THE OMAHA DAILY BEJ& IPRLDAY , MAY 29 , 1891. CAN'T ' AGREE ON THEIR MAN , Haggling About R Becslvor for the Ne braska Flro Tnsuranco Company , THE COURTS WILL HAVE TO TAKE A HAND. Order ol' tlio Court DlMroqrmlpil by I lie liiHiirnnco J'ooph * CII of by the I'cstcr.lay. Judco Wnkcloy had sotyostordny forhcnr- Ing nrguiriciils nnd nppolntln/ / receiver to look nflcr the nfTnlrs of the NoutniVfv flro Insiiranco company. Ho WH on the bench promptly nt 10 o'clock , but , the case wunt over until to day. When the last hoarhiK was hod , it tvus ordered that nil of the ptinors in the case bo turned over to the court. This ordorwns dlsrogaruud and when the was uallod uo pancr.s had bean prMnitcd. There will bo a bitter light when the qucs- tlon comes up , as the roprcsuntativos of the company doclnro that Welpton shall never bo apcolntcil to wind up the affaire. In support of their opposition thny will Illo : i number of nflldavit * , showlnc that ho Is not n lit tnnn for the place. Tlio H ! nti ! oillcors will nlio oppose Howoll. who has boon named by the company and litigation promises t' ) coutlnuo unless the court takes thu matter into its own hands and appoints a receiver of it * own selection. Cases were disposed of as follow1.1 Juilgo Ferguson Charles H. Fry vs Ocorge TJurko ot nl , continued hy consent : David 10. Thompson vs Oinuhu National , bank , on tilnl. Judge Irvine- Charles ! i. Olson , adminis trator , vs Max Mayor , on trial. The ques tion was raised that Olson was not the orupor party to bring the suit. Arguments mado. Court held that C'harlos U. Olson holng the brother of the deceased and the next of kin , ho had a right to nuo for damages. Judge Davis Graver Stevens vs Alfred D. Jones , submitted to jury ; Ed ward U. Hunt vs J. 1 * . McCaully , on trial. Judco Hopowell Charles C. Spottswood , passed ; V. M. Phillips vs Charles H. Cush- inan ut nl , plaintiff given leave to Illo reply lustauter to cross polition of defendant , , aud dofmilt , of defendants Charles K Ash- more , Mary Ashmoro , ISlistia and Hannah Corey nnd I * . 1' . Prnyn in behalf of defend ant C. O. Ashloywest ; John A. Wnkofield vs Peter O'Connor , passed ; H. C. Patterson vs Charles R. Tyler , decree of foreclosure nnd sale ordoi oil ; Bank of Commerce vs Charles O. Spottswood , transferred to Judgu Donno's docket ; Prod \V. dray vs Charles Norling , continued by consent ; Olof Hanson vs City of Florence , passed for settlement Judge Doano William Cumlng vs. Robert J. Smiley ot al , passed for settlement ; Frank Colpetzor ot al vs. Smith Coffee et al , judg ment for plaintiff , nnd decree of sale entered ; Sophia Lowe vs. John Klloy , ot nl , leave to defendants MoHrown to Illo answer Instanter ; Band of Commerce vs. Charles C. Spotts wood ot al , Charles Corhott given leave to Intervene and answer within llvo days ; Coutant it Squires transferred to law docket ; Henry Koliro vs. N. C. Kundlo , trial submitted ; Aultmau , Miller & Co. vs. Omaha tire insurance company , continued by con- sent. Judge Estollc , criminal department ; Jack 8b.opurdasHnuItand battery , pleaded not guil ty una ruinundod to jail ; Charles Carpenter , grand hxrcony , pleaded not guilty nnd remand ed to Jail , Kd P. Smith appointed to defend ; "Todo" Brown , assault with intent to indict great bodily injury , pleaded not guilty and remanded to jail to await trial. Tmlny'H CJHC.H. The following cases nro on today's call of the court calendar : imroitE .immi : DAVIS. 17-138 John \V. Connor \s Omaha National bank. 18-120 Joseph Kennedy vs City of Omaha. 18-ia-.1 William I'axton vs City of Omaha. 18-144 Christian Hanseu v.s Andiow 11. Gram ot al. 18-231 Ocorgo W. Smith VH Omaha & Coiinell UliinH railway and brlduo company. 18-Zf > fllarjjarot J. Elliott , vs David M. Jlavorloy ot al. 18-LTO E/ra F. ItlnKor vs John A. Patterson. Ifl-x1 ? ( Justavo Kcssnorvs llonry Vosiotal , 18-iUl Victor Lawson vs i' Worm ot al. 18-am W. F. Loronzo ot al vs Alfred Llnd- bloom ot al. riKpour , iui'in KKiintrsoK' 18-174-Oharles AY. Wbltu vs Spencer Otis. n-Jitj D.ivld E. Thompson vs Omaha Na tional bank. 18-12 W. H. Hamilton vs Homo Flro Insur ance company. 12-21 James RVnn Olldor vs Samuel Crosby , 17-259 Sam uol Elktus VH Omaha struct rail way. 17-220 Itobort E. Kulin vs Ooorgo Kuril , con- Btablo. 18-47 T. S. Nealls vs Omaha and Grant smolt- IK nnd rollnlng company. 18-6(1-0. ( . .Smiths Joseph M. Ulgour ot al. 18-110 John X.ols vs Mary Aster. 18-122 Anna Al. Kennedy vs city of Omalia. 17-1)08 ) William II. Thomas vs frank 11. Johnson. 1IRF01IE JtWnK IUVI.NE. 17-100 Oharlos II. Olson , ndiiir. vs Max Mover. 17-tUl Charles H. Olson , nil in r , vs Max Mover. 10-3(10 SUite for Douglas county vs Louis UorKholr etal. 17-2J7 Thutchor ninnufaoturlng company VBOttoStoubiMiot al. 17-71 ! T. E. Darlington vs MoLoud-Lovo llvo otoolc commission comnnny. 17-1IMI Annlo MctJavock vs city of Omaha. 10-i74 : Onrrle A , llordon vs Oharlos U. Hho r- vruod. HEFOiiE JUDO is DOAM : . 17-I1B Douglas County bank vs I'rnnols M. Wright ut til. 17-2JI ! Slagglo Ij Carter vs Samuel W. Car- tor. 17-"OJ-Hello Boll vs Ilonton Hull 18-3 Porn Knowlos vs John K. Knowlos 18-40-Oohn XI. Wilson ut al vs Spencer E. Illakoot al. 18-81 Mary P. Oarlton vs Oharlos W Ivy ot l'8-B.T lien Uocd vs Luke I1. Snlkoy ot al. 18-1U W. N. Allen vs Kdwlii A. I.eavouworth ot al. 18-110 W. N. Allen vs Edwin A. I.oavonworth ot al. 18-119 August Llosol vs liars Hanson ot al. 18-iil : Voc to A DlniiliiK vs Jami's Ulgout. 18-1II5 Joseph Kaviin vs T. O. MIoUol ot al. 18-110 V. U. Miller ol al > s Ooorgo II. Gates ot al. 18-1RD In roapplloatlon ol John E. 0111. 18-101 Nebraska and Iowa Insurance com pany MI I'at Moi\oy. ; 18108llliani \ Cumlng vs John V. Ooota ot nl. 18-205 W. W. Oroploy % s Oharlos E. Slobort ot al. 18-210-It. U Oarllohs va Jamoa n. MeOiislo ot al , 18-212 It. I * Garllchs vs H , IM'nttornon ot al. 18-315 Oinnlin mortgagn comp.iny vs John II. I'UKh , et al. 18-270-G. 1) . Wyatt vsQoodrloh Hall associ ation et al. 18-SW I'ntrlok land company va Anna J. , ritch etal. l 18-21)1 Victor Tmwson vs I'hllllii Worm ot al. 182IXMnttlo Martin va John W. ( Iruss ot al , 1H-21N Juniua M. Swolniim vs Krcd L. John son ut al. lH-ux : > JamosM Swotnam vs Fred f < . John- eon ot al. 11KKOIIU JDIXIR IIOI'KWKI.U 17-a32 F. M. I'hlllps ' vs Charles H. Oushman ot al. 1H-7I1 Kannlo Hlotnan vs W. II. Spoilman , IH-m-W N. Allen vs E. A. l.uavonworth ot al. 11-115 W. N. Allen vs T. A. Loavoiiworth ot al. 17-ciI-P. : M. I'hllllps vs Charles H. Oushman ot al. 17-cc-F. : | M. Phillips vs E. ,1. Cory ot al. 18-m-Faiiny Flxn el al VM Henry L-lvosoy. 18-170 Ulchurdson drug company vs T. W. Euaford. 18-174 .V. Meyer vs O. 0. Spotswooil. 18-182 Uranu company va lloriry llartman ot nl. is-isn-fiuy O , Itarton vs John N. Cnso ot nl. 18-100 Oranu company vs I'at .MoDouuld ot al. _ _ Dluk AVIliIo Knjoliicil. The famous burn owuod by Ulok Wlldo has got into the courts. The structure staiuU on Sovontoontli nvouuo , near the rojidouuo of iVed A. Nash. Bourn time ago tbo council Bnuitcil Wlldo ptiruiiiisiou to move the build- IIIK to the ether sldo of the lot , which would bring it close to Is' ash's house , I'rotoMs were filed , but they were of no avail. Mvsh took -timo by the ; forelock mid last night ttucumd an injunction from J ml ( to Uoiiu rojtml'1' ' "Wlldo from moving1. The case will bo I < * Juno t ) , and until thut. tltuu the will ro- uiaiu wlioixi It now stauds. Not Cnllcil For. " Prank E. Meows , the clerk of the district court , now understands why so few of the Juron who were druwu for the Ilrst day of the ptvaont term of court put lu au oppoar- BDCO. At that tltuo ninety names were druwu from tlio jury lUt , aud a rcgUturod letter mailed to ouch person BO selected. Yesterday forty-six of thi o registered letters were returned - turned , and each 0110 bora the Inscription : "Not called for. " UUUOGKI ) lilt * UUINK. 1'ctciI'ctersoii Almost ICillotl by Homo Countrymen. Dr. Oapen was soon by a HBK reporter last evening ntid ho made tt.o following state ment In regard to the stranger who was found Ivlntr in the gutter nt the corner of Ninth and Howard streets Wednesday night. "I was called by Captain Moatyn , who satu they had a mail supposed to bo dead drunk nt the police station , nnd risked what should ho done. I ndvlsed clvlng n httlo whisky nnd Instructed the pollco to watoh the man and if ho did not revive or shov , d uny slgni of getting worio to call mo again. About i u. in. Captain Mostyn telephoned that the man was still unconscious , and I wont im mediately to the Rtl.tloti. I found the p.Ulont in a profound sleep , the pupils of the eye were contracted nnd ho showed pronounced symptoms of morphlno poisoning. The patient was roraavod to tit. Joseph's hospital and the proper restoratives administered and continued until late this afternoon , \vhnn the man became conscious aud commenced to talk. "Ho said his name was Peter Peterson , o Swede and was from KinmotUburg , In. Ho arrived In Council HluITs Wednesday with only 10 cents and n satchel containing his clothing. Finding no friends in Council Bluffs ho walked over the bridge nnd gnvo half his dime for loll. Ho commenced to look for a plnco to stop aud some country men. "In n saloon ho found some Swedes drink ing and was asked to Join them. Ho drank f brco glasses of boor and has no recollection ol tvhat transpired nftor that. It is supposed that the stranger was drugged for the pur pose of robbery. It was n serious c.u > o of opium poisoning and the man came very near dying. " Inquiry wns mace nt a late hour last night us to the condition of Potor.sou and the hos pital nursoa said ho was doing very nicely. 8OVTJI O.11.1H.I. Tlio SnrHllHd Ball. A larger number of distinguished persons never decanted South Umaua hospitality than nt the first annual ball given by the Snrs field society. When Mr. M. E. Welsh of this citv and Miss Julia Boles of Omaha lightly stopped out to the strains of Sholony's orchestra , as ninny couples as could follow In line Joined in tlio grand march. Fifty couples were compelled to act as spectators of the syste matic motion and changing figures of the march. The reception commltteo consisting of Messrs. Charles O'Hara , Thomas J. O'Noll and iJonJnmin S. Adams and the floor com- mittcu consisting of Messrs. Michael J. Flaherty , James T. Donohoo , Daniel Egnn , P. H. McDonough and James M. Gallagher , were all attention to guests , making all at homo on entering the hall and anticipating every want of those present. Deft hands had skillfully decorate ! the hall with national emblems and bunting till never a hall in the city presented a liner ap pearance. Among those present from ahroad wore : Misses Minnie Christ of Dos Molncs , la. ; Kate Oolov of Chicago ; Mary Malonov of Philadelphia , Pa. ; Agnes Dawos , Ivato Lynch , Julia Mahouoy , Sadlo , Agues and Julia Murphy , Lizzie McDonald , Atuiio Slot- tory , Maggie Cunningham , TUerosa Daily nnd Mlnnio Oruudin of Omaha , and Messrs. Thomas Uoach nnd Michael Slattery , Lin coln ; John Burke and Patrick Murphy , Grand Island ; Jnmcs Keating , Fremont ; City Clerk John Graves , Thomas Fnllon , P. C. Heafoy , Dr. A. Clinton , P. J. Tigho , Hon. James C. Bronmin , Dr. Ebbot , Thomas Lvnch , James Hush , Prank Morlnrity , Michael Lee , Thomas McNally , John Calk ins , M. F. Egnn and Thomas Douglas of Omaha. The dnn co was ono of the largest nnd most successful over given in the city aud was as unjoyablo to these present as it was credita ble to the Sarstiold society. Mr. ami Mru. Smith Entertain. Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Smith , 3103 N street , entertained company last evening- honor of their niece , Miss Margaret Eads of Aurora , ono of the most accomplished nnd charming ladles wbo over brightened South Omaha society. A number of ladies and gentlemen from Omaha enjoyed the hospi talities of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. In their usual easy and perfect way the host and hostess entertained the guests. The refreshments , for Mrs. Smith Is celebrated , were of her best preparation and were served with elegance. _ lIoft'ninu-.Mnriiii. Mr. L. T. Martin of Swift &Co. , ono of the young mon of probity mid influence , nnd Miss Ella Hoffman of Falrllela , la , , a charming nnd accomplished yOjng lady , were married Tuesday ut the homo of the brido's parents. Mrs. Martin of Chicago , mothorof the groom , nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. James G. Martin of this city were among the guests. The young couple will bo warmly welcomed in this city. Irotilmiul'H Aitiiunl. Tlio third nnnual hall of South Omaha lodge , No. 53 , United Order of Troubund. will oo given in Germania hall , Twenty- fourth nnd J streets , Saturday c.vonlng , Juno SO. Messrs. Frank Humbert , John Frey and Gus Wordoman have boon appointed a com mittee on amuif "uionts. Kotow About tlio City. Mrs. S , W. Laur has returned from Knn- sa * City. Miss Hormonco Laur Is visiting friends in Ivansas City. Miss Tilllo Humphost will visit friends in KoUrasku City. The picnic nnd moonlight rldo nrrnugod for last night , was postponed. A son has been born unto Mr. and Mrs. Zosbo , Twenty-third and O strouts. The high school will glvo n literary and musical entertainment this afternoon. A cow boloiiKing to John Sautter of Al bright was struck by a locomotive ana killed. Miss May Scarr of Monrooville , Ind. , is visiting her brother , C. E. Scarr , with C. A. Molehor. .John vVagnor , wr.ilo working in the hog Icllltug department of the Cudahy packing plant , had a hog fall on him , driving his butcher knlfo ihiough his right hand , caus ing a painful wound. In reply to CInrenco Duflleld , 157 East , Ono Hundred nnd Thini street , Now York city , Marshal Bronmin Informs thu eastern in- qulror that the Glebe employment agency is ii frond nnd thnt Manager Lon'au has vnm- oosod. Tim closing oxorclsos of St. Agues' parochial chial school will bo held In Blums opera house , Tuesday , Juno ' . ' 0. Tha Sisters of Prudence , who havu churgo of the school , are greatly encouraged ever their patronage and success. Over 450,000 Howe scales nave boon sold nil the demand incro.islntj continually. Bor on & Selleck Co. , Chlo'igo ' , III. Ohio Clul ) I'loiilu. The Ohio club will hold Its third annual reunion and bosket plctuo at Full-mount park , Council Bluff : ) , Decoration day , Club mem bers nnd guests will gather at the end ot the motor line nt the park nt it p. m. A haskoi lir.ich at 5 o'clock , followed by u brlof pro gramme of speeches will bo the oraor of the afternoon. A rot-option wilt bo hold attho Grand hotel nt S P. m. If the weather is unfavorable the rminlon will bo postponed until 8 p. m , nt the Graud hotel. A largo crowd is uxpoctod. The following marriage llocusos were Is sued by Judge Shlolds yesterday i Name and Addruvi , , Atro. I Altrod Ilauert , Omaha . , . . . . . .37 I Annlt > 'L'raruiek , Oiimh * . , . . , . , , , , . . . .21 i John A. Knmoy. Omaha. . , , , . . JM I Lena Notroll , Omaha . , . vj riiimicl Stolon. Yesterday afternoon uluo yards of llannol was ittolon from the counter * of Falconer's store by n female shoplifter. Too loss was reported to the pollco , but uo nrroat has as jot boon made , DoWltt's Ltttlo Early nUora. Bait Itttlo pill over uiado. Curq conitipatlini every UUIU.NOUO equal. { Jso thorn now. NEBRASKA FARMER DEMANDS , A Few Comparisons Which Show Some of Their Incongruities , ANOTHER SCANDAL IN THE COURTS , Notorious Confidence iMun , Driven Out of Chicago , sitartB for Oninhti < V AVitlklng OeloKUtc Tackles Undo Bum's Sailors. CHICAGO Oman OF Tun BBE , I CHICAGO. Muy 23. f Commenting on the rccont report of the Nebraska bureau of labor and Industrial sta tistics and the fanners' alliance memorial to the legislature , the Tribuuo says : "Accord- Ing to the facts only two farms in seven in Nebraska uro mortgaged at all , and but ono In eight lor any other purpose than that of the purchase of land , the buyer paying part down and giving security for the rest. Do the nlllanco leaders want those obligations to be repudiated , the occupant to claim full tltlo when ho has paid tor only one-fifth part of Iti It would bo but a short additional atop to tuo position that a man has a right to an other man's ' farm for which ho has paid noth ing at all , mid then wo should simply fall baclc upon tlio okt plan of letting the strong est take ana hold till a stronger ono came along to dispossess him. There would then bo no object In cultivating the soil , rlnco no man could bo sure of being permitted to reap where ho had sown. The same rule carried Into towns and cities would equally stlllo commercial and manufacturing activities there and wo would ilnd ourselves lapsed back into soml-burbarism , with no accumula tion of food , fuel , clothing , shelter , or ether property to provldo for the wuuta of the fu ture. " MAN'S ' DITMCITV. A pathetic case of woman's love and man's duplicity Is connected with n S-Jr ,000 breach of promise suit begun yesterday by Miss Hutti A. Tilton , daughter of a retired board of trade man. against Albert. ! . Stearns , a Wfalthy Chicago manufacturer. The plaintiff is n sister of Stoarns' first wife and it wns whllosho was" taking care of his dead wife's children , she says , that Stearns promised to marry her. Several times ho sot a date for the nuptials , but always failed to keep his word when the time camo. Last March ho married another woman in the cast , but after ward , and before Miss Tilton had board of the marriage , ho returned and continued his illicit relations with her. Miss Tilton Is now In such a condition that she is living in ro- tlromout. LOOK OUT rOIl HIM. Arthur Teaguo , ono of the most notorious confidence men in the country , accompanied by a pretty young woman who assists him in his business , arrived on the West Shore train last nlcht , but upon the advice of 11 detective decided not to remain and purchased tickets for Omaha. Teaguo is a man of excellent family and was formerly an ofllcor in the English army. WAU OX LODGING HOUSES. The city authorities arc about to onon war on the 10-cent lodging houses which are found to bo disseminators of disease and ref uges for beggars and potty thieves. UNCLI ! SVM FOOM3U TIIKV. A local paper says that the captain of the levenuo cutter Andrew Johnson narrowly escaped losing his < TO\V while in this port n day or two ago. The men on the cutter are working for S2 a month , while the union rate in the lakes Is $3 a d.iy. Wficn the cutter - tor arrived in port it struck the walking del egate of the union that it would bo a bold stroke to "pull" the ciow , or at least got them to strike for higher wages. With this end in view sundry confabs were had with seine of the sailors. It was arranged that a boat was to put off from the slip Into in the evening with the delegate on board. When bo reached the cutter a demand was to bo made for an increase in wages. If it was re fused all hands were to co osboro In the cut ter's boats and take to the woods until Undo Sam's wrath was appeased or their wages raised. The captain got wind of the plot in some way and steamed out before the dele gate arrived. WOUI.n'S TAIIl AlTOIXTMCJfTS CONl'IIIMCI ) . The oxccutivo committee of the world's ' fair has confirmed the appointment of F. J. SkitT as chief of the department of mines and mining , and M. E. Stone as chief of the foreign department. WBSTKHJf I'ROPMJ IN CHICAGO. Among the western people lu Chicago to day were the following : At the Palmer Kay Nye , Frouiont , Nob. : Mr. and Mrd. W. M. Uickford , Mlssoula , Mont. : Charles Hnyvard , Rapid City , S. D. ; Mrs. P. Brown , Des Moines , In. ; Miss II. J. Juguson , Sioux Citv. la. ; A. O. Algor , Sher idan , Wjo. ; C. L. Wnrrous , Dos Moines. la. ; A. C. Lnwsou , Fair'jurv , Neb. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. Kemp , Salt Lake , Utah. At the Wellington Miss A. Shoohard , Miss Mary Cuigh'in ' , P. D. Muir , Omaha. At the Auditorium Mr. anil Mrs. A. M. Hubbard , Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Morse , J. S. Canioron , Omaha ; C. A. Guernsey , Chey enne , Wyo. ; C. II. Brooks. Pargo , N. D. At the Leland George P. Hurlow , Ogden , Utah. 1C. H. Haworth. W. B. Lnnnls. C. E. Uoid , U.V. . Johnson , T. J. Mackoy. W. M. Poster , Charles Bend of Council Bluffs nro in the city attending a meeting of the supreme coun cil of the Commercial Pilgrims of'Amoricn. ATKINSON. Mothers will find Mrs. U'lnslow's Sooth Ing Syrup ttio best remedy for their chjl dron. 23 cents n bottlo. OUT OK SIGHT. Omiilm Atlilotlo Club AITulrH Prosper ing Jicyon I liXnoctatioiiH. The meeting of the Omaha Athletic club last night was tiulto an enthusiastic ono. Kvorytblng scorns to bo coming favorably fqr the boys now. Secretary Bolty read the names of slxty-ilvo now applicants for mom- bersliip , and the best part of it was the cash accompanied the applications. The names wore voted for and the whola sixty-live olectou to membership , making1 a total of 150 members. Among these who were admitted last uisht are the following well known business and professional men : Prof. J. E. Butler , Charles C Orchard , Joaeph tiarnuau. Daniel Parroll , jr. , Harry E. Mooros , John Boyd , D. SV. Van O'.t , Judge Kedii-V , C } . C. Amos , ( jeorgo Kelly , Dr. Charles Kosownter , William H. Alex ander and Prank E. Moorcs. The building committee reported that ar rangements had been made for the basement of the now club house. A bowling alloy , bath and dressing rooms will bo. placed in the basement. The plans nro about In slmpo i\ud work will bo commenced in n few days. A llvo years' louse of the ground and club house has boon signed , the annual rental to bo * 3,000. An emblem and colors will be selected at the next meeting. The club members are well pleased with the location and plans of the club house. Nogrlplng , no nausea , no pain wnon Do Witts Little Earlv Ulsors are takou. Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. FlHh in a Wutor I'ipe. The Janitor at the Mason school found it impossible last Tuesday morning to got water turned on in the building' from the city water inulna , nnd plumbers had to bo culled to asccruln where the dlftlculty lav , When the supply pi no under the building was examined , It was found choked up by the mangled remains of a sun ( lib , that must hare been lit least six Inches long : The tlsh must hnvo found Its wny throng h tbo pumps at Plorencu , through thu settling basins , nnd thonca through the pipes to Omaha and the Mason school. It cost the school board f0 to catou and ramovo the Hsu , and it was a rather poor specimen of piscatorial gnnto in the ond. DoWltt's LlttloEailyUisors : only pill to euro sick hcadacho and rcgulutothu bowuls Western I'oiif ions : WASWNOTOX , May 28 ; { iJ8pocial [ Tolo- pram to TUB BKK.J The following pensions were giantccl to residents of Iowa today ; Orlt'liml Francis Aruot , John W. II. Woit , Edmund P. Brooks , Asa llotts , Thaddous \ \ . ICooly , Jacob Spunaiifrlo , Frauds A. Suckott , diaries Long , Henry P. Kottcl , Urocuburg W. Steele , John A. Skulor , Snmuol Mnnn , Enoch if. HhucU.Vlnl5old S. Tipton , Jnmos A. McCroskoy. Jnrod M. PeobloJ , John H. Liggett , Moses Weavejv George A. Carter. Additional -William J. Smart. Increase Hugh W. Copolaud , Ullllam H. Johnson , lioosou Lomberl , tWiilllatri Uowosborg , Hiram Trowbridco.Vllllam Long , Kdwtn Sawyer. WJlilntn W. Carpenter , Benjamin Cole , 'Clcorgo ' T. Nixon , Alex Kose. David O. WiUors , William Dor- shaw , Aaron Milliard. Holssuo Frank J. Mclvny. Ortglual u-Ulaivs , etc. Annwidow of Solomon Nordyko" ; Rebecca , mother of Uonjamln P. Harrison ; ' Polly M. , mother of HohortS. Snowdon ; Mnry , widow of David Wright ; minors of Lojyia Davy ; Jonnlo 13 wr ing , former widow of Lawls Davy ; Mnry , widow of Edmund Davis. South Dakota ! Original Low Is P. Kay- mend , William P. Price. Original widows Lavlna , widow of Ktifus O. whlpplo. .JUDOK TOtUinY'S UILU Proposed Bankruptcy to Ho Talked Over In Public Tonight. The board of trade has called n mooting nt , the chamber of commerce building for to night nnd invited all citizens iutorostod in the subject of bankruptcy to bo present Judge Jny L. Torroy , the author of the bankruptcy bill will address the mooting upon the subject of bankruptcy legislation and particulars as to the provisions of the bill bearing his name. A representative of Tin : Bun met Judge Torroy at the Pnxton aud found him an earn est advocate of the cause with which his nntno is so conspicuously associated. In accounting for his presence In the city , the Judge said : "I went out by invltntlon to spealc upon the subject of b.uiKruptcy before' the trnns-MIssissIppl commercial congress , which convened at Denver last wciJk ; the board of Tr.ulo at Uhoycnno invited mo toad- dross It upon the subject , and then I came here for a conference with our friends and inn informed that the board of trade has called n meeting for tomorrow , Frli'ay ' , night nt the Chamber cf Commerce building for.tho roiuldoration of the subject. I shall , ol course , sjioaUof the provisions of the bill , outline what wo hope to accomplish , and invite - vito Inquiries from who gentlemen who may oo present. " In roforrinc to the subject of the great number of endorsements the bill has received , the gentleman said : "Tho unanimity with which commercial , industrial and profes sional bodies have endorsed the bill seems conclusive as to its merits. The same number of endorsements have vovor before boon accorded to any measure. While hundreds of thu foremost bodies of the country have passed favorable resolutions , I have In mind nut four in the whole country which have passtid adverse resolutions , and my Information is that oven that small num ber weio passed without a knowledge of the provisions of the bill ; one of the bodies was in California , ono in Kansas , ono in Missouri nnd ono in Massachusetts. A funny thing occurred in the senate with reference to the action of the body in Kansas. Ono of tno senators from that state submitted to the senate , and had tiled in the archives , a copy of a resolution. The otherscuator submitted and had illcd a letter from the same body upon the subject , which was construed nnd entered in the records as an endorsement of the bill. Noting the contradiction while In Washington , I examined both documents and nftor n very careful consideration reached the conclusion that the body had acted nd- versly , nnd in order td make sure wrote for Information , but never received any reply to my 'otter. ' " In referring to the Interest of Nebraska In the measure the nufllfir stated thut some seventeen petitions had been filed from influ ential citicns of this city in favor of the en actment of the bill , and that petitions have been sent from South Omaha , Beatrice , Lin coln and St. Paul , aud that the following bodice bed passed favorable resolutions : The board of trade and Nebraska Paint , Oil and Gloss club of this city and the board of trade aud Hotail Grocers' association of Lincoln and the Stnto Busljioss Men's association. When the iubjoct oTopposition tot tie bill was mentioned the jnUtfe referred to the sub ject as follows : ' 'There ' is n small amount of spasmodic opposition. The most conspicuous opponent is a millionaires house of Chicago , which fltms the giving undTocolvinir of prof- orancos profitable , nnd thqreforo decs not wish to bo interfered with. The fact that there it a national organization with officers and committcomeu in every state promoting this agitation , and that it has not been possible to organi/o a counter- movement scorns conclusive that there is but one side to the question and that the people desire the enactment of n uni form law. designed to cnnblo hor.est insol vents to bo discharged , to bringuboutnqulck and economical administration of bankrupt estates and prevent.fraud. " IJofcronco was mnilo by Judge Torrey in the course of the conversation to the fact that some years ago during the existence of the old banliruptcy law ho had gene to California in pursuit of an absconding bankrupt , and had captured him , fought him through two writs of habeas corpus nnd ono discharge before - fore n commissioner and roarrcstod him three times before succeeding in starting cast with him , end that cnronto from California to St. Louis ho had plod the prisoner in jail In this city for n couple of days. For Schlltz beer apply to H. U. Grotto lO OFarnam. Sam Hnmll'H Latest Bluff. SAI/T LUCK , Utah , May 28. [ Spccln Telegram to Tin : Ben. ] Several days ago Sam Small , the apostle of prohibition , etc. , addressed a letter to the Tribune stating that , ho had taken legal action hi tlio United States court in Utah against the directors of the Utah university "to compel them to an open , just and honorable vindication of my personal and official integrity. " In the letter ho says : "I have been forced to tnUo this course because ot the false , malicious nnd slanderous reports which have boon circu lated concerning my conduct as president of the university : I shall push the notion In couit to the uttermost limits of the law , that my vindication may bo complete and hnvo a place in the nubllo records of the country. I do not ewe the university uny sum whatever , and defy any proof to establish the contrary. Mr accounts as rendered aio true to a cent ! " In spite of the statement made in the above letter no suit has been as yet commenced and people are beginning to think it was only ono of Small's ' "bluffs. " A very small plU but n very good 0110. Do Witt's Little Earlv Ulsors. KHunrtctl Out ol'Town. .K , imlMay ! . Wavcland is In a ferment , and such n time of great ox- citomcntwas never known tnoro. Yesterday - day morning ft committee of strikers called on Paymaster Parkhurst and Informed him thut ho must leave town at onco. tfo was escorted to the suburbs by the committee , nnd the last scon of him ho was woirlly plod ding along the road toward Ladoga. Soon nftor thu master mocbanloof tbo Midland and tbroo comrades were told that they had llvo minutes in which to Icnvo Wnvcland , and were llkowlso escorted to the cdgo of town by a largo crowd of' strikers , Sheriff MeCloshoy Is conferring with the s'rlkors. ( Jostler's Magic Hoa'flilcho Wafer ? . Cures nil headaches in0 mlnu QAt , all druct-'tsts Plllslmry's IVIiont Don ! . MiNNEU'OMS Minn' ' ' ) 28. The , , _ May an nouncement that C. Af PltUbury has got possession of nearly all the No. 1 northern wheat In Mlnnonpolisjtfcat > kept dealers guess ing. The shlpmontsnnt Mr. Plllshury have oxcltod so much commeht that largo dealers have looked Into the shipments from Minne apolis to Duluth to seoJtif there Is anything more going on , The -fan that surprised sov- ornl was tnat blnco the IJOO/KK ) bushel deal was made , May S , there have boon 1I5T > cars sent forward to Duluth from Minneapolis , 1WJ of these having been snipped Tuesday. This moans that U.M.Mii bushels have boon shipped since the < IOO,000 bushels ot May , making nearly u million busbols. Constipation poisons tno blood : DoWltt's ' Llttlo Early Klscro euro Constipation. The cause removed the disease is cone. The Air fillip Fakirs. R. L. Arthur of Chicago writes the thlof of police that ho thinks hu can put his flnt'ora on the air ship fuklrj , and wants u descrip tion of them foyworded to him. Ho alun de al res to know If any reward Is oft'urod for their approbation. u Criminal. Sheriff J. J , Kann ot Clayton county , Town , arrived in the city yesterday afternoon with a warrant nml requisition for Amos Pnrkor who Ij wnutod to nnswor to the chnrgn of seduction In Iowa. The warrant \vns placed in the hands of Deputy ShorltT Louts Urobo who nrrostod Pnrkor on South Thirteenth street. Parker Is n barber and has boon In Omaha POIIIU time and had pur chased nn Interest in the shop in which ho wns working. _ _ niATKKNAfj MASS MKKTING. Everything Is Itonily for tlio Demon- Htrntlon Tontulit. The mcirbors of the various fraternal in- surnnco societies have boon looking forward to the mass meeting to bo held at Grand opera bouso tonight. From present Indications every scat will bo occupied .at the time Bishop Newman calls the meeting to order. Bishop Newman , Dean Onnlnor. Uov. Tnto nnd T. P. Melson of St. Louis will speak on the alms nnd Objects of fraternal bcnallctary societies. Julus Lumbnrd will sing , accom panied by Prof. Butloi , The T. 1C. quartctto will also help to make the mooting on enjoy able ono. This being the first attempt nt holding n Union fraternal mooting In Otnnhn the committee hopes It will bo so great n success that n still more extended effort mny bo mndn In the same direction in the fall when probablv the Coliseum will bo secured for tlm mccttni ; . The meeting tonight Is under tlio auspices of the National Union , Uoynl Arcanum , If nights of Honor , Hey til League , Iron Hall , Ancient Order United Woikmon , Woodmen of tlio World , Modern Woodmen of America , Order of Scottish Clans and Brothoihood of Stationary Engineers. Admission ticiccts can bo secured without charuo from the members of the obnvo sc clotios. _ _ llcsol lit Ions of Condolence. The executive board of the state Knights of Labor adopted the following : Whereas , It has pleased the Supreme Master - tor Workman of tlio Universe to suddenly call from our midst our brother , David But ler , ono whoso life work spent In the cuuso of humanity nnd civlll/alion hns lightened the burdens of thucary raid nwakancd the light of hope in the eves of the snd ; Whereas , Wo humbly bow submission to the mnndntcs of our Divine Ruler , and Whereas , Wo rccognl/o that while the fam ily has lost a loving husband nnd father , the order a staunch advocate , the community a neighbor trlod and true ; the state has lost a citizen to whom she will over look as ono of thobo who has done as much as any other for Its advancement and whoso ilrst desire wns for its prosperity nnd its aggrandizement ; therefore bo it Kosolvod , That the state oxecutlvo of the state assembly of the Knichls of Labor of Nebraska in executive session assembled do tender the wife nnd family of our deceased brother ami co-laborer our sympathy pro found in its sincerity in this a dark hour in deed for them in the depth of their allllctlon , and bo It lie-solved. That n copy of these resolutions bo transmitted to the wife and family of our deceased brother and bo furnished to the press for publication. W. II. Dicir : , Chairman , C. W. MII.I.BH , GionnK W. Br.VKn , L. C. HUCR , A. H. BincLow , Secretary. Jurymen. Judco Estollo , County Clerk O'Malloy and Clerk of the Courts Moores yesterday drew the names of the ninotv Jurors who will report three weeks from next Monday and servo during the remainder of the May term of the district court. In pulling names from the box these of Bon Wood , Alvin Saunders , Charles C. Peabody and G. M. Hitchcock were captured. e Ijcctiirc on Bankruptcy. A public meeting will bo held in the ex change room of the Omaha board of trade at cieht o'clock on Friday evening , to listen to an address bv lion. Jay L. Torroy , author of the bankruptcy bill now pending in congress. The merchants of the city and all persons in terested in this subject nro cordially invited to nttond. Uomoviirj the Soldier Dead. The bodies of the soldier dead at Fort Bridgor , Wyo. , have been taken up and 'o- movcd to the National cemetery at Port Mc- PhortiOn , Neb. There were twenty-four bodies in the Port Bridger cemetery , the remains of otllcorsund soldiers who have dlod at the pos t during the past thirty years. A. J. Davis of Lincoln is at the Murray. Miss L. Alay of Lincoln Is at the Millnrd , J. E. Erohmor of Johnson is at the Dullono. II. II. Jeffors of Elkhorn is nt the Dollono. J. II Waterson of Lincoln Is nt the Dollono. W. C. Allyn of Lexington is at the Dollonc. E. Tanner of Battle Crook is at the Millnrd. E. W. Hayes of Beatrice is at the Mlllard. Dr. F. D. Steele of Hustings Is at the Pax- ton. ton.P. P. A. Frey of Grand Island is nl the Pax- ton. ton.W. W. H. Ferguson of Hastings is at the Mur ray. ray.M. M. W. Colomnn of Wilbor is at the Mur ray. ray.Georgo George McKay of North Platte Is at the Paxton. Ed A. Lambert of Nebraska City Is nt the Dellono. C. A. Itakestraw of Nebraska City Is attho Dellono. Asa 1C. Leonard of Norfolk is n guest at the Millnrd. Hon. C. II , Burton of Orleans is at Uio Mlllard. Mr. A , P. Nicholas loft for the cast last night to buj- the Pennsylvania railroad. Mr. nnd Mis. Uussell Harrison wont to Now York last rs-oning wbonco the latter will leave for Europe on the lid urox. T. W. Bronnornon who has boon connected with the auditor's ' ofllco of the B. & M. , in the capacity of stenographer for some time , has resigned to accept a similar position with thu Dakota Hot Springs company. Colonel Shell Barrett of Cleveland , O. , is visiting friends In the city and spoilt last ovonlng swapping reminiscences with Colonel E P. Koggen. Colonel Barrett and Colonel Itoggon played marbles In Clovolnnd years ago. Colonel Barrett In working u'p the son- liiucnt of the people for hlu great moral on tortalumout , the Sells Brothel's nnd Barrett circus , which will spread its canvas in Omaha on Juno 24. Mr. E. Hosowator , editor of THIS Br.n , started last evening via the Q for Washing ton nnd Now York. On Juno I ho will sail for Europe In the good ship Normanln , nnd will bo accompanied by his oldest son , Victor. Tuoy will first touch at Southampton nnd spend the latter part ot Juno in Great Britain. Thence they will Journey to the continent , stoppingut Paris July 4 , and do Germany , Austria nnd ether countries dur ing July nnd August. They expect to return in September. Mr. Uosowntur has promised to writoa series of letters during his tour. A pai ty of personal friends mot Mr Hoso- watcr at the depot lust ovenlug to wish him God speed nml u safe return. NATURAL tRUlT ; FLAVORS. Vanilla A Of perfect purity. LemonI Lemon - Of great strength. AlmSnd Economy In tholruso - | Rose etc.rj Flavor as delicately and dellolously ao the fresh fruit. SPECIAL IINU SALE Superinduced by cold weather and an over stock. Sacks , Box Backs and Cutaways , superior * qualities , all of our own manufacture and rep resenting lines sold all the season at $2O.OO , $18.00. $15.00 and $12.50. You'll find them culled from all over the house and piled up on our front counter on first floor to be closed out at $8.00 , $10.00 and $12.50. j Knee pant suits , two piece garments , excel lent quality , agds 4 to 14 , at $2 , $2.5O , $3 , O3.5O , $4.50 and $5. Boys' long pant suits , ages 14 to IS , full valuei with every sale , at $4 , $5. $6.5O , $7.5O. $8.50 andlO. Note suit prices in east window. Money Ohoorfully Refunded where Goods do not Satisfy. RELIABLE CLOTHIERS , Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Sts. ( Send for Ilustrated Catelogue. ) Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14O8 DOUGLAS OMAUA. NEU. Tno mot widely nnd favorably known ipeo * mllsts In the Unite ! States. Thulr long ex perience , rcmiirkutile skill nn'l universal suo- roftx In the truiitincnt mid euro of Nervous , Chronic nml Surgical DUnnnoi. entitle thosti eminent physicians to the full confidence ot the nflllctpil oxorywhoro. They giitirnntnnt A CERTAIN AND rOSlTlVK OUHB for tlio awful effects of o.'irly vice and the -junior- oi : orlls tliatfollow In ltn train. rnivATE. m.oou AND SKIN DISEASES norclllr. completely nml pnriiianontly cured. NEKVOUa IEI1UTV ) ! AND SEXUAL IMS- OKIiERS yield readily to their skillful troat- , FISTUIiA AND HECTAL ULOEHS cimrnnteocl cured without piln or detention from huHlnn s. ilYDKOUGLR AND VAKICOOP.LK perma nently nnd Hiiuci'ssfnlly 1'iirud In every oiiso , HYPOILIK QONOltlUIKA. OLEET. Bpor- nmtorrlxj ? . Hcmliml Weiiknesi , Loit Munhood , NlRht EnilfnlonP. Drcayt'd Kaciiltlcs , FermiU Weakness nnd nil di-llcato dlsonlurs pccullui to either mix positively curnd , na well as all funotlonal disorder * Umt rrsiilt from youthf.'J mlllcri or the oxcetHuf iiuiturn years. 'sTP. ' IPT1 ll IJ Ouar.mlooil vernmne ntly o 1 1X1V/1 u lM-/curcd , complete , without cuttlnR , cniistio or dilatation. Cure * effected at hnmu by pntiont without o mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. A SIJJ1 < fllNP Tll ° nwfl" 0""oct o ( /i. OUK.L , UUIVL , - which OHPiy VH brlnm organic weakness di'tUroytnit both mind and body , with all Its druidoU Ills , permanently rurod. 111 ? RJ'TT's ' Addrris those who have Ira- imo. lLl U jmlrod thoim Ives by Im proper Indulgence and solitary mibtta. which ruin both mind ami body , unflUlnn thorn for biMlnesft. study or marriage. MAIIUIKU MKN or thoiu entering cm thnt happy life , awuro of physical debility , Quickly OUR , SUCCESS In bused upon fuels. Klrit l'rarto ! l export * onoo. Hecond ICvury ca 10 Is apoulally studied , thus itarttiiK rlKlit Third medicines are prepared In our laboratory oxaully to suit oacn onse , thus etTuctlnR cures without Injury , Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA. NED to Notion Is hereby clveu that waled bldn will ln > roi'ulvml by the Hoard of Trustees of tlio vlllaco of Oakland , Nebraska , up to M p. m. Juno inh , IR'JI ' , for the construction of iiHyHtem of water woikH In Bald village. In accordance with the plani and bjieulllcations on Illo In my ollluu : uliio blilH for nirnlHliliiK unypurtof HID maturlal or pnifnimliitt any purl of thu wmk. Hurli bid miifct bo accomiiaiuod with u certi fied check of &UO an n Kiuirantfo of Kood faith on thu part of the bidder , llnaid roaurvoB thu right to itilect any and all likln. JAR , W. Iloi.MgiriHr , Village One , ' IllillllH. votloo Is hereby glvon that the Hoard of Tr teen of the vlflauoof Oakland. Noliraxka wl on the IHIi day of June , IKI. ) nt elKh . ck n. m. , Hull on open bids wafer lionda of .aid vlllano to the mount of 87..VUl)0 , JAB. W. JIoi.MguiRT. VlllnKO Ulutk , ' Dr. Ijo UIIC'M I'orloilloul 1MIIH. TIMi Kruncli rauiuily acti dtrectlr upon tlio Honors- tivu iirKiini nail cure * ui | > rti lon of Uio nnn o Uiirtlircu fur W , anil win Lu nmllwl Hhoiilit nut liu utuil ilurliu pniinimcf Jubbori , ilnu/KUt iina Mm lHilllii uiplleil | br ( luuilumn I'riiK Co. Oumlm , 1C J I'tXikurnniiil llnwnnl Mycru , Hmitli Oiualmi M. a KlUnuU A , I ) . Kuster , Uoiindl Illutls , OMAHA 8e"il for circular or tall on vJ vvork OP vork TELEGRAPHY. < B DOCTOR McGHELEW. THE SPECIALIST Slorotlmn 15 jrcnis cxjiorlonco In the trontinont of PRIVATE DISEASES. A euro guaranteed In 3 to5 ilnyn , without holosaoC nn hour's lliuo. GLEET. Tlio most complotn unit nbsotnto euro for glooi 1111 ! nil mini ( > liiK < ll'i.'linr L H over known lo tlio moillcM Iiruluailun. I'oniiuni'nlly curud In froai5tulJ ilay STRIOTTTRE Or pnln In relieving tlio lilmMoi i urad wlthuut pila or InstriiniuiilH. no ciilllni , ' , no illliliu : ! Tlio most remarkable roinod- known to mnUura scl'.Mieo SYPHILIS. Cured In 30 In H ) diiyH Ir ) .McdruWn Irontnicnt for thin torrlblo bloodillsoa-iohas huua priitioanc'LMl tlm iiii > ! it > iiccosiriilroiuoily over discovered fur tin * ub * eoliitu euro ut the illioiso Ilia HIICCIHI with inlj cllsi'inolms nmor boon oquullot A cuiuplulo CUM Kimnuituod , LOST MANHOOD nousnil wonkniHsoH ofll o nextinl orjian * , norvoiM * And Ilinlillty nnd cloipondeiti'y absolutely unroJ. Th uiollof U linmmll tin inn ) euniplut ? . SKIN DISEASES , nnd nil Ulvtniai n ( tlio blood , llror , kldnpyj , mil blnddor porniiiniiiitly curud , FEMALE DISEASES The doctor B ' 'Florae Treatment" for ladlon li pro- noiinccil | iy nil who liavo mod It lo bn tlm niont coin- plptunnd t-ormmtont ruinody ever otTered for tlio irentmentof fciualiiclhiiitaoj. It N truly a wondortul rttinvdjr. Hours for ludloi , from V to 4 only , DR. McQREW'3 MnrTollou * niuci > ii < i III thu trpiitmont uf prlrutodli. OH3O8 hiut won for him n reputation which I * trulp nullon il la charac'titr , and lil Krt'Jt army of pnllnntii rcnrliDfl from the Atlantic to Uio l'iirllli > . J'liudoitor la a Krailunto of "nvulnr" mmlKluo n d tma luiy IOIIR nnd cnrufnl expurluaco In luiipltil pruutlco , and la clawd niiiniiK Uio inndliiK npiii'lnilsti In mod ern xclonco Tiontinent by Lorroiioiulonco Wrltu for clioularn about encli of tlio iibovo dliu 1109 , fruo. Olllco , 14th and Farn 1111 Streets , Omali i Nob. Kntranco on olthor struct. OIP fiC'UOOI , Lnilldln ' . United Slates Indian solinol Nor vlou , Genoa Industrial .si'liool , Oenua , Null. , Muy f ) , IhOl.-Sealed prnpimalH , enilor"oil "I'm- poials for ereetlon of school hulldliiK , " and addriHsiKl to the undorslKned at ( Jemm , Ni'li. , will bu reeelvt'd at this Hchoul until 1 ii'ulouk of Juno 1 , Ih'il ' , forfdrn'tthliiK ' the material anil eioetlnK a K'rls' ' brlek diirinltory bullillniz on the riuhool Kiiiundx In aeoonlaiiL-u with pinna and HlioulHuitlunH that may hi ) oxainlned at the oulfo of thu "lino" at Omaha , Null. , and at thbhohonl. Tlm neeessary nxcavatlon and cnidliiK will bu ( Innu by the Hohool nml thn gravel required In conornlo work furnlshoil , uiiHortKined on the Krciund. without i-osl to the contractor. Certified UliockH , Hueli hid must bo aueinnpanled by u iui tilled cheek or draft upon HOIIIO United StutrHtliums * Itory orHolvimt national bank In thulclnlly of the hldilor'a ulaoii of business , initdu Day- aliln to tlm order of the I'liiitmlnHlonur of In * dlan airalrn , for at loHHt 5 jior eentiifthn amount of tint proposal , whleh ol > "okor draft will he forfeited to the Unltod h' ' ito-Un uaso any bidder or blddors rueelvliiK aniiwaid Hliail fall topiomptly iixuuuto aeontriet with KOOI ! and HunhtlentHiirei' , othorwIxK to hit lutiirned to thu bidder. I'lio rlxht Is reHorve < l to rujeet any and all bldtiorany part if ) any bid If ( Ici'Nicil for thu best IntnriHlH ot lint service. W. U , Uacluis , Hupeilntundent Notice ( > Coiitrnutnrri. Notice is herohy ( tlvon that sualod bids will bo nsuelvod hy the Ixmtd of pnhllo laniU and bulldlnsdiat thu olllcu of thu gooiotary if Htatont lilnroln. Noli . lintll the 2n < l day o' Juno , In'll , at J u'olocl > | ) . in. , fur thu erection , coiistriiutlon ami uomplotlon uf u twu-xtory brlok and Htonu hiilldtni ; known as "Thu rHato Industrial HuhOol for Ilny.s and Ulrls , " to hu urceii'd ut Uenuvn , t'lllmoru ennnty , .Null , in per iilaiiH , NiieullloitloiiH and deiiKiifi now on illu in ihunlllnoof the eoniinlbslonerot publio landhand biilhllnxsnt lilnuoln , Nub . Contraolors will ho reifiilriiil to eonform to rules and rnxnlatluiis UN aot forth In Hpuuill- oatloiiH adonted lir tlm board. Thu hoard reserves thu lUht to reject any and all bills. Dated ut Lincoln , N ib , . May 0. 18'U. A. ll llliHi'imKr. I'rcHldunt Hoard I'uhllo 1 , inilH and HullMln'M Attuit ; J GUN 0 AU.UN , Bucrulury of Htatu