Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    TT-Tlfl OAfARA DAILY RICK : \ \ ICDXRSHAY. MAY 20. 1801.
Jcllrer l by Carrier la any part of the City.
I3tsl ) ics OflJco , No. W ,
Nlpht Editor. 2fo.Sa
K , y. i . Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , C04 Snpp block.
Heal Hock Springs conl. Thatcher , 10 Main
If you want water In your yard or house
go to lilxby's , ! tW ( Morrlum block.
Mrs. II. II. tVary's music pupils will ptvo
a rcdttil this evening In Muellers music hall.
12. J. Khubcrt 1m taken out a permit to
erect a frame dwelling on lot 1 , block 10 ,
Cocbrnn's ' addition , It will cost W VX ) .
William Malonry took n change of venue
yesterday from Justic-o Cono's court to that
of Justice SwenrlnKCti. Holllhavo trial
on tlic chargoof assault next Saturday after-
noonntti o'clock.
Cstn , the ten-month.void daughter of Mr.
and MM. Albert Heaston , died yesterday
mo nil UK at 8 o'clock of congestion of the
lungi. The funeral will tuka place this morn
ing from tin : family residence' , WJ aunuo C.
Charles Matthat , Trcd Neal nnd .Tunics
AiulcrJoii went off on a fhhing exxdlllon |
last Sunday and returned yesterday morning
wlthu strlnpof nlncty-ilx line blncK bass.
JusUvhcro they were pollen or what they
cofitlt was impossible to learn.
Died , at the residence of her sister , Mrs.
Kslny , ll'J7 ) I.OVUT lirnndvvay , at 1U n. in. .
Tuesday , of consumption , Mrs. Anna Man
ning. nuo Miss Anna ( ionp.iohor , . Funeral
icrvlces will bo held at St. Francis Xavier's
Cnthollr1 church , Thursday , at 10 a. m.
The llpsworth lejguo of the Broad-
wnv Methodist church mot Monday
evening at tbo residence of F. H.
Oreiitt , on Oakland ixvonue. An interesting
muslcnl nnd llter.-iry program was rendered ,
afterwluch a pleasant social tlnio was had.
Attorney General John V. Stone was In the
city jesterday. Ilo Is preparing for the triul
of the appealed cast ! ot the btate of lowu
against Thomas Drooks , for ttio murder of
1-Yanlc DcUoodc. The case will have u hear-
In nt the present session of tbo supreme
court nt DCS Moincs.
Danlol Sullivan was arrested yesterday by
Poll Tax Collector McClaren yesterday noon
while pummcllliiL' n drunkun iiiiui named
Jack Smith. Smith's face was covorud with
blood and ho was weeping copiously. Sulli
van will lm\o \ n hcnrlng tills morning on 11
charge of assault nnd battery.
The advance sheets ot the programme for
the comlnif Chautsuoua assembly were re
ceived by Manager 1 laid ton yesterday mornIng -
Ing , as published In the Chautauqua Camp
and Fin-side , a Journal which Is cdltod In-
Ur. A. II , Oillott , the Held secretary. There
are still some features of the programme to
bo arranged , but the larger part ia already
J. Stein , wbo was arrested for driving over
the IIDSO at the iiro on Vine street Monday
afternoon , was up In irollco court yesterday
morning for a hearing. Ills dotcnco was
that ho did not know the hose was there until
ho had drlvnnovcrlt. IIo paid the costs of
the suit , ( O.feO , and wns released. Dr. Conway -
way , John Brown , J.V. . Tlnley , James Wil
son , ( icorgo Luschand .M. Cristy were lind
Bumsr.niRlng all the way from & ) .GO tof'JO.TU
for drunkenness. Josie Ilulbcrt was tlned
fliMW forvagrunoy.
The case of "balvntlon"Vnlkcr ngnlnst
NolsOarUon was to have had a hearing ycs-
tcrdar befnro Justlco Ilninmer , It Is i case
which was commenced byValkcr to collect
a jyfi rouartl which Carlson offered for the
return of a horse \\blcbhad boon stolen from
him. The horse was found by Walker's son
and tnken to the pound before ho knew that
there was a reward offered for it. Ho after
wards learned of the reward , and finuo
to the cit.v marshal to cet It. Ho
was offered § -for ! his trouble , butho spurned
It.Yilker was undecided for a time whether
or not to have all the city ofllclals arrested on
a uhnrgo of larceny , out ho finally decided to
bringsuit for the amount. The case was
continued until tomorrow afternoon at 2
Tlin corset department of the Uoston Store ,
Council Iltufls , H second to none In this west
ern country. All the leading makes always
In stoclc at our popular prices , orders tnken
for any special cor-et not in stoclr. Boston
Store , Council Bluffs , la.
L. A. Casper , the floilit , will bo nt Fairview -
view cemetery all of this week engaged In
decorating K"ves. All plants ordered for >
ccmeter > work will ho sot out free.
Lnco curtains cleaned from 50o to $1.25 per
pair , at Twin City dye works.
PJiJlStt\.tJt M'A ICAGIl.l i'llS.
W.H. Doolcy of Lo Hey , III. , ono of the
proprietors of the Ogden house , Is In the city
on n visit.
John Stork Is homo from nn extended trip
through the routh. Mrs. Stork has also ro-
turncl from a visit to friends in St. Louis
and Kansas City.
J. II. Itcovoof Omaha , quartermaster of
the Kobraska division. Sons of Veterans , and
Post Colonel M. 1' . O'lJrien of the same
order , nl&o of Omnnn , will ho in Uio Bluffs
this evening for the purpose of assisting in
the organization of a branch of their order In
this city. _
Dress ginghams-Every thing In that line :
from the 7c urcss gingham to the finest
Scotch goods , At "c , be , lOc and 12) o\va
shown beautiful range of patterns. At IRe
we show a very line line otzoohyr ginghams , ,
the style nnd llnlsti almost as good as the :
most expensive. Boston Store , Council
Fnilt farm for sale on reasonable terms ;
within ono and one-half miles of the P. 0. ;
all In bearing ; good buildings ; possession
given at once. Call on D. J. Hutchluson &
Co. , CI7 llrondway.
Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 53S B'd'y.
Granted u Ilelicnring.
The arguments fora now trial In the case
of Dr , J. C. Shrndcr of Iowa City against Mr.
and Mrs. David Hoover ofValnut were
made In the superior court yesterday after
noon , The case was tried about a week ago.
The plaintiff wantcil $100 for foes for pro
fessional services m a euso which ho road
been summoned to Dei Molnes to attend.
The result of the trial vas n verdict of J.l.50
for the plaintiff. This was objected to b >
the attorneys for the plaintllT. who claimed
_ tbnt If the services were worth anything thov
were worth more than $ l.f > 0 , and they imme
diately llkd , a motion for n now trial. Judge
McGco heard the arguments nnd grunted the
Furniture , carpets , refrigerators , baby car
riages , stoves , crockery , and all house fur
nishing goods , cosh or on easy payments , at
Mandel i Klein's.
Dry storage at iow rates , stoves and house
hold good ) . J , It , Snyder , I'earl street ,
Malr has all sorts of fruit , shivlo and orna
mental trees , Hroadwny , opposite poUoillco
TlilovrH IlrcMik In.
H. H. Picld was made a victim to the wiles
of housebreakers night before last. His res-
Idoncu on Franklin avenue was entered
through a basement window and a gold
wa ch nnd a pocketbook containing III vcro
taken , Mr , Field was formerly sheriff , and
chief of pollen , and has nt times ma Jo his
boastthatno ono wouldovcrgcttbodropon
him by either holding him up on ttio street
or byoatjring his house bv stealth. Henc-
knovlcdges the coni , however , with as good
praceus conld bo expected under the circum
stances. There Is no clue to the burglars ,
When aboutto build don't fail to s et prices
on luinlw of The JuJd A Wells Co. , 813
UroaJway , Telephone 267.
Union Park races , Omaha and Council
niuffj , Juno IM2 , * I.OOO ; Sept. 8-11 , M..MU ;
Oct , SO-tK , fl.WO. For nroRrunimca nddress
Nut llrown , seo'y. , Morcnant ' hotel , Omaha.
Try Duquette & Co.1 ! Pomona fruit Juice
tablets. Tboy uro delicious.
Sniijnrt& ( Co. carry largest stoclc of bulk
Held , carton nnd tlowcr seeai | a tbo test
Cutuloj'u uudbauilca | ) by mill.
Paving of an Alley Objected to bj Prop
erty Owners.
Contractor * ) flo Htendlly onvtth the
Work and No One Seems to
Care to Interfere with
Them ,
At tlio last meeting of tlio city council an -
tltlon WOH ieaa from a number of property
unncnisliln that the \vorlr of pavln the
alloy touuen Seventh mid ICiuhth streets
and between Broadway nnd First avenue ho
nipped In the bud on account of the ifrcat
expense to whlcli the ) would be subjected.
Tbo council hemmed and huucd , and didn't '
kiou' ; ] ust xvhat to do about It , but there
was a sort of vnguo understanding that
the contractor should bo required to stop
the work until the council could have a
cliancoto look around and llnd out just what
It wanted to do about the matter.
Yesterday the work was Kolnt ; oa Just ns
usual , and so far as Is known , It will continue )
logo on until tbo end of tbo chapter. The
city or property owners can enjoin the con
tractors from going onltti the work , but
If they do so they \\\\l \ \ have to
stand good for all damages that the
contractor may suffer by not being ol-
lowed IOKO on. No oao wants lo stand peed
for ttio damages ns the contractors paid In
advance for all the material which Is beinif
put Into the paving and the damages would
accordingly mount away up above tlio limits
of the pocketbook of any of them. It Isprob-
able tliat the work ulll yo on ns was atllrst
Council Hind's Sun VmhrcIInq.
Just received over .TOO sun umorullas , the
latest style handles. Gloria slllc , ( 'iiar.mtecd
to wcur mticti better than any all tiiiK'
double the price , equal In appearance to nil
.silk-extra value , $1 : , Sl.fiO , f 1.75 , $2.'J5 ' and
f-.JO. Ask to sec them. The host vnluo over
shown. Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la.
Drs.Voodbury , dentists , HO Pearl street ,
next to Gruiul hotel. Telephone It5. High
grade work a specialty.
Dlack organdies , ttio latest In black wash
Roods , every yard guaranteed absolutely fast
black , the greatest craze of the season , a
beautiful range of patterns nil the way from
lOcto 4' < c. Now Is "tho time to make your
selection vUillo the choice patterns last.
Boston Store , Kolhcrmghani , Whltelaw &
Co. , Council Bluffs.
Sam Patch nnd Stc o Hrudlc Find
Vdiit lit'nl I'jiinilaloi-H.
A lot of small boys were playing nt tlio
unpor end of Fifth avenue lust Monday evenIng -
Ing , wlicro the bluff Is being cut away. They
each had a small papsr umbrella , which they
loaded with sticks and stones anil allowed to , parachute-like , from the top of tbo
blulf to tlio bottom.
.At last TTarry Van B''unt , the ten-year-old
son of Alderman 11. tl. Vna Urunt , wns
struck with a bright Idea. IIo rushed homo
and soon returned with an umbrella.
Going to tbe too of tlio hill ho
opened the uinbrolln , stepped bnclt
a few feet nnd then modoa run for the brink ,
holding tbo umbrella over his . Flap ,
Ilap , went the umbrella , mid down , down ,
went tbo boy. The other boys looked on
tvlth bated breath , half expcctlnp their com
panion to bo dashed to pieces at the bottom
of the hill. But they were disappointed , and
ttio small boy alighted on the ground , ahnn-
clrcd feet from -\\horo \ ho started , as easily
hiiro a chance at the now and delightful
plaything. Ho , too , descended In safety , and
in all piobaWllty they would have been worn-
lug the parachute yet had not some of the
grown friends of the boys appeared on the
scene In tlnio to prevent any moro of the
numerous snort. .
As the matter stands now the two Van
Brunt boys are heroes In the eyes of their
companions , and It will piobably bo ten
years before the last regret disappears from
the hearts of the others at tbo tiiougbt ol
what they missed.
e oson ore , ounc us , coses at
C p. in. except .Mondays and Saturdays. Mon
days o'clock , ( Saturdays 10 o'clock. Boston
Store , Council Blurts.
Trees , all kinds , guaranteed to grow , prices
cheap , at Malrs' , Broadway , opposite postof-
Jjlstrlct Court XO\VH.
.Mrs. Amelia ( Juill bas flled lu the district
court a protest against allowing the will of
her late father , Joseph Holtnan , to bo ad
mitted to piobato. She alleges that the v.'ill
was not signed by her father with his free
consent , but that ho baa been childish and [
focblo for some time prior to his death , and
wlillo in that conditionwas
-was induced to sign
hisnaino to the paper by certain designing
persons. She also claims that the witnesses
did not sign tbelr names to the will in
the presence of each other or inof
Holman , and on these grounds she asked the
cowt to set nsldo the will and dlvldo the
propertv among the various children hoOS
though the will had cover been executed.
In district court yostordav the whole day
was occupied by the flS.OUO damage suit nyof
Cocko A Morgan against M. E. Smith. Part
of the arguments of the attorneys were
mode , and they will bo completed this morn-
lag. _
ShnntonfT pongee at the Bostoa Store ,
Council Bluffs , for I'Jjfc a yard , tbo latest
wash goods fabric known , equal to a China
silk la appearance and llnlsh , warranted fast
colors.Ve are now showing a beautiful
rantro ot patterns and colors nt the above
price , 12'sC. ' Boston Store , Council Bluffs.
Ion ! ice : Ice ! I !
If you waat It pure and n
And at a reasonable pr
Follow no now dev ' lc t
Uutsoiulto us In a tr
At our oft
MulhollamUt Co. , No. 4Pearlst. , Tel. 162.
Mitts and gloves Our line is now com-
plcto in nluck silk mitts nt 2oc , SSc , 89e , imMe
and tVio.Vo think and say vtbout | the
leait hesitancy that \ve have the v luo
In the above tl'-t ever entered any city. All
pure silk und guaranteed fast blacks. Ask
to see them ; wo .chght m shoving goods > ,
whether you purchase or not. Boston Store ,
Fothoringhain , Whltelaw & Co. , Council
Bluffs ,
Coyno in Trouble Agnln.
The Cranglo-Maish case , which fairly
monpollzcd the paiers [ about a month ago ,
has bobbed up again , Yesterday morning
Fllckluger Brothers , who represented the
defendants at this end of the line , received
word from the prosecuting attorney ot Hook
Island county , Illinois , requesting them to
Rend on a certiiied copy of the depositions
which \V. L. . Coyno sought to Introduce in
evidence when the case wns on trial , and
suiting that Coyno had been Indicted for
subornation of perjury la trying to get the
Pluegels to sign their names to tliu papers ,
Clem Campbell of thn district court , and his
cntlro force of assistants , were busily hisat
work all day yesterday getting the copy Into
proper shape , The trial of Coyno u HI take
place next Meek.
"Visit the Boston Store , Council Bluffs ,
when hi no < l of ivnllpapor. window shades ,
lace curtains , chenille curtalnn , porttorctjOtc ,
Boston Store , Council BluuX la.
The tlncst line of spring undsummor foods ,
mo t ox | > ert workmen , is what you will find
at Keller's , the tailor , 'IIO Uroadway.
I'rotrcilng the PHI. |
' 'I wish you would ylvo a write up to B
number of partim who era engaged lu unf
Ing uud fishing Illegally , " said ono of the
most ttvJout of tbo lovers of sport la Counci
lUuffi , yesterday to a reportor. * 'Tho
statutes of Iowa forbids the taking of fish by
seme , snare , or nctat any season of the year.
\Vo \ are situated inn thickly populated com
munity , with only slight resources la this
direction at best. Ono would think that self
interest would prompt these follows to bo a
little : careful how they make way with the
flsb that are In ourstreanrj , ovenlf their re
gard for tie l v did not ! anu yet the law Is
being violated right along.
"j\ number of us local sportsmen have
banded ourselves together to assist In prose
. cuting to the full extent of the law anyone
who may bo found taking flsh In this Illegal
manner.'o are Interested In protecting the
flsh In all the waters In this vicinity , but wo
are cspcclallv anxious to protect these In
Honey creek. 1'nt Gllmoro has been sta
tioned at the latter place for the solo purpose
of guarding Hand seeing that the law Is com
piled wltn. "We would Illto to hnvo the aid of
all lovers of legitimate sport In driving these
butchers out ot their business. "
Assaulted a Voung ( llrl.
A bold attempt at an assault was in ado late
last i evening in the southern part of the city.
A young rain named \Valtor Luring was riding -
ing | on his bicycle near the corner of Eighth
street and Ninth avenue when ho he.ird a
woman scream a short distance away. Look-
login the direction of the sound ho saw a
young : girl running toward a hoaso. Ho fol
lowed her and Inquired what was the matter ,
when ho learned that she had been over
taken by a man who put his
hand over her moutti to sllonco her
nfter which he throw her down In the weeds ,
and would In all probability have accomp
lished his purpose bad it not been for the approach
preach of Lurinir on his bicycle. The girl
was nicely dressed and respectable looking
and about eighteen years o'ago. She gave
bur name as AniyVllson. . She could not
describe her assailant us she had not had a
clitmcc to get a full vlow of his face.
Do Horses 'talk ?
Wo have our doubts on this subject , but If
they could , we believe their llrst words \voulu
bo to nsk masters always to keep u bottle of
Mailer's ll.trbed Wire tltilnieut on hand. It
Is unequalled for outs , bruises and sprains.
In fact , horses fairly cry for it.
AM ) UN-NO I ICK1) .
Joseph Anderson Dies In n Carriage
f'.nfoulc ( o tin1 Hospital.
Yesterday afternoon Dr. ICInif , assistant
county physician , was called to seen sick
man at the southeast corner of Eleventh aim
Jones streets.
Dr. King Immediately responded to the
call , and found Joseph Anderson lying upon
a pallet of straw In an up stairs room. An
derson was evidently suffering considerable
pain , and tbe physician called a carriage and
had tbo sick man removed to St. Joseph's '
hospital. Upon the arrival of the carriage
nt the hospital a cbalr was brought out for
Anderson , and be was carried Into the re
ception room. As soon as the chair was
placed upon tbo floor In tbo rootu one of the
sisters looked nt the occupant and was
shocked to eo that he was dead.
The man had died \vhilo being taken from
the carriage to the ciitrauco of tbo
Coroner Hairtgan was Immediately called ,
nnd nfter viewing the body ordered tbe re
mains removed to tkafy < & Henfy's under
taking establishment.
Dr. IClng , assisted by Coroner Harridan ,
held a post mortem upon the uodv last oven-
ing. It was found that tne left lung had 1
shriveled up so hat It was smaller than the
heart. Consumption was the principal cause
of Anderson's death. The unfortunate man
bad gradually wasted away. Disease was
found among the organs of the heart , liver
nnd kidneys.
Coroner Hnrrlgan will bold an Inquest at
Ilcafy & Hcaf.v's utU p. in. today ,
Anderson had no friends or relatives In the
city. He had been 111 for n long time , and
being unable to work managed to worry out
a miserableexistence. . How long the man
had been ailing was Impossible to learn ns no
ono seemed to know nnytuing about him.
DoWH's Little Early Risers ; best little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath.
IleAVaiits to Uo Hellcved from the In-
Hurimco Company' * Kecelvprhhlp.
Hon. Thomas H. Ileuton , auditor of state.
Attorney General Hastings. Mr. G.V. . Al-
bripht and- his attorney , C. J. Smyth , en
tered Judge Irvine's court yesterday evening
about 5 o'clock for the purpose of giving the
Nebraska Insurance company case another
tfc Mr. Smyth stated that his client wishoi
fcsi bo relieved from the receivership and to
surrender tlio responsibilities that had been
placed upon him as receiver for the > 'e-
bmsknliiMirnnro company to some ono whom
the court might appoint.
Judge Irvine promptly replied tbathocould
not relieve Mr. Albright without a report of
what bo hud done with the property en
trusted to htm , and bo would not 40 so even
then until ho bad consulted with
Judge \VttKeley \ with regard. to
the matter for there was danger
of having u conflict In tbo orders of the court
unless they proceeded very carefully. IIo
advised Mr. Albright to hold possession of
ttio property until next Saturday when the
insurance company 1ms been notified to ap
pear and present its side of the cnso. The
judiro Instructed Mr. Albright to allow Audi
tor Beuton full and free access to the books ,
but not to permit any one else to hnvo anv-
thing to do with the property under his
Mr. Albright said to a BEE reporter that
the reason he wished to be relieved of the re
ceivership was thnt ho had been restrained
by an order from the court from removing
tbo notes , books and papers to nis oil Ice , and
it was very inconvenient for him to work at
the ofllco of tbo insurance company nnd at
tend to his own affairs at the same time.
Under the circumstances he stmplv wished to
get clear out of tno matter and let someone
take it who had nothing elsu to look after ,
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing byrupis the host
of all remedies for children teething ; Uj cents
a bottlo.
Special Meeting of the K. of I ; , nt
Scottdulu to Consider It.
PiTTsia'uo , Pa. , May 19. A special from
Scottdale , Pa. , says : The Knights of Labor
assembled here in special convention at 10
o'clock to consider the coke strluo. The con
vention is largely attended. Nearly all the
delegates say they have Instructions to con
tinue tbe strike.
Several riots occurred this evening , ono
striker being shot arid slightly wounded.
One of the socedurs from the strikers' ranks
who has been working was hooted by ncrowd
of strikers on the street and driven into the
Scottdale house by a mob of 1,000 men that
would not disperse until the tire hose was
turned on them. Shortly after two deputies
from the Valley works tried to assert their
authority over the maadened mob. A rush
was inajo for the deputies , ono of thorn fired ,
wounding a striker. Tbo deputies were
trampled underfoot In n moment , but were
picked up and carried away by town policemen -
men , \\mli the mob ( led before another as
sault from the fire department. Soon an
other rush was mado.thoddputlos taken from
the police and pounded and kicked in a horrible
rible manner. JJndcr thondvlcoof the leaders -
ers the strikers finally lot them go.
A Good Substitute.
Instead of a cocktail In the mornlne "wo
fellows at tliu club" taper oft by tatting a re
freshing drink of Sulpho-Sailno ,
Serving Kilutlnii Not Icon.
OSKU.OOHA , la. , May 19. [ Special Tele-
grnni to THE BEE. ] Notices nro bchiBservcd
by the Excelsior coal company upon Mrikinir
miners thnt these owning houses on the com
pany's premises must remove them and
those living in company bouses mustvacato
them at once to make room for new men who
nt\ ; ready to go to work. About four hun
dred strikers , most of them heads of fain *
illes , are uffecud by tneso nollce.-iaud trouble
and hardship arc expected. Thu conference
of miners and operators which was to liuvo
been held today will toke place Thursday
Wo fini1 St1'atrlcU's Pills to be very extra
and to give splendid satisfaction. They are
now ubout the enl v kind called for.V. \ . A.
Wallace , Oasis , lu. For solo by druggists.
robabilltj Tbat As 'Chilian ' Vcssjl Vil
Rosort' toTorce-
lie I'nclflc ? Calt',3tc.iinslilp , Conipnny
Issues .Strict yrder-4 to Its
Ajicut nt'/Veapnloo .Not
"VoiiK , May Iflj-uV special to the Mail
nd Kvpress from Acapulco says. ' "It seems
crtaln that the Hsmcrrdd i must have ro-
ourso to some desperate means to secure
il , for coal she must hive If sbo Is to got
. . ack to Chili. It announced today that
ho . Pacific Mall steamship company ha *
° rdcrcd Its agent hero not to soil the Hs-
' ior.ildn ' coal under any circumstances , ThU
rder was communicated to the coinnianilor
f the Esmcralda , and It Is now thought
rohiblo that the Chilian will take coal by
orce. This Is moro probable M It Is now
Imost certain that the Esmeralda's captain
in command of the Itata , having boarded
er when the two vessels mot off this port
"Ylday night. Should the acting captain of
10 EsmoMlda decide to tnko coal by force
icro Is absolutely nothing to prevent him
roni limiting his vessel alongside the coal
ulks and taking what ho wants , for the
orts are worthless as against modem ord-
anco and the Ksmornlda could If molested
lay Acapulco In ruins in half nn hour. "
Thcr c Is a disinclination oa the part of the
fllcers ol the Pacific Mall steamship com-
iany to talk about the company's action
Duelling the sale of to the Ksmoraldn.
VI < President Houston was not willing to
sta specifically whether or not tbo com-
ninj's ngent at Ac.tpulco had boon ordered
not to sell the Esmer.Ud.i coal. He said ,
io\\over , tnnt the only other station along
' hat coast where .sho coujd got coal were San
) lego nnd Sm Francisco. The dismantled
* teamer Moses 1 ivlor is the coal hulk
ofAc the i'acltic Mail steamship company at
Vcapulco and lies nt tuouioorintria few hun
Ired yards from the citv water trout and dl-
ectly opposite the American cemetery. It
s nn'ensy matter for the Ksmernlda to co
ilonmldo and with her crew of 3SO men t.iko
on board coal at the rate of twenty-live to
hirty tons an hour. Meanwhile "tho city
voufd be r t the mercy of the Chilian guns ,
In tea hours she would have JW tons on
loard. Sbo would
bo.Me bo 1111 molested so far ns
Mojilcan naval
or military powers urn con
cerned. There are never more than 5JO sol-
dlers in the vicinity of Acapulco and tbo
war vessel Democrato Is not equal In power
to tfco ) Esmoralda'sstoam launch. Of course
the Mexican authorities would protest , as
would the I'ncltie mull agent , but the protest
wo boot no avail in the face of the guns
of the I Esmcralda.
Cirr orMnxico ( via ( ialvoston ) , May 10.
A dispatch i from Acapulco says that the Es-
meralda's orticers finished buying provisions
list nljrbt and it is believed nt Acaoulco that ;
UK Esmcralda secretly loaded some real and
was to receive moro this morning outside the : r
Can lie Seized In Chilian Waters.
\VASIIIXOTO.V , Tklay 19. Secretary Tracy
said tonight that the commander of the
'harlestoa coula solr.o the insurgent steamer
Itatnln Chilian waters , although ho declined
to say whether or not she would do so In case
the Itntu Is not captured until she gets into
these watqrs.
St. Patrick's Pills give entire satisfaction.
I have used them in my family. Thoynretho
' "
best I ever usca for thcpurpose. "i-ankCor-
nolious , Purcell , Indian Territory. Tor 1 sale
by druggists.
Secretary Itusk Jsmiosnn Order on the
linportntlo'ii ot"Swine.
WASIIISOTOX , lay ,10. Secretary Rusk
today Issued the followlne order :
TIM : > bcii > . .TAitrV.sniNnTON , I ) . C' . . May 1U ,
Isill. Whereas , Under the act of consri'i * ap-
piovcd Augustsu. 1W , it lias boon protldudby
Uio dcpartinonliif axrlculture In order to uro-
tect Uio blicup and swine of the Unltedh-tates
fiuin contagious diseases now existing In foi-
clgn countries that allsbei'pand owlno Ini-
portcd from Oruutllrltaln anil the continent
of I'-uropu must bo held In quarantine fora
period of nut IO H tlun llfti'i-n duyi ; anil
\Vherii" ; , The Uumlnlon of Oauitda makes
no ruiiiliuinent | of ntiiirantlno ( or sheep and
( .wine imported Into that country ( ruin Great
Itrltuln or tbu continent of Europe ; : ind
\ \ lierens To ioriiilttlielniort.itionif ) ] ) ) these
anltnnN funn Canada Into tlio United States
ulthiiut iinurantlno would bo clangorous to
Ilio i-IOL-k liuerests of the United Mat01 owing
to tlic fill I nro on the part of tlio Canadian au
thorities to enforce this measure of protec
tion , and would cnublo Importers to ovnilo thu
qiiiir.mtlm ! ut I'nlted States ports : thcrcfuro
It l < ordered , That all sheen orswlnc to bo
Imported from Canada Into tlio United States
are hereby niadii niibjcct to tlio regulations of
tliixli'partiuuiitof asrleiiltureof date October
11. 1MJ. mid thu o.xcuptlon contalnud In the
third an 1 six tli regulations of thu said date as
npp leiiblo to Canadian shecii anil swlmi Is
lioroby ri" > "lndcd , and all iinlmuls nniiifd In
said ri' ul.itlons except cattle linportol from
Camilla are subject to tbe same conditions
and requirements us If they wore Imported
Into thu United States from Great Jtrlthn
and the continent of Eurnpo.
J. M. HUSK , Secretary ,
Our customers nil speak highly In pralsoof
St. Patrick's Pills. They nro the best.
Gerry Bros. , Cirroll , Nob. For sale by drug
gists ,
ltcfuse < I the Advance.
CINCINNATI , O. , May 19. General Manager
Carroll of the Crescent road today refused
the demand made by thfl engineers and fire
men employed upon that system for an ad-
vanooln wnces. The oflicon of the road do
not auticlpato a strike.
St. Patrick's Pills have given mo hotter
shtibfaotion than any other. M. II. Proud-
foot , drusKlst , Granada , Col. For sale by
Clmi-lcs Atistln'n Novel Afcthoil t < Set
tle llln Hoard lllll.
When Charles Austin was driven to the
poilco station at 1 o'clock this morning bo
looKed us If ho was prepared to make qulto a
For some four months past Austin , who Is
n colored man , has boon rooming with Mrs.
Smart , nlsocolored , ati MMorth Thirteenth
strcc. Austin is n.ulto a dude and has paid
his room rent with promises Instead of cash.
Yesterday mornlntr bo pave up his key to the
house anu agreed that his trunk anil satchel
bo held until his indebtedness had been
Shortlv nftor mldnlsht Austin effected nn
entrance Into tbe Smart domicile nnd with
tlio aid of u friend carried his bit ; Saratoga
down the stairs ana out into the street. The
noise awakened Mrs. Smart , who called a
patrolman and thu whole outfit , trunk and
all , were glvm quarters at the jnll. Austin
wont bo bothered with room rent fora month
nt least ,
Man U often deceived in the ago of n
woman by her gray hair. Ladles , you can
npicaryounif and prevent this grayncss by
using lull's Hair Itonoxvcr.
Hatred Hen and Short Hnlrod
Woiiu'ii Not \Viu\li'l In Iowa.
l)2s ) MoiNCi ) , la. , May 10. [ Special to Tin :
BF.B.I It has Just leaked out hero In nntl-
prohibition circles that emissaries of the
New York Voice have visited nearly every
county In this .tato for tbo purpose of pro
curing n list of the vote w nttho last elec
tion , which is to bo used ns a malting list for
the Voice in the forthcoming campaign for
the repeal of the present prohibitory law.
It Is now generally understood by parties
well posted thnt the Volco will devote twice
as much attention to the Impomlluc.struggle
In this state as it did In Nebraska last jear.
It has nlso arranged , so It Is reported , to tnko
the entire charge of the prohibitory side of
the question.
During the Nebraska tight Iho Voice put
In circulation in that state all ttio way
from ten to siNty thousand copies
of Its paper each week until
thocloseof the campaign. It was generally
conceded by nil who gave the matter any
study that the work done by the prohibition
sheet , while of a lawless and illegitimate
class of journalism , had a superficial clfect
upon a certain set of Its moro Impressionable
Ithasalsocoinoto the knowledge of these
who will have the antl-prohibltlon campaign
In charge that the New York Voice
lias made a formal request upon all prohibi
tion organisations national anil state , de
manding that their organ bo given absolute
and exclusive management of the Iowa light.
They set forth In their request that the work
donouythc prohibitionists in Nebraska wns
wholly Ineffective , nnd that while the null's
used their iroiiey to employ workers to bring
out the votes on the the other
hand the prohibitionists appropriated
all their means to defray the epenses of
orators , who traversed the state in every di
Thu "Voico in its demands urpcs the avoid
ance of a repetition of the Nebraska mistake
nnd , recommends that In the campaign now
Impending here that the services of low
{ priced orators bo dispensed with , anil that
none but competent and energetic Held
workers and organizers bo employed.
Most complexion powders have a vulear
plnro , but 1'ozzonl's is a true boauliller
whose effects are lasting.
Motor ( "oinpii'ilrH (
CLDiillnni , la , , May U ) . [ Special Tel
egram toTiu : BKK. ] The Thompson-Houston
company , giantcd a franchise u few weeks
ago by the city council to put in nn electric
railway , and tna old Cedar Uapids & Marion
railway company have consolidated. The
company Is composed of P.v. . Home , repre
senting the Thompson-Houston company , and
J. S. Cook. w. IJ. Douglas. Charles II. Clark ,
James L. Borer and A. T. Avorlll of this
city , nnd thflimtnoof the corporation is the
Cedar Rapids & Marlon Citv railway com
pany. Arnpitalstocrkof $100,000 is author
ized , A board of seven directors has been
chosen consisting of Bernard E. Sunny ,
Theodore P. Bailey , Frederick W. Home ,
Hnllcck W. Seaman. James L. Bovor , Waltoi
D. Uouglns and Arthur T. Avcrlll. The fol
lowing ofllccra have been elected : Jnmes Li
Bovor , president ; Walter D. Douglas , vice
president ; Charles H. Clark , treasurer ;
( Jlenu : M. Avcrill , secretary.
lidst a Iji'ff.
Cnn.vitRvrma , la. , May 19. [ Special Tele
gram toTiinBm : . ] I'at MoAloon of Amann ,
a section boss on the Chicago , Jlllwaukeo it
St. Paul railway , fell under a train nt South
Amana this afternoon and his rlftht limb was
so badly mashed that li will bo necessary to
amputate It. He will probibly live.
The best and cheapest Car-Starter Is sold
bv the BiirJ 'i ' Salloi'c O ) , Chicigo , 111.
With It ono man can move a loaded car.
1'ruulinr Accident.
Mis = orm VU.MIV , IP. . , May IP. ( Special
Telegram to Tun Br.n.l A peculiar accident
Involving a mau , tlmberand circular
sn\v , oc
curred nt Mondamln today. Wllinm Maul ,
while sitting thirty feet from a saw In opera
tion , wns struck by a timber thrown from It.
IIo had three ribs broken nnd sustained in
ternal injuries which are serious ,
"That tired feelins" is entirely overcome-
by Hood's Snrsaparilla , which elves a feeling
of buoyancy and strength to the whole system.
Murderer Sullivan CaptnriMl.
Sioux Cm , la , May 19. [ Special Tolo-
grom toTnu HHE J Tim Sullivan , who mur
dered Martin Boydatl'ooria , 111 , , some weeks
ORO , was arrested hero this evening. Police
man learned that a brother , Con Sullivan
lived hero and watched him. Tim Sullivan ,
when arrested , attempted to bluff , but finally
admitted hU identity.
Small In size , eroat in results : Do Witt'
Little Early Risers. Best pill for Constlpa
lion , best for Slctt Headache , best for Sour
REHDI So That You Will Not BB Deceived.
Unscrupulous manufncturors of medicines nro offering to sujiply the retail
druggists with an nrticlo put up in red wrapper , almost identical in Ronoial np-
pearanco , and closely assimilated in every detail to Carter's Little Liver Pills ,
In this they hope to profit the '
way by of Carter's Little Liver Pills , and
pahnoiTnn imitation on the unsuspecting sufferer anil purchaser.
It Is a source of wonder tohonost people , that there are moti ready and willing
to perpetrate such frauds.
Let them bqjvayo ; a day of reckoning will surely come ; there- are "upright
judges" in the laud who will punish such people.
Hut the moral of it all is this : Wlion .you aak for Carter's Little Liver Pills ,
Insist upon having "C-A.-R-T-E-H--S " nnd
- , see that you t'ot thorn ,
The proprietors of Carter's Little Liver Pills have spent hundreds of thous
ands of dollars to make their value known. True merit
always wins with the
people , Carter's Little Liver Pills have won.
R Positive Biire for Sick Headache
To euro Hmousncia. Sick Headache Conitlpatloa.
Jlilarln. Liter Conplalnu. Hike the ufo
_ and coruUn rcimidf. SJtlTlt'S
E BlaE
r o the Sir AM , SIZE MO little Imniu to ( lie bet-
lie ' ) Tlier are the tiiwt convenient ; tult nJlauw.
1'rlcoof ulitier flit , 8it ot4p rU > itla.
fC8SSIMft ( Bt' J770i. . fhoto-imTuro ,
" "irfta i %
paogl slioot uiu picture for 4
e nuicopp r or itauipi ) .
J. r. 8 rrn & oo ,
Viktnof Illlo Duns. St. louli. Mo
i i : s * ' i * . '
: - ; -
I'aid Up L'linltal , . . . . $101),000 )
OIdr t urKitnlie > i bink la the cltr Kotolitn and
duiiiuitlo cirtinnto nail Iual ifciirlllui. Kiprclal
ailt'iitlon luld tucollocttuiu , Atcjiint of IniJItld.
ual > . tuiiki , bnnkern naU uorpurullona iollcll < ; a , Cor-
ri ! > iitimlen < o Invlioil
OKU , I' HANKIIHO. I'm Ident.
A. W ItlKKMt.V. Cnihlor
A T ItlCi : . ABtUtantCanlilcr.
Tfl ? JUBfiIRfPPVl SnlTerlnt from
Til WrflSC HnlE u'e eireeu ol
I W tja-MSn BWIfc.I1 yomhCuttrron
early dec T , nraitlnir wesknfis , lot nutuhool , etc.
I wfll aeml valuable truallwi ( > ilo < l | contnlnln )
full particular * ( or home cure. FltKI ! of chafKO
X tpleaitltt medlc&l work i ahuuld l j read tif ererj
nan who U nrrrml. anil drMIHal iU AiUreri
I'rof. I'.C. I'O\VLlUt , Jtjooaui , Cuun
tPXTlTinr * f T roniriii'
have tailored lu ttcso tniths. U Inubocii
charged that I am here to hcvl oil the tlilnl
party movement. Why , If your movomcnt li
so weak that one snioll mnti ran lic.ul It off It
li not \\crth the name ot a movement.
[ Cuocrs.l I hnvo been charged with failing
to lead tills movement. My friends , this
uiovemont Is too largo to bo led by any ono
man. [ Cticers.j rs'o ono tnnn can lend It or
stop It. " [ Wild npplau40.l Mr. 1'oHilorly
vent on totmi the cotifcronco ncnln t
undue hnsto. No president coiild bo elected
this year U It wns tried. Spcahlnir to the
Kansas men , ho said they did not understand
the situation In his part of tlio
country , \\liero iRiiorant roiolgiicrs were
brought to the jiolls and voted by iitinibers.
Kansas bad nn Intelligent constituency.
I'cmisylvniiln required patient education and
the successor tlio reform movement depended
upon the education of the people. "Tlio
of Labor will votp the principles of
their oriranl/ntlon ana when you form n
party cmboJylni ? such principles as hnvo been
announced hero toulpfit you will llnd every
Knluht of Labor stmiiHni ; at the polls and
doing his full duty. "
Tlio meeting dispersed , cheering nealn and
again for 1'owdcrly nnd thoKiilphtiof Labor ,
On Liml u Years. HclrhMou It Years.
Durltirs junl Mrdiciiips ISrlo's ,
Fonrcil Ampiitii' leu.
Cured by Uiitl'ur.t at Coil of $ : ! , " 0.
Xo\\ \ Does Her ( JiuiYnrk. \ .
A AYoiulorftil Cine.
Imitatnritonn 1 It'll you of Ilia surop-M Ilinvolmil
In mlnit tlio IT I'HTIIA HKMKDIUS. I hiul hi-i n
trnutiloil fur ni-iirly II vo yi'iiin vvllli ktn ill oi e In
tlii > rl lil limb ninlnll tlniilitrtnri In thin cltv nuilil
ilo nothing fur It. I trlol ovotrllilnj ! until nt lift I
tliiMik'htl lio.ilil linn-tu hivolhu llnil * nnil'iitnli'il n' '
thcliu'c It WBH nwvHelto twice Ihu mtnrjil slzy ,
nnil 1 cniilil tinroly Imblilc ronml on crutilii" * . I wni
In llit > hou i > , pirt f the tlinii ln-d Ulilvn. f.irlhrfo
year * nnitroulil not otoiit I lifipi'i'tHvl t < > lunk In
tliciiompniivr nml onnr till * Ct Til l'K.nlvirll i'-
mrnt. nniliiH nln < * tri > i > rttrlc.ltlint I " " ' 'I ' t olmt-
HIM i'f thu KKMil.VI NT iiii'l ' tliroo lnne nt tlio
l'TU t'HA. Iain iiiuv iiliU' tinln nil 1115 " "I * l""i
In lmtio nnil o it of ilo ir uniliny lliiU liii" nnliirnl
nn ntiilit | > on llit > 00 un ! cr any < IrcuiiiMt mot's It I1 *
a mo t nniKlorfiil euro I luil uhoii i p ln > | ii < * o (
UVIT bcln/well aunlli. II tills lll hcnanl you. > < >
nrowo'comcMo lice It In tinlu > st iiilrmiliiiro AIIJ
ononotcriMllt lu tll ; will llnd mi. U nMiC5 > .liiK "if
at ttio ali vo-naint' ' ! city
Mils IUKIIIKT cTICKNUIt , Iowa CUy , In.
Cuticura Remedies
Are tlieKrt'iitcst slcln en KM. blood inirlHi'rs.
nnd hiiiuor romoillcs nf inuilurn tlnii'S. Ci'ri-
rtutA Kiy : < ) ivi : > T , the no > v lllood mid Skin
Purlflor , Internally ( to clvaii'.u the blootl of nil
liiiliiirltlu-i and poNoiinus rli'tiuntsi.nnd Crn-
cuu\ , the rc-at Pkln dire , mid ( ITTICCUA
Sotr. an oMjulslto Skin lloantlllor. cxternidly
( tiivluar tlieikln and si-nip , unit restore thu
bnlr ) . Instantly relieve and incrdlly euro
c \ery iioclci of Itchliu , huinlni ! . scaly.
crusttMl. pimply , scrofulous , and liori'dltary
( ll-i'usis and humors of tliokin. . ' c.ilpanil
bloucl. with loss of li.ilr fruia Infancy ton , e.
fruin pimples to 'fr ifulii.
Hold c orywhori\ Price , CUTicrHA.WctSOAr ,
2. > i ! ; UF ni.vf.NT. it. Prepared by tlic I'OITISU
"tcnil fiir"llow to t 'tiro S Ida Ulsin-i'9 , 01
S 5 Illustrations , an.llu.i . tcttliuonlaK
l'I.ns. black bo ail" , rid. roiidli , cb ippetl
iiiid oily skin cnicd by Uinicum t-o\i- .
II p , Kidney anil I'torluo 1'alim and
Wi-akiu ses uiiiKvin : IN IINH MIN-
t'Ti : by the fiTiit'iiA ANTI-'AIN |
I'l.ASTin. Uliu tlrst and only p.ilu-
KIIAIHCATOK Cures all ilK'imet bec.iu o ItktlH
thu uilcrobi ) or cerni. 1'ut ii | > anil retailed lut . $ it
and } j > lzc < , tlio Inttcr l-'i Kiilluns t-vnt uny-
vheruprcpjlil on receipt of prlci ) or ( 'U II"o
l < mo iiBunrnnU'oto I'liro. 'Ihu pulillc. tnule anil
lobbcri uiipllixl \ > T tlic ( jowlnmn Drill Co. . .M < ; -
( 'orinldc .t I/unil , Umiihi. < ' A MolcluT. Hownnl
> l > or nnil K. J. Hcj korn. Soutli Onah ; A. J ) Fos
ter unit M. 1 * . Kills , Council 11111111 ,
: DOCTOR Thcio Ccktiratrd
I'lllsnroa IVnl'.iioCuroforHIrl. :
llrnilnolir , IlIllouoiiciH anil !
CoiiMlpiillon. Mimll , iilciu. !
j PURE ant anil n favorite \vllli tit ;
liullci. SoU In EnsUndfor ! . ;
I PIMK IK' ' . . I" Anwrlcn ( or a > . Got ;
them from jour I > ruRl t3. or ;
wml to Vi. II. HOOLKIl i fO :
i PILLS , 4G Vf.l IlroaJiri ; , > < - lurV. I
or Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK 5150,000 ,
DmECTOiis-I. A. Miller , F , O. Oloaion. B. It.
Bhinart.IX E. Hart , J. U. Edmund-ion , Olnrloi
1C. llannan. Trumaot U.iuklirt bur
ned I/ar eit capital anil surpluj ot uy
banklnSoatliwoatern Iowa
Over G n. Jncquemln Jk Co. . Jowolrr Stor2
ift llrondwayCouncil muffs , In
Tlio Now Oi'clon HoU'l , In Council IH
bcui Liiiiiilvtuly | rufiirnStit'il ami inuiluinUud
tlmuiKliont , anil U lion one ( if Hit ) licit liotols
In tliu stutc It U lociitud In the business part
of tlio city and tlio rtK
electric motors puss tlm
iloor OM'ry fuiir inliiutm. I'lro ( -scMpuH and
lira alnruis tliroiuhout the Ijiillilln ; , Hlonni
licat. lint anil cold water ami Hiinslilno In
uvcry rixiin. TuUlu uiisiirpusii'd niiywliuru.
Hates , f..OO u ( lay.
QBO. M. WHITNEY , Man ngor.
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
is Now Opsn ,
Craeiii & Co. , Proprietors.
tt.u | i , , tl0 | HUto llll(1 (
foilurtit coiirH. Ho3niH : t , I anil 5
llcuu block , Cuuncll liluT.-i. ( la.
HI . tllillllUtlli riininhor Attorney at Law , No. 10
pmH strocit , over Ilmh-
null's Htore. Tvluplioiiu .No. ' ! > ! . Ilii
hours , bu. in , to Dp. in. Council IIIiilK
Gas Heating Stoves.
Just tlio tliliiir for hatli , bed rooms , oto.
Cull und KC'oouriiir uuvsoitiiieut.
C. B. Gas and Electric Light Co.
Ill I'otirl itud 219 Muln StraoU
Vanilla - \ Of porfoot purity.
Lemon -I
- or great strength.
Almond If Economy In tholr use
Rose etc.-j-l Flavor ns dollcntoly
anddcllclouslyns the fresh fruit.
_ - - _ _
\\7 ANTKIi-Tftou\M | > rli < iiccdulollilnu lcs <
' moil 'it oiioo. Hvteroncon roiilr\'d ( | <
MnreiioClotbliiK Home , ( c'l ' Itmadvny
\\T AXTiil : A llr > t ohiit bniikcciinr , ludy
piufcrrud. Addiesslook box u" > s t'oun *
" \irAXTKD- At onoc , iMslit palnlors. bruuli
i' li'inds. J. II , hone , LMS < oiitli Main , Coun-
ell ItlulTs.
\\rAXTEP-Clood girl fet general
> i work. SOO llartiiuny street.
"Ij OU HUNT House of live room .
-L1 itiiintli. "nd of sr v i'ii rooms , MiiW
inontli , H. l' Mayiu > , Oil ) llroniluny ,
iirnlshvd looms to rt'iit. no lith
AY T AXTI'.II To buy nonv for child n n H n ; o.
Apply to llr. Iliinclu'tl. Cinini'll Mulls ,
AY TASTKH ( " oiiipi'ti'iit ulrl for Kciienil
liiiusi-uorU ' . ' '
at lU''l I'lftli UMMIUI'
sM ! Our line fanillvhnr i > . snltulilo
-L1 for rldliiKorilriiiiiK. .
Apply to l.n x Uth
. ' .
J.iVl't. _ _ _ _
riH ) l < i\pr-iif liur'-os The lurji'tt lot of outs
1 anil tlie llnt'st In ilia t'ltyi a No Iriy iind
fi'i'd Kjidl kinds at MJolilitoln A t'o i l.CJ
\Vi" t llroadnay.
_ _ _
Ii'OK 1 UK NT Hun near nuirt liiinso. Apply
toll. \ \ \ Tllion. Jli-u olllco. _ _ _
CI.AIIU OVAM' and iisji'luiinutrlc. 01 i-hnr *
ixi'liT readings ; | si > illuKnOHisof disuuse ,
SIMM ! luck utliiilrfor ri'aitlnis by lot I IT. Hun-
days anil ou'iilius. Mrs. | ; . HOUIHT. 14-"J Ave-
11110 K , I'orncr I.HIi st. . Council II nits.
'IVriiiH. Vc ) ntidJlJW ; _ .
"iroiJ ItKNI' Two ncwlv fumlsbwl rooinsi
JL' bath , hot and cold UIUT and sti'uni heal
Oranil liotulaniuA. sirond lloor.
l-'or UiMitViintiMl If you want
to buy. H'll or rc'it anvtliliiR In ilio real
c'stiUllnu : don't do It until you liavo hooii our
Inrso llttof b irRilnx. Swim t WulkiT , N'o.l'l
.Mnln nml 11J 1'uarl streets Council llmlTd.
. , u , . - . „ . , or Tr.ulo A line imported
. Clydi-sdalo sliilllon Call on 1) . J. lltltuli-
uixm > \ i'o. . ill" llroiiihTiiy.
_ _ _
S'OMK tine reslilmi a property for rent by
Day A. Hess. .9 IVurl Hln.'ot.
1/lOKtvVI.ii ; Ilotol runtnilly locutod , ilolnx
J- good l > uslni > M. Or will exchange for Koud
farm in nunlorn Iowa.
Hotel lease , fiirn.turo and fixtures ) an A
No. 1 uiinncoto stop Into u good paying busi
ness ItuiihoiiH for selling , other business ro-
ciulrlnj ; all owner's attunllun.
Bargains In residence/ and business prop
erty. U.I * . OtllciT , osUto nnil inxiiranco
agent. No. UN. Malii'.t. . Council Illnll'h.
GAKD12NS Some vholco garden land nt'ar
Council Illullii forsalu on easy terms , also
vliinyurds und u lurgu list of lun.i fai
Johnston & Van 1'utteii.
"TJiUUU'farm fur hiiloor Iriidos
-D anil nil In lieurlii ; ; gael bouso an I burn.
Will tuko homo peed elty property , iiiul go
tlmogjvui. mi bului . O.ill on or uddruss
J.lliiU'hlnson & Co. . 01 * llroadway.
T71OU KENT-nijoMalioii block , ) story
-L' hrlok. with basuincut and olovutor. J. W ,
Squire , JUI 1'c.irl struct. _ .
TPOU3A.LB or Kent Ovriloa laoJ. wltfc
A' houiua. br J. liUloo. . Ul iljld > t , OounoU
. ,
Ilio Woiiilcrl'iil New i'rocess Vupor
We sell t ho only ircnuino Uow Proccsa
nnd the celebrated Quick Meal New 1'rocess
stoves , the best made. Ono tlilTeronco bo-
tucen the ( 'Cnuino and Imitations is that the
imitations bavonsimll ncedlo-liUo tube to
draw off oil thnt Jon'tovanorato : tlio Kenuln1)
tins no such tlimllaiiisvu lnu'e sold nonrly
ono hundred already tills senson. Lights
Illto pns ; absolutely safe ; uo sinolto or soot ;
as blinplo us a cook stovo. See us before
buying. A few line $ .Ci.OOgas ranges closlug
out at $10.00 each.
fhe best ever offered : 20 per cent discount
over lust year's prices.
Ijau'it .Minvors.
IllBhcst grade only $ < i.OO. Screen wire
doors , frnincs , etc. , etc.
Largest stoclc in tlio ' .vest. The fnraoua
( ilant boy's who1 ; ! , the Victor , . . . _ ,
grade , world's best \vticcluoih , for ladles tiinl
gontloiucn. COM : At Coi.u ,
41 Main Street.
liConoiiiiual lt < ; l'rln''rators.
Ills llin amount tliat people save , not ED
much bat ilu'V earn , that eventually inukel
them rich. In biiyliii ; a boiiHeliolil necessity
llku n. refrlcerator It. Is wull toc'inisIiUrsuinc >
thing elio tliiin thu llr.U east In dclcrnilnlnif
Itseconiiiny , ThuOueriisuy Household linfrlg
orutar H UH luiiicl-oino HH u ( ilccu of pnrlol
fiirnltiiri ) mill eost.s less tlian uny "tlii-r HfHt-
olns urtlcli' , und htiinds '
ut tlio buadusun sJ"
oconunilrorof leo , giving the lowest cold all
tciiipur.itiire. All lliu pueklng K inlncraj
wool , lliu best
iinn-coiiiluctor of heat ami m4
inolHturu known. All purtH can l > utnken out
and cleaned. Investigate Iho ( iucriisey
Household before buying.
Ijawii Mower * * .
Tlio New ( Jnnkor Ully Is In every respect tlm
counterpart of tliu I'lilludolplilii , mid niucli
( beiipi-r. I'roin $1 to < * . Wo carry tlio Phlla
dclphlu also and yon can take yourcboleu.
Screen DOOTH
and wlndownerecns. the largest and finest In
tliu city , und nil tlio lutest novelties In thu
hardware line , ut hllliaAKT A CO.'H.
No. U MulnSttecl , Council ItlnlTH.
1861 I TOLD YOU SO 1891
Tiio .Towel Vapor Steve is the best
ponoratinj , ' stove in tlio market. Tlio
Hcliablo Process is the lender in pro
cess atovos. Tlio hot air tubes are con
nected by removable Iron olbowu , al
lowing easy access for cleaning pur-
POOCH. The vaporizer is a perforated
brass cylinder hold in place by tliroo
brass spi-itur arms , und can ho lifted
out anil cleaned. Our steve in tbo only
ono no provided. Wo have done away
entirely with thosub-IIatno. The Ihunb
can be turned hiffh or low. They are
like hot cakes. The second cur
load uiuui-uu.
Huy the ( 'onulno Philadulphla Lawn
Mower , It was unexcelled 17 youra npo ;
it in unrivalled now. Those inndo 17
years ajjo were ( jooil , but these mada
now nro vary fur in advance of thorn it )
every point of morlt.
Wo huvo a full line of hardwood rc
fricorators at prices that will bull them ,
l-'ly time Iscoiniiifr. Uotyour Huroona
up before the Ilius corno and \ou will
oscnpo lots of annoyance. I hnvo the
largest and best line of door und win
dow screens in the market.
1J. C. Di'.Vou
501 Droiidwuy , and No. 10 Main Street ,
. . If. CH.t.'tIltKJirI.\ .
I"jf , Kur , No c nnil Tlirojl
Hporlall.t ,
Council lilurij , - . Iowa.
HMU I'jrin , croii ryc , 1
polnful an l ftcnkc vUlon ,
uftr& hu , iionriiHni , ill * * '
fhark'ui ( runt lliu < m ra. )
tnnh. lur tu\vr , aithnia
nnil ill utiiiii ami rhronlo
urfi'dlnnt of tliu Ihrout u
imlnltr < JU Kiei fit.
IfO wltlioiil pnlii. ( ilniMci accurntoljr pri'iorlbod lit
ilinicult raiut , often ciirlnK clirunlo nuuriUI ) mt
nick liunilacho. HurKlcnl O | > riillnni , vrlicn imc
nrimlnletnlf purfuruioil , anurlo taj t ruiulti
, royiul ( Aiuucil llluJ..L