Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by Carrier In any part of the City.
Business Onico , No. 43.
Hdltor. No. 23.
N. Y. P. Co.
Council "luffs Uimbrr Co. , coil.
Croft's chattel lonns , 201 Snpp blocK.
Kcnl Hock Springs coat. Thatcher , 10 Main
F. M. Hunter 1ms rottrncd from u fovv
day's trip to .Mason Cltv.
Miss Lou Neal spent Sunday visiting
friends In Fremont , Nob.
If jnii want water In your yard or house
KO to Illxby'c , : ) 'J Mcrrfnm block.
William Mnloncy will haven hearing on
the charge of nsaoult today in Justlcu Swear-
ltif'ton's court.
\V. V. I'atton 1m been appointed to n pos
ition on thu pollen force. Ho patrols the
upper Hroiiowny beat.
JmlKo I-1. V , McUco Is sptndlnj : n week in
Chicago. Ho has iidjournud superior court
until n week from todav.
Prof , f'ronn and wlfo of the nonnil school
ntHhennndoah , spout Sunday ulth Mr. and
Mrs , Henry Swan on Sixth avenue.
Judge Ilnmcr of Kearnov , who presided nt
the term of court at whlih Iho murdoior
Hauenstlno was convicted , was ! n the city
.1 H. MuFarland. of Connprsvillc. Ind. ,
BOiiIor rncinbcr of the McFarhind Carrlago
comimny of this city Is In the Hluffs accom-
pnnled by his wlfo.
Cards are out for thomarrlago of Miss I'vn ,
the datichtcr i > f Mr. and Mrs. A. Marks , to
Mr Morris I'olsky. The cpremony will take
place on Tuesday evening , Juno 9 , at Hughes'
A largo number of UlufTltos went to Omaha
to sco the air ship start on Its Journey to
Chic'igo. Thev returned In the evening.
Bomowhat sadder and considerably wiser
than when they went over.
Thomas Boivmanl , T wtitsWllq , D W
Aichur.V. . H. M. Pusoy. S. 1 . Wadsworth
nnd J. N Casady , who represented Council
Bluffs nt the trans.MlsslsslppI congress , ro-
turno I homo Saturday night.
Tomorrow evening the members of the lo
cal lodro Knights nf Pythias will innot at the
hall nt ! . ' ! 0 o'clock to visit the Omaha ledge ) ,
where some nrorlnl work Is to bo done.
Evor.v knight In good standing Is Invited to
John Oargon , an old soldier , died yesterday
morning at his residence on South First
sireot cast of the city , of heart disease , at
the ago of sixty-six years. The funeral will
take place tomorrow and the remains Iti-
. torrcd In Fairvlow.
"X.anlo" an operetta by H. P. Danks , will
bo produced this ovonlng at the Ilroudwav
theater Ly the young pecplo of the Catholic
church choir. Training has been going on
for the dvont for several months past , nnd n
very pleasing entertainment Is sure to bo
The social union of the Presbyterian
church Is to have a tent nt. the Chautauijua
assembly grounds this year. Mr. J. H.
Wostcotthas circulated n suhscrlptlon list
among the friends of the union and has suc raising n&ufllclcnt amount to purr -
_ chuso the tent ,
H. L. Hobinson was arrested ynstenlay hv
Marshal Tcmploton on n wnrrunt charging
y/hlni with larceny from thapcrsoi ) , Robinson
.r Is ti man from Omnhn who It Is saiil was out
> with Charles Ivy nnd Bi-rt Smith Friday
J" * - - nil-lit , null whom Ivy charges with having
rcliovcil him of his Waterbury.
Gortlo Johnson , the four-year-old daughter
of Lars Johnson , died on Saturday of con
gestion of the lungs. This makes the third
child which has been lost by Mr. Johnson
within the last three months. The funeral
took place yesterday afternoon nt 5 o'clock
from the residence , 8111 Eighteenth nvcnuo.
A light took place between ouvorul Inmates
of the second story af the ICoy building , near
the corner of Seventh street anil Broadway
last evening , ano for a few minutes the
pnssorsby were treated to a number of differ
ent varieties of screams and oats. Oflle'or
Hobinson attempted to go up stnlrs to llnd
the cnuso of the uproar , but uo fomul a door
slammed In his face , and ho could hear doors
lookinu Inside the building. The noise ceased ,
Memorial services were held yesterday
nflcrnoon nl the Baptist church. T'h o Union
Veteran Legion attended In a body nnd was
accompanied by the members of "Abo Lin
coln post , Grand Army ot the Hopubllc , and
the Women's Hcllef corps. In the evening n
> memorial service was held at the Prcsby-
_ torlon church by request of Abe Lincoln
T C8t. I'horo were only u few present on nc-
cohnt of the severe rain storm that catno up
about 7W : ! o'clock , but a very Interesting
service was hold.
Edward Lavin , the supnoscd smallpox
ptulont , who was arrested Saturday after
noon , Is In the pest house and dolnir as well
as could bo expected , ilo still Insists that If
lie had the smallpox ho would feel sick , and
protests that no feels as well as any num.
Wallace McFadden found u man yesterday
afternoon who has had the disease , ' and secured -
cured his services ns nurse for the unfor-
9 tunato man. Lavin will bo kept nt the pest
house until ho completely recovered , nnd It
Is thought thoio Is no danger of the disease
A couple of policemen started out nt about
2 o'clock yesterday morning to tlnd Ramblers.
They stopped In the nlloy In the rear of 503
Broadway. The curtains to the back win
dews were pulled down scrupulously nnd to
all appearances every thing was quiet. A
small hole was In one of the upper window
lights. Through this hole ono of the police
men reached a knlfo and cut the string by
which the curtain was suspended. There
* was a crash anil n crowd of men seated
around a table was exhibited to the ollleers.
The men were playing cards und the ttiblo
was loaded down with poker chips. The
players were all Ideiitllled , and It , is probable
borne arrests \\lll bo mudo In n day or two.
Miss McNnughton as Nopslehoro the for
tune teller makes u u'rnnd incantation scene
In third scene.
Colttix Hprlng < i via the Ifouk Inland.
Everybody 1ms heard of thorn , located on
the "Grout Kock Island Route. " Colfux has
a dozen medical springs and hun
dreds dally testify to their merits. Sjven
11 rat-class hotels furnish pleasant homes nt
very low rates to the throngs of Health am !
pleasure seekers.
17o ladles' guaranteed fast black hose
, Snlo prlco from ( I p. m. Monday night , 12 | o n
pair. Boston Store , Council Bluffs.
When about to build don't fail to < ? et prices
on lumber of The , ludd & Wells Co. , Sir
Broadway. Telephone 2&7.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl street ,
loxt to Grand hott-l , 'J'1" '
grade work u specialty.
No Troulilu Yot.
The trouble which was expected nt th
transfer night before last between the Keel
Island and Union Pacific railroads , did no
iimtcrlullro. All day yesterday , however ,
two engines stood guard over the switches ,
orders to that effect having been sent over
from the superintendent at Omaha. The
local Hock Islitnd authorities stated jester-
day that thev had not heard of any attempt
lioHiir mudo by tholr company to got across
the bridge In Nebraska , and so far ns they
know , no such attempt had been anticipated.
Thu olllclnls ut thu transfer were unable to
say what had given rise to the rumors , All
they know was that orders had 10211 received
from headquarter. ! to look out for trouble ,
nnd that they hud looked and hud kept on
looking ,
f > Sc , OOo and Tfto , gents' white nnd hand-
somclv trimmed night.shirts Mouduv night
from 0 p. in , Sale prlco 4'Jo cnjh. Boston
Store , Council Bluffs.
lor ! leu ! lue.'l !
Jf you want It pure and a
And at a reasonable pr
Follow no now tlov lea.
But send to us In a tr
At our off
Atulhollttiut & Co. , No. 4 Pearl St. , Tel. 101
Furniture , carpets , refrigerators , baby car
riages , stoves , crockery , and all bouso fur
nishing gooJ * , cash or on cosy payments , at
MnuUol & KlUu' .
Forcing an Isauo in a Oontest for Valu
able Property ,
Tr ) IIIK to Mnlco n Cnneii\KnliiBt. a Con-
llloii < ; o Mail ( if Mrs.
I'lihey Tlio Itnllroul Situa
tion .Minor .VentIon.
It Is not often that people nro permitted to
wakoupln the morning and see from their
back door steps two houses that have sprung
up tlko mushrooms during the night , but
those who llvo near the corner of Fifth nvc-
nuo nnd Third street had that experience
yesterday morning. At about half past i )
o'clock a sound of hammering and sawing
was heard , but Iho sleepy listeners thought
Unit It was made by tin industrious mechanic
In n carpenter shop near by. If they had
arisen nt about (5 ( o'clock they might have
seen half uilo/on Industrious mechanics Just
leaving for homo , with their work done , and
two houses small ones , to bo sure standing
ns monuments of their S.ibbath labors.
Ono of thu houses stands at the northeast
corner of Fifth nvcnuo rnd Third street ,
while the oilier Is some distance awny , nt the
head of what Is known ns "Turloy's Glen. "
The building of the bouses Is simply a. now
chanter In Die case of David Gray against
Mrs. Jennie White , which has been pending
In the district , court for the past two years.
The names of Gray and White h.ivo been
coupled for about ton yc.irs past in the courts ,
by reason of disputes as to the ownership of
land In the city limits , the vnluo of which In
all Is about fSIUKH ) . U. H. White nnd U.wlcl
Gray at one tlmo were partners in the real
estate business , White furnishing considera
ble moro than his share of the capital , nnd In
return for this hud the deed * tosomooftho
proi erty made out to him , in order to secure
the repayment , of the money which ho fur
nished. According toGuiy's statement , White
failed to furnish all the money which ho had
agreed to , but still claimed the land as his.
White , on thu contrary , claims that the laud
belongs to him nnd that Grav has no color of
title to It. The dispute has given rise to al
most nn endless amount of litigation , and ,
Judging from appcnr.incc , the fun Is not over
It scorns that White's tltlo although good ,
Is not the best. Gray's Idea was that if ho
could got possession of the property ho could
then make White show up what tltlo ho had
to the property , and in that way have the de
fects brought to light as ho could not do
In any other way. This accounts for
the building of two houses. Ono of them , so
Gray says , ho has leased to Gcorgo Drake ,
and the other to Jacob Rogers , two of the
men who assisted in the building of them. It
Is thought , however , that both Dr.vko and
Kogcrs nro simply tilted by Grnvtolivo in the
houses in order to keep possession within the
limits of the law.
U. II. White , who 1ms supposed nil along
that ho owned the lots upon which the shnnt-
ios have been constructed , was seen at his
house at the corner of Thirteenth avenue nnd
Sixth street yesterday afternoon. Until ho
was so mfoimcd by a Bun reporter , ho did
not know that nnj thing out of the usual run
of things had taken pluuo. Ho had not had
tlmo to consult his attorneys , Messrs. Hnrl &
McCabe , so that he was unablu to say what
ho will do about the matter.
The costumes'aro perfectly elegant to
bo worn bv thosotnbtng part in the
opera "Xante. " Grand choruses , beauti
ful marches and dilllsby some of the best
talent in Council Blurts and Omaha.
Union Park races , Omaha nnd Council
Bluffs , Juno 0-12 , 1.000 ; Sept. 8-11 , $0,500 ;
Oct. 20-23 , HOOO. FT Programmes address
Nut Brown , scc'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha.
The finest line of spring nnd summer roods ,
most expert workmen , is what you will Hud
at Heller's , the tailor , U10 Broadway.
ArrnnRcinciitH Tor the OoonHion Ncnr-
liifj Completion.
A meeting of the committees on Decoration
day was held yesterday nt which the pro-
rammo for next Saturday's celebration was
substantially agreed upon , although some of
ho minor details nro yet to bo arranged.
The orator of the day Is to bo Dr. E. A. Gil
bert of Dubuqiio. C. M. Hurl will .deliver
the oration nt the unknown graves , and Hov.
G. W. Crofts will read a poem composed for
.ho occasion. Miss Edyth Thomas will also
; lvo n recitation. Tbo muslo nt the platform
ivlll bo furnished by the Amphlon quartette ,
consisting of Messrs. White , Joseph , Luring
and Davis , whllo a chorus of ICO school
children will sing nt the graves ,
The procession will start from the Grand
iiotel at 2 o'clock. There will bo carnages
for the speakers , the clergy , the quartette
the press , the school board and the mayor
und city ofllccrs. Thdro will bo 250 boys from
the city schools In uniform In the line of
march and the Christian homo will also send
n largo delegation. The Oddfellows have al
ready signified their Intention of taking part
In the parade in a body and it is expected
that a number of other civic organizations
will do the samo. The order nnd the line of
march have not yet been decided upon , but
will bo In all probability nnxt Wednesday ,
when another meeting of the committee Is to
bo hold. Major Gcorgo H. Hlchmoud Is to bo
the mnrihall of the occasion and ho will nn *
nounco his aides In u few dnvs. It is now
thought that the colouration will bo the most
elaborate that has over been held in.Councll
Bluffs ou any llko occasion.
Mr. W. J , Wherry as Herbert Is flno In the
opera of "Zanlo. " Don't fall to hear him In
his serenade to "Xunlo. "
IJon't ' fall to bee the opera "Xanio" at the
Broadway theater Monday evening , May 25.
Grand gypsy march , enchanting choruses ,
forty voices In chorus.
Dr. Warner's 50c corsets for Monday night
from tip. in. Sale prlco 2Dc a pair. Boston
Store , Council Bluffs.
Will They Convict Him ?
The autborltcs nt the transfer nro tolerably
certain that John Williams , who Is now in
conllnomont in the city Jail , is the man who
1ms been working the grangers ut the depot
for some tlmo past nt.d yet they are afraid
that they will bo unabla to convict him.
When ho , Ofllcor McMIlllan and Hopuins ,
the young man whom It U supposed Williams
was trylng'to contldoiico , wuro on the car to
gether on Saturday , coming up-town after
the arrest had boon made
, Williams put In a
good dual of time talking to Hopkins. At the
tlmo Ofllccr McMillan did not know what ho
was saying , but afler Williams had
been safely locked up Hopkins said
that Williams had asked him to tell the po
lice that they were old friends , and that they
were going out to Grand Island together : all
of which Hopkins lofiibcd to do , Hopkins
also claimed to have had his suspicions
aroused boioro the arrest had been nude , bv
Williams' answers to some questions which
were to put to him by Hopkins for the pur
pose , ho now claims , of toning his acquaint
ance with Codur Haplds , which Williams
claimed was his old homo. Thcro was not n
thing on Williams' ( iciNon which could possl-
bly tend to criminate him , nnd It h regatdod
as extivmi-ly doubtful If n case can bu made
ngnlnst him of anything worse than v
Maladies' ribbed silk and llslo vojti
tonight and Monday night tromO p. m. , for
25p eucb , Boston Store. Council BlutTs.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomoua fruit iulco
tablets. They uro delicious.
25a whllo muslin stamped pillow shams for
Monday night at the Boston Store , Coun
cil Bluffs. Sulo price from 0 p. m. , 17o 11
Funeral or Mr . I'usoy.
The funeral of the late Mrs. M. M. Pusoy
took place yesterday afternoon at the family
residence , nt tbo corner of Willow nvcnuo
and Sixth street. A largo company of friend
was prcssnt to pay the lost trlbu tcs of respect
spect to the dead. The services were led by
Kcv T. McK. Stewart , assisted by Bishop
Newman of Omaha , the deceased having
been a member of the Methodist church nt
the time of her death. Music was furnished
by Mrs. F. H. Evans and Mrs. W.V. . Sher
man , and Miss Jcnnlp ICoitlng ptcsliled nt
the piano , A larco number of floral em
blems bad been presented by the friends of
the family. The palt-bearoM were W. F.
Snpp , Charles Haas , Ernest Thornton , J , L.
Paxton , Charles Stewart nnd E. E. Hart. At
the close the remains were taken to Fairvlow
cemetery , followed by a largo procession of
friends ,
You will miss a rare twat If you do not
sco tbo opera "Zaulo" Monday evening.
Spanish dunce nnd skirt d.xnco by two pop
ular dancers. Grand march and drill by
twenty young ladles.
They Inspect the I'avlnt ; and I'nhilc
The Boston city council arrived In the
city yesterday morning at ! ) : : > 0 oVioulc , Fol
lowing Is n list of the visitors :
Aldermen Thomas W. Flood , chairman- ;
, fohn II. Lee , Edward J. Leary , John II. Sul
livan , Benjamin F. Stacey , Thorna * F. Koo
nan.Councllmcn David F. Barry , president ;
M. W , Murton and Thonmi F. Lyons. J.
Mitchell Gnlvlu , city clerk ; James L. Hll-
liml , cleric of committee ; Alviih II. Peters ,
messenger ot city council ; G. Fred Uli'h-
mend of Boston llcnud , representing the
Boston press ,
Thu object of this western visitation Is to
Inspect the srreots and sewer systems and
the methods pursued by the boards of public
works nnd other executive departments In
transacting municipal business.
The party left Boston lust Mondnv evening.
Mlnneapoll's was looked over Saturday. Chicago
cage , Mlhvuuk"o ami St , Paul have also boon
visited. Most cordial has been tlio greetings
Thoclosant sleeping car Ex lo will carry
the pirty through the entire trip.
The party was mot at the depot by a co m-
mltteu of local louncilmcn , headed by Birk-
hauser of the board of public works.
They were driven to the Mlllard hotel
where they partook of brcakf.ut
They were then culled upon by a number
of members of the council , und several of
them attended dlvlnu scrvico hi churches ot
different ilouomiimtions.
'it'J.liU o'clock carriages were taken nnd
the visitors , accompanied by the mnvor und
no.iriy all tlio members of the council , were
driven through the city , among the thorough
fares traversed being Sherman avenue ,
\Vlrt , buundcrs nnd Twenty-second htieot to
tbo hlsh school ; Dodge , Twiiitv-lifth , Far
nam , Twenty-ninth nvcnuo to the park ;
Georgia uvonuo , Ilarney. Farnam street to
the BUB building ; Tenth beyond Brounell
und through Forest Hill and thence back to
the Omaha club at the corner of Twelfth and
Fnrnaro streets. The carriages were there
dismissed nnd the visitors sat down to nn
elegant lunch which was discussed until
about 8:30 : In the evening.
Mayor Cushlng presided. There were
present also the following members of the
council :
Chairman Lowry , Morearty , Specht ,
Burdish , Elsasser , Uruner , Tuttle , McLcarlo ,
Olscn , Cooper , Blumernnd Conwoy.
Tnero was also present by Invitation
Chairman Birkuuuser , City Engineer Tillson ,
License Inspector Kilcy and Postmaster
After the cigars had been passed , the How
of eloquence commenced , Mayor Cushlne
le.idins with n \pplly-wordcd welcome.
To this response was made In beliaif of the
visitors by Chairman Flood , of the nlder-
manlc board. Then followed speeches by
every gentleman present. The efforts of the
visitors detailed the objects of the visit , the
fe.uures they had noted In the cities through
which they had already passed ,
nnd the surprise thov experienced
In their drive through this city. They
admitted that they had not been prepared to
lind In Ouinha a city with magnillcent build
ings , bioad and paved streets and avenues ,
railroads running In every direction nnd in
dustries giving employment to thousands of
men.On the other hand the speeches
of tbo local olUciuls elaborated the
resources of the country beyoni ]
and tributary to this city , the possibilities of
Omaha and the gratitude of the people en
tertained for thu Hub , the capital of which
bad so largely entered Into the upbuilding
and development which had been noticed
on every hand.
This rcclprccity of sentiment nnd appreci
ation conduced to the formation of Imn
friendships between the reproaonta.
lives ol the two cities. It also led
to some brilliant forensic efforts , mainly
those of Mayor Gushing , Ck-rlc Gulvin
Postmaster Clarkson and Alderman Loo. It
was but natural that lu tbo broad scope al
lowed In tbo discussion that the bible should
bo referred to. It was remarkable , however ,
that but one gentleman seemed conversant
with the holy book. The exception was Al-
dLrman Leo , who , It was remarked , sleeps
with a pocket edition of the work under his
pillow. With him Postmaster , Clnrkson
crossed mi'tnphorical lances , but both were
alive In the arena when Iho tilt was brought
to u closo.
The visit to Tun Ben bulling occasioned
the groalost amount of pleasure , every one
of the visitors considering it as ono of the
most remarkable monuments to energy and
oiitcrpribo to bo found In the country.
The porsoncllo of Iho party is as fo'.lows :
Alderman Flood Is tbo chairman of the
committed. This is his second term In the
board. Ho is a husilor nnd goes to Iho root
of every subject that ho has under investiga
tion. Ho is the biggest man in slzo of the
party. Alderman Flood is known ns one of
tbo most successful soap manufacturers in
the cast. Ho was about to bo married before
this trip , but deferred tbo wedding until a
later date lu order to accompany the party.
Alderman Keunan Is a thorough newspaper
man , having served ably on the Boston Her
ald and Globe , but Is now proprietor nnd
editor of the Sunday * Democrat. Ho has
served two years in the board of aldermen ,
and is u rcdhot debater. Ho is also con
nected with a largo corset factory , and has
agreed to furulsh Alderman Flood's wlfo
with tbo most expensive pair of wedding
corsets over produced In this country.
Alderman Stacov tias represented the
Bunker Hill district In the board for three
years. Ho Is the people's man , and Is a
nourishing pharmacist.
Alderman Sullivan is ono of the largest and
wealthiest stevedores in East Boston , hand
ling all the freight to nnd from European
ports. Ho has served lu tbo board throe
Alderman Leo , bettor known as ' 'Bill
Nye , " from his very close rc&omblunco to
that notorious character , Is ono of the sharp
est pailtamcntarlun shooters In the city
council , and is conceded to bo the demo
cratic louder of the aldjrmantc board. Ho Is
the market reporter of the Boston Globe.
Alderman Leury Is now serving his second
term In tbcboaid. Ho Is n young man nnd
the only unmarried member o'f the party. Ho
Is In tlio dry goods business.
President Barry of the common council Is
reported to bo the handsomest nnd tallest
man In the group , standing six feet ono Inch
in his silk stockings. He is n thorough wool-
dyed democrat and has been in thu council
twelve consecutive years and president three
years. In business ho is ono of the shrewd-
c t stock brokers on 'change.
Councilman Lyons Is giving his third
jour's service to his appreciative ) constitu
ents. Ho Is nn nrt critic and bus agreed to
present Alderman Flood n painting of his
favorite city of the west , Omaha.
Councilman Burlln is on his third term.
Ho Is the only republican in the party and Is
the wealthiest. His business relations are
with the Wakctlold-Hattan company , which
omplo ) es U.KX ( ) men ,
Fred A. Gilbert Is the oldest nnd most con
servative member of the party. Ho Inher
ited a largo fortune and Is the father of n
largo family. Ho Is the owner of several
large dry ducks ,
Mr. Juhn F. Donovan is one of the largest
casket manufacturers in the east.
Mr. J , MitchellGalvln Is city clerk and
also clerk of tbo board of aldermen at u
satiny of WOUO-iexcluslvo of ottlca expenses ,
Ho bus a largo Income from mi uxlo grease
factorv nud Is illiberal giver to churltiiblo
Mr , James L. Hlllard Is now for the eighth
consecutive year clerk of committees.
City Messenger Alvah H. Peters tins looked
after the city councils for tbo past twenty-
line years.
George Fred Richmond , who has been con
nected with the Boston Herald since l&fi , In
with thu company , representing the prnss of
the Hub. His department ls the o ty govern
ment , nnd he servos as a sufotv valve along
the route. Fred never grows old , although
no served his country for three years in the
Production Under DlfflcuUialflof Sullivan's
Opera "Tho Contrabandista , "
J Yl
Those \Vlio Took I'nrHn the Work ,
Who Still llcsldol Here ami
Have t > nHNeill'-Into
There is n woll-prosorvocl old Rontlo-
man In this city who has n mania for
( iinatuur tlriitnullu tiiul operatic perform-
nnucs. Ilo is known to nil the critics
and to many of the regular patrons of
theaters , because ho is also a liberal
patron of the professional stage. lie was
present at the latest amateur prod notion
the "llaco for Wire " which
a , was pro-
ducdat ISoyd'a several week's ago. Had
the piece been repeated , ho , of all others ,
would have been the first to secure his
scat. It mtij well bo doubted that there
are many such enthusiasts to bo found
in this city. Amateur actors are in
clined to bo sceptical regarding the
point , because , of late years , tho'-o of
them who have strutted before the foot
lights have found but few who were dis
posed to commend them and fewer still
who earnestly sought a repetition of
their pieces.
It may well bo believed that the days
of the amateur actor , in this city , linva
passed forever. Omaha has become too
metropolitan to encourage him and the
competition to which ho is subjected is
not such as lie disposed to appreciate.
The amatwir drama , however , nour
ished here until about bovon years ago.
It was well patronized and was gener
ally well presented. Since thattiim ,
however , Hie men and women who had
earlier distinguished themselves have
taken refuge behind their business or
homo cares , while their successors scorn
uiiablo to ingratiate themselves into the
good jrracos of the public.
There is lying before the writer a pile
of ancient amateur programmes.
They are lilled with names , the own
ers of some of which still linger in our
midst , of others , have gone , no ono
knows whither , and of others still , have
passed into the white radiance of eter
In tlio becoming times of the atnatour ,
the Academy of Music was the opera
homo of the town. It is now known as
the People's theater on Douglas street.
It looks nearly the same interiorly at > it
did in those days , save that it is a little
brighter and more paudy in its decora
The first progrmmo is a double hand
bill printed on rough , cheap uapor , an
nouncing the production of Sullivan's
"charming comie English onora , 'Tho
Contrabandist ! ! , ' May ii , 1877. " It is an
nounced that the opera "will bo given
with a , strict adherence to the
original composition , ' and the car
riages may bo ordered at 10:15 :
p.m. " In those days Omaha was an
early retiring community. The gas
lamps were fovr and wore extinguished
at midnight.
The piece dealt with mountain passes ,
ladrones , noble Spunrsli maidens , art
ists , ollicors of the eu'irdi ' eyi > 8y queens
ana captlvos. ' * J- "
Mrs. J. li Edwards ensayod tlwqueon ;
Miss L. A. Rojrors , 'for some years
teacher of music in the public schools ,
as Rita , the Spanish maiden , "a captive
and beloved by V.isquez ; " Jay Northrup
as Vahquez , "a Spanish olllcer disguised
as a guide of the ladrones ; " W. O. San
ders as Mr. Grigg , an artist "traveling
in search of fame but hampered with
modern improvements of his favorite
art\V. ; B. Wilkins and S. 13. Reed-
"two ollicors of the ladrones in fealty to
Inez , wife of their deceased captain. "
All of these ladies and gentlemen are
still in our midst. The chorus com
prised the following :
Soprano Mrs. J. T. Clarke , Mies
Lillie Uoura , Miss Lillie Whltohorn ,
Miss Mora Balcombo , Miss Belle and
Daisy Jowott , Miss Pannio Klmball.
Alto iMiss Mav Atkins , Miss Bertha
Isaacs , Miss Belle Kimball , Miss Flor
ence Brooks.
Tenor Mr. George Whitohorn , Mr.
Charles McDonald , Mr. W. II. Potter.
Bass Mr. W. C. B. Allen , Air. Will
Nash and Mr. Adolph Meyer.
The accompaniment was played by
Prof. Hollman's orchestra , then the
loading organization of the kind In town.
But the professor hovcral months ago
passed into the region of celo.stial musl
The stage director wa * Major Gus-
tavus Stevenson , a'gentleman whom
everybody know in those days , who was
greatly devoted to the stage and vyas
tlio exemplar of a school of acting which
oven then had grown old. Tlio genial
old man , however , lias gone to his rest.
"The Contrabandlsta" had never been
given by a professional company in this
country. There was consequently no
libretto to bo obtained. Nevertheless ,
the coin puny mastoted the vocal
score , and Major Stevenson wrote to
London for a stage copy. But that nec
essary book could not bo found. Would
Miss Rogers'company abandon the work
after the labor it had undergone in
learning the airs ? No , indeed. That
energetic and talented lady saw a way
out of the dllllculty. She dotormlnned
to write a libretto , and with the assist
ance of Major Stevenson she did write
ono. The literary skill of the ono , and
the stage knowledge of the other , built
up an acting play , which to a degree at
least , served Its purpose.
The critics in Omajja of these days , or
some of thorn at least , told the truth
about these performances. When they
critidscu , it was not for the hake of
criticism. It was to point out defects
and suggest improvohri'Ants. Tlio load
Ing writer of thb time , however
a gentleman , wllo by the
way , yet rosidds in Omaha ,
says that the singing of Miss Rogers was
a surprise oven to thee who know well
her quality as exhibited in concert and
parlor. . "Accompanying an artistic cos-
tunio and make uphoriadmirablo action
ami her elevated impersonation of the
character of Kitu , oiii the score of senti
ment , , nor clear , puvejirich voice , com
bined'In a porfomant , Df rca lI11 9l''ffu- ' '
lar excellence. " jt ,
Mrs. 1'Jdwards toft.lio ! ( character of
Innat short notlcojtuooriginalappoint
ee having withdrawn. She sang with
taste and care although it was thought
the voice was moro suited to tlio concert
room than the Htago.
Mr. Rood throNy originality into his
role , Interpolating "Tho Wolf , " which
ho sang with magical olTcct
Mr. Northrup , it is said , never man
aged liis voice HO well. Tlio niut-io of
Ills part lay In the high register and was
admirably rendered.
Mr. W. B. Wilkins mndo a picturesque
.lose and Ills-acting and slnu'lng captl-
\a oJ an audience whoso sympathies
woio already with him.
The llfo of tlio pleco centered in Grigg ,
by W. O. Sanders , und an 030 witness of
the production says "that ho doubtH
whether oven In London , where the
plooo was a choice favorite , taxing the
resources of tlio best minor theatres a
bettor Grlgg could bo found. "
Tiioro was a naina omitted from the
programme. It was not ono who had
been east to appear on tlio singe. It
was ono wlio mid attended every re
hearsal , whoso excellent tastes and pro-
else oxecutlon ns iv planisto wore of Iho
highest order. It was that of a young
woman loved by all her friends and sadly
and universally mourned when the
angels bore her beyond the skies Miss
Blanche Doucl.
The opera was repented a week later
to another largo house.
It wits a third tlmo produced , Tuesday
February 10 , 1578 , In this production ,
seine of the defcets noticed in
in the performances of the preceding
season were remedied. Notwithstanding
Lho excellent libretto , written by Miss
ttogors and Major Stevenson , there was
discovered an obscurity in the plot
sci'asloned by a palpable want of cornice-
Lion between some of the seones and
characters. Sovorul scones were re
written. A full orchestral neeompanl-
mont was given , being written by Prof ,
llolfnian , Prof. Mayor , later organist
at Trinity eathedral , wielded the baton
nnd Mr. Martin Gahn , no older now than
ho was then , was at the piano. Im
provement was noted in everything ,
especially in tlio ensembles , into ono of
which the boioro dance was introduced
by Prof. Lo Maltro.
Miss Caddie Campbell ( Mrs. Henry
Kstnbrook ) , appeared as the robber
riuoon this time , delivering several
lively and beautiful numbers with aban
don and singing them with both sweet
ness and expression.
This performance was given for the
benefit of the Relief society bueaiibo
there were poor in Omaha then as tboro
are now. and there were women lioro
endeavoring to euro for them. The
theater was packed and a goodly sum
was realixcd.
Commenting on ono feature of the
prog i ammo a writer of that day sent a
Lhrlll of dolightinto every Omaha heart
by the following words :
" \Vo could not help thinking of the
wealth and ros-oiii-ecs in a 'frontier' city
which produces a quintette so superb as
that which sang 'Tho Hand of Fate. '
Wo do not bollovo that the operatic
stage of this country affords a bettor
ono today whether for individual ox-
cclleiico of voice or skill in its uo. . "
These .words were penned fourteen
years ago and voiced the sentiment of
jvory Omnium. It would , perhaps , bo
Invidious to institute a comparison , but
In these days Omaha had lovor.s of
music who apurcciated what her singers
did. It was music rather than the act
ing which attracted the largo audiences.
In thib manner the taste for art was
cultivated and an innocent moans of
amusement afforded the people at a
time when traveling companies did
not frequently cbmo this way.
Bettor evidence of this dovotlon
to music could not bo desired than that
displayed in Iho ollorts to stage the
"Contrabandlsta. " Who would now
select an opera , the libretto of which
had to bo brought especially from Lon
don ? Who. nowadnvs , would undertake
the work of dovetailing the woids of
a play between the vetoes of a do/.on
bolos ; concerted pieces and choruses ?
Who , now , would undertake the writing
of nn orchestral seoro'i1 Ostensibly Sul
livan's oporatho only part that the com
poser might really lay claim to was the
music. All the rest was the work of
Omniums. It is not necessary nownow-
over , to undertake all " that was
then demanded to mtvko an opera ' 'go. "
The purchaser of a piece today may pro-
0111-0 , if ho desires it , words , llbrotto and
orchestial facoro , as also directions how
to stage it. With these things oven in
our favor the amateur opera is not often
produced , ana as a consequence , what
once afforded a great deal of amusement
to our people has been sacrificed for
other divortisoment. These singers and
actors , however , labored in a good cause
and are still fondly remembered by the
people whom they once so well enter
O , if I only had her complexion I Why , it
is easily obtained. Ube Pozzoni's Coinulex-
Ion Powders.
MlttVXlt A.\M > GAGGED.
Hobbcrs Malto n Successful Raid oil
nn Kxpress Ollloc.
CAUHOM , la. , M-iy ! M. fSpeclal to Tnr.
BKB ] A daring robbery was committed hero
last night. A young man named Moore has
been sleeping in the ofllco of the American
Express company for sometime past. Last
nlt-'ht hoiis in the ofllco as usual , when ho
suddenly became aware of the presence ol
two masked m.'n , who confronted htm with
drawn revolvers. His hands ( low up witn
great rapidity , after \\hlch the visit
ors ptocooded to bind nnd gag
him. After ho had tieon placed In a hat-m
oss condition they whont through the safe of
the company nnd robbed It of ? .i,5UO , whlct
was all there was In the safe in the way ol
money at the timo. They also tool : some val
uable papers. What the total loss will bo It
Is Impossible to say at present. The robbers
made their escape without the slightest dlfll-
culty and there is no clue as to their present
whereabouts. Moore saw them as they
moved around the room in scared of booty ,
and his description of them , although Impar-
fcct , has been forwarded to the police of the
soueral towns along ho Hue.
Iowa \Vhitecaps.
MASOX CUT , la. , May 24. The saloon
element of this city is resorting to any und
every moans to intimidate the ofllcers of the
law. Today Judge John C. Sherwin of the
Thirteenth judicial district , and J. J. Chirk ,
state's attorney , received the followinc :
"Please notice this : If either of you longer
meddle with the liquor cases or secure In
dictments against us , wo will burn you out
of house und homo. Beware. You have
been repeatedly und fairly warned. Beware ,
buwaro. " ( signed ) "WlilTECAi-s. "
Shot by n Burglar.
BUIIMXOTOX , la. , ftlay 2-1 , [ Bpochil Tele
gram to Tim BEH. ] Edward. Jialscr , a
young man aged twenty , was fatally shot in
bis homo on South Hill last night by a burg
lar. Fifteen jo irs ago his father was Killed
by a burglar in the same room and In the
same manner. Last night's burglar escaped.
No griping , no nausea , no pain when Do
Wl It's Little Early Ulsors are taken. Small
pill. Safe pill. Best pill.
It "W'aH Unlit Yesterday While People
Were nt Church.
Ono of the most remarkable feats of
Sovonth-dnv track laying in this city was
accomplished yesterday.
Before noon nearly a mile and a half
of "T" rails had been laid
on Fortieth street , ut Its Intersec
tion with Fnrnam , thence west on
Dodge beyond tbo belt line , tbcnco north and
thence west again to Wilson street a short
distance from Curthugo nnd tbo western
boundary of the 2ir > acres comprising the
first subdivision of Dundee place.
Work was commenced ut fi o'clock In thq
morning. The heavy oak tlos and rails were
unloaded ut the intersection of the Belt line
und Dodge street. Several trains hunted
them to various points along th ? streets
mentioned and uero followed byustiong
foico of men vuiluh spitted and bolted thu
Iron as fust as It could bo delivered ,
The people atom : tbo route witnessed the
work with both .surprise mid dollght.
West of Fortieth btruot there Is no street
railway accommodation. These who reside
beyond that line have , therefore , to I ml til go
la the luxury of a horse and buggy or clso
tramp through the mud. The now road
soiuod to promise a much more acceptable
condition of nITalrs.
There was something about tbo work and
the men who pot formed it to lend ono to bo-
llovo that It was not Inspired by the Oinutm
street railway company. Tlio laborers
looUed llko strangers , and the foreman was
certainly a stranger. There WUP a noticeable
absence also of the Omaha meu who are neu
l ly on hand when such work Is being done.
The guiding spirits seemed to bo Mr. U
iV. Craig und a gentleman named West ,
> oth of Kmnni City. The former was nskcd
f tbo work was being done by tbo Patrick
nd compnnv.
"It Isn't , 'and It is , " ho replied. "Tho
oul ; Is to bo built Into Dundee place. The
.woplo have long desired street railway com
munication ami this U Intended to satisfy
the demand.
" \Vo have had dtfllcultyln getting our Iron.
Thnt didn't arrive till lost night. Thu ties
'iavo been here for some days. We huvo
: md our men waiting for several days , also
ready to go to work , but couldn't ' do any-
' hlng because the rails didn't rotno. "
"Have you n ftanchlso for thN strcotl"
"Yes. Wo are acting under the Motropol-
tan franchise which was allowed some time
ngo. "
"Didn't that propose to reach Dundee
nlaco along Davenport street nnd hasn't that
"ranchlso lapsed I"
"Tho franchise covers this street , nnd wo
lold that It U still In force. "
"What kind of motive power will you em-
[ iloy. and when will the roiid bo operated I"
" \Voshall us horses Hrst. Kventuallv the
road will become a motor lino. We shall put
two cars on a week from Monday. "
Another gentleman stated ( bat the line
would bo for the nccomtuodatlon of Dundee
> lnc6 nroportyholders , who would bo carried
f cost , and to whom tlcltets would bo
given which would bo good on the Fnrnum
street motor Hue which , terminates ut
Fortieth street.
Constipation poisons tno tnoou : OoWllt's '
Little I'arly Klsura euro Constipation. The
CKUSO removed the disease Is eone.
'I hi1 Klro llccord.
Cmcno , May it. Tlio Kinatiucl Baptist
church , ut the corner of Michigan avcntio
nnd Twenty-third street , for several years
, \Idely known ns Dr. Loilmor's church ,
caught lira from a defective Hue Just before
ho hour for Sunday school this morning and
ivns damaged to the amount of Mf > ,000. A
nrgo number of children bad already gath
ered and It was with .somo dllllculty that n
[ male was prevented. The building will bo
reconstructed at onco. This church was
jestioyod by llro In IbTU and was rebuilt , at a
cost of $100,000.
MONTIIIM : , May 24. FIre started in Fried-
: niui' liquor nnd warehouse nnd extended to
\ lurgo stone block of warehouses occupied
by several Ilrms. The losses will icacb
$100,000. ,
Dr. Birncy cures catarrh , Bee bldg.
Hlfl Mind.
Mcvi'iiis , Tcnn. , May 21. A Vieltsburg ,
Miss. , special to the Avalanche says ; Alex-
under King , n nc io farmer , was shot and
killed on his farm this morning. He had
imirrolpit with his son and had scented a gun
.o shoot him. Ho changed his mind , how
ever , and In setting the weapon down , still
cocked , It was discharged , thu shot entering
'ils breast.
For Schlltz beer apply to K. H. Grotto
1020 Farnam.
Ths fastest train botivorn London and
Aberdeen , 512 miles , now makes the trip in
twelve hour and Hfty minutes , |
Or Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 ,
I. A. Millar , R O Oloason , B. I *
BhuKnrt. R E. ll.irUJ. D Edmundioii , Oh irlui
It , tluunan. Transact b.uikliu binl-
iicis. Liricst capital and turplu * ot nay
baukln South \vostoru loir.v
Gas Heating Stoves.
Just tbo thing for bath rooms , bed rooms , cto.
Cull und sec ouriiir c av
C. B. Gas nnd Eleotria Light Co.
211 Pearl and -10 Main Slrcat.
Council Bluffs , In.
This Elegnntly Appointed Hotel
Is Now Open.
George T. Pkclps , Manager.
All kinds of Dylus mill Cleaning done In tlio
Illu'hpstStylo of the Art , Faded und Stained
1'iihrlcs made to look as good us now. Hud
ruuthuia Cloiinod Hy StiMini , In l''irst Olas-t
Manner. WorU promutly done and delivered
In nil paiu ot the country , bund fur prlua
list ,
0. A. MAOIIAX. Prop. .
101J Broadway. Near Northwestern Ujpai.
COUNCIL , Ut.urirs. IA.
CHICAGO , May IU. Reports of generous rain-
Medical and Surgical Institute
nns. iinLMNOEits , PUOPS.
Chronic dtsuascs of all Kinds und deform
ities hpeclaltics. Nos. " ( XII und i.'OJJ llroadway.
Council Illuirs. In.
Ol'FI OK , 41fi llioailwiiy , Council Dlnfls , la
D. H. McDaneld &
Butchers' ' and Paslnrs'
Market Fixtures , Casing
pices mid Sausasa MakorV Machinery , 83) ) .
i ! Main St. . Council 1 ! In If a , la. Alsu doilon
n llldus und Furs.
It disappear *
tlio worst forms of cntnnh , with
tlio use of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Rem
edy. It's mild , soothing , cleansing
and healing proriurties effect n per
fect ntul permanent cure , no matter
how bail the case , or of how long
standing. It's a remedy that suc
ceeds where everything clso has
failed. Thousands of mich cases
can bo pointed out. That's the
reason its proprietors back their
faith in it with money. They offer
$500 reward for n case of catarrh
which they cannot cure. It's a
medicine that allows them to take
such n ribk. Doesn't common scnso
lead you to take such n medicine ?
"An advertising fake , " you say.
Funny , isn't it , how some people
prefer Mckncs.s to health when tlio
remedy is positive and the guaran
tee absolute.
Wise men don't put monct/ back
of " fakes. "
And " faking" doesn't pay.
17UU SAf < r I'lcgaiit saddle horse ; nNosliH
1- Kl > ' anil double dihois. llnust hotsus lu the
oily. I'rlcos reasonable. Call mid M'o mo bo *
foio having nNuuhi'ii ) Nine M. Smith. Hula
stablu-118 North 7th strcut. t'ouui'll Illuir
\ \ TANTI'l ) ciood brlcKtiinkor in buy ouo
i ' plant or nmnnfuututu brick by thu tlion-
01 by thniliiy. None hut k'oml , trsponsl *
bio man mM'il apply , Must Klvu KOIM ! tofur *
onces. C O. ( In'Piiwood. SllvurOlty , In. _
\\7ANTKD-Ity a young man with expert-
IT i'in.0 anil rcfuri'iices position In it wliolci
Halo liiniso whi'ra ho can iidMince , Addresa
i.i : ) . llrciilllui' , 1'imiicll HUilTi.
1/OH * \ \ . \ * . -Our flno 'family horse , snltublo
-L1 for riding or dilvlni ; . Apply to iu : S. Oth
TpO lover * of horses Tlio lur.'i-st lot of oatl
inml the tlniMt In Urn cltj ; UM ! > hay unit
food o' > nil kinds , ut s. Uuldhtulu & CD'S U'JJ
West Hfo.ulH iiy
OIj.lltOYANT and psychometric , or char
acter readings ; also diagnosis of disease.
Send looli of hair for readings liy lotter. bun-
daysaiid menlir-'s. Mis. II. Hooper , 14. " . ' A\o-
niio 1' , corner 15th Kt. , Council It tills ,
'JVrnis. riiic and ? 1 00. .
JjpOH lU'.NT Two newlr furnished roonn |
batii. hot and cold water and steam head
Grand lintul iinnux. second Moor.
POU SAIiIi Tor Itunt Wiintcd If you wand
to buy , null or rent anything In tbo lent
cstutu line don't dn It until you have uim our
larKU Ustof li.irR.ilns. Swan > % WulKur , No. In
Blaln and 11.1 Pearl streets Council IHnlls.
SOMK line resldciR'o property for rent by
Day ft , Hess. IU I'eurl sti'-et.
171UUSALR llotol cuiTtr.illyai \ itoil , doliuf
- ipood btislni'RS. Or will oxuhanjo for guou
( arm lu western Iowa.
Hotel lease , fiirnlttiro nnd flittm's ; an A
No. 1 clianco to stop Into a good paying bust-
noss. Hoasoim for Milling , oilier business ro-
qnlrlns all owner's attention.
IliirKnliis m losldonco and buslnoas prop
erty. It , 1' . Ofllcor , estate nnd iiisuranuo
iiRent , No. 12 N. Main St. . Council lilulTs.
GAKDFINS foine choice garden Innd near
Coun--ll lllnlT.-'for s.ilo on easy terms , also
vineyards and n lar o list of low.i farina.
Johnston & Van I'alten.
OH Hr.NT The MoMahon blojk , , i Rtory
brick , with basement and ulovator. J. W ,
i > , lUt I' struct.
F or Uoru Oinlan land , wild
J. U. Itloa , Wl iUla it , Oouualt
. . Ml. Vll , .11. It.
Kjro , 1'nr. Nona nml Throat
Council Ilium , - - Iowa.
bore uj os , . cnns 0701 , *
pnlnful and weak vision , !
I'.irurho , tlo.ifnuis , dli-
chtrrKO from tlio uira , c.t-
tnrrli , liiy fever , nstlinm
nnil till iicuto unit ( hronlo
ntli'cllmu of thu tliro'it : t
rpotlnlty. ( ilnis eye < fit-
| IH | without pain. ( ] li ; oi nrctiraloljr prcscrlbot In
illitlciilt CIIICM. iiftpii curing chnmla nunr.ilKli anil
Blck lionilnc'iio. Htirulcnl operations , wliun nocas *
fiiry.p.iliiliMily turfurmail , a < urliu bjit rumlH
Olllcu , Shuimrt-Uuno block , room I Council Ilium , I *
First-- : NationalBank :
Tatd Up Capital , - , - - - $100,000
Oldest orKimliuil bunk In thu city. Korolun nnd
iliimeftic uiclinnitu unit local nccurltlui. Kio \ cln
attention | Hi ) < l to collections. Account * o f Individ
iiala , bankH , IwnkcrBund corporations sollcl tod. Cor
rGMKmdtitifu Invllod ,
UKO. 1' . SANI'-OIU ) . Provident.
A. W. KIKKMAN. CnJhlor.
A. T. HICK. Amlstant Cnshlor.
Tlio Now Option llotul. In Council ItlulM , liaa
boon completely rofurnlsliud anil mudornlrcd
throughout , and Is now ono of thu licst liolols
In Iho Htuto. It Is located In tbo business part
of tlio city nnd tin ) olectrlo motors pans th
door o very four mlnntos. Tire chcapex and
llto alarms throughout the building , HI cum
heat , lint und cold water ami Minslilnu In
every room. Table unsurpassed anywhere.
Hates , t..UO u day ,
OBO. M. WHITNEY. Manager ,
Over O , H , Jucrjuomln fe Co. . .lowolry Storfl
' j .C- P ll"o J , jL *
t&rstta bttdfe fii !
n , 9 ; At Sch ° ocJBnck , Proprietor , Offices 021 Broadway , Council
Bluffs and 1521 Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clonn and roflnlsh aooda
of every description. Packages received at either office or at tha
Works , Cor. Ave. A and 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Merchants who have Hhop-worn or soiled fabrics of any character can hav
them rcdved and finished equal lo now ,