Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Tie Piot m1cd Healer Begins Business In
Ohlngo with His Unnal SuccosSi
JJlfdmonil'n Talk A > ; nl" t JInCnrtliy
A Tulo of the Ninth Cnvnlry
by a Pi-alrlc I-'Iro
CitCfioOrncnopTnE BEE , I
CniCAOo. May 2 , . (
nor. John Alexander Dowlc , who playoJ
gucli on interesting engn emciit hi Omaha
Boinothnu since , has set ut > a faith euro M-
tablUhincut nt Paulina street and Washing
ton bouluvard. For some tlmo flaring post
ers have announced hU coming with Inscrip
tions Mo this : "Cancer cured whllo you
wnlU" 'Cure for the alcltl" "All can bo
healed frco of chargo. "
Last nlifht a small crowd went to the
church to DC cured of bodily ailment , but
when they ilcarnod from the big banner
drtipcd over tlio pulpit that thu pretended
physlcl.m pro nosed to cuio thorn through
faith most of them left In disinut. To the
bul ( do/en who remained Dowlu denounced
the press as In league with the powers of
darkness , but ho cured no ono nnd Mrs.Uowlo
did tlio same.
ruiN'ru.'s nMvov TILICO.
\VHIiftm IJoilniond , M. P. , addressed a
meeting of representatives of the local Irish
ocletlw at the Grand Paclilc yesterday ,
Redmond said ho had -ueon very successful
in reconciling the local factions. In regard
to the disposition of the evicted tenants' fund ,
wblpb amounts to . ' 00,000 , ho declared that
the responsibility for the neglect to ills-
trlouto It among the destitute tenants was
duo to tlic McCarthy party , who had refused
to consent to any plan for Its distribution.
Troop 1C of the Ninth cavalry , "Tho
FlylnK Ninth , " of colored soldiers , passed
through Chicago yesterday on Its way from
Fort Kolnnson , Nob. , to Fort Meyer , the
mllltury post on the south fork of the
Potomac , opposite Georgetown. In vlow of
the fact tint the troop was in command of
Captain Wrlgut , a local paper reprints the
story of how Wright's gallant services
wcro Ignored for another man uho was
clviin cliurgo at Fort Meyer because
Wright was notn graduate of West Point
and that ho bad been devoting his tlmo to tbo
tusk of drilling tils men In army tactics mid
makine IWiters of them , and nccloctcd to
keep up with the latest dances and small talk.
( iMSKD iir A rimmi : nun.
Between forty and fifty thousand oxcur-
slonlsts who wont out to Calumut Heights
yesterday afternoon were compelled to run
lor tbelr lives from a prairie flro which
formed nshoot of llamo half a mlio In width.
Sixteen passenger coaches loaded with seok-
crs of suburban sights went out from the city
early In the afternoon , and when all had dis
embarked at Calumet Heights that suburb
presented tha aspect of a vast picnic ground.
Homo boys throw matches Into tbo
pralrlo crm and In an Instant the bhuo had
assumed the dimensions of n genuine pr.iirlo
flro. A brisk nortboast wind was blowing ,
aud as the blaze started lu the southeasterly
, portion of the platted pralrlo tbo llamcs
spread nnO advanced with tremendous rapid
ity. Calumat Heights was thronged with
visHori , and when the ominous shout of
flames spread and was rushing toward them
with the rapidity of the wind a stampede fol
lowed. Men , women nnd children jostled
each other In their wild flight from luo ad-
van cine tiro. The scattering dwellings In the
vicinity were in great danger , and their occu-
panU , leaving their goods behind , joined In
the flight , Fortunately the prairie grass had
boon mown from the northern part of the
tract , and the wUdfiro , running out of fuel ,
abated before It reached the neighboring
houses. The police ofllclnls were severely
burned while lighting the llamcs back from
Two pistol shots flrod by a police oftcor ] ni
A flvlncr ntrlcnnulcot 11 r.finln nmnnr-
B 000 people last evening nt South Park sta
tion , wbero the crowds that 1111 up Jackson
park rnlnglo. It was when the crowd was
densest at tbo < icpot that n woman cried ,
"Sorao ono has picked my poelcot. " There
was a prcisuro toward the woman nt once.
rive young men who had crowded about her
separated and started In different directions
throuuh the excited crowd. Ofllcors Leonard
And Kohoo nt once started for the light-
lingered workers. Three of them escaped In
iiio crowd. Tbo officers were too quick for
fRe others , however , nnd John Holtz was
captured. The other , Thomas King , ulso
well known , broico through the crowd pur-
nued by Oflicor Leonard , who celled upon
King to halt. Tbo thief ran north on Lake
nvcnuo , but evidently concluding that bis
chances for escape were better in tbo crowd ,
turned toward the depot. As ho did so the
oftlcer fired ouco In the air. The man ran ,
end aiming at his legs Leonard fired again
nnd King lell Into a crowd of women. The
Jlydo p < irk patrol wagon arrived aud the
wounded man was placed in tbo waeon. The
leg was fractured and ho was takeu to tbo
couuty hospital.
William Kcarns , twonty-ono years old , and
JSrucst Clark , sixteen , two boys from Hum-
bum , Norfolk , England , reached this cltv
Saturday luornlnc direct from England ,
looking for work. Kearns was a coachman
pnd Clark was hero to seek his fortune. The
toys went to a lodging-house , retiring nt
0:30 : p. in. Yesterday the landlady prepared
breakfast for tlipui. The- did not aopoar and
$ ho went to the room. It was broken open
pud found filled with gas. On the bed Kearns
Vfos dcnd. Clark was breathing faintly. Aid
\va called and everything done to'rovlvo
Glark , out to is now at ttio hospital in u pre-
parlous rnndltlon.
A iclatlvo of Clark's , who resides In the
fclty , WOT notified. In speaking about the
boy's arrival she snld : "I wrote him not to
omo , that work was scarce , but ho had a
weotbcurt aud a sister Laura , and the boys
thought fortune cnmo to all hero. Ho wanted
to ( tot a honio nnd bring Laura bore , . as ho
fconld not stay any longer on the old farm. "
Dick Keating , the heavy-weight champion
Af Indiana , who for the last three years has
been knocking the ambition out of all the tin-
flvo pugilistic talent nround Laporto , Lafny-
tto Bad Logansport , was reduced to n pulp
n three rounds by Ed Corey , who until now
bus been n stianger to fnmo. Yesterday
ijvrnlnp the light took place In the vicinity
Vf Itoso Hill cemetery.
Mrs. Edward Cosgrove. wlfo of n lletiton-
fmtof police , ilied yesterday from blood pol-
Boning produced by wearlnir a iialiof kid
tlovMullosho bad a cut on her linger.
Among the western people in Chicago today
ivcro the following !
r At IheGniml Paclfto D. O. Corey , Helena ,
Slont ! M-Smiator Ollbort A. Plorco , Da-
ota ; Ji 1 KilmuiiRon , Council UlufTs.
' At the Lolind-O. F. Hurriman , Stanton ,
At the Illchelieu-F. C. Hou , L. C. Drand ,
tro&h > .
' At the Auditorium General F. W. Drake ,
Kllss Drake , Ccutcrvlllo , la.
At the Wellington Mr. nnd Mrs. H. p.
frlllliiRhast , Davenport , In - . C. W. Martin ,
SV. F. Crawford. Dos Molucs , la. ; J. E.
HanncBon. Ceilar Itaplds , la. j C. A. Suther
land , Salt Lake , Utah.
' Atthal'nlmer A. Plwlps. Helena , Mont. ;
Mrs. J. C. Johnson , U. n. Chase , South
Omaha ; H. It. AUler , Fargo , N. D.
That Are nclnj ; Cunslilorod by
The proprietors of the Doston store , J. L.
CranJels & Bon , have commenced proceed
ings agiluit Frank D. Konnnrd , the owner of
the store building at 114 South Sixteenth
btrcot. They have also secured a restraining
or that will bo hoard bcforo Judge Irvmo
loit Fnday morning. They all ego that they
bold nau'ioxpItvJ toaxo on tbo store building ,
find that having moved out , IConnard now U
about to Uko forcible possession of the
caia of tbo state agaluat Will Urn
Dwyer was dl .poiod ct la abort order
before Judge Kitollo , Dwyer la the
man wbo , In company with John
Gilbert , btirslnrlieJ NorrU fi Wllcox's
store lost winter. Ollbortvni tried mid con-
vlclod at tlio last term of court. Today when
Dwyer wan bronchi Into court for trial lie
pltmil Rultly nndvfli nontenced to a term of
four } oars In tlio penitentiary.
Tlio c.iso of Lllllo Lolgb. Administratrix ,
ntffllnst tlio Ornnlin street railway cotnpnny In
on ti'lnl before * .luORO Irvine. In IhVj the
lunbanil , Klmcr Lolpb , wan u driver on the
liorso cor llnu between the fulr grounds nnd
Tuciitltitli nnel lnko street * . On September
f > , dtirlnp fnlr week , whllo the car was loaded
with people , the hones klekwtl the front oiul
of the car Into splinters nnd ttmi ran away.
As a result of the runaway , Leigh was In
jured nnd died the next day. HI * wlfo now
nslM &VXJO danmjos ,
Doforo Judge Hopcwcll the case of I'otor
Kllnnd against Solomon Kaduli Is on trial.
Jmlije Dnvla JolmV. . Conner , naslKtieo ,
vs Omaha National banlf , continuance sot
nilile and case roltntntetf on trial docket ;
Wllllnrn IJowman vi Janxv * 1' . Mitlonoy ,
continued ; S.imuL'l EUdiu vs Omaha street
railway , passed.
.TuiU'o Irvltio Oougl.ii County bank vs
Frnnch M. Wright ot nl , tranifcrnnl to
equity docket ; Jcunetto. M. Lucas vs Dorsoy
U. Houck. passed.
.Jutlfjo FcrBUion .1. C. Vaughn vi K. C.
Erfllnir , continued ; Julius Landnuor ot nl , vs
( ) . ] ! . Mack , placed at foot of clocUut ; H. H.
U'idUur v TelfordVulto \ , continued ; John
A. Crclghton vs l-'lnlnysou & Doufjlus on
JudRO Estetlo William Vllas , prand lar
ceny , piiiau pullty nnd was sentenced to ono
year In thn penitentiary.
( joorifo Pnltner , petit larceny , fifteen days
In the county Jails Mrs , G cargo I'nlmor , petit
larceny , flvo days In the county Inll ; Uoso
Moran , potlt larceny , live days In the county
Jail ,
Cull * .
1G-20B Sophim Ni'hln vs Oltv of Omaha.
IT-xyj-ypiiiuul KlUlns vs Omulia utroot rail-
li-KlS John W. Ounncr , assignee , va Omaha
National bank.
17-'U Ilarvcv Iianafaro vs American 1'lro.
Insurance ! ooinp'uiv.
17-tB : Jarol ) B. Hoiiso vi Krank I. Toss.
18-1 H K. llnrrott innniifucturlni ; company
vs Onialiu Kraiilto rooting company.
18-L"J rrankSvlimolsor va Frank Murphv.
IT-,1 : ! ) Itosors Carroll vs Andrew J. Stanley.
lS-'J-\Vlllum ! n. Phillips vs Cook's A. and U.
I7.1SJ1'rcd KniK vs Charles K-immorer.
DEI OUR Jirpnn n
17-S5 Colptpr tc flitlon vs. Aiifiist Uor.zon.
I7ii'iMnry : S. famplu vs. Rtta Coe.
17-131 William UumtiiliiRS vs. Idu M.
17-m Sarah Solilon vs. D.ivld J. Soldun.
17-1V ! Sanmol X Ilnll VK , Augustus Hcuclio.
17-IO. ) Stlllmaii H. I'm : ? * VH. Everett S. Vlagg.
ir-aw-Gi'orno A. Hojgland vs. William
r.itor et al.
l7-'JIO--Holin iash anil door vs.
Louis Slnbudskv.
i7--T--uiurius u. union ct ui. vs. iionry
17-L'71 imlly ; Snttarliwult vs. L. P. I'rayn
17-27:1 : Nicholas Yncervs J. P. Herman otnl.
17-"J7--.Iolm < J 1'otzoi- . W. 11. Cowlus ot al.
l'-MI S , A. Goldsmith vs. John H. MuCarty
ct al.
l-uyv : .Tames A. Woodman ot al. vs. George
K. .MoKpiisoy.
IT-iCM UliarlcsO. Spottswood otal. vs. Aston
Aclc , administrator.
10-171 Ohiirli"V. . tt liltn vs Spencer Otis.
17-75 Andres Mayor vs Jcrrv llyun.
17-.T7 Jolm A. Ciolgutim vs Samuel Find-
I"M. : ! ! . S. O'llonrko vs Ilallcroft Mol'ar-
17-GI-W. : H. Mavno vs M. A. Upton.
1S-1M Hank of Gnimmiicii vs Andrew Haai.
17-til : A. 1 * . Larson vs Union stockyards
17-tfiT William 0. Harris vs James Rasgos-
17-II77 Low 0. Illbbcn vs David Farquhar
t\t \ al.
17-105 David E. Thompson va Omaha Na
tional bank.
18-5 Amos Phillips vs Edward II. Walters
18-J2 W. B , Hamilton vs Homo flro Insurance -
anco company.
1B-M : James K. Glider vs Samuel Crosby.
10-97 Lllllo Loigli vs Omaha xtrcot railway
17-41 John Hart vs TrnnkCaspor.
17-72 T. E. Darlington vsMuUloud-Lovo llvo
17-1'17 Annlo M. Oavook vs oltv of Omaiiu.
17-178 Jonnotto It Luoas vs Dorsoy II.
17-2J8 Hobcrt IF. Kulin vs John V. Boyd ,
17-100 Charles II. Olson , administrator , vs
Max Moyor.
17-101 Charles H. Olson , administrator , vs
Max Meyer. _ _
Sai-sflcia llnll.
The first annual ball by the Sarsflnld soci
ety will bo given tomorrow evening In Row
ley's hall. The following commlttco appoint
ments have boon made ; General commlttco
Messrs. John Plyun , Thomas J. O'Nell ,
M. K. Welsh , Michael J. Flaherty , William
Howloy , C'optalnPatrick J. McMnhon ,
Charles O'llara , Michael O'Connor , Patrick
Shcohy nnd Patrick E. O'Sulllvon. Master
of ceremonies Mr. M. K. Welsh. Kccop-
tlon Messrs. Charles O'llara. Thomas J.
O'Nell and Benjamin S. Adams. Floor-
Messrs. Michael J. Flaherty , James T.
Donohoe , Daniel Kgau , P. II. Mc-
Donough and Jntnos M. Uallaghcr.
Door Messrs. Martin Hanagan , John Burns
nnd John J. McNulty. Cloak room Messrs.
Daniel Honnon nnd Patrick E. O'Sullivnn. '
Hofrcshments Mosdomes Thomas O'Connor ,
Patrick Shcehy nnd Patrick J. McMahon
nnd Messrs. George Burns , \Vllllam Kowloy
and Michael O'Connor. '
Gun Glut ) Shoot.
The regular shoot of the Gun club , 25
blue rooks being shot at , resultedL. . Hlnn-
chard , lil ; James B. Smith , 15 ; Bernard
Blum , 14 ; F. J. EggOi12 ; Charles M. Sanford -
ford , U ; O. D. Bratton , S ; Thomas Kelly , 4.
After the regular shoot swoops tnUe.s wore
shot as follows ; '
Flvo pairs of blue rocks $1.00 entrance.
Charles M. Sanford witn 8 took tlrst money
and Mr. Elckon with 7 took second money.
Ten singles , $ entrances , was won
by Charles M. Sanford with 8 and E'cken
nnd Blnnchnrd divided second money on 7.
The next was at ton singles , f 1.00 entrance ,
won by Charles M. Sanforu with 8 , and
Blanchord and Blum divided second money
with 7.
The last was WOB by Elckon with 0 out
of 10 singles , with Bratton winning second
on 7.
Hearing Postponed.
The board of directors of the South Oinatm
llvo stock nxchango mot yesterday afternoon
to try George S. Brown , the local represent
ative of the American llvo stock commission
company , on the charges preferred. Mr.
Brown had Hied a sworn answer to the
charges , nnd when the board mot without
taking any notion a motion was made and
unanimously carried to postpone the hoar-
Ing. _
Notes About tlio City.
Captain James II. Halo of Oinntin Is stop
ping In tbo city for a week.
Warren Uonno nnd Earnest Phillips have
arrived from Hammond , Ind.
J. P. Webb of the Tribune has gone to
Mlndon and will bring his family back with
Dr. Thomas ICclly will spend two weeks
visiting In the oiibt , going us fur as Balti
more and Now York.
Charles Campbell , well known at the yards ,
on his way from Chicago to Kansas City ,
stoppo/1 to shako hands with hU many
The third anniversary of the South Omaha
lodpo No. ( W , Ancient Order of United Work
men. will bo celebrated bj a social with re
freshments In the ledge hall , Twenty-sixth
and N streets , this evening , A line lltarury
and musical programmo will bo rendered.
Members and their families \ \ 111 bo enter
The friends of Mrs. Jeffries , neo Mlsi
Jullu Suauldlng , wife of Thomas J. Jeffrie *
of Omaha , weru startled and pained by the
news of her sudden death today at her home.
The family Imvo the sympathy of a largo
number of friends. Mrs. Joffrioa was ono ot
the brightest , mostamlablu and acoompllshod
ladles who over lived In this city.
Dr. Dlrnoy euros ciuurrn. Boo bid ? .
Tnkou for Tr nl.
Jamcj Balloy and Frank Morgan , the two
men arrested for burglarUIug a hardware
Btoro at LouUvllle , Nob. , were turned over to
Constable Charles W. Spouco ot that place ,
Mothers will find Mrs. WIuslow's See h
Ing Syrup the bostromodjr fortholr cull
Urou. 25 ocnU a bottlfc
Dedication of a Commodious Hospital and
Homo for Deaconesses-
o of Uio Dedicatory Service
and Description of tlin Hospital
Xliu IniiiiKCiiiunt of tlio
After six months of sclf-iacrlflclnij effort
on the part of the "Good Samaritans" In the
Methodist church of Omahn they have real
ized the first fruits of their tollaticl , yesterday
afternoon nt 2 o'clock they wo'ro unnbled to
open a neat , clean , woll-furnUhod and com
modious huspltnl and deaconesses' homo at
41'J South Twentieth street.
The first oart of the opening nnd dedica
tory servlcss took plnco nl tha Vint Metho
dist church , wilt-to the following programme
was observed :
Hinging Hymn 801 Hy the Conirrogatlon
.Sirlptnro . .liev. O. M. Brown
1'rayor Hov. J , W. Shank , II. I ) .
solo Tburols n Orron Hill l-'arAway..Oounod
. , , Mis. I < . A. Torrens.
Addrrss-A Woman's Vlow ot the Tutor-
prlso Mr < . SI. A. Clnlllu
AilclifSM A Physician's Vlow of tha Kntcr-
II. l''MimmnrM.Ieilef ( ! of tlio mecllcal fitan" ) .
Addn-ss t'hrlsllaiilty and SnirurlifK
Iliimunlty . . .IllMiopJobn I' . NUWIIIUII , O.I )
Triislco'sytatomont II. 1C. Hull
The nudicnco then adjourned to tlio hoj-
pltal building , where the dedication pro
gramme was completed.
J. K. Cowgill presented the building to the
church for a hospital nnd deaconesses' homo
lu n very appropriate speech , nnd Bishop
Nowmnii received ttio bospitnlln the nntnoof
the church , nnd In a few choice words nnd u
prayer dedicated It as a hospltui for the care
of the hick and disabled of oiory nice , color
and condition of purso.
All present were then Invited to Inspect the
building. The hospital building stands Im
mediately south of the street railway power
house at the corner of Twentieth and Iinrnoy
stiocts. H Is n largo three-story and
basement building , with spacious lawn , good
light nnd ventilation , nnd scorns to bo
well sultod for hospital purposes. On the
first lloor nro the ofllcc , the surgeon's operat
ing room nnd thrco private rooms foruatlonts.
besides rooms for the matron and the bead
nurso. On the second lloor there are two
wards each capable of accommodating six
patients. There nro several private rooms for
patients on this lloor besides closets and batu
Tlio third floor has been arranged for two
largo wards , ono for men containing fourteen
single beds , mid ono for women with eight
single beds. Each warJ Is provided
with n water closet and bath roora and the
patients will all bo within reach of an elec
tric boll which communicates with the
nurses' ' room. This arrangement Is observed
tbioughout the cntlro building.
Eucli lloor Is provided with wardrobes , nnd
nil necessary conveniences for the patients.
The Moors nro oiled and In the hulls mm on
stairs they are carpeted.
Some furniture Is yet needed for the upper
floor , but the hospital Is all ready to take
caru of a largo number of patients.
Miss Allio Pfrimmor the matron , Miss
Charlotte H. Nicholson head nurse and Miss
H. A. Miller , ono of the visitinguonconncsscs
who will tnko chargo. are already on hand
and have taken up their residence at tno
The building as it stands Is worth about
$7,000. and the furniture about W.500. The
property formerly belonged to Dr. Olfford ,
and WP.S used as n private hospital. The
trustees hnvo estimated that it will cost In
tbo neighborhood of SIX ( ) per month to con
duct the hospital , nsldo from the amount
paid in by patients who nro able to pay.
There has been about $1,500 subscribed , nnd
about $300 paid into the treasury. A constant
and vigorous effort will bo necessary on the
part of these who have tnkcu
upon them this Important work to
secure funds with which to keep It going.
Seven patients have already been turned
away from tno hospital because It was not
ready to receive them. The hospital will bo
opened for Datfonts next Thursday morninp.
Tbo ladles of the church nnd the executive
committee upon whom tbo labor of providing
funds nnd fimiltnrn for tlio hmnltnl hna fnl.
len arc united lu expressing their heartfelt ,
thanks to all tbo merchants of Omaha who
have so generously and liberally donated furniture -
nituro mid such things ns were needed at the
hospital. Following nro the members of the
executive committe : H. A. Crano.chnlrmnn ;
G. M. Brown , secretary ; W. K. Beans , B. n.
Ball , J. K. Cowgill , J. J. MoLain , John Dalo.
Do Horses Talk ?
Wo hnvo our doubts on this subject , but If
they could , wo ballovo their first words would
bo to ask masters always to keep a hottlo of
Holler's Barbed Wlro iLlnlmcnton hand. It
Is unequalled for cuts , bruises and sprains.
In fact , horses fairly cry for it.
tiiittce * nf five lines or less uiultr I/it / * Itutl , fifty
cents ; each ait tlttmial ( (11 ( ; ten centi ,
jr.l'KERIS-Jull.x II. , wlfo of ThomuH O. Jof-
forls , died Slay 2 at the homo of her par-
cuts. IIOIU liurtstront , IIRO ii years , - months
and S days. I'nnunil will take place Wednes
day , May U ? , at " o'cloclc , from the residence
to L'alrviow ccmotory. Council lllulfs.
COOIC Anna S. , nRud 3 years nnd 0 months.
only dniiKhturot Walter li. and Surah Cook
of this city , died at their homo , Saturday ,
Slay SKI , 18U1. The funeral look ulnco lit the
residence , Monday , May " " > , liov. Wlllard
Scott olllclatlrii ; , and thu remains Interred
at Korest Lawn cemetery.
Vanilla - \ Of perfoot purity.
Lemon -I
- of great
AlmSnd Economy In tholruso
- |
Rose etc.-J Flavor as dollcntoly'
nnd dellolously na the fresh fruit.
A Written Guarantee to
OJr tut ) U pcniutnrnt nd not a putfhlnir up. Cawt
trrntud llro yfir ago have nercr ! > a jrniitom |
Inco. lly dotrlblngcua fullwo can treat ) ou uf
null , and wo clvo the ruina trontr Ruaranteo to euro
or refund all money. The o who prufcr to come hero
forlroitmrnt cuu Join nd we will p3rr llroa < l f r
licth WAYS and hotel MIU whllo hero U * fall to cure.
Wa chafleng. the world for a c a Hit cnir JI.UJ10
nUMKDY vrlll not euro. Write for full jwlloulam nnd
KCtllwcTidenro. Wa know that /on are nkeptlcal ,
juitljr go , too , it i the moit eminent | > hjr lrlnn > have
not rr been able to Klre mom than temporary relief.
Ill our nro yean' pnirtlco with the JtAlliO ItKMI.DY It
hai keen moit dimcult to overcome Iho jirfjuillcvs
aeilmt all > o ratkil ( pccinci. Put under our itrong
Buiraiites > on ihoulU not hciltate. to trj thU rrmody.
You take no chance of lu lnit your monir , Wo BUU-
antie to euro or refund every dollar , aim i wo ! i vo a
npntatlon to protcrt , alto tlnanelal kacklnirot 3CO-
000 , It U perfectly iaMto all who will try the treat
ment. HervtoforeyouhavobnnputtlnKiipamliiaylnK
out jour money for dlffertnt Ireatnic nu ail although
youaranot > etcurv < lnooneha < raid back ronr mon
ey , I > o not wa l any more monfy until jo try Ui , Old
chtonlr. deep lealM caw * currd In 30 W ilay j In-
rotlKaleour financial itandlntr , our reputation ai
builiwu men. Write ui for namei and iddniKi of
thofO wo have cured wbo have given pcrmliilon to re
fer tot henu Itco > Uyouonly poitaif lo dothUt It
wilt vo > ou a world of lulterlnit from ( train ,
and 11) on are m rrl l what may your cit.prln j tutfcr
throniih y our on n neullsciice. 1 f your iiiiplunu are
oru throat. inuroQi patchei In mouth , rhnumitlim
In bonei and joint' , hair falllne out , eruption * on any
fart of Iho body , feeling of ireneral drpnulon , palm
In header bonet , you have 110 tlmo to kte. Thoie
who am ronitanlly taking mercury and potath Ihould
dlwmtlnue It. Conitant uio of lh M druiri will > unly
brlnir aorrt and eatlnic ulren In the end. pon't fall to
write. All coriv | cnu > nce lent waled In plain rnvel
opui. W Invlta the moit fluid InrnUjilleil and will
do alt ta our power to aid you lu It 4ddr M ,
COOK. ItKUKOr CO. , Omaha , Xebnt ka.
Office UUt and rarnua , aecond floor , colrutce 13th El
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is tnkcn ; it ia plciisnut
and refreshing to tlio taste , and acU
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures hahitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the
only remedy of ita kind ever pro
duced pleasing to the
, tnsto aud ac-
ccptahlo to the atonmch , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in ita
cflbcte , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have mmlo it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figa is for sale in GOc
and 81 bottles by all lending drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
1ET ti remind you
of the fact that
'HIftllliT HOUSO
| of tbJ Went.
JUINf13'l.Moliail !
co 4 In helplnuour
patron * to | cnn-
firy rrotltii thli
BK > ak for Itielf.
VKUY on ilotlroaa of citlmnlm liowln
ncttiil expense of any line of mhortltlng
slioillilvrltoui. . If you wlih tn li.-ne Jmll-
clom inheriting ilone , wo nro In the HcM
fur Hint \tork. Our lioru ronclim nrounil
tbo worM and the car of tbo uorld llflcnn ,
EAItT.Y 21 yoirs of experience In the ml.
rcrtljlnff lnnlriiMU prlt IhXM ui ID nay Hint
wo know hour to ailvtrttso tonn to brliiR
quick nml rrmnnrriUlio ronulls for our
cuttomcr * . If sou lih Information upon
unjr subject lu our llnu of work , wrlto us.
IGW ptrionB rmlizo the Amount of money
I expended In advertising Indwtl , ono inuflt
ladtertliolf bo vrttuci tu luccoed In tusl-
I nt > s. The amount ot mcncyput Into our
1 lmni ! > cnch > r for this purpoco , anil the
o results following are truljr marvelous.
NY ono mnr Bnc
Iho vlllcanbout II
I In the right way
I Hie roadlowcaltli
1 1 to uJvorlieo.
1 or XX or mftdf <
.X'B iudlclousl/
I pent In advortlj-
I IIIK will lead to a , _
I bountiful haricot THADC MARK.
I -try it.
| Un nlm 1 > to do ( atlffnctorlly absolutely
nut thing In the line of adtortlelng and
j dt l nlnz. Wo nro constantly belriB re-
I minded br way of complimentary notices
I that - o nndcritatici the art of advertising
I and dMlgnlnif. Ou.'pamphlet that wo tend
I frra on application contains 200 namplcs of
nJitrtlscmontj and other Informatlou
I that may boot profit to you.
Floral Conversatory.
South East Oor. G and 17tb , L incoln , Neb
W. S. Sawyer & Co.
Gonornl collection of plants nnd cut flowers
always on li.tnd. Kloral designs. bomiuoM
Imskets , etc. , for parties. Weddings and fun-
uls a specialty , and seat to any pirt ottli o
state. I'rlco list frcq. .Discount to under
ukurs on funeral work. Tulouhono , 344.
GratlUate Dentist.
A Full Sot of Tooth on llubbor ,
fur KJVK DUI.I.AIH. A pcrfou
QtKanrnnteed , Teeth cxtrnctol
without''pain ' or ilanuur. unl
wlthqutannu tbollci. ( 'olil and
llvor lllflfiKi nt lonost raoti.
Ilrldn4p > l Crown Work. Tooth
' " ' without ptalos AH work war
ranted. *
Kntrnnco , ICth ilreol clorAtor. Open orcnlngj
until a o'clock. ' "
Tfif fliirrau , CorZTith tintlfarnnv ,
If tint tnoHt * nbHtnlttr < illU rantitrnrtetl
Hotel Jlnlltllitff fit Omaha , ( iei-mil
hcaru brick fire tf < tltn rtttttttitb from
baxetitrttt to roof. All the cellhiaiinnil
floor * liitcil icltk Aulteiito * fire jtroof
intuit , making It imi > o nlble to linrit
tfHtvh , FlroetcajifH at til fire nlurnia
throtiahout the utitliliity. Steatn heat ,
hot nini coltl tfttter ami Hnimliiiioiit
ei-eruroom. 'table tittattrjxttmeil uiij/ .
% fltcre.
, , A POSITIVE andp.rman.nt CURE lor all
dUtaiiioIihoUmNARY ORGANS. Cur
whtraothirtrtMmenUills.FulTdirectiont with each
bottle. Price , one dollar. See tlgialureol E , U
UTAHL For Bale By All Oru glstc.
nnnllTI HAND AI , WOOD uAi-rtui.KS am the
liUllU I A b ilaad onlycapiule * priuertbod by
* * * * * * * * "
regular phyilclam fet th cure of
Oonorhcaa and djicharxo from tba urinary ortfani
unerlttd or acqulroU. l.Wpcr bur. All dru.-K'Uta ,
lie errors 011
a a a a a D
Clothing manufacturers are mortals und
make errors. They will buy thousands upon
thousands of yards of cloth in all sorts of pat
terns , and , too oftentimes , that which looks the
handsomest in the piece looks the poorest made
up , and makes the poorest "seller" in the lot.
They lay in the wholesaler's loft year after
year , the sewing loses its strengh and the
goods often become moth eaten. By the retail
ers of this country that class of suits are pet-
named "bull pups , " "ranks , " "chestnuts , " etc. ,
but they are finally sold to some far western fel
low for little or nothing. The jobber's loss is the
retailer's gain , who ships them home and yells
to the workingmen , "Bargains , Bargains , Great
Bargains , " when , in fact , he is making lots of
money on a lot of old , dark , bad patterns that
the workingman east of Chicago wouldn't buy
at any price. That is one reason why a wes
tern man in the east is often pet named and
spotted at once as the "western hoosier. "
_ _ _ , _
| J L L J ' f ' - ' 1 - ' - -
k Show us a clothing house anywhere in the *
United States of thirty to forty years standing , \
and we will show you a house that never resorted - \
sorted to that class of trickery. For the custom J
gained is only temporary at best. I
An endless variety of
New , light , bright ,
sparkling and attractive
Cassimere , Cheviot ,
Worsted , Fancy
and Plain Black
$7.5O | , i
That will please any workingman , banker , lawyer ,
doctor , merchant or clerk , and not a single suit but what was
Made This Season.
The above sale includes 162 '
young men's fancy pattern Cheviot Suits
with the best of fancy satin lining , in the coat as well as vest back.
Also a full line of indigo Grand Army Suits , warranted not to fade all
at $7.8O.
Our store is
bristling with activity ,
and we mean to keep it up.
We are showing
the largest and finest line of
- my -
for 25c In all imaginable
IN CCKtlCS kinds of goods
and 50
c and shapes.
Our line of-
Is as complete as that of any house in the land , and all our
other departments are equally as complete.
We Have Got the & by the Horns.
And we mean to hold what we have gained
"The lion's share of the trade ,
amassed after thirty-seven years of honest dealing ,
Corner 13th andFarnam Streets.