Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , 'J&ESDAY , JUNE 2 , 1891 ,
OFFICE : No. 12 I'HAUL STRKF/l' . hy I'nrrlcr in any part nl the City.
t Business Ofl'co ' , No. 1't.
Night Ktlltor. Nn. ' . ' . } . _
MIAOU .ni :
N. Y. I . Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
. Craft's chattel loans , SO-I Supp block.
Kcnl Hoclc Splines conl. Thatcher , lOMnln
1 f jon want wntor In your \urd oi' house
go lo Blxby'vr / : : Morrmm block.
A marriage license \\ns issued yesterday
lo John A. Vorthnmn niul Mutililii K. Mass ,
botb of Pottawuttuinlo county.
A building permit wn-s issued yesterday to
John P. lOmcrson to erect n unc-story fnunc
cottngo on lot 0 , block 10 , Plena's subdi
.fohn Wells , a farmer living about ton miles
entof thn city , fell to the irrouml yesterday
afternoon on Upper Broadway , apparently
( lend. Ho was removed ton room over Wool-
soy's rcitaurnnt. anil Dr. Pinnoy was culled
to attend him , ItMIS found ttmt hnits only
sufToiing from an unllcptlc lit. and at last ,
loltig us well
BX pecied.
Articles of incorporation of town of Han
cock , I'ottawattamlo county , woio Hied In
the ofllco of the county iceorder yesterday
A suit has been Illed In superior court by
HKI I'lio'iiix manufacturing company ajjalnst
tlm linn of ( Jnitfin , Co. to foreoloso n lleon
on | he furniture In the Grand hotel to the
amount of 5JW)0. )
The Jury In the ease of Hmytho against
Stout brought In n verdict yesterday tiiotn-
in of l.V)0 ) In favor of the plaintiff.
Mr. Alston Woodward nnd Miss U7/.a M.
Willard Were inarriod yesterday by Hov. J.
Adam Waijeclr , ono of the members of the
pollco force , filed a potion yesterday morning
in district conn for a divorce. Ho claims
that ho has been sadly abused by his better
hilf. I'ho plaintiff asks for the custody of
his live children.
The finest line of spring and summer
Roods , most expert workmen , Is what yon
Und nt Keller's , the tailor , UK ) Broadway.
Pianos , organs , C. H. Music Co. , r.DS U'way.
Police Picking.
W. S. Scott nnd C. L. Boudry were In po
lice com t yesterday morning charged with
committing an assault on Mrs. .lacob Sims ,
but the prosecuting witness was not on hand
and they were discharged.
Jack \Vtlliums was lined ? IO 10 for fast
driving and Ids tlnee companions , William
Hess , Krank Peterson and ( Jeorgo Doughcity ,
were discharged. Hugh Uoyd , A H Egati ,
Herman Shoemaker and Hans Anderson were
lined $10. 10 fyr drunkenness. John Piel was
lined the same amount for vagrancy. The
cahc.s against J. Marcus , K. Gillnsliy nnd A.
( illlnsky , charged with peddling without a
license ; N. Long , with kcepintr his saloon
open on Sunday , and W. W. Gilinovc , with
drunkenness and disturbing the peace , were
Over Hair
The committee appointed a couple of weeks
ngo to solicit subscriptions to the capital
stock of the fruit palace slatted out to raise
fl5UOO , the amount which the architect who
mow the plans s ml would bo necessarv to
hnlld and equip the palace. Two days have
been put in by the committee. The ( list dav
in the vicinity of ? JK)0 ( ) was raised. Yester
day's work raised the sum to f\000.
There has not been the slightest trouble In
railing the money. Ills thought that with
out doubt the building will bo paid for by
the end of the tlrst season. The citizens are
agreed that there shall bo no such word as
fall , and consequently everyone is very hope
Four Bforo Ilardinnn Plimoi.
The Mueller music ompany yesterday put
four more of the grand Hardman pianos. W.
F. Sapp put chased one of them , another was
sent to William Hdtchtnson , nt Eagle Grove ,
la ; another to Mr. Marshall , Charter Ouk ,
In. , and the other was placed in the rooms of
the League , the newly organi/ed elub in this
city. Four pianos sold In ono day is not bad ,
considering the fact that yeptcrday was not
a very good day for pianos cither.
Whit" nnd tlio l\ http .
William White , the "doctor" who had con
siderable unenviable notoriety a week or so
ago In connection with the death and burial
W his mother , claims ho was awakened Fri
day night by a terrific knocking nt his door.
Ho hastened to the door anil was met by a
tall , solemn Hguro clad In n long black robe
and n tall paper cup , with Its face masked , a
la white cups. The llguro was followed bv
number of other figures , fitted out ' in
thu same fashion. In a sepulchral voice , the
leader said , "We have come to hang you. "
White is prudent , and so ho lost no nine In
slamming the door und rushing up stultv.
Ho states that for an hour and a half ho stood
at his door with a loaded shotgun In his hand ,
whllo his visitor throw rocks against the
All uoy Saturday and Sunday ho salg noth
ing about his experience' hoping to find oat
who the parties were tnat had paid him the
nnwolcomo visit. Yesterday morning ono of
his neighbors gave him what ho called a
sure tip , and Whits haslencd to the police
headquarter * to have something done about
it. At the police station ho was directed to
go to tl-o office of rho city marshal. Thence
ho wns sent to the olllces of the vrnous
justices of the peace , none of them appearing
mix I ( ins to undertake the prosecution of Iho
case. Ttio county attorney heard bis story ,
and asked him how lie knew that the parties
whom ho mentioned had been the ones that
tried to hang him. Tlio only thing White
know about It was what his neighbor had
told him , nnd ho was advised to lot the thing
diop for the present.
Union Park races , Omaha and Council
Bluffs , Juno 11-12 , I , < WO ; Sept. 8-11 , < )0 ) ;
Get , ' 'O-'JJ , $ VXK > . Per programmes addi-ess
Nut Brown , seo'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha.
It Hi on Wllcox.
John Wileox is the only one who was vls-
II 1 by thu cyclone of Sunday morning , s
far ns bun been heaid. The wind swept down
on his garden east of the city limits , demo-
mollshlng both his wind mills , and destroyed
u largo number of glass covers to his hot-
" * * 'beds. The total damage amounted to about
K > 00. Ills nolgiibors had no experience what
ever with the elements.
Mar Houridus , music teacher , removed to
638 Uroadway , overC. B. music company.
Jw lOo Turkey rod table napkins , fie each , or
A DOe a dozen. Hoston Store , Council Bluffs , la ,
Alumni Meeting.
The fourth meotliig of the Ilawkojo
> T Alumni association will convene in the Chapel
't of the deaf and dum instilulo In Ihls cltv on
Monday morning , Juno 15 , and continue in
session three du.xs. An lntere Ung pro-
Printline has been prepared for thu occasion
Invitations are being sent out to Iho frhmds
of the liiHllluto by the president of the asso
ciation , Mr. Prank C. Halloway , of the
faculty of the Institute.
Morgan's prices for furniture on Install-
nicnt plan lower than any other House In city.
via tlio Hook Inland.
Kverybotlv has heard of them , located on
the "Uruut Hoek Island Koute. " Colfax has
it do/en medical mineral springs ami hun
dreds dally testlfi to their morlu. Sjvun
Jlrst-oluss hotels furnish pleasant homes ut
very low rates to the ihrongs of Health and
pleasure seeker * .
Snnltnrv soap , also a special glycerine soil )
imiiiufauturod forouiselvos nnd markoil Bos'
ton Store , UO per cent glycerine. The above
two maktw forfi cents a cake , Just half price.
Boiton Store , Council BlulTs , Iu.
The Lake Mitnawu hotel has boon rotnod-
clod , refurnished and renovated throughout ,
ami will bo opened Wednesday noon , Juno .1 ,
Try Dunuotto ft C'o.'s Poraoua rruit Juice
nbleU. They uro delicious.
Long Session of the City Council and the
Work it Dono.
III.Viiitic on the Payroll CuiiHrs u
l''u < h--Smiling and Slilcwalk
Miiltoi'H Huvo tlio
Uiicr | | lliuul.
Tlic regular month ! } session of thn city
council List evening was attended by the
muyor ntnl nil tlio members of the body.
' 1 ho lint two hours of the session were
ilerotcil to the reading nml allowunco of tlio
monthly bills. All tlio bills were al
lowed as presented and recommended
by the various. comwmittecj with
out debate until the estl-nato of
eontraetnis for filling the ditches excavated
by thu Klectrlc Motor company on Avcuuo A
\\croprcsentod. After discussing the mat
ter at joino length the estimates wcro al
Tlio bill for the pollco department for the
month of May , amounting togl,0l , was ob
jected to by Alderman Smith bee.iuso the
name of ex-Justice of the I' W. l < \ Patton -
ton iippo.irod on the pay-roll as n tiolico
ofllcer , but the bill was allowed by a
full iifilrriiatlvo vote of the members ,
with tlio exception of the objecting ader- ! , without Patton's naino being expunged.
1'ho rcmoiistranco of It. S. Kawlln and
others nirtilnst the council's order for the
construction of a sidewalk on the east side
of Hanl.on street was unanimously laid on
the taqlo.
L. Ilaniniocr and A. T. Waterman nskcit
for a bridge over Indian creek at Flouting
stieet. Referred to the committed for report.
Alderman Wool from the tln.inco commit-
tea presented the repot ts of the heads of city
depot t menu t\a correct , and thov were
The special tax against abutting property
for the lower portion of the I'nirtietli street
sewer was ordered cancelled Upon petition of
J. C. Ho'Tmayerand ' other property owners ,
it being shown Unit the sewer was designed
as one of tlio outlets of the general souor
s.stem nnd should not bo taxed up against
abutting property.
The vacant lot'on Eighth street between
avenues C and II , was ordered tilled to the
grade and assessed against this property.
The lot formerly oocupicd by tbo old
Cousins barn on Fourth street was also
ordered tilled up on request of Alderman
Smith , who deflated the low lot raado a
pond that was dangerous to health.
Aicbltcct Maxon submitted a claim of SU2
for rejected plan for the lower Broadway
hose house. Tlio plans were ordered bv AI-
dcunan Waltcrman of the old council and
reject'd by his successors. Uefcrred to com
mittee on rlaims.
Cicorgo F Boulter's bill for advanced costs
in the John .Short-Dodgo-Lightguand's in
junction suit was rejected.
John ( Jayno and other sub-contractors of
A. Schlutor , the slippery contractor , usucd to
ha\othn certificates for \vork dnno on Lin
coln avenue under Scbliiter's contract issued
to him. There are a number of Scnluter's
victims , and the whole matter was referred
to city solicitor and finance- committee for
Sam Payne , Squires and others a-kod to
have lilghth stieet opened west from the
tr.mster. Refused.
the opening of Stutsman street by cutting
through a high lull w.xs reported udvcrsclv
bv the committee.
The ordinance fixing the width ot side
walks and parking on Twelfth street at
twelve feet w.ts passed.
Two erroneous assessments for sidewalks
amounting to $ . ' .5,70 , assessed ag.unst the
Chicago & Not th western railroad , wcro or
dered to be charged to ex-City Engineer
btimpson and suit commenced against him
for the amount. Anotner erroneous assess
ment amounting to ? PJ was presented and
took the sumo couro.
The engineer reported tabulation of bids
for plunk sidewalk construction. Seven bids
were thrown out on account of failure to
comply with all the requirements of the
ordinance , Icaulng mi' , two bidders , Calvin
and Ilardin. Ualrin was the lowest bidder
for ccrtillcatcs. IIIK cents for three-foot
plank , and according to the oftabllshed rule
he should Imvo teccivcd the contract , but
Aldermen Pace announced that Ualvin
would buv his lumber in Omaha. Alderman
Van Brunt .suggested that the e.ish bids bo
consideiod in making the award. Ilardin
was the lowest cash bidder , and both Alderman -
man Pace and Van Brunt strongly favored
awarding him the contract , uud a majority of
the aldermen agreed with thorn.
W. A. Mynstcr's plat of an addition lying
east ot Hiibbit ri ice was referred to commit
tee on sttcets and alleys and the city engineer
to procure the proper extension of Wash
ington avenue ttirough the now addition.
bids were ordered advertised for numerous
sidewalks , plank and brick.
Tbo clerk was Instructed to draw an
ordinance for the curbing of all streets be
tween Pierce and Broadway from Grace to
Ouk and Eighth fio-n Mynstor to Avenue U.
( iOod apron ginghams , ns a yard E\tn
quality apron L'inD'hams. ; , ; | comnaro
with tiny so goods. Boston Store , Council
Blulf" , la.
furniture , carpets , refrigerators , babv car
riages , stoves , crockery , and all house fur
nishing goods , cash or on easy payments , at
Mandel te Klein's.
Steward's Irish linen thread , two spools for
fie. Brook's best soft tlnisn machine thread
In nil numbers , black and white , for lo a
spool. Boston btoro , Council Bluffs , la.
A nlco pure mottled castile sean , : i cakes
for lOc , sold everywhere for lOc a cake. Bos
ton Store , Council Blults la.
Death of it K'Htrr. '
Sister Mury Cleta Held died yesterday
morning at 8 ; 15 o'clock of consumption , at
the ago of thirty-six years. The deceased
was the daughter of James Held of Daven
port nml has been for seventeen years a sis
ter of charity. She has been in St Francis
Xnvior's academy for sometime past and
was there when her death occurred. The
funeral will take place from St. Francis
Xiivier's church nt SI o'clock tomorrow morn
ing , the remains being interred In the Cath
olic cemetery. Recitations in the academy
Imvo been suspended until Thursday morn
Snliuiii Iiuliirl.e ! < l.
\\\\cn \ \ II. Shoemaker entered his saloon at
an early hour Sunday morning , ho found the
rear door open and the furnlturx scattered
about the Hoer in a way that indicated that
he had had a caller during tbo night. Six
gallons of liquors , hovurnl boxes of cigars and
other articles of less value were gone. A
couple of overcoats belonging to some voting
ID ( .MI who work In the place hud been taken
down fiom the hooks on which they hung
and laid on a chair uoar the dour.
Drs. Woodbnr.v , dentists , : w Pearl street ,
no\t to Uruud hotel Telephone H5. High
tjrudo work a specialty.
Odd lots of cornets sold for "So ami $1.00
Including some of the most popular makes'
all in one lot for Wto each while they last.
Boston Store , Council Biulfs , la.
Double fold Columbia siilttuc * In strlpo * ,
plaids 'ind tlgures , HOIIIO beautiful wool of-
foots nt lUo a yard , would bo cheap nt lOc.
Boston store , Council BlulJs , la.
Western Pom-tlnn * .
W\SIIIMTTOS , Juno 1.- [ Special Telegram to
TUB : . Pensions have
Bit.J : been granted as
follows : Nebraska : Original-Andrew J.
Henderson , Henry A. Lake , Wilhelm Holt/ ,
Louis Dolormiin , deoreo DecKer , John tl.
Konright , Oeor u O Ensign , Blaslus ICnuth ,
William LntTorty , William A. Nightingale.
AdUltlouul John A. Itotrieh , William A.
Hartley. Iucroaso Utich N. Hood. Edward
W. ICccch.
South Dakota : Original Hdwln T. Lang.
U\v. Kamnel F. Jarvls , Fraud * F. Joy , John
U tireon.
Iowa ; Original Thomas Uonnls. David
J. Mcl.nlu , Henry J. Cranglo , John F. Me-
( Jrow , Sobiistlati Heeler , Moses Orocnhop ,
Oliver Cl. Dnllov , Pierce Mnhor , James Kale ,
Uusidl U. Curtis , Wllo-j II. Cord , James II.
Brooklnif , Thomas II. Olinger. l-'rodorlck D
Hull , William H. Cnrdel , Alex Luughoy ,
Ucorpe M. Hammond , Abncr N. Brehford.
Addltlomil- James F. Brooks. Increase-
Daniel H Wlncgar , Noah 11. Iscnhour , Otlu
Sloan. Elijah Hyatt , Charles Smith , Cornel-
Ins King , Kobort Colbert , ( leorgo B. House ,
Amos I ) . Hall. Ueissuo-David LUtlo , Wil
liam Everett , Juincs Parker.
A's voxcite r.
The triumph which the Anollo rlub won
last evening In its closing concert of tbo sea
son at the First Methodist church , cannot
help but prove beneficial to tbo causa of
miMlu In Omaha. For yoirs the club hni
combattcd the old theories that prevailed
about higher musical culture , nothing
daunted at the lack of popular appreciation
shown in thu first years of their orgunl/a-
lion , content to let their work- ) and the fu
ture win to their standard the better ele
ments of the community. It bus bacn a hard
struggle , but , as Dr. Duryc.i mid In his
talks between parts one ami two , calling
upon the people lo assist the club financially ,
"there is light ahead. " and , Judging by the
ronroscnliitlvo nudlunco prtssent last night , every seat In the prettv temple of
worship , It is safe to say that the llsht Is
near at'haml.
And the triumph which the Apollo club ,
the orchestra and the soloists won , is largely
duo to the scholarly direction of Mr. L. A.
Torrens , who emphnsl/ed bis position lust
night of b3lng ono of the representative di
rectors of the country. At no time through
out the rendition of ' 'The Crusader * , " tor
that was the m iln attraction , did ho loio
masterful control of the orchestra and chorus ,
and in consequence the ensemble was p"r-
feet , so much so that Mr. Torrens c.imrj infer
for hc.iity congratulation ever tbo happy
termination of the. cantata.
Now and then the wood winds showed a
slight tendency to accelerate the temp , but
the strings , under the loadershipof Mr. Hans
Albert , gave a rythmlc. flow to the
Interpretation which soon brought
the winds into perfect harmony.
"Tho Crusaders" by Niels W. diuto
Is ono of the most powerful us well i' beau
tiful of the modern cantatas. H is divided
into thrco parts , and Its story nriy bo told in
a word. Its theme Is the same as that which
Wagner has treated in "Lohcnquln" and
"Tnuuhnuscr" the eonlllct of the human
soul with the powers of darkness , sonsuii
beautv and sorcery and llnal triumph. It is
the story of the temptation of Ulnaldo d'Esto
( Mr. Knorrj.tlio bravest of the Crusaders , ny
Ariulda ( Miss Bayliss ) , and her slions , wheat
at last calls upon the Queen of Spirits to aid
them in their helpless tasks , the thwarting
of the powers of evil and final victory before
The ilrst part opens with a chorus of pil
grims and women in the band of the Crusad
ers expressive of the weariness and sufferings
thev have endured In their long wandering * .
As the beautiful music dies nwar the inspir
ing summons of Peter the Hermit ( Mr , T. J.
Peiinell ) is heard leading up to the Crusaders'
song a vigorous warlike melody , full of
manly hope and religious fervor , beautifully
sung by the mile chorus.
The second part , called "Armidn , " intro
duces the ovll genius of the scono. The prelude -
ludo to this part , strange and mysterious , in
dicating the baneful magic of the sorcerer's
wiles , was played in faultless style by the
orchestra , but one could not help but long
for a French born or two and fagotti to give
it greater warmth and color.
Ju a remarkably oxpresslvo aria Armidi
( Bayliss ) deplores her weakness in try
ing to overcome the. power of the cross.
And the song gave the very talented yean
soprano an opportunitj to shower her dra
matic power , which she rcali/ed most lully.
Miss Bayliss Is developing , and unless some
thing now uiiforseen should occur , she is des
tined to shine 0:1 : the concert stago.
After another invocation of the spirits the
sirens appear singing a sensuous melody ,
"Tho Wave Swoop * My Cneak , Soft and
Fair , " and this is ono of the gems
of the composition. It breathes of
high musical genius and ono won
ders sometimes if Mendelssohn , who was
Gnde's bosom friend , did not impart
of bis poetic soul in this modern m istorpleco.
This alluring song Itinaldo hears and is al
most persuaded to forsake the cause , for Ar-
mida appeals to him in a seductive strain , "O
Kmaldo , come to never ending bliss. " and
the knight Joins with bor in u duct of melo
dious beautv. He is about to yield , but iu
tbo distance ho hears the stirring tones of
the Crusaders song , and he arouses fiom his
spell , the scene closing with a beautifully
concerted numbers in which Uinaldo. Armlna
and th > ) chorus of Crusaders a'ld sirens eon-
test for the mastery. The cross triumphs
over the sorcnioss and she sings in despair ,
"Tho shining day is changing into gloo.ny
nlfiht. "
The third pirt , entitled "Jerusalem , " Is ro-
llgious In character and monlv choral writ
ten upon a very elevated scale , in wnich the
strings and horns in the band and the organ
litnrety predominate , the scene ending with
Peter's last call to strife , the roplv of tno
Crusaders and the llnal victory of the cross.
Mr. Knorr , who sang the role of Uinaldo ,
was of course the star of the evening. Ho
has an ideal tenor voice adapted to concert
and oratorio work , overytnlng that ho does
showing the conscientious artist who docs
not need to depend upon trickery to reach
certain terminations. Indeed it is not ton
much to say that he is today the bust tenor
on the concert stage in this country. But it
was in the concert pirt when he sang
"Charity , " by Fuuso , that ho showed his
beautiful method , reaching high C with con
summate ease and grace and tbo storm of
applause that followed showed how com
pletely ho had won his audience.
Mr , Pennoll was in line voice and sanp the
baiitono role delightfully , so well indeed that
ho was loudly qncoicd for his rendition of
"His Head Lot Each Crusader Raise , "
a roiuantie number full of the
holy lire which imbued Peter. The "Avu
Maria" by Abt gave the uudionco an oppor
tunity to Jui'go of the merits of the male
chorus and it Is doubted whether they over
sang better than on this occasion. Mr.
Wllkins sang the incidental toner part in
faultless stvle , showinu line foaling and line
phr ising.
"Tbo Inllammatus" by Kosslnl with Miss
Bayliss , rtiorus , organ and orchestra closed
the completes ! musical programme ever
given by n local orgtii'i/iitlon , and while Air.
Torions deserve t the gru itcst possible credit
still not a llttlo of its success depended upon
Mr. Tabor , who brought to bear his broad
musical knowledge of the orcan , which ho
played oxcelloutly well , so well indeed that
It was cause fcr congratulation that such a
muslcian.was dwcllinc In our midst.
The vocal organs are strengthened by the
use of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Clergymen ,
lawyers , singers , actors and public speakers
find this preparation the most ctfoctivo for ir
ritation and weakness of the throat and lungs
and for all affections of the vocal organs.
Milt \\liloli.luilno HolHloy Ijookcil
AHor VoHtenlay.
Boise and Johnson , thu croons who robbed
Beverly's hardware store of a lot of i utlury ,
had a hearing In pollco court yesterday after
noon and wcro bound ever to thu district
court. They will Imvo to answer to the
charge of burglary.
The twelve colored and the two white men
who were found shooting craps Saturday
nUut and wuro arrested and charged with
gambling will huvo a hearing iu police court
at'p. . m. today.
Joa Plerman shot a finger off the band of
A. Stroblu last November. Ho was caught
bv the police Thursday after a long abicaco
from the city. Ye nerd ny Judge Holsloy
bound Piormaii ever to tbo district court iu
the sum of j.VJ ) ,
John Brcnnan , who steered Jesse Lou-a tea
a lodL'lng house Saturday night and after
ward lobbed him , Win bound ever lo thu dU-
trict court in the sum of $15) ) vostcrday.
Ellus Wlnans and John Fouler , two lads
ten and twjlvo years old , stele a box of
candy from n Burlington bo\curu dav or t.o
ago and were bound over to the district
court | vcstcrdav afternoon by Judge Hclsluy
in thu sum of * . " > ( ) each.
Over -150,01)0 ) Howe scales nave bean > -8old
ml tbo demand increasing conilnmtdy. Bjr-
uii & Sclleck Co. , Chicago , III.
AN UMIj\l.Ml"l > KLO I'J'KU.
Body Sailing Klor.-nuo Imku Walling
tlio Coroner'N Plmisure :
Early last evening Prank Prlconud Alvln
Thompson v. ere rowing on Florence" lake and
discovered a body floating upon the surface.
The lad * pulled their beat asboro at once and
reported the matter to tlirf pollco by tclo-
ptione. They stated that } ttlft body wns that
of n man and bad n wliittVshirt and panta
loons on. Undertaker Burnett was notified ,
and after n two hours' luiht' the coroner was
reached by telephone nt his borne. Dr liar-
rlgan said that ho was toij tired to go to Florence -
enco lake at that tlmo of night , but stated to
Mr. Burkctt that ho wotik'tpp out this morn
Nothing more was doncj About the matter ,
and the body will probably1 float about among
the weeds until some tlmo today.
The body is stippoiod { 0 bo that of n sui
Dr. Blrncy cures cutiirrh , Boo bidu
, ) usr MKI ; OLD TIMIS.
School Hoard CJetn Together and Doe.t
KoineViaiiKlliiK. .
Last night the board of education got together
gothor and assailed the accumulated busi
ness. All went smooth as nn air ship exhibi
tion till the Adamant wall plaster company' )
letter was reached by the secretary. Then
there was fun.
The Adamant wall plaster company ad
dressed the board regarding a resolution for
merly passed by the board excluding bids for
all plasters but silicon for thu Kellom school.
The communication requested that the for-
tner resolution excluding the Adamant com
pany bo reconsidered.
Dr. Spacing moved that bids for adamant
plaster bo received along with bids for com
mon plaster ami for silicon.
Then the band plavcd "Annie Koonov" and
and the elephant reached for another gob of
pop-corn. Wchrer. Martin and Babcoct :
\\erc stoutly opposed to the resolution.
They held that the contract had already been
let and it would delay matters to admit ad
ditional bids on plaster. Moriison , Spaliling ,
Coburn and Points uero in favor of letting
thu Adamant company submit a bid for plat-
tcring for the Kellom school.
The discussion waxed warm and finally
Morrison charged openly that there was u
rumor afloat to the clToct that certain mem-
bcr * of the board were Interested In the Sili
con fnetorv , and for that reason thny were
In favor of .shutting out the Adamant com-
panv. The board finally decided to admit
bids for Adamant plaster.
After this matters dropped into the groove
again , with only a llttlo Hiiro up ever paying
lor school sites purchased with wind , until
the committee on claims reported that bills
and salary claims amounting to $ MM ( had
been examined and found correct. The bills
were ullowod.
Mr. Babeock objected to the bills of Mount
& Orillln for coal furnished during the
winter months. The bills for coal in thu
statement submitted by the committee on
claims amounted to about SsOd. Mr.
Babeock said ho had been investi
gating the matter and bad found
that Mount A : Crinin had furnished
the schools with thirty cars of slack coal
from lou'a instead of belter grades of coal
that should have been purchased as per con
tract. Mr Babeock declared that ho had al
ready found enough to Justify the board In
holding out at least $000 of ttio bills claimed.
Mr. AlcConnell stated with much emphasis
that ho could disprove every statement made
bv Mr. Babeock with regard to the furnish
ing of slack coal. ' 1 ho coil had been shipped ,
Air. McLouncll said , as , slack coal , but In
reality it was screened uut coal.
"Thu gentleman has been doing some line
Pinkcrton work , " said Air. MeComicll , "and
1 think it is shameful the way he has pur
sued this reputable linn and compelled it to
open up its private account- the commit
tee. "
"I wont into this matter , " retorted Air
Babeock , "to get the truth , and I believe I
liavo some facts tint shohld bo laid before this
buaid. I h'tvo the written statement from
Mount & ( jnfll to tno effect that they fur
nished but ono cur of Iowa coal to the
Omaha schools last winter. I have already in
my possession absolute proof that they
put In over thirty oara of Iowa co il. I was
perfectly satisfied , and It was a well known
fact that the majority of the committee was
in favor of paying these bills without inves
tigation , but that made no difference lo mo. "
"I call the gentleman down , " said Mr.
Coburn , rising to speaki "I say that the
gentleman has stated that , which is" not true ,
when tie savs it was a well-known fact that t ho
majority of the committee Intended to pay
the bills of Mount & Orinin wltnout investi
gation. "
Mr , Mni-tin moved to stiiko out the items ,
in the monthly statement , providing
for tbo payment of the Mount ti
tiriflln bills , but tbo motion wns
lost and the coal bills were allowed with tbo
other claims.
On motion of Air. Martin a committee of
three was appointed to confer with tbo city
council to arrange for space in the new city
hall for the board. Messrs. Martin , Coburn
and President Goodman were appointed as
this committee.
Do Witt's Little Early Risers. Bo3t Httlo
pill ever made. Cure constipation every
time. None equal. Ute thorn now.
AVork Abandoned Indefinitely News
ol'ttic Utillro.ulH.
F. C. Doran , superintondnnt ot the union
depot company , has resigned that position
nml left Sunday on No. 'J over tuo Burling
ton for Chicago to accept the position of gen
eral manager of the Chicago Bolt lino. His
resignation is tlio result of the decision of the
union depot company to allow the now depot
project to remain in statu quo for an indefi
nite period , A railroad olllciul , in speaking
Of the matter said"It looks now as if the
now depot will never bo built , and what is
already donu will stand there and rot , the
same us the old foundation at Tenth and
Alason. The union depot compiuy can't got
a quit claim to thosO lots , and they won't go
ahead and put thousands of dollars into Im
provements on ground to which they huvo
not a clear titlo.
Superintendent Xiclioln In
Suporiutendont Nichols assumed charge of
the Nebraska division of thn Union Paclflo
yesterday and his tint act was to appoint
It , U. Sutherland ns his assistant at Omiha
and J. A. Foley as assistant with headquar
ters ut Lincoln.
The Jurisdictions of the new assistants re
main tbo same except that Air , Foloy's
authority is extended to cover the territory
between Valley and Alnnlmttnn.
Frank II Kceshan , Air. Sutherland's pred
ecessor , will return to his old position of pas
senger conductor oa the Noorasku division ,
Constipation poisons tno blooa : DoWitt's
Little Early Itlsors euro Constipation. The
cause removed the dlscaso is cone.
Owen McCnfTroy't * Condition.
At midnight O'von AIcCafTroy was some
hotter. Ho bad rested easily during the
evening and had sl pt * considerable. The
doctors and the family are greatly encour
aged by this favorablo'tifrn of the case uud
have great hopes of n'rnpid ' recovery ,
Marring ; ! ' Licenses.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued by Judiro ShioldSiyosterday :
Nitmu und Address. | ( A so.
I 11. Ooldblutt , Umnlrt , , , ii.1
1 Cdlth Wnolfo , Umalia ? ai
Uiooruo M. Wright , ( VniKJi.i : i'J
I I'raiiklo II i\ls. Uiiullh W
I Will llnyi-r , Oiimlm.1' ' ; . ' u'l
| Norut l.mhoi on , Unuilia IU
DoWltt's Llttlo Early Uiscrs , best pill.
.M.I ma , 'Tvi'in'iiiTiit.
MitHterson'H IjitcHt MHVO In the
Matrimonial Mnc ,
Nrw YOIIK , Junn I. It was u surprise to
the Wall stioet contingent and to the men
about town vosierday to hoar that ex-Jmlgo
Alurat H. Alaitorson bad married his pretty
tvpowiitor. The Judge and his unarming
brutiutto brldu are now spending their honey
moon at the Sturtovant house. It was onlv n
few duvs ago that Judge Alastorsou figured
its the best man nt the wedding of Eugene II.
Coulcsto Alls * Cltiiro Beatrice Luonosch-
lass , an event that created an endless amount
of gossip. The Judge evidently concluded to
follow the example of his friend , and U there
fore for the second tlmo classed among tbo
Benedicts , Judiro Mustersou bus only been
known hero about four years , but In that
time ho has managed to become n familiar
Hguro at tbo fashiouablo hotclsttie racetrack
and on Vhnnpc Ho has nn ofllco on Wall
street and enjoys a reputation of being n
shrewd and successful financier.
The Judge first came into prominence In this
cltv about n year ago. Ho was at that tlmo
very friendly to Airs. Alice Hopkluson. a
handsome young widow who occupied n flat
nt ttt West Thirty-sixth street. Ono nlcht
the pollco of the tenderloin prcrlnct were
summoned to the tint by tbo report of pistol
shots. It was said that Mrs. IIopkln an bad
quarreled with the Judiro and bad IIred sev
eral shots at him , none of which caused him
liny injury. Judge Altutersou said that the
quuirel with the pretty widow was the lesult
of a dispute Iu tcgard to some business trans
actions wliU'b ho bad had with her. Ho re
fused to nmke n complaint against Air * . Hop-
klnson and the case was dropped. Airs. Alas-
tcrson was In Mexico at this time , but she
hurried to New York and put uu at the Urnnd
Union hotel. She bad a stormy interview
with her husband and decided to nait with
him. In n few hours after the mcetlm ; Airs.
AInstcrson dropped dead Iu the hotel corridor
Heart dlscaso , accelerated bv unusual excite
ment , was given as the cause of her demise.
After that Judge Masterson wont to Chi-
engo. He was an interested spectator at the
trial of Cronln , and took a warm Interest in
Aliss Alary L. Postirntc , who was stuioirra-
pher for a Chicago newspaper. Ho was in
troduced to Miss Postgntn and ho engaged
her to act as his prlvato secretary with the
consent of the parents of the young lady.
AIlss Postgalo accompanied her omplo\or to
New York and was installed in bis ofllco as
his typewriter and secretary. She boarded
up town with friends and Judge Mnsterson
showed the folr Ctilcagoan the new plays and
the most accomplished featuies of the
It was rumored that Airs. Hopklnson had
heard of .ludgo Alasterson's attentions to
AIlss Postgato and had intimated that her
pistol might aenln have to bo called into
play. She called at tbo Sturtovant house
several times , but the dorks rufascd to pei-
mit her to see the Judgo. It is said that
.indue Alasterson suddenly made up bis miiid
to Imlllo tbo tenacious young widow , so n few
nights ngo ho called In a clergyman and was
married to Aliss Postgato. Inquiry at the
Hat occupied by Mrs. Hopklnson yesterday
elicited the Infoi mutton fiat she bad gone to
Chicago. Judge MasteiNon told tbo hotel
people that ho anticln'ilcd no further trouble
from tier. .iTTr.yii'r TO j.tit , .
A Iloi'ftCllilcf CaiiKlitnH Me Was I.oav-
iii His Cell.
LOCHVPOUT , Ind. , Juno 1. Sherman , the
notorious horaethlef who was icccntly cap
tured near Fort Wayne and who escaped
from the county Jail here In April , Is'JJ ' , made
n daring attempt to repeat the act yesterday
afternoon. The prisoners are called to the
first floor nt noon to eat , their table boinir in
front of tbo window. After dinner Sherman
wont up stair.s to his cell , armed with a saw
and files. In a few minutes ho had sawed off
a bar i-nd escaped to the first floor. He then
wrenched loose an iron b ir which supported
tbo tables and with this commenced boring n
hole thioupb the eigbtecn-lnch brick wall.
In minutes ho hud removed enough
bricks to make an opening about six Inches
wide and through this ho threw his hat and
coat. Sheriff Donaldson was sitting in his
residence \\hen ho Heard the bricks falling
on the outside. Armed with a rille , ho saw
Sborninn crawling through the aperture nnd
sent a deputy inside the Jail. Sherman im
mediately rushed back to bis cell and lay
down. When confronted bv the ollicors ho
turned in his cot , rubbed Iis eves ns if
auakeniui : from a uap. and when accused of
attempting to escape , stoutly asserted that
ho had been sleeping since dinner. A mo
ment after ho contradicted himself by saying
that nil the piisoncrs wete guilty with him.
The knito used was six : inches long and half
an inch thick. When Sherman was helping
in the house cleaning Saturday , he took pains
to turn the hose on the spot where ho brouo
throuiru the wall in order to soften the mor
tar. Tlio work was all done slnco morning ,
us all the bars wore then sounded and found
solid. It was a carefully laid plan , as a team
of horses and a carriage were hitched behind
the Jail , watched by a stranger , who , as soon
as Sherman was detected. Jumped into the
rig and drove rapidly away. The team was
diiven up but a tew minutes previous and
showed evidences ot bard driving. Six other
prisoners stood ready to follow Sherman ha d
ho not been intercepted.
AX ii > itHt fOU.W ) JH-AIt.
Prentice Miilf'ord of New York Discov
ered In n Ciuioo.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 1. The body of nn un
known man who was found in u floatingcanoo
in Shcopshcad Bay creek Saturday , was
identified last ovcnlnir. It was that of Prentice
Alulford , editor of The White Cross Library ,
published at 53 West Fourteenth street , ttiis
city. Nothing has been learned as yet as to
tbo cause of his death.
For several days the canoe , which was
covered by a white canvas awning , had been
noticed drifting about aimlessly , and on S it-
urdnv afternoon a boatmin , imp.'llod by cur
iosity , rowed toward It and found it. to all
uppearai.cos , deserted. The canoe bad Its
name , "White Cross. " piintod on the bow.
On closer examination the body of n man ,
lying at fall length In the bottom of the HU
tie craft , was discovered , life evidently hav
ing been extinct for several days. In the
boat were n complete outfit lor camping , a
small kerosene stove , cooking utensils and u
small supply of provisions. Iu a box in the
boat were found a banjo , writing materials ,
an empty cigar case and .some pages of brown
paper covered with writing.
Last Juno Alulford rotuined from Cali
fornia ami assumed the editorship of Tbo
White Cross Library , a monthly maga/lnc.
Last Alondav ho announced that ho was
about to spend a month or two in his canoe
cruising about New York bay and gradually
forgimr his wav along Long Island sound to
Sag Harbor , his birthplace , which ho ex
pected to roach by July 1 , when Air. Need-
hum was to Join him. This was the lust the
Nucdlmms had heard of him until they read
of Ins being found in thu bay , The writing
pad with Neodham's address printed on it ,
together with other articles found in the
canoe , convinced thorn that it was the body
of Prentice Alulford. lie for seven yeats ,
while west , conducted the Overland
Mot th ly.
Proposing by Proxy.
A number of ladles and gentlemen wcro
assembled at Jlnncr to celebrate a friend's
wedding in Berlin. After the banquet a
president was elected who was pledged to
eternal secrecy by a solemn oath. All un
married persons of either sex wrote each on
n piece of paper his own name and that of
the person whom thov desired to marry.
The papers were banded to the president , a
man of mature age , marriednnd grave as be-
uamu his oil Ico. Itvi.s his duty to acquaint
the two parties who had mutually selected
each other. Hnsult : Eleven couples thus
had the opportunity of confessing their feelings -
ings to one another for the first time , and a
month later eight weddings came oil.
In the case of Alary J. Elliott against
David Al. liarsuy , S. It. Johnson and D. II.
Uoodrleb , where suit was brought to recover
on a bond , the Jury returned a vcriel of JLOOJ
for the plaintiff.
TIII : ur.Nui.NR
Johann Hoff's '
Malt Extract
lTuetialloil | us it
Tonic Nut itivo
for mi pal rod IH-
( , ' < ' > lioii , for Iho
anil debilitated , for Jlo'liMS while
Nursliifr and durinif CoiMiiIoienre. Ho-
ware of unitatioiiB. Tito ( 'OIHIIIIO luid
the sitrnnturo of MoiiANN llori' " on
the nock of cvory liolllo.
Hole Agents 0 HuroL.y tro t , Now V'irk
Wo fpii'l ' I ho mnrvi Inifi Krrnrli
Hi in. ilr CALTMOS 1 1 , - , ami n
l > .IhUunilUri llit < ALTMl , | H
k I Oi ; IIIlurz , A
( I It. Npfrinitlurrlll u < \ urlrtHrlo
uud lit , -.1 Old ; | .u.t Mcur.
Noli i irrlr * JtoU , ( Ixluull , IlkU.
Marcus' Clothing Store ,
THURSDAY , MAY 28 , 1891.
Wo will open with a new and co nplet stmv < in Men's. Youths' , Hoys' txntl
Children's C'lothing , C-ents'Furnishinj'liuods II .Is , Caps , Moots , Shoos , I'miikt
Vnliies , Kto.
On any purchase you in iko in the liot.ho during this Opening S.ilo > ou will
BIIVO " ( ! per cent.
Kvory thing is nnvkoil in plain figures and strictly ono price. The go uls tire
nil new and in latest styles , and tliov are bought -a-Mlght fro.n Kistorn Ma uifaeU
urers. Don't nils * this great oopoi'lumlv , but conio ami examine our stock anil
prieis. It will astonish . \on lo soi'Odf Low Priem and Hood Goods , \\ewtll
1110 nt Ion joti a few of the bat trains- and still there are thousands of Hart'iuiia t
which \ on can see by calling d iring tli < - S tlo.'o want you to ooino and oMiiuind
our poods ii'id pru'os and li uonvtnced. A few of the bargains are as follows
" ) t)0 ) Men's Workinjr Suits at > ; ( . s. oti Men's Suits at * l .V ) . HUO Men's UlncUf
Worsted Suits at $7. " 50 > Mi-ti's nil Wooi Dress Nulls In dilVorent Styles , from $3
to $8. SO. ) 15 iv's all Woo1 Komi Knits in dllTeivnt Styles at W cents..r > UO Hoy'9
Suitb during the Sale at * 1 ; acre I to II. UlOnll Wool H's Suits at W.A'i ; HL'O I lo lU
Woill put on 'ti o p'l iho hlMt Opening Day. Tinned iy , Mity 'JS. ono lotoi
C'hildren's I'untsaiiuVnists - ) C nts for tl.e two. Now is your ehanco to buj/ /
youi1 l > o.\s' i-lothing for a little money. g
M. Marcus Clothing House ,
546 and 548 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs Iowa
T71OU HUNT- One ( if the nest imylm ; hide's ' n
J- Missouri Valley. la. : our block Iroin
depot ; "r blocks from nustolllie , ' - ' . " > good
iKoni" , tly fimiNln'il ; easy U'liim to rl ht
party. Address II. C Warner , Missouri Valley.
Swan k Walkei's MS Mnln stieet and I I.I
AT , Council Mlulfs , yon \\lli iilw.iys Ibid
u "SMII | > bnrgaln" In teal estate It you want to
buy. or a p > od place to list a bargain If you
want to sell ot trade.
FOR SAI < n let : iml Insnr men busi
ness ; good Ih ery stock and lonliolllii ! ! In
terest in nn established business Will take
Home Kood city piopurty. Johnston & Van
\\7"ANTni ) A irood. second hand safety hl-
cycle , for cash. R Lamb , sr. , 15'JOia-
ham aenue. Council
POH SALK Klecant carriage team und line
single drlM'rs ; prltcs tcasmi.ihlo ; cull
and see them before huvlni ; . Nuae M. bmlth ,
sales sl.thlcs No. IIS North be\onth stiuul ,
Council Hluirs.
MAONiriCHNT sicre propeily In flxe-neie
Hauls located -"i miles fiom postoltk'O ,
for sale nn icasonablo tetms. bonu > llnu tusl-
ilcnuo pioperty fet rent by Day A. llehs.
FOIt HAIi-Ourflno family horse , suitable
for rldlnxor driving. Apply to U ) S. Oth
' .reel.
rpO lovers of horses The largest lot of oats
J and the finest In the eltv ; also hay and
feed o. " > all kinds , at S. Goldstein & Cos U-"J
West Hrondmty.
OLAIIivOYANT und psychometric , or char
acter readings ; also diagnosis of disease.
hend luck of hair for leading by letter. Sun
days and evenlnss. Mrs. K. Iloopur , 14. . ' Ave
nue I- , near corner 15th St. , Council It nils.
Terms. Me and 11.00.
FOR SALE Hotel centrally located , ( loins
pxxl business. Or will exchange for oed
farm In western Iowa.
Hotel lease , farn tare nnd fixtures ; an A
No. 1 uh-inue to Mop Into a K od paying busi
ness Keasons for sellln ; ; , other business ro-
iinlriir ' all owner's attention.
IlarKalns In iesldMico und business prop-
city. II. 1' . onivur , real est-ito and insnranuo
agent. No. 12 N. Slain st. . Conner Muffs.
Foil HUNT The MoMithun block , I ! story
brick , with , and elevator. J.v
Siulre ( , 101 I'oail stieeU
"IT1OK 3\LE , or Uont aanlea land , j
houioa. by J. II. Utoo. 1DI MLn it. . OouuoU
Bluffi _
'JltoVf > nilurrul New Process Vapor
Wo sell the only centiino Now Process
nnd the celebrated Quick Meal New Process
stoves , the best mado. One difference be
tween the genuine and imitations is that the
imitations have a small needle-like tube to
draw oft' oil that don'tovaporato ; the ( ; eiiulm
lias no such Itlmllum * . Wo have bold nearly
one hundred already this season. Lights
like pis ; absolutely safe ; no smoke or soot ;
as simple as a cook stove , See us before
buying. A few line fiij.UO gas ranges closing
out at $10.00 each.
The best over ollored ; " 0 per cent discount
ever last year's pricea.
lillttll JMoWOtH.
Highest grade only fcO.UO. Screen wlro
Uoofb , frames , etc. , etc.
Larjost ) stock in the ' .vost. The famous
Little Giant boy's whoM , the Victor , hit-best
grade , world's ' bobt wheel , boib for ladies and
gentlemen. COM : .V i/'oi.r ,
11 Main Street.
Don't OIvo Away Money
And get iidthliij ; In ruliitn. Von ate simply
dulii ( ! Its hen you pay thu prlcu eoiiiiiionly
usked foi an ordinary lawn rnawnr If tln > pi lee
Ismoie than $ - > UU. We will sell yon u Ilrst- and Kuaianlcud twoho-lneh
iiiowei for W.OO. Kvaiiilno them.
G r < len Hose Oo per Ke.
Coed duality und will gheyou H.UIsfactlon.
Conn ! and see It.
Tlie IleHt HpfVlKfrator
Is tbo North Star It Is not like MMIIO others
that uni uui i.uilcd to free/o without leu In
doir-days. U does usu some Ice. but uses less
and produces a loner tumpeiatiire with less
Ibun any other lefrluerutor on the market.
.M < ! vi < ; uii llaiiiinookH , 7 , * > o.
Tlieyure woith lookini ; at und will give you
loth of comfoi I during the siiiiiiner.
Columbia IJicycltM.
Plenty of them now tosupiily all demands.
Them IH no otlior In tlio win Id L'iial | : to It.
ItiiKi b ill goodH , Btnp-ludders , witter uoobiis ,
bamiiuiH ami clotlius b.tHkuls the llghtn UK
Iceeieam froe/crs , thai frcn/o In fiom llnoo
to ll\n inlniiteH. fiom tl. ' . ' : > iii | .lunlor gaHO-
Illic- stoves fiu > i * l to f7. the lie ) la 'ilc. ' till ) best
hB. K\apoiailuisloM' made ; for ualu only
ut 1' . C. DuVol'h. "iUI llroadway.
It IR thn amount that people BIVO , not MI
mm h what iht'V uuni , that men in ally mukiis
tliemilcb. In ImyInK u hoii-ciiol I necessity
like u lofrlKcratnr It Is wtdl In eonsidui soino-
III n ; , ' UM ! > tlmn the 11 is I , uovl In deteriiuiiliig
Its economy. The ( iiiurnscy Household Kofi K-
eiatoi IH UH hanilMimu , IH a plecti uf pailor
fin nitiire and I'ostH liss than any otliui llrNt-
eliiss nrtlule , and stands at thu head IIH an
cconoiul/m of lut KlvinK the lowest eold nlr
tiiiiieraturi ) | ) . All tlio packing Is mlneial
wiidl. thu best iion-conduutiir of heat and
molhtiiKi known. All paitx can be taken out
nml denned. ln\e > , tiguto thu Oueinsuy
Household before miyln. .
The Now Quaker t'lty N In nxery respect thn
rounturpait of the Philadelphia , and much
i lie.tnur. I'rdiii ti to } 7.Vo cuiry the I'hlla-
dulphla alsd and you van take your choice.
Surren HOUI-H
and window surnuns , the linked rnd llnoht In
the city , and all the lutiist novoltlcH In the
lutidwuiii line , at .siiraAItT X co.-i.
No. H Main htiuot. Council llliillH.
Gas Heating Stoves.
Just the tblnu for bath roomsi , bed rooms , ota
Call and SLO our lar u assortment.
C. B. Gas and Elocti-lo Ught Co.
211 I'earl ami 219 Main StrcoU
AH kinds of Dying and Clo.uiln" done In thf
HlKlicslbtyloof the Art , Kudud and titalnoJ
rubrics miidu to look as noocl .is new , llcfl
1'eatliois I'le med lly Meam , In I'list Clail
Manner. Work promptly donu and delivered
In all parts of the country bond for prlo *
O. A. MAOHAN. 1'rip ,
101J Hroadwav. Near N'orthweslurn Do
OnirACiO , May IU. Itoports of uenerons
Electric Trusses ,
Belts Chest Protectors
, , EtoJ
QO6 Broadway , Oouuoll BlulT/
Or Council Bluffs.
DliiC'-rous-I. A. Mlllor , R O Oluisi'i. K tt
Bliunrt , K. B. Hart , J I ) Eilmtuidbon. Oli.irloJ
It , Haunan Traim.iot bankla ; bttiN
ncn 1,11-'est capital and turplui ot iuj
bankln Southwontoru lovv.i.
.11. If. t'llA.1ilKltrJr.\ . It.
I'.jc , Enr , .S'oco nnd
Council Illults , - - Iowa
t-dio uyoH , CHHS ( > ym i
pulnlul mill weak vision , !
, ,
( JiaryL" * from UIM cirn
t.irrh , luy fovcr , nstlii
nml ( ill aciito anil clnonio
altc ( lions uf thu throat a
1-IKK.I.ilty ( ilnts ti > oi llt-
tcilTlihoiit pain ( JIai o aoeiirntoly prcsoilhoct II
cllillciili IIIHU < , uflun ( Mirlim chninlu nuiinlxli aal
nick liuailieha Haruli'id ( i.urialiim | , wliun nueail
ary , palnluiily iwrfonucd , uiiarlnK lutl rutulti
Olllcu.Jjinmurt.iiL. , , , , block , rouml Council Wilts , lit
FirstNational : - : - Bank
I'aiil Up Capital , . . . . $11) ) ) , ( )0fl )
Ililest orKiuilzi'd bank In thu city Tdrulun anrf
( nio-tio uxdianvo nnct loual iivciirltlpi Ilipuclii
li'iitlon | i ilil lo filli'i tloin , AuodiintH uf linllvlq
litnik'i li inker * ( tin ! corporations Bullcituti. Coir
rc'ipomleiKc Invltoil
( JHO I' . SANKIllll , I're Idont.
A. W UIIIKMAN. C.ishlor
A T UICIC Anlitnnt Cnnlilor
mine it [ jry lour iiiiniiuif , riro i K * ji ]
( ho alarms tliimuhonl the Imlldliu S Ion in dot and eold wutur und hiinsliino U
every room. Table iinsurpasMid unywhera
JJ.dO a day
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Council Bluffs , In.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
is Now Open.
George T. 1'helps , Manager.
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Butchers' ' aid Pao'urs' ' Suj.ilijj ,
Markal Flxtam , Casing ,
piers und KUISUKII MukurV Machinery S3 *
i-J Main si , tiiiinoil Illuir * . la. AUu dualur )
n Illdfa ami
27 MAIN S I'll BUT
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nits iiKi.i.iNoiiiH : , PRIMS
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