Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OKAHA BA1JLY BEE : \ \ MAY 20 , 181)1 ) :
Tiif ( Mii'niti i Titrri it i inirf
Trade on 'Ohango ' la Obicago Dull and
Grain I'rlfiosnt Other Points Gener
ally Hlglirr-Adtniico In Foreign
-StoukH a till Itomls
Mining QtKitutlotiH.
CiniMno , Miiy 10 Speculatlon on the Inard
of trade today msdiill anil lluctiiatlons wore
r.illior narrow ilnrlni ? most of tlio nonlon
Tlio fcalurMof Iho wheat market vim nn tin-
clcrtonoof sliibljorn itronjth * lilcli reditcd
fioornl ralils liy tlio luirs Dili win duo
to tliii fuel thai nearly iilloftlio cirlynowa
\usof a bullish cii.inetor Allof the foroljjn
imrktli woru lilghor ntul nn mlviinco of 3
cent * pur cuntal w rupottod ut "an
clvco IH the ruult of further buying for
I'rcnt'li account Ilnltlniiira reported 411,000
bnsholi taltcn forovnirt ; tlioro wn < lii decline
of I U7J03) liiisln Is on oconn p ill i go last \VCOK \
nnil rarclptsln the north west \ \ uroury ll lit
The In ir tutvhut they cotllil out of laportud
lllfht riln In tlio west and norllimst , vtliero
iniH'li run was needed , and tlio continued
In ivy txportsot gold. The business of the
diy wnsory ll lit , the outside public nswoll
unload speiulntors scrmlng tn bo Incllnod to
nwnlt developments. July opened nt JH2Ji < 3
JOI Hold iiiituflOI'Aidroiipoil to ( IOJ > i , iu ] <
lliil tnSI O.l'i ' , si'iMl : otT to tl Qi'i and closed
Corn roc'ltcd ' a llttlo nuppurt fiotn tlio
Rlii > iulh liiMhuil and from buying by short !
rally In the duj As the session advanced ,
liowioi. . the iHTirltijJs Increased 'Hid tlioinar-
kot lost much of Its Luoynncy. Tlio Increased
oir < rlnijs mis the result of contlnni'd
luiivy lucvliits and excellent Krnilliu. July
htuu il at WV.'dd P toVl'&c ' elf tor > SV mid
rillli'd to M'ac. ' I'lioro f ilrly KOOI ! luij Ing
ollii Itss fiirlv nnd iin aclMiaco of 'itt'jc ' , but
tht lojoi t-tor i iln Inlho west whim tt w .is
bully nuoilcd c iiiM-dim ucLUssloii uf selling
nnd a rui nation of Sft'Vc'
1'ioilsloiH i.tiuud hlRliir PhortswLrohiiy-
rrs ( mil elli ring'steio \ Huarm Kiiolptso ;
lui 'H nL tIKI.VHidivtru U.Uiu held Itss tlimi the
tr < id oxptt ( ( ( I. Tlio not result of thoday's
tr idln-\MIS nn adv.inco nfja'icoiils In .Inly
juirl. , 10 In lul\ lard nnd 1" > uunts In Inly ribs
'I holis ulliin futures ruiiKCcI nafollowM :
Ainu i rt CUKSB.
VllKAT N'O 2-
MM > S 107 1 1 OT < 11 06 (
Innu . . . 1UD 1 txij 105'i I O'M
Inly . . . 1 OTi 102J6 llKJi
Cons No. 3-
Juno . . . 6' 6'J 69)4 )
Mnv . . 6I
Jinn' MJU UH 60 > J
Inly * " > 47
Mny . . . 11 45
July 11 ( a 11 MM ,
ht'incmlior II LU II 834i 1UU
Mn > . . . 8 40 C M ) 040 CfiO
.Inly OH ) 6 1,3 ti'M
Hi ptomtor 675 G 8Jl | 675 0 85
May tno C 00 6-W GOO
July COS R 19 II ( IS 6 16
SoiHcmlur inzi < b 4- , C 4' )
( iibli qiiolatlonsvcro as follows :
1'i.oru I Inn. unchanRod ; spring.
kW ; Mlntit * - . ( XXS5 .1) ) ; straltHJ ( 500 , b.xk
crs , H. BlW.
Win AT No. 2 BlirlitRvhcit , $1 $ Or > s4 ISO
3sni Itutlit. . it , BniUtI.trJi < No. ' . ' red , ll
I to S
UAII No. a. M'jctNo. Swhlto. No
8 wh lie. fHI'iiff ' Wic.
Kit-No . ' . IWu.
ItAiti n'-No. . ' . nominal ; No a , No.
Pi , AX Hmt No 1 , $1.17
TiMOTin bKrti I'rlnto. Cl.iMi&l.nS
1'ciiiK Jliss | ork per barrel , 811 r > OQIlr > 2' ' < j
I lid , nor cwt. W.0 , short ribs slJes ( loosii.
II U'Clti ir ; dry salted shoiildcrs ( boxodilla ) (
5.'J < > : khort clour sldis Iboxi'd ) JllOfJ , , r > U
\Viiisiki-Uistlllors1 finished goods ucr cnl-
lon. i17. \ .
SUIIAII Cut loifiincliinccil ! , fiSio : crunii-
lated uiiLlianifed , IKe ; standard "A , " un
changed. P o.
ItctoiptsunU shipment ] today were as fol
On the prodnno oxchaiiKO today , the butter
m irket WIIH IOWCTJ extra crcnmuy , lOdfeKc ;
cxtn IliMs. Uffirn ; : firsts r.'fitJj : o\tra
dairy , /llilic\tr.Ulrsta < U'SZIIo ; UrstsKKQlllc.
New Yorlc .Miukcts.
NewVoitK , Muv 19 Frouit-Hocolpts CO. WO
paokiij'es , p\ioits | , 4.4JJ h.irrols , MOOa.iuks ;
stilus , I.VJOU barrels. Market ( jnlU , un-
chainiod : hales. Ji,700 ( harriilM ! low ex
tras. JinaCTilM : winter iv lie it , low
Brules , ! HX > .7H'.0 ; fnlr to fincji , (4.705K5 40 ;
p itints. Il sixai IM ; Mlnnesot.tuloar. $4 wro.W :
Btralcht. ( l.tOQa 50 ; Mliinosuti patents , fo.lOJJ
0.1 r > .
COIINMFAI , I'lnn ) quiet , steady ; yellow
wosti.rn.U4t (34 ( OJ.
WIIKAT-ISO a red. In store nnrt olo\i-
tnr ; 11.14) ) No. 1 northern , to arrive. Jl. 17V ;
No. t linnl to arrive , f I.-'O , opt ons opened
? < (0\o up on fiecr fotolKti ordirs. tnistlnz
cables nnd poor crop wntlior reports ;
l 4 < 3Jo ! In roallzln ' , adv.inpod
on I-urupcim crop rciiorMi dellnod
with tlio west , and closed woik
. " \cr jcstonluy. No. 2 rod , May ,
closlnir at ll.Ill'f ; Juno , .
1.14V , closing at Jl.lG'ii July. Jll17.- ,
closltiK at * I.1K : August , $1 lOJiffll 10itl clou
Innt 4110'i.
( Jour. UoeolptP. nfiOO Imsliols ; exports , QW
hushels ; Baits 71' . n liushols ; futures , fiulct ,
8tiot market inodcritoly aotltti ; No. i mixed.
wKOil'ics nlliiat unsradcd mixed. 71
&TVc. Upttons uncliiuiRed totfc up , Jlght of-
orliies ; May , 70e , closliiR at 70c ; June , CO
B07icolosln at OOJJu : July , CS'iSlKMc , closlnB
BtCJiic ; AiiBunt , ( H'ifitO.'i'io. ' closing nt OPic :
boptoiuDcr , iHJiifcMjio , clofalnK nt C4o ! ! : Do-
cumber.ri7J4o. .
OATy-Iiecolpts , ll'luo bimliclH : cxpnrtn 2P >
bnslio K ; saUs , : tO,000 luslioh fiiturcs : IMW
biisliols niiot. Spot nmrkut higher , aotlvo.
Btondy. Options llnnori May. WlVc. olmlns at
Wi cs June , f * ' , clmliiBatSiji ! JulyKiliT ' > c ,
clown/ fkV o ; AiiKiist , r)5 > ® > 7e , clcslntr at
KWC ! Hpot , No S , whiteNH4o , mheil woBtorn.
Wo : wlijtn vestorn , Sic ; No , 2 Chluaco , 5S4e.
HAY Ilrm.
buiAit-ltiur , nctlvoi fair roflnlnp. 0\e :
ccntririunl4.W tost. 4 Wr 1-iCo ; wiles. WX ) bats
iniikcovailo. M test , 'J..o ; 1.1.000 bairn tciitrln- (
gal.TO test. Il'ie : rcllncd , nulct and stc-ail v.
Alni HsKs - 1'orelKii , dullj ow Urlunna ,
quiet niul Kttndy.
HICK Oulut htcndy.
Jiii QulotM'btorn , lOMc. Kecclpts , 1040
I'oHK More notlvo ; old mess , J11.001150 :
nowmoM. S1SO00. ( | |
CJT MKATS null ; plokled lolllci , svo ;
plchled BliiHildors 45io ; pickled hams , lV ) ©
J04C ! inhldlis. qulotiuiil nrm
, , D "estuiii ttoaiii , I 57M : option sales.
600 tlnrcps ; May , M.I5 ; Jnni n.7J ; July , S0.78-
Moicd. M,7S bid ; AiiKimt , Mill , Sontuinbur.
I7.SO. closlnir. 17.01 bill ; Octobor. U18.
IllTTUt imtnrdoiiiniid ; vosttrn dairy. I'o ;
wostorii croaniory , 14QI5O ; western faotory ,
ll'(3 ( ,
si iiii , sas'jc. '
St. Mnrkots.
. -uly , 5
OATS-ririn ; ciikh. 4l > 'io ' ; July , l3)Jc. )
- )
lK317c :
I > lroriool | SI arkels.
I.IVKitioot , MIIV ID WiiKAT firm ; dotnanil
poor ; holiiorsoirir sparlnsly ; Callfomlu No
1. SiO'idftMiTil per cintal. Tlio recolptj of
wheat 1 10 past three days wpro HO ooo coiitals.
of whlcIiIW.OJOocntalHttoro American.
roiiN-tlrint llnist white 5i 5J iior cental.
ICniiHiis City Marketw.
KANRABOitr. Mn. . May 19-\ViiEAT-Ftrcnc ;
No ' . ' ham , cash , 7oj Way. 9o old : o. 8 rod
oaNi , Wo
CoiiN-Lowcr ; No. 2 , cash , 65ei Rliy ,
OATB-I < overj No. 5 , cash , 47oj Slay ,
Milwaukee Markets.
NII.WAIKKVls , Mar 10ViiK < T Qulot :
No ) July ,
t'OllN-OllIlt ; No.5. Slit ? .
tAT8-ririnvr ) : o. 2 white ,
I'liovisioNS Quiet ; [ Ktrkjuly , H1.57JJ.
TOI.KIIO , O , Mny 19. WiiEAT I.o\ur ; cash.
COIIN I.owor ; canli. ( So ,
UATS Ijulct ; cmh. 6.V.
AMioat ZVlnrkot.
lNN' , Minn , May 10 WII
Northnrn No 1 and No 2 client sold wull to-
Cuj but poor b'radea vtcro uoelccted ; receipts ,
56irij lilpmonl , I09cnrs01o ( lnif prlccilNo.
1 lnrd , May.d.OSlnntnck. ( I.oS'jaiOOi ' No. 1
norllirrn. May. 11.00) ) July , IIM ; on trick ,
( lOtiumiOiHi No , 3 nortli rn. Maytl.OJ , ) on
track , IO Ol 04.
Clnclntiull Mnrkcm.
CiscnvA7t. O. , May U. AYiinAt Qulott
Na (7'J. (
CoiiNtoiuly : Na S mixed. G3o.
OATS"\V'onk ; No. 2 mixed , We.
Wiitsxr 11.10.
VOIIK , May 10.-Tliostoc1marVct toilay
proinl'o of ( ln\coplnR o , rcnctlon Irorn
: he depression of tlio list ( ow dtiys , but not
withstanding thomoro liopcfal anil favorahlo
advices from abroad , Iho continuation of the
Kolil shipments ctusodu renewal ottho pros-
nuro to soil ( or both sides of the account nnd
tlio Iniprcmmont scored early In the day
could not to Jiiulntalaoil , There Is a great
deal better fcollnj ? In London ( or Atncrlean
Bciurlllcs ; they \\oro \ up nsiiiiich ns'i ' In some
c.ius , nlillonll forclBn-soctirltlcH wcro rciort- |
od stonily , ucn roitu nose The bull-
sli feelliiK cnscndot td hv llio buoyancy of tlio
foreign iiiiuket and bttlniof ? tlio albltritlon
IjroUers wan siilllclenl to canso u rilly lierc
vlilch before noon hid placed almost all the
lending HliarLt Iilxli aljovo the oponlnR prices
St I'aill. Kncli Isliiiid.Chli ice On s .uid Union
r.iclllooio C'pcclilly piotnhiuiit for the
slionqtli dlqilajcd. The llrst n lined Kalalng
tidirlylpur cent. Then sevcro drives M on )
undo by the hears at all tlio IcailliiR sliaios
when Union 1'nclno dropped away 2 points
and thootlirri to1 * iiuions thu netlvo slurei
The lowest prlon wcro oichoil before c'cllv- '
oiy hour , an 1 la It r the eoulii , ! caused n rally
> vhlcli lironitlit prices up ' ( to 1 per cent The
iiiitUct fin illy oluiiif linn at tlio rilly
'Iho Until Hmiiiris show tin adranie , and the
onlv i n it L-rial I < ni fortliu day In 1 pi-r cent In
Hullroiul bonds wcro dull tlioiiKh t ransac-
tlons rciiehcil UTIO.OOO whleh lislljjhtly more
tli in until of lull1 flu' business wss rather
more wltk-lj dlstrlbulid tlitin intiul but filled
to do M lop u in fi i turn of In tut is t.
i-tuti IxuiiN n.ito bun dull and steidy
IVt rnleiiiii optned sti-ady anil after u sllirlit
doollnc moMd up 1C \\istoin huylnK. The
in irk < t then berime dull and lem allied so till
thuelnsil'i'iin yl.u.lii oil , spot , closing. l.S
Options 0 | nlnjT l > - ' { ; highest , G7'i ' , olosliiK ,
O7'i ' Mlos .7.0tJharrul-4 )
llio fiillitwin ; mo the < oiinztniiotittotH for
tlio lo id I n 4 stocks on the Now Vork stock o\-
iliinqo toil ty
N \ I ( Mitral
1 \iri s 117 N I C l t li .
Alton Al Trc llnutc H.1 < 1i prcforri'il . . .
ilo prcforrcl . 12 1 IH
Hxiiru s . . 1 14 liprofurpil . . ,
II C. It < c N 21 Ontnrlo \Viitnrn ,
Cnnnclii 1'iielllc 7i' ' ( Orison Inipruro 271 ,
Cinnil i oiillirn 13 NftV CJ
lintr.'il I'nclllu 27) ) ,
Clou AOhlo IS' * I'adllo Mill
ilo Ut prpfcrruil 44 I'cirln. Dee AEwin
doZnlproforruil -'i , IMItilnirit . . I4'.l
Clilcnco t Alton . Si I'nlliiinnl'nlnco . K-O
C II AQ K ( lUnilliiK . . . . al
COCA < ! I. ( * i Itnck lilanit. Vl'l
Delaware X lluitson , Wj ) SI I , A > ) K iJtnfil C5
Del , It liV" bl I'aul l.US
II A U (1 ( luefomd 53 diprclcrroil . . .lU'l't '
tft I' . Minn tMiin 105
do lotproforrod St 1'nnl t Oinahn. . . , 2 %
do 2d iirorcrruil do preferred . . 8'"i
Erie Tcnn Coal AI run . ,2
dopriferrol & 0 Toins rucltlc . . .14
fort \UTMO . IN ) Tul AO Con profil bO
Uil A. I nit 111 Union I'acltlc 4.ll {
I loch I IK Viillejr . U S Kiprna . . . U )
llnnnton X fi'xni W St l fc 1" . . . 10
Illlnolilcntril . . . ilo preferred . . DVf
ft PnulA Dnlutli . . Wellslork'o fc 140
Kansas A. Totns . . . H'i ' \\istornUiilim 78
Iiiko Krlo \\ustn \ 12U Am Cotton Oil .
do imferrul
laku blioro 10
Iron filter . . . 120
louiavlllo A Sow A. Ontario am
Memphis At Clnir . QuIcliMllvor 514
Mkhlean Central . " il ) profurrnl . . , , .tli'j '
Jill , IS AW I J" Snlro 7
do proferrel . W ( Hlllwor 30
Minn ISt. I , . . I Klch AW P I'cr
iloprifoml . . . . \\lnronnliiCentrnl lillj
Missouri I'ncll-c ( > i'i ( .nut > uith > .rn lifd
Mobile A. Olih :0 I liliii.- '
NAull > lllo Clultt . Jl Lend 1rii- 18
N J ( enlril . Suitnr
Norfolk A Most plil Soulliern I'nclllc.
horllmn 1'nrltlc On S L A. Ul-ili .Nor
do prefi-rrc I (7 ( Itlo titintio Western , > 7' '
U I1. lamtr& ) Gulf 13 do prcfcrrpj . .
Iinrtliirp-iturn 1CIU
do pruforrrd . . .
Thototal sales of fctocUs today voro .U'i/Kj"
snares ItiLliidln , ' . Atjlilstn , 4iOSO ; Dolawaic ,
1 lukiuiiiiiia A. Mistirn. Uils IC.insas K.
loxai llKtil.oiiKvlllo& llsh lllc. 1.,7. > I , Mis
souri I'nclllu , Ha' 0j North Amoilcun , 3/J4J ;
Nortliorn I'iclllc. 4.MU : Knrthcrn 1'aclllo ' pre
ferred , UJ.4 ij ( ; Klrlnnonil ilst 1'olnt ' 4.000 ;
M. 1'ttiil. si 150 ; Union I'uilOc. Jl.sao , Western
Union. B-W !
Fintiiiclnl Ituvlcvv.
NKwYoinc. Jlay 11) ) The post says : Todiy
was tlio first time that tlicro appeared to bo i
diminishing clctnatid for exchange Import
ers Hero holdln-'oll In expectation of lower
r.iteswhkli Indicates tint the udi erse bal
ances H iiliist thu ITtillod States nnd thu
heavy imjioi tsof lust siimnioriiio getting will
p ilcl olt. It imiy have bttn this nsueotot the
exulinniroiiiurl > ctlilcli Induced the limit of
rnnliind to IncroiiHotho premium fornottlln
hone * that It vonldlndiiiu the liniioi tora hero
to buy inoroo aliatiRO at the lowest prlcis
Hut If oiirdobtls lulni ; nnywhorone irlypalil ,
oxchnn.'oritt'iiiiai diouaiiydny to wliero It
will eost the Hiii I ; of Kngliinli anywlioro from
ItoSnorcciit to ct the gold , nnd It Is lic-
llo veil the banl > uoulil not \vlhiiiRto pay
such a price for inonoy.
The Money Market.
rnnRliiK from J to 5 per cent ; last loan J ptr
cent ; ulouliiK olToioil at Jpor tout ,
1'iiisii ; .MLiiCASTifB I'Al'iin Vii > 7 tier cent.
BTKIU.IMI iioiiAxnn : Quiet but woik
at iWb.1 for sKtj-day bills and 8I.8JU for
The following wcro tlio closing prices on
U H. Is , rcilstcrcil . I1J M K A 15
U B li , coupons ' " .MiUltnl Union Cs . .
"iw > , J tcnl Int C'orl . . 110)6 )
4H . coupons . . 11)1 ) Norllicrn i'uc. IfitA llll
PuclHel < of 'li . .111 do2di 111
{ turtliwcaf consols .1,11
TeniiemuoN l-s. . do clebonturo fn
do ts M. It il. Al Uon 6
do Ss I. . .IS. fr Uon M .lai
Cnnaita Southern 2 > l HUT St I'uul consuls. . . 133
Ccntrnl 1'iiclllo lita. st 1C A. I' lati . .
U. All O.lits . f P. UO. It llcts.
do li I P. II O. Tr. llcti. .
I ) All O. west Ills Union I'nclllc lsl . . .10IU
ErloAlj . .100 \\ostShoro \
M. K AT. ( .on'Ui .100TOH
Ilinlc UlunritnucH.
NEW Vontc , May 10. Clearings , J12l,4o(5,76' ( ) ;
H06TO , Jluy -Oloarlnss , $ I5515,1J ; bil-
anocs , $ IJ.,7. , . Money , 5 percent.
lUi.Ti MORI : , Md. . May 10. CloarlnKfi , J2.100-
217 ; biliincus , ( .TojliiL Money , 0 per cent.
I'liir.AUK.i'iitA. Miy lO-GIenrItigstl2S41iM ;
baliincostllWli,500. , Slonoy , 43 ( > i per cent.
OniOAno , .May 10-IIunk olearlngs , $ V O.COO.
Now York oxiliaiKjo was oahlor at C04JJO a nls
iiroinlnni Money msy tit OS7 percent S'.tr-
llngoxclitniKe wusituady
Stooc market.
Muss , Miy 10 The followlns wcro
the closlnr prices on stock * In the Boston
stock market today.
Atclilion t Tiipiki 37 Huron li
Boston A Alb in ; . . Ml Kcntttriio 1SJ
do Maine U7 I'uivublc ( new ) lou
Chi llnr \ Qulncy 8UT Qiilncr u
Ulnti 1'ero M pf'cl 7S 'duitnto Copiior . . .115
Masi , Contrnl . . . IKO. Tamarack , | | 0
Moilmn tin com. 1 iv AnnUlon I nit to . . 61
Olil ( < ilonj . . 11,7 Sun Illeuo l.incl Co 3I
Win Cent coin . ,1'JV. \\oitKnil \ I unit Co..Ut
AllouozMIn Conow ( ) ' , Hull Ti'luphoiie . . . . 17
Atlantic . . . . | 5 uinison Store H . . . . 3i
llonlon A Mont . Uli 0. M Ill
Calumet & llcclt . , 'SS N K T W
Culnlpii 17 llultoill. C. liVj
Kruiiklln 3
Iioiiilou Utuuks.
I ONDOV , May 10-'J p m. closing ;
Cnnioli , monujr Illlnnli ci-ntrul 1UJW
Coniol * , actuunt Mexican Onl 37'
U H 4s M 1'niit cjiuinon , . . n
U.j m'n , 102 S V rontml . , , ] on ,
Cnnidlan I'nclllc . . 74H I'l'liiiiyUnnlft „ l.a
Krlo.Ms MexUanucnlraliiVa. la
lUr Hllver 4ld ptv ounce.
llato of discount In tlin open market for
short und llirio months' tillh , 4Ji our coat ,
Iniporlul Hunk Slatciucnt.
IltiiMN May 111 TlioHtutuiiiont ottho Im-
pcrlul Hink nf Rurmany nhowa an lucreaso In
licclo otl,50JOOO ) nmrka
Ila iik ufHiiKhii" ! Hiilllon ,
I.ONBON , May 10 The amount of bullion
cone Into the lla.nk of KiiKltind on baluncoto
day la AJOl.oyo
Denver MlnliiK Htoukn.
IJiSVKB. Col. Slay M-SJInlnK miirkotdnll
todiiy nnd btitfiw sali't I'rlcrs about the
Barno aaycstirdays ohwe. Uloalni ; :
Allrntiaiir 14 Justloa | 2
Aliiltr i .1 } l.i-wnl lender 8 !
ArKoimul , , SJ l.lltlii llule IIO'
Ilnlltrol , 'li Mntchlosi r5
HmuiiKler . 7H Mur Unioiipa Hi )
, C'l MornliiKtillui U
Until Hunter , l > ' { Ore . CO
UlKlmlUa , 13L , I'ny Hock
HUM i i 8 1'oluil , . . , , 7
llrowntow , SO I'nrk con 1
Cnlllopu , , , S2 > < Itooil National (7
Century . , , , , ,1U9 Illilto „ . . . W
CUr Counly , ' . ' % Itunnlnic tioile Jl
. . i SH U'nvenworth . . , , , . . IS
DUimindll , , , la JolinJ. pfj , , . . t >
Dourer Oti A Oil , 41 I'uiilor 7. ,
Kruuiim . , S7 ClaudlnJ lOh ,
Ciola'lrouuro . . . , 3Hllottribur . . . 11
Sftii rrnnclHU ) Mining Qiiotntloiis.
Six 1'uVNCisco , Culu , May Ift-Tli8onicliil
N'ew York CofTei ) Options.
Ni\v : VOIIK , May 10-ColToo options opened
file id i , iinilmnxod to ID points tip , closing
stiiKlv , iini'hiinii'd i < > ft points tin. Hales
lOIHI bi8H.liii > | iiilltit | May. a \VpilT ID : June ,
iliso ; July * im : Atj int , JI'SO'jITSli Sop-
tcmbor , * li VfTjld.iiOi Dun tit 11 r. } l".JiO
bpot lllodnll ; fair cirrous
> r rkos. (
Nr.w YniiK , .May 10-I'ETiior.ruM Kugyi
criuloln barrels , packers , { ti.TOj sumo in bulk ,
S4Unlti \ : il elii-i'il atlUSMcfor Jutii
COTTON Hrru ( liiQutit nml ite nly.
I'Ai.mwVcuk \ ; city d-.ou for packages ) ,
5 1-inQ.VkO.
TuiiiENTisn IVoiik ut MUCJV : .
Wiioi. Dull lint stuulviiloinntlcflcccc , 370
: ; w : pultod r.'iTj jie : lovii't SiO'lu. '
I'm llto.N-Diilli Amcrli in. JIG OJQ18.00.
CoiMtlt ' tii iunt. iioiiiltnil
I.tAli-Qiilot , slion , ' ! domestic ,
' , uusj , striilt * } . ' i.40
Tt.UltTH' 111 1IC.
ST. loui" Maj 10.-I , unenliiirtf Ilrotlicrs lo
CocKicIl lltotlicrs : Thu follow Ill-will bhow
tlio imiRo ut pikes at this marl.i't.
domtoiiiTV | open | Hltli | l.o < r I Close I \ o t
Julr. . .
July . . . 7 67 Kid
C'nuuii ) , May Ui.-Louaii A.UCI. to Tom'riy
A liryiir llutlnter \ wheat crop th it his
R\III | stirh protiiKa It ruporlud two Hooks
Into In Kinstis and ulllioiipji looking % cry
finoli In Missouri. Ills Inlet thin u your ago
Knit is no ripoilul In tlio norths cat ,
'Hits was intit'li needed.'s in a r kit li is
loon itirro * and largely liH-al Our opinion
still Is to buy It on ill Midden dullius
'Iho tirlco of coin looks high mid ns
count trod with Iho pist tin jeusoiir otoeK Is
small Tlieseason l < late , anil this , with thu
hlsh pricoof oils iiml poor proipiclsof the
growing emit. In our opinion will toll ere uo
Cither another crop KocoUirs siy receipts
will InirouH ) In thu next vookitr two.o IH.-
llo\o \vllldo to buy on all breaks
CiiHtoo MtiylD Ivoitnctt. llouklns A.Co. to
S A. Mc\\hortr : Larly ealtlis were r.itlicr
Indlllcrciit anil room traders Bold on them ,
liitoroues wore stronjtor and the uuyliiR tint
follower ! eairlud the prlco tip to SI lll" for
July. Kopoitsof r.ilns In the wcstund north
west Indiuod lltK'i nl 101117111 , ? nml paused i
reaction otic , lint fonjl-jnadUeesutidiimsld-
ir.ibleexport business wuo sttlllclciit to r.illv
thu market to jl 01't Later realizing cloanl
the tmrkct about where It did jcHtud.ty
Trade N ll ht Iliittnatloiissmall niulllitho
who take inoilcritu proflts on tlio hnljiii Inij-
Ine InoK on the lire ik lii\o rcison to ho t , it-
Isflcd with tholr operations. Condition1 ! fa\or
liUhcr prices w licro the in trtvot nets
out d ( Its i til. Coin and oats Mhcril
rice hits nnd estlmulis of still more llhornl
ones In tlte no.irfiitnio IniluiLfitc selling bv
limrsunMe-HilU urn notuncotii nslnj ( or op-
criUons on side \Vi ithu c-ondltlons uro
still more or less nniortible ( and vrhllu they
continue it would win tlio s.ifir nollc-v to
tike the IOIIK sldo mi f.ilr l > roiK.s Ij ht ro-
celntsof ho s and hlslioi pi Icis a jncid \ pro-
\lslons cnimult to ciuse eonsldoriblo buying
to finer tlioili which oarrlcd the marl.ot
hlKlicr and hold It. TholinMiiObs wasmo-tly
Nifl YOIIK. Miv I'l ' Iveiinott , llopklti < & Co
toS. A SloU'hnrtor. Tin stojk tn.i i In t hns
Ineu subjcil totreiiUQiitlliiotiiatlims today In
wlilcli th < rev is [ i 1 mk of li tiinony tliion h-
out the list , iLsiiltltn ; In ijnlli' a decline foi
somostocUhllu others closedhlKlni thin
list nlsht , Tito o in n I UK of tlio maikot wis
alTocted liy the ndanue In Amui Ic ins In Lon
don , and In seine purchases In this m.iilcot on
London. These \vcto chlelly of H L'atil , and
soon ( oiolfii dcilitu-s ci isi-d until mar the
closofthen they bijan to buy. ( otitlnunt d
Ionises lm\o boon \\oiU ana nil cottiers In
Luropo contlniio to 111 iko cITot ts to obt-iln
pold. Tlio 11 ink of niiUiind mUtmuii
( lie price foi AtiRiicin oiulos to Ttis O'id ,
uhlcli Is > \ . shnrp picniliiiii o\cr the
ordlnarv urlcc hurling oxiliuio wiak lio-
cnusoo ! larKcoirerlnKs of bills nialihl jrolil ,
for which tluro Is \ cry llttlo demand I'or-
ilcrt haiildiiK houses lnuc had lai-'o onluis ( or
Bold aKKngat In:9."l > l.(10pold ( talon nnd nnis-
poctsof anothirtfl OJD.OUI uliut th so nin.i/u-
inciiti he.'ln to In anuininied Thu sunk
nmi lilt to hull oil' , lint l.itor lu in to
pickup and so no vhlcli hud support , sucli as
M. I'uil , iloscd htron-r. Very lltlli ) Iss.iUJ In
tlio sttutt aliout the fiillinu to tdvatiuu th
pissciiior ( rates botwtcn Ihli-aeo nnd St
Louli or the nlleccd iinsettlod condition of frclRhtrateso\ trunU llnus. lint
thu ( leclaritlonof Ipoi ipnt hy Iho " ( i. " Is
conimcntul on fauirnbly. llio AorltliiKiof
the siiooul itl\c mind sliotlio drift of tlinu.'lit
likh Is no doubt Itiilllhlt and uouU t.ilio a
docldid form hut for the dlKounu'iMiiuits nt-
tondn sold shipments oti'.at jirL-sont.
CiiiOAao , May nV. . 0 MrCoi ntluk .1 Co to
I. O bwnrtA. . Uo : The whu it inuikutliis
lieendull but falily firm , pilous iiiiiiri-htn-
slon has been felt Joi iiday or two li'ic/iril
to tlioolTict ottlio dry wo.ithor nn thosprlnir
wheat , and It as mturil.o \ oxpei-tn lireik
la prices as soon us weliavohad ( tooJ rains In
the nurt.linoqt Tlicso rilns came toiliy nnd
more are predicted all around within tlio next
twenty-four hours , and * yet the w ho it tmr-
kethis Ijd'ii strjiiKly , Lmto canlos noted stronp
markets at Llurpool , London , Itorlln and
1'urli , esiieolally for hpot wheat. Oloiuancos
front thu four Atlantic ports ivoru l Miuoo
bushels of M hint und 17WO paola nsot Hour.
Onrgoos nn IHSSIIKO to the Uitlltd Kingdom
aiidcontliiiMilshottud a dotriMiso of about a
million nnd hdf bushels but the English \lsl-
lilu supply shonud tin IncretW ) otliQO.DJO llo-
colpts atolo\cn primary polntH , 470.wn 1
els ; slilpinotits , : i t000 ! linsht'ls Acnrllio _ . _ . .
of tlio inarUot It was reported that froluht
room had been cngaccd for 400,1)JO ) bushels
of wheat fnun llaltlinoio , hut llttlo at
tention wns paid to It , us It was
Raid to bo for September shipment.
Cot n has boon moderately firm but dull with
trailing ililully local. Iho InoronsliiK rtcelntH
uro rather a uolKlit ott the inirUct as the de
mand for shlpmu'it la decidedly slack. The
RradliiR of the market Is tniicli linprinrd and
the amount of contract corn Is lucreming.
The edict of the past dry \ \ oitln.r Is inoto
bovcroly felt In oats than iiny other produut ,
und If accounts bBtructhob inner ciop which
hasbeennromlwodus Isnotllkclj to bo hur-
\estctl Iho nncisliiiss has cntiseil rather u.
BtroiiKorundirtono to tlio tnirKct. 1'rox Islons
ha\o tii'in Him throughout tlio dny with MTV
HRlitofTirlncs , and Indlc.itloiiH of uneasiness
aniiiiK the Hlioi ts u ho huvu sold on the break.
Wonotlio Kood biijlniof all iirtlclostind ex
pect to boo hlulior prices before wo have n.
further break
OMAJt.t 1 * 1 VMS HI < IL'K.
OMAHA. May 10
CiTTL.1 ! Oniolal rocolots of cuttlo 14it : ,
s connrart-d with b05 yistonlav and 2 till
Tucsdayof hstwuok I'lio inirktt > % usne-
tlvounulOo lilKhoron the best htcorHand slow
iiiiu barely stoadr on loss ilewlriiltlo Kraih-s.
llutcher Ktoik was itoudy. Toeaers had
no life \vliiit > or.
lions Olllilal receipts of hoca fl.i25 : as
ooinpiired with . ' .GUd yesturday and fir > .r > ( l
Tuesday of lust wool , 'llio miirknt HUH
aetlro. the host ho.'H 5o hlKhi'r. ethers stonily
to btronior , All Hold. The ranuo of
thopricis u ild was Il'J.VftJVk. tlio but U sol 1-
UiK at fl.4ia4.4.1 ( LliihU H.fflIt(5 ( , heiivv
HA\1i.l. ' : > . mixed S 'Ii4ft4 tt. 'Jho tnuriiKo i f
thoprlcis paid VMIH } ltlA as ( . .oinpirodlth
H.Ai'i yeHter'lay and ifl.M Tucsdayof lust
SiiEKP-Thero wore no fresh recelltts of
Hluep The niarltot was nominally htoudy.
Natives , tI 00&U.UO ; vmoriis. f J. ( ii.'i 10.
Ilooolptu and Dlnponltlon ol'Stock.
Unlulal recclptHunil disposition of Htoilv 111
Hhown by the books of thu Union stoulcyiirdi
coiiipuii ) fortliu t\Miity-finir hoursimdfui ; ut
6 o'Uock p. in May ll > , 1MU.
Itcprcsoutfttlve Snlos.
No , Av. I > r. No. Ay. I'r , No. Av. I'r.
1..1I8J 3 75 w. 11:0 m 21 ,1310 S 40
1 , . IXX ) 4 00 . mo silo 10 I27fl ft < 0
2. DOS 4 Z CO wit l.T * 503 IH. IMG & iso
IS Mi ! IH " 7 1204 f > r > oat
20 071 4 -
20 761 4 ro 525
4 U at , i2Ti9 5 oo
4 CO . IH,1.12.1 ftdfl
1 10.10 4 tO 20 .1110 ao r.'ii : r. rvi
0 MO a u U. . 11/8 10..I.ICO 570
1 IK' ) 4 a7.i2i 7 BTO
c tas 4 ' , " > . . 12 1.123 S75
as 1105 4 n H , . 583 60 , IJ74 5 75
18 U.O 4 U 1C. . 1WO 540 20 1U07 680
2 ? . . 1007 4 DO
20 .1051 4 M
! . COWS ,
3. . 7 10. . fill .325 3 orw 400
1. B-H 2 00 1..1O ) 3M 3 1170 4 10
C 711 2 00 1..1280 3M 1 Kill ) 4 10
1 7(0 ( 2 00 IV. .tlU8 3W 3 10)1 4 15
2 2 00 1. . . MO 350 ! i l.MO 42.1
2 WO 2 10 ; . SIB .1 r 5 4 1227 4 23
2 871 2 ,11 l.i ( IV ) 375 2 IIKM 4II.1
1 8JO 2 10 J85 8 1103 4 a3
1 .1110 S '
1. 449 2 50 i. . ; ro 350 40 new a oo
1 10SO y 2.1 10. . MKJ 353 01. oil a uo
2. . 0.0 a 10 4. . mo J03
1 .12M 2 25 1 . IV 2 BT i. in-M ano
1. . 120 2 W 2 . 147JH3 i. . 1570 arx )
1 IB. ! ) 273 1. . mo 350
1 . HO 3W 2. . 100 153 1. , 150 500
2 1715 4 75
vrsTrnv CATTIR
No. A v , I'r.
Stindard cattle company
1 steer , cornfud 13.10 M (11 (
40 steers , lornfcd UIO SCO
No. Av. Hit. Pr. No. Av. Sli Pr
77 . . 127 40 ( I 10 75 . SOT 120 M 40
. 210 4 25 78 80 4 4U
1. . . . . IV ) 4 21 5 . .259 4 40
21 . IDT 4 2" 2 4 4J
101. ild'i 200 4 25 4 4 4) )
"l ' . : i- 4 2r. 5 20J 410
. i2.0 _ 4 2.- 20J 4 40
2 . 475 4 .10 ' . ' I1) ) 4IJ'4 '
10 200 0 4 .10 24J 4 4."S
llll l\l 100 4 . ! 0 4l.'ii '
1. . IM ) 40 4 .10 4 4J'/4 '
fit . Ull 1JO 4 , ! 2' ' 78 4 ) . " ' ,
fitCJ . 11H 4 .IJ' ' 74 4 4JI5
CJ u1-- ir/i 4 IK CO : no 40 4 4i
74G.I TO. ICO 4 .15 117 4 45
G.I 215 4 : tr 71 J4li 21) ) 4 4'i
1D .200 4 .15 EM 60 4 4 * >
1t 2JT 40 4 a.- 72 217 4
; t 207 1(0 ( 4 : i5 fi' ' ) ' "U 240 4 4i
17 11)0 120 4 .15 71 21 * 2(1 ( * 4 4i
IKI L > 0 4 ; > . - < 75 ' . ' ( S L'SO 4 4i
1 (17 4ST 4 .r > 71 R..7 4 T >
210 T-'O 4 71h. i-'U 1.1) ) 441
2.VI 1. ) 4 Ci 211 1.1)M 4 4)
11 a 120 4 : ci 2d ( 1.1)t 4 4i
. .24(1 ( 8J 4 .C , t ° 4 4i
.L'O.-i 4 .C ' 4 4'i
171 R ) 4 . ! ' 40 4 li
1IU 120 4 .15 61 1-.0 44i
I1U 4 : c 0 4 4" .
. . .isaoj ) 4 .15 Sri JM 4 4i
. .O.I 4 : c 71 .2.i ( 4 4i
201 200 4 .C > 81 J.S 4 45
2 0 3.0 4 . : . - > 61 200 4 4i
. . .103 120 4 40 80 200HI 4 45
. . .20.1 240 4 43 SO LMS HI ) 4 41
, 214 203 4 40 H9. .117 4 4i
. .200 l-'O 4 40 C.I 80 4 4' )
, . .2li IM ) 4 40 70 2(10 ( 4 4' )
. .211 HO 4 40 C'J 2tl 40 4 47 > i
, . It)5 ) 4 40 7 2.SI . 1.0 4 47 > i
, . 217 120 4 40 7CO 211 447'i
. 211 bO 4 40 8- ) . MB 4 47'4
, . 221 100 4 40 854 . .II ICO
181 IGT 4 40 07 277 4 7) )
. 21H 81 4 40 8.1 2,4 , ICO 4 ' .0 .
lSr > 40 4 40 7 21 4 V
211 11.0 4 tO 70 211 120 4 TO
2)1 40 4 40 ao : iio 4 riO
. 2V ) 4 10 40. 303 4V. .
2JI 200 4 40 4:1 : 402 ICO 4 53
rids AND nounii.
ISO 2 fO 2 4X ) -
280 2 5J
Fjhc htoolc iVI.ipkct.
CuiCAOi ) , M iy 10.-Srcil.iI [ rolcvi.unto Tin :
lln : I Tlioio w is an OMroimly ll ht suiijily
of KOOII intlve o.ittlo on tlio intiikut toony.
Iho lUKnvntoiocclpts woio fully upto tlio
iiM-rmo for I'uuMl iy , but ollerlnss veto
initiilpully < if loxjis cuttlo. only n sinill iiro-
poi t Ion n ( \\lilcli wcro nooil onoii li to incut
tlio rL'iiulri'iin.tit'j ( if tlio ctstorn anilpviioi t
triicic , timsoim-ntly , llieio uns n slioiizor
innrKcl for useful sliliiplnsttirs. . Pair to
climio. I.IOJ to 1.000 pouiuls cuttlo u\oriM \ < l
fully IOL1 lilKlur and wire actKo nt the ml-
MIIUO 'llio IniproNuiniiit did not cmbriuo
coiiiinon anil niedlnm iiii.illtlos they sold
slowly ut birely fernier pi lets ' .ilos of
n itlvcs MCIO nit u biifcls of * l.5JaR..r 0 lor In-
forloi eo s totxti i steers , with the gro.ilcr
( iiai v tr.idliiK nil $ . fll@rM : for cows and l J llll t
and at SMtK&OOO fW , BfilppliiK' Miois. Texas
t ittlo wcro qnotecf at SlliffilOO thoush prices
aboie $4'iero roaihcd In only a few
" " "
lust inues
With today's rwolplr of IIORS confined
to about 11000 , s-olli'is vero In
position to res dn t ojt of Iho previous dijs1
loss L'oniinou to prlinollRht n tights sold at
N - 'iffll.7' ) , and $4 WaH.WJ MIIS llio ranuiof
in lets for hu ivy and niKlluin weights This
Is iiiiiidMinronf Ac Tlio clotn ind front lot il
p ickois was sliclc , but shlppors looli hold In
in Intoicstod w iy mu nil di eunt lola -\\e-o
elosnd out loin ; before noon. Thuiiinlty | ! was
f ill , liettci tliin forsoiiie clays vio\ Inns , and
tlio r'lu.ilL't put ofti.nlliivis at 84 'iVicil 70.
Iniliiliv vviis | irliiiln.illy forat ci iisosof from
IX ( ) toVponnils ) Lighter and litavlorvvo jjlits
we 10 inoio or less inflicted.
( Mrri l ICciulnts H.OUO : shipnicnt" , 253) ) ;
miirkct slow ind sli.ulyto loweroAtristurs , ,
$1 sol 1.20 , ethers , J4.OOG5.7i : Tixam , J.1.IOQ >
5 l ! to lf..Wi.l 53
ll)0Kccelpts ( ) , 11,000 : shipments , 7,000 ;
market , ieti\e stetdy to hlnhoi , roiiK'l" inul
coiniiion , f 1 7i7.l J"i , mixed nnd pitt-keis , IP-I W ®
I ( M ; pi line In u v and butcher Mil liN , J-IUi& )
4.7.1 ; IiKlit. f4 ( a470
Sill l.i'-Iti ( clpts 8,000 : shritnictils , JJOOI ;
ninikot dull anil uoik ; nillM- .
To\ans. } l ODl.7oi ivesttrns
$0 "iJit7.OJ. (
Now Yorlc l.ivototlc
Nuv YOIIK , Mil } 10. llui ( hS-IIocolnti , 578
liead. nil for ovportcN and shmclilorors.
roollni ; ( Inn. Drtbsotl hoof , sti uly nt 8ifTj (
lOu. blilpmunts , 4W boovos. und 4,140 , qutirtuis
of limf.
OAI.VFS Hccolpts , 3140 ; nuirkot nominal.
A Imnohof veals sold nt$5 djij.
bli > KP UuulptH.MKU , iniirUot'sa ' ohlRhpr.
Sheep , } 4 'JVil ! 00 : 1 nulls , ir'J54it'ils ) drcssoil
iinittonK5)10 io : tlressid lambs , in&15o.
Hods Ui-ct'lpts 8,401. lonslgncU dlnct ;
iioinliuillyoik at Jl.'ioa1) . 10
KUIISUH City TjUotoclc ,
KANtAsCiTV , Mo , SIny -Cattlo Kecolpts.
II 500 lie ill : NhlpnioiiU. 1,020 head ! innrUut
uliout Hteadyj strors , ( l.00ir 1 HI , cows "
4.50 , Htoclcors nnil foodcrs. J.'WC'il.W. '
Hods Ui'oilpts l..SM nciil ; elilpiuoiits 1170
houd ; 111:1 : 1 kct sto uly to 5u lowir ; Lullc , ft.40
4JJ Wi all urulos , { tOKJI.r ( 0
fein KV Uecolpts 1.7K ) IK id ; mn.rl.ot . , lost ,
steady ; othirs lo to 15olouiT ,
St. 1/oulH Ijlvo Stock Market.
ST. Louis , Mo , May ID. CATTLE Keccints.
5,200 ; shipments , l.HOO ; market loner ; fair
to fancy nalUo.leers ( I.Oil5.U9 , Toxuns and
Indians , t4.OIK34.4l ) .
Hoos-Hocolpts n , 100 , slilnineiits. 4,100 ; mar-
UotHironic ln-iivy. SlWIt-IW ) ; mixed ,
4.CO , llL'ht ,
' / . A .t AC
Prices for the most pirt tire about stcitiy
Tlie market Is prictlcally boar of nu\v
1 KTTICRCliolco tO.k. ( n.ll30.
Homo grown Htoclc , SO&COc per
I'OTATOKS I'Orlll. 2'21iC. '
_ HI H.N HIANS Max. .7. > | ior X bushel
box ; htiliiK. H.2"or | ) M bnsliol bov.
' 1 di' ONIONS Pir ounoh.tic. .
Hl'lNACll I'or bol , $1 "i'ifil 10.
TOMATOI : < .soiitbotn htoik , bnsliol boxes ,
J5.0U ; f inuyiiitos.U hasUcts , Si.50 pot cnte.
I'OTXTOKS-lloiitopronn nook , bQdilJa : wubt-
eniKtock , SIOIKiil 10 ,
l'EAs-1'or biuhol lix , i..oo/per H ! 'bushel
box. 7.V. '
OirciiMiiKits I'er dnrcn. II25.
UAiiiudE-OallfnTtili stock , per Ib , 21-ici
southern , per orate , * 151.
( OUTIIEII.N OAtiiiii'ii < ) V > Kit-l > ir doion. I..2W3
2..ill. il
Kt'TAiiACABMkhlgan stock , | ior bushel , COc.
HinTS Pir bushel , U oa.
IUIIIIOTS 1'er bushel , JI.OO.
rAHHMI'h I'lT hutijiol , < IOO.
" " liOO ; iuvyt2.73
The receipts of strawberries wcro again
largo but btoukl niuved oil" frculy t lions li
prlucs worolowir ; '
Tlio following ijiiotatlons arc based onyos-
tcnluy'a a ales :
UiiANHEH-loH AnciloH , ( J.7531.00 per bos ;
Khonn , IW.OJ ; Klvuniliies. U50.
1'INKAl't'I n , 1'or doz , * . ' .lva'J.M.
bTUA\Mii'.niiiBh-ror 24'ijuart onto. I2.75O
C''OHMA ClIMIIIIEH 1'flr 10-lb llOX.M 00.
Arrir.K riio inuruet Is practically out ol
good hhlupliu stock.
LKMONS Cliolio stock , perboi , } 050j fine ; ,
llANNAS-Por buiicti , I..MXMOO for fancy
stoek for ahlpplnit.
Omaha Mllllnj Co. Hollanco Patent , M.10 ;
Inylnillilo I'att'iit. 1JBO ; Lonu btar Huporla >
the IJ.50 ; fiiowlluUt' , UIO ; Funcjr Kamlly ,
* '
? . , I'atont No. t nnl (
Creiiin , f..HJi lllue 1 > . full patent , * . ' (0j lluwk
c-yo , half patent , I. * . 40 : Special Itoyul , juloiit
No IO.I.UO ; Mlino | ota I'atont , t..tWt HIIIIHIIS
Hard Wheat , putunt , ( . ' .05 ; > cbratia b
AMmat , patent , UOO.
Orikninp'a ready to rise buck wlioit flour ,
(4 .5 pircasnof W2-1U packnsn : InmkMhoat ,
lu bbli , N. V. . l 00) ) txctUlur briud , ( i.50 ,
? ] ap Jack MonlIO,73poroaso , of M 2-lh paolc
Modal. HOOs SnowWlilto ,
| 2-IO | Bnowllnke. (2 a ) : low grade , H.OOI bran ,
I 00 | clioiipodfeod ) 127.00.
Country I'rotlucc.
The CRB mnrkot Is rather firming up as Ilia
receipts nro light The liny product Is also
stronger. Iluttor Is plenty nnil weak.
' 1 Iio following miotatlona are based on yes
terday's silesi
1 1 AHcit uiiland , (12 00 per ton.
liumii-nond to choice country , lOQlla :
low grnilot , 0(300. (
Kaog ( jcnonil mnrkot. IBc.
I'oti/rnv Choice llvo liens , UOO ; roosters
and mlxud ,
Ocsjlor'sAIaglclIcailncho Wafers. Curesnll
hcaihchos In 'M minutes. At nil drugiUU
Westerners rcnsloncd.
WMIII.NOTOV , Way 1U. [ Special ' -Telegram
to Tun BEP.J Nobnisltmis : Orlglttnl
( IcorgoV. . Ilorr , William 11. I'nno , Martin
OvorhaltOll\cr C , Miles , IMgnr A. Honips-
worth , \Vlllmm Johnson , John T. Godding ,
Andrew J. Crossloy , John Len\ltt , William
N. Vorloy. licstor.itlon nnd Alex.
llrowit , Aililltlonnl Amos L. Stem as ,
Joseph lliillcy , btoplien Hnylos , William
lliirnes. .lostih [ lC51ocr. . Inorenso
rrnnklin I'uuln , W llnrlloy , Solomon llnrt-
ioll , Da\ld iMcCullouKtis. Uoissuo Hobeit
1'aully , .lolui It MtColiougli , Alex. Swallow.
Original \\lilot\s \ Surah K.uulow of Udulti
C. llaircl.
Io ti : Original \ \ illltim 11. IJohoiUon , O.
Joscnh Cue , bttnucl Kcnncy , Andruw Hell ,
\Vllllani Delano , ( jorviti II. ( Jan , Hiram
II. Kobirta. Nicholas I. IConyon , Lewis
DoiiKhortvVllllnm Alexander , 1'otcr Dcnlo ,
Abncr l lsh , .litnos Cummltips , .lolin llverctt ,
( ionnnln S Chuvilevln , Andrew M. Culvers ,
Albtrt Denn , Witllim II Bat ncs , Andrew. I.
I'lilmor , Olt\or Halo ] r , .Inmos Hodccs ,
Kobert C , DiiKoy , Samuel II McOtitro , Alex
arosimnn , Wlllla-n II. Miller , Job L , OI.ILC ,
Joslnli J Jackson , .lolin H Mills , William
Urieufori ] , Ctirlstltm Hcppo , David Cable ,
lob Lnlrd. Aililltional .losiali Ihifj 'ltis ,
Robert 'Ihornsis. Ain H. Nichols. Increase
- Albert H. Darncs John T BitUot , Henry
Hiirnur , Josonh Smith , KiUuud Cai pouter ,
Johii Olixcr Wall-too , 13cnaiiiln ] Cuinloy.
Uoissuo Jacob If ( Joluiov , James I' Hriico.
lielsiuo nna Iiicicaso-Hlnion V. Carlsbic.
islnnli widows , etc. I'riscilla , niothci of
Theodore Itilcy ; CoiintlinIdowof Ocorgo
W. Smith. Sunn , widow of Uichunl Mun >
neil , Louisa , widow of Fieiloricl ; bclmfcr ;
tlunimh. mother of Charles II. bears , llcniy ,
father of Tltonns Schwnb.
South Oalcota : Original Charles J' West ,
rrcJoiici : Ilcincs , William II. AMlcox , .lames
II. U'liUs Alfied P. Hall , William Ctcoil.
John Acker , Harrison Loop , II nrrv H Hobin-
son , Wnltor II Pritt.oplinnlnh Kill ? , ( nilill-
tionnl ) . Incieaso Henry Slater , Cbarles W.
Lccljo. _ _
A very small pill but a very good one. Do
Witt's Llttlo UarU Hisers.
An extra attraction has been secured by
the Apollo club for thoTltomns concerts Juno
3 in the person of tlio noted tenor Sie. Cam-
panlni , who mnkes his rcnppcarnnco in
Omaha under more favorable ilrcumstnnccs
than when hcio before. An operation \vns
pcrforniod on his throat last sumtncthioh
wns\erj suaessful , and after icstitif ; si\
months no iiealn renewed his old time tri
umphs in New "Yorlc , Boston nnd the cast.
Just now ho Is with Ciilmore's hand on their
riiiR tour , closing in New York May ill
and cotnlne direct to Omaha , -\\hcro ho will
join the Thomas orchestra for the icmalndor
of'heir trip and his presence hero will bo
welcomed by all sinners nnd miMciins who
love to hear that lari avis n truly grtut tenor.
nliirriph operatoisaro taUiuir the highest
averages in civil service oxa'niuitions.
AMU Aslc for Itonds.
The cltv council held T lengthy session last
night nnd bj u unnnimous veto pissed the
ordiname ptovidinp for n sncchl election to
bo linlil 'lucsJny , Juno HO. to vote upon the
question of Usuinir ? I10,000 of pa\ing and
curbing bonds of the cltv.
Iho council ul so pa scd an orJiiinnco croit-
K thonlllco of nssistnnt soi\or inspector
and attaching thereto n salary of ? 100 per
President Lowrv appointed n committee of
seven to meet a clti/cns' committee at Mayor
3ushinB's ' oflico nt4 o'clock ' this afternoon to
talto steps looking to the erection of n monument
ment to the inomon of the late General
roolr. , J'.l It 4 GAM J'HS.
.1.11. Paul of Chadton is at the Millnrd.
Ilenrj St. Uavnor of Sidney is at the 1'ax-
George A. Stoens of York Is at the Mil
.lames Manning of Lincoln is at the
Thomas P. Hurawell of Tromont is at the
Murraj ,
Miss Besslo Elwoodof A\oca , la. , is at the
Muriny ,
C. B. Cooke of Boone , la. , is stopping at
the Alimay.
W. H Johnson and wife of North Pl.itto
are at the Dellono.
Dr. Denj.imln lJlallej and \\ito of Lin
coln uro at the Pixton.
I1. J. Honctlictand A. II Parrons of Hast
iiiu'S moat the Mil lard
Dr. D D. I'utton nttd Dr. J. II. Woodnrd
of Hewitd nro nttho I'axton. .
Mosdimcs J. Jl liockfcllow and E J Dick-
cnson nfSiouK City nro at the Murray.
S A. Orchard returned from Now York
vcstordiy morning , hiving ROIIO there to sco
Miss Orchard safely aboard a European
Ur. Williamson of the Central United
Pii-sbjteriaa church lolt last cmiing for
Princeton , Ind. Ho ropiosents tlio Omaha
prusbytery of thit denomination in the meet
ing of the general assembly which Is held at
B a , roieirtuo ; but tlio gintcful
poonlo , that S S. S. Ins cured , alter
physicians bad declatcd tlicm Incur.-
in tlio thousands.
bio , nunibor way up
Oscar AVIlus of Huntln-jlmr ; , ' , Ky. ,
says : "For years I was allllctcil with
n blood taint , thit InlHoil the skill
of the best
Tliodisciio .ifluctod my o o * until I
was , almost blind I am tliunkful to
Bay th tta few bottles of S. .s. S. . cur
ed mo ontiio y. My ojcsiglit Is cou-
plefy M sored , arm my general
health isbotor than It has been for
you- . . "
Book on oo 1 w dAln d nibses freo.
ThuMNJft lccill C , Atl.uiU. Oa.
- . . _ . ! * ' DISTRICTS. WATER
CorriiponOfiu-c. lollclttil
N.W.HARRIS &CONPANYBanker , < : .
I0H > IO9 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO *
:5 Ws'l Street. ' ( EW VOIIK-
70 Kmta St BOSTON- .
liK.lMI Mntkct I.lreot , Dunvcr Coloraito.
n , III. .unit Muslim Creamery llutlur , 1'vesnnd
Chouse lUUUU Alvmilr eifii ca e , with tlllcm to
lonntomv nlilipi-ri | ami iitlivr ) in liulllli'l , tl\ucu i
anil up Sliliiby Init frilulil ( ioinl clioip Iluttor In
ilemnnililiirliii ; .May. Kcllnblo forquoUllutiiioa ilo-
xaiuil *
A. B , Boyer & Oo
K 9 Eiclmnno llullillni ,
Boiitli Oiiinlin.
8 , J. OoQinan , Buiiley Hunter & Green ,
&GO. ,
30 Kicliunto Ilullcllnz
M Biclianuo llulUllna
tioutliUuialix buutli Om n .
Hutrli Q. Olark ,
OfnlVf U > rn AKCHI of
Dupunt't t > | > orlln > ( ( Inn.
IMMTllCr , Xtlll * IllKII fllplO-
Ivv.lllnnllnx c p , f nio
1JI3 llurnpr
Oarpontor Pnpor Oo. ,
Cnrr ; n full otork of
prlnllni winppltu nml
nrltliiKpipur , oarj pn-
l > fr , etc.
Qco. Obonio & Go. , J. 8. Smith & Oo ,
113 S I3tli troot , IIOS-III.
Onmtiv Onnhi.
I The finitsswiok-BalW
I Collondor Oo.
liounu Illlllnrl mure tin MM 110 ,
' . bullion nitiimi ,
clillilrun'ii tar- 4U7 IK ( > H IJUi UrujL
I31U iiruuuiit.