8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , , WEDNESDAY MAY 20 , 1891. THE CITY. W. M. Kdwnrda was flnod $10 nnd costs by .Tutltfo Holsloy yestordtiy for ro- ninthly tin ollicor. John Starlca , nn Individual who has been tired from tbo day of his birth , wns plvon fifteen dnya of rest by Judfjo Ilolsloy. Uruno Tuehl wns bound over In the sum of SHOO , charged with Intent to kill. Bruno fired several shots at another Italian In Dago alloy a day or BO ngo. The Willing Workers , the children's missionary society of the First Congrcga- tloniil cliurch , will entertain their frlomlH Friday eve , May 22. Children from foreign lands will bo present with curlosltlcrf from their native countries. Chris Johnson was arrested yesterday for being drunk and suspected of being a , suspicious character. Johnson had In his possession ft jug of gin , a coat , some tobacco nnd iv small sack filled with pieces of linger and earring settings. It is supposed that the stuff has been stolen , but no report hns boon made to the po lice of the missing property. The IjiuUc * Delighted. The pleasant effect nnd the perfect Bftfcty with which ladles may use the liquid fruit laxative. Syrup of FlB , under all con- dltlons make It tliolr favorite remedy. It Is plciisliiK to tlio eye and to tbo taste , qentlo , yet effectual In acting on the kidneys , liver and bowels. HO VTII Union Hull. The llrst annual ball by Typographical union No. Cfi'.i , of South Omaha , In Kowloy's hall , Monday evening , May 18 , was a sueess and was as pleasant to the largo assemblage of friends as It was creditable to the union nnd the ? calous comndttccmcn whoso good judgment made It all thitt friends expected or members of the union could tleslro. Mr. 7. . Cudtllngton and Miss Ella Hudson lead the iruiid march. William M. Maupin , who hns charge of the World-Herald buroiu at Lincoln , added luster to the party by his presence. William Maxwell , wno will represent Omaha union nt the Boston session of the international , was present. \V. A. Pangburn , n popular Omaha printer , was present nnd was as Happy as a Missouri girl at a hocdown , Tin ; Peanut Social. Tno peanut'and Ice cream social to bo given by the C. S. l'S. ; of the First Christian church , In the Swedish Baptist churcn Twenty-second and K streets , Friday evenIng - Ing , promises to bo as well attended ns it will bo pleasant. A literary and musical enter tainment will add to the onjoyincnt of the evening. Afternoon Tea. The Homo Missionary society of the First Baptist church will give an afternoon tea at the homu of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac H. Brayton , Thirtieth and L streets , Wednesday , May 20. Hefreshmpiits will bo served from 2:30 : to 5 o'clock In the afternoon. Everybody Is cor dially Invited to attend. Kensington Toa. The ladies of the Episcopal church will give a Kensington tea nt the rcsldcnco of Mr. and Mrs. Edwiinl J. Soykorn , Twenty-second and 1 streets , Wednesday nfternoon next , 4 to 7 o'clock. The public"is cordially Invited. .Notes About the rity. Mrs. Jonathan H. Johnson Is sick. Owen tlrotlicrs will grade the Brown Park school house lot. G. W. Thompson , after a long trip on the reid , Is homo again. Brown park now rojolcos over the poses- ston of thrco saloons. A son has been born unto fllr , and Mrs. William McCauley , Albright. C. D. Gibson Is down with diphtheria at his residence. , Twcnty-Ilrst and J streets. Joseph W. Slpu has sold his residence , Twenty-third nnd Q" streets , to Herman /el- ler. James P. Hayes , chief of the G. II. Hammond mend lire department , will take a fortnight's vacation and spend It in Chicago. Llttlo Myrtle , aged ten years , daughter of Mrs. Sarah Irwin , Twenty-sixth unil P streets , celebrated her birthday yesterday. Mrs. Whlttlo'oy with her young daughter , wife of Chief Engineer Thomas W. Whittle- scy of the G. H. Hammond company , went to Richmond , InU. , with Mr. Whtttlosoy. Sunday afternoon the Hill Stars nmt Tlio Graders played a game of ball on the Brown park "round * . 1'ho Stars won by a score of 17 to y. Another1 game will bo played next Sunday afternoon. William Scott , the would-bo benedict who stole n coat and vest from Landlord C. W. Phelps of the Great Western hotel , pleaded pullly before Judge King anil was sentenced to the county Jail for thirty days. The fliuil meeting of llobert U. Livingston post , No. ' 'S' . ' , Grand Army of the Kcpublle , before memorial day was held Monday night nnd was very largely attended. The com mittee arrangements were approved. The annual congregational mooting of the First Presbyterian church will bo held this evening. All persons who regard this con gregation as their church homo or contribute to tlio support of the church are urged to at tend. tend.Hov. Hov. Marion Boles , pastor of the First Christian church , has been Invited bv the Women's Christian Temperance unlo'n to preach a special sermon , in the First Presby terian chinch , Twenty-fifth nnd J streets , Sunday evening. Mr. Frank Clifford , one of the popular Union Pacillo boys , and Miss Jennie Condon , the popular daughter of Mr.John Condon.havo announced their marriage at 8 o'clock this morning in St. Agnes' church. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford will visit Denver nnd other western places on their wedding tour. lo not take any chance of being poisoned or burned to death with liquid stove polish , paints or enamels in bottles. The "Hlsine Sun Steve Polish" is safe , odorless , brilliant , the cheapest and best steve polish inailo , and the consumer pays for no extensive tin or Class package with every purchase. ifiulKO Fooled 'Km. Judge Duiidy surprised the attendants upon the United States court out of a year's growth yesterday afternoon. Ho called the law docitot for the third or fourth time and onlv live of the cases were represented by nttornoyi who were In court. The Judge thereupon continued every case , with the ox coptlon of live , until next term. Tins prevents vents a hearing of the cases until next twin unless the order of the court is sot aside. The Judge has repented his admonition to the at tornoys year after year to tlio effect tha cases not ready for trial or not ropresontotl when the docket was called would bo con tinned , but his warning had lost its force am enl } raised a smile on the face of those who heard It , His action yesterday , therefore was a complete surprise to everybody. - a i Since it Is now a well established fact that catarrh it a blood disease , medical men are nulto generally proscribing Ajor's S.xrsapar- Ilia for that most loathsome complaintand the result , Iu no trly every instance , proves the wisdom of their advice. .1 .v.vo u.ci : . " 7.nnle , " the operetta to bo given at Crclghton college hall Wednesday evening , May 10 , by St. John's colli > glj\to church choir , U attracting n good deal of attention nul promises to provo very interesting. The oostumcs have been received nnd some , especially those In tun wedding HCOHO , nro rich nnd costly. Mr. .fnltvt Lnmbard in one of the scones will Introduce UN famous song , "Hall to the Queen. " The sale of tickets 1ms nearly readied tlio limit of tbo seating capacity of the hull. The operetta is under the nmnngrmout of Mr. J. Shouk , who has spared nolthor work nor expense to produce it artistically. The principal bullets prosontoJ In thn second end edition of Uilnioro'a spectacle , "Tho Twelve Temptations , " which opens a four nights' cngngumont nt the Iloyd on Sunday next , nro "Tho Llttlo Lord Fauntloroys , " "Tho Parisian Hellos , " "Hl'llng on Gniml- pn'i Shoulders , i'hn Ballet of All Nations , " nil the ilaucu of Terra Cotta \vltu live cockatoos. How John Young Brown Becaraa Kentucky's Candidate for Governor. PRETTY GIRL'S ' POLITICAL INTRIGUE , She Forced Her Fntlior Into the Arena nnd Conducted Ills Campaign Bho Captivated Henry Wnltcrsun with Untie. NEW YotiK , May 10. A pretty story goes with the nomination of John Young Brown to bo tbo democratic candidate for governor of Kentucky In the coming campaign. The nomination was made last week , and accord ing to n Kentucky man who was nt the Fifth Avenue hotel yesterday the beginning of the boom for Mr. Brown wns made by his pretty daughter , ngod eighteen or twenty years. This is the story : Mr. Brown was In politics In his early life nnd ably represented n district of Kentucky In congress. After serving with credit ho declined to accept another nomination nnd settled down to the practice of law. He snld at that time that bo wns done with politics , for ho could not afford to devote the best years of Ills life to ofilco holding. For years ho kept to his dotorminatlonnnd though per sonally popular nil over the state nnd stnnd- Ing high in the councils of hlspartyho would neither ask nor accept any position within the gift of tbo pooplo. But ho has a daughter who was n little girl when ho was In congress , but she has grown to bo n woman and has fallen desperately In love with her futhor. She Is devoted to him nnd is very attractive , with nil the spirit nnd beauty that go with the traditional Kentucky girl. She is ambitious not nlono for herself , but she wanted her fnther to shine among the public men of the state once more. She bogged him to become a candidate for a stnto ofilco or for congress , nnd brought a 11 her persuasive powers to bear on him in that direction. Hho wan'ed an incessant campaign , but he put her off , Joking her upon her ambitions nnd declaring nt the same time that ho had had his day In ' politics when she wns a little girl nnd be must stay nt homo now nnd practice his profession. But she gave him no peace , and each mornIng - Ing at breakfast she bewitched him with her arguments. At last bo could not resist her appeals , but lie had not the time to work up n boom , so ho would leave that to her. Ho told her to outline an initial campaign nnd start him on the road for such office ns to her seemed best. Then ho laughed nt her and wont to his law ofllco for tbo day. Next morning at breakfast the fair cam paigner handed him u shoot of delicate note paper on which she had written a note ready for his signature. It was his announcement thnt the undersigned wns willing to become n candidate for governor. Ho luughed at her nnd signed the document. Ho did not know bow serious the matter was getting , but ho had promised his daughter nnd ho kept his word like a true Kentucky man. Thnt day the young lady toolt the note to Louisville nnd wont to the editorial rooms of the Courier- Journal nnd to Mr. Wattcrson's own otllco. She showed him the note and explained to him that her father Una promised to become a candidate partially because she had asked him. The letter she presented was docu mentary evidence. Editor Wattorson was charmed. Ho was n personal friend of Mr. Brown , nnd If nny- thing had been wanted to Insure his support of her candidate the young lady captured him. "If John Young Brown says he will bo n candidate and you are his daughter , ho will got tl.o support of my paper , " said Mr. Wattcrbon , nua tlio young lady went away happy. She told her father that she had his cam paign well started , and insisted with laughIng - Ing eyes that ho must not recede a bit from the pledge ho bad made. A few days later , when Mr. Wattcrson announced that Mr. Young Brown had consented to become a candidate for Governor and that his nomi nation would bo a wise one , all Kentucky democrats took it ns a declnrntlon. Mr. Watterson kept his promise nnd supported Mr. Brown. Thcrj is no evidence tunt the latter showed any disposltioa to withdraw from his position. At any rnto ho did not do so. Ho accepted the situation. His daughter was ns happy as the day is long. The demo crats of the convention did their part of the story and secured a good candidate fox1 gov ernor nnd probaoly made one llttlo lady , hap pier than she was ever in her hfo before When she nominated John Young Brown last Friday afternoon. A Po.nilni" Itcnicdy. Mr. John Keown , the worthy postmaster at Keown , Allegheny county , Pennsylvania , says : "Chambelaln's Cough Remedy sells better than any other. " The reason of this is bccauso it can always bo depended upon. Lot iinyono troubled with a severe cold give it u trial and tbov will 11 nd that the llrst dose will relieve the lungs and make breathing easier , and that Its continued use will tree the system of nil symptons of the rold. The promptness nnd certainty of this remedy in the relief nnd cure of colds , has won for it many sincere friends and made It very popu lar. For sale by druggists. Tlio I'axton Hotel Flro Did not olTcct the hotel proper in any way so as to Interfere with the operation of the house. Only the annex was dam aged anil guests have been cared for without the interruption of n single day. DcclHlon 111 Favor of the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Hy. The now Palace sleeping cars of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. , with olcctrlo lights In every berth , will continue to leave the Union depot , Omaha , at 0:20 : p. m. , daily. Passengers taking this train avoid transfer at Coun cil muffs , nnd arrive in Chicago at 0:30 : a. m. , in ample time to make all eastern connections. Ticket olllco , 1C01 Farnam itroot , F. A. NASH , J. E. PRESTON , General Agent City Passenger Agent. Flro Traps. Chris It art man of the flro nnd police com mission nnd Chief Galligan resolved them selves into n committee yesterday and started out to hunt tire traps. Up to noon they had located thirty piles of papers and rubbish in the basements and back rooms of buildings in the vicinity of Fifteenth nnd Farnam streets. The Investigation will bo continued and al parties who fall or refuse to clean up will bo prosecuted. A Pore Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Coke and Pastry , Licht Flaky Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome. No other baking powdir docs such work. PHKSIOKNT imjfiON COJI1NO. Ho "Will Make n Tour of the Union PnuUlo HyNteiu. President Sidney Dillon of the Union Pa- ciflo , accompanied by hU family , will arrive in O inha sometime today. Mr. Dillon will make a trip over the road on a tour of Inspection , accompanied by Vlco President Clark and Assistant General Man ager Dickinson. The party will visit nil the principal points on the road. Oliver W. Mlnlc of Boston , comptroller of the road , arrived In the city this morning and will accompany Mr. Dillon over the road. _ How Itnllroad Map * Ara Made. They toll this story of Gonernl Passenger Agent George H. HoafTord of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad. The maps of that great system nro remarkable for the straightncss of the lines of road. Nearly every part , Is n boo line between the terminal points. That part of ttie road between Chicago cage and Omaha has , however , a slight curve In It. Some ono remarked one day : "You nearly got n straight line that time , Hcnf- ford. " "Well , " ni.sworcd the genial shifter ot latitudes nnd longitudes , "tho line Is straight , but the ruler slipped. " A Hall Crank Special. The B. & M. will run a special train on Sunday next from Schuyler to Omaha in order to accommodate the base ball cranks nlonc the line who wish to see the gnmo be tween the Omaha nnd Denver teams. The train will leave Schuyler In the morning nnd will return In the evening. A reduced rate has been made for the trip. Now Clioyoiino . The new passenger shops of the Union Pa cific nt Cheyenne have been completed nnd the machinery Is no.irly nil in place. Mr. McConnell. superintendent of motive power , will go to thnt point in n few ijnys In order to put the shops in running order. o How It Came About. Now , doctor , it's no uso. I've tnken your stuff ovot six month nnd I don't got well worth n cent my liver nnd stomach nro out of order , so ycu sny , but all your medicine goes for naught. Now , 1 am going to quit your remedies nnd take Hnllor's Snrsnparllla nnd Burdock it cured mo otico before when I wns nil run down , nnd I have faith to DO- Hove it will do so again. Penults. The following permits were Issued by the superintendent of buildings yesterdays James Ilnnnulln , one-story frame cot tage. Twenty-eighth nnd llrlbtol Btreets t 000 Panic COO I > . V. blintes , two-story frame residence. Twenty-eighth avcnuo and Davenport street . . . . . 0,000 Ij. JankoivsU , two-story frame resl- UPIICP. Tlilrty-llrst avenue und Docliro stri'ot 5,000 Jess.lt1 Hdwards ono-storv frame cot- taBO , Twenty-third und Vlnton streets POO 1 our minor permits 1,1'J. ' > Total J14.1U5 1KA THN. fi'o'.tcts nf five linen or lets wider thin head , flftu cents ; tach additional line ten cent' . OIJRINKK John , aged 14 weeks , son of Mr. and Mrs. John Grelner , Twenty-soventb and Armour streets , died at 8 o'clock Monday morning and wns burled ypterdny In St. Mary alaguuHnocomotoryat 10 6 clock. KKF.KAKKY rY.ink , aged ! ) months , son of Mr. and Mrs I'runk ICrok.irKy , 1'ortleth and K streets , died at 10 o'elot'k Monday fore noon aha was burled In HI. JIary'scomotory at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. FU.IIt A I , A'O TICJK. KiiHccx nf fire tints nr Icni iwcJerite < / head , fifty cents ; each ml tUlunal lint ten ci'its. The funeral of Martha AVhlto will tnkoplnco from Urn residence of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. H. H " 'bite. 1815 Corby street , Wednesday at'J p. iu. Interment Forest Lawn. PRICK -OF- Beginning Monday we will offer 125 dozen of fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 3 5c each , in all sizes , 34 to 44 , in a natural mixture , French finished neck , and in every respect a regular 75c garment. This great value will be on sale until the lot of six cases are sold. Mail orders promptly filled , but must be accompanied with sufficient postage. Lot No. 2 We will offer 100 dozen of Men's fine gauze Shirts , made French neck , pearl buttons , and full size , 34 to 44 , at 25c each. Other dealers pay more for these goods than we sell them for. Send in your mail orders ; they will receive the same care in our mail order depart ment that any customer would in our store. Lot No. 3 150 dozen of regular cut gauze Shirts , sold all over the city at 35c and 40c. We will offer at this sale the entire lot at 15c each. See display in our Douglas street show windows. REDUCED PRICES on all lines of finer grades of Underwear. We arc overstocked in this department , and have inaugurated this sale with a view to reduce some large lots. ContinentalfaClothin CORNER DOUGLAS AND 15TH STREETS , 3 1-va.rQest , Glotl-iincj House West of tlie Mississippi- Tough glass lamp-chimneys. Macbeth's "pearl top" and "pearl glass" are made of tough glass. They rarely break except from accident. rittsburi. GKII. A. MAcmvrn & Co. NEBRASKA. National Bank U.S. DEPOSITOKV , OMAHA. NB3. Capital , - - - - $400,000 Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O , - OH.BOO Officers and Dlroctors'-IIonry W. Yntoi , I'roiMont ! Lcifli U. Iteod , Vlcu-1'roildent ; James W. Havax" . W V.Mor o , Jobn U. Collliu , It. U Cu Ullu , J. N. U 1'aUlck. . U. d. lIuiclitK , ciulilor. THE IRON BANK. Corner 13th aud KarimuSti. A Gcncralllauklnj llnslucsi Tr.intaotol itrr * > KnctUh llUi.ond llnuid. ( IrljInnlouilOnlr Oonlllnf. > rc , alw.j. rrlUMt. LDII nk , liuill.l for < ( < , < I r infill * IHa-/ -ionj Branrl \ Hid mj ( , 'i.U m.ulllA IboiM , i loJ wltii bin. rltUm , Tulane no other. B Hdaujwonnubililu- luiui anil Imluiioni. * I UtUHlili. r J 4 . la bltmrl hir t > ll vUri. Irttlraoalftli ftna T for I.Billrt"l l.lnr , tj r lor 0.000 It.llmoolili A m < iMjur. SoUl tj U Lu3 > t luuijtiu. 1'bUBila. , ! ' . DIME EDEN MUSEE. Corn or fltli und rariiuni .Streets , WUKK 01' MAV ibTH. CLAHENOK DALE , TIIK IUO HRADni ) 1IUV. Tlm bruinaof 11 man ; body o ( u boy , ' ' ' Iu DKSl'KUATBt'llANt'ES , a coincdy-dramu tlirc-o iiotH Iiy tlio I'Mtz ertilil'LowIt Co. I'rof. K. Abl'sDIsuolvIiiK Vltitts , uud u flrst- clues Variety KntcrtulnnionU Frlilny , I/iiUles' Souvenir Day , Five Hundred Men's Sack and Cutaway Street and Business Suits , new designs in cas- simeres and cheviots , neat stripes , plaids and mix colors ; seasonable garments of our own manufacture , reduced for one week to the uniform price of 81O.OO. In order to properly display our large va riety of summer coats and vests , more room on our first floor becomes a necessity , hence this extraordinary reduction in price on goods of true merit. Cheap- goods are out of our line , but you willjalways find us with good goods cheap , our bargains are appreciated because they are always genuine. We place on sale 5OO dozen real French Mace Half Hose , in brown , tan and mode colors , regular price the world over 36c , or 3 pair for $1. Our price until closed out , 2Bc per pair. Special prices on Boys' and Children's Clothing , Shirt Waists and Boys' Furnishings ; reliable garments , honestly represented and sold at Reasonable Prices. Send for illustrated catalogue. Money cheerfully refunded when goods do not Bsttisfy. RELIABLE CLOTHIERS , Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Sts. Watcli our Show Windows all Week. nSTAIU.ISIIKI ) ISM. A. J. SIMPSON , Ull Dudgo Street , Omalin , Neb Hldu Bprlou attachment , no horse m Jtlon. IIUILIICIIS OF First Glass Carriages , THBLBADING STYLES. THE LOWEST PBIOE3 YOUR I'ATIlONAiH fcOUCITIH ) . HOTEL DELI.ONE. Corner Mth and Capitol Avonua. Just completed , h.13 100 room ] , three stairways , Iromtho top to the bottom , hai fine elevator anJ dinning room service , i flre proof throughout , line blllarJ rooms and the nnest toilet rooms in the city. Largo nmple rooms , Bultoa with bath Sci. Cor 14th and Capitol Ave. Street car service In all directions. K&tes , from 2.00 to $1.00 JMM ? n ARentii to 'el | " 10 > 1 IJ U.CIoiho l.lno , the only line ever Invented thnt hod ! the tiolhej without l'ln i a per- iectiutcaiii imtenl rucenlly lamed ) Hold only by KVenti , t < > whom theuscliinlvo rhiht l u'lvein on re- velptuf ( Omul ! we * 111 tend u inmiilo line l > y mall ; alia clrcnl'irii ) irlco lint und terms to nitont , nccnni Tiiur territory ut once. AddriisiTUH I'lNI.K a CI.OTIIKd LINK CO. , I ? Ileruon St. , Worcetter iluas. nnnllTl BAND AT , WOOD CAI-SUI.KS ro the IIII III I I u be > t and only csp ule < prmcrlbed by UUUU I n ru.'uUr uhy lclm tor the turn or Oopoihaoj andill'Cbur u * Jrom Hi9 tirlniiry oricani laoerltvd or oiulrcd II iOyr \ bar , NO OXJRExi NO PAV. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Seventeen yours erporlonco. A ro ultr Krnlnnto In medicine n < dlplainm > hotr li tlll irmllnu with the gronti'st nuccoaj , nil N'orvoiM , Clininlcnnd I'rlvato Dliooci A perniinont oiiru Kiinriiiitool t"t' nt.irrli Spcrmatorrhnja , I.o t Mnnbood Hcmlniil Woakncn , NUlit l.o ei , Impntoncy , d plilll , Strlcturo , nndnililli' eaioi of tlm Illood , Skin nnd Urinary OrK.ins. N II. I uuanintuj | yjj for ovury cam 1 mi lorUko nnd f ill " cure Coniulutlon free. Uogk ( Myiturlm of J.lfo ) aont froJ. Olllco liour4 S u. m. led p ui tiuuday U n. m. to 12 m. HOTEL. Jfiirivijfor. . t-ltli dint ft till' tllflHt HlllmtlllltltlllU COIIHtl'UCtClt Hotel Jlntliltnu ' Oniiiliit. fiuri'i-iil IKHIbrlvl ; / / ! > irtillH niimlna from biiHfiiifnt to roof All tint rcllint/H Hint /loof Illicit icltli .lnbvttoii Jti-v jn-oo/ tllltlfl , tlKtlilllU it tllllKIVHllllV tit I'll I'll ( jtili'l.4. J'lre vm'iiiH'H intil Jtro nhirniH throiiulH'tit tint onllilliiu. titrittn In-lit , liot ninl colil it-liter unit minHlilin-ln cvcruraotn , 'Jiiblts nimnrjiiiititcil tinu- B. SILLOWAY , Prop. DR , BAILEY , Graduate Dentist. A Kull Sot of Teeth on Itubbor , fur I IVK liui.i.Altd. A | > t > rfuU nt guarantied. Toclli oitractol : without pain or danger , an ] without iinneatUctlca , CJolJ nnJ illvor dlllnk' at lowott rnet.i. II rid no anil Cronu Wort , Tooth wllUout I'lutOJ. ' All worn war- lanted. OFFICE , PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Ktilrance , ICtli itreot ulorotor. Open cionlngi until 8 o'clock. OFFENSIVE with a n rml u Bitmdr. Bind ilitop ( or pi ODUUICUH.l .tlfU , CO. 817 Vim. CUclDBttl , 0. The Original and Genuine ( WORCEOTERSHIRE ) , SAUCE tar rt the mot delicious Utto and tcit vO EXTHACT KOIfl'K , ofal.ivrrr.il from MIUHUAIi ( H'.N. TLi.MAN nt M fl. ran. to hln brotlior \VOHCE8XEll , liny , 185L > V COLD "Tell 1EA ft FCItlllNB' tint their untico IB tilvhlyostMuicct In India , and U In my opinion , the IUOK' XVICI.Mll- , well tolatalilo as M tbo inmit wticlo. UAHiillTS : , ionic MUCO that la jnnlo. " Ac. is ijjsiSiJS'SSi' ' ' Bee that you got Lea & Porrius' ' BlfrnntnroonOTerj' botlloof Orislnal li Genuine. JOHN DUNCAN'S I'ONS , NKW YOKK. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1878. W. BAKER & ( Io.'s U from \vlilch tlio orccss of 1 oil Im3 been roinovoil , Is | \Ab8olutclij \ Furc is Soluble , No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It 1ms wore than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , nnd is therefore far uioro economical , cosit'nr ; ? css than one cent a cup. It is delicious , nourishing , strengthening , KASHA' I > ICIKSTID : , nnd admirably adapted for invalids ns well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocoro ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass , QUICK AND THE WOOD'S PLASTER. It IViK'Irnlei , Ito- lluvnR , CIIITU. All JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. IN ALL THt WOHLU THERE IS BUT ONL LURE DR. HAIWES1 GOLDEN SPECIFIC , It cull 1'f oHien III u cup uf rulfre ur tva. or In Mr. ftlrlv * v ( fuuil , without tbo knowledge of the patient , if necoeoarjr It U ubiolutely liarmU.H and will elleol K permanent and ipeedy euro , whether the patient u araCK'tTdte drinker or an aloohollunrtek. ITAMXU frAll.i * . It operates BO quietly and ntth iueh oer- toiaty that the patient undDrtcofm no inoonvenlouci , and ere HA It aware , hU rorapioto ritormntlcn it effected 48 page book of particulars free Tooehadol KUIIN ft CO. , Ifith A Uotylaur , A lHh CurallltBlu. D , Trade lupplled by ll'AKE , H11UCE i : ( JO , Clld iUnn A mist Ni miufi m ) omoin. J l ; Iielm" . iynfor'oifri' ? { 'Curftln V1 ! " " .n uinl rtlorhaiKCi nn-J - - l > rlvatedlieii > eiiiiiirn. A I certain euro for theiltMII. tutlnir Mtraknraa peculiar to women , vraciilrb ; Il're ' cribeltnnilfoeli f9 iTHtEvtutCHtMiniCo In reconiniencllDf It Iu CmSlNKIII,0 HBuiM " all uir r < > rii , "T J STONFR , M D .OtcuuR.Itt. Nolit liy Itriiuttltutv I'llICI1. 6I.UU. An ? UilTi 'end itnmp unit net fri' atfu of I.riuun'i Oak I > unf Hiuuinc fur Ftnn ilr 'Iroublei. thu moat nctuaiiful fuinnlo rutnc'dy etcr ixild. You 111 too tlio cxiollont otlc-cl nfler takliitf the tint treatment. II.UJ at OriiKKliti ur t > r mall , LYMAN MEDICINE CO. , KANSAS 01TV , MO. SEAUTYOI-POLI * . SAVING LABORrCLEANUNESS , JUHABIUTY&CHEAPHESS.UNEOI NO ODOnWHEH HEATED. DOCTO n McGKREW ; THE SPECIALIST. ' Jloro tlmn 13 icnM OM'i'rlonco In llio troatmoutol PRIVATE DISEASES AcuroRtinrnntccilln Ito5 dnyn. wllhotit holossOt nn luiur a tlmo. _ * * GLEET. Tlio mo t raniplrtu and ntivrinle euro for gleet unij ftllnmioylni ; dl'charKe * PUT knonrn ( o the medical profession. Permanently cured In from > tu IUdny STRICTURE Or pain In rcllo Inu tlio Wmlclur curo.l . without piln or.lii triiinrnlii. nn cuttlnjf , nn dlt.itliic Tlio moil remarkable ruined ) knmvn to modern sci"nco SYPHILIS. Turret In SO tnSUilnya | ) r Mitirow'n trratmpiit for till * torrlblu hlo iddl < pa Mia * been primmineed th niont succmsful remedy p\vr discovered fur the ah' iKilnlo euro nf the dlnoise. Ills JMIOCIM. with uili dlsea o ha never been eiiuallo I. A c mulul cur * guaranteed. LOST \NHOOD ncsB , nil woaknciso * of t ) o sexual ortrnni. nprvoui * And tlmlillty nnil despondency absolutely cutoJ. The relief Is ImmcdlitK anil e iiiik | > t > > SKIN DISEASES , nnit nil dl eii o ( of the hloo I , liver , klilnoy , nuJ bladder purinnnontly curoil FEMALE DISEASES The doctor n "tloir.o Trenlmcnf for ladtci H pro- iioiiiuiiil by nil who have tf ei | It 10 bo Ihc nuint cooit plctoanil conviMilont ronuily c\vt ulloipil fur th treatment of fiMiialodlni'iiHtu It H trill ) a nonJerful rcineily. Iloiiri fur Iiullus . from 2 to 4 unly. DR. MoQREW'S .Marvollotn cticccfls In the tri'iitmont of private dt , O.I M him wiin for him n lepulatlon "lili li Is tri i nutlonnl In rhnriclcr , anil his Krc.tt .iriny nt patlentM- renthus from the Atl.inllo tu the I'.u III'The doctor l n Krniluato of "rv ul.ir' meillilne u-nl Inn l.a . } lonu ami careful I'Tporlvnro In hinpitil practice , und Inclaiseil nmnnx Hi < Irinlinn npci'lai it In mod ern frlonciTre.it uent by curro piuiili'iii'o Wrlto for circulars about ouch of the tU > u\ol ! ones , free , Olllco , 14th and Firmm Struts , Omaha Nob. Kntrauco on olthor strat MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE- Hr.Droui ) . la. N \ . in. > o. Du. J. B. MooiiK. - ' oir S r 1 talto frrcat pleasure in s\\in ; \ that vour retn- t'lly for Uiilncy anil hsor ti'Diilile , the Tree of Life , is all that you recommend it to be. I spoalc from porsonnl e ice , r-nvintr u > > i-'tl it I can yrc\it bcnulii iitl results. * r Your , icspo'ifuily , - ANTHONY JACOIIS , Evanpolist. Macro's Tree of Life , n positive curn for Kldnor nnrl llv r I'oniiihilnt nnd nil bloodIII I IH linoi It ny to KiifTer when > ou c.in 1m cured by tMlntf Mooro'a Treoof Life , tint lire it l.lfo Itemody ? IUll'l I Ull INSTITUTK. J-orthotroitmontof nllOHUONIP AS' ' ) SI UOlCATj DISISAtilCd. llrace , Applluncoi forl' fw imtloianfl Truanucr lloit FacllltliH , Appnrntui tml HoiiroTthtV foraiiccomful Irantaivnt of uvory fuimof ill ua requiring MeHlcnl or Snrulciil Tre\lmjnt NINKTIT UOO51.1 foil PATIKNPrf , Hoard mil AltcnJnnca. Ilo t AceommoilatloiH ' .Vint. Wrltii f'jr clrculiri on DoformitUM anil llracoi , Truniot , Club Teul , turrn- luroj of Hplno , 1'llm , Tumort , Lam-or. Latnrrh , i llroncliltli , Inhnlntl m Klo'-trleltr I'lirtlyth Kpll- cyiiy , Klduorn , lllmlilur , i ; > o , Kar , Kkln anil Illooil. BndnllHurtlcallpcratloni. [ ( lilSKAHKSOf WUMKN ntpeclalto. Hook o * DUon o of Wonii'n rroo W havolMcly nddnil n lyliu In Daiitrtinei. ' torVjmuu During conUneinvnt ( Blrlaly l'rlv.ilu I "n 1 It"- blaMedlcnlJnttltiilo .Making a tflocl.i't7 ' of I All illood DlnanVai iiccoifully trcatol Moillclnu jr Inntruninnti tent by in.ill or oxpr < m mcuroly pnckod , no inirki to linllrato contoun or cn.lur. One persona. lntor low profurrod , tali ami cumuli , tidoriionil hllory uf your tain , and wo will en't ' la lain wrapper iinr HDUIC TO MBN I-IH ' 1 < " > ' " > ' " ! T to. Hpcclal or Nurvou * Dlie soi , with ( Utution lilt Addroaa all Ittleri to A.T. McLnucihnn , Prflont. . titli und llurnoy htrooU , OHIIIHA. "SANATHO" Ui * AViuidrrfill hpb d-ih Uoiiii'dy , h H " * * b a \ \ rllti'iiMM > ( ii 'ro to cum oh'j \ * tutf ? , hut , ii HC ! Munurj i . f 1 , n I'o W ( r ji a a a t ) r Walt > fulurii I ' M P . tuioil , Knrvuq - , Is rlludc , all d ui'.r un4 Dotoro& After Uso. liii.ii of I IH > r t tin il donillfi ! . Oi'ticia < < < ( i euii. In rltl.cr ni ' ' ' > id by on r ( 'jcrtlon , joulliful InilcFcrilloin , ' tvu xn-'i s u o lit tobacco , opium , < ir nlliiuHnln hUe " 'nm'fljr lend to iLflrmlty , COI.BUIU ; tlun and lubonti I m up In c.invenlcnt form to carry in tlm vut | > ! > ' l''i a Jl n incknKC , or C for 15 With eU'ry fj ird' ' r vo plro HXirlttrn Ktiarnnti'ii to fiiri , ur n-fiinil tlio nionoy. hcnthy mall l/i any Hldrtte , Clrculir Jrie. MiTi'l'iu tlili riper , Aililrv * * , MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , llrnnoh OfllrP for V. B. A , 417llonrh'.rn Rlrpct. ( UK .Utn II I. I'OIt BAI.K IN' OMAHA. NKU , UY Ktilm .t Co. , Cor. litli IMIIKIIM HU J A KulliT ' ' . ( , . I4lli A. Dm A 1 > . 1'okli r A < 'o i "iiiifd llluff lit. T. r'Cl.I.V (1(11 IIA1 II'H (11(11.STAf. ( ' uiir.AM , it \iic\i. . IIIAI ; 111-11:11 : , j -.e-vi. In iiimiliTill I m , i Knck. ! ) I > Ml lllllll ) Gil mi" anil dine * t > Ltn u. It liai ' . ! „ il the tf it o ( ID miff , and ' ' tol'C , nuiltl | ITOIV. i rl > limitAnt.l | iiu fount ! tfi It o ilmll. i nimif. Hi , I. , A. buy- Kild to % ludy of iiu > litiut-tun 1 iiiiiiiiiiitnd ' < juu , rniid'n r nm'utlli * jlfut IllltllfUl Ut Alt thi ) kni iiripora- llon " f'tirfcllohr all | lrl' tr > lntlinl'nlU"IHIi\'i > . CniiiilM nnd K ' , > s , t'KHU. T , llol'KIMi , I'M.I. r. si Incut Juin < St , N , i. urulvurclicf liko" Ur. 'ii Murc < < iUjueilo i laura Truiii. It haorurriltliounitiidal It inn w ntth llhsr , niid to In ntuin | Vir iri-u l' ni'lili'to. | . t , ' M ijtifllc iiliutlu Trun Co. , bun KrnucUvo , t-