Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1891, Image 1

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Aaaoooc ment That Ha Will Direct the
State's Ezitibi : at Chimsa.
Entl 1 .1 XetirnMka White Cap Ca-e
3lr . Sheiily"Cnnnlnir A. " *
Fatal Accident DmtvneU
While Bathing.
Lntoour , Jfcrfi. , June 2. fSuedal Tal-
gram W Tun SBtt . has been said
atelT thiti JudvaO. P M.won coo Id get any-
Lhmg he wanfetd from Governor Thayer ,
and this report was partially confirmed by
Jjilcc Mo oti tonight br bis Setting ont th
sMTet that he ho * been chosen
oy Governor Thsyer to act ai
director ireneml tor Nebraska at the
world's fiiir. Thf appointment of Judge
Mason is to take aiTect July 1. and be will
ately commence ilrwrinir a saian ? of
'i p r annum until the great fair is oirer
' . fhere ara to be six comtaisBtonees appointed -
pointed , but only two of these , tfte orssidant secretary , will draw salaries , ac& rs-
caving J1,3WJ.
End of .1 White Cap C.ic. .
W < nee , Neb. , June i. - Soecini to Tan
Brr What has become known as the
Marietta White Cap case" came ta an ab-
runt termination today. This is the cuw
wSere a large number of the best citizens
were arrested charged with on assault with
intent to .nil T J. Frwland a sewing ma
chine .urL'nt. Freeiand aail gone into the
'neighborhood anJ hod mude his noina at tna
residence of eau at the farmers in tnat vicin-
it.- and bad alienated "the til actions of tha
tinner's wife and was charged with living
m an unlawful state with her against the
wares and beyond the pow jr of the farmer
to prevent it. The facts beiame kajwn to
the people and they went there one nisat in
tie month of April witn a bucket
of tar and a bag of feathers
wth the intention of furnishing
.ae festive sewinir machine ajeut a traveling
suit. In tte melee taat followed Fretdaml
was beaten over the head and l is mamy
beauty was badlv demoralized. For this
amtof the voiinr men were arrestea. On
the Jay set for the preliminary examination
a continuance was hail until today when the
romptaimag witness < lid cot Ishu v up und
the ease was dismissed for want of prosecu
> inee the case has been pending the wi fa
of the farmer- has departed and when sne
went took with iier the clothing and other
effects of tne sewing machine acear and the
t-ene departed about the same time foi
part ? unknown , and the ceaernl supposition
a ttiat be and the gnnty wife are linnir to
gether where the Wane Cap will nov dis-
tu rti them in their unlawful
Freinoat- Prisoner * .
HBMOfT , . Neb. , June 2. Somnal to TUB
B.TE _ The bravado and spint of absolute
indifference hitherto manifested by Charies
Shenhcrd. who is to hang Friday. iaieavinfi
the condemned man. Heretofore Shcnherd
has oeen very free in hia statements tnnt he
did not care what became of him. The gal
lows walch have been standing in the Jail
corridor for more than a wceK within plain
siirnt of the condemned men has been
reierreci to by him as the piano upon
which he Intended to play. But Shep
herd is becoming very penitent and thoutrht-
fuL The first symptoms he has manife tfid
of a tboughtfulness concerning his pending
fat4J were shown last evenins and today
Sunday some Uulies who entered the jail to
conduct reh .ous services for the bencsit of
the condemned wn. ave Shenherd a biole.
LJist nuht Shenhem arose frcm his beii four
time * and Kneeling upon the iron door of his
cell earnestly supplicated the throne of trr-irp
for forrfveness of his ains. Beuiff askeii
today bv PheniT Milhken what sort of a life
he would live if hu. life was spared , he held
bible and s > aid"I would live accord-
( o that , always. ' Furst , who has so far
said little is less penitent than his partner in
" , Neb. . June i ( Special to TUE
BEE.I Th < ; Hasnnjra colleze exercises will
talte piaco June HO : examination ; . June 4 , >
and a. b.iecalaureaw * omen by the presi
dent , Sunday , June , at 10 30 a. m. ; annual
address before the Christian as'sociationi ,
S inday , June 7 , at 5 p m. by RJV Harry
Oraor Scott ; graduating exercises of the
academy at tha PresbytPnan church , Man-
day. June S , at s p. m. , field aav. Tvesilay ,
June'l. annual address before the Utemry
societies , Tuesday , June 3 , at - p. m. . by Rer
G * irse H Hayes. D D . of K mans. City , in-
nual nieutiiiir of the bosinl at trostoM "it tha
collcse chapel , Wcdne dnv , June lit. at 10 a.
m , t > mraenc-'inet exercises it the Preibyte-
nan church , WeiinesdaT. June 10. it 5 p. m.
The junior reception of the Hastinir > col-
ICJB was i pleasant aiTur last erBniai- the
home of MHs Kathleen Harticaa. aotwith-
standing the inclemency of the weather.
The Hivstings Hsh chaol Alumni asocin-
turn reception and tMnquui took niace at Ger-
manui tail this evening.
The ' oinmenci'ment exarcises at the
emv of Visitation tatces place June Lo.
Gatliorinjioi' Sou-papfr 3l
O\yoH . Xeh. , Juua i - Special
to TUK BBC. , A Inrsa and
pithor.nt ; of newspaper men assembled hi'ra
tt duy on aocount of the maetin. : af tto Re-
puuliuan Vulley Eilitonni. asaucialion. The
so.saion xvn a purelT ousmesi onu , bus wis
moit interesting throcsQaut and awakened
mn > 'h enUm iitsm amori : the momb srs.
Arninijciiicnts were about eomplei * ! for
a ilHirt excursion tc the moaumhis
wna tlmu In Jmy. By an amwid-
men : to Uie ronstitnuon the boundary of Ute
tnct has bun extPatltnl to toiHnJo all t r-
ritnrv outh of 'he Plottu and we < t ot Thnyet
Tha innuul election af irtirew "re-
.la follows : President , J. 1) . SUM ! ,
Superior Journnl , vicu pre ulent. P Bert
li. iuy , Culbnrton RepuHlicun . H.nstary , J.
L. Un biroo t , Oxford Standard , uwi .ur r ,
W E. Smith , Ampahim Pioneer. THe of-
flctsrs , Uii ilher with K. E. Brown of tna
Alniu I'nbuna , will ixm&ututu on ureentive
committee. _ _
I.iulitiunsi' * W.irk.
Ai4 iot , Nob. , June i Speciul T lagram
to TUB HKISThors ; hava bewi fraquont
in tama liMtnilUiu m Boom ) < xmuty
, ana Ui t niiit the rfunfall wa pm
etui Ulnmirhiwit thu iiauntv Tna rain wu
tif nuuvy thuudur 'mil U at-
bam wa * sLnu-k ay
ui < * iHiirm , Uuruiii-
tfcnw huewM. uvo mill * * , a taiinty ,
T li y ntta .unl .nlmr unptutnutiU. 8 ?
4 < ru > uuu * { urt four tictix * . w ro uv it.
HlU U Mil KlItlH'll ClttJO I.
SMk , JlMM -ISlKl-lltl
{ fwi B * .i .iM. . D. HuottiMM , , in alii
milt ,
fit * two
n % mil
M t
* m 'ft > < f i fi * it
I ft ' * i 3..S
thr nirboutlortnern > fbrvtni on
ana - i < iJuv aichts iftrt a arsai weight of
anx'.etr from farmer * m Uiw section , for the
dmn'h waa i w roinif a t ? nau * iMp < rt. Thi !
9 mull imiin Held * TTe becntainir r ilow ind
withered in upp > trtoc . but t&e recent copi-
on * Bowers & c place ) taeai ( ail rwnh
of barm from dry weatfittr for a.veeks. .
The pr * nt rroo ompeuea ara r flatter-
Inc While small srim tuis * liithtty ra-
tarte-l. the cornfleUi wnru never mors pram-
taina for an .ibnnaimt arrest. The avawk-e
hHeht is four to § Uc ; neh s and cultivation
boa commenced.
ys . . Jana i-'Special ' Tete-
eruw to Tae BSE. ' Tonlcht atlditteaul proof
af the rrunnin.r of 5trs. < hesd Btt # com * ta
UaAl. It not only aptftmrt that she refuses
topnyttwiJ iOO axnenj < incurmd t y her
uncle. M. B Bics rstaff. to Her
behalf anrinir tbe trail. ami In
Oiidition left him aa oBuble air
KJWH of Judaa Weir's fee , out that she also
show * a djootioa to repudiate the fde of
IliiMi ! promied Mr btroao. Her mode of
procedure m this cjsc is notexaeUr known , .is
Strode is very reticent in etsnetl to tt , but he
declares thnt'he will lave to brtnsr suit to re
cover Uie amount. Mrs Sheedv aution m
this matter is a reai sarpns is it is canar-
allyconi-eded that it was ttirottirh Stroke's
iniefntiinbie enersr and wonderful shrawd-
nes * that she was acquited.
ConveiitSon ot" Swine
Liicrnui , Xeb . Jiina i J
to Tire B-KE. The national convent ; on of
the expert ; uilces of swine in coojuuction
with the \ebrosKi convention wiU commence
at t > o'clock tomorrow mornin ? a d will con-
taiuu three days. Alrnady nearly fifty dele
gates have registered. The exercises
tomorrow wi'l be as follows : Ad-
draH of welcome , J. VVolfe. .
Lincoln , Neb nHpunsc. D P M 7racken ,
Paxtnn. UL . appointment of committees and
unfinished busmess. presidents o-idress.
James Ennkuison.Liroa. . III. , score-van !
practice on E es and Jersey read. The
delesntes are enthusiastic over the subject of
portt raising and an mterastins convention is
expected. Ail swine breeders are welcome
to attend.
A J-mhfoorn Witne- .
HtSTrxfio. Xeb. . June i hpscial Tele
gram to Tne BBK. Georra B. Johnson.
president of the HasUnss electric station ,
was committed w the county jail this after
noon for contempt of court. Johnson was
summoned as a witness m the cose of Haru-
pan vs Hastings electmImht station , and
when put upon the stand refund ro answer
and committed by
question : ! propounded was
Jndpe Mcidnney The case has attncted
considerable attention , owine to the prami-
nenre of the parties concerned. Johnbon.
when st jn by your correspondent m thu cus
tody of the sUen3 this evenine. said he would
go "to the penitentiary before he would
answer the questions.
A Thorough S
N npout , Xea. . Jane Special Tale-
cram to Tuc BEE. ' A h-iavy ram fell hera
last aiht. tnorau hiy soakin ? the ground.
Baports mdicato that it is general tnroneh-
out northuastcm Nebraska. The around
was setting rerv dry , the small cram and
tH-ets needing rain the most , the tatter , of
whica thera ara about threa thousand acrss
sown to this vicinity , being Norfolk's raitiai
The sasar factory is completed and the
machinery is being placed in position ,
Hftlh ehool Ahiniai.
XSBHASK.V CITY. Xeb , June X 'Spscial
to Tas BBS. The high scaool alaaini helu
an enjoyable social session at the Grand Pa-
cine late last eremne ana welcomed the class
of ' 9L Offlc-er-i were elected as follows
President , Miss Katie Gaff , vice president ,
John Lhxun . secretnrv , Earry Wdsan . treai-
urer Miss Lucille Faiton. Snort addresses
were aude by Miss iLjuii Oliver. Hi' } * llaoie
Simon , Prof. Ka estraw , Judire iL l Hay-
\vard and danciU ) ; was indulged in later in
the evening.
ior L.itil.
SVinoo. Xeb. . June l. fSoecial to Tac
BEK. ] The mouon for a new trial in the case
of the state vs Henry \V Vallery. convicted
of a criminal libel published concerning Eliza
K3nr. wai overruled by Judws iDller today
and Vallery was sentenced to six months in
jail and to pny a hne of S.VKJ. bemc the ex
treme penalty of the law In passing sen
tence the jud-ro said it was the most aggra
vated case that he had ever known and tnat
the penalty &ssd by law was not adequate.
JlcKeeRandall. .
CLA.T CCNTSII. Xeb. , June i 'Special ' Tale-
gram to TUB BBS. License to wed was
issued todav to Prof J. K. McKea and Hiss
Mary L. Randa.l , both of Furiluld. Prof.
McICee is well known in this pnrt of the
state as an able alucator. He has oeen ann-
cipai of tile FoirfleidschDois for two years
past. Miss Kandall is the daughter of ex-
Reprasentative Randall. They will go to
Cedar Rapids , la , , to vu it untaedlately after
their marnngo , _
The Blin-t Srmlent > * .
XsniiA-'itv CITT , Xeb. , June i Special
so THE BBB. Prat Parmalee and wife are
now conducting the yeirlv , examination at
the itate institute for the blmd. All parsons
interested are admitted to witness the work.
The yearly session closes on Friday when all
the inmates will leave for their homes. The
attendance has oeen about six/ty , which is in
increase tjver last year. The aonnnl concert
will take place Tharnlny evening ,
Drou-neil \ \ hilo
\\'KST P T , X sb. . June i Special to
TlTB BEE. , A sad ca J' drowni'isr occurred
here y < u nlay Herman Zeplia a-id Paul
Stuefer had re eiitlv finishad a Inrff * flshiag
pond at the latterS farm , one mile aorta of
West Point. Yesterdnv Zenl'n want ontaing
in the pond alouc. Ho was dually missed
and as ais ciothds w ra found on the bauk it
wo.- * surmised he had drowned. Hia body
wait tlshixl out soon aft-r.
Vertllrt ihr
Jstt. , JUna 'i iSpecial to TUB
BBS. i - The verdict of Uws jury in the ( Jumnga
< m e nf Bouson i ultut Juhnwra and others
was ui favor af tha plamttif and tae damages
we iisMKiaa at iu. A. motion lor T. naw
tnal wa * ovarraled by tna court and it la an-
dqratwxt the aunt wll go 'up. tt mvolvas a
pomitior point of itin < licuon wbifh hns never
y t ben p.u il upon by tha raprame court.
A Fatal Attiiilunt.
IIIVITO-PJI , Xb. June i S > etiai THe-
sram to THE BBB. Hwicy Balilorf. a amry-
man living a milu sad a half aorUiwast af
Iryington , was ftitallT mured ; tj w avaomg
btl unhilt'hinhis at bomu. The
hoixss Daetsme fn'gntMtma and mo , dra.-snng
him aver tttu rougi gronud. Dentil re * Uea
one dour sfter Ut awulent
\ b. . Jun * > i ttfpoeial to Tuff
BER.rhiring a ttorce electrtc sturm whict }
ieat the ce uloncu of Joun
rriux U ? itrttuin- . The
boit iMtcwxt a b < * d in whica two
smmi tMvVHXJ > UwpliuKitR&uit ; the
olultiu. , out not mjut-uig tiw occuaauu .n ta
CMtTi > , XuU , , Jiwa i ,
to Tun B t Ttw U p awe lln4f boasu of
FwiBfc J lln i % u 6wr livinir threa mle *
MiMlhof town. lia nMt to tha anaund Uiu.
it n > atw. lUa btttidinjf vva in ut < 4d in Uie
tej > -innke. .
P ) INT. Nan. , lnu > . S | < aal to
tut BKK. Tnuitj > UIMMMT WM * biuea by a
nil tin Miauti w 'lu m her > v i * s u-autil Nhd
411. , n i . iiVv.t ir s ' f if i4..ia iv 'nj a
tr $ a' ' - v > tn acii v-ir s'irta f n
A ' i r.n aia t A f-t 3.-.aa aau 04 rt >
cx rui ,
Third Pirtj Indeptadenta Esadj ta Set
fonaa hi Active
Xathin ; Definite Can Be Lcnrned Of
th Party'Intention - )
Granil I.o lm ; in s s lOa
Iowa XB
llown , la. . June i "Soetrial Tele-
jfrain to TUB BBJ The call for the inds *
pendent convention whiuh m ata here to *
mflrro v' was issued bv Jonathan bhearar.
once a grsenbncker and .now editor of an
alliance paper at Red On < { .
A pc * nle ona thou'Kind is provided for.
but it Is not expected that the convention
will be mods ap to any great extent nf rasu-
larly elected delegates. The schema of lim
iting the total defecation from any one
cannty w ten is causing tiaeh feeling , esoe-
cinlly hi sounties like Polk , which sends
from thirty to forty delt'ttates to republican
and democratic conventions ,
A glance at the signatures appended to the
call would Indicate that tae convention will
be "most fearfully and wonderfully made , "
and anything like harmony in its delibera
tions will be utterly oat of the question
unless the vigorous application of the gas
rale shuts off the visionary and fanatical
element. Tha one patent fact that stands
out in oold relief and cannot
be dlsffliised is that It will
be an old umo creeubocic convention , and ,
like all crevious conventions of this charac
ter , will be dominated by the master ciiad of
J. B. Weaver.
Of the JUO names icned to the call more
than four-fi'tti have at one time or another
affiliated with the creenbttck or union labor
parties , and Weaver s otSce in this city is
now bemcT'ttE'Hl oa Qendiiilarters for the ath-
ennir clans , whera most of the preliminary
work of tne convention will belone ,
Rev Frank W. Evans , tae well / < aown divine , had been selected by the
leaders Jor temporary chairman , and it was
expected that this eloquent expounder of the
CTspol would electrify the convention with
one of his old time speeches. But Elder
Evans Is a radical and uncamnramiMag pro-
hibiQonist , and miatrustinir the malie-up of
this convention and feanng that it will not
commit itself to his pet bobbv.
ne armlv declines the honor , and has even
sone so far as to declare that he never au
thorized the use of bui name in connection
with the movement. Some le-ser h ht will
have to be selected for this position , and Just
now even the leaders do not inow who be
will be
General \Veaver can have the per > itun him
self if he desires it. as well as that of per
manent chairman. However , he will liouot-
icas prefer to remain on tne outside a&d puii
rhfvires ind not make iu.abeil conspicuous
in the new movement.
There will be i r g-jlar circus in the com
mittee on resolutions on the woman auirair"
and prohibition questions , and the fiirnt may
even be earned into the convention.
Thomas G. Orwitr , the well known pro-
hibitiouj.t of this atv , signiM the call.
but -vos beaten for deienta "at the county
ouvennon Friday However he is a
man of the most dettirmmed character
and txfesesses no small amount of political
shrewdness , and it will occasion no surprise
if he finds a beat on the convention as a
proxy. The qu < ition will -surely be brouiiat
up m some form. It is an undoubted fact
that a large majontv of the convention will
be in favor af maintaining Uie present pro
hibitory ooiicy , out whether it will maxe
this a pion c m the platform or remain silent
is an op-n question.
some of the leaders already on the ground
are in favor of adopunsr tn plan of tha Cin
cinnati conference and relegating the pro-
lioition question to the various legislative
districts as a. "local iss > ue. "
This convention meets under adverse cir
cumstances and it is doubtful if tha attend
ance is much larzer than the so-called mde-
aendent convention of lost year.
The iowa Homestead , the lending
alliance paper , is decidedly opposed to
this movement , and even tne Des Momes
Xexvs , a profe-sei independent paner , urns
thecolii shoulder , for the ailejred tcam that
it may defeat or at end-m er prob.m-
tion. Tbe National alliance wtiicn has nearly
two thousand subordinate lodsres in this
-.Late always been noa-partisan and Sec-
ceuiry Post has stnetiv maintamod this
policy , hoidiac the ocal alliances armly to
this policy so that no alliance will be officially
represeuted , except tnose that have receatl-
joined the boutaeraUlumce and Indubtriol
Ono of the queer thincs connected with
this movement is ita capacity to draw the
disgruntled and discoawuteJ political
elements into its arms , several prohibition
justices whu were making monny out of the
ittemnta to enforce the Uuv and piling up
largo fets , who were an ceremoniously
bounced bv the republicans , have identified
taemsulves with the independent party , and
tt la said taat even the autonous searcher"
Pierce , Potts and Hamilton will soon become
full dedired independents.
Tbera u a wonderful dearth of candidates
for the various otHcea , though u is ukely that
a numOer will develop later in the day" Xo
une seems to care to lead tne forlorn aope.
President Furrow a tae state alliance , who
bas lately been playing fast ana loose , and
who u. not averse to Decoding a candidate
were there the sliirntaat show af success , has
( sept himself out of tae way and will dis-
creeuy wait for another vea'r or until the
party la out of its swaddlingclothes. . He
mav be named , however for the position.
The afternoon tram- only brought in strag-
? litig deleiriltis. The majority of tnu delega
tions will not get bera until late m the ai nt
jr on aariy morning trams. It is now oon-
aded taat tte convention wul not oe as urrc
as wiui onticiputed. The most remote coun
ties ara sending from one to tnnss delegates
juiy , wita power to ea > l tha enure vote ot
Active conferences have oeen going on
ntxiriy all tne af tamoon. It is now apparently
conceded taat Hon. J. E. Anderson , ediuir o'f
the Fares l City Indapendeut , and a former
reoublican number uf the : legislature , \\iil oo
uade temporary chairman. Beyond this
jvarj imng Ii atea. .
Tn'a mant surprising thing so far developed
is ihe presence of several aid tuna green-
backers or union labor men , who openly
9ppa e any nomination for stab : oihcors" .
vvniiih moons a virtual fusing with the demo
crats in favor at the ru-etacUoa ot Guvemor
Bates. .Unaug thoi-u who advocate Urn
pulley IB Hon. D. .M. Claru af .V.iyiiu. ex ataui
Maator and former uauin labor oaadidufe ) for
jovercor. Launam Bruwn at PtiiK ommty
laciurQ-i thut ba will suapon. Boiiii in any
event , ana that the only hope af success for
the maaptudttnti u > to ir t cv.iih the rfpua-
utiui party.
U -a , a ( aregoiiB conclusion. fiaw vr. Uuit a mil M put m t&t > Ouul a.ile * a uiuuc-
aluiu. cOtuiiro jf mntaHMt u Jevttlopwa. c.
F Onvw af Qnm * aOuotv fnvoiv te andorM.
ment af uic-uovarmir Lanruitwt or H. C.
Whaetttr. tan farmer canaiaate .vao was
IVBBleu in th renum-.ctm caavenuoii two
, rtun > Ana. Utttgeiy tttteuaxi * f ni auaaginn -
rnotuipoiy > x > il.iuas , Dnvis wiya thu
eouxMt will ' .usure Uin nomination of tntti r
MJ ai tn ti OMHI ay ta < raj ui hcau or 00-
tuit us uvarwoiumiui ; dutuui and ilisa wr for
uhilt | M-ny at Uud poUurtu ulvim * will iuji
sirrv much w-nuint , aithouan Uwwif. u ami af
Ui i an oUiB * rami ut tftu avr puny.
Ttw inuu uow taiitttU af tor n'ov roor u
Hem. J M. . ' ' -t i > a at CHO UHI. pre lU it at
Lbo lou-a bnaott af lh buuUtucu auiunoe ,
wd tbe aominatu iQ aay go ta tatn by icetn-
loatu i. Xo anm ara muudoaui { or tiw
JUJUT iKMiiuuu. .tooong Ui noiaOlo * from i
ibroiui wua wiU tw pn unt ara CoN wmuaan
LHu and J P W tiliUh af itanua. htm. Jottn !
EL i-'owers af Ncaratka t i Kni { tM front '
i'c-v " a i * Jer o. , ' raKrar"
' a.rrui s a n 'Urswa ' - tJtf . * - \ a-
Wtu us
icnorad by he coinmttt > c on icwlutlons A
flgatvu. . also be made ae-iinst Uie sua-treas-
ury scneme as adrccatca by the Soutiera al-
.ianee. thoaith the knuilnir af rnanev direct to
the p opie bv the national BOTcrnmeat at a
low rate fit , ater t will recraro the endorse
ment of the convention.
< uprtm ; C .urt Opinion .
Ds.Miiiv . lu. . J ne Z ( Special Tele
gram to Tag Bes.Jr-to\ra suprame court
opinions V R. Hoailerwm rs Chirau-x ) ,
Hot.k Island A Paciflc'r-iHway eorapony. ap
pellant , from AppatHt * dfatript. reversed.
P H. McCauler " the ty of DCS Moinei.
apDellaat. from Pollr district ; reversed.V" .
f L. Muir , adraintatratar , vs M. J. Stiller.
appellant. > an reheanairi from VanBuren
district , afflnned. J. H. Gordon vs. O An
derson and Lacy Anderson , appellants , from
Lee 'listnct ' reversed. David C'tcrxm vs
W F. Conrad. Judge , oerttaran to the ills-
trict court of Ptilk eountT. af
firmed. Varaecie ilcClain. appellant , vi
Incarporatod town of ( inraea Grove.
la , , fnm Decatur district , affirmed.
In the matter of the will nf Ralph Heath ,
deceawjd. D it II. Sim. appellant , from * -coti
dlstnct , aairmed. Jnintw Connor vs L. B.
Xclson. inplUint. . from Sioux district , af
firmed. J C. Murray vs M. M. W ilker ao-
pellunt. from Jackson Jlstnct. afflrnieJ. J
.V. ilct.omo et al vs Council Bluils insurance
( . ompanv. apoellnnt. fHm Slurion distnct ,
atarmed"Villiam and John Keilv appel-
iant4. vs .Vadrew Coicrove , from Hancock
district , affirmed. A. B. Smith vs H. K.
Hess , appt'llnac. from Polk district ; affirmed.
John Bernshire. appellant , vs O F Peterson ,
from PeLt district court * rever-ed.
lo Granil Lodirc
iola. . , June i Special Tele-
cram to TUB BEE. The forty-eiirtth annual
communication of the Masonic grand lodge
of Iowa assembled in tals aty at 10 o'ciocn
this morains , with fl03 daleiraUis m attend
ance. H. Corzswell weicnmai the deleeates
in a few weil chosen wonls. Grand Master
Gamble responded , after which he deuvereJ
his annual address.
It showed that dunnir the rear six charters
have been issued , ami the lodires duly consti
tuted and created. aal that eicht dispensa
tions have been granted for tbe formation of
new lodjt s. The bluu lodco is in a condition
of prosperity and ttie ranks ara bemt aug
mented 5v the addition of worthv and up-
nent men. In regard to the Cemenu Knighu.
he said be hud issued , a circular letter
and ent w those Smirhts who had refused to
denounce Cerneauihm , Jeclann each one
suspended fram all the ncats and pnvilesrcs
of Mayonrv Vanmis other matters in which
Iowa Masons are interested were reviewed
in fuiL
The recort of Graud Secretary Parvin
showed receipts for the ysar of jlO,721.7) .
expenditures , Sls.iJIl.a'j , balance on oaad ,
. > s30. ,
The Cession continues for fcree days.
Only a
REE O\s , Ix , June 2. { Special Tale ram
to Tun Ban. , Charies Barker shot aimself
through the neart in the depot waiting room
today waile waiting for a tnin. He had
been -vorkinr for a fanner near hero and fell
in love with Bis daugitcr. There was a
lover's quam-i md the yaungrman concluded
to 2-0 to Caeyenne , Wyo. Ha had boucht a
ticket , but cnan ed his mina Just before tram
time and shot himself in i ni His father
lives in Warren county.
W.w BuricU Altre.
Ei.oox la. . Jane i peeSal Telegram to
Trie Bne. When the grave of Miss Alice
Woodward at Douds. Ix. was opened for the
puroose of . .removinguio body to another
cemetery , the friends oft deJigirl fcnil
Ae coffln opened. To tfaeirr iomjr tt Was-dls-
covered that the poor girl had been buned
ilive. The body was found lylnir fkce down ,
ind indications sbowea a temhie straggle
with deatn. It is beilovei she was in a trance
when buried.
_ _
WhiteVltnr Blaofc-j.
O-K-Mxxisv. la. , Jtme ( Special Tele-
zrsm to Sac Bna. Thei was an organized
jifort made last aisat by the striking miners
U ) fn hten away forty colored men at Car
bonado. One hundred shots were Sred. but
one waj senouslv injurwl. Two houses
were bully ndilled vrith bullets. Work at
Fishville was resumed yesterday. Excelsior
ind Beacon are still idle.
OV , la. , June i i&pimai Tele-
rram to THE BEC. ' Burllncton s gamblers
ire zone , is a result of the energetic flu'bt
xmductpd by the Bunuunon Hawkeye.
They have. aft r several weeks of inaction ,
picked up their paraDriemalia. wheels of
fortune , faro and roulette tables , etc. . and
u > dnv le t the citr. Their traps ara billed
tor Coancil Bluifs.
Srorni at
la. , June 2. Tiiera WTS a phe-
lomenal storm here this evening. Lightning
itruck the Holy Crass Eaiscopal church ,
. utanff It in two. Sirs. Edward Keith , re-
rently fram Chicaco indi1 prominent m social
ircles. reeived a terrible electne shi > ck. At
int it was thought she was dead , but hopes
ire entertained at a late hour tonight of ber
Forfeited the Bomln.
BcnuvnTOv , la. . June J. 'Special ' Tele-
.Tan : to THE BEE. " The city council last
light adorned a resolution declaring the
! 10U.OOO bonds forfeited bvthe Electne street
railwav company for a failure to have its. lines
mmnleted and m runninir omer by June u
By : i iliivin
CHICAGO , June i. Wtiliam P. Richards of
Dubuque , la , , twed to jtitnp on a State street
able car last meat wtiila it was moving.
Se slipped and fell undur tae grip ear , sus-
aininif which , resaltod in hu death
it the county hospital
ha\vneci Shoot three White 3Ien in
Inilian. Ternt.iry.
S ic ifu Fox AaiKicvj , vja Sapulpa , I. T . >
Fune i Three men , ona named Greenaway ,
he others unknown , unseu * ant and Killed in
.he southern twrt of tl tT 4crvauon yeswr-
lay The killing accursed on Leo Whistler's
ancii ind was dona bjf throe Shuwnee In-
iians Long Tom , LUtie Axa and bia son
genrv , A deputy mnnhul arrested the In-
Huns and amved nith 'the prisoners and
lodtes at Uiis place UxU& The Indians were
irraitmed before Uuitatf states Commissioner
Patncit. Long Tom stated tnat 'he Jean
nen came to Little .Asa's house the nigat
Kfure and attempted ta HUJHI bis horses. aia son Henry Mrd an them and drove
-hum aiT. fhu nnxt morning tre three of
Jiem startttt jut in thu fiicitiTe rrau , com-
DLT upun them aft r a sfaort nae. The
gwmes uimud and apeaetl Sre witn their six
hooters , tne only w < tti9ons.they earned , and
&en started un tha run. The bhawnatts shot
ihntn town is th y rag.
He tasiUfied that oois r the vtcums. a ajera
My. bad b < > ea shot f 3i his faorw with a
[ Mai wound in his tbest dunng the aifmy
imi that b 'Loin ; T m ) bad approaehad
vithm a few ftws awldtot tau txiv waan
Su far only tha I > t1iiinii of Long Turn
nu oetta beard. SKQB of the bodies of the
nt-um * sad from twa > te six bullat wonndK ,
mr one ofvtiicA vr nd have proved foul.
W'.tt a single 4xoe ikMi ttw ouiioto all
hd tan * . : Ung , ira koMra as ptfaoeaole and
rood cit..cis. L < 7 Ham i * a dooa shot aad i
Rivera. yar ago. ahmji aad
n open n. t kilifd b ml of fourier
ior .ai \ * * ut
IM * UIH > O W ta tML QMlMiafim bootuitrs ao.l |
naueuut puma * . jk.a xaariaauuu it Unur l
deathly of auv nx mMC. t G ea .iT. woo
tali a dual Wiaefpt ftuoi b Outhrut JM d
i far a > .uum
I'laimKeouniibt Ilia Journey
B - Mas * . .as i Mr E a.aa r -
s f raey tctgit a a - ecji. ca .
On. Its Waj to Dakota to Settle Some Per
plexing Problems.
i" ' ofDiHCriniination fn
i2nnicntM Captain \Vriuht'- *
ppeal t < p Tuwuril Ein-
bar eon
Brnistr/TitB : BCK , )
t * r. >
The commission .ipooiattxl by the presl
dent , under authonty nf congress , to vtnit
the Sioux Indians in the Dauotis and de
termine , among other thint , the boundary
lines between the Pine Rldgo and Rosebud
agencies , and induce the Lower Bruies to
take lands m severaltv south of the White
nver , left Washington today and will meet
In Chicago tomorrow for organization , after
which it will proceed to iU 3eld of duty.
This commission is one of the strangest
ever sent out into the Indian cmintry , and it
is expected that it will take into considera
tion same questions other than those prop
erly asstened to it aader the recent act of
canirrass. amuna other things the question of
locating thi ! Cheyennes. there being a
araach of this tnoe In Montana and another
in South Dakota. The commission is made
up af men peculiarly well tilted for the worJf
which it will undertake. iUl of the men ara
experienced m public affairs and are familiar
with Indian questions.
At the bead of tbe commission is Sir
Churlta E. Pearce , appointed from St. Louis.
Mr. Pearce is about flfty-dve yenrs of aga
aad a lawyer of considerable eminence. He
has accumulated a large amount of money ay
the practice of his profession. He has been
a warm personal 'nend of Secretary Noblu
for many years. Mr. Pearce-served during
the entire war with the raau of major and
rendered valuable service. He has been In
terested in the national guard of Mis oun
to a considerable extent far several years.
Mr. Pearce tms had a great deal of experi
ence in legislative affairs , and was very ac
tive during the last congress in securing the
duties as thev were fixed on bindinr twine ,
etc. . he being largely interested in that busi
ness.Tbe next in rant on tae commission , by
virtue of seniority is Mr. A. E. Appieinati.
appointed from Columbus. O. Mr. Anple-
man was born m Ha erstown. Md. , but bus
resided in Commbus for several years. He
arst became knows in Washington durins
Governor Shepoard's reiirn , and it is under
stood accumulated considerable wealth.
Latterly Mr Appleman has become inter
ested in the manufacture of agricultural im
plements , bein.r at the bead af a company
havinIT its headquarters at Columb-is.
The third and next member of the commis
sion Is Mr George H. Harries , anpointed
from Washinirtoii D C. Mr. Harries 13
about thirtv-uve years sid. and is a thor
oughbred Welchman. He is as stnurnt and
tithe as an Indian and has pa-ssed much of bis
life in the far northwest amonsr the sava ps
He is a typical frontiersman , and not only is
familiar with all questions affecting the
jrreataortawest. . ho * is in syicpoihy w h.
the settled. Mr. Harries is a "trained Jour
nalist of the. "highest order. He ran a fron
tier newspaper for several years before emi
grating to Washington where be has
won for himself a wide and enviable
renutation. Mr Harries was selected npoo
bis merits. During the hottest of the IDUX
war last winter ho went to Pine Ridire for
the Eveninc Star of tflis citv. and dis
tinguished himself not onty for the onlllant
telecrapmc matter wnich he sent daily , but
for the breadth of vision he evinced in
dandling the aftermath of that war Mr
Barnes wrota a large number of dlustxated
irticles for the Star which attracted not
3nly the attention of congress and thu
statesmen in Washington , but the entire
irmy , and persons interested in Indian ques
tions throughout tbe country He was fre
quently called to the war denort-
nent by becretarv Proctor and Gen
eral Sohodeid for consultation respecting
the terminating wors of the Sioux war and
is to the movements of the armv. or thacpor-
3cm of It located where the outbreak was
Host senous. Mr. Homes is a bngnt man.
rery energetic , and courageous to the lastde-
The stenographer of the commission is Mr
Elarrv N. Price , appointed from tnis city a
rouag man of exceuenr capacities , -vho was
ielectea upon his merits.
The commission expects to be absent fram
Wahbinirton until September , and will not
miy thoroughly invesncate the extraneous
juestinns affecting the ailottment of lands tc
leveralty to tne bioux. determining the
Joundary lines between Plnu Ridce and
ilosebud. and locating the Lower Bruies , but
i number of minor questions whica will be
referred to it oy the sccretarv of tha iatcrusr
A lively little row is gomr on in army arles -
: les growing out jf an assignment under
.oionel Guv Henrv It Is cOarzed that araia
: he lir e bos been drawn igainst a volunteer
iflicer to favor a Weat Pointer. From time
a time for manv vear thtro has beta
rouble in the army growing out of this
luestion. Officers from West Point have
indoubtediy discriminated against those wao
.von their coraaiiESions dunnsr 'he late war
ind were appointed from private life in toKi
ir later in order to favor thoMs wao were so
fortunate is 'o bo educated is soldiers at'he
roverami'nt academv and at public exufnse.
Each time , however , the charge has been de-
ncd , but now one vtiiimteer officer makes
: harges ot discrimination which he says nu
3in prove ana w'licn are maniac- quite a com-
nonon. When Colonel Henry ot the Ninth
rivalry w-ia recently , aa a reward for ser
rices in recent campuisms. a si ned with
lome colortM troop * to Fort Meyer , Va. . Just
icrojrs the Potomac from this city , ae was
iskod to recammend his staff officers and he
ltd M > . It is cnargcd now that he uot oulr
ielected every onu of them from
: he list of West Pointer * , but took
me offlcer. Captain Harry Wngut , out of
Ae limof assignment ana isked th-at m his
> luce a West Point graduate. Captain
3ugUtn. be aasigneu to this pu > t for the ream -
m that the farmer ivas not a graduate. Cap-
am Wngbt distinguished himMilf so much
n the recent birmx war that he was OOQ-
mtulated by bu > supenur otScers. Captain
tVnght was appomtod u > ini renular armv
'rom this citv on account of > ervic s during
he War af the rebHliun , and iiauinlly be
von piaiLved with the idea of reternmi ; here ,
tut instead be was sent to Nw York m
charge of the recruituiK suiuon. Ku immud-
utciy app utiud to tttjnerai Scnoduli ! , Uiun to
ecreuirv Proctor , aud duailj ne h.-u Uiwn
i is oae to Prasident Harnwm. At
.00 whitti houae he stated that hu
vns , i ( Ham man wno kuoi\ no bettor toan
a do bis duty as i Miidier , out wok miforui-
law in not Wrahig to l * Rd the g noan at
iVast Point , wtu not vers < i In the wars ot
onaty. but ia tnat even he , a sintplii
oluniaer officer , could by keeping out of
unity' * WHV. oe pn * .inie in a place like
iV.tibiugsoii. Captain 'Alight \ r * nt and
he well .nuiwa fact that taunt bos ouea < tta-
Timwatum a tun * * oCAcurs appmnutd from
nvil life M arder to favor West l Point
, muKua his < u * i iwfore Cm prel-
ary strong awt tt ut b ; t vad ttwt
dent liumjKHi wul direct that h b
> lAUuatMl at Fort Myer.
Co oot Henry iu MHMI at the waibt boiu
oduy iMi iia to TUB Bleu carrakpoaduut
but tt was untrud tu l he iQ ) ; t a ta
'aptam TA rurht hetmiiin tte * * rtopomMKl
'ram ' pnv w Ufa , an he rum ilf aad won hu
Mnition in Uw anny ay m * tr iMH during
tut lot * * TW Tlui Uifuns- Coionei H ury
iiil ha ttMt Captain Wn.-ai ik UtdiMMM te
4tttte oor 4ad aot tutted tu a
f ' "a at er i-virau" swi
ttis ar5 vs i tf-a wa was u
when ' errctarv Ff tpr uw < i ri a circular &
the iocai mtborittes af Bcwton. Philaileiphu
and Bttltimor" outrins them that ift
xtv tavs frr davth1 frdenl o trnm n
wotud tnico ax r v.on'rai of ill imraiim
tioa msoecUon - , Jvo iid xp t local in
jjHtrtion bonrif llscontiniiH their wort
TheKloeu I ma s , .ion OOHMB hnvb tn :
source of abuwn n long time.
\v-ra "S M todtiy i follows
v Craft * rd. Xett. . hnn n. M r
qil * L. Hoiltuid. H. EM rule * . OnrnbiL
twrmutuuon loi1 * i S. Hanchett , Sinua
Otv la. , ( ievuv fet tn oliwter of purfa
bMmlHirea. Wa.iai ( lellUiirt. Anrara
? f .t .tmplcgu ir-i . < e W rirnirT.-MMznoi
of cme-fliilf to R. L.ttolri" . Chi-raKe * . In ,
ccmppsilion biacKboont Chn ti n r Hot
ter. Kulnnii. la. , farm nt < > L.IUI.S F Kaapp.
bioux City , In . bib. Adoiph ind A. Lanicit ,
Oxford Junction. la. , hnv loader : W.iliuYn P.
Mnrqufci. Mnrquett > . Xeb. . animiu poke ;
Jacob H. Puusrson. MonHnnil. In. , mechan
ical arav < * ment. WilHum > V Swan , assignor
of ane-hnlf to P S Pew. .Vndovor , S O .
carriage top adjuster : Owrgs A. Wells.
lu. , hot air furnace.
AL S. fOrkmitrick was todnv .ippointeti
oostmaster at Aroco. Cass oounw. Nub , viet
A. Teft , rastgned , and W L. Davidson , at
Champion , Chose county , vlca J. J. Mutheus.
The acting secretarv of Uie interior toilny
nnir-ned the decision below dismissing the
contest of Jerome Dnno vs Le\n Lazier tor
the timber cutturs entry embriced in the
northeast one-ijuartar of section JO , town UJ ,
range * % west , North Plntte district.
fOCK A.\D .1 U.tLFS.
Secretary Fei-tor S.iy < They AVill Bi-
Ii ii'i'nifd at Maturity.
WA. IUVIJTOV , June i JTotlco has been
glveti by Secretary Foster that the pnncipal
and accrued mtxirast on the 43 per cent
bonds issued under the acts of July 14. l J.
and January . 1 * 1. as may be outstanding
September 2. Is9t , will be paid at the treas
ury of the United States in the slty of Wash-
iniruin. D C. . an that day and that the inter
est on said bonds will then cease. Sug
gestions have oeen made on tha part of the
holcers of some of thasu oonds of a desire to
extend tne payments thereof at the op
tion of tae Cmtai states at fhe
rate of I and l'j per cent per annum
and thp secretary of tne treasury will
hereafter consider whether the acceptance of
such offers of thera will be prorltable to the
government , aad in thnt event reserves tae
ncht to exempt such bonds from this caiL
It u. otacially stated that the suu'ge.iUons is
to the extension of the * per cent loin
added to the ciiil made todav is mode mora
as a mnttpr of precedence than of necessity.
The treasury department , it is said. i
abundantlv able to pay ail of the SSl.OOO.iXKl
4 a per cents outstanding , but in view af the
uncertainty of futara receipts and expendi
tures it is judsed bett r to take thi >
-iile of safety The seri-etary nor oniv oe-
uevos that he lias ample means to defray all
expenses of tha government , but is iMiitident
that he will be able to retire any cansider-
aoie amount of tha public debt in addition to
the $3 < l.iWO'Jli alreadv paid dunncr the pres
ent administration. One of the purposes .n
mggpstine an opportunity to extend the ma-
tunns ; loan at a naintual rate of Interest is
the deiira to avoid the enforced retirement of
a part if all of tno S-i. W.OiiJ national bau <
circulation now secured oy 4 per cent
Xhreu People Killed \VaTerly-Dajii- -
noon about 3:30 a small , dar.'c ;
c'oud suddenly apirearad in the south and
soon developed lita a hurricane. Itapoeared
; iose to the ground , and. in. .ta whirling mo
tion people soon saw that it was the dreaded
ivclone. The roar which accompanied it was
ike a hiiiKi anannmg and crocsimir , sucking
ipia Its jnward coarse overytliin.j that caac
in its path.
Fortunately It struck the citv on the cx-
; renie eitstara line , 'vaera tha buildmu's -were
icattbred. and the whole city is thankful to-
ilunt. that It came no nearer.
Six bams were demolished. The path of
; ha storm wai only aaoat. one hundred toft
Tide , and it was miraculous that nut i singlx
louse witam the citv limits was m its svay.
Sorses were lifted from the ground , buried
nto tbe air and sent snrawlitur to tha e&rih.
n igons were tan cm up boully and broken to
Five miles northeast of Sere fxa houses
md three barns were lltt'rully carried away
rhe deons frora taa storr as it lett this citv
ipread ulang it * line for nearly a mile.
AtWtvenv twelve ailf" ! > auithi'ast. two
al sheds wera ruinnd and a oncK somke-
itack of the Eoili r muis w s rf aliened to the
rround. O P Caandlc-r and his son were in
me of the barns wnen the storm struck it
ind thev were pinned mder the board * *
rhey were on y sliiint.iniurud. .
Three people were killed at Haze ) , sixteen
niles southwest of here , anrt the storm is
iaid to have been very severe in thnc rinnitv
So other fatalities have yet been heard of
i. heavv rain and hail toiltrwed tae storm.
lilt did no damage.
This is Watertown's Srst cyclone expen-
mce and manv of the penple were jr"atly
'ngntened. The lame e to pronenv cannot
je correttly estimated until tuc country par-
shus have been hearl from.
Dver Half the United State- ,
t-ineoiuslT Covercil with \VaUr.
CnmAiio. Juno i. Over half the United
states was simultaneously covered with
v-iter tonight and tDf adga of the & real spat
vas laid ragged with a i"r'-loiie. Taw condi-
lon af veiegraph wires north , south , aast and
vest frora this citv showed a stata of atfrjrs
ahloui if ever eiiaali J. Soaking rains warn
n progiv n. ac < .Qm u ied by driving windb
o i < JW York on un side , ui New Or&wna on
heather. stretchinirbeyonaSt. PaulandMiu-
macoliti to ; he nort'i and in tha.vest for an
ntltMinitu di.taiuMilwaukee reported MJJ
vent ) ettricjl distur'j.anc- rwcanl , mutr-
as wlt'graph or taleahana oBramuBlraition
ir.icucauy uopouiioie t&tcepi at har * . mutr-
als. Further aortljwi st m tha Dakot-ts
nanv wwn * vre .vhully i'iit off and thu fact
hut a < ; > cluno had rav.urod tne country loosjt
A'aturtown niisetl nu , a-'s lou if there had
; ot bejti enousi ou. < jf life and property ia
he ilbtnct tempomrily Isolated.
t IH WcloDiiieil l y t
DHTHOIT , Mich. . J ; na i Jist twforo the
; donroment ) at the Pr .jyt jrinii gen-
nu assembly yestemav afUirnoou , Dr. Pav
an road the report of tha aoaimituie ao thao-
[ Hficul vimmuncs. Tha new loatitution at
> mana sopUml to be rot ivt i under thii ac
-f - tbe AMumbly , Out toe oomruuuw Utrwght it
vnt not cerutm it.wouUi sulMuient M-
oiircBs , tt wui i commenrteJ tuat no aa-
IOD b taken at present. The report of the
xitnmltUM * mloaUKl aiic et M tu tha cam-
i.arr at Otoabii. R Ur < Jordun. pwtor of
On % t.uioiit > ? r tiiirt'tt of Orounn , tola ot
'Jr Miiier s lf' l < a.i 0'ar h of mud ,
chicn is tQi nucleus af tha nupjj-for andow-
tieut. Or White ottered &n awundiuwit
vwu-oming the pmMM9 < i mtnmary waico
sy a strong
At London -toUfttod UuaCiqr aPa rU. from
f w Yurk.
. .USouUwraptonArrivwi , th Spr * t , from
r w York.
At Lotmao'H City of KOMA. from
Vt Br merhav ii Th Saale , from
V - < .
\ t\ nil. u -Pie „ --l , " 1
Soma of Mora R i nt ifaohiaatiana of
\kt Bailraad Gone.
Sr.nto Bur AsHooiiitiini to B < J
nltirutitl rtir tli - Piirpona Bur-
rowvl'ow -Tliaytr Infer-
< 7 ; r ' Diliuitnui.
Neh. , Jtane 1 'So cinl Cor-
re&pa&dwtc of Tag BBB. t uoeartbed
la t night wbut I flrmly bciiew to Co
Uie plan of uampnign of the nil-
r id gang1 in mis state on tne snptwm couri
iudffesbip thin yunr. Certain attoraers. ii ting -
ing m the Interest of the gnng. nuva been Ji-
to proceed at once to onmaise tha
Bur association on a mora ext a-
sive scale than that now in fort ; ,
which is mora or It-n iaoo rativ-e.
Alter a grout deal has b * n aumtiy done , tnj
cry is to be r.ii.tad that wa should bnva 3
: ion-pnrtl n tmnch" and that now is the ic-
cepietl time to act A , call -.vul ba Issued ,
and an e rly one has been suggested , for a
meetlnc of the Bar association , which latter
will aMomble of course and by a prearranged >
ranged plan nominate a dtKiiocraCiu lawyer
for the aosition.
This plan has been conflrmed in a canvass
among a few attorneys whom I know to re
flect UIH B. & M. f ntunents.
R Kpirdins the Powocs and Burrows meet-
inn with Thuyer. I l am that the uitt * r n-
vlted them to , 'i it Him and rhut tl'irtng 'an
interview he devoted the whole ti nu
to assuring them that he was their frieiul
and thut ae stood ready to prova it to them n
any way that they might iee at to call upon
Burrows then asked him whether ho n-
tendeil to call an xtra session or not.
Thayer repliel by snying that was nna
of the muny tilings he xvished to consu.3
them about.
Burrows siiid that the demand for an ex-ra
sossum , in his Judguiant. came from Oraanii
aud for that reason Sis peupieare not -u
favurof it.
Thayer acquiesced and assured his visitors
that no extra sesMtm would oe called , un.ess
thev sttould ilnsira i-
Thayer tflen asked Burrotvs nnd Pownrs
if th 'y had any one whom they would like w
have appointed deputy labor com.-
mtsMcner , and In the mma breath
Tskett if Mr Powers would not ii a
the place himself. Botn replied Ji
Uio ncsatave. but s.ud that p-sHsmly they
might , at no distant day , present a aume 16
is rumored t-bat fiey maptmiibly hand ui
Dech's name for the place.
Tnayer is giving it ont "oolit" on too ona
band that he owes his otfiiai to no one and
that oe can and wul oe the most independent
man in the state , while on 'he other hand ,
Mason , Mother and tha rast of the sang say
lie will do just w hat they waat him to do.
Borrows and P jwcrs Save said that Tonycr
seemed greatly in earaess , in all he hOid ta
By way of comment. Judge.Conb . xvill not
feel quiti * so fanny when he dimnvers thas
ae sentence he prunouuced acatBi.t the re
publican party wul result in a movement to
put a democrat in Jus place.
Joe Redman ot Omaha wants to be one of
the sue commissioners to the world' * fair and
.tti ciulnuxMhu rUayar has aLsor asked
Burrows and Pii&rci-s ta name the men c-.ihed
fur under the wond' fair Qill for caimils-
"ioners from their narty It is claimed also
that they have agreed to Jo ao.
TSiid a oig fiirnt sointr an imong the boinl
oTruireuts as to who should be made chr.a-
cellor at theic next meetinir. The principal
Brat is oetween J riarko Ratlpath of Indl-
ina. aail L.eutenant E. S. ljuuley of thareg.
Jlar amr now at Fort Leaven vorUi. forai-
erly on detached rvice at the university 13
niilltarv mstnic-tor. with sex'Ptai minor lichta
'rom Kansn.s and Iowa bringine un this rnar.
Ragents Of re and Bumham. it is said , will
'avar Rcdpath. Mornll and Kniifit favonnij
Dudley , the orhur f.vo regents djTeiing. Is
nas been ducultrti that the salary > t the chaa-
eeilor sball oe J4.JIW per vear. It is also
rumored Uiat Jmlgo Couo has been
or wul be offered the posmon.
Morriil having taken up his residence in Lm-
otiln , tiers aught to bo shut out and tha
-etrent may tnis full boselecteu ! rim JJornll's
sucuon of thu atata. It is reported hare that
jet-u is trying to indnce ilomll to resiin tons
10 may have clear sailing in this section ia
his Candida * . * for reMcnon. . Dos.
> i.-il of an Albino for .in OI < 1 if unler.
PISHIU : , & . D. , Jur.e i , piai Telegram.
to TaE Buc. . The district courin this city
oday has hail bcforslt a tnal jf peculiar Ji-
.erest. It is that of ana John Clar'r ' , tlua
aues Russell , alias "VVhltay. for the mur-
ur of Jauic taa Boatman in LJ. . \v nitey 13
i pure albmo white. Jacirtho Boatman was
i peculiar and" original chancter ind was
never rfnown by any other than tiiat
iiven above. At tau taoia of the mirder
Whitey' " escapwd , sued onrurrances being ;
Idite common at that time. Jan * roweii
Wh.tev" across the nvar and toguther thuy
nUfral a house of J.1 faiuu wnei. the latter
! itiw a revolver and mortally wnunued tha
bouUnau. "Whitey" was capwiml one vcac
101 ui Wyoratnc. The deteca mnda is th.a
identity of t&e prisoner at the time af tha
murder , there having been two albinos
this vicinity , both going by the name of
* WhitejV The raal will tw finished
DHAD O , S. D , Jona i [ Special Tao-
nim to TIIK BEH. On Septunber U .ast
vV J. Beldlng , uua of a oarty of Masons outer
or n excursion on tha Block Hals & Fart
Merrs railway , was /tia ! i oy a ms failing
oro&ii tnu car on wnich he ivas riding , striit-
Ag him m the bai-k. of tbe neck aud crushing
ini ta daath. Hm heirs brmight suit far
HQ.JUU a.imu iA , tbe ua e continuum through.
ix days. Th , ury al Ui o'cUwtc lost nigas
tH-urned a vvrdiut for fi. < U for Uiii pla.ntiff.
"his wu Ui" rtr cnwi if tau kind eve * mod
it the auU. waaru railroads ara a aompanv-
ively aaw insotiiuon. Thu verdint xay
.n ne.for be iccopttKl < u a preumiunt. a/
uture juror * Ui whiuh a numtwr of
iyu Iiy Sturm.
u , S. D , , Jun i "Special
* run to Tae BC.E. Ona of the heaviest raia
net hail storms in th bi torr of Ui Blat ic
flill * ocearzwi Imt night aoing tenngo a
Uli TkmUy that * uuJUO will not rapair.
UI mountain streanjn w ea vulien , tj-u.d
bia oroek averrtowtiig it baaio and .v un-
s ; out tlio ramibed and ( tmue of tbe CVid- ;
vimd Central emUmati far'l'wu teat. Tan
oad uflHeii to th axtant at l-'y. i ) . r vo
vswiiB vein b rwi'iired f'.r nirn : f.
lunng Uil UM W ia * witl sot tut uu.u eg
-1 Lif fur Dog- .
STI * { . ! , * i D J imi J. - S ( c ial
to T i 8B. . - 'har' i OtaoSiinf. t yet
t o woo juuti ( tgtghbor u unud , " . ' .tou , -
y. thirty ms.s * from
by thu siur.ff ( > i.
* r.u9
6 will t'L ! bo'
F luitt wtU
THTE f f Kit Tilt. * FH It K C I T.
For Omiiits n < i viciuity Vnt ,
H , Juno if MM9 kl ttU i yt
n. i for the 1 iiKbtiU1 iTillBn @rs.
jo wtada.
Far . and Iow S * i " , jtatWDiry
r r