Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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l&ilvmukeo V7as Onlf in ttxo Game na a
Spectator ,
t > ailcsToticl r < l Jp Tor Sixteen Ilnrd
llll * t > jr ilie Coinln Ctiatu-
jiloiiH Ion x City
AlViiiD. \ .
Otnata , ITjMihvatikco , 7.
Slous CJItyiH ; Kansis. Clly , 11.
bt. Paul No Kamo ; rain
Minneapolis No R'tino ; rain.
Mit.wAnKpjVis. . Way 19 [ Spo clal Tele-
grain tol'millm. ] Tno Oina , hns tutnecl tlio
tables on Milwaukee this afternoon , do-
teatlnfjlhom wHhtlioKreatosfcof case The
homo team was never In tlio prune at any
Stngo. Davlm au pounded. nil o\er \ the
grcon , being touched up forsixUcn hits fora
total of \unty-slr bases Clarke , on the
Other hand , pitched a strong , steady game ,
Jcocpltifltho lilts well scattered.
/ The tome IcMiucemcd toloso heart from
the first and plavcd mcra llko a atoun than
ah > riod raon ; malltijros lly errors -whenever
Jncn wcro on bases. ' 1 ho visitors put up a
beautiful floldlrigBaine , not an error being
phinro-l OKninst tbcm.
Tbowork of AVoUli atshortVM thefoaturo
pf the game , ha maUitiK tlmo stops ovhat [
cccinod safe Hits. Donnelly and Mulligan
carried off the battlnK honiol , the latter liar-
Ing two singles , ndoublo and a triple ,
If thoOmnhas put up us good ball m they
nro pltijhiB at present Micro Is no club In the
soclatlon tm any right to do feat tlieni.
The only rcdeoinmjfenturocmtho Mllwau-
Jcq side was KcldloIJiirko'i iioinorun drl\o.
The liomo team ne-ored theirllrst runs In
the third on .Alberts' ' singles nnd lliirlvoS
liomo run. In the fourth a biso on bills , Al
berts' double , Grim'ii single and a wild pitch
jiettod tliroomoro.
A bn'o on iKilU , tuosacrilico hits aril n
fiinglo gave the locJiLs tivo In the sixth 'Jwo
BliiRlo nnd ndoublo adJod ono In the eighth.
Omaha started tltu scoilni ; In tlio first.
Shannon took Union bills , Donnoll.y struck
out. llalligim lined out n iloublo , bh.iiiiion
scoring SuUlifTuiventouttoilrst , Twltchell
plnglcd , HnlliKan torUi . CJriflln scut a
, cloud scraper to Kchiiior nnd lotlrod
Iir tno second Wulsh wont out from 1'cttlt
to first. MtCnulcy singled , Clnrko got lint
ton Alborts' fumble- , Shannon sent a lly to
JBurlco , who ilroppcdit. Donnelly clonrcd
Lho bases with u trlplo , Ilnlllpan iniulo a. hit ,
Connolly scoring. butclilTo How out to
PUIIKIUI , T\\ltclibil fjotllriton balls , Griftlti
forced Mulligan. out xit third.
i In the llftliwilh the biscs full Satellite
lined out u double dcarlnutho buos. A base
fen balls Schiivrr's error and flvo slii 'lo *
Jiettod five inoro runs In the sixth.
. In the eighth two singles , ndoublo and
jrlplo vis responsible for tlireu moro Score :
Alt II 311 BII. 10 A K
liirko , cf. . . . 5 1 u
. . . 1n 4 0 2
Mioah , n . . 4- n i U 0
Jnlrytuple. If. . . . . . . _ . . ft 1 0 ( I 0
Iiimvnii , rf 3 U 0 0 U
.Bohrlvor , 11) U u o 0 1
Clllll , C - . . . . . . . 4 .1 n 1 1
Alberts , jb. 4- a i : i i
JJ.ivlos , p i i i o i
Totals OT 7 31 3 ! il 13 7
Alt. II. Ill BII. II ) . A K.
o i 6 0
4 0
4 U 0 0
2 0
0 0
0 0
n o
2 0
Totals . . . 4 17 10 a 57 19 0
. . . . . . . . 00 1 ! J 01 01 0-7
liiahu . . -11 U 0 J 5 O J * -17
Fnrntil runs : Milwaukee.4 ] Oiniliti.T Two-
i hits : tlrlni.AllH'KH. Donnelly. Iliilll n.
illlTc , Grllllii. 'Ilino-l.iso ) lilts : lliilllKuii.
. riuiH : Iliirlo. Stolen busts T llelioll ,
IValsh. Dnnhlu rliys \ Vjlsliliaiiiion. . Me-
nuloy. First l av > cm linHs : lly Hit lux,8 ;
DyUlarKo , S. lilt t > v pltolud bullIluiiKiin ,
'chrlvcr. Struoltuiiti lly lils.J : 1 > \ I'lnrkc.
I. 1'imsed liallH.- ( trim , I ; butcllllu. 1 AVIld
: iltchos n.ivloH , 1 ; UUrhi , J , 1'hiie 'Iwo
licura. Umpire : ttriot.
Fjrnoclrunn' Sloui Cllr. S. Knransnty,1 Tuo-
lilli. Htrausi , HLlulbock V lljoii , vowdors.
-lmio lilui : ' 'Iraiim Mclmlnon _ > : Mnnnlnir
tinnun : Hloui ( ity.l ) , KnnisisClty. 1 Uuublo
bliiltli I'lckott nml MiniilnK : MlinnInK ,
bnlarns mid \VII on Mi tlmHuun linll * blouxdly ,
U : Knnin CHr , - htrurk out 3lr ! , I :
IiyDewnM , 3br Cunway , 1. 'Jlmo : Ouohoumnd
lnulOB , Uniplru : Collins
ClilcngoVliiH ti i I'ourtta fiom Jolin-
ulVanl'4 Cr \ \ ,
Cincioo , May -Captain Anson won his
fourth succcftsim Raino from the Bride
grooms today on pcifcct Holding nud fiood
jattlnK Sioro :
hloaco . .4 I 00 01 11 l-o
JlrooUljn o U U 0 00 10 O-l
lilts : , l-lj IliooM n , 7. llrrors :
Chlcnuo. O : Itnxiklyii 5. It.itlcrlus Stolu
/itnl lilltrldco : I-oi el t uiul Dily. 1'urnud
uns : Chloaso. 0.
WlUr'il T1IK 1UTTF1I , Sltl'Bl
JCtNcisNATr. O.Mnj ID-Boston suffered
.Its third nnd Rrmtost defo t here today ,
plarltson was bit and bis support was
tict good. &oru :
Cincinnati 10 (10 ( 00 43 2-IG
{ Uoston - l1 0 01 11 10 1-7
IIIts. , Cincinnati. II ; Hn > ton , 1O Errors :
plnelnnitl. 1 : Ittiston. 7 Llnllorles Itad-
( ntournvMiillniKsnntl ( I irk lund Iliiirln ton :
Ulirkaon , Tui.lci > r > iil lli niiett : . Kurnoil runs :
Ulaoinuiitl , 0 ; HiKtoii.O.
f 11IVII1R1I TIllC SriltES
PtTTSnonn , Hhy 19.Tbo Phillies lilt
Gtaloy whenever they pleised aadon \ from
Ji'lttsburi ; easily. Sooro :
nttsbiire , . . . . . - oo oo 01 S2 0-5
1'hlludUphla I 0 10 00 00 -8
Unso hits ! riltsbmi : . H , I'hlladclphla , 11.
irrors ! I'lttsUnnr , U ; riiilmlolilil | . in Hutter-
Jej ! Staley nud I lolelEil'hum nml Vli > niunts
Eiruoilruiis : littsl > nrK , U ; 1'hlludulvlilii , I ,
CJ.EYEI.AHD , O. Mav 10 , In the first two
Innings today Ncxv VorKtnudo nine of Its
ton base hits nn' ! won tbo ganio , Score :
tJIcvoliml 30 0 ft 00 11 0-2
Kevf Vor 42 00 00 00 1-7
llasohlUs : CJlDvtitxtnd , 7 : Now York. 10. f r-
rors : t'lovelur . : r eir Vorlc , 0. Hitturlut :
Vounn and Xlmiiiur , Kwlnsj ami Oliirkt * ,
Kurti o < l runt : Clovolmul. l | N OM Vork , 4.
31 Kin < . 'IA' .INAfJC/.l TJO V.
Jloston licopa SJp 1111 Uiililnilerca
> rurol T < , x\ai-tl the T
DOSTOH , Wass.jray ly.-O'Ilrlou ' pitched
n good game today , lii work being very offoo
aiM ) but hls ui > port was poor , Scoroj
12 07 30 10 0-U
Ijj ' * " "a i 01 oo oo - 4d
1'arroll ; Dal y tntl It/an. Enrnod runst Hos-
to ti,0.
OiiE , Md , Mny -Bultlinon >
plnycd nclosomd unintcrestlnK pamovith
( Jiiiclnnntltodiy nnd ivon. Scorai
Iliiltlmore . . . . . 1 0 "o 1 O 0 0 0 " -J
Cincinnati . O 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 1-1
Lllti : llll tl more , ! s rinclonit 1 , 1 Irrorc
Haltlinoro Si rinclimntl. 4 Utttlerlrs Ale-
Mulion und Itolilnson ; Kllroy mil Ilurluy.
Ka.rncd mi : Ililtlniorv , li C'lncliitutl , 1
CAN'T wis ,
AIny lO.-Columbm dcferiteil
the Washington s tnliLy InuiilnturcitltiifKaiiio
by tuncblnBtlioir hits , aided by razgcdwork
by the homo team , Score :
WnihlliKtnn. . . . . , 2 0
Colnmhus . . 0 0 4 0 0 4 1 0 1 ID
It Hi : A\n tiliiitoii ( 12 : Coluiubim , II. I'rrorv
W a slilii ton. m OolniiihiH , I Ilnrnud run ! '
Wuslilntrloii. fiiCJoliiinJiiK . Iliittorlos :
and Ciirstj ; Kjuonand O'Connor.
ATr \TTINO i pin IT ,
PiiitA.tiPM ntA , lav U ) . The Athletics suc
ceeded la dofeutbin' the St. LouU J3roxviis
this afternoon by lucky littlnHtoroi
Atlilotlc4 . . . . 0 1 l o 't n i l o 7
St. ixjuts . . . . i a o o o o a o o c
Hlh : AthlctlcH , 10 ; M rnuK 0 Irrors1
Athletics.1 ; St lo. Is , I , llitlorns : Muln i
Callnliun nr > d ( Jriwi MeitOn OrllHth uii il
Iiiiiin larucil runs : jMlilotln. 4 | M
Louli , I.
AtOttawtv Ottnua , 7 , Aurora , ' )
AtQuiocy Qulncy , liCedtr liniids,3. ) ,
At Davenport Uivonpoi-t , T , Ottunuva , 0
Wcstcr-ii iVKiouintlou SUinil 115.
I'lnj oil \Voii .Lost. IVr Ct
Otnnhi 17 II .007
Mucoln ffl 1 II .MD
Ml I nun k co , . . . . .21 1C 1 ] JW
Minneapolis : l > 1 IS .510
Denver S ! It II .51.
MotiiCHv. . 'i lii 11 . -119
Kansas Oily. . , , . . . .1 1 U .4.1
bt. I'nul. ' . . . .SO - . 10 JJ8I
National l.ra u
1'UyL-il. Won Lost. 1'cr C't
Phlcairo a I'l 1 .c
I'lillndolDldo. . . ' 'I it : II . .ri ;
Cloclftnd ' 'I 1.1 II -r.l !
lloston . . . . . . .Jl la 11 .M
I'lttslmrjr. , SI iy II .i'
llrooklyn 21 lu II . -417
Now York SI l'i .W >
CliiclniHitl U 1) 15 .ifij
American Ass'iaintion ' Stdiullni ; .
Pin rod.Von \ Lost. 1'cr Ct
lloston li ' . ' 4 8 .7
llaltlmoro. . . . 20 IS 11 .ifil
bt. I/iil . . . _ tl IU 1" .ftti
Athletic' * . . . . . . 11) ! ) U lri . -t\t
I-oul vllIo . . . . . . ' 1 1(1 ( 19 . -
Uolnmlius . . . . . M ! . " 1H .4n
U I'd .4U
7 'Jl . -J )
CHICAGO , Mny 10 IVIucli buslnna of Im
portance to horse breodcis nil over tlio
country was transacted by the oxccutno
commlttcoof the American Trottluir Rcijlstcr
associatloa "boforo the adjourn meat of tlio
directors ted ay Tno dltoctors voted to in
corporate the iollowliiK lulo In tlic by laws'
That "anypiiccr orotliunvlsoollplljlo iiny bo
admlttod for registry as stimdwdhon It
has inailo a recoid In aceoidince wllh tbo
rulesof the association of 2 'Jioi better"
To meet any contingency of [ from
the deelHlon cf the rciistirnill'lio follo\vinj
board of censors \\i \ s aiiointcd' ) ) Lucas
Hroadhend of Now Yorlc \ \ . I1. Ijams of
Terre IXautn , and C 1C. Cinoryof Cleveland
All appeals will bo lin all ) considered bj this
board ; Infactthot uro Riven abolu'e au
thority in matters of rciKti ) ' . AUth refer
ence to consolidation ZNIt Uioidhead said tbo
National Breeders' association would effect
amalgamation next December
Only OHO I'm rite Von.
Louisviu n , ICy. , Ma1O.Oood writ nor
ana a largo oroird for the llftb day's ricos
Trio bootomalccrs again had thohostof itonly
one favorlto , lialpowan , wliiulnw.
Klrst rneo. fcolllns ono mlle und one hundred
yardsHarrySinllliH ( \\oii.lialiiolrsoc )
niid.llobLtlilra. Tlmo : IS.
Second ruuo , sol lliiR. ll\u turlonss Coiorton
17 toV won , LIoloii Nsocoad. licod Hoot third ,
Time1:1 ? .
Third race , tlio nicrclinnts' handluiiii ono
inlloanU ono-slxteciit b : I'rnleollon (2'itoll '
won Dollklns second , Uobcsplcno third.
Time : ! : ,
Kourtli raeo. Belling , one mile : Olroy (4 ( lo
IIvon , UnlKoisytliU8 ) 3conl , Olio lllmuthlrd
I'liiio' 1 : J'i\ .
Klftliiiice , Nut innrlxot liandlcnii , ono in lie
and llfty jards ll.iUowiui < 0to5) ) MOII , lluvzos
sccouil , iMabolIo third , 'llniu' l:40'i. '
\Valtfcd In I'l-oin
Peter Uapolcon Campina "Old bport" ambled -
bled into town about 10 o'doelc jcitcrda )
morning direct f row dil io inn Kisortod at
I'd llothcrj'a heaunuarters ntthoond of hit
long tramp Iho old nun \eryfootsoro
and so slcopythnt ho could irauol.v Itocp
a\vuloandwaspiitto ! bed at the Ilotol Kiche
hou.tthcro Stcvsns , Cumpnin's tomiiotltor ,
is iiuislii'hli | , > 8 | > ralun < l aiilcU1 ,
Campana dci-lurcd tint bo followed the
line of the Chicago As Northwestern road
ri lit through , dLsnitu the as-citious of
Stevens nnd his trainer , I'cnilergist , to the
contrary. Ho wisscat out by a fowChl-
caposports simplj to belt btovcus. and he
swore ho would accomplish It byat leasta
dav. Both 1 eft Cliiuisjo at the sainn tinio and
"Old Sport" was , thcL-oforo , dno Into r.tnooa
of yesterday and Slovens tit the dinner hour
Hi Crowds at llio Imui Shoot ,
DES Moivi'i , la , Mny 10-SpecialTele- [
Brain to THE Birj A largo iiuuikr of
sportsmen from tbls and othci stales are In
the city In attendance upon the fourteenth
annual convention and touinmmmt of the
Iowa Association for the I'lotcotloii of Fish
and Game which befoul toJ.ij wllha ahoot at
Highland Hun Club park.
rjhe ? convention pie nor will bo ticld tomor
row eveningfer thooleulun of olHccw and
cliooaniK placoof next in ctUi ; . lliu toarna-
incut promises to be the mostsuccissful over
hold In Des Jlolncs. 'Jodav tlu-w vero at
Icast200 shooters , m.iiiyof them bUng In the
front rank , in ttctida.nco lliero \ oratwico
over as winy entiics nsas < onduclvo to
Boodwoik , taut the crowd was a jollv 0110 and
the best ol feolljiK prevailed Tlioio was na
averaKo of tlilrty-ll\o \ entries for each shoot ,
aud tbo tics wcro tiumeious.
Cliai-ltleH nml Coricutloun.
Ind , rla18 The confer
ence of cluritlei nnd corrections elected the
follow Ing ofllcers this inorninu for the 1SW
coiifcroucchioh Is to t > ohelu hi Dmvor :
I'rosldont , JilyronV. . Hood , Denver , vice
proslaoiitJ , II 31 Hart , Minnesota ; John
Oleiiii , Marjliud , DrVrthur J Jlrown ,
Ohio : Mrs Joseph Sienr , Jr , California ; A.
O. Wright , \\iscoiuln \ , MlsaClrm Ihrton ,
District of Columbia ; secretaries , Alexander
Johnson , Indiana ; Amos Wntsaii , Dlstiltt of
Columbia , A. L.Vilcb , Colorado , treasurer ,
William I1. Litouuorth , Non Tcilc ; oniciai
reporter and editorMrs IsabelloC Hairows ,
Bosion. TtioprocicaniKs today included the
roiidlnp of papers on "Shtoboirdcf cluritj' '
and "lomiL au < l rofo'initwy svsteins , "
Nathaniel E , linsocian uf Uulfiilo was chosen
to take charge of tbo assodatIons' world's
Pronounuod \iso. | .
IS'EW "i'oiut , May ID. The Douvcr dispatch
stntme that 150 ir ls of nowapipon had
been rocclod \ at Ilium , a snnil miningciiino
nourthntcltyilurln - the lat\vool ( and lull-
matingtliat nn attempt v\ni bolnp undo by
certain railroads to UM indlo the gorornmont ,
wnsshona loa pojionicaolllclal todnj , \n
OKnminnilou. of the
records bhowcd that no
such amount of the class of in ah in niter Jo-
scribed nbovo hud been soul from Now V'ork
to the nddress named The postofllce ofll-
cmli said the report win false.
Is'o grlpln R , no nausea , 110 pain wbon Do
Will's LlttloKarlvIClscra aretalion. Small
pill. Safe pdl. licit pill.
Hpinnr-lcntilo C"nsn olTittnloiisj.
KiNSAiCiTT , Mo-Ma\r \ 10-Flfiy-six dajs
ao Anna Moadoivs , tbo twolvc-ycar-old
dnujhterof Asm Moidoiu of Initcponaotioo ,
Mo , wont into n sort of cataleptic tMtiic.
Slnw that tiuio sue hai nolthur eaten nor
inoied until jostenlny tlio phyilelun * t > uo-
ceeded In rowing licrultlun oleetrlo battery -
tory Today tie \ \ .w ctvea some nourish-
meut and appears to tao reoDierlns. Ilereuso
Is constdcreU ouoof the most ronwrltablo on
DeWltt'j ' LiltloKnnyKiserj ; only pill to
turo sick headaclioaud recuhto tbo bowels
atcotuo of tie Ixttlo Between Billy Myer
and A.udy Bowcn ,
ot of Unrd I'iRlitliiK In Which the
Sti-oalor Oj tli TVim UoitKhly
JlaiMlliHl About if auknou
nnd Corhett.
N"nv OntRAN" , La , May 10 The trront
ghtivolsht ROVO ! flght hotweon Andy Howon
nd Hilly Mycr , the "Strcator cj clone , " oc-
urrcd toiil htln tlio haiidsonio nroim of the
'amous ' Oly in pie club. Nearly three thousand
people witnessed the encounter. The bolting
odayvns ? 1UO on Myor to S O on Uoivon.
, , ast Mnv at West 1 < nd these siime men
'ought ' twentj three rounds , at the end of
, \hiih Mjcr'amanasor pave up the contest ,
ilycrwiunot knoclcod out , but ho presented
; ho appearance of a man very nearly coin-
) lot ly tjeaton
Tlioagrcomont under which tonight's fl ht
waa hidcalled ; for tlio men \\clgh atthorltiR
udo not 01 or 134 jiaui'ds. The Olympic club
, ung up a puMOof § JOUO , $2,500 , of which
tcntto the winner and J.10J was Riven tno
loser ,
I3oon was seconded by Bob Carroll and
ho famous Tom Kelly , whllo Myor was sec-
indoil byLlnk Popo. Eddlo Mjor and All
( onneily ,
-AlexanderUrov\-stor was appointed
the inaaaRcrs of the club as referee and
\ercmo \ na.i dollghtod when ho accepted ,
'or ' tlio naino of Alex Drowsier is synonymous
\itlnll \ thnt is fnh mid squaio.
Rclorco Drewitor watnod the seconds
ig.ilnst iiidiilging in qucstlonablo tactics. Ex-
layer CJuillotto actoJ as master of cermon-
ies nnl introduced lion. Alex Jircu atoms the
illlcnl of the c\onnip.
The Bonen pirty entered the rliip at ox-
, ctl.v 8-oJ and received n heaity nolcomo.
'rof.JohnDuHy ' was nntiouneed ns thoofll-
III timekeeper.
The Mjcr putyeiitercd the riiiR nt 8i"7 :
md rccohcd a quiet welcome. Immoalntoly
Ttci Mycr took Hoi\cn walkc'd across
, ho ring1 and shook bauds uitH him liowcn
woi hotl In nt 131 pounds at 0 p. in. and Myer
ncianod under tlio limit. A moment later
Captain iVllllam Barrett welshed the gloves
ina pionounccJ them live-ounce , uccordlug to
Time \\is onllod at 9 : IS nnd the men began
heirflffhtfor a iW.OOU purso.
When tbo iiion advanced to the coaler of
ho ilnRllowcn was looking ooulldont and
Myer vns smiling. Mjeras nggicssivo
and lljwen was wary.
In tbo tint round Bowcn knoclcod
I .lycrdoiui . t-vtlco , whllo ho himself received
tat I slightpunishmont. Bowen used his left
to t fool Mjcr and \\ns successful , laudhiir
heavily I on Mycr's head and body , one ulow
Hi the ribs In the second round sounding all
ivor the hall. Mjorroecived the most pun-
iihinont in tholirbt lound , but \\as the ag
gressor all the time nnd scorned confident.
Mjer received a thhd knockdown la the
Mrdandhls nose was bleeding profusely.
In tnelifth , sixth and seventh lounds Myer
; ontinuodou the acgressivo nnd iccolvod
most of the punishment , Uovtcn escaping
with a licavy blew on the forehead nud ono
on ( the arm
In th clghtb round Mycr was still the ag
gressor , but not a , eager as formoily. Ho
trtodto imUo Do\\on lead , hut the latter was
cautloiiB and declined until near tbo oud of
the round , when Myor knocked him down
The next two rounds wcro about oven ,
Bovvcn possibly having a llttlo the best of it.
Ju the eleventh round Bowen smasned
Myer in the ojo , iuslng It to blood pro
fusely. Still MJOI contluuod on the ngpros-
The Ucw Orleans man was thoroughly
aroused In the t\\olfth round and fought vic-
louslj , but with bad Judcment. Toward the
end. of the round both landed hoaiy rights ;
Myer seemed groKRV.
Rounds 13 and 14 Myor scotncrl disgusted
with Bowcn's tactics and begged Andy to
lead. Mjer straddled in too far and rcccix'cd
alcftln thoatoinadi. Bowcn lauded Iff tin the
stormch. Mi cr Innded ono or two good ones
and Ilowcn turned to tun , but Mjer clinched
him. Mjcr land his rlitntolid on Howon's
head Mjer dropped his arms to urge Bowen
en. Desporatecllnchoccuned in the middle
of tli ? line with honors easy.
Uoimds IB. 10 , 17 Myei's faclil expres
sion n as lauihiblc M\orloct for face and
lloxvdi KMO him his head. Bowcn landed
rlgbtandlntt en the body. M\cr was still
the ORgrossor. Ho had a terrible black and
bluocyo. Bowen landed rlf'it hand swlnp
on the body and Jljer looked savng" . The
round was tiresome. Mjor hit and ian away ,
came back and lundca light : Bov\cn landed
rlghtandloft on Mjor. Bowen landed a
heavy i ight on M.tor's stomach and the largo
audioaco cheered. A clinch occuncd In
Mycr's ' corner % \lth Mj cr on the ropes.
Do\\cn lilt Mjer n heavy light ou the ] aw
and nearly upset himself from the foico of
the blow.
Rounds 18 , It , 20 Myer nmdo a very rash
aiteinpt to land his rUht but Bowcn ducked
the blow , but caught It n moment Inter.
Mycr was still the aggressor , and Bowen
played for his ndcr ary's wind Sharp
clinch occuired , and Myer landed a terrible
rlgbt ; nnothoi clinch occurred , aud Mycr in
bieoHngaivny folltotbogtound. Mvor was
doing a Kood dial of the lighting , and scoincd
In thiso lounds to gnm ground. Bowen hit
My era drive and urovo him out of the ropes.
Demon led and landed , knotklngMjcr to the
ropes Itcferoo Browstor cautioned Alyor to
light fair.
Rounds21 , 22 , 23 Mjer uns eager to lln-
Ish the llsht , but could not land Bowcu
haded ahoavj lighten Mjoi's sere oyo.
Io\ven ) landed loft on the stomach without a
retur , , . M\or landed \lcious right and
committed several fouls.
Round 24 i'ho round opened anil Mjor
foulul I3o\vcn \ several times , nud tlio ctowd
bouiiino boisterous and cried , "Foul , foul , "
In the midst of nwr.inglo by Mjcr's and
Iloivca's seconds Itofcreo Biowster awarded
the bittlo to Uowcn on a foul.
Ina conversation with several Mjor men
they stated that ho justly lost the battle. On
the whole , houevcr , it must bo said that the
mill nas an unsatisfactory one
Nolo. At midnight President NT well sent
a telephone musii o to the nousp.iiicri say-
Inf ? that tlio llual decision in the Jltjlit uould
bo rendered at noon tomoi row , Wednesday.
WJUllhTI.JA tlliSUX.
CoinpinKoii or the Mnsulo and I\I \ th-
oils of the 1u < > .
Concornliiff the mooting between James
Corhett nnd Fetor Jiiclwon , which occurs to
morrow nielli bofoio tbo Golden Gate nth-
letioclubat Jn VranolscoV. . \V. Nnugh-
ton. the well known sporting authority ,
writes thus tothoNow York Hcinld :
iV coiiiDiilson of iho proportions ofJickhon
and ( orlicttslll show In most points thuy
aio uooi'dln ly well mnicliod 'J hey nio of
cxmtly tliosaino lu > lalit o ich imn niuitsiirliM
iK li'Dt nnd iinu-halC Inch In his "stiitk-
lu lout" ( 'orln'ttS i-lio t niimsurcinoiit Is
fnrtir > fourlnclius. Jnuksun's foily 'lliuAus-
tr.ilUn. ImwoMir. bin iiiuuh tlio liottur duvul-
iipedshonldurdof lliu lull and n tape pluocd
arounil the npiur | portion of thcli niiutnniltg
MI in to onclrelu shiiuldnr Idiobs niiilihost
\\ould \ \ piovu JackMin to hiivo tlio n nro ox-
liinilvo drlvlni ; miuhliiury
Coihutti bli-Lps nioaiiiro fourteen and onu-
li ilf liuluj mid .liicksrm'i fotiitttPii. The fort ] '
linn of oauh luiin Not thus nun dliurnsluns ,
tlitrtecn and nnu luilf lnclic 'iho Klrth of
Turbelt'iitlitzh Is I.\unty-tliruo Indies whllo
JanVoii'iini > niiiic * twonty-f-iur Inches
Cotbott' wtlunt Js Hiild to l > o JM1 ( noiinds ,
nud PoiialdtoiinMt > rts that Jim will bo at tin
Uituro aiimud In thu rliu , JiicUsun at tlmo of
wrlt'nif ' uelclis 1'JI , iinil "III proh ibly boa
ponml orlno lio.t > lor on tlio UMIII tu of the
cnrilist. I hum are llvo yt'iir.V dllloiunee In ,
( hull URIKI , C'orOitt ' bulnt ; Iwciity-IUu and
JiieKion thirty ,
AsroKiirds IKtlo talon * , whloh , paradoxical
ns Itniuy bi om , Includes in UI'H ' voiinuitlou
ilt > \er font \ \ oilIuul ( oi lliu ftiw ciiunU ,
Ilu lia tMxorof the JIMH .MncLI school , using
botli Imnds nml nrmi In a purfeotly
fitty and nntural n well nx a most
olToitlvo iniiiinur. Ilu Is tin uvcul'cnt ' judKO
of dutanco. can Uiro his tilouri to u
nlc'cly. lias a tm d dclUurj , anil ninrcovor
wiiiiilorful faculty for iivolilliu returns Ilu
'ducks" with pnclslon , and whin bun
pri sind can nUu llko n clniuijh , JiioKiiui'a
loft , hind ( IcIUorlc * ul hu.ul and liody uro
tell Ins , wliilo hU tight baud buurt
ia.o often tiirnol tliiUUa of bittlo In lui
ivnr ,
JlniCorliutt has \urvlltlto \ In. comiiion with
aok on u fnran hi * rfetlloOw cifnttaclt urn
nncfriifil lie Isnssiit , piniclior and a
piinlsliliiR hitler , lly 'ntlrt ' iirni" Is mount
hut JlniflooM ii < itiliojlJU ( k flout slr. lilit ;
roni i the shniiUlur Inn hulJ his arm Inn
lfrlKll sUtoniul.ili'Jhur . liU inoit tell-
punches wlthu .sldsloni ixiorpuient. Ho
Jtliuro" u < ( | iilfk IIJIL ihsli.liunir. . nml
ir Icinlftgtn iho rlidiflp * iidilsimu lieid out
if < liingor IllH liires-iait/liitlii ] | < w Itli ho id ,
iivmU imd foot i < rZtiilll" ! c nt to loep
i not of or conlliliiit opponent In a
ilrtto of nervous tropiaitlon , ( vmllii addition
flit lit in out by coin lt ixf jn < jpilnu | bnelc and
lodylni ? from linasliuvry , UIoH s. Iliu'i otylu
ion Id conrpy the ( nip rtmloii tliat lira It more
of n nit unit uoiortliaua tuiorodono.
Corhol lia iimrvclofmtlL-kiuvHioii liU feet.
ilo Isasohstloixs iirublicr bill iitul iippnr-
Mitlyns tlrolut iisiiWMiilhiirooklnii liorno. Ho
'ail ' duck nltlipfninl rnilclltv | to JacV.son and
kuovt how to Moolui man f nun Diin'Hlnnir him
vtUonplivwl. hi the piit liiiliivtnat uucl bl >
ltli tli and with rnnnirkablaf rotpioncy , but nil
.li snnio lin KM us ho vi to vlica Ilu lili ill sii < *
rein roi tilts on uiiDppimont'sJnvor rllis Ilo
fs-cntlnlly abow ot t lie Amcrlotin sohixil
mil \\illbo cxtriinoly Inleroslliur ti ) tinlo
ii > vr Ills t-utlesi-oiiiparovltlitlMHOur JiicU on.
diodotUdl hlililrmot the noble iirl from
'tudjln * tlio methods o ( N'cd lioiinolly nnd
10 tn Muoo ,
Tn Ilu ) niittorof loiiiiifrniiinnt Ji-ksi ( > n hai
nn advun lace ever ino-,1 k n ixht-s o ( lliokn wok
en Ilo Isivs cool in the ptowrlitul Icobrri ?
viicnln nctliin iindtlicro Isno-ttuh Instance
in nicordwhuro Iiobasliiit hit liind. noinat-
or how tint or furious llio contest muy wa 'o ,
Sauiaiiiitliurltloscontnnil tint In ord nt to ho
thormiRlily sue 'CHsful us H Jii-litcr n mini
miistlmvoconldombl iC tlio bulldo * In lilt
ixtnro. This muy bo so but oorvtlilnz else
bolnjr cau l. tlio nrltir would prefer to
Din Ids fnlth to a cautious , level headed
irtilsor ralliurthtinto a hot lioiiilud , Iniput-
slvo slusKortt [ \ nbiinip of conibatl voncs-s s
ar oas ugooio u ;
.riinC'orUsttU ducldHly not ot tbo bcotlln ?
irowpd. hoavyjawod tjno aiin Infaotliothlio
iiid Jaoltson may lie tonnodBPtitloinoiipusjII-
: < t.sVlthritn ( lHitt.ho\v.voT ( , lliu Is of nn
ltiibluiiixtiiro. Ho livt nmdotlils aiiparunt
lilsauthns n hrn poiliiniis n. spuctntor ut
uoocoulcsts mil mile MM ho lun Nchooled
himself lo a li-sHolTeriescont bonrlnn when
aotlnj ns aprlnvtpli > hoivlllliout f iiiltln tliH
iirttculiir connoctloiivlicn \ ho Catcs tbo
oltony Rplilnx.
I'osuin up. Corhtlt IsyourKor nn < l stroiiser
hiinJackson. Molt jinibulily us ulo\or , al-
thoujli from tlio clIITorinro In tliilr styles It
roTii.-ilns tobo seoiinlilih It ; the nimt ( 'IlictUo.
mcMon Ins nolHlit nnd cxporlenco on Ids
hit' . aim ho his prit'cd bnjniid dlspulo tint
in isnot nisi lyr.vtllnd In the rlnp. Tnltoii all
n nil the ni atoh li u food onf , and tlio nnpo
of every siuiirc sport li that the betur man
'av win.
rnst uitlit dis patch es from San ITianclsco
reported hothmonln the lincst of condition
and bottiiif dctldoJly cautious. .
t II 'S IfSS.
tlio I' uUiriil Iluildliif ; at
Taelooiivillo , Kin.
JvK'.oIl.Ir \ , lift. . May 19 Tbo losses
md Inanranco oil tlio federal building
burneil today arc Motiuwlc blodc ,
03 8120000 , Insurance ? 33,000 ; Ocoigo
lDrew hardware company , los ,
t < O,000 , nearly covered by liis-utance ; Jnincs
s. books , etc. , loss fJO,000 , insurance
; Church it ilcnJoraen cOmpanj , com.
mission honso.loss ? I.1)0. ) . Insurance $1 $ , 00 ,
MX , fruit dealer , loss $ .1)O ) ; A. W , Cockroll.t
Sons. Itiwors , Ion S8000 , lnsurancoj.5,000
Hamilton Uisston of Philadelphia bad saws
stoiod la the Jiohnwlc Uoclt alued at4,000 ,
on vhiuli there \\asnn \ iinurnuco ofl,200
Tlio loss to the Maaonle lodfO , the ( iriiud
j\rmj of the HopuhlL and other organ ia i
tlons Is about $ , -,000 , ijisuranco ? JO)0 ( The
owner of the hulldliit ; occupied by Jlritzi ,
Kurz Is Joseph II. Santos. Ilisloss ! sf(5,000 ( ,
insurance & 5.CO ) . JohnOlnrk' * bulUHnr wis
\ ilucd atjr > . IO and ciiWod ar. insuriuco of
SI.UOO Tlio stock : had na ontlmatcd value of
> ,1)00. Insurance about $ .13IX)0. , )
On the liiat floor ofi tills buildinis the
United States bonded warehouse , which coa-
Lained bot\vcoaOOiunl6Oi \ ! ) bales of tobacco
belonging to the EhaoOcIo and HI l.obo den-
ina-nnfuctming compiniosi Tlio policies
viiroviitton by the toinpjnlci on .ill tno
piopcrty In any \vtty \ InvoU'cd In the ilia
ninounts to J-n.OOO ofhlch \ \ about " 3 poi
cent Is n total loss. That tlio Is still smoul
doring and thn heat ittlio neighborhood Is
suffocating 'ilio owoicra. of the Moliuwlc
block are K. II. Suijopuilcor , II. M Shoe-
innkcrand Airs. Francos" Hhooinikor , all of
Cincinnati , and Mrs. JtldprdJ. 11 II. I'utnam
of Snratos3. JS Y. Tlio total loss on the
property is $500,000 '
1\\K \ \ Voidiot Torn Jloy.
hCi : , Kan. , rav 1& . Edward Mitch-
oil , a boy living at 0 lathe , was awarded
{ i.OOO damacrcs against the Union. Pucitle
roaa this morning for the loss of his right
nrrn. The boj vis ilenllnu a ride on a
friMfjht caratid\vaipuli'cl ' off tliotialn bya
jouiignmn who vat loariihij telegraphy and
in the employ of the company.
JltlXr > Hill U IllK VXJBA K 'til ED.
fJrmes OIIDIICI ! mill the 1're-
historic SkclotoitN Itc nun cil.
Ci > ciiri , O , Maj 10. Sixteen gra\cs
vorouueoiercdycstordi ) ' al Port Ancient ,
the site ofthogrontostof the o nth voiles of
that piohistoilc people as the mound
buildas The excwutloii U under the um-
plcosoftbo world's ' lair coin piny and the
direction ofPiof. Piitmm of Huv.inl , the
Hold work being In charge of Warren 1C ,
Woorchcad Two thousand peoulo wcro
present. The skeletons disclosed w ere those
ofolc\en \ taou , ono woman nnd four ohlldron.
rivowcroln a greed stito of prosonation
lao others wcra in various sUigos of decay
In onogrn\o \ the bones ere so noarlj KOIO )
as to preserve only the outline In coarse
mhos In another the skull alone remained.
-thojavtsof ul.ichcro tbo well polished
tcoth The skeletons were those of men
averaging five foot t\\o Inclios Inhoierht , the
tallest balii - six feet t\\o inches. J'Ho huiinls
\\oiofronithrcotolivefoetbolow the sur
face. Tha skclotoas listed upon hriid clsij.
Ground them had bocnrudoly set Mat river
stones , then tlio oaith hid bccii. llllecl in , and
o\cr \ ail bread Hat stonoi phiccci. In this rude
cncascmont tlioir bodies luvo roposid foi
centuries. Thcro nro ciidencos that , the mui
hid died In conllif t j\bout \ ttio neck of ono
ot the child skeletons N-ns found a ncclclnco
of "heirs' teeth and hi two pr tlireo of the
pravcscro found tomahawks nnd stone
Intchots , but no relics of especial value In
\ltswol the almost countless number pie-
\louslrdiscovcred , Tlio grnv osili bo ic-
constmctcd exactly as lound for tbo world's '
fair exhibit of iVmericaa antianltlos , except
that no earth will bo ovr.tlio sltclotons
Thfro were secon distinct nhooli of earth-
( liisikoat husunvlllc , CJal , t-odaj , two of them
riioorowltcli liis so fir rco \ f > rod f rom
Ids woiiiulns to bo able to lou\o J iiuti fur
YluaUih.toul < .
The | ) n < < lufllio nt Oilfoytllle , Kzin , as
i oil I ml of tll ) Olu Moiiojiiurt postaKU nUiups
'Hit nils nocluo tolhu robliurs.
Tbolt ijillsc women's liuiuo mission couloly
loiitlniiiKllts inoutliiK "ft Cine Inn itl , glvliiB
inn ch attention to triilijlinjf schools.
Ui'foni iiMioniitlon , 1'lfci ' "iilliliury will nsk
mrli.iinenl fora unnt riiuVll fC Oreat llritlan
to partkMuatnla tbo t'lrTuVii worlds fair.
ThoKoiiliiclii prohlbUqiistiLtu coincut lull
mot lit l/oiilsvllo | nnd ninili"iati > d full tlcliu
\vlthJost.ih Hjrrlsof { ' ( uyali forotrnor (
ThofJIaH jMiunifiwttirsrs' us oclitlon rei- |
resmituiB liuuscs In I5iiiyiiiiln ; | , ojilo. In
diana and Illinois , are loaiiignbuiotfcis- :
In ClilctiKO. lo I >
Mn llurrUon wlkhps lo contradict llio rc-
iiort that tlio IIIIH > ) UV liur cot t.iso nt t'aio
Muy MionrilltuKoiiplir residence tlicio fur
tlio siiiiinicr. fjiil |
At Ubuqueriip | ! , V. 1 \\lilln ncatixnf men
vi > roillsKliiuso \ > ir t liontwlhoinril inbtiiy-
Inpr suurjilof llio m'ViiJ1C kllJlii I \ MIII-
ilii'ziuid Al 1)1 mi C muy I I
'L'lio vlllairo ot Anivr lnlKli , if as destroyed
by a foii'xlllroludnr. , tlio Inhabit tut * u <
ii r.ill ii ) tJjlYi OjirllMs. . , U
The Itulchsin/ol-iT ( ofTIcliiI ua/otte ) 1111-
iioiinw > tlut Jliur U iitUUlliMiv iiicinUorof tlio
I > rl > j rnunull uiul an utudtoof tlio ministry
of tlio Interior IIIIH tioui ) iiupulntcd linioilnl |
cotiiinlsHliiiior for Qonuuiy , Lt tbo Ciilcaju
world fair. v
Thcounoof Jllns PliooV Coiulin , sooldnjr to
tliue reutlvii cai > nituii | of Uiclio.trd
of I inly uiaiiuitcrs of th oild't. falrtxjrnaUiiu
bor to thu hoeroUrj"4lp. PIITIIO up before
liMlcnil JudKO UludRitt ' In ClileiiKo Ml
motion to ronmtia the cnso to thn
btUtOCOllltS wu fl iiloiP
T'litorrttr of rallro id conductors received
the ripoi tof the rliiineoioijiiiilfctoe , Itsliowtd
a dillelt for Ibo jo irof iiimrlyl a.OOO , Thu
CDiiiiiilttoi ) roiKiuvioil'led lliu \ t
the | iapi r , rimCiJiiltioWr nnd the
ropi > it found llutt u.'o l I'vpuciau tiad
Atu lucotlnj tcnl ) il "f the world * fnlr
It IIH airiiln uoclilod not to K runt
Iliaiuiiilnuiiu rntwpf vriisus nJ < nl f qrby the
\n.rlaus lubororguliiz tlutU 1'liu labiit eoni-
inlttoo Is unnlllliu tciniuUn anj pr xllctioin
< if tlio rcMiilt w'llniut lurthui lonsUlnnillon ,
'llioytoloruiiliud | 'o Arly tu tiring llioinut-
tir UforothuLinoniiiill convuiiUuiu
thcs Gallows for the Irotucnt
Hurdeiors ,
GntHO of Ilcntplco fllnn'o Sutlclpii
Jeiitli-11lio Coi-oiic-r'M ItnostlBa-
tion-Slatc Dentists In Sen-
< wlon at Kcjirncy.
ITirEMo\T , 2 cb. May 10. [ Special to Tnr.
HBK.J A gallows builder lini arrlvod In the
city and bCK'ini % vork on the construction of
Ibo gallows upon and Shepherd ,
the condemn od nmrdorcr * nroto ho hung- two
nooks from Frldnvy. This Implement will oo
elected in tKo corridor ot the jail , In the inr-
rev space be twoon thomlddlo cells and the
cast \ \ nil ,
As the time for the execution appronchc
public In terost In tua matter ton tlnuoj to iii-
creaso. iMomtiortof the "Woman's ' Christian
Tompcranco union have boon admlttoJ to the
jail uhoronnijor lorvico was hold 'Iho two
contlciiinoJ 111011 , who have hitherto bcon
ilTJronU to tliolr projcntor ( uturo con
dition , knelt In prayer with the ladle * . An
effort will notnntlo to have the sentences
commuted to llfo Imorlsonmcnt. A potltlon
will ha circulated. In runt's bolialf. Shop-
herd's ' paren t ) , an aged couple living tioar
Crovoll , sUrtoJ by team at U o'clock : this
momlnp lor Fremont Hero thov took ttio
tralu for Lincoln , \vherc the sotiovvln old
Dooplovlll auiipllcato Governor Tliaym 10
spuro the llfo ot tlicir son.
Too Mimch t nit li In Fait h Cure.
Bi inner , Kob. , Mny 19. [ Special Tclo-
grainto Tin : lri.l ) ThosudJou dontli of Iho
w oil known Klchohs Lcpoldcvin In tbls illy
jcstcrday rasultoJ In a coroner's Inquest
being hold today on the body , The docentod
was a man of robiist bealth nnd was an ar-
dontadhcrerxtof the Christina sclenco Ooo-
trlno Hi3lllnes sand death was attributed
to la piiiuo | ami stomach troubles while
the nhysiclin'a doith cortlflcato pave the
causoas pne-umoiila. It vvfisdovclovl | dur
ing the inquest that the physician giving the
cortlllcato was. not In attendance
at the ( tcfo.isod's ' last Illness nor
had ho so much as scon tl ) b dy
after death , the cortiflcato bclnp Ri\on
on the symptoms as dcscribod bv UtDr. .
BusHcll , the fnitlieuro dootoi , In ittcnilnnco.
A number of Icntlinn phjslclaus of the regu
lar schools \vero summoned ns tvltncssoi , nnd
whilono jiostrnortem held it was clearly
devcloucu tli at Mr. Lcpoldovin's was
caused hj n. two days' ' lllnoss of cholera
morbus , nnfl that death could Imvo been
readily nvertod bv simple , tltnelv and veil
known rcmodlos 'Iho Mjrdict WM rendered
in accordance u'iththo nbovo fuels.
htatc Dentists.
Krmvn , Kob. , May 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tiri : BEE ] The Stito Dentil as
sociation mot here this o\cnng ! in tlio club
loonislii the n v opara housebuilding Only
a prcliimmiy mectlntras hold. Tomorrow
forenoon Mill to tnlcoii up with the discussion
of clinics md the balance of the day will betaken
taken with demonstrations peculiar to the
dental profession. A full attendance from all
o\er the stito U ovpoctcil tomorrow. Thcro
are present AV..V. . Vance , provident , ICoir-
noy ; lecordlnir secretary , I. W. Punch ,
Uoatrlce : coi respond ing societmy , A. W.
IS'ason , Oraitin , II , C. C. Tioudon ,
I ) . P Slnw , Tlncoln ; A. .T. Cole , Norfolk ; II.
C. Allllei , Grind Island ; T. Ibkeoilo ,
Sniiora ; J II McGlcary , Beatrice ; Alton
Tones , AuioruiK.U. Tripp , Schuylcr ; _ Dr.
ICirh.v , OimriaL. , JI. Jlatthowa , Lawrence ,
Ivan , , Dr. Muiitia.ll , Dos Molnos , la.
Iloj tl County's New Town .
NPionit\in , Kob. , May 19. [ Special to Tit K
Diu.l Soioral loads of lumber loft hero
yesterday for the new town tailed Spencer ,
fortj-threo nnllos west of hero. Tlio flist
building will bo a. iirinthig ollleo o\\nril by
lions li. P Honored uud Sanfoi'd 1'arlter
and lua h\r. C. Santee This nc\v town Is
acntidlclntofortho county si"it and a inll-
rund It Ins nl > cmtifullouition and Is the
result of llio Islobrara and O'Koill ' combina
tion. Tnonnmn of the tcun is said to bo
tcinwrir\ | and % \nll bo re-thrlstoned alter
somoironiluont ) railroad oflicmlvbcn ills
known \vhltti ralivoid winpany Is to build
Lou-Cur , Nob. , Mil ) 19 [ Special Tcle-
eram to Tin ; Brci The anpraiseis ap
pointed njthocountj juJgo for the jwrposo
of npnraislntr the dunages of property hold
era nloni ? tlio line of the Loup City canal are
W. O Brown , Hush Mct'addcn , Samuel J.
Pair , S II and Sanford Bassott.
Ills now ovpoctodthat wont on the caml
will bopinlnsldo of two \\oolcs.and the nro-
Jcctors chiln they will have water ruiminir
In the snrao by October lot this year.
AW.HXCE , Kob , Muy 10-Sneclnl | Tolo-
BiaintoTiii Hiu.l-Thotiialor Chai'loj M.
Thornton , wtiov.s \ bound oveito tUo district
court for the killing of Froil Uobinson on Oc
tober 25 ht , about twelve miles north of
here , has just been concluded. Tlio Jury vas
out about twenty hours and brotiRht in a
\erdlct \ of manflaiightor. The trial occu
pied about throD uays. If a now trial Is not
planted scntoiifo111 bo passed the last of
the vcok and will niobaUy boliptht.
Mllltnrj MiniiNlei- .
SIDNCV , Neb , May 10. [ Special Telegram
to TIIL HEC. i Company U , TnunU-tlnt
United States Infantry , dopirtou from bow
tonight for Fort Kindall , Dale. , via Colum
bus. Man ) regrets are oxproajod to sco such
gallant ofllcors us Major Boyle , Captain
Boil estcol incfl Llontcu ant McKarland leave
Port Sidney. TUIs corapntiy ha * been at
headquarter * Uu "past seven yoaw. \ serenade -
onado was tendered them tonight by the
band ,
Ml nlsl 'is in
CITV , ob. , May 19 [ Spcchl
Telepram to Tinnjjj ] The Miilstcilal
association of tbo Methodist Episcopal
church for the Indlnnoia district convened
hero this afternoon inid will bo In session
until Tliuisdiu o enlIlfc , 0. A. Mastln of
Mlndcn , prcsldlnR older , Is president and
liov. J Lisle ofFtvilcllnls sccrctirvof tbo
assochtlon Ulio jnoetiiiif opeiw auspiciously
and with afairatto'idanco.
Uravj Uiiln
Nob. , May lie. [ Special to
Tin : nisi' ) llio Heaviest lain fall our
known in southwestern IS'obraslta lias con
tinued for ttiopiist three du > . The ground
Is thoioughly so.ikcd to a dontli never before
kno\Mi 'Jho iwndstoraeo system H vorkinfr
to perfection , the imny lagoons being lilted
with nntcrlrom two to ton feet deep This
rain Insure ! an excellent crop of small grain.
Contract Awttiiloil ,
IVIMIIVKV , Neb. , May 10. iKpsclal Tele-
grain to U'nn Iln : . ] The contratt for aur-
\oyiiiKthoblgcuiial\vaslottodai toV. \ . II.
iUIotuudlio ; Is topioccod with the vorUat
OHCO A croritlntcrest Is ccnturlnir around
this entoipiKoand Its coinplclloii Is nisuiod
as soon asmonoy nnd tlmo will permit
"Viir \vorlcn lltr I'rloiul
FnirviNob , Miy 10.-SOcliilTolctrrain [ | )
to TUB Iln ] At a moctltiff of thoclty cotn-
cll tonight Ituas tlocldeil to put In watcrt
worlts , anOUnslnecr - \ \ , Itlchardson vai
awaidcd the contract formuklntr plans for a
lystom coitltiKf-0,000. ,
Ijiniurliod ,
May I'J.-ISpccial Tole-
( tranito THE 3UU.J Thostoamorou the Iriko
nas otorhaulod n.nd launched today M'ho
BrounUs about tbolal < oivlll bo bonutlilol ,
ana Koiirncy's fa-\orito pleasure rosorl will
bo second to riono in the state.
A 15i ik t'lniin Injured ,
ICiaiiNi.r , 3s'ob. . May -ISpeclal Tele
gram to Tut BieJ-Today William Jlohlcr ,
n hmkonirin on the Dlaok Hills' ' rend , mot
with ntittnful nccldont. The onulno run oft
Lhotrnck , anil In wet kins nbout the huulsa
honvy bir of Iron full oft the totulor and
crushoJhls foot.
JSrjtK.V VI' JUSCOttlt.
Under. Mai Hal Imw HH
YOIIK , May 10 Mnrtlnl law hn * Dcon
proclalniod in Port-nu-Prlnco , nrincd soltllcrs
untrol tbo streets ntKlit mid day nna no ono
IH alloHCdl to outer or lonvo the city ulttxntt
n passport. The tlaytlnu cnpltnl U lltct.\Uy
In a state ofsloficnnd the cmiso of this ren
dition of affairs it tlui n ltntlon cuusotl Dy
suvportcra of General Lcgltimo , tlio deposed
' 1U Is vas the news contnlncd In lottery ro-
coliocl josterday by inorchunts cnKagocl In
the Ilnjtlnn trade In Now Yorlr , and It
amply proves that there Is more ttiuu n R-wIn
of truth In the recent reports of another
threatened outbreak In the llttlo Uland ri-
putihc. It was also announced that Mr.
Firmliinlnlitorof llnnnco and forui n af
fairs in [ 'resident Illppoljto'a cablnut , had
resigned , thotiKh no explanation of his nn-
duct um given M. Lo Chard , the letters
stiitod , bud bcon appointed to tompoiuilly
llll the neaney.
Ibo rnpoit tint nny attempt had been
made on llio life of President Illppolytovas
denied. Jlo hni hecn in I'ort-au-I'rlnco
since April * ) anil iionttcniit [ thoioforo could
lia\o been inatloto kill him In Jaynl nt the
tltro given In the report of some davs JIRO.
There was a minor currant amcntr the
merchants do\\n town ycstcnlny that Haiinl-
bnl Price , present minister from IlavLl at
Washington , would locolvo the appointment
of permanent minister of llnnnco nnd foreign
afTnlrs.ln Illppoljto's cabinet.
Kvorjono In nny way Interested in Hay-
tlnn comincreo eagerly discussed the now
phase affairs had assumed. The exact date
on which martial law was proclaimed In the
Hajtlancapltnl not tflveu in the loiters.
It was said the supporters of LcRltinio had
hoca actively engaged In stirring up n
feeling acalnst the prcstdont's adminis
tration. So far as known the uorU of
these aglt.dors was cniillned to 1'ort-nu-
Prmcc , ivhoio Lcgltlme's Inlltienco has al-
wajs tieon strotniost , The deposed piwl-
tlcntlio is no\v sojourning In Jamaica hii ,
it is said , been repulnily posted on the work
of his secret emissaries President lilppohto
too , hnsnot boon napplnp , and ho ii now do-
torinincd to nip the thio.itened uprlsincln
the bud and at tbo sumo time , if possible , hi Inc
the guilty ones to Justice U'lio LuRitlmo's
nRcnts mo Is not uvcn hinted at in other
parts of Haul c\cn thing Is peaceful nnd
comnicrio tini\o3 The icsult is that Haiti's '
llnancosaro stcaJllv improving.
So fnras tl'o ccdhiR of Mole Bt NIcholnsto
the United States for a coaling station is < n-
corned , It was said to bo as far fiom realiza
tion at ( \ er.
Itcinnrlcnhlo Knv-cl of a Itallroad on n
1'einiHjlianla rainier.
riiiiAinn'iiuMny ) ? 10. Joe Duhrlingci of
Wrlubtslown , Clicks county , Is neatly ItiURh-
inghlimolf to dcith over the Now Ilopsex-
tomioiiof the Hudson rallioad which runs
by his farm. Jlo weighed 17" > pounds tliieo
months ago The llrst train passed his fnim
on March 1 , Duhrllngor has laughed so
much tlnco then that ho only weighs
110 pounds. The doctors nro nuz
zled and Dubiliugor'3 fiionds are
awaiting the icsult with nlnrm.
Durllngcr is nbout llfty-oight jcnrs old. Ilo
Is a native of Oorninny. When the Nc\v
Hope cxtonslon H opt Into operation with a
station nt Walton , about half n mile from his
fatal , lilspiopcitj Incionsed In valuontonco
aiidhe began to prln. All his talk was oC
the imroved | value which the extension
would gno his land and now hit posterity
would benefit thcicby. Thi'ii ho boirnn to
neglect bis ottiMtork nnd took to watcbiiifr
tlio railroad meant their work. Ilo wus so
tickled that ho took several of the railroad
men to board for almost nothing. Duhr-
Hnger's mirth RIC\V ns tlmo wont on and ho
aid notWiiK but sit on his porch and \\nlt for
the trains to go by. Ills keen oars detected
the whistle in the distance ana this uas so
gratifying to him that ho would
hurst out into uncontrollable laugh
ter , Ilo would Inspect the track , laush-
Intj qulotly to lumsoir nnd rotuin to
his house to o\\ait the comlnij of the non
train. Ilo Itno s the time tahlo bvliout
andean toll the time e\ory ttnln is duo Ho
allowed even-thing to co to pieces on his
farm. Ills u I fa hopes that the novelty 111
weir off ana tlia'ho ' will icgnln tus noi-mal
stnto. Ilo does not laugh now qulto as much
n to did , but his interest in the caio of the
road is undlmlnlshed. Monday honlM
olfchteenmiles to testify for tho'railroad in a
casoof trosrass on the track.
i. vxvtinits.
X'lio Case Belnu ; InvostlKatcd lly n
Com ! ol' Iiupiiiy.
AVAMv \i r.Wash. . , May 10. The court
of iuquliy ordered by the war department to
Investigate the Ijnchlng of A. J. Hunt by
thosoldicwof Fort Walla Wnllu April 24 ,
coineiicdyesterday. The court Is composed
of Urlpradier General A. V. Ivout/ , Colonel
Thomas Mandcrson , Fourteenth Infantry ;
Colonel \ \ ' . II , Cailin , Fourth Infantry , nnd
Captain Chntlos McClure , acting Judtjo advo-
c.iloof tbo department of Columbia. Tub In
structions are to ascoitnln who did the
lynching , give opinions as to who woio re-
sponsiolo , and make rccoinniondntions for
further action , bhcrlff McFurlnnd of Walla
\Vnlla county , tcstllled that ho , In company
with the prosecuting nttoinoy , called on
Colonel Comptoii , commandant at Walh
Walla , on the ovuiini : ot the lyiu'lilng and
roquostcd him to call the chock rolls carl v In
the ovonliip Colonel Compton replied tint
under the i ulini ; of tlioar ilcp'irtinent ho
could not call tlio rolls any earlier. 'ITbo
shcrltt then related how on the night befVno
the lynching ho was stopped on the loscr-
vatio'n byllfty soldlois whllo ho was conv < ij-
hiK1 Hunt to the hospital , where the dviiiR
statement of private Miller was taken. Ltiito
In the night bcfcro the l.vncblng1 foitr
soldiers Usitcd the jail , and told the shoritT j
they wanted Hunt The shoilll said that I
after vain cndonvora to got tint colonel to I
call tlio iheck rolls before 11 o'clock , ho re
turned te the city nud In toss than an hour
the soldiers had broken open the Rate and
shot Hunt. The court will probably ba In
session the outiro w ooic.
Foicut Fit PH.
\Vir.MniBpotiT , I'a , Mny ll ) .
forest 11 res nro still burning to the west and
north. l\n \ ruin has fnllon In this city for
tbrco weeks mm liny and ginlu mo rapidly
wlthoi iiif and turning yellow.
A Oirlcntl of the Explosiro flooa OIF Koai
JM , Y ,
IVonlHiip Cl litccn llvo
n Blown Into the Illvrr
tl > o iity-l'l v llndly
Injiiiod ,
S ! , N" . Y. , May 19. Thow rm n
horilbla accl liiit ! near hot a ted y ill \ > lilcli
Iho loss ol life Is vstlmnlod at botwoti llx-
ti'oiiamt twonly and tbo Injxucil a ) imny
An engine nnd ono flixt cnr wcra convejIiiK
aloalol ItallAii * nnd twonly-Cour cases ot
dynamite , ciuh i-nso contaliilntr llfti po units.
'IholUUuna voroliolni ; taken tea section oC
the road uhoio n. third track \vt behiR hid.
A cell ol ropolay In front of thotruck of ttio
en-jlno. Jutt ns the train TO * passing
Holmes Poitxt , uiEdivay bctwooii Tnrrytoivu
nnd Irvlngton , n spirk frotn ttid onplno Ig
nited the cell ot rope. Tlio itovinf Iriiiu
tanned the ll niO3 and botoro Iho Ittil ! n < i
realized tlclr Jntigor the llninoa roaclioil-ciio
of the luclMges of dynainiU Oao man
scolnj the dinner , spran ? oil tlio lint
car. Ho fell under the wheels and uua
killed The next raomont there vn1n rum
bling noise , adcnso cloud of unoko mil n.
ilyhiR mass , shot up tn the nlr Dolorotho
oxploiloa sotuo o I the ItallatiH liad tiunblod
off nnd a tow saved their llvoaby so dolnq.
Ono mnn VOM blown llfty footlnto tlio itr.
Ho fell into the Eluilson river , hiotlior mixu
wn- * blown oior Into the binds Tin others
\\orothro\ra \ In various directions. Sovcrnl
oft hem are supposed , to Invo hoon bloivn
Into the river.
Jnmoa KlsUcrnnll of Vonltor-s wm ntllio
scene oC the nc < ldcnt shortly after Hoc-
currcil. Ilu says ho counted slxtcoi : deicl men
on the track1 nnd sixteen vonnded. Ilo tui-
dcrstooil thatUvcntv had been blown Into
HHJ ilvor. Most ofttioin were Hill tins.
t.oorpo Iloikor , the ongltuor el the train ,
Mas cut on the head bo AVIS I'l rcraan
Leoinrd Pain l"ain al o Ind tltco or four
ribs broken andhewos bndlv sliockoJ
John Smith , brakoitiaiiwas killed
John Conutm , the conductor , was
inj'ircd \\asscnttohli homo nt S.
Hnunj L'nr ou. nbov employed in .
powder , - s also Wllod
.loha rAlcCJnrtUv , the tlmoleopcr , was
'J' bo otlioi-3 killed AVCIO all Jlallons. The
names of ttio Italians nro not known Tlioy
ave known otilv by uumbors
Twenty llvo nicn ate InJiiTOd. Ainonp
IhoiinvasTota rLimogun , the blulcsnittli niul
foroimiv his leg being ; smashed.
Two bodtu'i ha\o been tultcn out of Hie
river Nobody l ios how inntr moro ro-
mainthcii ) The two Itnlinns vho vins not
killed bj the explosion wore so hdlj frigiit-
cued that tlwy tan to tlio iliorrnll \ nnd
jumped Into the river. They lima not lieeu
soon slnco
The Malting room of the rallroid station In
Tnrrjlon-n was tuined into n tcinpoiary lios-
iltalwh ) , OIQ sill the siliceous wto could bo
hid operated on UiosutTeiorn 'llio wounded
Norostrotihodou the Malting room floor imd
ono Italian died. The llooi nftoitlioir ro-
taoval locked lll-co the Uoor ofan nlihntolr.
Tlio blood lay all ntout in giant cloto oud
As to the numhor of men oiitho Irainnc-
counts dLtlor. Sotno say tlicro - as lllty-t o.
'I ho lowest estimate placed iho nuinoor at ,
forty. Ubton , tlic "bow , thlnl thirocra
oior foityandns matter of aceouut ino
nuinbor of these bjoi\n Intoatotiis or Into the
rirons tea certain extent n mailer of specu
TLintraln xvns torn to atoms , the railroad
triclti rippocl from ttiolr bed nnla pwat hole
mini foot deep dugout of tha cirtli , totally
blocKinfrtho traftlc on thn rosil for many
hours Up In T-rirrytown and across the
ilvoi In Njacli acid jll uv mid iloiui tlio
slronm tlio force of tlio < xplo < lon was tcr-
ilflc. Tli o walls ofsorcial 'Inirjtownhouscs
worcshaJjfn nnd cracked and window RISS !
How In showers to the sldovulks 13\cn \ o or
In Xyarlt llua nnnos of glass wcro Hinailiil
The list of lead Is now ci > 'htec n Of those
thirteen are accounted for nnd tliii remaining
flvo are Inthoriror. Gnupsof men In boats
nro now drap lnp : the riu" for thuin.
Thioo of IhoItnJhna dlo < l in the Turiy-
town hospital after bolni ; iimioicd from ino
vreck i'en bodies woiu picktcl up nlotifr tlio
traclf , wliilo ti\o \ \ cio taken out c [ thowntcr.
About tlireo minute's befoio tlu oiloslon |
occunod the Chiirnga litnltodoxiirasskiivlnp ;
on hoirdjiiinypassenKcr- thit point.
In Iho blffh tUiool oC Tairj to ii niortlon |
of the celling Mm knocked dowiianda pjnio
onsucd amonftho pujills llho toacUciswith
dllUculty provcnttiila
liislKip.Vcvvnmit Malcrs Siin.rRciiiark4 )
on Clio Suhfuil.
A \cry larproana highly culturnd aiidionco
inseinbloQat thol irst Mothodlstchurcli lait
nlfjhtto lfarHl5iiop ) Newman's loctiiro on
" 1'ho march of clvlil/ntion , "
Thospenkorsnldnt the bcglniilng ; that tlio
term ( IvlLirition hndncvir been satisfuctorlly
dcllncd. Croat inlndHtro at vnrianre aslo
'Ahatthoblandnd of chlliaitioii Btionld lie
'iho Idoaofof oriranlyod go\eriiinoiit \ coull
hcrdl ) bo considered clvillz.itlon fn China Inil
bcon Iho moat tbo ronglilj oipinnod covorn
incut for ctntuiks Inch. Thumajustjof laiir
fouhl neb bo con ldurod tlio stuidnrl. fir
lioinonilclit bo taken ns n t > po of inajcst v In
this icspect , l > ut tUuRonnu empire
and fell.
In turn tlio speaker took upthelleaof
lofty culture , conimorchl supremacy mil
state religion , hut concluded that true cl\ll-
Izatlon moaiit inoro tltnti any of tlioso.
All ohall/atlons had been abnormal , tlio
spoaltor bold , seine hivinit ono Iclcn pioloml
mtiiifr , and at other tlinosHoiiiettilni ; aha
taking tbo lead In our owntlvili/ntlen tli
question of nioiiov was the tirodonliinnt
thought of tbo pcoiilc , and was tilt abnormal
To (111 3lllhCpll IMIl ( * < l ,
Ooorgo Toddw.tsarrobtodat tlis corner of
Twenty-ninth wd I'tirnani ttoel Into last
nishtforiiradnff ! nroiind In fcnuilu attire
Cioorco had complete suit elvomon's '
clotlusoii , bnthl * wnllc nnd his unshaven
face jjavo him awny Otlkor ( lorrran thouRlit
the best pJaco for Cicorgo was In the city Jnll
HO ho was tent tlitro
That flood's Sirsaparllla does possess curv than nny otlier similar preparation. In
tlvo power 1'ccullar to Itself la conclusively country , If JOH have ncicr taken jloodi
thownby tbo vondcrful cures It lias effected , Kaniparllli. a fair trial will convince ) oud
unsurpassed | n llio history ot medicine , Tlilj ItseiccllciiconiKlincrJ ! ! , Tnkvlltblaieaioii
absolute merit It possesses by reason of the "Icnnlnnlly eilliiuilc tliu benefit JtCLlvcd
fact Hit It li prepaid ! by a < 'omblnntloii , fromualiiclIood'flKarBiparllla , last eiiiiuiicr
I'roimrtioumidl'rocKul'ccullartoIloud's I vas prostrated for nearly tlireo month , from
K& Harsaparllla , poor circulation
tJ > &ft ID R l B * known to no
t C7w lIBC&U other mcdlcliK ,
uid 1 ; which IhcfuUmedlcIml power of all the althoiiEhrnj p'lyslclan. Irratcij Iniofor icrvoui
Increments used H retained. Hood'a Sarsn- lioublc , 'J'lilj sjilnic1lio saino Hjinptdiii re
jwllHls altjlily conccnlratcd cxtractof sar- turned , iul 3 coiitlmlcil to lie my onriub ) > iil'
laparllla , I ) indellon , Mindrako , OoiK , Junl- clan , and bcfiau uilnn llood'j Biiriaiiaillla , I
liavoiuit lost one ( UyJrimi myvwk , andfctl
[ er Iltrrles , ami other \\tll b own cgctall "
like n < llffuiQnt pasiMi" I ! J , llii.tcv , ltus | <
remedies. It IAS won Its v ' .y to llio leading . C'lilrsvillu , Olilo ,
llacoanioiiR nicdlclncj by its own Intrinsic
tmdlsutcd | merit , and baa now a larger sale forfi. 1'reiurcJbj-C.I. tloou Co..LgwalMali ,
100 Doses On@ Dollar