. Ilalllgan's reach. Around cnmo the bat , however , nnd on wont Mr. Hullignn's conversation. After the fifth innlnc , however , Omaha continued to play the great national game , nnd Kansas City couldn't got within reach of victory , Score' : KANSAS CITV. S'JJIMAIIV , Earned runs : Omaha , 4. Two-base hits ; Smith. Thice-biisn lilis : Shannon , llalllitan. Htoleti bases : Walsh , 2 ; Shunnnn , 1. Double iiluyn : McCuuloy to Wulsh. I-'lrst b.iHo on hulls : OlT I'curs 1 : Sowdors , 4 : Kltoljorg , 4. lilt bypltchml bull : Orlllin , WnMi. Struck oitt : lly Snwdor , il ; Eltollorg- . Tlmo : Ono hour und forty minutes. Uninlio : F.mslle. OTIIKK n'KSTKUX K Iiincoln I'uIlN Out Another Giiinn lu th Ninth Iniiln ? . LINTOI.X , Nob. , Juno 3. [ Sneclnl Tel egram to Tin : BUK. ] The Farmers ngnln pulled the game to victory In the ninth liming ultor a sliurp contest. At the end of the Blxth the score was tied , and for two consoc- iitlvo Innings neither sldo gained any advan tage , ICxcltomont ran high arm bets were freely mado. Finally In Iho llrst hnlf of the ninth Tom- noy made n huso hit. ' Spurred on by the aliout-s of the spectators ho stole second. After-two men were out Burkott struck n grotindei1 out of everybody's roach nnd tiroughUTomnoy In. Ills run saved the day , as the niountnlncnn did nothing on coming to bat , llonch struck out three men , leaving the score &to 4 In favor of Lincoln. In the McCiarr Hew out , White made a two-Doso hit , coming In on Worrlck's lly to loft. Curtis then made n two-huso hit , com ing home on Newman's meteor that How to oft. oft.In In the second Tonmoy got his huso on balls , being assisted homo by hits of Stafford nnd Cllne. In the thlnl McOnrr trot first , coming In on Wctrlck's thrco bagger. lu Lincoln's half of the fourth Cllno reached llrst on four bulls , nnd stole second , coming homn on linymond'.s hit. In the alxth Kogors cot tits huso on balls. Cllne made n two-tmso hit , bringing lu Hoficrs , and being himself brought to the pinto by Raymond's hit. In Iwwor's half Newman made n threo- base hit , coming homo on n iiiss ; > ed hnll. In the seventh und eighth bath sides drew blanks. In Denver' * hnlf tiv n splendid throw from center field by Stafford Munvnii was out off nt the plulo. It.wan n rugged gumo on both sides , errors being plentiful on the parts of Tonmoy , Mo- Gtti-r and \Vtfrrick. The uttundnnc'e wns nbout fcuir hundred. u.snn.N IIKNVI.U. u in ro A Hill TO A E nine , rf J 1 0 U 0 MrtJnrr. Sb.l J 4 1 1 lUimoml , 3b.O Wliltiv . . . .1 l j a | J , Howe , BS..U 0 I I ) Wi'-rli-k. Sb . .l ) 1 ] S 3 H I limn , IB .0 0 T 1 U fnrlU , rf. . . Toranef.Zli.40331 Nowiimi , It. . .1 t 0 0 0 0 3 I 1 0 O'llrlon , Ib . 0 y t 1 1 Burketulr. . u I 2 0 0 Mi-Cli-Uan , cf.U t & 0 S JtuKtM.o I 0 l a 0 Kuurnlor. | > . . .U 0 0 4 0 Hunch , p 0 0 0 3 0 . . . .U ' Totnl . S 4 SI 13 J TotnM . IU 57 13 li HCOI1C bV INNINcl * . Iloooln . . . , 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 1- & r-amer , ? 0 1 0 U 1 0 0 0-- 8IIMUAUV. Knrnedriins. lionror , I. Two-bnto lilti.Vhllo. \ . Thrco-f o hint Werrlck , Newman , hncrlllco lilt : Iturmoncl. Stolen ba o < ) llajmonit. Tuiimex , 31 c- tiarr. While. Mr t tiaimin balli , Fournlur. S. lilt tr pllobixl b.ill : Kournlor. I Struck cult llr llOMli. V ; I'ulirnlor. IVIIU I pllehwi : llimch , I. Tloai ) One hour nu4 forty uilnulu > . triuilro | : Can. Mlnnnlinn nnd HoiiKlo Won It. MiNMAroun , Mlnu , , Juno 8. Mlunonpoli * end St. Paul played twelve Innlnga today. Mlnnehan suvod the game for the locals by a catch uud IIouclo won it by a two-bagger. Moekin pitched a ( treat Duke wns Injured by n butted ball In tbo sev enth nnd tfavo wny to Ivlllon. Score : SCOIIK I1Y I.VM.XCIJ. .MlnncnpolM U 00201 0-0 I 00 I & SU I'nul 0 4 MIMMAtlV. Knrnoilrunni MlnnrmwilK I : Fl. Paul. I. Two- liitoo tills : Troiilwny , liwiwlft Stolen tii e : Mr- yiiiild , llyn , Tnfiilwnr , Ihirlhm. O'lluurke. Double AVoHtoi-n AHHOolution 1'luycd. Won. l-oit. I'ur Ot. Lincoln : i > l y > It . 4I .Minneapolis M 'Jii 15 .8i" > Oniulia : w -J.I n .WCi Milwaukee 41 ' 'I 17 .iM KlinsusUlty. 40 IS ITJ .4V ) Denver 41 IT SI .m MoitxOlty Jfl J.I -'SI ' St. I'nul 41) ) 12 ' 'a MOA \A i , i , K. i < ; vi : , Clilon o If'iH a I l ht Knuirt Ik-iit in j ; I'rooklyn. BIIOOKI.YN- , Juno 3. Today's contest was eloso nnd exciting. Terry was hit hard In the first tc.w innings and was relieved in the third inning by Cnruthers. Hutchlnson pitched tin excellent game for the Chlcagos , only llvo hits being made olT him. Score : Brooklyn . 0 0000000 U-0 Chicago . 1 10 10000' : ! lilts : Brooklyn. 5 : Chleau-o , 3. F.rrors : Itrnolilyn. 4 ; Chicago , It lluttoilos : Terry , Curnlhers und Klnslow ; Hntchlnson and Kitl- rldgo. OKNTI.I : JURMS OKXTI.Y IIAMMKUnil. Pmi.Atir.i.i'iiiA , June : ) . The Phillies irot on to old Pop Ualvin in great shape today. Score : Philadelphia . 1 O-H I'lttsbtlrg . 1 00000200 a Mils : I'hlludelphla. 18 ; I'lltsburg.B. Errors : I'hlludolpblu. L' : I'lllshnrg. ' - ' . Itutleries : Thornton and Clements ; ( ialvln nnd Muck. Kuinod runs : I'hlladeluhla , ( I ; I'lttsbnrg , I. IIKKMAX 1.0X0 A LIVE AOAIX. BOSTOX , Mass. , Juno : t. The homo team easily defeated the Spiders today. Doylo's errors gave the Bostons three of their runs. In the eighth Inning a throe-bagger and two singles ndded two earned runs to the homo teams scoro. Long's fielding wns tlio feature of the gamo. Attendance , 'J. > 0. lloslon. . . t , . ! 0 .1 Cleveland.- . . I 00000000 1 lilts : Hoslon , 0 ; Olevoland , S. Krrors : Itos- ton , " : Cleveland , 2. IIMtorios : Ccl/.oin ! ami ( luiuol ; limber und X.linmcr. Karnod runs : Huston , 2 ; Uluvolund. 1. CIM'IXXATI A SNAP. New YOIIK , Juno ! t. The Giants won nn easy victory today. In the eighth inning Latham saved the Cincinnati's from n shut out by being hit by n pitched ball , stealing second and third nnd reaching homo on a sln- glo by Holllday. Now York. . . . . 0 : t : i 1 o 4 o o 0 11 Cincinnati . 000000010 1 HltH : Now York. 11 : Cincinnati , 1. Krrors : Now York , u ; Cincinnati , I. Batteries : Knsle nnd Itnckluy , Welch nnd Clarke. : Mulluno. and Harrington. ICarnud inns : Now Yoric , 4. Nntloniil Lca m * Stiiiiilin-j. I'luycd. Won. Lost. I'er C't. Ohlcutrr. . M 21 12 JUT New York . : Ci K 1(5 ( J > ti : I'iilludulutdu . : )0 ) III 17 . ! > JS Jtoston . : i5 IS 17 . ! > ll Clovolaml . 117 V > 13 -MJ I'lttsbnrs . Hi Ib 17 .4 : > Ilrooklyn.i . Xi 14 21 .IIH ) Cincinnati . 3tt 14 2-J iS'J ' AJIKHIUAA ASSOUfATIOX. St. LouluVliiH Souiinll I'lnco Cond und Strong rrnni Unllinioi-e. ST. Long , Mo. , Juno : ) . IJaltlmoro could do nothing with McUlll this afternoon , while the Browns batted Madden when hits were ncodfid. St. Louis „ 2 0204000 ; [ U llultlmoro 0 OOOUOOOO 0 Hits : St. I.otils , 8 ; Hultljnoro , 5. Errors : St. I.onls ; M ; Hultlnmri ) , .T. Itutterics : Medill und Munyan : Madden , Van llalterti and Towii"cnf. ( Karned nfns : fit. Louis , 1. OIIAMI'IOVS N'O Ol'I'OSITlOX. LnuisviLLK , Ky. , Juno 3 Louisville wns dofeutod-In a"oiio-sidod contest by Boston today. 1 _ I.onlsvll'lH 0 00020000 2 Ikulon 3 4 0 M 0 4 3 0 * 14 .Hits : Louisville. 8 ; Boston , 12. Krrors : 1-onliivlllo. 7 : Iloston , ' . ' . "Kulim-les : Khrot and Cook ; HuddoQk. O'Brien , linlllngton und .Mur phy. Amoricnu Association Stniullui ; 1 1'layod. Won. Lost. I'or Ct. nnbton. , . 'v 4J 2S 1.1 . ( HI st. f-ouis 48 : io is . r llultlmorn 41 21 17 .Wi CfdlimhiR 44 21 23 .477 AthlothM , 42 20 23 .47H Clnclnnutl 4.i y2.1 \ .4IV > I.onlsvllle 47 20 37 .4 1 Wiibhlniiton r 11 2M .182 Sl'AHK/1 < > / ' Sr Kroinont AYlnn Anotlior. FUKMOXT , Neb , Juno : -Special ( Telegram gram to TIB IJnR. ] Tbn game between the fnlcouors of Omaha and the PromotUs ulaycd this nftOL-noon was In most respects n pretty exhibition. Up to tno eighth Inning the fine phi } in K liy both batteries wns the feature , the score standing t ! to I In favor of Fre mont. In the eighth the visitors lounil Ktm- mel's curves , and by n succession of hits and errors by the home team they got four men ncross the plato. Tno homo team played oven by milking three sconu and tying the game at the beginning of thu ninth , lu the last the visitors scored ere and Fremont three , leaving the score S to C > lu favor of the homo team. Score uy Innings- 1'romnnt . 0 1 K 1 0 0 0 3 ! ! 8 Knlconur'd . . . . .0 0 I 0 0 0 0 I 1 G Ilattorlcs : 1'ier'nont , KIuiiiiol nnd Palmer ; falconer1 ! ) , .Miller und V.ipcr. IMuttMinoii'th'/s / Seven ! li Victory. I'MrrsMorTit , Neb , , Juno . [ Special Telegram ogram to Tim BBB.II'ho homo team won Its seventh ucce > , slvo victory of the season. Inking n tramo.from Silver City by u score of 0 to it , The homo , team's piny was perfect up to the eighth inning , when Itnllowed the visi tors to scoiv P'l a hit ntid two errors , Sam Patterson' * . twirling win phenomenal. Ho gavu his opponents ttirco hltr and struck out fifteen men.- The .same nines will play to morrow. The following was tbo score : PtuUsiuonth . . ; : . .J2 0 ! i 0 0 ! 1 0 1 0 hllver City . . . o U U 0 " 0 0 0 a 1- : ; Kurnud runs : . Huttsnimuh. a. Itnsu hits : I'luttsmonih.ij ; Silver Clly.a. Krrors : Plalt.s- nuiiith 2 : Hllvur City , l ) . Itatlerlos : I'utteison und Clnllio ; I'ullniun und Connolly , .Struck out : Ity I'iilturion. 15 : by Pullman , C. Um pire : lllnklc. _ _ _ 'Iho ' TnylorOli.'Ooo Mill. Barney Taylor and "Irish" McOeo will moot within the squared circle nt ( lOrmaula hnll , South Omaha , Friday ovenltiR for a llnlsti go , for ? TiO a Uo ntjd the entire gate. Taylor defeated McClco last winter In six rounds , hut McOoo claimed that ho wa lu no sort of condition at the tlmo , mid u verita ble chump ns to ring tactics , In the coming event ho says he'll mnko ISaruoy think ho Is before an entirely different tnuii. Ho has trained indtislrlouily and should bo nblo to muko a Hist class showing. Taylor , too , Is keeping himself lu trim and will tnko no un necessary chances. Kpoulnl Train Huiulay. The B. & Al. will make n iiilo for the ben efit of the baseball Inns desirous of going down to Lincoln Sunday to sea tbo Lambs whollop the Farmers , of one faro nnd a third for the round trip. Tbo train will leave Omaha nt 10W : a. in , nnd riiturnlnu , Inivo Lincoln nt Ts'W , nrrtvln-j In Omaha nt p. in. Tlio Indications nro tlm < n oouuln of hundred crunks will take advantage of this liberal rate ntid go down and cheer the Omahiu to victory. Uiindoo . At noon today Iho Patrick land company will start thi > lr horse cars to running. Tbo cars will run on Lowe nvenuo nnd connect - noct with the Walnut Hill ilno and down Lowe nyonuo and Dodge street to Dundee Place , \\ooillnml and L'nuorvvoocl nvotiuov Two cars will ba placed In oporatloa and ( ia sengor wUl bo carried fro * CHASED OUT BY A IIUlffilCM , Qrnd Stand at Latonia Dapojralatod by.tho " Totrifio Storm ; - THRILLING SCENES DURING THE ' RAIN. KortyMllcniiIourVlnti ! - Drnvo Shoots ol' Wntur Tlirough the Crowtls Itpstilts 'of- the Uacus. O. , Juno - a.vA.t Uootf today the weather was warm and clear. Ovcr slx thousand people were at Latoqla When the racing began. At that hour n dark storm cloud gathered on the nocthwcstorn horlzpti. Driven by hurricane they rushed swiftly on , displaying the ominous ollvo green color with llcccy fringes In front peculiar to such storms. . „ The wind struck the grand stand at La- tonln , In which were M,000 , " ( maple , ouo-thlrd of thsm womoti. Then came ttio rain , llrst In streams and afterwards lu sheets. Horse sheds outside of the race course were picked up mid strewn clear across the track , 2UJ yards away. The Iron anatomy of the grand stand creaked. The blinding sheets of water , driven by a forty-mllu-un-hour hurricane , drenched ev erybody. A rush to the center of Iho grand stand did not help matters , The wind toppled tlio upper seats over and rolled them toward the front. Amid screams of women a wild rush was made for the broad central stairway that loads to the pliuzn in front of the statin. Bravo mou rushed Into the crazy crowds and averted a calamity , and the crowd went down safely to shelter under the stand. Many women fainted. Ono woman cleared the fence next the traok with n slti- glo bound and run across the track In the storm. Another woman Is reported to huvo thrown her buby over the ratling into tbo grass afterwards picking it up uninjured. Half an hour later the wet crowd was sitting on the moist benches watching the races. No casualties nave been reported. The rac ing bulletin : First nice , selling , onn inlln and seventy yards. Thu race wus mude ut the close of u hurricane that hud driven everybody out of thogrnnd stand : Aluhon/uwoii by llvo lengths from Wood vn lo second and a length and n half In front of Uoyul Garter third. Tlmo : 1 ItVJVi * Second race , selling , ono mile and twenty yurds : Tenacity won by four lengths , Klrst I < ! iiincoml , uluimth ahead of Gonoial C'uld- well , third. Tlmo : lWl : . Third ruce , a free h.indlcup siveoustake. ono mile und one-sl.xle.onth , three sturtors : Glookner won by u nose , Eli second. Beit ha thh'il , u length buck. Time : 1V4. : Fourth race , sedation stakes , six furlongs. seven starters : lanlto won by two lonisths , Two Hits sooond.The Hero tblid , u hoau In thu i oar. Time : lSHi. : ! Fifth ruce. selling , ( Ivo furlongsi Doro won by a neck , \V. L. Munson second a length and u half In front of Curt Gtiiin. third. Tlmo : ItncrH Hiulier Tamo. Sioux CITT , la. , Juno 3. [ Spoqlal Telo- g'-nm to Tin : HnK.J The track was In Una condition today , but the trotting races were not close enough to bo Interesting : Cluss asLMl. trotting , entries : Mutt Fisher. Oelinont , Victor Wilkes , Klwood. Victor Wllkostook three straight heats , Dolmontsec- ond. Tlmo : -i"i. : CIusi 'Ji'i : , trot , entries : I'rlnce , MncMa- lion , Tlnilborir. Wonder. Thulburg- won 1n t hi eostrulirht heats , I'rlncu MucMahon second , Wonder third. Tlmo : 'JiIIIH. C'liiss1 ' : : ! ' , . pacing , entries : Da vie H , Dandy ! . , Giuat Western. Great Western won In thrco straight heuts , Davlu 11 second. Tlmu : "rW1 . Hiinnlng ruce. half mile und ropeut. thlr- tconcnti les : HonustTom wnnln two straight heut.s , Urlckot seixmd , MlUe Whitney , third. Council 1'latt fourth' Tlmotr > l , ' ' Lixcor.x , Neb. , June ! ) . ( SiVxjiftl1 to Tun BKE. I The spring mopting fthd Nebraska Exposition association of - Lincoln will beheld held In this city Juno 15 , 10 and 17. There will bo S,700 ! in pursos. The races will bo as follows ; Tuesday , Juno 15. ' 1:09 : class , trotting , $ , ' > 00. Sn : : class , trottins , J.yjft HunnlnK. one-half mile and repeat , t\W. \ Wednesday. Juno Ifi. 2:113 : class , uuclng , $ > 00. 2SJ : cluss , trottinii , * , > . Uunning , thrco-qnur- lers of u mile und repeal. ilfQ. ) Thursday , Juno 17. L'I5 : class , tiottln- ' . WOO :20 : cluss , pacing , $ : > 0l. Ji0 : class , trotting ? .VX ) . I'nrses divided In trott Ing Und pnclh'g Classes us follows : M ) , 'J.1.1 ami IU per cent ! riiiTninc races , 01) ) , 'M and 1(1 ( per Cenj. Knt rles to ull races close Monday , Juno 8. Kcsults. CHICAGO , Juno 0. ThoTaccs at' WcSt Sldo jurk ) today resulted as follows : 1'IrM race , six furlongs : Fred Tumi won , Ivanhoe sc'cond , DuUe of Highlands third. Tlmo : lSH : { . Kecond ruco , llvo furlongs : Ulu/e Dnko won , Sax second , Judge Arkoll third. Tlmu : . Third race , eight and one-half fiirlong-s : Ormlowon. lllg I'hrcu second , Contrl third. Tlmo : l.VM. : ) Foiiitb rucu , seven furlongs : Lady lllack- burn won. Hen March second , I'atrlck third. Tlmo : Ii7'8. : : Fifth race , ono mile : Hod Light won. Duster second , Osborno third. Tlmo : t:5'l'i : , rilxth , six furlongs : Onu Dlmo won , Orohocond , ( Jrlsplno third. Tlmo : l : Hi. Trotting at IMiulluu. BAI.TIMOIII : , Mil. , Juiio 3. There was a very largo attendance today ut the Pimlico trotting meeting , and great lutorost was taken in the 2 : . ' ! 0 class for a. stake of $ V > 0 < ) . There were twelve entries. Tom Hamilton wou the race after eight heats , Martin 1C second end , Sudlo M third , Morris M fourth. They were the only ones In at the llnlsh. Best tlmo : 2:20. : The 8i : ; cluss tiot , purse $300 , ! hud seven ntarteih : Iilnkwood Muld uon. Abble second. Hcnton third , Ludy Fuyln fourth. Host tlmo : Third race , SSO class , nnrso $300 , seven jtiutois ; Uharley U won , Virginia Kvans second end Annie Wllkui thlnl. rime : iiMU. ' 'tSI , 3-204- _ _ On thu lliill'alo Trade. I5in'Ai.o ; , N. Y , , Juno 4. Today's rncesro- snltod as follows : First ruco. llvo furlongs : Dictum llrst , Krl- tana .second , Hannibal third. Tlmu : 1:01V. : becond raco. blx furloti ; ; : John Aluood first , Muellagu second , Amazon third. Tltne : lilV < . Thlid raco. seven furlongs : KoHpso llrst , rit. Tutrlek second , Kit thlnli Time : l-'t : ! > . Fi-urth race , ono mllii : Now or Never llrst. Kln Oral ) second , Qncon of Trumps , third. Tlmo : l3\i : ! \ Fifth race , slv furlongs : Kins Altullrst , Salisbury HKvnml. Flrolly third. Tlmo.1UJ : ( . Sixth ruco , steep cohiise , short course : llclu- WHIO llrst. Hlonuwull &ccond , Gludlulor third , Time : Jffll4. : I'nrk ItcsiiltN. Moimis PMIK , N. Y. , Juuo U. The raco3 ' hem today resulted as follows : ' First ruce. llvo furlongs : Kxotlo llrst. Clot bo bccond , I'romonudo third. Tlmo : U'O ' . Second race , ono mile : Tullu Illackburn uoii , ChukupuuUu Becond , Diablo third. Tliuu : 1:40 : , Third rare , nlno furlongs : JCoekoii.won , Kll- dorr second , Oragou o third , Time : 1.V4. : ; ' Fourth race , onu mlle : ll//.lu won , Woodcut ter second , DrI/ilo third. Tlmu : 1:41 : , Fifth race , Hl.x fnrlonrn : Lyceum won , J II second , Unoxrundu third. TliiliH.UlU. Sixth race , llvo fiirionu.s : llyautnthu first , Mlllo II second , Hccois third. Time : 1:00 : * * . Nelirnska City UIIUPH.- NBIIIUSKA Cirv , Neb. , Juno U.r-fSpocIol Telegram to TUB Um.l The Nobnwkij Ity races were hold today. Cousldorablo "excite ment wan occasioned and money -chanirod bands freely. Alvotd , owned. by K.Jl , l < am- beth of thU city wou thu half mlo ) pacing In 1:17. : Thera were two entries for the trotting race , Pot , owned by Charles Schmlnke , and Little Loran , owned by Vash , MucCuHum. The race was postponed on account of darkness - ness , ouch horse trotting B TIIK NT.t'WS A\\ H 11002 : LI not ) ) 11 Carrlcu OfT the WoHtoru olntlon II ( ! KO. htscoi.y , Nob. , Juuo U. [ bpeclaU gram to TUB HEK.J The sovcntoouth : annual tournament of the Nebraska Stuto Sport * inons1 association commenced today at "Lln\ coin nnd will continue the rest of the weak. Thu atttinuuuuovta good , Thu were very close-Tmd aroused conslJerab'o ' cnthu.slatm. In the seven Ihre blrtl shoot ton of the con testants made a clean score. They were I'urmnlcoof OAmhn ; Untohollor of St. Joseph - soph ; Hurnsoii 67 Grand Island ; Nlcoll , Frank Hurr of .Lincoln ; H. K. Smith. D. Ilray , K. S. CraWIl of Hastings ; Stouffcrof Grand Island , nnd J. H. Smith of Omaha. Nine came In for second nloce , each mlislng only ono plucon. They were 1J. Fox of Grand Island ; W. C. Cole , ! ' . K. Mockott of Lincoln : C. K. I-at- shaw of Lincoln ; Hug'ies of Omaha ; Dr. Loncjack of Seneca , Ivan. ; 1) . T. Tlmborlaito of Senecu ; K McntmoMucy. K. Htdlolt of Lincoln. The pJiMrtis were all stronir llyor * ami hard to hit. Those remarnablo scores created great iwtpujshmonl among the spec- In the ten hluo rock shoot Woods , H r- rhon nnd Pnrmaleo tnnilo ten straight. There wore six competitors who lacked only ono of n clean score. In the llftoon slnglp tjml five pair blue rock contest , I3atc.he.llori V.Jotcpli , and Urowor of Oinulm , took irpvoney \ , missing only ono each In the if0"M. ( | 'They made tlio fifteen singles straight. In the ton blue rock contest Woods and Hrowor mndo n clean score , llatchcllor , Harrison , Fox , ( Jrabill , Slouffer , Latshaw and Hr.iv made nlno out of ton. Then followed a spirited contest for the Western association state badge. There were llvo live birds , .six single blue rocks and two pair blue rocks. Eight teams en tered. Thu Omalm team , consisting of Brewer and Pnrmaleo , worn tied with Lat- shr.w and T. A. Can-others of Lincoln for the Ladgo. Then followed n hot contest be tween those loams which resulted In two consccutlvo tics on three slnsrlos and ono pair blttu rocks. The Lincoln boys came olT victorious in the third contest through Pnr maleo nn-J Urowor missing ono single each. The victors were accorded n perfect ovation , ns it was believed that Parmaleo und his companion were Invincible. Several specials followed. Scovlll , Pur- imilco nnd Woods inado clean scores In n llftccu blue rock contest. StoulTor missed ono in the same contest. Tomorrow the events will bo ton hluo rocks , ttftoen blue rocks , and ton llvo birds , with $80 added money. Shooting ; atnlioo. . W.MIOO , Neb. , Juno 3. [ Special to TIIK HHK.J There will bo a shooting tournament hold hero on July 3 nnd 4. Two hundred dollars has been raised by the citizens to bo added _ to the purses that will DO given uway. Some of the best cracksmen in the state will bo here. All shooters will bo accommodated and made welcome. It Is expected that from ton thousand to twenty thousand people will bo lu the city on the Fourth of July. SIltUVK ,1 HIWKK LEAD. Oroat Kxnltoinont lit Wyoming Over 11 loh DovoloiiinciitH. SAUITOOI , Wyo. , Juno 3. [ Special Tele gram to THE BiiE.J There Is great excite ment here over the discovery of a silver lend right in town. On May 1 * K. E. Bonard , U. S. Brown and J. M. Clifford discovered the lend twenty-live feet from the west bank of the river , whcro many hot springs are lo cated. An assay made by E. K. Burlingamo of Denver gives 811.U2 of silver to the ton. The returns wctvimanoycsterday. The load is situated on th.9 . patented land of W. II. Cadwell , proprietor of the Hot Springs hotel here. The llrst claims were located by W. B. Hugus , E. E.iBofturd and U. S. Brown. Other locations ( vL-ro made on both sides of the river , ono of yvjich ) Includes the ground where Cad well's lojol ; stands. The existence of this lead has boon known for years , but nd"nssuy had been made until U. S. Brown , laWjijf-Douglas , Wyo. , insisted that it contained mineral. The assay was a surprise to all. ) ( JLycations are being made all around hero. , Excitement is at fever heat. Men are ridin'g ovor'tho country surrounding the town 8oarching'for leuds. Development will begin at oitci ) . * ' Should sufficient body ere bo found worjUsiwill be put in. Snow is disappearing ranjdljf. At Hold Hill , ivhero now lends are found daily , they are Ira'vmg 'U high tlmo. Pros pectors are IntomliM ? tocoinohoro and report deep snow , nt Goldfllllt. i- A largo.ooppoi-l ad at-tho head of Lake creek lias been located by B. P. Arondallnnd others. A very rich copppr surface indicates n load seventy-two feet wide , but the real width can only -pa determined by develop ment. ' Five hundred pounds of silver ore from Kurtz Forney's mine , Grand Encampment , was shipped a day or'two ace for Mill run. It Is reported here on Rood authority that Union Pacillo surveyors have been ordered to Walcott , six miles east of Fort Steclo to make a survey to fojno point In tbo Platte valley. Sl VJJ THKV It I OX'T. Authorship of the Tjiiccrno Petition Denied in St. Ijoiifo. ST. Louis , Mo.Juno 3. The published re ports to the effect that the Deijtscho-Amori- can Clergymen's society of this city was the nuthorof the so-called Lucerne petition to Pope Leo XIII. In reference to the emigra tion of Catholic priests In charge of emigrants to this country , It appears , are erroneous. Ilov. William Fncrhor. corresponding secre tary of the society , today sent the following swooping denial to the Associated press : I heruby formally and officially declare lu the name of the Dontschc-Ainoricanischer- Priestor-Voroln that said society was In no way whatever , directly or indirectly , con nected with the so-called Lucerne memorial : that said society had not the least Idea ot its axlstenco prior to Its being made public through European cablegrams and Ameri can papers , much less over occasioned Its origin. WII.MAM FAKIIKII , Corrospoudmir Secretary Deutseho-Aniorican- . Ischor-Priostor-Voroin. IVKSTKK * J'.KUIIXU IXTAHESTH. DcurniiHO In HiiHincsH Com pared with the Provloiisi AVook. CINCINNATI , O , , , iuno3. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BIK. : I Tomorrow's Prlco Current will say : The week's packing lu the west docs not show an enlargement , the total being lilfi.UOO against iUO.MX ) the preceding week , nnd ; T ,0u ( ) last year , mulling a total of 2ir , > , UOO since March I against H,200,00 < ) a year ago. Loading places compare as fol lows : . fen"3Tho state depart- tnoiit has been otlltiully Informed by Consul Conoral ICImborly bf > nbliuigo in the minis try of the govern irrupt of Guatemala nnd nf thoiippolntinontfj'f.jsjinordo Loon as minis , tor of foreign relullnjis. Mr. Klmborly did not Indlcatu In hU d fepatch the chaiiRo In the other cabinet posUlous nor the reasons that brought about thdjiyw condition of affairs. The Shah of Persia Though ndiancrd. ( n joars , has hair of raven hue. Cray halftJ'lM stilctly prohibited In Ills dominions , -nntt ln-ut-e tlm largK shl | > - monts fointtiy of Ayt'r's Huir Vigor , by the toe of which tlm Klmli'i anlijecti save not only their hair but their heads. Ayer's Hair Vl nr icsloto-t tlui natural color ol the hair. U should bo un c\ciy tollct-lablc. " Soiiu1 tlmo ago my hair began to failo nnd to ( all out so badly thut 1 thought I should be bald ; but the use of A JIT'S Hair Vigor 1ms scstored tlm orlKlnal color ami made my hulrstrongnlmndam : \ hcullhy. It ilooa not fall out any more. " Addle Shaffer , 010 Ibtccst. , Olnrlmintl , Ohle. "My hair ( which Mm partly turned grny ) was restored to Its youthful color and ln'iuity by the use of a fctv bottloi of Ayi'r's Hair VlKor. I shall contlmio t'l USD It , as thorn Is no tetter droning for the hair. " ( laldo Oapp , Ueoreeaua , Ala. Ayer's Half Vigor. riiEiMtiEii nv i DR. J. O. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Mass. | Sold br all UruggUli anU fetfumeri. j GRANT STATUE AT GALENA , Monument Unvallod in tli3 Presence of Many Thousaud People DISTINGUISHED VISITORS FROM ABROAD , Hon. Clinutjopy 31. I > i ppw I tin ; Oration Old lniiiiliiiarltH In tlio Oily tin ; Center of Allraulltm. UU.CNV , 111. , .lutio .1. Tnls city la today crowded with pcoplo assembled to do bunor to the memory of General ( Irani. The occa sion U tlm unveiling of u inoiiuinciit to him presented to his old homo by II. II. Kohl- saat of Chicago , from all directions crowds have poured Into town alnco lust night and fully 'JO.OOd nro now hero. The city is In gay nppniol , the main thorough faro being n panorama rama of red , white and blue. Arches upon the principal croviiiiK * and inottooi , betoken ing the reverence In which the nnnio of the hero of ApponmUot U held by his old notch- bors , are promiscuously displayed , The itmsslvu old court house In which Captain - tain Grant presided at the llrst mooting Hold In ( inlcna to volunteers H eny with gar- lands. The First Methodist church , In which the here worshipped , is also elaborately dec orated , and the pow In which ho sat Is draped with bunting , The modest mansion presented to him by the citi/.cns of Galena after his return from the war anil the more lui in bin homo In which ho lived in antebellum lum days are the centers of attraction. The old bulldln ? In which was located the leather store of Jcaso U. Grant , the hero's father , Is also gaily decorated. Visitois clustered about , every landmark as sociated with the name of Grunt , and the lit tle park , In the center of wiilch stands the memorial. The public schools In Utibiiquo , Frccport and other nearby towns were closed and largo delegations of thotr citizens came to lane part In the ceremonies. Business in Galena was entirely suspended. Two trains from Chicago brought delega tions of the Grand Army and distinguished citizens , among thorn Hon. Chauneoy M. UODOW , Governor IVlfor of Illinois , ex-Uov- ornor Hoard of Wisconsin , Ganoral Nelson A. Miles , Judtro Walter Groshnni , Sculptor II. II. Kohlsaat , the donor of the statue , Senators Allison and Cullom , Congressman Henderson of Iowa and Judge Blodgottof the federal court. The ceremonies of the day wore Inaugurated with a parade , partici pated in by Grand Armv veterans , visiting military and civic bodies and citizens. Gathered about the statue In the park the exorcises oponcd with "Star Spangled Banner. " rendered bvthoKiftocnth regiment band from Fort Sheridan. After prayer by the chr.plaln the bands In unison started up with "Hail to the Chief , " as Miss Pauline ICohlsnat , daughter of the donor , un veiled thb statue and the gathered multitude applauded. Kx-Govornor Hoard then formally pre sented the statue to the city on behalf of the donor. The statue was accepted in a brief adi'rcss by Park Commissioner M. C. Clcnnan on behalf - half of the citv. Ho wus followed by Hon. Chauneoy M. Dcpew , Who delivered the oration of the day , meeting with an enthusiastic reception. Ho said : Thirty years aso your city of Galena num bered among Its cltl/ens a man so inuduit that ho was llttu known In the community ; n mer chant so humble that liN activities WOID not fnlt In your business. Thrco yours later his ftiiuu Illumined thuuarth.and the calculations of every conunurclul venture , and of every ronstnctlvo unterprlso In the country wore bused upon t ho success or falluieof hiplans. . Ho was then siiiimirtlnc his family on 2KUDO a year , and before thu third anniversary of his diipartuni frojn your city he uus simmUm : IM.OUO.OOU n , dny . for thu preservation of the union. Dim uf thu patriotic meetings , common ul that period all over thu north , wus hold here to sustain ( 'resident Lincoln In his call for 7.1.0JO men to suppress the rebell ion. The ardor and oloqnrnun of John A. Impressed an auditor whom none of the congressmen and prominent cltl/ens on thupl.itform hud over mot , thut ho siibsu- nnnnlly inudo the orator lit- , chief of stall'and secretary ofvui - . Homo one discovered that ( J.iptaln . Grant , u irrudnatc of West 1'olnt und : i veteran of the .Mexican war. lived In this city , und hoVIIB Invited to preside ut the fnr- matlon of a military company. He was so dIOlilcnt thut few heurd bis speech uf throe sentences , out In that short address was con densed all the eloquence und Ionic of the time : "V"ii know the object for which wo are assembled. Men uro needed to preserve the union.Vhut Is your Dlousure ? " Hn or unl/oa and drilled that company , und led It to the governor at tiprlneliold. lly thut. nmreh Gulenu lost u citl/.en und the republic found Its savior. While others were enlisting for brief per iods , he besought the udjntunt 10 as sign him to duty for the war , but the war de partment hud forgotten him. lie struggled forduvs to work through the brilliant .st.ifT Into the presence of General .McUlellun. but thoyouiiKdundlosseoinfully and .successfully burred his wuy. It wus soon seen thut thu ol > - soiuo military clerk intheoflleo of the gov ernor of Illinois wuscupuhlu where ull thu rest wore Ignoiunt. and thut under his llrm und confidant hund order was evolved out of chaos and raw recruits disciplined mm sol diers. Though li" wus unknown und nn- iiiiint'd to the public , the executive rocoznl/ml In him thu or unl/lng hrulnoftho military forces ot the state. To a reluctant pies- dent und hostile scerotury. the Illinois dolu- gut'on ' said , ' -where most of the appointments uru experiments , try Captain Grant us onu of your brigadier-generals. " Thus the common wealth which liiul so hotly pressed Lincoln for thu chief magistracy of the republic , assumed the responsibility for Giant as commander of the uimy. Grunt , at forty , wus an obscuio leather mer chant In Gulenu. As u cadet ut West I'otnl hu had risen only Just above I he middle of the class As u subaltern on the frontier and In Mexico , hu hud done no mote than perform his duty with thu courugn and capacity of the uveragu "Yst Pointer. Hut the moment thut the fiieutest respoiislollltles thrust upon him he became the foremost figure of the century. The reserve powers of a dominant Intellect , which ordinary ull'alrs could not move , came Inio action. A mlgl ty mind which God kept for the hourof supreme dan ger to the republic , grasped thu .seutterod ele ments of stiength , solidified them Into u re- lenlstless foico und orguiil/u I victory. He di vined the purpose. * of thuenemy as well aslut Knew hUown pluns. Illsbraln became dealer , his strategy more perfect , ami his confidence In himself moruseiene as his power Ineicased. Hu could lead the assault al llonidson , or thu forloin hope ut Shlloli. or manimmu his forces with c\fu1-dte | skill und rare iirlglnulty of rosourcosat Vlck.sbur , ? , as the bo-it of brlg- ndo or corps commatulors. or l.eforn lllehtnimd calmly conduct ueumpatgn covering iicontl- nonl und ninny armies with cnnsummntu Kiinoralshlu. Ills plutisdld not contomplnto defeat. Tim tnnvotiu'nl he ulwiiy.s inado wus "udvuneo. " I he order ho ulwiiy.s gnvo wus 'foiward ! " \lekslmrg camuiilmi was iiR.ilnst ull ( be teuehlngs of the military schools and tlm unanimous opinions of his council of war. A ilrulefc st cried In Indignant rc- imin < tranroon will out loose from jour l > iio of supplies , and thut Is contrary tii nil rules. Gr.nil nnswered : "I'liless wo cup- tnro \ lekshnrg thr > north will cut off our supplies , " and the norely beteuved and ills , hcaiti'iicd peonle were tiuiiMiorted with Joy and limit ) ny tlm r.iurth . olulv / mo-wnRii : " \ Ickslinn : Iris surrcniloreil. " I'hn wesiern armies never knew their res Mies * power until they felt th. ' h HM | of \\i \ \ > mister. No belter or braxer I o ly nf sul I ors o\er marched or fought than the aimv nf HID rutomiic. It found u leader woitnyuf Itself , und aftcrneoresof bloody victories , , lt < od the rebellion under Grant. The mom slgna1 services rendered by Grunt to his country weie ut Atimtmutun. mm In his contest , with President Juliiiyun. The piisslons uronsed by the civil war were most Inflamed when the confederacy collapsed. Grief und \engeaiiiMi arc bud councillors , tine scieno Intellect was possessed uf an intuition u Inch wnssecoiid lo provheey , and was clothed uitli pover. Ho suw thioiiuh the \lndletl\u sug gesllons of the hour , that the see ded slates must be admitted to the union , ami their nco- plo vesteil with ull the rights of American cltl/enshlt ) . and all the privileges of state government , or Iho war bud been fought In vain , lie stonily repressed the expressions of Joy by Ills troops us the vanquished enemy matched by. with his famous order. "Tho war Is over , the lebcls ure our countrymen aguln , and the Dcst sign of rojolclng after the victory will be to ubstuln from all demonstra tions In the Held. " llo guvo to the con federates their horse- und belongings and told them logo hiiinc , cultivate their farms und repair the ravages of war. lie assured all , from leo to the prlvato soldier , they would he safe and unmolested so lung as they observed their paroles. To enter Itlclimond , the capital of thu con- fcderuey. whose snlies had been InsUhtnf tlm hesloBers so hm. ? , would 1m vo been u le- slstloss temptation for u weuUer man. Hut his mind wus mil on spectacular dlspl ty or triumphal marches over humiliated foes. It was bent upon peace and paellleutlon. I know of no scene In our history so dr.imatlu us thu meeting between I.lnroln and Grant ut the . house three duys after the surrender at Apponmttox. The , whobad HU loyally sust lined the general , und the generul , ulio hud so magnlll- cuntly iesiomled ) lo the confidence of the pies- Ident , met for thu lust lime In their llve . Grunt returned with deep emotion the frater nal grasn of the only man in thu country who fully understood and wus In complete accord with the policy of reconciliation and repose. The work of I lie wurrlor WIIH done und the labor of the stutosman begun. That night the bullet of the ussussln ended the life of our uroutest piesldent since Washington und post poned the settlement of .sectional dllllcnltles und the cementing of the union for many yours. Through Iho verses of grout noels runs a fa- nilllurslruln , lliroiigh the worksofgrout com posers tin oft ropouted tune , and through the speeches of orators u recurring and characteristic thought. These are the germs which exhibit the moving forces of their minds. During the war " 1 propose to move Immediately upon vour works. " "I'ni'ondltlniiul surrender. " "i shall take no buckwuid step. " " 1 pioposo lo light It out on this linn If It takes ull summei , " ate the beacon lights und plans uiirt strutegy of Grant the soldier. At Anpomuttox , "The war Is over , I'ho lebels uio our countrymen ugufn ; " ut the threshold of the presidency , "Let us have pence : " on his bed of usony and death ut Mount McGregor , when his power of speech was gone , n riling to a confederate k'eneral by his bedside , "Much us I siilTer , I do It with pleasure. If by thut sntVerlni ; cun be accomplished the union of my country , " ure the Indices of thu labors , tliu aspirations und the prayer of Grunt thu statesman and the patriot. Addresses wore also delivered by Governor Klfer and Judco Crjbtrco. TO Unveiling of tlio Monument Ki-cotetl l > y MiHsiHsipiii Women. JACKSON" , Miss. , Juno ! ( . Five ycnrs of labor nnd cflort on the part of the women of Mississippi culminated today in the unveil ing of the monument to the confederate dead of Mississippi. Kx-confivjeratos , their wives , sons and daughters , were here from all parts of the south. Several eastern nnd western states were nlso represented. Iowa especially having a largo contingent. The total number of visitors Is estimated ut about twenty thousand. Karly this morning a rocnption'wiw tendered the confederate vottTnns at the capitol building. Among the prominent ox-con federates there were Governor Gordon of Georgia , com mander of tbo United Confcdorato Veterans ; General K. Klrby Smith , General J. N. Hill- ups , Governor Stone of Mississippi , ( Jenornl J. A. Smith nnd scorns of others. At 10 : ! ! 0 the procession begun to move. Ton companies of the Mississippi national guards came llrst. Behind them , mid drawn by ten white horses came a Heat carrying llftcon young ladles representing tho. south ern confederacy and the different states which composed It. Next to the Ilout cumo the ofllcots of the Ladles' Monument associa tion , the organisation under which the monument ment wus erected. Then came distinguished visitors from abroad anil confederate voter- mis In carriiu'os , organized posts of confeclnr- I ate veterans nnd sons of confederate vet- I erans. The procession , which .was two ml'cs ' In length , greeted with cheers by the crowd which lined the street through which it passed. The stars and stripes were car ried nt the head of every division mm Heated from the capital. Side by sitlo with thorn were carried torn and tailored confederate battle Hags. When the grandstand was reached the ex orcises were opened with prayoi' . The monument , which up to this tlmo was drnped In white muslin , was then formally unveiled b > Mrs. Margaret D.ivis Huynos , daughter of JotTorsou Davis , nmidst pro longed applause. Tlio monument was formnrly prosontoJ by Miss Salllo B. Morgan , tbo presentation speech being made by Hon. G. K Hooker , It was accepted by Colonel .1. H. Mclntosb. Senator Walthall delivered the oration upon "Tho Confederacy , " which elicited repeated applause. When ho concluded Mrs. Luth- manshlp recited with stirring etlcct a poem entitled "Sentinel's Song. " Thou Governor Lowrcy followed with a brief oration on the life nnd chur.ictor of .IcITorson Davis , In the course of which ho said tht : when partisanship hail given place lo sober reason nnd judgment historiuiiH would accord the lute president of the con- fcucrato states the front rank among the great .statesmen of his day as well us those who had preceded him. At the conclusion of I hooration ami music the exercises were brought to u conclusion by the benediction. ! | | ) | ) li'liiHcIi sufl'iTlliK from Cancer. Miuvxriim : , Wls. , Juno it. Hishop I-'lasch of the i-' is sulTcrlng from canner - nor of the "UmmcU and hU recovery Is doubt ful DESPERATE NAVAL BATTLE , Dofcat of the Chilian Government Flotilla by an Insurgent Cruiser. CIIANARAL THE SCENE OF CONFLICT , One VcHHOl Sunk by n Torpotlo Others Itaclly DatniiKod l > y the Ten-lido l-'fro from the llattot-li'H. V.\r.putMio , April ! ! 0. Chnnaral , n few hundred mllc.s north of Cnldorn , was the sconoon April -I of another luttlo , which resulted lu the sinking of ono merchant bnrk and the defeat ot the government llntllln at the hifnds of the insurgent cruiser Magul- lnno.1. Tlio Magnllanos hud to put Into Cliauarul the day previous , but hud Its ateuni up. In the bay were several merchant harks , seine bound for Hngland , others for the United States nnd Germany. The Aloim , Bertha E. nnd Albatross were three of the barks in the bay. The two former worn bound for Knglatid nnd the last named for ( icnnuny. They had cargoes of nltruto. On the morning of the "Ith , as the crow of the Magallanas was about to go to breakfast , a sail wns discovered by the lookout coining Into the bay from the northnast. llnrdly had this vessel boon sighted when another and another were discovered a Illtlu moro towards the south. Glasses were soon brought to bear on them and thoj were recog- nl/.ed as the government vessels Admiral Lynch , ( . 'ondcll nnd Sargoauto Aldoa. As they were at n great distance tlm captain coolly ordered bis men to continue their breakfast. The men did so , but bv thu tiino the llotilla was within range ovoi-y man was at his post and all bands were readv for the fruy which , from tha odds against them , the Insurgents expected would result In the enemy's favor. The captain gave a few warning Instruc tions to tbo gunners that every shot must tell nnd not to tire until thor were sum of hitting something. By this time the llotilla had started coming towards the Magallunes at half speed-the Condell on the starboard sido. the Surgountoldoa at the port , and the Lynch , which was the last to enter the bay , nearly uows on They formed n triangle with the opening of the angle toward the Mngalltuics. In ibis manner the llotilln approached preached the cruiser , from whoso stacks hugo clouds of stnolto guvo evidence thut shn was getting steam up as quickly as passible. Nothing interrupted the stillness of thut beautiful morning. A light broc/o helped to temper tha boat from Iho scorching rays of a torrid sun. Suddenly n .small bine flag was run up the mast of the Condoll and n puff of smoke was followed by n loud report. The fun hud begun. With scarcely n minute's intermis sion the Lynch nnd Sargoanto Alten ! took up the refrain and cannon balls were flying through thu rigglmr of the Mugullnnos. A report us though n inagiizlno had burst in formed those engaged in the fruy thut the Magallanes had begun to work. As Iho gov ernment gunboats attacked the Magallmu- : ) she could only work her forward butteries and her light Hotctikiss guns. Her heavy stern guns could not bo brought to play. She wns In n very dlsadviintngcoiis position , as the Sorgeanto Aldoa swept her port side , while the Condoll did the same on the star- Kxposed as she was to the raking Ilro the Magnllunos made every shot toll. A shell from the Magallnncs drilled away the re maining smoke stuck of the Lynch and killed over twenty men. All llirco of the govern ment boats concentrated their lire on the forward batteries of the Magiillanos , and soon the forward port battery wus disabled by n shot front tno Surg < : unto Aldoa. The Macailniics responded by blowlm ; the for ward mast of the Comlell into the sea. After this the light raged llorcely and thoSiirgounto Aldea wus nearly blown to pieces. Both her masts were gope , her smoke-.stacj ; wus on n level with the deck and the pilot hoin > o nnd olllcers' cabin wc'Vo smashedinto splinters. The Lyni.-b llred u torpedo nt the Magul- lanos. It came straight for thi bow , but by a singular coincidence n huge cannon bail dropped Into the wntor , causing a swell which changed the direction of the torpedo. On , on went the dive.-tcd torpedo until it came up lo the baric Bertlia K. All hands of that vessel were on deck watching tbo bntllo when suddenly un explosion took place light under them , drenching them from head to foot. Before they could collect their senses the vessel begun to sink and In n few min utes bud disappeared from view , only the mast's showing. The crew managed lo OT cupo In the boats and by swimming ashore. Only two persons were killed and they won1 two sailors who were In the bunks. It" ' supposed they were wounded , as tile ev plosion took place nn the stnrbunrd sldo of the vessel where their bunks weie located. The Condoll kept up un incessant Ilro on the Mngallanos , n'ld in order to 'nring hi'r bioadslde to hour on the ( Jondoll , tlio rebel cruiser turned about. The Lynch began n luslludo from its guns , blowing the yard arm of the cruiser Into the sea. At the end of the ynrd m-'n wns the Hags , In u moment one of the gunners sprang overboad , unit with n few strokes caught the yard arm. Catching hold of ropes which wore thrown lo him from Iho ship , ho was soon Htaudlnir on the deck holding on to the dripping Hugs , Tins action cnusi d the rovnlutlimtsls to light , with moro vim , and it soon became ton hot lor the govern men. vessels. The Comlnll gave the signal , ami nt full speed the llotlllu put to sea. They continued using thu gnus , but with llttlo effect , Thu Mngidlunos guvo Iho chase ns host she could , but seeing it was , Kim returned to Chnuarul. Alter the. smoke of tlm battle hud cleared away it wns discovered that thu vessel wns not so badlv Injured as expected. Her fur- ward part battery was badly damaged and poit of the gun can-luges hud been dcmol islicd , but aside from these casualties and a little 01 ; ho rigging being gene , no further damage was done. On the other hand , ' over llirco score of 111011 were moro mless wounded and about twenty-two were dead. The government vessels put , on nil btcam mid proceeded lo Valparaisowhoro they went Into lepair. II Is hoped b > Iho government to have them roadv in ono or two woolcs to proceed north again. The llanscar , whli-li was orronoausly reported to bo lost , win nt liliihltin when henril from , goltliig ready to go on a trip of dust ruction with tlm O'idg- ulns. Tlio barks Alena und Albatross were b.idly InJuroJ by the shots trout the Viisscls. Tlm .Menu had n big hole 111 her bow , while the Albatross was without , two of her masts. We have just received the laige&t assign ment of Merchant Tailoring garments 1'rom the leading merchant tailors ihi-ourjhout the country , which vve will sell lor- SOc on the dollar lar , for the next IS days. l , 's Tailnr-maiiB Silits i Styles All 2's 2 Men's ' Tailor-made Pants j Styles All en's ' Tl Ornate , styL Alterations done free of charge to insure a per N fect fit. Remember nurnbwr and place , MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS , 18O9 Farriam Street. lc3O9 / MI