Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Pcllventl by Carrier In any part of the City.
H , W. T1LTON - - - MANAGEH-
C nuMueis Ofl'.ee ' , No.13. .
Nljrht Editor. No. 23.
N. Y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , 204 Sapp blocK.
Real Hock Springs coal. Thutcbcr.lGMaln
If you want water In your yard or house
go to Hixby'r , .TO-J Mcrrluin block.
\Vortc wa commenced yesterday morning
on the laying of the track for the new Inter
state nirtor company.
A marriage license was issued yeslcrday to
Dan J. McDonald of Omaha , uud Ellen G.
Link , of Jersey City , N. J.
The trial of case * on the criminal calender
will be commenced In disVict court a wouk
from next Monday.
There will bo n social tomorrow evening at
the residence of Rev U. W. Snydcr. 11 ! ! East
Pierce street , under the amplccs of the mem
bers of the St. John's English Lutheran
Union Veteran Ictnon , encampment No. ,
will meet this evening.
The proceeds of the recent concert which
was elvcti u > the metnners of the Council
Bluffs Macnnrrrhor were divldod among the
various charitable institutions of the city
yesterday. The share ot each one amounted
The members of the local lodce of the
Knights of Pytnlus mot last Satin day even
ing and conferred the Universal decree upon
twcuty-ono candidates. Tnerc were about
iMio present. After the initiation a banquet
was enjoyed und the exercises were pro
longed until about midnight.
A new trial wns asked for in the district
court yesterday by Ihe pliiintiiT in the case of
Miller against the Northwestern railway
company , invhich a verdict was rendered
in favor of the defendant last week.
Justice Swonringcn pnnlded in police courl
ycsterduy moriiinp. on account of the absence
of Judge McGee from the city. Zeph Hushes
was lined $ ! S.r > 0 for allowing William Proh-
Etelo to pummel him with a billiard c-uo one
dav last week. Probstcle will hnvo a hearine
this morning on a charge of assault and bat
tery , and his wlfo will have a hearing on a
charge of passing In n bottle of whisky to the
prisoners. Burl Smith and P. L. Iobiii { on ,
charged with robbing Charles Ivy of a watch
while riding in a hack together , were dis-
chii4ged on account of lack of evidence to
convict. Six plain drunks , clving their
iiomos ns Td Cameron , Roger McGriith , Ed
O'Brien , William Hamilton , W. R Stephens
and T. C. Colgan were fined * 5 and costs
Invitations have been received by some of
the local heolmen to attend the eighth an
nual meet of Ihe Iowa division. Lcuiruo of
American Wheelmen , lo be held in Newton ,
June 1(1 ( and 17. There will be bicycle races
on both days , and a reception end banquet
will bo bold on the evening of the first day.
On the second day of Hie meet there will bo a
business meeting , tbo annual parade and
photograph , a band concert , distribution of
prizes , and the whole will bo topped oft by u
grand ball. A number of bicycle riders of
this city are expecting to nttenil.
Guv Shopnrd and Burl Field are posiuc
as Iriend.s of poor and disliesscd animals.
Lasl Sunday afleruoon they were driving
along Park avenue , when they came
racross a horse suspended by his
fore feet and a halter strap
from the top of a stone wall ubout twenty
f'ect in bight , with his hind Icps dancling in
'the air. They hastened to the rescue , but
were unequal to the task of lifting his horse-
ship out of his embarrassing position. Finally
they were reinforced by several men , and in
a few minutes the animal > wns lifted high and
dry to the road , from which he had evidently
backed off. The rest of the afternoon was
occupied by the bovs in accepting bouquets
from several young ladies who had witnessed
the operation.
Al Wells , the cx-ynrdmastcr of the Hock
lni.L. who slugged W. A Klliott , the pres
ent yardmuster , n week ago last Saturday ,
wns arrested lust Saturday nicht by Con-
btnble Evans. Ho was taken before Justice
Conc < s , where ho wns given a hearing on the
charge of assault and battery. lie pleaded
guilty and was lined fo and costs.
Cards are out announcing the marriage of
Mis > s Nellie Hoper , the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs.V. . Uopcr , and Mr. L. H. JJrown. The
ceremony will tnko place on Wednesday
evening. Juno it , at the residence of the
bride's parenls , bof Avenue A.
Miss McNaughlon as .Ncpsicboro the for
tune teller makes a craud incantation soono
in third scene.
iVben about to build don't fail to get prices
on lumber of The Judd & \Vells Co. SIS
Broadway. Telephone 237.
Drs. Woodbury , demists , 30 Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 14X High
grade work a socially.
J'.t HAGItAt'HS.
Mrs. Jane Copson of Omaha Is Iho gucstof
her son , W. H. Copson , on avenue A.
Mrs. William Oakcs , the wife of a promi
nent banker of Silver City , was In the city
yesterday vUltlng friends.
J. E. Barslow , formerly clerk al IhoOgden
hnlol , Is In the city , having been called here
as a witness In Iho cuso of Sloul againsl
Ettcr & - Pierce , which is now on trial iu the
dictnct court.
John Short ban rclnrnod homo from Gin-
cinuali , whore ho wont to attend the national
labor convention.
Judge A. V. Larimer and A. M. Jackson of
Sioux City are registered at iho Grand.
M. II. Judd , a former HlufUto. who is now
running a hotel at Lyons , Nob. , is In the
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Tlllon returned home
last evening from a short visit to Coifax.
Sboriff N. N. Jones and City Clerk W. A.
"Wllkius of Atlantic were In iho city yester
day on business.
Miss Bcssio Stewart and her guest , Miss
Beach of New York , have returned from an
extended tour along the Pacific coast. They
were accompanied homo by Cburk-s Stewart ,
who mot them at Denver.
Assistant Sutierintondont D. Burleigh of
tbo Hoc'.t Island road has cone to Illinois to
bring his famllv to this city , where thev
will make Iholr homo hereafter. Mr. Uur-
Iclgh has rented one of the Fester flats.
Mr. W. J. Wherry ns Herbert is fine in the
opera of "Zntilc. " Don't fail to hear him in
gj > ercnado to "Zanie. "
Don't fall to see the opera "Zanlo" at the
Broadway thcator Monday evening. May 25.
Grand gypsy mured , enchanting choruses ,
forty voices in chorus.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit juice
tablets. 1 hey are delicious.
An Amateur Operetta.
The Broadway theater was jiackod from
parquet to gullory last evening , the occasion
being the pros-entutlon of the oj > eretta
"Zanlo , " by H. P. Dauks. 1 ho performance
was under the auspices of the cboir of the
St , Francis Xuvicr's Catholic church , and
most of the singers were from that organiza
tion. Miss Jennlo Keating maae a vcrv cap
tivating gypsy queen and Mr. 11. J Wherry
played the tiurt of Herbert , tbo lover , in u
very affectionate sort of way. Mr. Philip
Poschel rnado a very pompnut 'nnd dignified
Sir Henry Glenville. All the other soloUu
did excellent work , and Iho chorus wns under
peed control , owing to the careful training it
had received at tbo bands of Mrs. M. J.
O'Neill. Applause was very be
stowed by the audience , and there is no
doubt that the performance wa * highly grail-
lo the friends of Die performers.
Vhou lUby war aJck , we e re bar CutorU ,
Vbea ( he WM a Child , alio cried for Castoria ,
j " HTban aho boriunti Uica , she clung to CaxtorU ,
"ftoa * htt 14 CtilUruo , the gar * Hum Cutcctc ,
Another Jnstiee Shop Pee War A.bout to IBe
Opined ,
Hi * linn Ijookcd Up the Iteeord and
WnntH Kx-.Tustleo Suhiirz u >
Jl Korf c Klcvcn
Anolhcr justice war U on. This tltnc , bow
ever , It Is the career ot an exJusticevhlch Is
to be Investigated.
Yestcrduv afternoon a suit was commenced
In Justice Swoaringen's court by Justice W.
\ \ . Cones against X. Schurz. When the
new Justices were elected to their present
positions last whiter the hooks of
Justice Schurz fell to the lot of
Justice Cones. It scorns that Cones xvus the
defendant In u case which was tried before
Sehurz last summer , in which tue tJlalntifT
was the Council Bluffs Savings banfe. The
day before the case was to have eomo to
trial , Cones uud the bank arrived at a settle
ment , and the trial accordingly uiver cam. !
off. After Justice Cones got hold of tils pre
decessor's books , he commenced to look them
through to see what he cuuld find. Ho ntm.
claims to have made tuo discovery that he
was taxed up with some foes \vhicb wcro
never legally due
Cones claims that nn attorney Ice of § 3vas
taxed up against him , when , In fact , there
uas never any attorney in the cusc.k Con-
tlnuanco fee was also charged up ngainst
him. although the case was never continued
A Judgment fee was charred to hUti , whru
t ) > e ease wua settled before It ever to a
trial , and the judgment could never
therefore , have been rendered. Aud so ho
goes through the entire 1UI of costs and picks
out a flaw here mid a flaw there , until Uu has
run up the illrirul fees which were churned to
him by Justice Szliurz and paid by Ulm , to
the sum of $ U..10 not a very large
amount , but large enough to begin a
Justice fee war on. Cones has retained John
l.lndt us his attoruov and has commenced
suit nenlnst Schurz ami bis bondsmen , P. C.
Devol and R Levin , to collect the amount
Mr Limit states that in case lie is success-
lul in tne present Milt there are others who
will come forward with like claims.
The costumes are perfectly elegant to
bo worn by tbosetakinp part in tha
oi > eraCantc. . " Urand choruses , beauti
ful marches and drills by sonicof the best
talent In Council Blulls und Oraaha.
Union Park races , Omaha and Council
UlufTs , Juno'.l-l1' . ( hK ) ; Sept , tll , fuwo-
Oct. liO-ii , $4,0(10. For programmes address
Nut Brown , ntc'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha.
The finest line of spring and "summor roods
rnoit expert workmen , is what you Will Hud
at Keitci's , the tailor , ' . 111) Broadway.
COM 13 Tm AV.L.U.
AH I lie Heirs : u-c ' iss.itislicilvitli Its
There wns a probate cuso on trial in dis
trict court yesterday afternoon which called
up the facts connected with a traRCdv which
took place a yearned near Western. The par
ties to the tragedy were a man by the nnmo
of ( Sum and his brother-in-law , Kianey Hol-
tnuu. An altercation arose bet\vecn the men
and Guill struck Holman with a club caus-
njj his death soon after.
John Holman. the father of the tnnn who
was killed , died boon after , and when his will
was opened for probate it was found ihnt ho
had cut oft his daughter , Mrs. .Amanda
Guill , the wlfo of the slayer of young Hol
man , with $7 as her share of her ancestral
estate. Mrs. Guill decided to contest the
will and she was assisted in her
attempt to have it set aside bv
all of ht > r relatives. Several of them were
put upon the stand yesterday aiternoon and
"they all testified that in their opinion old man
Holmau wns not in his right mind \vhcn he
executed the will and that ho hud been in
duced to execute it in the shape invblch it
was found by certain designing parties
whoso names tuey aid not know. The case was
completedand taken uudcradvisemeut. What
will be done with it cannot bo said no „ as 11
is the policy of courts to adhere to the wishe
of the dead until it is proved beyond a tloubl
that the rights of others will bo Jeopardlrod
. Mrs. Gulll's relatives '
hy so doing. arc a'
doing their best , however , to have her riiriit
restored to her , of which she was deprivec
hy the will of the eccentric old man.
Dr. Warner's Me corsets for Mondav nicht
from 6 p. m. Sale price 29c a pair. "Boston
Store , Council Blurts.
You will miss a rare treat if yoc do not
see the opera "Zaule" Monday evenia"
Spanish dance and skirt dance by'tw o pop
ular dancers. Gnmd march and drill bv
twenty young ladies. J
A Ho'.pitul Social.
There is to bo a literary , musical and soc ial
entertainment given by the Woman's Chris
tian association at the Masouic temple this
evening. The proceeds are to bo used for
painting , oiling and furnishing the kitchen
and dining rooms in the Woman's Christlai ;
association hospital.
rnoniiAMMi : .
Mlts Anna Patterson. Accompanist.
Come Wht'iu the Sunflowers Hlooru. . i-hcirns
Solo-SeU-ctpd Miss Muintu OllTcr
Mandolin Uliiu Mi-ssrs. Keating. Koss l > Vt-
terson. HUPS , Muthln.
Recitation Mri , i Pnn
fbliiBttMnc-Sons . chorus
-olo-Solmoa Mrs. SborMiiu
I'm as Ilapuy asu UlRl-iitiflowcr. . . . ' ciinnis
Mandolin Hub.
At the Court of Urn Czar
. . . .tuorus
Circulating Llbrarr
Tncnty-fl vo YounK" Ladles
A prie will be given to the ouo who
guesses the largest number of books.
Strawberries and ice cream for sale at the
close of the entertainment. Admission lOc ,
Wanted a Hotrnctlon.
W. J. White , son of Mrs. Esther White ,
who was found hy the coroner's Jury to have
died from the neglect of her children -
' ap-
peurod at THE BEE ofllco yesterday'lu a
frame ot mind He stated that be had been
injured by the articles that had been
published in the newspapers abou' '
him. He demanded n retraction. HO wa ;
told to go to the coroner and have him muki
out a sUitemeiit to the effect that all th (
witnesses who had testified to havinc seen
him ubyso hU mother had committed iiuriurv
and that such a statement , over the simiaturo
of the coroner , would bo published.
Coifax Spring * via the Houk linnil
Everybody has board of them , locatf d ot
the "Great Hock Island Koate. " Coifax ha ;
u do-en moaical mlucrul springs and bun
dtvds dallv testify to their merits. Savon
first-class hotels furnish pleasant
- hornet , n
\vry low mto < to the tnrougs of bealth am
pltMsmo seekers.
Fur iture , carpets , refrigerators , habr car
rlau-fs , stoves , crockery , and all house fur
nibhing goods , cash or on easy payments at
Muudel Ac Kkln'b. '
Flu : -i.tlval. .
The ladloj of the Tri-ilty Methodist church
will hold a flag festival on the evening o
Decoration dav , Trioay , May : . The enter
tainmimt will consist of patriotic soniM
recitations mid reading , !
t > / i
" '
"soldier's supi > ur.
AVIicut in MlniicupoilK Klcvinors.
MlXNEAi-ous. Minn. , May 25 Figures
compiled by the Northwestern Mlllor siow
the stock of wheat in private elevator * a
Minneapolis to bo 3Sr,0,000 bushels , again *
4,157.000 bmhels last Monday , This wukes
the total stock at Minneapolis and nninih
ll.-t7-M.Vl bushels , a decrease of 4VM , 5o bush
els for the week. The marke
record place * the stock In , „ „
try elevators of Minnesota nnd the
two DakoUs at 2arO,000 bushels , * loss of
28,000 ,
ern stock IMS. The nggrocato oorthwest-
apalnst 15.V\ius figures 13H1,4M bushels , .
Du.tTH , M.1M bushels a year oeo.
overlwa huMinti. , M&v _ 1. Considerably |
Minneapolis vndred carloads of wheat from .
iuir , Ihouph tywore received here this ruornI I
full st3lemeotie ; railroads refuse to pivo the .
a place at thyt. Such n movement from such 1
allracllng a t < reason Is very unusual and is i
coming forwtpreat deal of attention. It Is '
not less thaAird rapidly and U Is stated that
brought hereV 1&M JJ bushels are to ho
\ from MlunoajKiHs.
' HorsfV
A NfiVril's Ac-Id Pluxphatc.
Tbo most CY"U l' ' od and Totilo.
Wectlve yet discovered.
TO .1 ccn . .
Uoiintlnrj- \
Iierlaln Ll"c ol' I'lorrc null Clintu-
commodatlon's ; ' M y 2S. ' " "or the better nc-
South DakoW ° f sottleri lu Nctvlln county ,
following oroV ° president has Issued the
between thtfor changing the boundary Hue
districts : ' Pierre and Chamberlain land
U't the eisUN : | OVA HNC1TOS. ! May 2H.
and cluti let Sum txuuiUnrv of the Itiuck Hills
I beyi'tinu rlvfruti , WlilmrlvertotlieHli ;
est from ( Vt bucluinsi-dfroin lUSdiuuildtan
tHi-uii ratisosr.uln ) , id , to the raiiKO line l > e-
infritllnn. wIvViTatid is t uit of thu ll.iiuk Hills
CTII boundar\\pi \ | | Hue shall also form the wost-
liind dMrlftA of the I'lttnund Chriiuberlaln
t-lii-yi'iine H\ between the WUIto and IMc
, , lnd , ) , , . boundary between
Miull t.o us Mluln and 1'lerro ' Innd districts
Vr,1 ° wV..lps'llott ' ' < ' : lleginnlne lit the corner
Hills i lands north , ratios 17 uud 18 ,
between tow Herldlun. thenct > east on thu line
tciwnshlp-i l iijnshlps 1 und a nortli to corner
tlu-ncc noitUml : ujrth. riinccsX and STwivt ,
and i1. oust , U , on the line between rnnsM ! M
tiorth , rancusVi the corner of township y iind a
t he line bet \ vas and a ? oust ; tlienoo fust on
tlioranzo llu'ccii ' townships' ' and a north , to
of tinmth p p botneon rniies ! 79 und M ) west
on iHdnclpal meridian ; thence north
to tin' SHcon twceii said r.inosTli and so west nmMiiiitiurd | jiarallcl of the tilth
Biilcl seeiiiid v rldluti Mir eys : ' tlit nee east on
of the Mtssu jmdurd pnrallcl to the cam
biink of tinurl river ; tlienro with the enst
said east liuiMUsourl river to tuo point whore
tweon rangesiU u intersei-teil hy the Him bo-
pal meridianTJ and "i west of the fifth prlncl-
\ IIF JA.MI.V llAItltlSON.
to prevent IK ) pray whisk ers should l-ocoloro
imjham's Dy\e apjicarauce of aze , and Buckle
lo do it , o is by far tbo best preparation
WASui\iT lli'ard of the Charleston.
word was re > is'- May IH. The fact that no
today froui t\'eivcd at the navy department
dication tha"0 Charleston is taken as nn in-
Peruvian co 1sto has gone on dcwn the
the reiteratcst towards Callao. Kes peeling
to the effort \1 \ statements coming from Paris
ranged to that the insurgents have ar-
Umtod fatti surrender the itata to the
she reaches naval authorities when
of the navy Aed Chill , the officials
bo stated , liAlcnartment stand mute. It may
uepotiationsiwever \ , that there have boeu no
the Chilian I. bctwcon this government and
it is plainly ( insurgents on the subject- Still
derstnndingvideut that some kind of eu un-
reached whli has been or is expected to be
for of the Itifch will result It the easy trans-
Admiral BtAta to either Admiral McCaun or
This of cou.own should she reach Chili ,
a formal aewrso would not take the shape of
already hawement , but the intimation may
oflicers at lo been convoyed to our naval
such u cours.quique bv the insurgents that
\ > will be p'ursuod.
For Schliv
10JO Farnam\z \ betr apply to R. R. Grotte
WASiti.NOT > M'Hcr ' nn tliv XeuParty. .
ner Miller iv , May 2.1. Ex-Senator War-
whathe tho11 an interview hero was asked
ment , and sn Snt of the thirJ party move-
long. HistcWid : "I do not think it can last
upon one idt\y teaches us that no party built
the grange , w can live. The greenback party ,
rest of that e prohibition party and all the
will also , luort have , failed , and I think this
paign , howovi is so near the presidential cain-
a very suddA-er. that it would have to suffer
ence on the < Jn death not to have some intlu-
prcsideiitiol Mection of 1SW. If they put u
carry any s\licket in the field they may not
votes to chaiate , but they mcy get , enough
suites , Just aWe the result in some of the
Dibition parlAs activity on the part of the pro-
carrying N flhas aided the democrats in
have an InfliAw York. The movement may
\ence \ on the campaign. "
DeWitt'sl .
- - -
pill ever mXlttle Early Risers. Best little
time. Noneude. Cure constipation every
equal. Use tbeni now.
Of Inter. , -
ulillo Liand States.
ys' "J" ' 5be Commissioner
following tel al 'and ' office today received the
at Salt LaVfGram from the local land oflico--
wltn the cotA ° City , Utah , which , togetner
in public lanWssioner's reply , is of interest
What lb testates :
railroad llmc | , price per acre of land within
entry unner-Jts - covered by u timber culture
S" ' < 1 under tlUie old luw and commuted ana
pllod with fo\c \ new law ? If the law was com-
cutrj- can we y ( our years from thu date of the
has not been accept commutation proof If It
To these compiled with to date of proof ?
plied as folia inquiries the commissioner re-
I'artles muVs :
lit $1.25 per a\y \ commute tlmbcrculture entries
whether witlAre uiiU r thu net of .March a , ] sui.
of compllantMn railroad limits or not , on proof
thu entrv is \ \ , with luw for four yeurb , when
quunt fallurtVulId und not forfeited hy sub = e-
> to comply with the laws.
Nogriping , - -
Witts Little no nausea , no plin wnon De
pill. Safe p.Earlv RlseM are takea. Small
\l. Best pill.
SI - -
WAsnixoTilv'r Transact hins.
ounces of si s. May 25. There were 009,500
ury dopartm 'cr offered for sale to the troas-
r > 00 ounces \nt today. Of this amount 815-
Fifty-five th , were purchased , as follows :
at f0.97jusand ! ; \ ounces at fO. rA > : 'JO.OOO
fO.iirJU ; JMVX. 104KJ ( ) at J0.97J : ) ; &G.r > 00 at
at local minaV ) at fO..l7d. ; PurcBases of silver
Saturday agiup to the close of business lost
Vegated ICT/J-'O ounces.
DeWitt'sl - -
pills for dysjXittle Early Risers ; best little
tepsia , sour stomach , bad breath.
p. - * -
Chlcufjo Vnnt.ylviinln Lilies.
diiy's journ.and Now York nro only a
linos. PusJfj' apart by the Pennsylvania
friends in Oonpers may buy yoodbyo to
hour the pMilcago at o p. m. , at which
infj of PuHinnsylvanla limited , consist
ing : , fcleojHtaan vestibule , dining : , bmok-
car-s , depunnc , library and observation
in New YoiJs , and bo welcomed by friends
an enjoyubjk the next afternoon , after
truin Qb journey on the fines
Ver placed in borvico.
11.111 USLI
Octtlnc Away with
, - , . .u , - ' ' Million.
Bardsley waV'Ai May 23. City Treasurer
peur before still too ill this morning to ap-
charge of nil a maplstrata to answer the
hearitip wasvapproprlatlng city money. The
ball was llxftVontiuued unlil Friday next nnd
cral arrived JJ "t Si'i.OOO. The attorney pen-
with wai'rom Harrisnurc this morning
embezzlmpiraiit charplns Bardslov with
will probubl\4ii,000 \ of stale money , and ho
today. \ bo arrested on lhal charge
This after ,
had un aftiujioon Attorney General Hensel
MuKislrntevit prepared nnd presented to
with bavins eolc , chaixiuc John Bardsley
the fctato of icollectt-d f.'KJ7i04 ( beloncms to
count for thd'enubylvunla and failing to ae-
bad been msame ' , although lawful aetnands
ofticers. MiAde therefor by the proper stale
creased B&Arlstrate Peele tbereuK | > n in-
IKK ) . Two qUsloVs bull from JJ. ' > % ( KK ) to $ . _ t -
room adjoinkectlves have remained a
fcinco SatuJup .Mr. Bardsloy's bedroom
warrant wiiMay whea the first
Burdsley'b \ served , la view of Mr.
likely than present condition it is hardly
bail , but U'iy ' effort will bo made to secure
watching Qo\ \ bondsmen are presented the
tbo house. Vctives will be withdrawn from
Chief Ciood , I'he commitment was given to
ley is able t Vlth instructions in case Bards-
him into cusbe out before Friday to tauo
funilshed. V > dy unless the f5JOuo ball be.
Up to a lav
Marsh , theMj hour this afternoon Gideon W.
National ban'piUvepresident ' of the Keystone
deputy UnluX. had not been located. The
hewnort for\ States marshal who was sent to
fatatcs di tri\iews , \ , telegraphed to the United
Uon that Majt attorney the positive infonna-
h was not on beard the steamer
which sailed from New prk for Ilrarll on
Wednesday last und whlclj Vouched at N vw-
port News Saturday ovenlug. The detective
apency , which Is acting for , Uioso who gave
bonds in f20W3 ( for Marsh's appearance on
Friday last , and wbluh bonds bavc been de
clared forfeited , are working diligently nud
sparing no expense in thuAr efforts to appre
hend the fugitive batik president.
A description of tW , . missing man
bos bbcn sent to various United
Suites and foreign /ports and the
atrcucy offers 61,000 reword , for Marsh's ar
rest and detention. The description is as fol
lows : He is about fortjyflve jenrs old ,
weighs from ono hundred , and eighty to two
hundred pounds , about Uye feet ten Inches in
ht'U'ht , broad shoulders , .wiill built , has n
careworn look , dark browu hair , blue eyes ,
dark brown moustache , brown face , fair
skin , good tectn , lias the middle finger on
ricbt bond injured by being struck on the
end of the fliiL'er with a baseball hut , which
leaves an inverted nail , forming a rldgo of
flesh at the base of the nail.
DeWltt's Little EarlvUtseriforlao Liver.
TlionnR I'pstlrixl.
Tbo sale of scats for the Thomas festival
commenced yesterday mornlne at Meyer's
music store. The sal ? wn very large nad
the prospccls for big bousns at the concerts
are very flattering. Considerable Interest la
oelng taken lu th ? votlncfor the programmes.
Every purchaser of a ticket is requested to
designate which of the three programmes is
preferred. Quite u number of the purchasers
voted jeiterday , the result so fur being as
follows : Programmo No. 1 , 04 vutos ; pro
gramme No. 2 , 147 votes ; programme No. 8 ,
O'J votes.
To Allot I , mills to lmllnn .
WvstiisoTos , May 25. The president today
appointed Michael Piggitt of Illinois special
agent to make allotments of lands In severally
to non-reservation Indians.
Insist on getting Cook's Extra Dry Cham-
paguc if you want a pure article ; there are
no ueaaaches in it.
A'eriliet Ccnttirins the Medical ln ti-
tutc for XcRlertof ICIulinrd Mclotly.
At trie afternoon session of the coroner's
inquest to inquire into the death ot Richard
Melody , Dr. E. W. Lee testified that he had
examined in tae operating room of
the institute nud claimed that it was
not a lit place to perform auy oper
ation In surgery. Ho said the room was
small , had only one window , which opened
upon a court in which was a stable. Foul
ntmosuhero was constantly coming from the
vaults and stables in ihe court yard. The
patient could not help being impregnated
with foul gases and germs. The surround
ings undoubtedly bad something to do with
the death of Kichard Melody. In closing the
witness stated that ? 100 would be a liberal
fee for such an operation.
Dr. J. E. Summers , Jr. , said that the room
was not u fit place to perform an operation in
surgery. The doctor described the
inution to bo made before u patient was laid
upon the table. This showed negligence on
tbo part of the institute surgeons. Witness
said $75 or fHK ) wns liberal compensation for
such an operation , in which the patient could
have the best advantages hnd the best sur
gical skill.
Dr. A. F. Jonas a practicing sunreon ,
stated that the room as totally unfit for
operatins purposes , and that there wns an
absolute absence of cleanliness.
Dr. Victor Kaufman stated that the room
was not a proper place U ) perform an oper
ation. That there was a "luck of ordinary
cleanliness and of everything permitting to
Dr. James H. Peabody said that ho had
practiced for twenty-seven years in Omaha ,
and that the institute bperating room was
unfit for use principally on account of dirt.
A papered room is never fit for an operating
room. The sink was bad , and the hygenic
surroundings were bad. From SV ) to ? 100
was the usual compensation for an amputa
Ur. L. F. McICenna reviewed the condi
tions of the room and stated that (100 was a
liberal fee for such work.
Dr. Charles Kosewater said that his
impression was that it was a neglected room
and was surprised that it was used for surgi
cal operations. He novcr saw a hospital in
such a dirty condition before. Witness de
scribed the operation and what should nave
been the examination before tneplainlltf was
placed under the knife. A man who docs not
wake such an examination would not to ful
filling his duties as a surpeon.
Detective Dempsey testified to the conver
sation between Coroner Hurrifun and Dr.
Williams and President A. T. McLauchlln
upon his first visit to the institute when the
effects of Richard Melody were demanded.
Witness stated that McLnugnlln and Will
iams told contradictory storiej about the de
ceased und his effects.
Dr. F. D. Coulter stated that he made the
postmortem examination upon ibe body of
Hicburd Melody. There were no external
marks of violence upon the body. An ex
perimental operation bad been performed
upon the eyes of the dead man at the time
or Just after his death. The wound was not
in the proper antiseptic condition , and that
a spot of pangrcno was found in the flap. No
antUentic dressings had been used. Tbo
pleurr.1 cavities contained considerable
watery-serous fluid , red in eolor. Tbe lungs
were badly congested and an evidence of
bronchitis. There was fatty degeneration of
the heart , and the liver was lighter in color
and larger than the normal size. Tbe kidneys
showed evidence of Brigbt's disease , and the
stilecn was also degenerated. Ihe doctor
stated that the man should never have boei >
given an atuusthellc or placed upon an oper
ating table. The witness' testimony showed
that the proper preliminary examination had
not been given the patient. It would be n
very risky matter to operate ujxm such a
man , even by the most experienced sur
Dr. Gapcn , commissioner of bealth , stated
that he bad examined the building from a
sanitary standpoint and declared that the
sanitary conditions of the building and crem
ating room bad. He stated that the building
was not fit for a nospiuil or for a surgical
operation of any kind. Dr. Gapen considered
RX ) or $100 a good fee for such work.
Dr. Sinclair of tbu institute was recalled
and denied that he had performed the expe
rimental operation upon the eyes of Ihe dead
man.Dr. . Sinclair was then questioned upon
his knowledge of surgery. Some questions
ho failed to answer at all and some ho be
came badly mixed upon.
After two hours' deDato the Jury returned
a verdict scoring the medical institute and
censuring the faculty fqr carelessness and
negject. The verdict also calls for an inves
tigation of the institute hy the authorities.
Uesaler'sMnglo Headache ' .Vafers. Cures all
heodiches in UO minutes. At all druggists
AViint Tlfi-lr 1 ay.
There was a walk out of employes at Mil
ler & Gunderson's plimfpg mill on the Belt
line yesterday. Tor sojjio time the workmen
have been complaining because the firm had
no regular pay day auo ; wages \vero allowed
lo run behind. Two weeks ago the men po-
lillouod tbo firm lo square up the old ac
counts and adopt u system of regular pay-
mcnts. This was prqjroit d , but the firm
failed lo carry oul its agreement and yester
day twenty of tbo wen -qfilt work.
After La.'Grippe.
Restore slmnplh by * si i ? Iho tonic Recent
Fcrro-Manganese waters of Excelsior
Springs , Mo. Jtill
Marriage 'Ijfeensen.
The following mirrii''a ' litmus wow is
sued by Jui S'ileUi yjitorJi/-
Name and aldrui. Atre.
1 Pranlc Swanla. Ouittha 21
l I'niinlu CistiiN Oiuulm. . , IB
.1 Martin Kudek. Omahu- : tl
IJennlu Kloui. Unialia , 1M
jJolm Tlcka. Oiuuha. : io
I Jolu Nemoj.Oinuim VI
J J } ' . ii , iiiirton , urlnKfleld 30
1 Eliuu llyiner , lloldreso a
I loir * .Vult i\trnct
his wondetful Tonic and Nut
ritive prunorliCB that luivo
uiudo it i.o oopular. Quito nut-
urally imltutions have come in
to the inurket , tipuinct which
tbu public tihuuld Lc warned.
See that "Johunn Hoff'n" bic-
n u turo IB on tim nock of the
bottle. Elsiier&AIendolsonCo.
solo nconts , 0 Barclay Street , New York ,
ooxTisfr.n ritOM
on Saturday ovcnlnp. nnd if Mnrshul
Mellck is to bo believed , offers of immunity
wt'ro trottiedlixtely rando to him. lie U > ld lain
that If others wore Implicated that by Uls-
closliiR who they were he would pet oft caster.
Ho was put lu n cell , but 1 will not stop to
detail the shameful conduct thow. Jim Malone -
lone wat thens. Ho Is the trmn who
Is looked to uhcn evidence is
wanted. Ho is u tnan of oxM.'rioiu |
lu such matters. Ho Is schooled in iniquity
nud he mad a this poor man believe U a ; there
was a mob in xvahlnc for him. Uiiiifr this
Krcnt stress iho confession wns made. This
poor colored tnnn had npoealed to C ptuln
Carder to save him from this tnoh. Ttiero ho
wns , scared to death , and the question ttien
arose , hoxv am 1 to save tnvself ? Under
this condition ho Uild his doleful tale. And
then on Sunday about 11 o'clock the mayor
nnd odlcers put htm under this crucial test
"I need only point to you the imcrohabll-
ity of that story. It Is tbo revolting , too horrible
rible to bo true. Look at Mrs. Sliced ? .
She wcs u tender uud IOVIHR wife , devoted
to her husband. Considering this , can you
believe this story ? Is there a human being
on earth that can say ho believes UI
A refined nod cultured woman sur
rounded with nil the luxuries of
life could so far fall from female
delicacy as to solicit what thi * > loroJ man
says she did. It is untrue nnd should be
spurned and scorned by all impartial uiltids.
The prosecution would further make you be
lieve that la's ' refined lady not only plotted
the murder of her Husband , but even put
poison iu his coffee. Can such be believed of
iho lovinp wife who was seen sitting in the
parlor with her hustiaud only n few minutes
before the assaultf"
Judpc Weir ihcn dwell for some time on
t o fact that no trace of poi ou hnd been
found in the siomach , bladder or kiduejs.
He Ihcn Insisted that therefore Mrs. Sheedy
hud been needlessly persecuted , lie con
tinued : "Dennis Shceiiy should have called
off the hounds of prosecution. The Immor
tal spirit of Jotiu SUeedy cries out , 'Stop the
persecution of ruv loving nnd inuoceot
wife ! ' "
At this Mrs. Morpan and Miss Baker
burst into tears , but Mrs. Sheedy worn tbo
same stony look thai has characterized her
throughout the entire case.
Capinin Woodward , attorney for Monday
McFarland , followed. Ho said :
" 1 appear lor Monday McFurlnnd , my poor
colored client , . paiusl whom lucre is non -
spiracj as black and d d as hell. 1 tbluk I
can prove it. I wuol to say that the ui'jlhod ; >
adopted by the pro i'cutioa nro the most
damnable thai were ever used lo lake ftje
lives of iwo Innocent persons for money
Let's start out with a general proposition
Hero's a woman without Hsuc. If she is con
victed J-40.00U goes into tbo ccfTurs of John
Sheedy's heirs It is a question 6"f blood
money nud nothinp else. These men em
ployed by the money of Dennis Sbeedy
should uol be ncrc. It is an nutrapo upon
the luw. The prosecution 1ms divided the
bodv of John Sheodv as the thieves divided
theVaiment of Christ. These fellows -will
follow Mr . Sheedy up. Dennb ShcedyS
blood monov lines tbcir pockets. "
After a few more remarks by Mr Wood
ward , in which the line of evidence produced
by the counsel was scouted , derided un'J con
demned , the court adjourned until tomorrow
Positively cured
these Little Pilis. .
TLev also relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia , In
digestion and Too neirtj
Eating. A perfect rem
edy for DlzzUicss , Nausea ,
Drowsiness , Bad Taste
in the Mouth , Coated
Tongue , Pain In the Sldo ,
regulate tto Bowels. Iiirely Vegetable.
Purify your blood. Nowis
the time to do it , or else your
system will be out of order all
summer , cleanse your liver ,
stop your kidney pains , quiet
your nerves , cure your sick
headache. Turkish Tea will
do it. 25c package , from your
druggist , or sent by mail on re
ceipt of price.
Hahn's Golden Dyspepsia
Cure , warranted cure for dys
pepsia. 5oc box. Will refund
money if it don't cure.
Omaha , Neb.
'llio Wonderful New Process Vupor
Wo sell the only ccnuino New Process
and the celebrated Quick Meal New Process
stoves , the best made. One difference ho-
twecn the genuine and imitations is thai the
Imitations have a small noedlo-HUo tube to
draw off oil thai don't evaporate ; the geuuim
mis no such fllmllams. We have bold nearly
ono hucdrcd already this season. Lights
lilso gas ; absolutely safe ; no smoke or soot ;
ns simple ns a cook stove. See us before
buying. A few fine fJj.OO gas ranges closing
out at $10.00 each.
ltcfriu < rntors.
i'be best ever offered ; 20 per cent discount
over last year's prices.
Jji\vn Mowers.
Highest grade only $0.00. Screen wire
doors , frames , etc. , etc.
lilcyclr * .
Largest stock in the -vest. The famous
Little Giant bov'swho" ] , the Victor , highest
grade , world's host wheel , Doth for ladies und
gentlemen. COM : it JOI.E ,
41 Main Slrcet.
I'ori't Oivo Away Money
And pet nothlri : In return. You lire simply
dulni ! U when you pay the prlen commonly
asked for 1111 ordinary lawn mower If thu price
U more than We u ill Mill you H llrt.
class , uarnuitcd and cuaiuiituud twel\o-ltich
mower for t'uxi. i\imln tlicm.
tJtirilcti nose Of i er I't.
GiKxl ciuiillty and will glxeyou bdtlsfactlon.
Coinn und see It.
The Host llerrlRiTator
Is the North ttar It Is not lIKe KUIIIO others
that are warranted to frcczu Hithout luu In
doz-duyh. It does use some Ice. liut uses less
and proJuccs u loucr toinporaturtiltlilcss
than any other rofrl.'crutor on the iuarl > et ,
Mcvtuiui Hiiiniiiookh , Too.
Tlicv nro worth looUm ; ut and will give you
lots of comfort during the summer.
Colmntil i Itlcyt-lci.
Plenty of tlit'm now to supply all demands.
Tliuro it > nootlift- tlioorlu equal U ) It ,
llase hall goods ktcp-ladders. natcr coolers ,
hampers und clothe * btihkets , tin * llclitn n :
Icocruiim trcc'7er , tliat frfiize In from three
to Uvtmlnutfh. . from tl.t5 ! up Junior KIIBO-
from f I loK. the rvlUtilo. tlie
'Viipointinc i-tovn innclu ; for halt ) only
ut 1' . O. DoVol'ti. fiW llroudway.
Ills Iliu amount that people .ivii , not so
murli wliat llicy uurn , that mcntiinlly miiku *
them rloli. In liiiylns n hoiiM-liold iicotsilty
llUc it rcfrlL'vr.ttur It i well to con Ult r MIIHU.
tb.ns clhu tliHii tli Hr t c -t lu riuU'rm'iiiiii ' !
its ( coiiomy. The tiiivrnsi'y llour-oliold Itofr k'-
cr.itor In ui liuiidsoiiif us n puwu of parlor
furniture HnU co ts lfis tlian uny th r Ur t-
cliiis urtli'le. und HluiiJs ut tlio liuud u mi
fconoiulzer of lee. Divine tlio luwi < old ulr
tt-mperature. All tlio packing > t. < fv >
wciol. thh liust noii-conuucuir ( > ' bt t nd
iiiiilsturu knciHii. All PHII can ho t.tkr but
and cli'unud. invchligutu thu Uuuruw-
Household bvfuru uuyliu.
Iji\vn .Mowcrn.
Tim New Quaknr C'lty Is In cvi-ry respect the
countfrpart of the Pnlludolphla. und inurli
chfuuur I'rom it tut * . We curry tlio I'lillu-
dolphlu also und you can take your cholcu.
Scrt'Pii Doors
and window ftcrcioiih. the Urceht and flnest in
the vlty. and all the luteu noviOtlcs ID the
hardware Hue. ut Mll'CJAKTA CO.'rf.
No. 11 Main ttioet , Council illuffg.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Fptpntpon r r'x | > sri n \ re/ular cr tu t In mi-d cine rtlpioii\i thow l < llll trettlni " 1th
tbcerpitp't mirrri < Ml s > nron < 'hMnHinl l'rlr lo 1)1 < A jvirtutnsnt cur gunrintPe I for ritarrh
Sicrmolorrlin-s. l.o t Mnnhuod frminn' ' Weaknc n. Mittit lx > i r < 1m mtinicjb'ihti | : < strlct.ire , and j'.iaii-
cn'PB ot tlie lllonj k > un1 I'rtniry < ) ri ni N' U 1 cinr.intoj f.Vjj for ov r ; rue 1 uaj rlit > aai ftlt t )
euro Cormultalion froo. U.iok Mystcrle * of Life osl ; Iroi C uco hour * -V & . la. to d p , ui. buolar 10
n m to 1' m
.rf- * -1 > * , fc * l > i .
- . J .K : .ogM' ? ? g = 55 A'ssa.ij& ? ; _
G. A. Sc'ioed-ack , Proprietor , Offices 621 Broodwny , Council
Bluffs and 1521 Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and refinish goods
of every description. Packages received at either office or at tha
"Works , Coi. Ave. A and 26th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Merchants who bavc ' hop-worn or soiled ftiuncs of any charuotor can havj
them redyod and finished equal to now
Over C B. Jacqucmln & Co. . Jewelry Store
Gas Heating Stoves.
Just the thlnir forlmth rootni bed rooms , etc.
Call and s-eoour nirjo ii-o
C. B. Gas and Elestria Light Co.
211 Pearl and 210 Main Street.
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
is Now Opsn.
George T. Phelps. Manager.
tlco In the state and
fi-dcral couits. HODIHS It , 4 uutl 5 Shusurt
Jtcrio uluck. Council IllulTa. la ,
HI fiTllTlhPrc Attorney at Law , No. 19
. J. tUdlllUllb , i.ciirl M/eeu Over Uush-
nell's More. Telephone No.Vt Itu
liuurs. b u. in. to' ' ) p. m. Council Ittufls ,
Medical and Surgical Institute
Chronic diseases of all kinds und deform
ities hpeelaltii-s. Mos. . XJ1 und 'Ma Uroadwur
Houucll BlutTs. la.
rpJ THAI ) ! " . Two houses and lots on Hroud-
i way to trade for vacant lots , on l ° ourti ) ,
rifth or Sixth uvciiues. Address Hrown A :
Uaeer. 1XQ llroadway.
MAGXIFK'F.NTarre property In flrr-ncre
tracts , located " ' , miles from postolllee.
for sale on reiifconahle tcinis. Soinu tine resl-
acncc property for rent liv Day A : Hess.
\\7AI\Tn I--Good hrlcumaUer to liuy out
' plant nr niaiiufactuin brick hy the thou
sand or by tlieday. None but L'oocl , rosponM-
U'c man need apply. Must ilvc > irood lefer-
erii'i'R. C. O. Greenwood. &llr City. la.
\\7A.NTnil-Hy a young man with esperl-
' em-u and references position In u whole
sale hoiiso wlicio lie ran ndvuncc. Address
K'.U lleoofllco. Council llhilla.
iron $ \lfs-Our duo famllv hor-.e. ( .ultablo
for ridliuoi drlMii . Apply to ito : S. Cth
fpo loivrsnf huri-es Tlio lareost lot of oats
-t. und the tine l In thn city ; : u o hay und
ffcd oT.all kinds , nit ! . Uoldstein & . Co's IV-'J
CI.AlHv OYANT and -yclioinetnc. . orcliur-
aeter rc.idliit' * ; uKo iliacnohisof aiM > usu.
Send locW of hair for readings by letter , iin-
dayhUiid eveiilnzs. Mrs. n. Hooper. 14.'A\u-
nue } ' . . near rorner litli St. . Uuiinull U uns.
TiTins. fi"c and tlj > J.
IfOU Itr.NT Two newly turriMicd rmmihi
biith. hut and eold at r and bteani hunt
Grand liotoi annex , sueond tloor.
"I7\OU \ ALK I'orlteritVuntud If you vrimt
-L1 to buy , wll or runt anything In the real
estate Him don't do It until you liave seen our
lartfo of InrKulns. .iwun .t WulLer , No. 112
Main mid lul'enrl stroyts Couru-ll UlulTs.
'r luH ALE-llotel c 'iitr.ily | loiutod , ( loin
J- coed Lubliiusi. Or wr.II uxehano for Ko.J
farm In western Iowa.
Hotel lease , furci turo und fixture * ; uri A
a 1 eianceto ) tii | into u eood paying liusl-
n is iln.-mo'iK for sollins , oilier buhlnuM ro-
< iulriii ; all owner' * attention ,
IlurKultis | ri reiildeneu und huslness prop
erly. K. r. Oftitxtr , n-ul estate and insuranoo
tyi-vt. No. la N. Muln stCouncli llluHa.
AUMKNS-.Smn * ciholeo cardrn land ncur
* ' v.ok ; > , tn iiiulln for fcule oiKUHy terniK. ulso
vu.tjHfU and u lurjo lUt of Iowa farrax.
Jolinkto ; . A- Vac i'utten.
TjVm HEN ? - Morr
-L. brlcK , with bumneut uud uluvalor. J. W
fc > qure , 1UI I'earl
TT > OU 3\LE or
Jhoui.i , b , J , a Ulai , 15i liMa it ,
All kinds of Drlux aud Oleanln ; donu In Ui
Hlclieststylooftho Art , FudeJ and Stained
Kiilirlcs made to look ai Kood as now. Hod
rvalheiu ( H'luii'd lly Mcam , lu l-'n-si-'nisi
Sliuiiier. Work pro'notly done and delivered
In all parts of thesountry fcuud for prloa
a A , UAOIIAN , Pn > P ,
10U Broad war. Near Jiortlmesteru Uopai ,
CHICAGO , Mny 1C , iteports of sonorous ruin *
El 9 ctrl 3 Truss a 3 ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. '
OOQ Broad\\ray , Council BluCfe , la
TliLEI'HONE 204.
Of Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK . 8150,000
s I. A. Miller , P. 0 Dlemon. El t *
Shusart. H E. llirt-J. D Edrnundson. Cbarlai
ILlIannua. Tran ot general baulcln ; bmiU
neii Largest capital uud turplui ut any
bsnln Sjuthwoitorn ioira.
JU. H. VilA.3lllEltL.IX , Jl. U.
Kje , Ear , Noio nnd Throat
Council llluBa , - - Iowa.
fore eyoi , crom tjet , t
painful nod weak vlilon , J
far < 'ho. floafliesi , dl > - , '
cluirKfn from tlio oan , ca-J
tnrrh , bar fever , aitlima'
und nil nrutfl and cbrunlo
nnrcllonjof thu throut a
rjoclulty OU cyoi flt-
tcrt * ltliontmln | GliiHoi eccuraU-lr | irf crlbo3 in
difficult riiv' % oflon curlne clironlo neunlsU aaa
nick liundnrliu. burirlcul o | > eratloni , wlion neoui-
nrr , pulnloolj pBrformiid , ni urlnj t it reiuiti
OllicB. Mtiuk-art-llcnu block , rooail Uuuncll HluB .l
First-- : National : Bank
I'nld Up Capital , . . . . $ loiOQO ;
Old t oririmlii'd bank In tbo city Korolgn and
( lonietttr rxcumine nd local > t > ojrltto . l ! ue H
ulti-iitlon paid to cull ciloui. ArcoJiiti o t Indlria
uuli bunk * . bnnkvr > and corparalluui Mullcl tod. Cor
n-'ponden lnrli < l.
( jEO. J' . bANKOIU ) . I'roMdent.
A T UICI5. . .
Aml.tnnt Coelilcr.
_ _ _ _
Tliu Ni'W Opluii Hotel , In Council Il.tifls. hiu
intiii ooiuplfit'ly refurnished und nindernlted
thriiiipliuut. und Is nim one of thu host hotels
In Hie suite It Is lociitvdln the tnisliifss purl
of HID city und the eUietriu motor. pit.s tha
iliKiruvury four inliiuKn. F\ro \ ! scupo8 and
liio ulurnis tlirouuhout the Ijulldlu . Stuuui
licut. ) iol und cold \vnU < r und iiiishlri In
every room. Tublo uiisurpassoU unyHhure.
s fiiKi n any.
GEO. M. WHITNEY. Marngor.
OITI CH , < ! ' H road way , Council Hluff * , U
D. H"McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' and Pas rj'
Market Fixtures , Casing ,
piers nod Fausace Maker * ' Muchluery.
& Muln it. , Ckmuoll UluIH , lit Alia ae
a uldci and i"ur .