Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    II T
Balis iu the Chicago Wheat Pit ou Top
After a Hard Ktrusrgloi
NcW York rnln VnlticH
KnuRM of Ijoiulln I'm
nreH--Stookn nntl Iloiuls
.Mining Slinrcs.
OlllCAOO , Mny C5. It wni n linncl to hand
itrucjtlu todny for tlio mtiitory Ijotnuoii tlio
Dulls niul bouri In wlient. Tlio former were
BupUlk-d wltli lioivlsr ninniiinlttun anil col
tliutiMtnf thu flsht tlioilKh tliolr oppiinonli
forcoil Ihnm Ijaokwurl twoorllireo tlinmuiir-
lup tlio sfHtlon.
Undurtlio Itilturncc of tlio reduction In tlio
Fruncli lniiort | ilutv an whc it ,
riltor tlio oloso of tlio lioir.l on S.itiinliiy. cold
tint ! wet woiitlinr In riiineo nii'l ' Ilnjtlniiil , tlio
iiiiiiDiiticuiiiunt l > y Toronto nillluM of u liort
Biipply In Can iiln , a slntoiuont tliut clilnch
blips were ill work In llio nliu it Holds iirounil
Illiio HprliU4 Nnl ) . . and tliu fnitlior Intol-
lUonuu thitlhu tPiiipnrnttiro wn down to if.1
dcsrccs In MariltOD.i , tliu market opancd excited -
cited ut .1 imitcrl il adv.invu ever tlio List priors
on Siitmdiu's liliN , rmcrinic n wlilo ruiiRO
In various parts of tlio pit. Holders of
lonx win1 it ucii ) Inollnod to t ikii tliclr profits
around tlio opening -fid In aplto of prodlclloiis
of a liu ivy dvtTu isn In UiovMlblo supply tlio
uiurUut broke o oral oolnts lli\liu : in ir-
kotud tlialr slnlT thi'lonirstcnt icuniihu ' "r
1'aidiliUu , tholiU bear. Ill' tutruilod r.ipldly ,
lii ) > in luck Ills short line through luokur < i ,
nml this stitinpi-ilcil tlm llttlo cliorts who ran
toeovi-r with tlio m ult that prlcps lobonnili'd
to tholiUliusl point , of thu day Ui > mi mid a
few ntlior lio.ixy tr.idi-rs took mlv.intiiKo of
tliu'o lo iiMlin liu ivy mlos , cunsliiK a
break Inpilucslo tlio low point of the il.iy.
They \vcro niatcilally asslstcil uy tlio an-
iiiiiiiii'LMiivnt that the doLii1 isu in the vlslolu
mipply was onlj iiboiit li ilf .is'o .i < i was
uxpictcd , ami Ihu Btatmiiriittl atfintlitr lui.'o
PiiKHKPinutitsof jold foi o\p liron iiiulli1.
liiito I'nrls o iblt's quoted win-ill lilclici llii'io
andllio Ijnyliu' whli-li losnlliil lifted pikes
nisaln and llio iniirkct rlosi'd Hun. .Mny
opciud ul iinywhuru hotwi'i n IM'Ji' ' 'Hid l OJ' ( ,
Mild HIT ti > | ) % > . loicli'd to Jl W , , bioUo to
dO'dC , inlllod and i-loscd al f I Ul1 }
'I Im r ii'lptM of KIIII mo nilicli lighter llrin
li.ulhicn nxpci'liMl , nml llio shoits who h id
Mild tlii'iii'-oUui Into a liolo In tlio itoonl ilr-
cllnoof 'n ITU ! In llio prluouf li.icl
como lo llio ooiH'liMiiin Hint It was Unit ) for a
icncllon. Uonsui ) iriilly tlioy wi ro In h.isto to
OOM r Tlioywi'ii' lllillnK ) ( wildly wlii'ii tlio
innrkiitoiiciKil riiu sturt wim ulR.i'S'i&'Ui1 ' ' for
.Inly , and llio pihoIMIII adviiucud to.'iPjc.
l < ulor It broke to MeItli but rallied
to tlio high flKUios ngiiln , KlosinK .1 sliado
Hliorts In o-its had to f.ico tlio s nno condl-
tlont as did thoto In corn , and tlio iirluosof
that folloni'd tlio lliictiiatlons fniiial/o.
I'rovlslons stai led out ciiiiiuiirntl\ily ) e.ik ,
with tlio eoiinlrj lon s sullliiK and llio host tr.uli'rs liuvliiK freely Aftur u llttlo ro-
Cash limitations were as follows :
iif.ouu Dull anil iiiich.inxcd : sprlnir. WOO
© V5l ; winter. 8l.OJ3.SO ; straits. II GOU.VW !
bakers , -j.Vl W ) .
WHEAT No. a sprliiB wheat , tIM ; No. 3
eprliu' wheat , OSo ; No. red , IIUVQIOO.
L'OIIK Na' ' , 57e. !
OATS-NO. . ' , 4ii c ! No. 2 white , Mtt47cj
No. , ) white , 4lii4.c. (
Itte-No. y , 84c.
IUIII.EV-NO.S : . nominal ; No. 3,70aJc ; No. 4 ,
KI.AX SEKD No. 1. J1.14
TIMOTIJV bKKl > Prime. fl.Sflitl.S7.
POIIK Mess | ) ( irk per barrel , JlOflSSj ; lard ,
Der owt. ifil.'iX3Jia i short rlhs. shies ,
( loose ) . K.Vi3.A't ! } dry salted shoulders ( Imxeel ) ,
flOKiS-MO : short clear sides ( boxed ) . WTOitJ.43.
WHISKY DlBtlllurs' finished goods per ual-
lon. 11.1(1. (
BtiOAit UnchntiKod ; cut loaf , 5 ® " > ' 4C ; crnun-
Inlcd , 4 u ! standnid "A , " 4 io.
Uccoipta and hlirnont8 | today were as fol
lows ;
Or iin nttpnly.
OlllCAno , May W. The vhlblo Hiipply of
pruln , as reported for the board of tr.ulo. Is as
follows !
„ „ Hnsholfl. IncroiiEO. Dccr'so
Wheat Wa .OOJ IGi.OOO
( Jorn 4,41II.UOO 1,104.0110
Hyo T , OJO
llarloy U17.00J 2juuo |
Now York Markets.
NKW YOIIK , May V5.-ri.oun-Uccclpts , S7.R13
pnckagi's ; exports , O.ISJ harrola , 14.rUI sacks ;
innrket iiulet aim unchanged sales
bariolH. ; , 1U.OJ3
UOIINMBAI/ Stonily and fairly active ; yellow
WOStlTII , W.40LS1 * .
WiiKAT-Hoctilpts , IS9,605 bushoU ; exports ,
10,740 bushels ; sales , 10,11)i,030 ) btihhuls futures ;
W.IXKJ huthols spot , boot m.irket higher but
dull ; advanced checking business ; No.
In Dtoro and olovntor ; * afloat ; $1.1.114
OI.14W f. o. b. ; ungraded ri'il , Jl O.Vifil.W ; No.
1 nortlicrn to iirrUc , tl.l4UUI,14 ? , ; No. 1 hard
toarrlvi' , Jl.U'i ! No. l ! Uhlcago. JI,114 deliv
ered. Options opened actho nnd Ui&o up.
nnd further ad\anoo < l 'jS6 > Jo on reports of
ll notion In the Trench duty , and frco offerings
of forolgnorH ; declined ffil'io on ronllzln
oloslnu nt * l.03s'i MtiyVTlKttf Vl.W&Slodjj , '
CluHlllR at tlMli.
Mocksof Kniln In store nnd Mny El
vhont , UVJ.IWJ hushoU ; com , bftOJ bushels ;
. fu1. ' , ' . ' ! . ' ;
pntH. hushels ; rye , ; innll , i4,04l |
bushels ; bnrloy , l"J,5SS uushols '
bushels. ; nous , 'i)7 )
llArtt.Kv MAiT-Iull ; Oanuillnn
muilc , ft 00l.lft. country
OoilN--Ui'eolpt8OIaV )
hushels ; exports , 13,501
liushoU ; miles , 3- , > 'JU,000 htikliols fuluios :
CO.iiOO hushels Mjiot. bpot mnrkut unsntlloil niul
quiet ; olosliiK stronger ; so. S.MiJffiuOa in ele
vator , ( Vlhuo'o alloat ; ungrndcd mixed ,
ftSJc. ! Options moro active nnd l&'lc higher on
reports of frosts ; May , ( ASUMlo. olosliu
nt ( M.'l Juno , GO\HtltV. \ uloilnv at ll.'c ; July ,
fii\4tOl'c. closing nt ( II ! , c ; August. 5 > ' 4'iO c.
closing at Ui4o ) ; Sopti-muor. isU44Mc , closing
tfio lvoiibur ) ' .
OITH Itcculpth , 8.1,000 uushcls ; exports , CJ
bushels ; miles , WO.OOU tiushols futures ; hT.OOO
bushels snot , r-pot mnrkut dull unit
tlcil. Options inoiloriiloly ucllvo niul
ftroim ; May cloHln nt oj'fc ; Juno ,
4U 4'J ' > 4C , elOHlliB lit 49V ( ! | July , 47'J
iCIS e , rloHlnj ntIH'iC' ; August. 40',4ilOJj'o '
closing ut4'l5io ' No ' . '
; , white , AJtuWlo ; inlxei
western , 4Til.Vo ( ; vvnllo western , ojidwlo ; No ,
UhleuKO , AHiu.
HAV ririn but ( inlet.
llors Stuiuly iiilet. |
P.MOIMKSK.S lorelKn , tliill ; Now Orleans coni-
IIKllll IJIllot.
ItiCK btonily , < | iilut ,
KIKIK Qulut , llriiu'ri
weetorn , iNiilHijo ; ro-
colptH 7.7.VI pnokiiKus.
I'OIIK Quiet ; iilil moss. HO.7VBU.50j new
tnchs. liKHtl.7S ; extra prime , HI.50.
CUT .MEATS'-Inuutlv o ; NIO uiy.
Miiiniiti > Quiet i unttliuuKiu ,
lMHI"Iowtr ( , dull ; vveslorn fitenin ,
mill's. 1'JOO tloi-eosnt $ l.47iilU.\V ( Option stiles
7,000 tiortr . Muv. (0.50 ; Juno. R.VI ; July
WMftlM ! cloiliiK MM ; Aiuimt , Kl.lUI4'iii.
closliiK Woiblil ; boptonibur , < < ; closlnt
( U.70.
IIUTTKU 1'nlrly , notlvt1 , elmlcostoaily : est
urn ilnlry. ll < ai.'oosturiicreiunery ; , UOlOo
VTi'slorn fiielni v. 10iOI."o ; KlRlns , IDo ,
C'iibiCdi"Uull , vvt-nk ; purl itkiuiK , 4G,3o.
ToliMlo 'MnrkutH.
TOI.RDO. O. . Mny M. WIIKAT rirnior ; cnsl
niul Mny. It.OSlj.
COIINbtouily ; oiish nnd Mny , Mo.
OATU ( Julot ; cnsh , 5JUc.
MlnnoiipollH AVlioat Sfurkct ,
MIou. , Way a-
Very llttlo cmnnotll Ion Ins.implo wheat Mnr-
( nlforNo. I mntlifrii , lin" grades nntl No t
h.ird. dull. ItccclpU for two days. * > cnisi
HhlpnioniM , 1'jocars. Lloso : No. I Imnllay ,
ll.lff ; track , l.o7i l.07 il No. I northern. May.
ll.oi 4 ; July. $ jov < : trai-k. nom'ai.M ; No. s
iiortliorii , Mny , il eSt truck , tl ( r.'jtai.QJ.
Trnilo Hnvlcw.
l.'iNiiov , May iSTho Mark Iiir.e Kxprosq In
ItsuiuUly rovaof \ llio llrltlsh r.iln trade
si > s. lngllsh ! who its mo steady Some
provincial mm kcN iitntu | an ailvnnco of n
shilling. I orelgn who.its are llrm. New
Amcrlcim winter furslilpmnntls'.ucoulatlvi'ly
nlTi-rcd al 4 is , and- Australian on passiiea at
41s ; nowctop JsoITcroil at 41s , and CallfornU
ti I 41s.
Corn , 1 onns tuul pcm are wofxK.
l.ons larlo ) > I slid il en ror.
At today's nmrkul English wheat was scnrco
nnd prlcin ndxaiucd : iu.
Klour wnsmo.idy.
Corn declined JJ ; beans and wcroOd
Oats wcio firm.
l.lnsocd wtisSd donr or.
WIs , Mny S5.-rtotlli Un-
WHEAT ririn ; No Jsjirlng on truck , cnsb ,
ll.o.Vtl 04 : July , Jl.on'i ! No. 1 northern , tl.UU.
OOII.N Higher ; No. : i. on track , Me.
OVM-l'inner : No. 2 whllu. on tr.iok. 4iO.
lUiiiifV rinn ; ND. 'J , In store. 74'/5c.
Kvi.-rirni , No , I , In slore , Mlho hid.
I'OIIKJill ) , JlO.'X ) .
liAiiu Inly * ! . W , ,
III : rilTS-Klnur , 11,100 barrels ; whoiH , 21,230
bushels ; barley. 4'i 0 bushels .
Hin Mfctrs Hour , 1'itO bariols ; , ' . ' 3,103
bushels ,
t.MKuroou Mnv i ! * ) \Vlin\T Dull ; holders
olfur n.oileriitc.y ; California No 1,8s C'id ' per
Coits-Kasy ; dumnnd poor : mlxoil western
, " > s M per cuntal ,
IIcov - Long ii iil | short clear , 59s fid per cwt.
I.Aiin-l'iliiio ncsturn. > per ewt.
Ht. Ij'.MiN .llnrkots.
ST. T.nrts , Mo , M.iy 'J5 WIIBAT I'lnii ;
cash. l.)2 ( ) ; Jnlv. HO'cU '
COIIN Stioiu ; c.ish , M'ii'i ' July , fll'Jr- .
OAis-lrre-'iilm ; cnsh , 4i > ie ; July , 40c.
I'OHK Hislei ; JI0871 ! .
\\iiHhv-ato.idy atSI 10.
Cincinnati .MurkiM * .
OiNCi.VNVrr. O. , Mny 2.V WiiKAT-In fair
( loiniinil ; No S red. tl Oil.
OATS r.aslpr. No 2 nil veil , IS'Jc.
( . 'nits 1 n model ale doninml ; No. S mixed ,
" * > i j'ilJ.'KJc.
\VillijKt \ II.10.
ICiiii.iH ( jlty .AlnrlcotR.
KANSAS CITV. Mo , May 2V WiiKAr-Qulol :
No 9lmra. cnsh , Ulo ; .May , 'Uo ' bid ; No.- led ,
wish. .
I'onv Higher : No. J. oish and May. 4i'iC.
OATU-Qiilut ; No. 2 , cash , 40Jiui Alay , 4Hic
S'UI -It S . I . > It It VXO V.
NKW YOIIK , May2j rhostook market to
day lost Its confident , buoyant tone which
wix so pronounced In the latter pirt of the
\\cokandpiluus tuictocl from the high points
re ichcd last woelc. The duwnw.ird move-
inunt , however , slow and progioia InsU-
nlflc.intovcn In the active stocks , while the
general list displayed only iiiilKiilfloiiiit
clinngcs. It was a not-mlo fc.ilnroof the mnr-
ki'l that thu slocl.s IlKn St. 1'aul and Hiick
Island , which aio supposed to bo so thor
oughly clKpicd thit thesr llucliiatfons nru
under coinplt'lo tontrol , were ascak as the
roinnlmlor of llio list. The business done
um ; moro thin usual of Into , con lined
to a few stocks. nnd the half
do/en lenders ftirnlshcd nb.iut half of
the trims icthins The Millhr ; In the inarKet
was again nppircntly largely for foreign ac
count and II chucked not only Iho huoyancy
of the nuiruct but the tr.ullng .is well. The
movement \\asohcukod by the continual out
go of gold. Theio a lower opening al-
thoiuh thu looses were conllnud to small frac
tions and the c.uly demand was mlllclmit to
cniiso a rally which biought p irt of the list
tip to something hotter thin Hitiirdny's llnnl
prices. The furthoi uxpcctu 1 shipments , how
ever , proved too much foi the buying power
with Iho soiling by both the forolgncrs und thu
west which lenll/od to some extent on the nd *
viinni.s nf tlm Inttni nnrtlon of last wonk. The
iinrKet contlnuod to drop under these condt-
, lens throughout tlm grontor portion of the
ilay , but remained unusually frcu from ten
ures of Interest while the irr.ingers and
specially M. 1'nill were active within narrow
.Imlts. KeportH Unit Iho movement of
; old would not ho as us expected
iifler all , milled slightly. The up
' ward movement lucked vigor ,
'lowovor. thu marKet Dually clmjcl ( pilot hut
u'uvy nt about the lowest figures , the llnnl
ha'igcs In all cases being for small fractions
Itnllrotd bonds were dull ns usual , with a
generally steady tone , but Atchlson Incomes
nnd Oregon Improvement r s weio weak.
Tlio transactions reached Jh-'I.OflO. but vvhllo
IIH | was widely distributed there vvns no
'cnturu ' of Interest developed ,
ClovGMinieiit bands hnvo lioon dull nnd llrm.
Suite bonds have been steady.
Petroleum opened stcndy. Out declined 1'j
.indor . pressure to sell a small amount for the
west. I.atoi thu market rallied ' , ; and became
lull , and lomalned so until the close.
Pennsylvania oil , snot nml June , opening ut
CSV ; highest ( kSIf : lowest , flr i : i-lojliip. 07y.
Umaollopnnod nt lli > ( ; highest. IOS : low
est , Ifli.i ; closed , lU'i. Total sales. lAV'OJ Dnr-
The follow Inc are the closing quotations for
Jio loading stocks on iho New Vork slock ox-
ch nu golodnyi
Atchlson : 'il ! < j Nnrlhwoitern . . . . IIMW
Adams Hxprms 1 < 7 doprefurred I.'H' ' <
Alton A lerrollauto. UVi N V. Central IOOH
doproferrod I2S v c. , vst i. n
American Kxpress . .III do preferred Cti
II C. It AN 3Vj Ohio A MIsHldilppl. . . I8H ,
. 'nnnda I'nelllc 77(4 ( dopreferred H5
: nnndn Soutbern . . . 4'J' < Ontario A Weslcrn li'f
Central I'.iclllc IW > < 3rcnon Improve ' "i > i
Cht'9 AOlilo 1UH Oregon N'av ' , 1
do Ut preferred. . . . 43 re/im Tram Ill
do''inlpreferred. . . . 2rt' ' $ nclllc.Mnll MK
hlcaKO A Alton Mi I'corla , Dec. A ISians. I'l
O. II. AV S'l'f I'lltiburn 1(0
o.o. A.t. t. i. ran I'ulhnan I'alnco . . . .IB.I
jlawaro A Hudson.,13HJ llcndlnK ii'i
Dol.I , AV Hii'f ' llock Island TfiW
I ) A U. (1 preferred 67U St. L AH. 1' . 1st pfd . U )
Uast Tenn till St. I'.ml
do 1st preferred. . . . M dopreferrod
do2d preferred , 1.1' . , Minn AMnn
Krlo 20V St. I'nul A Omaha. . . , : u
do preferred. . . . do preferred 84
h'ort Wojno IVnn. Coal A Iron , . .11
Oil. A Kail. 111. . . Tolas I'm Ulc 14 %
lluckiim Valley , > 'ii ' Tel AO. Cen pref d 78
Houston A , Tons . .H Union Tactile 47
IlllmilK'entrnl. . 08 H Uspress CO
Ht. I'aulA Diilulb . . . 2S W St. U Al' 10W
Knniai A Turns I.V dopreforred 2lU
Lake Krla .V Wust'n IT VVelln-K'nriio Hx 110
do preferred y Western union . . . . 80 %
ntu Hlioro 10'U ) , Am. Cotton Oil . ' 5
LoulsvllloA Nnsh . . 7 > H ColoiHduCoal : ii > ' (
l.oillsvlllo A .Vuw A. 2.V llomoitako. , . . . . , , , , . 10
Meuiplils.v Char . . . . .11 Iron Oliver I.'O
MIclilKiinCentral . . W Ontario 384
Mil , I , . H A W TO gulcksllver Mi
dopreferrcd IOJ dj preferred X
Mlnn.XSt. 1. 4 Hntro 7
dopreforrod. . , 10 llulwer 75
Missouri 1'nclilo f.S' lllcli AW T Tor. , . . 10H
Mobile A Ohio. . . , . . 414 Wlsconiln Central. . , 28
Nnshvlllo Clmtt ( Jrcnl.Northern pfd . 88V
N J. Central
Norfolk ANoit pfd , Lead Trust
Northern I'lirlllo , . . . Wl Suear Trust H ?
dopreferred iiui * Soutnorn 1'aclllo fi
U. 1' . Dourer A ( Jillf. I'"I ' Ore H U A Utah Vor 2ill <
FlllllllUllll lluvlliW.
NF.W VOIIK , May 25. The Post siys ; The
stock market was moro nctlvo , nml thu peou-
Inllon was Influenced by iho Iwo groups of
circumstances In opposltu dlrcutlons. 1'lrst ,
the news from every p irt of the world wns
% ory favornblu regarding iho much needed
ruins. On this prospect Chicago Is bullUh on
Iho granger stocks and Is an active buyor.
The favorable bnnk stalomiint on Saturday
Instead of llio unf ivorable ono Hint vvns gen
erally expected , nnd the gradually Increasing
public disposition to olTeot an Important ad
vance In stocks and nntncieisoof speculation
gonur.illy , helped to put nearly all the nctlvo
stocks U to \ , ubovu H iturday's oloilng prices
hoforu 10i30 o'clock this morning. On
the other blind , the mnrket
wns llrmor , and the Impression was
Inerwa > .od that there will bo moro gold ex
ports this ! k. Money Is really cheaper In
London , but tbo llniik of l.nglnnd Is afrnld
to million the ralo of discount , for fear that
In tliu scarclly of gold that It Is exucolo 1 bo
caused by the return How to the United Htntos
thu gold will again bo drawn out of the Hank
of Knglttnd ; coni.oiiunntl.v the Hank of Kng-
land and the London Joint ntojk banks aio
dismissing tliu propercourso of sustaining the
rates fet money In London by the usual artt-
llclul oxpodlunls. This always hiis an ollect
to check speculation , and Its Inlliicncoon the
UMidon stock inarkot this morning was very
iiuirki'ilnnd unnitstaknblc. The uarly London
cables wore all ' 4 to 1 per cent lower than tin
closing tumes hero Inst night , and London
was a frco Keller of nil the spuolnliles
"Hy.'lw t In Ihoro. Thouireot of this vvns that
by II o clock t he early advances woio lost und
vomothliig moro on alt but a f w ktocks , which
urosustalnodoxclusuoly by speculation huro
II ink Oleariinocs.
1JOBTON , May . -Clearings H5,010,309j bal-
nncos , tl.7IT.Stn. Money , ft per cent. Kxelmngo
on Ndw York. lOdflAo discount
llAl.TivioiiB. Mil , . May 2J-C'lonrlnffs , Jn-JI-
700 ; balances , t.7n,5lt ) Money , 0 per cent.
I'lMi.Auri.t'iuA. Mny -Cloirlngs.tlO.VAOlO ;
balances , 11,2.14,100. Money ® > i per cunt.
ClNClNjmt , Mny SV Money. MJO | ) or ccnl.
Now Vork cxcliunge , firm at TDii'Jc premium.
Clearings , J.VW7r > 0.
UiiiCAno , May 2V Cloirmgs. flJni0.09J. Now
York exchnngo wns 7" > e premium. It ilo4 for
money weu-ciny at'iiM per cent. H'orllng ex
change was minted nt tl.iO'i ' fur sixty day
bills and Jl.hiSi for sight drntlH.
Tlio .Monny M.irkct.
Nmr VOIIK , Mny 2. . MONBV ov OAM. K.isy.
range fiom 2'i ' lo 4'i ' pur cent ; last loan 'l pur
cent ; closing offered at 2 per rent.
I'lllMfi MlilKHNTII.K 1'AI'Kll Vi'll" JlOr CCtlt.
fcTKin.INI ! KVCIIANOI : Quiet but Hun at
U.MU for sixty-day bills and $1.87M for do-
mnnd ,
The following were the closing prices on
bonds :
U S 4 , rcxtilcrcd . IIU M K AT . II
U H 4s , o in ( ion ) , . 111 MutunI Union < . . . I 0
I't' , rUlilered .101 N J I'enl Int Cert IOJ
| i4 > coupons 101 Northern I'ac. IMn.
Pnclllcilsof "Jj . , , III . 110'4 '
I/niilslnnn Hlnmpls 871 .IH
Tennessee N S , is. . .101 di < debplllilro'11
do As 'St ' li A I. Jl Con 6s ill
do .Is | - t. L AS. V ( Ion M III
Canada Southern Sd- St Paul consols Ul
Central 1'iiclllo Ists , rtt I1. C. A. P. Intl. . . . ,119 ,
I ) . All ( Lints iT. P. I. . ( I Tr. Itcti
do 4s T P. U ( L Tr Ucts
I ) Alt ( \Ycstl I ts . Til Union IMilllo Ists. .
HrleVds lu WcUSIioro
.M. K. A T. ( ion'l Us lu77H
Hostoii Slou'c Marki-t.
HOSTOV. M iss , May 2"i. The followliu
the olosliu prices on stocks In tha
stock mnrkot today :
Atelilsmi A Tup'ki .IIUI Iliirnn , 1
lloston AAlbiuy . , " , K'e ir.mri , " . U
do Maine . . . I'll . VI
Oil. llnr AOulncy ( 'JVC Oulney .
HlntAI'ere M . . J uitii rt > c ipper
M m. iVntral . . I'i'inrniU .
Mexican Cen rom Annlston I , mil Co
N. V. A N llnxland Mm Dkwi l.nnd Cu
Ilutland Common Weil lln I Land Co
do 11 fit Hell Telephone . . .yn
\Vls ( out com . I , union sloroS . . Mi
Allniier Mln Co ( now ; Water Tower . . .
Atlantic . . C M .
Huston A Mont . . . I14 ! X K T . . . M
Cnlumet A Heel i . . II A I ) C . . . . . 15
rjll.'llloil StOUlc-4.
Lvnov , May 21 Ip n closing :
CoiiKiiln , inonejr , li do''lid'
Ciirnols , account W l-li. Vlc lcinrd . . . ,
17 Is . \MV \ si Paul common .
IT h 4 1 . lirj N V Central , 10 Of
.V. V P. AO Ms . . . lilf IteadhiK
Cm ' id i Piicllle . .MoxlcnnCeiit new 4 . > ( , ' (
l.'rlu 21'fc '
Harnlher ll'iil puroiincc
Money , I pci cent ; rites of dlsooitit In the
open market for bjtli short and three months
bills , , i' . | ) ( , r cent.
Hunk ol' KiiKliuul Hullloti.
LONDON. May 2"i Amount of bullion gone
Into Hie Hank of England on balance today
vvas t > O.UOJ.
I'llI'lH ItlMltUH ,
' I'AIIIS. May 2.'i Thrco per cent rentes , OUf ;
8'iu for the account.
Denver .Mining SloelCH.
ncNVKii , Col. , May s'i. Closing prices on
the inhibit exchange to lay :
HlkIn.lliii . II I Pay Hock W
7Ui'otos | | fi'i
llrnnnlow . , . 1(04 ( I'irk eon 1S
Calliope l'i Iteeil .Nntliiiril . . . . 'i7
Ci'iitury Ill Illillo 10.
Clay County 11 Uuntilntr Unlc il' (
Loivcnworth 15
Diamond II II .lolinJ.pfd fi < {
PenvorCai V.OII . . 4"i Purzlcr 7
Kmmims 13 CHudla.I Ki'J
( .old 'Iroiisuro . ) ' ( iottysbiirK . . . . Hi
San Krnnoisuo Mining QuotatioiiH.
SAN 1'iiANCioco. Ciiln. . May 2i. The
olosliij ; tiiotatlons | for mining stoolm today
were as follows :
Alia Ophlr . 575
llulner id I'ototl . t'J'i
llcHtIlclclier. . . . ra
Hiidlo Consolidated "lerra Nevada . ' , ' . ' " >
Cbultar Union Con . 2C )
Cou Cala. A Va . . . ' Uta'i . HO
1 rown 1'olnt : = ? VclUiw Jacket . 2H )
Gould A Cmry . .S40 Coiuinonwealtli . 80
Halo , V Noriro.'B. . . , 2IM Nov. o . 30
Mexican , H. > 0 I'ellu Islu . 65
.Mono , 45 N. Com . 20
St LoiiU Mlalni ; Quotations.
ST I.ouis , Mo. , M.iylK Tlioro was scarcely
liny trail In , ' on tlio mining cxclmno today
mid , as u rule , prlcos were tow. I'lio tniirkut
u.'is dull and s.ilcs sinnll In amount. The fol-
bids were inadu on cull :
Adiims 8 4 , M. llroun Ul
American 15 Pat Murphy 2
Central Hllvcr 2 liver ARO 175
-Illlo Albert 1014 iilzabotli : 205
Montrose 51) ) \iima bO
Mount Key 4i > U
Now York Miuiii : ; Quotations.
' NEW ' VOIIK , May 3A The following nro the
lining slock quotations :
Alice H > 5 Hum silver HO
Aduna cun 175 Movknn rf'i
Axpen SOU Mount Diablo 2 > l )
lloillo HO Ophlr (70
Dcadnooil 1JO davnvo 270
Kureka. 450 Sierra Nornda 21(1 (
jouliix Curry 2i Unlo i con , 2i >
llaln.v Norcrosa , , . . 2 < 0 Yellow Jacket 530
ilomeitaka U.VJ
The 8iiK < ir Market.
NKW VOIIK , Mny 25. SUIIAII Haw. firm nnd
fnlrly nctlve ; fnlr refining , 2 ri-l.lo ( ; ccnlrl-
fUlili. | ! % test. .l.'i-ll 'a.l' ' o ; bales , I2.10J Inu's
centrlfiunl W test and Now YorU at ! 15-luc , nnd
. ' .4uj bit JH centrifugal tMtost nnd Philadelphia
ntU'Vc. ' Kollnoil. rjiilot , lowoi ; No. U , : i ] o ; No ,
7. ' II MOo : No. 8 , Il'.o ; No. II , II U-lOo ; No. 10 , . ( Vic ;
N'o. 11. ; I7-P , ; No. 12 , 'iye ; oil A , li : i-li "Wo ;
mould A , 43uc ; htiuul ird A , 4 , ' 1-llic ; pouilured ,
4io ? ; Krauulatcd , 4UU : ciibi'i. 4'ic.
Nu\v Vork Dry Gooils ninrkct.
NKW VOIIK , Mny 2S. Tiado In dry poods
openo 1 vv Ith a fair demand and good Indlea-
llonH for the vreoU. Bales of plain and colored
cottons woio veiy frco In some Instanci'M and
such woolen nrllclcs us llnnnuls , blanKuts and
dn'ss goodii h.ivo heon placed well under con
tract for the coiiiliiK' season , StoukH aio
llithtor everywhere. The tone of the market
shows considerable Mnmnth.
Now Vork Oon'ou OptfoiiH.
NF.W YOHK , May W. ColToo options opened
ilcndy und ununnngod to 10 points up clos-
1ns steady utMTS-'O up. Sales. 10vu bass. In-
( luilliiK May , (17..Vi ; Juno , { ir.5Jai7.01 ; July.
} I7.ij : ; AilRusl , f'iopli'inbor ; { , $ IB.lVr4
1K2 : > ; October , * l.r.XViil.-lu ( ; Duceinl/vr. $10,0.
Klo , dull ; fnlrcnrk'ocs.Y.'O.OO ; No. 7 , K18.50.
llio Co IVee .Market ,
, May 21. Colfco , good ivvornijo , 10,000
to s per 10 kilos. Hccolpts ilurlnjr tlio week ,
L",0K ( ) bass ; puiclinvos for tlio United Statca.
8JrKX ) ; slilumonts for tlio United btatcf , 13,000.
btocU , Ti'.UJO bays.
MlHCcllanooiiN Markets.
NKW YOHK , May 'J.I. I'ETitoi.tUM Steady
and ( pilot ; united closed at b5c ! for June ,
COTTON bKni OH. iJiill and Momly : crude
olVKradoa , aSJiSDoi yellow. : ® J < Jo.
TALLOW Quloti city ( JJ.OO for jkgs.)4 ) % ©
& I-ido.
HIIBIN Qulot nnd sto.idy ; steam , cnmmon to
good ,
Tiwi'BNTiNR I'nll and nunk ; : i34'a--J ( c.
I'ld llioN-Qulut : American , f Kiuo lH.OO.
Ooi'i'hll Neglected ! lake May. $ I8.U ) .
l.fcAD Nominal ! domestic , $ ! . , .
llN Qiilot and steady ! straits , tUJ.M.
LONDON , .May > . --CALUUTTA l-i.Nsi.ii42s )
per iiuiirtor.
I.I.NMh Kl ) OIII''S pOr OH t.
.spirits. as ) fid per ewt
KT. Louis , May SWLanijonlmr Hrntliois to
Cockielt IJrothors Tlio following Is tlio range
of on this market toJiiy ;
couMonnr I Open I Him I IXIY. | Clom. | H it'y
July. . . . HI )
July MX KH wt 6JK
July 3'J S'l
NKW YOHK. MnyVIvcnnutt , Hopkins A Co
to S. A. McWIioricr Tlio ntnok mirkot has
noon In tlio bands of tlio tinders tlironglion
tlio day. The opoiatlonb for London iiccoun
bolng alho by tbotiadlni ; class. These as wol
as local operators sold Htockh In tlio foienooi
and bought f.omo h ick In the afternoon , Tlio
market has otherwise bcon fo.itnru oss , 1
hns , howo\or. hud a steady nnilcrtonc , Ht.
I'liill and Hock Inland bflng wxll sniiportod
The Increase of liaooo In hi. Paul uainuu's fo
tlio third wi-oK In May Isijnlto biitlKfactory
Wt'sli'rii ciop advices are most ( mcouraglni ,
nnd are adding to the HZO ! of tlm plowing clr-
clo of the frlrndh of western stocks. Thuiiiar- ]
torly dividend has brun ileclarod on lu u
trust , and these oertlllciitos ba\o ri'pinorei
all tlio loss they made laxl won't when rumors
HOIO rife that a dlwdond , would not bo pulil
htorlltiitoxchungohaH been llrm , and a lot o
f.'xX > .OOU pold has boon tal.rn for Hhlpmcnt by
NVednosdiiy'H htnnnior. The previously 10-
jiorted lednctlon of ! } d lu the prlco imld by
the bunk of Knglaml for Aini'rlcan eagles ha
been loiillrined , hut tlio llrmnesH lu oxohanKO
makes It probablu that thcrowlllbo furthe
slilrinentx of gold ,
L'1111'Afio , May 8V Logan A. Co. to Tonor.iy X
llryan. Crop UI\CI | > H , wlih the o\cop
tlon of u few couutloH In Miuthori
KIIIISUH , are all that could bo ox
peeled. The demand for casli wheat Is no
tury urgent , Tlio undertone of thlsmurko
In strong and wo feel confident In prejcn
values until we secure the growing crop. Cou'
pared Tltli all Importing countries our prlccq
are too low and \ h Ipcointnond buylnu on
breaks. Heavier loptintsof ) corn o.iiifsed free
ullln ? . Iho mUlciJ * 'Aro thai tlio receipt1
will cimiiniioiinoriirwrtho ' nextwt'okor two.
This may Irivo Its IriflVUinco to i Inonk prices n
= Ittlo moro. , The tirtei" would bo liltfh on the
InrKu crop , hut this no did not have und on
such ti heavy decline we cnn only tiv , buy It
on liny weakness. I'roWston * were iiilot | f nun
the opening until tho/jlosc. with llKht lluctiia-
tlons. t \
CiiiCAno , May 2.V-W. O. McCormlck * Co ,
to ' I. O. KnurlA 'Co. Aflor the close
of 'ehnngo Saturilfiy It dnvo oped that the
lotu exiu't'tcd rcluctlonnf 2 frnncs per KO
kilos hnd aetunlly Ix-i-ti mndn In the rrencli
duty. Thu result of this , coining us It did on
u mnrl.ot largely oior-old , was to advanvo
prkes nt thu opening ! this morning , iilthough
a Kront many ill-onmi'il thu tiuesllon us lo
wlicthur It should ailvnnce our nutrkot or
brenk llio oof Prince. Accoidltu tollmen-
olos ol todiiy the Trench innrl < ct him ndvniicod.
Indicating that thu effect of this reduction of
duty had alrondy been discounted. Llvoipool
cables VMMO lid lower , lint London tinned
dufiri-r , Ilorlln vvns ; P ( marks higher on spot
whcnt. Some reports of datna.'u to Kansas
vvlipiilvveio iLU'elvol , biitnol pcnornlly orod-
llcd. Kocolpls at eleven iirliiinry points were
oOO.OOO bushels , shipments , 7.71.000 busho ! " . The
small decronso In ihi ; visible WIIH a dlsnp-
polntmcnl to Iho Dulls nnd brol.o the mnrkot
somowhal. but It quickly loncled and closed
with a strong undcitone. Corn nnd onls
were nctlvo nml hUhor thnti Sntuidny.
The Htrcnirlh. however , proceeded fiom
llio coviTlnir of shorts rather than from
puii'hnscs for long account nnd wns n natural
ii'sult of an oversold imirKot. Hoeelpts of
corn nre lirja nnd are liable to continue so
throughout Ihn nionlh. On larso lecolptsof
hues the piovlsion market opened vvo.ik , but
the di'pllno vvns tnkun advnntauo of bv two or
line locnlbe.ualovovoflnrco lines of shotts.
The result was n fair reaction nnd intlinr n
firm tilimlnir. A lltllo further renetlon Is pos-
sr lr If ' 'ruin ronllnnpSKtronu' , but llu > llquld-
iitlnn of lonitslull liy outside holders Is HO
grcnt that It vUll ho dlllluult to ticcompllsh
much of nn advance.
C'MK'Aili ) . May 2i"lCi < niu > tt. HopUlns . Co.
to S A. .Mc'horlor : The rally at the opi'iiluK
wni n nnturnl reaction fiom conditions
( minted In Saturday's mnrkul loiter. On thu
advniii'i" ihi'ro VMIS fioo roall/luK as louus tire
too timid to ii'tiiM ) piollts when ollercd , nnd
bear * look nilvantairc of the sellini ; to raid
the m irltot iiKaln , The demand nhleh sprang
up foi .liny , tindcrti'i'iv ' ' for July. wasns-inpiNo
to loom Ir.iilris who had KcniT.iIly taken the
short slilr. Thi-r.illv vvasshnri ) and the close the topfor the day Hears mo so iiK rt"-
slve nnd hulls so Hmid tlril wheat will nroli-
uhly bo n sale for a turn on bulges for a time ,
but the shorl Interest Is liable to tnkii frlitht
on any Inllucnll il bulls nnd It would si'i'in
iiultc nssifo to buy It on tliu bteak" . Our
Antuc'ipcorrespoinlent writes that n dlstln-
KiiMiod Kuropunn statlsllclnn rsllmutcs th it
Impiirtliu : countrlt < > - will iiqulri' 3i.000u o
bushels moro linn r\ortlni | ) ; countries will bo
ubli' lo supply from the new crop.
London news estimates tbo 1'rcnch ciop 121.-
OM.COO , nbout doiihlo the nmouiit llKitred by
nnother authoilly last vveok.
Is n Kood deal of loose Riic-slnc and this loaves
tlio trnilo nlfo.i nnd undccldtd what course lo
tnl > < > Production of lrs than one million In
thu visible was a disappointment , but as the
quantity on eiinal Ib very larwo and likely lo
qnlcMv disnpiioni Iho ui'vt stulcmunl olinulil
show n cons-plcuous dccu-uso. Vlslhlo stocks
nrc now ibout four million , onu hiiiulicd and
llfly thousand less Ih in n ypar n o. lto ui vcs
In llist hands ln'lloved to bn much smnller.
while the foruluu consumpllvu demand Is
largoi than at Ibis < > ei oii foryi'ais. Corn , ind
oats AssusKCsli'd In the I istlotter the shorts
liitorcslo I In lliest ) cr.ilns Irlcd lo covt'i and
found ollcrlius sotree : Iho icsult was a snb-
slnntlnl ndvnnce , tlmuuli It Is doubtful If tlio
short Interest bus bc'cn mutuilnlly reduced.
Confldonco In lovvi'i prices | x hJ htioim that It
" 111 t ike homcthliiK out of tlic orillnury to put
hears to ( light. We would rather ho
slioit on these grains Hum on
wheat , but would avoid thu shcit
side except on nronoiinccd bulucM
Pmvls'ons I.onpsconllnue to sell .inn shorts
to cover ; the sticmih In cr iln s.ivod the iniii- fiom any decline It shows that
no iidv.inro vvns mtido after n > iircnt a break
on thu rise of 2a In corn , but the vvooU's experts -
ports us compared with the correspondIni ;
wi'uk lust > cm shows a/small Increase In pork
nnd bacon and a decrease of U,2VWO pounds
of lard.
_ _ _ _
031A Ml A 1,1VE STOCK.
OMAHA. Mny " ! > .
OATTLK-Oniclal rocolols of cuttle sn.
as compared with Mil Siittirilny and 1,441
MnnOav of lust week- The mnrkut was slow
and about ste.idy on both beuvesnnd butcher
Hlock. 1'ecders were linchanKcd , The quality
of thu receipts Is poor. Uood stock would
command stionR prkes :
lions Olllclal receipts of hoes 2.1:12 : , us
compared vvllh 4,7,15 baturday and 2COU Mon
day of lust vvcok. 'Tho market vvns nctlvo
und l.'u lower. All hdlil. The inn.'U'Of the
iirlocs wild wim ftl fC4ftl.y.V fhn liiillr cnllln *
nt N.n i04.ift. iiisrit ; i.o.vro4.5 ! : heavy , W.iva
4."i ; mixed. $4.IO4.15. The aveingo of the
prices paid was Jt.ll 'as cOmnnicd with tl.ZUi
Mitnrday nnd JI.OT'V Monday of last week.
Olllclal rocciuts of sheep 4i5 ( , aa
compaind with ( j58 Saturday. Natives , shorn
$ J OOtt.1 00 j westerns , shorn , .uO.
Kccclpts niul Dlflpositloii of Slock.
onlelal receipts and disposition of stock as
liown by thu books of the Union stockyards
company for tlio twenty-four hours ending at
6 o'clock p. m. May - " > , IS'JI.
C r . Car * Head Cars. [ Head ,
lluyora. | Cattle | aiioup.
Omaha 1'acklnv Co
'Jhei ( II. Hammond Cu . II
SwIfiACo 24il 2)7 251
'I'lioCndiliy I'aiklnx Co. . lUj.1
Slilpperaand fccler 1ST
Total. 474 I..IOJ 25li
Ilcpre.snutaiive bales.
Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
G4R * ) 03 12 ICbJ $1 fi5
! ) GO 4 03 B7 .llbO 4 00
777 1 75 1. . 10 0 233
604 a 05
170 5 00 1. . ISO 5 00
1XJO a 23
80. . C85 333 23. . 048 4 2-'Ji
No. Av. rill. Pr. I1OC1.H.No. . Av. Sh. Pr.
HI. . . . .1KI 120 W m 74. . . .203 hO $1 15
. . .194 120 4 03 7) ) . , . . .21H 120 4 15
. . 172 8) 4 03 70.M. . . . 211 MO 4 15
; 0. , , . . .201 2)0 M. , . . .2.14 120 4
. . . 201 1UO 75n . . .210 200 4 17'5
L2" , . . .I'J8 ' 200 n , . . .2.VI 200 '
' t > * , . . .201 280 68 . . .233 80 4 SJ
TO. . , . . .1W1 HO 72 . . 201 ICO 4 20
S4 . , . . . ! ! 2iO 07. . .271 41) ) 42-1
W. . , . . .767 200 Ul . . .270 280 42UJ
70. . . . . .id 40M 74. , . . .2--0 KB 4 25
IH . , . . . .2J120 M ) K ! , . . .KM 10 } 4 25
( H. . , . . . -0 ' 40 W. . . .209 80 425
00 , , . . . .253 200
No. Av. Pr.
4 lamlis . . .r > j M ( Kl
coi. i\vcs : , . . .B7 4 70
Chicago Mvo Htnok M urlcet.
Ado , May 25. [ Spcolal Telegram to Tin ;
I1KK.1 Klghl thousand of the 12ooo cstlmntoil
cattle were received today. About four
thousand were from Texas. The natives on
sale consisted mainly of common to fair
grades , such as recently have boon boiling at
prices ranging downward from KM. of cattle
that were attractlvn to exporters and eastern
buyers , offerings wore notably few for tlm llrst
day of the week , and as eastern and foreign
advices were not unfavorable , hellers had
slightly the best of the'sitnation. ' Theio wns
llttlo in tutil iulviiiK.iv wit thcro was n ( Irmei
tono. I'm anj thing not good enough forsnlii-
pois'nsoholleis IniU(0 , content thcnisolvcs
with last week's I'loslng prices , though
In that clnss nlsoy'tlo ) fooling was less
depressed than / < ' lomo clays past.
The range of < iiiolalOlV [ | WIIH ILNXS'l-'xi. Tlioio
vtere sev eral trades iirbninl W , hut prices Uolow
i.'i'tO took the hulk. I'ows and heifers wore
limited ut * 1.50(31 ( 50i shipping steers atl40ft (
ti5J , und stofkoi-s and feeders at 'WK/l4.rii ( /
hull's of Texas cattle ' .noro on u basis of { 1.50
444 S3. . , , i
The week does not PiiOn vcry auspiciously In
hogs In v lew of the HUVCu-o shrinkage In values
during the last VVL'UK , 'Iho magnitude of
today's receipts was , u.surprise to everybody ,
lluyers wore bhy n4 holders a little weak
knood. asa icstilt of jjvhleh there was u toces-
Hlon of prices. I'lrst sali-s of the morning dhl
not show more than n nickel oir from hatnr-
day's quotation , but later trading was atu ue-
ellno of 1 QI5c , the mnrkot closing nt
JI.UX3I.M for poorto prime heavy and meilluin
weights and tl.ldii4.4A for light. Ilnyeis hesi
tated to uay More thiin tt.f > ) for the best of
olTerlngs , and that was the outside quotatloi
any time aflert o'clock. 1'rom was
the range at which most of the trading was
done. Thoimuket was moro active toward
the close , but prices did not Improve.
UAT1I.K Hccullits , 12.WOI shipments , 3.1)00 ) ;
miirket steady to strong ; oxixirt hciwos , t\M
fli"0 ( ; hhlpnors , J5.004fr3.85j Tcxuns , } . ' .8.tt5.25 (
tons , ( l.2 : < iL75 ,
Hixis-Uecelpts , 30.000 ; nhlpmenti , 12.000
market active , linn : iirlmo heavy and butch
ers' weights. ( li5U453 : mix I'd niul packers
f.30ft:4.45 ( : ! light , tl.'J'ii.'i.u. ) ! skips and rough
, ! . . ' . '
( ( Kit I.5.
Hiit.Ki1 Itocolpts. 0,000 ; hlilinnoiilH , 3.100
inarkot active , steady ; prime native * , 3.8Kfi
540 ! westerns. ( VI lU.23 ( ; good to common na
tives and westerns. fl. 4i5.IO ; 1'cxans , 11.8341
5.10 ; Iambs. ta..WS7.00.
Now Vork Llvo Mock Market.
NKW YoiiKTMny 23. HFEVBS Hocolpts , 7,108
head. Including 68 cars for sale ; native steers
f5.02HQ8.45 ; Tcnaus aud Colorados ,
' bulls t nnd cows. t.2vaiC5 ? ; dressed beef stondy
nl H'SU'JJfc ' ; shipments , aa beeves ; ipcolpts ,
< 213 hoiil : market. Uo higher ; voals , $3.KX30.I > 0 |
1 buttermilks. f.L.'VKlci. Vi.
HIIEKP llecclptfl , Mill hendl xhpcn , dull )
Iniuliiflrni ; sheep\fiOitA.75 ; liimbo , K.s .oo ;
dre < < * ed minions low ntOillcdic ! ; ! < sod liimbu
steady nt KK3l5c.
lloos Hccelpln. Including CO rnrs for sale ,
12,09. ) bend ; mnrket ( lull nt (4.4 Q5.IJ.
ICnnsnH City Ijlvo Muulc flJnrkct ,
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Mny 21 Cattle Itccolpts ,
2.C.V ) bend ; "lilpmrnls , | ,70 bend ; market ,
best steers , stendyi olhors dull nnd lower ;
steers , W.uVftiU0 ; cows , lf2.2334,40 ; stockers
and feeders , } \U4 ( 4 23.
Hods Uecolpts , 2,710 head ; shipment" . S.ilTiO
bead ; mnrket r > In Hie lower ; bulk , JI.'AKiil .10 ;
nil tfrndes. jnoCffll ft7l { .
HiihKc llocclptsM-V ) head ; sblpmcntc , UOO ;
nuirkel , dull anil weak.
St. I.onlH Ijlvn Stock Market
ST. Lotus. Mo. , Mny 23. OATTI.P. Receipts ,
4,000 ; shipments , 1,500 ; mnrkot steady ; fair lo
faiiijy native sloors , J4iwao.l0 ; Toxiins niul
Indians , j.MKXuVToo.
Hods Hecelnls , II.OJO ; shipments , n.COO ;
intirkot lower ; heavy , H4.VB4.i3 ; mixed , 14.00
&il.40 ; llghl , } | .20@ < .l-i.
OM.ltt.l WHtHKtt.lltK MAttltKTS.
HAIIISIIFS ' Pcrdoen bunclics , O 12" .
I'ms-Pcr bushel hjx , t..M ; per ! j bushel
bo7.V3.S c. CAtii.tFt.on nn Per dozen , $ , ' .MB (
Homo crown slock In Miiall lots
from the store , 70cJI.OO ,
KKMUCB Choice stock , 3'IOc.
Asi-tUAntis Home grown stock , COnOo per
NKW l'OTT.ors 1'or Ib , 21iJ2liO ( ,
SOUTIIMI.V UKAND WHX. Jl.ftO per ) j bil hel
iostring. ; . Sl.2."iporM bushel box.
TOP O.VIOMPer ) hunch , 20c.
TOVIATOISSouthern stock , bushel IKINOS ,
! l f ' > 0 : f incv , crate , il baskets , H..V ) per crate.
QI'lK PI.ANT-I'I r Ih. 2o
I'liCl'Vini ' its -Per dozen , II 23.
Nrw HCBTS Per no/en Mu
rAiiiiAiu : California stock , per Ib , 2rfc ;
so.ithein , per ci ale , t.f ! > 0.
Oiu\nis Los Angeles. l87.Vrf300 per box ;
San Dlogo , * U3 ; Klvcrslde. II7 ; > .
I'lNHAi'i'M s Per dor , K'.r > U.10J.
Ari > i.K4 Tlio m-irket Is practically out of
good shipping stock.
h MONS Choice slock , per box , JO. 10 ; fancy ,
i.K ( ) .
HANAVAS Poi bunch , } .iM&3.0t > for fnncy
stock for shipping.
CillH.vUoosiiit.nuii.s ! Per 2t-qnart case.
! ' .7i
hTluwillllltir.S Per 24-qit.ut case , J..2"
U\MioiiMACniiiitirs Per 10-lb box. J.'iVU
Country Protlnco.
JlUTTKii Hullcof fair to good country butter -
tor going atlK-JKc.
IJAV-lIest nplnnil , 112.00 per ton.
KI.HS Uonoinl murket , l.r > o : borne sales nt
I'OUI.TIIY Choice live lions. $ J 03 ; roosters
mil ml.xod. 8).50l.75 ) ; good spring chickens ,
N.Ui ) .
Omnhn Milling Co . Hollanco Patent. 1.100 ;
Invincible Patent. J280 ; Lone Stai Sniiprla-
tlvo , J..M ; bnowllaKe , ti. 0 ; 1'ancy 1'umllv ,
U T. Piivls Mill Co , High Patent No. I and , JJ.N'i ; Illno I ) , fulfp itont , J..fiO ; Hawk
eye. half patont. J..4U ; i < poclal Itoynl , patent
No. 10. J.I.1J ; Minnesota Patent , JJiW : Kansas
Hard Wheat , ( latent , t2.05 ; Nebr.iska Spring
wheat , patent. K.Mil.
S. T. ( illinan'H Cold Medal , ? 2.00 ; Snow Whlto.
JIOJ ; gnoHllnkc. t2 ( ) ; low guide. il.M ) ; bum ,
$10.10 : chopped feed , $ Jo 00 ; Mlnncsutii Bupor-
latlve . '
, JJ.'JO.
Small in sbo. crcnt in results ; DoVVItt'
Little Enrlv Risers. Host pill for Constlpi
lion , best for Siclt Headache , best for Sour
IUE nnLirv M
TNSrUUJIENTS plaooJ on rosord May 23 ,
John Chollmnn to i : A Hoehrlg.o it lot 1 ,
blk4 , Ivount7o Unth's $ g,0 0
r O Urablo and wife to O N Hamsey. lots
8 and 4 , Mk4 , lot 2 , blk2 , lot 2 , blk 3 ,
Sl.OJOeael 4,000
Q A Llndiiuost and wife to John Ltd-
w eh. lots N , 0 , 12,1:1 : , M 21 , 24,25 nnd : fl ,
blk 1 , and lots ! ! and 7 , blK 10 , Ucso Hill 4.400
1'eter Larson and wife to Lars Larson ,
Nathan Lai'arils nnd wlfo to Samuel
Hear , lots S , 0 , 17 , 34 , blk 1 , Hodman
Terrace BOO
Pioneer town slto compmy lo Christ
blelnort , lot 28 , blk 1(1. ( llcnnlngton 00
Same lo same , lot 2"J. blk U , same 112
K A Koehrlg to August i Chollman , o ! i
lot 1 , blk 4 , ICount/o& Huth'sadd 8,000
South Omaha land compiny to M J
Illanchnrd , lot 4 , blk Mil , South Omaha 400
George Sautter and wlfo to Maty King ,
' und ! ' lot 1. ' , blk2 , S C Roger's add 1,430
1'ranU Sautter and wlfetoTliomas Kin ? ,
und li of lots 10 nnd 11 , blk 10. and lot
ri , blk 14 , South Omaha 1,500
HenrvSt. I'cllx and wife to William
Connor , lots , blk 22. Wilt-ox's Sd add. . . 800
James Thomas to W H Hall , lots 2 , 3 , 4 ,
11 and 10. blk 2' ) ; lot 7 , blk 2S ; und ! J of
lots l.V , 12 and 13 , blk. 18 , Kloroneo 3,035
II J Ciibley ct al to S S Wiley , lot 1 and
und 'i of lot 3 , blk M ; lot 1 , blk 51 ; lot 5 ,
blk (11 ( : lots 2 , 4 and 5 anil und ' / of lot
8. blk (12 ( ; lots 3 and 4. blk 03 , rioronco. . 1
\V II Hull to Amcrlcim watorwoiks com
pany , lots 2. 3. 4. 11 and 10 , blk 20 ; lot 7 ,
blk 2 ! ) ; nnd ' / of lots 1 and 2. 1. nnd 13 ,
blk'is , and lot 17 , blkllM , I'lorcnco . . . l
S li Wiley to American watoi works com-
pinv , lots 1,3 and 4 , blk 12 ; lot 1 , blk5l ;
lot. , bill (11 ( : Iots2,4. 5 and fe , blk 02 ;
lots .land 4 , blk ( . ' > I'loronco . . . 1
PA Whltlock toSLWIloy , lota 1,9 and 4 ,
blk 12. Florence . . . 1
Henry Oil son nnd wlfo to Klch.irdsou it
MlHor , lot 7. blk 2 , Mt Doiu'his add ; lot
0 , KIM'ck'sIrovo ! ; lots 21 and 2-J , D.ucn-
iiort's Hill ) 3,000
\V Prllto Mnrth i Prltz , lot 7 , blk 140 ;
lot 4 , 111k OS , Florence 100
Total amount of transfers 9 30.781
The entering wcdgo of a complaint that
may prove fatal Is often a slight cold , which
n dose or two of Ayor's Cherry Pectoral
might have cured at ttio commonccmont. It
would bo well , therefore , to keep the rcn.cdy
within reach at times.
II. A. Nalto of Lincoln is at the Dollono.
J. J. ItnhofT of Lincoln Is at the Mlllurd.
P. A.Vclls of McCook is nt the Dellono.
\V. T. Jacott of Kearney Is nt the Pnxton.
N. C. SUIcKloy of Geneva is at the Paxton.
A. W. King of Fulls City Is nt the Dellono.
D. K. Thompson of Lincoln is at the Pax-
15. L. Reed of Weeping \Vator is at the
Pnxton ,
A. I ) . Sears of Fremont is a guest nt the
Loran Clark of Albion Is a truest nt tbo
F. IX Hollingsworth of Hastings Is at tbo
II. O. Gutbrlo of Kent noy is n guest at the
Mrs. Stanley and child of Hastings are nt
the Millard.
II. A. Greenwood nnd H. B. Wnro of Wy-
more nro at the Murray.
H. H. Jeffries nnd J W. Goodhard of Elkhorn -
horn nro at the Dellono ,
H. W. Scott nnd George W. Updlko of
IloldroRO nro nt the Pnxton.
C. P. H. Williams , J. K. Alter nnd U.vron
Stanbory , loading citizens of Grand Island ,
called upon Tun Ui'.i : > csterdny. Mr. Will-
lams said Grand Island wns booming ; that
the ciop prospect vvns never bettor ; that
3 , " > 00 acres of augur boots In H.ill county give
promise of a rich return ; thut business is
good und will bo bettor.
how easy it was 10 nd
yourself of face pimples
and blotches , you would
take a few bottles S. S. S.
and remove them.
"J vnsannojrd foni joir vdt'i pim
ples and blotches on tlio face. I con *
suited prominent pliydnns nnd uro 1
dllTerent kinds of mlvortUod mo IIi -
i lues vvltliout any benolH. Finally I
lr o.l Svv lit H bjieclllo , and tlio smooth
ness of my Hkin na completely 10.
stored by the HBO of a few bottles. "
Timlin Tlit-atji , Now Voik City.
100X3 Off alOOD AfiD SXIft DI3CA3C3 fUtC.
. , Atlanta , Qa.
aim uuODCl'S '
A , II. Perrigo&Clo. | "TO Daxon ,
All.Makes , All Prlcei , All lllcycle < SoM on Monthly
Parts. Payment ) .
UN Uodjro Street. ilOUTiJ rarnainSt , Onialm
Omaha Republican Printing Oo. |
Lnw briefs , bank itpillo , < , niul uvor/llilnj In the
printing lino.
lOthnnd Douxlii street * .
Ackermann Bros. & Hetntzs ,
J'rlnter" , binders , cloctrotrperj , blank book ininu *
fiictiirori ,
Illfl Howar I street , Omiht.
A , ( Joe & Oo. , KirkciuinllJonociOo ,
Manufacturers nml Job- Manuf ictiir'J
liers. Apeum for llonliin Hull-
llOnilowurdatreoU berShool'o , 1 1 IK , IIUI ,
niul -
llWllnrni-y SI
William ? . Van Aor-
imm & llft'to , Plum dietary. Corner lltli
IJIJlInrnostruct , niitl OoitL'ln * t , Dm i-
McrdiAiils Invllod
Omulm , Neb torill tn I uxirnlno.
John L. Wilkio , Lonii Ihllor ,
Omalinp ipor bof lolor/ IliitrherV and l' oc ! r '
1117-1113 Diiulu Tools V Miipllo | Hoof ,
Orders promptly Illln I. hoc \ nhei'p eailniM
lllii-IIIS Jnck im Ht ,
W. T. Scnman ,
Ornnlia's I.nrKoit Variety
Omaha Oarpot Oo. , Gilmoru & Ruhl.
Carpels , ol ! clot'n ' , tint- MiuiufnrturcM A Whole
tlnK curtilniioodi.ots sntn Clotlilor * .
1511 Doiulu street. HOI Ilnrney St.
West & Fritsolior ,
Manufacturer * flno cigars
Jobbers of lo if tolncoj ) .
1011 Knrnini street
Omaha Goal , Ooko and Ooutaat & Squirai ,
Li Oo.
mo Hard
nml ofl coal ulilp-
Hnrd nml soft neil pur" ,
E. K Cor. loth iin 1 Don f. JS03 Fnrn im struct ,
las trooti Onnlii
Mount & Grifilu , P. H. Mahoney & Cb ,
213 S. lull street ,
Offices 8HN imiinmlcor
Om i tin , Nob. lOtli nml Douclia sti
GUN POWDER. 0. Olark. vVeslern Ajjont of
Ihlpont'n Hporllntf dun *
powder , Allis tilithaxplcf
( Ive.lllinllnKrap'i fiuo.
13IS llarnvy mreot
Toiicrny & , I S. A. JoWhortor7 [
'riikprs ' , gr.ii.i , murliilons M Ut.S'ntl Hunk llrokor ,
niul Mocks Ml . '
* 8 llth I'rlvuto wires to N w
M t'rlirtileurlru to I'll ! Vork ,
ChlcMO ami tit.
n > lii , * l. 1 utili und Now 1-ouls. Unsh Rrnln
\urk ,
buiiKlitfor all market * .
R. R. Grotto , Frank Dollotio & Oo , ,
Iniportor and lohbor of
\ \ IntMiinit Mriiiort I.lquoMimt ( ipiiiilno Vo-
10:0 anil IU-1,1 llln1n St. Aaila rigir
Price list ! onappltoitlon l'0 > 1)0111.1.13 ) MlCCt.
KcflncD nnd lubricating
oil > , nlo Kroiuo , oil.
A. II. HMiop ,
Consolidated Ooffot )
Company ,
1114 nnd 1110 llarno/iL
Omalia Nelj
IM. IMI Market I.ULut , DuiiTor , Colurudo.
Klalu , III , and We lorn Croaiiiory llullur , KuKinnol
Choixo. IO.OOU A 1 empty etf * caiei , with. Dllcri tu
lounlu inr ulilppuii nud utliuri lu lianilud , Dru ciuet
and up. Blilpby last f roUlil. ( lood , cheap llutlur la
demand durlutf MaU lUbU for qucUUoni oo dt )