THE OMAHA i DAILY BEE. 1 TWENTIETH YEAR OMAHA , TUESDAY JV1OROTNG , MAY 2(5 ( , 1891. NUMBER 337. Lawyers in the Bheedy Murder Trial laming Their Fees. OPENING ARGUMENTS FOR THE STATE. County Attorney Hncll'H Address to tin ; Jury Tlio DcfetiMC Declares It IN a Question of Illoo.l Money. LINCOLN , Nob. , May 23. [ Special U > THE UIK. ] An immense crowd gathered in Iho court room this morning to bear tbo argu ments In the bhnsdy murder trial. Not only was every seat outside of the ralllne filled but also every bit ot standing room occupied. All the space Inside the railing was also oc cupied clear up to Iho Judge's desk. The ot > cning i > cech wus made by County Attorney Snell and it occupied over two hours and a quarter. It is declared by his friends to bo tbe besl effort of his life. The . following is a pretty full abstract of what ho said : "When darkness closed around this quiet city on iho llth of last January , there bad been planned a mosl daring and cold-bloidod murder. Ibo intended victim was John Shcody , an old cilizcn , whoso homo was on the comer of Twelfth and P streets. Mr. Sheedy had spent the greater part of the day al bis home. At about 7 : 0 o'clock ho put on his overcoat , opened tbo front door , nnd then bo was slruck over Ibo head with a heavy cano. Ho drew his revolver , fired five limes , but to no effect , being too dazed nnd stunned to take definite aim The slory of his suffering und bis death has been nar rated to you by a number of witnesses. John Shcody was murdered , and I would ask you to Jusl pause for a moment nnd think of Ihu time and place. On Sunday night , the night of alt nights In tbo week when strife and ill- fcellnsr should bo laid aside , and Iho place his own homo wbero peace nnd good will should , if anywhere , reign supremo. But none of these protected John Sheedy. On thnt holy Sabbath , as It was drawing to n close and as bo opened his own door in fancied security , an assassin struck him. The ono who delivered thai blow bad murder in his heart. Ho had deliberated upon it. Ho laid in wail and was malicious nnd vindictive , 1 cannot conceive of a mare brutal death than Sheedy racl , nor can J conceive ol nuy- thinc moro cowardly than slriklng a man as he comes from his own home. The follow ing week many rumors were afloat as to the parly who slruck the blow and the motive 'that prompted it. Circumstances pointed toward Mcvnrland , nnd ho wus arrested on Saturday night , the 17th , and Mrs. Sheedy 'tin the following Sunday. Who are these de fendants ! McFurland is a colored man and a barber. The defendant , Mary Sheedy , was _ tbo wife of the deceased. Mr. Sheedy hud employed McFarland to dross his wife's hair , nnd In this way the luo ' prisoners at Iho bar became 'acquainted They wcro uloiio for an hour or moro each time Mrs. Sheedy's hair was dressed uud bbobnd an opporlunlly lo study McFarland , sound him nnd determine in her own mind whether bo would bo faithful to her and her Intercsls aud courageous In the execution of bor plans. We believe that the evidence has been of such an overwhelming character as to hare convinced your minds early in the case lhal McFcrluud was Ihe person who slruck John Sheedy. That evidence apart from his confession , although lu many re spects circumstantial in ils nature , can hardly bo explained upon uti > reasonable hypothesis olhei than McFarlnud's guilt" "Mr. Snell Ihen , by the leslimony of P. J. Stepney , McFarlaud's cousin , that Iho day thai ho und Monday exchanged ovcrcoals vvas'lho same day Iho latter bought the cano with which Shoody was afterwards struck ; the testimony of William Chlun , who wus \vlth McFarland from 11 p. m. Io2 a. m. Ibo niphiof the assault , and who , nolicing that S. McFarluud was lame , nud tbo negro speaking cf having losl his cano. Mr. Snell iheu con- tTHied : "Apart from his confession , every clrcum- slnnco lhat has been testified to by the wit nesses for the stale on Ibis branch of Iho case polulod to McFnrland as .a guilty party. Nol one of those facts or circumstances have the defense sought to explain or dcnj'i If over a fact was estab lished in n criminal prosecution il bas been put beyond Iho pale of any doubt ibat McFurland was tbo man who lay In wall and murderously nssaulled John Sheedy. Where was ho at 7:110 : on lhat Sunday night if not at * - Shecdy'st Not ouo syllable of testimony has been put In by him as to his whereabouts on that day. "Why did McFnrlaad strike Shoody ? Did Shoedy ever wrong him ? Peter Crnmoton , a fellow barber , says thai Shoedy always had Monday sbnvo him and ho paid him well , giving to him an extra IU cents or ' 'o emits nearly every shave. Sheedy was McFar- Jund's friend nnd Ibo negro never would have slruck him had it not been for a certain woman. That female was referred to by my friend Stearns In bis opening statement us the f > nd , palo-iacod , pensive lady , Mrs. Sheedy. After seeing her constantly for throe weeks In this court room nud noticing her demeanor , I would rather think bo would 'speak ' of her as the cool-headed , stcaay- nerved , desperate woman , who gave form und direction to McFarland's every move ment. The defense would bavo you believe that Mrs. Sheedy was not one of the conspir ators because one C. O. Whedon , a lawyer , never saw Mr. Shoody pounding his wlfo or Mrs. Sheody mcolrtlnir lt her husband like a fish \\lfo. Did nny ono ever suppose Ibat "Whi'don would bo nl Sheedy's house during u futnllv qunrri'l , or lhat any womau would ever tell such a cold-bloodoJ , abrupt man as Wbodon any of tbe iroubles of her married life , except she came to him as an attorney to get her a divorce ( It would luke the cenliil rays of a tropical sun a half conlury to get him thawed out sufficient to become ' % confidante of any man to say nothing of a woman. Lew Franklin and Mrs. Hatch bad cnch called only once at the Sheody residence since Mrs. Shcedy's return from Buffalo , and of course they saw nothing out of the way. "Tub witnesses the defcnso did not call to testify In lhal respect were conspicuous by their absence. Ono would have supjiosed that they would have called In the friends of Mrs. Sbcedy who visited her und whom she vis ited , but they did not. Even when Mrs. Sbnedy'k own sister was put on the stand , nnd although she has lived in the family u number of months , her mouth was scaled inS - S thai respect , Noi ono qncsilou wus a Ued of . ber In ihnl regard. " The lostimony of Mrs. Hood was ihen re ferred lo , and tbo lads as brougbl out by lhat unwilling witness concerning the troublcsbolwcen Mr. and Mrs. Sheodv wpro dwell on ut length , Tbo coming of Wnl- Btrom to Llucoln was then taken up and the matter of notes passing bclwoea iho iwo con templated. Mr. Snell Insisted ihr.t If these I notes bad been of an innocent character thai ibnso received by Mrs. Sbcedy would buvo boon produced In evidence. Tbo furl thai Mrs. Sheedy was hi Ibo babiiof conllnn- ally emlln , " liquors and elegant lunches lo - Walsli-oni's rootp , Ibat she presented him with fire night shlitx , huso nnd neckties und Ihm A'rs. CarpcnU-r had called Mrs. ShooJy over lo her bouse ono evening when Wai- ptmm was there , was EUfUdent , Mr , Snoll said , to show ibat their relullons were not lu- noocnt. . "When Shi-ody was stou-ls. " said Snoll , "aboui Ihe first thing Mrs. Shcody ilid waste to send for tbe priest rid the next to notify \VaUtrom. When her husband was dying . vlnUMier was s nt to lell Ibat Ibo doclors had given up id I hopes. When Sheedv's body , was to bo laid a\vay In the cold and quiet gravfl Klausticr was once moro ilUpatched to tell Wulstrom Ibat Mrs. bhocdy would not think anything more of blmunlcsihe was present at tbo funeral. Herrolalioasbip with Walslrom can bo ex- lauded upon eg otbtr bypo'.he b laac tint she was maintaining criminal relations with him prior to her husband's murder , ltwa because of him that tbo trouble had arisen between ber and bor husband. No woman coald have bud a stronger motive than Mrs. Sheedy to put Mr. Sheedy oul of Ibo way. When love of her busband has departed from Iho female heart aud heen transferred to an other she becomes desperate. In order lo ac complish her purpose Mrs. Sboedy conclnded Ibal U could best bo done through McFar land. " The confession oi Monday McFarland was then detailed , and Mr. Snell said that Iho defense would doubtless nffecl astonishment that the story of criminal intimacy between the negro and MH Shoedy would never bo bslloved by nny body. Mr. Snell then faced tba iimonum und suld : "Sho wanted to be free. Her Illicit lover WnlntroTnvns In Iho city. She wauled Shody's properly. How could she prevail upon McFurland to help hcrl Would she hesitate lo prostitute her body when her soul was already elernuliy condemned I Would a woman who hud murder in her heart hull or bestllntu to comtnltt ndullery even with n black maul Now Now I will touch briclly on the tosllraony for the defense. These are divided 'nto Iwo classes First , witnesses to prove the rela tions which existed between Mr. and Mrs. ShePdy. and , second , an abortive attempt to cnst suspicion on Frank Williams nnd William Gleuson , iwo gamblers. The lallor half are divided iulo four classes : First , Ihoso pul on Ihe sland lo prove lhat it wus Curder's cano ; second , those who were put on to disprove Goldwaier's losltmouy ; third , Mr. and Mrs. Hosman , who were pul on Iho sland to swear thai 11 was a while man who shol at Sbcedy the week before the last assault : fourlh , the tesll- mouy of Iho boys , Currio und Hitchcock , who wcro pul on the stand lo swear Dial they saw two men running south from the Sheedy residence. 1 will touch only on Iho lalter four divisions. " The ntlorney iben reviewed Carder's lesti- mony nt length concerning bis Identification of ' .tie cane and scouted the Idea of such identification , since Carder couldn't tell his own hundwrlting when put on the witness stand. The hitler spirit that Curder has shown loward the prosecution was alluded lo. The leslimony of Burr concerning Ihe reward lhal Goldwatcr was to receive was also discredited. Hosmau's testimony that it was a white man who slruck instead of a black man was shown lo be conformalory w ih iho darkey's slory. as Ibo descrlpliou given by Hosmau tallied in every wav with that of Monday , except Hosman said thnt the fellow was u very durk comolexioned White man , Mr. Snell then scouted the idea of Hosman being able to see a three days' crowlh of beard on a man's face on a dark night. The medical testimony was then re viewed. "H is lime , " said Ibe speaker , "Ibnt com pression of iho brain nnd morphine poisoning exhibit Ihe sumo symptoms. But nn exami nation of tbe bruin would loll the tale. There were four physicians who were presenl ut Iho lime of iho aulopsy and Ihoy declare ttrit morphine was the cause of John Sheedy'c death. If death resulted from thn blow or compression of Ibe brain Ihey would have found blood clots there. They examined tbo brain und fouud none. Wo must remem ber , whether or not nny poison was ndmlnis- lered , lhal nevertheless both prisoners are guiltv. Each Is guilt ) * cither as a principal in the ono case or as nn accessory in Iho olher. These Iwo defendants go hand in bnnca * If Mrs. Sheody did not administer ihe polsoa7 and If Iho blow killed John Sheedy , she is guilly as an accessory. She Is iho real Instigator of th crime. It would have been impossible for Monday McFarland to bavo stood at the door walling to kill John Sheedy tbat night unless bo had a confed erate in Iho house lo give him u signal when lo lake his placo. Any man would hnvo been a fool lo stand within a dozen feet of Ihe slrcpl in a thickly settled neighborhood wait ing lo murder a man. He musl have hid behind - hind Ihe lalllco work awaiting Iho precon certed signal. His nerve had been raised lo ihe proper point by whisky given lo him by Ibis woman who bas been broughl before vou charged wilb either murdering or abetting the murder of ber husband. "In conclusion let me say the intcrcsls in volved are of grout magnitude. Tbo state is not asking for the shedding of innocent blood , but when you go to your jury rooms remember u monstrous crime bus been corn- milled ; lhal John Sheody was murdered ; that be was murdered In cold blood without ono single mltlgaling circumstance ; lhat bo was struck down in his own door. If this crime goes unpunished , who can say thut It will not bo repeated J Gentlemen , of the Jury , give the case your best deliberation , und render n verdlcl Ibat will satisfy your own conscience , nnd I feel it will satisfy a deeply interested nud n wronged public , for every crime of this character strikes nt the public security. " Judge Weir , attorney for Mrs. Shoody , fol lowed Mr. Snell , beginning in thnt easy , careful , smooth way which is belokoned by bis jccnoral bearing. After making n few preliminary remarks Ibo speaker said : "Wo have under consideration the lives of two human t bemgd and those lives must be disposed of by the conslderallon of Ihe Jury. It is ono of th'o grealesl reM > onslbilillcs ever conferred upon this body of men and it gave me pleasure lo road in your faces during Ihe Irlal lhal you fully realized the rosDousibil- lly. " Ho then drifted into his reason for coming hero uud spoUo of tbo true work of Ihe officers of the law , complimenting the prosecution for Iho work done , pausing long enough to define iho line between persecu tion und prosecution. The first thing to which ho called the attention of Iho Jurv was the law nud the facts. "Tho Jury. " be said , "Is the cj.elusive Judge of Ihe facts , iho exclusive Judco of ihe law , anil when ll comes lo final coiiKiderallons it should bu guided by the definitions given them by Iho Judge of Iho law I Thus me Judge instructs that tbe de fendants are presumed in he entirely inno cent until proven guilty and the attention of Iho Jury should not bo diverted from this. "It Isoflen , " he continued , "lhal our zeal ns lawyers , ou1 < real to gain victory , causes us to overstep tbo bounds and cause mislead ing slalomenUi. Lot this bo watched , gen tlemen of the Jury , nnd when such thing * are done banish it from your minds. When you enter Inlo iho Jury room lei It be uppermost in your minds that It was and is the duty of this prosecution to sweep away from your minds by evidence , all lurking suspicions , every vesllgo of thnt presumption of the innocence of these two defendants. Tbo law require * vou to use lhat reasonable doabt In ihe In terest of Ihu accused. Some of IhU testi mony loolis one wav aud some of it the other , cut when you caunut under such ciicum- stt.ices dcciile , tlimi tbu IMV rouuircs iho reasonable doubt to bo oxctclsed in the in terest of the nccusod. It In divine law lhat ninety nnd nine guilty ones should escape rather than ouo innocent be punished.1 At 2 o'clock Judge Weir , plcklne up the thread of discourse where two hours before bo dropped U , said in substance Ibal lo all crimes there is a motive ant' , mo prosecution lu th'.s cnso ingeniously sets forth as the motive for this that John Sheedy and his wlfo lived Jn grout discord and she wanted to grt a divorce. That while iu Buffalo sto ; mel und fell in love wilh or.o A. H. Wulstrom , and this InJ her to stain her bands iu Iho blood of her kind , This ii ihe motive the prose.-utlon offers. "And , " continued ho , "with all the able counsel , with all the ef forts nf experienced detocllvcs , iho prosecu- lion has failed utterly lo brim ? out any sub- Muntlal evidence , ouly the mot remote cir cumstantial evidence. It Is important that wo should krovv the difference bo'wecn direct. and circ'.imatanlial evidence. II Is a crcat principle in law tbat If ihe great chain of circumsihnces is lacVirg , ihe cnlirc i.s of no olTect , ll must be one cr.d continuous every link In Its proper placo. John Shecdy was. In common language , a gambler , a peer 'o any In his profession In this city. His suc cess appalled them and caused a Jealousy lo rankle in Ibelr bosoms. Ho was siruck at his own door , and is ll noi qullo ns probable lhat koino one Cither than his own loving wile was the cause r.f the fatul blowVns ! it not Mr. Courtmiy who icstific-d ibal only a few ilayx pnor lo iho assault Sheody received a letter which threat ened hit life unless lie stopped 'trying to run tbo town I' Suspicion shortly after the crime fell upon MonJav McFarland and his arrest followed. Then it wui that an opporuimtv was offered Iho combination of detectives aud officers to make money. "You will remember McFurland vfcs ar- as TOIUC THIRD PARTY EXPECTATIONS , Will Nominate a Candidate for President , but Do Not Hope to Win. FARMERS' ALLIANCE PEOPLE NOT IN IT. Its headers Treat the New Movement with .Silent Contempt General Koster Acting for Secre tary IJlalnc. WASHIN'OTOS BunnAH Tnn BEE , 1 Ma FoDiiTncvrit STiiKcr , V WABHISOTO.V. D. C. . May 25. I Senator Peffer of Kansas , who was prominent In iho Ihird party con- venlion at Cincinnati last week , Is back In Washington aud says a third party candidate for Iho presidency will bo nomi nated nexl year , and ibat tbe convcnlioa will likely bo held In Indianapolis a year from next month. Ho says : "Frankly , I don't think wo shall win , but wo will make so great n showing tbat wo shall convince not only our own people , but people generally , tbat with another year's or ganization wo can easily become tbo domi nant party. In slrlving for Ibis end wo are not seeking political preferment , Wo are not after the offices as such. The office Is only the moans to an end. Our people ure not office seekers. We arc coutcndlng for principles , not for individual advantage , except so far as lhat advantage may benefit us all. " Senator Poffcr practically ncknowlodgcs that the aim nnd elTecl of a Ihird parly can didate will be Ihe nsslsloncc of Iho demo cratic candidalo. The movement ut Cincin nati of the third party was In no way con nected with the legitimate farmers' alliance movement. The official orguu of the National Farmers' Alliance , which was circulated hero today , docs not conlaln iho slightest reference to the Cincinnati convention. It appears to be part of a plan to entirely ignore Iho rc- cenl orcanizaliou of a Ihird parly. The pa per Is issued al Iho ualional headquarters of Iho alliance , and Ils cdllor Dr. McCune , Is chairman of Iho cxocullvc committee of the alliance. It gives the keynote to tbo various small alliance papers through the country. Presidenl Polk claims Ihnl iho organiralion gives him Iho power lo expel Iho proprio- lors of any alliance paper if ihey co outside of strict alliance principles. As some of tbe western papers have grown enthusiaslie over the ttiird party move , the president may exercise his prerogative by compelling them to follow tbo lead of the national organiza tion iu ignoring Ihe Cinclnuali Ihird party movement , or else haul their alliance colors and slick to their original lexis. UI.AIXE'S AUI.E ASSISTANT. General . .7.V. . Foslcr of Indiana , cx-mlnls- Ic.r lo Russia , Snnin , etc. , who negotiated the recenl commercial ircuty with Spain , had n long conference with "President Harrison this moraine , during which Iho Bchring sea seal fisheries and other important diplomatic matters now pending , wore discussed. The report thai General Fosler wus acting for Secretary Blaine In the principal diplomatic problems unfinished during the absence of tbo latter bas been confirmed. While no official statement is made upon Ihe subject it is well understood that General Foster , who bas the affairs of tbo department ol state well In band , will during the illness or absence of Secretary Blaine look after tbe completion of the most important questions requiring diplomatic skill. Governor Foster has for many years been regarded as one ot tbe most skillful dip lomats iu tbo country , and the Behrlng sea or any other problem would bo safe iu bis charge. Ho is both sagacious and dis creet. Secretary Blaine Is not expected to return here under some weeks , if not months. The reports as to his condition of health are very encouraging , however. Tie has been as iced and advised to remain awuy till bo fully recovers. luimisox's SPEECHES. President Harrison's speeches , made during his recent southern nnd western tour , are being prepared for book form. They will bo used as campaign literature as well as models for public speakers. Each speech will nave an introduclion , giving tbo cir cumstances of tbo visit and ihe delalls of Iho receplion. The volume will bring ou tbo happiness of the president's expressions'and show his mental breadth. They will be specially serviceable in tbo long tier of states through which Ibe presidenlial party passed. Mr. John S. Shriver , who us corre spondent of tbo New York Mail and Ex- preis preceded the president Just ono day on bis entire trip , is compiling the work. SATS TUB KErOKT IS UXTTUUE. Ex-Congressman Owen of Logansport , Ind. , stated today that the reports that ho was here expecting lo bo appointed commis sioner of tbo Immigration were not true. Ho suld be came lo Washington on private busi ness only and added : "I am not an ap plicant for tbo office and it is a crave ques tion whether I could afford lo lake it should the president offer it to me. " It Is now re ported thnt Colonel Weber , ox-congressman from Buffalo , now superintendenl of Immi gration nt New York city , is likely to bo ap pointed. | NEW JUPr.ns SELECTED. ' It is thougbl lhat at the cabinet meeting on Friday the five land court Judges will bo an nounced. Tenders have boon made of the apuolntmonls to the men selected. It is said that there will bo ibreo republicans , all mem bers of Iho lasl house of congress Messrs. Puyson of Illinois , Thompson of Ohio and Turner of Kansas and Iwo democrats. Whom the latter are it is not known , but they uro said lo bo men of wide ropulnllon as laud lawyers and men of excellent character as w ell ns capticlly. COMIXO TO OMAHA. General Benjamin Buttcrworth , Iho ex- congressman from Cincinnati and at present director general of'tho world's fair ut Chicago cage , today became the preslaont 'ol the Interstate townslto company , with head quarters al Omaha. The incorporator.- the company ore Francis C. Grahle , W. B. MIHard , J. O. Phillippl , Charles K. Ford , F. D. Mulr and Benjamin Butlorworth , The capital slock of Ihe company ' ,000,000 , luily paid up , nud iu operaliousill be in Nebraska , South Dakota and Wyoming , MISCELLANEOUS. Congressman Pickler of South Dakota , who bos bt-sn hero for a few aays looking after some appointments , will leave for bis homo in u day or Iwo. J. P. Sharp was loday appointed posl- master nl Foresiburg. Saaboru couniy , S. D. , vice L. B. Hich. resigned. Charles K. Pierce of St , Louis , A. U , Appleton - pleton of Columbus , O. , and George H. Harris of this t-lty , ihe commission appointed lo visit Niobrara nnd South Dakota und determine the boundary line between tbo Pine Hldge nnd Iloscbud agencies und persuade as many Lower Bruins ns possible lo take land in severally south of White river , leave for their po ts of duty on Friday ncxl. Harry N. Price of ibis city is their stenographer. Troop K , Ninth cavalry , Colonel Guy Henry , Captain B. Hughes , First Lieutenant Charles W. Taylor , Second Lieutenant Alex W. Perry and seventy men arrived ibis aflomooa al Fort Mycr , Va. , across thoPoio- m uu river from Washington , their now station. Troop B , Sixth cavalry , leaves tomorrow for Wushukle , Wyo. Senator Pettlgrew arrived Ibis evening from Soulb Dakota und will remain a couple of days. PCKUT S. HEATU. Colorado und the World's Fair. CHICAGO , May > . This was Colorado's day tt Ibo world's fair headquarters. Com missioner It. E. Goodcll of Denver , with Governor Houtt of Colorado confer ! oJ with the director general and tbe grounds and building committee to secure space for the silver state's exhibit. "We are modest , " sud Governor Itoult , "and wo will take ooy bit of land from nn acre to the whole city. What mailers it I * the sla'to only nppropri- alcd 1100,0001 Had it boon fJOO.OOO wo mill would have Iho best cxhlHU' You bavo no idea what an enormous nrammt of public en thusiasm there is for maklap Colorado's ex hibit a most creditable one.fui OF A JIOT1IEK. AVIillc Insane She Ilnnps Her Four Children and Herself. HAW.AX , la. , May 25. Mrs. Christen Pedersen , a Danish woman , and ber four children , whoso ages ranped from threelo _ ten , were found hanging In the collar of iholr bouso near here. It is Iboughl they had been * hnuRlne there since Wednesday. Her bus- bend was sent to the Insane asylum about a week aco. Tboundlugof these bodies shows that iho wlfo should have eono lee , as she must have been crazy. Mrs. Peterson lived on a farm Just outside the city with her family , consisting of two boys and two girls. Since ber husband was sent to tbe asylum little attention was at- traotod to the family until yesterday a neigh bor. who bad noticed no appearance of hfo about tbe place for IhrotJ or four days , deler- mined lo invcsilputo. Tbo unper rowiis were searched without nny trace being found of the missing peonlo'nnd finally Ibe collar wus vlsiled. There iho bodies of Iho woman nud her four children were seen hanging. The neighbors at once summoned assistance and several people accompanied him to the cellar. Mrs. Podenon nnd ber children were hanging by ropes from ono of Ibo beams of Ihe house. A little girl aged about four stood with her toes Just touching the ground ; near her washer slslcr , a ton- year-old child , hanging from Ihe limber ; a boy of nine , with ono Kncip louching n wash lub on which ho bad slood , was near by nnd his brother , a year older , bung so low thai his feet almost touched the earth. Near him tbo mother , half kneeling , was seen. All were quite dcsd. Tbe children nnd mother were all neatlv aressod , but none wore shoes. Their feet werocovercd only with stockings. It wus evident that the work hud boon done most delibcraloly. Tbe smaller children were strung up to a rope which was f aslentd only by heary spikes driven inlo Iho beam , but for herself and the elder children the woman had bored , holes through the timber , so that there uileht bo no question us lo Ibe rope holding. Evidently she had stood the children on wash tubs and bad then pulled Iho tubs , from beneath their feet , nnd as they choked and gasped in azotiy , she rigged up her own gailows and leaping from Ibo wash lub which she used , choked to dealh. Her determination was witnessed in tbo fact tbat tbe body was found in a kneeling posillom nnd bad she so desired she could have saved herself by slnndlug erect. All of tbe quinlello xvero choked to death , an"1 the younger children's nn- prarnnce boukoned a violent struggle for life after the executioner bad bccun her work. All indications were Ibat the bodies had been ban ginp for days , and when the coroner was summoned and'examined into the mailer , ho gave as his opinion lhat , the deaths bad oc curred ns far away us Thursday morning. Mrs. Pedersen left n letter telling of her financial affairs , speaking of f 150 in the bank , held by ber , and ยง 18 in silver in the. house. This money is to "bo used in burial. Olher portions of Ihe letter relate to farm matters , she stating tbat tlio place is paid for and that nothing can beheld against It. Mrs. Pedersen son is not known to have bad nny trouble other than the confinement of her husband in the insane asyluna. i Tbo coroner was summoned , and after cutr ting down the bofllos , held in inquest. " Yonnxj 56nlsef'DIetl. * BUIU.INOTOX , In. . , May 55' ( Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] EqwardyZalser , who was shot by a burglnrrj 'lj6m < 'itio\viis ate. tempting to arrest SnturJ nighty died to ' ' day. Several arrests hur'o"'boon made , but none of importance. It thought the murderer , was one of a gang of burglars following IE the trail of a cheap circus that bad , been show ing here. A number of other resi dences had been entered , among them that of Mayor Duncan. A knife taken from Duncan'statlo was found under Zalser's window , where it had been used lo gain an entrance. A quantity of bananas bad also been taken , and the burglars left a trull of skins from the mayor's residence to Zaiser's. A largo reward is offered by the family for the apprehension ot tbe murderer. Supreme Court Decisions. DCS MOINES , la. , May .J5. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] T io supreme court banded down today the following opinions : W. "W. Harris vs E. R , Harris , Corra Gordo , district , affirmed ; Clay eountv vs Palo Alto couniy , Kossutb. district , jifllreod ; J. H. Halley vs John Gregg { appellant. Jackson dlslrict , nffirraed ; L. J , ah.d M. E. Graves vs Merchanls and Bankers Insurance company uppellanls , IJccatur district , nfllrmed ; Mr. Wing vs Hod Oak district township appellant , Cedar district , affirmed. ' Mystery ut Biirlinjjton. BUIILIXOTOX , la. , Mny'iio.Special [ Tele gram to THE BEE. | Two strangers drove up to St. Francis hospital' this morning in a back aud loft a man whom they called John Gable. He dlod twenty -minutes after their departure. His rumored that he was taken from n saluan where be had been drugged or injured. The police are working on the caso. Under nn Engine. CnnAii RAVIUS la , , May 25. fSpec'al Telecram toTiic BLE.J At Marion last oven- lug , James 1'athrop , In attempting to board a moving switch engine , fell under the wheels. Both feet were mashed so tbat am putation will probably bo necessary , and ono arm was also crushed. Nut Mcliityrc. Sioux CITT , la. , Mny fij. JSpocial Tele gram to THE BIE. | Tl'ie man arrested at Hartinclon is not Jilclntyre , the escaped murderer. TUOK AIlSEXMtl HI' MISTAKE. UnfiirtunateOircniiiHtanuoa Attend ! -if ; the Death of * Consr < ; s ; mmi Houk. KXOXVII.I.E , Tenn. , May 25. Judge Houk , represenlallvo in congress ; from this stale , yesterday afternoon look by mistake a strong solution of arsenic. Antidotes promptly ad ministered brousbt tbe Judge around all right , so it was thought , 'Jatthls morning bo died suddenly. He bad heart disease nnd tbo poison and excitement following affected thai organ and wus the cause pf his dealb. im : For Omaha and Vicinity Pair ; warmer. WASHINGTON , May 35. Forecasllill S p. m. Thursday : For IbeDakotos Fairwarmer\ ; \ > - winds becomlnc soulh. 4" For Iowa and Nebraska-rFalr Tuesday ; warmer by Tunsdav nlghl variable winds. For Missouri and Kansas Kuiu ; sllghily cooler , except stationary temperature in north Kansas ; north wintts. For Colorado Showers ; warmer by Tues day night ; winds south. ' ilp Arrivals. At Now Yprk Tbo Alaska , from Liver pool ; The Ethiopia , from Glasgow ; The Allcr from Bremen. At Amsterdam The Elder , from New York for Bremen. At Millvlllo The Anchoria , from Now York lor Gluspnw. At Browuead Passed the Nomadic from New York lor Liverpool. UlalmAlile to Ito Up. NEW YOISIC , Mav 25. Secretary Blaine was up aud about tbe house this morning. While H is belieycd \vllLeave ! tbe city abou t the latter part of tba vroek ro definite date ba been fixed nor hoi It been determined wbolb er the secretary -will go to Washington or Muluc. Arrival of the Voemlam. New YOHK , May 23. The steamer Veen dam from Rotterdam , reported at sea dls abled , arrived this moraine. ( EYA PAIIA'S DOCBLE MURDER Eivers , the Second Victim of Oovill , Dies of His Wounds. WHAT LED TO THE BLOODY TRAGEDY. Public Sympathy with the Murderer ReinoiiNtratlii A ulnm K.xecutlvo Cleinenc-y Decision Against Patrick Kn STUAIIT , Neb. , May 23. [ Special Telegram oTitE Ben. ] Tur. BEE correspondent vis- ted the scone of the Koya I'uhn county trag edy yesterday. It Is on the promises of Geo. Covlll , the man who did tbe shooting which vouud up tbo earthly career of both Day ton and Hlvcrs , for the latter died about noon esterday ( Sunday ) . The sentiment of the mraealatc neighborhood in which the tragedy occurred Is largely In favor of Covlll. His neighbors claim that he was justified in all 10 did ; that he had boon persecuted and ter rorized by Dayton and bis hired men who md made their threats that they would run ilm out of tbo country , tbo object of wblcb , t Is alleged , was to get his land , us It Joined ) uyton's. It is also told , and on seeming good authority , that three weeks prior o the fatal culmination of the loud that ) ayton and his men , liivers and Villiscroft , bad rounded up Covlll by attacking him in too field whuro ho was at work and firing pistol shots around his cct made him dance After this Covlll claims 10 procured arms nnd ammunition and when his enemies came on his place last Friday ho vas prepared for them. On the morning of ho traeedy Charles liar to , a young man who md previously worked for o'ayton nnd who , t is alleged , had circulated the scandalous lories about Dayton's and Klvers' vivos , bad occasion to pass the ) ayton farm. Ho claims that bo was going to Covill's to get him to go to Spring- lew to get out replevin papers to recover cattle belonging to thorn ( Covill and Barto ) vblcb were restrained by Dayton. When Jarto passed the latter's place tbat morning 10 was seen by Dayton , who , hitching up his cam and accompanied by bis men , nil armed , pursund him for tbe purpose ( as wus riven in Sunday's BEE ) of bringing iltn back to confront the wives of Dayton nnd Hivers nnd take jack tbo vllo stories which bo bad circulated about them. When they arrived at Covill's the latter and Barto were sitting upon a log discussing the matter of getting out the re- ) levln papers. Barto rau nnd was pursued jy Hivers and Williscroft. Covlll ran to the louse for his gun pursued by Dayton. Mrs , Covill was an eye witness to what then tran spired. She says that Dayton emptied both barrels of his shotgun at her husband on the chose to the house ; that her husband re turned the fire when he bad got possession of his shotgun ; that his first shot missed , but the second killed Dayton. When this was done bo went to the rescue of liarto. who , in the bands of Rivers and AVellis- croft , was being brought forward toward the wagon they not being aware that Dayton was killed. Covill called to them to release Barto utid on their refusal put aload of bueTTshot Into ; Hlvers'sTilp'hicir resulted in his death yesterday as above stated. Public sentiments is so much against the Daytons that no neighborly sympathy or kindness was shown the bereaved wives. Only two young men In tbo whole neighbor hood , Messrs. Brown nnd HIloy , rendered " them the assistance so much "needed. A couple of their old neighbors from Stuart , for Dayton used to live here , arrived Lhere Sunday afternoon. Shortly after Hiver's ' death they tore up tbo floor of the cabin and made a rude box , Into which his remains were deposited , as no cofiln had yet. been provided , and the bodies of both men were brought hero last night and will bo buried today in the cemetery at this place. for a Holt Snap. LINCOLN , Neb. , Muy2o. [ Special Telegram Lo Tin : 13cr. . | The board of public lands and bulldmes are undergoing u siege by ox-Kop- rescntative Hahn of Adams county and Hobort Elsmoro of Hastings who want to superintendent the construction of the new building at tbo Hasliue hospital for insane. The legislature appropriated $50,000 for two wings to the hospital. Tbe plans for those buildings have not been made yet , but tbo fat position of bossing tbo Job is in sight. Mr. Hahn is fortifying his claims by peti tions signed by farmers about bis county Elsmore superintended the construction of the Adams county court house and tbe Catholic school at Hustings. He presents recommendations by Fattier English uud Chuirinun Powers of tbo board of sujxjr- visors. Chairman Powers is a brother of the late independent candidate for governor. Itobbcd on the Golden Gate. ALLIANCE , Neb. , May 25. Mrs. Louise Jones , wife of a prominent manufacturer of Boston , who with her husband were passen gers on the Pennsylvania company's Golden Gate special which passed hero today , was robbed of fl,000 worth of diamonds on the train between Fargo , N. D. , and St. Paul Wednesday. On that day a concert was being - ing given in tbe observation car. Mr. and Mrs. Jones occupied a section in tbe rear sleeper nnd the otbT passengers were obliged to pass through their car to attend tbo concert. Mrs. Jones retired curly. She look her four diamond rings from ber finger und placed them in ber reticule. Next morn ing they were missing. Attaches of the train were closely questioned but no truoo of the missing diamonds could bo found. " \Vunta I'nckiiiK House. POXCA , Neb. , May 2.'i. [ Special to THE Buc. | A number of Ponca's capitalists are about to form a stock company for the pur pose of building and operating an extensive packing house ut this place. People are greally interested in the development of this project , as ihe prospective prosperity of this town depends not a little on tbe establish ment of some institution of this kind. OlIleei-H I , Nob. , May 2."i. iSpnoial to TIID BEE. ] At tbe regular mooling of Or. ceo la lodge , Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , the following officers wore elected : Dr. S. O. Wbaloy , W. M. ' W. W. Wilson , S.W Prof M. H. Snodgrass , J. W. ; H. A. Scott , treasurer , and Napoleon C. Fey , secretary. 'Jhoy AVII1 Celebrate. OsCioi.i , Neb. , May 2."i. [ Spscial to THE Bir..J : Tbo alliance of tbo county , to/other with tbo Knights of Labor , bold a called meeting to make arrangements lo celcbruta the Fourth of July. Stromsburg offered f. K ) for the celebration , nud captured the whole nutllt , so the affair will bo held tbcre. Contract Awarde I. UUXKVA , Nob. , May US , [ Special Tele gram to THE Ben. I Tbe contract for build ing tbe Oddfellows and Knights of Pythias building here , which has been in contempla tion sometime In connection with tbe First National bank , was lot today to Scott A : Heulngton of Harvard. The old for the whole building was f7lK)3. ! ) This oeures lo Ihe Oddfellows and Kulgbls of Pythias one of the finest lodge rooms in the t > tutc. On n Tour < > C Olikurrntloti. BEATIIICE , Neb. , May ia. | Special Tele gram to Tun Btn.J Mayor Fogg , seven members of the council , tbo water commis sioner and city engineer departed this morn ing on a Junketing trip to Fremont , Lincoln aud Crete to inspect the water works , y- of Ihoso cities , with - Jew of applving iheir observations to li "uiprovcmenl of Iho Beatrice water worl uul. . . UTICA , Neb. , May Memorial Sunany was observed in this & * , . v the Orand Army of the Kupubllc and ntti Alter u short march by the veterans \A \ repaired to tbe " rirst Pnwbyteriuu hurInch In n short time was filled lo UK ult'u ipuelly. After " some choice selections by ' ' hulr "iho people ple wcro uddrassed by IM . Adams , pas- lor of the church. Withable weather Decoratlou day will to well-.rtcrvod , an ex cellent programme having been prepared for the occasion. Kev. J. W. Soabrook of the Methodist Episcopal cburch preached 11 very excellent sermon before the ol Urnnd-Army IboKcpub- lic und Women's Kellef Corps jestcrdnv. The church was crowded and every one was pleased with tbe sermon. Out ) , Neb. , May ' . ' 5. [ Special to Tnr.Bii : : . | Foote post No. 40 , Grand Army of the Ko- public , held n memorial service in the Mcth- . odlst Episcopal church yesterday , Chaplain Kev. .1 nines Leonard conducting the ser- vk-os. Company B , Second rcclment , r > 'e- bruslm tuition nl guards , wan In attendance under command of Captain John L. McDon- ough. The service was listened lo by a largo congregation. NII.-OX : , Nob. , May 25 [ Special to I HI : Btn.J The tuemorlul sermon was preached yesterday morning to n largo con gregation in the Methodist Episcopal church by Kev. S. W. Patterson nf the Evangelical church. There wcro about thirty members of the George H Thomas post present und about twenty Sons of Veterans , for whom re served seats were provided. Churned \\lth Fraud. O'Nun.1 , Neb. , May 25. ( .Special Telegram to THE BEE. i Sheriff GIITord , of Fall Klvcr county , South Dakota , arrive nt O'Neill this uftcrnoon for K. K. Dickson , wanted on the charge of obtaining property oy fraud , and for whom requisition papers were issued oil Friday , last. There was some error In the papers nnd the sheriff had sent them back for correction. Last Saturday Dicltson's atloruoy got out a writ of habeas corpus and the preliminary hearing was set for today. It wus postponed until Thursduv pending the return of the papers. G. 0. Hazelot , the granleo lo Iho deal , canio homo from Iowa Saturday ulcht. Ho also denomi nates the affair a big game of bluff. Dlclcson made a laud deal while at Hot Springs recently but denies that there was anything criminal or fraudulent in the deal , and suys they will not be able to Drove it as such. i\ocutlvo : FiitMoST , Nob. , May 25. [ Special to TUB BIE. : ] Friends aud relatives of Cnrlos T. Pulsifer , tbe man murdered by Shophoid and Furst , the two men who are to be hanged Juno 5 , have begun n counter move to check the effect of the effort being made by friends of the condemned men to secure u commuta tion of their scnlence to llfo Iraurlsonuient by Governor Thayer. The petitions for execu tive clemency circulated by Furst's brothers have been quite extensively signed , eleven of the Jurors having nftixcd their signuluros. To oftsot those , seven remonstrances have been prepared and nut in circulation in this city and in the Scribuer and Crowell neigh borhoods. About two thousand signatures have been secured to these. A 1'ark Cor 1'oncn. PONCA , Nob. , May 25. [ Special to THIS BEE. I Under tbo skillful management and direction of W. E. Huston , Ponca is now the proud possessor ot-u park. Many of the busi ness men have formed themselves Into an us- r.-eation : , - rules nnd regulation * have been adopted , and everything1 pertaining : to Its support bas been perfected. Contiguous to ho town on tbo east several acres of land were secured and suitably laid out into eservalions for the amusements of baseball , awn tennis , croquet , football , otc , and also iroviding ample grounds for hammocks , .wings , band stand , refreshment stands , otc. Tomorrow there will be a celebration of tbo opening of the grounds. a IteNidcncc. FIIEMONT , Neb. , May 2o. [ Special to Tun OEE ] The residcncoof M. Y.Colman was en cored by burglars e.1 about 3 o'clock this morning. Mr. Colman was awakened by the Intruders and frightened them away. Ono was at the foot of his bad when ho awoke. This ono had already procured a few dollars in money , with which he escaped Mr. Col man seized n revolver and fired u shot ut the retreating burglar but missed him. District C tirt Lour Cirr , Neb. , May 25. [ Special Tele- srrara to THE BEE.J D.strict court convened ttere today , with Judge Hamer presiding. The docket consists of about one hundred nud forty civil cases and five criminal. Tbo most Important criminal case will bo the one in which Joseph Kwlntkowski is charged with attempted train wrecking on the B. & M. about n year ago. Mr. Eacnn MtiM I * y. LINCOLN , Neb. , May 25. [ Special Tele gram to THE BinJ : When Bishop Botucum denied Patrick Eagan tbo privilege of racru- ment in St. Theresa cathedral tbo minister to Chill refused to pay $500 subscription that ho bad made to tbo building fund. The bishop began an action in court und Judge Tobbetts has1 decided that Mr. Eugan must pay Ibo subscription. State BEATIMCE , Nob. , May 23. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The tcnt'a unnual moot ing of tbo Nebraska State Pharmaceutical association convenes in Ibis citv tomorrow. There are already a considerable numbar of druggists present and the meeting promises to be ono of coutldcrablo lijtorcst. ItEFIKU 'HIE /-til' . Kansas Farinors Who Would Not Allow n MortaK" Foreclosed. TOI-EKA , Kan. , May 25. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE.J News was received here today of a remarKable attempt of the farm ers of Jewell county to takn the law of fore closure into tbclr own bands. On Sunday night Jonas Kiudelcjperger , a tenant representing a law firm in Jewell City , was driven from a farm in Washington township which hud boon sold under a mortgage foreclosure , and com polio J to ileo the country. The onclnnl owner of the farm was Joseph Beunotl. who had borrowed money from the Jewell City firm to make first payment und put In his crop. When the note fell duo Bennelt did not Have the money aud bis place was sold by the sheriff. He refused to give possession und was ejected from tbo place by a deputy sheriff , uud a tenant representing the purchaser * given possession. Bennett Is a member of the farmers' alliance. Sunday night thirty or forty masked men , with Bennett at the bead , drove up lo the pli.ce und requested the new tenant to leave , lie refused to do so , whereupon revolver ; wore drawn and bo was lold that ho couli : either leave nt once or his dead body would bo carted off , Bennett was then reinstated and still holds Ihe pluce. A dispatch from Jewell Clt > slates ibal KlndlcspiTgcr has tbo names o tbo leaders of the mob and will bccin a dv > suit for damages un4 buvc crimlnul proceedIngs - Ings Instituted. Tim officer * of the count ] uro all fanner ' alliance men , including the prosecuting uttornpy. Bennett Dm rowed the money of .Miss Ida Ashoborn of Jewell City , who Had earned it teaching ncboul. The townspeople are aroused nt IheMnJiiKllco done iho young woman nnd will assist Kindlespcrger in hit prosecutions. 'Jwrnij-llvo Vroplii Killed. Brcxot Avur.s , May 23 Twenty-five per- tans were killed In thu Cordoba revolt. 'llin Fire Ilcoord. Mo.vruiuL , May M. Fire In a warehouse here caused tosses ? * regaling 1100,000. , NEBRASKA'S ' FIRST GOVERNOR , Sudden Demise of David Butler at Hi8 Homo Near Pawnee. DEATH CAME WHILE ENGAGED AT WORK , d by llrnrt Failure Arrange ment * lor Iho Funeral Skctuli of the MIV > of Iho Slato's First Kxcuntlvc. PAWNEE Cirr , Nob. , May 25. [ Special Telegram to THE BKE. [ Ex-Governor David Butler dropped dead at bis home , three aud one-half miles west of this city , at 8.33 o'clock Ibis morning. He arose In his usual good health and ate a hearty breakfast -i started out accompanied by his hired man lo epair a fence close lo iho house. Needing Homo lool ihnl was nl iho barn bo dispatched ho hired man for It , remarking ut the sumo ituo thnt he felt tired , but would get a scytbo nnd mow some grass and weeds that wcro beside the fence. Mrs. Buller , who was working iitnong her ( lowers , clone by , beard lira inako a few slrokes with the scythe when all became quiet , She aroio to her eel and saw him stretched out motionless. Deforo assistance reached him ho breathed ils last. Ho was carried to tbo house and Dr. Wright summoned , who pi-enounced his death duo to heart failure. It seems , from the marks of ihe scylho , on Iho grass uud tbo position of Iho body .hul ho musl have lurnod and stiggered a few steps before bo fell , death being appar ently painless , us his features wore in no way distorted. The body was embalmed this nttcrnoon. The funeral services will take place Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock from his ate residence. A kind husband and Indulgent father and a true friend , bis memory will long bo kept green. HiH Ijll'c. David Buller wus born near Bloominglon , Monroe county , Ind. , December 15 , 1829. Ho remained on Iho homestead until bo was twenty years of ago. There wore few schools In the neighborhood in those days , and from these young Butler derived but lit tle advantage. His education was acquired by private study mainly after ho had at tained his majority. When ho was twenty-one years of ngo ho engaged in Iho cattle business for his father an' ' was absent In Wisconsin when Iho latter died. Ho abandoned the cattle trade anil on- gugcd in mercantile pursuits , in which ho was quite successful until the panic of Ibo7 , when , in ono bank alone , be lost 617,001) ) , In that year bu was nominated on the re publican ticket for the state senate , but ow ing to the financial reverses wblcb ho had sustained , was obliged to decline the can vass. In ISTiS be immigrated to Nebraska , set tling in Pawnee City. There he resumed hli mercantile and stock-raising career. His ventures proved successful , aud in the rout-so of eight years ho hud acquired about f'5,000 ! from an original Investmonl of1,009 , In tbo spring of 1800 ho was married near Bloomington , Ind. , to Miss Lydiu Story of " ' Ohio" . Jn 1601 he was elected a representative In , the territorial legislature for u term * of two years. ' In 1600 , at Platlsmouth , be was nominated as tbo republican candidate for tbo first gov ernor of tbe stale. Ho was eleelod by n ma jority of 140 votes , Iho largest received by nnv candidate on tbo ticket. The salary of the office was but $1,000 a year nnd tbo governor accordingly felt im pelled to devote n considerable amount of bit time to his private business. Ho soon dis covered that ho could not well attend to both. Ho determined , therefore , to devote himself entirely to the duties of his office. The cap ital at the time was located in Omiihn. Ho moved to this citv , therefore , und cs-tnbllsbcd Ills office ill the old capital which was located on the bill which has since been designated by that name. During this term the removal of the capital from Omahu to Lincoln was the absorbing Ionic , of Interest throughout the state. A bill providing for the change passed both houses of the legislature and wus signed by Ihe governor. * Governor Duller was elected governor la 16(13 ( uud served bis term , which ended m 18i'J. ( During this term bo recommended to the legislature Ibo establishment of an or ganization for the purpose of Inducing itntnl- grnllon lo the stale. Ho wai elected governor n third time in 1870 and at the spuclul session of the legisla ture of that year again urged thg appoint ment of a board of immigra tion , which recommendation was favorably ncled upon by the leglslaturo iho board con sisting of Messrs. C. C. Smith of Falls Citv , William Blschoff of Nebraska City nnd Prod Krug of Omaha , C. N. ICarsten of Nebraska Clly being appointed resident commissioner In New York. In the same year bo advocated a system of Internal improvement which wus also favor ably considered by the legislature ? The gov eruor did not/serve ihe whole of his third term , Secretary of State William H. Jumos , in June , 1371 , having been appointed to suc ceed him. While acting as governor bo was ulso a commissioner of thu board of public lands and buildings. Tbo olhor members of tbe commission were tbe auditor aud secretary of stiite. During his incumbency thn cupilol was loeatoa and erected , as were ulso the university and insane asylum. Since bis retirement from public life Gov ernor Butior has confined himself mainly lo pnvnio pursuits. Ho has identified him self with what ho has styled the labor parly . and bus fmjuenlly been beard on Ibo slump in Ils support. Ho bas always boon n prominent visitor lo Ihe ccp- ilol during iho sessions of the ltgislaiura and could readily pass hours wilh old asso ciates In recalling the eventful parlods of tbo post. post.His ileatb removes niie of tbu nest known men of iho slate whoso knowledge of its political history was excelled by few of hl contemporaries. JHTitttvnvK mo/fir. Kuilroail Hrldtjcs Swept Away nnd Other Damage Mono. AIVMISOX , Kan. , May 25. ( Spsclal Telo- grum to Tin : OKI : . ] The Mls-onrl Pnciflo country in the wo. torn part of the state , especially lu Norton , Logan ami Philips counties , was deluged by a violent storm Saturday night. Several important , railroad bridges and numerous small ones \\oro carried out. Ono bridge ' > feet long was swept out 'ovoral hundred feel from ils moonngfi. There was much ilumuro done to tbo highways. There U not a single brirlga left in the throe counties. Wheat WP.J alia damaged. Death ol' a KIUIHUH I'o'ltli'Inn. ArlC'iilf.o.v , Kuii. , May 25. [ Kpoclal Tola- gram to Tirr Ur.R.j Limls M. Brlgg * of this city died of dropsy at Battto Creek. Mich. , Satunlay , aged fifty. Mr. Bring * was a famous pulltlc.lan In Kansas , and during thn last two terms of ex Senator lugnllH1 ofllcial life wus thul statesman's ' roniido'ttml uclvlser and misled lieutenant , Ilriffip wu also largely Inleifulcii in the Chwulcce strip when the cattlemen Lad poxaosiuuii of that country. Gonch'i. Murderer Got * Anotlu-r Trial. WICHITA , JCun. , Mny S3.--J. C. Adurnr , gantcucod to be.r.g next month for Ihu mur der of Captain William Couch of Oklahoma fanio , received a telegram from bis attorney toeluv In Washington , injlng tbo supreme court bad allowed tbo bill of exceptions lilfcJ and that a uo\r trial would bo gr&utol.