Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BBE : MONDAY , MAY 25 , 1801 ,
The Bcal Estate Owners' Association Defines
Its Flan of Campaign ,
Men Who AVIU Hcc Tlmt tlio Alms
or the Orftnnlzutlon Are Mnilo
Known to All
The Real nstato Owners' association lias
apencd nn olllco in room 2W Now York LUo
building , nnd placed a rosponntblo man In
charge. Tlio list will bo open to subscribers
between the hours of 8 a. m. anil ( J p. m. , noon
hour oxcrptod. Momlay over t vo hundred
other lists will bo placed In the hands of well
known citl/cns , bankers , real estate agents
and others , to cnnblo the property owners to
conveniently perform their part lu this great
This Is , In the broadest , sense , an owners'
organization , whoso aim will bo to sccuro the
location of manufactories and other business
enterprises In the city of Omalia , and rnlver-
tlso It with u view to Incroasn the Inllux of
capital and citizens. How much this nssocia-
tlyn can do to promote the host interests of
the city depend * entirely upon how well It
will bo supported. Every ono of the l.ttK )
real estate owners of Omaha should do his
part towards verifying Chauncey M. Depow'fl
prophetic words ! "Tnat Omahu was about to
become the center of the American business
empire the center from which would How
prosperity , colossal and magnificent , beyond
the dream of any Imagination. "
The subscription lists rends as follows :
"We , the undersigned real citato owners of
Omatm , Nob. , do hereby subscribe for the
number of shares set ocpeslto our names , of
the capital stock of ono dollar each , of the
Hc.-il Kstutn Owners' Association ot Omaha ,
nnd agree to pay for the same on delivery.
"Wo fuithor agree to contribute towards
the support of such association , each month ,
the sum set opposite our respective names as
monthly lines , nnd to hand the same over to
the oflkcrs or iigents authorised to receive It ,
without mitllnir said association to the ex
pense of calling upon us for the same , and
pledge ourselves to aid and support with our
Inllticnco , such association to tlio full extent
of our ability so long as It shall honestly
carry out the purpose for which It was or
ganised. Koservlng , however , the privilege
of withdrawing from this agreement at any
time by giving written notice and upon pay
ment of any subscription duo up to the tlmo
of our withdrawal. "
And attached to each list Is the following
certillcato and letter of Instructions :
"Chi UIA. Nob.May ! 20tMll. M Is horo-
bv authorised to receive subscriptions Jor
stock nnd monthly dues for "Tho Heal Kstato
Owners' Association of Omaha , " as per the
accompanying list No. and collect the
same. CJi OIUIK II Bones , President ,
l-Bti.l Guoiioi : P. lir.Mi" , Secretary. "
OMKIIA , Nob. , May ! > , ' ( , Ib'Jl.-Mr. '
Dear Sir : The Keal Hstato Owners associa
tion of Omaha , Nob. , has placed over two
hnndicd subscription lists In the hands of as
many representative men ot tuls cltv , with
the request that they themselves cither use
their own personal efforts , or delegate to
some trusted Giriployo authority to ilG so foi1
them , 'in obtaining subscriptions in aid of this
The association must rely for Its support
almost entirely upon monthly subscriptions ,
rather than upon subscriptions for stock. It
Is thcicforo desirable that you impress upon
the minds of subscribers this important fact ,
and ask them in making such subscriptions
tn ilvn tlio mutter duo consideration and to
only subscribe for such nn amount as they
feel perfectly able and willing to keep up nnd
promptly pay each month ; our aim being to
build up and maintain a strong , earnest and
honestly conducted organization , backed up
by men who mean business nnd who go into
It with their eyes open , fully determined to
support It to whatever extent they agree , so
long as It Is operated on business principles
in the intcicsls of Omaha.
I'lcaso have the subscriber sign for what
ever number of shares of stock ho may bo
willing to take , and also for whatever
amount ho may bo willing to pay monthly.
In explanation of about what Is expected , It
is thought by the association that if each
subscriber will taito from ouo to one hundred
shares of stock and contribute from Jl to $10
per month , according to their moans , a suftl-
ciont fund for operations can thus bo secured.
Wo would like , If convenient , for the sub
scriber to pay for stock and lirst month's
dues at the tlmo of signing ; but wo would
not debar anybody , nor miss good promises
to p ly , if the ( subscriber la not ] ust ready to
hand over the money ; leaving- such details to
your discretion ; you being authorised to
collect whatever they wish to pay.
While this Is understood to bo n real cstnto
owners' organization , and wo rely largely
upon owners for support , wo expect that all
good citizens having the welfare of Omaha
ut heart , will contribute to Its support.
Please make mo of every effort in your
power to turther the interests of the associa
tion and report progress Juno 1 , returning
the list to iho undersigned not later than
Juno 10. Yours respectfully ,
( Signed ) dconnn P. BRMI ,
The subscription lists will bo found nt the
ofllco of the following named clthons , nnd
every ono of the 15,001) ) real estate owners of
Otnalia should consider It his duty to call
upon them immediately and subscribe for
stock and monthly dues and not wait to bo
urged :
P. Metz , sr. , James Crolghton ,
Cadet Taylor , John A. Horbach ,
Ocorgo P. Brims , James K. Bed ,
George H. Hoggs , Low \V. Hill ,
John B. Kvans , A. J. Popploton ,
George N. Hicks , K. Hosowator ,
John T. Gathers , C. S. Chase ,
St. A. U. linlcombo , G. M. Hitchcock ,
D , J. O'Donahoe , Geonro L. Miller ,
JolmS. Gibson , P. ICrug , sr. ,
A. L. Heed , Chris Hurtman ,
Crary & Crary , H. N. Wlthnoll ,
K. A. Benson , Ghnilos Turner ,
\Vllllam S. Popploton , A. J. Hanscom ,
C. H. Scott , Charles j. ICnrbach ,
Herman ICountzc , James B. Kitchen ,
Joseph Mlllard , Samuel D. Mercer ,
C. W. Hamilton , Benjamin P. Smith ,
Max Mevor , Lowls S. Heed ,
il. W. Yatos. James M. Woolworth ,
John t. , McGapuo , John B. Plnlay ,
O. M. Cm tor , Henry Pundt ,
Alvln Suunders , A. P. Wood ,
J. J. Brown. James Porsyth ,
John A. Grelghton , Clement Chase ,
W. A. Pax ton , George W. Llnlngcr ,
Samuel , 10. Hogcrs , Warren Swlt/lcr ,
I ) . Kendall , Henry Bolln ,
A. J. Simpson , G. C. George ,
Guy G. Barton , W. J. Con neil ,
George B. L'lko , Jesse H. Lni-y ,
Mulr As UnyloiU , Mead Investment Co ,
Gims. Kaufman & SonSamuel Mortenson ,
& Fllchett Heed
Mlumaugh , i
GcorgoJ. Paul , James K. Hlloy & Co. ,
Hcndrlx Brothers , W. Pnrimtn Smith ,
H. Homan , K. M. Stciiberg ,
George J. StornsdorffArthur Johns'on & Bro ,
J. M. Motoalf , Jlalloy .t Olson ,
K. P. Hlngor , K. K.'N uitlo A ; Co ,
K. S.Hoad , Louis Bradford ,
James Stookdals , John A. Wakonelcl ,
J. H. McConnell , Howell Lumber Co. ,
Charles Gonnoycr , George H. Hqagiand ,
S. S. Van Huron , Charles N. Deitz ,
G , G. Wallace , Chicago Lumber Co. ,
M. T iMtrlck , Cndy it Ginv ,
Midland State Bank. , Gharlos K. Hcltor ,
Union National Bank , John It. Baldwin ,
A. G , Powell , Podcr Pederjon ,
AV. H. Hussrll , H. Jacobson ,
J. W. Harris , Hcv. 13.A. Poglestrom ,
D , L. Thoiuns , Goo.W.fc ( . .O.Aincs ,
Omalm L. and T. Co. , VVanklln II. Monroe ,
Omaha Savings Bua > ? . C. Bruiiner ,
W. K Kurtz , Nt.Bank of Commerce ,
The O. P. UavU Lu , . Bonawa & Co. ,
John P. Flack , Martin Ittnor ,
loan N. Prcnicr , D.CoUlns.Soo.nidEx.
f , J , Gibson , . Nasou , Scc,13.T ,
T. S. Glarkson , Citizens' Hank.
Henry Ittner , Com. National tinnk ,
John Johnson , Casey Hotel ,
Helm Sash & Door CoLittle ft , Mc
Barber Asuhalt Pavijnarles Unlit ,
Ing Co. , Junes Stophcnson ,
Mendelssohn , Phhcr Nebraska Fuel Co. ,
& Lmirlo , Coutant & Squires ,
C. 3. Raymond , Joseph Garneau , Jr. ,
George Armstrong , Omaha Club ,
Wheeler & Wheeler , N. B. Falconer ,
M. H. Hlsdon , Goodman Drug Co. ,
William Fleming , Klrkcndall , Jones ft
J. A. Lovegrn , Co. ,
G. W. Heed , Rector & Wllhclmy
Hotel Barker , Co. .
Ulumcr & Chardo , Lcc.Clarir , Andrecsec
tiustnv Bonckc , Hardware Co. ,
Paxton Hotel , John P. Daley ,
Hotel Murray , Hichardson Drug Co. ,
Mlllard Hotel , P. H. McConnell ,
Merchants Hotel , Charles A. Coo & Co. ,
Kd Mauror. S. P. Morse & Co. ,
W. V. Morse & Co.
How It Game About.
Now , doctor , It's no use. I've taken your
stuff over six month nnd I don't get well
worth a cent my liver nnd stomach arc out
of order , so ycu sav , but all your medicine
goes for naught. Now , I am going to quit
your remedies and tnko Hallor's Sarsnparllla
ami Burdock It cured mo once before when
I was all run down , and I have faith to uo-
llovo It will do so again.
Itollrtl u Drunk.
The police department received a telegram
from Deadwood , S , D. , yesterday , giving a
description of Will Hull and asking for his
ancst. It was supposed that Hull would ar- ,
nvo on the ft :20 : Fremont , Klkhorn & MU :
sourl Valley train. Ofllcor Keyser was at
the depot and recognized Hutt by the tele
graph description , and immediately placed
him under arrest.
Hutt was considerably surprised , and at
first denied that ho was the man wanted.
Finally ho admitted it and stated that ho was
wanted for rolling a drunk.
The pilsoner was employed as a waiter in
the Gem theater wine-room , and succeeded
in getting a visitor drunk and stealing S-iOO
from him.
Hutt was arrested In this city some mouths
ago as a suspicious character.
The entering wcdgo of a complaint that
may prove fatal Is often a slight cold , which
n dose or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
might have cured at tno commencement. It
'would bo well , therefore , to keep the ron.cdy
within reach nt times.
Kii ] > ltl Transit nnd Improved Train
Service \latlie Pennsylvania Lines.
With the coining of the honied term
Long Branch , Atlantic City and Capo
Muy , Newport , Mui'tlm's Vineyard ,
Nnnluukot and the other places of sum-
men1 sojourn along the const of Now
Joi-bcy , Malno and Miisbitohsotts , as well
as the resorts of the eastern mountains ,
coino into the thoughts of thousands of
persons in all parts of Urn United States.
For to thefco rotrcat : ) , where there are
hotels and hoarding houses suited to
every requirement and every purse ,
conic all sorts and conditions of men in
mifbuit of the health and vigor brought
by the refreshing waves and strengthen
ing air. Under tlio scheduleof tlio
Pennsylvania lines , which will shortly
bo placed in effect , tlioro will
bo cspcciul adaptation of through
train and through car service
for reaching these resorts. Past express
trains wiUiPulltnan sleepers and dining
cars will arrive at Philadelphia in time
for conneo'tion with trains that bring the
Now Jon-ay coast within two hours of
that city. Connection will bo made with
the trains that run from Now Yorlc
throughout Now England and with boats
of the Fall river line that afford facility
for a most delightful journey to the re
sorts of the Now England coast. Tickets
via the Pennsylvania lines can bo pro
cured at any principal railway ticket
olllco throughout the west and north
west. A prospective map showing the
situation of the various resorts and a
concise description of their attractions
can be obtained upon application to
George Jenkins , Traveling Passenger
Agent , Dubuque , In.
Iost Illmsrir Again.
George L. Taylor , collector of the J. I.
Case Implement company nt Nebraska City ,
Is missing. Taylor left homo last Thursday
to como to Council Bluffs to make a settle
ment with H. H. Van Brunt. Since his
Interview with Van Brunt nothing has been
seen or heard of him. Taylor disappeared
once before and was gene for some time.
When ho visited Council Bluffs ho had tn
his pos session a number of valuable papers.
The po lice ore on the lookout for him.
DoWltt's Little Early Hisers. Best llttlo
pill over made. Cure constipation every
time. None equal. Use them now.
American Wondci'H.
Yellowstone park is beyond all ques
tion ono of the world's great wonders ,
and tlio Union Pacific excursion in July
will bo the event of the season. Ask
your nearest Union Pacific agent about
Offered to Sell Out.
About a week ago the residence of W. H.
Pahs , 1113 Park avenue , was burglarized
and about $50 worth or Jewelry and cutlery
Inlrnn. r.n , t. nlpht. nlinnr. 1(1 ( n'nln lr n mnq.
longer went to the house nnd stated that the
thrives wore \\altlng and ready to sell the
stolen plunder. Mr. Pahs declined the offer
and notified the police.
The Howe scale took lirst promicm at Pnlla
dclphia , Paris , Sydney and other exhibitions.
Borden & Sellcck Co. , Agts. , Chicago.
Tlio Pnvton Hotel Fire
Did not pIToct the hotel proper in any
way so as to with the operation
of the house. Only the annex was dam
aged and guests have been cared for
without Iho interruption of a blngloday.
In the northern count ! cs of the state iho
Increase In the acreage of llax and broomcoru
is enormous.
DoWitt's Little Early Klsers , best pill.
Knttiexitf fletliiunor leu uuttir lhhht.nlJittu
ccntt ; eucli ml ittlmml line ten cent * .
Sl'r.l.ljMA\--luldle , yeunguit sun of IMwunl
and Murguut , at 4 p. m , at family resi
dence , inntheast corner buvcntventii and
MamlcrM > n Htruets.
1'iuieiiil lo.luy ut 3 p. in , Interment St.
Marys cemetery. l'i lends luvltud.
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard ,
i Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky
Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable
and Wholesome.
L Xfo other baking powder does such work.
Our great sale of Men's Suitstat seven dollars and a half -which is now in progress promises to beat any sale war
have ever held. Our regular customers are so accustomed to getting bargains of us that it takes something out of the
ordinary run to startle them , but we've succeeded this time. Around the tables set apart for this great sale , aJl day long
you'll hear : "That beats anythingll ; ever saw. " "That's good enough to wear anywhere. " "Say ! Jim ! that suit is just
exactly as good as the one John paid fifteen dollars for. " Once in a while some doubting fellow comes in expecting tq
find about an eight dollfar suit for seven fifty. He picks up one worth fifteen dollars , examines it carefully , says confidentially - >
fidentially to a salesman : "That airn't seven and a half , is it ? " and when told that it is , about all he can say is : "W-e-1-1 ,
b-y g-o-s-h ! "
They are in all sizes , in Sacks , Frocks and Cutaways.
They are in plain , plaids , stripes , checks , mixtures , pepper and salt , &c.
They arein , brown , blue , black , gray , tan , steel , slate , gold and brown mixtures , &c. t
They rfre suits many of which are worth fifteen dollars , the majority of them worth fourteen , thirteen , twelve , and
eleven dollars , and not a single suit in the entire lot that can be matched under ton dollars in this country.
They are made of all wool cassimeres , diagonals , cheviots , tweeds , flannels , and silk and \vool mixed cassimeres.
They are made of goods that will stand by a man like a poor relation.
They are cut in style , lined and trimmed in shape , and made just as well as suits sold for twice the price [ many of
them are silk-faced ] .
We placed eighteen hundred of these suits on sale on separate tables last Wednesday morning , all in one lot , alt
at the uniform price of
YSO : :
We were crowded with , lookers , lookers became buyers , buyers became our best ad vertisements , because they
found out that they had a bargain and were not slow to tell of it.
To make it more interesting for the old soldier who defended his country in the hour of her need , we will add to
the sale for this week three hundred G. A. R. Suits , made of the very best all wool indigo blue flannel , with either singly
or double breasted sack coats , made with eyelets for interchangeable buttons [ G. A. R. buttons being furnished free ] .
These suits , like the old soldier in the time of the late unpleasantness , "They fit , and fit , and fit. "
Don't wait ; the sooner you get here , the better for you. ( Why not look in our east show window and let the suiti
talk to you ) .
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets.
Cuns nil disorders of ( ho Stomach , Liver , Kowels , Kl leny , Itliuldsr , Nervous
Dhcases , Loss of Appetite , Hcmlnclic , ConstIpatiun. Costivuirjs ? , IniligoslI HI , Bilious
ness , i'cicr , Piles , lite , , and renders the sjstrm less liable to contract disease.
RAPWAY'S PILLS are cure for this complaint. They tone up the Internal secretions to
healthy nation , restore strength to the stomach , and on'ihlo It to uorFnrm Its functions.
1'rlco 2JO u box. Sold by all UrugsUts , or mulled by UAUWAY & CO. , ( ti Warren Street , Now
York , on receipt of price.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Boventcen years ornorleneo. A regular crfttiiata In m"4'olne. ' at dlplonm show. Is still trotln ? with
the greatest success , ( ill Norvom , Chronicnnrt 1'rlvato Dhoiiui. A pormnasntouro unnrantool tar Cntiirrli
E | > ermntorrliBn , Lost Mnntiooil , Nominal Weakness , Nlnht I.onm. Impotoncr , Srplillls. Btrlcturo , ami nil nl -
cases oftlio Illood.Skln nnd Urlnarjr Ornitns. Nil. I uunrunteo IS'JJ for oforr case 1 undertiko anil fill I )
euro. Consultation freo. Book ( Mjriterles of Ufa ) lout frej. UHcobourj V a. in. to 3 p. in. banJar ID
a. m. to 12 in. '
We should like to give a
new chimney for every one
that breaks in use.
We sell to the wholesale
dealer ; he to the retail dealer ;
and he to you.
It is a little awkward to
guarantee our chimneys at
three removes from you.
We'll give you this hint.
Not one in a hundred breaks
from heat ; there is almost no
risk in guaranteeing them.
Talk with your dealer about it.
It would be a good advertise
ment for him.
'Pearl top' and 'pearl glass , '
our trade-marks tough glass
I'lttabute. Oto. A. UAcuirin A , Co.
No. 108,110 , & 112 N. Eleventh St. ,
U'rotpctoil by I ) . P. l atonls. |
Muiiiifautuiurg ot lion and Sti'ul Itlhhon
runclnx ; I < : i > tn and Yard Puneoj for lol-
duiii'i'sj Tut in , Stock. 1'iirlf and Cuinuturv
IViiL'uiii 100 htylus Wrontiht Iron I'luUut
I'liiiccai Iron N axe < < . ClinlrH , botti'CH anil Cri'at-
Inns , solo itKuntH for " .suild lluol.lhoni Uul-
vanUuatJtvul ItllibonVlrot. . "
Telephone 1772. Eoutl for Catalogue ,
SKI : sAMi'us : AT FAOrOUY ,
uxay forail thi
nnnaiuinl ClaihniKOs un > ]
private dlieates ol men. A ,
certain cure for tbvd hlll <
IMlnit vre knci peculiar
lu nmrn ,
Ipr acrlbeU Ditfeelsfa
In recommending It to
Mol't l > y nr
tinlUlin ; : , Unltud Statcui Indian scliool scr
vice , Guno.i Industrial school , ( iuiioa , Neb. ,
Hay 8 , 1891. Scaled proposals , endorsed "Pro
posals far croutlon uf school bulldliiK , " nnd
ml dressed to the unileralKiied ut Genoa , Nub. ,
will bo iceelvcd at this school until 1 o'clock
of June 1 , 1bl , forfiirnlshlns the material and
uroctluxu Rirls' brick dormitory building on
the school grounds In accordance with plans
nnd specifications that tuny bo exanitnod at
tliootllcu of the "Hue" ut Omaha , Nub. , ami ut
this school. The ncci' * > sary oxfitvatlon and
will bo done by the school and the
ijravcl ri'qnlred In concrete \\orlc fnrnlshod ,
iiiiscrucnuil on the ground , i without cost to
the contnictor. Cortlllcd UhccUy. Kncli bid
must bo aconmimnlod by a cortllled
cheulc or draft upon some United Htatvsxloiios-
llory or solvent irttloiril bunk In the vicinity
of the lilddur's place ot bimlnc-,9 , made piy- :
able tn the outer of the eomni ssldner or Iii-
dlnn alia Irs , for at least f > per cunt of the
amount of the proposal , uhlcli chock or dtaft
will bo forfeltoil to the Unllcd htatesln ease
any bidder or bidders recolvlni ? mi au-uid
shall fall to pronxptly execute a contract \\Ith
Rood an'l hiilllclent-surctlos otherwise to bo
returned to the bidder. The rlsit | U rcsoncil
tn reject any and all bids or any part of any
hid If diu'ineil for' the ht > - > t InliiriHls ot the
service. W , U. llaulcus , Snpcrlntondent
Xotlct ! tu Contractors ,
Notice N hereby p4ven that sealed bids will
bo recolvo.l by the Do ml of iiiibltu lands and
bnlldliUHut iho dflleu of the secretary of
state ut Lincoln. Nub. , nut , 1 the "nil day ot
June. Ib'JI , at 4 o'clock p. m. , for the orci'tlon ,
construction and unijiplotloii of u two-story
brluk and stone bnlldliu Known us "The bluto
Imlttit rial School Mr llnys and Ulrls , " to be
erect cil nt Geneva , J'lllmoro county , fiob , us
per plans , hpoullloatlons and do-.i ns now nn
llloln tlio olllco of the commissioner of public
lands and Imlldlnusut Lincoln , Neb.
Contrac'tow wlllilioroqiilrod to conform to
rules uml regulations asset forth In specifi
cations adorned bytho board.
The Ixi ml leacrvej tlio tl ht to reject any
and all bids.
Dated ot UncolnNob. , May 0 , 1801.
A. It. HUMiMllir.v.
President Hoard Piiblln I , mils und llulldlnga
Attest ; JOII.N C Aui.iiN , Sceiutiiry of .State
. Jo eph & Oruiitl Island railroad
compan } ' stockholders' meotlnj ? . The nn- inooiliiirnt tliuhtocKholdcriiof thebt. Jo-
bcph.S : Uraml Islund rullrouil company for
. thecholconf directors for the onsulnc year ,
I uml the transaction of any other business
\\liloli may ln.'aUy como before the mcet-
1 IiUvlll be hold at the olllco of said
company In I'.lwood. Kan. , on Tues
day , the Utli ilny of Juno. IS'it at 10
o'clock a. in , The Mock transfer books will bo
cloned for this purpose thirty datit before the
ditto of the inentln ; . Alexander Miller , hecri-
tury , lliHton. Muss , . Muy u , IHJI. Mil 1H ' . ' 3 JB
H °
For YOlinOVO.M ir : < nud ( ! IltI.S.
Large Illuntratcd CaUlozue sent on uppllcaUoD.
llev , IX N , KNULISII , M. A. , I'rlnclpal.
The Boulevards of Pans. By
Fram-lsquo Sarcoy. [ Grait Streets Ser
ies. ] Illustrations by Juannlot.
Parson Foycs Justice. Story
by Maria Blunt.
Safety on the Atlantic. By
William II. IUdoln3. [ Ocean Steamships
Merles. ] Elaborately Illustrated.
An Alabama Courts/lift. Con
cluding part of F. J. Stlmpson's story.
Molicrc. By Andrew Lang.
With a portrait ( frontpleDe ) .
Boys' Clubs. By Evert Jansen
Wendell , with drawings by Herbert
German Sketches. I. The
Czar's Plainond.-II. Ily the 111. Hy
Ullss 1'orry.
Lwninoits Objects. Photo-
Rraphcd by their own lUht. Hy Wallace
Ooolil Lcvlson. With nviny llliibtr.itlons
The War as we See it Now.
Ily John C. Hopes.
The Point of View. Mr. Morley -
ley and lltoratiuo Legislation and the
Quaclc Aji American ronalssinto The
Matron lu Fiction.
Poems by Miss Thomas , Miss
Gulnuy and Chatles R Lummls.
25 cents ; $3.00 a year.
Graduate Dentist
A Full Hot of Teeth on llnbbor ,
for HVi : IIOM.AUS. A porfoU
lltcimrantoed. Teeth oitructol
iS without puln or daiiKor. nnl
V * without nnnosthotlc * . tiold und
i * ll\or tllllniM lit liiwdtl rivut , .
llrldiro nnd Crown Work Tontli
_ _ without pliitui All orlc w&r-
Kntrnnco , llitli itrcot olovator. Open ovcnlnift
until a u'cluct.
National Bank
Capital , - - - - $400,000
Surplus Jan. 1st , I80O. - Oii.SOO
Oniccrt and Dlroctors Ho.-rr W Ynto * , I'rotldonti
I wl H. Uuuil , Vlco-l'romlunti Jnmo W aavaio. W
V.Monc. John 8. Colllni. It tl Ouililn ; , J. N U
I'utrlck. W , li. 3. lluunoi , rnililar ,
Corner IJtli nud Karna'iiSti
A Ocncrftllltiiikln i lluslii ei-j'l'r.iniaato I
Pnftcrtnj from
the erteets ol
P r n u HW WWHVU
f arlr Uecny. wo tln wealtn < ( , loit UdUhiioj I , etc.
1 wfll K-n.ln . valuable treailw " ' ' . 'II ' "r" 1' '
full particular * for homo euro , I'll UK .
A splendid me.lleal orltt . .lioiild Iw read by ever j
mini whn Is ntrvom ami
f. I'.O. I'OWsjl'.H.Moodu * , Coiiu
nnnllTa SANUAI.WOOD CAI-SUI.KS ' ! ' "
IIIMill I A tmttnnd only capsules proscribed by
UUUUI n , „ , „ ! , , , piyiitvn for the curj of
Qoaorbo * and dlituarKJ * lroj tu ! uriujry ur ans
uucrltvd ur acquucd. II. W per box. All drunjUls.
Floral Conversatory.
South East Oor. G and 17th , Lincoln , Neb
W. S. Sawyer & Co.
General collection of plants and cut flowers
always on hand , Floral designs , bouquets
basUotH , etc. , for p-irtlcs. Weddings and fun-
als a specialty , and sent to any purt oftlio
state. I'llco fico. Discount to tinier
aUcrson funeral work. Tuluulionc , : ! 44.
1(1 ( luWIlUfll I
Kortho t oatment of all CIIHONIC AMI )
DISKAri 103. llracu , Appllancut for Doforraltlui and
TrUBMoe * ! . Heat Kacllltlos , Apptratus cud Itomedloi
forsuccoisful treutuiont of ovury form of dl o
requlrlnu Modlcalor Surgical Treitmont , NINICl'V
ItOO.MS KOU I'ATIKNKS , lloird and Attcndnnca
llo-t Accniimiodatlont Wot.Vrlto for circulars on
Deformltlci nnd llrncos , Tnmo , Club l-oet , Currit.
turoi of Hplno , I'lloi , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh
Ilronchltli , , Kluctrlrlty , I'nnilrJli , Kplt-
ey y , Kldnoys , lllndder , llyo. Kir , Skin and Illoixl ,
and all Hurnlcnl ( iperntloni. DISKASIW Oh' WO.MKN
nfiH'Clalto. Hook 01 Dlioaios of Women Kroo. Wo
hntolntely nddedu lylnx-ln lopnrlm nt for Woman
Durlnit contlnouu'iit ( Htrlcllr I'rlvnto I Only Uoll-k-
l.lo Mudlcnl Inotltiito Mnklntt a Hpuclally of I'HI-
All illJodil ciVo < surcoisfnlly tronlol. Mwtlolna
ir Initrunipiittnt by mull or iixpron teouroly
pncki'd , no uiirln 10 Indlc'iito contents or on lor
Ono pornonn , lnt r l'iw pruferrod. Cull and consult
UK or uttnd hit ory ut your ta < , nml wo will end In
? .ln wr"p ! Vr our I1015K I'O MEN rilUKl upon j-rl-
rate. SpecUl or Nervous Dlsoanoj , wltbquaiUon UK
Address nil lttlirtto
A. T. McLnuohlln , President ,
ttli tiiul Huruoy Streots. Umuhx
Beet Sugar Enterprise
W Cents a Year.
Ixjeusl nnd 'third St. , - Crand Island , Neb
Duroted to Iho development of tlio beat siiKiir In
dustry In the United Mate * M.innfm tiirlnx Hiiunr
Irom lioelOiai proven niurecH * both In California
nndNnbrntLu. The nrenicu percent of siiKarln Nt"
kraika beitu la 10J p r ( ent. In ( icrmnny U.M
( iermany mnnufiictureinnnunlly IVXUUO ) ton , nor'J ;
thnn any olhercounliy Inlliu world. Tlio U H. Im'
portsiinmmlly l.WjOuutoni of im r , which nt llvo
cents per pound , would amount tu II.VJOOVXQ. Hmll
Iho U , H. maiiufncturo her own nuiiarl hi'edlnu ,
cullhatlnir , liiirvotlnvmid uiannfaiturliK Iho suvar
bceldltciiitedln the licet Hiijttir KntcrprUo. bund
stamps lor Haiuplo vopy Oraml Inland. Nub.
llaguulc liliullc'iruss Co , , Ijiu I'raucUco , Cat
Morotlmn U yo.iM experience In Iho treatment of
A euro Kuaruntccd In 3 to R < lar , without Ijolon of
un hoilr'a tlmu.
Tlio most complete anil nbvilulo euro for ulcct nod
nil nrinoylnn illsclmrKui ever knonn to tlio medical
profession , t'ormiinontly curoil In froiuOtulU dajrj *
Or pnln In relieving tlio blmlilur euro ! without pnlq
or Instruments , nu cultlnu , no clllatlnn 'lliuiuusl
rcmnrknbloromcd ) knonn to modern sclquco.
Cnrcrt In .10 to CO duynDr. . .Mrlirew's treatment for
this terrible blooddlsomolrn bvon pronounced tu
mo t successful loiniMly over itlicovoriiil for thp nb
solute euro of tlio Ills succeai with I nil
dlscano lint nuver buon equallo 1. A couipluto cur >
guaranteed.LOST MANHOOD
ncsB.all woiknoiKOs oftl o ovunl oiyam , norvoui.
And timidity nnd despondency absolutely curoa.
Til crolluf Is lmiucdluu < and cumplcto. - _
nnd nil dlsca o < of tlio liloo.l , llror , klJneys , and
blnddor permanently curod.
Tlio doctor "Ifoino Troatmnnt" for Indies Is pro *
nomirud by nil who have moil II to bo the nioit cum-
plelnund convi'iilonl rumudy over otlurcd fur thil
treatmcntof reiinilu illsuuioi li Utruly n wonderiui
remedy. Hours for liullos , from 'i to 4 only.
Marvellous niicccss In tlio tren'.menl of rrlvato dli-
o.iscs lias wiin for him n reputation which Is trulp
nation il In ilinr.irter , and hli unit nriuy ur patient )
readies from the Atlantic to the Tactile. 'IhuduUor
Is n Kmdunto of "reuulnr" incdltlno and his h f
lonK and cniaful uxporlenco In hoipltal practltu ,
and Is claused amonx tlio ica.llim spcclnllnti In mod'
crn cclenco. Troiitinvnt by uirruspomlanrarlto
for circulars about each of thu nbovo dl > one , freo.
Olilce , 14th and Karnam Streets , Omaha
Nob. Entrance on otthor btroot.
AVondurful bpsnlih
Itenndy , U Mild Mltlift
> \'rlttrtuiuurantvo
to euro all ; iervou llt ) >
e > M > , eucti ai Wtnlc
MejiHir ) , ixjii of Ilrala
P o w o r. It o & d a c h e ,
Wnkt f illness , Lo t Man
hood , NC rvouiuin , IAI-
sltuilc. all drains aDl
Botoro Sc After Uoo. Ion of povtr of tha
rbotogrspbcd from life. Oeneratl\o OrKani , In
sex. raujed 1)7
i a pscUi-gc , or for fS. with evfry W order we
a wrlttnn KUiiriiiitcn to euro < ir rjifiiiiil the
inonoy. Bent by mall tn any ailJrui. ClrcuUr frie.
. Irntlon thli paper. Addrets ,
MADHID CHEMICAL CO , , llranctiOffice for U. S. A.
417 le rhorn Htrr/t. OIIICAnn. II.U
Kuhn & Co. , Cor , IStli A Ilouitlim SI
J A. Tiillcr &fu , Cor Hlh ft linuitliuBU.
I ) Fiwlrr A Co . ivniiii il Illull- l
Up ut t
Mo * uf fuu5 , wllhoul tno knowlbclca ol ion p Unl ,
it neoe.oary. K Is absoluuly liirultMK ana will - , -
t puriujooiit and p ody our * , whether i.
llaoi vrMtadrlillKsroraii aloguolluu r ok. IT AKVttu
> All.s. It oporatu * so ( julutly and nub suob o.r.
taiaty tlml tlitt p ti.nt uaderaoos no InoonTtnlenc * .
and era nt \ aware , bis rompltle mlornjallcu 14
rrootod 4Dpisabc ; > okntparllcularifr a 'lu tfhartol
1UUN it CO. , JOUi Uoiyl s , & I Mil ft.tunilng . Bit.
pi-'lrads Kuppll.d by U KB. JIUUCB i CO , tnd
< , ( r nii N nwi/artt r-'n * > ?
Any lady , send slump mid 1111 fri' nm.lo
I pn ( kiiKo of l.y-nian'M n.ik Miif tpoiltlo for Ivt
m i lu'I roubles nnd l. < iiiccurl r.i , tlni must mo-
tm.ful fuumlo ruiiivdy in or sold. Von villl ice
tlioiucolloiit oRcTt ullor Inkliu tliodrtt treat-
I merit II.UJ ul drtividils or by wall.