Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    c THE OMAHA DAIJL JUiNli ; 2 , 181)1. )
No Business on the Ohicago Board on Ac
count of a Holiday ,
Gr.iln VnliiPi IjoMer-Tlio Visible
Supply Wheat Hull In the
Northurni Siookn uiul
NEW YortK , .Iiino I. riotm-IlocelpH. 3I , TC
ptiPkngril export * , 3 , 3 barrels , 0.340 sticksi
market ilnll. unchanarili sales n.750 birrols
< o IVMIIAI , Quiet , steady : yellow western ,
I.I 4 Kit l. to
\\HMT-Kprolpts , GT2,00) ) buMmls ; PXporK
Jfil.l'M ' binhols : < mle , VIB > .COO bushels futures ;
lut.uOi buMit'ls spot. S-iint ni.irkot IOWCMIU lit ,
No - ' ii'd.JI l"i JI ll'j It , Uiro mid olevatot !
II 1IV3I U allo-it ! Jl.livai ! ' - " ' o ' ' i " "
grind < ! roil. * l OViUI I" ! NoI I nnrtliern to
arrive , ! l I'l : No I hard to iirrlxi1 , tt.\ \ " ; No
1 ! f lid two , ! l HUMS. Options sloady tliroil li
HIP tiny ami closed Wl'ic ' olT from Prld-iy
on iittimpts In null fri cly by forrUiii'is anil
local operators , with ahsenco of news fiom
I li p IRO on in count of tlic holiday tlicro No 2
red linn- closed 1 I ij luly.M OT'VJil 0 'sclo-diu' '
at Jl 0' ' , ; Ausnst , l 01 5-KVSI 01s , , closing at
HOI'i ' , ' opti-mber , ! l niHffll n , ! , dosing at
II OIS Octobpr. il Ol'i l Ol'J.rlimln. ati O.P ;
lerr ) tuber. 11 Ol'ftiftl.U'i. cluslng afM.OlV. May ,
( IWtti $1 osuitl o-t' . I'luslng ( it il.O"-V
KM Quiet and steady.
Mo UH of ur.iln in store mill nflo'it Mnv > W'
\\htit , IJT ( ! liiHliolsj corn , 'K1II7 busliols ;
o.itH , hoi.'ii * bushels ; leu ley , " 'i.M ' ! bushels ;
malt , 210,2V bushels : KIT lwhuls
HAIIM.I MM.r Dull ; Canadian country
inailo , * I IW J ! m.
P ( iItiPolplH , KJ.O'ii ) IIP ) iels ; exports ,
0,108 lm hels : salci il i.OOO Inishols futures ;
4,00ii bushels spot. b | ot m.irl.ot dull iind loner :
No - ' , GI'iQtiio ' in elevitot ; Ui'iSlki'Jc ' ' ullo it ;
tuuridiil mlxoil , ( U'Wil'iC. ' Options dull ,
mid 'I'Ti'io ' lower In tinIIUMMIIO of C'hleaRo
liuN , IIIIIP. Rl'tfildJc , dosing nth ! , . , July , bOV *
UV ) ( losing itU4c ( ; August. .VMtftliOi' . olos-
In ; utiUc. f-cptomuer , " > ) ' © " > J'ji ! , closing , it
& ! ) " , (
OAri Krcolpt-s , I'RiKKl DtishPlBs exports. 501
bushels , sills H'l.U'U ' lnisii ) > | i futures , 7 1. OIK )
bn hi Is spot t-pot market dull and lowct ,
Options dull , mid wi ik , .June , 47M'24' ' ' < l-c.
clfiilng at Ii3.i ( : July. ( " 'ift ' 'tr , closing ill
4v ; spot No. ! ! , ulillr , 4Hi"fl1jL' ! ( ; mixed wi stern ,
4fti ( I'l'ic. ' ' white western , A , : No. ! J Chicago ,
HAY Quid ; easy
lldi's ( liiloi mnl steady ; stntp common to
cholpp.'VjM.'i , I'arllle no ist. BVnVHi'ic. ' D
( on Kl Oplliiiis opcin d IriO-' lV'i"i (
linliils down I'los'ii' ' ' sti'iidy 'Mi 10 down , 8iilt' ,
, . ' ( ) , liipludlni ; Iiilv. il'IOiitTl'i ; An-
inist flhiowinio , S'ptpmlipr , JiiiWKaidO'i ; ( k-
tolioi , Jl' , .IVitll'ii ' ) ; Deccinlier , III TO. Spot Klo ,
dull ; f il rein noi s , Jilo , No 7 , | S'4o.
hUOAIl ! ! , ijiilul and sto.ulv. I'M 1 1 iclln-
lilK , , l ( ; fLiitilfiiun H , iNitost , I ' ( ,
qulot. steady : No. 10 .1 7-ll.c , No. II , J7-10c ;
tia K IIVo ; otr A , Ill-Ifil r.-tbc.
Mnr.AHsi-s I'orulgn , dull , Now Oilcans flrm
and quirt ,
UK K ' to ulymil ( jiili-t
Pi ruoi bUM-fcte.uly ; United closed C9o for
t onossti I ) Olt , K.isy. dull.
TAM.OH Dull , noniln U
HIISIN- Quirt and steudy.
Tt iii'PMi.M. ( Julut andsti'ildy nt38M < ! MS > ; c.
I'dil' * Ocili't and easier ; utstuni , IBJie ;
reiolpts K yn p.ieK IKUO.
Ilium Stroni ; see I dcm mil ,
I'oiiK yiilut mid Hie.idy : old mess. ? I0.7 >
© II Vi ; new mess , KI.'Otxiil..TJ ; extra prime ,
ll W.
( nrMRATS Dull anil < stp uly plclflod bel
lies , 1'i ( : plrlvled s-liouldrrs , 4 1 ; ; pluklui
hnms , UV'MO'iC. '
Miiiot.Vh Dull and stt.uly , slmi t , 7e.
I/AIID Ill bei and linn ; ucstein stuun ,
IfiCO Slips , ' SO tlorcis Option s.ites , 1,1100
ticrps June ttlV , ; July , Hi ( > . ' , t loslnR at t > i lo ;
August. " (1.77 ( ; September , % tv , ulosinc , II.9J ;
October , * r.OO
lluni.ti 1'alr demand ; firm ; western dairy ,
lfI o ; nostinn creamery , 11 © Do ; western
fai-toiv. K.l.r ) ! > e ; KlgliiH , 1'ie. '
( 'iiv.bsi--yiilet ; ; about steady ; part slums ,
4 < 38o.
I'm luovQutot , American , JlflOOftlS.10.
( ori'Kli Noinlniilj luku , June , $1100.
l.KAtteady ; Jl.4"j.
TiN-Qulut ami strong ; straltH , $2175.
Oily Mtirkotn.
KANSAS OITV , Mo , Juno 1. rr.nun In peed
demand , patent , f.'JVftSSS ; fancy , Sl.TWil..W ' ;
cholee , ifl W ; family , Jl.lf l.2 % .
WIITA-I I.OWPI ; No ' . ' hard , e.isli , DiffiOliJe ;
Juno , 9-'o 1)1(1 ) ; No. 1 ! led , cash , ( HffJ'USc.
Cou.v I/owei ; No s. e ish and .him , 4U'io.
OATS -l.onur ; 4l'tc bid ; June , 40'4o bid.
lt\K 7ic bid.
HAY Weaker and lower ; fancy , $1000 : other
grades , $ il 1)010 ) 111.
Fl.AX. H fEli-f 1 QOfai.07.
llt'iTi ' it Steady ; croainory , 14ir.p ; dairy.
c ; Htorn iiaeked. ll10o , packing , ffeou ,
btuudy at U'c.
. - Steady ; eastern O'ittllc ; ICans.isfc.
I'IIOVISIONS tjulet ; RURar cured hams
OwlOe ; breakfast imuoti H e ; dried beef liams
lOc.DIIV SALT MIATS : Clnai hides 7c ; olear rib
aides 0J4i' ' . ' "UK uluar sides fie | : HtiouldersJ c ,
SMOKEII .MCATH Clear ribs 7'io ' ; long clear
sides 7'-ie ' : eleir sides 71/1c : sbouldurs fi c.
MessjKiik JIIIW. Tloice lard , pure , 7'.ic ; ro-
llned , ' , c.
Wooi < Dull ; heavy 1 tl7e : 11'lit Ilnoi7ffll0e ; ;
medium SO&Sin Kansas and Nubranka lioavy
fine IKrTil.lo Tut ) washed choice : i ® &c ; me
dium .HXi ? iVe : illiiKt and low -WilNe.
Hn-i. ins-Wheat , 4'MiOO ' bushels ; corn , 000
bushels ; oitF. 1V1W bushels
Hiili'Ml.NTiiWlioal , I.I.7UO tushols ; porn , C50J
bushels ; oalH , 7'J'O bushels ,
e Markets.
P , \\ls. , Juno 1. I'LOUli Un-
WiiKAT-Kasler ; No. ' . ' spring , on traolc , cash ,
11.02 ; Julj , W'ieNo ; 1 noi them. l.\ )
( OHM Kaslot.No I , un track , Vi < 4a.
( ) h1'nsloi ; No. I. on tiack 47e
Ilasler ; No ? , In store , 71o.
KM- Dull No I , liihtore , We.
IthinilTI'lour. . .1.701 barrels ; who it , 27/00
bushels ; b irloy. 01 , .WO busliel
S rl lour s.KOO bariels ; wheat , 8,000
bushels ; barley , H.dX ) bu-liels.
St. Louis
BT. I.ouis , Mo , Juno I. WIIKAT Louor ; > ; July , ( M r.
I'niiN l.m\er ; cash , ftlVic ; July , S
OATS Easier ; cash , 4lo ; July , jUU
I'oHK-Dull ; 111 ( XX
IMHD- Dull ; fit 00.
\\HlRKV-Sloadv ; ? l 111.
HuiTEli Steady ; uncliaiiKed.
lls Wlicat
, Minn . Juno t. WHEAT Rood
aemand for No. 1 noitbern wheat : 5ther
grailis dull ; poor wheat neglected. Kecolpts
for tliuo days , ICIeais ; MilpinontN , Itu cars
Oloso No 1 hard , May. tl.u'i ; traok , fl.oVQ )
10 l ; No 1 noitherii , May. flo. " . ; July
IIO.P , : tnipk. l.0. ' ® l. ' ; No. S northern ,
May , IW'io : tr.ick. ( I'l'ieiTctl 00.
Ijivcrpoiil MnrkotH
I.nmti'ooi. , Juno I. WHEAT Holders offer
moderately ,
COIIN ( Julet but steiidy
STO ( KODKllllRAIISTl'UM I'lour. W.OOO Sioks :
wheat , 7(1I.IK)0 ( ) tontals ; corn , 4S > , ooj centals.
Diiluth U heat Aliu-kot.
DUI.VTII , Mlnn.June I.-Whoat was dull and
lower today. lteceipt ere I'Ji ears. Closlnc
iirlci-H were : June , II.OJJuly , tKl-lUjNo. 1
haiil. tl.0i > t. No. 1 norlhein , tl.OJJij No. S
northern , * Iuo'i ,
ClnoiiiiiiUl 'MarlcotH.
. , O. .1 uiio I.-WIII.AT - Lower :
No a roil. Jl 0 > fil.V ( > 't
I'otlN llea\y ; Na a mixed , M',0 !
OATS l.ottor ; No. ' . ' mixed , 4JUl'Jo '
> N ) ,
Tolpilo Mai'lcclH.
THI.UDO. O. . Juno 1 , WIIFAT Stoidy ; cash
nnd June. II 07.
t'ou.s Dull ; eash and June , 57 > io.
OAtb sjiilet ; ciiBli , 4'J'ie. ' '
UrltlNli Trailo l ( \ liv. .
I/OMIOV , Juno 1. The Mark I.aiio f'xpress In
Its weekly re\ low of the llutlsli cralu tiade
ayM lliu.'lls'h wheats are llnu and pr'ous are
Mtiitlonarv. In forelirit w heath thouiaiiKes In
vulueH are traellonal Indian IslUl eho il or.
Oallfornla iH.'iil do inn California futures are
iiuoli'd at lln ! ld for primer ; 4Vs for Scptumher
lilpmeiits. C'ornlsweuk and Is lownr. Itar-
liiys uie > lead > Oats are iv trill" dealer.
At today's market pi Iocs were generally
aufltnst ho iler Itusslan and Indian red
wliciilM were I'M ! lower an 1 were har.l to plaeo
at tlio doelltiii. I'liurn'iH wu.ik. llarleya
llrm lloth lint anil round corn was ; iil tosd
lower The priei'M of loins and peas were In
fioor of Ijnyuis llnsced waslld uhuaper.
N'/WlifT.IMt ilO.VW.S ,
NKW VOIIK. Juno 1. Tlio foiolii''bltunttoii )
tvnoiiKftlii tliu imly movliiK force In tlio stock
i mrk < t toiluy iind It was oxertud In an un-
f'lvoriililo manner Tlio cunfun'mes at tlio
Hunk ot CiiKland. with further dKiiulctlni ;
dvlics fri'in ftbroad , cioatliiK an iinsuttlutl
ti"l > ii\l \ In Hi" iioi'k markets both In l.on-
' ' ' < n mid lirtn , uirl iiinturlally lower prices
w ri fi'iil | 'l nil iiloiiK llu > line. There were
rui ' 'IM 'if ii In uvy all uck to Lit made upun
Crilon 1'iiclllc nnd other tttooUu. and thu
pro nu ( to 11 lu tUnl ntuok vru * uu-
tuimlly honvy at tlio opening , will
the rc ult of forcing It down rapid ) :
In the early trading. London was nnp.irentlj
a teller of nil of Its favorites , and ht. I'au
especially was mntle to look weak In conjuno
tlon with the moxcmonl In I'nlon 1'aclllc
whllutho whole list sympathised to omo ox
tent. Kurthur orders of gold for export won
made , but they sccmod to luno uecn dU
co'inlcil as , after thu early vigorous drive" , :
vast comparator stagnation marked tin
dealings , and the ali rnco of prepare to sel
was shown by I IIP slight movement In the up
wind direction ai well a- the dullness. Then
nmsotn'j deposition In commNslon olllces ti
look forward to a pimlblc dl i limiting as Hit
cITecls of the July disbursement' * und the ex-
pectatlon of a more mil hotli r extended bus
Imsstlurlng thp month which N i-\M | ctod t (
take ellectat first In thu bond department
while the trader * are , If an ) thing , moro In
dined to take the long side hut hold oil dur
Itu the prevalence of thu gold shipments , am !
today they \\cro ii u uinl rnngod on the shorl
sldLMvlthont making thcm chcs felt to itnj
marked extent. The opening this mnrnltiu
was made at conoesMona fiotn 1 rlday f
prices , ranging fiom 'i to 'i per cent
and the alt'ick utis so vlporou- by llin etui of the flisl
hoiit Union 1'aclllc was down o\cr * ' per cent
ft omits I'l hi ly prh e , thonu'h none of tht
( illicit siilleri'd much The naturu of tin
-oil I \\asKiilllclontly Indlc'itcd by the dull-
! ( < which foi'owcd ' the acconipllslimiMil ol
his feit. The dialings rem.ilncd dull and
-ialiirelc , < is until the last hour , when then
was a ti newiil nn a eood scale of pressure ol
the foionoon , and In miny cases still lowet
pilies weto leached , hi 1'iuil and Unloi
I'nilfle being tliu leaders The market lln illy
closed fairly active and weak at tlio lowest
tnlic'sof tliiMlay Ilie ehansres are all
In the illn ctlon of the Iiiwerllgtiies. and Union
I'ncllii' Is down'J'i ' : M Paul , f' . Heading , l' !
I.'ick.iwann u IS ; Hook Island ! ' ; Northern
I'm Illc iireferri d , ! ' . New l.ngland , I- , anil
otheis smaller ainounls.
It illtoud bonds weio as dull as usual , and
wit leslmrln to i limited extent In tin wuiK-
ness In stocus none of the Intelust whlih
att ichi'd to that hi inch of the mat Let The
s.ile-t Meteonlv f'dT.Oio. and the tlnal change" :
In almost all eases InsUnilli'tint.
OOM rninent bomN and stito bonds lia\c
been dull and steal y.
Potroleiini opened llrm and moved up Von a
few small buvltig otders. then reacted and
closed dull Pennsylvania oil , spot closing ,
M ; July option opened Cc > , highest l/i1 , ; lowest ,
< i'l ' ; closing , o. siles loO.lioi ) b inels
'lln following nio the ciosmgipiot itions for
the leading stacks ( in the New \orkstock exchange -
change ted in
Tlic tot il h.ilesof stocks ted ly were . ( .i.lsij
sh.ircs , IIK hiding Atch'son ' , II,1-0 , Deluvaro ,
JMckaw.iun.i \Vestoin , 1..040 , Ijuisvllle .t
Nnslivilli' . , ; Noitherii 1'aclllc preferred ,
r > , ysH , fct I'.iul , r.SSTO ; Union I'lielflc , 4" > , J8J.
NEW YOIIK. Juno. 1. The 1'ost s.iys : By 2
o'clock it .is known $1,100000 Kold as
cnK.iKud for export tomorrow , but so fir us
this nmiUet was concerned tliu ulluct of
furthot itpoits : had IJCQII discounted , and
them was no fiirthurdcclinn In priceOn tlio
contr iry. thcro a consldcrahlo recovery
after''i.iO , and .luiurent that .my ap-
pe.iranco of the ccss.uiiin of Kold exports
would caiibo a stioni , ' upward inoveinent In
the market The caster condition of thu Lon
don imukct , where tllacounts In the open
market nru more than 1 per cent bulow the
hank rate , and the lari e amounts of bullion
which halo nomi Into thu bank , enconr.iKed
thu belief that gold exports will not continue.
much longer.
The Money Market.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 1. MONKV ON OAt.t. Easy ,
ratultiK from 2's to 4 per cent : last loans , V/t
pur cent ; closInK olTered at 2'S ' percent.
I'ttiME MEtiOANni.E I'Ai'Kti rJj7 nur cent.
bri' KVCIIANOE Quiet and lirm at
M.M \ for sixty-day bills and $1 St > J for de
The following were tlio closing prices on
bonds :
H ink Cli-aranccs.
Juno I Hank clearings wore
JlKUll.OiO. . Now York o\eh inn'o.ii 7' > 'i4SJo
Iiriunlitto. K.itcs for inoney nero Mi-my at
f/iili pet cent Stc.ulliiK eieli.iiiKO btu.u.y
.mil uncliaiiKed
NEW YOIIK , Juno L Clearings , $1SI , 57-
C02 : balances , t > ,3'llnll.
llosTov , Juno 1 I'lcirlnpq , } in,38.2iK | : ; hal-
iiiici * , ilh2l , 141 .Money 0 percent. Kxchangu
on l w York 12'Jc ' discount to
I'llll.AUBt.i'illA , Jiinul. UluirliiKS , $11,4 11,000 ;
balance- . , ti.K'i.1 7K5 Money Mill , per cent.
UM.IIMOIIK , Mil. , .lune I. ClearlliKS , i.l
UO ; balances .MonoyG pur cent
UI.M i\NATI , U , Junol Monev , mji' > per i cut.
New Yotl < \ohuiirc,75 ( cents ptemlum. Cleur-
ItiKs. $ -r ' > usb.Y ) ,
Itostou Sloiiv .Market.
HOSTON. Mass , Juno 1 , The following were
tlio closing prices on stocks In thu lloston
stock market today !
LONDON , Juno I 4 p. m. closing :
Cuii li , miini'j ( l | l-lii Krlo 20
Kx-lnle'rcitdntucVI ! 5-il | tlllnoU CiMitrul
Kx-lnturust , U S 'a IHH bt I'nul common .
ix-lnli'rcst : U s 41,9 KM itcndlnti . . . . . .
N. V P. A O UtH . Mutlum Cca. no *
Call ida Pncltlc . 7bh ,
Iliu slher. M'id ] > er otinco. Money , 11 ner
cent. Haltof discount In the open marKet for
both hliort and tlin o nuintlib' bllla. 4 pei cent.
lltmimi Alarkots
HAVANA , Juno l.--Hu.inlsli ( 'old $ J'ITfi'i'lTUi
lACh.uu'e woik ; on llio United States shott
sl'hl gold fllt&Jl'tc ptiimlum On London lu
Muar ( pilot : on Saturd.'iy S.'KX ) bugs contrl-
fiuaiiM to W degrees polail/atlon neiohold
at f-LOT'ilic. ' ! II gold peninlntal.
Manic of KiiKliuiii itulllnn.
I.OMION. Juno l.-Aiiimint of bullion gotio
Into the 11 ink of Kugland today un balance
wiisiJJ..0.0 ,
I'm In I outes.
PAHIH , Juno I. Three per cent rentes , Mf
Ilenver 31111)111 ) ; Stoolcs.
HBNVPII , I'ol , Juno l.-Hiislnevsim mlnln :
oxclnin o today was a slight Impioxemi'iit
o\or last wouk. Total sales 44.7W hhnres. . Ciua-
Ing prlic-s-
Hun PrnnciHCo MlnliiK QuotatloiiH
l'iU.--gisco , Cal Juuu L-'lUy
St Tonls llnliur
ST l.oi'i" , Mo , June I , Only share-
nf mining stocks changed hands today. The
fiillowiiu bids were m ideon call :
AmcrlpaTTA'NcTilc" Tj iTltllc Albert T ! io
Illint'tiillp . . uw Montron' . . . . 4\
Central wilvcr . 1 M llrccn IV
UlliilxMh . . 200 , M Ki-y 4u'i '
( Irinltc'M . . . .2IH ) smer Age IH )
Hope . . . , . 210 Ivmim . "IM
.NVu- York lr > noodt Miu-lcct.
Niw : Voitic , .liino I , The drv goods marKet
opeiii'il In good shapa Tliod-'tnind was ol
wlilpi extent , though there as naturally less
aeth Ity where sales weto espocl illy trie dtli-
iig the last month. The marKet Is still dull In
low gride fihrles and the less knonn hramls
of good- . There was mote doing In lile.iched
cottons , popn la r lraml ) sell Ing with some free
dom ut current pi Ices and the prospect of
ntlcoehaiues helm ; moro lemote Ilionu and
eoloteil cottons are In eicetlint shape as .1
rule I our yaid sheet goods ate llrmi r. Ho-
inrtment woolens wetc In food rciniesl. The
t.ihleolleloth eombinatlon IshtoUon and there
Is Immediate cutting In prices and auction
s.ilu on Wednesday.
The C'olVcc
Uio Iir JAMI.IIO , Juno 1. COFI KC flood
avera--e ; 10 KM rels per 100 kilos Heeelpts dur
ing the week. 10.000 hags : parch ises foi the
I/nited Si ites. 2.0 iO bus ; slilpmi-nts to the
United ' t.ites , 2i.ODO ) b in-s ; slock , 0,000 b.igs.
r.oso\.Tunc | 1. OU.CUITA LI.NSUCD 11s ( Jd
| ) criti.irtcr |
I.tvsi i D DIN 21s I0"d perewt.
Tuui'LMiMifci'iitirs 2usOd percwt
Traders' Talk.
ST. Lot ! i" . Juno 1 , I.angenburg llrothors. to
Cocl.rcll llrothers. The following Is the i.ingo
of pt Ices on this market today :
cFijjni frTupaii flTHh I l.j y | Clo < g | 1-rlil'y
\ > II1A1
July. 07JJ
.Illl ) . SS'li ' MJfi 53
_ Juir 40 40
Niw : VOIIK. June 1. Iv'ennett , Hopkins.V Lo.
totA McUliortei Out bull stock market IB
knocked In the head for the tlnm belli ; bv the
a\\ fill condition of things I don I HCC
thofcaluieat ill elo irlv an 1 1 am get liu
dosper.itely afraid of the future of our own
money market Tlioso bank statements are a
\\eareoiilymalnt.ilning reseivesby
the lil.-ioit kind of liquidation and rcstrlc-
t on ot bus ness -o per cent bld.for time monev
hatdly ollerod. Our bankets tell mo the de-
m.ind for money fiom the country Is bojond
all precc lent at this season of the your
There ate millions lo uicd on securities th it
would not bring the face \ aluu of lo ins at the
market bo loans are renewed If thu
lorrowcr s iys ho cannot p ly. Our erot ) pros
icets are line , but In the world's lldiild.ition Is going they don't count for milch.
Jinon Pacific Is In .1 most characteristic con-
lltlonof debt. Gould practically mils the
Links and trust companies that are e.u tying
the ludubt , "If you call thu lo 11113 on
can take the ptopurtj ; If you let the lo.ins
stand 1 will tt j to bring It out. " ;
Is'i.w You . . Juno I , Henry Clews , the
j.iuucr , b.ijs : The COUP-O of bnslne-s
> n the sto'k uxcli.iu.'u still turns , il-
post entirely on the e\i > orts of gold
\u foiesh idowed In my last ad\lce ,
.hu shlpmunts h.ivc m.iterl illy decllnod , han \ -
n _ ' been about $ IW.OJI ) ) foi tlio week , coni-
urcd with i'.OOOOW lust week ; and .ilthough
hero Is a sharp demand for bills , the prob i-
uilty Ibthat wo thu end of the
noemeiit. . At the moment , there are eons ! 1-
erabio piyments being m.ido against the
ecent specially I irgc Imports of law sugar ,
ncldentto the repeal of the duty upon that
irtlclu , the receipts of which MnceMatuhl
xtectl those fjr the same , period of last year
by 1JO.OOO tons valued at * 7.r > OJ. ' 00 The factor
determining the future course ot the foreign
exchanges , howuvct , Is less whether tliciols
still outstanding any Important lloating In-
lebtedness against this country , than what
l niopu Is likely to do under thu of
noney that now rests In its great banks.
A1th In thu past two months , we ha vo sent close
tpon tiO.000.003 of gold to Europe ; mil. al
though tliu bank returns do not show exactly
wheru it ail rests , yet such a large and Hudden
ictisslon to cash reser\es cannot full to
strengthen confidence In the foreign money
imrkcls unit pro luce an expansion of lending
ibtllty. Our earlier shipments of gold went
Hlnclpilly to Kussla , but within the last two
weeks the Hank of hnglaml has Incro isud Its
gold by tl7.ftO i.OOO and the llank of franco by
! oOOJ.OOO besides f2,7W,000 ) In silver. These facts
show that thu requirements of Hnssla weru
satNllcd some tlmu ago , and our subsequent
exports have gonu mainly tow. ud recouping
.he h inks of othoi countries for their contri
butions to Kus'iii'H wants. The ultoct of these
cash gains by the Hank of KriL'l.'ind Is ajip i-
rent In a risu In thu resor\e fiom .l-Mib pel cent
on the 21st lust , to 40 0) ) pur cunt on the 2sth ,
while the London rate for money In tlio open
narkot Is now : i pur cent , agaiiwit 5 pur cent
; wo weeks ago. This wide divergence between
theptescnt b ink ratu and the open maiket
| iiot itlon foieshadows an early return to i4
lei cent ratu by the Hank of Kugl'iml. There
.s a dllTerencu of J'J ' tier cent between the cm-
rent maiket rate at l/ondon and what Is paid
! oi short time loans at New Yoik ; and umlur
: hiK > o elrcitnistantes London bankets are
likely to allow balances to rest here for
employment rathei than demand thulr lomlt-
tancoln gold and thereby foico thuratoof In
terest still lower. The situation has thus
rcauhul a stage at which It Is both protectnu
mil piolitable to dlsconiagu fnitnur remit-
iinusof gold fiom Now YniK. The probabil
ity of London llnancluis taking this course Is
stiengthencd by the fact that Kussla may be
ixpcctcd tohoon disburse her accumulated
gold In the payment of Impotlal lo ins now
matui Ing , and there Is a strong moth u for bur
laklng that course as a means of pro noting
the confidence that Is nuedful toprunare the
way for the loan which the c/ar's go\ eminent
has contracted for with thu Kothsehlld s > ndl-
ciitc.u lime , thuiufote , the double fact that
the Kiiioptun money mat kutsaie already 10-
ictlngsliarnly touurdsuasu and that tlilstun-
lency will soon bo reinforced by the redistri
bution of thu gold Kiiftsla has accumulated In
iranslent hoard. Dndur these circumstances
It becomes not so much a ipiustlon whether
Kunipo will want mot u of our gold , but lather
whuther It mavnotllnd It necessary to encoui-
i.o thu rellux of our money In older to
Iind usu foi It. Mich n situation as tliU sug
gests u probability that bankers
may illicit then agents hetu lo lend meteor
or less freuly In advance of the anticipated
return of gold In p lynicnt for our crops. It
scums reasonable , therefore , to expect an
early turn of the fornlgn uxchatuos In our
fiiMir In t ho mean time , the rat us of exchange
it all Interior points are at so high a premium
' 4 Now \ ork as to suL'gubt the uontlnuaneu of
nee ruceiptsof cuiruncy bv our banks. It Is
rue that the receipts Imvo been heavy during
ate weeks , the total not cash remittances
irrhlng hcto from the Interior since thu mld-
llo of April liaIng amounted to about $ .10-
OHO.OiXlj which , compared with tliu rullux of re
cent years , might biom to suggest soinu proU-
ahlllty that these receipts may soon decline.
Hut It Is not to lie overlooked that , during last
fall , the treasury let out some $7i > , uoo.00j of
eash , which was drained off Into the interior
as faut tibitcamo out , besides which the truas-
ury has since that time l-snud nearly $ MJUOO.-
oouof new sIlN or notes. It hardly stums unrea
sonable to c\pcct th it with a compaiiitlxely
quiet condition of general trailu throughout
tbo countiv , tnls Immense Inllatlon of thu
ourruncy should bu followed by a specially spring and summer leturn of money
to this ciuitrr Coupling this pioliabtllty with
the ptospict ot fiivorabio Inllnencis from
Ktiropo both buforo and aftur thu liar\ust , It
would not si em th it Wall btrcut has any seri
ous cause for apprehension about thu con i M >
of the money m rket from this time forward.
'till , consur\atl\u onuiatoit. will wisely lake
Into account that the loan market has been
diiilncd to a point of seiibllhenuss , and thut
tin\ thing short of the Immediate ei station of
gold Daunts might pioducu a stringency in
miiney calculated | o iireclpitiite a du'llno In
securities , and for that ID K.OII I coitnsul the
liostponeiiient of purclmsis until thedilfiof
the nioiioy market can humoioclcaii ) judged
than at present. The tr uifcactlons of the
banks with thu siib-treasuty and the interior
lining the past week show a net gain to the
banks of nuaih thu millions j'hu b ink
statement , wlilfh u is Issued filday Instead
if .s.itniday. shows an lucre ise in the siupiuH
> f reset \o amounting to t..Mi.OOO.whlch ' placis
that Hum S..ixio.oou higher iluin llwusiiyuar
OJt.lll.l 1,11 It. ttTUOK.
UMAIIA , June I. IS"i | .
tTTi.c Olllclnl roculnts of cattlu \ S , as
comiiutiil with 4Hi Mtur.lny and "ii' > Mon-
lay of last week Tim market win , uclhu and
' > to lou higher on doslrahtu giadis and Ktnudj
in other grades , tiood butehet stock was
icthuand Una. otnur gimles slow and un-
uhaiued. I'tudurs were nnchinu'o.l.
HiKls Olllelul receipts of ho.-s I,1 07 , as
comp iied with 4M1 .Saturday anil ' 'i.l. Muntluy
it lust week. Thu markit was active and
slioii. ; to V. higher All weld uarly. Tlio
range of prices paid wax i.2el 4X thu bulk
selling ut * l.t iM 40 Light * l . ' in I.'H , lii'iny
( I..15 rl.n , mlvcil.ll . rrl.a TliuiiMirimcof thu
irlci-h paid was Jl..mj , ascompau'd with $ ! . 0
aturiliiy and tl.15 Munduy of last week ,
hlinsi1 Olllchil receipts of bhcep too , us
cutuparud wltu 219 bututclay anil iw > MouUay
of last week Markftt tinch inaeil. Nntlvc
Hhorn , Ml.OiS.Vrij western * , ( shorn. fi.TS&V.i.'i.
ItocclptM airI llHr\oHltloii ) \ of Htouk.
Ulllclal receipts niifjUposltlon of stock as
shown by the hooks of the Union stockyards
company for the tnuiuy.four hours ending ut
Co'clock p. in. June iisoi.
I'ATTI E lion" . ifiis
Hpiul Cars llend , ( Ju-i llcail i lleul.
2U MS Tt TiJitl 2 i K
UeiirosiMitiulvj riiiloi.
May StiittMttcnt.
iK thoolliclal ruculpts .mil shlpniPiits
of ll\o stock durliiK thu month umlliiK M.iy
II , IS'll , and the niitiihur of huad co
.it South Uinah.i :
SJ1I.- )
1)1.011 )
p c.
K -t.
t. ' S :
8 .
g Z
a S
cS- .
09 ' a- *
. oo PU.II I
s : 81
i : 9 t'"Sts :
* - I , j.iw o i
IjiviHtook ntnrkot.
CiiiCAH ) , Junol. [ Special Toleijr.iin to Tun
ten , ] Good to best uradus of nathu c.ittlo
) | ) iinul active and htroriRor. They were In
lithtlsnpply and Boilers were not averse to
laying a small advance whun they found
omothltiK that Just "Illled thulr oyo. " Othut
lescrlptlona were flrm and unchanged. To.
vard n > on the duniand foil olT and there was a
lltfht hoftunlnKof prices before the oloso ,
hotiKh from what cause did not appear. The
rccoIptH consisted of about 8.000 natives and
i'oxiuiH. The former sold on a liasls nf f l.'Jva
.M for tnfuilor to o\trn COWH , liolfers and
nillHi il,734.U ! for stoekora and feeders , nnd
I ' . ' .Vftd r > 0 for common to fancy shipping Hti'urs
I'hu Miicoof pilcch forTuxanswiiH il.Wkai.t-'i ,
vlththu bulk of tradlnKiit } . ' .fiOJ.50 foi com-
non to Rood tut Ki.issurs.
Theio was an aclho IIOR market today ami
a strimir ono The receipts wuru 10.000 lesu
him for luHt Monday and 11,000 less than for
he coi responding ( lav last year , and as to-
norrow'h run U oThuuted to bo still
lu'htor , there was n display of conlidenco
Kith by sollltiK and buyliiK Interest , Choke
leaxynoKh ( Hi ) not udtancu moie than a
ilckul , but there wasWuuIn of lOo In ll ht and
medium wel htH. The duy's tradltiK thuieforu
was doni' within ( PcnniparatUoly narrow
ran i' . while there " \1dru wiles all the way
rom Sl.fiOiit4 ' . ' \ foi cells and little plus to Jl 75
or extra iiialltli | > s. At least four-llfths of the
supply wai closed out at ft rvVTcl.uri The close
\as steady at J4 HvW 75 for poor to mtra
iiLdlum and heavy nulKhts , and at fl. IVii.1.70
fur ll.'ht
Thu KvenltiK Joitrlllil reportxCaltlo
tccolptx , l"lHXiiHhliifttUls | * , 4.UOO ; market actlxo
mil lilKhur lirimo Id xtra steers. fl.UljtO 50 ;
itho-n , * VW > itft 7.1 : Tuxniis. 4.7Jl.tiOi htockors ,
. HJ : COWH.
llDllS-Uvcclpts , i'UVW ' ; HlilpincnlH , 1001)0 ) ;
niirkct blither and' * VliMil ) ! Htoady ; ron li
mil common.'rtA \ ( \ prlmo mUed and
i.iuUeis. * I..Vi6 . | ( i5 ; iitlnici hea\y anil butcher
welirlits. Jl d-Va-4 75l llClit , II ' . ' .VftJ 40
Siil.tilti > i'elpt8. ti.iW ; Khlpmi-ntx ,
narKet dull ; nnthuiwti.H.VQ S.u.'ii Tovans , M ir ,
161 10 i wpHterns , tllKXlW 15.
No\V York l.lvi ) Meek "Market ,
NKW YOIIK , Juno 1. IlKhvis : ltocolutn , R.S7S
head. Including 108 oirn for Halo .Muat lOe
lotvur Niilhe titeerh. < 4 hjU.SA | ; bulls and
cows. IMUK'il'S , dressed beef , steady , 8'j < 2
Ll'iC ' ; hhlpiiients tomorrow. Ml | ICO\CH
CAI.VKSUiieulpts , il,111 hoid ; market 'ji' '
hlghir ; ve.iis , (4)oo7,25 ) : buttermlll.h , * lU(4i (
4 V ) .
hlltfl' Heeelpts. 0ij8) ) ho'id ; Sheep , llrm :
lamhM , 4i lowi'i Chilli * 4.utxij,7Uj | liiinlis. fTiU
5 --"i.i ; diessed mutton htoady , ! * ! llOic ! , diihstd
lambs dull , I l&ll'ic
lions Ki'ci fclHrMM'iiOliuiKi'i consigned direct ;
nominally : ly irnJL W61
'fit. l.inilH filvn Stock .Alurkut.
Sr l.di'ih. Mo. . Juno I i ATTI.U ItecuiDti.
' , SOU. market a Mhadu hlu'licr. fa'r ' to faney
NiitUo ntuur-i , j l iAKiiii.1. ) , 'Ic'Xiins and Indians ,
( -Mix.4 lo ,
lions Iteceipti , 'Mi ; hhljimi'iitK , 7sliO , mar
ket liUlici liunty , H.uOii-I.OSi inixt'd il.lWI 5J ,
light , ( I. 5Jil iO.
Kansas City Ltvu htook .Market.
Car , Ma , Juuu L CATILU-KO- i
crlnls , S.VTO head ; shipment * , 7M licitdt innr
kct. liest , stroim and hlahori others Uetidy
lm'r ' , M .VKilAint cows , f..50dt4 'HJ ; stooker * itu
feedets. t3uuill.5\
llo < iHofeliit' " . v'.SIOhuad : slilpmrnn , 1AI
head ; market stnini , ' ! bulk , tl.o'itl.40i ( ' nl
gr.tdei , titnO4 41
SliKf.i'-llecolpn , , tJlO head : tlilpmouto , a.07
head. Market dull.
The general market was about steady ot
cirtt tlilnr ,
The following quotations represent tin
prices at which eliolce stock Is billed out 01
mders unless < > tIn i wlsu stated :
IlKHMi'iiA O.'iin.NdPer case , . ' .7. ' > ftJOO.
ItAliistii s-l'er do/en hum lies. JV.
I'tHPer bushel box5 < i7J ( , unrHt )
box$1,00. .
Htrrm.iiv i.o\\iit : J'ordo/on , ti.'i'Vi
l'or\Toi s Homo grown stock In small lot :
from the store , tijcl. n ) .
I.F.TTl ( .1 Choice stock. .LVOMOe ,
Asp\ttAHUM Vxct'rt'e ' ' pep do/en.
Niw : POT ATOM -I'et lb. 21ic
Soinin.iiN ItiANsVn \ , * l M per M biishe
box ! suing. JI.V5 pet ' , bushel bo\ .
TOP O.MONS 1'lT hum ll. I'it20c. (
TOMATOIS sonthein siocU. biishol boxes
fl ( X ) ! fanc > . crate , n baskets. JI.5J pot or.itu.
Pit : I'l-ANT-l'i-rlb. 2o ,
Ct'CUMlthiis-t'e'l do/en , $1.25.
NF\V HchTi | Vt do.on Vie.
t'AiiiiAiiK-Callfornla stock , per lb , S'iS'JVci '
soutliurn , per crate , i.100.
Omaha Mlltlnir Co. Uellanci' Patent. $100 ;
In\lmlhi | > t'nti'iit. KM ; Siinerta
the , $ , ' .ro ; Miowllakc' , i.MO : I'aney ramllv ,
' 1 OJ.
It T D.ivis Mill Co , llleli I'alent No I ami
Creatn , J.'S'i ; Illuo II , full p iti'tit. f..CO ; Hunk
eye. h.ilf patent , J.1. 10pedal ; Koval , nitenl
No 10 , r-lUj Xlnnesoti 1'ati nl , IJK ! ) ; K ins if
Haul Wheat , patent , J..u' , ; Nebraska i-ptliin
who it , patent , Wrtl.
S I' . ( Illm-in's ( Jold Medal. * JlW ; now \Vhlto ,
} iW ( ; r-miHll ike. JJ ) : low ui.tde , Jl.tiO ; bran ,
JIO'O ; chopped feed , f00 ! ( ! ; Minuesotii Miper-
l.UUe , JMW. _
I''f Nil I'YllltS.
Hi itAwiiHlliirs .Missouri stoclf , W.'VS ?
per SI iiuiit ti"i o
Uiii.iutij-f | 'ur 10-11) ) box. f.-"i : southern
vliui ill's W 5i ( ( < ( , . ' 7"i ) ) cr dr.iwiTof ISiN. |
OitAMivs los AtiKi'les. , IOJ per bu\ ; Han
Dii'K" . f.l'iOj UHerslde. M 7"i.
( luiiKs tioost iintutr.s 1'er ! M-iitnit | case ,
JlpldO ( ; dtaworof lSiiarts. | f. - > .
I'IM Ai'fi.i- I'ei do ? , W rw..l 00.
I.I. MONS Choice stock , pel hoJO 50 ; fancy , ) .
S 1'er bunch , $ . ' .riOi3 IOO for fancy
stock for shipping. _
Con M I rj I'rotlurc.
IIUTTKit I'ho bulk of thu icculpts Is golns at
lift IOC.
Ef.i.s The maiket Is we iK and It Is haidly
s ife to ( jtiote It Het 1.I5J1 Ic.
HA llest upland. Jll i M ? t'.Ol per ton.
Poui/ritv ( hohe Ihc hi ns , * 400 ; roosters
and niKed Jt.,0iM.7"i ( ! jiood spi iiu ehlcuens- .
f.iroT'4 03 ; llxc turiioys , lOc pel lb ; moder.ito
demand ; ducks , tJ SOffp'.OO.
Hrnncli .V Co. mm ed from thulr old location -
cation on llow.ird stieut to the coi-
nci of Thlrticnth and llainuy streets.
The Aluminum AKO of Clnclnn. ill , O. . will
announce tomottow tlie reduction to 50 cents
per pound , JT > 0 | cr ton. of the new met il
aluminum In unlimited qu. ninth's by a
Newport aluminum eomp'inv. It Is claimed
that the chief ro.isons of thu mormons reduc
tion are thu l.ito Impnned faclllt us of
oxtractltiK tlio metal fiom the cli > . Its pio-
dnctlon on a linger seale , tliu aid of capital
and the tccent law suits now pending In the
United i-tatcs com ts butwuen rial manuf.ic-
xsifs OF T///TA oit'fii n'is r.
There is talk of establishing n yenst fac-
toiy at Hcbion.
Crawford citrons nro urinniriiiB to , cclc-
bi.tto the Font th
llight jouiiK ladles pr.i'luatcil with honors
from thu Wood Utvor school liist wcul ? .
The Columbus Telegram proposes gr at
things for its city in thu next tuo jcais.
The now btide across the Niobiat.aat LOUL :
Pine h.w boon complutuj. It is b"iO feet in
The York cani'lng factorv has been pur
chased by Scvmour & Oo. uncl will bo
rcouoncil ut once.
A Hastings youne man who has been pur
loining lettori from postolllco bo\03 is in the
clutches of the law.
Citl/cns of VenatijTO saw a cvclono UD In
the air , ou It failed to touch teira llrma nnd
no damage was done.
A twelve-jear-old Scribncr boy named
Ollerman went swimming in the Elktioin
nvcrSunduy and \\as diowned.
The Ouster County Spud association will
hold a t\\o dajs'meeting , Hotting and run
ning , at liiokca Bow July It and 4.
Standing Bear , the Sioux Indian who has
been lecturing in Chicago , passed tluough
Valentino the other day ou his rotutu to Pine
JJurt county has a fuod which may termi
nate in bloodshed. It originated over the
ownership of laud formed by the uecrot ons
of the Missouri and has resulted in a number
of lichts.
It is icportcd that a Ncligh hotel man had a
falling out with bib chambermaid and gave
her n tctiiblo boatlmr , after which ho kicked
her out of the house. For his disgraceful
conduct the court has assessed a line of tlO'J ,
It. It. Iloith , Grand Island's ex-city en
gineer.vhodopartoj a few weeks ago'leav
ing creditors to motirn his loss for $ lHi ( ) ) or
fTi.ODO , has returned of his oun free will and
is fixing matters up to the satisfaction of all
Jacob HoeUenbary is marshal at Hampton ,
and his son , Chailus K Ilndionbaty , Is mar-
Mml at Autoia , sir > s the Atuorii Sun. The
father had a little unpleasantness with a dog
in the btieots of Auioni the other day , dining
which the dog died. The son then had to ar
rest the father on complaint of the owner ot
thu dog. The old man wont along with the
boy , smiling at the utliculous position , and
Lontilbutcd his mttu in the city's '
without lliiiching.
For some time past this and the counties
adjacent to Dawcs have been alllicted more
or loss with ca'tlo and horse thio\cs , and of
ate the woik has been glowing boldoi , sa\s
the Crawford Clipper. The authorities mo
makinghtionuous olfoits to locate the gang ,
nut as vet llttlo encouragement has icstilted
Tiom their investigations. Hut sooner or
atoi they will ho run down nml then it is
unite likely wo will have some highly Inter-
Lsting nccK tie parties , at which a largo mini-
icr ot cltUons will bo cordially Invited to
All Iowa railroads have made n ra.o of one
faro for the round trip to thu domocralio
stuto coiucntion nt Oltumwa.
Kitty Lewis , n litllo (1-ycar-old ( of Storm
Lake , ute a niimbor of morphine pills , which
jaiuo near ending her lifu.
A man named Hlckoy , IKlng at Van Horn ,
was lined into a Vinton poker-room , lllled up
i\lth whisky nml robbed ot $100.
Furloy & Stinu of Tamil countv havcyn *
'ovuioil \eidict against the Chicago , Mil-
ivaukco it St. Paul ralltoad company forsTiiU
lamiiKes by reason of the company shipplns
ute the county a cow that was tillllutod wilii
Texas fever , " which caused an upidetnlu
nmong the plaintiffs' cattle.
loernor ! Holes has just put fourteen cai s of
Battle on his farm , HX miles east of Kmttu'ts-
JUIIT , toi'onsumo the uiiounous corn ctop ho
axpocts to i also this season. Hols .ilso pi it-
, tng a town on his \\hctothoMilwaukco
jiossc.s it Thu railroad cnmpmv will put In
i depot , th is giving the govcinor icady ship-
ling facilities for his mil plus coin.
Ux-Clovoruur Samuel Mori ill was a visitor in
) es Mollies lust wceit. Ilo seems as unergctlo
mil active as ho was duilni ; thuenri of IblVS
Lo Ih7' ' , when ho was go\oniorof Iowa , and
vs far us health is cancel niul his long sojourn
n Callfoinln was not without good ic-sults.
DID go\cinor , howuver , has a tender spot in
its in ait for Iowa , and may conclude ! to spend
lis last dnjs in the state
A man living at Muiiroi , ,
who was receiving a pension of $ T'J pur
nonth for total blindness , has been dlsrov-
3ied to bo a fiaud and coiupcllod to roftind
f. M of the money ho htul drawn , and hero-
if tor tils pun ilon will bounly Ji per month.
Jtio of Uncle Sam's dotucth .s found that
10 was not us blind ni ho roproscntoil U'hcn
isked for the time ol day the "blind man"
ia\o ; it oorroctlv in cotihultlng his watch
i\ltli his ojus'nud , the dutcctlvo caused his
C P. i'attcrson , a young married man of
Mason Clly , who recently removed to Col-
jindo , 1ms bot-ti convicted of cuttlo steillng
mil bontenrcd to the penitentiary for llvo
H'nrs Ills \\lfo \ writes to ft lends in Mason
Jllj asking them to certify to hU foimur
ioM olnuncter. at she wants to secure hi'i
i.irdon Shu says hnsbind had been
ill-It pot out of moiioy and Hliot un unbrand-
nntcor , imU by lalso svu'iirlng of oowuo\s
10 VVIIH implicated in cuttlo stealing that hud
jeoii going on to u largo extent.
DcWitt's LUtlo Karly Uisorj tor tUo Llvor
A , H , Perrigo&Oo. j M , 0 , D.uon ,
All Mskoi , All Prices , Alllllc | cll-1' < Sold on Montlilr
Parti. I I'lijrnii'iils
1 115 liCMk-o Street ! lOOn fninnui SI
Omnh.i Ropublicau Printing OJM
L.IW litlcf , biak ntppiUM , nml evcr/tliliw in tlio
lirlntlng line
lOlli nml PUIIKI is
Ackermnnu Bros. & fleiutze ,
Printer' , tilmlurt , i In trniviion , blink boo'x niiiiu-
failuicn ,
HIF llonr t trt Oni i'n '
Glmrles A. Goo & ( to. , | Kirkendnll.Joiios&Oo
Manufacturer I Job- \Mioleidii Mnmifutur't
bcri \ienm for II..tnn llnh-
lirMiwC.i | | u. 1101
HO1) ) Ilownrd trci't. nnd IIOi > Unmet " * i
William ? , Van Aor- W. V. Morao & Oo.7
nain & Ilnrtc , "Imp 1'irtnrv , rorncr lltl )
nnd Hoiit'111 ' ( O ni
121J Ihirncy ntrjut , hn Mi'iiliAil * in\ltcd
Onmlia , Neb toe ill an t i'on liu'
3OXB3. J
John L , Wilkie , LOUH Hullar ,
OiiinlinpnparliiiT fm-tory liitolicr * ' nnd PiokcrV
1117-1113 Douulli looli , V siiiipllci llcuf ,
liittf 1 Hhocp c i-liitf
Orders promptly Ullo 1 IIP ! Ills Imkxon bt
W. T. Seaman ,
Omntm'fl I.nrgust Vnrloty
Omaha Carpet Oo. , Gilmore & Rubl.
Cnrpct , ol ! clotln , mit- Mnniifnctiirpr * V Wliolo-
tIiiK , curt ilnk'o > lio.3 ! r ilc Clottiter ,
1511 Don-tlH itroit. 1100 Itnrncy St.
West & Iritschar ,
Mnnufnctiircri llnoolgiri
Jobbers of Ic if tobiccoi
1011 Parnitn street
CO At , , COKE , ETC.
Omaba Goal , Ooke and Ooutant & Squirai ,
Limo Oo. Hard and oft coil ship
Hnrd iind oft Coal per" ,
9. 13 Cor mil Dom 1303 fntniin street ,
ing street ) Uniiln
Mouut & Griffin , P. H. Mabonoy & Oj.
Ilnnl Conl ' oft
2HS. Hthstroot ,
OltUrifill V nnd cor
Omihi , Neb. 10th nnd DoiiKlni t <
American Fuel Oo. Howell & Oo , ,
Shipper * nnd doilori It
2178 14th ftroot ,
iintbr icltn iind bltti-
mlnoili toil
Omah i , Neb
215 S litlistroat
Nebraska Fuel Oo. , Jobnson Bros- ,
113 S Kltli strojt. Oil fiirn n
Oraili i , V b Onnlir , Neb
Oornico Works F. .
Slinnfnctuicrs offi dvnn- (1nlinlcd ( In n cnrnlor
Ized Iron Louilcu Dormer window * ilnot
\S Innowciipi.iiiPtiilloikr- cnpi , tin I ili etc 'lln
ItKliti itc 1110 nnd 111. Irunnnd "Into roofer
Ill llgoSt Sll 1-nrnim at
J. J , Jobnson & Co. ,
2188.13th strait ,
Omnhi , No5t
M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpatrick-Koqh Dry
Goods Oo ,
furnishing ,
IJry poodi ,
roods notion * uonts
Dry (
goods ,
rnrnlsbln. iroodi
Cor llth nnd Ilownrd sts. Corner lltli nn I llnrnc )
Wolf Electrical Oo. E'o ' tr c Motors
llluatrntcd Cntduijiiu and D > n IUMD I IIISIIII.MIC
frco. free. II A Kliinojrcn I
1G14 Cnpltol A cnuc. Ant. S12-3N \ I.lfo Illd'i ?
Purlin , OreudorfT & T. G. North-wall ,
Martin Oo , , Ooncril western intent
Cornel lunus nnd Dtli sts bknndl i Plow Co ,
Omnli i , .NIM. lll'.i-l ) jl hlioriu in ivo
Broken Bow Roller 1 { . T. Davis Mill Co. ,
Milling Oo. . C. (1 ( Undcrwool ,
Out nnd wnrelioiiiu , Mniinf.'t'r nt Om ihi.
1UI. N. ll > th stioot. Cor. Slh nnd Incksna nts
S. F. Oilman , Omaba Millinc ; Co. ,
Mciilmnt Mllliir-i ,
1011 N lotli striuu
Olllcunnd Mill Illl Noitb
C 1 ! IIIncK Mnnnt'or llthtint
Toncray & Bryan , S , A , MoWhortor , \
lroxpr uttiln , provlMom 111 IHNntl llimk Itrokar.
nilflock us a 14th I'rlrntn wlrc to Nr ir
St I'rlviitu wire to Chi- lurk CldcKRO nnd St.
BKO St t.oiil ! nnd Notr Ixmls Cn < ti urAln
York. bouithlfor all nmrkets ,
Oookroll Bros. '
HmkoM I'rifiito nlrci
to .Senork i litin o , V
f < t I.OIlll Xp.H-llll lltllMI-
tlun k'lu'i : to hi H
on mala IH.NnillHnk
Ructor&WilholinyOo Leo-Olark-Amlreosim
for loth nml Jnckion sti Hanhvaro Oo. ,
10S-IIIJ Itnrnor itrojt ,
Dm ill i V."i
Fnxton & Vierliu- ' Omaha Safe & Irou
Work ? ,
iullillnitniuk , iMiitlaov Mnnut'rs tire nnil InirK'ir
briKi work , KOIITHI | irwif mifi > , tatilti Jill
fiuiiiilrt in ichlno inil wnrk iron huttori nnil
t'lncktiiillli work | J. i nri" ( iiiiiKs U MI-
Hjnnil nth it.
Wilson & Dr.ikj ,
M'f'c Inbulu tlin < tire
bov boiler , tnaki ota
Plenennl loth trpnti
Her & Co. , William ,
liquor Mcrilnnu
IIU llnrni. ) Htrojt
Mnmifiiiiir rsiviMinuljr'j
I nntliulln Illtlnr'i 1113 rnrnim St ,
R. R. Grotto ,
Importer nml lobber of
VMnei nml Million
lO.-O nml liwj I in n u.i St.
I'rlcp IMt onniipllcitlon
L , Kirscht & Co , , Friek & Huiborts
Wholonlc MnuorDcnlcri \Vhol03nloMluorDcftlcri
1001 Pnrnini Street 10th < L
0. W , Douglass & Co. John A. Wakefirlil ,
Imported Anirrlrnn Port
Ilnrdirood Lumbar , InudCi'iiient Xtllnnukco
ll > dranlle ( emeiit nud
1310 North Kin tfot yulnr ) \ \ liltu 1 line
Charles R. Laa , Wyatt-Bullard Lumber
lumber , wooil
ninl ptrquot ber Oo.
Mill nnd leant Streets ,
Mil mid
Cady & Gray , Louis BradforJ ,
Mrac , cement , etc , oto
Lumber , lime , rcmcat etl
cor , 'itii nmi P2S DotiBlai stront
0. A. Stonchill , I. Oborfoltlor & Oo , ,
Millinery , Notion * Importers nnd Jobbers la
Cllll > , IC13 Millinery
203,3IOnild 212 South llth
1IB-1I3S IMHSt. , ttrtct
Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. A , Hospo , Jr. ,
M f cjcwulors , ilcnlon In I'lnnoi Orgnni , VrllslV
inuslcnl Initrumunti
etc Mntorlnli , 1'lr1 ,
Fnrnniu nnd loth lilt DouuliH Street.
Consolidated Tank
Line Oo.
Itcllncd nnd lubrlcitlni
OlH , HXlO KHMl O , OtO.
it II Until , \IuiKor
Eibbcl & Snrth , Sohroolar & Oo , ,
Ii ) der * In country prod Cnili bujori buttir nt
uce , fruits , \Ck'CtubluJ , egg * , nut KOiiDril co-u-
etc lala tou inorch i iti ,
1.J7 llonnrd street. < il binith llth utr.'oL
L Randazzo & Sou ,
211 Siiiilh l.'th Struct.
Foreign Al > nncatlc Frntts
MoriIn Ol llikHM Ablclly
1'rulK Hrnncli boimc , T
N I'ctcnSt , .No Orliu
Carpenter Papar Oo. , Omaba Rubber Oj. ,
Cnrry a full Hock of Mnnufnctiirhn ; nn 1 M1)
printing , winppta nnd bun all klndirabbor
writing p MIOT , cird pi- iroo 11
ppr , otc IH ( ) ririiuu itrjj"
Emaraaa So I OJ.P DalTy-rrowbn Ij j
-ccdKrov\on dodari ii 'ao'j ' Jj ,
pardon vi m , ur.ila 111
.Maiinfn tur'u itovoi in I
trco si o
4'I-I-'I until lotli t ivo | il | > J
- 1211-1215 l.t-nvuinvorlh at ,
M. A. Disbrow & Oo. , Bohu SaVi & Door Oo.
Uniiufirturcri of Bnili , MnnufuctiirQM of innuU-
dee ri. b 11 n d < a n d liui , lillinH , douri ,
MouldliiK'i Itr.incluif- otu
llco , IJtli nml l/url sti. Pith nud ( lirkitr 3ti
tJ. S. Wind Eu < jino & A. L , String &
Pump Oo. ,
llnllldny wind inllH DM Wi-im Karniun strsjj ,
mnl HiJ lonui nt (1 ! '
lions , Oiiinha , Nub
Company ,
i.l . IIU ! llnrnar i
Oinidin Neb
H. nardylTOo , , The Bniniwiok-Balk
i1. dulU , iilliiniii.fniior Colluuder Oo.
iiiM , liouiofurnUliliU Illlurd mcrrhiindlio
clilMnin'.i cur- Hntooi ) fliturofl
wlt ,
4 7 4VIS | illi ) HtrojU
u < I , U 1 nrnaiMMt. . Olllllll I
A. D. Boyer & Oo
iKiilian.'u llull.lliu ,
boutli Umnha.
! , J. Ooffmin , Sm.loy Hunter & Oreeo ,
& Oo , ,
"M l.'xchanuo Mulldin }
SO Kxcliniigu llulidliu
fcoutUOnmhn. rioutli Omini
I'i5. 1551 M irkot I.trtut , Hum Jf i ulnra lo
l.lLln , III nad WotUirn Crmmi'ry llultur ll innit
IU'eH > HiIM ) A I empty WU CUM Ub tlll.'r * to
, m lo in ) i > iil [ > iu'r and olliurn m intlllU I tlvu > iiui
ml up hhlp by Hut fruUlil ( l"l cliuiii lluuur in
iMiiiinddiirliu May. llullublu lor'luutitlu'ii ' ua do-
l\ / ATI.It Itomls Wanted Hilled bids for
> Y JIJ.iiiO nr es I , iimpim ivnli-r hondHul
he i-ni of TuU.imah Hurt umlity Sebraski ,
m tn-uimi'li , dated May I. ls'1 ' und re'Uti'red
u < , as n i . ,
ild i < , mis ue the on y IndftitKilnuM of thu
Ity < if likumah All bids will bo opened
Mi.eiiih , ! v l < , c ooU p m ll/ order uf tliu
ty ' uuu it uf said < ity HID council reuurv *
njt nut rUhi to rejoot uny und all bldu AiN
rehs I. It Atkinson , city clerk , "Uliln t'2t '
iukamuu , Nub ,