THE OMAHA DAILY BEE:4lONDAY : , JUNE 1 , 1891. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL , BLUFFS. CH'TICIi : No. 12PKARL STP.KKT , K ndlvcru'ii by Carrier In any part of the City. * 11 , W. TlfYl'ON MANAGKK. i'M ' On'cc ' , Xo. 43 , Nlpht Kdltor. No. Kl. N. Y. P. CV. Council IJIufTs LumbrrCo. , coal. Craft's chattel , 001 Snpp block. Hcnl Koclt Springs coal. Thatcher , 10 Mnln If you wtuit water lit your yard or house go to IHxby'c , : WJ Morrmm block. J. H. Hawkins wnt arrested yesterday for rind disorderly conduct. Miss Stella Patterson entertained n num ber of her friends at a picnic Saturday afternoon - noon , Miss Nannie L. Horsey of Chicago Is In Iho city , the guest of Mrs. Gus Kuhn , 7' ' . " ) Wash ington sttreot. K. M. Hunker addressed the men's montlnir yesterday uftcrnoon at the young Men's ChrlMliui association rooms. Tlio Woman's Christian association will meet thia afternoon at 'I o'clock with Mrs. 1.1. W. Tullcyj on Park avenuo. Tim Social union of the Presbyterian elm roll will meet torroriow evening with Miss Lora Hlacic on Third avenue. J. Y. I'mler , formerly of this city hut now living In Chicago , Is visiting friends In the lilulTs. He IH stopping at the ( ! raml. The proposed triii of the Wheel club to Miilvorn and loturn was postponed Indefinite ly on account of tlm threatening weather. Tim funeral of Iho late Mr. A. II , Ham took plncoyesterday afternoon from the residence nt the corner of Twenty-ninth street and Avenue ( ! . A memorial service was held last evening nt the Trinltv Methodist church. A sermon was preached by the pastor , I lev. H. Alexan der , and the solillrrs attended In a body , marching to the dim ah to the music of Wall McKadderi's drum corps , The Hood Templars of the city will give a social In tlieir hall In the Archer block this evening. A in1 steal and literary programme lins IHCII pieparcd. Mrs. Dillon , the popular fcinuer. accompanied by Mr. Sims , will rcti- dor several selections. Admission free. N. Long , who tends bar nt ' ! V > Broadway , was aricstcd yestotilay morning by Olllcer Kelly for keeping bis place open on Sund ly. Wlion tlie ofllcer mudu his entry into the room hong was standing at the bar with seven thirsty men In front of the counter , cacti with u-bcur sebooer before him. All tbo customers were locked up in the city jail tenet net as witnesses tills morning In police court. W. W. Ciilinoro raised a large amount of noise In tils part of the eltv yesterday after noon. Ho lives nt the corner of avenue 13 and Tenth street. Ilo turned tils wife out of the bouso , sent bis children Hying to tbo neighbors for protection , and was chiming the hired girl nr.sund the house with an axe when Ofllcor Wyatt appealed on the scene. Mr. Ullmoro was taken to the police station , but oven there ho could not restrain his pugnacity. The combined efforts of Deputy Marshal Fowler and Oflicurs Martin and Wyntt were necessary to prevent him from tearing down the Jail. Ho was booked with drunkenness und disturbing the peace. Ho will have a hearing this morning. Morgan's prices fdr furniture on install ment plan lower than any other nouso in city. Ho-upholstering specialty ; 22e line French sateens for irie Monday at the Boston Store , Council BlulTs , fa. D All our military capes at half price. $ . > .00 capes for S'.ttl , fli.OD capos for $1 ! I'O , ? ' .i.OO capes for S.'i.OO , f'H.OO ' capes for $7.50 all day inonday and Monday niyut. Boston Store , Coiincil Bluffs , la. on lirnntlway. Pour young bloods came over from Omaha yesterday afternoon to see the sights. They drove a double seated rig from an Omaha stable , and felt very gay. On lower Broad way , In the vicinity of Twenty-HUn street they overtook n carriage containing three ladies , also from Omaha. The two out- tits wore soon driving at full speed up Broad- Broadway , sometimes ono rig being ahead , and sometimes tlm other. Sud denly a police ofllccr appeared on the scene , and the septet was nmchcil to the police station , The women , who woto ap parently respectable , insisted that they had not been racing ; their horse simply felt'k en , and they could not restrain him' After an admonition the ladies wcro allowed to depart. ono of them tearfully vowing that slio never would eo buggy riding again. The threeS young men were held , and will hr.vo 11 hear ing tnls moraine : on the charge ot reckless S driving. They pnvo tholr names as .1. Wil liams , ( Jcorgc Dougherty , I runic Peters William Koss. They gave bail for their ap pearance. Cnlf'iiY HprliiK < vin Ilio Hook iNliuul. Everybody has heard of thorn , located on the "Great Hock Island Houto. " Col fax has n tlo/on medical mineral springs and hun dreds dally testify to tliuir merits. Savon llrst-elnss hotels furnish pleasant homes at very low rates to the throngs of health and pleasure seekers. Pont < 'luli XCUP. The Council Binds Uowing association Is malting pron.iratlons for an nctivo season's work. There arc about ono hundred mem bers at present , and the list is constantly growing. They have recently purchased the boat house at Manawa from the club , Uiid now have two houses , one of which is used for ilia practice shells and the other for plensuro boats. Tlioro Is n scheme on loot now. however , to sell the old house , and if the deal Is consnmatod , the house will bo moved from its piosent site. Next year It is the intention of the club to build now ana inora commodious hcadquartcis. The llnan- cos of the club nro away ahovo this year , and it is thought that the contemplated im provements can bo uuulc without any iron tile. Ladies' all silk vests worth $1,00 for -Iflc , not over three to u customer , Monday all day nt the IJoston Store , Council muffs , la , Sanitary soap , also a special glycerine soap , iniinu fact u red for ourselves and'marked Hus ton Store , IK ) per cent glycerine. The above two makes for 5 cents n cake , Just half price. Boston Store , Council UluiTs , la. No UH < > Cor tlm Umpire. There was a game of baseball at the drlv- park yesterday afternoon between the Models of Council Ilulls ! anil the Diamonds Omaha. It was as nlco a game as Is often seen among amateurs , At the end of the first half of the eighth Inning the score stood 4 to II In favor of the Models. Mctz of the Models butted the ball to loft and run to Ilfbt. The umpire paouounced him safe , but the Diamonds claimed that he did not reach the base until the ball had got thero. They ac cordingly throw up the Mionga at that pol.i- ot the game and went back to Omaha , bluint Ing the umpire for their defeat. Grand opening of Schutzon park at Luke Miimtwu with concert , ball ami prlzo bowl- 1iif ( , Sunday , May HI. 1'rUoi : One iold-hcndcd cauo. Olio Kold-heuOud ninbrollu , Ono tfolil watch chain , Ono silver butter dish. Ono silver pleltlo castor Ono pair ladies1 olil bracelets. ol' .MIISOIIH , The Masoulo grand lodge meets in Cedar Rapids tomorrow. Preparations have been niudo to recelvo guest * from all parts of the state , and a largo attendance Is assure. ! , Chief Ciiry of the police force left for Cedar Kaplds last evening ; Or. T. U. Lacy and James Patterson will start tonight , and Alderman Peter Wind will leave today for the &amo place , 'Iho school of Instruction convenes today , ami the moating of the grand lodge proper will take place tomorrow. Tlm Lake Manuwa hotel has boon roinod- s clt'ii , refurnished and renovated throughout , * and will bo opened Wednesday noon , June U , 8c heavy shirtings for 60 n yard nt the llos- tun Store all day Monday aud Monday night , Council Uluffs , k. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Slumber of the Citizens Rntlsly Disturbed by Saturday Night's ' Storm. FEARS OF A CYCLONE WERE GENERAL , IloiirlttK Win-In , CrnHhliiB Tluiiulcr nnd fjtirld Ijl MlnltiK Conililin ; In Grand Orntorlo Rfl'uctH ol tlio A prrat deal of consternation was created Saturday nlt'tit between 11 nnd 12 o'clock by a terrible coritmotion in the sicy northeast of the city. Many people who had retired were aroused b.v the loud roaring sound , and those wtio had over had any experlcnco from n cy- c'ono ' recounted the presence of the aerial monitor b.v the hl h-pitchcd and angry roar. I'ho upper portion of the cloud could only bo seen above the hills north of the city , and the course It was taking could not bo defin itely determined during the evanescent Hushes of the lightning. Muny people took refuge In their cellars and awaited develop ments In the safest place they could. The cloud swung around from the north to tlio northeast and dlsappa.ircu in that direc tion. The roaring soung continued for thirty minutes add gradually died away. Almost a dead calm prevailed all over tlio city and a slight shower mingled with hall was all the storm experienced. That , it was u cyclone was not doubted by scores of people who had seen enough of them to bo able to roco nlzo ono when they saw it. The belief was general that the coudtry north and east of the city had been visited by a disastrous tornado , but as the moat reliable information to bo obtained was based iipcn pure conjecture the town returned to Its beds after anxiously watching the clouds for half an hour , expecting to get up yesterday morning and hoar all about an other ( irinncll horror. The play of the lightning from ono central point in the clouds was Incessant and the icy cold wind thin c.inia from Iho north n few minutes after the storm passed was regarded as ttio llnal proof of the cyclonic character of the disturbance. Early yesterday morning people living several miles north of the city cnmo to town to get the .storm news. Thov reported that it had passed apparently ten miles north of them. No tidings of any disaster , however , were received , nnd It the storm was a cyclone Itcontinued high in the air until it had spent its force. Many people took car- llanos yesterday and drove 'out , in the country in the fipprrent track of the tor- nady , but returned in the evening without having encountered anything moro ihun a lot of tornl'ii d farmers. Good apron ginghams , , " > c a yard. Extra quality apron iringhams , li' c ; will compare with any Sc goods , Boston Store , Council IHuffM , In. _ Furi.iture , carpets , refrigerators , baby car riages , stoves , crockery , and ull house fur nishing goods , cash or on easy payments , at Mnndel & Klein's. Steward's linen thread , two spools for . " > c. Urook's nest sol t llnish machine thread in all numbers , black and white , for lo a spool , lioston btotelotiucil ! Blults , la. One Glumou Ijel't. Attorney General Stone has given an opinion with regard to the power of the gov ernor to remit fines that have been levied on account of violations of the state liquor law. The imiulry which the opinion is aimed to answer \vas put to him by Governor lioies. I'ho case in question is that of the state against Jacob Ilowarth , who was tried on a charge of violating the liquor law in Ear- risen county. Ilo was convicted and .sent- tonced to pay a line of $ . ! 0'l. He appealed the case to Hie supreme court , after giving bond. The decision of the lower court was nfllrined , nnd as Ilowarth did not pay. Judgment was given on the bond , and it was sought to force the sureties to pav the required amount. The sureties applied to the chief executive and tried to Induce him to remit the line by using his official pardon ing power. Governor Boise was doubtful whether ho had tbo right to do so. To sat isfy the doubt in his own mind ho laid the matter before the attorney general. The attorney general In his opinion states that ho believes the constitution uivcs the governor the light to remit fines ot the kind mentioned udncr such regulations ns have been provided by law. The law provides that ho may remit lines and forfeitures upon such consideration and with such restrictions as lie may think lit. Us thinks the main point to bo investigated is whether the for- loituros under consideration belong to the class which , according to the wording of the statute , it is intended to give the governor the rluht to remit. Ilo refers to the case of Harbin iiL-ainst tbo state , in which it was de cided that the governor had the ripht to remit a Judgment which had been rendered upon a forfeiture of a bond piven after arrest on preliminary information and pending a hearing bofoao a magistrate. The court hpld that u line In that case was subject to remis sion by the governor , and the only difference , according to Iho opinion of tno attorney gen eral , between the omul in the two cases is that In tbo Harbin case the bond was for ap pearance , and In the other was for an appeal to the supreme court. A nice pure mottled caslllo soap , 3 cakes for Hc ) , sold everywhere for lOo a cake. Bos ton Store , Council Bluffs la. Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel , Telephone 145. High grudo work u specialty. I'J' ' o black check , stripe and plaid organ dies , 1'J yards for $1.00 , Monday at the Boston Store , Council BluITs , In , Odd lots of corsets sold for 75o nnd $1.00 , Including borne of tbo most popular makes , all in one lot for 50o each while they last. Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la. tll ( ) I'lllOC. The building committcoof the First Baptist church met an architect Saturday afternoon , for the purpose of getting some further ideas as to the now church building which it is pro posed to erect. Plans had been prepared , but they wcro not in all respects satisfactory , and the most of the afternoon was devoted to a discussion of thn plans , and the making of suggestions. A now sot of plans will bo prepared - pared and will bo presented to the committee at Us next meeting , which takes place next Saturday afternoon. It Is intended that the building shall cost about if''O.OOO. exclusive of the lot on which It Is to stand. Whether or not It will bo erected on the situ of the present building cannot be said Just yet. Ono of the committee ) stated yesterday that the trustcos had hit upon a combination by which it was expected that the funds necessary to do the work will ho raised In u very abort tlmo. Tno work of collecting will bo commenced in a few days , Double fold Columbia suitings In stripe * , plaids und llgurcs , some beautiful wool ef fects at lOu a yard , would bo cheap at lOc. Boston store , Council Bluffs , hi. Mar Bouricius , music teacher , removed co MS Broadway , over U. B. mtisio company. lOc Turkey red table napkins , So each , or 50c a dozeu. Boston Store , Council B lulls , In. Now Club HOOIIIH. The furniture of the now club rooms belonging longing to the "League" is all in place und TWO GUI ; AT AUNDS"AG lIlI Sir Morrull Muckonztu ntul Professor Koch , the liitfhust authorities in Europe , unhosttutinKl.v recommend the Sodon I'astUlos ( Troches ) for till Throat , Lung ntuU'nturrhnl dlt-ouses. Agnlnat Mularln und ether ntiuoaphoi'io liiliuonccs , these troehos nro without oquul. liownro of Imitations. The genuine must hiivo the testimonial ntiil Hlpuuturo of Sir Morroll Mackenzie around every box , Price SCo. the room * are now open and ready for occu pancy. The only means of egress and In- press Is through the hotel , a passage way having bcon opened up so as to connect the club room with the fourth floor of the Grand hotel. The furniture is neat and tasty in np- nearanco and the rooms are very pleasant. A grand opening Is talked of among the mem bers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Try Duquette & Co. ' * i'oraona fruit Juice tablets. They are delicious. rtirco of our most popular makes of JI.OO corsets for 5)c ) Monday at the Boston Store , Council UluiTs , la. Union Park races , Omaha and Council Bluffs , June 0-12 , f 1,000 ; Sept. 8-11 , M.i'OO ; Oct. ' . ' 0-t ! ' , ' , $1,000. For programmes address Nut Brown , seo'y. , Merchants' ' hotel , Omaha. llnslifiil Bridegrooms. MlniHtoi's declare that in nine CIIFOH out of ton brides nro much moro self-pos sessed than tlio bridegrooms when tlio inarrlncre ceremony Is boitifr performed. A fch.v , modest-looking llttlo urcnturo tobed in white willt > tnndpurfcflly erect , looking thoministcrealinlynnd squnroly in the eye without for nn instant losing her frolf-poibo , while tlio biy , blunt six- footer of u bridegroom bv her side is pule nnd nervous und trembling. His lingers nro likely to twitch nervously , 'ind ho may even hitch lit his troubor legs or twist n cornel' of his cout skirt. I wnsonco "best mnn" to n stalwart , middle-aged bridegroom , noted for his courage nnd fent of during , says n writer in the Philadelphia Call , nnd when the time came for us lo go downstairs - s-tairs to meet the bride and hot1 atten dants , he nearly had a lit , and ho looked like a walking corpse till through the ceremony. I had to keep saying , "Brace tip , old boy , " and "Come , come , you've got to go down , " to got him started ut nil ; an-1 ivt the door ho was idiotic enough to clutch at mo and say : "Say , Fred , how would It do to have Mary and tlio preacher slip in hero and have it all over with before wo go down at ull ? I can't go through it before all that crowd. " "Idiotl" 1 said , briolly and pointedly enough as to leave no doubt as to my meaning , "Mary won't como in hero , and you will go down this instant. " Ilo got through at last without doing of saying anything ridiculous , in which respect ho was luckier than another stalwart bridegroom of my acquaintance , who was so dazed and overcome that ho hold out ono ol his own fingers for the ring when the minister said , ' 'With this ring I theo wed. " Another bridegroom I know lost his head to such a degree that when it came time for him to say , "I , Horace , take thce , Annie , to bo my lawful wed ded wife , " ho said , 'in an un naturally loud tone , "I , Annie , take theo , Horace , to bo my lawful wedded wife , " and when the time came for him to introduce his bride lo some of his friends who hud not yet been her ho did it by saying , awkwardly. "Ah , or Miss Carter , this is my wife. Miss Barton , " calling her by her maiden nntno. Few men say "my wife" easily and naturally the lirst time they use tlio words in public. A funny ease was that of a badly rat tled bridegroom who staren blankly at the minister until asked if ho took "this woman to bo his lawful wedded wife , " when ho started suddenly and hastily and said in the blandest manner : , "Ah ! beg pardon , were you speaking to mo ? " A village preacher said that ho once married a rural couple at the homo of the bride's parents in the presence of a largo company of invited guests. The bridegroom was u big , bony , red-faced young fellow , who looked as though ho could have felled an ox with his fist ; but ho shivered and turned pale at the be ginning of the ceremony , and at its close lie fell down in a dead faint , to the manifest annoyance of his bride , who had bcon as cool as a cucumber. The Ijalcc Sliorc'H New Past Train. June 7 the L. S. & M. S. railway will place in dailv service a fast morning train via the N. Y. Central and B. & A. to leave Chicago at 10IiO : a. m. , nmvtns1 at Now York 2:10 : p. m. , Boston 8-10 : p. m. , next day. Close connection is made with all diverging lines throughout Now England , enabling passengers to reach the moro important points in this section as well as the Atlantic coast resorts , before - fore dark. Tlio equipment of this train is now throughout and consists of vcsti- buled sleepers , buffet library car , coach and dining car. No extra fare. Send for complete schedule of trains and sum mer tourist folder. II. S. Barlow , 18o Biddle street , MilwauKee , Wis. ; C. 1C. Wilber , VV. P. A. , Clileago. IiicandcHcciit Lamp Tor Denies. A new him ) ) has appeared which will bo a boon to the = o who are anxious to save ttio eyes all unnecessary strain while carrying on clerical work. This lamp is designed especially for desks or tables where it is desirable to concen trate a bright licrht for writing or read ing , while the eye is afforded tlio maxi mum amount of rest possible. The sides of the lamp are almost straight , while tlio bottom , or largo end , is as nearly Hat as possible. It in claimed that the straight lines provide better rollectlng surfaces , and prevent , as much ns possi ble , uneven intensities of light upon the object. The inside of the butt and the outside of the globe are silvered and the incandescent liliuncnt is actually sur rounded on three sides by a mirror ro- llecting all the light downward. While the lamp may bo placed on a level or a little nbovo the level of the oyc , no light strikes the eye directly from tlio lamp , as the slivering is covered and protected by an opaque substance. fJEPl'EKMIA'T ItltOl'H. The tlmo Is coming In which the man who earns his bread by the sweat of bl.s bro.v need not work very hard in order to do It. Did you over notice how fashion revolves " sort of"a turnstylo , as it wero. Our alleged early spring seems to have had a fall. A fool and his winter underwear are soon parted. Defined tin aching void the hole whore your tooth was when the dentist began op erations. Money can talk in every nation , every tongue , from Greenland's ' Icy mountains to India's coral strand. Though titled husbands sometimes co > t n lot of money , they aru bcldom dear to their wives , U is rather odd , but when a man gets low down ho Is always hard up. The privileged old beau Is n man of some "my dears , " The longer most men are married , the moro they are convinced It was tholr wives who asked them to marry. The man who is always thinking of himself seldom has any colluboratours. The best Is the uuoapsst in the end , no doubt , but a good many Of us never get so far as the beginning. There are some women who seem to bo only good to love pug dogs. It is usually the "bright" man who is "polished" in his manners. The telephone enables two men to ho to each other without becoming confused. "Great Simr ! " Is the favorite exclamation of the soda water salesman. "This Is a necK-squeezud-lt .llttlo affair , " remarked the man who was hanged. Many college graduates are excellent oars men , yet they do not know how to paddle tholr own canoes when they go out into the world , HFor every man who knows moro than ho tolls ihcro are fifty who tell moro ttmu they know , GHOULS AT HARP'S ' CRAVE , 1 ! I Eobbsra Attempt to SWW tha Body of tha Deiul Showman. 't ' i BUT TWO WATCHMEN WERE ON HAND , The Villains KsLMiMlii , ( lie Ourknosn , but Iiunvo TlielrJTooN In the Uxcnvnllon Wtlo Ha * Bltlo ttio Tomb. nnitiarroiiT , Conn. , May 30. A daring at tempt to steal the boJy of I' , T. Barnum. tlio dead snowman , win m.ulo about ! 1 o'eloulc yesterday morning by rfhouh. At the tlmo there was a drizzling rain and It was very dark. George Callahan and .lolin Blakeman , the watchmen , were sleeping In a shanty about fifty feet to the south uf tbo grave. J'ho llttlo house Is in n grove and cannot bo seen from the grave on a dark night. The men roll asleep about twoo'clock ' , having been nwako during the previous day. C.illahan 1 i light sleeper and was aroused by the sound of a pick. Ho quickly aroused tils companion and both looked to tholr revolver * . Finding them ready for busluuss they noiselessly pro ceeded In the direction Of the grave , whence the sounds camo. Tney crept to within n do/en foot of the tomb without being heard. Callahan then asked , "Who's there P No reply came , but tlio work stopped and ono of the moil exclaimed "Hun , boys , for your life ; wo arc oaujjht. " They dashed off and both watchmen fired .lieir pistols at them. They continued shoot- lie until their rcvolvora were emptied. A cry came from one of the men after he had run a short distance and the guards supposed 10 had been shot. Thev foliowoti but could Inct no ono. Then they reloaded their re volvers to bo prepared for a return of the ghouls. They did not return , however , and an in vestigation was undo at the grave. On the lorth sldo was found an excavation in tlio ; round several feet dean. The ground there s soft and it had only taken n few minutes to dig it up. In order to reach the body It would have been necessary to work through i wall eight inche * in thickness , which sur rounds the grave. The crypt is covered with AVO stone slabs , weighing two tons. This < ind of a grave was inado in accord with num's wish , ho having said that it was safer ind could not bo entered without attr.icting the attention of the watchmen of the conie- tery. The men found a dark lantern in the excavation which the ghouls had used and dropped in their Illght. There was nothing on it by which the owner could bo identified. Alter tlio guards had recovered from the excitement of the affair they reported it to C. U Bothwe.ll , the business aL'ent of the late Ho w is disinclined to believe the story at lirst , but after the men had related their full experience ho decided to make an investigation lor himself. This be did and ordered the hole filled up. A correspondent visited Callahan. Ho socmod greatly excited when the matter was mentioned to him. Ho said : "There was but oao thing to do. Those men could only be thcre , for one mirposo at that hour of the night. It might bo our lives or theirs. 1 called again but received no an swer. I fired in the ajr. The men at once started on a run , and we after them liring as wo went. They hau a good start of us , but wo could hoar them thiow their tools in the bottom of a wagon , over near the cemetery pump. vVe then went back to the grave and found they had started a hole about lour fcot long by a foot deep at the west bide of tbo grave. The dark lantern , tno rays of which we had seen , was lying upon the upturned sod , having been dropped bv the frightened scoundrels In their ( light. "It that I'll not forgot was a night as long as I live. " said Callahan. and Blakoman ex pressed himself in a similar manner. When the news of the attempted robbery became known in this city it caused wide spread Indignation. Tha two watchmen have been guarding the grave since Barnum was buried. They would have boon taken off in a weak or so. As no attempt had bouu made to rob the grave the men had given up ex pecting sueh a thing antl consequently al lowed themselves to sleep. The robbers are thought to have come from out of town. Lite the night before a team was hired in Mllford by four men. They said that they Wuiited to visit a house in the country. The team was not returned and was found wan dering in the streets yesterdav. The objects of the ghouls seems to have boon to get the body and to hold it for a reward. Mrs. Bar num was greatly agitated over ttio affair. She said that had the body bcon stolen no re ward would have boon offered for its return , as Mr. Barnum had wished it that way. Last night the guard was doubled at the grave. SHE SEKti JlOOICk'N X > E < 1 U FACE. A Mental Vision Wliluli Drives Minnie \Vintcrling Distracted. CHICAGO , May HO. Minnie Winterllng , a German girl twenty-two years old , was locked up at the Harrison street station last night to prevent her from carrying out her threat to throw herself In the Chicago river. Mlnnio Winturling Is a character of moro than ordinary interest. Slio was the main witness in the celebrated Moore murder trial at Ottawa , 111. , which resulted in the hang ing of Charles Ford on the Oth of the pro-sent month and tlio imprisonment of William O'Brien for life and Kate Ford for fourteen years. The murder of Moore , who was a traveling salesman for an Omaha house , on tlio night of Juno 'JU , 1SOO , is still fresh in the public mind. Minnie Wimcrling .vas pres ent at tha killing and witnessed the whole proceedings. She took the stand against her companions and caused their conviction. For this service she was set free by the state. After the trial States Attorney Blake of LaSallo county obtained for Minnie a posi tion as domestic in a boardlng-houso in this city. Last evening the girl began to act Ifits tha nail on the licud ono of Dr. Picrcd'S Pleasant Pel lets. They do tlio right thing in the right way. They.cleanse and regu late the liver , stomach and bowela thoroughly mid effectively , but mildly ami gently. They persuade , rather than force. Ono tiny , Biigar- coatcd Pellet's n gentle laxative ; three to four act aa n cathartic. They're the smallest , but the best. There's less to take , but there's more good in it , when "it's taken. They're the original Little Liver Pill , and they've never been equaled. Sick Headache , IJilious Headache , Constipation , Indigestion , Bilious Attacks , and all derangements of the liver , stomach and bowels , are prevented , relieved , and cured. They're the cheapest pill you can buy , because they're guaranteed to give satisfaction , or your money ia returned. strangely and threatrinod to throw herself In the river. Her employer.knowing her past history , foarcd that she might carry out her throat and caused her arrest. The girl says whenever she thinks of the past she becomes despondent , blio says that whenever slio stop * to think she can see the drnd face of Moore HS she saw It on that fatofnl night of Juno : ; : ) , and It almost dtlvcs her to distraction. For Schlltz beer apply to It , It , CSroito OiO Farn am. _ IHSI-VSSKI > , Uniiioi-H of I'rolmlilc HIIUCOMHOI'M for Noble and I'rr.utor. \ \stnsoToN , May 80The Post this morning prints the followlni ? : There Is a strong Impression on tlio p.irt uf well In formed persons in official circles that whllo Secretary Noble Is not going to leave the public service they will not bo surorlscd if in a very short time ho would tettro from the Interior department to accept a prominent pbico in the diplomatic service. One story is to the effect tint ho will take Minister Smith's ' plneo at St. Petersburg. Another and more probable story Is that If Secretary Proctor should bo selected to succeed Senator Kdmunds , which now seems certain , Minister Lincoln will bo made secretary of war and Secretary Noble will bo sent to the court of St , James. _ ' ] Iio Milllaml'H Affairs. CnicvH ( ) , May ! JO. A dispatch from Craw- fordsvillo , Ind. , says : Sheriff McCloskoy of Montgomery county has bccomo tired of set ving papers on the Midland people with out compensation and told Mr. Crawford's representatives that ho will not move another step until his fees for p.ipors served are. set tled up. Mr. Crawford In an Interview with a reporter says : "Wo have sold \nluablo nroperty in California and mortgaged our homo In order to pay the debts of the road. " Ho also said that all claims would be paid as fast as the money could be obtained. Ho claims the road never earned over $ ir > , nee a year. They want to keep the road out of the bands of a receiver und claim that It will soon be valuable property. ftAbout now one heats as many demands for "short-cut" at the barber's us at the tobacco nist's. "Mv son Is n Jlno horseman , " said Mrs. Mulaproi ) proudly "Ilo rides like a cen tury. " It is sometimes easier for n man to com plete n round of pleasuio than it is for him to make things squaio aftei wards. Four Hungry men from Alabama will en- gaiie in a pio-Ulting contest at Chicago to night against four hungrv men if rom Nash ville. ville.Drs. . Belts Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , L4O8 DOUGLAS ST.LiE > EiT OMAUA , NED. Tno most wliloly and f.ivoruMy known npoo- lallats In the Unite 1 Htntes. Tholr lon ox- porlonco. remnrlciiblp skill ami universal suo- cosi In the treatment and euro of Nervous , Chronic anil Surgical lUoi : i" > . entitle these eminent physicians to UK : full confidence ol the afflicted every wbcrn. Tlicy piuirftntce : A CEKTAIN ANU POM ! 1K OUIIE for tbo awful effects of Btirlv vien and the rainier- or.n avlls that follow In IU I rain. PRIVATE. 1U.OOI ) AND 8-KIN DISEASES snoodlly , cntnplololv nnd neimatiently cured. NKHVOUS 1)EIIII,1TV ) ANI1 SEXUAL DIS ORDERS yield readily to tholr skillful treat- , FISTULA AND RECTAL ULOEU3 guaranteed cured without pulu or detention rlYOUCKEIJE ? AND VARICOCELE perma nently nnd successfully uurud In every caao , SYPHILIS , GONORRHEA , OLEET , Bpor- nmtorrUo- , Seminal WcHknos- , Lost Manhood , Night Emission ? , Decayed KiicultloH , KemaU Weakness and nil dolleuto disorders pcou'.lal to either EOX pon'tlvuly cured , a well a1) all functional disorders that rcxuit front youthf.'J folllca or the excess of muttiro years. TU IT'IM 1 1 ? U Uuar.intco I yornmn e n 1 1 j 1 1\IL- U I\L , O \ - 1 \ cured , renu-val comnlotft ' .7thout ! cutting , oanstio or dilatation. Curt * Directed at homo by patient without a mo ment's imln or annoyance. TO YOUNG AN3 MIDDLE AGED MEN. A 9IIPTJ rilM ! < The nwfnl effects o ! OUI\.C lyUKU early vleo which brliiKi prEnnlo weakness , devlmylnu both mind nnd body , with ull Its Uro ilcd Ills , permanently cured. ni ni'TT's ' AddreK-i those ho have 1m- LM\o. UI..1 1O paired theini Ivea by Im proper Indulgence and sol tiny niiblts. which ruin both mind and body , unfitting thorn for bu < < lneift. ! stiidv or marrlaxo , MARRIED MEN or tin so entering on that h.tppy life , aw nro of physical Uublllty , quickly assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts. First Practical experi ence. Second E > cry ca 10 Is Bpouially studied , thus it rtlnn rlKlit. Third medlclnei are prepared In our laboratory cxnctly 10 unit each CRIB , thus effecting cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA. NEB Not lee to ContrnctorH. Notice Is hereby given that so'ilo 1 bids will bo received by the birird of public lands and biilldliiKsat the ollleo of the secretary of Btato at Lincoln , Neb. , until the -n-1 day ot June , Ib'.ll ' , at 4 u'lltiuk p. in. , for the erection , construction and completion of u two-itory brick and stone liulldini ; known as "Tho St-ilo Industrial School for Hoys und Olrls , " to ho erected at Geneva , I'll.moro . county , \ob. , as per plans , hneolllc.Ulons and dosl ns now on llle In the ollleo of the commissioner of public In nils and buildings at Lincoln , Neb. C'ontraotors will bo roiiilr.iil | to conform to rules und rusulatlons as set fortli in specifi cations adontod by the boar.l. The hoard reserves the i Uht to rojeot any and all bids. Dated at Lincoln , Neb. , May n. ISfll. A. R. llrMi'iinnv. President Iloar.l I'tihlhi L mils and lluUdlnrs Attest : .I OIIN C Au.n.N , t-ecietary of State MtUvMm Kf 'llinilprc Attorneys at law , 1'rac- ( X OillllUIUS tlco In the state and federal cocntH. Rooms II , I and 0 bhujart Uvnolilouk , CouncU Itiuir-i , la. HI rininhfire Attorney at Law , No. in . J , UlUlllUUa , I'ouri street , over llusli- noil's store. Tolnphono No. 'JVI. lluslneii hours. , fa a , 111. to'J ' p. in , ( Jounull lllulls , l.u NEW O&DEN HOTEL. The Now Oplun llotol. In ( 'oiini'll UluiTs. has been completely icfimilhhed and Inndoriil/cd throughout , and Is now ono of the best hololi In the state ll Is loc.itodln Ilio bu hiuss pint of the city and the ulectrio inutuis piss thu iluur every [ nil' minutes , I'tre es-apus nnd IIn. ' alarms tbrou.-hout the building. Steam heat , hot and cold water and siiiKhlnu In every room. Table unsurpassed anywhere. Itatea , $ JM ilay. \ . GBO. \VIIITNBY , Mnnugor. QR.A.ND , Council Bluffs , la. This Elegantly Appointed Hotel is Now Opon. George T. Phelps , Manager , SPECIAL rr\ \ J Superinduced by cold weather and an over stock. Sacks , Box Backs and Cutaways , superior qualities , all of our own manufacture and rep- resenting'lines sold all the season at $2O.OO , $ I8.0O. $15.00 and $12.50. You'll find them culled from all over the house and piled up on our front counter on first floor to be closed out at $8.00 , $10.00 and $12.-50. Knee pant suits , two piece garments , excel lent quality , agds 4 to 14 , at $2 , $2.5O , $3 , 03.5O , S4.5O and $5. Boys' long pant suits , ages 14 to 18 , full valua with every sale , at $4 , $5. $6.50 , $7.50. $8.5O andIO. Note suit prices in east -window. Mousy Cheerfully Refunded where GoodP d : > not Satisfy , * " 3 RELIABLE CLOTHIERS , Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Sts. ( Send for Ilustrnted Cnteloguc. ) TWIN CITY STEAM DYE WORKS , G. A. Scnoed = ack , Proprietor , Offices 621 Broadway , Council Bluffs and 1521 Farnam St. , Ornnha. Dye , clean and refinish gooIs of every clescr iption. Packages received nt either office or at the Works , Cor. Ave. A and 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list. Merchants who luivo Hhop-worn or toiled fabrics of any nhiirautur win liuva them redyocl and finished equal to now. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Swan \ValUcrV II ! ! Main street ami Il.'l AT , t'ouiK'Il lllulK yon will always flntl a 'Snap Imrfciiln" In roul estate If you want to buy , or a Mood plaro to list u litr aln if you want to sell or trutlu. SAM ? An nlMrii't mul Insnrnni'fi liusl- FOIi ; Kooil llvurv Mouk and coiilriil'lni ' ; In terest la an established business. Will tiiku Eiiino Kouil city piopurty. Johnston & Van I'attou , 7ANTED Rood Klrl for pqnoral \v work. 6'Ja tiui until avenue. V\rANTKI > A good , bPcouil Imml safety bl- ' cycle , for eaBb. V. Limt ; > , br. . IfiU Gra ham avenue , Council Illull'H. FOR SAI..E EIoKant can-lasts toain and flno blnclu ililvi'isj prli'us reasonable ; eull und sue tboin before buvlni : , Isuuo M. Smith , sales htablea No. 418 North Seventh stieot , Cuunull Illuirs. rpo TKADF. Two housoi and lota on llroad- JL wnytotiade for vacant lots on Fourth , Klfth or Sixth aveniiCH. Addrcns llmwn & UiiJjer , III2.I llroadway , MAOXIKICTNT aero nroprrty In five-aero tracts , located V miles fiom iiostolllrc , for balu on leahouabli ) t CM HIM. t < oiiiu lluu resi lience property for rent by Duy A. HUNS. " \\7ANTKD lly a J-OUIIK man with oxpcrl- ' euro and references position In a wluiin- Milu honsn where ho ean advance. Addtcih 1CLU lleeolllce , ( Jouncll Illulla. "I7IOU SAM ? Our duo famllv horso. sullahlo -L fur riillM orililvlii . Apply to KI'J S , Ctli .itiut. MiO lovers of borsos The larjpst lot of oats .1. and Iho Hnust In the city : also luy and feed oo nil kinds , ut s , ( Joldbtoln & COM 1.CJ Went Ilioadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OIiAIIUOVANTand iisychometrle. orchar- acter ruaitliiKs ; also ( UUKIIOHIH of disease , t-end look of half for ioadlniH by letter. Sun days anil uveuliu's , Mrs. K. llooppr. Hfc' AMI- line i : , rornnr 15th bt. , ( Jounull II iilln. Terms. We and tl.OO. -/\OK \ AMC-KorUent-Wanted-Ifyou want -L to buy , hell or rent anvthlnx In the real fhtuto lluu don't do it until you have been our lar o list of b irnaliis Swan .V WalUer , No. 113 Main and III I'earl HtrceU Council IImil'- , . 1 ulSAM-Ucitcl : i-untrilly lo i ito I. toln | J. Ufjuil business. Or w.ll otuhanjiu for KuoJ farm In western Iowa. llotul lease , turn turo and lUlurvn ; an A No. I uhancuto slap Into a good puynu husl- IICIH Heasons for bellhu , other bifilnuss ro- iinlrliu all owner's attention. HarKalns In tosldunco and business prop erty. 1C. I' . Olllci'r , real estate and insuranea No. I' . ' N. Main st. . CouncU HI nil's. HUNT The MoMahon block , a t-tory brick , with Imsmnenl utid elovtttor. J. W. Sqnlie , 101 I'earl street. XTOKSALtJ or lUnt 'lir.lan Un-l , wltU Jbouigi , u ; J , U. iliuo , U4 Jilu tv , , Oouuoil IlluIT * CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . 8150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70.00Q TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . . . . 225.000 H I. A , Mlllnr , V. O Cllnison , B. U Ehuis'iirt. H E. ll.irUJ. I ) Kdniundson , Ulrirloi It. Ilannan. Tr.inmiot Ronoral banklii { Iniil- neii. Lario t cnplt/.il unit turplui at any lii Mouthwustorn INTERESTON TIM i DEPO3I T3 , COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All liliuls of DyliiK anil Uluanliu ilonu In tliq lllKlii'sthlyloof tlio Art , F.nlu.l mill Htalnoil I'uhilcH inailo to look us KQod 111 uu\r Una I'lMlliris CiiMiin.i Ity Stuuin , In 1'irnl Ci'uH ' M.iiinur. Work proinutly ilouo uiul ilullvoroil In all parti uf thuuuuntry So ml fur p list O. A. MAUIIAN , Prop. , 101J Hroachvav. Near North wiMtom Uo COU.NUII , lii.urrj. I A. CHICAGO , Muy 10. Huporti of icncroiii rulu FirstNational Bank First-- : - : - -01'- COUNOIL DLUPPS , IOWA. Pnld Up Capital , . . . . $ lt,000 ( ) ) iililoit orKiuitiiMi Imnk In Hi" oitr Koruiun " ' " 1 ill uioktio uxcliuii u unit local ii'uurlLloii , Knpotta iiltuntloii pulil In C'lllnutliiiH. Auoiunu uf i.ulivlit null. Imnki , lMiikiiruimtcoriJtir.4ll' ' > ii aullvituil Cor ruHiHiiuluiito liiviutil ( J1JO. I1. SA.NIOHI ) . I'rn-lilunt A. W III I ! KM AN. ( ' .Hhlur A T lllfK AmliUnt Cnilllor 31. II. < 'll < l.lilliMti.lX , .11. it. llye , Knr , Nimi unit Tlirunt Council Mluir , - - lu huro rym , cron ryui. f I'ttlnfiil ' ami wvik vlit t'liruclio , iii'iifnuif , i i liurifui fruin Ilio unri , ai _ turrli , hay fuvcr , nutlini'i nml nil iieulu nml tlirunla uRi'olluiDuf tlm tliriint u rpuclulty ( llitit uyui lit ti'il wintilp.ilN ( | | ( Jlitaoi aoourately pruicrlbod la ihllluull cnm ; , < ifoii | curliu chruulo nuilMlvIt ami kluk'tcliu. Hurtflcnl uperutlun * wliuii uoce * * nitry { Miiilutvly iicrforuuvl , te iiirmK tul runulti OttltutiUuiurl tiuuu block , rouiul Cuuucil Illual