Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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ERTUKMKNT. * fr.r throe POIUHIIIK will
AIA taken tintli K Op nu. for the e enlnc.
-o'tl'in ' , and until 8J : ) . n. . . for tbe morning
edition nl ' CM ) * ' M r
rprifMS Cafcb In advance"
"T ATI * A0-fril" " rrt on this ptrP 'ltl''i9
J > cl.nrced for nt tin1 rwtp of J1 * rent * per
* tr f. r ibr lift lt > ? rtl in jitid leent tx-rwnrd
f f t nrli * titi cqti < tit lliM-rtkin. JIIM ! H.i J T
lit f rrr nnth. No ndvertlxi ni Mt taken for
Jt * I i r "l cents for thtflrM mwrt ion
n I A I > . lie fcyinUtla. c-tp. . count each
i f nrip word.
rpl'lF adierttrtnpnt intiM run roti eu-
Jt \t\y \ and tinder no c rruiiMnnf-s will
thry'e taken ordlvomlnnod l y ti-lejdwne
1 JAM If S ndhertUInc In these- columns mid
J liHtttiir their n rr Badref e < l toft"nutn-
Irjir' 'fitir In rnrpof Tiir 1'ir. will receive a
Tt ' rt-ri rhetk toetinlile them to pel thptr
jdi'fv Answer * will le nelitcred only on
T - . r1iitifin of ttil check I ncloAC answers
It < t < < lopes prop ? rlv iiddn SSP I
A 1 i iK'vertlsptnent * unfpr thp lirnd of
J\ sfclhl Notices" nrt published In both
11 r ' TI nc nnfl pTPti'ni : rott onsof Tlir lll.l.
tlir ti il tlonof which nrrrcpalesmorpthfin
: r fK pi ppr dully , uncl rl > es the adptt' < r
tin 'ptult not only of UK ! re1 flr'ulHtlon if
TIT Itn n "innlm , 1 ut ulsn 'n ' C rmnr'l Blnfli ,
1 Itiro'n i nd otliprelt ( * . rti < 1 town * n tbe west
A 'frtKlng fnrtli1 pn'nmti * w ii f t-iken
rr t ) P Btioief-ondltlon . Bt the f.-v'.owinc bus- !
M houses who arc autliortTfd tot k special
rn trr nt the anic rates as can be had HI the
n ntn ofllc
k . (2liftrect. ( . Lister HlO'-K.
iiMN W BELL. I-harmuclst , llth i Mason
t * * ; ! jr > r \
IIA'-F 4 EI > DY. Ftatloncrs und Printer
' 1 "south " ICth street.
C t' ' iTRNcWolrflL Pharmacist. 2H3
O. fun ins street.
\ \ * I HT C.HEs , Pharmacist. t24 North ICth
/ -F. . W PARR , Pharmacist , 1T1B Leaven-
* t wnrth street.
T -flluHFs' PHARMACY. S4th and Farnam
J OT rotrx. tlr. , tec top om rojiitnti on Wit pigc-
\ \ \NTFD A position a ? machines ! or en-
* * rlni'i r ; have run larce plants lu the east :
s i stmill engine works and machine shops :
A 1 t ferences. J. II. Malliuson. 002 N. I'tb t ,
\\7 ANTED Mtuatlons for coed clrls ; my
' > watting roomx are alwaj-i full from P a
ir tofi p m. Caixidlan Employment ofllc" .
1)14T'th Telephone MM. 24s
"IVNTEDBy u younc liuly , aoosltlon In
* tmtlon store ; tcvt-ral vears' experience ,
jpf-n uce piven. Address OKI , Bee office
Mrs ; . K. Itouton
sticot. Omaha 3CI J'lO
\V ANTFD-Posltlon as clerk or tr.iv > ilnc
' * man liy Gt ruian Amt rlcan aged 24. '
Viits * xperH'tiro In imKirtliic and exporting
'MIS tic-rs in New Yotk : coed oflice mini , eoflee
tr-i < lr picfi rred : ( list clans New York rtft-r-
eii" . AodrcssO. Us , Bee If4 2 *
" \\T ANTF D Po'itlon as bookkeeper bv cen-
' ' IU mail with ft j pars experience in bank-
If g nnd holt sale business ; best icfcrenct-s.
A. .Irt-ss 0:11 : , Bee. IM-l
J it tolo. etc. . net top ofrut column on tlitspags.
Jl T out Most wonderful advertising de-
\re ( e\t > r known Sells to - f > ry met < -liitit :
ami iiuiuiifacturer , splfnd'd ' einploj ment :
l > i.tuij Btpttdv work Enclose stamp Arc
J Mfp ( o , Racine , Wis. M4 72 *
" \ \ " \NTFD-A competent butter roll maker.
/ ' ' Ajiply to the Cudahy Packing t o. M4 l 4
" \VAMED--A shrewd , quick , active jounc
' ' hid * to take carp of slO"k and make liei-
m f . ( m-rallv useful. Noothcr need apply
C C shoiwood. N Y Life building. M4.l't ' 2
" \ \ " ANTLP By Industrious young man , to
leain railroad engineering , wafts no ob
ject Adlrcsi O.ri7 Bee. M4is4
T1. " ANTJ-D Salesmen on salary or commis-
' * Sinn tohanclle the new patent chemical
Ink < r.ismg pencil ; the create st sellinc novel-
tv e er pioduced : erases Ink thoroughly In
two ipionds ; no abrasiun of paper : 200 toll )
per cent , profit ; one ujrcnt's sales amounted
t * > $ . 0 In six days : another KI2 In two hours
We want une gpucru ) ucent tor each state und
territ irj- I or terms and full pailiculars. ad-
dris the Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co , La Crosse ,
Wi" 247
" \ ANTFD A man of rood address to call
' * on the manufacturing tiades and take
or li-rs fur stumped nnd embossed work. We
Tiant a resident represmtatHe to handle ex-
clnsn cly all the coeds of our own manufac-
tin . n mini who has sold lltliOLraiihlc wtirl ;
jirufcrred : salary and commisslou to the right
man Address with full particulars J. W
Carroll. 7b Duane st. . JNew OIK. MJiki ti *
\ \ LTANTED A fimt-class biead and cake
* baker ; good wages und stead v work Ads -
s h Fuesler , city bakcrv , Noifolk. Neb
M371 2'
< J"VTA T1 I > stenosrapher and tejecrapher
' " > ' lirfcrerice and written application re
quited McCord-llrady Co
few enerpptie apents to sell
maple specialties Inrludinc maple self-
lipht'nc pocket lamp , maple dime savins
banK and other peed helllnp articles. All our
poods sell at sipht. Apply wjth refetences ,
Northwestern Specialty C'o , room 4Ut ! llee
bid1- Omaha Neb. M1C7
1 \ T A NTrn-Poplls ut n I ) Case's p unTjrr-
1 slilp elass. n. w ronierJMh and Tainani.
T'.i ' l.ij und Thursday t lenlncs M74 ' JL"
" ] Vf I" > with peed address Met. fil'f'R Oo . 11W
J-tl Howard st , , On.aha , or 13 ? N 32th , Lincoln
8s7 jl *
l"A.\TED Men to tra > el for our Canadian
niirseiles ttone&Wellington MadKon Wls
JT'ii f-ntw , rtc fee ti > r > nffmt mlumu on tlii * jnoe.
\ VSTF.D A Jlrst-Llass diajitT : none
M other need apply. E. II Tuirill 210 1
Douglas street. M44.14 *
_ _ \VANTED A rlrl at 1910 Faitiam ,
' ' Herman jirefoirod. M41U
\ \ ' ANTED OIil to dollclit housewoik and
' t ike caroof ch Iditn. SO ! " ? . 2Jrd st.
G 1HI. Mauled Oeneral hou'twork , family
of 2 : L-iiruiin irefened. Call 311 1'arl. a < e
_ _
\\T ANTED A i-orntieti-nt Rlrl for scT'jml
T * < uirl > at a beautiful countiy home ; iifty
nill-s from Omaha. Chas A. Harvey , 1SI4
I'arriam street. 121
lop nt ftntf iri n tilt * pip
3 * lit RENT- Furnished 5-room nultncu for
the summer ; desirable location ami low
renu Addresi O. .W , llee
1RK mcntie. between JnckMin and l.env-
Jl , enworlh sts , veiy desirable liousti. " roi'ins.
butli ruimi , furnace. Inquire Koom U , I'-'J.'i
1'untnm si , ir.-7
f > ( . ! " v apltol Aveiiut * s-n > oin tmttase Most j
h , lf 2541 Ilareuport strnet , Cheau lnci.lrt- |
at 2T > ls Cnpiiol urnuo. . M.m 5 *
O Ut HIM house , citj uud oKuiru water. JiO t
Osinall family. Corner 1Mb Hnfl I'aclflc.
I J'l'lt iiF.NT 4 roomflHUto fitir' y
I' l InMi , modem liuproieiu nt- -
t * . ! ITOt Webster M.
fT Jmjuue : ni
* /
"ITVUt RENT 10-room IKHK.R , &H modern con-
J1 i iileiuvs , oarjiet * . vlndow Hxtun" > und
rai.ctfor sale luijuire at 1709 IHidse stiecM.
2U 4
mi S-ROOM house with hiinu dcstrahlc K > -
J ention , moderate rent , lluurd llros , 1410
I > oulus > t , M t-s-
"IjTINF new 12-room house with all modern
-L1 Improvements und barn , line ocation for
a iii.Kl ) J. H. r rroiii' rental
I * ANTEIFurnished i < ottace for short
> limit. Call or addre 5 % Life building
SB 1 *
STI.AM heated modern Hats. TU ? anO 714) )
MMith lOtli. K. I Mincer , 1J1H Furnam
2U1-J27 * I
FIITEEN 0-rooiu brick houses , nil modern. I
except f uruuci' , ( 14) ) per im.tith , nour * > hur- ;
muu avenue motor. C. F Harrison , 1'IS ' N V
Life B14-J22
JR RENT-FUU 6 room * . 2d lloor. 606 N I
Iblh ; IXUX1 KcH-d A ? fl\iy. \ U , Hoard
Trnde. " -
R HUNTAroom duelling. IMS Oa rtT
mi *
So en ruuio fiat , luodrrn < on-
> enitiire ) i I2i.Vilfi.t & Luiburc , 10 l
IlowurU slrufU W " 'I 2
IfOlt ; KF > T t-room flut. Liuse block , i , th
and JacLsur. iJ j
For i-atri.elf m lop of frst etrfUmn nn tfti f < 0
"J7IOR RENT FuniKhexl bouse , all modern
JL con' eirtf ore * ; four monthis cheKp to cn ra
party. S7S1 Jackson ftreut. Cill Intnornlns
FOH IIFNT Two 10-rootn brli fc residence * .
nil convenience * . 'HM completed. .VI7-VIP
Oeorcin MVO Rent fTWno for lir t year. J H
Diaclasbloeie ! 4P
"f F you wlu to rent a limif or ? terc ot II. F
1 'Vile , Continental block. 2
TJV'K KENT Fmir ( I and ' -rn .t , flit- with
J- lint * , hot water. ' * upu i-rt str-et ;
bu lness. all iinpron n . 'v t * p r mo.
Refprenpfs rr < i"lr'd 'fn .1 .id * uve ttiifiit
Ui ,4421e ! < ! luH hiif. 2..1
S-ROOM iHW-e nksyyat.1 uluile trws city
-'nnd extern MKter. t'Hi.nt ttf CijlmrhiKid. S
1 > lo < k-1 ftt'tii treet c irs. Mil S. 7th avenue , rir
Iiti ] | > pharmacy , eor. llth and MHMIII. :
1/OU RENT Ifl-rofim house , oentmlljIwat -
ud , modern Improvements Inquire. TI2 N
K'OIl RENT Ily. tune 23. a ti-rootn house
J- newly painted and p'lperotl. well , cl t rn
and oity water , bath and furnace.154 Dm -
inprt MSS.I 4'
"IT'OR RENT-Modern D-room flat , new dec-
J oral Urns. Good locality. L. ! - . skinner ,
1614 Farn im st , WJ
FOR RENT 7 room brick lmue. all con-
lenlences , $17. InqulteSCiO N. 2 = th avp
151-1 *
HOPn for rent Two story house P rooms
with all modern In proreiuents , 2.11s Lake
stteet. C. D Woodworth I3JS Douplus W2
OR RENT-T-n > oi.i house. 2Bi ! Ilnrney In
quire A II. Gladstone , 1310 Douplas strr-ef.
FOR RF.NT Now 7 rjom IIOUSB. withall ,
modern iniprntementi , 1 bleu I ; "irom Wal
nut Hill motor , ! 23 Theo. Olsen , Vj4 > . V. L.fe.
Lp ( > R RENT Fiffht-roora bouse and barn.
fi.4 South 27th street. Apply on prem sen
1 0-ROOM house , barn ; Uouutro I'lm c. ? jTi03
-I a month Ui rlsht parties. J. J. ijibsun. R
a , Orel Kb i on block. M1IO
"LpOR RENT 10-ronui new brick residence ,
J- between Mason and Pacific on .Wth ave ,
bath , pas , laundry , furnace , oak floors and
finest crates and mantels nnd every modern
convenience : partly furnished if desired. In-
duiie on pieniist-s or room 442 , lioe buildiuz
S-ROOM hrlck house , all conveniences. 4J5 ;
0-rooiu bricK house , JQ. IL E. Cole , C Coa-
tlnenta1. l ( ! '
HOl > E5. all kinds three i.lcely furnished
Bundy & Co. , JGH Capitol avenue b07
TT Oi : IZENT Houses with all modern tm-
JL1 proreiuents , steam heat : 1 bljck from hisli
stliool ; KiiOJ to $ " > 10Diiet month. Also stores ,
24tj ! and IJaveuport H II Irey , 2J5 N.V Life.
1J1OU KENT Larpe number of houses , stores ,
JL ? Hats etc.Ti.OO tier inoiitb and up New
list let of each mouth. Oeurje J. i'aul , 100' )
r rnanistrj-ij _ 5L"i5 !
I i'II ' KENT clieap ; a peed 'e room mol-rn
house Inquire 2)2i ) Capitol a\einii 1)
H Rolnsori
IT OIi HENT Hanasomeroom tnodurn
house ; all conveniences ; In perfect order ;
paeu streets ; motor andnlthlu 5 minutes
walk o' postoiUco. Nathan fehelton. ir.14 Par-
mini street. M151
.For rates etc. , tet top nf firnt mlumn im 1/tw po .
FCKNl HEK ronms for rent to pentltmen
oulj' . HIphest point in clt > , modi rn con-
renluiices : ri ferences reoulred ; pri ti fam
ily Address U 54 Bee oillco. M442 2
FOH KENT Nicely furnished front rooms at
tCO south 24th stieet , near Leuretiworth
motor M4t4 : 7'
"VnOELY furnlshod lurce south room for
-1A tent ; modern eou\eiilenoes 2J1U llurner
LAIIGE cool furnished room for the summer
24 S-outh ICth st. , flat I ) . 421 a *
T AKOE fi-ont room , 370J L'apitol are. 41s
"V'EWLY furnished room , suitable for centle-
- ' man and wife pt Irate lesidence. reference
reauired. Oi > 9 S J7th street. 4H- ' , > "
Foil KENT furnished rooms , ICO ? Douglas
25T >
"IjTHNJHEl > fi-oiit KIOIIIS. llpht bousekeep-
Jinp , newly papered ; Sf7 and upwards 411
S. lUth stieet , 3d lloor. MIST 2 *
\7"ERY desirable front , second floor rooms ,
either furnished or unfurnished at the
Frcnzcr 11C N 2'.th st. MM8 2 *
FOR RENT Two furnished or unfur
nished front rooms. Apply24I2 DodgeK212
K21-2 *
" \7"EUY pleasant front room in private ( am-
> Ily for pcutleman. sj" B 201)1 ) st 1121
T7 > OH KENT Nicely furnished room , gas and
-L1 batli 2010 Hartley street. Reference re
FUUNIi-HEDrooms at IOCS Capitol aie.
_ ; 245 C'
T7UItMsIIEI * > rooins.oornor Uth and Jacksun
Jstreets. . No. ( U4a. Utn 20u-Ii
TO or four looms , light housekeeping. iH2d !
St. Mary's arcnue. 172
LARGE south room for i out at 2100 Douclas
fit eet M103 2 *
"T3LEA5 > ANT rooms , slucle or cn suite , lift
J- south 20th st. 773
Funatct rtr. , kcr top nf firxJ column on thin p-igr
\KLORaud parlor lit < diooiu.iirst floor front
J- room , suitable foi light housel-ccpinc. MS
N 2 nh stieet .15. ' 2 *
FOR RENT Find , small family apartments.
all outside looms ; best locallt ) . modern
improvements. Inquire KiO I'axtoil block. 2.i7
rpHREEor four rooms , priratu house , fi2o ]
JIfith street. MlUl 2 *
fl'OK RENT One larce front room and kit-
i hen for housekeeping. Ou7 Noith ] Wh
street. Many 2 *
\J I \ \ , mnooru anrl most desirable in the cltj
-i- > Three or four room suitcs.Mss. 22ua stioet.
T. L Von Doin. M4sM
41"NI'1THN1SHED rooms , first Hoor. modern
lmpio\emeuts , range In kitchen. aiB s 2bth
st M117J4-
J'orfalcs. etc. , > cr toj > o//lr t rulumn " thl jiage.
ritllE M. Clalr Eumpean hotel , cor 13th and
J Hedge , will uiuke low rates fur rooms by
th < * neek or month with cr uiiliout boaid
IJ''OM ' with first-class hourd , Ibl4 Dodge
JA 411-5'
_ _
17M.R HLNT Larse neatly furnished front
1- loom with Ixiard. No. 201U California st.
40. ) 7"
T IOR REST FurnUhod room with board.
L desirable locution , table board 201 t2Jth
FURNISHED rooms and board , 1IC1 Dodge
HANIlsOMELY furnished rooms , with first-
class bourd. Day hoarders solicited.
1722 Capitol A\t > nu < M402 i *
DEsIRABLE nioms with board. lH22Chlc co
street. M.ttH 2 ,
A LARGE iieatl ) furnished front mom and
lioard for two. K > per week. 2011 llarney
it root. M.lT > s 'a'
XJICELY furnished rooms , with or without
i board , ou motar line , sll S. "Jlh street
Mtt2 : 2 *
33 LEAS A NT room with board. References.
22H Faruam. 027 5 *
FURNISHED room and board. 2013 Harney
strt > et. X'4-5
IARCJE from alcove room with first class
- * * ' " ' Reffrences. 113 J tiOth st. 2411'
FOR RENT Pleasant n > o i with or with-
out board at 'til > outi Sith avenue. 4
IriOIl RENT Large south room , vlth board
SIUJ Doiirlas st. MlH.'i *
or inlet , rtr , , rcrfori of fret column tin thin jt-igt
" | 7\PF.RIifxCEU dre raVker wimtTworThi
_ < fmtU < > < s will brine ln-ipn.Ioiii.Jl.Mierd y.
Address Miss Berren aDtillawnrd. M4-7 J'
HIGH class drensmakinK. I > enlnB. dluner
und wuddin : trouseuu u stHi ity. lit
and ktylB warruu e-d perfect. I-U. Muxwell.
Uumge blocL. room 4J2. 4JU1U *
TTiNUAOKMENTs to do dressraakltis In faiu-
J j uie koliwted. Ml5 Muruy , 2010 Harnrv
btrvet- Mo iju *
} armlet , ttc tee lopof.tnt eounn on tlilt pij
OATENT lawier * and solicitor * . 0 W Sues A.
J ij Bee bnj i ag , Umuh& . Branch otaceut
\\akhiojtuu.Uf. Consultation fruit. HA
Forratet , rU. , teetov of jtrrtfilvmn vr. Vt\t Ji-pe.
FOR RENTTlie4toryl > rk-kbulldlnc.witli
or w tlirmt jK.wer. ffirmrrly orurikod oy the
llee I'lib.ishlnsC < i. Mr. Farnaiu t. The baild-
Init hu a fireprtxif cement lm en rntuoml < 'te
pteBm-heatlne fttturtH.w-HU'r ) < i all the Horn * ,
1 pas. etc Aj | ) iy t theofliee of Tbe llee Bi i
j i . , . . . RENT 111 S-benindoah , la. a pool
E brick btt lnc < i < hruw , Uilrd door from
nostoHtec , Inquire of J.K Irrln. shpuattdonh.
la M K > 12"
P1OR HF.NT Or _ le. my bulldlnc on Jone
M bet-loth & llth O.A.LimiiniiMjli : > s
olRENT-Desk ! room , at Gil N. Y. Ufi
bulldlnz. 202
ITOl : RLNT-The three-iUiry brick bulld-
-i. inc 1110 Douzlhs street , s-uitable for whole-
BHle purposes illc per mouth. Chas. Kauf-
iriann IKR ! Iouela ) < > street 2R.-
TO III. room at 7P7 and 7Jii-ou th llith.steam
S heated E F Ringer. lul FurtiHtn.
Cft-JK *
J'orralm. etc. . net lop ojfirtt column on tlt
HAVE n rood taiue-cru s pasture of 100
acres. 7 miles west of Omaha , for her .e . <
and rattle Mrs. Kathrene Ernst , box 76.1 ,
Omaha. Neb MUIO U
STO ( K ranch for rent ; abundance peed
water ; coed ranie , so acres In < roi > ; I .Slid
acres fenced. 1' . O. lloi 17 , Ilarrisburp. CVilo
M3U 7 *
A\TE hare the be t horse pasture In thl
' state , at niitnoro M.itlon. three mile *
south of Minth Omnha ; 10.1 acres of blue crasv
sprinc water , hoard fence , buio u cond ono-
h.i'f ' mile t ai-k on the farm ; will take a few
horsi s or coit to breik or train , llarton A
I'lmlus , or A W. I'beluo i. on. WJ.Vl-Ji (
ForraUf. rtr. , rrt' ( p of first column on this pipe.
" \\"ANTED To rent s-rxinm house with J-ain
' ' Must ne ci ntrally located Mnull family.
nochllcltin A d 1 res. , O Mi llee. MJS > . 2 *
Korratrn , rtr. , eet tji nffirfl column an I1iplot. .
BF-T : Monica bulldme In Omaha. pm rn-
ment bunded waiehouse , household poods
cared for- lowest lates. \ \ . Jl. Ilushmau , 1015
Leaxenworth. 2C" )
CHEAPEST und be t Ftorape for furniture.
\\ellsllllFarnatustreet- 2iO (
STORAGE of household poods- clean , dry
place , prlrately stored , terms moderate
we also store st < i\es durlnp the sumiiKr we
will cot tuom fiom the houses and t'ellver
them in the full In Coed trim Ttl "XiO1207
Douclas. Omaha -love Repair \\o > ks. 73D-.M7
OLDEST , cheapest and best etora.ce house in
citj. Williams i. Cross , 1214 Haniey street _
Tor rate * rtr. , pw topvffirft column on thif paps.
FuRj-ALF Furniture of a 10-rootii house
cheap. House for rent. Inquire 1U-M Doace
AUCTION Thursday at private sale ; house
hold furniture 1U24 1 urnatn stieet
stieetMaw 4 *
HOraEHH.D furniture , now and second
hand for sjle on easy payments Gall
and examine before purchasing , store 1C21
Howard st ipet , MU1 : J30
FOH SALT At a piout sacilfice ,
household furniture , tine varnago team ,
cairlaces sleich. hainess and itibes also fine
Jersey cow. A. J. Hanscotn. l24 Douglas M ,
0(17 ( jir. *
Forralcn. etc. , tec top nf fnt column on thft pygc.
F ORALE 1 double carrlace , ! phaeton , i'
lioiscs. 1 double harness , ! slnciujharness.
1 milk cow Inquire at the Boston
stoie. 114 t-uutb ICth stieet. 1.O-4
FOR SALE Good family drnliu- hoi e.
weicht 1.200hainess and uhaeton t ) .
Room M , chamber of commeice. 410-2
FOR SALE A fine pair of lion-cit-y Norman
mares and a black horse , llenrv llaran
1 17 N. 20th St. 419-4
7\OR \ SALE Family citrrluca rLet
? ols , stable 2-Uli aud I eaveJiworth. m2GS
HOR'E auction eicry Saturday 21' . M. . at
I'loneeritablesiath and Haniey , Horses ,
wapons , harness , etc IJuyers and sellers
should attend these sales. 11. Homau , ntop.
IL Wells auctioneer. 2dtt
P bugcy price SlTO : on t tuo. Oo-Opera-
t ] e Laud and Lot Co 203 N. 10th sti eet-
" 17OK SALE Dandy road wagon. Can be seen
JL room 4 Uee buildlnp , 212
FOR ? ALE Elesant delivery wason brand
new , made In the city and warranted. Al A
Upton Co . Hee building. e > ii7
Fnrratfx ctz. t-cf fop of brut
CHEAP High grade byclclo rode C months.
in extra good repair Address O 25. Bee
FOR sALE Anolecant fiie pi oof safe with
Iiurglar chest. Phil stlmmel , 1)11 ) Jones
street , Omaha , > "eb. 270
FOR SALE Mapnifioent upricbt piano at a
blc sacrifice. Inqulie at 241B CaiQwell St. ,
aftei 7 o'clock ' evenings JI'.i-wj
Fur ralcf , etc. , tcc top of first column on tilt
\\TANTE1J A matched carriatre team ,
> t weiRht 2,100 to,4 ( > D ] bs , must be sound ,
perfectly broken , gentle and pleasant drivers
Address O JG Bee office with price and descrip
tion. M44U 5
\\TANTED-To buy a first class lady's drlv-
' i itig horse and phaeton for cash. Addiess
E. F. Itmger , No. 1511) ) Faruam st. M444 5
\\7ANTEU 'lo buy a second hand two-
' seated ci.rrlace or pheaton for one horse
Address I' O Box 72a. Ml ( > 2
\ \ AM'ED Kollerdesk , medium size , Ad-
' dreas l 52 , llee. 407 2 *
\\'ANTED To buy peed residence Jot or
' house and lot , or several lots , losuted seas
as to make a good bulldlui : slcht , must be lit
tirkt class residence pait of the tlty. I'aitles
answering thU should give full description of
proper ! ) lowest j uce , terms , w hether ineum-
bered , aud if so how much. O IU. Bee o.Hce
IFou have any old clothes to sell let me
know b ) Mall Kalish , 215s. lath street
M li7 ( J 10
Forratft , etc. , ux tup nf tint Miiumit on Uiit p gt ,
" \\7ANTED-Trial t-ubscriptions for Ladles'
' ' Home Journal before July 1. Ellra-
beth C. Morroll. 1SI14 Farnam. Omaha M4.IO ( *
P rnMTt'RE bouKht , sold , Stored. Wells
1111 I'jrnamstreet. . 27 ]
/7JA11DEN farm to lent. T Murray.
"IT * ANTED Somebody to adopt a boy baby
> ' one week old. Must be a good home. In
quire 1470s. loth. 2nd floor. 417-2 *
1JOUTUA1TS from Hillings or photos , 313
Kumgt block. M 'M > . 5 *
GREAT barpaliis in all kinds of Jewelry and
ilherware on iiooouut of the ruocint tire
S. .lonuseu , Farnan and llth .streets. 174-J2C
Gil CA E Penman , teaches penman-
ship Tuesday and Thursday et enlnrs. 214
F 1Mb t-tleet. M74J ,12 *
NORA VINO Wood , zinc , chalk , eta \VorU
guaranteed ou time aud quality Ilrlc-
haiu J'outhilnuilix Mr.i7
GCKJli home tor ladles durins eouflnement.
Inquire at Mrs. M. I'rusll. H70 outh IBtlu
M121 J4
h R ONALb.
Forratf * tt r. , uce top nf tint rotumii on this jiajj
LADY , stranpt-r In citv desires ualnlunpe
of p < ntleiiittn uf .Id or 40. No objoi lion to
widower None but good class iu-t > d answer
Address O 51 Bee. 41b-l *
CORRESPOND for amui.pinent. Instruction
or matrimony Tbe boat oorrt poudeiu-u
bureau , particular * in plain Mialed envelope
for lot Uiok Hot J20. Omaha. 210-jJ :
Jtrratet. rtr. . if * topo/ fri column on l/iu * w.
HT . COLE rental ucuucy. Uontlnentai blk. VM
F I RED Moule , & E. oor. Faruam and 11th.
RbANDl KsO.S , corner l&th and Jackson
* 11&-JJ4 *
.rtr t P oir > l rolumn on Witt pigt.
FOR SALE FtirnU-ure and undert.sklnc
bu lm s In rood , lsjf n , with or witliottt
tore build inc. part A h. tmltiiice cilt edco
nuper or clear rtsnl utatei Invoices aliout
M.OIO Box tU2 Llncolt ? 2-a
tpOR-ALF An oM-'oUabllshpd Rtid rood
Jtmylne ctr r torpnjtx | > d reasons clTen for
selllnc. K 20 Bee oflico. B
CLEAN cpneral sioait of merchandise for
fiinn and money. Box 2 > O , Frankfort Ind
HOTFI. men take notice. Do jou want a
coi > d business' ' Buy the Commercial , the
leadln ; hotel at Broken How. .Neb 4j
1 fM'HEME \ - to MiiUe Money. l t the title of
JLV our new bo'ik , coutainlnc lecltltnale
and honorable schomp * for maklntnonei on
small capital ; exposes tricks and iwindllnc
in business : ci e hlnt . and advice that may
be worth thousands of dollars to you The
schemes are to clearly explained anv ordinary
person can understand them It ulilcm'tou
new ideas , aid > ou in planning other deals
and enable you to crasp future oppotl unities ,
eut pitpiild for tl. American Book Co. ,
Omaha. Neb M12JI.T 25
BARBFR shop for sale ; 2 chairs , coed
tiadeAddrcu J. U. McKuu , Hebron.
Noli. Mf > i2 2 *
ONE of the best located and finely furnished
millinery stores In the state for sale cheap
It Is havlnc a larco tradp. evervtMne lulls
favor ; reasons for selling , sickness and
death ; addren * OC Boe- ftG2 I *
T7K > R t-ALE Mock of drucs and firup .un-
J. dries , well assorted. Invoice at one thou
sand dollars ; for sale. If taken at once for
w t > tity cents on the dollar of wholesale ptlce-
Will trade foi clear property. Addiess. T II
Clawson York. Neb 214-Jo
HOTEL Lease and furnltun- forty room
lintel dolnc coed lnnincss Must tie sold ,
even at a sacrifice , as proprietor has other
business Cent tally locntod luc'lv of ; tnKia (
Address W. s Cooper , No 1C , Mala stnet.
Council BlulTs , low iu 1IWJ4
. ettrrtjipnf tint tulumn on Ihitpigt.
FOR TRDI sO acres In Hates county. Ne
braska , near county sent for r > ono acres
or other Omaha property. Address O W. Bee
M432 a *
rICF home In Des Molnos for one in Omaha
' Hutoliluson i Wead , 1.VJ4 Douclas. 421 3
FOH EXCHAMiE Inside clearlots Uitrade
Jorfhlcago propel ty. Address , U r > "i llee
MIM : s *
G"i\140 witli brick block of three houses 10
looms each , rented tor J1V ) per month ,
oiily four blocks from court house , price $ . ) ) . -
wu , incumbranco jll.lKK ) . \ \ ill trade equitr for
good \acant lots. E. T. Ilinper , KiltTarnam )
rpo EXCHANGE Corner facinp Ilanscom
i park and li\e other peed lots for Chicago
icsidence property. Addres.3 o 40. Bee
JS3 , T 20
V\TANTn > To trade piano for a fttnlly
I i liorsp and light phaeton buppA. . Ho pe
1513 I > ouplas 7X.
Forri let. tic , > rrop o' f.nt column on tlilt pige
ir ITU CENT first mortcaie loans. Italian !
"C 1'attersnn , ( UT Now York Life M074
MfiHT&AOE * wanted , lonp or short tlmo.
i..iorr'eG Wallace MO.I .1. Ilrunn build-
ins. ICth und DouRlus. 5sl
LOAN * , made .it low rates on citv property.
W , M Hauls , U 20 J reiizor block , opp. 1' . U
CE. & C. M. Anthony , 8l ! > N Y. Llfebiiildlnc.
lend monev on farms In choice counties in
Nebraska and Iowa , also ou good Omaha iesi-
dence property ; lowest rates ; tiest terms , no
delay ; nj'iney leady. Titles and \Uues passed
on heie. 275
BF1LD1NO loans c to 7 percent ; no addi
tional charges for commission or at tortiey's
fees. \ \ B.Melkle. First National bank bide.
MONEY to loan on Improved citv property
ut current muss : fends on hand ; no de
lay. Goo F.BluslXCo..233 Ramge bldg. 274
RIYATE money to loan. J. D Zlttle , 014
N V. Life. 277
ATORTGAGE lo-ins wanted. McCaijue In-
. .JJLrst ment uompauy. 273
MONEY to loan ou Omaha tiroperty. Fidol-
11 } Trust company. 1C.14 Farnatn. 27D
i ASTEltN money to'Joan at cry low lales
'H. B. Irey , 204 N. Y. Life M2SO
KIMBALL , Champ & Ryan
make loans on Improved
citj property at lowest rates
120J 1 arnam street 4I3-J30
/"MIEAI * I'hlla.
Money MortRage and Trust
V > Go , wants cilt edce loans Goo W. P.
Crates , icpiesentatlxe , 7 Boaid Trade. 2SI
FIRST and second mortgage loans Alex
Moore. 4ia Iee ! bldg. Bft ! 7'
MONFV ui Joan on citv property or eastern
Nebraska farms. L F. Hiuger , 151 ! ) Far-
uain. 2J ji7 *
Fvrratct , de tee top of first roluro i on UiU
\tOXEYtolounbvB F Masters on chattel
liJ-and collatciul securities foram time from
1 to 12 months , lu any amount to ult bor
Loans made on household coeds , pianos or
gans , horses , mules , housis , leases w.ueliouse
receipts etc. . at the lowest > .ite possible
witliout publicity or removal of pmpeity
M\ loans aie so arransed that jou can make
a payment of any amount at any time and 10-
duce both urmctual and intciest
If you owe a bulauce on your property or
ha > e a loan that jou want chanced 1 will pay
It oil and cany It for you If you find It more
Convenient call up telephone llu'l and jour
business will he arranced at borne.
Money always on hand. .No delay. No pub
lic ty Lowest rales. 11. r Masters ,
Jtootn 4 , 'Wlihnoll bll : . 15th and Harney sts
MONEY to loan on hoises.wucons.furnlture.
pianos.lcollai a I security Itiisiness strict
ly eouiidentlal.rred Terry , ioyiu4jjl amge blk
/CHATTEL bunk , aid fe. 1Mb st. . loans monev
V _ on chattels or collateral at luasonabie rates
_ _ _ _
M OXEY on f urnituic , horses , etc Keystone
Moi tcage Ou. . room 2u heely block. M2M
MONFY loaned on furniture. lUe stock.etc
from 1 to y months , without publicity ;
lowest rates. Dull , loom 20 , Continen
tal block. 210 J27
loans ut lowest rates U.M New
vA'ork Llfebuildlnc. ILAMoms. 874JS1 *
HA. louts money on chatt * ! se-
curity. Koom W , Chamber of Comnien
M 2s T 0
Forratct. dr. , ate top of Jirl column onthti
\fllh. WALLACE , clairvoyant ; tiuturiilly
-JJ- gifted : tells past and future. lo\c troub
les , absent friends , changes-travel , business
1.1 ts Faruam street. MdUl J B *
ATRs Nannie V. Warren.clairvoyant , trance
J.V1 bpeaklnp , writing and reliable business
medium , fourj-ears In-OmaliH , 119 N. ICth 2iu
MR& FuRT , palinltt * fortune teller , t lls
past and future Irotn lines uf tlie hand in
old pjpsy way , ludloduuly , feu ll.Ol mil . N
2111U * i , M"iO J If
" \jTAssAGE MudautitteUler , ovur CIO S. Wth.
Forrrtct , etc. , net topnf } nnt column < m llitupigr.
MA.-v-AGF. baths ut ludam Mnltn s parlors.
Ud lloor. 4.M a U > th t M4''f4 *
"jVrAsAGEtreatmoittileitro-thermal | baths.
_ .Usealp and hair truiumenu manicure and Mrs. PostlUltib a.l5th.Withuell blk.
* 27. )
A TAsSAGE cabinet baths , tape worms cured
aU-lu 24 hours , Mdiub.Uuurotte , 1U2U Dodce
MHP S.TOWE , mayUusu , electriclaB. 31J
Rampt ) block , M Iiv % 5 *
I AMAUE Madam'J > eUicr. tver CIO .s Kith
ForrJteo. etc. . trtl-up uJLrtt column on t/ili / piyt
GEO. F , Gellenlxtok. Uiaober of the banjo
with Uospe. 1JU Douptas. . ' 4a
BEFORE bu } Inp a ttxsmlnti the new
scale Klobail pluuaA Ho = iie.liU Douglas
Fur rate * , etctt ton afflnt mlumn on thtt piyc ,
LOST Lareo dark rud IrUh setter dos ,
steel chain , collar lettered W. E. U . Mo.
Valley , tug No. 12x1 ; reward fur return Ui.VU
anh street. M405
IO"T A rod note book with name cvwod on ,
- containing notes paper * , and it"- ( . hits vul-
uittile omy ! < owner Leave at UKC omoe aud
nflTf rtoard. 404-J *
LOsT -niull Mixicuti doj t"i reward forre-
turutoTJlN lUth fctrott. M IM 2 *
Fur rale * , etc. . iw topnItnt rulumn on thlt pijt
T/iOU hALK n e-ronm lieu e and full lot.
JL1 north tmt ot pltv : will take tome trade
us Or t tiHympnt ; b mnro monthly pa ) rnt-nts
0. L , Oroen.47 Itnrker block M4J14
South Omiihn ropert y.
-L ace r reldene v co to Uie loudlni
tHt < dealer * In Ninth Omaha , IM
( ! o. , ts.r , 84th and N "t u
ITiIvn-rootu hotisps In Orclmrd Hill , H. .VB
i parh on monthly payments. Thomas F.
Hall , ail 1'axton blk. 2S7
Foil S-ALE A Hnc Iinprtivpd farm of 3M
acres. 101 under cultivation , "hade trees ;
frutt , wltuluilll. wacon opales etc. ; 1W ( miles
west of Ouiaha ; tiJ per acre. Addn'ssO 4K , llee.
_ _ _
JJ. Olt ON , sole acant Kountre I'lace ,
. room 3 , Creichton block. 21
EAPT front ou 21st St. . near Koantro Place
Vixl24 , $1.050 llutchlnson 4 $ , Wpad. l. > 24
OR ? ALE-Four finest , new throe-story
stone houses in city. 2Mh and Cam-slreuts
one block south of Creichton colleco ; all mod
ern Improvements , hard wood finish , city uud
> oft wat < 'r , heated b\ late t InitirovtsJ hot
water ystem , olectrlp llsht and b-llsthrouph-
out , piuto and art class , rlecnnt hardware.
electric and pas fixtures , on motor linn. p vod
street , healthy location , most desirable nelch-
borhood Farties deslrlne clepnnt ( ind < - < > m-
fortablo homes are Invitud to look ut these
building II. T Clarke , t w. cor 2Ath and
CBHS. or rooms 19 and 20 , board of trade build-
in ? . 1W5
ADMINI TRIX Sale at north door of court
hou e.lOa in. . June t. , of undl\id ( > d.t of
lots 14 and IS. block 12. I'atrluU's adaitldii
fronllug on Saundert Mi eet. M uC V
JL. Rico , lual estate. U J Life buUdlnc
_ _ . > 1
FOR SALE A flno 5-rooin cotiace.
bath , city water , cas etc . In choice part of
Orchard Hill nod. . ' block from motor line ,
price and terms reasonable. F. L. lilumcr 204
and 203 Brown block. J2i !
IF you want to buy or s ll lots In Dundee
I'laeo address or call , F. W. Foor , 240 llt-e
bl'd'c. M.IU 5 *
SROUIJIN5real estate. 10.3N. Y. LUebldc
, _ . 24GJ-b *
TT OR SALE Elecant homes on montlv pnv-
- iincuts. . Will build anv priced home to
suit you. E. I * . Kmecr. l.M 'rmnam. 20T-J27 *
FOR s-ALE , cheap , easy payments1'Mory
now G-ruom house \rltii bath , ctliar. etc. ;
full lot N. ShelUm 1BI4 Farnam. IH1
FOR SALE Choice linprotod property
brlncliic lu coed rental for clear lots Rob
ert L l arllchs.lL1) ) N V Life bide M3IB 2'
FOR SALE To workincuien only specu
lators need not applj i ou time or monthly
payments a neat cottareat loss than actual
till UP- Inside propeiU , only one block to
electric line. Inquire at room 282 , Omaha
National bank building MKKJ
-s. > clesof incorporation of the Nebraska aud
Iowa biidce and raiiwa } company weie filed
In the office of the county cleik. Douglas
count v Nebraska , on Die lid day of February ,
If'U ' The piindpal place of transai tins t lie
business of said oumpany slmll bo In the city
of Omaha The business of suid corpuraUon
is to cotiMruct and operate a brideeaeios-
Missouri rir and construct and operate rail
ways in connection with such bridge In the
counties of Douzlus and > arnNebiaska. . and
I'ottawattHra.e. Iowa , with branch lines thete-
f rom , and for sutb other purposes us n unod
in the articles of incorporation Tne termini
of the railways of said corporation shall be at
the point of location of aid brliice and a
point ou the .south boundary ot Mirm
county and extend Inz through ilu
counties of Douslasand > lrpy. Nebraska The
autborlzod capital sloi-k Isonrmilliiin dollars
10 nor cent of which to bo paid in at date of
subscription und the r inalnder at such fines I
as may be required bv the dlroctors Tin cor- |
lioratlon comiueui-ed February 2 , IB'U ana
terminates in ono hundred years from
that date. The hichcM amount of
indebtedness to which said corporation
shall at any time subject itself
is two-thirds of Its capital stock , Tbe
business of the corporation shall be conducted
byalM.ud of se > en Directors elected frou *
the stockholders , and from whose nurulier
' bull be chosen a picmdent , t ice presid ( tit
and treasure ! and a secretary to be uppi inted
by the board of dliectors H F Mnltn Milton
Rocers , V. G. Lanti.v. H Kount/e. I A llur-
bach , A. P. Hopkins. Ben B Wood , corpora t > rs
Omaha , May CO , 3BLL J-2-P-lt-2i
Jioticc to Contractors.
Notice Is hereby clvon that sealed bids will
be received by the board of public lauus and
bulldlucsat the otlloe of the secretary of
state at Lincoln Neb , until the 2nd day of
June. Is91. at 4 o'clock p m . foi the eiec-tiou ,
construction and completion of n two-storr
brick and stone building known as "The State
Industrial School for lluvs and Oirls , " tu be
erected at Geneva , Filliuoio county , Nob. , us
per plans specifications and designs now ou
tile Ju the otrlec of the commissioner of public
lands and buildings at Lincoln , Neb
Contiaetors will bo required conform to
rules and reiulations as set forth In specifi
cations adontod bv the boari.
The board reseix es the risht to reject any
and all bids.
Datfcd at Lincoln. Neb. , May 0. l = Wl
A 1C. HfMi'iincr.
President Board Publl" Lands and Buildings
Attest : J onN C ALLEN , i-ecretary of Mate
Mid24n ! ,
. Hflll-INGTON .4fQ Arrives
Oiublm 1 Depot lUth and MiiKdii Sts C > nialio.
4,41 ii m . . .Clilmpo U-xtibnlc SIX ) n m
UMIuni . ClilLueo Kriiresg . . . . KlUium
9 l"J p lu . Chlcm-o ICjcprotp . . . . | tt , * 0 p izi
ii .V ) ji iu Ciilt.apo A li wu Ijctcal t fa l.i uin _
bfUTpp HLKl.l.NdTUN A MO 111 \ Arrive
OnmliQ | liepol llitli and Mu on > t < Qninlui
lO'Jaam Denver lu > KxprcaB . . . . ( lj p m
Wij a ml lu-udnood K pri's | 4.IK > f m
lU'-'S a tu . . . . IVenver Kxprei , . I ! 10 ! p n
7 10 p in . I ) nTor Mcbt Kxprims & u u m
uIU | > uii Ltui-olti Ltmltid H .U n in
KIT. nm . . . , Lincoln local i ! MiO p iu
l-fuves I K f , sT J A C 11 I Arrives
Onmhu. I Depot lOtli and MUHOQ St I Omaha.
U.iJ a mi . Kan-ai" C'itj 1107 Kiprc s . fiiiS p m
9 < i p m'lC ' C MchtKrp via I' 1' Tran r < , ' > n in
Ltwro I U.MO.N PACIFIC | Arrlvusn
Onmha 1 Depot IDUi mid .Mure ) ts. I Oiiialui
l6 10 a m I Kansas t'lty iCxpreii < ei J > un ) i .15 p o
10'JO a lul Drnver Krtire s. . . t 4 00 p m
. &Diml . Overland Flyer . . . . HOjpm
< _ CJ p ra Grand Iclund Exp ( ex Sum 111 Vi a m
7./J p iii . . . . , lacllic Kxpre H I h Opm
"LCBVCS rilKAW. ) MIL. A JH i'A 11. Arire
Omaha U i * d'po n1 M "r < v st Omaha
fi.20 p uil Clilincu lixprtes . " tT ni
HI5aiu | .ihUnco Kti"--"ij ' -i
LCBTHS ' CHICAI.O IL \ffi- - . if , , . . .
Omuha. U. P cleiiot lOLh ftnd Many sts.j Omalin
"iTaTjTni .Nlclit Kxprru | U iO n lu
I" 16 u in . Atlimtlr Krpri'is i , . . . . p w
4 .W ti in . . . .Ve'tltialff l-"nl'"d IU , . * i n m
1/onve * SlOfA ' 1TJ I'AflHC I Arrive.
Omuhu Depot lOtli und Marry fain ' Oiuulm
7U a ml . .Mour C'lty Tamenrer . . . ,10 , 2U p
Si < j p m t t 1'aul Kxpri'm IU.'i.'i IB
jEi-arei Mdl'.X"tfTV"A I'ACIHC Arrl\c
SOniaua < Heiiol l.'ah ana Welmtcr M . | ( > nmlia
o.U'jp in M. 1'anl tlmlud i H'Jj a ni
I uvoj flllCAno A. NOUTHWl.sJ | . . .nArriven
Onmha I. 1' ( li'put. lOtli aud Mart r t > t Omaha
8.13 a m1 CIilcacoKrpr < i I S n a m
t..iU p m A'cntlbula Limited . . U ! > 0 a m
U'-lip in .Kimtern Flyer . . . iSIWii ni
W 11 m Local East Kl ( exempt -Moudari I. ? i p Hi
i OMAHA A ST LOU'lArnrwj
Onialia. t I * depot , lUth ana Marcr sm Oaiulia
4 00 11 ui . . M Loal * Canimn liall 12 * ii p ID
T.HUIO K A Mil VAL.L.K1 r/rrlvfi" '
Omaha IJojMtt Ittli und \\4tt iH'r MR i Oumtia
fU ) a m' ' . niui-k Hills Kxprunt . d so p m
tuu am il'.x BatiWyo irp ( l".r Muni fi..v p m
6 10 ji m Waboo & Lincoln l'n . ( ICr. Mini II ha a m
ti IU p in .tort Mirfulk ( KHnnduyi 11 .a a in
l/iwvfi I C. ST I1. . M AO Arrlvci
Ouiaba I > i' | ' < 't ' l.Mli mid ulM-lcr Bin i imnha
S.1U u ml Muux Ctt > AtM-uuiiuiidutliia IMC p iu
1 OU p m gloux C'ltj Kxprosn Ki sundcyi IS 4U p ui
545 p in . t-t 1'nul Llmitdd . tiji a m
ilJ'D ' faiiprcvft r i'liFirjKxbmiday ) B 45 u to
IxiaTe * I Ml.sJL"IU I'Alll-'lC Arrlrtii
CJaialia.l IXpot l.ith and > \eli ler St Onialiii
lUMuni SI. Loulu A K C UxpruK * i L 10 a m
.10 1 > in St Ixiult A K C liiprcmi 1JO p in
LBBTII I K Csf JOh A t B Arrlvo
Truntter rnlnn tli-lnit Cuuni-ll Hlan Tmruler
KUn H in Kttiikai t'lty Day Uxprumi U.I p ui
IQSi p iu Kuniun City Nlctit Kipreo f-'J amt
t nlon Depot , < unll Blun Trqnufer
f. to p ni i Nletit Kxprux ' a au a tu
VM u mi . . Atlantic Kxprc't Mi p m
ti.uu p m _ yettlbnle Limited . 10 Jo a ui
Tritii lei L'uluii Depot , funnel I lmii Tranntpr
B4D a m . . . . Clilrocn Expreii . C.OO | i m
51X1 p m . Ytxtltmlt ) Limited . i'.m ' a m
laoo p a . EauU-rn H ) er . . . . 20Uvm
t.Utl p ui . . . .AUautlc V J1 . . . 7 ' 111 in
UHQ p m lowq ANiotamodatloH iSat. only i t 40 p m
UMAHA A bT Ixit'ls.
Tmni t I t'Plnii l ) | i't. < ounnll Blug
till p m M. Ixjult Canon Bin i li 18 p m
"L-uvi. CHICAGO. Bt'UU N A. Ql'i.N'CV * rrll
Truu fitr t ntou Depot Cxictictl lllugi
CUlcucu Kxpnitt
M'H JC in V A
I'm jn Iw-mt ( lunoii | ilug
Blt'ux City A' < - > aiBiDliiOQ. !
, .bt I'kul Ixim i
As A Rule
Your own feelings will tell
you , when you are in need
of a tonic or Blood purifier.
A lack of energy , a tired
feeling , depressed spirits are
good Indications that the
blood is sluggish and your
system is out of order.
l and Skin divafr * ' * frte.
cn the Faw I ;
Brooking Out | j
Skin Trouble * | ;
Little Borei i Hot Ekb I j
Both t BlotciPi i !
Odd Boreii Bad Breath | ]
BortKonthorLipn ;
ITsru ulTi r from nnr of ]
luiftt ; iiii tnnis tuUc i
WH Y ?
Hire TOU rrcr n d mrrrurjIf so , did TOD ;
I rive Tour/t'tf Ui nwiOfd uttctitinn nf tlie tinirl.
; e ! id not till you that yon rrquirr bioocl ; .
ini-diHne , if cnmu-K ffrpilnm from tin urt-r cr
: rrrt I r. AtLrrVLiiBltib IIIm. < l 1 llJlr If tin- :
; cm T km vrn mi-aicinf tu .t HI i iioronBlu-r t r ci ! ;
S t if the Twlnoa Iroro tbn ' . .mt. . J ' t".n I
rrnnrdrurclrt , or rlt to II IKKIWi I ! A :
; i'0 .40 Vent Ilro d iij , Nw Iwrk Cliy ;
2 Million Bottles filled in 1873.
18 Million Bottles filled in 1890.
' ' Mvchfa > cd fy her Majcsii . "
" The lest i'ci'cragc. ' "
Tlit'TM , Lo.VDON.
" Cheap as well as good. "
" 27ie demand for if is gfcsi and
increasing. " TUTTJMES , LONDON.
lli * invalid ,
, ! of niiiKlbi u.\unr ; ofbodj ,
regular boucl * mid solid UesU. I'ricc * "Cc.
CAl'St t.b ar tbe
ana onlr cupsulei preBcrlbuiJ'iiy
, la.phj slclua > lur the turd of
Gonorhcfia and dlschur e fie 11 ilia urinary uran
nuerite clur acquired f. I J JILT l ( > x All druei : his
Are yon open to conMctioii' If so. consider
' andldly our machine Don't repeat to vour-
self hat l § told 3 ou. ImeMleate , and rour
own opinion ill be of some value If you
wish expert opinion do not consult interested
Send for Illustrated catalogue Rhlns full
description of the smith I'lumlci T.\p.-wi t er
The Fml Premier TFDS friier Co. ,
E. H. MAYHEW , Manaco- .
1G09J Parnam Street , Omabu , Neb.
INSTR/UMENTS placed on reoord Juno 3 ,
W G Bohn and wife to G W Bolin , e 10D
feet of w 1W feet of nJ lot 7 , blk 5 ,
On hard Hill . 812,000
I'M Riikhausor and wife to Augusta
Chollmau , und ' , , e .VI fttit lot fi , blk 10 ,
and n H of e Kl feut lot 7 , blk 9.
Kountre Place. . . O.GDO
s-M llartlett andwf MIV Lj on. lot 21.
blk 4 .1 uiii-tiou View Tenac-e . . . . BOO
Ulalsde ! ) A. King to Haltlr Thorpe , lots
2:1 : and .4. blk 111. Dundee Plac-o 2,7fiO
J iwub Hi uiinj ! und w If e to J as Booth , lots
fi and ( > , blk fi , Mathew' sub . . 1
E B Chandler to same Jou 1 aud 2 , blk 7 ,
Melrosn Hill . . 725
5 H 11 Clark and wife to B W Brown , n
40 feet lot ft , blk 2. Euilld Ilaee 2.SOO
J M Donnell and wife to Kate Donahot * .
'jti2 : > 2 feet lot 1 , Chollman add to
H > dePark 705
.1 B Emis and w Ife U > R P Plielps , lot fi ,
ink 7 , Plalnvlew. and lot 4. blk 1 ,
Vandercook Terraeo 3.SO
? ame to same. c < MJ feet so so JII-l.VU . . 10,030
U N" Hicks ana wife to Wuii h & Woster-
fleld , lot * 7 and K bile IK # outh Omaha 2.200
snmetoLyman Richardson , Jot 6 , Vlnton
Place l.fiOO
Anthonj Johnson and wife to li I ) John
son , lot .X blk 2 , Oxfoid Place . 1,000
Eo Jackson to Mrs I'A mall , lots .I , 4
and a. blk A , Bowlinp Green . . . 1,200
Patrick McCabti and wife to Annie Dtin-
nellv. It 1. ? .elby'Ksiib . 5,003
Jerry MuUlhlll to ( > N Hicks , uud Vi lot
4. blU M. t-outh Omah. 1,203
Lymun Richardsun u < d wife to G N
Ihfks , Jots 1 and i' , ' blk C , HaiiHCOm
Place . . . . E. K >
Chi l t Nordell and w Ife ui Milla Nordell ,
wcstiu feet lot 10. Arehnr Place . . 1.000
(1 a Ro ern and wife to Annie Rie u , lot
2. Beterlv A Rogers' sub DOO
M E Rodalf and l.usband to James ( tooth ,
west 4 lot I * , blk 3. Lincoln Place. . . . 1
E H Kuel.In : and wife to James Booth ,
lot ] % blk a. Jetfrles' icnlut . .
1 ' .1 Mite.llTo to Mary K WaKiier. lot 7
blk h. Puppleton paik
C t SpotswiKid tu Jacob Ilreincr , lot * ft
and ( ' Ink 5. Mathcws nub
U W Wlllais and wife to Annie Kin we ,
lot 4. Btxerlv A llojjcrt' sub . 1.500
\V M Wood to John Millban. Jot 1 In
Tuenty-fourtu fctreet lluMne * * I'luce
add . . . . .
Michael Douuully to Jcnnlo McOitbe. ,
wiuth i lot .il. blUS , ArmilroBE'ii Ur t
adl .
Co-nptiruU\e land ana lot ooiupnuy to
i'ut Ualtou. lot 12 to U , blk : . Kmllli i :
William * ' * ub . . . 105
F C Shafer , muster In oliunceiry , txO A
llougluua. lot K , blk b. llnu.wiu I'lace 3,775
Total amount of tikntfori. . . W .T 8
Good Cook in ir
is one of ttia cnief blt.sluci of every uom
To aiwayk liuure good cufctardn. puddiuBK
sauces , tile , uio ( Jail Bordeu * hugit' Brand
Coiidetu > ba Milk. D.rectious on the label.
Sold by your frot'cr uud
tiOVTlt O 91 A IT A.
Ijlvr- Stock ICicliancc
At the moetlnp of the South Omaha lira
stork cxchfinpe . 1' liiti on and Thomas I )
Mcl'herson xvere electoJ to membership
Mesurs. A B Watrtrouer. Sol Li Uapon.
\VHliam I. Stephen , Charles Ooffmnn and
Patrick MsOrath were named to proviso
chance * to rule No 21 , In relation to feoJcrs
and stockers
The rounuittpe , consUUnc of J. n I51n ch-
ftrd , A. B Waeconer and K. M. KicUnrls ti
In the mutter of the ( vrapJuitit nf Jn-ksir
JHp rlu * \ Co. , tpaiust the t'ulon slot kvjra
cotnpnnv , made n lensrthv rsport , Afwr do
tAllinp the history of ttie cw 9 , which are o
thronch the refusal of tbe iiUlnliffs to ou t
from their oftice the representative of a bank
which bail dcjk-room tbcre , the report con
clude *
' rrotn thr cvldetico nnd clrcumstnnccs ,
your pommitteo coticludes that Jacksia
Hlcfitis . C'o arc IKIUC jierfc'i.tnd bcrauio
of their utnvilllncness to oust tbe bank "Hi ts
tuvolvps the question of the bnult's ncht to
do business in the building \\'c tK > 'iovp ' the
yards company is doniK .lucksiin , Hicpina &
Co n ctvnt deAl of damnre in their busuio'.s ,
and we believe the dlfloreuces t-an IKS nd
justod witbout * 're3udic < c or further cost tj
PI' her party. Vvo therefore recommend that
t'ie eichatipe. In resolution , or in some other
wnv apprise tbeurds . couipuuy of the find
ings of this couimitteo uud request ft to
cense and desist from any further jirosi-fa
tlon in this case. "
The report was adopted and. Messrs J B
Blouchunl. L' . U Itoamctoti , 1M Kit hnrd
nn , H Waceoner and .lames ( J Martin
ere appointed u committee to wait nn \ u o
President Paxton.
Hen-nftor exchaupo notices will be posted
on the blackboard in the 11m floor ultima
The directors did not hold a meeting
The Gun Club Slioot.
The repular shoot of the Gun club s iu-
day attracted n Jarpe crowd of sporting men
The recuiar club shot ut twenty-live bi e
rocks resulted' Frank Pnrmelee , ! > ' 1.
Dlancnard. 1 . John J CJorttmn 17 , > I'
liratton ! . " > ; Frederick Bowlov IH , CLur " 5
M. banford and F J KCRer lii cacu. Bcr
tiard Blum 11 , Hcrttinn Kobert ( i
Alto : the regular shoot u serins of sweep
stakes were shot as follows
Five pairs of blue rock , 1 03 cntrau e , 3
entered , Parnell and Hltira tied on f.T tlrst ,
Brewei took second ou 7 and hauford atij
und Brueker tied on 4 for thti-d.
Second shoot 10 smclo blue rocks , Jl o >
entrance , entiles Parallel llrst on 1' Sanford -
ford and Sxith divided second on 7 and
Brewer took third on ( i
Third .shoot 5 live birds ? 30J entrance o
entries. Pnnnlea , Blanchanl and Blum u < xl
on fl Mraitrhls for first. Brucker , Bnwle * aal
Brewer tied on 4 for second and .lami-s B
Smith took third on ! l.
Fourth shoot fi live birds , entrance S V > ,
0 entries. Brewer tlrst on 0 : Parmlno ,
Briicker , Brattou und Bovrley tied on 5 for
second ULd Blanchurd and Sunford tied on 4
for third.
\ \ iniiers nt the IlOiiciiiian i air.
The receipts at the Bohemian fair were
KMH.rK ) . Those hainir it Jn charpe are weil
pleased with the results. At the merlin ) ; ol
the committees the followmp list ol iirtre-
winners wjs made out.
Fir t premium , a lounce , to John Joonas
a larpe lamp Anton Lukes , rifle , Joseph
Koterc , baupinp lamp , John Flynn.a > b
stand , James liebm , trunk. Yiucoiit JClapal
center table , Jcsepb Sevcnn . lace curtains ,
Senk standing lamp , Joseph Pallk. coal ,
Herman Zellcr. silver teapot , Woncl KuaeK
rot ker , Thomas J Plvun , lady s sliuui ,
Joseph Siper , plush i-oliar box , Joseph
Tcsuohlidck A larpe number of lessor wiu-
nincs were announced.
AWli-onie Car St
Thronpb the offlciont work of Councilman
John S. Walters' commit too a change has
boon made in the car service that will bo
acceptable to all uli/ens of boutu
Omaha and persons having business here
Commencine joslcrda ; an "icht minute ser
vice was put on. The last tram to Omaha
will leave N street at 11 : . ij iu the evening in
stead of 11 : 'iO as heretofore , while the last
train from to this city will leave
Furnain street at li' . ) , " > a m.
Note's Ijoiit HIP City.
The police made 10J an-ests during Mav
an u\ crape of five a day.
B D Dans shot flsh woiphinc snty flvo
pounds yesterday in a Hardwood Lake.
Mr and Mrs. H Heyman will po to Atlan
tic , In. , tomorrow to attend an Oddfellows *
The rJoiint : exercises by the eighth grade
of the hich school will ba held Fnday evening -
ing , the -JOta.
A social and reception will bo held at Mr
and Mrs. Daniel '
Flaherty's , Twenty-fourth
streel , south of N street , this ovouiup
Frank E. Scott bus bought A. H Powers'
interest in the Tribune aud assumed active
business with Editor John F. Uitchhartto-
( liM
Confirmation services will ho hell in St.
Apue ' church by Kt. Kev. Ulchartl Scanncll ,
D. D. , bishop ol Omaha , next Siiudu.v ut
10.45 ina s.
A welcoming reception will bo given Mr
und Mrs D miel Flahcrtv nt their now home ,
twenty-fourth street , south of N street ,
Tuesday evening.
Miss Tillio Humpert has gcno to Nebraska
City to attend the closing exorcises of the
school nt that place aud will return Friday
with Miss Mary Spoettler
Rev H A. Treibei of the German Metho
dist chut eh has gone to Grand Island and
neighboring sections to collect contributions
to liquidate the churth debt
At Albright yesterday Mober's bnndlo dog
defeated Ju.sso McCarty's lipbt eeg m u thir
ty minute rough and tumble for WJ a faido.
Samuel Novin actud as rofuroe.
Stock Instwctor Clark Howard condemned
seventeen lump-jawed uattlo duiiut' May
aud seven hops The carcasses of the lormer
netted f4 d,1 jier cart-ass to the owner
The several committees having in churgo
the late Bohemian fair will moat in National
hall , Twontv-fourth aud L streets. Sunday
afternoon at a o'clock to settle up tbe fair af
W. Ledder , the man who stoloawatcn
and clothes from T. F. Kennedy , nt the
Keystone hotel , was fined 100 aud costs uy
Judge King , and in default of pavmctutas
committed to the county Jail.
- - -
For SchliU beer apply to n. K Grotto
ft ! C Fuinaui.
Clio en.
At the annual meeting of the Omaha real
estate and trust company tbe following di
rectors and officers were eilcctod lor tbe fol-
lovviuc year : Directors Alviri Snunrter * ,
Nathan Men-lain , .1. A. Gillesple , Wtltmm
Fleming , J. F. Gardner , O. W. Holbrook aud
Chatlos L. Saunders. Ottlccr > AUiu inaun-
ders , president , Nathan Murnara , vice prusj
doct , Charles L. Sautiders , sooietarv a.J
treasurer , George Holbrook , assistant secre
tary aud troaiurer.
Fallinc of the hair is the reiult of inaction
of the plands or roots of thfi hair , or a rtmrbiJ
tsate of the scalp , which maybe cured br
Hall's Hair Uenewor.
I'tJtSOXA 1. J'.l It A CAM J'llS ,
L Speltz of David City is at the Paxton
D. E. Thoranson of Lincoln is at the fux
Ml Kate Collins of Waboo is at the Mur
Ueorce E McDonald of Gfinern U at tbo
A. W. Welles of Scauylcr is a guest a the
Mrs. O. Leader of Chaflrcn Is a guest at
the Millard.
The Misses Leo ana Gertrude Kellrj ut
Lincoln aia at the Murray.
Thomas Houssard , the irrigation ntnci.s.
mtsfcioaur , of Washington , IJ. g , is ui iua
Paxton. i.
Fred L. Ames of I5o > ton , one oT the dire.-t-
OR , of tuo Union Puclflound a heavy piup >
orty ownej in Ouwha , t * ut tha Mlllard , .
r twn flaby wtr BleV , we c re br CutorU ,
If ben tu > wu a HJId , the erM tor CaxturU ,
WhMi he bocaine ViM , tt * eluni ; U ) CutOTM ,
Kbea fch t * 3 CUAreu , * he gtr Ui m Ctloria