OMAHA ! DAILY BEE IS , TWENTIETH YEAR OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , MAY 27 , 1891. NUMBER ENLIGHTENING THE JURORS , Oratorical Attorneys Firing Eloquence at the Intelligent Twelve. DRAWING THE SHEEDY TRIAL TO A CLOSE , * Picking tlio Testimony to IMrccs lliill'H t\i ! < lrrss nnd ItcvlcMV of llic Htiito' * Cn c Defence Well Argued. LINCOLN , Neb. , May 2C.-Spcclal to Tun BEE. ] Tbo day In the great Shcedy case was devoted , almost entirely to brilliant and pofnted oratory. Cap tain W. II. Woodward ended his argument and attacked stronglv the evidence Tor the prosecution and intimating In almost ns many words that the real murderers had not been arrested , and startled the great crowd by mentioning the names of certain persons whom ho believed might have com mitted the murder. Mr Frank M. Hall followed - , lowed In a remarkable speech that consumed * \bo greater part of the day , nmUicld the spec tators spellbound with IU eloquence. At 0 o'clock this morulng Mr. Woodward resumed thu thread of his argument , which was Interrupted yesterday. Ho reiterated his statement that tha alleged confessions were the Invention of some mind other than that of Monday McFarland. Ho declared that had Monday McFarland borrowed for murderous purposes the revolver that was referred to In evidence , the negro would have remembered from whom ho borrowed It , tut he does not remember from whom he did get it. "I defy the gentlemen on the part of the prosecution , " ho continued , "to tell mo why they had a shorthand reporter behind the curtain at tbo tlmo that the al leged confession was made If they believe , as they claim , that my poor colored client Is guilty. " The attorney then drew a very vivid picture , in which ho en deavored to make it apparent that Ji.Special Officer Krause must have been the ; murderer. "Tho fact that ho was standing near a tree in front of the Shfccdy residence. " ho continued , "waiting , as ho claimed , for the electric car half a block away , Is very sus picious. Why was Krause standing thereat that tlmo ) Ho says that Sbccdy tired at nun once and ho had to get behind n tree. He gays that the man who assaulted Sheedy ran pouth to the alloy and ran around the block , where ho was stopped by two oftlcers. Then ho told the officers that Shocdy had been , assaulted by somebody , and that somebody [ - Tihd run down through the alloy. U was like the fellow who cried , 'stop thief , ' when ft lus was the thief himself. " . $ $ $ r Mr. Woodward thru declared that Hyman * Goldwatcr never had the cano in bis posses sion , and assorted that the whole story of the sale of the cano had been manufactured by Dotnctlve Malone and Goidwaier. "Tho wholostoiy , " ho continued , "shows the ability of Gold- r watcrtollo. Hu wanted money , nnd thr.t Is what ho was after when he dlpjwd his tcnguc In perjury. Goldwatcr claims that In 1 sis ho sold the cano for the flrst tlmo to Mr. Tay lor. W hero is Taylor ! Why haven't they brought him on the witness stand ) The prosecution has utterly ahTDnlsonilily fulled to prove any part of the confession. They , have failed to show that the curtain ot the ' window looking out on the porch was up. They say that the fact that Stepney and McFarland changed coats signifies nothing , as that was a common occurrence , and the cxcbaniro was made on tbo preceding Tues day. What witness is thcru who has sworn tbat tbo ring found in the pawn shop was the ono given to Monday McFurland by Mrs. Kheedyl Mr. Hall , " said the speaker , "Ml me , if you con , whcro Frank Williams , the gambler , was on that futcful night. He is not In the city. 'Tho wlcxcd fleeth when no man pursueth. ' Where Is Frank Wil liams , toll mo where Is Frank " "lllams , | the short , chunky follow , o corresponds in ovrry way with the do- "ition of the man who not only struck dy but also shot at him a week before. , innott , the phvsiclan who twirled the .ull of John Sbeedy so deftly , was nut on iho stand by tbo prosecution. The evidence ot this doctor shows that he was ono of the con spirators who are after the blood money of Dennis Sheedy. " Mr. Frank M. Hall then addressed the Jury on behalf of the state. Ho apologized to the Jury for appearing bof6ro them , as he had never previously been connected with a criminal case. He then launched forth Into Ono of the most brilliant and stirring speeches ever hoard in the district court room. "Tho defense has been trying , " said he , "tn rrmku von bollovo that thn nrn uvn. tion has been working In this solely for nlood money. There has been moro said about this than any action of toe prose cution woulQ warrant. I have naught agalust tbo prisoners at the bur. I would not lift my finger to harm them In any manner. But this Is not n tlmo for morbid sentimentality. You have a duty to perform , nnd so huvo I. I am willing to perform mine and have attempted - tempted so to do. If there bos been moro vlsror exhibited by mo In the prosecution of this case than tbo defense luu liked , lot mo assure you and them that it bos been prompted by an honest motive. "Our motives have been continually im pugned by the defense at overv opportunity. First "they cry that a reward was offered for the conviction of the murderers. Are wo to bo abused and slandered because a reward was offered I Why. gentlemen , what would vou expect woul 1 bo done when a great crlrao has been committed I Must wo do nothing for tbo apprehension and punishment of tbo criminals ! This crime wo believe was planned by a woman , and the negro McFarland was mere ly a tool used to consummate this cold blooded assassination. She planned It in the silent hours of her meditation in her homo , ami wo believe that Mrs. Shcedy Is the woman who planned this terrible mine and itJtuday MoParland was her pliant tool In the accomplishment of bur dreadful purposo. lie bad the physical strength to strike the t err I bio blow , but she had not. But she had the nerve , wicked intent aud heart to have stood by that door aud slugged her husband if she only had had tbo phvslcal strength. ! have some sympathy for Monday McFurland. My heart goes out In sympathy to any man who has lost tfco power of controlling his own wishes and desires for such a crime as this. Monday McFarland had co murder In his heart until it was put thcru by tills woman. "If you can find any mitigating circum stances in this In the name of God give It to Monday McFarland. Just think of the devastation that will bo caused bv this crime. Tniuk of what it will probably bring to tno borne of Monday McParland. The husband hung , the wife left a widow , the children orphans. Think of the want , distress and agony that will , bo brought to that home. This ought to de'ter any desperate Woman from hiring a man , nnd particularly a man at thu head of a family , to commit a murder. This crime was planned so that this woman could satisfy a guilty love. Her's was tbo master mind , her'bvas the genius that rlnnnod and arranged this crime. You don't telicva that Monday MeParUml went there nnd murdered his best friend out of motive * ot rcvt'uce. There umst have tacit ) some other motive. It was only when this woman Infused Iho D.asslon of her mind into ttin mind of the negro , TnU woman had the nerve of iron aud from her own she steeled tbat of the negro , and when it failed at almost the last moment ho strengthened 't with lln > ; or But they say , sucn a crime Is unnatural. Did you over hear at a murder that vas natural I Are not all XT murders unnatural i The community Is ( hocked , your minds paralyzed to read the Recount of a great crime. You recoil when you hear of a woman planning the murder of her husband and uldlug In the same And jet tuch things have happened. Aud gentle men of the jury dnos not the Iron nerve nnd Iron will ot thin woman M exhibited In t courtroom show that she has the required coolness In planning such a deed. Hut her face and expression nro not a true story of the purposes that lurk In the heart. "When a trimo is commltu-u you naturally look for the motive. What was tne motive in this casct I don't believe , gentlemen of the Jury , tbat that there is one of you but who believes that Monday McFarland was induced by Mrs. Shcedy to commit this murder. The induce ments offered for the commission of the crime were put lu a more alluring form and shape than were those offered by s.itan to ChrUt. Shu first otK-rcd him money and sparkling diamonds , Iml these failed to have the effect on the negro. Her next step was to tetl hlitt how .sho waOnlmscil by her husband and thcrebv tried to worK upon tbo sympathies of the black man. What next ! Sne then offer * to barter away bcr virtue and her womanhood for the purpose of securing the murder of her own husband. Great Cod ! waj virtue and womanhood ever bartered ( r such a damiublo commodity ? But the do- feuso affect to abhor the Idea of criminal in- lin-tc > between Mrs. Sheedy and the negro. ) o \ou suppose that a woman who has mur- letIn her heart would heiltnto to commit idultcrv with n ueerof She finally gained the poor nugro'.s affections nnd prevailed upon him to commit the terrible crime. Monday aid that il was easier to go forward than acxwtird. Mrs. Shuedy had threatened to ill him If ho fulled bur. It was death to him n cither caso. Ho was coaxed , crnrceU and lushed until this crime was committed. " Mr. Hall then reviewed the facts leading up to the murder , Mrs. Sheody's Intimacy , vith WaUtrotn , heralleged reasons for wlsb- ng to have her husband put out of the way , McFarland's confession and the certainiv of its truthfulness , after \\hlch court adjourned until the afternoon. In tbo afternoon Mr. Hall resumed his argument : Now tbo learned advocate who addressed you vestorday tried to convince you that this prosecution was being waged against Mrs. slicedv from a venal purpose , and bethought that if thu spirit of John Sheedy could speak from the great beyond hu would say to Dennis Shcedy , for God's sake , stop that orosecutlon of my be loved wife. If John Shccdy's spirit could speak from that place , no would tell a different story. I have no doubt that John Sheedy's spirit has visited this woman in her solltarv confinement moro than once since it took iu tltcht , and I would to God that you might know the story that John Sheedy's spirit could tell. Ho would tell a story that would stir the pulses of your heart. Ho would tell a story tbat has not been told by tno witnesses upon this stand , lie would toll you what occurred In his homo circle after ho was assaulted and unless that spirit tells the story , I fear you will never know It slncu tbo only people who do know It , lo not see fit to t"ll It. "You have heard ot the murder of King Claudius. How his spirit returned and cbidcd bis oiilv son for not prosecuting his most cruel and foul murder. Da you believe Dennis Sheedy is prosecuting this case for the paltry amount that will fall to bis share of the estate of John Sheedy 1 Why , if a wife can murder her husband in an enlight ened , Christian community , and the brother would not rnlso his arm to defend It , to nvengo it , to prosecute the guilty party , ho would bo unworthy the name of a brother , and I think John Shccdy's spirit would come bacK to haunt him and chide him for the brotherly duty neglected and unfulfilled. "Mr. Courtnu/ cells what Dennis Sheedy did for this woman before sbo was sus pected , before she was arrested , before the linger of suspicion pointed to her , that he ar ranged every thing tn tne most systematic or der. Hu replenished her bank account with fW ) tbat ho had collected from different people ple who owed his brother's estate. Did he sweep it down In his own pocket and skin outbomol" Mr. Hrtll spoke tn this strain for about an hourlongcr. Mr. H. D. Stearns , counsel lor Mrs. Sheedy. next addressed the Jury. He characterized the action of County Attorney Snell in this prosecution as that of a bound-out boy. Ho scored him for playing a secondary part and not dolug more questioning and cross-ques tioning. Ho condemned the alleged charity of Dennis Sheedy in giving Mrs. Shcedv S.V.O. "This is wonderful charity , " said ho , "when wo remember that ho took homo with him a valuable gold watch and chain and other articles not belonging to him. This action is to bo investigated later. Whai creJvnco can you give to Goldwa'cr's testl mony after he told the story that bo did to Burr about Jim Malone ottering him n reward offJOOl It would take a magnifying glass of 2,000,000 power to tind the veracity of Goldwater , particularly IfJimMoiono hud polished him up. This nun did as bo ilid because he wished to stand In with tbo ofllcers , and was after gain. "A remarkable Instance in this case is that several persons haa passed and repassed on tbo porch , it hud been scanned in search for blood spots , but the cano had not been found } Fiilly twenty minutes had passed bo to re It was discovered thero. Why don't the prose cution prove that the cano was not put there after John Shcedy was taken into tha house ! Another remarkable circumstance Is the fact that the prosecution has noVproved that the ring had been given to Monday McFarland. Could i.ot they have proved this by half a dozen witnesses. "Iho prosecution would make yeu believe that Mrs. Sbcody Is n monster of wickedness. The faro of Mrs. Sheedy indicates that of u cultured or at least rotluod woman. If you have scanned the face of Mrs. Sheedy you cannot help but sec that it is a refutation of the scandalous , cruel and wicked lies tbat the prosecution are so glib in relating. You cannot find anybody wno can believe the story of illicit intercourse with the negro. It could not have happened at all. It never did happen. Just think to what depths of deg radation a woman would have to sink to bo guilty of such n thltiL' . Nature herself re- futoj , denies and condemns iho awful storv. Q "Just think , gentlemen ot the Jury , of the absurdilv of a lover being willing tn kill a num so that another lover might supplant the man who did the kllllinr. Is such a thing probablol And yet that Is the way that the prosecution would have you believe. They claim that Monday McFurland , out of his love for Mrs. Sheedv. killed Mr. Shcfidy so that another lover , Wulstrem , might carry her away. It Is out of tbo range ot human reuson. "Tho presumption of iood character line that of Innocence Is always held until proven otherwise , and the uttorDoys for the prosecu tion have no right to have you presume other wise. " ELI'tll.l'N TJl E.I S fit EH. The Governor Nnincs One nnd Ills City Comml Monern Another. i.rifi , May 20. The city commis sioners met this morning and Ignoring the ap pointment of Governor Pattison's successor to City Treasurer ItanMey , proceeded to elect Richard C. Dollars , business manager of the Record , to fill the ofllco. Thoautstlpn n to who has the power to till the office of city treasurer has given rise to much controyersv and It will undoubtedly be loft to tbo courts to decide. Bsrdsley is under guard at his house , bis condition stilt being too serious to warrant his removal. He U untiblu to Obtain & 0,000 ball. THE ' .irilEU For Omaha and Vicinity Fair ; warmer. W IIINOTOV , May 'JO. Forecast till 8 p in. Wednesday : For Missouri Generally fair , except fair Wednesday in extreme southern portions ; warmer by Wednesday night : variable winds. For the Dakotaj , Nebraska , [ own and Kan sa > Generally fair ; warmerj winds bocom- in south. For Colorado Light 'showers ; illgbtly warmer ; winds becoming south. XCWH from Hawaii. Six FIUXCHOV. Gala. , Muy Cti. The steamer Zealand ! arrived this mnrnlng , seven days from Honolulu. Tbo Hawaiian Guzottu announce * the prospective appoint ment of Waiter II1 ! ! , ex-Journalist , 01 post master general of lfiuill. . \ \ III ICxhluit. WASIIIXOTOX , May iM Venezuela bat for mally ncrrpttHl the invitation to participate lu the world' * Columbian exposition. SPRUNG A BIG SENSATION , Concerning the State Department , Bat In teresting Only as Fiction. ALLIANCE WITH FRANCE AND RUSSIA , \\lint the Indian Commission AVlll Iteconimcml in Howard to the Sl.itix Patents Issued New Postmasters. * VAsniNOToN BoitBAuTnE BEK , 5U FOURTEENTH STIIEET , WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 20. A sensational article was published hero .his morning In relation to questions pending before the department of state. In brief It announced thai the administration was con- iderlng seriously an alliance , offensive and defensive , with Franco and Russia , so as to make thKnn invincible war nation without an increase of the army or navy expenses and that the president was about to put an end to the insurrection In Chill. The article was written In the cautious style of the diplomat , but with the continuous Intimation that ho know more than ho would say. And thus It was plausible on Us face and created for a whllo something of a sensation. In quarters where diplomatic secrets are known the statements were declared to have no foundation what ever. It is entirely , without the tendencies of this administration to undertake any movement so widely at variance with tra ditional policies. In the first place , and sec ondly , It would be iu opposition to the very principles upon which this republic was founded and has always been conducted to ally it with any foreign country for opera tions on the seas or abroad , as it would place the United States In constant complications with the various powew of Europe. THE SIOL'X COMMISSION. Senator Pettigrew of South Dakota , pow in this city , has been notified by Chairman Dawos that the senate committee appointed to investigate the cause which led to the re cent Sioux Indian outbreak lu South Dakota and Nebraska will meet and organize at Chicago cage on July 0 , then proceed to tbo scene of last winter's Indian war , where there will bo a thorough Inquiry. It Is believed tbat the committee will report in favor of disarming all Indians on the reservation , providing against seditious utterances before them by any ono , nnd for giving the savage lands In severally. CATTLE CONTRACTS. There were awarded today by the Indian bureau a number of contracts for cattle on the Sioux reservation. Quito n number of the contracts went to South Dakota people. These contracts will make a demand for cat- tlu lu that part of the country which Is near enough tbo reservation to allow the stock to bo driven to the Indians. The bids also show the pncos of stock when furnished in largo numbers. Pine Ridge B. Piokard , 325 heifers at $10.09 each ; John Brail , 400 heifers at 310.90 each ; John Strange. 50 bulls at 133.33 each. Rosebud W. B. Jordan , 500 cows at fi'J.71 each ; W. B. Jordan , 200 heifers at $17.41 each. Standing Rock Joseph Roach , 50 bulls at $34.10 each ; Joseph Roach , 500 cows at J2o.bO each : Martin Olson , 500 heifers at $14.23 each. Cheyenne River A. M. Bowdle , 83 bulls at t 3 each ; William C. Woods , 350 cows at $23.33 each ; William S. Woods , 350 heifers at S14.90 oacb. Crow Creek A. , M. Johnson , 120 heifers at $14.73 each ; A. N.Johnson , 120 cows at23.1 > 0 each : A. ill. Bowdle. 7 cows at $2S each ; A. M. Bowdle , 5 bulls at 55 each. Lower Brule A. M. Bowdlo , 5 bulls at-oo ench ; A. M. Bowdle , 120 cows at $23 each ; A. M. Bowdlo , 120 heifers at $14 each. TKOOP K'S HECEITION. This evening's Star devotes two columns of description and illustration of troop 1C , Ninth cavalry nnd its affairs , who arrived yesterday at Fort Myer , A'u. , across the Po tomac from this city. Portraits nnd com plimentary sketches appear of Colonel Guy Henry , Captain Hughes , Sergeant Gordon and others. Colonel Henry has good reason to bo proud of the reception ho and his com mand have been given smcj their arrival here. PATENTS IS CEI > . " Patents were Issued today as follows George W. Austin , Mitchell , S. D. , steamer. John L. Buckingham. Hcrmosa , S. D. , win tightener ; Ctiarles DeHoberts , assignor o : one-half to P. E. Alexander , Omaha , Nob. carcoupler ; Foster Dickey , assignor of one- half to H. C. Wright , Schuvler , Neb.coupler for car ; Iris Hembriugh , Montrose , la. , milk strainer ; John D. Mots , Dubuque , la. , 11 a opening book ; David W. Miller , osslcnor o one-half to F. J. Miller , Marion , la. , W. J .Markham , Sioux Fills , S. D. , and M. E Robinson , Chicago , 111. , railway rail Joint Thomas D. Moreys , Seward. Neb. , combina tlon lock ; Jens .Sielsnn , ueaar tails , la. , water or other motor ; Lincoln L. Sharp , Douglas , Nob. , grain meter. POSTMASTERS APPOINTED. The following fourth-class poittnasters were apnolnted today : Nebraska Agnew , Lancaster county , Thomas States vlco L. B. McFarland. Jr. , resigned ; Armour. Pawnee county , W , J. Carter vice D. Knouso , re signed ; Holstcin , Adams county , C. P. Harg- broad vi > A. S. Thompson , resigned ; Or chard , Antelope county , H. H. Ivnapp vice T. A. Mitchell , resigned. Iowa I'reston , Jnckson county , B. Van Stemburz vice Mtis E. Mlnehan , resigned. PEIIIIT S. HEVTH , VKOPEKTV. \ Way Found Out of a Very 12in- hureashlrif ; Position. WASHINGTON , May 26. When the supreme court at Its last term upheld tbo constitu tionality of the Edmunds law , by which the propoity of the late corporation of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints , other wise known as tto Mormon church , was es cheated to the United States , it found itself In a somewhat embarrassing position. The doctrine of escheat was quite unknown lu this country and no purpose considered laud able and proper of a similar nature to that for which the property was formerly used was known to which the property could bo devoted. The court therefore , Instead of sending Its dccreadown , withhold It , a strong Intimation being convoyed of the desire of the court that congress should by law direct the disposition to bo made of the property. Congress having failed to adopt the sugge's- tlon , the court through Justice Bradly , yes- terdav made its final order in the case and modified in some respects tbo decree it entered tered at the lust term. The modification made recites that as the Mormon corporation has been dlsiolved tberu does not now exist any trusts or purposes u itbiu the objects nnd purposes for which the personal property was originally acquired , could bo used or dedicated that are not In who'o or part op- opposcd to public policy and public morals , and furthermore , that 'here docs not exist any person or corporation legally entitled to any of the personality as successors of the lata church. The decree thru says that the personal property having devolved to the united States , il should bo devoted to such charitable uses , lawful In character , as may mostncarlv correspond to its former destlnv , unless in tbo meantime congress shall other wise direct or a master shall report sorno scheme which shall meet the approval of the court for tha distribution of the property. Tbo decree Anally directs that tbo prop erty and all accumulations remain in the cus tody of the receiver until otherwise ordered und' that out of it the costs of the suit and receivership shall be paid. The Utah su preme court is directed lo take tbo necessary proceeding , To Ujicn Another Uorirrvntlon. SPOKANE FALLS , Wash. , May 20. The commissioners appointed to negotiate with ; the various tribes of Indians now occupying i the great Colvllle reservation north of this city , have returned. Their efforts mulled ; In an agreement with thu Indians by which 1,500,000 acres In the reswvatlmi , or a llttlo moro than half , nro to ha sold to the govern ment for $1 per acre nnd thrown" opoti to set tlement. The land ceded constitute * ono of the richest nnd most .attractive portions of the state. K.l.VJMS ' - ! , * . ItATlt'l' . The Farmers' Alllutico to Kndorgc the Cincinnati O .iilercnuo. TOPER * , Kan. , M y2 J. ( Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] The Kansas farmers' alliance will inaugurate the campugn On the national people's party platform adopted nt Cincin nati last week by a general ratification by the sub-alliances of tbo state ot the action taken4 by the national conference In organ izing a now party. These ratifications will bo In the form of a public JUblloo , and will bo quietly conducted at the regular meeting places of the alllanco thU wjolt and next. The alliances have boon reqututcJ lo Uko up the Work done at tue conferences , dlscuis It carefully , and take a vote of members before It approves or disapproves It as they think propor. The expression 'tt the full member ship of the order Is to bo ob tained in this way , and the re sult Is to bo forwarded by each sub- alllanco secretary to the state secretory , that the full aud complete voice of the farmers' branch of the party in this state may bo recorded. Of course the leaders expect that the result of those ratification meetings will show that the farmers are well nigh unani mous In favor of the now party and of the nomination of candidates for president and vice president in IsW. Priestly Congratulations.c ATCIIISOV , Kan. , May 20. JSpeclnl Tele gram to Tun BBE.I lit. Rev. Abbott In nocent Wolf , the twenty-tilth annlvesary of whoso ordination was celebrated at St. Bene dict's abbey , was the recipient this forenoon of a congratulatory cablegram from Pope Leo. The two men nro personally acquainted and both belong to tho' Benedictine order. Abbott Wolf also received cablegram con gratulations from tbo Becedtctlno monaster ies of Europe and numerous telegrams from numerous prominent Catholic prelates of iho United States. Ho received presents valued at several thousand dollars , among them gifts from his mother and brotherof Chicago. A Iloliuer Identified. ATCHISON , Kan. , May 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] James O'Malloy , the stranger who was assaulted by four high waymen with Intent to commit robbery on the railroad platform at-Wluthrop Junction opposite hero yesterday afternoon , has iden tified Albert Hull as one Ot ttw men. Hull Is scarcely more than a boy. Ho was over taken on a country road soon after the assault. The other three are men and have thus far kept out uf the way-of the constable and his posso. As many men have been held up In that locality tn tbo lost two years , tbo farmers have Joined with the constable in the search. _ _ _ _ _ . A Wife Kenter Sentenced. ATCHISON , Kan. , May 2CJ [ Special Tele gram to THE BKE.I G serge Weston , the Englishman who In a jialous raio beat bis young wife and loft her for dead last Thanks giving morning , was todav ; sentenced to ft * o years in the penitentiary. The woman who miraculously recovered appeared In court on Saturday and swore On a tfiotlbn for a now trial that she was trying to kill Wcston and that ho beat her In self-defctoso. * She did not testify nt the trial boenus hcrtaemory was a blank. " Shu nbw savs it 3uU < come back .and she now recollects ' all tiuf-c'-icumstahces. The court refused to belie ; * * ' her und denied n now trial. f _ , .'lXti TO A CLOSE. All Govcrnmant Testimony in the Plenty Horse 'JCrlal In. Sioux FALLS , S. D. , May 20. ( "Special Tel egram to THE BEE. ] Plenty Horses' trial Is gradually coming to a closo. Today tbo government rested its case after introducing tbo testimony of Broken-Arm , a Sioux Indian policeman , Bear that Lays Down , an uncle of the prisoner , Ricard the half brood son-in- law of Red Cloud , all of them eve witness of the murder. Tom Flood , the official inter preter at Pine Ridge , testified tbat tbo prisoner could speak and talk English llko a native. Broken Arm amused the spectators when ho was asked , cm" cross-examination , of whom ho obtained his tickets for rations. " 1'ho soldier father gives them to us , " re sponded the dusky savage. "Who gave them to you'.previous to the trouble at Pine Ridge" wa then a ked. "Ugh , a little short man , no good ; poor soldier , " said Broken-Arm. ' ' "Tho largo audlonco Immediately under stood that tbo Indian meant-Dr. Royer , whoso flight from Pine Ridge fskn'qwn to the public. D. E. Powers delivered'thwopening address for the prisoner , declaring-that Plenty-Horses never denied killing Casey-.The lawyer com pleted hi * address by saying : "While Plenty-Horses-aad Casey were rid ing together , Casey dropped sorao remark fl-ora which the prisoner Inferred that the Indian camp was .to be attacked and its members klled. ( To save bis people from such a fate , as a patriotic act , crazed by the wild orgie * of the ghost dunce , driven mad by the terrible recol lections of Wounded Kne'o , ho killed Casey to savohls own people. Place the responsibility of Casey's blood whcro it belongs , not unon this deluded child of the forest , but upon the damuablo system of robbery and treaty violations wnlch brought It about. " American-Horse , n sub chief of the Ogal- lalas , and William Thompson of Fort Keoeb , were the only witnesses examined by the defense , after which courj. adjourned until morning. Hound lor Rurnpc. NEW JToiiK , May 2 , " > . [ Special to ' 1 HE BEE. I The following west and northwest folks are bound Europeward or are booked for a trip there : . Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns , Omaha , and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kemp , Omaha , and Mrs. Valentino Dickey and maid , sailed on the steamship Etrurla. of the Cu'nanl lino. Mr. and Mrs. Frederirk iWhltncy , Vail In. , sailed on the same vessel. . On Juno 4 Mr. E. Roaewajc'r and Victor Roscwater are booked to sail on the Nor- mania , of tuoHumbun.-American packet lino. Mrs. Johanna and Miss Betty Scllgsohn of Omaha are to sail on the Potet'Bismarck , of the Hamburg-Ainorcan packet company. Mrs. Charlotte. Wcrthmdellcr of Burling ton , la. , sailed on the Rbac-tlc , of the Ham burg-American packet company. On this ship , on Julv 11 , Mr. Jacob Feldcnhelmer , Sioux City. In. , is book < xl to idl. : Hon. nnd .Nil's. Cossl U. Footer , and the Misses Beatrice and Lillian'Poster , sailed on the Saale , of tbo North Gorran Llovd com- panv , May Si. Onthls ihlp'satlodMr. ' II. W. Ludlngton , Topeka , Kan. Mr. John Block , Kvanstnn ; Wyo. , sailed on the City of Homo for Glasgow , May 2. On the sumo ship sailed Mr. W. H. Jordan , DCS Molars , la. News. At Browhead Passed , 'steamer Majestic , New York for Liverpool. At LUard Passed , steamer Gcllert , Now York for Hamburg. At Bremorbuven Arrived , steamer Eider , New \ork. At Glasgow Arrived , State of Nevada , New York. At New York Arrived , Wftcslnnd , Ant werp , . y ! A Hnrttlnr Identified , CLEVKUNP. 0. , May 2iX The Identity of William Sherman , the burglar nt Youngstown - town , lor the killing ot Policeman Freed , was settled today. The prisoner's name is said to bo William } > Flupornld , and ho last lived In Detroit , whcro he married the daugh- tcr of a respectable man. HOME MISSIONARY LABORS , What Has Been Accamplished \ > j Presby terians the Fast Tear , RENEWED ACTIVITY EARNESTLY URGED. Proceeding * of the American Baptist Union nt Cincinnati Klnnnulnt Condition of the Vari ous Hod lea. DCTIIOIT , Mich. , May M. In the morning csston of the Presbyterian general assembly he salary of the secretary of correspondence .vas . fixed at ? 1,500 a year. A committee of 'vo was then appointed to consider the COD- tltutlonrtllty of tno action proposed , to report to this assembly at their earliest unvcnlcnco. Tbo standing committee u the board of homo missions reported through Dr. Raymond of Al- any. Ho thought the church needed a real missionary awakening , fbo sneaker ave a glance at northwest New ET-.glnnd nd at otKir divisions , especially cmphasi/lnz ho nceu of the foreign population. The re port shows total receipts for the year of over yjS.000. One hundred and tbirty-flvo c ihurches were built during the year at a cost c if t-1',500 and church deDts were p.ild to the amount of $144,000. The membership In the c : hurchcs increased until their total . cached 150.000 ; total In the Sun day schools. 175,000. The year c iloaed with debts amounting to $ OS,000 , \ > vhlch were caused by a falling off in lega cies. Great progress in the work of evan gelization was reported from all over the lountry and the need of more workers was ivident , especially in the newly settled por- lens of tno west. In the new inino and stock raising states of Montana and Idaho there were great Inducements for good workers , and "In the swiftly growing towns of Washington there was an Imperative need for more men. In Utah , Wyoming and Colorado there had been good progress. In Now Mexico there were opportunities to reap ' 'argo harvests. In all but four , southern itatos South Carolina , Georgia , Mississippi and Louisiana tno board has missionaries. Considerable progress had been made among .ho Mexican and Indians and Mormons. Recommendations were made In connection ivlth tbo overture asking that each prcsby- : ery bo Invited to select delegates who shall constitute a special committee on Bomo mis sions within the bounds of each presbytery , also urging the board to push Sabbath work among the foreign populations. Tbo moderator announced the instantane ous death of Prot. Vandyke of Brooklynwho had lust resigned his pastorate to take the chair of systematic theology In Unmn theo logical seminary. A telegram of condolence to the widow was voted. Dr. McMillan , the new secretary of tbo board of homo missions , spoke at some length of the work of the board in the west. Ho gave a vivid picture of the difficulties of getting a hearlne for the gospel In some of the new towns during their booming period , when Sunday was by far the busiest day in the week. ' In tno west nowadays thero' Is almost nothing of the old- time rivalry between denominations. Ho said the Indian is very accessible to the gospel and work among them is very hopeful. Had wo spent 10 par cent of what it cost to kill them in evangelizing ; ibcm , there would have been no ghost dance. Ho told of the great progress niado in New Mex ice among-tho Spanish-Americans. Ho con cluded by so ; Ing this work should not DO let go by default for lack of money. Elder Van Rcusselar of New York said in regard to the recommendation to ratso $1,000- 000 : "What Is the use of pledging ourselves to ralso this money if wo don't do It ) It is mocker ) ' unless wo can reach non-contributing churches. Let's bo in dead earnest. It is the fault of the ministers. They read the notice in a tremulous volco , out don't preach and ln < form the people about it. " Hov. Thomas Boyd of Orecoa toldhow they raised money there. Ho said there were lf > 2 homo mission churches that have paid their share of the great debt. James Lewis , D. D. , of Illinois spoke of tno aspects of the work In the central part of the country. He thought the amount voted not an absolute pledge , but a mark to bo ar rived at. The recommendations of the report were then taken up seriutum. Hev. Adolphus Rrebs of St. Louis urged a provision for two German seminaries. The Germans were tired of resolutions that were not acted upon. Hecess until 1 : 'M p. m. At tbo opening of the afternoon session after the assignment of correspondence with other ecclesiastical bodies to the flrst hojr tomorrow. Colonel Eliot F. Shepard of New York read the report of the committee on the observance of t&o Sabbath. The report was accepted and the i < eco > nmoiidatlons adopted. The standing ir.mmlttco of the boaru of aid to colleges reported through Rev. Dr. Hayes of California. Dr. Gans , secretary of tbo board , gave a statement as to the need of its work. It aids colleges and acadamlcs organ ized .before the year when the board was established , as well as twelve colleges aud sixteen academies founded since that date. The aided institutions have fUr.V-'TS worth of property , a,35S students , thirty- three of thorn in the college course , 230 In classical study. There nro 1,144 cnurch mem bers , 'MO in systematic bible study having the ministry In view. The amount locelved during the year was $101,190,594. The report was accepted and Its recommendations were adopted. T no special committee on the board of pub lication through Judge Hand of Scranton , Pa. , stated the reason for approving the re port made this session. Judge Hand ad dressed the assembly at great length on the subject and management of the board and defended - fended it warmly. Hev. Simmons , the fighting elder , Is chair man of the special committee appointed In 18S4. The report of this committee drew strong opposition at Saratoga lust year , sev eral heated discussions arising between the committee and friends of the board. The assembly had heard these grave charges against the competency of ttio business com mittee offset by rebutting statements and by charges of unlltncss by injustice and misrepresentation and this made a state of things upon which the assembly could not wisely act without lurthsr light , and ap pointed Judge Hand's committee of four to consider the whole question and report their finding of facts to the assomblv of Is'Jl. In Mr. Simmons' address he disavows all intention to insinuate or charge crookedness or dishonesty agalns t the board , its business committee or any of its employes. His re port was directed against their trying to manage - ago a business involving a great mass of details for which they have not the neces sary knowledge or training. Pending further discussion the hour for adjournment left tre matter unsettled. Mr. Simmons is confident that If the rust of bis recommendations are adopted a saving of at least fW.OOO annually will bo affected , Reformed Presbyter Inns , PniLAiiEi.pim , May 20. At this morning's session of the Reformed Presbyterian church of North America the report of the trustees of the theological seminary was presented by the secretary , S. B. W. McLcod , It stated that tbo endowment fund now amounts to 114,273 , which , with tbo assesioj value of the Lamb fund , makes the total income of the permanent investment & 3,4I3. The existing dlftirultles In tbo Ru- formed church synod , which opens in Pittsburc were referred as follows : "Any thing affecting the interests of iho theologi cal education of the Reformed Prcsbvtorian church attracts our attention and enlists our com i Jer.U Ion. Even this , transpiring am on ; ; our former brethren , Acting under tno saino name , wo fear , would not Justify us Iu ex pressing regrets that so many defections have occurred among our graduates and that so many of them have been silenced by suspen sion from exercising tbelr ministry. It is trratlfylog to find that ( bore are so many ampnir them In sentiment with us. Wo would desire to hope that tha reunion tor vhtch our " ? \OM prayed mid hoped was ear at hut At the coV \ Jon of the reading of the ro- > ort Mr. Mci ' offered a resolution , which ivas adopted meting the trustees of the .heologlcal sp. * - , -y to tnko into eonsldorn- Ion the proem , - > f a permincnt building 'or the thoologenunury. ; . American Ilnv \ Missionary I'nlnn. UIXCINS VTI , O. , ' ! M. At this morning's icsslou of the Anit i Baptist Missionarv nlon the woik In v-w1 different missionary olds wus discussed. The committee on 'laco ' and preacher reported I'hllaJelpliln for cxt year and Hev W. W. Boyd of New Jur- ey as preacher. Reports of work in Africa , % Tapin , Burmah ml other places were mode. They invnrl- bly showed advancement , Hov. W. P. Taylor of Indianapolis In speak- tic of Japan siikt the people of that country have become conscious of their .strength. "Japan for Japanese" Is the cry. This proved n hindrance- missionary work , but not alto gether. The evil In Africa , Hov. Mr. Buttorlck aid , was their disappointment In securing olorctl missionaries and In securing a wel come for them thero. Africans want white missionaries. Tnls afternoon the election of managers nd oftlcors resulted In the following ballot : resident. Hev. Gcorgo W. Nnrthrup , p.D. , L.L.D. , Illinois ; vlco presidents , Jcv. Robert O. Pulton , Massachusetts , { ev. Henry Colby , Ohio ; recording secretary , Hev. Burndge , Mulio , board of nanaecrs. Class 8 , term expires 1MM , minis- leri : , H. G. Seymour. D.D , New YorkV. ; . S.Clark , New York ; O. N. Crane , D D. , N'ew Hampshire ; E. P. Tuller , Hhodn Island ; E. P. Huloort. D. U. , Now York ; E. U. Elder , U.I ) . , New York ; W U. Boyd. Illinois ; M. H. Blxby , D.I ) . . Illinois ; ( . ! . E. Heiss , linnesota ; C. H. Lawrence , Illinois ; W. 1 * . Hemming' , D.D. , Wisconsin ; laymen , A. J. Prcscott , Now Hampshire ; H. O. Fuller , Massachusetts ; Moore S. Gldilincs , N'ew Hampshire ; J. B. Buchanan , New Jer- icy , S. S. Woodward , New Jersey ; Eugene Levering , Maryland ; B. P , Jacobs , Illinois , ; I. C. Hobble , 'Minnesota. Class 1 , term ex pires Ibftf , to nil vacancies , W. il. Buttock , Itnnesota ; A. G. Lawson , D.I ) . , Now erscy. The committee on China reported through lev. G. N. Mason. Ills urged that pastors find people in missionary study demand that ( X ) men bo sent out as the Baptist ratio of he 10,000 asked for in the Shanghai conference. Rv. Dr. Hoyt ol Minnesota of- "ered a resolution to that effect , which was adopted. The committee reported through Rev. . B. Morrlfleld that t.VM.b''O has been raised the past llnancial year with a debt of fbrt.riS ; $95,700 of donations were re ceived and $ ti,500 above the average of the past ten years. Fifteen thousand souls the jast year have been brought to Christ. It is recommended that $ X,000 bo raised tbo com- ng year exclusive of legacies. The report on European missions was made by Kev. Dr. Baldwin. Romanism , it said , was a great hindrance to the cross. The conference then adjourned. At 3 p. m. a Joint meeting1 of the missions societies of women mot in conference. Ad dresses were made by Mrs. Wntorlmry , re cently of Madras , Hov. Dr. Mabiu of the missionary union , Mrs. Daniels of Swutow and Mrs. Mix of Toungo. Burmah. Mrs. A. M. Bsicon made a brief address , outlining the work done by the society of the west , of which she is corresixmding secre tary.Miss Miss May Fowler. M.D. , Miss Norn Yntes. Mrs. Lugoro , who goes to Congo , and Miss D. Ross of Michigan , all of whom go to foreign work , made bncf addresses. Mrs. White of Chicago spokn to the young people on the movement , calling them to this mission work. .Sho. wo * followed by-Mr * , Conloy In behalf of the tcinplo builders , which organized as a society in 18SO. SPIRITED .111' . * IV ' * Important "Witness nt Xo\v OrlcniiH Drilled to Leave the City. NEW OKLEANS , La. , May 20. Some time ago Ferdinand Armant , an attorney , was indicted as ono of the men who attempted to "fix" the Hennossy Jury. After Armant had been Indicted White , a deputy sheriff at the parish prison and a brothor-lti-lnw of Sheriff Vlllero , was Indicted for trying to persuade u witness not to testify. It was developed that the witness whom Wbito desired not to testify was Leon C. Burtho , tbo tales Juror whom Armant , it was alleged , attempted to bribe. White was clamorous foran Immediate trial and his case waa called today , but Leon Bertbo , the principal witness for the state , was not on hand. Inquiry at bis father's residence developed the fact that Burtho bad today telegraphed to his father from St. Louis , .saying : "Arrived safe. " Burtho had been summoned and knew that ho was wanted as a witness against White. Burthe's father , in a conversation on tbo subject of his sou's departure , said : "Leon has been out of work for a year , tlo did not have a cent of money bn Sunday so far as I knew. " "Why did he no to St. Loulsl" "Why , I think that it had been dinned Into his cars that If ha was put on the stand ho might send a man of family and children to the penitentiary for a long tlmo , and rather than do that ho consented to leave town. 1 don't know where ho got the money to pay bis passage and expenses. " White , who wants a speedy trial , will bo called before section B again tomorrow. Leon Burtbe , the main witness , will not bo thero. The shipping suay of the principal witness in the Wbito case is regarded us strong cii cumstantial evidence against the accused. EI * HIS ficvrv. A Denver Murderer Dronncil AVIilIc Attempting ; to Kscnpe. Desvri ! , Colo. May 20. A brutal munlor took place In the lowir nart of the city this evening , which was soon followed by the oc cldontal death of tha murderer. Pepino Telorlgo has a garlen aud truck patch on the Platte bottoms , into which a neighbor's cow had made her way. The owner of tbo animal sent his llttlo boy to drive it out , when Telorlpo attacked the child aud was severely beating him. Coey : Glutz , a young man about eighteen ye'irs ' of ago , was passing and Interfered , re questing Teloiipo to let the boy alono. This angered Telorlgo so tlvit ho drew a revolver aud shot Oltitz through the bead , causing death within an hour. The neopln in the neighborhood becumn so excited over the alfulr that several hundred surrounded the murderer's house for the pur * pose of taking him out and lynching him Ho escaped by a rear door and started for the TttOtity.thlrd street viaduct , pursued by a fowling mob of now m-urly a thousand persons. When about half way ncros * the viaduct he saw u crowd coming townrd him and being hemmed in by two parties , both seeking his life , ho leaped over the railing into the Platte river and attempted to swim ashore. Tim river was .swolltin nlmort bank- ful bv ibo heavy rams of this week and ho was carried down by the current. ind drowned before any assistance rould bo oiTcrcd. ' 1 lie Deadlock Ilroicon nnil Gall Chohcu to Stu'cood Iiliim-lp ! , TAU-MtissrK , Fin. , MHV i"J. Fifty.four votes were cast In the rjolnt session of Ino X legislature twlay for United States semitor , of which Call received At. He wa declun * ! elected , Nearly all the antl-C'nlt vnaton loft the city to break n quorum If pois\ble. The * crger nt- ut-arm * WHS sent niter Nhcm. ( When the Joint spRglon was callou to or < lor thu anti-Oil men refuted to answer to tlijVr names , but enroll roll call ilfty.four legislators responded. O'Slu-a'H Dlvoit.-o Mnilo AliMilntc. LONDON , May JO.The decree of divorce obtained by CnpUm O'Sbea from his wife on account of allo txl adultery with Parucll was [ today marie utaoluu. AT THE BAR OF THE HOUSE , Chancellor Goschsn's Onlor on tbo Hearing of the Newfoundland Delegates. SECOND READING OF THE BUDGET BILL Sir AV.llliuli Vermin llnrconrt Attnokr the Klniinulnl Policy of the Pres ent Head of thu 1C\- LOVDOV , .May 2d. The chancellor ot the exchequer , Hon. George J. Goachen , said that the government would consent to hear the Newfoundland delegate ) at the bar of the house. "The Newfoundland land bill , " continued Mr. Gou-hen , "will bo hoard on Friday next , " Mr. Uotchon added that the tyll before the Nowfoundl nul legislature was limited lu Its operation to ono j ear , which the Imperial government could not accept In view of Its engagement with Franco. On the second reading of the budget bill today Sir Willtiitn Vernon Harcourt , who was chancellor of the exchequer under Glad stone's last administration , attacked the pol icy of Mr. Goichon , iho present chancellor of the exchequer , claiming that ItVM subversive to the recognized principles o ( Ungltsh finance. The house knows , ho said , that the government's free education plans would absorb over 1,000,000 , but the house was not informed su to the method by which tbo money was to bo applied. The proposal to Mr Goschcn's " in " buy "pig a wko" struck at the root of the principle of taxes and shouU not IKJ voted until the house was thoroughly Informed In regard to bow the money was to bo used. Tbo financial system which the government followed In borrowing from future revenues for naval expenditures wus esjenll illy erroneous nnd destructive to sound llnanco. It was n violation of the sound principle that the expenditures of each year should bo met out of the year's revenue. Hu would not refuse to pass the bill , but ho desired to elicit the opinion ot the house on the manner in wtilcn the money was to be spent. He wanted to know the in- tentiuns of the government in regard to tbo coinage of gold ; also as to wtrit part the government took in connection with tbo Biirlng guarantee. In the opinion of the shaker the government's course in tbo mat ter was a dancerous precedent. If the gov- crnino'it propped up one house why should it not prop up the other houses I Mr. Ctoschcn , In renly , said that the gov ernment had u precedent for its financial pol icies in connection with the naval expendi tures in thu course taken by the liberals lu resnrd to army localization. The admiralty dealt with a vnst amount of ship building , extending over a period of years , and , though arranged for Ibis year , it was necessary to treat the estimate as extending boyoud the current jear. Touching upon the sub ject of the Baring guarantee , Mr. Ooschcn said tbat no part of this guaran tee was undertaken , directly or Indirectly , by thu government , though much pressure brought to bear upon it lu order to induce it to come to tha assistance of the firm. Continuinc , Mr. Goschen said that the amount of prc-vlctorian gold , together with the light gold coin withdrawn from circula tion , was less than the estimated issue of now gold coltK The coinage in question therefore would not involve any additional buraon on the treasury , 'KltV TI31E WITH STHIKBttS. ,1'nrlslnnStnso , .jOrlrers TOT Btrong lor the Police to Handle. PAIUS , May 2t ) . The strike of stage driv ers continues today and Is causing much ex citement. Enormous crowds of people sur round the depots of the omnibus company , around which there is a strong guard of po lice ind troops. Tno company asilstcd by tbo police today attempted to run several stages. The strikers flrst stoned them and then made n charge , driving away the police. The drivers were dragged from the boxes and pounded vigorously and their stages overturned. The clTorla of the police were useless in the face of the overwhelming mob. At ono tirno it was thought the troops would bo called upon , but It is expected they will not be ordered out unless the situation be comes very serious. Public sympathy is with the strikers , who araout for shorter hours aud the reinstate ment of some of their companious who were discharged because they belonged to the union. Many of the newspapers of the city have opened subscriptions on behalf of tha strikers anil their families , in order to enable them to Micces ? fully push their tight. Kichty additional arrests of strikers were made this morning. This makes about ono hundred and thirty strikers who are in cus- todv of thrt police. The cabinet has been ao- riously considering all the aspects of the stage drivers' strike and it has been dlscust- ing tbo advisability of winding up the stage company's affairs or of taking the company's business into the hands of the government for the present. The Central Labor commission has adopted a proposition forbidding public conveyance companies to employ men for moro than twelve hours per day. Later. It Is announced that the govern- mcnt has decided to intervene in the stage drivers' strike. It is added that tbo govern ment's determination to Interfere in tbo stnko is solely for the purpose of assuring conveyance for the public , ' who naturally suffer considerably from the total .suspension of the stages. CoiiCN.xt , May 20. There have boon ro- ncatod disturbances and conflicts hero bo- iwoon iho striken and the police. Many of of the strikers have been wounded and nrmy others have been arrested. The major- Uv of the stores throughout the city hove been closed utid a panic prevails among the bettor cUsses , who fear more serious rioting aud tha probable looting of their dwelling ! . FlHniO.\Alll.E JS'GM.V/M/ . London Society Treated to Another PelicloiiN .1 ornrl. [ rnpifl-Wit JW hu Jam' * fJon/'iii flenntH.\ \ Loxnov , May 20. [ Now York Herald Cable-Special to THK BuK.l-A fushlonabls I scandal U Just beginning to leak out , Mr. and Mr * , lloaumont , well known In London society , are the principals. Beaumont is old mid enormously rich. He married four months ago the widow of the late General Sir George Colley , who was killed In tb Boer war , and a daughter of Genera ! Hamil ton , O. B. The reasons assigned are incom patibility of temper on both stdca. Beau mont u ants his wife to leave him , and she ponttvoly refuse * to quit the Uouio. Spicy developments are anticipated. Commit ted Tor Trial. Tiosimx , May 20. C. A. Pyffe , the his torian , WAS again charged at the Cro.von police court today with criminal assault upon a lad. Mr. Pyffc , It will bo remembered , WM 1.0 overwhelmed with tha charge brought against him tbat on April 27 ho attempted to commit suicide by rutting his throat , and on the day following tbo court grunted an ad journment in order to enable him to regain his atrcnglh , Mr. Pyffo was brought lo the court In an ambulance. Many prominent people , Including loading politicians , were present during Mr Pyffo's examination. After the dean of Westminster , Horace Davy. Sir George Drove nnd others had given testimony as to tbu honorable charac ter of tht ) accused ho was commuted for trial. Kron li Tai-lfl" Untie * . PAiiro , May 2D.Tho chamber of doputloi todny adopted tnrliT dutie * ofj francs per 100 kilograms on swlno , 10 francs per head on cows and oxen and l.V francs per head on sheep , The protootivo proposals of the tariff coiurolialou aru gonrraUv approvud nioda.-ate ' . of' lh over thu more .aril gov ernment.