TJ-UiJ UM.AHA. J3J.lli ! ; : L'L'UJiJ8JDA\r ' , JUNE 2 , 1801 , ONE HUNDRED FAT CATTLE , ITbe Sale of Them Gets Two Omiha MOD Into Serious Trouble. fIGHTING FOR RELEASE FROM JAIL. A. t7. Wyman Appointed Receiver for tlio NcMrnnkn Fire lii-uu-amn * Coin- pany TlicMlllnnl's Kleutrlo lights Court Notes. J. H. Van Closler nnd Andrew McLnugli- lln , while doing business In this city , have for Time been the owners of n largo stock ranch } n Nuckolls county , this state. This ranch was well stocked , and to secure money to carry on business they borrowed $3,000 from ilohn L. Miles of the Nobraika Savings bank , pledging 100 head of fat steers to secure the Iiaymont of the dobt. The debt was not paid when due , and n few days slnco Miles went to Nurkolls contity and there learned , ho alleges , that the rattle had been sold and that tlio proceeds of the sale had been used for 'omo other pur pose thnn ill llquidntir.g the debt. He at once swore out warrants of arrest charging Vho two men with disposing of mortgaged jiroperty. The warrants were placed in the linnds of the shnnIT , who arrived In Omaha 5'estcrday. Sheriff Boyd was called upon and In a short time Van Closter and Me- I augblln were located and placed under nrrcst. The two men refii cd to return to Nuckolls county , the place wheio the oiTcnso Is alleged to have bnon committed , and a writof habeas corpus sued out to prevent Wcrden from kl taking thorn before IDo magistral * ) at Nelson , the counly s at of Nurkolls county. This \vasurgued last night and will have a fur ther hearing before Judge Estello at noon to day.Van Van Cloitcr and McLaughlin gave bonds for their appearance and were released to fcwalt the decision of the court Helmroil'H CIINO. The hearing of the case of Louis Helmrod ngalnst Edward C. Carncs , was commenced in the district court yesterday afternoon , ( Judges Doano and Davis sitting on the bench. U'Bls is the celebrated oil inspector caso. Whou Hon. James E. Boyd assumed the position of the executive of tbo state of Neb raska , ho appointed Louis tleimrod to the position of state oil inspector. This ofllco 3 lei in rod held until after the supreme court issued the order of ouster and seated gover nor Thayer. Yostcrd.iv afternoon the peti tion , ntvnver and other pleadings were read , nf tcr which the argument in Hoimrod's behalf Vvas opened. The attorney arguuJ that even jf Boyd was not legally qualified to hold the Dfllco , the appointment of Hoimrod was local. Authorities were cited to provo this , after tvhlch It was argued that the only by way which ho could legally Iinvo been removed "would have been by regular impeachment pro- Iced ings , A Hoccivor Appointed. The corpse of the Nebraska and Iowa In- uranco company was again exhibited before Pudgo Wnkoloy yesterday. All of 'he lawyers find interested parties were present to tntto a liand in the appointment of a receiver. The court settled the Unlit by taking matters - _ _ tors into his own band nnd appointing n re ceiver of bis own selection. ,4 A. U. Wymau was named for tbo position s/'find the bond fixed at , f 10.000. The books nnd all of tbo pnpers will bo turned over by cx-Recolvor Albright as soon as Mr. "Wyman's bond Is approved by the court. The Millnrd Wins. In the case of Murkol & Swobo against the Omaha Thompson-Houston electric ll ht company , the Injunction was made perpetual tipou certain conditions being performed. Some time ago the proprietors of the Mil- Jard hotel , Marled & Swobo , applied for an injunction to prevent the light company from J-emoving its lights and wires from tho' hotel. The company claimed that Markd & Swobe 4iad failed to pay the price fixed b } ' contract , f37. > per month for the use of the lights. Un- clnr the decision of the court , as long as the p)75 per month is paid , the lichts will stav , liut upon a failure to pay this sum they may po removed. The McMonniny Estate. Judge Doane mndo a final order In the Mc- lonamy will caso. The daughter , Mrs. Carrie JP. Williamson is to htivo $1,500 in addition to , ltio legacy loft her , and the amount is to bo jiald out of the property loft by the deceased. Court No cs. . he Juno term of the county court will cpen today with ISO cases on the docket. ' Ed ITockscholinor , who Is charged wltn Jinving forged a chock for $350 , Is on trial. Before Judge Estcllo , Nels O. Brown , charged with adultery , entered a plea of not | guilty , and the case was ioiitinuc-1. The court issued an order to the sheriff to forthwith bring the absentees , that thov may Show cause why they shall not bo lined tor contempt. Jacob Uarst yesterday commenced suit in ) -eplevin to recover thirty-two barrels of whisky that wore Uihen from William IJarst tinder a writ of attachment. Pleas of not Kuilty were entered In the fol lowing cases : Bruno Tucci , assaulting P * - fluello Tallorlco with n deadly weapon ; \Vlllinm Mathew , assault with Intent to mur- flor Policeman C. C. Kouser , and Miko.Tohn- pen , assault with intent to lull Robert ICellor. In tbo case of Herman Ivountza against the JPanorama company known as the battle of Gettysburg , the application for a receiver tvas overruled , and the company allowed SO flays in which to repair the building and niaico it water tlKht. If this Is not done within thattitno , KounUo may ngiiiu apply for a receiver. The names of the ninety Jurors drawn throe wooUs npo were cnllt-d In the larco C urt room. Of this number llfty responded , lind of thco twenty-two wanted to bo ex cused. A fo\v wore let off , but most of them tnld , The excuses offereu woto what the fudco considered llimsy , being personal and Business reasons. Pozzonl's Complexion Powder is universal ity known and everywhere esteemed as the only Powder that will improve the complex ion , eradicate tan , freckles and all skin dis eases. NOT VKT SK1TUJI ) . s Investigation Into 31 Us lloaver'N Dentil Still Upon. The coroner hold an inquest on Isabella peaver yesterday afternoon at Hoafoy & Albert U. Heaver of Cedar Creek , a brother wDf the deceased , was the lirat witness placed pu the stand. Mr. Doavor said that ho canto o this city about January 0 to see his sister , vho was a patlout of the Institute. II o was Informed by Dr. McLuuirhllu that his sister vas suffering from a dropnical tumor. After y Quaking arrangements for her further treat- " * > nont and paying the Institute people f 100 In kddltion to what had boon paid ho returned to his home. 1 Miss Deaver went to the Institute about pocetubor 1 , Witness said ho next saw hli p later alter she was dead and laid out at C.V. . Crlng's undertaking rooms. Dr. Sinclair told lilm thou tnat Itras not a tumor but child birth which had killed Miss Heaver. Sin- clalr said the patient caino to him and said Who had not fell life for a couple of weeks KxnmlnuUon showed that the child was dead jiii a tin Quotation was performed to remove it. This was the substance of Mr Heaver s ttory Ho did not Know that his sister wai In trouble , but when ho learned the facts riod to uvold disgrace by keeping the matter hulet. ' Mr. Heaver paid all the bills , both for his lster and the child , and after uurylug her at i'latUmouth returned to his homo at Cedar JCrook. * Undertaker Gring stated that ho was called to the Institute to take charge of Miss Jlc.iver's remains on thu nlpht of Kebruarv f Ho embalmed the body ami It was shipped O I'latUmouth. Dr. Sinclair told mm thut deceased had boon delivered of a child , which Lad boon dead a couple of weeks , The wit- p know nothing of the case beyond the /acts stated. At this point Attorney Qurlcy roplevlned the records of the Institute , which were In the possession of the coroner. This was a move wh.iliy unexpected on the part of the prosecution , and caused sornolittlo consterna tion on Um part of the coroner and his allies , ft * they expected to use , the records In ovl donee. After some delay the cnse was continued. Dr. Uebert xas called and stated thnt ho had mndo the jroU-mortem examination on the bod.N of Isabella Ucavar. The organs of tbo body were all sound and honlthy with the exception of the gnnltal organs. Murks of violence were discovered In these organs , also 'iio fact that thcro had been a severe ab dominal hemorrhage. Witness desci ibed the post-mortcra In detail - tail and was satlslled that death resulted from the effects of a criminal oiwratlon. Dr. J. E. Summers , Jr. , assisted Dr. Hebert nnd testified substantially as above. Dr. Coffman said the parts Indicated the full time of gestation and that the rents had been made by mechanical violence , \vhich ho considered unnecessary and to which he at tributed the cause of death. Di'v Pcabody and Coulter testified to vir tually the same thing. Coroner Hurriiran then called upon Me- I.aughlln , Williams and Sim-lair to tuJtify , but upon advice ol their attorney they were not sworn and the was given to the jury. Assistant County Proweutor Moriarty bundled the case for the prosecution and was constantly prompted by the coroner. After deliberating for about an hour the jury defjrod further evidence before making a derision and ronseqmmtly adjourned until 10 a in. Wednesday. Mrs. Winslow's ' Soothing Syrup reduces Inllammatinn while children are teething. 25 cents a bottle. JACK JUXO.Va GHOST. Kxperlonco Which Converted Him from Doubt to Deep Faith. Skepticism nnd incredulity are still mani fested by certain Irrational and obtuse mor tals whenever a ghost story is narrated , al though in this enlightened age , with its free public school advmtajos , telephones , air ships and phonographs , it ought to bo clear to every mind that ghosts and all other vegeta bles are among the possibilities of an ener getic and pro rcislvo civilization. However , seeing Is believing , as Colonel Ins-'frsoll would say , and ono by ono the doubters are coming over to the side of the spook theorists , and modern Invention. Jack Hlzon is the latest convert , but he has embraced the now cause with a zeal that makes up for his lack of years In the service. Jack is n brakeman on the Fremont , Elkhorn - horn & Missouri Volley road , and "brolto" for Bert 1-Mel oa a passenger run for a long time , but dually concluded to shako Bert nnd his varnished cars and go on a freight "braking atieatl , " where ho could earn his money and not be ashamed to see Air. Floyd once a month. It must bo admitted that Jack was somewhat Inclined to give credence to ghost stories nnd the supernatural ccncrally before ho went back to a freight , but this is not surprising , In view of the lact that he had been compelled to listen to Fricl's stories tor over a year. Now , as everyone knows , the road had qulto a wreck some time ago at Mullen , where tvo people were killed by the wrecked cars tumbling over on them. "Tho engine , No. f.Ol ) , was badly smashed and was sent to the shops. When she came out she was placed in charge of Engineer Tdotnps > on , and it was with this crew that Hlxon ca t bis fortunes. When Thompson discovered Jack's weak ness ho begun to tell how the 500 had been haunted over since the wreck. Of course such conduct was In keeping with the eternal litnessof things.and Jnck would have guei td it , even if Thompson hadn't told him. It was perfectly natural that the engine should man ifest a little grief. You may not believe it , but the train had hardly pulled out of Hecla when the ghostly acencies began to get In their work. The WJO's bell began to toll , apparently without any human uccncy , and kept it up in spite of Jack's eurnest efforts to stop It. It continued to give forth its fuuorul tones until opposite the place where the wreck occurred , when the whistle omitted a mournful and almost human groan , and then stillness reigned , dis turbed only by the rumble of tlio train. Jack was white as a casket lining when ho got lu thut day , but ho would offer no ex planation in reply to the many solicitous In quiries. Ho merely said , "lioys , if I should tell you whst I saw you wouldn't believe mo , " and ho buttoned up his secret and hur riedly disappeared. i'hat night the crow and engine had to 10- turn on No. 45. When Thompson "whistled out" ho remarked to Jack : "bho has an awful mournful sound and I'm afraid some thing will happen. If the boll tolls tonight I'll quit her cold. She's haunted " Jack was manifestly uneasy , and he approached preached the fatal spot with fear and trembling. Tbero seemed to bo no unusual demonstration , and ho was just beginning to think that they would get by without Inci dent , but It was not , to be , and his hopes fell like Governor Ho3'd's appointees after the decision of the supreme court when that dreaded ding-dong fell upon his ear. The long and measured cadences were not heeded long , for apparently from the earth between the rails in front of the cngiuo rose a ghostly apparition clad in white , while ono of the outstretched hands held a red lantern proclaiming the danger of that fearful spot. The annnrition had moaned but nnrn whnn with a shriek that uwoko the hillside echoes for miles around , Jack started back over the train , and the pittor-pattor of his little feet ceased not until he reached the caboose , into which ho tumbled and locked the door. Had ho waited ho rninht have see Charllo Moore emerge from behind tbo extension front and pull off onuof btuart's nightshirts. Had ho investigated hotnighthavodiscovered tno bell tapper , but ho didn't. He was needed at the other end of the train. It Is not expected nor intended to provo by thU that gho-its are operating along the line dt the Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley , hut merely to show to these who don't believe - lievo in ghosts how easy it would have been for- ghosts to have done what in this case humans did , and to show thorn what a Held there Is for the ghosts to work in when so diposod. > . Illxou Is , of course , still in the dark. It was i dreadful reality so far as ho was con cerned , and It is hoped that everybody along tbo line will assist Thompson nnd his gang in keeping the horrible truth from the victim. Floo'IcU thciTnll. A section of Tenth street paving at he south end of the viaduct , collnpsoJ Sunday night leaving a hole eight footdoop , where the water had undermined Iho granlto. It was caused by the heavy rainfall. More damage from the same cause was oc- ciislonod at the Jennings hotel , where a bank wall twenty foot long was washed out and the cell room of the city Jail Hooded with a foot and a half of water Had the down pour continued much longer the Jail would Have been llllod. The Water was run off by means of a small pipj conuoctiug with the sower. Ciesjlcr's Magic Hcadncno Wafer * . Cures all headia'hes in ' . ' 0 minute. . At all Sidewalks at 1Iio Park. The comiulttco of the board of park com- lulssioiiora , to which the matter of building a stone sidowulk along the north and west sides of Hanscom park was referred , met vcsterday and decided to aucopt the bid of J. W Furnos & Son at 13 cents per foot 'or the ten-loot walk , three and ono-half Inches thick , and 10cents per foot for thosix- 'oot walk , three Inches thick. The walk on I'ark avonuu , vlll bo ton foot wide and that on Woolwort avouuo will ba six foot wide , i'hu stone to bo used is from the ( JtlUillln quarries at fort hcott , Kau. ' Positively cured by CARTER'S these Little IM1U. TLer also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia. In1 ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty Eatlne. A. pcrtcct rcm eJjr for Dimness. Nausea. Drowsiness. Bad Taste tn tbo Moutti. Coated Toapic. Pain In tne Bldo , TOIU'in UVEK. They regulate tbe Bowels. lurely Vegetable. SHALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRIDE , Their Tcntlittntml Cuiivcntlnti to beHeld Held In Oinnlm. The tontb annual convention ot the Na tional association Of stationary engineers will bo hold In Oniaba , corainonclnp on Tuesday , Soplombcr 1 , nnd continuing IIvo days. The association wm organized by seven ciiRlneoM In Now York city In October 23 , IbVi. There are at prcaont ! iM assoctatlona lu Iho United States and territories and seventeen in Canada. Tbo national odlccrs are ; prosldont , J. J. UlluRworth , Utlca , N. Y. ; vlco prcsldont , Wra. Powell. Cleveland , O. ; socrotarv , A. O. Carloy , I'ltUburgr , Pa. ; treasurer , W. II. Cronloy , Jersey , City , N. J. Kverv Hfty mombsH or fraction thereof Is entitled to a delegate , and the national body furnUhci all dclo atoi wltb transportation. Two-thlrdi of those delcsatei will bo from points cast of Chicago , but the ontlro country from tbo D.ikotas to the gulf and from Gotham to the ( Joldeu ate will bo represent ed and every doloR.iio will represent a manu facturing establishment of some kind. It pees without Buying that this convention will bo a great advertisement for Omaha. The local association Is now pottlnc ready to make arrangements to secure funds to carry the coming convention. Members have ] ust concluded arrangements to publish a daily paper during the convention which shall be tbo oftlcial orpin. It will bo issued every morning. The local committee of finance expects to i-also the necessary funds by scllinc advertising spnco in this paper. The following are the committees on con vention : Finance Chairman , Joseph Bailey , Ameri can Steam Holler Insurance Co. ; Treasurer , James Anderson , bmeltinif Works ; Secre tary , W. 13. Austin , Miller & Oundersou planing mill , J. W. Matthews , Hotel Darker ; Oeorga Urusu , Cable railway powerhouse ; Hubert Wilson , Paxton block. Arrangi'inontsChairman , W. n. Austin , Joseph Wolyenbjch , W. B. Slant , J. W. Matthews , Goorso Hrusb. Those are the only persons who nro author ized to solicit subscriptions or make contracts for advertising in the convention papor. Transportation , P. O. Monroe , Chicago , chairman , Prod ICeppy , ilriilgport. Conn. ; K. D. Bato- tnan , Cincinnati , O. ; Joseph Bailey , J. W. Matthews , George Brush , Omalia. There are several other committees which will bo announced later. The commlttoo on arrangements has en gaged Washington hall. The convention will bo held In the hall proper and the dining room will bo used for exhibits of steam and water supplies , etc. The following is the program mo of the week : Monday Evening Reception at headquar ters. Tuesday Convention called to order at 0 a. ma. ; 10 n. tn , adjourn to visitsmelting works. Afternoon session , 3 to 0 p. in. Evening ses sion , 8 p. m. : life and accident business ; la dies attend theater. Wednesday Morning session , 9 a. m. to noon. Afternoon session'J to0 p. m. ; ladies will visit stores ana public buildings. Even ing , grand complimentary ball. Thursday Mormnir session , 9n. m. to noon. Afternoon , delegates will visit stockyards , etc. ; ladies carriage drive ; visit county fair , etc. Evening , banquet. Friday Morning session , 9 a. m to noon. Afternoon , visit Florence waterworks. Saturday Session a1 ! day. rTho local committees think they will bo able to convince tbo Yankees that Omaha is not a snnd hill village , as seine of them claimed in New York last September. DeWitt's Little Early Risers ; best little pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath In the Jtiry'H Hiimls. Tbo case of tne state against J. II. Moore for fraudulently disposing of pension funds belonging to Mrs. Gugin of Valley , was finished vestorday afternoon in the federal court. The attorneys completed their areu- mcnts at 5 o'clock and the case went to the jury. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla \ Of perfect purity. LemonI Lemon - of great strength. " Econom > "n the" " " * o Almond | Roseetc.TJ Flavor as delicately and dellclously as the fresh fruit. Drs. B Bits Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , i&OQ STR.EET OMAHA. NEB. Tno most widely and favorably known ipeo * lalUUlnttio Unite ! Hf\tos. Their lone ex perience , remarkable ikl'il nnd universal suc cess In the treatment and cure of Nervous , Chronic and Surgical Dlsnnsus. entitle theea eminent physicians to the full confidence ot UIB aflllotod cvurv where Tht > y guarantee : A CERTAIN AND I'OSITlVK OUH ! for the awful effects of earlv vie * tinil the turner- OI : BTU | thntfollow In Its train PRIVATE. IILOO1) ANUblvIN DI8EASE3 speedily , completely nnd permanently cured. vNEHVOUS DEIIILITY AND SEXUAL DI3- OHDEHS yield readily to their klllful treat ment. 1'ILES , FISTULA AND RECTAL DLCKIIS cuarantccd ourud nlthout p-ilu or detuiillon from business. IIYOIiUOBLK AND VAKIOOORI.E perma- nentlr and mifccsifully cured In every case , BYPBILIS. OONUHUUKA. Ol.EET. Bpor- nmtorrkos , Foinhuil Wuukness Lost Manhood , Night Etnlnslonii , Decuyed l-'auultles , Keinalu iNt-akncas anil nil delicate disorder ! ! pooullai to either ex positively cured , ui wull as all functional disorder * that result from youthC.U rolllo" or the axcessnf muture yciirs. IR1P1 IMK O r ntoa .lurmnne n tly kj t \i\y ij ivij e n rod. romovil complete without uuttlne , cuustio or dllivtatloo. Ouru effuattul at by p.itiout nlthout mo ment'a pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. K The awful effect * ot " early vice which brliiRt nrirunlo nealtness , dci > iroylns ; both mind nnd body , with all lu dreaded Ills , pormonently cured. DP RPHT * ? Addn-sa those who hare Jra- ivi\o. iii l 10 pal rod tliumi lvc by Im proper Indulgence and Holltury onblt' , irliloh ruin both mind and body , uudttlua them for bntineas , ttudv or marriage. MAIIBIKD MEN or these entering on that bnppy life , aware of physical debilityquickly OUR SUCCESS Is bated upon facts. First 1'ractlcaJ ipirl * once. Second > Every cnio U ipeotally studied , thus ( UrlinK rlgbi Third modlolnet are prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit each CAM , thus effecting cure * without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET. - - OMAHA , NED 1'OOH PKOl hB'S CHimCII. Ilcv. C. W. Hnvlduofill UstnblNIi Ono Jn Orri'Atin. ' Itev. C. W. Saviro ( ) ( , ' < li ( ! popular pastor of Xowmnn M. E. church , on St. Mary's nvc- nuo , has notllloit Jildor Clunilonnlng of his dcslro to abandon the travel ing ministry mid establish a permanent mission for the poorer people In the heart of this city. The older tearfully granted permission - mission for the ratlremcnt. It Is expected thin Mr. Savldpo'a suc cessor will bo Kov. Mr. Wnro of F'npilllon. Mr. Suvldeo has received n number of of fers of pecuniary nssUtaiico from lending jK-oplo In the city. Ho bus not decided where fie will build his now temple , but will do so before the close of the summer season. A very small plltfbut a very good ono. Do 'ltt's Little liarlv Klsors. Atnoiiillnp : the littles. The council commlttoo on police have amended the rules proposed by the board of health , and as amended will recommend that they bo adopted by the council , In all plucos where absolute power was civeu to the com missioner of health , this tins bueti stricken out and the power given to the board. BJVJOY ® Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head- aclies and fevers mid cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action nnd truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. ( OUISVIUf , KY. NEW VORK f ! V n .n uuarumut lu CURE EVERY CASE or .MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro is permanent ami not a pat-cbiny up. CAFC * treated five yeai-s ape ha\o never seen asjmptom - ae. By cietcribint ; case fully we can treat jou by mail ami v e giro tbo i-amo rtroiig1 guarantee to euro or 11 fund nil money. Thaie who pi efer to come here for treatment cauclo so amlw < M > lll pay railroad fan. linLh ways and hotel Mils while here it we fall to ccrr. We chaltango the vorlil fdr case that our MACIO Kr.MEDV will notctiro. , ) Vr > K > for full particulars anil gtt thoeridtnco.o know. that jou aio Coptic- ] . ju > tly so , tun , as the moit eminent physicians hiM- nmir bttn able taglvo more than temporal y relh f Inourflvo joalV pmctljoilhtlie MAO1C HKMHUY It IMS been most difficult to overcome the prt-jnd < es a pain * toll so ralletl specifics. Cut under cur fctro-ij ; „ i irantif } 3011 phould not lic * ltalp to try thN ninei'y i u tnko no iliain-e of losiiiff jotir mont y. We guar Jin'oo to euro or it fund cveiy doMi.r , i K ! as wn ha\c a puUiUun to jirotott , aUo llnani ml ' acking of $3CO , " 15 it lapoifi'ctly safe to all who vll try the treatment mont llorotufoi t'yotl hiTO been putting up and raylnc -ut 5 our money fordlfTorrnt treatments and eUlmuen 3oufi-onotjotcurt'dnoonohos paid bat .yourmon ey Jo not waste any moie money until 3011 try iw. Old chronic , deep sen ted case. ] cured in 30 to 90 days. In- 'estlpato our Jlnanclal etaiiJIne1. our reputation n < < businessmen Write us for namea and addresses of the e M e liavo cured who have given permission to refer for to them. It costs jou only postage to do this ; it w ill save > ou awoi Id of fctferlng from mcntil strain and if j ou arc married what may your otfuprlnff buffer tin ouRh your on nt-u'lit'-'Hc If 3 our bymptom- * arc soru throat , iiiucoua patches in mouth , rheumatism in bones and joints , hair falling out , eniptlons on all } rart of the body , feeling of general depresnlon , pain * in head or bones , you hvo no time tovaxto. . Thoiio who nro constantly taking mercury nnd potash should divontlnuoit. Constuntuseof thesodruff * wHUuicly bring boifs and ea tins' ulcersin the end. Don't fail to write. All corrospcndeni.'O senttealrdin plain cnvfl opes. Wo Invite the mo-t rigid invi--tlgation and will do all in our pmrrr to aid you in it. Address , TOOK mmKltr CO.t Omaha , AVbnu a. Ofrtro 11th nnd Farn m. itpcond floor , enf-anco 13th Pt She Saved Her MONET , And so cnn every icoo < l Uousekcepor by ultra js hay- ilkon li.-md li.mdCAMPBELL'S ' VARNISH STAINS. he only nrtlcto ever produced with which anr pcr- huii can at alight etponso and by nno npiilliatlon o ta narnl viunHIi ulJ ( . liambcr acts , Iluronui , lled- toailv Clmtm , Table * . DOOM and nil Unil * of wood work III beautiful tint * of CIIKHIIY. WALNUT. MAHOGANY. IIOSKWO01) , ( MK. or VKH.M1L1O.V. t will stand wanhlnK anil It very durable Half a iound will rentnln and tinlih a set of ctalr ) > , and one ilntwIllorillmrllrronewBCbatiibarPol. For rooms no quart to nnu gallon acconllujc to slxo 1'rlces IAI.F TINTS. Wc ) , 1'I.VT , We. Itlchardson Drue 0 Omalm , wholesale AxonU AJ2LTAN LINE , UOVAL MAII , STEAMSHIPS , MONTREAL ani OUEBKC To DEKRY and LIVERPOOL CAI11N , I'M to frtl. A T < mllnK to Steamer and location tjf btaleroooi , lutermoiliutu and hU'fruco at low rates. NO CATTM3 lUKUlKD. ' MKIIYIOK ov LINE. ( HTRAMSIIU'rl. NEW YORK and GLASGOW. via Lontloudtirrr , eterv Fortnight. llth Mar , UTATK OK KKVJU'A. ' 8 A Jl fttll Mar. * T\TK OK NKlfllASKA. 1 ! M ltli ! Juno. "iTATi : OF UKOIUilA II' M CA1IIN , ( . ' & anil upwnnts Kpturn. M nnd upwards Stoprnrontluw rate Applr to II. A A AM/AS / , Montreal , or to II K. SltxmKS. 1KB Jnmm Ht Uumha HOTEL. .lltirrau , I'or l-fth nnd tnont nnl > Ht < iutlill ( Hotel Jlttitilliig ImtOiiittliii. Hecerttl lirai-u lirlcl : flro ir < tltn ntiintnu train Immanent to roof Altthv ffitlnu * iinil ( loot-Hliitfil tcitti Ant VHtaM flro jirout iiinrniitklitu it iin } > itnniltUtn tinrn quid ; , J-'trv encui > cn and Jlro iittiriim throHi/hout tht < builiUiiff. Steam heut , hot ditif colil ir < itcr anil uuntililiivtii ci-crurouin. 'Jnbte Kjiviirjxinac'ti ( iiiy. B. SILLOWAY. Prop. National Bank > U. a DEPOSITORY.rOMAjT'V , NE3. Capital , - - - - as VOOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - OS2.BOO OiHcer and IMrocion-IIe rr W. YMai , I'ra , Ideal : Iwl a. Ho l , Vloa-1'resiUanti Jauiui W Sarahs. W V.Mor.e. John H. Colllni. II. U Cuilllai. J. N U 1'itUlck. W. U , S. Uuguai , cajblor , THIS IRON BA.NK , Corner litU auJ Paroau > St > . A General llauVlnUu locijTrimaotal "he Errors o D D D D D E3 Clothing manufacturers are mortals andV make errors. They \vill buy thousands upon thousands of yards of cloth in all sorts of pat terns , and , too oftentimes , that which looks the handsomest in the piece looks the poorest made up , and makes the poorest "seller" in the lot. They lay in the wholesoler's loft year after year , the sewing loses its strengh and the goods often become moth eaten. By the retail ers of this country that class of suits are pet- named "bull pups , " "ranks , " "chestnuts , " etc. , but they are finally sold to some far western fel low for little or nothing. The jobber's loss is the retailer's gain , who ships them home and yells to the workingmen , "Bargains , Bargains , Great Bargains , " when , in fact , he is making lots of money on a lot of old , dark , bad patterns that the workingman east of Chicago wouldn't buy at any price. That is one reason why a wes tern man in the east is often pet named and spotted at once as the "western hoosier. " n n Shovus a clothing house anywhere in the , fUnited States of thirty to forty years standing , and we will show you a house that never re sorted to that class of trickery. For the custom gained is only temporary at best. D D D D D THIS WE1B.K. WE OFFER An endless variety of New , light , bright sparkling and attractive Cassimere , Cheviot , Worsted , Fancy and Plain Black FOR That will please any workingman , banker , lawyer , doctor , merchant or clerk , and not a single suit but what was Made This Season. The above sale includes 162 young men's fancy pattern Cheviot Suits with the best of fancy satin lining , in the coat as well as vest back. Also a full line of indigo Grand Army Suits , warranted not to Tade a 1 at $7.8O. n nnnn n n nn Our store is bristling with activity , and we mean to keep it up. We arc showing the largest and finest line offer , . , , . f ' * * C % * ! -i - if uy l " L-- t L s. for 25c In all imaginable kinds of eoocls and 50c and shapes. o n n n n n n n Our line of- ftirt Is as complete as that of any house in the Ian Jiti.1 all our , other departments are equally as complete. We Have Got the & by the Horns. And we mean to hold what we have gained "The lion's share of the trade , amassed after thirty-seven years of honest dealing , Corner 13th andFarnam Streets