Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    G THE OMAHA DAJLLif JJUJU : JUJNJiJ J3 , 181)1. )
Chicago Resumes Business with Lowci
Prices for V ? heat and flora ,
* Cinlti Futures-
Ilnii n ol LuiulltiK
New York Produce ValiiuH
and BonilH Mill-
K Quotations
Cl.irAr.o , JuneS \ftor tin intermission ol
ilirtcd ilironslit about by Mctnorlnl ilny
nn Silurd'iy and tlio Jmlli I il tiluctlon yestor-
ilny. with Hiinday Intervening , tlio toiiUunny
on the hoird of tr uloit tlio oucnliiif this
morning win towirj lower price ? Till * wai
OHlii'-Ially true of whmt , which opi'nodr't \
1540 lower than It rl > sod 1'rlduj' uftornnon
Trading In thl llfjht ami fluctua
tions wore narrow , bolru confined to a raiiirn
of rf > a Tliero wns i further dcullno from tun
outside llKiiro of V ft < r tlio opunliiK. tin ml-
vani'u of ' { ' ' , another recension and the close
was ! ' , < Inuor than I'rldny's close for July ,
wlilloJnno and August each clrHud le lower
The eiufy we lUness and decline were attrlb-
iitiil to weak > ililos. Inuroisln supidlos
on o-e in | i ISH.IKU and In the United
Kingdom , good r.ilns and favo"ililo weitlie-
for the crops , .inl thu icpoit that the
( lerinan # 01 eminent would not make any re-
ilnutlon In tlio duly on wheat. Thcrc.iftoi the
lluutiiatlons In the market were In the main
controlled by locil m'tilpors In their opera
tions niralnst prh Ilexes bought or sold on tin
cnrbsliipu I'lld.iy. I'hcro were so many puts
bought -mil sold that the market though vciy
hetuy w i" not heavy enough to bre lU down
the b.iri , cr which purcli isos ag ilnst tlio priv
ileges Involved. 1'iKlrlilffG , uho h nl ' o'd ' a
l.ugc qu intityof puts , was buyiiu usal nit
tin m on each bre.ik In order to proxent the
prlvllo eil buyer from uottln action. It Is
estimate l ho took about 1.100,000 busho'n
at fromfH'ic ' to Os' c. KchwsirtOupeo .mil
McCormlcl. sold freely aronnil We.
Com openi'deik with ulicitiind about ' c
lower than the close on 1'rld.iy. Tlio ,1001111111-
lated receipts for three ilujB were an added
element of Wfikueos and the abundant
rains which , with fatal ible reports In rugun !
to the latelv planted crops , were .iignments
I/OCMI | hulls , ho\vo\cr , tti'io und united nnil
qnlc'lily absoi bed thu ollci Ings The tldoomo
stemmed , they pushed their ndvintige , put
ting the prh o to a point "o al > o\o the
IiisliUi figure , holding the adv nice to the close' '
with inilv , i Kb idc of recession , the close being
1C bettor on I'rld ly.
Oats were moderitely active but un ottcd !
cuily. but bee.line llriinrand idv.inced mod-
eratdyand icmalned steiulj the n at of the
ilty. closing at the lift llgnresof I'rlday for
Julj and August , though June wan He lower.
Slockx of lard , .is shown by the monthly
htatcmmit weio much laigcr than the triido
utpcolcd , while Htockf ) of pork anil ribs \veiu
leMS The decrease In pork stocks was not mif-
liclent to pievent Its declining with laid ,
while stocks of ribs wuiu small enough to
caii'-o a slight idvancu.
Thu loixllng futures ranged IIH follows :
Cash qiHitiitloTis were as follows :
ri.oc'it Dull and nnchanuc .
T No. 2 HiirliiB , Jl.Ol'i ; No ' 1
sprliu wheat , 'ivfinica 2 red , $1 Ol'jitl O2'i '
t'OllN-No. J , r > f > J4e.
DAM-No. . ' . 44VCI No 2 white , 45IOc ; No
.1 whlto , 4lli@4iS < ie.
Ill K No. 2 , SJ-Sth'Jc. '
liAiit.Kr No. . ' . nomlnali No. .1 f. o. b. , G2ft (
70c : .No 4 , f , o luj ® ( > 5a.
I'IASum No 1 , 11.11.
TiMOritvten 1'rlme. $ l.i2. ;
I'OIIK Slt'ss pork per lurrol. IlOrS'i ; lard.
liorcwkJll.tOj shoit rlbK , slilcs. ( loose ) . } " . KKiJl
fiK ( ) ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , $ > .00505 ,
short clear sides iboxol ) , fi.K3li40. ( (
WIIIHKDlstlllorb1 llnlshed ooils per Bal
lon. $1 III.
htiriAii Cut loaf , nnchan.'cd ; granulated ,
uneliaimed ; standard "A , " unch inn'ed
Kcceipts und hblpmentii tmt.iy were as fol
lows :
Vlsililo Grain supply.
OincAno , JuneTho vlslhlo supply of
praln , as lupoitud fur the huaul of tr-ulo. Is
follow * :
Ilnshols. Increaso. Deer'so
Wheat . . . . IT.IIUOOO . . JlMOOO
Corn . n , | I.IKK ) fiftHKM . . .
OatH . 4'I1'UO ) 710.000
Hyo . . IIW.OOO 1400J
llurloy . . 1TU.UOJ . . . . 14 < ! , OUO
Now York Markets.
NEW YOIIK , Juno ! ! . l'i.oim 18'l.lS
paekiicei ; oxportH , G.JIl barruN , UI.Wil snuks ;
market quiet ; ; s.ilea I'J,7')0 ' birrols
Will Ai ltuioliits .V > , WO hiishols ; exports ,
20.l7l ! liiislinls : Hilei , J,01 ( > , li01 hnhhola of fu-
tnrehi HO 000 hnshols | mt. Suet m irltut lower ,
modor.uoly aetlxe. No 2 reel , Jl 10 In t-toro
anil ulo\ntoril.lU4l.loi4.illimt : l.tO > iai ( lv |
f o h.j iiiiKnukil red , SI O i ® ! , ! ? ; No. l
northurn to arrive , Jl H344i > l.l. ; No. 1 hard to
arrhu , uutluns , J © > 4o lowar on
IjlMirpool selling and fii\orahlo uu.ithur cun-
dltlnns , ad vautud ' t'4o on io\erliiB , declined
Octobur , .closlncat' , ; December , tl OIM
1.04S. olosltiK ut JlUia , : Slay , II.OS'nWI OSU ,
UOIIN ItecelptR. lo.isj btmhelR ; oxnortK ,
ISI.tcja husholK ; niU-R : , I.OS3.000 husliiilH futures ,
KU.OOO bushels spot. S-iiot inarktit oininuil
woakur , closed stronuer : ( ulr triulu ; No S Ulffi
Ole in olouitor ; (40 ( lo alloutt nitttraded
mixed , ( vKaftlo. Options ' ® | , hlghc-r und
} , " ! ll.tliroll.KVluclllutl0'1 ; | ' llt'l > lfiiKii : June.
BllffiHe. cliiMliB ut BJSte ; July. OU'iStOP.c :
Auiyist , tOGdHiC' , closln , ? uttil'to ! buptuinbur.
OHMUHne. uUnliiB ati.J e.
OATH-KecolpW , 1W.500 Diishels : exports , S10
i siiltH. 213.HK ) buaheK fntnris ; l. .miO
buHhuU HIHIU Spot nuirkut aeti\ < > . Options
iiulut , stron. or , eloslnc nt 48 < 4o ; July , 47 48 ?
( Mc. closing at4tiUct AuetiRt , 41(1426 , olimliii ;
nt 42ot spot No 2 , white , 4HU 40Uo ; mlxeii
western , 4i.V ( > o ; whlto western , 5ou : No. 2
OliluiiKO. 415,101,0.
1 1 \ \ Qiilut , 111 in.
not's Dull.NloadyjRtato. eominon to choice ,
' "
v. Options opened steady t .
po ntsdecllni ) ' olosed Hteady. uneh.uiKed to 5
poliltM down , naluD , 28.VOO bn R , InthulliiL- July
fl7W54l710 ; Aiuust , JI . , Viliini ) : Suptombor ,
fl.MKHJ61Mi.-Vj Oetobor. W.IOrtis HJ Dec'einber.
tUMHAM'O ; .lanunry , Jll 'fl Suet Hlo , dull.
casyi tilr oar-joew , tJOMI. No , 7 , * I812 ij
SmiAit Uatlii'riinlet ' ; s IL | B IIUKA ; cun-
trlfUKalR. WIc'sl , ut bri'akwatnrlo llultlmoie.
nt.l'se. Hollned iitlut | , u.isyi No 7. , | iU1 } } o
0 , U 7-IRos No. 10 U',0 , No. ll.UV ) ; No. 12 , a 5-llc ! ;
off A. .Ui4M' e.
MUI.\SSI S torolRn , stonily ; Now Orleans
flrni and quiet.
HICK Sloady and quiet
TuTitoi vuu-qiitutamlHtcnilyi Unltedclosed
OOWo for July.
( 'trtoNbHii Ou < Plrm nmlmilut.
TAI.I.DU Uulet and ule.nly ,
HOHIN Quiet nnil Hteady ,
Tuurt STINK yulot and Bteadv at 'ts'4il.lsyo. (
Kiuitt Quito nndwu.iUi\M'aturiibc ; retolnts.
MA AetUo ami llrm.
\\ooi/ stonily . dunu'stlo llcccc. aiQ.I7oi
nillU'd,2 ' anc'i : Texas , I7e'le.
I'OIIK Quiet and unchanged.
CUT MR\TS Qulut and weak1 pickled bol-
llos , 10U < ( ilB4e
.Minium > Quiet and steady.
lMlll"KaHiur. dull , western Htoain. 10.57'J.
Option miles , a,2Aj tierees June. MM ; July ,
f < 1.01 < itO& . ' . I'lcHinunt Mill bid ; AilriUbt , * U.7.I ,
1IUTTHK t'holc'o ' lu duinaiuli for western
iliilry. IKfflfui wosti-rn crwiniury , ua.Uo ;
wi-storti fnetory tlXiiilAv ; Klulii. UH > .
CllK i--Miiro : dolnjii nbuiit steady ; part
uWllllH 41t 0.
I'm liioN-DiiHi American , jin.OOSHU.00.
Coi-i'Kii-Htuudyt lake , Juno. iU'UO.
l.KU > Noiiilnall iloniL' tle , tl.JJ.
TIN Quiet anil VPYI ttralttifJJ.70. .
3lluno.ii' llH Wlii'iit Market.
MlNNKAI'Ol.lH , Mlllll. Jllllll 2VllKAT Iln-
todVy Jro sniiillur Hiul therp was n III-
cell mori" omputltlon for .No. 1 northern. Union
tli > uiiUur Jul , w th
iiostly ut ubout u cent >
wuro ' wtovmt about 3 * uuUwr. TUoothur t am
were still very dull nnil ilinictitt to place. A
fi-w eholeo cnrn nt No ! . ' northern wore sold nt
Wiic'fttl UOVj , but the most of that pold wnn nj
HOC. CoiiMlUurahlo KOOI ! No. 1 wlis lutur olTercil
nt ( i c. wltn no buyi'M Itccclpm of whet foi
twenty-four hours , uiirsi nliimciit | ) .84 oars
No. I html , .nine. (1,141 on Hack , } l.oi'Jftl.Oi
No. I northurn , lutu ) , ll.oaj July. OS'jel.OJi \
tJeptomber. IH'ie : on track. tl.oJtdl.iti'i ' ; No J
northoi u , Juno. OUe ( I0c4ill.uo.
. . Ittno'J.
mic-iinnpod ; nittnt , tiWtV'O ; fnncy. SI.70tJ
1 tKI ; iln.lco. . * l V ) | family , Jl.nai 2' . ,
\Vlti.AT Qulot ! No 2 hard , cash , Ole , Juno ,
UIuaskiMl ; .No. J red , c-atli. Hie.
Tons -Qulot : No 'cash , 4 ' obld ; June , 49'ic
OATS -Weaker ; No. 2 cish,4QSc bid ; Junr > ,41o
HAV About steady nml tinolitui cil ; fancy ,
lie cu : othof grades Ji.w 'ioj.
lit ITI U-Slc.uh niul uneli'iiiiscil : crc.unfry ,
14ttirc , ; diliy. ; store i.icktd , V'&lOa.
. .
Kcins Ste id > at I2e.
I'ltovisiovs Mt-ndy anil iinclmnacil ; nuKiit
cured haniB.liaiOei Droakfast h.icon s > ic ; tlrlcd
IM ef hams lOc , . .
Wooir-Diilli unehatiKCd ; ho vyy IT17c : llcht
niicl75UOci incillutii 2HS'"Jc. Ivans is and Nc-
br iska heavy llnu ll < r Kle Tub washed eholeo
'E.'O.i.ic ; mi'dniiii Ilft Ke : illiu and low 27 l21h !
Ui < FIITH Who it. 14 100 bu"liolu ; torn , IJ.HJJ
bushels ; n.its , n s n ) bushels
S , ll.OCO tmhola.
Milwaukee Markets.
WIs , Jilnu A t'LOOrt On-
WIIRAIKi lcr ; No 2 spring , on trick , cash.
fl 01 ; Jnlv.lMV ; No. 1 noithcrn. II O'i.
CORN ' teady No ) on trunk , WJc.
OATS -HriHlur : No I on tt lek ICc.
HMII.H "tu.iilv ; No. J. in stoics V,4c.
KM.Me H No 1 , In store1 , 7'/iC.
I'lim HtDNs I Irni
I'oliK-Iuly , tl IJ'i. '
I lili-luly. W Id
Hicrti-r.-rioili , 27.8H hirrels ; who it , 27.700
bushi Is ; harlny , 11,200 buslioK.
blilt'MPsrs rionr. 27 WO biiiolsshuut ; , 2i-
700 : bnshLls ; b irley , 1.4UO Inishuls.
fyUd pool Mal'KCtH.
Ltvnitroot. .luno 2 - WIIBAT Qulot. hold-
018 olTcr freclj , Callfoinhi No I. t-s r > ' ' . ( ITS
s ( id poreuntal ; wi"tein ! r.ild'iths ' Ml ;
Kansas winter h.ird , hs "d Heciilpts of whe'it
the past three davsv t ro 74'OOJ centals , In-
i.'hillM4 ( 8" > OKI A i , nil k' in
COHV Lotti r ; mlxeil wosturn " > s Id pcrcun-
lal Hioeipls of Ainorlenn coin foi thu past
( blue dnss wi 10 "is'nio ci ntals
LAIIII 1'iiin , wustorn , llsOd percwt.
St. Iiiniis Markets.
ST. Louis , Mo. Juno 2. WHEAT Lower ;
cash. $ I.OI'i.Iulv. ; M'4'1
COIIN I'lrtiiei.c ish ,14'ic : Inly. Vl'Js.
OAIS IIL'liLr ; usli. lie ; July. 401iC.
I'oltK bUiidy ; til 00.
I/Alin teuly ; $000.
\VIIISKY tl Ifl.
HtlTTEli riim ; cru ttncry , loffllGc ; dairy , 10 ©
13o. _
Toli'ilo Markets.
TOI.FDO. O. Jnno 2. WIIPVT Quiet ; No 2
hard , c.ihh , ujc ; Junu , Olu askuu : No ic'il ,
cash , tlc. |
COIIN Qulot ; No. J , cish , 4S'aC bid ; Juno ,
OATI Weaker ; No 2. cash , 40 iC bid ; June ,
41c bid. _
Duliitli licat Murlcet.
DBMJTII , Minn , Jutm 2. Wheat , f ilrly actlvo
and lowci today llecoipts were llioaiN. C'los-
Im : prlcch wuio. No. I h nd cash , $1 OJ , July ,
* l.)73t ( ) ; No 1 northcin cash , Jl OJ ; July ,
tl Oil' ; No 2 northurn I : July , Jl.OP * .
Ciiioinniiti Markets.
CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 2 WHEAT Loner ;
No 2 red. Jl Oldil.O" ' .
Cons I Timor. No 2 mixed. 5Cl5a" > Sc.
* OATS Hniv. No 2 mixed , 48c
\ \ IIISKV Sl 111.
NKW Yonit , Jnno 2. I'ho dc'illn s on the
stock m.irk'Jt today retilnod their late pro-
presslvochai.ietcr and the in iMMiionts aftoi
the olo-o of the ( listho irworogcnor illy InsU- The foreUn operations are InslK-
nllloant aialn , but further unaonieiits of
KDld for expert were m iilo , and a reat scarc
ity of commercial bills In the m irko' Is re
ported , so th it notwithstanding the laigo
amount of Kohl sout out In the last two
months , the r itoof exolmnso are kept up tea
a IlKiiro whurouold may bo scut without loss
The market toil ly continued m itorlallj
higher on a demand fiom tlio shorts lu
the tocm who had liucomolmbuo.l with the Ido.i
that the decline of the last few days was the
losult of boar t ictlcs only , an 1 thu app iout
eoxorlnt ; by the leaders , following suit. The
opontnsj Rains extended to per cent , with St.
I'aul and Loillsvillo A. Nashville and Union
1'aclllc loadfnK both the adv inco and the busi
ness done This dum ind w is mut , liowovur ,
by a denial of the soiling piessuio and all of
the opening Kalns were wlpo 1 out with small
fractions In addition ammik' the lo idliiK
sluiiLs. Loulsvlllo being moit pioiuliiunl. on
the downward mo\omcnt. The depression
was evidently made to buy up on , for a cessa
tion of the prosstuo was followed by moio
qnlot trailing and a slow but steady advance
In prices , which smm brought prices up to an I
boyonil tlioioof the oiiculne , and the upward
mo\omcntst irted continue 1 without a bio ik
dining the tcmalndcr of the day. Hesldos the
purely spoculatlvo causes of the tally lu the
market , a furthoi reduction In the pic'mtiim
of Bold by the Hank of Knirland of 'ill
and HID 10 ippoarancoof the noted boar luador
as n bull on thu maruotviru ! powerful to mnku
a Konural huvlii'moMimont amon. ' the pro
fessionals. Ht. I'uiil , Union I'.iclllcand LouLs-
vlllt : ntti.icled most attention , mid after
these Kock Island and Chicago K.IS. The do il-
Int" In the iii nkot after thu Hist houi were
qullo du\old of special failures , but. the
sto id v aiU.inco lifted o\orythlns but Jorsc-y
Central , which dioppod 2 per cent and roco\-
otod only a small portion of the loss I'ho
close was fairly aotUo and stion at tho-o
DiIces. The flnnl ohaiiKPS of note Include an
advance of l'i In St. I'.ml , and I per cuntc.ioh
In Missouri I'aclllo and Uock Ibland , and a luss
of I1' , In Jersey Central.
There was the usual iiilot | business In rail
road boutlh , which , however , was more widely
distributed than was usual of late , thoiiKn 111
only u few lnsfinc b was there any cloio svm-
pathy with the strength itUnUj oil in thosh.uo
list Thu sales loiched only v < 000 , niul the
Until c'hiiiiii's as a rule aru InslKullluant.
Govurnment bonds weio dull and Him.
St ite bonds dull nod reituioh'ss.
I'otroloum opened stiouc and ndv.inceil
slUntly on a tow bnj Ing orders from the west ,
but reacted 'io later , then becaiuu dull and
rcmalnod so until the clo > c.
I'oiiiis ) hiinlaoll. spot.opened atCSyc ; hlih-
est die ; lowest , ds e ; closed at d'Jc July op
tions opened tit ( lJ4c ) ; lowest , l/i/o | ; hUhest
Oo : closing at'/JSe. Total silos. 2.V.uobirroIs
Tlio following lira the closinKiiuot itlous for
the lend I ill ? stocks on the New York stock e\-
chnngo today
Nuw YOIIK , Juno i Tlio I'ost siyss Not
wlthhtnniHiii ; tlio liiiiirix.,1011 oroatoa by HID
| irt > | ) stil to Ini'UMHO th l.onltvlllo Htoc-U so
that It "mild p iy u stock dh Idond In-itoad of
ciuli In July , it well known illrt'otur b uht'ti as
iiuthorlt > ( or tlio Ktatomi'iit this afternoon
that tlit > dh Idond will bo ( mid in cash and in
this \ui ) thnstouklioldors will ho glvc'ii tlio
option of tiilslni ; thu Ini'rc' Mjof slock nt n llxi'd
jirlcoas they \\tuo on the invasion of vhu
lorintT liu'ri'iso of stuck. After II o'clock the
nitirkvt was dull tliriiu li tlio rt'malndor of
the da ) hut also very htron ; , uwltn ; to the
oncouriiKliii ; rc'iiorts from l.iindon I'ho Hunk
of I.ii''liiml ii'iliiicd tlio nr oo It would
piy for Hold to * ( * M
IKT oiinco , und on tliKf > OJyo. ) of the uold c-u-
uauoa for tomorrow 'sstf.imiTiibwUhitruwii
1'rlvuto c\blos : were ri'oolved IRTO siyliiK tlio
bullut lu Ixmuou wu that tU llauk ol ug >
Itind would rcduco Its rnto of illKCOtml
Tlntitiliiy to 4 | ) r cent If the discount Oiil
would aerco not to discount ut luwor figure !
than tlmu _ _ _ _ _
The Monpy Inflect.
SB\V VmiK , Jnno 2. MONEV ov OAt.t. Bisy ,
ran.Mtiit from 'J' ( to 4 per cent , lust lo.tti , ' , i
lit-r cent ! oloiod olToron nt ii rjorooiit
BTKIIMNO CXCIUMIB Qulot and llrm til
} ) ) foi slxiy-Uuy bills and ! IWi for do-
inn nd
The following were the closing prices on
It ink
Nn\v Olir.f ANS , .littin 2 Clo irliiR" . tl,4J3.J > .
( .ittiAtio , Juno U Hunk eleirmgs were
flti.78s.uiu. Now York eseh ingo was 7' > e
premluin K.itis for money wcte 1 per cent
nn c-ill , und fi'j' ' ' per cent on time loans ,
Mcarllng e ehango was sto.idy und un-
Nr.VoitK , Juno 2. Clear.ius. JI2sj7T- (
CO ! : bil.inces , fMWI , US.
KIISTOV , Juno - Cleirlni-'H , 117'IM 7h ; bal-
iineii * fl.dOl.m. Money 0 pereent. IXchango
on New York 17 < fi.'Ue discount.
I'lnt ' , Mir.i.i'iiM. lutiiia Clearings , * l7l7.r > 8 (
b il inccs , ( l.ntT.'i.i ) Mimut Jlitl'i ' per eent.
II vi.TiMiiiii' , Mil luiiu i I'learings , il,7l"-
C.II ; bilances 8its | , . ' ii. Moneyd pei eent
CINI ISNAII.O . .Iitne'J Monev. lltmi'i ill Vfjfi
per i ent New York exchange. 71 cents piom-
luni Clearings. i-.l.'U KM
ISostun Stoj v iiurlci't.
nosrox Mass. , Juno . ' I'ho following were
the elosltu prices on stocks la the Itoston
stook market ted ly :
LONDON , Tuno. .
ll.ii slhei.'rilfid ) poi ounce ; premium.
MoneyI" " i percent.
linpcrliil Dank Htatoincnt.
Itrni.iN , Jiini > . The st.itnmont of the Im
port il Hank of Cictmany .shows au Incio iso lu
apcolo of ,110,003 mark" .
Hunk of I iiKliinil Hullioii.
LONDON. Jnno 2. Amount of bullion ROIIO
Into the ll.iuk of nii-'l.uul on balaueo tuilay ,
I'ariH Itoiitos.
1'\itis , Juno 2 Three per cent routes , 04f
O7',4o for the Hci-ouiit.
Denver .Minini ; Stocks.
nrNMn , Col. Juno 2. Ituslncsson mining
oxeh.ingo asttimcil moro act h Ity to
day , though prices r uucd lower. h.ilos
: > 0UOJ bhtiieb. C/IO-.IIIK prices :
Alli.vlinny 10 Justice 14
Amity , l.iv il 1 emlcr
Aruotmut l.lttli' Itule 103
Ball nil . . , Ci ! S )
nniMler Mn > M i/epin
H IHK.IO C ) Mornliudllm 14
llius Hunter . . . . Ill Ore
III , ; Indl m It I'.iy Hock
1'otOJl I.U
llrowntow 11 I * irk c > n. 18'f
Cilllope ) ' > M Heel N-itlon il , . . . dj
c'ntury 114 Ittilto 101
( "I iv County , . . . llnnnlnh ! Lotto 21
Cnslilnu " I.u nenwoith 1451
liliimiind II lobnJ pfd
Denver ( .as ft Oil I'nzzlor
Kmmom . . . . Climlli 1
Gold 1 real uro OettVKbnrit . . .
Han Kriiiiciscio .Mining QiiotiUliins.
SAN PuAve'isco t. , luno . ' . 'I ho olllelal
closing quotations , for nilnlns stocks
were .is follows :
Now York Minin < ; CJiiDt.if.on-s.
NKIV VOHK , Juno S. Tlio f illortliu aio tlio
lo'.lni ; mining sto k ipiot itlon ? .
St IjoulM Mimiij ; Quolutloim.
ST LotiK.-Mo , Junc-'J - I'ho niinln ? ninr-
kut was dull toil ly anil uncos uro KOIIOI ally
lowor. Tlio following bids weiu niaduon c- ill :
New York. Orj Gnoils Market.
Nl.w VoitK , Jnno 2. Ituslness In dry poods
was less aetUe th in yesterday as Is nsiinllv
the ctiso on Tuesdav , bocanso there tire no
western malls. Theio was no change , how-
o\er. In the teniloncles of the market as
lately The maiket malnt ilns a iood tonn on
the basis of supplies which are rointhely
llaht foi this period ( i noils pinch ised are
belli , ; called KOOI ! and delixerlos ate utned.
Ilaviina Markets
HAV\NV Juno 2. Spiiilsh Rold $ J .H32 : isi {
Kvchaiue dull.
fciiiiAH Quiet ; fa\orod by line weather ,
which has provallod thu nrlnelp il "states In
M.ilaiuas have finished the work of
LONDON , Juno 2. Ttiui'hMti ; 20s ( Id per
owl.ANTWIMII' , Juno 8. I'ITIIOM UM l"i' f paid
and sellers ,
TraileiH' Tiilk.
Pr. Lot'is , Mo. June 2 Lanirenbnrs llroth-
crs to Coekroll llrothers : The followluK was
thorimoof prices pild foi the July option
on this m irkot today.
UIIICAHO. Junutf , Lo itit & . Co , to Tonciay
A , llryan : The wheat market htm boon iiilot | ,
July sellliiK as low as IW'ic ' , and ill ) to WHO
Iliullhli tubles uro lowet und weathei line ,
consldor.iblo talk of danuiKo to the Krowlni ;
CM op I n Ohio I ho decrease In our \lhlblo
simply Is lighter than looked for , but thcio
appears to bo conlldeneo In present pik'i's
Until moio Ih kno\sn \ of tlie nou etop wo think
purohascis on weiiK iniirUuts will make
money I'oin has been autl\o , innKliu fiom
5k' to Vi',0 ' for July. Itoeelnts aio lUht and
the shipping demand IH coed I'nii'ss lueeipls
IniTouso wo will ha\e soinii lmpio\eineiit in
the pilco Not much lining In oils. 1'ro-
Mhlons Innettve.
OlllCKiii ) Juno 2. HehwartDnpeoX le 'or-
mlek to 1 f. hwiitt.V. . t o. ' 1 ho lieniH mailed
themselves of the three days holiday to ha\o
a ri'KUlnr p'enlo whleh was ronilurml easy by
the faet III it the majoiityof the loual hhorts
had evened up I'rldav I.verj thliiKhenmi'd to
favor lower prices , The hope whleh WIIK en
tertained last week that dormaiiy mUht 10-
iluco or remoM' hut Impoit duty wasillsfieliid
by cables receh en Mondu ) , Co ) d rains noli d
In the noithwest. Oiir-roes on nnsj i it showi'd
an Ineioiso of 2.7'iM'Ji ' and Its oiled was
show nb ) declines of JJ , < 1 In l.hiipool ) .
Decrease In v Ulblo amountlii ) : to iibiiut TIKI.I ell
was not unexpected. Kuoipts at nlovtui
primary points for three days were law.
beliiK I.TOI.IWJ and shipments only l.r-nuii. !
London and I'arlh cables were lowoi and tint
advance of A marks on cash wheat In llerlin
had no onYot as that market Is known to ho
manipulated , The loeal mnrki t Ims been dull
and UMillir ' ih'illy of a > > enlpliu tur
Tin olosi' Is vei ) tame and \vo > > io nothing to
oncouniKO tin * hope for hUher prices us the
m iln tu > ofthebiiliht'eomstutiopnsslni ; nvvay
In wenltiiiixs of the forolKn mnrUotn I'ho
rains and warm forulni ; uoithor LMIUKCII a
lowir i pi'iiliu' In eon ! , lint a slmrii reiietlou
took pliicoou an actlvo demand fnmiMioith
Itecolptsof rorii for three ila\x , | , ti.MViiOJ bush-
oU , und shlpiac'iits only U' > IUIO IniMii'lH. but
our best lufoiintMl recolverd s iv that roeolpts
will illiulnlsh hlmrply iliiilnu the next llfteen
diivsand that the cnsli dom'ilid , vvhleh had
fallen olT , will tiKnln tucioiiso. ( f this In.
formation Is coireut we expect bomowliit
hluher prices nml iid > iM > oniitlon In Hhort
i ; The trade today linn bein rnthor
dull lar eU local , within n rnnno of M.c\vo
for July O its v ere dull , following elu iilv
Iliiotiuitiinib of corn There was no trading
worthy of note diirlns the mornluK I'rovU-
IOIIK opuui'd sllhtl ) > hlirhor but hoon lost tholr
itrcutU | ( uud uuUur < ruu bvllluK by
were very wonk. MiuOyiof pork Mtovrotl n.4- !
COJ barrels , rlbjV | , < Mr. ( & ) poiiu i in l l-ir.l H/l-
0 D tierceTheio HKIII/.S were very dNcoiir-
tilting to thobulli nsfioaishilt , ( > iiiand H ut tl
minimum and st oivs iiuxlansof lnoioi c' . Wi
iui < nothliii } hopeful a , the bull Bide of pro-
vlslons , i
M.f/,1 / / I ltvi ;
' , ' ' ' OMAtt < . June 2. Wl.
OATTl.F-Olllelal rociloti of i-iUtlo I , HV ni
compared with KH yeitorday and 1 WV 1'uos-
day of last week. TJjo , market wasni-tUo and
st ionic on need slilprjlnVstceH , other urailiH
slow and nnehaiued tJoDdbuU'herstoek wan
actlv u and steady , eoniiiioii HI ides slow and
5 ID KM IOHUI 1'oi'rti rM1woro unchiumed
lions Dlllelal ro uiits | of hou * O.i-lX ) . np
oompiri'd with 1,1.07 vustoiilnv and " > ( XV ) Tuo -
dny of last vveek I he tniirki t opened tic-
the and sto idv to ash'ulo lil heron rood lUht
and shipping ho s , with ,11 nthorsslow Later
the market became nctlvo and xtrouiti-r , but
before the flo e broke and close I iV1 lower and
tnnetlrally lint. Llcht ir.Wt.n ; ho ivy
* l..iOff4.n , inltcil , Jl .ttxai.B Tlo nvei amof
the pi Ices paid was JI.Ji'j. ' a comtinicd with
14 III 4 yest ( rday and irjlM ruesday of last
* > III.KI > Ofllclnl rueelpts of sheep 4IVs , nv
compared with tfli vestuiday and III'J Tuesday
of last week Mat'.et ' iinehined NntlvO'i ,
Hhoi u , f.l OOii" ) 2' ) ; westerns shorn. J.7. > ii"i - " >
Disposition ol' .Stoolc.
omchil receipts and dlsDosltlm of SK'as !
shown by the books of the Union stockyards
company for the twenty-four hours ondln/
.I o'clock p. in , Juno. ' , Ib'Jl :
Ileprcscntatlvo tallies.
Chicago Ijlvo Htoolc Alarkot.
CuiCAno , JtinoS. thpeelal'IVleitram to THE
III K ] Despite the r.ilnv weather and ud\kes
of adielluoof l l' ' e per pound In the fondun
market there was tlrtuness heiu In cattle. Hiich wiis the CIIHO was notitno. howeMii ,
toany ucthlty In the demand , tint holely to
the fuetof llKlit receipts , the total for the last
twodays belnu 1,700 fewer th in for the hamo
time last wuoK , and 5,0)0 ) less than fet the eoi-
riHpondhiK two dajsof bint vear. Only about
one-third of Ibo (1,000 ( hojd reeelvecf today
were natUes , Te\a boliiK credited with from
.1500 to 4,000 ho ul lloldeisof coed eattlo In
sisted upon Klroim prices and not tlidni. It
there was a lack of llrmness anywhere It was
In the pooret Rr.Kles of I'ovas cattle. Milp-
lilng Br"l'lS ' weio hcaico and llrm at 11 21l ( 50 ,
with < * tti < 4 hminty at fl "liJI * * V Tow hclfcrs
niul bulls were quoted tit tl.5Xi6l ! 50. thdiinh
thuto weru few tr.ulcs at better than
} .L7i The rnnyi' of prices for Texas
cuttle UUR { I..VO&1.8.1 the outside iitiot-itlon
ealllim for clioliu fed steers Une ol
extra ijuiilit } brought W II , und four loads of
lini wl helfl-rs fetebod Jl.OD.
I'lio IIOB market opened aetl\o nndashndo
I'ho early trad Inn was gcnt'r.illy at
an ailMince of 2'4'tWc. ' but by the inlddloof the
forenoon tint lmpro\emc'nt wai lost. The
inarki't loved weak at Monday's ri'iotnllons
ot nt fl. % f4 7o for hoii\y ntul medium weights ,
and nt fl IVAI.TO fet poor to best llBbt Thorn
were two or three trades at $1 75. and o'llmot
culls 'iiid thlu plus weio noted nt * I.WKi61.2l.
Heeelpts were iiBiiln below the number looked
for , amonntliiK to only KMiou , and muKltnr n
total since Satnrdtty of ,17,1 10 iiKalnst 4 1 MJ for
the hiimo tlmo last week , anil 57 > siii for the
Miitne time last year. Some ho B were left In
tliefi'llnix' hands ,
I'ho | 'M > IIIIK | Journal reports- Cattle
Heeelpts , ( ! 5jJ : ahipmi'iits , ivtwi market Unlit
and steady ! no extra steers on s lie ; fair to
MHxlt IMS. i175O5Ki ! 'luxatis , 'Wa5.I5i
iow > > . f. ' ( KrJM .V ) .
IliKiM-Kreelpts , is.000 : shipments , 0000 :
market opened actUe nml slion , closed
steady to lower ; roiuh and eominon. f 4 J.V74
4 .l'i ; Kood mUed and p.ickeis. $1 VXitl no ; prime
hi'.i'y und bitteher weights , M i Vit4 75 ; as-
surted ll.-hl , * t V H 70
Mil nKcielpts. . OOiX ) ; shlpmentt , , )000 ) {
market ste"i < l > ! nathes , JI.5Kl,1 ( 15 ; Tu\nn .
* -M iHbU ; westerns , * IUO < 3505 ! lambs , 1.1 Wa >
XIMV Vcit'k liUo Stoolc Market.
N'l W VoilK , Juno 2lltKXRH Keeolntsj , 4BS
head , till for exporters No trnde , feeling
wi ik. Hie < ssMt bief. steady , S'lG.'I'iC. ' bhlp-
tui nts toil ly , 500 bi eves ; tomorrow , , l,4oOqii.u-
teis of beef ,
CAIAKJ Hi'celuts , ,100 lio.idj marl'i't ' 40 to
1 Jo lower ; M'als , t.t oj/tH > " . biittermllkM , * 4 ( JO.
r'nn ' p Ifioelpts , 2,11' ' ) bead ; market steady.
Mil it ) , W.oi)4Hi.1 ) , lambs , f " .OOfts 00 ; dres-id
mutton , slow , txQ,0'te ' ; diessed lambs , we.ik ,
lions Iti celpls. o.OJl IIP id , conslaned direct ;
nominally > at * l :0it1.25. (
KaimaH Cltj IjUo Moulc .Mai'lcct.
KANSAS ( ITMo , .luno 2. OATTM le- !
eelpt , 2.IOJ ; "hlpmi'tits , 1,400 hc'ttil ; nuir-
ket , lest , stton. ' ; c'o'ninon , we.ik ; Te\an t
teulstei ; is , f i " < ) jll lid , cows , W5J4i4' > 5.
stoi kc-rs and eeders JJi/OCil / > ft
Hods Itceeipts d.dJO head : shipment" , none ;
iniirketstroii ) , ' toro bUher , bulk , ® ! 4- " . ;
all crideb i.t ou < ii4 ii >
SIM.I t' liceelpts , 1.G.V ) head ; shipments , 1)70 ) Market weak and dull
St. Louis Lit i ; MouU .Market.
FT , Louis , .Mo , Juno 2. CAITI.L Kocetpts.
5 000 ; shipments , 500 ; m irket stton : fair to
fancy native stier" , S.i.UO < iiu 00 , Tex-ins and
Indians , * ! ( WTC105.
Hods Uceelpts , 4.GOO ; shipments , l.GOO , market -
kot Htioiu : he i\y , fc.50 ) 4.0j ; mixed II. lay. I 55 ;
OJIAIMA n'JlOliSAljU JI.lltKKT * .
The marker , H.IS about ste.idy on
The following quotations represent tlio
prices at which eholeo stock Is billed out on
order' , unless otherwise stated :
lit ilMunA UNIONS I'er e.ise , t..757t.l 00.
I'EAH-1'er bushel box , # . ' 50 ; per > $ bushel
box. 75cTtf ( I IK ) .
botiriititN UAUI.IH-O\\EII I'erdoicn , Ji.OOO
2.25N'I'W I'OTATOhS I'or It ) , 2'jO. '
TOMATOI i Southern sto-k. busbol boxes ,
$4 Oti : f.incj. crate. (1 ( b isketK SI.OO per eratc.
C'UCUMIII.K ! , I'er do/en. MXftTiOc.
I'orArncs Home KIOWII block In hinall lot
from the store , l > Jc@'l 00
A-i'AUAriu > VXiJ i ie tier do/en
t-oiiTiims UK\Ns-\Vax , Jl 10 per 'i bushel
box : strln , ' , Jl 2.1 uet ' < bushel box.
Niw : llf.l.Ts I'ei do/en. > 0j.
UAiuiAilh C'iillfornl.1 stock , pr Ib , 2'jS2'i ' ' c ;
southern , pet" . fJ 00.
Krc'hli Priilts.
FTIIAWIII-units Mlsiuuil stojk , SJ.75 poi 24
quart cusp.
( Jiiniuim 1'or 10-lb bo$2 1 ; southern
choirles , JI.7V8 J.OO pet dinworof 18 qts
OtiAMits Lob An-'eles , J.1.0J per bjHher -
elm I'N ( ioosHiHiim1- Per 21-quart case ,
iJ'iO ; di.iwei of Is uu irti JJ J.1
I'lShAfl'l , I'ei ili)7 , U V > ii.l 00 ,
LtMOVb e/bolco stock , per box , $050 , fancy ,
IISASAS I'er bunch , JJIOtWOO for fancy
s > tock for shipping.
CountrI'i'oiliicc. .
IlUTTru I'ho bulk of the receipts Is going at
Off IOC.
Kdiis The market Is weak and It Is hatdly
safe to nuutp It oui 1 Wil4e.
HAV Hist upl.inil. $11 eOft l..OT per ton.
nl'otnruChickens were In i iruo supply
niul the mm ki > t wiak. It w is hard work to
get abo\ } J 7.1 tot the host old hens.
Omaha Mllilns : Co. Holhincp Patent. JIOO ;
Imlncllile Patent. } 2 SO ; Lone btar f-uperla
the , J.TiO ; snowllako J-.0 : I'ancy Tamil v
Itl 00.
It T ti\Is Mill Co , IlU'h Patent No. 1 and
Cream , * . ' si ; lllue I ) , full p iteiit. J..fiOj Hawk
eye. half p itent , JJ.40pedal ' , patent
No 10 , till ; Minnesota Patent , WK ) : Kiuii IB
Haul Wheat , patent , S-05 ; Nebraska bprlnj ?
who it , ] ) ntent. i-'il ) .
h. F. Oilman's Gold .Medal , WK ) ; Snow \Vhlto.
SiGO ; fciiowHake. $ . ' 2(1 ( : low trade. $1.00 ; bum ,
$10'0 ' : chopped food , IM5 00 ; Mlnnesot.i fcupei-
lathe , i.'tw.
f'JKltf,0.\AL , I'A HAtiKAPUS.
R. A. Plcltcns of II istiiiirs is at tbo Mil-
Clnicnco Unglo of Nebraska City is nt the
Ftank Caller of U'uhoo Is a guest at the
Dellono. '
C. J. Phelps of Schuylcr is a guest nt the
Mrs. Bailer of Kearney is n guest at the
C. 1C. Hamilton of ( Jrantl Islauel is at tlio
C , II. Paul of Ilnstitigs is a truest nl the
Mm lay.
Dr. "A. P. Wlllos o McCook is at the
Paxton ,
P , M. WoleoU of Bioketi Bow is at the
Pax ton.
C. M McMcnnnmv of JJlnlr is a guest at
the Dellono.
O V. nnil J. C. Eaton of Lincoln are guests
at the Dellonc.
lion , ( } . D. Meikcljohn of FXillortou is at
tlioMillatd.l *
H D. Stearns itnd A. C. Langdon of Lin
coln uro nt the Mm ray.
Mis. U A. Edwards , M. D. , of Hastings is
nt the Mm ray.
Mrs , John U. Clark , Miss Lulu Clark and
Miss Cluia Clark of Lincoln aio at tlio Paxton -
ton ,
S N. Mcnlio was called to nockfonl , In ,
ypstotdav 1 > V thodoatU of his fatlior-lii-law ,
"William Powlergras.
K. D. Stearns of Lincoln , one of the nttor-
no\s , who defended Mrs. Sheedy and Monday
McFurlaml in the celebrated murder tiinl ,
was in the city yesterday and called upon
Tut. lire.
Mrs , J. L. ICnlo > of Orchard Hill hits Just
returned homo from n six weeks' visit to
Tiftin , O. , having been called there on ac
rount of the serious sickness of her father ,
Cbnrles Ooyor , of that city. Her fattier died
after her urtivnl there.
RERDI So That You Will Not BB D6CBi\/6cl \ /
inunufttctufors of incdicinos are olTorlng to supply the rotttil
with an article put up in icd wrnppor , almost iilontioiil in onoi til up
pournnuo , nnil cloholy ashiiinlntod in every ilutail to Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills.
In this way they hope to prollt hy the merit of Cm-tor's Little Liver Pills , and
palm oil an imitation on the unsuspecting sufferer niul ptiruhasor.
It in ft SOWCO H under to honest people , that there are inon ready and willing
to perpetrate such fluids.
Lot them bo' ' io ; u day of reckoning will surely come ; there uro "upright
judges" in the land who will punish such people.
Hut tlio moral lof Hull is this : When you usk for Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills ,
" ' ' " and see that got them.
insist upon having "C-A-U-T-L'-H--S , you
The proprietors of Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills have spout hundreds of thous
ands of dollars to make their value known. True merit always wins with tlio
people , Carter's Little Liver Pills have won.
Positive Cure fen Sick Headache
ilitruutnvnricnovirflf'c WANTED
Undue icinvny lor all ui ' Totil iMtiaa ot CITIES ,
iinnattiip1 itlJLlmiui'ii ai"
„ „ m
tntliitf caUutba jiucullar COMPANIES , 8T.R.R.COMPANIE8 , tfl.
towutmn. CorriitsMuUnm rullciUil
J In prunonlieitnnilfcelsatu rvcoimiiviullai ; II to H.W.HaRRIS &COHPAHYBankers.
all "iToii'ni .
10103 Dearborn Street
D . ,
j 8TON .otsuunjltt .
' . NEW YOlllt.
Wa'l Street.
Hold > > r IlritCKlill > <
91.UV. . 7O SUte Bi. . BOSTOHi
MaiiDfacltircfs1 Jote
A , H. Perrigo&Oo. | M , 0. Daxou ,
All Mnko. , All I'rlcen , All "lorries - oti | on Moiitlilj
I'nrK Payments
Wi DoilKO Street. 10U7 Knrnim HI , Oniihit
Omaha Republican Priuting 0\ ,
Law tirlufj , built iiiillij | | < , niul ovcr/lhlnj In tin
printing line
10th nnil I > ouu1i < street
Ackormann Bros. & Ileint2e ,
Printer * , binder" , tloctrotvpcrj , blink book niinu
fur turer * ,
Illflllownrl trjt't Omihi
Oharlos A. Ooo & Cj. , | KirkemlallJonos&0 , (
Manufacture mil Job- , Wholes ilo Mniiufnctiir't
bers for lloston Hnt >
UrMiooOo IIU-J. 11UI
1101 Ilownril Ktroot. junl 110 , 1 lamer t
' '
Williams , Van Aor- TV. V.
liaiii & Harto , FIiop I'nctnry Corner ( III :
nnil liiUKli4 * t > Omi
1212 llnrnc ; ntraot , In Merchants
Oiimlia. N't'ti toe ill n < l pxnmlnp
John L. Wilkio , Louis Huller ,
Omnlm p U'Or box factory HntohiT' ind I'nckerV
HI7-I11'I IKiintlu lluof ,
Onlors promptly tlltal | UiS&TiVk''m ( ' ' * 't
, . . . -
Omnbi'n I.aruoit Variety
CAItllt VOK4
Omaba Carpet Oo. , Gilimro & Kuhl.
Cnrppt ol ! clothi , rait- Manufacturer ! AVliol -
tlnK'.oiirtilnwjlt.ol ! FIlUCldtllllTI ,
1511 Doiulu "trust. 1IOJ llnrnoy St.
West & Pritschsr ,
Mnniifncturor fl
Jobberiof Icif tob iccoi
1011 Kirnim street
Oraaba Coal , Ooka and Coutaat & Squire ? ,
Lima Co. Hnrdanil soft coil ship
Ilnril unil oftc it per i ,
8 i : Cor UJIi n 1 . )3 11- 1503 Fnrnnin Btroot ,
In * BtrucK O'uilii
Mount & Griffin , P. H. Mahoney & Oo.
Hani Coil Soft.
213 S Uthstrojt ,
Onicea sn N' If til and cor
Om ih i , Neb. 10th iiml DOUK ! is sts
American Fuel Oo. Howell & Oo. ,
Shippers anl di"it"ri 11
street ,
1178 14th
nnthrnclte ami bltJ-
mlnoiis coil
Oinihi , Neb
211 H 15th street.
Nebraska Fuel Oo. , Johnson Bros. ,
213 S. IJth streat , 914 Farnnmbirect ,
Onialn , Vet ) . Oinuhr , Neb
Eagle Cornice Works F. Hnempin
MunufncturcrH ofdiilvua- GKl\inlreil lr < n cornlcon ,
Ucil Iron Lornlco Dormer wlmlowc , tlout
Wlndoweips.nietnlloslcv-- mil" , tin Inls etc 'Iln
etc 111U und 11IJ Iron nnil 1 ito roiifer
UnrtiioSt bll turnim St
J , J. Johnson & Oo , ,
2188. 13tU stroii ,
Omnhn , Koix.
M. E. Smith fit Oo , , Kilpatrick-Kooh Drj
Goods Oo.
Dry pooils , rnrnUhln * ,
, notion *
lry goods
gooda , notluiu furnlshlnxKooilJ
Cor llth nnrt Hownnl sts. Corner lltli unit Hnrnej
Dutrolt-Autum Ulo
Wolf Electrical Oo. Etestrjo Motors
Illustrated Cutalujiuo anil 1) , n unos CntsloKtie
free free II A I
Idll Cnpltol Avc'iiuo. Ant. M.-3 ! N \ Life Illil K
Parlin , Orendorff & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo. , ( icnernl nostcrn nxent
Cornel Jones and Uth sts. fckundli Plow Co ,
OiiKiln , Neb U19-K51 Sheriimn avc
Broken Bow Holler E. T. Davis Mill Co. ,
Milling Oo. , C O Unilerwuo I ,
OPIto nml warelicituo , Mnnniier nt Onnlii.
lUI..N' lluli struct. Cor 8tli nnil Jiokxon sts
S. P. Oilman , Omaha Milling Co. ,
.Merc-limit Millers
10H N. Ibtli BtroJt. Ollltonnil Mill Mil Nuith
C , I" . Illuck Manager It til Mreit.
Dewey & Stone Pur- Bsobo & Runyaa Fur-
nitura .
uituro Oo ,
, .
BuccoBnorB to C.A Ilcobo
Kurnltiiro nml uirpots , \ lo
1115-1IIJ Knrnim "treot , Grace nml Ulh bi .
id oiiier&Toorais , J. T. Robinson Notioa
Co , ,
lobbon nml Importers or t , . frinhliu , , Bonn
i.ulluui niul furnUliliu m fV- ci'lolir-iU'.t tirinl
ooiia "liuckiklii' ovurulM
1 pinU lilrt < roitt oto
lilt llownnlntrivt. Cor Uth nnil How inl U
Kennard Glass J. A. Fullar & Oo , ,
Taint Co. , 1(03 UIMUIH StrJJ '
1103-HI. Hartley strmS.
Om vlil-
. -
Uintlia Nuu.
William Oumminga , Bla'-to ' , Bruoa L J >
lOo-'JOJ lajivonwort'i ' it.
H'J South lull * <
; i ? uml
Ouinli i Ncli
Oimilin , Net )
Huijh Q , Olark.
dun ) \ \ 4iern Aiiuntu'
; ) uu > nt'ii HiuirtlnK Dun
mwiltr AtliM hmliuoilu
o. tlliutlntf tfti' '
Tonorny & Bryan , I S. A. MoWhortoM
llroker * , Kraln , pro lonj | I1J 1st Nntl Hunk llroker.
and tocli JJ | a nth rlfnlo wlrei to
St. I'rltnti-wlKi ui CHI. \ork , ( Jlikaito anil HN
B SU lAul niul Now lAiuH laili Ktftln
lork uoiiKbtfor all iiiarkits.
Oookrcll Bros. '
llrokdrs Prlrnlo lro >
tuNcwork ilitc- lroA
M l.onu Si'i
tlutinUoii lu trick Mli ,
Oliur ln litNnttlltnk
Rector ifeWilholmyOo Loo-Olrtrk-Antlroosoa
Cor lOtli mul Jnckaon ti llnrdwaro Oo , ,
1M-I11D llarnoj strsot ,
Oninlni Null
Paxton & Viorlintt Omaha Safe & Iroa
. Iron Work" , Works
„ ' ! ! ; " nllcl < " " ' Iron ,
biillillnKwnrk. rnglnds , Mniinf'rs fire Mid burilnr
brass work , icunoral pronf mfi's , vnults , Jill
iminilry , nmihlnu nnl work Iron shutters au.l
llncksiiiilh work U l' lire < vies tl \n-
J unit mil st. drevn UiliA Jncksunsd
Wilson & Drake ,
M'fu tnbiilnr t1u s II ro
UOT holler" , tAiiki , o'.a.
rionennt IDth streets
Ilor & Co. , William D.ust ,
I.lquor Morehtnti Wlnui , Liquors ami CI-
- ) str
Slnnufncliir rs kiir KIM
Kiatliulln Hitters nil Knrnini St. , Om itii
G. W. Douglass & Oo. John A. Wnkofieltl ,
Imporleil Amerlnti 1'ort
H-mlirooil l.umbG- lanitCement Mllnnukoa
Ililninllc ( L'nu'iil uJ
1110 North K'th Stroll VulnMiltu Itmo
Olnrles R. Laa , Wyatt - Bnlhud Lumber
Unnlwooil lumber , wool
ber Oo.
cirpets anil
p tnjuot
lloorlnv Mtli ami Uanl Streets.
ftli ami KoiiKl w.
Gady & Gray , Louis Bradford ,
Lime , cement , etc. , cto Lumber , lime , comontotJ
eor , Jitli ninl Douglas fltreot.
0. A. Stonehill , I. Oberfolder & Oo. ,
Millinery , .S'otlous Importers ami Jobbori In
Cliucs , ICt3 Millinery
503,510 niul SI i South I Hi
110-113 S lljth St. , Oiniln Miict
Max Meyer &Bro. Oo. A. Hospo , Jr. ,
M fV Jewelers , tleilors In I'lanos Orsnns , Artlsti1
musical Instrumuiiu.
cte , Materials , Kte ,
Karnam mill 11 th HH DoiiRli * Street.
Consolidated Tank
Line Oo.
Itellnoit run ! hibrloitlnt
oils , fixlo ri'isj , ota
It 11 Ituth , Miui-xjor
Ribbel & Smith , Schroeder & Oo. ,
Dealers In country prod lush btiyeri b ittar in I
uce , truHa , TCKetnblus , CKKS an t KenorAl cj i *
etc mission merchants ,
etcUOT llowanl stroot. lii boutli lltli street.
Hobsrt Purvis , E. B. Branch & Oo , ,
1217 llowanl stroot. Produce , fruits of lit
Write for prlcsi on but klnils , oysters ,
tcr , CBKS poultry and 1211 LlowarJ strdoL
Kirschbraun & Sons , Jas. A. Olark & Oo.
Iluttcr , cheese , Ofli ,
Iluttcr CK S anil poultry '
poultry an t Ki'no ,
1200 Howard street. W > South 13th street
Bates & Oo. , Williams & Oro33 ,
Country produce , ' riilts , I'roiluco ami fruity
Tt'iictnbloi , Krocori
ppei laities teas , iplooi ,
etc. 417-41 ! ) S lithHU 1314 lUrnoy "tr33f.
L Randazzo & Son ,
Jll Sontli l.'th Street
i IDomcitlc Fruits
Hiirhlu DrniiKes .t Sicily
lrutt > IlninLb boufle , 7
N Peters St , .New Orl iu
Oarpontor Paper Oo. , Omaha Rubber Oo. ,
Carry a full Ktock of Mnnnfaeturln anl
printing , rapplni ; anil litn ill klniKriibU
( Iunra. bllniK nml hui , l > lln H , ilojr ) ,
JlonliltnK ! * Itrnnrtiof- I'U !
Bce , l.'ili nnil U ir I t < Kith nmt lliriitro'ti.
U. 8. Wind Engine & A. L. String & So\3 : ,
Pump Oo. ,
Ilnlllitny vrlnil mills tlS ) 10U2-IOOI I'lini.-un a
nnil Vi > IOIIDI l- ( I K
ItuBH , actinia nuinatfur Oniiliu , Nob.
Oousolidated Ooffau
Company ,
1114 atul 1410 Humor it.
Omiilm Nub.
. . .
- * * * T i
H. Hardy & Oo. , The Brnuswiok-Balk i
Colloadnr Oo.
J'iy ilolls , nlbunis.fiinof .
ituoils , liuniufurnlshliu 'Ilil inl inertlimillsn
Hiilnon ililuroj
Kooils , clill'troa'J car- 407 WJ S tUtli utruot
rhik'iia III'J I urnnimt. Oinliliil
A. D. Boyer & Go
S-'Ji lU llultUliiK ,
boulli Ointihii.
3. J. Goffnmi , Sm loy Hunter & Qrceo ,
& Uo. ,
: o iiciiiniiu : : iiiiiiiinif
20 KxclmtiKu
buntli Oiuutin. hiinlh Omiiiii
P. . ,
IbAjlUI < ut Duuvur tolur i lo
l.lklii , III iiiul SVo > lurn i ruiiiiiiry Ilnltur , 1 iiinil
huuni ) . IUW ) A I unipljr iu cmoi with IIIIoM to
mill to mv lilpi'Jr | | uml ntlium in liu Illlu I IWu i i < u <
ui'l up Shlti l > / Inn fruUht 1. " 1. cl'ix'i' ' ' llHtuir m
li'inanil ilurlnif Mujr. Itullublu fur ' | uut itluhi uii 'lu-
. lliniilH-W.intoil-Kiiilinl UlilN fo ;
WATr.K - I ' vvittur linnilh ut
tllHH ) sin-IH , I'Oiiiiini
: ln c'lty uf ToUaiiuih. Hurt muiily , Si li rusk .
fin * .Wuai'li , ilntod May I. MU nnil rojlntorurt
> y thu uiiilllor ( if ( Until , us iiiiilrirt | liy luw.
? iilil IxHiiii lo lioc'inni ) dill ) In twunty yi-iirj ,
nt iniyiiiilo nny tlnioiifti r Ihu youw , ilrtiw-
im ( I IH rri'iit Intiinst poiilio unniiiUly H'ti
, li .NuliriiMku INuul iiKunoy. Now Vork iityv.
vilil luinilN uro HID on y Inilohtoilnorts ( it tlio
ity of li'ki.niiili All lilils will Uo npiinvil
lunul'i Ihil , nt I o'olouk j ) in Hy orilor of tliu
ity ii.iini il uf uiild olty I'lio con null rtsuiv-
UK the rl.rlil to rojc'ut. uny uml till liIiK \ < 1-
IrtNsl. II Atkinson , city ulurk , "llliln for
. .
' ' xt..i7
JouUn , I'ttkatuulj , .