Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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Jlally Hen ( without Sunday ) One Vcnr. , . I S CO
Hall v nnd MitHlnv. Ono } ear . . , 10 10
Fix month * . "Oil
Tliroonirtntli" . . . . . . . SM
Fundav Hrc. One Vcnr . 2 < * >
Hiittirdnr Hco. Ono ear . . . . 1 < > 0
\\crklr \ fC.Uim Vcir. . . . 100
OlflC'ES :
rmnjii. Tlio UPO nullilliur.
FoiiHiOinnlin. turner N nnrt 3Hli FtrccK
Council Hindu , 12 J'fnrl Mrcet.
Olilcnco Odlco , 317 Clinmbt r of Ootninorcp.
New ork , Itootm 73,14 n nil ir..Trlbuno Uullillng
Y gulling ton , fiial'ourlci'nth street.
All rnrrmiiinlcatloiu rclnttnz to news unit
rdltorlnl matur Btiimld bo addressed to the
Editorial llipurtmont.
ntiBiNrss i.r.TTnn ? .
All liimlnrsfllcltc'rs und reinlttnnros honld
liomldrMsrrt toTholIro I'ubifoliliipComiinny ,
Oniulni. Drnft * , plnckHnnd postnlllrnordtri
to IKJ nindo payable to the order of the com
TfiG Bee PoMIsMng Company , Fronriclnrs
i HE linn
fctatp of Ncbrnskn. I , .
Count vnf UoiiRlns. I "
Oeorito It , TMthucki secretary of Tnr. IUn
I'ulilldlilnn compnny , tlors Mitninnly awi-ir
tlmt linnctunl circulation of Till" IIAK.V IIKR
for tlio week ending May 1G. 601 , was us
follow i !
hnmlar.MnylO M.OU
Woiidnv. May 11 ! l\UVi
TuoRrtnv. Jtny 12 'J.\S
7Vfclnrlay. . MIIJ 13 S.T.rtM
Thursrtnv. May 14 . < ,4V.
TrUlnv. Mnv H 20.ISJ
Boturdny. May 18 --'UP"
Aroraco 2.1MI ) ( >
GFOIIOE 11 T7. ( 'ltllt'c ;
fworn to before ino nnd nulsi-rllod In tny
tlil Kith day of May. A. 1) ) 1801
K. P. rritj ,
Nolnry I'ubllo.
NobraBliii , I
fount y of DoURlun , f K"
Coorre II Tzicnuck , 1 clnK < litly wnrn , < lo-
roMN nnrt nays tlmt lie la nccrct ityof Timllm
'iilillslilntlioinpiiiiy ' , unit tlioiictnnl lourniip
( lolly clrtulntlon of 1 nt IUIM IliK
for tlio month of May. 1KO. 20.1 0
r > | ilos ; for June , IS'O , SC.I01 ropln ;
for July. UIX ) . SOfU ( topics ; for Aueimt , IS'Xi ' ,
10 , ? . " ) coplpii for rentcmUT , UDO , IWS70 coplos ;
for Octohpr. JMO. ifl.TIU copies ; for ISovpin-
licr. INK ) , 83,110 loplos ; for Hocpinlicr , IF'O ,
K..l7t copli-B ! for Jiimmry , IF'JI. 28 < onlci ;
for IVlrnnry. 1M1. 2i3l2 copies ; for Jliircli ,
: S9l , IN.Oul copies , for April. Jfi'H. rues copies
Groiifiii : II. TrsciiUCK ,
Fworn to lofore nip. nnd niibncrlbrd In my
ricuncc. tills Ud clay of Muy , A. P. . 181 !
N. I' . I'm *
Itntnrr I'uhllc.
Tun Slieody trial continues
tional ; it is likewise expensive.
WITH bright prospects for crops , ro-
ciproiiily nnd good prices , the ciilnmitj
wallers of Cincinnati tire really In hard
luck to explain why thev exist.
Tmihonvy rnin in South Dakota and
tlio line prospects for crops in Nebraska
and Kntisas uro the hvrshcst strokes
which hivvo boon struck at the thinl
party inovomont.
Tan democrats nro hard up for nn
issue \\hon they sool ; to make ono out of
the alleged refusal of the president to
shako hands with a black woman named
Mary Jones , nt Portland , Ore. The
president shook hands with several col
ored women during the reception in this
city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hioillifoin the olToto oust lias made
Poffof and Simpson conservative , but
the 800 jayhawkers who Imyo not tasted
its swoota nro us over. This is
why the senator and congiossmnn wore
unnblo to Btoor their supporters away
from the third party rack at the prelim
inary caucus ut Cincinnati.
Tun Kansas City limes says : "Monu
ments nro jot unbuilt whoso enduring
marblolstocarry down the story that
America honors hernroatdoad. Ono of
them belongs to the memory of .TofToi-son
Davis. " Poor old Missouri. A senti
ment like this would hardly bo uttered
elsewhere north of the parallel of
Charleston , S. C.
geography of ether days is valueless -
loss now , as is shown by the authentic
statement of General Osborn of Argon-
line Republic , who sajs Patagonia is
ono of the richest of South American
countries. Our childhood books des
cribed this southern peninsula of South
America as a , forbiddlnpr , worthless
waste inhabited by the most degraded
and ferocious of savages.
Tun Shoody trial affords another
striking oxmnplo of the utter worthlessness -
ness of export medical testimony.
Thtoo physicians have boon examined ;
ono favored the defense In his scientific
exposition of the conditions discovered
by nn autopsy ; another proved conclu
sively the presence of poison and the
thinl was so confused and uncertain in
his statements as to bo uiluolcss to
either side.
A riNEii appearing body of mon than
the State Business Men's association in
session in this city is seldom If o\or seen.
They nro intelligent , enterprising ,
earnest nnd prosperous , if those charac
teristics can bo indicated by countenance ,
eye , manner und habit. It is hoped
Omaha nnd Omaha , people nro limiting
ns ngrooablonn inipiossion upon the vis
itors as they have made upon us , nnd
that ontortainorfl and ontoitainod will
bo equally gratified with the results of
the con\ontlon.
ACCOHUINO to the statements rondo
by the ntnto relief commission there has
boon a great of the woist phase of
human nature presented to that organ
ization by shameless Imlhliluals who
protondcd to bo suffering , but uhnm In
vestigations proved to bo nbovo wnnt.
Charity Is frequently the victim of Im
position , but it is Hiirprising to learn of
the greed ami dishonesty of f > omo of the
cltiyonsof the Iron tier in connection with
the distilbutlon of relief.
IX Tin : opinion of ono of the leading-
bankers of Horlin , llussla cannot think
of war for nt least throe years. It
seems that she ia upon the point of
changing her nr maniont , luu ing ndoutod
n now i-iflo , nnd it will tnko three yonry
to aim her troops with the now weapons.
Yet nobody scorns ublo to explain satis
factorily why it is that the Kusslnn gov-
ornniont is calling in nnd honiding gold.
True it hns sonio loans to rop.vy , but
these arc not of such an amount as to
necessitate the policy which Russia hits
recently boon pursuing regarding- her
financial nffaim. The Gormm banker
imiyjinvohnd information justifying hib
opinion , but If .Russia continues much
longer the hoarding of gold tlio only
satisfactory Inference will bo thut she is
preparing for war.
is nbout to enter pen nn ncrl-
inonloustomporAnco | campaign. A move-
monl is well under way for the roponl of
the prohibitory law in thnt state , nnd
tlio next fl\o months promise to bo Inex
pressibly hot nnd interesting on both
sides. The election of Governor Holes
on the democratic ticket in 1880 was
notably duo to the outspoken opposition
of dotrocracy to the prohibitory laws.
This sentiment has steadily boon gain
ing force by reason of the utter falluro
of prohibitory statutes to extirpate the
liquor trnmc , while the cost of prose
cuting violators of the law hnvo as
sumed enormous proportions. In the
coming campaign the republicans will
endeavor to unload prohibition and re
mand the Isnio of prohibition or high
license to tbo next legislature. The
prohibitionists arc , however , dotof-
mlnod to tostst the proposed change to
the bitter and.
The Now York ref , nn nblo but
wholly conscienceless sheet , proposes to
nmnngo the campaign from Its Now
York ofllco , It insists upon taking
charge of the light in all its details and
Is now obtaining lists of voters who are
to bo furnished with copies of the nowa-
paper. The campaign of oratory which
resulted so disvstrously in Nobr.iskn
does not meet the approval of the Voice ,
It insists that the various temperance
organizations shall put their money Into
lltoiaturo instead of wind and that the
grand army of male and female colonels
bo kept out of tlio ( told.
The long Imlrod mon nnd the short
haired women who made the welkin
ring from Koya Paha to Okoto in Ne
braska during the Into raotuorablo cam
paign will probibly resent this slight
upon their presence and powers as an
assault upon their pocket books They
cannot afford to lopudlnto the prohibi
tion nowsbapor , however , and as its edi
tor proposes to make all thoio Is In the
Iowa campaign , they will probably glvo
their overworked jaws a rest and con-
line their ollorts to the less remunera
tive , but tolerably satisfactory task of
organizing temperance societies in
states where the Issue is less important ,
while the Volvo hires its own workers
and conducts the light among the
Ilawkoycs. _
The marvelous growth of Omaha
dates back only ton voars. It received
its impetus in 1831 with the establish
ment of atorworks , which was followed
by the era of paving nnd the construc
tion of a system of sowers. The army
of working-men employed on public
works became the vitalizing force that
made business in every department ac
tive and beenmo a powerful Incentive for
the investment of capital by monojcd men
at homo and abroad. The depression
that our merchants and mechanics are
now suffering1 from is not so much
caused by the dend c.xlm in real estate
speculation as it Is by the suspension of
employment on public works , which if con
tinued for another joar will force hun
dreds of thrifty mechanics to seek homos
The question is can Omaha afford to
pursue a penny vise and pound foolish
policy by putting oil the proposed bond
election nnd postponing needed public
improvements which would give employ
ment to thousands of laboring mon nnd
put money in circulation nt a time of
stagnation brought about by last year's
crop failure nnd other causes ?
Every intelligent person must roallzo
that such a policy Is suicidal. In the
face of it , all the attempts to icvivo
business activity and n demand for
realty will prove futile , nnd the onoigy
nnd money expended will bo worse than
wasted. The idea that the expense of a
special election can bo sa\od by waiting
until the general November election is
fallacious. No bond proposition , how-
aver popular , will receive two-thirds of
all the votes cast at ft general oloction.
A very Inrgo poicontugo of voters are
not interested in such questions and will
not vote on them. A special election
would have to bo called Inter on In any
event andfa special election will cost
just ns much next winter as it will this
To defer this election on the ground
of economy will , in our opinion , prove
very short-sighted.
The speech inndo by Pi osidont Harri
son in Omaha has elicited raoro com-
mout than any ether ho made on his
trip , for the reason that it contained
more politics than any othor. Some of
the questions of public policy referred
to hero had not boon spoken of else
where , but it would'soom that the presi
dent thought this to be the point nt
which ho should drop generalities and
glvo the countrv some Information as to
the principles and policies thnt will
dominate his administration.
President Harrison is fully committed
to the policy of extending the country's
markets , but ho evidently believes the
time will come when wo shall have no
need of foreign markets for our agricul
tural products , the homo demand will
become largo enough to consume all
thnt our farmers can produce. This is
moro than probable , and indeed , if some
statisticians are to bo bollovod , the time
for this is not very roinoto. Wo shall ,
however , doubtless continue to pio-
duce in excess of the needs of the
country for nt least another gonoin-
tion , so thnt the effort to enlarge our
markets is wise and timely. Once secured -
cured , these markets will continue to
take our manufactures when wo shall
no longer need them for our agricul
tural products. The present adminis
tration can bo depended on to go stead
ily forward in the work of extending
our foreign commerce.
President Harrlbon strongly bollovos
in the policy of rn-ostnblibhing nn
American merchant innrlno. lie thinks
it would bo nn advantage to all interests ,
to these in the west not loss than
to these in the east , * If every
thing tlmt wo produce and manufacture
could bo transported to the markets of
the world In Amorleanshlp * . Ho patil-
otlonlly desires to see the time when the
stnrs nnd stripes will bo scon on every
sea nnd in every foreign commercial
port. Doubtless every American citizen
would be gratified if this were now the
case , but while It will undoubtedly come
the consummation Is still remote. The
proBont Administration can dooomothlng
toward it by encouraging tlio construc
tion of steamship lines under the
law of the last congress pro
viding for postal subsidy , nnd it Is prob
able that before Its torin oxplroa It will
have entered into arrangements which
will insure the establishment of n num
ber of now steamship llnoa nnd the en
largement of existing linos. If this
shall bo done it will boa very decided
stop forward. But nothing"is to bo ex
pected from the noxtcongress for promoting
meting the establishment of a merchant
President Hnrrlson has firmly
settled views regarding the cur
rency , nnd the country may depend -
pond upon him to put n check
upon any nnd all schemes which might
doprcclato tlio viluo of any p-irt of the
cut ronoy and thereby dornngo all values.
"Ihnvonn idea , " said the piosldont In
his Omaha speech , "thnt every dollar
vvo Issue should bo as good as any dollar
wo Issuo. No ono so much as the labor
ing man and farmer requires n full
vnluo dollar of permanent value
the yonr around. " The next house
of representatives is expected to
bo prolific in extraordinary financial
schemes , but the country need fool no
apprehension while President Ilnrrison
continues to hold the views regarding
the currency ho has thus far oxptossod.
Blood has boon shed in ( ho capital of
Sorvla in defense of ox-Quoon Natalie.
The return of this much nbusod worn in
toUelgrado gave opportunity for an
other manifestation of the relentless
spirit thnt lias pursued her for the last
two years , but it transpires that she Is
not friendless in the city vrhuio she once
received the honors and the homage
p.ild to royalty. Wliilo the authorities
were endeavoring to drive her out of the
country the students milled to her
defense , but the scheme of the regents
was finally carried out. The dis
patches report soilous conlllets as hav
ing occurred at Belgrade , and the au
thorities would have had great difficulty
in expelling Natnlio If she had not her
self consented to Icuvo.
Natalie is the victim of political
scheming , and the treatment she hns re
ceived illustrates to what extent of
meanness Curoponn royalty can crete at
tain its ends. Ilor marriage to Prince
Milan was effected for a political pur
pose , and it was a similar mo
tive that divorced hor. Not
content with stripping her of tlio cheap
royalty which was vonforrect upon her
when she became the v\lfo Milan and ho
was made a king , nnd taking- her boy
avuiy from her , Natalie was driven from
pillar to post and her character as
persed ttuoughout Europe. She could
not have retired from the public view
hnd she desired to , because her enemies
were determined to hound her in every
possible way. Her llfo was threatened
and fbr a long titno was in constant dan
ger. The contemptible follow who was
her husband spared no oltort to
incite public feeling against the
unfortunate woman , but with little ef
fect. It v\ould \ undoubtedly have boon
the part of wisdom for Nnlalio to have
kept out of Servia , because she ought
to have known that her presence theio
would make trouble , but oven in this
matter she imy bo ngain acting the
part of a political puppet. She must
now bo convinced that it will bo impos
sible for her to live in Sorvla , nnd doubt-
le&s she hns made her last visit to that
Tin : boaid of education has dropped
the bars of the entrance into the public
schools low enough to lot Incompetents
leap ever them , by passing a icbolution
allowing applicants for certificates wlio
fail to secure the requisite standing a
second trial upon these brunches In
which they fail. The percentage on all
but ono , two or thtoo branches may bo
barely high enough to pass muster ; that
in the lotnalnlng branches away
below the requirements. Under this now
rule the applicant Is oxeusod ho in ox-
nmlnatton upon all branches in which
the required proficiency has boon nhovvn
and is examined only upon these in
which she failed on the preceding occa
sion. A bright woman will have no
diflloulty in cramming her head full of a
single branch and in passing the ex
amination upon it at the bocond trial ,
while if the whole course were to bo the
test of proficiency she might fall. The
resolution may help some worthy appli
cant , but It will also open the door to an
abuse which should bo avoided.
Tiinnn may bo some truth in the com
plaint of Sidewalk Inspector Bormlng-
ham as regards his tioatmont by the
board of public works. lint the tax-
pajors will prefer to side with the board
rather than the inspector for manifest
reasons , In the llr&t plnco there has
boon gross negligence nnd favoritism
shown in the supervision of hiduvvalka
In the next place there has boon no dis
position shown to compel the contractors
to furnish planks and ether materials of
the dimensions loquircd by oidinnnco.
This may bo puioly a matter of neglect
or favoritism , but It smnoKs too much of
jobbery. So long as the boird of public
works simply insists that the inspector
shall do his duty without fear or favor ,
public sentiment will bo on their sldo.
If they show a disposition to persecute
him or needlessly interfere with him
when ho is doing his duty , ho will have
the sympathy of the people.
A YOUNQ democrat in n mugwump
local shoot nnnouncos that the Nebraska
democracy hns but two great mon in Its
ranks nnd they nro Charles Ogdcn of
Omaha und William , ! . Bryan of Lincoln.
Woolwoith , Popploton. McShano , Boyd ,
Hinman , Morton , Ireland. Montgomery ,
Watklns , Amos , Uowlby , Marvin , Clogg ,
Noith , Hoar , Le How , McKoighan nnd
Thompson must step to the toar.
oidlnnncos como up on third
reading nt the council hereafter , it will
bo well to ascertain whether or not the
drafts of laws piusontod for Until action
have any defective spots in them. The
mayor is as nkllful us n dentist in dis
covering leaks nnd civitios in city
IT mcojN's to look as if Governor Hill
of Now York will nook n third nomina
tion , nnd if he makes up his mind to do
this ho will ndoublodly get what ho
rtoo3 after. Tl a suggestion thnt ho Is
entertaining n ucslgn of this sort comes
in the form of ai editorial In his homo
organ which cites a number of pieced-
onts in the history cff Now York for n
longer service In the olllco of governor
than two toimg. ' among thorn that of
George GllntonWlid WHS elected seven
times. Governor Hill does not want
to give up his dircc ( management of the
political imiohino , and it will not bo at
all surprising If "hi'allows ' his name to
bo presented for ronominatlon. If ho
wants It and gets' jllf perhaps it will bo a
good thing for tharepublicans , for under
all the conditions ; it would scorn that
Hill could not command the strength of
his .
party. < _ _ _ _
Ir is less than alt weeks until July 1.
The wnrohouso bill becomes a law on that
date. There is a vast amount of work
to bo performed bo'oro July 1 , nnd the
boird of trade and grain mon'must got
together soon if they are to load the
warehouse procession In Nebraska.
BY tno time the Douglas street
hog-bnck Is removed , the St. Mary's '
avenue hole is filled , the union depot Is
completed , the million dollar hotel is
opened and the now postolllco is ready
for business , Omalia will ha to 250,000
people at least.
Tun interstate commerce commis
sioners can lenrn a good deal about
prntical railway politics from John M.
Thurston in a trip from Targo , N. D. ,
to the coast , if they will induce htm to
convoy to them the information ho pos
OMAHA talk continues cheap , but talk
will not create u great giain and pro
vision market , or onltutro our trade and
the world vvljl applaud the gallant
.though futllo defense of ox-Qucon
Natalie by the stuconts of Uolgradc.
.S ( . Lmttl
Tbo fact that St. Louis Is the greatest mule
market In the country probably In the
world Is something calculated to mateo the
blooJ run not in all the cormnordnl volns
uid urtenos of every citizen's nnntomy.
No Tent to Oct n Divorce.
fc't Loud Republic.
In DuUota they graut a divorce il the plain.
lift proves a case of cold feet ngahist the do-
fcudaut. Tbo commonwealth Is a real para
dise for these who yearn to throw oft the old
love In order that they may make the second
AIllHt HtlVC Illllt 'J III.
fi'm mdiulutf ( (7d ) JV'cus.
Wo carao ncioss n snuito a few dnys ago
'hat surpassed unjthlup In thosnalio line vvo
have ever seen. The icptllo was no larger
than n led pencil , but was about nine or
thirteen foot lonpunil its bend was nbout
tbo siio and ahap of attca saucer. On top of
Its bead was an cxact-nUanoss of a tiger.
flooilAllAiouTil. ! ! (
JVi/leuUj > Ma Laluer.
The trip has boon lilgblvsuccessfulln every
vvaj' . llio prosldqut lias soon a Inrgo pirt of
the countiy of which lie Is tbo executive , nnd
the people of a score of states have , for the
first time , scon a moslijeut whileho was In
ofllco. Ana although the president was
obliged to make njany speeches , to all sorts
of people , bo spol ; with such tact nnd dis
cretion tint no ono could find mithing of
\vbltn to LOmpluln In his many addresses. It
was a good tilp for the president to mako.
A Compliment Tlmt Atoiins SomctliliiK1.
Vankton sends ( jroetlnp to Omalia and do-
siiobto tender her most lioarty congratula
tions b"causo of the magnificent success
which Omaha made of the presidential 10-
coptlon aim \Mt. No city In the laud could
have excelled It , and the entire noituwost
can feel grateful to Omaha for her splendid
and overwhelmingly successful effort Harrison
risen , Wunuimkor and Kusk will hold this
section In higher ostootn because of the
pleasant memories thov v\ill entertain of
their few hours stay In Nobraskii's metropo
Itcactiim lor llojd.
A'jto Ytiik 'J ( met.
it Is iroro than doubtful whether the re
publicans of Nebraska will sain nn > thing by
tbo hasty nnd p.irtlsnn action of the supreme
courtof the sUto in ousting Ho\d fiom the
olllco oT governor and leinstuting Thavcr as
a hold over. Iloyil has succeeded in having
his case carried by writ of error to the su-
Dromc court of the United States , whore the
question of citizenship vv ill bo fairly tested.
There ii every ground for believing tbo
action of the state umrt will bo roveisetl , nnd
whether It is or not thoio is likely to bo a
strong popular reaction in favor of BoyJ.
Question !
i\"cu 1'orft Sun ,
Wo learn fiom a religious paper that the
Piotostantbloigy hoio dlsnpproveof ; the aider
just issued by the Gorman kulscr that the
court preachers shall keep their sermons
within n qunrtcr of an hour. It appears that
an elaborate , voll reasoned sermon , properly
drawn up nnd vvlthnn Impressive application ,
whether tbo sermon bo extemporaneous or
lead from manuscript , requires nuoutan hour
for Its delhory , though there bo somoproach-
crs who can expound the doctrine of a text
and enforce Its lesson In forty minutes. The
question is a momentous ono for the clergy.
Jt Is also ot interest to the hcnrors ami pow-
holilors who have not yet expressed their
views or taken n veto upon it.
Now VorkHoruld. ; Ho ( mad ) You kissed
him nnd I saw you ,
She ( tenrfnl ) Idmow it , John , dear. But
tboio's no harm Imlliat. lie knows [ am en
caged to jou niul-tjhat It can menu nothing ,
You are so uuroii3Qnabo. )
Cloak noviovv Custom House Oftlcer ( sus-
plciously examining trunk ) Are you going
to wour these drotnos-yoursoin
Sho-Certnlnly not. I bought thorn for my
servant ulrl. f ,
Nevi York HcralllVhon ! * \ I see all these
Italian ! ) coming ' } hto this country , " said
AVIlldus , " 1 n in Impressed with ono thing. "
"What is that I" nuked'Ilunlter. 'That ' Italy
roust bo Rotting' 'quite a desirable place
to live In. " v'\i \
Indianapolis Joatnal1 : "Will 5ou love mo , "
asked theaged husband "will
aged , you love mo
ns long ns jou HvoT' ' *
"I'll love you ns'lcnff as j ou live , ' niwv erod
the wlfo. ' 'That's '
young : onougli , don't jou
Plinth ; Painter Would jou belie vo itl
This Is the picture they've thought piopor to
rvjoctl I'll lie so bold 113 to say there are not
Uuiiity buttnr in the whole inhibition I
Tnond Dour mo I Is U such a poor
academy ns that I
Now York Herald ! IJrobson I fail to see
how U Is possible for you to have rocked the
cradle of u mnn ua olJ as Pilkliis.
CrulK Well , you eo. ho was ever thirty
before bo hud to buy ono.
Jewelers' Weekly : Philadelphia girl
Dear reel My watch Is ncurlv uu hour slow.
Now York plrlWell , dear , that isn't '
much fjr Philadelphia.
David Eogors Will Not Servo a Term In the
Penitentiary ,
Executive Addresses n
Pointed but Pollto Iicttcr to Ills
Kxcellcnoy of Wyoming Ilo-
the AfTatr.
L.ivcor.v , Nob. , May 10. [ Special to Tits
Hun , ] Governor. Tlmjror this roornlni * par
doned David ItofjoM of Pnwnoo county , who
hnd. boon sentenced to the penitentiary for
ono year for shootlnp Itoss Moore In the arm.
and tbo nfTnlrnmdo n rather effecting scone.
The governor mot a delegation of prominent
cltlrcna from Pnvvnco county in nU reception
room , anil as they related the clreuinstances
of the shooting nnd the history of the con
victed man only a heart of stone could hnvo
listened with Its sympathies unmoved. Tbo
delegation comprised : A. D. Strutik , sherIff -
Iff ; ft. U. Lln oy , county nttornoy ; A. K.
Ilosslcr , editor and postmaster ; C. E Uasoy ,
banker ; D. D.Davis , attorney ; J. It , Urvln ,
merchant ,
Mr. Davis presented a petition for Rogerv
piudou si if nod by nearly nine hundred voters
of Pawned county nnd another signed by nil
the cotmtv ofllcors , also a letter bcKgmtf for
mercy signed by nil the jurymen and n letter
from Judge Brody , who tried the caso.
Mr. Llnsoy stntod the particulars of tbo
crime nnd the triut , the governor by skillful
questioning bringing out all tbo circumstan
ces In detail. David Uogors and Hois Moore
occupied adjoining farms In Pawnco county.
Itoircrs was an elderly mnn uho had lived In
the county for more than thirty jours. Ho
v\ns nn honest , peacoiblo man who com
manded universal esteem. Mooio was n
joung man of powerful physique , of violent
temper anil quarrolsomodlsposltlon. During
tno year succeeding the shooting the county
attorney board no person speak well of him ,
nnd It was believed that Moore had had trou
ble with o\ \ cry landlord of Ills for vonrs past.
Rogers took pride In bis stock and kept up
their strain. Moore was careless la
this i ca pec t and also aljovvud his hogs to mti
over upon Ropers' farm , About a year ngo
Kogen lookup ono of the trespassing pork
ers , but during his absence Moore came and
cot it. This resulted In words nnd Mooio
threatened to harm the old man Two days
later Kojrcrs took up another stray hog nnd
this rojultod in a quarrel. Hogors nut a re
volver in his pocket and lott the house to
meat Mooro. During tbo dispute lie lived
flvo shots , ono ball striking Moore In the
right arm , disabling It. To show the differ
ence In the physical strength of the two
niun. it was stated thnt Moore , having use of
only ouo arm. then took the revolver nvvav
fiom Rogers. Tlio old gentleman promotl y
delivered himself to the shoilif and gnvo
bill. Aftcrwnids Moore offurod to accent
SJOO nnd leave the country , and Rogers'
friends offered to rniso the money for him ,
but ho declined. Ho ucnt on the
stimd himself nnd frankly told the story
of the encounter. The county attorney ven
tured the opinion that but for his ovvn ad
missions ho uould bnvo been acquitted.
.Honors know Moore to bo n stronger man ,
nnd ho merely shot nt first to disable bis an
tagonist. It was shown that Rogers was an
export with the revolver. In ringing his
hogs bo bored the hole in their snouU bv
Hi luff a pistol ball through them Ho was
only live or six foot liom Jlooro and could
have killed him easily If that hud boon his
intention. Tbo jury found him guilty of as
sault vith Intent to do creat bodily harm ,
and the Judge sontcuccd him to the peniten
tiary for ono ycir , the minimum pumlty.
Rogers' father'vus a member of the terri
torial coundl of Nobr.iski , and tbo fumilv
has always stood high in Pnwneu county. Ho
lias an Imbecile son of twenty whom no ono
else scorns able to control. There aio two
little diURhtors whoso mind's are not light ,
and their mother \vas Insane. The
iniiiily are In straightened citcura-
stances ntid living under dinouraging con-
dillons The father has eitfhtv ncies In his
fiuni , hat there is a mortpigo of S-uUO on it
Some i oar 3 ago he v\ out on tha bond of a
coatrnctor who undcitook to build nn 318,000
theater nt Pawnee City , The builder took
the ] ob too chetp nnd loft the country. The
houlsman LOuldbnva taken advantage of a
cbanpo In the plans to escape his liability ,
but from puio honesty ho stood by his bond
It test him S\000 and ruined him. These nud
other points \voie related nt length to show
thoslmplo , rugged integrity of tbo man and
explain the remarkable ostooinln v\hiuh ho Is
held in Pa vvncocountynnd the listeners wcro
visibly nucited.
I.inicl Freeman of Beatrice , tbo first
homesteader in the United States , happened
to bo one of n number of spectators prosoii t.
Ila asked permission to say n few words
nud stated ho had a talk with
Judge ) Brody n few days ago
about this very caso. The Judqo said ho was
batistlol that Kogers , after the one , shot
that disabled Moore , simply emptied his re
volver for fear the jounger nnd stiongor
man might take it from him and use it. Com
ing fiom tbo judge who passed sentence this
opinion made a strong Impression.
Sheriff Stiunk related how , in traveling
over the county In his olllcinl business , ho
was besieged by people who wanted to sipn
n petition for" the pardon of Hogors , Ho
closed vith \ the remark :
"NothiiiB would please mo bettor than to
take a pardon to him. "
"Well , you shall have it , " said Governor
The gentlemen from Pawnee jumped to
their foot , nmdo a rush for the governor ,
grasped both hands , poured nut a flood of
grateful thanks and all but embraced him ,
while the spectators travo a burst of ap
Tom Cook was directed to got out the par
don blank , nnd the visitors loft for dinner , a
jolly , happy crowd.
Rogers hud not been sent to Uu peniten
tiary , belnc kept at the umiity jail t vo 01
throe weeks until petitions could bo circu
lated on an appeal to the governor.
Ex-Roprascutntlvo Henry Saint Ilaynor of
Sidney called nt the executive department
toda > In tbo interest of William ICiniron , who
was abducted fiom Nebraska to Wyominp ,
tried In the hitter on n churgo of h6r > o steal
ing und convicted \Vbon ho loft Mr. Rav-
nor carried vUtn him a letter ivhlth ho will
convey to the govoinor of Wyoming in the
hope of securing1 Kliigon's release.
The ROvernor has announced tbo now visit-
hie ntid examining board for tbo soid'ors" '
homo ut Grand IslandTzr.i tt. Howard of
Clay county , II. B. i'aimcr of Cass county ,
L. I ) . Hicdards of Dodge countv , Mrs. Lena
A. Dates of Hamilton county , Mrs , Lottie M.
Hedges of Huffulo county. Mr. Richards
takes the place of J. W. Llvurlnghouso , who
iljcllned ronppointment , and for a similar
reason Airs. Hedges succeed * Mrs. Helen M.
\Vilson K. Majors of Nemnha county has
been appointed a member Of the board of ed
ucation for the noiinnl school at Peru to suc
ceed J. W. I.ovo of Fremont who lias no-
coutod the Unltc-d States connulshlp at Sal
The relief commission has transmitted Its
report for Febrimry to the soorotary of statr.
It reported receipts ni follow a I
Prom State Treasurer III11 . . . . , t30,0tt CO
Troiu Hov. M. r. Troxoll , bprlngllold ,
til . , , . , . , , . , .t. .11. . . . . . . . 3 Iv
Prom MM. N. A. cnnfleld , i.i-not.Mim 5 M
Trom it < ! v. 0 , W. Ilndoit , York. l'n..i. S3 CO
1'roni LMgur , Neb . . . . , . , , . . . . . . . . . 15 JJ
Totil „ , I50,0i7 , 69
Tbo disbursements word'
1 orntnicprlo' , flour , tnonl , cto $17,113 03
I or freight on satno , . . . . , . lHB 75
1 or olllco of iioiisod , stationery , ote. . 6 1 li
Total VlB,170 1J
llulnticooti hand Voruary 29 . . . . W0.877 U
With the above went four other sots of
evidence. Ouu VMM the roeoiuls signed by
the individuals who got relief supplies. An
other was made up of the leojints of county
oflleurs to whom supplies vvoro consigned A
third contained the invoices of supplies
bought. A fourth showed by counties tlio
amount of each kind of article distributed ,
The last named shows the following totals i
Flour , 2JSbWJ pounds ; corn meal , IsO.UUO ,
mo it , aM,7UTi rkoIS.ft.JOi nomltiy , ao.lKI
bcoiH , itt)7ii ) ) ; tea , : ilji ) ; cofTec , (1'Jni ( ; dried
fruit , 7'liO ; ont mail , iril barrels ; sodo , 4' )
boxes ; LjsliKM clothing , blankets , ot' ; .
i'ollnn injure thu mi in bur of persons oy
counties who signed iccclpts for supplier
duilnn Tobruarv , Damicr , 131 ; Dlaluu , 172 ,
Cheyenne , IS't ; CustorU ; ; Dawion , WO ,
Uoiiol , J' > 0 ; Dnmty , dill , I'rotitlor , U0
Kuriias , U7 ; Gnrlluld , 17J ; Oospor , llfi ,
Hnrlnn , 111) ) ; Ha > o % ilj , Hitchcock. 4-lJ : |
Hooker , H * > ; Unroln , 770 ; Logan , W2 ; Me-
Phorson , 4 j Rod Willow , l.Ull ; Shaman ,
0 ; Sioux , 118 : Thomas , 109 ; Wobstur , 71.
Total. 0.403.
In naditlon to tlio supplies furalshod by tbo
state vvcro largo iiuaiititios donated bv tbo
people , who received duo credit for tbolr
The stato's appropriation did not become
available until nbout the middle of February ,
so thut tlio nbovo roporl covers but alxmt
half n month The dolny In uiHklng tills re
port is roudily understood by any ono who
visits the 'ofllco of the commission and ex
amines Its sjstom Tlio law requires the
commission to make t\vo copies of each ru-
colpt. Tlioroiuu twenty articles of supply ,
and besides copying the niimoand residence
of the signer It is necoiiary to glvo the ijunn-
tltyof uich nttlclu iceolvod by him. This
entails mi enormous amount of work , and
live clerks nro busy at It. 'Jho Ilimnelul
statement * for March and Apill uiorouly ,
but thu receipts which go with tboin as
vouchers have not been coplod , although it
is beinjj pushed as rapidly as possible.
State Tieasuror Hill nud Latui Commis
sioner Humphioy , who wont to tir.i'id Island
yesterday ns icmesent itivct of tlio bOaid of
public limds und building's , have returned.
They accepted the plans foi a J3 000 liospital
at the soldloi-s' homo and ordered u now roof
put oil the main bulldlnf * . They found the
tarm well conducted , with sixty ncies In
corn mi a sixty acres in oats. The stock was
looking tluo.
A small war cloud his arisen bet.wen this
building board nnd the visiting bonrd of tlio
homo. A law passed bv the last legislature
app.npntly yave the visiting ooird n general
control of the affairs of the homo , and its ,
monibors hnvo assumed that this gave
them power to l > uv supplies. A short
tlmo ago a lot of vouchers signed
by tbo president and socictary of
the visiting boaid were sent to
Lincoln for payment and vvcio pioinptly
returned. At the Grand Inland meeting last
nlRUtthli question of authority was raised
.and the roprosentallvos of the board of pub
lic lauds and building's gave it out emphati
cally thnt thnt body intended to rotaln con
trol of the matter of sunplios , repairs , etc.
This boaid has that responsibility Imposed
upon it by the constitution , and its members
intend that the visiting board shill not inter
fere. The now monitors of the visiting
board , L. D. Richards and Mrs. Lottlo M.
Hodges wore not present , nnd the bonrd did
not elect oflicers.
Lou L. E. Stownrt , W. C Pomfrot nnd T.
L. Teasdnll have llled articles with the sec
retary of state Incorporating tbo Purity ox-
ti.ict company of Lincoln. Tlio capital stock
is $10,000. The company will manufacture
extracts , perfumes , bitters , etc.
J > r. IJilfjus' Kninous Trful.
Perhaps the most notable contribution to
all thu literature apropos the trial of Prof.
Bnpgs for heiosy before the Now York
piesbytory Is an article by Kev. Dr. Philip
SchafT , which was published in the Now
York Iloiald last Sunday. Tr. ) Schnff
the lirat nrcsidont of tbo American Soclotv
of Church History nnd author of n gioat
nuinborof uistoiioal and exegetical vvoiks.
As early ns 18Io ho was tiica for hotosy in
this country and acquitted. Ur. Schaft was
president of the American Hlblo liovlslan
committee , which was appointed in 1S71 nt
the lequost of tho-Knglish commlttoo , nnrt in
1 ! > 75 was scut to England to airungo for Hie
co-oppcrntkm and publication of tbo Anglo-
Amuiicaii edition. The snmo jear ho at
tended ofllclally tbo conferences of the Old
Catholics , Greeks and Protestants nt Bonn
to promote Chiistlan unitv.
tins aistiiifruisncu author and
theologian there Is none moro coin-
potent 111 tUs country , nt least ,
to express uu opinion as to the questions now
nt issue among Piosbvtcrians and coucoin-
Ing which Chrlstlun circles are dcoply Inter
ested. Dr. ScbiilT dcliiics in the most trenchant -
chant laiiguairo the apparent inconsistency of
the Now York prcsoylory in practically
a vow I n if eighteen months ngo the same principle -
ciplo for which Dr. llrisffs , it declares , must
now stand trial. Ho declares that the
Amoiican Piusbvtorian church has her
self materially changed the West
minster confession a hundred > eurs
ago , and that the spirit of revision per
vades the whole Christian world. Tin illy ho
assorts that , as tbo theory of verbal inspira
tion of the scriptures is not in the Westmin
ster confession of faith , itinnuot bodoinanded
from any Piosbvtiuian minister 01 piofessor
and waras churchmen that imy attempt by
the general assembly to enforce an extra
scriptural and extra confessional theory upon
the church will create a spilt worse than that
of 1K37.
Dr. Schnft savs : "There nro chiefly three
theories of inspiration , the verbal or literal ,
the plenary nad tlio dviinmic. The lost two
are leasonnblo nnd tenable. The llrst. Is nn-
possible In tlio present state of exegesis and
not held by any commentator of note.
The verbal or meclnnlcil theory Identifies
Inspiration with dictntlen and makes the
sacied writers mote clerks or penmen of tlio
Holy Ghost This theory was elaborated by
Lutheran and Cnlvanlstlu divines of tlio
seventeenth century in controversy with
the Hoinun Cnttiollo church , who in
sisted upon nn Infallible church as necessary
to guide men in the way of salvation. A
uapur oiaclo was sot up aitaiaat the living
oiaclo In the Vatican '
Hut this theory was not hold by tbo ro-
fanners , who combined the greatest rever
ence for the word of God with very free
views on tlio loiter of the bible It has long
since boi > ii discarded as u theological llciion.
Ills absolutely Inconsistent with recoRtibod
facts such ns tlio obvloim ( illToreiiccs of style
mid mode of reasoning , the numoious vnrla
tions of the existing text , the disunpincics
between the Hchrovvtoxtand thoSoiituacInt
A literal Inspiration would bo of no use
unless God had provided nt the saino tlmo for
infallible transmission and prcservatlon-that
is , for infallible tr.liiBcrlborsniul Infallible
translators , for the great mass of rncn depend
upon translations which uro made by imper
fect , fnlllolo man , nnd differ very much No
body claims Inoirancy for the revised ver
sion , or the Iving.JaiiiCs version , or the Biili.
ops' bible , or WvclifTo's version , or Luther's
version , or the Vulgate , or miy other version ,
old or now. It Ims boon stntod tlmt there are
UO.OOO departures of the revised now testa
ment from the authorized version , including
0,000 changes in the Oroolc text used by the
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
! mnn or woman who Hies 100
miles from Music , rm Sidney
- Smith declared thnt ho Ihod
"tvvolvo inllos fiotn a lemon , " wilt
liardlv bo tomptoil by what VMJ have to
siiy roguulliip Homo now and beautiful
Plnnos just recolvod from the v\oll \
Itnown mnUora , C , C. Brlfffja & Co. of
But scarcely any ether person can 03-
CADO thu temptation to call utuitr wniu-
rooms and too the latort product of
American art nnd nrtlsnushln In the
form of nn 1S91 Piano.
inontsnrooqulnpod with the Pntonloil
Soft Stopwhich makes prnotlslncpossi
ble at any time or in any place , without
distuibiiiR one's neighbors , or inuUinj , '
the whole house musical.
In other respects they nro finished In- '
struinontsof the llnost quality. They
huvo that wonderful nnd inro ton o which
innkos them uotnblo in the best nccoin-
mnimoiitto the luiinnu volco ,
\VoshnllboploiiPodto oxlilliit thc o
choice Pianos to nnyouu vUio u buslnufs
or curiosity may prompt him to cull nt
our w.u'oionuis. Visitors nnd uurcliiiHcis
aio oqtiillly vvolcoino.
C. C BRIGGS & CO , ,
OfTlco , Tnctory nnd Wnroiooms at
Boston , Mass.
loMtoloSIFnrnnm Stroot. 215 to 223 S .
South 10th Stioot , Omaha , Nob.
Liebig liDMPANY'S '
"IN "
"By Henry M. Stanley.
"Tho TJt hlitrttni | > any i KTtmctftM o ( thocliolo
o < t ' r oHJ , Vol I
I.lobli : nmlmenUuupiliiiil to bo prcpiro I in nut-
flclont ( luniitltloi tiMartuoiiliupruM to u ol
oneil mnn us lionUiEHiirFilln " I'moM.ol 1
* Unu Jliull inan.ieeil to i rawl iionr my lout.
Ilannn ntoncc berne tna llrunnil hid wltlilna fair
Indies olt. nnd wltli tlio nildltlun of aplitt of hot
broth rnn'lo ' from ttio l.loblu ltiiiinn ( > "it Kxlrnct ( if
lloer wo rostorcil him toll In ocn os P kO & 8 , Vol II-
Gi'iuilnu only with
fiicslinllo of .T. VON
slunattiro In . , , - - ,
bliin Ink across \\\iv\f/ \ \ \ & (
thus. v mJ
Dr. Io Due's I'oilodiial 1M119.
Tlila Kroncli rcint > Jy nets illrootly upun tliu k'cnoro.
(1TO orkniH iinU ciirui aiipprnfnlonuf tliu IUCIIHOS
f.'ortlin oforfj nil c.i'ilo umlloil SlioillJ not bo
liaot during prritninrr.lolilmn. . drUKKl'ti taA Iliii
luihllMijijilli l lir licioilriuiM liruulu. Omnhn ; M
.1 Ptykctrinncl Howard Myof * Boulb Oiuaha&l. ti
A. I ) hu lir. UomiLll llluMi
Mrs 11 ilnock'.i Konll orlli'H tclioul A lluintliiit
nnilDnyS heel fur ( ilrli , will opm 8clcinbtr | 21 ,
ls.llnl Kinlhvurth , 111 (1 ( > nillm imllh orciilcniio < K
l.nkcsltoru ) jNow nnil tliirontlily ciiili | ) > oil biillil
IneairuaU 1 O3iat.ltiHy | for tlio mlioul liulthroo mm.
utoiwiilk from tliu rnl'wijr matluii Hupurlur < 1-
Tiintaitct und bcniillful loojtloii l"ur cU'culars
Jlllrf MAlU KriKSIIAlKOCK.h'unllwortli III
13u KUGHNn J. IlA-IiU.
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I Vul , Cloth Coicr , 10fiillpnuulllii trretlon' ( , SI 00
A tron ftorj of Iho rlk'litn niU nronxi of Inlior ,
with n clinnnliijlin u story Inlirwoicu. Ihufollo
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thu ntrunKMot cumWno to make tills ono of tlio bust
novels of tliu your
348-350 DeaTbsrn Street , Chicago.
JUNE , rS f.
Peter Ibbeison.
A novel. Ily OOOFRO elu Mnttrlcr 1'art
flrst. Mllh Jl Illuslriillons by tliu author
Ihlmtorr Mr clu VIimrlor'H llr t vonliiro In Iho
fldil u ( llctl in. li DUO of nciillur luyclidlouli il in
ten-si Inviihlnitnmny Htran o clnuiimt incus in-
urctol with dri'im-IICu Tlio 111 utr.-illoiM iiru
ilrinvnliy the author lu hlnwull knonii unJ Inliiilla-
blu manner
Up the River Parana.
Ily ThoodornOhlll. IOIIH and nut ) '
TlioiilnUilinfilmint ; of Mr. Child laorks of pa-
leia on aoutli Vuurlca.
Town and Village Government.
Ily Henry LootiilsKulvii.
Shows the prnrtlcil nlvnntn osof pholnii the ! o-
cnl iillnlr' ot cuoli roniiniinlir entirely inulur llm
control of a popular prlmiry miioiiibly or town
moetlni ;
Some American Riders ,
Ily Colonel Thcodoro AyrauU Iiil ) c U H.
A. Soeond pupor. TlliisLintud ( itiui
I'rotlirlo Ituiiiliitrlon
The Warwickshire Avon.
Ily A. T Qullliir C'niioli heron 1 | > iior. | 33
111 uUrutlons lira VTH byAlficcl I'ursons. '
The Technique of Rest.
Ily AiiiuiC IlracliUt.
A prncllrol pmiorof oipoelil Intpront nn ilrnluo to
huMy workum w lie lu * I tlmt llio ninunni cif imrvinirt
form ul tliulr m | K > .inl It In ilan or o ( liulnit mor-
tiucc !
The Royal Chateaux of the Loire.
Ily Iou Is frccliotto. WltliO lUintratlom
The Failure of David Berry.
A story. Ily Sarnli Orno.IuKutt ,
London After the Romans.
Ily Yi'ultor I
'lliu itory of tlio fall f AiiKiiitn , or'Uoumn I < on-
< loa An liiieiiom iinO aiitlufnttury rolntlun of it
aiiontlon upon Mlilch history IKK nliul but Illtlu
/n the "Stranger People's" Country.
A slnry. Ily Diaries K-ilmrtOrmldoi'lc Part
slxtli , Illustritiidliy W. T. Hiuuilluy ,
Wessex Folk.
Ily Thomas Hardy , I'att fotirtli , IlltiHtri-
ted liy Uliurloi Uroou.
Ily VIII Ourloton , I.oulin p. Moiilton , nt \ -
ahotli StoildurJ , unJ OuurKu llurlon.
The Editorial Departments.
( kitiduclod us imiiali hy Dnor a M'llllnni
Oui tit. Wlllliiin Duaii IIowolU , uiid Qmrlos
Dudlny VVuuiur.
Publiahed by Harper & Brethers , K. Y ,