8 TEE OMAHA DAILY BEE ? TUESDAY MAY 10 , 1S01. THE CITY , "John Drown vna Bontcnccd yesterday to lllU-cii clnys'c'unllnorncnt In tlio county jail oti brtsnu and wnlor bv.Jud o IIolsloV lorttonllngn coat from Jlcnry Osthoff. Olllccr Popun arro.stcd GeorflO Hall at tins cornorof Twenty-fourth itntl Chirk BtreotH yustcrdtty iiflornoan tor nttcmnt- Ing to sell countciTcIt nioncy , lUllwlll hnM ) it hearing1 lodny. .About a vcoltnpfoa fine ladles' ( fold \valch VTBH tnkoti f rein a prisoner at the pollco station. The wnlch \ \ tupiiosod to lnivo been stolen , and Is In uliiirgo of Chief Scuvcy awaiting- owner , iS'ols Yonson , the Svvcilo who luia boon Blonlinj. ' cnrio | itors' ' tooln for tlio pust two weeks , wnivud examination In police - lice court ycttenliiytnnd n * < u bound over In the sum of SI.OOU . .About SSOOorth of tools stolen liavo been iccovcrod by the tlutietriicH. Most of the plunder was planted In SouthOinsiha. > \viru McXiiinre'H CJISD > 'nxv llcjlnjf llosml NCWS 1)1" ) tllR Cell I'll. Tlio courts wore nil set Inmotlon jestcnlny mornliiK , nmltlio ivorn o ( the IStoy term conimcnicil in earnest , Ecforo .Tiulpo ; Kstello tbo ctiso npalnst TlioinnsMo 'nincmvns commenced , nnd the ( renter portion of tbo Unj' ox tins toil in so- cunntr njury. ltlscliai'RoJthatonrobruaryl ( ' , ! cM'3tnco munli-retl 0110 ISMo Williamson , ina Klnth strict house of ill fume. Tlio defendant nx- pccts to prove that on the day prior to the nllcgrd commission of tlio crlinu , llio Wil > lltirmou wnmnii while In u stuto of Intoxluti ; tlon , fell do\vn stairs and sustained Injuries that can soil tier doalli. Jr Cliaitwlck vai the only wltneu sworn. Ho Icstlllcd tlmt tio\vM cilled In toscotho \Villlatmoii \ , or Nicholas , \voinanoii the Jlon- diiy prior to licr death , which oreuncd FH- dny. StioxviusuiTcringwHh a scvtio licail > aclic. 1 towns also iircsent ut the post mor tem. Snwr the brain after It \\a removed. It wa3 b.idly discolored on the ripht side , ivhuh indicated that deceased lad boon striirk onlhohcad. The other orcnns of the boiJ.v wcrolti ftUe.ilthy condition , Ilotlioiipht dcntli resulted from a blow upon the rlglit lido of tlichcad. > lcNainee vas nn intoroitod spectator mid loi'iiicil to express consldurame mi'priso when his attorneys sungostcil that llrl uhl's disease tr.Iirlit Imvu accounted for the d iscol- orutlau of tlio brain. JnJudpe Irene's court the cnio of Adolph IColjnr aalnst the Jlclt line railway coin- puny Is on trial , 'two yea rs ape , duriiiR fulr time , IColurp and a number of othtrs vcro on Korth Sixteenth street , opposite the fair grounds. IC obirp was struck by a passenger cnprltio and Injured. Ho iliiitns iicdlKCiico upon tlio part of the com puny in not Riving notice of tlie approach of its train and sues for diuimcos. Judge Wivlcdoy heard testimony and nrgu- menU in the mnttor of tha Injunction of Thomas Sivolxmnuiiisttho electric llRlit foni- pan vancl took the case unrtcr advisement. In JUUJM IlopoHcll's court tbo case of Mnrcn .nl. 1'ttorson usnlmt lier tiusbuml , fiorcnT. l'0tersoiils on trial. Thowlfais BuItiKfordlvorce , ndlvlslonof the property , which is valued n tfit { > , 000. nncl the custody of the two inlnorcluldrcn. Tlio husband offered the wife $ TiOOO , and npreed not to make n de fense , buUUo demanded more , and the case nill now to f OUR tit to n finish. Since ills now n well established fact that catarrh is a blood disease , medical moti nro nuito generally prescribing A > or'i ' Sarsapur- Illa for that most loathsome * coinplalntaud , the result , in nearly every Instance , proves the wisdom oftuclr ndvluo. ll.lllon Not A'uiiqiilHlictl. Ere many days the city council will bo given another opportunity to wrestle with the llnllou electric light franchise ordi nance. ' Mr. iJnllou was in the city last nlghtnnd tald : "Iscxt vcoklsball nwlce another applica tion for a a franchise , but cannot sav ivhat luccrss I shall meet with , asl tinvo not inado any canvas * tollndout Low the menders of the council stand upon the proposition. All that I want is a fair show arid 1 will give Oiimhii cheap electric light. " Councilman Rlsiiuorchulrinunof the cotn- nuttonon IIro ixnJvntur has not icon the . proposed ordinaiico , Jle , however , insists that before It can iuss it must state tno inux- Imxiin rutc tbut tbo now LOtupaii.v proposes to charge forstrcct lighting. Ovor4r 0OOO , Howe scales liavo boon sold nil the demand Increasing continually. Dor- cn &Hollcck Co. , Chicago , 111. 1'oor I'lilawkl. Count Arthur Pulaskl Is in a pcclt of trouble. Some tlino ago one of the pound- waster's men roped In an old nnilvortliloss horac , The o\vnor of tbo animal was notified , but rofi'scil to rcuccin the beast. 1'hn count Is anxious to obtain bis fees ns well as the cost of kccnlnc the horse Pulaslcivantod to linvo tlioowner of the horse arrested , but City Prosecutor Cobb declined to Isauo a complaint. Onthiiaccountl'ulinki Is layi waico nights trying tollud someway to get Us jiionej' back. Snwll in size , crrc.it m remits : Do Witt' Uttlo ICwlv Itiiers. licst pill for Constlpn tlon , host for SicK Headache , butt for Sour Ktouiticb. Urutal Battle Tlilovcs. Vcilcrdty afternoon two unkuonn men entered tie ynrd of Hannah Nelson on Thir ty-eighth street near Pmlcnoy , and. deliber ately untied her cow and started to drive the animal away. Katurally Mrs. Nelson ob jected , and thotvNO men fell ujwii nor , und bosidn Ijiuising Mrs. Poison , badly cuthor fneo , A complaint and description of tha men \ rnsleftUtltlhopolicoafid \ the miscreants will be taken Into custody if found. Nogrlplnp , no nausea , no pain vhoii Do Witt's ' 1-lttle Karl.v Itlscra uio talion. Small pill. Safe pill , Hot pill. ,1 A.U > CV..T/A'.VTX. . Clironco Dnle the big headed boy uo\v on Uhlbltlonat tlio Kdaii Musce this week Is a ( crltablu wonder. Ho Is but six years of age , fet liotulks with the Intelligence of n man of forty. Hols bright , wlttv , nniloli \ Informed - formed and it Is a ] ilua.suru to convursu wltl him. Hutt'illlio hero but ono weok. la the theater the FitzKcrald-LowU comedy com- iinn.v present a meritorious coiuoily-drnina boarhiK the title of "Desperate Chances. " Tbo dialogue Is well vrtttoa and the Inci- iloti tsnml tnblcaux superb. A specialty coin- Van y occupies the upper stn6'e. A I'we Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Uwd lu Millions of Homes 10 Vears the Standard. Dcllcioiu Okc and Pastry , Light Flaky licuitjfiJilleCakc ! , ( ! , Palatable an < \Vliolcsomc. l . I JCfootlicr LuVlny powJerdocatuchwoik. NVOIUCUP O.V 8lXlVy. ) Ittirjjlurd I'onisn to Oliscrvo the SnciT InCK8 ( r tlio Dny. The rc Idenco of W. F. Palis , 1118 Pork nvenuo , was burglarized Sundaj * nftornoon , while the fiimlly was nt Ilnnscom park listenIng - Ing to the snored concert. Kntrancovaa af fected oy forclr.R the bactt door. The burglars - \venttbroURtitliobousc , apparently ink- nK their tlmennu making n thorough search. They secured a couple of watches nnd sever- nl pieces of Jewelry , the whole valued at nbout KO. Several of the stolen nrtlcles were kPODsakos or fninlly heirlooms , ono \vntch In particular , which Mr. Fain snld wtis not ronllv worth ? ) , yet ho would not tiavo taken $ JOO for it. No ono saw the burglars , nnd the police liavo no duo. Never had n preparation a inoro m.iri1)- prlntonuina than Ayor's Hnlr Vl or. When the capillary glands bocoino enfeebled by dlsonso. age , or netflect , tliN drossliig Im- turts ronowt'd Ufa to the scalp , so that the hair assumes much of Its youthful fullness nnd beauty. t * Alllitnry .Mailers , Major Bcnhnm left ycstordiiy for Sidney and other western military po ts to Inspect the rlllo practice , lie will bo gone about ton days. Chief Clerk T. II. B. Jones of the rjuartor. master's ' department has gene to Minnesota on a llshinc o\cditlon. | ) Mrs. Lloutonant Trnltt will leave for Now York tomorrow to visit her aunt and undo at Fort \Viul9\vorth. First Lieutenant floorgo li. Scott of the Sixth cavulry lias boon ordered to appear at headquarters not Inter than May . ' \ to prepare - pare for the Inspection nnd purchase of horses for the cavalrysorvico. Veterinary Surgeon John P. Turner of the Sixth cavalry has been ordered to hcnd- cjunrtcrs not Inter than May 23 , for the same purpose. A Sleep Induce H. Jlorspl'iird's Aclil Pliosphute. Dr. J. E. Lockrldpc , Iniliannnohs , Jnd. , snys : "From my experience , I would snv tlmt as n ncrvo restorer In oxhatistion from any cause , nna ns a sleep inducer , it is of the Bieatcst value. It Won't I'ny tlio 1'iiior. Yesterday Judco Dundy ftiinouncod that the Jury in the alleged libel suit of Union J. XJshcrof Loavuuwortn , Kan , , vs TUP. lien publishing company had roturued a verdict for the plaintiff of WOO. Ho nskod whether counsel desired to enter a motion for a now trial and was informed by General .T , \Vobstor , Avho represented the defendant , that ho did not kno'.v what would bo douo in the pmnlsox. The court then stated that ho would not enter Judgment until counsel would have do- termlued os to nhatcourso they would pur sue. sue.Tho amount sued for was fiO.OOO. Dr. Blrnoy euros cmurrn. 13oo bld < ; . "Got A meeting of the advisory board of the Uoal Estate Owners' association of Omaha Is called for 4 o'clock this , Tuesday , after noon to moot in tlio rooms of the association , N'os. ! i02 nnd 213 New York Ldfe insurance bullaliiK. Every ono of the fifty members of this board should bo piwont at this , tholr tirst nu'otinp , and back nil tbo directors nnd oftlcors of the association by tholr presence , jjood will and lutvicc. Matters of much Import ance to every citizen nnd property owner of Omaha will coiuo ooforo this meeting. DeWtt's LUtlo Kurlv UUewfor the Llvor. Stolen Property Pound. Sonic ton days ORO the roslacnco ot Mrs. Mary Spauldlng , Third and Oak streets , was burqlarUcd during llio nbsonco of Mrs. Spnuldlng. A largo quantity of clothing and table linen was taken , Yesterday Oftlcers bulllvnn nnd llonnott dlscovci-cd two line wraps , a di ess pattern and some table linen secreted under the sidewalk on Eighth strcot. Tha property was taken to tbo police station and Mrs. Spauldlns noi'.P.ed Most complexion powders bnvo n vulgar plare , but I'onont's 1 u true bcautiuor whoso effects nro luting , TO HIS rmsr u > vij , Tom Orr IlcL < Jiiiea Clilcl * t'lcrlc to ( J cue nil Mutineer'lark. . Tom \V. Orr hns returned to his old position mchlof cleric in the oflleo of thn vlco-presl- dent and general inanncor of tbo Union PaclJlc , succeedlnR J. I1. Coykcndall , ro- slpnod. Mr. Orr h ono of the best known railroad men In the west ami will bo perfectly nthomo In the Union I'nclllu general inanngur'a olllco. Ho was chief cleik to General Manager Clark unuur the old roglmo nnd nftcrwnni * served In that capacity under General Man- atti'rs Potter , Cnlloway , Klmball nnd Hoi- comb. For the past year ho has been gen- end nRCiit of the Inloriinnntionnl & Great Northern nt San Antonio. Don't IVol W . | | , And yrt you are not sick enough to consult n doctor , or you refrain from so doing for four you will alarm yourself und friends wo will tell you Just what you need. It Is Hood's Snrsap.irtlla , which will lift you out of that uncertain , uncomfortable , dnnporous condi tion , Into u stuto of ( rood health , ronlldcnuo and cheerfulness. You've no Idea how potent this peculiar mctliclno is in cases like yours. Marriage The followlii ! } mirrU'j liujiiai wow Is sued b.v ifudKO Shloldi yoito.'Jjy : , Name and nUdroat. Ace. I Cliui-lcs .lonos , Oiniitni 'M I KatoA. Chor , l'iiIIIon | ! ! I4 I flcotKu Kord , onuilin Cfi I Jlolllo 1'uton , ( jiualia M J IMn 1'lalicrty. FoiHliOiniiha 2. I Mury Laven , South Oiniilm ! JJ J'MIko llutiiiff , Omaha ; rJ I lloso Uruisky , Omalia : rj I I.nolcn 1'ettlnslll , Omaha M 1 ICuto I.onsrcshor. Omuhn sj I .lens N. Ucon. O.nuha . ; H 1 Anni Jensen , Omaha 23 I I'.il. A. McKciuia , Oiniihii CO I Johanna. HCRUM , Bristol Columhla 50 I I'uturO. ' Unison , Irvln lon. . . . . 21 1 llornilnu 1) ) . Ho on. lowu 2J l > o Iforses Talk ? AVe have our doubts on this subject , but if they couldwo bcllovo tholr llrst words would bo to ask masters always to keep n hottlo of Hallor's Harbod Wire Liniment on hand. It Is unequalled for cuts , bruise1 * and sprains. In fact , horses fairly cry for it. WE WILL SELL THIS COMING WEEK 500 FANCY 10 SIZES 34 to 44 , WELL CUT , WELL TRIMMED WELL MADE , AT A SUIT. Nebraska Glothincr Co. , . . Cornei ? Douglas and Fourtieent.il. NOTICE TO DRUGGISTS , In order to satisfy the public that \vc mean what we advertise , you are hereby notified that if there is any complaint made , or people are not satisfied with the effects of the Turkish Rem edies , that is Turkish Tea , Liniment , Cough Cure , Asth ma Cure and Halm's Golden Dyspepsia Cure , to notify us and return empty package and we will cheerfully refund the money. . Respectfully yours , Turkish Remedy Company , Omaha , Neb. 'DO'OTOR 'ihoaV Co'cVmtc" Hll area I'oiltlvo Cure f lAGKER'S ' llraJuclir , lllllouipfK , Mull t'ou tlputluii. hnioll , pUu . | I PURE ant and u TiiTorlleillh the * lea. Sold In Enl na for ! . ; < 11 1 Amerlc * for S5r. Qct ; j PINK thorn from jour Druc liU , or ; Mud to W. II , tlOOStll J , ( O. , J 1 PILLS , 40 nl Ilrovl / , Ktw Tirk. "WRITE TO HER/ "Iwainotadle to do 1117 homework for 1& roan , . . . . , llutfnlo. f i\y.M' MclioUtMliou.7ete. Dlvlilun HI. I > ) , iluuivlU' mill l.n.uy | ill > l , Uii I't imua.u wciiUiotianlii > cil imnrrciiKMlloitlilii. . ull-eueSt J ( MI C Nfnvr II n A s sen rod me ; I utnilrnu u nyorl tluull mjf own work. " It pur bo * Kit l > uxw for i. AddroM. NtillVK HUAN Co. UUKfAUJ , N Y BolJbf ( juoduin Uiuit Co ,1110 raroam lit. , OmaUa HALF PRICE SALE -OF- Beginning Monday \ve will offer 125 dozen of fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 3Sc each , in all sizes , 34 to 44 , in a natural mixture , French finished neck , and in every respect a regular 7Sc garment. This great value will be on sale until th.e lot of six cases are sold. Mail" orders promptly filled , but must be accompanied with sufficient postage. Lot No. 2 We will offer 100 dozen of Men's fine gauze Shirts , made French neck , pearl buttons , and full size , 34 to 44 , at 25c each. Other dealers pay more for these goods than we sell them for. Send in your mail orders ; they will receive the same care in our mail order depart ment that any customer would in our store. Lot No. 3150 dozen of regular cut gauze Shirts , sold all over the city at 35c and 40c. Wo -will offer at this sale the entire lot at 15c each. Sec display incur Douglas street show windows. REDUCED PRICES on all lines of finer grades of Underwear. We arc overstocked in this department , and have inaugurated this sale with a view to reduce some large lots. F CORNER DOUGLAS AND 15TH STREETS , Olothii-icj House "West of the Mississippi- AMUSEMENTS. DIME EDEN MUSEE. Corner 1 1th and I'nrnum Streets. WKKIC OK MAV 1STII. CJ-AUESOn 1)AIR. TUB 1IIO IIKADRI ) . . clitsi Vurli'ty Kntortiiliimunt. Friday , Ladles' .Souvenir Day. LECTURE -BY' I P NI7 U" 1 , [ \U \ First Methodist Church , 2Oth SUBJECT THE MARCH OF CIVILIZATION : Tuesday , May A.T 8:1B : P. M. Tickets on t-ttlo ut I.ludsiiv'H Jewelry toro , 1510 Uoinrlusbtreit , and byh. H. Itobortt , L'll r'oiltll ' 13th htrcot , Admission M emits , treats fun bo recurved ut Lindsay's without uMra DR , BAILEY , Graduate Dentist. A Full Bet of Teeth on Itubhor , for HVH lloiLAKH. A l-urfuit - fit tfunrantocil , Tuelli uxlrncuil vrltliout | mln or ilinxer , nnl nltliouianaeitbetlci. UolJ anJ ilUur tllllnk-i lit loiroit raoti. l'tdsnl ! r-otvn Worst T' I'I oltliuul | il.itu > All wort war- ianted. OrFlCE , PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Entrance , lotb itteol tlovilor. Ouen ereulngi nuuia o'clock. BATHE THE FACE WITH HEALING COOLING DOES NOT SMART NOR STING. REDUCES REDNESS. CHECKS BLEEDING. JUST AS IT REDUCES ANY INFLAMMATION , IT SENDS BACK THE BLOOD WHICH THE RASPING OF THE RAZOR HAS DRAWN NEAR THE SURFACE , SO LEAVES THE FACE WHITE , SOFT AND SMOOTH , WITHOUT THE SHININESS CAUSED BY OTHER LOTIONS. FOR THIS PURPOSE FAR SUPERIOR TO BAY RUM , COLOGNE OR PER FUMED WATER. BEST BARBERS USE IT. VOU HAVE A BOTTLE. WHY DON'T YOU TRY ITV WHEN PURCHASING , ACCEPT POND'S EXTRACT ONLY. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES , PROBABLY WORTHLESS. POND'S ' EXTRACT CO. . NEW YORK AND LONDON. NO OURRr NO PAY. I 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Berentecn rmBOxuerlcnsa A re/ular itmliultiln nvrt < Mno in dip , rim lie < U tlll trailing with Ih d preitvit urceif , all .Norruui. Chronlnnnl I'rlvaia liliouui A piriinriimt cura guarantee 1 fur Cutirrh f-rernnlorrhnin , l.o t .Mnnhoort Seminal Wrnkne < ii. Mxht Miiiot lnixit ner Sriibtllt , Hltlctiire , uinlnilitu. caxu > cf the Illooil Skin nml llrlnnrr Orxnni N II. 1 icuar.ial'ia S' > K fvrurury c.isu I uixlurtiku nnj r ill ti cute Coniultatlon Ireo. k iMjriUTlui uf I.Ua ) leni ( roj O llculiuurti it u. ton p. lu HunJur II n ni In'i \ m "FEEFCH SPECIFIC7 A FOSITIVc-J and permanent CURE for all CUmtioflho URINARY ORGANS. Cur , liof B otherIreitmentlalls. Full direclicntiillh tacit tiallle. P lce , on dollar. See slgnali.ro ol C. U 6TAHL For 8al * By All DOCTOS , McGREW ; mTHESPECIALIS THESPECIALIS T . MorollmnlJ years experience hi tlio treatment OZ PRIVATE DISEASES. Acureguaranteed In 3 to 5 ibj-.i , without holou of an hour' * tliuo. ' GLEE3I. Tlio mo t complete mid iihsnlnto euro for gleet nil annoying dl chnrKO * ever known to tlio niedlcnj | > rofilon. . I'crmanentlcured In from5 to lOilaj'l STRICTURE 1 Or pnln In rcllcrlni : the blnililcr curoil wlthoiif palm orInKlninientH , no cuttlnn.no illlntlntf 'ihomoil icmarkablo remedy known to modern iclqnco. SYPHILI3. Ciircil In M to JO rtnys-l > r. .McC.reir'i treatment fo ? thli terrible blood dl eaiolinj been pronounced the most Biicccssftil remedy ovur discovered fur tht * ab- * toluta euro of the di'oaso Illi succosi wltli mil cllscruo Imi never Leon cquallel. A cuinfiletu cur * liuurunlecd. liuurunlecd.LOST \NHOOD nrsH.ntl woiknexes of tl o rexunl ortfnni , nnrroui. .And ( Inildltr unit clejponilencjr nli-ohitelj cnroJ. The icllol la Immediate nnil eompletii. SKIN DISEASES. nnd nil ill'fnioi of the blood , llror , kldnoys , na * bladder permanently cured. FEMALE DISEASES Tlio doctor "llumoTiontnient" for iRdless \ pro * nomu'Cd liy nil nho luive lined It to bo the most com. plctonnil convenient remedy ever offered for tba treatment of fenmlo illn'.i-oi It li truly n wonderful remedy , liuurs fur Indlui , frum 2 to < only. DE. MoQBEW'S niieccas In the treatment of private dl ei eihns wun for him n it'pntntlon which If truli n.'itlonil lu cluirncter. nnd lil < i k'runt nriQ7 of pn n-iu IK'S from tlio Atlunlle to the I'.iclllp The i U a Krndnnto of "rouulur' incdlelnu nnd IUIIK nnd cnroful cuporlenoo In hoaplt.il pcfCtlct and U classed nmonK the lending npoclninl' in mod * ern nclcnee. Trcntniont b ) corronpnndciKO. Writ * for clrc-ilnrs nbout cnch of tlio nt'oro dl oi ei , fro , Ollloe , 14th and Farmm StroeU , Omaha Nob. Entrance on either straot _ MOOKETS TREE OF LIFE Omihn , Nib. , Oct 2fi , ' 80. I fenllt not only n nriv.io o. Imt i July 14 say n good wo > d for Dr. J 'J. ' Moore's Ca tarrh Cure. Have bean trouj > led lor yonr * with ratarrh. Froquuully li.ul tn resort to that disagreeable hiiv/kins nud hpitttng to cluar my ihroat ol a tough , stringy mocus that loilgul thero. Had trioJ illlfo entrem- oclios without roliof. A fuw appllo.i ions of Tiloora's Catarrh KemoJy almost entiriri.v . n * ItcvdJ nw. I raooininoii 1 it whenever an opportunity probonts tt-nlf. J. N. MOOKE. .Mnor < i' Tree of Life n pnnltlve corn for Kldnor nnd l.T ) ( r ( . 'uinplitut nnd nil I > luo < li11soaioi lee ) U ny In Kiiirur when ) nn cnn bu cured by mini Mouru'I 'I'liix.r I.Iff. liiu lirutt l.lfu Itrinely ? OinaiaMcfal and Siiriwl ? INSTITUTI l. Korthotroitmentof nil CIIUONI'3 A.VI ) . DlrtHAslCrf , llritcni , A ppllnncoi for lijformltlm aa4 TrUMDin licit Knrllltlui Aip.ir.ilin [ end H furiuccoMful Irualriient of vrnry form of ronulrln.Modlcul or riiuxlcil I'roitmunt. lUJOMS'Yoil I'A'tiKNIN , TloVr.Vnnd Altendiinoi lui t Accotnniadntliin < ' . .Vtot.Vriio fur rlrouliri o JHiformitlKi nnd llMcon , Tru < i > , Club HVut , ( , 'urrv. tiirui of Hplnu , I'll in , 'IMmori , Cancer Cntnrrb , llruucliltli , iMlinluljn. ! Kluctrlclty I'nr.ilyili , ICpll * cysr. Ktdnoyi , lll&ldur. Krn , Kar , Hkln nnd Illood , mid all fnrifiol ( ; poritlnni , l HliHKrf OK WOMKM n > | n > rlnlta llnok o > 1)1 le.iu'i of Women Kr . \V liuvalittuly inlrtiiil n lylnit In li-ipiriinunt for Woman During ronnni'metn ( Hlrlctly I'rlralo. ) Only llnllo- LlnMedliMl InitltiilD Making a Himolalty of 1'IH- VATK limKAHKH. All Illjud Illxiitiei miccjiifullr treatoit Mtdlcln * . } r Initriimonti nunt uy in ill ur oipraii iecu tl/ | inck il tm mirk i to Indlutti mnli ni or inndi t ri , ' - Jo t i uorriu v ji fir j , i in an I cumuli ii rn'nl lilt err 't four i-.m unj j will .un.t la lulu wmpiwmr IIO > < I1MSN' KIIW-S. iimn l > rl- tuti ! Hp ( il or Xirvoiu HHa.mi , vrll ' " " i' ll ItiMri tu A. T. McLauahlln , 1 itti uad llirat * btrouti. Ouiuha.