Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1891, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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A Story ofOampLlfo In War Times.
U\i \ John Jtaliherton , Author of "Helen' * Da-
Ha. " "All l/e Knew , " fife. , Cojiy-
right 1831 li\i \ ( he Author.
Man by man the whole tcntful followed
tholr lender. It Is but just to say Hint they
wcro equally fnlthful In following him ns ,
nftot1 ft very short stny in the brook , Totr.
linstlly denned his blanket nud shoos nml
returned to the tent nt u brisk run. Then
there wni noino rapid dressing , nnd one by
ono the bnthcrs emerged looking entirely
salt&flcd with tholr experience nnd dcclnrlnt ;
they would not have missed It for n month's
pay.Tho second rcllof therefore demanded to
bo admitted , and as there wtw still n great
deal of heat In the brick * Tom " personally
conducted" llftcon moro men through tlio
mysteries of n steam bath after the original
plan. Then ho felt obliged to appoint a
deputy , but before ho did thW ho was com
plimented by having n deputation of ofllcors
nsk for the use of the tent between dark uud
During the remainder of the day Tom was
the camp hero. No matter where ho went
men followed him , stared nt him nnd wondered -
od what ho would do noxt. In this latter
respect ho was qulto In nccord with them ,
for that something else should bo done ho
did not for an instant doubt. Camp
In nthletlc.1 could not bo steadily maintained
by Russian baths and Indian clubs unless
reinforcements of some sort could bo obtain
ed. What should they bo ? Koot races were
well enough nnd could undoubtedly bo started
In any number for pri/os , but the pay of o
private soldier could not bo expected to pro-
vltlo material incentives to action. Ho wns
equally unnblo to order irynmnsUa apparatus
from Now York.
Unconsciously ho began striding to nnd fro
rr\ the parndo ground , his hands behind his
fcaclc , Ills head bowed nnd his brow contract
ed , until no honra nn admiring Irishman ox-
clalm :
"Luk at the young Napoleon I"
Then ho hastily unbent nnd returned to
his quarters , where ho wns astonished to
flnd the door wldo open nnd Jim iTmt with
out n plpo In Ills mouth and looking very
much nwako nbout something.
"Sco hero , Tom , " said the big follow to
his astonished tent mute , "you'ro thn coming
man nnd Homer nnd I nro so conscious of the
honor Deflected upon us by living In the
snmo but , you know that we're trying to
pot up a point for you. Why wouldn't It bo
n good thing to rig n trapeze as a hoisting
bar ! "
"Firstrate , " said Tom ; "but how and
where ? "
"Three of the corporrls have a hut ten feet
high , " said Knit , "nnd nctually had the en
ergy to frame It In regular style , with a ridgepole
polo to support the roof. If wo could nrrango
to trade hats with them I don't think It
would bo hard to got up a trapeze to hang
from that rldgo polo. Perhaps the whole
roof will como down some day when nn extra
heavy follow is hoisting himself , but even1
that would bo exciting , which is what wo
want. "
"Good 1" exclaimed Tom. "That Uussian
bath seems to huvo waked you up. "
"It brought my brain to the surface , " Jim
The three corporals were Interviewed
They were willing to trade if anything could
bo made by It , so Tom , trusting that the pay
master would arrive in time to provide the
funds for the Indian club prize , paid his last
flvo dollars to tno corporals nn.d the two par
ties exchanged quarters. Another appeal to
the quartermaster secured some rope , n bar
was made from a billet of wood cut from a
broken tent polo , the tr.ipo/o wns made , the
door thrown open and the passers-by ncccpted
us nn Invitation the spectacle of Tom , Jim
nnd Homer taking turns of hoisting them
This suited the company loungers exactly.
Tno hut was warm and it had plenty of
standing room , so soon the wall was lined
with men with tholr hands In their pockets
nnd their pipes In tholr mouths. But Tom
speedily ended many dreams of blUs to bo
enjoyed In this now olyslum ; ho announced
that n the trapeze nod been put up for the
physical bonollt of the company , no ono would
bo admitted who did not use it or who did
make the nir bad by smoking. Ono by ono
the pipes were fftdly emptied , but nobody
wont nwny ; ouch man "tried his muscle , " if
only to have an excuse to stay nnd look at
the olhfuii , and although oacti found , to his
own mortification , that ho had but lltllo to
try , lie had the consolation ot discovering
that ho wns no WOR.O oft than his compan
Meanwhile , It slowly dawned upon Tom
Mottray that lie had taken n very heavy con
tract. Kvery bno who wanted to use clubs
or take a Uusslnn bath or use tno trapeze
wont to Tom personally , until , from being in
persistent n lounger ns could bo scon In any
camp , ha found hlinsulf busier than ho had
over been In the ouslost days of his hard-
wuro trade experience. His best energies ,
however , were devoted to the work of fo
menting 11 .spirit of rivalry between the vnrl
ous companies. To this end lie guvo all tils
spare moments to visiting nnd boasting : ho
wns not unwilling to admit that his acquaint
ances other than his own had seine muscle ,
but ho declined to recognize tliolr physical
quality with the men of company C. lie ox-
initiated at length , and with the aid of his
lively imagination , on the breadth of IJoiuiy
OaUaVy's shoulders , the pownrlul arms ol
Jim Fait , the graceful suppleness of Homer's
wrist nnd the quickness ol motion ofVttr -
rekin's Mouse , until men urow utmost frnntlo
at his company conceit nnd brought out ono
after another of their own company's prodi
gies for his inspection. Even then Tom
maintained his conceited manner. Ho often
woiulecod afterwards why ho was not
knocked down for the arrogance , the shrugs
of shoulder mid the general air of condascon-
Blon with which ho regarded all men whoso
cnns did not bear the letter O.
The results were exactly whnt ho had
hoped and expected. llbforo the first week
of the muscular revival had ended there were
tlx comnauk'.s of the ton the regiment embodied
bodied whoru Indian clubs were daily swuut ,
by twenty or moro men , and at lonst two
dozen trapezes hail been rlpgod in as many
UTcrcnl huts. Company F had obtained a
Uussian bath of its own n structure superior
to Tom's for two men who lived In the aamo
hut were so enraged at "that Com
pany C" fellow's airs that thov ; after
llrst making arrangements to ledge elsewhere -
where , loynlly presented their building to
the company , moved It with some assistance -
anco log by log to the brooks I Jo , dug q pit
Inside It , placed benches around the sides ,
stopped nil chinks with clay nnd opened It as
nn opposition Uusslnn bath. Had they not
confined tholr Invitations to members of their
own company Tom might hnvo lost prcstleo ;
as It wns , however , ho turned the opposition
to his advantage by making it the ex
cuse for borrowing from the quarter
master a hospital tent to raplaco the Slbtoy.
As the regiment's sick wcro in huts the
tent had never been used ; It wns
clean nnd nt lonst twlco us
largo as any hut In the camp. Uo-
si ill- , Tom had the pleasure of putting ontslda
a notice , inscribed on n cracker box top with
a bit of red hot wlroi "No Mud-Cbliikod
U'nlls Here. " Ho also wns cheered by n bit
of open rocoirnltloii. The guard house
' ganu11 men who were Imprisoned for potty
offenses were dally taken under guard to
the woods autt compallod to cut wood for the
original Russian bathing establishment ,
while the opposition and exclusive plnco had
to bo supplied with fuel by the company that
cwnod it.
Tom visllod nil the now indoor nnd out
door gymnasia nnd sometimes condescended
to commend someone or homothlng , but ho
took care to remain true to his policy of
keeping up the fever of rivalry. Ho seldom
ended n visit without having said or done
something to rouse his ho its to u degree of
exasperation that was productive of now de
vices nnd greater vigor of exorcise.
Hut the path ot progress was not without
Its stumbling blocks nnd obstacles. To main
tain his personal prestige ncomod to Tom
qulto necessary , on practical ns well ns per
sonal grounds , nnd ho soon found that to do
it would require nil of his ability , for ho hnd
rivals. One evening he learned that two
sergeants of company 15 had announced their
Intention to send cast for boxing gloves ns
soon as pay day would enable them. This
Information made Tom despondent for the
space of an hour ; then a happy thought
struck him nnd ha mndo haste lo visit his
trusty "Jack of Clubs , " ns Wurrekln's
Mouse had been called since ho took charge
of company C's athlotlc class.
"Olove.s , d'yosayl" rnmarked Wurre'tln's
Mouse , havingll'rst eloaed his tooth and
drawn back his lips , ns is the custom of
young men affected by the pugilistic mania.
"Glovos ! Why , I've got four pairs of mv own
at homo In a box. Two of 'em was present
ed to mo , with speeches , nftcr I used up the
Phllndclphy Uantam , Onoofom'agot u sot
of resolutions drawod on it , tcllin1 how
many rounds wo lit , what our weight was
an1 overytlilu' . "
"Murt I" exclaimed Tom , grasping the Ilt-
tlo fellow's hand and speaking with n volco
husky with emotion , which Wurrouln's
Mouse nttributed to admiration of the Phlla-
delphy Unntnm's vanquisher , "Murt , if
you'll got those gloves on hero' right away
order them by tonight's mail I'll pay thoox-
prcssaco nnd I'll buy n p.ilr or two of you , If
you like , when pay day comes. "
'Til do It , " said the diminutive pugilist ,
"but I wouldn't likn any of the fellors to use
the ones with the resolutions drawed on
'em. "
"Certnhily not , " said Tom. "Hang these
Hi ) In your own hut for the boys to look at.
You owe it to your reputation ; you'ro not nu-
In n cavalry cnmp ho saw sovornl troopers-
amusing themselves by kicking nn old hat
from ono to another. Ho got Ills friend to
Introduce htm to the troop's saddler , with
whom ho had n long nnd confidential convor- ,
nation. Two days later ho revisited the
saddler and paid M for n football , mido by
picking liny tightly In n ball-shaped bag
mnde of sacking which afterward was covered
carefully with rubber cloth , cut from n rub
ber blanket. It almost cost him tin life to
protect thn trcnsuro until ho reached his own
camp , for ho hnd n following whichif , armed ,
could hnvo made n reconnaissance In force.
Tom know no moro of football than ho did of
statomanshlp but , as ho correctly stated to
himself whllo devising the ball itself , the
most Ignorant human being knows Instinc
tively how to kick nud the Inzlcst of
mortals would n little rather ktclc tnnn
As soon ns ho entered camp , by way of
gunrd headquarters , which In nil camp * Is
the onlv lawful point of ogress or ingress , nil
men of the guard relief off duty loft the
gunrd house nnd followed him. The crow
wns swelled by every ono who saw it , and
although the off-duty gunrd had to bo re-
calUid to help ropul the mob that hnd follow
ed Tom from the cavalry quarters mid In
sisted on entering camp , they were not
missed , so quickly did "tho hoys" como from
every direction. Tom made his way to his
own hut , to show his acquisition to his
mates , but some ono roared : "To the parade
ground , " nnd the shout was echoed by a
hundred voices. The owner of the ball en
deavored to carry out his original plan , but
the crowd closed nround him nnd carried him
with them , in spite of himself , toward the
broad space , two hundred yards long , where
all parades nnd drills occurred. Everybody
talked nt once , nnd the noise grow HO loud
that nil huts were emptied to learn what wnn
going on ; oven the oillcors , who wore qulto
as expert ns tholr men In the soldierly ac
complishment of dovotlng themselves to
lounging Indoors , came out to sec whnt was
going on.
"Who knows the gnmoi" Tom finally
asked. The nolso stopped suddenly. No
ono nnswornd for u moment , then tno sllenco
was broken by Preacher , who roared :
"Everybody , of course. There's nothing
to It but'kicking , Is there ! "
Tom could not answer to the contrary , for
ho never had seen but ono game playoJ. and
In that no system or rule wns perceptible.
As nearly ns ho could recall , there were two
sides , each of which had n goal to which It
tried to kick the ball. From this slight
knowledge Tom rapidly formulated , aloud ,
the game ns follows ;
"Lot's plnv right wlnp against the left. I'll
drive four sticks to Imltntto the goals , while
you fellows separate yourselves according to
the wines of the regiment your companies belong -
long to. "
Then there was a great hubbub , but by thq
time the goals were marked out two great
gangs eyed each other across n clear space
nbout n hundred feet wide. B.ich man of the
live ) hundred or moro wnutcci to bo In the
front rank of his siilo ami considerable tlmn
was consumed In "dressing bnc. : ! " Then
Tom , stopping out on ono flank with the ball ,
nnd fncing the prospective battlefield ,
shouted :
"Tho signal for the rush will bo the bnll
striking the ground "
"Lot her come , " -'Olvo her to us , " nnd sim
ilar cries nroso. Tom poised the big black
sphere ns if ho wcro In u bowling nlley , but
delayed nn Instnnt just to eujov n glance nt.
the two long walls of eager faces nnd ad-
preclntlng your privileges , my boy. And if
you wnntuny resolutions put on the other ,
in India ink , I'm the man to do it. "
"I wish I hnd some , " said the Mouse
thoughtfully , "but the trouble Is I haven't.
Sav , may bo I s'poso you couldn't put on a
picture of n-Unockln' out the Philadolphy
Bantam , could you ? I've got his picture in
my Itnnpinck. "
"It shall co on the gloves , then , " said Tom.
' The Mouse on ono glove of a pair , the Ban
tam on the other , or nny other wnv you like.
I want this whojo camp to know how much
of n fellow you are. "
Wurrekln's Mouse did not say much by
way of acknowledgment the tongue wns not
the" member with which ho expressed him
self with most case but the smllo of sntls-
factlnn that overspread his little fnco showed
thnt Tom might afterward demand whatever
issistnnco ho wanted from the Bantam's con-
[ uoror.
The request for U'O gloves wont by the mail
of that evening , nnd by the snmo carrier wont
i letter from Tom to nn old friend , bogging n
short loan of $10 mid nsklng also thnt n stick
of India Ink and some crow quill pans bo sent
him by mall. As Now York wns but twenty-
four hours from the camp of thoTwoHun-
Irodth , the expectant couple counted on returns -
turns three days nt the farthest. In
.no menu time , however , something now must
oo done to maintain Tom's prestige , in case
the gloves through any uccldcut should fall
to arrive. Wnnt should It bo ? Tom ran
over-mentally , a list of everything ho had
ever srcn in n gymnasium , but the only thing
ho could think of that wns within the resources -
sources of the cnmp was rope climbing. The
quartermaster'had some picket ropes , but thn
ammeter win only half nn Inch , so they were
too small for the hand to cling to securely
when a hundred ami fifty pounds or moro of
humanity wns clinging securely to the hand.
Tom studied thee picket ropes for nn hour ,
first hopefully , then hopelessly , but the Idea
cnmo at last. Ho got three and plaited them
together , the result bolug n rope largo
enough to Ueeo the nails of tlio longest
fingers from reaching the palms ; It wns also
rough enough to servo , without knots , the
purpose or the merest beginner nt rope climb-
( i.e. Where to put It wai the next question ,
nnd the answer wns not long deferred , for
Comra'iy C's cook house wns shndcd bv the
onlv " tree nctually within the camp limits.
It "would hnvo boon cut down long before
hnd It not boon n sweet gum a tree
.tho wood of which will not burn nt
nil when green , nnd cannot bo spile , ex
cept by almost superhuman exertions , when
cither green or dry.
The old tree had been so grntcfully rcgnrd-
ed during tlio few hot days in Into autumn
thnt there was n gonernl protest of "Wood-
innn , spare thnt trcol" when Tom nnd n
hatchet began to lop nwny several of the
lowcV boughs , but when the rope wns ad
justed to n stout limb growing almost at right
angles to the trunir , nud Charley Pyko , an
ox-sailor , uttered a glcuftil shout and went
up "hand over hand" with no perceptible as
sistance from ills legs and arms , some ono
"Throo cheers for Tommy the swell I"
For the remainder of the day the rope wns
the centre of effort In the cnmp nnd scorned
productive nbout equally of delight nnd mis
ery. It was'it great sport to the crowd to sea
some ambitious fellow , uot accustomed to
rope-climbing , try to ascend ns If ho wcro
climbing a tree. The slightest effort to use
the logs would cause the rope to sway wildly ;
then the climber would renew his efforts.
When nbout half wnv up the climber would
lese his strength , ding convulsively to the
rojx ) mid be "chaffed" by scores of his com-
ratios. When ncrvo nnd muscle could no
longer cnduro ho would slide down , hU trou
sers almost smoking with the heat can sod by
friction and his palms so scratched nnd
bruised by the rope that his fnco would ex
press agony to n degree which greatly de
lighted a largo proportion of the spectators.
Nevertheless a great deal of practice was
indulged In and the rope was In steady de
mand , for tnora was no other ulaco m camp
for mi opposition to start In business.
But all other forms of exorcise wora cast
In the shndo by a hint which Tom Mottray
took one day , when , during a visit to a friend
vunccd shoulders. Then ho gave it a quick
toss In the air.
A tremendous roar nroso nt the s < flno time
and without waiting for the ball to strike
ground the two great crowds dashed nl the
ball nnd each other. Ono man succeeded in
giving it a kick nnd getting nn equally vigor
ous kick upon his own foot at the snmo in
stant ; from that time forth , for n ponod of nt
least three minutes , the ball was utterly in
visible , bnlng burled under a small mountain
of humanity that was kicking , struggling ,
wriggling , roaring und swearing , whllo these
who were not part nnd parcel of It tried to
become so by dragging nway comrades so ns
to make place for themselves. This endeavor
led to at least a dozen short but vigorous
fights nnd nn oconn of talk. In the midst of
which ono man who was at the bottom of the
heap managed to work out backward , carry
ing the bnll with him , nnd dushing toward
his own goal. Ho found his way blocked by
a whole "relief" of the guard , standing at the
position of "chnrgo bayonets. " Then Tom
heard the volco of the colonel saying , sternly :
"Tako the ball from that man and bring it
to mo. "
TUB 110X1X0 OI.OVT3.
From the parndo ground to the colonel's
hut was not a hundred stops , and Tom Mot
tray , as ho und the football followed the
colonel nt a respectful distance , was not
awaro'of walking slower than usual , but ho
had time enough to Imagine all sorts of woos
as being in prospect. The colonel had con
doned the disturbance caused by the foot
race a few days before , but that was a more
flash of spirit compared with the results of
the ball match. Tom wondered what would
bo his fnto. That the promised Ifoutonantey
wns now Impossible ho admitted without ar
gument ; what ho wondered was whether his
additional punishment would bo ten deys in
the gunrd house , by the colonel's order , or n
heavier penalty by sentence of court-martial.
The colonel left the door open and dropped
Into his chair. When Tom presented himself
the colonel brusquely said :
"Como in ; shut the door. "
Tom obeyed.
"Give mo the ball. " said the colonel.
Tom dutifully delivered the offending play
thing nnd unconsciously stoppau aside to
dodge a possible blow from the ball Itself , as
the colonel was violent when angry ; ha had
boon known to so far forgot himself ns to
knock down nn officer of the guard who was
drunk on duty. The colonel looked nt the
bill , weighed It In his hand nnd nskod :
"Whnt did you stuffl t with ? "
Tom. gladly explained the construction of
the bnll. Then the colonel said :
"It does you great credit , young man-
great credit ; but it Is too heavy nnd not elas
tic enough. If you've no objoctiou. I'll ' order
you ono from Now York at mv expanse. Lld )
you over piny football yourself 1"
Tom confessed ho hnd not.
"So i thought , " snld the colonel , "for you
hnd fnr too many men on each side. Twenty
men to a side Is enough. 1'vo played It often.
Perhaps you've noticed I walk n llttlo stiff In
ono log ? "
Tom rmsod his eyebrows in surprise but
did not dare to volco his thoughts , for ho was
thinking thnt the colonel ntwnys walked stiffen
on both legs , at.d nlso ns if hU vortebrd hod
been strung on n ramrod.
"Yes , " continued the colonel , "whou I wns
preparing for college , nnd Fourteenth street
In Now York hndn'tyot boon hoard ot , I've '
many a time kicked myself breathless at foot
ball on the old Washington parade ground.
Ono dny I hnd my lower loft log broken by a
kick which wns meant for the ball. Ah , that
was a glorious dny ; I wish but that is
neither hero nor there ; just look through the
regiment forsomo : college graduate and hnd
out what are the rules of tbogamo nowadays.
There's a Ynlo man In company O whoso
father Is steadily pestering mo to recommend
the follow a worthless scamp ho 1s for o
commission. Pump him Industriously dur
lug the next two days * the now ball will
probably bo hero a dny Inter , Of course the
news will got nbout that football is played In
this camp and wo will huvo a lot of visitors
who know something about It , so I want the
game played according to tactics according
to rule , I mean. That Is ,11.11 ,
Tom saluted and said ; Thank you , " and
m :
turned to go. whcMfetho colonel stopped him
with !
' 'And Jusi talk Itnbout In every company
that the colonoj sqrys that hereafter every
man who gnts into a fight over a game of
football will got Into the guard-house and re
main there ns long as the law allows. "
Again Tom snlukd and stirtod , but again
the colonel stoppcXr him saying :
"You hotter tnj $ & tlio bail with you or the
men will think you've got Into trouble on ac
count of it. Just say , though , thnt you'll
nave a proper ball within three days nnd
thnt you won't rtsBLnnothor game until then.
By the way , would you think the now ball n
fair equivalent for this ? If so I'd Hko to
keen the old ono.nj-n relic of the service. I'll '
will it to you Iff ate hcforo yon , ns In the
natural course trtHtants I suppose I shall If
rebel bullets spurg ou. " ,
Tom was too trrntoful to know what to say.
but ho finally fell back upon the universal
American substitute , Certulnly , " which ho
repented several timed with ovcrv Intonation
thnt gratitude could Inspire ; then ho burrloJ
nwuy to his qunrtors fooling ns If ho wns
wnlklng on air. A dozen anxious proup *
waylaid him to know whnt happened , but tlio
colonel's dictum ibout lighting wns sufTlclciit
as explanation nnd niis\vcr. tit his own hut ho found Wurro-
kln's Mouse , slttluc upon n very Inrgo box
ana with nn expression of countenance bo-
flttlng n soldier guarding nn nrmy's pay chester
or a mngnzlnoof ammunition , The hutsnaca
not occupied by the llttlo man nnd his" big
box wns filled with men almost frantic with
curiosity , for the Mouse hnd resolutely de
clined to show anything or tell anything un
til the master of athletics should nrrlvo. As
Tom.ontcrod . the wonzonod fnco of the Mouse
broke Into n triumphant smllo nnd the list
which had proved loj much for the Phllnilol-
pay Bnntnm rapped slinlflcantly upon the
big box. Then there was n whispered con
sultation , nftcr which Tom stepped upon the
box shouted "orderI" nnd snld :
"Ontlomnn , wo have nil hoard of what
sacrificed the slout arms of freedom have
made for tlio purpose of preserving the In
tegrity of our bulovi'd country , but it is lo tlio
stout tinni nnd self-sacrifice of ono of our own
comrades that wo are about to oo Indebted
for some sport worthy of moil whoso delight
is war or should bo and who nt present uro
deprived by the weather of tlio opportunity
to light with military weapons. Our good
friend here , whn hi his cap-icily of Wurrok-
in's Mouse Is mimed admiringly in every bnr-
room from the Atlantic to the Pacific , lias
shown his regard for our physical welfare
nnd manly spirit bv ordering from the honor
able seclusion of his homo his whole stock of
boxing gloves , the tools of his trade , so to
speak tools bv which ho was enabled to con
quer In n bnttlo such ai It was never the for
tune of you or I to Indulge In. Did any man
present over knock out the 'Phllndclphy'
Bantam i I pause for n reply , but no reply
comes. Gentleman , In consideration of our
comrade's thoughtful kindness , I move to express -
press our thanks , In true military style , by
giving three cliooiM for Wurrokin's Mouse.
Hlp-hls- "
"Hooray 1 Hooray I iloor.iyl" roared tlio
crowd ; then there wns a combined bloat In
which the word " "
"tiger" was faintly percepti
The Mouse looked , as Preacher said after
ward , llku n saint receiving tlio reward
which ho wns not unconscious of deserving ,
and n * soon ns the spaoch ended ho expressed
his thanks by taking the hand of the speaker.
Ton : tooit the little fellow by the shoulder
nnd stood him upon the box. The crowd un
derstood the movement and shouted :
"Spuechl Speech ! "
"Well , gentloilion ' said the Mouse , sud
denly sobcr.'d by tup weight of this unex
pected responsibility , "I can only sny that-
well I think Mint it. 1 mean my good
friend nnd fcllqr " * ojora hero there's one
thing I want to baywn' it's "
Then tlio Mouse taouoil nt the roof , Into the
fireplace , through ,11m window , upon the
table , nt tils owri/'cpht sleeve , nt Preacher's
lint nnd elsewhere for whnt ho wanted to say ,
but he could notiiluU It. Then ho looked nt
his own buttons ) his Imces , and soon down to
his feet , until hln eVe fell upon the box. Then
ho looked up quliikiy nnd continued :
"What I wnii ' 'tk sny U just this Ain't '
nny feller got swafthin' wo can open this
box with i" ; rTi ,
One man hurried o the cook house for the
cook's hatchet , nnd'hiiothcr ' robbed his own
chimney of a briii.H ; menu while Preacher
drew from his bp'tl ti ploavor-liko kulfo and
quickly pried ollt.uilcovcr of the box.
l "Ahhltl"chbrA'sod "the crowd ns tlio
gloves wort } dxpos'cTl to'vlew.
"They Iukus'pritty'asbablo3 m n cradle ,
EO they do , " remarked Denny Gollaty ,
The Mouse tossed them out upon the floor ,
glove by glove ; ho wmed mixicus aloat
something , but ho finally nroso , smiling , with
the bottom pair. Ho [ rut them on his bauds
and held them up to view , faying :
"I nln't n man of muay words , an' I don't
nsk nobody to believe what 1 say , but road
Several mun bojnn to read the resolutions
aloud : meanwhile Denny Gellnty was putting
on another pair of gloves ; us soon ns hcsuc-
: ecdcd ho cleared the readers right nnd left
> y raps on thu sides of their heads ; then ho
struck another attitude und shouted :
"Whurroo ! "
The Mouse understood him. Denny was n
Ittlu the taller and nl least fifty pounds heav
er , but the Mouse would , hnvo fought the
rroat Goliath nt "catch weight" that dny.
There was n llttlo sparring , two or three hard
) lonnd then Dunny went backward and
doubled up in the fireplace , regardless of the
ittor Innpproprintoness of the spot und the
lent of the coals. ,
"Don't let th < 3 gloves 'get burned 1" wns the
crowd's expression of sympathy U3 Denny
vas dragged out of th3 fire nnd the Mouse
Inpned Ills elbows ns if they were wings nnd
crowed like a llttlo gamecock ,
When the lord chief justice of iSnglnml or
ders Cook's Extra Dry Champagne , it's nsad
commentary on our Anglonmnlucs.
AGlnsborro , Pa. , dogs raised a litter of
kittens , thu mother of which had her life
snuffed out by car-wheels ,
James Clnrk of Now Mooroflold , O. , has a
3at which' has adopted nn Infant skunk nnd
is ns much attuchod to It ns to her own kit-
George L. Sturoovnnt , a young man who
died recently in Berkeley , Cnl. , during the
last seven months of his life turned from a
light complexion to us dark nsn negro.
Among a brooct of chickens hatched In
Bayonne , N. J , , wns n four-legged brown
Leghorn. It was bought by members of the
New York stock exchange for n mascot.
Miss Belle llowo , who win killed nt
Wntervlllo , Mo. , h' d auburn hnir , but when
her friends saw the body after the accident
they were astonished to notice that the color
of her hair had'changed lo brown.
An nrtesian well near Albert Lon , Minn. ,
which spouts bofh oil nnd wnter , often
changes the programme nnd sends out a
stream of .small minnows which nro wholly
unlike nny known species of fUh found In
thnt vicinity. , ( i i
An Atlnntn citflsA says that n crow was
killed In Doughesty 'county n few weeks ape
that hud " 3 ? " brnnOud on his back. "I can
see but ono monirlin > to that , " said ho , "and
that is that some'fifiA cnught the crow In ls > L' * ,
branded the ttgu'rbsV.on his bar-It , and then
released him. " ? 0
The "angry treej'1 ' n woody plant which
grows from ton W ? only-flvo feet high , nnd
was formerly soposed [ / to exist only in Ne
vada , tins recently boon found both In eastern
California and li'KA1'-011"- ' disturbed this
peculiar Iroo show * no very sign of vexation ,
oven to milling up UH loaves Illto" the hnlr on
an angry cat , anA'KlVlng forth an unpleasant ,
sickening odor. * " '
Mr. nnd Mrs. uuifs A. Piers' llttlo baby ,
In Lttcihflold , Murti.j'has an eye for flpurds ,
or , rather , has figure * on its eve. When the
baby wns nbout n month old a figure 1 was
discovered just'.mrovo and nt the loft of the
pupil of the bnbjy , loft eye. A short time
a figure U appeared -just below the figure 1 ,
nnd a few days ago a figure U became visible
just below the figure 'J.
When the body ofVllllnin lines , which
was buried at Corunna , Ind , two years ago ,
wns disinterred for shipment recently , It was
found to bo petrified , with every feature pre
served oven to the hair. At the tlmool
burial lines weighed ISO poumls , while his
potrlrtod body now weighs . | 0. pounds. The
rock which has taken the place of the flesh
scorns mostly u hard limestone.
Botanists made a discovery In Tehuantopoe
thnt the native "hinta" has a flower that
changes its color three or moro times each
day when the weather Is favorable. In the
morning it Is white ; at noon It has changed
to a deep rod ; at night It Is blue. It Is oven
claimed that some Individual tree * of this
species hnvo n llowor thnt changes to many
intermediate hues during the night. There
nro only two hour * out ol the twenty-four
from 11 a. m. to I p. m. that thU rarity gives
out a perfume.
Robert Hausborough of ChllUcotbo , O. , U
the possessor of n cow that gives bl&ck mllu.
The cowls a mixture of Jersey and Uunlnim
with a strain of Ayrshire. Molllo , as this
phenomenal creature Is called , has raised live
calves' of her own , nil of which hnvo lived
and grown fat on their mother's black milk.
This milk produces n fair amount of cream ,
which is a trifle lighter In color than the
milk , nnd which , when ojurnod , resembles
coal-tnr of the sablost of snblo hues. Para
doxical ns it may seem , the black butter Is ns
palatable as though of a golden yellow nr.d Is
highly relished by the Iiansborough family.
How It Clinic About.
Now , doctor , It's no uso. I've taken your
stuff over six month and I don't get well
worth a cent my liver and stomach are out
of order , so ycu say , but all your medicine
goes for naught. Now , I am going to quit
your remedies and take Bailor's Sarsnparlthi
and Burdock it cured mo oneo before when
I was nil run doivn , nnd I have faith to uu-
liovo it will do so nj.nin.
. . . . . . . .lELD
SHIELD. Only reliable
drcM shield. Known the
world over. 1 hilly miles
over 10,000 pull * .
Cmifleld Diaper. Only
article of lt llnd : that affords
perfect prntuvt Ion without
harmful results.
Canncld nib. Only
bib Uut Is tlKirnuglily
miti'rprooflthlilithlynb .
torbcntqualltlc ? ,
Cjin field Crib nnd HIM !
SlirrtH. Only waterproof
ftuct UiAt in frco from ol >
tjectlonnblj features.
New York , London & Tails.
E2f These goods are for tnlo by
IColloy. Stlgur & Co. , The Dry Hoods
Co. , Thompson , Itcldcn & ( . 'u.
When I My euro I < lo not maim niorelrtoBtop them
for a time mill then have tlirm return ng.iln. I moan a
radical euro. I Imvo made the dlsoaso of FITS , KM.
LKI'SY ( , r FALLING 8IOKNKSH a life-long study. I
warrant my remedy to euro the worst caws. Docauao
others hire foiled is no reason for not no f receiving a
euro. Send at once for a trcnttao nnd n Kruo Dottla ot
my InfalliMo n > mcdy. fllve Kxr-i'3" anil l * < jct Ofticj.
II. U.HUOT. _ .tl. < ! . . 183 1'curl HI. . N. V.
In thu only rotnody ttiit : rrluYCi ! toohucht * . Itcnit-
nelionnd nenralvhi It li thn clirnpuit , 21 ilnsoi for
Me.ti pnckixu. .Neither powder , liquid , plllnorlo-
cnso It l tin ) tnuU nun > oibla to tnko.Vo - warrant
rant this remedy to Klvo rntlufnetlun Oil ) bo mailed ,
ttetall of I.l'illo A l.uallo nnd ( Jiu ilimin Drug Co , Om
I Loko Mlnnetonka. Minn.
] l.ttry room fuci" tlio lake. JI palthful location. AI I mod
em comforts , dally concert * , line wencry , best of llnliInK
nndenlllnir. Kieiiucnt trains on Great Northern Rall-
indfrotnBt. I'milandMlnncniiolls. Until Junu27
nt St. I'.uil , after nt Mlnnctunkn Dcacli , Jllnn.
Dr. Lo Due's I'urlodiunl I'llls.
Till * French remedy nets dlroetly upon tlio k'onorn-
tlvo organ * find cures tuippresalun uf tlio incnse * .
(2 ortlireo fur ? 5 , nnd rnn bo mulled. Blioultt not bo
usjud during prcgnuncy. Jobber * , drugKlatsnnd the
Subllo mipplled by Uuodnmn Drug Co. , Omiilm : K.
. IVXIkornnnri llownrd .Myers. Boutlj Oiualm ; M.H.
iila ; mid A. I ) . Kostor , Council Illulls.
euro for Koiiorrhuui , gloot or tiny urina
ry trouble , will not For
\Tcnknes3 of both uialu or fonmle it huts
no equal. Will gimrantoo to cure above
complaints with ono box. Ensy to tnko
nnd quick in oll'oct , purifying tlio blood
it thu sixmo Jimo. $1,50 pur box , by mail
jr your druggist.
lllltKlSiM KKSlEitYCO. , Olllalitt.
Beet Sugar Enterprise
DO Cents n Year.
Locust nnd Third St , - Ornnd IMnnd. Noli
Dovotedto thodovolop-nont of the beet sugar In
dustry In tlio United Stutci. Manufacturing sugni
from Loots , hits proven a success Loth In California
and Nebraska. The average per coat of augur In No-
tiraika beets la H ! . : ) per cent. In Germany 12.M.
Germany innmifncturcMannually l.WO.UOO tons , inor"
than any other country In the world. The U. S. Im
ports nnnunllyl.fiO'J.OOO tons of nugar , which lit tlvo
cents per pound , would amount to ( lAO.UOV O. .Shall
the U. 8. manufacture lior own Kii , ir ? Seeding ,
cultivating , harvesting and nmnufncturhiK tlio BUK.IT
loetdlfcusseilln tlio lleet riugnr Knturprlso. Bond
B tumps for sample copy. Grand Inland. Neh.
iniADICATUll-Curea alldlscaiun bocatino It kills
tlio mlcrobo orKcrm. Put up and !
and * S lioi. tlio latter 3 1-2 gallons .Hent < iny-
wlicro prep.ild on receipt of prlco orC. O I ) . We
l lie a guarantee to euro. The public , trnclo nnl
1obbor supplied by tlio Goodman Drug Co. , .Mo *
Connlck.V I.nnd. Omaha ; C. A. Molrhcr , llownrd
Xlyers and K. .1. Poyknrn , South Ornnli ; A. 1) . Kos
ter and 31. I' . Kills , Council lllulN.
Easily , Quickly , Permanently Restored.
" \ \ > uline > , KcrvouincM , Debility , nnd all
the train of evils from onrlr crrorsor later cxcca cn ,
tbo results of overworksickness , worry.oto. Kuli
ulrongtb , development , and Umo Riven to every
organ and | > ortlon of tlio ( > ody. Bliupla , natural
methods. Immediate Improvement teen. 1'nlluro
Impossible. 2.UIO roforoncea. Uiuik , explanations
ami proofs mailed ( scnlod ) froo. Address
1'r.Ol'l.Kwrllo for tllnatrateil
fninlly pnper oit operations up-
.on tumom , lletuln , plica , Mirl-
- cocelo , byilrocelebrucoi ; < , iippll
_ _ nncca for deformities ; Kim contt-
JPucntlaI ! booh tor men , explaining wlit
Mhouennds cannot get ciirrdnf special , prl-
sr val toclironloill c pascinlnal wcaUncs , losi
„ , * of manlmodRlect , Hyphllla , iinmiturnl lonneinml
'result Jolnliuiio or fcc se which unflt nil fnr mar-
rliiL-e , liarplnesa or life's chilli' * . Jlr. J.lvlilit'n
\V < inilerriil ( lermaii Invlirorntor rnre nil.
To prnto Ita merlin , ( I trial liollle Bent free. Ilr.
Lipiiiic .b : . , : m W. Ninth street , Unniua ctur ,
" u urban l-'iancUio. Cal.
Hnorfivaffc. .
[ eu.fdy ( or nil 111 t
ivCurealn mimuuial dlodiaiKm nn'J
y'lTOt.UAYB.1 ' , prlvntodlsoac oliiiiMi. A
3 JuftrMto 4 nol to cortnlncuro for tbe delilll-
C VM Buleloic. tatlnK weukni'ss peculiar
I . , to women.
I kirdonlrfcr J preaerlbeltnnd fonlBafft
jlTHEEv..NSCHfVicuCo In recommeudlue It to
u A
Hold I'T nniKKlia >
0I.UO. '
Worry nml doubt never oomo to tliu o wlm 1110 nui
"Companion , " Just hitroilucoili lints n lifetimes hi'
de < tructlblo ; mifo ; rollnblo. Tn liitroducu prepalil
We. Htiuupa taken. WKSTIIHN AOKNCV , Kama :
City , Mo.
. . Kncllih Diamond Ilivnd ,
ir'c lV ii ( rj ttnotti * Pli-f
' in Ud ut4 tioLt ID UIU \
lintilut riktioo. TaLe
oll. r. * .Ai i * * ! " * * ! . ' " " *
In lurat * fur r rtl vUrf ,
* ? Il. < l . " ' I"- ' * * "
Jl.ll. I , OOO TMtl o Ul . A
Uhil fieMl..ll ! , M- " '
Boll \ > i f. nu.
TO WEAK MEN tlia olleoUi from ol
_ _ . . youthful orron
early decay , wanting weaknoM , lort Bittttheo.t , eto.
I wfti wnj n valuable truatbw ( m'aleUI coaulalni
rullpartlculan for horn * cure. FIIK1. f chargn
A apleudld medical workt atiould b read by < iverj
man who U tii-rrmn an.l . ddilllUU-d. Addrert
l > roC F. C. VO WLIUI. Moodui , Coua
kittens , soiled fyeir Dirtier ,
dietyt kljovWfy&t to do ;
old friend.
little kittens , washed % ir
Quick/ ! njs ed e&clj
as bricftl1 Aid soft as
Of the New Management of the
Will offer at special sale their No. 40 , warranted Real Kid ,
4-button , at $1.0O , in all shades ; former price $1.65. The
quantity of this elegant glove being limited , every lady should
avail herself of this opportunity.
N. E. Cor. 14th and Farnam Sts. V
Woato now making a sot of tooth forJI.OJ.Vc uHo mtiku thu Morris Thin Elastic * IMnto , as
this ' as card board making . II thu ploimutcst plato to wuiir , nnd Will Not 111 oak. In the mouth.-
I'ulnlcsi . Kxtrnutlon. . . lly . our unw method . toetli urn I'osltlvly nxtiurti'd Without 1'uln or
DuiiL'er. Gold. .Silver andr.ono fillings. . Crown and . llildgu work nt louo-il rut en.
onicuopcn ovc'inngs until & 'M. ijumlnv , U ) to : !
NO OURFx ! NO PA ! < r.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Or a Whirl by Rail to Six America&X1
Pleasure Resorts.
How a Little Effort Will Secure You One ol
These Trips.
Arrangements have boon effected by tUa
publishers of Tin : ] | IK : which etwblo in to
make n novel nud attractive ollor to par
ties who are tllspo-iod to devote tholr time
, nnd energy toward procuring new sub-
bcrlhers for TimOMVii.v WKBKI.Y Ur.H or
TIIK SUNDAY IIKU between this date awl
aim HUli day of Juno noxt.
Tnls oirer will bu open only to pnitlos
soliciting subscribers In Nubrasfca , lowu
Houtli DiiKota and Kansas.
A raroful recorded will bo Kept of all sub-
pcrlptlons forward , und the awards will
bo made without partially.
The European Tour ,
To the person that will gctntre the lar
gest number ot cash subscribers for Tin :
OMAHA \Viii : < r.rllKKor TUB SUNDAY HBB
before .luno lo , IMil , wilt bo given free of
coat a round trip Uutonoan tour tlcUet
'Oil * ticket will includd llrst class pasaaKO
from N w YorK to Knrnpo ami return
ThU Includes nlso all traveling , hotel uml
slRht-seoInKexpenses. The trip will be
made with nn flxcin-sion party gotten up
by .Mrs. M. 1 > . I'razar of lloston , nnd will
bo In clmtgo of competunt guliles. The
traveler has nocaros , whatever , 'Jhotour
covers nil the principal countrloi ot
I'uropo I'.tiKlnuil , Uermuny , Switzerland ,
Trance , llelgltim , Italy , nnU their prlnci-
cluillntj London. 1'flrls , llriis-
llcrlln , Homo , Florence , Venice ,
Milan , Ucnon , etc ,
Sevonty-Throo Days of Sight-See ! ng
The party statin from New York Juno
27 and returns to that city by September
Taken by nny Individual nloiio , thh Ku-
lopean tour would Involve an outlay of nt
leiist troo.
American and Canadian Tours
/ *
For the Hocond largest lint ot nubscrlb-
era wo otter a tree ticket from Omaha to
Han Francisco anil I.os Angolci ana re
turn. Mni-'iilllcent mountain scenery , the
beautiful Uoluon ( late , the land of mtu-
Bhlne , fruits nnd Howera. "Who has not
seen California will not dlu happy , "
Travul Is nn educator , nnd to properly
appreciate iliu vauttu'si of our great conn ,
try one must sen Iti best featuru.i.
Tor the third largoxt list of xnl > scrlborn
to \VKKKi.YorritiNDAY lltr. wo oiler
n ticket from Omaha to Quebec and ro-
turn. What could be grander than u trip
down the boautltul 8t l.nwretico In mlJ-
BiiminurTo contemplate tno beauty ot
Thousand , iHlmlndellt'htful. Mow much
more delightful to visit them whllo ) n
verdure clad. . . . . ,
A imrallthU pleasure f or obtaining sub-
sorlbors to THE WI.EKI.Y mid UUNDAY
for the fourth largest list of lubso rlb-
CDili tions.
Now v.hat nro the conditions upon
which these tickets are given uwayV 'J'ho
Mjcurlim ot tlio largest list of stihicrlborrf
jmpor In the west Is so well iind fuvorably
known nnd solicitors huvo always found
It nn easy mutter to Hoctiru mlMcrlber.s ,
Tun llni'.V subscription list has alwuvs
koptpiico'vlth it loputalion und It do-
stros to add nowniimi'S to its long list of
friends , iiolng at nil times u people's pa
per it makes friend * with all classes.
Thosubscilptlon price of TIIK WI.BKI.V
lliKls : Jl.lK ) per year postpaid toanytilaeo
in this country or Cnnidit , or tiOilf sent
to ix foreign country.
TIIK Ht'Ninv ' lliiKls K.O ) pur year , but
OmahiiHub.scrlborH for TIIK HIINH\V lii.i :
will no : bo counted In thin competition.
( Jntnp n list. Have your friends mib-
Bc.rlbo for thupapor. Sample copies for
warded freoon loipunt
IIiri msdo > > irliiglocoinpotofnr ono of
thuhoprl/.Ds will plonso say sowhen send
ing in their llrrit o-'lers. '
Homlttanuo in full must accompany
every order ,
Two six months mibsrrlptlons or fou-
throe months suoicrlptlohs will bo uotin
ted as one order.
crswo olfern fieoticket from Omaha to
Now Vork , I'hlladelplil.i , Wuhlngloii utid
1 ' '
Vl'ii'ro are no points on this continent of
creator general Interest than these thtoe
cities. AH Amorirnn bom citizen hat not
completed his education until he lias seen
the neat of government. The porsoiiH nnd
jmlntHof Intrroit In Washington are In
numerable nnd to thu Intellgent observer
n visit ttiero is fullof Interest , NowYork
nnd I'nlladolphla us the commercial and
Ilnanclal ct'iiteru of the country nro
alwnvB Interesting.
All this Might ne lnR and traveling given
nwnyfor obtnlnlim HUhscrllers to TUB
Kor the tilth largest list of Mibfrrlbors
wo otrcr a free tlcicet from Omaha to
NlHgara Tails and return. Kvery Mnco
your childish wonder was uroimxt by thn
description In the old school rf udors ot
those wonderful fallj you have donlrod to
southern. Hero li nn opportunity. A
most delightful excursion and one with
out expense , given for securing subscrib
ers to TUB WhKKi.Y or SUNDAY Hun ,
For the sixth Urgent llu of sutHcrlbors
wo olfer a free ticket from Omaha to Holt
f.nko City and return. 'I ho famous .Mor
mon city Is tun becoming n ( Jentllo city ,
nnd will In time loiBjmich of its Interest.
Now , this summer would bo n good time
to visit the booming city. ( InrllBld beach
Is of course included In the trip. 'JliU
Hummer rrhort on the Inkn In n delightful
pluce topiiflt a few of the hot summer
ilayx. Why not secure a number of mih
scribers for TUB Wr.KKl.vor HUNI'VY Uiu
nnd take n trip'/ . , . ,
Kor thn seventh laraost Hit of Btibscrlb-
on wo oirer a free ticket to Denver nnd
.Mimltoit and return. While n shorter trip
than anvof the others It comblnni many
pli < n nnt feature * . Denver the on eon
city of thn ptutna-ln always worth seeing
wlillo thn health ami nunimrr resorts of
Mmiltmiiiro delluhtful Indeed. Health-
giving , Iniplrltiir , reilful niiiiil HUbilme 1
sran ry what trip could bo moro restful !
All thli pleasure for securing stibscrlbur *