THE OMAJLA DAILY BEE : WEDEESDAT. M.AY 110. 1891. JDS1NESBBS CETTflCETIM Hundred Hebaska Mercbaats orkng ! for Mutual Benefit ? , PLAN'S ' FOR PROTECTING RETAILERS. UIio Socoud , Vntiiial ( ' < Mivonlloii of the fctiito JQtmliicss M : H'H tlon OpcnliiR Adilrcis Tlio Work Ahead. Thtro nro slity-flro local branches of the f iN'obra-jlta State I3uslncss Men's ' association with a total mornborshlp U52 , representing the substantial retail morchatiti of tlio state Nearly two htmdroil monitors are in attendance at tbo Boconcl tnnual convention Of trio association , which commenced a thrco days'session ' at the boird of trade rooms nt 2 o'clock this afternoon. Thruo jenrsngotho NebraskaStato Dusi- ncssMcn's association was organized , mainly through the cITortsof Mr. 0. II. Webster nnd I ? , Hodgin , thoprosldont and general secretary , rcsnectlvoly of the state asso ciation. The organization wiw form ed for the purpose of atfordlnit ttio retail dealers ot the itato the protection and advantage * that are secured - cured only by mutual nnd iiiutod ofTort. The laws of the state , so the origlnaton of tlio movement held , -wore all against the In tGicsu of the retail merchant , ana mutual Intcicst andself-protcctionworo tlioprlmo features in the orgnnl/atlon. It wus proposed to organize locnlbranches lu cnchtownnf the state imdor n state organization vlth hcndquar- tors In Omaha. A credit report system ; _ jjvaa planned to furnish the retallorwith the information concerning liU customers that Dun and Bradstrcut furnishes the Jobbers concerning retail dealers. Tlia plan caught the popular Idon and branch orsanlziitlons were formed In mnny of the towns ol the stato. Tlio efforts of the state organization were directed to the passage of bettor laws for the retail merchants. Tlio flrat annual convention of the association was held la Omaha a year ago and was troll attended and much eood work accomplished. The cotwntlon which mot this afternoon promises to bo en on inoro productive of good results , Opening Session. There wcro nbout ono hundred doloptoi present \vhCnG. \ II. AVobstorpresident of the association , called the contention together nt 2:30 : p. in. Mayor CuslnnR welcomed the delegates tu Omaha In a speech well calculated to impress them that ho understood the importance to the community nt largo of the retailors'pros perity. Ilo suggested boiicllclal changes in the statute ] , and nreod the retail men to stand tOKQtlicr inihclr organization for thu .good of thornsolvcs nnd tlio stato. J 1'rosldontVelistorculled \ Vlco President Leo of frcmont to the chair , and rosi > oudcd ' to the mayor's ' address. Ilo said ttio organ ization hnd now KOt beyond the soothing syrup and soft food porioil and wai nMo to ninUIcato anytlihifr that groivn-up pcoplo could cat. Ilo congratulated the inciii- Dors on the success of the oi- gaulzatlon thus far , and conlidentl ; prcdictcil its continuinco , Ono sugscstion ho raado wns tlyit ancli eastern IIKUI write homo "a , letter giving Nobraslia a good Bond-off , " A commlttoo of Jlvo wat then appointed to - _ _ report upon crotlentials. They wcro Ilauscn of Hastings , Mount of Omaha , Parsons of Schuylcr , Holllns of Wnkefleld , Fhk of Irtatrlco. f The secretary then roadhla annual report. . , f The report showed that tlio association hnd 'rlocal organizations In thirty cpuntlos of the "Btuto. The association had Ui.tiU pcmons rated. Thirty-tiino per cent of thisvastnuin- bcr of cuitouiors ivoro rated as good pnyandUT per cent w > ro medium pay , 14 per conl wcro sioxv pay , while Hi per cent WPN so uncertain thut merchants nud to demand cash ondoliroryor run the risk of loslnjr the bills sold to thorn. The total amount of col lections sent to the Commercial Directory company for collodion was tttii,175. ) Tins enormous sum roprosontcJ the dead beat Hit mid was tnndo up from the uncollnctod bills held by "HO llrmj , Louis Hclmrod , chairman of thologislatno committee , reported the failure ot the bill which the association hnd introduced at the last session of the legislature , and recom mended that the association begin at once to discuss and agitate tbo passage of a similar bill nt the next session of the state logisla- tuto. tuto.Vhllo \Vhllo \ tlio association waited for the com mittee on credentials to prepare n report Air. S. S. English , of Eagle , was called out and spoito upon the objects of the association. Mr. Leo of IfrotuontsnU ho had found thut the association rating boolc was n great beno- " his business. - Stcpler of Fremont also spoke briolly , recommending the \\orkof the association , The cotnmlttoo on credentials icportcd the t oiloulng delegates present and on titled to aoits m the convontlou : KallsClty : T. J. Olst. P. r.9alllvan. Wakctluld : U'hoiius Hawllrn. Ulurks : II. M. KokJor.J. 11. Oastlo and E.S. Beir.s. MiislliiKH : IT.O. Ilanscn , F. Tlenoilict. M. Mel n tyro. 8. bhiiotclfonl , Al 1'orruni und John llculimati. hiluiylor : M , T. Itohman , J. A. . Pierce , Henry lioltnr nnd A.M. 1'tirsmi1 ' * . „ _ rrtnnontt E.P. Slonler , NY. E. Bnullos.O. „ Ollcldcn , Wllllaiu llllos , B. T. SlaulTor. A. VJiiRcr , K. H. i-mltli , John Blioriuaii aud II. llluiiirnthal. Omaha : II. J. Coles , I'rod IT. Uabcock , V. Hiirrott , O. H. lloiiawu. ( Joorgo A. llonnitt , Ohurlei H , Courtney , VE. Cutler , \Vlllium 1. Jilorstuiul , it. Al , Douno)1V , It. Drunnuond , K.1J. FiilcoiH'r \ . J. KJ&lior , Oh rh Hanson , T. 0. Ilinons.Clnrlc-'slltiiilpy , Charles s Hay- voocl , I.onls 1 Itlinroil , John II. Ililssln. ! ' , A. Jon sll. , Ivcnnody / , J M. Motcalf , Vf.V. \ . Wm o,8. I'.Morsi- . T. Mount. J , 11. Miinldt. 1. W. Smith anil \ V.IMootrol. . IMaltsiiioutli : Th.iothy Ohrlr. Job \Vatcr- - inun , Uhurlcs Ciiiiiiiilns , M. D. tlui-pbr , II is- , mi IK I'otorson. A. II Kiintt. lioatrloo ! O. It. lUvonnort , T. L. KIilc , A. O. Jordan. J. II. 1'arkcr , J. J. fallow , O. I' . Jlor- rKoii , K. J. Smith. \Vost Point : Li. I' Ohnbbnolc , I'rnnL ITahn. Mlnduii ; James 11. Cllnu , II. J. Vuu Vulkeu- burg. The meeting was then adjourned until this mortilng at 0 o'clock , whoa It Is oxpoitod that delegates from other towns will ho piosent. \V orlc .MienJ. Today will be a bu y dav as a number of important natters will bo dlicussed. O Thursday moinlns the actual work of the convention will bo completed and the after noon gi\cn over to pleasure sooWng , An excursion train will leave tlio Unloi 1'ncltlo depot at 1 :45 o'clock for South Omaha vhoro the packing houses will be \lsited. The delegates 111 rotuin nt o'cloclc ' ninl will bu taken nt the Union ilepo * " * ud-glvon a carriage drive through tlio city end abanijuet at the Millard uotel inth evening. Omaha Jobbers are oxpcctrd to talio a proinlnont part in cntcituining the visitors Tnlkt * i\ltl A number of prominent delegates voro soet : 'iiK llrr. nud all had an cncounigl wort to soy about Iho crop prospects throughou tlio ilato , C. D. Huffman , hardware merchant o ( Harks , snla crops look very well and Indlca tlons are that tlio crop -will ho enormous The grain will bo marketed early , for farmers ors wantmouey. II.V. . Dovoy of Plattsraouth tatdbuslnos was fair and collections alow. PIU. B. Tchuliotf , stationer anil book sollo of 1'lnttsmouth. ' said business was prett good In his lino. T , J. ( list of Palls City , in the genera morchnudlso business , said that business l bis part of tbo stnto vas ymtty good , ( lee crops are promised and good tlmoj seem t Uo vomln ? . T , P. Salllynn. a lumbcrmcrehnntof Pal ! City , said business vusory good in hi line , Timothy Clark , a coal dealer In I'htts mouth , found collections very slow , "Novc tuw closer times since l have boea in 4.h stato. " I. n. 1'arker of Hoatrlcosoils harness nn addlory , Ilo said : "Business Is fair. like the association plan of collecting ha dobls. " I. U. risk , of Jlentrlco , It a grocer , "Tmd Is fair , " mid Mr. Flak , ' -and collections are llttlo slow. Tlio piospccts for fruit an grain lu ( logo county were never bettor than noiv , " .s'J. U. Jlcckmnn , a butcher of Hasting' , and .irD. Ihuuon , a prominent iinplomontdetilor of thosntno city , snld trade wus quiet and col- lootlous slow , but the crop prospect is the finest they ever t > mv. Homo of the truall ernm. ttoy laid , was alrcaly bonding out , II. J. Lee , a Fremont merchant , stated thai huslncsi wm vorjr quiet In hlsnolRtiborhood , The farmers are vorj bus ; , be said , pelting in tholrcroM nnd tbero was every Indication offttarijo yield. A.V , I'nrjotu of Sohujrlor laid Ihoroxvni a UtKOtacreage Ililayoar than over before , Ho predicted good prlcoa tills fall ami ItirgS crops. The supply of all kindi ot farm product * hud bean About cxbaustod and ho was of the opinion tbat jood prices would prevail for another year. 11. J. VanValkonburf ? , an olJ praln nan of MlntlonYM enllimimioovcrthocropproj- pccti. "Our farmers are putting In tnoro Kraln thaa over before , " latU ho. "and they nio not putting nil their ue" In ono hns- kct. They are jowlntr ill Wndi of grain nnd there Isovcry indication of a uoodylold. "Wo here had plenty of win nuil no frost , und I ice nothing topro\ont \ a very prosperous year. Our folio have a lareo ocroafo In susar kootirindwo expect to nave a suuar factor/ homo time. The now wawhouw law Isn gioat thing for this stale , tlio nourcr Homo wo CM yet our market tbo bolter It \\lll bo for u * . Wocxpocl to hn\o \ n lurgo elevator in Mlodon this year for storms grain. It will bo erected bytlio nllianco. " S. S. English , editor of the liaalot , a woklvpaiior pjblhhod In Kaglo , said mat ters inRonornl won ) very quiet In his melon but with every proapoot of good crops and a generally prospcrons year. I'ltysicitvas IN COUNOIIJ , Slttccntli Annual Mcrtlnu of tlio Kcloctlo Mod Hul Society. The Nebraska State Moetlo Medical so ciety Is holding its sirtcanth annual moot- in ? la the mrlori of tbo 1'axton hotel , and will bo In sesslorf today and Thursday. The society bas a very larso membership which la Increased nt each nnnunl meeting , and ranks veil up wllti thoothor similar organizations of the stato. A. row oftho physlctam arrived on .VMtcc- day's morning trains , nnd qulto a delegation c.iino In at noon , but the ( -router of thoio from the central and western part of the state , as well as some who do not rc idea a far avnv will not bo m until this mottling. Special railroad and hotel rates vero secured for the visitors , rind it Is expected that fully 150 dl cljlc ) < of cUeutlclsniwllI bo here to attend tbo rnoot- I p. p.Thosoclety h ofllcorcd as follows : Presi dent , Dr. W. Jilolntyro , Unndlllu ; Jlrst vlco president , Dr. 0. M Moore , Uruilihtvws second end vlco prosidentUr. O L. NicholsCmalm ; secretaryDr. M. A. Oarrlckor. Nebraska Citv ; treasurer , Dr , A. I. Hoot , Lincoln. Coii < ors-Dn. .1. \Voodvvaul \ , Sowardj I ! , S. ( Iritnos , Lincoln , anil II. 11. Mortou , Wahoo. Committee on lo lslatlon Drs. II. L Bcnt- ly , Lincoln ; T. t\ Britt , Mnroln M. A. Car- rikor , Nebraska ( Jlty ; M. Coloimn , Stroins- Iwrfrj C. H. Chubbuck. TecuiMch ; S. V. Iean , Alma ; I. P. Howard , Harvard ; W. Molntyro , Unadilla ; It. D. Morton , Wnhco ; 0. M. IIooro * , Briidalmv ; G. L. Nichols , Ointila ; A L. lloot , I-.Iiicol" , The session yesterday nfturnoon was en tirely of a business imtiiro. It Included i oil-call , reading tbo minutes Of tbo ln < t meotUiR , applications formcmhci'shlp.roports of the secretary and treasurer , balloting for candidates , report of the board of censors , payment of duos and appointment of com mittees. At the evening session qulto a number of tbo members vho liul foiled to arrive In time for the afternoon mooting were present. Mmor Cushlng delivered a short nddrois. Helconilnc thomoilical raon to the citv , and iiromlsecl llioaa hearty welcome should they told another convention In tbo city. Dr.Il. S , Grimes of Lincoln , replied to the mayor's address and stated the progress of tbo society since Its formation. Inclosing Dr. Grimes snld : "Wo are hero forprofes- sional purposes and I trust tbat vhoii wo have finished our labors wo shall feel that wo have done good vorlc for clootlclsm. I hope wo will accomplish work which shall place our cause upon a basis which caunotbe overthrown. " Dr. woodward of Sofrard , Dr. Oppornmn of Auburn , Dr. 1'ottor of Sovvard ana Drs. Warren and Carrikor of Omaha Mere ad- mlttnd to membership. Four ether applications vero rocokod tnd their naraosaro referred to the board of censors. A pifpor was read , by Dr. Cnrrikcr of Ne braska Citv on Ilydro-Tborupy , " and one 1)7 ) Dr. A. Opjierman of Auburn on "Ilydro- Thonmoutlos. " Thoromalndor of the evening session was tatcenupln the discussion of thcso papers Another session will bo held at S M a , m. today , STA.RS JJX.TIXGUISIIKI ) . Boino 1'olicciiipu Put Out Tliat New BIoii MnjrStcp In. Thoboird of flroandpollco cornmUslonors hold a special meeting last evening for the purpose of appointing now mo tubers of the police force , and after a short deliberation the following list was afirccd upon : N. V. Halter , H. W. Dunn , John Rovon- karnp , VV. B. Abbott , A. M. Glover , S. D. Ulesolman , Theodore Dontiott. H. JI. Flint , Richard Flynn , A. . L. Jaokman , Alichnol Della rd , F. 0. Holmnn. S. D. Cary , Jodu P. MuoygoUeorgo W. Brleo. Those flftecn men were ordcrol to report at once at tbooftlco of the board and then to the city physician for physical examination. It Is ojpoc'od ' to Imvo them go on patrol duty about Juno 1. It is not , the intention to increasettoslzo of the force , so it will bo necessary to create a few vacancies. There are flvo vacancies now existing , but about a dozen of the present members nro to bo lot out. as was predicted some tlmo ago. Some of those are physically Incapacitated , whllo others are , as ono of thoioinimssloncr.s expressed it , "of no earthly use to a police department or anything clso. " Them the question of who should stop down andoutameup , and in less Uino than it taltcs to toll It the following icsolutlon was promulgated : lce ! > ol\cd. \ That the board do hcrohycon- uliler and dcelarothntlt Isnocessarj for the piopor inniiiiuoinent and alsclpllne , und for tlioiuorooJIcctlM1 working ami service of the police department to remove the following member * of said ( Irpartiyunt , und they uro1 horcby romo\oil , Bil : < l removal to talco cITcut lit 7o'clock p m. , on the 'list day of MU.V , IS'.M , v-lz ! Cliarlcs i\orly'J. : \ H. FldciM. It.V , Moilrldf , 1'clor Jlatzii , l < rnnK Johnson. Cnorcco 1-lndo. I'atrlck J , Krtrlsht , Patrick lllnelioy , David 0 , Uo denJulm , Doll , I'ulrlcHJuslck. The matter of cleaning up the city wa ? dis cussed , and vigorous steps ! ! ! bo taken at once to compel property owners to roraovo allaccumulatod rubbish. Thninns' Owing to a rearrangement ofdatcs in ether cities the Thomai orchestral concerts in Omahnwlllho given Wednesday afternoon and oven Ing , Juno a , A complete change of programme will ho made , and all the artists will appear at each conceit , and several popular request numbers added to tlio pro grammes which will bo selected by the ticket buyers through n plan to bo announced-later intbowook. Manager Blakoly has kindly added another feature to the concerts in the person of the celebrated tenor , SIg. Italo Canipanlni , who joins Mr. Thomas hero for the remainder of his tour. Surely with tbo grand orchestra such brilliant soloists m JcsofTv. Cnmpntiliu and Miss FUenunluir , no ' uoubt'iliould exist as to the piandmcccss of thuo conceits. Never had a preparation a mow approo- prlato name than Aior'ailair Vigor.Vhon \ ibo capillary glandi bccoml enfeebled by disease , age , or notfoct , this dressing im parts renewed llfo to the scalp , so that the hair auumos much , of its youthful fullness and beauty , In tlio Cnurlt. Thomurdor trial now being hoard bo fore judge Kstello , wherein Tom McNnmoo Is charged with having kllloa KlsloYlltIura - son , alias KatoNicbols , was do void of Inter- oil or joiisnUon , Dr. Coulter was on the itand durlnca greater portion of the day answering medical ( juoattons. Judge Davis took up the cnio of Christine Noble against the city of Omaha. TUoplaiutilt claims that Ootobor 12 , 188J , in company vlth her husband , Sevan K Koblo , 8hewa walilrig' ! alonpr South Thir teenth streot. In the vicinity of Park Forest , JUvasa dark , rainy evening and as aha wai crossing ttio street , she slipped and foil over an ouibankaiont , bfoftkiii ) ; her hip bones , bo- sldos Injuring her apluulcorc. Tbli impaired her general health and ttho now \voata U5,000 damages. Constipation i > olson tno olooci Oo\Vltt's \ ' LltUe Early lilsora curt Constipation. The cause removed the dlscaso is gone , Twice eacH year , once in the fall and once about this time in the spring , \ve arrange a grand IJeiiefrt sale of Clotiling for our customers , Tliis we do for a t\vo-folcl purpose : First , to she v , in a measure , our appreciation of the magnificent support accorded us liy'tlie ' citizens of Omaha and the west since the day we opened , and second , to create a grand and lasting advertise men t for our store , Every man who takes advantage of the sale \ vliichve began on this WEDNESDAY MORNING and who will tell his friends of the wonderful bargain he gets , is by far the best advertisement we can get. , and \ve intend to have eighteen hundred such advertisements talking for us in the next ten days , We have been preparing for this sale ( and the sales to follow ) for weeks. Our buyer has scoured the eastern markets day after clay for bargains ( us a scourer he beats SapolioJ , He has bought twenty-live suits of one kind , fifty of another , a hundred of another , a hundred and fifty of another , and so on , making a grand total of These Suits have been selected with great care , Tliey ; come in saclcs and frocks. Tfreyconne in all sizes , from 34 to 42. They come in dark : colors , medium colors and light color's , There are suits for young men , suits for middle-aged men , and suits for nien who sit in tlie "bald head" row , There are suits for the laboring man , the mechanic , the merchant and the professional man. NTot a suit in the entire lot but what \voi'tli a full gro wn ten-dollar bill , most of them worlh t velveto fourteen dollars , and many are worth up to fifteen dollars , We have put the entire eighteen hundred suits in one grand lot , and for ten daysbeginning Wednesday morning , you can take you piclc for Reniember we are going to sell eigliteen hundred suits in the next ten days a hundred and eighty a day an.d we always mak.e a success of our undertakings. COK-NER DOUGLAS AND FOURTEENTH STREETS. ; NDED CHIEF is THE IWER. Ohicago Olrl Ooas from Her Hotter'a Crave to Her Death MONUMENT FOR "MARTYR" ANARCHISTS. Iiisklo VJow of the Olilllati Ilcwliitlon ami tlio CauscaVIiicli I/cU. to It To Iloaclvc 1'ar- nell Jinvoys. CHICAGO OFFICE OP Tun REE , ) CHICAGO. May 19. f Bertha Cnmontz , daughter of a well-to-do Gcrman living on thowost slilo , committed sulcido yesterday after a lone visit to her mother's ' grave. The girl hud boon suflerine from wolanchoUn overainco the death ol her mother , nnd her father vos to accompany I 1 her bnck toOorinanyln nccordaucowitU her frequently expressed wish. 'JL'to trunks were I packed and sent to tlio station when , the girl was found to bo miss- in , A handkerchief wai found by her mother's grove and tlio crushed grass showed that sb.o had boon recently lyluguDon it Investigation showedtntitsho had gene directly from the cemotciy nnJ thrown her self Into the river at the foot of Uluclituwk street. HONCMKM ron \xAncimrs. . Socialists wlU erect a handsome monument ot appropriate design \Vjilhelrn cemetery to marie the spot vhoro Spies , Parsons - sons , Fischer , Llnpjr and Engcl are buried , The monument will cost j.OOO nnd the base vjll cover ttiirty square fcot of prroimd. lillo no choice has yet been inadoas to the design , tlio contra ! Ideate to bo Irousht out by tlio designers , as explained - plained by the committee , la that of "liber ty , " at whoso altar the ' 'martyred ' prolotnr- lans"-aro supposed to have offered , their lives , The unveiling of the monument will take place dariiis tbo progress of the Columbian exposition and inconnoctlon vrlth tbooiienins of the International \Vorklngtnau' \ congress. SOUTH AMKIIIOUI Ari'AIllS BISC13SKH , General Thomas L. Osborno , ox-Unltcd Status minister to the Argentine Kopublic , arrived hero yostorunv. Ho has been in South .America for the past tairtoin years nud is veil qualified to sneak on mnttorsportnlulni ; to that country , Hois an intimate friend of President Balinaoedu of Ubill , In speaking of the latter ha said ; "A more determined man I never saw , Ilo uas Chilian minister to the Argentine lie- Utiblioduring my time there. Vtry ahrowd lie is , too , and Intollkout. I thin U eventually lie Avill succeed. You probably know the involution was occasioned by the Chilian con gress refusing1 to penult him to name liU suc cessor , The members of congress went aboatd the vessels of the fleet , nil of which save some limy \vcroonits6lclo. . Bol- reacoda retained ttio army by offering1 It double pay , The \vnr is a terrible ono , The Chilian ! * nro descended from the Arcanla In- dlaus\vbo\voro , no\or defeated. No prison ers are taken. Everybody is killed. Halmacoda lives in his pnlaco. Ills mother , who cooks his meals , says she vault him to die there if ale ho must , lie confiscated all the property belonging to the insurgents and the moment any manrich or pew , raises hU hand In defense of the in surgents or shows the slightest inclination to turn against the government , Ualmaceda claps tnntmanin jail ami confiscate nis prowty. Edwards rJrothon , the bin hank ers vorthovcrK > , lXX,000 ) , favored thclnsur- gents und they are nowcoitiparatlvoly pocr , The bolter cltusos are \\lththo \ liisurgcnti , but so long as tlio nrmy , which is JiO.OW strong , continues vlth Daiinaccda , tin will horn out. Thomsurjrents are trjlng hard to forma Innil force , and If they tucccca the tiJo will uo turned against Biilmacoda. For this purpose they are bujlng arms lu tbo United States , The Icata prouably has a blh' supply. " " \Va3 aaytblng inpalnacoda'sadaimtstra- tlon criticised by tlio Chilians ! " 'Tso. It ivaa satisfactory. But they feared that tils van ting to appoint his own successor meant that ho had something to cover up aud congress objected. The \v will sot Chili bacUllftyyoarj. " "On which ildo Is tbo church 1" "KoutnU. About hlx yoon ape Mont , tao then nrosldpiit , sout the pope's roptx'sonta- UvosbaRHid bsggago tack to Rome , Prior to that tlmo the pone ran things inUhlll. Mont InsUtoJ that tlao state and not the church was supreme , and s.Jnco then It hns been. " i Hofeirlne to the financial situation in Argentine , General Osborno sajs : "Tho worst time has ueon passed , and an upward tnoioniont is continuing will soon 1)0 ) ozilts frot. " The general will bo in Cblcapo a veclt end will then leave for Washington , TOt'H OP I AllN'ni.f. 'fcMOTS. ' The rarncll onvovs' reception commlttco h as received a letter from Jumos IColly , M. I ? . , the chief of the Parncll delegation to this country , stating that William Hodmond. member ofparllameat for ITcrmanagb. ; will airivo In Chicago this week and talto charge of the organization of the meetings in tbo western nnd middle states , .A general meet ing of I'aruell sjmpathl rs will 1)0 held In tlm city next Sunday nt which Mr , Redmond will deliver an address. The date of the Clilen > ; o demonstration will then bo fixed. Mr. Kelly says that tno envoys' tour In Canada was very successful and their meet ings in New Vorlc state aud Now Kngland are very well attended. i THOUHI.EI > DEMOCRAT. The activity of republicans In starting the canvass of b'J3 is a tnoru In tnu sldo of ox- State Senator Henry U'estlielil of South Carolina , nnd unless democrats bestir them- selves slmilarlV , the republicans -will by next scar bo solarahcad , nosays , asto defy all pjwer. "Whyl SInce the convention ofthorebub- licnn loaguoin Cincinnati , republicans have boon -working like bovvers down our ivrty or- 1 Kimizlng clubs , " ho said at tlio Palmer house I today , "They are what count. They did business inlSSSandwlllla 1S92 If thodomo- crats don'twalco up Itseenw aslf the banquet - ' quot of last fall still llos heavy on the deir.o- I cratic stcmnch and instead of the leaders dolngunythlngto onlUtthoirfolloivcritu tbo light they nro occupying themselves with backWtlngonoanotbor. Down our wny these in chaise of the republican club now nro doing splendid sorvlco and I understand Ills the same In otlicr states , Tnoy are getting mny recruits and If tncro Is anything in or- eaniVatlon the republicans nro going to como sonoar winning that it will tukoa magnify ing glass to distinguish any difference bo- twoenthem and the lenders. " A Tiimini.e TAIL. Charles Helm , an iron worker , fell nlno stories nbout 11 o'clock this morning , strik ing upon splloof | irmks ! ani iron plpos nnd lives to tell of It. Helm was employed in the now Manhattan bulldlrg which Is bolng erected at315-317 Dearborn street. Hism- juries are sovcro but the phjsicians think ho may live. snont or FUXM. O\vlng to a threatened s.hortaao inthopo- llco fund ills probable mat the force will bo relieved ofubout five hundred men. nllhoujh ; moromonaro really required for the proper protection of the city. wisTniix rroi'i.t IN CIIICAOO. Among the western people in Chicago today wcro the following : Attho I'almcr A. . A. Miller , I'ayotto , Idaho ; C.V. . Hlbbard , Sioux Palls , S. D. ; Charles Hay ward , liapid City , S. D. ; KU- wardAl. Friend , Uacoln , Neb. At the Auditorium C. Jt' B. West , IT. A. . Chamborlln , KusUvillo , Kob , ; Mr , and Mrs. M. Strauss , Ii. ( J. Horse , 'Des Moluoa , In. ( T. B. WoMarliii , Siuux rolls. S. I ) . ; Mr. and Mrs. Watson Mckri'll , Bolitrlco , Neb , Attho drain ! Padllfci-K. ' M. Monoman , L. J , Diako , Omnba ; Webster Eaton , Lin coln , Nub ; Mr. nud JSIrs. ' ' W. L. May , Tro- uont , Neo. ' i1' Attho Shormon-E. B.1lSoolyII. , A. God frey , Cedar Ilaplds , la. " ODDS AND r.xi > ! . Although publicijanibllnj ! has npparontly been effectually supprquod , Mayor Wnsh- burnosays pool selllnfjwU bo jicrmlttod at racetracks this summer. * f Major \VllllamJ. \ Polloclt , suporintonilont of tbo free tlolivcry systOm ol the postal sorvlco , arrived in Chicago yesterday on a Uurof inspection of tha iargost postofllcos of tbo countr.v , , . . . Major W II , WilllanW , ' apodal agent of Iho truasurv donnrtment. pasadi ) through the city } ostcrdayon his way to Alaska under special orders to Investigate rather contradictory ro- portssontln bv the spcilnl agents now t here regarding the condition of tbo llshorlds. ATKISSOX' . ixuspcratlnp ; ; in no Name Tor It , No > v , liusbaud. Hold you to got Uuo rlb- bon.andjou brought rodaudou ) brought codfish when I said mutton , u d , worst of all , you forgot tbat bottle ot Iiallfi a i nm Paraiyzer , when you know how I suffer from headache and rheumatism , nnd it's the ouly tiling lever pot thut helps no. 0 , dear ! nrhuta inau. inau.A A < lverll8iiif ( Omnlii. Vesterday the director * nnd advisory board of the Omaha ItoalEstata Owners' associa tion mot for tUo first tlmo la formal tcsilon. About the first matter tackled vas n proposi tion to send ttio Oinahnguurds to the Itullim- npolis drill. Ihis was dlscmiou aud dropped pending decision. Then the falling oft in Omaha's hank clearings was referred to and a commlttco appointed to see the executive committee of the Oinalia clcariui ; house on the subject. A fur this plans tomato the work of the organization clToctlvo wote dheiuiod and mbsciiptlon lists talked over. i Do\Vitl's \ ' Llttlonarly lasers. Best llttlo pill over miulo. Cure constipatloi every time , None equal Use thorn now. Poi1 Schlllz boor apply to R. R. Grotto. Dr , CramS.\V. \ cor. IGtli and Dodge Is.cures cancer and all chronic dlsoasna. CO AS TIIHV I'ljfcUSIi' , Oliio Clulj People Wll lioiilo at J < ' .iirmount 1'iirk. The Ohio club hold n mooting lastovonlng In room C19 Kow York Llfo bulldiny to per fect arrangements for its third annual pic nic , to beholden Saturday afternoon. May 30 , in falrmoimt paric , Council Blufls. This club has a membership of a llttlo over fourhundrcd nnd Is a social organization composed of former residents of Oblo. The ofllcers ate : George P. Brown , president ; Dr. L. IT.McIfonnaiuo president ; WV , Blabaugh , soct-etary ; Will MiOaguo , twas- uror , The previous picnics of the orpinintlon have ucon Indoor altalrs , the ilist at the Young lion's ' Christian association rooim and Hint of last year at the 1'axtou. This year all Ohioans are InvitoJ , whether they are momborsof the club or not , and It h ex pected that fully U.OOO people will attend this Buckeye picnic. Dvoryboily will go as they please , and all will meet in thepaik at ! J o'clock , Lunch will be sorted nt G o'clock , attcr which numerous sponkera will relate akotclies of Ohio life. In the o veiling thoclub mcinbors will hold a icuoptlon in the parlors of the now Grand hotel. Soutn Oirmln has an Ohio club partially organized , nnd Council Bluffs Isabout to imitate her example. The Ohloansof both places will participate in the pleasures of the d\v. EeWitt's Llttlo Enrlv liUarjfortij Ltvar. Court Deputy Marshal Charles Ljon returned yesterday from Ra sott with Otis Pool , a liveryman of tbat town , vho vas arrested a ? an accomnllco in the rocciit coutitorfclting work that has boon discovered In towns alone tlu line of tlio Elkhorn rouj. ; JudgoDundy lias ovoriulod the motion for a now trl.xl In the case of Lynch against the Union I'jcitio , j\bout twenty cases wcro continued until next term by.Tudgo lllnor , In the application of the Union I'aclflo for an Injunction against the Kltnbnll county wntor power and supply compnny , Judie ; Dundy dccWed to grant a temporary i . Junction restraining the county treasurer from selling the bonds voted to snld com pany. Tbo Union Paclllo was roaulrcd to furnish a bond oljjpw. 'Iho case of the Kmisns patlng and con- btiuction company nxnlnst thadty of Omaha wns postponed until noxttormof court , Dr. Dlrnoy euros catarrn. Boo bldf. Milltnrj Mntlors. Chaplain Nave , who has bojn on a leave of aosenco nt Fort Lonvonortn , nasscj through the city yesterday 01 tils v ay to l-'ort Nlobrara. 'J'ho follow In jr board of examiners has been appointed tomectat Foil Nlobrara nnd ox- atnlno applicants for the position of commis sary scrpoant : Mnjei-Kmll Adam , Cantnln John 13. ICorrnnd I leutonantllub'Q 1. Ualla- glicr , nil of the Slxthcavalry. The follovlngotnccfs have boon appoln ted forthosame purpose at Fort Du ( Jnowo , Utah : Major JamosP. Uindlott and Cup- tain Eugene D. DluiniicU of the Ninth cav alry and Lieutenant 0. D , Vance of tbo Six teenth Infantry , Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14O8 DOTJOLxAB STREET OMAUA. NEB Tno montwIelMy nnd favorably known ipto * lallstsln the Unite ! States. Tliclr Ions ex perience , remnrkuhlo skill nnd universal BUO- cois In the trcatiuont and euro of Nervoui , Chronlo ivnJ Surgical Dlsonvs. entitle them eminent physlclans to thn full conlklenceof tk uflllotoil ovpry whom Tlioy Biinrnntnot A CKUTA.IN AND VOHITIVK OUIH5 lor tlio anlul tflectsof early vlcn and the lunicr- ar e-vlls tlmt follow In ill tr ln. PRIVATE. Ill.OOrt AN'll MCIK DISEASES npnoillhr. cninpli'tolv nnd ncrinancntlT ouroil. NRnrOUS iJEUrl-ITVANI ) HK.XUALDIS- OHUEUS jlokl roiidlly to their sVlllf ul treat- tnnnt. I'lLES. FISTULA AND KECTAfc TJLOKR3 cuaranteodoured Mlthout piln or detuutloo from bUMlne < t. HYJDKOOEL.F AM > VAHICOOKbE portni- nontljand succossdilly cured in every onso , ByrniLK aoxuituiiKA , OJKT ; , Bpcr- nintonlM3 = , Heiiilnn.l\Vonlnr ! , IvOit Minhcxxl , ' i ? , Drenycd J'ncultlos , Komul * nil dcllomo disorders imoullar to cither 10x jmsltlvoly on nil , in well in all functionaldIsonlorUlmtruiultfrom j'outht.u folllooor tlio oiioKsuf iiintnroyourB. SPPIPTII Wlf auaranlood pormunt n tly Jl 1\IU 1 U l\j | oiirod. rcniovnl coinplettv . 'ithout cuttlm , ciiustiocr dlUvtatfon. Otlt(4 cIToatcd nt homo by pitiont without B mo ment's pain or nnnoyaiu'o , TO YOUNG AND MIODLE-AGED MEN. A IIPV rill ? ! ' Th" n ful on ota ol A OUfk.1 , V U IV I'curly vlou which Urlnfti oritnnlo wraktiMn , dostroylns botli mind and * - - wltli ull Its ilruadoil Ilia , porrmnuully cured. cured.mP VTTC Adlr - those who Imvo Im- 1)1,1 JO paired tin nil Ivoa by Improper - proper liidulKcnco and nlitury oablti , whloh ruin both mtiidaml bodiiulittliijj thumlor liMlnnH. itudvnr umrrl.iito. MAHIIIEI ) WEN or those entering on that lappy llfeawaro , ol physical ( lolllltyQuicltly ulsted. OUR BUOOE3S Iibnted upon fact * Flrit 1'rnctloa.l explrl- inco. Bocond Kvory caio U ipoulally itudled. thua itartln rlRliu Third iiiedlolno ro prouarod In our laboratory exactly to lult tach case , thus Directing curci without Injury. Drs , Eetts & Belts , U09 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA. NEB Gftnoi'tlinca , Ult-fl and .ficni-riorii curodln ailuys by the 1'ionoh Ki-mwly en titled thn 1(1 NO. ll di ol vi iifuliiat and It tibtorbed Into the Inllainuil | ) iirt . Will rofiuid money If luloc , iiototiio or uinnus slnot'iro ' llrntloniun , liom i a reliable iirtlilo. t.liv ] iioka'o or - for tr > | ior mall Jirop.ild. Mc- I'nrinlulc fi Iniil , Oniiliiii ( ! . A. Mololirtr. Howard Mnv rs nnd K J , Sovkora , South Omula : A , U.l'ostcr mid M. I' . Kills Council III u 1ft. N'otlco in Con I wu torn. Notice lihnroby nlvoii IluitBonloil Mds will lie ruralvol l > ytho Ixmnl of miljllo Inntlx nud bulldliiKHiit tlm Dllluu of lliu koorotury of oa llii ( ! < ) ln. N cl ) . , until tin ) ' 'nil day of Juni'.lHOI.iit Ju''il < x Ic 11 in. , for the cruollini. ( imstruutlun JUKI < iinilotloii ) of iv two-Hturv lirlukaiKUtono luillillni known as "Mho htmo liidiiitrliiUSuliool tor Iloy nnd lllrlH , " to hi ) trCLMnl uHii'imvn , I'lllinoro oounty , fioli , us mir pluiiH , niHU'lllofllloiHunil ( lodsnl now on Illn lu thunllluiof the ooniinUsloiinr ol publio liinclsanlbiillilnaat | l.lnuoln. Nob. L'ontrarlorswlllbo roin1ii'il ) to conform to ruluH anil ru ulatloiiH in set forth in Hjiuolll- catlonh nilontuil b.vtho boarl. Tlio bonril ruorviw tlio claht to rojoot i liy and all 1)1 In. Dated at Lincoln , Neb , Man , 1H01. A.lL IIUMIMIIIKV , I'ruHldunt ' Hoard 1'ubllc I.utnls and HulUllnsB : JOHN O. AL.Lit , Secretary uf atnto jJninlm , _ I Oiimliix , p inT " \uatlbnlo. \ , . . 8.Wn ) nT H M > n in 111 ul u in n 20 ii in ii.2i ) p in II M PJii _ _ . . .Cliluiico .t lowii li > icnK _ _ 8.11 n in - - - - . . | UL7KI.I.N < : iCN X "SHI. lll\lH \ i Arris01 Omnlin , | Ijciiot mill ami Mii'un Mi. loiiiili-i. 1020 tut . . .Dniivir Day ID 25 n in . . . . , l > uuh , > no < lICxjiru lU..T a in . l > 4jn\or HxptCHM. 7.10 p in 'nvrr Nliilit Kipr 500 p in I-lnrolii l.linltul 8.15 n in . Mnr < ilnl.u < ol K. I , HT J. fcK. II. Omnha Depot JOtli niul Mitten Sis. _ _ _ _ _ _ U.w : nil , , .Kmi"n lrty1 > ny KJn > ro < iTTTTft.fl5i | m 9.45 | i mlK.C'.MHlitKxii vlit II. 1' . Inini I O.ttn in Om'olm. | _ Icioi | 1 oil i n ml Marey'sti. _ I Oiinlio. IIUO i m ICnninii Cliy iClprni ) ( ox Sun. ) ' 4. ! p ni 10.20 n in l > inror iJTiiriisn 4.00 p in S.M ) | i in * 1i < i Otorlnnil Kljpr , . , , . , U l | , m - Pm . .ttroml InlniKl Kxp. ( nT. Bun ) ll.Hft in ' I'iicltlo ' a. ! p ni 'i'01" " iniicujo ; MIII & "sT'.nfcrtii ; I vVrlvo jJiiinliu , | U , I'.ilatiot i nnOlimy I Onmlin " " " f/'O Pint riilraBo"fciirMt"V ; IC'iO n in > ! m | . . . .ciilcairo Kxprcin I.ID : pin I-onvoJ I OlllUACO ' ' . - w.n rf v.u , K. I otrtvirii' . I ArnroH Omnhn JJM jjopoyuijijiiiil Miircf Sts | Oiiinhiu I NliilH Dxprcin . u in " " i" Athnllonviiroii U.M p ni ' | Vo lllmli ) l.lniltort II ) M n in Lonroa I SWtJX CIVVO. "i'AUll 10. 1 ArtlvuH Oinalitt. | nopot nth unit .Mnroy au. | Uiimhtu 7 15 n nil . . .Slnnx < Itf Pii 'enecr I in ml. . . .Ht.P - - ' ' tn Dui'iit ' ifili iiiii'wt'butorat\ . | ojiji'iiin' _ . . . . St.l'u-il l.lnilieil. . . . . . . | ii.jj m I-ornua 111 I TcH NVmTinviaiKlt.N : I Amvos' ' JJnialin. ] UM' . dpi | l MHIuimt _ Mnnjr.hti OniuliH , - ' - IKO Kxprm . . . . 8.11 n ui -'W P" ' Voitll.ulo l.luilloil ' . > .W n in ! ! . ? " P' , * > , . , . . , . . . - * muni l ' l JUT . . - . , , . , . , , V.l p in H.VU p iiilocnl | Kitat l.'v Icxciyt Monilny ) li..O p iii I.omoa I OMAHA .VaT. IOUM . . . i Atrlvon' Otlulin. [ U. lJcipol , iuih _ nd.Manx bill Om.ihn > ml ! . K. , * .MO VAI1K\ , Arrlvn ' . I .Mil \VulHtorStn Onmlin OUUa lu . . . Illnck llllh ' .lUla in r > ) | in ( ' . hi1. T , Al.&o. , _ ° l ' S1 ' " "I I On i h n. H.IUu 111 MOUY illy .Mcotiiniocl.illiin . p l.UUp ni SliiuxC'ltrKxpri'm ( Kt , tonndar ) I'J W > m f..4. . > in si " | tr > l iiul Uiiillud Ji > JL1J.IIJllul ! ! ! < 'r"lt I' " " " * ) ! Otinli2.l lfiot'lMli | iiml WclistortUfl. I OiimhV ltiln ( : m s-t 11oiil4"XrK i5ninro in ' .1'ililLL" ' M J'l'ilt ' K. _ \K preH-i in K rST , IOK 40. II ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' " 'I'rimiror1 ' iTmnlfcr lJnirm'ik'po't''l' Tiiiii-'n"ril'iiiir'ii" ! > .40nrn Chlrneo Kxpram OK ) 11 a r ou P in Vonihiiii ) i.imitoii ii u u in to 00 p in Kimtorn Kliur 2in n m B.Wp ni Atlnnllo Wiill 7 i a n ! ) j.XQp in lowt AifOinii i ol ii tl n ( Snt. only ) IIII ) p m "OM.tilA A"hT /rrlvei I ri'rannftr .iiiil'J"1 . - .St.T/iiili'iiiin ( MB _ , , „ , I.rnrnu | CIIIL'A(3 ( ) , lJKl7NTk yIlINCv7 -Alrlroi I Trniufnrl Union Hoiol | I'jjiinHl jjjutfi I'1'rn nt ter IDUIp nil . . .Clilrtui KxniiH5 | I .Ml u in _ 7.0J pni _ | , L . . . .l riiiitoii I icil IIU ; lijii "i.onvn * 8uIuxTlPirATA"iIiTirT ( j \rrlv < " 'J'rnn lir L'nUin llunot Ciiiincll lllnlT < Tnin-fiif " .dm mi . nknixllty Xrr < iiiiin UitluFi l JI'ID a ni iUjiiii ) | , . . . .M 1'uul Kxpruia . . . 11CW | > u N'ullco lo Coiilra ( lor , Kol lee U lie , oJiy irlrnn Ihutsealdl hldn will bo M'utlviHl liy th < ) Hoard of Kdiiontlnn of Nfl-on , Nuckrilli ( icniiity , Nub , , lit tlioKlHt Nnllonnl lank In unlit city , until 8 u'uUKk I ) . Hi , I'rlilay , Iho 'nil iliy of May , Ir'jl. ' ( or thn ( iroctlon und coinpUtlon of .1 bluluclunl billldln ; . Intlnutoil cost Hlxl < ' < ) ii thuiiHitiiil lUuhiinilrcii dollars iIHrii ) . ( ,0) ) , Plans on Illu. Cout rui lurirlll iiccniiiiiniiy piiclihkl with a curlllloil clid'K p.iynMii to ii Id Hoard ol K.ln- ciillnu In Hi ( i KIIIII of lll'n liiindii'd doll in * ( KVM.OQ ; u us uvldcnci ! of KOOI ! ( nltli , Thn hoard tusunoa tlio rlutitto itjoot any or nil bid * . OKU. KMclH > NAhI ) , niDiUtni Tlio nnnml iiicotlin of slooHioldira of tlio I'rtinoiil , Klkhorn > V MlMuoiirl Viilloy rallro nl ( ( jiiipiiny will ho hold at Iho nllluituf tliurom- liiiny In Oiiulm , Noli , rm I'rldiiy , Mny ' . ' ) , 1H1I , itt'J o'olook p. in , for HMI < ] | i-jl Ion of < tlrirl < iri /irtlioiniiiiiiirtlon fllttirhoilior Inulncu naniuybo litosoutfU. Onloil M.'ty t , Itttil J. U. UcufutLU , btorotury , 'Mun.ritiii