Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1891, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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Tlio Summer Girl and Her Mission in
Life ,
Honoring Bcnntor nnd Mrs. Slnnder-
8011 The liniupiotor the P l Upsl-
Ion The MnrrliiKuorn Wealthy
Oinnhii llicwcr.
Iho Hummer Girl.
linn n Cornwall ,
"Lucy is a golden girl ;
Hut n mini , a man should woo her ;
They who seek her shrink nbnck ,
When they should like storms pursue hor.
"All her rmllcs nro hid in light ;
All her hair is lost In splmidor ;
Hut Mio hath the eyes of night
And a heart that's ever tender.
"Mon by fifty seasons taught
Leave her to a young beginner ,
"Who , without a second thought , '
Whispers , woos nnd straightway wins her. "
She never toolc tbo height
Of Saturn , yet Is always In tbo right.
She strikes each point with native force of
mind ,
Whllo puzrtod learning blunders far bohlnd.
Graceful to sight and olngant to thought ,
The great nro vanquished and the who are
Her breeding finished and her temper sweet ,
When surlous easy , and when cay dlscroot ;
In glittering scenes o'er her own heart
severe ,
In crowds collected and In courts sincere ;
Sincere nnd wnrm.wltb zeal well understood ,
She takes u nofolo pride in doing good ;
Yet not superior to her sex's cares ,
The mode she fixes by the cown she wears ;
Of silks nnd china she's the last appeal ,
In these great points she leads tbo public
Women and flowers with all their smiles
and graces , begin to glndden tlio pleasant
jmd advancing season. The summer girl Is
already in evidence and soon will assort her
changnfnl , chamoloon-liko glory. The very
prominent part that women , nnd especially
that typo of the sex who stands with uncer
tain feet where womanhood nnd girlhood
moot , has assumed in the llfo of the great
citlos and the festivities nnd out-of-door ac
tivities of the summer season nt tbo various
resorts , Is probably the most striking Illus
tration that can bo had of tbo advanced posi
tion taken by the oiico weaker and retiring
half of humanity In tbo modern civilization
of the diiy.
It Is not so long since even among English-
speaking pcoplo it was the mon who , as a
rule , wont off on trips whllo tbo women re-
nmlned nt homo. It was the masculine who ,
as in the feathered tribe , were tbo finery ,
whllo tbo woman , In raiment and In nil
things , occupied n subordinate position.
Now nil Is chanced. It is the women of
the family , the mother nnd daughters , who
take the Initiative in going away and are
most considered , anil wiio , no matter what
sacrifices have boon made the rest of the
( year , are decked forth for the summer In tuo
best that the resources of paterfamilias can
afford. Ho , on the other hand , In n majority
cases stays nt homo , and whllo Mrs. X.
and the Misses X. are luxuriating it a sum
mer hotel , fruo from the caws of housokoop-
lug and the enervating nnd exhausting In-
Jluunrc' ; of the grimy city , ho keeps at
his ucslt or sticks to stocks as
n fly sticks to molasses , content
to make short visits to Washington Lake on
fishing expeditions or may bo to Spirit
Lake for ttiu Sunday , where the family sum
mer nest Is built.
It Is a most generic term , thnt of the sum
mer girl , npd Is not at all confined to the
bolln of fashion or the daughter of wealth. It
Includes the great majority of girls In every
condition of llfo.
Tberu are girls who drudge bohlnd conn-
tors ten months of the year and young women
who bend and sew nearly all the brightness
and energy out of thorn solely that they may
bo able to dress according to their doslro
nnd pose for a row weeks as genuine summer
We have scon them on the piazza of the
Hotel Orleans or arrayed in tbo nattiest of
bathing suits disporting themselves In the
waters of the Atlantic. High up In the
White mountains they have made their
_ nee felt , whllo the Garden of the Gods
ins seemed happier with thuir coming. They
nro n multltudioiis animal nnd like buttor-
illc.s haunt tbo places where light nnd Rayoty
Is uppermost. They nro purely a product o'f
the summer days and In marvelous custnmes
tilt ever the face of thn globe , making a
vanity fair of llfo.
They uro intellectual girls ns well ns tennis
plrls and lllrtlmr girls and equestrian girls
among the bright spirits who will each In
their particular sphere Illuminate and add in
terest to the coming season.
They nro the real rulers of the year and
thuir advent Is hailed with delight.
With spring and the anproachlng outing
season tbo summer girl takes tbo central
place , obliterating the ballroom girl , tno
JJrownliis : girl , the amateur theatrical girl
and nil.
She Is tbo typo of tbo rejuvenated youthfulness -
fulness of thu world ; the embodiment of that
vigorous damsel Miss Columbia , to whom the
nations will soon extend their eomnllmotit.s
nt Chicago.
Tha eager enthusiasm of the glad season is
ion-everywhere , tint especially nt such In
tel oiling places ns the railroad stations ,
where 'the summer girl nnd .tlio summer
youtiK mari take the trains for tholr scones of
Tim men walk with a springy stop ; tholr
hats nro worn with u jaunty nlr ovoa when
they rest upon silvering locks. The women
with tholr llowor-lnden hats and bonnets ;
tholr cllncing , swooping skirts ; tholr nutty
Jiickou , with faney bordered vests and Vene
tian sleeves , elaborately wrought and em
bossed , sometimes with Jet , carrying llowors
lu their .bunds , unless they are holding over
their bends llowor-bcdnekod parasols , gay as
any bouquet- all look ns If thov hint come
into the streets nt the beck of tbo sun , and
ttio.v pass and ropass the doors nnd windows
of the shops , pausing nud chatting In couples
nnd In groups be f ere the fascinating displays
in the great windows , all looking ns If im
fete , al | so gay and , under thuir veils , all
goinlng so young.
There has been llttlo doing in the world of
society the past week. Fashionable loaders
BIO HO busy with the arrangement of their
hoiiboholds , with preparations for the sum
mer Ilium , that a pnll seems to have settled
upon the members of the hunt mondoaml on-
tertnlninent is n thing of tlio past , put aside
until chilly winds drive homo the representa
tives of society's oxclnslvo circles , to begin
ngnln the round of recaptions , dinners , balls ,
Uottlu-drums , card parties , Kensingtons , etc. ,
in which women find their chlofe t delight.
Bo thn curtain falls to rlno again upon new
faces on the stage , but the piny Is over the
i\ I ) nuor nt 11 tippy Hollow ,
Tuesday evening Mr. und Mrs. Nols Pat
rick drmv about them a number of delight
fully congenial friends , at tholr suburban
homo , Happy Hollow , to moot Senator nnd
Mm. Manderson , who have boon guests at
Iho I'.Urlck residence slnco thuir return from
Nature has boon very kind to this ideal
homo , und on Tuesday evening it presented
a. beautiful picture , the house encircled with
large old tioos , a rich given award surround-
hit ; It on nil sides , whllo Its peaceful location
nt the baio o ( verdure covered hills gives it
nn air of rcstfiilno.s quite Indescribable.
Twenty covers were laid on Tuesday oven-
lug , the guests being seated at u round table
tvlilch brought everybody face to face , Tbo
Patrick scrvlco was brought out and the
menu was In keening with the deserved
reputation of the host and hustcss. Soft
ttndns from the mandolin club floated out
from an minor corridor throughout the entire
, /Oaiuiiiot and Into Into the night wcro the
KUIMU beguiled with the languorous niuslo
of the si.uib lauds.
Thu was an Inspiring ono as the
guests sat around the board , the ladles
clothed In dainty gowns the mon giving u
touch of somblrnosj to tbo perfect ensemble.
rtrs. Patrick was gowned In n handsome
vhtto brocaded silk , cntralnc. Mrs. Mandcr-
ion , who dresses with exquisite
.asto , which has been remarked many
times by Washington Journals , were a pink
silk nnd velvet , Mrs. H. W. Yntos worn a
ROWU of soft grey cropo. Mrs. U , P. Smith ,
white Urussols not , ontralno. Mrs. Vest
were n heavy black rhadaimncs , entralno. Mrs ,
General Brooke , blue ctopo and black velvet
.rimrniiiL' . Mrs. Colonel Sheridan , whlto
ace. Miss Yost , the only young lady pres
ent , were a pretty gown of whlto china silk ,
decollotto bodice. Mrs. Wcssels. pnlo green
silk , the front being of white Incc. Mrs ,
vVheaton were n pretty toilette of light blue
silk , ontralno. The guests present were :
( Jenernl nnd Mrs. Mnndcrson , Mr. nnd Mw.
H. W. Yntos , Mr. nnd Mrs. P. W. Wessons ,
General nnd Mrs. Wbcaton , Colonel and
Mrs. Mike Shorldan , General nnd Mrs.
Brooke , Mr. and Mrs. 13. P. Smith , Miss
Yost , Mr. John Patrick.
A Delightful Id-cuing nt the Sncrod
A very agrceablo Intellectual banquet drew
an appreciative audience Into the academy
parlor last Monday evening. The members
of the class of ' ! U glvo certainly most hope
ful promise that their graduating honors will
bo well bestowed n year hence , If tbolr future
bo presaged from the pledges of the past.
These young ladles have evidently bestowed
careful , Intelligent and sympathetic study on
the irrcatest of our English poets and on his
supreme masterpiece. Their presentation of
Milton himself , as man , as scholar , as politi
cian and as pool , Drought their author In
vivid presence before tbolr nenrors ,
and discriminating Appreciations , ratborthan
blind eulogies , marked their analysis of the
gicat Puritan's character and course. Into
the consideration of Milton "in his poetic
eminence" they Introduced pleasing nnd well
delivered extracts from "Lyclilas , " "L'Allc-
pro1 "II Ponsoroso , " "Comus" and "Samson
Apomstcs. "
The first part or ' 'specimen of class work , "
was closed by n consideration of "Paradise
Lost , " ns an epic in Its forms nnd verifica
tion , nnd in the plot it unravels , This cntlro
portion of the evening's entertainment was
given with vivacity of expression , nnd was
sustained by well trained memories. It was
appropriately followed by the beautiful vocal
solo , "Kvo's farewell to paradise , " rendered
with much taste nnd feeling.
The second portion of the soanco , con
sisted in the rending of tlvo essays , forming
"character studios" in "Paradise Lost , "
Those creditable efforts amply refuted the
frequent assertion that "no ono reads Milton
now-a-days I" The memburs of the class of
' ! l'J had Indisputably not merely read Mmbut
studied himand that too , with enthusiasm.
Kt. Kov. Bishop Scnnncll presided ever
the meeting , and 'was accompanied by his
secretary , Kov. A. M. Colanorl. The right
rovornnd bishop's remarks , in conclusion ,
were courteous'nnd encouraging , and proved
with what Interest ho had followed from
point , to point , every topic on the programme ,
and observed Its mode .of treatment. The
nudlonco felt that ho expressed Its sontlmont
in thanking and congratulating the young
Indies who had presented so pleasant a spec-
men of serious toll.
The exercises ran as follows :
"Tuuzlit by the boavunly Miiso to venture
Tlio dark descent , and up to roascond , "
VcnotlaiilseliusOoiidnllli'd Mendelssohn
Mls > , Hulmrod.
( Specimen of class work , )
fn His Student Ufo.
In Ills Domestic liobitlons.
In Ills Political Convictions.
In Ills 1'oetlc Eminence.
" 1'ar.ullso Lost. "
Analysis ; Versification : Scene ; Plot.
Vocal Solo Must I Io ivo Tlioo I'.iradlso ? .
Miss Dolun.
( Utoniry Essays. )
Character Studios In Paradise host
Urania ( Juldln Her rout's Song.
"Tho Arch ingcl Hulned. "
"Ilaphnol , the Hooliililu . ' plrlt. "
Gabriel and the Knibattle < i aoniphlm.
.Michael , of Celestial Armies , Prince.
Tarentollo Kublnstuln
Misses Oreonwood and fifmon.
The class participating In these exorcises Is
composed of Misses Julia Kevin , Agues Leo ,
A. Baorlockor , C. Schaab , Ida PundU
Ills Twenty-Ninth Dlrthdnv-
The twenty-ninth birthday of William II.
Uradrlck , the ftenlal cashier In the Union
stock yards ofllcos , gave his friends a pleas
ant opportunity to pay him a compliment nnd
remind him of their esteem. His beautiful
homo , MIJ3 Sherman nvonuo , was full of smil
ing faces Saturday evening nnd ho was al
most smothered under showers of congratu
lations. Among these present were Mr. and
Mrs. C. 11. Uradrick , Dr. and Mrs. George
A. Friegono.iuni , Miss Bella Uradrlck and
Messrs. M. A Grant , C. E. Miller , Leo Chirk
nnd Messrs. Charles M. Carson , John S.Wal
ters , Harry L. Carpenter , John E. O'Hearnc ,
Bert Anderson. John O. Owens , Frank Hied
nnd Edward Anderson of Sout.i Omaha.
On behalf of South Omaha friends council
man John S. Walters presented Mr. BradrlcU
with an elegant nteersctinam and case.
< > 1" tlio Weak.
covnox ASI > CI.IPKOHI > .
Miss Jonnlo Condon , the popular daughter
of Mr. ana Mrs. John Condon.and Mr. Frank
Clifford were married Wednesday morning at
8 o'clock In St. Agnes' church , South Omaha ,
Father Morlarty oQIcIntlng. Mr. Patrick
Clifford was best man and Miss Theresa Me-
Council was brldusmiiid.
Mr. Clifford is one of the popular and
trusty Union Pacific oflleors und is as popular
as ho Ls prosperous and efficient. Miss Con-
doh Is one of the loading .society lights of the
Magic City and her friends are legion. The
happy young couple , with the congratulations
of friends , loft on the 1:50 afternoon train
for Denver and Uocky mountain points.
Miss Mary La Velio and Mr. Daniel
Flaherty , were married in St.
Agnes' church , Twenty-third and Q
streets. South Omaha , Tuesday morning at &
o'clock , Father D. W. Moiiarty olllciatlng.
Miss Jonnlo La Velio , sister of the bride ,
was bride's maid , and Mr. Michael Flaherty ,
brother of the groom , acted as best man.
Miss La Voile Is n young lady well known
and universally popular , whllo Mr. Flaherty
Is favorable known la Omaha's lusty youu'tr
After the marriage ceremony the happy
couplo'woro given it reception and hrcaktast
by Landlord and Mrs. D.iulel Hafforcy at the
Itnfforty hotel , Twonty-slxth street. Fifty
frtnnds sat down to as Invil'ng ' a breakfast as
could be doslrod.
The decorations were elaborate and the
gifts numerous and valuable , testifying the
appreciation of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Fliihorty took the 2 o'clock
afternoon train for the west and will visit
friouds InColumhus , Fremont , Denver nnd
Kooky mountain points ooforo thov return.
They will be at homo at the Ponmar hotel ,
Twenty-sixth nnd O streets , on nud after
Tuesday , Juno 2.
amr.sKmciv AXI > KIIUO.
The marriage of Miss Kato Grlesedlck of
St. Louis , daughter of Mr. Anton Grloscdick ,
to Mr. William Krug of this city was sol-
omnlzod nt the homo of the brldo on Lafay
ette nvcniio Wednesday. The St. Louis
Post Dispatch says of this very Interesting
occasion , when another of Omaha's wealthy
brewers Joined tlio ranks of the Bonedlcks :
The tiuulsouio rosldonco was mast gorge
ously decorated for the occasion , the hull
being grouped with palms nr.d the stairway
with palms and vine * of trailing green , with
great masses of roses In va os of rare niid
costly ware In every conceivable spuco whcro
n vase could bo placed. The curnors of the
salon parlors wcro grouped with palms , and
over the pictures , in jars upon the
tables nnd covering the piano were
masses of floral color. In thu rooms up-
stalrj the decorations were In the same pretty
profusion , with bunched of whlto nnd pink
carnations added to the rosos. The table
decorations were nUo rich beyond descrip
tion , making tbo whole house from the time
you rcachodtho parlor , which was also filled
with growing plants , a perfect bower of
gorgeous color and rich perfume. The brldo
and groom stood under an umbrella or canopy ,
suspended over the mantel , which was hid
den by plants , nud the canopy was for mud
entirely of smilar , Jack , duchess of Albany
and La France roses , The brldo and groom
entered the parlor promptly nt the tlmo ap
pointed , with tbo two attendants , Miss Lena
Krug , a sister uf Uio groom , and Mr. Julius
Poycko , both of Omaha. The ceremony was
performed by Pastor Jonas. TUcro were
present during tbo ceremony oiiry the
near rolulTos of the contracting parties
and a reception was held after
wards until 4 o'clock , at which hour an olo-
tfimt repast w s served. Too urldo were a
beautiful " gown of whlto falllo , madowlthjn
"ong train nnd trimmed about tno bottom
ivlth a doon llounco of point lace. The waist
was also trimmed with the point Inco and
tnada with long si coves falling over tlio
bnnds , which were without gloves.
The bride earned bride's roses and the
, -room were a small boutonnlor of the snma
flower. Miss Lena ICrutr , the bridesmaid ,
were n pretty dress of embroidered crepe do
chine , trimmed handsomely In Vulonccnnos
luco and carried ducho. of Albany roses.
The brldo and groom left on the Cltv of
New Orleans late this nftornoon for Mom-
phis. They will visit Virginia Beach , points
on the St. Lnwronco river. Thousand Islands
and Whlto mountains , and bo gone about six
weeks , nfter which they return to Omahn
nnd settle down to housekeeping In the hand-
soum homo prepared by the groom.
The Okol > nl | Out.iiK Club.
Articles of Incorporation were filed yester
day of the Okobojl outing club , nn organiza
tion which will moot with favor from these
who for years hnvo becu summering on Oko
bojl or Spirit lakes in Iowa.
The board of directors of the now club ,
Victor B. Caldwell , Thomas U. Klmball , J.
L. ICrunedy , W. S. Popploton , D. H.
Whoclor , jr. , W. T. Wyman , W. H. Crary , J.
E. Unuin , D. C. Patterson nnd Clement
Chase , secrotnry , hnvo Issued the following
prospectus , which sets forth the objects of
the club. The Okobojl Outing Club Is organ
ized lor a membership limited to 100 , nnd
has purchased u hamlsomo tract of timbered
land on Lnko Okobojl , Iowa , Including Cres
cent { Bench nnd Pike Point , which Is now
being subdivided Into lots , parks , tennis
courts , croquet grounds.otc. The plans of the
organization contemplate nn Ideal summer
resort to bo mannirad by its own ofllcers on
the "club" plan , which has become so popu
lar in the east.
A central dancing pavilion and dining hall
will bo erected , which will bo managed by a
first class caterer , subject to the control of
tbo club. Music for dancing and boating
parties will bo provided. Boats , boat houses ,
docks , bath houses and a bathers' toboggan
will bo erected and kept in order by employes
of the club for the frco use of members and
thelrgucsts. Arrangements have boon made
with the lake .steamers to make regular
trips from Crescent licach to the various
other resorts nnu points of interest on tuo
lakes. A club staolcs Is also provided In the
plans of Improvement. The location of Cres
cent Beach Is the best on Okobojl , fronting
on a clear expanse of six miles of wator.and in
the Immediate vicinity of the best fishing
grounds on thn lako.
The membership fco of $150 , payable S25
on call of the directors ; { 25 July 1 ,
and the balance In one and two
years , will cntltlo each shareholder to
ODD lot and one .share of stock In the organi
zation. The list for invitations has boon
selected with a view to securing a congenial
membership , thus making this losortf as popu
lar and lively , socially , for the hot days of
summer , as Omaha Is In the height of
HaiuH ( > t.
A number of gentlouion , members of the
Psl Upsllon fraternity , resident In Omaha ,
went down to Lincoln on Tuojday to attend
the annual reunion of that well known col-
ICRO fraternity which included a reception
from 7 to ! ) o'clock nt the rosldonco of Henry
E. Lowls nud n banquet nt the Lin
coln at 1U:30 : p. m. The lawn in
front , of Mr. Lewis' rosldonco was very
prettily arr.mcea for the occasion , Chinese
lanterns being suspended from the trees and
in front of tbo house , camp chairs and settees
were located on the grounds , whllo the house
was picturesque in its floral decorations.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis received the members of
the fraternity , their wives and sweethearts
on tuo lawn , > winning many compliments
for their charming hospitality. The banquet
at the Lincoln was quito an event for that
hostlery mid the fraternity ns well. The
presence of Kov. Samuel Goodalo of Colum
bus , Nob. , the founder of the organisation ,
lent additional Interest to the event which
was n rod letter day In tbo "fratcrs" history.
The members present nt the banquet were ,
In addition to Dr. Goodalo : L. H. Burnham ,
A. P. u Stewart , Frank W. Lewis , L. L. H.
Austin , Hlhmd H. Wheeler and Henry E
Lowls of Lincoln ; C. K. Chambers of Tccuin
sob ; Prof. H. P. Lowls , E. H. Scott , Charles
E. Clapp , Dr. Town , W. B. Ton Eyclr , and
El L. Ware of Omaha.
A Nntatorliiiu 1'nrty.
With the approach of summer swimming
[ lartlos will undoubtedly bo as popular as
lust year , the first party of this kind being
jivon at the natntorium Friday evening , nnd
it would bo dlnicult to ilnd a Jollier sot of
people than these who participated in the en
joyment on this occasion. The ladles
especially enjoyed the evening , although now
and then their feminine shrieks raised a
doubt whether it was really enjoyment or
consternation which tnoy reflected. Still
they were unanimous in their expression of
delight and it has boon settled by the courts
that there is no going back of the returns.
These present were : Mr. and Mrs. M. L ,
Sheovar , Mr. nnd Mrs. F. L. Weaver , Mr.
and Mrs. J. V. Patterson , Mrs. Alton , Mr.
and Mrs. W. G. Bohn , Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Fauan , Mr. nnd Mrs. Brome , Mr. nnd Mrs. H.
B. Corycll , Mr. nud Mrs. G. II. Webster. Mr.
and Mrs. L. F. Weeks , Misses Burpnor , Dunn ,
Brome , Messrs. Darby , Glllor , Sheoau , K. A.
Belcher , Burt Sbophard.
After enjoying the swim the party ad
journed to the rosldonco of Mr. nnd Mrs , M.
L. Snoovnr , T10 North Thirtieth street ,
where n dainty luncheon was served , fol
lowed by music.
The First Wood * Outing.
Syndicate park was the scone Tuesday of a
woods party made up of Orchard Hill and
Walnut Hill people. The day was soft and
balm ) ' , nn Ideal day for a picnic , and the
guests enjoyed themselves from "early morn
till dewy eve. " Coffee was made In the old
fashioned way and a table was erected upon
which all the delicacies of the season were
placed , and how they were enjoyed after
the hours spent In sports and athletic exer
cises , so much a feature of every outing.
Later on music nddod now llfo to tnoso pres
ent , the day closing with a happy sigh of
delicht ,
Among those present were : Dr. nnd Mrs.
Bailey , Mr. nnd Mrs. Carpenter , Mr. Perfect
and Mrs. Walker , Mr. and Mrs. Johannes , ,
Mr. und Mrs. Fagan , Mr. nud Mrs. Nooly ,
Mr. and Mrs. Bohn , Mr. nnd Mrs. Brome ,
Air. and Mrs. Unlay , Mr. and Mw. Webster ,
Mrs. Weeks , tbo Misses Soaton , the Misses
Webster , Miss Knowlton , Miss Mildred
Pearson of Rochester , Minn. , Miss Brome ,
Dr. Arnold , Dr. ICorn , Mr. Yost , Mr. Brown ,
Mr. Sbephard , .Mr. E. J. Thompson , Mr.
A Stan Party.
The Mayflower pleasure club g.i vo n sti ?
party nt the residence of Mr. Will Ponder ,
2613 Davenport street , Friday evening , May
2J , nt which a number of the club's friends
took part. Cards worn Indulged In , and the
rnnln feature of the evening was n duet on
tuo madolln nnd guitar by Messri. Ponder
and Banks , who received hearty applause
for their arttstlo playlnp. Among these pres
ent were : Mr. Will Ponder , J. DahUtrom ,
B. McGill. C. Katokin , A. Banks , A. Fisher ,
J. Thomsot , K. Wllklns , C. Butler , K , Nos.
bltt. C. Dutton , J. Kllgour nnd W. Kennedy.
The club intends giving n basket plcnlu
Decoration day. May 'M , nt Syndicate parir.
Conveyances will bo In waiting at Jefferson
square , Fifteenth and Cass streets , at 1:30 :
p. m. to convoy the guests to the park.
Movements nud Whereabouts.
Miss Baker has issued
Invitations for a
party Monday ovoning.
Mr. Robert Garllcbs has returned from an
extended visit to Chicago.
Mr. C. H. Gulero and several friends are
fishing at lake Washington , Minn.
Mrs. Lucius Wnkolcv Is visiting at tbo res-
donee of Judge and Mrs. E. Wakeloy.
Mr. and Mis. Ernest Kinll who bnvo boon
In Chicago the past week returned Saturday.
Saturday evening General nnd Mrs.
Wheaton entertained a few friends at dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. J , Hamlln attended the Coo-
Carter wedding at , Nebraska city on Wednes
Miss Foda Castcller of Blair , a former resi
dent of Omaha , is visiting Miss Mao Clurko
In Chicago.
Mrs. John U. Bourke has taken tbo resi
dence , 1320 South Thirty-first struct , for the
summer months.
A pretty May party for the llttlo folks was
given by Mrs. A. J , Poppleton Tuesday
nftornoon ut Elizabeth place.
Miss Doano entertained a few friends in
formally Friday evening lu honor of Miss
Rogers and Miss Baliautlno.
Tbo annual commencement at Brownoll
hall takes place JunnJO. Introductory ex
ercises taking place ot/he | 14th an * in.
Miss Elizabeth Popploton loft Wednesday
'or Now York to bo ntuont until the middle
of Juno visiting her tutor , Miss May Popplo
ton. ,
Mr. C. Stonchlll loaVfts in a short tlmo for
Milwaukeewhere ho mil be married on Juno
17 , to ono of the loaders of Mtlwaukco so
ciety , -
Mr. S. D. Bnrkilow and Mr. Arthur Mo-
Nnm.irn loft last Sunday on n tour through
the northwestern ilatos nnd tbo Paclllo
Mr. Herman Muontafdrlng entertained the
Apollo Wheel club last/jvenlng nt the resi
dence of his parents , 1-0 North Twonty-slxth
street. " 'J '
Mrs. J. tV. Hosier , who had the misfortune
of ' .ripping on the stairs \Vcdoosday last and
spraining her foot very severely , Is slowly
Miss Yates nnd Miss Bessie Yntos enter-
tnlnod n few debutante * Frld'iy nt 5 o'clock
tea in honor of Miss Maud Woolwortb und
Miss Lloln Shears.
Miss Mao Mansfield , formerly of Omnha ,
but now n resident of Chicago , a very pretty
and intelligent young woman , Is to bo mar
ried on Juno 1 to n gentleman of the world's '
fair city.
In honor of Senator nnd Mrs , Mandcrson
asorcnndo will bo given nt Happy Hollow
Monday ovoutng , the Second Infantry band
having boon engaged by Mr. nnd Mrs. J. N.
H , Patrick for the occasion.
Dr. Connor , John Wilbur , Fred Homo of
Lincoln , D. H. Wheeler , jr. , Myron
Wheeler , loft last night on a fishing excur
sion to Nlshnn Botnn lake In Missouri. They
will bo gone several uajs ,
Mr. and MM. Bon Smith nnd Miss Smith
intend leaving Omnha on Monday for Now
York. They will attend the commencement
nt West Point in Juno nnd then go on to Nnr-
ragansott Pier for the summer.
Mr. H. C. Moody has resigned his position
with S. P. Morse dry goods company after
nine years' association with the firm , and will
go to Thomaston , Mo. , for the summer , re
turning In the fall to go In business for him
self. Mrs. Moody accompanied her husband
Dr. Bridges is still In Now York , his health
not permitting him to make the sea voyage
which ho contemplated when ho loft Omaha.
The host of friends of Dr. Bridges
will read this news with rcgrot , for it was
universally hoped that his trip to Europe
would prove highly beuctlcial.
The cantata of "Iphlgonln,11 which was
produced Friday evening at Boyd's with suc
cess , will probably bo reproduced ut Wash
ington hall In tho'noar fuluro , there oelng a
desire expressed to see this sacred work by a
number of people who wcro unable to bo
present Friday evening.
Mr. Victor Kosowatgr , who has taken the
classical course In Columbia college , his two
years at Johns Hopkins admitting him to the
junior class of Columbia , wan glvou his degree -
groo of bachelor of arts yesterday. Mr ,
Kosewator , who will bo absent nt commence
ment time , was privileged to take his degree
by the faculty In view of accompanying bis
father to Europe early in June.
Miss Louise Connor of Clarlnda , la. , who
has boon visiting Mrs. W. W. Morsouinn at
the Morrlnm during the past wants , returned
homo yesterday. She was well entertained
during her brief stay , high five parties being
given every evening in her honor by the new
friends she made during1 her Omaha visit ,
aim , being an expnrt player , she carries away
to her Iowa homo some beautiful prizes that
she won.
An Impromptu danco.took place In ICountzo
plnco on Wednesday ( hvonlng , at Erfllng's
hall , which was nil the mocpronjoynblo lor
being arranged on short nonc'o. The guests
wore Mr. and Mrs. PJ O. Dunbar , Mr. nnd
Mrs. G. W. Holbrook , Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A.
Brotmn , Mr. and Mrs. "Fred B. Lowe , Mr.
nnd Mrs. E. V. Lewis. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnynos ,
Mr. and Mrs. Sticknby ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Mc
Allister , Mr. nun Mrs.iiLallv , Mr. mid Mrs.
Fowler , Miss KI nun ell , Miss Van Kuran ,
Miss McAusland , Miss Sticknoy , Miss Van
Court , Mr. A. C. Powell , Mr. Van Court ,
Mr. Sherman , Mr. Charles CInpp , Mr. Van
Kuran , Mr. George Kiiumelland Dr. Allison.
The Young Men's Institute celebrated the
opening of their new Shall on Fourteenth
street , between Dodgo'ttfid Douglas streets.
Friday evening , Mnyi'23 : by giving a very
pleasant card sociable and dance , which was
indulged In by over one hundred ladles and
gentlemen. Twenty tables were used for
. , <
10 o'clock wore tafton up by n de
lightful game of progressive high live , after
which a splondld lunch was served. Dancing
took place promptly after 10 o'clock , every
lady and gentleman being on the floor danc
ing until 12 o'clock , then loft for homo , foolIng -
Ing perfectly pleased at having a good thmj.
This opening is but the beginning of a series
of sociables to bo given by the above Insti
DoWltfs Little Early HIsors : only pill to
euro sick hcadacho and regulatotho bowels
iti3i unrao.\N UK ADS.
More ofTficm Will Fall Into the City
AVnHto Hasket Soon.
The republican minority In the council has
discovered a movement upon the part of the
democratic members , that they aver bodes
no good for the republican employes In and
about the oflico of the board of public works.
Last Tuesday night Mr. Donnelly Intro
duced a resolution requiring tno chairman to
report the number of Inspectors , and the sal
aries they receive.
The republican members considered tbo
resolution an innocent document , and unani
mously voted for Its adoption. Slnco that
time they claim that they have received
overal pointers , and now claim that the
ntroductlon of the resolution was
for no other reason than to learn the political
leanings of the Inspectors , They claim that
when this Is learned the same kind of a raid
will bo made upon the onlcc us was made
upon the plumbing Inspector's oflico a few
wcclcs ago when all of the republican em
ployes were discharged to make room for
democrats who worosub.-toquontly appointed.
Councilman Spoeht , in speaking upon
tbo subject , said : "I am free to admit
tbat I do not understand the move ,
though I vlow it with alarm. Tbo democrats
claim that the resolution Is for tbo purpose of
ascertaining if nny straw mon nro being car
ried alonir by the chairman. After consider
ing the matter , I think this hardly probable ,
as the monthly appropriation shoot shows
who the mon nro and what salaries they re
"If this could not bo ascertained In this
manner , It would bo easy for the committees
on straits and alloys , grades nnd grading ,
sidewalks and bridges , sewerage and paving
nud curbing to locnto the barnacles , If there
are or has been any.
"Taking this view of the case I am confi
dent thnt the resolution was not as innocent
us it appeared , and I predict thnt ere many
weeks you will see n number of republican
heads drop into the basket.
"Tho democrats go uuon the theory , 'that
to tbo victors belong ttiflspoils , ' nnd follow
ing out this theory it Inoks ns though every
republican appclntcp compelled to stop
down and out bo f ere the end of the year. "
nttlh \
The following is the programme of tbo co
cert to bo given nt""uanscoin park this
afternoon by the Sovorltlf ward band :
March National KendhMs . Sousa
I'otponrl Sylvan Doll W" . Adler
Uonmnza Alnlno Twlllilil . llulfo
1'utiol Tlio UuurJ Moliiijt . Kllunbnrg
Selection IloRsarStmlatt . Mlllookor
Overture ( Celestial ) Kulielous .
. [ . . - . . arr. WolKliliind
WiilU-Auf Grlenor I'lur. . . Mor/.dorf
Grand March ( J , E. lloyd'sl .
. , ; > , . . ! ' . M. Stclnlmusor
Overt nro Crown of Victory . Corbtn
Kccnlloftlonsof War dlcsurlullvo ) . Hnyur
1 Drummer's ( Jail. 3 Kuvulllu. U
Drain ! March. 4 Muruhlntt Along ,
6 Tlia AHiombly , 0 1'lai ? of Colum
bia. 7 Attention. Hellions
I'raycr. 0-ComrniMioo Klrlnif. 10
The llattlo. U filar riunnslucl Hun-
nor. 12 The Vucunt t'luilr. U
Murchln ? Thro' Uouritln. U Tramp ,
Tramp , Tramp. liOlorHallelu
jah. irt Tlio lliittlo Cry of I'roodoiii.
K Mnxdom Coming , ft finale.
Snronadofalr for baritone ) . Illrscli
bflloctlon ( from tboopuras ) . Hnlllvun
Our customers all speak highly in praise o.
St , Patrick's I'ills.
. They are the best
Ilorry Bros. , Carroll , Nob. For sale by drug-
1O A HltNOK.
g , KtngACti't > liit\Ul\i. \ \
ow much n man Is Hko thee , sponge I
( Dry , shrivelled , shrunken , dead ,
iitil tbo watera of success
Swell him , llkowbo his bead.
London Through the Eyes of "da
Monk. "
Palnco I.ookn Very Plain
to the linrrcl Orcim Man The
Thames Full of Mud and
i M'ntcr.
LONDON , May 10. [ Spoahvl to Tun
. Da monk' gll tlrod of Liverpool
vot1' quick nioii too. Wo both want to
see da hub ofa da earth London. So
wo go to da rnllnrond to buyn ilix tickets.
Da rttilnronila In doossi hind are vor *
inuchii queer no liuva deopots no
havn stations doy huva da "booking
otllcos. "
I go up to ( In wind' nnd tolln da man
"plcaao bookn da monk' moa too I"
Him say "Whluha class V"
I soy "Whtitta you moan ? "
Him answer "Wo hava da ilrst , da
second , nnd da thlrdn class. "
Don him add "Only da 'Morlrano
sucker , du prince , and da fool go flrstii
class. "
"Dat noa dif , " I say , "piva da monk'
da llrata class. Him play prlnco for
once In him llfo mca too , youa boll"
Him Inyn da tickets out and I say ,
"How much ? "
Him say "Twoa quid ono and six. "
Dat knocka da curl outa da monk's
I say , "Eh ? "
Him auswor , "Two pounds ono shil
ling and slxnponco. "
Dat mixa mo up da vor' much worse ,
so I chucka da gold out and say , "Tnka
da change. "
Him doa dat and don wo Inka da walk
'long da platform. Wo looka da train
over. Vor1 quoorl vor' ' quoorl Green
locomotive cars nil small look Ilka da
cigar box on wheels with doors Inu da
sldo. Vor' neat vor' clean , but vor'
hoinoly , Ilka da monk' not moa too.
Prot soon wo climb into ono place dat
look fista class. But da guard yell " 'oro ,
'ore , blow It all , sir , you'ro in Iho loog-
gugo van ! Como this way , sir , " nnd
him hold out him hand. Da monk'
cnchn on moa too. Wo used to dat
kind business , so I giva dayman da tip.
It work Ilka da bribe to da horse jockey
or da nowa dress to your wifo. Him all
attention , all polite.
In Amcriqiio da tip system doa harm ,
coy 'buso It too much ; here it doa good ,
it Improve da manners ofa da
pcop' , and works Ilka da physic
ona da put-so. In Nowa York da ola-
vata guard yell , "secondty-sov * str-r-r-o-
o-o-oo-wow ! Bill ! ! Yah ! Whatta da
mat1 wit' you ? Como ! Gitta da move
on , quick ! " Don him slamma da gate ,
pulln da string and chow tobac' . Uoro
da guard blows ono lit' whlstlo , says ,
"all in , please , " and do train starts so
gently you not known , it till you git
und' way.
Well , wo skim along ov' da smootha
road , thro' groonn pastures Ilka da gar
den where Adam losa him rib , and
where Cain doa da club act on Abel
joost like da goola police num.
Wo Hit past clean and boautlful brick
and stone towns and villages , and da
monk' think heaven not vor' far from
icro men too. But da manor house ,
da hunt' ledge , da country seat are ,
ruosta all , liku da monk' on-tailed.
Aft1 whllo wo como to London , and da
wunnl cry "Saint Pancivko station , alia
out. " Da door ily open , and ono porter-
man como up to da monk' , take oil him
cap and say , "Your lordashlp , is your
luggage inti da luggngo van ? " [ say to
him , "My goota man , you inaka mis
take him noa lord , him joost ono
plain American citlv.on moa too. "
Him say , "Bogga da pard' , "
and don wo taka da han
som for da Victoria lioatol. Da cab have
rub' tyros on da wheels Ilka da blcyclo
and dii streets have pavements so smooth
dat da hundreds nnd hundreds cabs and
wagons [ of [ allu da kinds mnka not half
so niucha noise as da ono dray cart on
Broadway , Now York. Da monk' think
ono funeral go'n' on moa too. Da
stroota cars here taka da cake doy not
stroota cars , doy busses , and da pi8.son- ;
jrors sit on da lop. Da monk1 dodge ,
dodge alia da tlmo 'frald da hannsom
go'n' smash into 'nodor wagon , but it
squeeze througha da crowd , lika da
schoolboy at da circus and gitta there
with da both foot.
Well , da monk' wash him face , comba
him hnlr , and brushti him whiskers out
moa too don wo stnrta out to see da
town. It slick. It good. It big vor'
much wldo out vor' mud ) long vor'
much Ilka da plato macaroni' all twist
up. Wo walk , walk , walk. Da monk'
gitta tired gitta dn legacho moa too.
Wo go to da Buck1 palaco. It vor'
plain vor' dingv on da outnsldo looks
lika da Madlbon Square garden.
It disappointa da monk' . Da queen
doa da same she not nt homo she gene
down town to da tncata market to order
da mut' chops for da family bronkafnst.
Dat tooa bud , but wo luavo da card < md
go'n'call tomor' . Dallunkii man at da
door have ono white head look like him
taka da tllvo in ono Hour barrel. Him
face alia powdered up like da ballot girl
on da 'Moricano stage. Him pants cut
oIT short at da knocs him coat all gilt
him fatilca htm jaw out hold uppa him
head him haughty joosta Hko da 'Mor
icano journalist , film say "Goota
morn' ! "
I say "Goota morn , " too. Why you
notta use Boar's botip ? it knocka da
chalk olTa you fnco. Dat face btoppa my
clock. You tolla da Vic I como tomor' .
See ?
Don wo slide. Wo goa 'cross London
bridge. It no great shakos. Brookalyn
bridge boaln it hollow for size and shnpo.
Da Thames riv' make da monk sick
tnca too. It might plo.iso Slinka-
sponro , might suita da Charles Dickens ,
might plcaso da KngHHhmun , but doy
not partlc1. Da monk' is moa too. Da
Thames is fulla mud and water. It
would drown In da Harloui rlv' , or da
Cuyahog1 , or da Gliicag' rlv.
Don wo glttn da gnaw fcol Inn da stom'
gitta hungor. K da prince da Mist1
Wales was hero , wo would give htm ono
call and worka du free lunch racket , but
him outa town him gene down to
Brighton to tnka da annual bath. Howe
wo looka round for one until bliop. Wo
stroll 'long da Fleet street. It vor' slow
hut still Fleot. Ono sign road "Choahlro
chooso. " Wo both stuck vor'much on
chcoso , so wo go In. Wo go up ona
alloy way called "Wlno Ofllco Court. "
It vor' nar' like da mind of da monk' ,
Wo go Inasido. Huh ! Da place vor
queer. Saw dust ouii da floor. Still
bonch'03 no chairs to sit on. Ono brass
sign ona da wall say "Rnro Bon Jon.son
used sit in doosiv chair used spit ona da
floor used smoka da clay pipe , and gttta
da jag on hero with du Billy Shaka-
spouroVoltaire , Pope , Bollngbroko , and
other nowsapap'hoys who did da reporter
act long tlmo ngo , '
Da monk' notta know what romlnls-
coiu-o Is moa too but da waiter man
ay da "chooso" Is so full ofa It. Da
monk' take Jonson's seat , I tnka da
Shakaspoaro's , and wo'ord' da same
kind grub da Bon and da Hilly used oat
to sco If it mnko us have da same kind
of thinks. It last vor' slick nnd It maka
mo want to wrlto plays alia da tlmo , but
It don da monk'noa'good him romnln
ioost plain monk' . Da waiter glva UH
beer uat Jensen , or Totnimi Hood , or
Hobluv Burns inusta loft over lint ,
dead fora da two li'tind' years bitter
It taste joost liku da dose qnlnlno.
But dii best ofa da whole biz was da
price It joost da swine us in da olda
days with interest added since da tlmo
of Klnga Jim da First.
Da monk' is noa slouch him catcha
on quick tea da style him putt a da ono
eye glass In him eye , carry da cano
wronga end up , rolla him pants up nnd
smoka da plpo joost Ilka dn real Johnny
moa too. When wo In Hum wo do aa
da Rum 'tins do so da poop' not taka us
for Americano jays you bet ! When wo
walk on da street woHrtict no 'tontlon
look natural. Dat where wo show da
goola taato da goota souse.
Aft'lunch wo take ono stroll. Wo go
down I'ntor Nostro How , where alia da
big publish' houses nro. Da street Is
vor'dirt' , vor' dark , vor' narrow. Wo
passa da Bank of Knglnnd It maka da
monk' shlvor mna too. It look too
much lika jail.Vo go "long past da Sf
Puul'ei cathedral da chimes rlnga out
BOYD'S , THHII'NI ; ; IITS o'xi.v.
SUNDAY. ° p Mrm fljl fD ) DC
and TUIW AY , ifliy ( 4 , 1 0 , aD
A Truly Gorgeous Triumph.
Glorious Scenic , Jlallot nml rttiitomliuo'ypcctacle ,
Tin :
7O Capable ArLlsbs 7O.
Hvo ( iraml Iliillols.Drnuuitlo ( Vi l ( if Thirty 1'lnyers ,
Tlirou l''amoui I'remlorn ,
llox nlioct opens Hatunlay nt rouulnr prices.
SJOYP'S. . _ NiP-lifs nnd Snt. Mat.
Thursday , Friday nnd Sitlimlav , May
28 , 2 ! ) and 'M.
nimorn. Vanro'H Gri'iit Itcallstle Hall Uoad
Comi'dy-Driitiin ,
The Limited
A grout star cast , superb and entrancing
music , spuflvlln ; dialogue.
- - Tliotllzht of thollmllocl mnll.
I'll' ' ' Tha thrilling reck nconu.
1 M. Tlio iiwa-liioplrliiK cljctrlcul clTecti.
JU The roiill'tlarntr-iulllopl'KMli } .
Tim nmrrolons U'liKr.ipli ucuno.
1'rlcos as usual.
Fair Grounds
10 Mi'es Ladies' '
Equestrian Baco during
the inflation of tlio Air Ship.
Admission 25c.
Game called tit 3o : ( ) .
sotiiul just lltmila orjr' maUn ua IIOMIII-
slclc. I huya ono iiuwttpnp' und Bittn
down on da stops of ( In imrllutuotit house ,
whom dn Mist'
GliuUiiislono haii u
out , to rest nnd rend 'boutix du
money market at homo. Uoro you
roailii docs : I litulii it In dn pap' ami
cuttii It out BO you can see du funny
mis. in cloosii country ; "Air. nnd Mrs.
Simpson hnvo cast-oil clothing of every
( loaorlptlon and nro now roiuty for in
spection. Add to your income by bring
ing jour eust-olT irtirtnunts to us , who
puy highest prices. Wo IIM ) buy
cast-oft boots , Hlioos , huts , nock-wear ,
fnlso tooth , oto. , ote. "
I low you hka dat ? Hgiivnila monk'
da amiiso , HO him hutch nil ever da fuco ,
and roll oiinda ground mon to.
Well , don wo j'lvn dii stroll da con
tinue.Vo go on , on , on till wo como to
dn Iowa down quurtor , where dn houses
not swoil , mid dn poop' lookn lou li. Wo
not Hko dcosn place , nnd wo joost go'u'
skipnn out when ono womiin stlckii her
licnuoutii dn door , pointn dnllng' nltn
mo , nml yell , "Jncldi dn Utppor 1 Jackn
dn Hip' I ! She yell Him du nil gltu
out , malcn my blood run cold , HUn dn
ice cream uppn my buck. I soon dn
point , quick likn da llnsh , and I whisper ,
' eon WillUockolotto , docs Is Whlto-
chnppol. Como I Maka dii I Sklppn
dntnilool" And wo miikn ono break
nnd gittu out joost lu Umo to snvii dn
monk' mon too ! .Ton Knitu.
St. Patrick's Pills give entire satisfaction.
I have used them in my family. They nrothu
boat I ever used for the purpose , FrnnkCor-
nollous , Purcell , Indian Territory. For sale
by druggists.
Wednesday , June 3rd
Afternoon and livening' .
Under Auspices of the. Apollo
and his famous
assisted by the distinguished artists
Tlio Eminent riiminU
The Noted Tenor.
Tbo Cliimnlnir Continlto.
Tickets 0o , 73c : ind Jl. On sain Monday.
May "itli , at II a. m. , at Max Meyer & lira. Uu'u
Music Store.
Cor , llth nnd Farnam Sts. , Omaha.
A Mystery ! A Puzzle ! Mattle Lee Price ,
Tlio combined ntrontzth of a do/.on mon
cannot overcome her unknown powor. She
lifts tiiroo hoiivy mon simply by plncing her
hands on thuir chairs. Hy tbo touch of her
hnnd Hlio inovos iKJiidc-rous weights. Pull of
electricity nnd life.
Beautiful Cute ,
3 Blue-eyed 3 Cunning .3
Ik iby Girls. Cherubs .
The fathorof this lovely trio Is im Pinployo ut
the U , I' . Hliop.soll known and trusted , Tim
babies wcni bom July 5th , IMS and wuru named
JOFBI ° , Elonor nnd Gladys MoKoo.
The Beautiful MacGomber Sisters
The Dunclng Twins. Champions of the World In Soup nnd Dunce , JItf , Uool nnd
Wing Dancing.
A Farcial Sketch , "PAT , THE PATROL. "
Friday boltif ? O. A. H. day , nil the Imllos will rocolvo n boautlful souvenir II-
luatrntlc the cumii lifo o ( the boys in bluo. It is an album of t'cmu containing
the army corps Imnpoy , old wnr eongd nnd music.
The Electric Glrl-Tlie McKcc Twins-is DanSleCiirTTAttractlon
- - a ( lit the
Dime * Eiden * Musee.