Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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Pally Ili > n < wllhnutHiinilayQnoYcar ) , . . f S M >
Dully nml fund nr. Ono Yeir. : . . . . . . . . 10 no
HI * niontni . . ' . . ' . . C.OO
1tiii-nninntli . SM
Pundnr llir , Onn Yonr. . -00
Hi4tiirdiv HOP , Ono Your . 1 W
Weekly lice , Ono Your. . . . . . 1W
orVHT.8 :
Dmnhn. Tlic lire lliilldln ? .
Fouth Omnlin , Corner N tuiil 26th StrrnU
Council HIiilT * , 12 I'carl Htroor.
Clitcntri ) onice.IU" Clmmlior of Oonimrrco.
N tw Vork , Ioom ( ii : , Huliil Ift.TrlhnnolIulldlng
\Vathlngton , M.'l Fourteenth stiooU
cm. . nnm > NmNcii
All communications relating to news mul
rclllorlnl matter should bo addressed to the
l.'dtlurlal Department.
. and remlttani-rsslionM
1)0 ) nddrr.wd to Tliu Ileo 1'tlbllslilnir flonipuny ,
Omaha. llrnfta , nlicrkfl nnd postiilllro orders
to l > o inmln j.ayablo to tlio urdur of tlio coin
pun/ ,
The Bee Piiblisliiut Comply , Frooriclnrs
County of .
Ooonru II. Tchnclf , smjrot.-xrv of The
r > il > llflhuK ! roinpiiny , does solemnly swear
11ml tinHvtunl rlrrulutlon of Tun DAII.V HER
for tlio wouk ending May 2J. 1601. was us
follow * :
Hiimlny. Mny 17 . W.tW
Monrtav. Mny W . M.103
'luntdnv. MHV III . HUH
"TVVJiirtnay. A'uv OT . aWM
Thurmlnv. Miiy'21 . aWll
rrldnv. Miv : 21 . -I"1 * ' "
Hntiirdny. May yj . a .tS5
Avernco . 2 , : il
Sworn to hpforo HIP nnd snlwrll.iiil lu my
prrtcnco tlilsliird duy of Mny , A. I ) . 1X01.
N. I' . I'Kir.
Notary I'libllo.
Mntr of Nebraska , I
Comity of DoiiKtiiK. r"
firoryo H. 'Irscliuck , 1'Olng ' duly vnrn , rto-
rnsrKniid suyit dial lie Is sccrctniy of TnisllKK
rtibllsliliiiiriiiijp.'iiij , mat tlin nctunl nvoniRC
dnily rlrrulntlon of TUB lUit.v IIKR
for tlio month of May. IB'-'O , 20.1WJ
copious for .hint ; . JfCT , SC.fOI roplos ;
for . Inly , MX ) , SO.i'.ft ) topics ! for Alienst. 18 ! 1.
lO.TDD coile | i for Feptinnlier , lfOOaS70 copies ;
for Octnljir. 18DO. if,7C2 copies ! for Novptn-
l.rr. JfPP. K.l.'ai roplos ; for Dncrnilirr. 1SX ! ) ,
E',471 copies ! for .liumnry , 1MI , Sfl.HO roples ;
for I'Vliriinry. ' IKll. ! ! 5ii2 : copies ! for Mtrcli ,
JHil.H.tM copies. for April. 1 > I. KMCS cople.s.
liKonnE II. T7.stiitcK. :
Pworn to 1 eforo nip. nnd subscribed In my
rifscncr. tlilsiMdityof Mny , A. ! > . . 1NU
N. P. ,
Notnrv I'ublle.
COM ) IIiu , grows bolter nnd better
from day to day. It la a rich mining1
cnmp unless nil sij ns arc to bo ills-
countcd 100 ) ior cent.
NATUUAI.TA the question 'irises what
sort of a polioo force Chicago must hnvo
enjoyed if100 of thorn could bo retired
for incoinpotcncy la a bunch.
MAYOII CUSIIINO isdiBguatcd with the
domocnvllo majority of the city council.
Mayor Gushing Is in entire harmony
with the people of Omaha in this par
RELIGIOUS Intolligouco from all di
rections indicates that there la some
thing In the atmosphere which broods
dlssonHions. It is possibly a microbe of
charity , liberality and tolonmco.
LAST week Delaware hold a-constitu
tional convention , presumably on the
principle that the fossilized form under
which the "throo counties" have been
governed should bo exposed to the 3un-
ahino at least once a century.
OMAHA officials , especially tlioso con
nected with the street improvement de
partments , are devoting themselves
chiefly to drawing their salaries. It is
about tlmo they bognn to do something
toward earning as well as drawing their
monthly stipends. There are only five
months of the working season loft.
TUB returned Nebraska delegates to
the Cincinnati convention are of the
opinion that the tariff question is of
small Importance In the next' presiden
tial contest , flat money and sub-treas
ury schemes are in their judgment of fat *
inoro vital Interest. The Nebraska In-
donondont is certainly to bo cominondod
for his frankness , whatever may bo said
of his foresight.
TliEprlnco of Wales' health is said to
bo lu a precarious condition , but It does
not dolor the heir apparent to the
crown of Great Britain from visiting the
theatres , participating in the court balls
orbottingontho horseraces. Although
an Invalid , very much In debt and n
grandfather , the gay prince continues to
porlovm those ofliclul "duties cheerfully
and assiduously.
YANKTON will entertain the convon
tlon of aiding citizens of South Dakota
for devising ways and moans to partial
pate In the world's fair , this week. It
goes without saying that our ontorprls
Ing sister on the north will make her
presence ioit in Chicago in 18)3 ! ) , in splto
of tho'want ' of patriotism oxhlbltod by
her late loose jointed and lamented al
llunco legislature.
No level .headed farmer will grlovo
because the April ocean shipments of
corn are loss than for years before , so
long aa ho can sell what little ho olTers
now for 00 eontu a bushel anil buyers are
willing at this tlmo to contrat for all
ho can raise this your at from 3o to 45
conts. The American farmer Is per
fectly satisfied with a homo market , so
long , at lonst , 113 tlioso prices prevail.
Tins unveiling of the statue of Lin
naeus , the Swedish botanist , brings to
mind the marvelous researches of this
scientist , whoso blrtfiplaeo and early
homo was in the frigid north , whore
both the number nnd variety of plants Is
limited and the season * of obsorvatloi
confined to a few months of the your
Beginning with the liohons of his homo
ho pursued his Investigations through
out his lifetime , and when death clalnux'
him ho hud discovered and named more
plants than any other man then living ,
TllKitK is no warrant of law for hiring
a special attorney by the board of edu
tlon. When the position was created
four years ago , the city attorney was
without assistance nnd there was a good
excuse for the board's action. Now tha
the city employs three attorneys , one o
'thorn might bo assigned to the occa >
slonal service of the board of cducatlor
nnd thus save $500 n year to the schoo
fund. However , an attorney has beet :
elected by the board and unless some
taxpayer raises the question It is prob
able ho will draw his salary with bo-
coining regularity nnd the three clt ,
attorneys will do likewise.
A nntaiiTKit FOH
For several yeara the agriculturist has
suffered from tlio low price of stock nnd
farm products. The supply of both has
greatly exceeded the demand through
out the greater part of the world. I'oor
crops in various sections of the United
States have boon counterbalanced by
largely Increased production olso-
where. The Inuncnso agricultural
areas of tlio world , nnd especially of
America , have boon extensively" peopled
and the product of the soil correspond
ingly Increased without a proportlonato
enlargement of the markets. The reac
tion which follows i\ia \ rush of millions
Into a prolitable Industry has boon oxj/c-
rionccd nnd hundreds of thousands who
would otherwise have boon farmers have
turned tholr ongorlos In ether direc
tions. Farmers and stook growers have
been the unfortunate victims of a com
bination of disastrous circumstances
loading from unprofitable prices
to failure of crops. it Is not
surprising that they , have grasped
t every suggestion which had in It a
promise of rollof , howavor visionary it
nay have Hoomod to the o more fortu-
ntoly situated.
The era of depression now appears to
iavo boon pusdod. The general failure
if crops on this side the great ocean has
Iceroased the supply of food products
ind the withdrawal of capital from the
'nngos ' has ro-oslablLshod the equilib
rium , which makes a demand for moats
it Improved prices. The products of the
'arm and mngo are today bringing
remunerative returns and the world la
demanding food from every production
Hold. The supply from foreign farms
promises to bo greatly below the de
mand for homo consumption , and Amor-
ca will require a vast quantity , largely
ucroascd bv the centralization of the
population In cities and the diversion
of hundreds of thousands of farmers trom
the Holds of ether forms of employment.
Jociprocity is opening up now foreign
fields and the revival of manufacturing
ndustrius long running on short tlmo or
closed entirely Is also contributing its
share toward establishing the proper'
mlanco of commerce which is opito- in Iho trade maximum of "llvo
: md lot llvo. "
The dawn of a brighter day la broak-
ng upon the farm. Well til'lod soil will
iiorcaftcr pay good profits. There is
comparatively little aroablo domain un
occupied and it will probably bo years
before HO great and mul don an onlargo-
ncnt of tlio aggregate food production
as to glut the markets of .tho world will
occur. The development of ether indus
tries anJ the growth of population has
very materially increased the number
of consumers all over the world.
Land will Increase In value as Its
cultivation grows profitable and the
'armor will again become , as ho
should bo , the most independent citi/.en
of the republic. The political agitation
will eventuate In ro'forms at the hands of
whatsoever party may control states
ind nations and the burdens of corporate
monopolies controlling transportation
lines and of corporate combinations for
manipulating price's will be lifted. The
future is bright for the farmer and par
ticularly for the western farmer.
It Is not easy to dtotormlno how far
Aincrlcnri interests might bo affected by
the projected European customs coali
tion , of which the latest cable dispatches
make mention. It is plain from those
advices that Germany has boon actively
at work for some time in furtherance of
a plan which , if successful , might place
her in a position of comparative Inde
pendence of the American market , and
It would seem that there is
favorable promise that it will
succeed. The scheme , as par
tially sot forth , contemplates a policy
of commercial reciprocity between all
the principal countries of continental
Europe except Prance. This does not
moan that tariffs are to bo done away
with and free trade Instituted , but
simply that as between the countries
entering tlio coalition there shall bo
such a modification of tariffs as will
admit of reciprocity. Whether or not
this would materially Improve the exist
ing state of affairs Is problematical , but
it would very probably benefit the man
ufacturing industries of Germany ,
and to that extent any Ios3o. <
sustained by reason of the increase
o f the American tariff would bo made
good. It seams entirely evident that
this coalition was suggested by tho. ad-
van cod tariff policy of this country.
True such a scheme is not now talked
of for the first tlmo , but it had been
abandoned until the tariff action of the
last congress revived the Idea. It is
an interesting fact that Prance was the
first Huropoan nation to propose such a
coalition aftov the passage of our tariff
law , and now she is threatened with
commercial isolation.
\Vnutlsot immediate concern to the
United States is the statement that as
soon as the pending European treaties
are arranged it is the intention of the
combined powers to test the special
privileges granted to the United State *
In the convention with Spiin : regarding
the trade with the Antilles : Tlio ar :
rungomont recently effected batwoon
Spain and this country has boon a sub
ject of very earnest dlsotmlon abroad ,
and the Iato3t advices indiu.ito n dator-
nilnod effort to break It , at any run to
demand that Spain shall concede to Eu
ropean countries equal favor * with
those granted thu United State ) , which
of course would deprive us very largely
of the advantages hoped for from the
reciprocity agreement. It boootnas now
manifest , therefore , that the moat for
midable obstacle the United State * will
have to overcome In carrying to sucuosi
Its scheme of reciprocity is the com
bined opposition of European nations.
England , Franco , and probably Germany -
many , have already taken stops to
secure from coinmorclnl ar
rangements as favorable as those ac
corded by that country to the United
States , nnd besides government aullnn
the financial nnd mercantile Interests of
those countries are doing all In tholr
power to create a popular sontlmont in
Brazil hostile to the treaty with this
country. . Now there Is a proposed com
blnation of European powers to prevent
Spain from according to this country
privileges In the trade of the Antilles
not enjoyed by ether nations.
Those are conditions which somewhat
cloud the reciprocity outlook , and glvo
peculiar interest to the commercial pro
jects of European governments.
One of the most Important resolutions
passed by the commercial convention at
Dnavor was that in favor of the general
government coding Its arid non-mineral
lands , under proper conditions , to the
various states within whoso boundaries
such lands are located. There was a
sentiment In the convention that the
reclamation of these lands Is a work
which should bo undertaken by the ( ton-
oral government , for the reason that It
will Involve an expenditure which the
states may not bo able to assume , at any
rate for a long tlmo. But this
view did not find very strong support ,
and the ether proposition was adopted
by a largo majority.
It is perhaps not to bo doubted that if
the reclamation of the arid lands Is left
to the general government It will bo de
layed much longer than If the states are
given an opportunity to reclaim thorn ,
and perhaps will never bo done. There
Is n very strong sentiment In the coun
try , particularly In the east and south ,
hostile to the general government hav
ing anything to do with Irrigation beyond -
yond making surveys for reservoir
sites , and it will bo a long
time before this can bo overcome , If it
can over bo. The discussion of this subject - '
joct in the last congress gave an oppor
tunity for an expression of this fooling ,
and it has also found denunciation In the
eastern press. It Is depreciated , and no
argument that can at present bo urged
will change It. These who advocate ir
rigation by the general government can
not hope for the success of their plan , at
least until the country west of the Mis
sissippi is strong enough to doml-
nato congress. Long before that
time comes a largo portion of
the now arid regions should
bo made to contribute to the resources
and wealth of the nation.
On the ether hand , if the non-mineral
arid lands were coded to the states it
would become available as security upon
which the states could borrow all the
money necessary to build reservoirs and
construct canals and irrigating ditches.
This idea was very well illustrated by a
delegate in the commercial convention
from Idaho. Ho stated that there are
10,000,000 acres of arid land In that state ,
3,000,000 acres of which can bo irri
gated by ordinary methods , that is , with-
outincurring any extraordinary expense ,
leaving 7,000,000 acres that will have to
depend on a system of expensive high
line canals and storage reservoirs. If
irrigated this land would be worth 810
an aero , or more , but calling it no more
than five dollars an acre , and the gift
would bo worth to the state $35,000,000.
This would furnish ainplo security for
uu mo money tnat , couiu possimy DO
required to irrigate this land , and its
productiveness being assured every
year It would not take many
years to repay the cost. There
are obvious advantages in letting the
states having arid lands manage irriga
tion enterprises themselves , for being
the immediate concern of their own people
ple it is reasonably to bo presumed that
they would got bettor results from them
in every way than if such enterprises
were under the control of the general
government. The resolution adopted
by the commercial convention unques
tionably represents the intelligent sen
timent of the west in this matter und
ought to have weight with congress.
It is evident that the democratic , party
Intends to make the appropriations of
the last congress a conspicuous subject
of discussion In the next presidential
campaign. Mr. Cleveland in his politi
cal address at Buffalo gave this matter
more prominence than any other , dwell
ing upon It as something to bo pro
foundly deplored and vigorously ro-
bukcd by the American people. Of
course ho did not go into statistics ,
because these show that by much the
greater part of the Increase in ap
propriations was for pensions to the men
who preserved the government , while a
considerable sum was to meet deficien
cies which thxi previous congress did not
provide for. It was quite sufficient for
the purpose of Mr. Cleveland to make a-
sweeping attack , and his example will
bo emulated by ether loaders of the
party. The "billion congress" rolls
smoothly from the tongue , and although
the masses of the democratic party may
bo unublo to quite comprehend what it
moans , they may bo Impressed with the
Idea that It is something of extraordi
nary enormity. In this way It may bo
made to servo the purpose of a shlbbo-
loth , whereas an attempt to analyze It
and explain the details would simply
throw the average democratic mind Into
such hopeless confusion as to defeat tlio
intended effect.
There was a largo inoroaso in appro
priations b > the last congress , consider
ably more than many republicans be
lieved to bo wlso or necessary , but
that there was any such oxtra-
ordfnary extravagance as the demo
crats are claiming , the figures
do not show. There was an in
crease of , $ liiHX,000 : , ( ) in pensions , In
cluding n deficiency of 82.5,000,000 , and
every dollar , of this amount goes to our
own people , and from their pockets into
thb channels of business. Of course tlio
democratic party would never have per
mitted such an increase , nnd It is not to
bo doubted that If it wore to obtain
control of the government It would make
luvsto to reduce the pensions of the old
soldiers as the first &top In Its scheme of
economy. But the great body of
the American people are not
nnxlons to save money in this
way. They doslro to deal gener
ously with the men who saved thn union
nnd they are satisfied with what has
boon douo in this respect. Another
largo increase by the last congress was
for the postotlluo department , amountIng -
Ing to 822,000,000. This was made neces
sary by the increasing demands of tlio
service , which the preceding congress
nogloctoil , and the country la realizing
the benefits In a vastly improved and
more efficient service. A largo part of
this InoroiHo : will undoubtedly bo sup
plied from nugumented revenue.
There was an Increase of $14,000,000 , In
the appropriation for tlio navy and
it Is safe to say that no American cltizon
now quostluipr the wisdom of this.
Events are B-domonstratlng that the
United SlntojjMian no longer afford to bo
without a navy capable of defending Us
ports against a foreign fee , and of main
taining its rights and dignity. Even
Mr. Cleveland did not venture to attack
the naval apfif-oprlation. So with re
gard to noarlyjWory Increase made by
the last congrSss there wore demands
which justlfici , and in most cases thcso
were so imperative that the public
service and the interests and welfare of
the govoriimoWand the people would
have suffered If the larger appropria
tions had boon withhold.
It has boon pertinently said of the
democratic leader who expects to bo
again the standard bearer of his party
in a presidential campaign , that ho "has
hardly talout enough to scare the coun
try ouco because there Is a surplus , and
again because there Is not a surplus. "
The democratic party will find no profit
able capital In harping on the alleged
extravagance of the last congress.
Washington reports go to show that
there Is no agreement between the In
surgents of Chill and the United States
government for the peaceable delivery
of the Itatu at an American port. Ilad
such an ngroomont taken place between
our government nnd the Insurgents
It would bo upon grounds which the
United Slates has never yet admitted ,
nor has It so fur as ndvico has gone the
right to admit. International law main
tains that "a foreign power may assist
to repress n rebellion and may not assist
rovoltors themselves , but when they
have fairly created a now government
may enter Into relations with It , with
out unfriendliness toward the original
state. " ( Woolsoy Inter. Law p. 299. )
According to this , our government has
nobody with whom to treat on the one
hand ; and on the other , the Balmacodan
government asked the United Stales lo
hold or capture the Itata In case she en
tered our ports. Tlio Itata entered our
ports in clear violation of our
municipal laws nnd our policy
as expressed in the treaty of Washing
ton in 1871. Upon the grounds of the
order from the only government recog
nized or treated with In Chili and the
further provocation of u disregard for
the laws of the United States wo have
the right to recapture the Itata.
Were an agreement entered into with
the insurgents for the return of tholtala
wo should have recognized the insur
gents as a party with a government , in
a ctisun belli , or wo should have recog
nized thorn as belligerents , and this
does not appear to have boon done oven
by the Chilian government.
If the insurgents are of a mind to sur-
ren'dor the Itaa , hey may do BO. nnd the
rosillt. will in nil . l > n flint olin
will bo condemned and sold. This would
in no way compromise the United Stales
in its stand ; but any ether move would
result in the probable declaration that
the insurgents have n government
to bo treated" with and which
is responsible fq'rvits .acts. Thus far no
information has come * to light that the
insurgents hav'o'iisKda 'the United Stales
to recognize them , and it is oven doubt
ful if the state department would recog
nize thorn did they ask it , oven
though the Dalmacedan govern
ment is not at all kindly dis
posed toward the Unilcd Slalcs. .
The most plausible theory in regard to
the whole affair is that the insurgents
have made this move , that by so doing
they might not only aid tholr cause by
procuring arms but also by arousing in
terest In their cause , and thus accom
plish two ends , force tlio United States to
recognize them as belligerents and thus
bring their case up for adjudication in
an international court of arbitration.
Were tho. case brought up as they offered
the Balmncodan government to allow it
to bo , the insurgents claim their case
would bo won.
The whole of the affair seems to bo a
not badly laid scheme to further their
Now lhat the board of education has
unraveled the tangle into which it
plunged itself In dismissing Superinten
dent of Buildings Woolloy by electing his
successor , it should adopt rules defining
that officer's duties to bo something
more valuable lhan such as usually ap
pertain lo a head-janitor or common put-
tcTor. The superintendent of buildings
should have authority beyond puttying
window panes in the sash and screwing
seats to the floor. IIo can bo very useful
ful the and the
to boiird tnxpayors'if re
quired to protect thorn against rascally
contraclors and careless architects. All
building operations should bo under his
MiNNKAVOLiS has a 'bonded debt of
moro than $7,000,000 , yet she is
restricted to 5 per cent of her
assessed valuation. Omaha has a bonded
debt of about $2,000,000 , and this is 10
per cent of nor ns&osaod valuation.
What a farco.
IT is entirely p-por | ' [ that orders to
naval ollleors In iiohring sea should bo
scaled. . .
Oinalni Not It
( Jrantl MinJ Imlepeivlcnt ,
Hntl the state lln'o boon drawn this sldo of
Omaha In the campaign of last full John
1'owors would liiVA had n very clover
plurality , 40 the djfjat of Hluhnrds can by no
moans bo charged uj to Omaha.
Kitlij'rI > otiltrul.
.StijM-rfor Time * .
Governor Tlwyg Uos mailo a nice muddle
of the oil Inspectorship , in his fnuitlo haste
! u tiring ilomocrattc > ttppolntcos , ho evidently
forgot that the law ' creating the olllco pro
vided tbnt the aiijpb'ffttment should hold good
for the term of two yoaia. Hulmroil has re
fused to ho II red , nnd tt is riltlior doubtful If
the sovcrnor can force him to turn over ttio
hooks , etc. Thuycr's lutenso partisanship Is
hurting him.
OlirlnlVoul.t AUvortlHc.
A'cw I'DiH Itemnler.
Dr. MuUlynn doUvcroa his last Sunday
ovonlnt ; lecture tor the season to 1,000 mem
bers nnd woU-wIshors'of the
anti-poverty so-
clcty. IIU subject was ' -Tho Uses and
Abuses of the Press , " IIo said that if Jesus
weronow upon earth Ho would say , "Ad-
vortlso tno gospel. " It was customary for
some crouUors to denounce the prow without
onrlotloi anJ toalvoauo a couionhip of
Its columns. Instead of such a iiiousuro prt
McGlynn tula that hleulugs xhoulu bo cillud
down upon the uioJoru newspaper for the
good that it has done in the dissemination of
truth. Thcro would bo n Jolly tlmo If the
ecclesiastics had the censorship of the great
metropolitan Journnl.t.
CMvo Thorn thu Itoys.
Ihirtlcii Inter Otcnn.
TUB OMAHA Bus opened the door * of Us
grand building and Invltod the members of
' the State UuslnoM Mon's association to ox-
I amlno the machinery and till thu arrange-
' mania for gutting out the great dully of
Omaha. In behalf of the clllzon * It wel
comed them to the freodo m of the city nnd
assured them that every citizen would bo
Pleased to do anything that would add to
th'clr comfort , pleasure and profit.
Ilcro'H n
Wo may count upon ono moro convert to
thn doctrine that our naturalization laws
need nmemhnoiit , in Mr. Uoyd , who was
elected governor of Nebraska last November
by n majority of ; t,000 voto.4 , but deposed by
thu Miprotno court of the state because of n
technical Irregularity
ship. No ono seems to dispute his rosi > ccla-
blllly or his responsibility ; nobody has over
questioned his ability to exorcise with Intelli
gence the ordinary duties of a citizen. Ills
civil status would probably never have
boon put In doubt If ho had not
been carried by the tidal wave of tnrllT
reformed sentiment Into a ulstlnguUhcd
place of Irust which ether men coveted. All
his present trouble might have boon spared
If t'lio process of luturnll/.utIon were attended
with tho'dignlty , the ceremonial .safeguards
nnd the publicity which Its importance de
serves. Lot us have a national bureau of
naturalization hero la Washington , as n ilrst
stop toward the reformation of tha wholosys
tem. Then It can bo ascertained at a glance
whether u foreign born resident of any part
of this country has a right to hold ofllco or
not ,
1'A SSI\i .TKS TS.
YaloUecord : Lowostau , ' 03 , walks Impu
dently up , after the rest of the division Is
seated , and places his hat on the air-pump.
I'rofossor If you dcsiru a vacuum under
that hat , Mr. Lowestan , you had better put
It on.
Epoch : Dora .Tako says ho loves you.
Cora I don't believe it.
Dora Nor do I.
Cora You are a horrid minx.
Browning , King & Co.'s Monthly- Little
Girl O please , sir , 1'vo brought your shirt
'omc , hut mother says she ran wash it no
more , 'cos she was obliged to paste It up
nu'on the wall and ebuuli soap-suds at it , It's
so tender.
Lowell Mall : It Is sometimes easier for a
man to complete a round pleasure than It
Is for him to make things square afterwards.
Elmlru Gazelle : Earth has no olher Joy
llkounto that of the woman who has made
eighteen calls anil found everybody out.
Ifew Vnr/c / Sun.
"You'ro liUo an April day , my love , "
To fairest May said I.
Whereat she slapped mo with her glove ,
And calmly said "July. "
Indianapolis Journal : A pretty woman and
n philosopher are both apt to bo enamored of
their own reflections.
Ltfo : Miss P. ( whoso parents refuse to
recognize her flanco ) If you had a daughter.
Mr. Hardy , who ran away from homo nnd
marrlcd'a young man , what would you do to
the young man ! Mr. Hardy Write him a
letter of condolence.
Harriet Cooke of Cornell was tbo first
woman over honored with thochairandcqunl
pay with men. She is n professor of history ,
and has been a member of Iho facully of Cor
nell for Iwonl.v-threo.ycars.
Miss M. G. McClelland , author of "A Solf-
Made Man" nnd other novels , is described as
"of middle ago , tall nnd slender , with iron-
gray hair , parted over her forehead. " She
never attended school , but was educated by
her mother.
Miss Sue Bobout of Alderson . Va. , has
offered to sell to the city of Baltimore n pot
lion that will soon grow beyond her control.
When only three hours old ho was the gift of
n showman , is docile nnd obedient , and sleeps
on the floor bcsido her bed.
Mrs. Helen II. Backus , the newly elected
president of the Brooklyn Woman's club , Is
a graduate of Vnssnr college , one of Its trus
tees , and the wlfo of the president of Packer
institute of Brooklyn. She is n woman of
broad cultura and dlgnlllod bearing.
A short time ngo the ladles of Marionbcrir ,
East Prussia , published u card in the princi
pal newspapers of that city requesting the
gontlomcp not to remove their hats during
cold weather In greeting them , but lo uc-
knowlcdgo l&'jir bow with u military salute.
The dismissal of Mrs. Mary Morancy ns
state librarian of Mississippi , after fourteen
years of faithful and. cftlcicnt service , has
provoked widespread discussion in the south ,
nndn petition is in circulation asking that
she bo restored to ofllco. Mrs. Morancy wa .
the Ilrst woman to hold a state ofllco in Mis
The pioneer woman lawyer fo America ,
Arabella A. Mansflold , was admitted to the
bar In 1809. Ten years later women wuro
permitted by statute to practice before the
United s supreme court , nnd there nro
seven women who have been nd milled in
WnshhiL'ton. Tn a slnglo decndo the number
of women lawyers increased from one to sov-
A boat load of young people was capsized
in a river near Parkoraliurg , W. Va. , the
other dav and the occasion developed n hero
ine. Miss Mary Shclton , who is a good
swimmer , swam nshoro with ono young man ,
and then swam back after another whom she
found almost exhausted. Catching young
mnn No. 2 by the neck , she managed to get
him ashore also.
Mrs. A. M. Thomas , who is thirty-two
years old and lives In Godsdcn county , Flor
ida , is the mother of thirty-two children , all
of whom were aliva She was married llf-
Icon years nco and twimly months later she
and her husband found themselves tha par
ents of four bright and touitlful children.
With almost unvarying regularity over slnco
the family has boon increased by the addi
tion , sometimes of twins , sometimes ot triplets -
lots , until the number has reached thirty-
two ,
Carl Smith tn 7/nnwrN n'etMu ,
Somewhere in the wiilo , wide world , some
Sbo wanders from mo apart ,
And her sunny smilu and her golden hair ,
Aim her manner winning and debonair ,
No longer caislavo my uunrt ;
But her face ns hrlght ns the summer sky ,
And her voice so soft and clear ,
And the memories of that last gcod-by ,
Cumhmo to provoke ono regretful slgu
For the girl I loved last year.
And looking back through the shadowy bazo
That gathers iiround und nbovo ,
I catch the faint perfume of summer days
And thu dying echo of roundelays
That voice an unquciichuhlo love ;
And her blushus rlso from u heart n-llamo
And her hluo eyes look Into inluo.
( Please understand she is not the Kama.
This girl 1 lovnd I've forgotten her nnnio
In the summer of 'b' . ) . )
Her lily hand beckons from the p.i't ,
But boouons only to tears
To u lovu which wo both of us vowed would
( Bui whoso powers of endurance wcro
wronisly dusted )
As long us the coming years.
Where'er I may go I slum never forget
These happy duy.s. An , fatu
Is kind to Icavo mo tha memory yet
Of the dear little maiden whom I met
In the mountains in 'sS.
Her ruby lips hiding tooth of pearl ,
Which dazzle mo when she speaks ,
Her nut brown hair lu rialoui curl ,
Her laugh which sots nil my senses n-uhlrl ,
And the damask of tier chneks ,
Her form of Vunua llko a llowur arrayed
In the garb of the blushing May-
All bid mo rojolcoiind iiulto undismayed
Swear my heart shall u'cr ua iruu lo the
Whom I wildly adore today
Effect of the Cincinnati Convention on
Iowa Independents.-
Valuable KnllCM of tlio Martyred 1'ros-
idont In Memory of tins Imto
Judge JoliiiHtouo fletiur-
OU8 llOllllOHls ,
Dm MOINM , la. , May St. [ Special
to TIIR Bm : . | Now that the "Peo
ple's Party of the Untied States of America"
has Dccn launched upon the political sc.t by
the Cincinnati convention , n llllle different
Mpcct Is put upon thu political situation In
lown. As .will bo noticed , tno three repre
sentatives fur town upon the national com-
mltteo of the now party are J. B. Wo.ivor ,
M. f , . Wheat nnd A. J. Wostfall. The Ilrst
needs no introduction to Iowa people , having
for lo , these many years boon the greenback ,
union labor , nnytli ng-to-boat-tho-ropubllcan-
party loader , nnd tnklng up with every now
Issue that sprang up. Mr. Wheat Is past
master workman niui present state lecturer
of the Knights of Labor of Iowa , while Mr.
Westfall U a leading member of the National
Farmers' mlinnco ( north ) nnd late candidate
for congress on Iho alliance llcket In the
Eleventh district. So that in IhU trinity of
roprosonlallvos in the now party there seems
to ho an amalgamation of all Iho orgonlza-
lions in opposition to the two
old parties in this state , save
nlono the third party prohibitionists.
They were not lot In on the ground floor , nnd
if they get Into this now combination will
hnvo to "climb up some other way. " It will
be Interesting now to watch the action of the
independent state convention which moats In
this city Juno 3. It is moro than Irliely that
it will "catsh the Inspiration1' and go over
bodily to the now party.
Hon. Charles Aldriohof Webster Clly , la ,
collector of Iho largo and valuable collection
of autographs , portraits , and ether relics In
the state librarv , has recently rnturnod from
a visit to Washington , D. O. Whllo there
ho received two heretofore unpublished letters -
tors of the martyr president , Abraham Lin
coln , written to the venerable Hnwkins Tay
lor , now a rosidunt of tno national , capital at
tlio advanced ago of eighty years. By the
way , Mr. Taylor was n member of the
Ilrst Iowa territorial legislature- which
convened at Burlington , the then capital
ot Iowa , November W , l is , nearly llfty-
Ihreo years apo. Leo county hud four ro" | > -
resentativei , ono of whom was Mr. Taylor.
Ho was also shorllt of Lee county in ISIO ,
alderman of Fort Madison in 18 W , nldcrmun
of Kooicuk In.lSoil and IS.IO , mayor of Kookulc
in 1817 , master ot a gunboat during the
rebellion by appointment of Admiral Foote ,
besides holding many other positions. IIo
was a correspondent of Abraham Lincoln
long before his nomination for the presidency ,
and , ns n mailer of course , "an original
Lincoln mrn. " The cordial relations exbt-
Intr imtu-orvi him nnd "old Abo" can bo read
ily inferred from tueso two loiters , which
are as follows :
Sl'iiiMmKn , III. , Sept. 1. IR.'iO. Hiuvklns Tay
lor , Esq. .My Dear Sir : i'ciurs of tlio ! ) rd Is
just received. Thorn Is some mistaku uliout
my ox pee ted attomliutcu of Ili'u United .Status
court In your city on the third Tuesday of thu
month. I liavu had no thought of licliiR there.
It Is hud to bo pour. 1 shallgo to llio wall for
bread und meal , If I inflect my business this
year as well as last. It would plonsumo iniiuli
to oo tlio city and good people of Keokuk , lint
for tins year It Is little lust than an Impossi
bility. I uni constantly receiving Invltut OIIH
which I am compelled lodecllnu. I was pres-
Blnttly urKudtiiRO to Minnesota : und 1 now
liavu two Invitations to go to Ohio. These lust ,
uro prompted by Douglas' going there ; nud I
HIM really tempte.'i to , innku ji Hying trip to
Columbus and Olnelnnutl. Idoliopoyou will
have no trouble In lowu. What thinks Grimes
about It ? I have not known him to bo mis
taken about un election In Iowa. I're.sent my
repects to Colonel Carter and my other friends
and bollevo me. Your * truly. A. liixcot.x ,
iJiMUMH-ir.M ) . 111.April lil.lS'W.-HawklnsTuy- '
lor , KM | . My DearSlr : Your.sof the 1'ith Isjust
received. It surprises mo that you have writ
ten twlco without receiving sin answer , I
have answered all I have reeoivo 1 from yon ;
and eort ilnly onoslnuo my return from the
east. Opinion hero us to thu prospect of
Douglas being nominated are quite eonlllutlng
some very confident ho will anil others that
hu will not be. I think his nomination possi
ble , but the chuncos are him. 1 am
glad th ro Is u prospect of your party passing
this way to Chicago. Wisliini ; to make your
visit hero us pleasant as wo ean , wo wish you
to notify us as soon as possible , whether you
come this way. how many and whim you will
arrive. Yours very truly , A. LINCOLN.
Another Lincoln letter ] ust added , to the
Aldrich collection is from Mr. W. B. Means
of Boone , la. It Is a word of advice lo u
young attorney whom Air. Lincoln was aid
ing in the management of his "casts. " It
was addressed to n near relative of Hon. S.
B. Sholady , speaker of the Iowa house of
representatives in 1S53 and is ns follows :
SpiiiNnfiRi.n , III , I-'ob.'n. 18f ; . O. 11. She-
lady , Ivsq. : Yours of thn 10th Is duly received ,
JIUIKO l.ojran and myself nio dolir-'Imslneas
together now , and wo art ) willing lu attend to
your cast'i as you propose. As to thu terms ,
wo nro willing to attend eaeh ease you lire-
pare and send us for jll ) ( when there shall be
no opposition ) to bo sent In advance , or you to
know It Is safe. It takes : V > .T5 of cost to start
upon , that Is , if 1.75 to ulerlc , and Jto oaeli of
two publishers of papurs. .Judge Lonii thinks
It will take Iho balance of fto to curry uoasu
through. This must be' uilvanced from tlnui
tii tlmo us thu services uro performed , ns the
ollleers will not not without. I do not know
whether you ean bo nil ml tt oil an uttorney of
thu federal court In your absence or not , nor
Is It material , us thu business ean ho done In
our names.
Thinking It may aid you a little , I send you
ono of ourblnhk forms of petitions. It , you
will see , Is framed to lie sworn to before the
federal court ulerlc. and In youreaso will have
to hu so fur changed as to ho- sworn to before
thu ulerk of your circuit court , , und his eertltl-
catu must bit accompanied with his olllelul
neul. The schedules. 100. must bu attended to.
Hn Niirn that they contain the creditors'
name- ' , their residencestnu amount iiuo uuen ,
the debtors'names , their residences and the
amounts they o\vo ; also all propelty und
where loealou.
Also be sure that the schedules are signed
by thu applicants' us well us the petitions.
I'ubllcutlons will have to bo mudu hero In
ono paper und In onu nearest the reshlencu of
the upplleunt. Wrltous In 'ouch when )
thu last advertisement U to bu sent , whether
to you or to what paper.
I belluvu I have now .said everything that
can bo ot any advantage. Your friend , us
uvur. A , LINCOLN.
The death of the late Judge Ed ward John-
stone at ICookuk last week rumovoi from the
scene of this world's action ono of the most
prominent men of lown from its earliest his
tory us a territory und stuto. In ISIiy ho was
appointed ono of the tnroo commissioners to
collect testimony with regard to the tltlo to
Iho nulf-brood tract , and was ono to institute
proceedings for the division of the lands
which resulted in the "decree tltlo" by which
tlio lands are now hold , und upon which thu
city of Keokuk Simula. Ho was elected to
the Iowa legislature in the summer of I8.T. ) ,
und wus elected speaker of thn house for two
successive terms. Ho was appointed United
Status district attorney by i'rusldent I'olk ,
nnd In ISM vvui clcctod Judgu of the Leo
county court nnd served for four years , lie
wus n member of the constitutional conven
tion in 1S57 , mul took u iiromlnoift part In the
deliberation of that body. IIo has nlwnys
boon prominently idonlilled with Iowa af
fairs , nnd at tlio tlmo of his death
was president of the Iowa Colum
bian Kvpoiltlon commission. IIo was
president of the Iowa Pioneer Law
makers association , n meeting of which or-
gnntzntion was hold on Wednesday lust to
lake proper notion upoa the death of Jmlgo
.lobn.stonc I'horo worn present , Mnjor Ilovt
Sherman , ox-Lieutenant Oovernor B , f\
duo , Hon. Ulmrloi Aldrich , George W.
Jones , J. W. Oriillth , J. S. Maxwell , mid n *
few others. A telegram of condolence was projf
pared nnd sent lo the family , nnd iirommlttco /
appointed to propnro for publication n proper r
momorlnl of bis Ufa ami death. This committee -
too reported among ether things as follows :
"When the foundations of the now territory
were bnlng laid , anil the ilrst statutes wow
devised und emu-ted , bis immo l.s un perish-
ably associated with every paragraph of Its
earliest history. Modest and rollnod ns thu
purest woman , endowed with u glguntlo In
tellect , uobla lu form , ulomient , dlgnllled mid
ImpnMslvo In speech , scholarly , gunlnl nnd
Irroproachublu In every relation of Itfo. It
will bo long bofow wo shall IOOK upon his
equal. Coming to town soon after the lorrl-
torv was open to settlement , he ill once bojiotj * - * '
to Inuiroits upon Its enactments the wlsu und
enlightened policy that has gradually raised ,
our young commonwealth Into the front rank
of prosroislvo western stutas. No man
nmotig her many eminent citizens hu.s aver
brought moru honoity of purpose , combined
with lofty patriotism nnd wlso counsels into
the legislative halls of lowu thau Judge
Kdwnrd Johnstono. "
t'OLOMil , IHI.U.NO.U.I.'S lir.QtKSTfl. :
Nothing moro strongly demonstrates the
generosity nnd puhliu spirit of thu Into
Colonel 1' . G. Bulllngall ot Utlumwa than
the provisions of lib lust will und testament ,
which has just been tiled for probate. A
largo shuro of the properly Is bcinicuthcd lo
doeouscd's ' two sisters , lilrf" brother niui sto | > -
father. To the city of Ottumwu ho bequeaths
what U known as the Baltlngall hotel prop
erty , thi ) Magnolia restaurant nnd the ncro of
ground on which Is located tno pirklo factory ,
also IIv" tots In "Sunken park. " on whlah tlio
coal p.ilnco now stands. The botiuest > Is to bo
held us n trust fund , under three trustees to
bo elected by the city council. Tluao trustees i
nru to sco that thu Dulling ill hotel Is perpet
uated ns u hotel fo rover , mul after
innurunco nud requisite repairs unit- * * " "
improvements nro made annually , the
proceeds are to go into n sinking
fund of f O.OOO. After this sum .hus
been reached , another sinking fund of $ ( tOOJ
is lo bo created for the library association
exclusively. And thereafter all proceeds
from thu bequests mul from the sinking fund
of ? -0,0i ( ) ) shall go to the following : ' Ono-
fourth to the library association , one-fourth
to the poor und ncody of the city , one-fourth
to the various religious societies of thu c'ty ' ,
and ono-iuurth to u fund for the erection of u
foundlings' hospital. To the library associa
tion , besides n $ . ' ( ) ( ) nnnulty , is bequeathed
the second lot of Sunken park for n site for a
library building if the society ahull build ono.
Ono of the lots Is also to bo loused to some
one who will keep n conservatory of flower * .
The rest of the park is to bo used us u city
park and maintained perpetually as such.
Tin ) boquosl to tha city is estimated to bu
worth teO.ODO.
LINK AT inrt'm.irw- : < .
Mr. Levi Baker , u proiniuent former nnd
republican of Page county , has for some years
boon un aetlvo member of u local farmers'
nlliunct' , nnd one of the original promoters of .
the sumo in hia neighborhood , but ho is in - *
trouble now , siuco the lowu alliance has gene A .
into politics , und has In I act been dismissed
from the organization. The cuuso of this
seems to bo that Mr. Bukur has uot SOPH lit to
renounce his republicanism , nnd has oven been
strongly mentioned for legislative honors nt
the hands of the republican party. For this
reason his brother members of tbo local nlll-
nnco to which hu wus attached , ( those of the
democratic persuasion , nt luast , ; solemnly
declared htm dlslovnl to the ulllnuco. nnd
proceeded to "llru" him. A county conven
tion of nlllancodelegates was hold atClurimU
Wednesday , und Mr. Baker undcuvorcd , to
got a hearing of ilvo minutes in which ho
might explain matters , but the chairman of
the convention applied the gag rule , mid M
Baker wus denied thu necessary time. Th
convention then went into secret session und
adjourned without naming any delegates lethe
the convention , which moots In Dus MdlnOs ,
Juno y. This indicates , in Page county at
least , thut republicans on joining thu alliance ,
must renounce nllogtnnco to the old party ,
hut domocrnts well , democrats uro running
the ulilunco in that county just now.
Boston propo.ioa to pansiou all disabled
Plenty of violets in April insures n largo
pouch crop.
Of 43,000 persons ill of cholera In Japan
last j-oar 81,500 dlod.
On dark nights a white light can to seen
farther than any ether color ; on bright
iilghu red takes thu Ilrst placo.
The shortest sentence containing thu alpha
bet will hnvo thirty letters , iloro i.s ono
with thirty loiters : "What vexing quips jab
my cruzod folk. "
The cells of the human lungs nro Tfi.OOO.OOO
in number , covering a surface from two und
n half to thrco and a half times greater than
the whole body surface of ten full-grown
A shin railway Is proposed In Franco
convoy vessels from thu Atlantic to the Med
itorruncnn without , their having to go round
by way of Gibraltar. It will bo SJsU miles
The amount of coloring matter stored in
coal is such that ono pound of the
yields inagontn sufllcicnt to color BOi ) yards of
llannol , uurinu for 130 yards , vormllllon for
2,51)0 yards , and uli/.arluc for -.V > yards of
turkey rod cloth ,
The following advertisement appears In a
German newspaper : "Wanted by u fatly of
quality , for adequate ri.'iniinorutlcn , n I'unf
well-behaved and respectable dressed chil
dren to nmtiso n cut in delicate health two or
throe hours n day. "
The wife of Uov. Mr. Malsom of New
Goihen , Ind. , complained for suvurnl months
of an neuto pain In tha sldo and thu surgeon
being consulted , n needle wus extracted
which the lady swallowed when a little girl ,
nearly forty years ago.
The report of the German railways for
I8X ! ) has Just appeared. According to It tlioru
uru 21,000 miles of railway in thu Kinplro ,
with T.12l ; slalions. Tlioru were In use last
year IL'.Cc'O locomotives manufactured nt an
average cost of $11,000 each.
A Louisville couplu were to have been mnr-
riod in the church anil great preparations lo
that end had Deun made , but when thu time
cama their timidity so ovorcamu them that
they stele uway from their friends und were
quietly married in a mlnlster'u parlor.
Over ono year ngo William Uouoot , u Nor-
rlstown ( Pu.J hotel proprietor placed u bw > s
chuck on the buck of usnapplng-turllo , which
ho relcasod. The platu bora Boucot's iiiiina
nnd the Inscription , "good for ono drink. "
A faw duys ago ho found the animal stroll
ing over his property , nnd thinks It cami )
hick for the drink.
During lust year the number of vessels
passing in nnd out of thu Mersey to and from
Liverpool was -ll.'JO" , n dally uverago of 1 HI.
The cargoes of these vessels iiggrogntod
8Oi'8MlJ ' tons of inward freight und H,7.ViWi- ) (
tons of outward freight. Thuro wcru sixty-
flvu wrecks , nlnntocn of which were total , In
the river , and forty-four lives lost.
The founder of Montreal , Canada , i.s about
to bo honored with n stutuo on the Place
d'Armes , ubovo thu fountain , facing Notre
Damustreutand tha St. Lawroncu. Mulson-
neuvo is modeled llxlng In tha ground tlio
polo of u Hag , and at tha amo tlmo pointing
to HID plnco where the now town Is to riso.
Thu llguro Is of bronze , ulna foot high , and
will stand on n pcduitul of polished rod urnn-
Itu twenty feet in height.
The longest bridge In the world Is the Lion
bridge nour Sangnng , China. It extends flvu
und ono-qiiurlor mlles over un uio.i of thu
Yellow sou , nnd is miriporled by ! IW ) lingo
stone arches. The roadway Is seventy fcut
above the wilier and Is unclosed In nn Iron
network. A marble lion twenty-aim feet long
rests on the crown of every pillar. The bridgu
was built lit the command of the Kiuperor
Iticng Lonfe'.wlio abdicated in 17'Jil on account
of old ago.
Highest of all in Leavening Po\ver. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.