JLJttJli 5 ISEBUKED BV JODCE DUNDY. Pension Attorney Moore Given a Scorching Lecture in Federal Court. DEMAND FOR THE "VANITY FAIR" CASES. 3riie Court PM > IIOHOS to llnvo Its Ilusl- IICSH f/ook < : il A Mcr-Thn Hast- Ilnntc CIIHO I'lnooil on Trial. The United Sinter district court may ro- rcmblo the mill of tliu pods nt times in the Apparent Lick of cclcilty In Its movements l > ut the court occaMomilly "gJts tlioro" with } n rush which surprises the oldest Inhabitant. Tilings wcro lively nround tlio sacred pte- rlnut-s of the court room for n few moments { \osterday mornlne and the rourt shook un the dry bones until Uio windows rattlort. The Jury which had heard the case against James Alooro of Valley who wns Indicted on two counts charging him with defrauding Mrs Mary Qugltia , _ decrepit old woman of t.2,210 pension monov returned a vordlct of trinity. The first count charged him with tctainlng the whnlo nmmint nnd the nccond count charted htm with lotalnlng 8Wil 70. Moore hi ought In n hill for numerous arti cles furnished the old lady , among other items being medical attendance and inodirlno enough to have itm the Douglas county hos pital for a yt-ir. The bill covered a period of about six months and duiinuthat tlmo the old lady nnpoars to hnvo developed an cnor- tnous appotitn as quarters of beef and vari ous other cdl'olcs of a llko nature wuro duly charged to her iiccoiint. The jut v retired last evening nnd brought In a verdict this motnlng llndli.g Moore Utility on the second count When the vordlct h.id been read tlio court balnmoil Itself with ono elbow icstlnir on its nrm chair and , swinging around so as to face Moore , administered a robulco that was as Knocking as u Kansas cj clone lie charac terised Mooro'.s action In dofiaudinga woman on the vonru of imbecility ns uontciniitlblo nnd degrading nnd pioicndod to i al < o the defendant - fondant fiom s to in to stein iu the most scath ing manner. Ho wound up by remanding Moore to the custody of the marshal to await rcntoiiLO and advised him to irimbuiso Mis Qugm for every dollnr ho hud withheld , warning him that ho would gut the full ex tent of the law. While the Judge had his- hand In ho de manded of the district attorney why Messrs. Cotton ft Jton/lngor , proprietors of Vanity Kalrho were Indloti" ! by the last grand Jury for sending obscene matter through the mails , had not been arraigned to ple.id to the Indictment. The Juago waxed wroth and stated that ho > Imd boon asked by many Lincoln citixeni X" why the cases against tneso parties had not been pushed , and ho lu.il been compelled to ucknoxvlcdgo that ho didn't I/now , but now ho proposed to find out. Ho declared that these people should bo ticated the famous anybody clso and calledon the marshal and district attorney to explain why IIvo terms of court had been allowed to pass without liuv- lnc these people In court to plead. It was suited bv the marshal th.tt Mr. Cot ton was detained at the bedside of a very sick child , and Mr. Bonzinger had been in Omaha within a week. The Judge angrily exclaimed that ho had . not been in the court room and that a capias Issue at once for Botulngcr commanding him to appear in court. , S Henry ICuker of Nomahn and David Miller / of Ulchardson , wcro arranged nnd pleaded , guilty to soiling liquor without a license and Wore lined JJO and costs each. The recognizances of William V. Lea and Harriet J. I ca were declared forfeited. They were charged with milking /also pension Bflldavits. The court then proceeded to hoar the case of Kfchtitd H. Lyman , as receiver of the Oltv National bank of Hastings , nga'.nst Charles N. DIotz nnd M. L. Klsemoro. The history of the ease is an interesting ono. Air. L. T. JSlsomoro was agentor C. N. Dietnt Hastings In the lumber business. Ho did his banking with the City National bank. Mr. H. Bostwick , president of the banic , ana Mr. Klsemoro maintained very in- tlmato business relations and were interested in local politics to komo extent along the sumo linos. Mr. Klsomoro und another gentleman of Hastings engaged lu a pressed brick manu facturing vonttiro which pioved quito dis astrous , and Mr. Elsommo wns obliged to borrow considerable monov or sacrifice Bomo real estate that ho owiiod In order to atom the tulo. Hostwick loauod him the money and Induced him to sign C. N. Doltz's ' name to the notes in addition to his own. These notes , Mr. Klsomoro says , were given to secure money htch Went into the buck business and Mr. _ , tz had nothing to do with the do.il When the bank finally collapsed , however , last fall Mr. Bostwlck nnd other stockholders claimed that Mr. UolU should bo held for the notes , amounting to about $11,000. Mr. Klsomoro admits that ho did wrong In signing Mr. Doltz's unme to the notes , but says ho did .so at the solicitation of Mr. Bostwlck , who said it would help the banlc to make n good show ing when the oxnmlnor came around , for Mr. Deitz1 notes were us good as gold. The nros- ont ult Is brought hy tlio receiver for the purpose of compelling Air. lcltz to redeem the notes Air. Klsomoro signed as his agent. Air. Klsemoro says that Air. Bostwickwasa partner In the briuk yard business nnd that lie ( flostwicK ) know all the time where the money was going that Klsemoro had to bor row. When the business came to n tight squeeze and Hostwick found thobankgottlng into deon water ho had Klsemoio deed over to the bink about $11,000 worth of real ostnto to cover the notes that had been ilvon. ; Else- more says ho has a receipt whlch'shons that the real estate ho deeded to the bunk was to bo applied on those notes , and by tnis the defense - fonso hopes to prove that the notes were given without the knowledge or authority of Mr , Diet/ . There was n rumor afloat yesterday to the effect tlmt the grand jut v had /ound'nn in dictment against Air. Bostu lolt und that ho would bo bioughtbaek from Washington to lie tried , hut United Status Attorney Baker positively denied that tlioro Imd boon any thing of the kind under way. JOK 'S MJCK. JIo Trlnl for Murder Dis trict Court NotcH. Joe Dwycr , the man who Is supposed to nave killed John Connor in the south Eleventh street chop houao on the night of February 15 , enjoyed n breath of freedom yesterday. At the lost term of the district court Tvyor was tried on the charge of murder. The evidence was very strong ngalnst him. but nftor being out sovoiity-aix hours the Jury decided not to ngroo , nftor which the twelve men were discharged and the piiboner remanded to Jail without ball. Yostordnv CountyAttotnny Aluhonoy , learn ing tlint , the state's witnesses had all left the city , nnd being unabla to ascertain their whorjabouts , ho entutou a nolle , Dwjor was nt once released , but had htmlly passed out of the Jail door when ho \vtis arrested by Sergeant Ormsby on a warrant , charging him with assault with in tent to kill , In this case the complainant Is Dick Ctuhlnp , who was stabbed by Owjor ] ust prior to Conner receiving the fatal blow. That Cattle CIIHI- . The habeas corpus case In which Van Closer and MuLnughlln are Interested was Heard before Judge Estello > ostontny after noon. Attorneys for the defendants argued that on account of the proceedings having been determined In NuckolU coiiuty , there wns no causaor arrest and for that ruiisou the shurllT had no authority for removing the. men from Douglas county The attorney for Allies hold that the /ormor arrests could not bur a subsequent arrest , as the cnso has never been adjudicated. Judge Kstoilo stated that It raised a point with which ho U not familiar , and wanted tlmo to examine authorities. Ho will hand down his decision nt 9 o'clock thU afternoon. There cro two sides to the story of the sale of the 100 fat stoon. Mr. Van Clostor , ono of the owners of the Kuckolls county ranch , claims that In the yitmicr of IW.t ho and lib partner negotiated , /tlU ( S.OOU loan from John U Alilo * of the Ne braska savings bunk , As security they ] > ! odgud 100 bead of steers and gave a < x-oiia mortgage on tha ranch , which ronalatiMi of iwivorul thousand ncrt of laud. 1 no notes and mortsagcs were all extended and the 13,000 paid , minus tl.700 of Interest that Allies withheld and the firm claimed was usurious. Later on , Van Closter ana AIo LaiiRhlin wanted to soil the stock nnd got permission from Allies to chnngo tbo mort- gaeos nnd lot It cover another 100 head of cattle. Everything was satisfactory until the plea of usurj was sot up , after which Allies had the defendants arrested , charg ing them with disposing of mortgaged prop erty. ' 1 hey were arrested and discharged by the Justice nt Nelson to bo again arrested. As n result , Van ( 'lostor has brought suit ngalnst Allies. alleging that by the prosecution hi 4 character has occn damaged to tbocxtent of $15,000. Alc atighlln stands In the natno position and says ho will at once bring suit for a llko amount. Air Allies puts another version upon the tratmetlon. Ho admits that In ISS'J ho loaned the two men the $4.000 , but denies the charso of usury nnd malicious prosecution , In December , 1800 , the two men who nro arrested sold some of the cattle covered by the mortgage without permission. The following Juno Air Allies gave them a letter to his nccntnt Lincoln by which , If ho saw lit , ho wns authorized to allow the cattle to bo sold This letter was never pre sented , nnd the tint thing Mr Allies know the eattio were disposed of nnd no secu rity given to cover the indebtedness. Then ho had Van Clostor and Alo- Lnughlln arrested and taken before n maglstrnto nt Nelson /or preliminary examination. This man lot them off without n heating. They were rearrested nnd gave bonds to appear AInv 'Jii. In the meantime the ofnYc and nil of thn papers of the magistrate burned. r cw pa pers wcro being tiropireJ when Van Cloaier and AIcLuighlin loft Nucicolls county They wcro followed to this illy and arrested. The two defendants state tlmt they now stand ro.ulj to pav the S iVO , minus the $1,700 which thov claim Is usury , but that they never will pay. _ lIclmrod'H Cusp. Tlio arguments in the Hoimrod-Carno' case wcto heard by Judges Doano and Davis yes terday. The greater portion of the day was devoted to loading the numerous nflldavlts and citing law bearing upon the caso. The attotnoys lor Hcimrod Insisted that 1'hinor had no right to remo\o him from the olllco of state oil inspector without charges haUng been preferred and n heating granted. The attorneys for Games took a different view o/ the situation They claim that Ithn Icglslatinu is not in session , the governor may nitnovo any nppointUo olllcer nnu , report the cau o to the i.ext legislature that meets. While there ate but two cases In which the courts hold to a different construction of the law , theto nto an > number of cases In point with the ono on trial. If the governor was comnollcd to in vestigate before removing appointive ofllcors the executive department would bo trans formed Into an c-nlco of a Justice of the peace and there would bo a court sitting a greater poitionoftho tlmo to hear and determine such causes. _ 7 > lr. Mc-KiMtli rapltiilntril. Alonday Jeff Alogeath , the register of deeds , entered a protest nnd resolved that Cd Pat lotto and Jatnos Atwood should not touch a book In his ofllco , notwithstanding the fact that they v/oio authon/cd by the county com missioners to rowilto tbo numerical Indices of Douglas county ut saint ics of $75 per month. This resolve stood good all day and the men loafed In the corridors and about the build ing. Yosteidny nioinitig Megeath capitulated nnd allowocl the men to nso tlio books that thov wanted. They are now nt work and will continuo until called off bv some higher authotlty. They state that the Job is good for at least six months. Thn Union Depot lit Court. Christ Spocht has brought suit against Arthur Johnson and Jonn Field. Ho seeks to recover SI,871 , and alleges that as con tractors who built the Union Pacific freight depot , the defendants employed him to toke the roof from the old passenger depot , and put it upon the now building , besides putting up spouts , filters and other iron work. The work was completed nearly ono year ngo.but payment o/ the claim has not yet boon made. Court Notes. The judge of the probate court yesterday appointed Knclmel Hiley administratrix of the estate of James E , Kiloy , deceased. A flor being out less than an hour , the Jury in Judge Kstcllo's court last night returned a veidlct In which Ed Ilocksheimor was found guilty of forgery , as charged lu the indict ment. Dr. Blrnoy euros cntarrn. Coo bid ? ; O.f/.lM.l. The Horn ! Klcctlnii. The vote by precincts nnd wards on the question of Issuing WO.OOO paving bonds was as lollows : UltST WAIID. I'roelnot. Ye * . No M.il. First DO a fa Second ! > " > 4 51 Third 03 3 06 Tot-xl 2M 0 211 3KCOKD WAItD. I'rnolnot. Yes No Maj. Plrst 8J U 71 Second 34 8 20 Third 10 . . 10 Total 132 1'J ' JU THIRD WAIID. I'reclnot. Yes No. Ma ) . 1'lrst 10 1 41 beeoml t 20 2 43 Total 00 3 8J touimt WAltti , Yos. No. MaJ. Vote - ' 2 2J Tlio total vote was , r > ir > . of which 472 were in favor of and ! U against issuing the bonds. Iloiird of I'.iliiention 'Meeting. The petition of C. AI. Hunt and others fern n new school .sito and building iu the north ern part of the city was loforrod. Miss Nora Snjder was elected n teacher to till out the term of Miss Grace C. Itlcuurd- son. who Is ill. The committee on rooms will secure suit able accommodations for the exhibition of school woik iluiing next Thursday , Triday and Saturday. Bills as follows were approved and or- noioa paid : Superintendent and teachers , $ l-)50.t8 ) ! : Janitors , SJOO ; Secretary Punston , * . ) . - > ; A. II. Korst W0.20 ; D. F. Baylois , fill ; D. C. Heath Jit Co , SJ9.17 ; South .Omaha Tribune , $7 ; D. A Pearce & Co. , WW ) ; L , J. Cat pouter. | l.'J5 ; AIix Aloyor it Brothers , jSIW ) ; J. F , Burl , $1005 ; American book company , $ J.f > 0 , S. D. Murray , $1.00 ; John J. Woodward , 150. No I on About the City. A young child of William Clifton is 111. AIlss L.V. \ . Johnson has returned fiom Ohio , A daughter has been born unto Air , nnd Mrs , Armstrong. A daughter has been born unto Editor and Airs. Bruce McCulloch. A young son of Air. Sanders , Albright , Is down with the measles , B Stephenson , formerly of this city , is back shaking hands with friends. The SarsfloUl committees will moot this evening to close up the ball matters. i'ho South Omaha National banic now oc cupies room Ml In the exchange building. Mis * Oraco H Kicluinlson , daughtorof Air. nnd Airs. E. AI. KichanUoii , is In poor health The trustees of the Presbyterian church will hold a session In the church Wednesday evening. While playing with a dop yoitorday , llttlo Oeoigc , son of Frank L. 1 tames , Albright , was bitten on the right hand. The ladles of Enterprise lodge , No 70 , Knights of Pythias , will give a picnic lu Syndicate pat It Saturday nfternoou. Mr. and Airs. Daniel Hunt of Columbus , O , the venerable parents of C. AI. Hunt , after u long visit , have returned homo. William L , Uregsoii of Swift & Co. , ouo of the popular men at that house , has Just re turned nf tor n throo-monlhV Kuiopoan trip. Kobort U. Livingston post No. 2t j , CJrand Army of the Uepubllo. will hold an Impor tant special meeting this ovoulng to close ur the memorial affairs. Mr. CJorheart. residing on the west side , whllo riding to this city on u motor train had his foot nnd utiklo badlv * injured by being struck by a passing train. IIouso of itoprcsontatlves , Washington , D. C The Kxcolslor Spring * . Ala. , waters nro delicious to the tosto ami splendid In results whim uioillu billions and malarial conditions 9t the system. C , H. Monsur , M. C. "THE BEE" CLAIM BUREAU , Pension , Indian Depredation , Land Patent and Other Claims to Bo Prosecuted. READ THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. All Claims Arising In Nplirnskn , Ivnti- Hii , Iowa and Houtli Dakota Will IK-I land led by The Ilco Iliircntt. About thirty days ago a now departure was Inaugurated by the San Francisco I2x- amlnor , now the folding paper on the I'aclllc coast. Its proprietor , Air Hearst , son of the Into Senator Ho.intof Cillfornla , who has a very largo fortune nt his command , conceived the idea of establishing a bureau of cl tlnn at Washington , manned by the ablest lawyer * and specialists conversant with the routlno work In the various departments and bureaus of the government. The object of Mr. Hoint in this undertaking Is clearly sot forth In the prospectus taken from the Examiner to bo published In a later Issue of Tun BKP. When the announcement of this now de parture \ \ as ni'ido ' negotiations were at once entered ln'o bjtwuoa Tin : Br.r. and the pro prietor of the Examiner to Join hands and mutually slnro in the enterprise. Those ar rangements have now boon perfected and agreements entered into by which TIIEBEE becomes - comes a co-worker of the Examiner In the tetritory where Tun Hue enjoys so extensive a subscription patronage , Under this arrangement all applications for claims , either lor pensions , Indian depreda tions , laud or mining claims , patent or postal claims in the states of Iowa , Kansas , South Dakota nnd Nebraska , will bo taken In hand by Tin , Bi i. Buioau ol Claims in Omaha and through It forwarded to headquarters at \Vashingtou wheio the Eamliier bureau will prosecute them to a Him' and speedy con clusion. TUB BEG takes pleasure In ottering to all Its patrons and pirtlculatly to subjcrlbors to Tins WBFKII Bur , JUo service * of this now bureau which , wo have no uoubt , will provo of great advantage to them , both in pioso- cutlng now claims to a successful issue and In expediting all claims entrusted to THE BEE bureau. The Conditions. As a condition precedent to any person availing hlmsoltof thosorvlcosof thoburoiu , Tun Bisis will require that the applicant shall send lu n subscription to TUB OMVIIV WEKKI.Y BIB : for a year. A remittance of Jl will outitlo the person sending it to ono year's subscription and also a membership in the Claims Bureau assocl ition cjtnposed en tirely of subscribers to TUB BPP. All persons now subscribers of TIIR Wi FKI.\ Bin : who will send us one now sub scriber will bo entitled to membership iu the association In their own names nud the now subsctibcr will also receive ouo certificate of membership besides bis paper. Subscribers of TUB DULY BUB who send In subscriptions to the weakly will ba entitled - titled to the same privileges as those of TUB WKFKr.r BHE. No service will bo undertaken for any per son who is not an actual subscriber of Tin : Bun. The TPI-IIIB. The terms under which claims will bo prosecuted will depend entirely upon the amount of sot vice rendered In each cSso.Vo can sifoly assure all patrons of the bureau that the charges will bo vary much lower than rates charged by the tegular claims lawyers and claims aeonts at Washington. It goes without saying that the Examiner and TUB Bus nro In position conjointly to ex pedite business nnd do service ut more lib eral rates than any other medium for the prosecution of claims. In the matter of fees and charges TIIK BBC desires only to clear expenses. The bureau Is Intended for the relief of the people from the rupicity of logalsttarks. In tinny cases fees allowed attorneys aio Irrevocably fixed by law , and in such the question Is decided. In other claims such a charge will bo made us scorns to cover the actual expenses involved in collection. Wo make no effort to solicit your patronage , as does the ordinary agent who seeks your elalm for a financial consideration. Such is not our pur pose. Wo offer to ono imd all the services of a well equipped bureau , where a claim of any natuiocan bo sent , or Information in regard thereto bo obtained. If your claim is worth less or lllogitinntn you will bo so notlllod without fear or favor. If the claim is gou- uine it will loccivc prompt attention nnd onicient prosecution. If unsuccessful , no charge will ba mido ; proviiol , however , that claimants must defray their own ex penses In the propitation of afll lavlts , depo sitions , nnd other evidence outside 6T Wash ington. Wo will furnish the necessary legal papers and be ir the Washington expenses only In unsuccessful claims. When claims nro allowed , a leasonablu foe will bo charged to cover actual cost. All loiters will bo promptly answered and all information concerning form of applica tions for claims , terms , nto , will bo given with as llttlo delay as practicable No latter will bo answered unless the sender encloses requisite stamps for reply. No inform itlou conceinlng any particular claim will bo Im parted until the applicant his become u member of The Boa Claims Bureau associa tion. tion.Address Address nil letters relating to claims to AUNAoitit OM.UIV liii : BLUUVU OK CI.MMS , Omaha. Nob. Hon. 10. 1 * . Hon. Kdward P. Uoggon of Lincoln has located In Onmhn , and has accepted tlio man agement of TIIK lieu bureau of claims , the purposes of which nro clearly sot forth else * where In this issue Mr. Uoggon needs uo introduction to the older generation in this state Ho boa lived iu Nebraska for thirty years and for twenty years has been a prom inent figure in btntu politics. Ho was elected to the oftlco of sec-rotary of state In lss.1 and soned two terms , or until 1887 Prior to that tlmo Mr Koggon had served for twelve years as deputy secretary of stnto under bee- rottules W. H Jatnos , John , i. Oospor , Bruno T/schuck nnd L , J. Alexander , sue- cessholy. Air. KoffRon's record in oftice is of the highest order Ho is a member of the Grand Army of the Kcpnb- NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. \&nllla - Of porfoot purity. LomonI Lemon - Of eroat stronsth. Almond Economyln tholruso - | Rose etc.rj Flavor as dollcatoly and dollclousl.i na the fresh fruit. He , having served In the union army during the rebellion. Ho onllMJil In tno One Hun- tired and Snvcnty-sovejiti | Ohio volunteer In fantry , Second brigade , Third division , Twonty-thlrd army torls | , nnd was mustered out at Washington July r , 1MV > . Tor eight years ho wns assistant Jutnnt general and for two J ears adjutant general of the state , lie hold the olllco * of ploSldent and secretary of the Association of Ohio Soldiers In Ne braska for several years nnd also compiled a roster of veterans In this stato. His stand ing nt homo and abond'lva perfect guaranty tlmt nil claims of whntovfor class that may bo entrusted to Tun BIT , biiieau will receive prompt and equitable tTicaiment. Air. lioggcn Is almost as well and 'fhiorabiv ' known so- clallv In Omaha as In IJnooln and he and his ostlmiiblo fntnllv will bo mi acquisition to the aocloty of Omaha. A Mprchant'js Opinion. Mr. John Caraphar , n merchant at Carag- bar , rultou county , Ohio , says that St. Patrick's Pills at o the best selling pills ho han dles. The reason is that they pioduco n pleas- nut cathartic- effect and nro cut tain nnil thor ough In their action. Try them when jou want a reliable cathartic. For sale by'all druggists. Motldlprs. Ouuu , Juno ' . ' . To the Udltor of Tim BKR : The appearance of a stranger In the streets of Omaha , especially if ho bo a Itibor- pr , and dressed in laborer's ' attire seems to greatly agitate the few brains that render some of the Omaha policemen such conspicu ous members of the city police forco. At the sight of a laborer with a valise in his nnnd n dark suspicion seems to fasten itself upon the ine.igio mentality of ono of those blue- coated meddlers that such laborer Is not as ho should bo.herounon this very vigil nit ' official and ofllclous meddler constl'tutes him self u legal , or lather an illegal Itinerant tri bunal , and , ignerltitf the presumption of law tlmt n party is innocent until piovoti guilty , pioccods to Interrogate his victim as to whoie he got that \alisc , what ho has iu it , where ho Is t-'oing , and what is his motlvo for attending to his own business It Is dinicillt , in this enlightened ngo , to understand how such impertinent meddling and brazen audacity can manifest Itself with such impunity Such outrageous proceedings should bo bold up to the execration of oery fair-minded poison and e\ory lover of com mon decency and free Institutions In the great metiopolls of tlio state of Nebraska And for the preservation of an appj.irnnco of com mon decency in the conduct of the inunlclp il affairs of Omaha , such mon should bo sum marily llrcd fiom the city police force and men placed In their stead who have sufficient mental capacity to comprehend their duties ns police olllcors and to appreciate the per sonal lights of othots. A L.utounu. Do Witt's Llttlo Early Uisors : only pill to cute sick hoadaeho ana rcgulatotho bowels fa , I. Plain enough tlio way to atclpar complexion , free from blotches , pimples , erup tions , yellow spotg , and roughness. Purify your blootj , and you have it. With pure , rich .blood , an.active . liver , good appetite and digestion , the hue of health follows. Doctor Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery gives you all of them. It is the blood-purifier. There's no lack of them , but there's none like this. It's guaranteed to accomplish all that's claimed for it. In all dis eases arising from torpid liver and impure blood , it benefits or cures , or the money is refunded. "With an ordinary medicine , it couldn't bo done. But this isn't an ordi nary medicine. It is the cheapest blood-purifier sold , through druggists , because you only pay for the good you got. Can you ask more ? The " Discovery" acts equally well all the year round. Drs. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14O9 DOUGLAS OUAUA , NEB. Tne most widely andfavorably , known ipeo- inlliti In the Unite. ! States Thulr IOIIK ox- porlonco , remarkabloiklll and nnivoraal iuo- ce 3 la the treatment and euro of Nnrvouo , Chronlo and Hurgloal IllxAaiOH. entltlo thonn omlnent pliyMotuns to the full confidence ot the aflltotml every where Tliey cuurant a > A CERTAIN AND POMUVn OUHH for the awful tiffec't * of oacly vlco nnd the uinor- or o\lli that follow In Ita train I'niVATK 111,001) AND MUN DISKASK9 popdllT. coinpl.Molv niwl norinnnently curod. NERVOUS liiuiiTY ) : AND SP.XUAL nib- OHDKUS yield roudlly to their aklllful trout- mont. 1'IkES. FlbTULA AKl ) UHGTAL UI.OEH9 guaranteed cuiod without p tin or dotuntlon frnin bUHlnosfl. HYOKOUKLR AND VAHIOOOEIiK penna- ncntljr nnd 8iieio-sfiilly- > ( l In every case , bYPHILlH. OONUIUIHRA. OLKHT. Bpor- nmtorrlMi : , bonilnnlViUkneis Lost MnnluMxl , NlRlit Emlaslnns , lleouye.d I'.icultles , Komuli Woikkne and nil dulluitro dlsunlcrn pooullni to either lex posltlvrly , mired , nt well mi all functional disorders that result from youthf.'J follloa or the oxcuMof IAirt4iro years. STRIfTIIUl' CJuan\nt ) d punntkne n.tlj , u * * " ourod. "removal oompleto. without cutting , caustiocr dilatation. Ouret olTootcd at homo by patient without mo ment's pain ( ir iinnoynuea TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. A SUR1 TURK The nwf" ' offocta oi OUIVL , UU1VL earij v00 | which bring * Sritaiilo ncaknrM , dchtroyln ? both mind and ody. with all lu dru.dod Ilia , ponnunuutly ourou. HR9 RI'TTS Acldrcsi those who have Im- UI\J. IJL.1 1O parn | , | thonu lve < by Improper - proper InduUonco and xolltury nabtt-i , which ruin both mind and body , iihllttlnu them for biulnosv itudv oMiiarrlaRe. . MAItHIKl ) MKN or these ontorlnR on thai hunpy life , awuro ut phyilual debility , quickly null tea. OUR SUOOESS labaeed npou fHKta. I'lrst Practical expert- enoe. Beoond Krory caio U specially studied. thu itartlnx rl lit Third - modlolnni ure prunared lu our laboratory exactly to suit each oi > j > , tuna ollocUng cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , U09 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB MORTAR-SPOTTED SKIN , Covered with Soalos. AwfUl Spoc- taolo. Ourod In Plvj Woaks by tl o Cuttcura Roraodtoa. About the l t of April lint I notlcn.l > omorcJ plniplo * Ilka romln * out nil over 1117 botlr , but tlioiiRlit nothing of It until itomo tlmo Inter on when It began to look like s | > ot < uf mor- tnr'poltoit on. nml which cnmoolT In lircr nrcoiiiiinled | with lulling. 1 would scratch over ? night until I wn rnw tlion tlio next night the ( Cnles being formoil iiipinwlillo were scratched oil ngnln In ruin Old I consult nil ttio doctor * In ttio countr , but without nlil After giving up nil hopes of recovery i , Ilinppcncil lo'eennmlverll'cnipii In tiio nnw | upcr nliout your Ct'TiriJIU IlKMi- : HIKS anil purrliaMMl thorn from my ilnu ! l l. nnil ilitiliudnliro't linimvllato relief Iln-gin to notice Hint tlieieilir eruption * Kridunll * ilroppeil off nml rtlvipponreil one lir ono. until I lind Ix-on fullr curoil I IIHII thn ilhcnun tlilrtren month ! before I lieitnn tnklniMlip IlKMKtilinml : lii four or itvowwln wnn iMillroIr ciiriHl Mr dl en o win i-c/cum anil pvirluali I know of 11 grout nmny wlin linvo lukoi Itl'MKIlirH nml tlinnk mo for the kunwlcilgo of tlii'iii a i ' < lallr mntliuri who hnvii bulio * with IK uly rruptloni on tlii'lr lipiirt * ami bodies 1 cinno thank * to ) ou My body wieovoreil llliKcnlt" < > nnd I wo * mi an fill * pcctnclo to behold ? < ow my nklii l n * clour us n htiliv' ( iKouon cornv. Men in , wu. Cuticura Resolvent Tlio now blood iiiul skin imrlflur nnil cro itost of liiiiiinr M'lmxlli'uitornnllv do ulo m-n' the liiuml of nil liiiiiiiillli'i. nml thus itniinxo the c.itisiO nnil I'ITTK UHA. thcKio.U sliln euro , inn I I Til IMIA MIAl' , III ! l"Ollls | tl > skin llOIllltlllor , uxtutii illy do oil-ill HIP skin anil si nip anil ro- stoio tlu > lialri etiri' o\o' y nit'rlos | uf nioiil- /IMB , ( tolling , binning , si'.ily , nnil plmpl ) ills- IMM'I of the skin. ( . ilpiinil lilooil ' old morxttliort- I'tuo : I'tlTlilltV.riflo ; 8)\t' 'J. : Kbsot. , . Preniroil l > y tliu I'OTTHl 1)1(11(1 ( ( AMI ( 111 MIC U fOIU'OKA TIO-S Hi stun CYTml for "How to Cure SUIn DIsiMiipx ' 04 pya \ * V ) Illustrations nnil lui U'stlimiiiltita 'I'I' * * bliioU-liouls Mil , tntiKh , olinppod , mid oily skin cntol bv OHTICOU * sou- 1 CAN'T ' BREATHE , ( 'licit I'll Ins , "Sorono-s , \\onlmoss llnoKIni loticb. Aitliiii.ii PloiirUy , mul Inllutiimutloti 111- MKrn IN OM MISUTh 1)V tllO t'trTK trlH-\NTI I'AIN-I'I.\STI it NothliigllKc It for weak lutt g THE OMAHA MANUFACTURING CO , No. 108,110 , & 112 N. Eleventh St. , Mniuirnrtiircrs of Iron nml Steel Kill- Iton , Yiml Limn Fences , aKo r.irm , Stock , Turk iintl Cemetery Fences. ArLhltoctur.il Iron V'j-ios , Chairs , Settee nail Cicstiiigs bulo adonis for liuukthorti Giilv.uiI/iMi btoul Hlbboii \ \ Ire- . Telephone 1772. Samples at Factory. LIVi : AGENTS WANTKI ) . Aotict' to 1'oiitrHctoi'H. Notice Is hereby jrl\cn tlmt sc.ilcd bids will lit ) rt > col\ud by Uio Iloiird of Trustees of the \HliiKO of Oakland , NobrujKii , ui | to 8 p. in. Juno'Hit. ISOl , for tlio roiistructlotLof 11 system of water works In s ild vlllupo In ULcorrluiico with the plans und spoclflt'.itidns on ( Ho In my odluo : also bids for fiiniisliln , ' any part of the nmtorl il oi performing any purl of tlio work. Kadi hid must bo ai-compaiued with a certi fied chuck of iMO HS a KUHranti-oof Kood faith on the part of the bidder. liuard risci v us the right to reject any and all bldx .MS. W. Hot-viQUiai , Vlllauo Corit. INTHE WORLD WILL RETAIN A RUPTURE orglverellef Hko"iJr. i'lorco'u JUipnctlo J.liisllo Truna. ' Jthnscurt-dtliounaiicls I Ir you wimttlio IJKH l',86iul ic In ntanips YorfrcoI'uiuphliU JNo , 1. lilnnllc Trun Co. . ban FroiiLUcu , ( ol Buffering from the oirccts ol youthful erran earlr accnv , wnntlnp weakness , lo t manhood , etc. I will nontl nraluablo treatise ( u-Mol ) cout-Ualn | full particulars for home cure , F1IEB ol chnrga Afplenilld mod leal work ; should bo reodbyeYcrj man who lg nrrrnu < i am ! dohllltatAtl. Attdrerc Prof. F. C. VOWLIilt , raooduBj RHILWRYTIMEGHRD uiircAuo. Depot 10th nnrt Itason HU. 4 M p in . . . .Chicago Vnntlbiilo 800 n m JM n in . . . .ChlcuKO Kxprtivs IUU' ) a m 9 SO p m . . .CtlltUKO KlprOII ii ill p m KMi \ in .Chicago ti Innn Local 8 15 u in liUUVOfl HUJIUM. IO.N A. All ) UIVIJII lArrlvo Oinntin Depot IQlli anil Ma oii fits | Omnlm IU J5 n m . . .Iemcr7 ) > ny Tcrprois. . . . . | T67i \ ni lUJi u m . . . .Domlnood Uxpreta 4 0.1 p in , OV > n m . . Denver Lxpruii . . . . ij'jUpm 7 10 p iu Denver Mitlil Kxpruis . . . . II..IT , a m - > OU p ui I.lnioln l.lmltul 11.10 a m 8.1-i n m . . Llmoln lineal . . . . UOO p m lt'IVU ! * I K. C.hT J AC. H Omaha , j Depot lUth nnd Maoim Sta Urauhn 'I n n mi Knn a.4 Cltjr ll y ixprcii : , ft V > p in .MJ p mllC C Mclit Kxp vla U.J TrunH _ 1 r 41 H m 1 1 nvi'iT UJs'lON I'ACIHC I Arrives Oinulm Jlepot lUthjinil Muroy St * I Omnlm .nnsfti Cltr Kxprns * ( ox Sun ) 4 .I * p m 10 20 n m D nvor Hiproi * 4UO p m 2-riO p in Overland Hjrnr DII.'I p m 430 p ra . . ( irnnd l-lnnil ixp : ( ox Sun ) II fti n m T.AI p in _ . . .I'acltlo ISipress _ J ) v m Loaves ( CHICAGO. MIL. A. 8T I'AUI.TTrrl vo Oinulm U ? I' ilnpot , anj M ircy HU I Omnlm 0.10 p ml ClTlrnKO Tliprois ; \i \ V ) m U.I5 it iii | . . . . . .LhlcjKO Kxprou I KlOu LrniTori iJuiCAIiO. ItT A T'AT ( | | II ( linnlin It ; 1' depot 10th _ nnil Marty tit li'.l ) p in. . Nluht Kxpreia U Tin in Atlnnllo llxpruii . . 4.IU p ml Vmtlbule 1 linltml . Lunvc * I SIOUX cm A 1'AOII R' Oiimlia J Depot lOtti and Maiuy Stt 7 l5 n inT Sioux lltjr rnuenuir ilOSflp in 5 i p ml _ Stl' _ ui15xpro _ i I m v > , i m bIDU.X ( ITVA PACIHt Umaha Depot 15lh and \Veb t r M Omaha it Ui | i ml St I'aul Limited I tin a 7n I arrn ICIIIC'AM ) A NOUT11W KhTKItN I Arrivon Oninlnt ] ll I' di-iKit. IQIh nd Mnrcy hH I Oinnhu 1LI5 n in R II n m 4 JO p m . . \eitlliulo Llmltvil . . . li TO n m V J ) p ui I.intern river 2 M u m Ixical Hint Kx lexcupt JlcncJuy ) tJU p m " Ixiavu | OMAHA , v SI' LOU1H . i Arrivoi Omnlm jjj 1' . iluiuit. IMIi anil .MnnybtH 1 Onmha JUU P nil SI l/iiili ( iiiiiiini Hull ll.'IS p m Lonvu I F.IC A. Mil VALLIiV I ArrlViP ( Imilml _ Depot Hill inulVolnlor Hl | Oinulm tilXI a n Illnik Illlli llxprcji rr.l ) ii m UUU n in ( Kx "ntlWjo Kxp ( K Mon > ' ti.M p in : > IU p in \\nliini \ Lincoln I'nt iKi Sum II n n m ft iyp m Nink A Norfolk ( K Suncljiyi jjl Vi Bm _ Loavoi I c sr i'.M AO Arrlvei Oiiialiu. I Depot 13th and \Vehitur Ht Oiuithn U.1U H ni Hloux Cltjr Aifouimodntlini I Ull'i p m IJJII p m Sjloux HIT Kxpiei * ( llx buudnr ) U 4U p iu 5 43 p m St I'aul Limited 'I2i u m 615 p m llftiicrofl I'n.sseiiKur ( lx ! _ Siindnr ) ! H 15 na in MIB OUItt I'ATlHC " I Arrlvos Depot lith anilYelntur Mtu I Oumlia _ . .oiilt .1 K C ItxproiH lirTOnm ht LonUAK U Kxpru'ii Ili'Jlpui K C , b 1' JOK 4 U II l I'lilon Dnimt Cniini II llliiira | 'l ruiufer Kin City Dar K | ir I It II iTin Kaniim City Mulit Kipran | U U a m i.cnvtu I rillT'XiiO , It I fACIHt * " * " ArrlvoT" Trnnfur I Union Dopot. Council IHurta Trnnifor filO p ml Muht Kitproii UM u ml Atlantlo K | > rni ! AM p in S UO p m ! Vcotlbnlo Limited 10 .W am _ LoaTO > 7l'IItAiOA. ( > Olll'U\VKaTKIlN Arrlini Traiuforj Union Duput. loiincll Dliilfa Trnnnfer D 40 a ml ClilcnKO Kxpro4i U ( J p oj &UJ p m Veitlbuln UmlluU. U.J3 a in IUUU p 111 KmlernHier 700 p m 84.0 p in ] Atlantlo Vail i n a m UJO p mllowa ALC numodatlU ( ( Sat only ) 1.40 p m leaves OMAHA A Hi' Lot IS I ArrtveF JInlun Dupot , Council llluHi ITrmmrur 4 0 p m St l < ouli Canon Hull UI4 p m lxmve It. . . . , Trnnifor' ' I nlun Depot , ' iiuncll Illuin 'I rannfrr 1 * I lilianu Kipruni U M pm Ctilm o Kipro tt 9 40 u in , . . ( reaum I x l 11 M a m t'.iuiuti'I "HIin x t ITV"\TAiiTR Arriv 4 1'nlon I line t. Council Ilium Trunifur loui ( Ur i K4ii ( au I'a ul t'.iuiuti . | iuu ) p u Just like bLiying gold dollars for fifty cents by buying shoes at the GREAT FIRE 8HLE of SHOES 114 S. 16th St. , Old Boston Store. Greater Bargains than ever in Fine Shoos of the best makes in the country. READ AND SEE THAT WE MEAN BUSINESS. Burt's Shoes for ladies wear , all go at $3 pair , worth $6. Burt's cloth top lace shoes for ladies , is the latest , they go in this sale at $3 pair. All Burt's fine button shoes go at $3 pair. "We only sell two pair to any one lady. Look for the large signs and number. The only Fire Sale of Shoes in Omaha. Bargains this week for every Sale of Ladies' Fine body. As we have but sixty days to close out this KID BUTTON BOOTS $50,000.00 stock the store will , be kept open every evening Worth $3.OO. until 9 o'clock. Men's ' Shoes. LADIES' KID B01TON BOOTS , All ei'/os of tlio bosl nmkors. Worth $3 to SI. Ladies who wear narrow shoes , such as AA. A. and B. can find some good bar gains. Ladies' Side Lace Shoes. This week Special Prices. Burt's Kangaroo Shoes for Ladies' gent's wear , only HOUSE SLIPPERS 28c , 49c , 73c pair. $3.0 Pair ; Misses' Pebble Goat Worth 56.50. Button Boots , 11 to 2 ; nluin and tip ; uprhifir licol or hcolH , till K < > nt All our $7.50 shoe ? go in 89e pair ; worth $1.50 this sale at S'l a pair. Don't miss them they are a bargain. Ladies' ' , Boys' and Chil dren's Lawn Tennis , ( rub Men's low shoes Canvas ber soles ) , 350 pair. and tan shoes at just half the regular ice. pi ' Men's Tan Goat Oxford ' Ties , only $1.50 pair ; woith Men's ooze calf lace shoes $3.00. only $2 pair , worth $5. $1,08 men's Kangaroo Con Men's rubber soles Lace gress , well woith $3.50. Shoes , only 750 pair. Gents with narrow feet ' Men's Canvas Lace Shoes should attend this great fire sale. only 750 a pair. i : Remember the special sale Men's Lawn Tennis , rub of men's shoes. ber soles , 500 pair. 17TPT7 Q A T 17 r InlL o ALJb S. i6th St.t Old Boston Store. Open Evenings. E. S. FLA TA [ / , Manager.