Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by Cnirlcr In any part of the City.
U. W. Tif/l'ON - - M ANA tint.
I HinlnCM Ofllce , No. 43.
Nl ht Jidltor. No. iK ) .
V. Y. P. Co.
f 'ounrll Bluffs Lumber Co. ,
Craft's chattel loiins , ' . ' ( M Sapp bloi'rf.
Ucnl Kock Hpilngs coal. Thatcher , 10 Main
If jou wnnt water in your yard or house
go to Blxby's UiW Merriam block.
The concert which was given last Friday
night for the benoilt of the boy choir of St.
Paul's church , netted the organization $ " > " > .
.to cy Hulbcit mil Agnes Belmont , two
deril/cns of the "How , " were arrested yes
terday by Ofllcer Kelly for engaging in a
battle with their llsU.
"Dutch Boylnglon'1 wns lined In police
court yesterday for disturbing the peace. M.
li McDonald , .lohn Kay and Tom Hulllvan
were lined for drunkenness.
Kslhcr White's will wns admitted to pro
bate yesterday In the district court. By the
terms of the will all the property of the de
ceased Is Riven to her on , William .1. \ \ hlto.
Hotel Mumiwaill he opened this noon
under the management of .1 S. Whiting of
Little Koclf , Ark. A concert and n display
of Ilio works will add to the enjoyments of
the place in the evening.
Misses Anna Patterson , Agnes Blauchnrd ,
Loin Black , Alfnietta Black , Klla ns.nund ,
and Messrs N. A. Keys , F. II.ovs ! , ,1. S.
Vim Clove , I ) . Chap nun and O Cooper of
Omaha , spent Monday evening at Lake
Mannwa ,
The Women's Chrhtian Temperance Union
will to entertained this afternoon from M to
0 o'clock nt the residence of Mrs. Htoddanl ,
nt the corner of Sixth stioot and lilglith
avenue. All interested ate invited to bo
Mr.Vies , one of the employes in the elec
tric power building lit Omaha , thrown
from a buu'gv while riding along Bluff street
In Council Bluffs , Monday night His collar
Iwiio was broken bv the fall and ho will bo
off d'lty for two or three weeks.
Judge McGec Issued nn order jcstorday
morning sending Fred Hanson , a fourteen
year old boy , to the refoun school. Hanson
Is the boy who was caught a couple of weeks
ngo burglarizing the cigar storeot T. D.
King ft Co. , on South Main street.
Kittle Collins and Kntio Lulioy were before
the Insane commissioners yestonlny on a
c.irgo of insanity. Mis. Luboy was exceed
ingly wild , and raised the whole neighbor
hood by her cries. After an examination
both wore ordered confined In St. Bernard's
Jamie M. , the youngest son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. It. Kico , died Monday night , of
Hpastns , aged two years. Ho was taKen ill
Monday atternoon , up to which tnno ho had
been apparently In the best of health The
funeral , vlll occur this afternoon at half past
2 o'clock from the residence on South avenue.
At the last meeting of the vestry of St.
Paul's church n committee was apnoin.ted ,
consisting of D. C. Bloomer , M. R Smith , .1.
N Baldwin , .1. T. Stewart and M. Duquette ,
to correspond with the bishop in icgard to
securing the services of a new rector in plnco
of linv. T. K. Muckay , resigned. They ex
pect to have the vacancy filled by fall.
The remains of the late Austin F. Moigs ,
son-in-law of C. 1C. Stone , will arrive in the
v'ty ' this evening from Portland , Ore. ,
1 accompanied bv Mrs. Mcigs nnd Mrs. Stone.
The funeral will take place Thnrsdny nftir-
noon tit ! ! o'clock from the Trinity Methodist
church , corner of Fourth street and Ninth
avenue , Ilov. T. McKay Stewart ofllclnting.
A quiet wedding took pl.ico at the resi
dence of Mr Kalph Simpson , OKI Washing
ton avenue , ; yesterday afternoon. Kev. T. J.
Mnckay uttered the words which united in
the solemn bonds of matrimony Mr. T. C.
Westerduhl of Kansas Citv and Miss Boitha
B Simpson of tills city. The young couple
departed for Kansas Citv , their now home ,
nfler the ueddlng ceremony.
Ofllcor Kemp yesterday wont after Burt
Camp , who was trying to sell some brass
casting at n junk shop on Lower Bro-ulwuy ,
nnd for a distance of about tour blocks there
was unexciting chase. At last Poland struck
Indian croak , and preferring capture by the
ofllecr to asphyxiation In the slimy depths of
the crook ho surrendered and was taken to
the police station , where the charge of lar
ceny wns entered ncainst him.
( jcsjlcr's Magic Ho idacino Wafers. Cures all
headaches In 'JO minutes. At alt druggis
Watch the dully papers Friday for the an
nouncement and prices nt the Boston atore.
jriielr special : svi.i : COMMINCIS ; : Sviuu-
and will continuo for two weeks. Bos
ton Store , Council Bluffs , In.
Morgan's prices for furni.turo on Install
ment plan loner than any other nouso in city.
l , I'.l It.lGlt.l / / / . .
A marriage license was Issued yesterday to
C. .1. lioth and Mrs. A. Kracht , both of this
city. They were married yestoiday after
noon by Justice Hummer.
F. A. Sprague , who for nine venrs has
Leon the efficient manager of the Sandwich
nmnufncturing company In this city , has re
signed his position to accept ono with the
Northwestern Mutual life insurance com
pany. He will continuo to make Council
Bluffs his headquarters.
Francis Murphy , the great apostle of tem
perance , bus Just cloied a wonderfully suc
cessful series of meetings In Indliiuapolis.
Ho will in a few weeks leave for ISurone ,
nnd will bo accompanied by his wife. Their
many friends hero hope they \vill visit their
Council Bluffs homo before they start for
across the waters ,
Callgrnph writing machine does not got on
of repair like many other machines.
Col I'n \ HpringJ via the Koulc iHlimil.
Everybody has heard of them , located on
the "Great Koelc Island Koute. " Coltax has
n do/en medical mineral springs nnd hun
dreds dally testify to their merits. Sjvon
first-class hotels furnish pleasant homes nt
very low rates to the throngs of health and
pleasure seekers.
Ahout Paving.
The paving of the alloy bftwcon Seventh
and ICighth streets , and between Broadway
and First avenue , Is now the theme of hot
talk among the property owuors directly In
terested. Ono of them tersely explains the
thus :
\Vo property owners are the ones who
have to pay for the paving. The city does
not pay one cent. Now as we've got the
paying to do , wo think we ought to have
something to say about U. The council last
fall ordered the alloy payed , without the
property owners knowing anything about It ,
When wo did find it out wo kicked. Wo
were piulng for all the paving wo could
stand and didn't want to pave the alloy , as It
wns unnecessary. As n compiomlsc , how
ever , wo concluded to submit to having It
pnvctt with brick , as it was cheaper and
better than the grnntto. Our petition has
been Ignored and the council has ordered the
contractors to go ahead and pave with
granite. U doesn't seem fair to trample
right on our wishes In the matter when wo
nre the only ones Interested and have to do
all the paying. The aldermen sny they can
not now get out of the contract. They ought
never to have got Into It , but 1 happen to
know that the contract is so worded that
they need not pave Hint block If they don't
want to , It's an outrage to have the rights
of citUens Ignored in this sort of a way The
local papers don't senm disposed to let us
have nny hearing through their columns ,
probably bcniuso they get the city printing.
The cquncil is getting to ho too inamirchhil
to lustrlong. They should remember that
this Is America. "
Bolls , carbuncles and oiuptlnns of all kinds
are nature's etUirts to throw off poison from
he blood. This result may bo accomplished
much moro effectually , as well as agreeably ,
through the proper excretory channels , uytlia
use of Ayer'b Sursnpanlln.
+ * The Lane Munnwa hotel has boon remod
eled , refurnished and renovated throughout ,
nnd will bo opened Wednesday noon , June 8 ,
Try Duquette & , CO.'H Pomona fruit Julco
tablets. I'uoy uro delicious.
Authorities Qettin ? After the Union Pasifio
for Delinquent Taxjs ,
Mutter I'luliily Dlsetissotl liy tlir > Conn-
oil mid Hoard or Hiiporvliors
Oilier Iliilfe-oul Tux Mill-
tors CoiiHlilerctl.
At the incotltiB of the city council Monday
night It wns decided that the council should
meet with the bo ird of supervisor * yostcr.lay
afternoon for Iho purpose of coming to sotno
conclusion with rof'iri'nea to the collection of
the back taxes of the Union I'aellie railway
company. The city nttdrnoy was also In
structed to I'Ch'In mandamus proceedings
nKiiliisl the coinp.inv to compel it to raise its
bridge over Indian crook within
the city limits. It evident
tint , the council was beginning u
war on the rallro.vl compmy , nnd the
outcome of the meeting looked for with
a ( 'ood deal of interest.
When the hour for ttio mooting arrived the
tnnyor and all the members of the city coun
cil wctc theic , and the object of the mectltiR
wns stilted bv Mayor n snap
which Indicated that they meant business.
They were nftor the scalp of the Union
Pacific , and ttio.v didn't care who knew it. A
few extracts weru re id from the old minutes
of the citv council , which included the pro
ceedings on the evening n year mid u half
n o when the city attorney was milLoiUcd to
settle the appeal Mill in regard to taxes
which was then pending in the supreme
court , on condition that the railway company
should agree to unite with they other com-
p.uii H in the construction of u union depot in
Kiddle's sub-division.
The fact that the Uopot was Just .is near
completion how us the night on which tills
resolution wa passed was dwelt upon with
fons'dorablo bitterness by the members of
the city council , mid it was the unanimous
opinion that something ought to
ho done , but Just wliat , was the question.
Supervisor Graham thought the piopcr
tiling to do was to go down and levy on an
engine. Alderman Wood suggested Unit it
might bo n good plan to levy on the Golden
Gate special , passengers and all , as it was
leaving for the west. Mayor Macrae favored
the forming of a syndicate and buying up all
the railroad property in the city for the pay
ment of f 10,001) ) unpaid taTroasuior Plumor
state , ! that ho would take the mayor's check
for the amount If it was good.
Treasuior 1'lumor stated that this year's
taxes had been pud to the amount of $ 18,000 ,
which wiis lha p.irt duo on the track. The
east half of the bridge had been assessed at
l'J.,000 and other property of the compiny
on tills side of the river had been assessed at
a figure which would raise the total amount
to over SU > l > , Wi ) ) , and none of the levy on this
amount had been paid.
After a long discussion the matter was
dropped , with the understanding that the
county trcasuier should act with a little
more push than ho had heretofore ) in the mat
ter ot the railroad taxe , and the probibllltv
is that In the coin-so of a few uecks enough
of the Union Pacific properly will bo levied
upon or sold at lot sale to pay for the $ -10,000
uup.ild t.ixcs of last ear.
Representatives of various railroads wore
befoie the supervisors yesterday to confer
with regard to the trouble \\hicti was stined
up last winter by the action of the super
visors in taking the assessment of n largo
amount of railroad property outof the hands
of the state executive council and giving it
to the local absussor , to whom It belongs.
The railroads are mightily Inter
ested in the outcome of the
nffair. Tax Commissioner Whitney of the
Northwestern , M. U. Walker of the Bnr-
llncton , and W. S. , tax commis
sioner of the Milwaukee , registered their
individual kicks yesterday , but were not
willing to say what further they propossd to
do about it. It was evident that they real
ised that they were elected to pay the taxes ,
as they had been levied by the county as
Mr. Millipan oven wont so far as to admit
that a low of lots belonging to his company ,
located in Kiddle's subdivision , had been
wrongly sent In to the executive council , and
that the board had done ripht in having them
assessed by tno assessor. The taxes on the
property in question amount to aoout $1,200 ,
and the county auditor is congratulating him
self with the thought that if ho accomplished
nothing else by stirring up the nnimals , ho
rescued that Sl.ViOO from the enemy.
The Howoscale took first premicm atPnila
delphia , Paris , Sydney and other exhibitions ,
liorden & Selleck ( Jo. , Agts. , Chicago.
Watch the dally papers Ptiilay for the an
nouncement and prices at the Boston store.
Their spocla1 Jusi : su.i : COM\irxriis S\int-
mi nnd will continue for two ucoks. J3o < -
ton Store , Council Bluffs , la.
Mar Bouricius , music teacher , removed 10
53s Broadway , over C. B. music company.
Furniture , carpets , refrigerators , baby car
riages , stoves , crockerami all house fur
nishing goods , cash or on easy payments , at
Mandel A : Klein's.
Cut lcr llv ! I.
A cutting affray took pluca yostonHy aft
ernoon at HS Pierce street between Josie
Hulbertnnd Agnes Belmont. The Ilulbort
woman was arrested s-oma time ago nnd
spoilt about two weeks In the city Jail , She
was released Saturday night , but when she
got out she found that the Bolniont woman
had cut her out , nnd was receiving atten
tions by the curt load from Herbert Smith ,
her old llnmo. Tills was too much for the
hlgh-snirited Josie to stand , and arming her
self with n r.uor she sallied forth to meet the
l'io Klio gave her uncmv n bad gash on the
arm , and the outcry which the U\o made
aroused the whole neighborhood , as well as
Oflleor Kelly , who soon hod both safely
lodged In the city Jail , with the charge of
assault nnd battery uud disturbing the peace
ontcied against them.
There Is danger In Impure blood. There Is
safety In taking Hood's ' Sarsaparllla , the
great blued purifier. 100 doses one dollar.
Four Afore ilar < liiiuii 1'lnnon.
The Mueller muslo ompany yesterday put
four moro of the grand Hnrdman pianos. U.
! ' , Sapp purchased one of them , another was
sent to William Hiitchinson , nl Kaglo Grove ,
In. ; another to Mr Marshall , Charter Onk ,
la , and the other was placed in the rooms of
the Lcngue , the nowlv urgmiiied club in this
city. Four pianos sold in one dav is not bad ,
considering the fact that yeplciilny was not
u very good day for pianos either.
The finest line of spring nnd summer
goods , most export workmen , Is what you
find at Heller's , the tailor , ail ) Broadway.
Pianos , organs , C. U. Music Co. , oJb H'way.
Struck hj u Dorriok.
John Conklln , who works nt the North
western roundhouse , mot with tin accident
yesterday morning. He was engaged in
working u derrick at the round house when
the handle suddenly slipped nnd in revolving
struck him on the forehead , cutting a fearful
gush. He was taken to the olllcu of Dr.
Thomas where hU injury was attended to.
Ho will ho laid up for several weeks us the
icsult of his Injury.
Do not tnko any chance of being poisoned
or binned to death with liquid stove polish ,
paints or enamels in bottles. The "lilting
Hun Htovo Polish" is safe , oiiorloss , brilliant ,
the and bust stove polish made , ami
the consumer n.iys for no extensive tin or
Klin hpackngo with every purchn > c.
Union Park races , Ouinha and Council
Bluffs , June ( MS , $1,000 ; Kept. Ml , HUHX ) ,
Oct. JO1,000 ! , For programme ! , address
Nat Ill-own , seo'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha.
Drs. Wooilbuvy , dentists , ; io pearl street ,
next to Irand ! hotel Telephone 115. High
b'nulo woik u specialty.
Court NO\\H.
In district couit yesterday n motion for n
continuance was filed by the defendant In the
case of A. T Wultttosoy against the Omaha
and Council Bluffs railway and bridge com-
This is the time of year when.ast experi AN EYE-OPENER.
ence has led us to expect hot weatli'er. When
every man you meet mops his-intellectual , t i Sizes 34 to 42. In genuine French Nankin , in handsome pin
brow and faintly gasps , "I-s-i-t-h-o-t-e-n-o-u-g-h- stripes. These goods will wash nicely , wear like iron , look
" ' well , and hold their shape. They arc made with patch
? We've had this sort of weather
pockets , have pearl buttons , button holes made with silk , and
once a year as far back as the oldest inhabitant the backs of the vest arc made of the same material as the vest
itself. These coats and vests are worth a plump dollar and a
tant remember and in all human probability
can , half , but for an "eye opener" we will let them out at the re
bility we'll have the same sort for a number of markably low price of
years to come. The only way to get even is to ofYSc. .
200 single Black Alpaca Coats , sixes 34 to 40 ; worth just a
TAKE IT COOL. dollar fiftyAT
. AT Y5o A COAT.
300 handsome plain brilliantinc coats and vests , worth
Don't worry ; stand off the ice man and buy shades all in
three dollars , in four different [ not one coat
your thin clothingof us. Our assortment of hot but one shade in each coat ] ,
weather clothing is nearly double that of any AT S1-Y5-
former season , and just as the oyster sea FOR THE OTHER EYE.
son is opened with a can-opener , so will we 300 splendid fancy corded mohair coats and vests , posi
open the torrid season with tively worth four dollars ,
AN EYE OPENER. 200 skeleton coats and vests , made of splendid all wool
. flannel , in grays , tans , browns , slates , modes , &c , , worth four
dollars and three-quarters ,
AT S2-9O-
Tomorrow we will put on sale our entire
Over a thousand white and fancy vests , and silk mixed and
first purchases of thin coats and vests , separate
all silk vests , ranging from 750 to $4 50. Every one a money
coats , white and fancy vests , and dusters. The saver.
prices ? They'll help maintain our well-earned EXTRA SIZE COATS.
reputation of being Nebraska's Price Makers.
pany , in which the plaintiff Is suing for
5,001) ) damages resulting from a fall while
alighting from n motor. The ground for the
continuance Is that C. H. Koynolds , the
former manager of the line , has moved to
NorfolkNob. . , and is thoioforo outof the
Jurisdiction of the court. Ho bas all the in-
lormation with reference to the defendant's
side of the eae , and as ho can not bo com
pelled to bo here at the present term of court ,
continuance is asked for.
The case of Schwenson against Piper was
completed yesterday and submitted to the
court , and the case of C. K Stone against the
citv wns taken up. The time was occupied
until the hour adjournment in colling u
Jurv. The plaintiff sues for * U,000 damages
resulting from n change of grade in his
property at the corner of Vine and Bryant
Nogriplng , no nausea , no piin when Da
Witts Little Early KUow are taltoa. gaull
pill. Safe pll. Best pill.
Watch the dally papers Friday for the an
nouncement and prices at the Boston store.
Their special JUST su.u COMMIINCISvTt'ii : -
i > u and will coatinue for Iwo woaks. Bos
ton Stoio , Council Bluffs , la.
Wti-itoil in Onnwa.
Deputy Marshal Fowler arrested William
Lukehart Monday night near tno deaf and
dumb Institute. Lukehart Is wanted at
Onawa , Monona county , to answer to the
charge of committing on assault on a gill
about fifteen years old , the daughter of a
neighbor of his. The girl had been visiting
at his house , and when she went homo Luke-
hart oftercd. to go with her. They came to n
desolate pftft of the road which was covered
by woo Is and there Lukehart accomplished
his designs. Ho was arrested , but escaped
and was tracked by the ollicers to Council
Bluffs. Sheriff U D. Kittle ot Monona
county came to the Bluffs yojtorday in re
sponse to a telegram notifying him of the
capture and look his man home wllh him to
Onawa last night.
A very small pill but a very gooJ ono. Do
Witt's Lltllo Earlv Kisors.
W'j'hU'ru Pensions.
WASHINGTON , 2 , [ Special Telegram
to TIIK BKB.I Pensions have been granted
as follows : Nebraska : Original Kobert A.
Pollock , Fred Nowkirk , Edwin O. Halstcnd ,
Pcler Whitlaw , Elford E. Lee , Charles D.
Lyons , William W. Stulu , Henry C. Allen ,
Albert Shumure , Klchard II. Bellamy ,
Simeon K. Outlay. Additional William H.
Fry , Wiley J. Hilton. Increase William
Pickrell , Edward F. Bawou. Kelssuo-
Navy. Lorou W. Hastings. Original widows ,
etc. James S. , deceased , father of James W.
Iowa : Oiiirlnal Willhun Fitzgerald , Jesse
Washburn , Daniel Ferguson , Lucian H. Hay-
men , A ndruw Wilson McClure , James Joss ,
( navy ) , George Paul , John G. Young , Wll-
helm" Brandon , Christopher Buhl , Henry V.
VnnPolt , James Dullard , James M. Crnwloy ,
Goaivo Kobliison , John Curmtchaul , Alvnro
C. lllnto.iyo , Koland V Waterman , John L.
Scott , Hiram Hudbuit , William Kelly , Swan
Llnd. Jesse A Chase , Kob-'rt T. Pray , Jotui
W. Wlddoe.s , William H. Vnndorburg. Eu
gene Trlon , Stephen P , Yoonians Increase
Michael Fahoynavi ( ) , Paul Black. Ke-
issue Joseph B. Crawford.
DoWitt's Lltllo Early Klsors ; best little
pills for dyspepsia , soar Htoni'icli , bal breath
Tito Wool Market.
BOSTON , Juno : i. There Is a steady nnd
quiet trade in wools at previous prices. Ohio
nnd Pennsylvania llceccs hold at ! ! 0e for X ,
illC'f.'Uo for XX and above. Michigan X
fleeces are offered at Jhf-'i ( ! > uil ! , but meet with
slow sale. No. 1 combing wools are scarce
and Ilnn ntI0i < i4lo ; Ohio line delaine , ; ) ( < (
Htl'sc ; Michigan Hue delaine , at Itfe ; un
washed Ohio and Michigan fleeces uro selling
at UOocJbo for line and medium. Territory
wools are in steady demand , and ns supplies
of new nrrlvo they are disposed of quite
reaclllv al ( W ( t Bo for clean line , r < 0i ( < lo ! for
line medium , and MOI'M for medium. New
Texas nnd California wools have been quiet
There Is u steady call fur pulled wools , and
sales of choice supers are imulo at 4UOiiru > ;
fuir to good supers .ittoot , ttc , and extras at
' - ! , ' ( , i ! : c. Australian wools are firm iiurt in
good demand. Foroijju carpet wools steady
and In fair demand.
DoWitt's Little Early Klsers , best pill.
Ir.dopcinliMit Club ,
Last night the Independent club got to
gether to hear reports from the recent gath
ering of the clans al Cincinnati. It was the
flrsj. . meeting In several days and the resul
was the loosening of stored oratory. T. B
Minnenan had gone to the convention. He
told all about It , nnd irogrottod that the
reDrcsctuativo working jpen aid not mater
ialise at Cincinnati. Ho thought they would
get in line nil right , though.
Allen Koot made n regular rip-snorter of a
speech. Ho said the old parties were on an
infernal toboggan slide , rushing with fright
ful speed toward eternal oblivion. But the
infant born at Cincinnati Is all right and
able to boo its own low.
T. C. Kelsey , J. M. Kiunoy and J. C.
Kounstnan also made speeches.
inn XOT ritorti
Initial Mectliiji o" the Western I'as-
sonnet * Association Somewhat Tame. .
Ciiicvoo , Juno " . The Initial session of the
regular meellng ot the Western Passenger
association developed no sensational features ,
although General Passenger Agent Charlton
of the Alton took occasion to give Chairman
Finley a scorching. This was not on ac
count of the penalty assessed against the
Alton for refusing to advance the rates from
Kansas City to St. Louis and from St. Louis
to Chicago , but because the chairman held
Hint the Alton could not bo In the matter of
Colorado tourist rates territorially except by
agreement. The discussion of this subject
resulted in a decision by the association in
support of Iho Alton's position.
There was a debate on the question of dis
continuing the sale of unllmllo 1 tickets , re
sulting In some proposed amendments nnd
the appointment of u committee , which Is to
report resolutions tomorrow.
It appears that the Alton Is not the only
road against which a flue had been assessed
for fniluro to icstore passenger rates from
SI. Louis nnd East St. Louis to Chicago ,
Chairman Finloy has also Imposed a line on
the Illinois Central of $100 and the revenue
derived from the sale of regular rate tlckols
from May 17 to June IT for a similar orfonso.
This makes the situation oven moro serious
It is not to be supposed for a moment that
the olher roads in Iho Weslorn Passenger
association will euro lo continuo Iho agree
ment If both the Alton nnd the Central are
shut out , , and the opinion is general thai
Chairman Finloy's decision will nol bo con-
A report has been circulated hnro that the
Chicago , Minneapolis & St. i'aul has dis
pensed with the services of collectors on its
passenger trains. Four of the collectors
have boon dismissed whore it was found that
the conductors were able to perform the
work without assistance , and also three
others who were employed on the trains be
tween St. Paul ana Minneapolis where the
business of the road boa been recently re
duced by the compotlon of an electric street
railway. On all subrubon and through trains
the collectors have been retained.
H. ( J Purdy , vlco president and treasurer
of the Kock Island , announces thai ihe esti
mated gross earnings of the entire system ,
including the lines cast nud west of the Mis
souri river , for the month of May are $ liM- !
li'JS , a decrenso as compared with the esti
mated earnings of the corresponding period
ot hist year of $ lbi'Jit : : , Uie | unnnal meeting
of the road will be lioldlierp tomorrow , when
the report for the fiscal 'year will bo given
nixuvHHoi" A vKrn(4vUAii.uoiiiu. ( :
B. K. Verbrlek , ex.prosldont of the Master
Car Builders' association , find oil and on for
twenty-six years an employ of the Kock
Island In Ihls city , died suddenly at noon to
day , Doutti was duo to reliction following an
attack of the grippe. lie was one of the bust
known moMcr cur builders In the country.
Ho was eighty-seven years old.
PirTMiuno , Pu. , Juno ' , ' , The annual report
of the Pennsylvania company to December 1 ,
lhW ( , shows not earnings of ? 1,0 , ' ,000 , an In
crease over Ibs'J of $ i5tUiJ ,
How to Cunt the t'oiicli I oIlowliiK Im
Grlppi ) ,
For n troublesome couch there Is nothing
better than Chamberlain's Cough Komedy.
It strengthens the pulmonary organs , allavh
any Irrltuuon nnd effectually cures the cough.
It Is especially valuable for Iho cough which
so often follows an attack of the grip. Fur
sale by all diugglsts.
' Proteotlvo ' b > ciatlou.
Lirri.i : KUIK , Ark , Juno 2. The national
convention of the Traveling Protective asso
ciation , was called to oracr this morning by
President C. J. Hanks of the Arkansas divi
sion at the Capital theater , and Kov. S. O.
Hnincs of Now Jersey , founder of the Com
mercial Tom poranco league , and chaplain of
the association , invoked the divlno blessing.
After Governor Eagle had welcomed the del
egates President McGraw delivered Iho an
nual address , which showed the organization
to bo in a healthy financial condition.
Body of a "We 1 Known Tailor Pound
Flouting in Florence Kako
The floater found in Florence lake Monday
evening wns identified yesterday nftornnon
as the remains of Herman A. Gielow of Ml 0
Charles street.
Mrs. Gielow appeared nt the police slation
yesterday about noon nnd informed the offi
cers thai her husband had been absent from
homo since last Friday , and she was beco ming -
ing somewhat alarmed about the matter. As
soon as the coroner and Mr. Burkot's under
taking wagon returned from Florence lake
wilh thofloater.tho descrlpllon given by Mrs.
Gielow of her husband was compared wilh
the corpse and nil question as to his identily
was sot nt rest. Mrs. Gielow was then In
formed that her husband had been foui.d
drowned and she visited the undertaker's
rooms to sco with her own eyes the unwel
come truth.
She said that Mr. Gielow left homo last
Friday morning to do some collecting and
had never returned. She suppoed that ho
had gone off somewhere With some friends
to have n good time , and that ho
would bo homo safe nnd sound in a
few dajs Ho had been very despond
ent of late , however , over business
and financial adversities. Ho had recently
opened a tailor shop on S lunders streel , hut
had not succeeded well , his wife snld. Ho
had gone to South Omaha on Friday and had
been drinking considerable. This she had
learned from friends who hud seen Giolow on
Mrs. Giolow thought ho could not hive had
much money In his pockets , for ho loft homo
wllh but a few dollars , unless ho had man
aged to collect some before starting oul to
make the rounds wilh the boys.
Two dollars In cash was found In the
clothes he had on when found In Florence
hike. Ho had on only his pantaloons , shirt
nnd shoes. His coat , hat and vest have not
been found.
Mrs. Gielow said she could think of no
adequate cause that should have driven her
husband to commit suicide. Their domestic
relations wcro not unpleasant. Financial
embarrassment was the only causa she could
ascribe for suicide.
The deceased had resided In Omaha for
about slv years and for .some time ho was In
terested in the North Omaha clothing house ,
at 34IU Cumlng slreot , but had recently
opened a now shop of his own ,
The remains will bo shipped to Fond du
Lac , SVis. . for Interment.
Dr. Coulter made a post mortem examina
tion last night upon the body. No marks of
violence were found upon the body , nnd from
all appearances death was caused by drown
ing ,
Constipation poisons tne mood : 1)0Witt's
I.lttlo Early Kisors euro Constipation. The
cause removed the disease Is u'onc.
Tlio Philadelphia T
Pnii.Aiii.riiiA : , Juno ' - Quo wnrrauto pro-
coadlngs of the state against Klchard G.
Oollors , the present incumbent of the office
of city treasurer , wore begun today to de
termine whether ho or Iho governor's ap-
pelnieo shall hold the olllcu.
To DiHH-l | Colds ,
headaches nnd fevers , lo cleanse ihn system
offoelunlly , yet gently when costive or bilious
or when the blood is Impure or sluggish , lo
permanenily euro habitual constipation , to
awaken the Kidneys nnd liver to a healthy act
tlvliy , without irritating or weakening them
usoHjrupof Figs ,
Dr.vrutcT , NobJuno 'J. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bui' . ) County Tioasuror Henry W.
Davis and Miss Helen T. Mnnlum were mar
ried at the res id en co of the bride's parents In
this city this evening.
For SchllU beer apply to K. K. Grotto
020 Farnam.
suffer nco'dlessly. A disordered Blotn-
ucli , constipation , foul , rhouitmttsm ,
nnd kidney ( Ubctibo , cun positively bo
avoided by Iho careful UHO of thu genu
ine Carlsbad Sprudul Suit , JJowuro of
5 - " " w Asvi : < ) vA * 'J
G. A. Scnoedsack , Proprietor , Offices 021 Bronciwny , Council
Bluffs and 1521 Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and refmish goods
of every description. Packages received at either olfice or at the
Works , Cor. Ave. A and 26th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Morchiints who have shop-worn or boiled fabrics of nnv character can liava
thorn mlyod anil finished equal to now.
it Illflllpn : A"oril ° ys at law , 1'iae-
IX OillllUlU ! ) tleo In the st.ito anil
fdlorul com Is , Itooms II , 4 and 5 bhu ail
Ueno block , Council lllulfs , la.
HI rilimhnrc Attorney at Law , No. 10
. J. UlllllllJU ; ) , Poirl street , ovoi Ititsh-
nell's store. Telophuno No."I llu
liouis. H u. in. to ! ) p. in. Council Itlnlls , 1
I71OU KKNT-Onu of the nest pnylnc hotels In
-L Missouri Vulloy , In , ; ono hloek from
depot ; ' . " / } bloekM from postolfk'U ; " " > nouil
IOOIIIH , puitly furnished ; easy torniH to ilxhl
party. Address II. I1 Wiiruui. Mlssouil Valley.
AT Swim A. Wnlhi'i'h Hi ! Main stioot and llll
Pear ) , Council Illnlls , yon \\lll iilwuyH llnd
a "snap bargain" In rstulu If you want to
buy , or a irnod pliu-u to list a bargain If > on
want to soil or tr.ule.
FOR SA 11' An abitraetand Insur.ineo busi
ness ; good llxory Ntoek and tontnillliix in
terest In an established Inislnuss Will lake
Bonn ! k'ooil city piopuily. Johnston & Van
\\rANTl2D A pond , seeond blind mfntybl-
' eyele , for einh. I' . Iainb , sr. . I.VI lu.i-
hain men in' . Council llliiirs ,
IHOIt SAld' I'li't-'unt i..u rlu''o team mill line
Hln lu MrlM'iH ; prlios loasonablc , uull
and sco tlieiu bi'furu bnyliiir. Isaac M. Hinlth ,
sales stahli'S No. 418 Ninth bu\enth stiuot ,
Cuuneli lll.ilfs.
MAfiNII'K'l. NT aero property In five-aero
traots loeatt'd . ! > , mllrs fiom postolfli > i > ,
forsalo on reasoimblo IOIUIH. Some line lesl-
dtneo iirujiurty for rent by Day A. lloss ,
"I/IOK SAI n-Onrfhio family
-L' for rldliuurilrUIni ; . Apply to i ; h. Gth
' .root. ,
rpO lovcisof horses Thu lament lot of oats
-1. and the llniist In thu elty ; also bay anil
feed d , ' > all kinds at H. Lloldstuln & Co H 1J' " . '
West llroadwuy.
OI < AIK\UVANTund | isychomotrle. orehai-
uetur reading ; also illaKHiisis of ilisouso.
Fend look of hair for iciiillnxH by lottor. him-
iliiysunil ovonlius. Mis. i ; . Hooper , US ! Avo-
nuoi : , noir I'ornur 15th St. , Council | l
TurniH. 5Uv and tl ( W.
17IUH SA LK-IIutuI centrally lou.Uoil , doliu
JKOOI ! biihliiL-fci Or will uxelutn Q for jOi d
furiu In Aostern fovs.i.
llMti-l loasu. fiira turo and llxluicsi an A
.No. 1 ehanco to si ip tnU ) a ( 'ood payint ; luiil-
nis ! Ittt ibonK flu sullln , oihui business ic-
( ] iilrln all ovrnor'H attuntlori
llarculiiHln runldunuo and business prop
erty. It. 1 * . Ollluur , t-si uu and nisur.uiua
agent. No I'N. . Main st. . Uoimeli llluir.s.
: > H KENT Tlio MoMiilioii block , : : story
brlek , with biisututat und uluvator. J.v ]
Squire , 1UI I'ourl streuU
TjfOH 8\liB or Itont Qardao land , vrltd
Jkouiui , by J , U. Ula , 1'JI ' Milo it , UouauU
Bluff *
Of Council Bluffs.
niiiEr-rons I. A Mlll r , K O Gluason , R f
Bhiuiirt. U E. Hurt , J. U EilmunUaon , Clurlai
It. llannan Transiat general unnkliit Inul-
neit liartaH cnpltil und aurpliu ot auy
banidn Houthwustorii lorro ,
, , . / > .
Kjc , Knr , No'oniid
Sicclllll | l.
Council llhiirn , - - luwn
horn uym , cnms rye * i
painful itnil wcuk vltlnn , !
( Mil 111 llU , fllMlffllMS , (111 |
( ImruiM frcini tliu i'"r cv ' .
Urrll , tiny fever , iislhinu-
nnil nil ni'iito ami 'hriinlu
HlTi'itluiii of llio tlinmt a
Fi Uitlly < ilu i I'yiM III-
U'il without iiuln l.liiiui accurateprc'ncrlLKU ! la
illltlcullriivM , oftiiii curing clironla nourilifU nu < l
nick lumiliicliu Hilrnlfil uimrutluiM , wlioii nutei-
nry , pnlnlcmly parlor neil , niiurhiK boil runilli
Olllce. SliuitaH-lluno block , room I ( . 'uunrll IlluHn , t
First--lNationa--Bank !
: - - : -
1'niil Up , . . . . $1 OK,000
Olilrtt urttimlroil Ijuik In tint city I oralim unit
ilmiiO'lh luditnuo iitMl loinl neuiirlttoi Ktprcla
ntli'iuiiin | iui | | 1,1 u iliurtliiiu Aucoiinin of Inillrlil
utiU ImiiltH h iMki'rHiiiiiltorpor.illuiii sullLitoJ Cur
reipunili'iKo liivltod
( , i : < J. 1' SAM OKI ) I > ro < litunt
A W HII.KMAN Ciiililnr
AT HIGH. Amlitimt Canhlor
Thu Nou O.-ileti Iliitiil. In Council Illnil * . him
been I'dinplutely refurnished and ninclornl/ed
thnMiclnmt , and Is now mm of tinIIL.I hotul
In tlir Htnto It Is liHMtoil In tlio hunlliuss part/
of tlu > city anil HID oluutrlu mutuiu II.IHH the
ilooruvuiy four niliiutns. I'lm rhi-apos and
( lie alarms tlitoiulionl the bulldlnc. Hlotim
hoit. lint and cold water and Minshlnu In
iivcry room. Tuhlu unsurpassed anywhere.
Units , * : . ' . 'On ' day
GEO. M. WHITNEY. Marmt'or.
Council Blulfs , la.
This Elegnntly Appointed Hotel
| Now Open.
Georgu T. Phelps , Manager.
Gas Heating Stoves.
JuNl thu thliiit forb.tlh rooms , bed looms , olo.
Call and bLoour litr o usbuitinuut.
C. B. Gaa and Eleotrio I-lght Co
U I'curl and 2IQ Main Slreot