THJfi OMAHA DAILY WEDNESDAY JUNE 3 , 1891. T JL-I 11 . 13UL K ? HOBlTwATKH KnnoiiT Dally lift'wMl ' > < nitSiiiiilay > Ono Year. . . t < * fX Pnllv nntl futiilny , One Vi-ir . in n : Six months . ! > ( X Tliri-i ) month" . . . . 2 Sunday lii'c , One Wnr. . . . . . . . . Six S'ttiinliiv lie * . Onn Year . 1 W Weekly HIT. Otin Vciir . . . 1 Pmnlm , The ) trr lliillilliiR. South Oiniilin. ( ornur N nml Mill Street.1) . roi.ncll Illnirn 12 Pearl Htrcot , Chicago Olllrt'il7 : Cli'inlirrnf Onti'Mnroe. New York , HIHMI.I iiHim : > l trTrll > uno Uiilltllnj ! \Vnjhlngtun , f > ii : fourteenth strt'ut. All romtntln'ntlnri ! < i relating In news ntli filltorlul mntlor should bo ndtlti'ssod to tli Ldltorliil i IllIStXl.S/J./rTKIl" AllbMilmslnttPM .mil leinltfnnrpmliouli bo aililrriMMl to Tin ; lice l'iiIU-hliu ) < 'omp-iny Otniilni. Dm/I * . elieclift nnd pinl.illli o order to l > nindu pnyiiblo to tlio older of tlio com puny. TIiBBceFHlilisliiiigCoingaiiy , Piwlclors Tin' IIKIJ mn ; , ! > iNG. HWOUN STATPMKNT or CIUOIM.ATION btntoof r < i > : , , , _ County of IlmiKlii' . f Ororcrfl T/srlnjck , sperotiirv of The He. Publishing roiiipimy , dot" solemnly sttoar Dull thp in timl i ( rendition of TUB IHH.Y HKF for tlio wporf cndliu May ! * 1"J1 , was as follous : f-nitdiiv. Vnv'JI . 2X211 Mondr.'y. Mny ' . ' . W.VS Tni-oiliiv M.iv 1.1 ! . tXiK > ' arJnrediiv. Mnv'-T . 2".1''S Thiiruliv. M-ivM . -'U70 ' I'rldiv. ; Mnv ' .It . 2fl.'Hr Biitiirduy. May in . ttubiff A.venigo i ! ,7 I 1 oioitrn : : n. Sworn to licforo HIM nnd nnlwrll ud In my piescncc ilils.iuth day of Muy.isni. Muy.isni.N. . 1' . Tnt. Notary 1'ubllc. ftntoof NM > ri : la , I Countof Untieing , ( * " GforiM1 II. 'Im'hnck. l-clnpdtily aworn , do- rofrsiiml snys tliuthe Ii secret. ! ty of Tin : Hr.K I'tilillalilnir vompnri > . unit tin * actual ivuraeo dully tin itlntlon ot 'I in : lUii.v HKE fort tin niontli uf Jnni1 , J'-iO , w is' ; . ' 01 topics : for.liily , mil ' n.irJ topless for Aii.'ust , 18'JC ' , 10'ft ) copies ; fnr Srtitcml er , 1kl l ' , ' ' , ' ' 0 roplcs ; fc > ! Oclol ( r i-'XI. in.rJ cop - frir Novom * I rr , ' < > . . ' " } , IV ) copies ; for December. IS'iO , K',4t copies : f , r Jnmuiry , 1M11 , : > .44i > eonles ; for I'rl'riiiiry , 1801. ! . ' .Vl > S copies , for Mareli , lflM.24.Oi" * co'plet. for April , I mi I , l.V-'S copes , for Alny 1891. atS0 | roplns. GfOltriF I ! Ty-fllVCK. f-worn to 1 eforn me. and snbsrilLcd In my Mcscncr , tlilsSddiiy of June. A. U. . 1ROI N. I' . I'Kir. fsofirv Public. THIS rcul estate market in improving. no mention JHUS br > on made of It for a few clays , it must not bo sup posed tlio fact thnt tlio wurohoiibo bill pees into olTcct July 1 bcon for gotten. FROM tlio investigation of the b.ic- cnrnt Bcandul thus fur it JH clear that William Gordon Gumming was as inexplicable - plicablo a winner us Bret Ilartn's famous Ileathun Cliinoo. IN 8PITU of prohibition and the Jin r- tia/ / , Sioux City whislty joints jirospor. Fortvolifht Haloon-koopot'M paid their monthly line on Monday , and all the others will walk up to the captain's ofllco later in the present week. , TUB Turkish train robber wrecks the train , steals everything ho eati carryoff and holds the passengers for a ransom. In tliia industry Turkey can give Mis souri and Texas valuable points as to how it may bo made moat profitable. AN oatmeal mill trust has boon formed with headquarters in Akron , O. This again calls up the fact that a cereal food factory in Omaha would bo n profitable investment whether it should go into the Ohio combine or remain in dependent. Hiroia\s from 1C points in Ne braska representing all sections of the state , confirm the previous favorable news as to the crop conditions. As the weeks coino the proanoct grows more nnd more assuring. This is to bo a great c/op year in Nebraska. RKFKHHINO to" certain post-mortem discoveries of a somewhat sensational character in this city brings up the question : What sort of reputation would the physicians of Omaha obtain if every patient who dies under their treatment were examined by their Council Blulls brethren ? ENTJI.AND is now apparently in dead earnest for an amicable settlement of the Dohring sea dilllcultios. If her plr- ! liamont will act in time the seals of the disputed waters will go unmolested fern n year. This will probably increase the cost of honlbkln saequos , but it will aid greatly in preserving this important in dustry from destruction. WHAT would Americans think of a trial before thb United States supreme , court brought to settle a question of honor between poker players ? What would bucomo of a cabinet olllcor who should figure as banker in a private game of faroV To what station along suit river would n , leading politician in this country bo consigned by the people if ho should figure as participant in a quarrel over winnings at n game of cards. AKTKUgoirymandoring Ohio most dis reputably ana gouging the republicans out of nil the congressional districts pos sible in half a do/on other states , the democratic howl over the ntoposed reapportionment - apportionment bill in M issaohusotts whereby 11 of the lit districts would have boon republic in is ab mt as cheeky a piece of political sputtering as has yet IMJOU brought to public atten tion. The fair-minded republicans , however , in the face of the democratic example In other states , doi-llnod to fol low their gerrymandering tactics and gave their enemies a ftilr hhwv in the apportionment. A SIT.TA sort of attempt at a dally newspaper published n special telegram from Omaha recently to the effect that Mr. K Uosowator , editor of TllK Ur.K , took out hl.s Until naturalization papers two days prior to his doiurturo for Ku- rope. A number of local newspapers have accepted the statement as a fact. To those nnd such others as may care to kttow the truth It may be of Interest to bo informed that Mr. llo.iowator uameto America with his parents when ho was but la years of ago ; that his father was iiaturalr/od In 1801 niut in 1SUI went to Enropo with passports Usuod by the state department betting forth the fact of his citizenship , nnd that Mr. Rosewater - water bus boon a citizen of the United Stitoa over since his " 1st birthday. run HHK's cnanr Attention Is Invited to the announcement mont elsewhere In our coin inns of ni enterprise in the Interest of persons ii Nohm lm , Kansas , Iowa and Buutl Dakota having claims against th government under the pension laws , tlv Indian depredations act passed by tin last conprcwH , and the land , mining patent and postal laws. The proprletot of the San Pram-isro Exiiminfr , Mr. Hearst , hnprossod by iho fro quunt complaints of unjust oxacliom practiced upon claimants by attorneys tornoys and claim agents conceived tin plan of establishing at Washington citj a bureau to prosecute all claims foi which congroHB has made a provision tit a nominal cost to the claimnntH , that IH simply what will cover the necessary u.XDonsos of the sorvi'-o rendered. DO' siring to associate in thu enterprise t newspaper in this section , Mr. Iloarsl holoutod THIS Hun as the papoi having the largest circulation among the class of persons interested , und the arrangement has just been concluded by which Tin : Br.i : and the San Francisco Mxiunhm will maintain a bureau in Washington through which sill claimant * under the laws above cited may , by complying witli the conditions slated iu the announce' mont elsewhere , have their claim' promptly and faithfully attended tc through the law olllcos of Tin : Bun at u moderate charge. The purpobo of this arrangement it to protect poi'bons having just claims against the government from the rapacity and extortion of legal sharks. The abuses practiced by this clas of lawyers at the nitional capital upon unsuspecting claimants have long demanded a remedy. For tunes have boon made by unscrupulous lawyers and claim agents , and although their methods of plundering claimants , flagrantly carried on for years in prose cuting pensions , luivo boon re peatedly exposed , the sharks still find victims and a profitable business. The bureau established by TUB BKK will enable a numerous body of claimants to sacuro prompt , ofll- cinnt and honest attention to their claims with the certainty that they will bo re quired to pay for the service only tlio noccshary expenses. Persons having a legitimate claim may fool assured that it will receive intelligent and careful at tention , that it will bo expedited as rapidly as it is practicable to do so , and that it will not bo consumed in extortionate fees. Those who have not good claims will bo so in formed. The gentlemen connected w'itli the claims bureau are thoroughly con versant with the duties that will bo re quired of them and will devote themselves - selves constantly to their performance. TIIK HKU expects that this enterprise will bo appreciated by the thousands of persons in Nebraska , Kansas , Iowa and South Dakota \yho may have legiti mate pension , Indian depredations , land , mining , patent or postal claims against the government , and it promises all such who may comply with the simple condi tions necessary to membership in the claims bureau association , that every stipulation made in the announcement elsewhere printed will bo faithfully car ried out. The position and responsibil ity of THK BKK and the San Franclaco Examiner are an ample guarantee of gooa faith , and all who avail themselves of the arrangement they have entered into can fool assured of receiving prompt consideration and fair treatment. A.K ORGAN'S The Now York Si i advises the dem ocracy to look after Now York. That journal , which is In the habit of seeing facts and discerning tendencies moro clearly than other democratic organs , does not attach much vr.luo to the Idea that there is a hopeful outlook for the democracy in the west by reason of the third party movement. It tolls its party Lhat there is no certainty of securing the ! l electoral votes of Kansas , Iowa , and Nebraska , "but in the effort it would be locessary to risk the loss of the state of Mew \ork. " Those western states , it re- narks , always hostile to democracy , "could only bo brought Into the demo cratic column by concessions which would n-ovo fatal to the party in every sane mil conservative community. " Tlio Situ urges that the democracy does not iced for its candidate In 1892 the elec toral votes of the extreme granger stnto.s , and that to lay "sound and deep .ho foundations for democratic success n ISDii in Now Yorkis the first duty of the domooraoy. " Doubtless this is sound advice , and Mirticularly so in vlow of the act that the chances of the demo cracy carrying Now Yoric in 1892 are likely to bo no bettor than they were in 1888. Obviously the course of the party in that state would bo ron- lored absolutely Hopeless if it should give any countenance to the financial vagaries of the third party. But how will the democracy lay sound and deep the * foundations for success in the Km- ) ire state with the warring factions of ts two aspirants for the presidency at mo another's throat ? The Sun can nirdly oxpoot a reconciliation of those bit terly hostile elements while the loader of either is in the field as a candidate , ind there is no probiblllty that one of , hem will yield. Would the situation bo materially Improved by going else- vhoro for a candidate ? Could Gorman ) f Maryland , or Cumpb.'ll of Ohio , or Cir.iy of Indiana , or Palmer of Illinois , ao liarmont/o the domojr.icy of Now York as to enable it to lay sound and deep the foundations for suee-jus In that stater1 Probably not. No one of these nen would be likely to oroato any enthusiasm among the Now York lomocnioy , or Indued with the mrty anywhere outaldo of their mnu-dlato constituency. The nomi nation of either of these men would Umojt cort-iinly linuro Now York to he republicans. The nomination of Cleveland or Hill , If there is not a radi cal change from present conditions , will nako the republican olvuieo of success icnrly as good. Still there is much greater possibility of the democracy uarrytng New York next year than su- uurlng the electoral votes of Kansas , owa and Nebraska , and as the stake in ho Kmnlru state Is larger , it Is manl * ostly the purl of wlbdom to tnaku the play for It , nnd as mutters now stand tlio democracy manifestly has adllllctilt and unpromising task baforo It. TllK I'VttUO M'OUK , It Is not necessary for Tun Hun again to express Its regret that bonds for pub lic improvements will not bo voted until November. Wo shall bo obliged to wait and tttko our chances at a general elec tion with no certainty that the people will give public improvements enough attention at that tlmo to carry the bonds. There is hope , however , In the state ment of the inavor b.iscd upon detailed facts nnd figures furnished by tho-city engineer , that a very largo amount of public Improvement may bo undertaken and accomplished. Ho places the of the work contemplated by unfinished contracts loft over from last year and that incident thereto at a round million dollars. A million dollars expended for labor and material in Omaha at this time is n valuable contribution to our circulating medium. It will gro.itly add to the com fort of hundreds of workingmen sadly in need of employment and It will help every retail merchant In the city. It will bo a tonic whojo invigorating oll'oct will be immediate and lasting. The people have known In a general way that there were a large number of unfinished contracts but they did not appreciate the amount of money in volved in their completion. They are impatient to see the graders , pavers , curbors and guttorers earning money and improving tlio appearance of the city , The various branches of city govern ment have boon calling each other hard names because this work is not now under way. The people demand that thn shilly-shallying hhifting of responsibility shall cease. There is no reasonable excuse for the delay which has already occurred and any further neglect of their plain duty deserves - serves the t-overost condemnation. The board of public works is primarily to blame. Lot it clear its skirts by doing its full duty. The other branches of the city government will then come in for their share of criticism. The season is one-third gone.Vo must not waste any more time. A I'llACl' , Sf7fJrt/ST/O.V. Kansas City is fooling the evil effects of the reaction from her unexampled prosperity. Times are dull as they tire here , except that fie nervous exhaus tion lias boon greater , and the sick city responds to energetic treatment loss readily. Nevertheless our down-river neighbor is not asleep. Kansas City has never boon somnolent. She is built out of enterprise and lives and grows upon this upbuilding olomont. She , like Omaha , has boon casting about for a plan upon which her largo and snnll property owners can unite in a grand ef fort to help the city on to renewed pros perity , and has not only adopted the idea of our Real Estate and Property Owners' Association , but has added a feature which is commended to the at tention of that organization. The Kansas City association is a stock company with a piid up capital of $1,000,000. This capital is not to bo do nated to manufacturing enterprises in the way of bonuses , but is to \ > o invested in them on behalf of the association. Kuoh shareholder of the Kans is City or ganization becomes uishareholder in such manufacturing concerns as may bo in duced to locate their plants in the city. The association cannot contribute moro than 50 per cent of the of such manufactory and the manufaeturing company is given the option" at any tlino of purchasing the association stock at par with 0 per cent interest. The association will also interest itself in securing donations of lands from property owners. The lands go into the common capital and nro a part of the as sets of the concern benefited , the asso ciation stock receiving its proportionate benefits with the outside capital. The Idea is a practical one and offers a definite form of investment for those anxious to see a return for their money , and rightly managed can bocomn a pow erful moans of pushing the city's inter ests. Cash in the strong box , whether it bo $1,000,000 or $100,000 , talks In moro persuasive tones than advertisements or personal letters to capitalists informing them of the resources of the city. An associa tion upon this plan is able to moot most otVoctually that old question : "If tlio chance is so good for making money out of the proposed investment , why don't you go into it yourself V" ui\ Within the next thirty days four poli tical party conventions will bo held in Iowa , and four tickets will be placed ba fore the voters. The ball will bo started by the independents who convene at Dos Molnos on the itrd inst. The prohibition ists will mviot In the same city for a similar purpose a woelc later. On the 21th the democrats get together at Ot- tumwa , and finally on the 1st of July , Cedar Rapids will entertain about 1,000 delegates to the republican convention. It was supposed when the Independent call was issued that the managor.s would make up a ticket upon which dickers could bo undo with the domojr.its for a fusion of interests. The Clnelmriti dec larations for a third p irty , however , have changed the complexion of the con vention very materially and as the oppo nents of a third party movement among local alliances are largely refusing to send delegates it Is entirely probable the mongrel crowd of ox-greenb ickors , Calamity Wellors , and walking dele gates will carry the independents into tlio Cincinnati departure. The demo crats will therefore bo benefited only in an indirect manner , If at all , Instoal of by fusion. The prohibition sentiment of Iowa and the third party prohibitionist organiza tion are by no means Identical. The party numbers about fifteen hundred , most of whom will bo at their conven tion. While the temperance question will be a paramount issue in the cam paign , the distinctly total nbjtinonco party will not cut much of a figure ui > loss It Is bracjd up by the literary and personal solicitation campaign which the New York Voici Is organl/.ing. The domocruU will go into the tight with the ticket of two years ago mainly renomtnatod. 'ftjias back of it the prestige tigo of partial 'nnd ' unuxpootjd sue cess and will 1 " headed by Govornoi Bolc.s , whoso parsonal popularity will his pirty Is bol'iOvod to ba very groat. The domoer.ii pount upon the aiitt- liquor vote , andiltn the event of largo defections of indtipondunts and prohibi tionists from t o fold may squeeze through. ' The ropubltchnA Hold the last ot tin series of conventions. This of Itself Is a striking fact , ' ' for Iowa has prior to 188 ! ) boon 86'safely republican that the old party generally set the patto n for its old time onomy. The late con vention Is wise In the present situation and affords the opportunity to profit b > the mistakes of those hold In the present month. Although temporarily repulsed and very nearly vanquished two years ago , the party is not dead by any moans , but will make a bold foray and seek to recover its lost ground. The temperance Issue will In all prob ability bo relegated to the local elections and no vorv positive plank will appear in either the republican or independent platforms , [ t is not a question for state officials , but must bo settled by tin legislature , nnd therefore It is Hot in consistent with the action of former years to refer the subject to the county conventions. T.tkon all In all , the pros pect for a lively campaign is good , with the parties do nearly matched in re sources as to render the result extremely problematical. AMIUIUA : Invites no religious antago nisms. As between sects site is abso lutely It is tlio glory of this country tint under the star spangled banner the citizen and the alien may worship God according to tbo dictates of their own consciences , or may ques tion or deny the existence of a supreme ruler. There is absolute freedom of conscience. It is not strange , therefore , that the press and people of America , both Protestant and Catholic , are irre concilably opposed to the Lucerne scheme for providing Catholic emi grants with priests and schools of their own language in parishes of their own. Such priests to bo sent from the old countries. It is not necessary to the preservation of their faith and it opens the way for a foreign Interference wholly at variance with the American policy. All the people of America will unite in bontimont with Archbishop Ireland in his patriotic protest against this pro posed intermeddling of a foreign lioir- archy with religious affairs of this coun try. . . Tin : duties of the city physician or sanitary commissioner should bo defined accurately enough to remove all doubts of their number'"iind ' extent. It is un fair to leave hijn stranded at 2 o'clock a. in. with an uncertainty as to his duty staring him in the faeo on the one side and a man dying ft-om a sudden injury on the other. The ordinary individual would fly to the relief of distress forth with and settle th'o ' technical difficulties at leisure , but tfi s is hardly to bo ex pected from a physician who is paid but 82,000 n-year as'hond of the health do- partmonl. Such nMllSmma is especially trying when the physician believes that another man J'H legally responsible for the care of the case called to his atten tion at this unseemly hour. WITH the suspension of the publica tion of the Altn California at S.ui Fran cisco goes down the oldest newspaper on the coast. It was started In the days of the argonauts and for 30 veara was the favorite newspaper of San Francisco. The Chronicle captured its republican patronage and the Southern Pacific made it a democratic newspaper , with John P. Irish , formerly of iowa , ns its editor. It succeeded no bettor in the democratic ranks than as a republican organ , the Exumiwr outstripping it as a newspaper. The railway company wearied of carrying it and so it dies of suspended animation or heart failure. As a reminiscence it was interesting , but as a news purveyor it lias long since been wholly useless. Russnu , B. HARRISON finds about as many thorns as roios in his bouquet of prominence as the son of the president. The fact is that the young man conducts himself with becoming dignity upon all occasions. The interviews sent out in which ho is placed in awkward attitudes are usually fakes. His partner in Now York is inclined to bank a trillo on their relationship , much to the younger IIar"ison's annoyance , but beyond his part ownership of the Judyc and Jf'runk c.sWe's and the foolish stuff which Mr. Arkoll gets Into these papers , Russell HarrisonVi public nnd private behavior are beyond adverse criticism , Ho does not got the credit , he deserves for his good soiibo und good judgment. OUR police force continues to keep up Its hospital record. Sixty days were lost on account of sickness In May. In contrast with Cliiof Sonvoy's report to this ollect Is that of Chief Galligan of the lire dopartptcSjit ) , who informed the board of lire and < 'police commissioners that the llromon'irtld ' not lose a single day. " . ' _ Tun register of.deods . and the county commissioners ( iio ; again quarrelling. This tlmo the Qo vlng ot the Indices is the bono of contention. In all thcso conflicts of authority the taxpayers pay the piper , while' the warring olllcials dance. | t ' ? NKXT MondnyJUio assessment book of ouch ward asses o 'nuist bo in the hands of the county clorl&i Af tor that date the assessment bookft are open to the Inspec tion of all persons'1 ! Lot them bo exam ined by citizens while the subject is iu WllCTHilR by a minority era majority report Is Immaterial , but in some way the uobt side of the high school grounds should bo made presentable. In their present condition they are a disgrace to Omaha. WYOMING women have votes at elec tions but no dower in the estate of their husbands. The exchange of dower for suffrage ix paying high for a privilege. THK next congress will bo a marked : ontrist ; to the lust , it will do nothing but wrangle , It will crou * " no now laws of value to the country. The party sit uation of the majority Is such that nc aggressive movement forward can bu made wlthouL reat danger. The dem ocrats have nn overwhelming majority nnd will carry with thorn most of the in- dependents. They could pass any measure - uro they choose through the house , but they will not agree upon anything of coiisonuonco. THK proposition that the site of Fort Omaha bo donated to the city for a park meets with general approval in this city. Thu land was originally donated by citi zens to the general government. There Ifl no reason why It should not come back to us for public use as a gift from the national government. A Child In Horn. I'lillflihlithtn lltcnnl. Tlio third party having had its bornlnp. now cotnos the h.mlor matter of the "P. Taffy lors filMi'tll * Kl/v. ) .Slur. Two Tndlan policemen , Oarlle'id Jack and 'olm ' Morgan , visited the oftleo Monday ami subscribed for the Star. They can read ami write , are bravo und intelligent , industrious and progressive , and therefore as good M anybody In general , and u whole lot better than anv white man who Is eternally sitting around the saloons and waiting to bo treated. lU'ilti Hypnotism. South Gross Valley was tuoseono of tin Ox- citlnij opUoiio. A well known resident of that vicinity caught In an intoxicated condition anil was taken In charge by parties , who wired the Itiobrlato to the ground , flat on his back , and filled the bosom of his shirt with toails. Tlio Incident created no little excitement and thoroughly soboted the victim. in Journalism. AVii I'm Aii'trj ) nilr > lt. Hut tin ' , is literature ) Journal's uurpo-,0 not fjood ature and ought not to bo. Llior.ituro must have good expression , nnd the Journal is not nftor pooil expression , particularly , but it is after facts and thoughts. They say that Butler's "Analogy" has no style. Thu Colum bian eollego nrofoasor of Cnglish litcratiiro ioferhU scholars to the newspaper editorial as the typical example of writing without style , i'hiit is hardly triso , purlmp- , and wo would put the /.cro murk against tlio compact news item ; but It illustrates the faots that the Journal , whether it bo literally a Journal , that is diurnal , or n weekly or monthly , is after something else than literature , and pro perly so. A literary quantity will help an article , but is not at all indispensable. 2'ASStMi JJWIS. Rochester Talisman "Heo lioro , my friend , that dog ot yours killed thrco sheep of ininu last night , and 1 want to know what you pro- peso to do about Hi" ' 'Are you sure it was my dog ? " "Yes. " "Well 1 hardly know what to do. I guess I had bettor sell him. You don't want , to buy a good dog , do you I" Philadelphia Record : Two employers were exchanging notes about their employes. "I think Mr. Daybook must bo a Mormon. " "WnyJ" "IIo's been oil thrco afternoons since the uasoball season opened to uo to the fuuurulof his mother-in-law. " The maiden bad a silvery laugh , A wealth of golden hair , But hadn't u nickel wherewith she Uould pay her btrcct car faro. Now York Journal : "What rostumo do you wear when mountain-climbing ( " "A fatigue suit , of courso. " f Mow York .lournnl : Ho Where can wo find a ( jmet retreat for uu uninterrupted con versation i She Let's go to church. St. Joseph News : Ho I am inclined to think It is a girl and not u man in the moon. She Ana why I "BecaubO there is so often a ring around it. " A touch of nature makes the whole world km , And , searching duonor , you will surely find That touching pockets for the surplus tin Maltc.s mankind moro than kin and loss than khfd. Baltimore American : The people's party ought to bo on advocate of women's rights , as it Is reported to have been born with a hoop. "Don't Judge mo by my malting grain , " The uumblo uarlny said ; "Think of the straw by which you gain The harmless lemonade. " Now York Recorder : This is what a woman saysSome women are born fools , some achieve folly , but the most of them marry fools. " Philadelphia Record : Mrs. Xipmot Mrs. Y. , who w.'u In a street car onrouto to the seashore. "I'd ' llko to go , " said Mrs. X. , "but I dread tlip trunk packing. " To which replied the other : "That's why I go ahead of my trunk. 1 think the salt air will brace mo up to go homo ami pack U. " \Vo couldn't buy beef last year , Because the ice was too high ; And now , this year , whomvohavo the Ice , The beef costs too muuli to buy. Now YoHc 1'ross : "AiSil you think 1 will never tire of vou , George ! Novorccasoto re gard you with affection ) " "You never will. You are altogether too sweet to sour on me " She smiled , olushod , cast-down her eyes and the kiss ho had been begging lor was granted. THK I'D\\LISJKit8 , Kilgar Fawcett tn New 1'orti Hoi for dreamland's happy harbors ! Who'-s for ( licamland by the ferry ! Who's to breast tbo waves that bimi It , Breast thn fairy waves and Und it , Rich In floworlnc groves nnd arbors , The the boat's a timorous wherry And the sailors , vagno in features , Are the .shadowiest of creature- ) ( Ho ! lor dreamland I iloigh ! tor dreamland ! Who's for dreamland , by the ferry I Hero aro"eholars pulo with musing ; Haveners that no more are moiry ; Maids whoso loves woio eijipty anguish ; Lovers that for llfo must laniiulsh ; Patriots passionately choosing All the haughty hopes to burj ; Sculptor , painter , bard , mmlcian \Vlthunroaehodldonlsolyslan . . . Thcho for dioamland , tboio for dreamland ! Straight for urcamtnnd , by the ferry 1 Off they push , and out they wonder l'\ulng lleetly toward the very Mlndniost heart of that great curly Cloud that roseate and yet pearly Haunts the dubious dlitunce yonder- Hound where blossoming ( .prays of cherry , Apple , und all trees are vnrnnl With a springtide pomn eternal ! Hot fordruainland ! Hclgb ! for dreamland ! Hulvyou dreamland , by the ferry I DIED A HORRIBLE DEATH , Elmer Young of Lincoln a Victim o Gltiuuor * . AMUSLMENT FOR INCURABLE INSANE , Con'trnuui AwurtltMl by tlio lUnml of Pulillo Immls ami \Vaiits I-'lvu Dollars LIVCOKV , Neb , Juno 2. [ .Special ! o Titr BRI'.JKlinei Young , a farmer need twenty- six years , who lives with his mother Just east of University Piaco , dlod last night from thu g.andor.s , which dlsoaso was con tracted from sumo hoisus which ho was treating The anlnnls wore kept In n pasture near Uimorslty I'laoo belonging ton man natni'd Baldwin. Young's howe * have hud thoglandors for two or thruu mouths imdono ilav while hoas caring for ono of thorn the horse blow tbu pus tnmi his noiirlU into Youtig'.s face. It Is bollo\el that the poison was absorbed by a pimple on the young man's cheek Tor several wi-oks the de.ullj blood disease iuis played ii.wor ultli his nasal pas- sagiH and bis physicians supposed until a day ot two airo that liu was snllorlng w Ith an uncommonly virulent form of catarrh When it was disi'meieil tb it Ills horsiH had the glanders and their owiur had contrucUid the disease from tlu-m It was to lutj too adminis ter thu proper romedle. ) to save him , srvrrMi.vr so. 1 , Showing the unmoor of mlloi , the assessed valuation per mlle and the total assessed valuation of railroads in the state of Ne braska , as determined by the state board of equalisation , Ib'JI . AvurnKO.i > iU4 > pilnlii ttlnn pur nillu , 5'i.lOt 45. Total asaotiiiilit , pilij cir , tm.lll IJ Total asaoHHment ti'lt'xrnph coni.iniiy , $ 10,131 01. I'IIK\C1IINII ANMUsr.MKM1. . The board of public lands and buildings today adonted the plans of George \V Shafer for the now structure on tbo giounds of the home for the friendless. The building will cost $13,000. The billot$50 presented by Dr. Brltt for services as chaplain at the asylum for the in sane at Hastings , created considerable de bate. Finally Dr. Test came to the rescue and dolarcd that preaching came tinder tlio head of "amusement- the inmitio,1' nnd therefore should bo allowed from the fund sot smart for enter taining the lunatic ? . A roar of laughter fol lowed , but the bill was allowed as the result of Test's reasoning. Joseph Burns of Uncoln was allowed $1,400011 the contract for the water supply for the institution at Ivoarnoy. Mr. Burns also submitted a proposition to furnish a water system for the asylum at Hastings and the deaf , and dumb institute at Omaha. \\AMS I'lVK ' 11IOU.SVXP. Today Judge Tlbbetts is hearing the evidence - donco in the case of Josephine Stevens vs the Lincoln street railway company. Mrs. " Stevens jvnnts $ . > ,000 for a" tumble she took f i om n street car near D street , which was caused by the driver utartmg the horses sud denly while she was getting off the car. M\SOV A C\NI > II > ATK. It Is reported tnat O. P. Mason Is anxious to get the world's fair commissloncrshlp since ho failed to nmko connections as. secretary of the state board of transportation. As Mason was ono of the governor's attorneys In the Thayor-Boyd contest it is reported on fairly good authority that 'Clinycr will reward him with tlio desiied appointment. Mason has constantly haunted tlio executive depart ments and passes considerable of His tlmo in Thaycr'b private oflico. THU SlIl'.r.DV 1HTATR. The kindness and favor shown by ox- Marshal Melick to Mrs. Shoody during the late murder trial have oeon rewarded by All's , Sliecdy deciding to resign as adminis tratrix of her husband's estate and hayo Melick unpointed instead. A roitiun | to that effect will bo presented to the county Judge. ODIlS AM ) I'NDS. Auditor Benton will not loturn to the city until .luno 15. Governor Thayer was not In his olllco today. Htato Treasurer Hill Is not in the city. COMU'MIOX / ' CitHM'S. Very I'\ivornlil * KoiiorlH Croni n \iiin- lior orNohraNku Points. M \IIIHOV , Nob. , Juno 1. Wo are having a little rain hero this morning , but as yet it lias only laid the dust. Wo have had lately two little showers which have all told wet the ground to u depth of about an inch , but It has done a great deal of good. N'OIITII Loui' , Nob. , Juno 1. Most of the corn Is up , but the top of tbo ground bus been too dry for the past ton days. A light ruin last night wet the ground down Ono Inch. Most small grain is looking well. ) , Nob. , Juno 1. There Is plenty ol moisture In tbu ground and smalt grain U doing .splendidly. Thu corn Is a littlu hack- ward on account of cold weather , but thu proipuct was nuvor better for a good crop than at present. Mili.u i ) , Neb. , Juno I.--la this vicinity corn is almost all planted and coming up a good stiind. Tbo hnavy rams of laat week did wiuh the ground it gooil doal. Many farmuri ate replanting the winhud spots. Small grain looks well. Hun. Britis-uc , Nub , Juno 1. The condi tion of the growliiL- crop JH good. The weather is all that could bo domed with plenty of inoisturo In thu ground. Wheat Is utl headed out and very promising. A good titiiml of corn and growing fast. HOI.MKSVIM.I. . Nut ) , Jtinu 1. Crop pros- iioct.s are good. Corn Is all planted and nearly all up , with a good stand , except In junto fuw Holds whuru thu cut worms mil sqiiiircl-i liavu iiono BOIIIU damage. I'husu Ik-Ids will bo replanted. Thu past Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. seven days ba * boon line corn srowliu weather , tbo best wn huvo luxit thin somoiv Tlio giv.iinl ti Iu irood shape , with plenty ol tnolsturo to keep crops grouluu. Wheat Ii looking finely , bus commenced bonding out , i lion ) nro a few piccos In bloom. Outs nu looking well and will bo a Root ! crop If w hnvo anolbcr good rain. Hjo U all lientlud. out ami looks woll. prospects fayorablo for 4 ifoott crop. Klav U In good uluiPP , but vnry little sown liiii't ) this A good acraa o of inlllot has been sown , but none up yet. SIIM.III , Neb , , June --Wheat I , must winter , Is In gooil Mmpo nnd looks well , thura oiietil to bo sevcial car loads shipped this fnll. Oat-s look well. It r.iliM almost every n la lit. Corn Is nil planted and most of I tup. Flax Is a poor crop.Vowanl lots of rain yet , I'liivinrov , N'ob. , .Tune 1--Wheat U In better condition nnd prospects for n c"op nro bettor than they over were boforo. Oats am . In good condition. Corn U looking good so fur. Tim ground is plenty moist enough for the growing ciopi. AIISKU , Neb , Juno'Corn Is all planted nnd coming up n better stand limit last year \ \ bent , oats and rjo good. Splendid rnln thli morning. Ground In good condition for thu growing ciops O CH > I.\ , Neb , , Tiiio 1.Tho general pro - peels tor the glowing crops are very favorablo. Small grain is doing nicely. Corn , with a few exceptions , U n rfoocl Mand. Theto Is somu complaint of cut wirms , ami some havu replanted where the uoriai took the Ih-sB planting. Wotira hiivlni ; plouty of isiin and the farmoi's nro von much oncouraijed , but there are some klckoras usual. MtiMioi. , Neb. , Juno 1 - Wheat is lnoliing futilyell jiiht now OaU snlTored b.iiiiv during the dry spell , but the recent mini have caused much improvement. 1'lie pros pect is bettor than at this time last year. Corn Is ncuily all planted and coming up well , but the gt'nb is doing .sumo damage. Bailey looks well but not much has beun sown. Haining nicely today I'U'ti.uov , Neb , .linn ) I.Wo have plenty of moistuio in the giound. The growing crops nw In good v'ondilion. U'lii-'iit , bar- lujand rye nro looking woll. O tin were hurt some by the drv weather but are iin-ivlng rapidl.v since thii Into rains. Torn is mostly up , a good stand and looking well. Wo are having moro rain limit is needed. PHI-IT Crsim , Neb , Juno 1.Our crops are in lair condition but wo hnvo not bail rain onoucrh , that is where the ground was not in good condition , bat In places uluro thn ground was attended to ciops look to iiu in fair condition. In Homo places coin is nut uu uml it wo do not getmoie rain It will have to bo replanted. Oats aio short in .some places and . o is wheat but upon the whole It looks as if a fair crop would oo bar- UMi'il. Yi i * N , Nob. , Juno 1. The weather is line and uitin | look well , especially corn. WOOD UiMI , Neb , Juno 1. The crops are looking well We had u nice ram Inst niiilit The ruins could not como nicer If they weio made to order. Crops never looked bottor. T1JIK1) ' 10 SiVVK HIS SIS IKK. Harry lo\lo "ells a I'oiH.'liliitf Sttn-y to ( lie1'i'deral tJi-anil Jury. A brlglit-eyed , blaek-haii'od boy about six teen j ears of ago has been aconr about the federal building for the past fo\\ days wait ing to be called before the grand Jury. Ho attracted mure than ordinary attention on account of bis youth and generally intelli gent appearance. Well diructed quoHions draw the boy's -itory from him and ho tin folded a tale iu slmplo language which shows him to bJ a lad of good hard sense and mature Ideas. His miino Is Harry Doxie and ho has llvotl at Cnllaway , where his father and inolhoA kept a hotel , the only other irotubor of tha family b'ling a sUtor of thu boy , aged about Iwalvo yeai-s. Among tbo boarders nt the hotel was a man who had not been In thu house lung be- foio he began to show moro attention to thu rather handsome landlady than was necessary or oven proper. Thu husband pratostud against such proonodings , but without effect , and thu intrigue continued. Fmr.lly the husband bocauio disgusted and loft homo , going to Rome point In Kansas , and about tlio same tlmo Iho bonnier who had been the cause of all tlio trouble wont tcl Larainie , where ho started n saloon. Mrs Doxie remained in Callaway with her two children ur.d her mother. In a short tlmo n letter arrived from Uaramlo , wrlunn by the absunt lo-cr to Mrs. Doxlo , asking nor to como to him and bring the littlu girl with her. her.Harry intercepted the letter , hi * suspicions bavincr noun aroused by the postmark , and opened it. Ho then decided to kuup it trom his mother , but It was found by ins grand mother who uphold herdaiiehioriu nor contra and thereupon the old woman lodged a com. plaint againit the boy , charging him with in terfering with the mails. The boy was arrested and brought before tbo present grand jury for hearing. Ho to his story In a.simple , straightforward wfl < which excited the most llvuly sympathy in the minds of the grand jury , llo said lit ] kept thu letter because ho was afraid his mother would take his slstor with her nnd be did not want thu little gill to bo subjected to such evil induencas as would surely surionnd hur under such circumstances. As the little follow told his story to the errand jury suspicious looking drops of mots- turo dimmed many of the Jurymen's ' eyes uml thu expressions concerning thu mother and grandmother of the children were fur Irom llattering. There was no Indictment loturnod and on of thu grand juryman , n banker fiom McCook , decided to adopt tbo boy forthwith. Tlia disposition to bo made of the girl has not been settled. no frllnco | Is sullloicnt. l''ov worun are nuodod. In 11111113 wayH those oxqulHlto I'ianoi have never been oxcollod. Tltoy bom on the Full Hoard tbo niiino oj. HJiUlC ; , well known tlnoiiK'lioui thih country na tbo iiiakor of hlph-clusi l-'iiiiiofortos. Hit down for n nioiiiont und try the ox- ( | tilsito lone of ono of tliosu InalniiiiontH ' 011 notice lit once the prosoiico of thu' ' puutillar , niro Hinyiilurlly of tone so do hirable In n Piano , wliluh in to 1m us-i ) us uu nccoiiipaiiiiiiont to thn volno. Now exiiiiiino for u nioinnnt. The do- ilgn of the cntio could not bo moro beau Llful. Hoiiioinbor that you luuo a 'iiuranlno of excellence in tlio iniiiiio. N'o ono ever yet inirobiiHod u lirii'Kri I'iiino and waH ( liHsiippointod In itti Hub- iOiioMt ( [ u so , Thuy uro inndo upon lionor In every part , with the imo of thu llnost. tniituriulh und by the help of tha ; > oHt worliiiuimhi | ) . Such u I'luno will lust u Hfotimo and repay its cost twenty tiniutnn the plons nro nnd HsitiHfaction of IU DOx oHHion , to ii.V nothitij , ' of the pos'-lbllltios of uc- julriiiK tluit musical umicalton HO in'c- jhrtiiry for every youiiK woman in this country to-duy. Without formality wo invite you to joino and sue these now UKJCKIH L'l ANCJH , mi ( I iflvo UH the 'hum-lit if your jud < ; iinoiit ujion thoni r.a plui oi jf the h/hoHt ! | class. C. C. HRIGGS & CO. Olllco , Puotorv und \Varorooiii3 ut lloaton , MUSH. MAX MEYER & BRO. COg ACJKNTS DltlCGS PIANOS WO to 1-VJ1 Kivnium Htrout. und K ) to 2 3 South lUtti Hi. , OiU'ihn , Nob.