Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1891, Page 7, Image 15

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A" HvElVfiHMiKNTS forlhcMjcolumni will
bo taken until 12 : 0 p. in. , for the evening
Edition , nnd until fie : : p. in. , for tliu morning
edition and fcUMiAY HIE.
fllEUMS-Catb In advance. ;
RATES AdTertl'omentson this page wlllbe
charged for at tbo rate of 1H rent * per
Yord for tlio flrstlnfort'on. nnd Iccntperword
lor each Mibprqvrnt Insertion , nnd II.M per
Jlno per month. No advertisement taken for
lew than 21 cents fur tlio first Insertion.
TNITIALS. llKurci , : > ymboIs , etc , , counleach
JL a s ono word.
THESE advertisement- run ronsecn-
lively and under no elrcum-innce * will
they bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
" 'EJAin IKS advertising In tlie'n rain inns nnd
J having their answerandrr ed toa"num-
lered letter In cart ? of Tnr. IIEK. will receive a
numbered check to enable them to gel their
letter * . Answers will t.c aelltcrcd only on
pre entatlon of thli check. Enclose answers
in envelopes properly addressed.
ALl < ndvrrtl etnents under thn head of
"hpeclal Kotlrcs" nro published In both
tbe mornlnit and evening edlllonsof Tur. Itr.B.
the circulation of which aggregates morethan
1P.COO papers dally , nnd Rives the advertiser
the benefit not only of the large circulation of
T ir. lire In Omahn , but also In Council IlluT ( .
Lincoln nnd othercltlca and town * * n lliowest
Advertising for these column * will bo taken
en the above rniid It Ion" , at tbe following busi
ness house * who aruauthorlrcd to take special
notices , ut the same rules as can be had at tuo
main ofllco.
SC23N , Hrect , Lister Hlm'K.
JOHN W. HELL , riiarmaclst , 20 South Tenth
OIIAFE & EimV. Stationers and Printer
113 South let I ) street.
II. PAKNSWOUTH , rbnrmaclst. 2115
Cuinlng street.
WJ HUGHES , 1'narmacist , C24 North 10th
GEO. W. PARR , Pharmacist , 1719 Lcaren-
worth street ,
PF S1 PHARMACY. 24th and Tarnam.
Forratet , tit. , teetop offirtt column on t/it * page.
" \W ANTEI ) Smpioyniont for a steady man
' with sorno means to work In a manufac
turing business. Apply 1310 Taruam street , u
IV ANTED 1'cwlUon by middle aged lady to
T T take care of biiby or do llsbt houio work.
78 ! S *
„ by capable , steady
Canadian miller a ; llrst or second hand.
D. M. . 1C07 Locust st. 73223 *
T\7 ANTEI > By a lady from the easl a posl-
l tlon as housekeeper In widower's family.
Address box 124 , Rapid City , S. D. 575 IS * *
Situations for good girls ; my
waiting rooms are alwayn full from 0 a.
lo C ) ) . m. Canadian Employment ofllcn ,
" S. ISth. Telephone & * 4 735
WANTED MALE HELP. , etc. , itet pnfflrt column on thltpagt.
T\7 ANTED Ilov with some experience In
I' Iho printing business at Iho Times ofllco.
1007 Howard street. M71C1 10 *
WANTED Salesman for every state and
territory to soil our goods by sample to
tbe wholesale and retail trnJo. Our goods sell
everywhere. Good salary paid ; permanent po
. eltion , tenor stamp for terms. O.ivnscopo Mfg
Co. Chicago , III. MJS320 *
ENT3 , $5 to 110 per day collecting small
pictures for us to coppy nnd enlarge. Sat-
fuctlon guariwitced nnd u (4 outfit free.
A. Dunne & Co. , K Roado street New York
r-E Ori'ER agents big money In exclusive
tr territory. Our new patent safes sell at
ilghl In city or country. Now agents first In
Cold actually gelling rich. Ono agent In ono
day cleared IbG. So can you. Catalogue free.
Alpine safe compunv , 303-371 Clark street ,
Cincinnati. O.
T\/ ANTED Two young men of good Btand-
' Ins to engagoln an olllco business ; ! J5
tnd good references absolutely necessary : a
coed business for right parties. Call nt 1517
JJouglas St. , room 1 , Standard Ink Erasing C'Oi
770 21 ,
WANTED Teams for Wisconsin ; free fare.
Kramer k Kramer , Labor agency. 303
South llth street. M733 20 *
flMlREE carriage painters wanted atonct.
JL U'3 S. 15lu street , Lincoln. Nob. O. J.
Homan. M757 20 *
WANTED Man ; receive Instructions ; Keep
books. Call OJ5Now York Llfo building.
M724 2U *
WANTED 10 bridge carpenters for work In
Wyoming. Albright labor agency. 1120
Farnam street. M 733
Fiflr men to surface on the
Missouri Pacific nt Union. Neb. 11.50 per
fare Ufty cents. Smith. Glllctt
ay M745 25
TANTED A porter ; young man. Omaha
Carpet Co. 771-10
ANTED 3 vnrnlshors In finishing room.
Abcrnatby Mfg. Co. , Leavenworth. Kan.
WANTED Competent carpenters can find
steady employment In SI. I.ouls al f'l per
day of elghl hours. Apply at Mechanics' ex
change , St. Louis , Mo. MG43-23 *
" | T7ANTED 3 first-class milkers at
T > ave , dairy. J. K. Hocli. 730 20"
WANTED Two first-class cedar block
pavers , Immediately. Apply E. E. Naugle
Co. . 1702 Parnam. 731 21
ANTED HOT. 15 ycari old , at Mrs. J.
llciifcon'- 770-19 *
ANTED A good tailor or tnllorcsto ,
worn In shop. Address J , A. Kerran , 3K1
B llth street. 77fi 24 *
"V\7 ANTED Salesman on commission for
Tl fine line perfumery nnd lollet luxuries.
Address Hamilton , pobtolllcu box 14 .4. Now
York , J1W4-20 *
ANTED KU-o llr l cln s tinners and gal-
vanlzcd Iron cornlco worUurs ; steady em
ployment. Apply at once. ( Jochran & Power -
er . 1910 I'lne slrt-et. St. Louis. Mo. M043 23 *
ANTED AOENT-Tlui "Novelty Wax
Pad" prevents sticky lint-Irons ; polishes
ruffs , collars and bosoms , btuuplo 23 cents.
Stamps taken. layucr& Co. Pro\ldence.R.I.
M040-2S *
or comls-
TT slon tohandlo the now patent chemical
erasing pencil ; thu grontest felling novelty
erer produced ; erases Inlc thorouglily > In iwo
looondsno ; abrasion of paper ; X ) to5 < Xl per cent
profit ! ono agenl's sales amounted to ML" " . In six
flays ; another VS In Iwo hours ; wo want ono
general agent for each state and territory.
For terms and full particular * * , address the
JJouroo Eraser Mfg Co. , La I'rtme , Wls. 475
WANTED Coat und pantaloon makers to
work In euop. Coutlneiual Ololhlne
„ . . with good nddrcsi. Mot. M'fg Co. , 1009
Howard su , Omaha , or 137 N I2th , Lincoln.
837 Jl *
TTTANTEO Men lotraxel for our Canadian
T T nurseries Stonoi.Wellln2tou.Madlon.Wls
For rattt , tte , , uetapoffrtt column oil tliti pige.
ANTEIV-OlrlH for store work at Hald-
Vfln'i , 13U9 N. JU'i SlTttS ID"
W employment agency , bank building ,
- directly optxislto ItHydrns. Wanted
ilx good cooks , girls for general housework In
tmall farutllcA. woman for light nur lng.
ANTED Neat-nulct girl for second work.
Inqulro Mr * . Hobt , I'urvls , " 4th and bt.
Mary's ave _ M 7S313
WANTEI > Good girl to do general Imusa
work at Mr * . II. D. ) 'nut's , ril Ohln 9t.
Seferences requlnxl. 764-aa *
\\T ANTED GlrL K2 North 10th strcot.
TT 709-21
'ETENTcoiK ( nnd launiiress ; nlsoteo-
Elrl. 1S24 Wlrlh utrcet.Kountxo 1'lnco. 10ll
772 gl *
Gilt I * Tor cencral housework. SOS S 13th st.
M75J 21 *
IfANTED Good COOK. City hotef ,
COOK Wanted A flrat-cUls cook ; w | | ) be
required ( o do general housework In small
family ; li Is h wages. Apply ut EUlDouglussu
girl , eood 7S a.lth
cor. Lcmenuorth , a.lthW
) TorrMti , ttt teeInp o' Kilt column ox thlt page.
BEST line hair goods In writ ; imlr drestlnc ,
wljrs. swltctir , bniiEH , hair < ! iaus. ! etc-a i
Ipeolalty. Darles , hair good , nnd tullliiior ,
ppoilte pottofUoo , UlS. lith st-.Ou > hu. 7W
Forrateittc , , He top of lr t.f. > lumn an thtt pig
"TT OIl RENTCroom modern flat wllh balh.
3- room flnt w'lth bath ) brick bulldln ; .
5- room cottnefs KM.
0-rooni Hat , IJO.OJ.
Inqulro Ntilbcrlon Hall , Ilootn X0 ! Plrsl
Nat. Hank. 7KI-.1
UENT Two 14 room modern brick
dwctllngi nenr IBth and Captol avenue.
May bo connected nnd Decupled its first class
boarding liouso. fu bed rooii.n ; bath rooms
closets , laundry , olc. Inquire Nethertor
Hall , room 320 hr.U Nat , llank. 70.1-21
TOR UENT Ilou e with all modern im-
JL1 provemmitR , Menm heat ; 1 block from high
school ; J2.VOO to * V.00 ) per month. Also -tore * ,
24th and Davenport. H. . Ircy , 2ufl N.Y.LIfn.
P you wl h to rent n house or store see II. E.
Cole. Continental block. 714
SMALL room for rent : gentleman only ;
price K..OJ. Call 017 N 17th street. 7'
17IOR RE.NT-Mrs. J. W. CoUon's house for
JU summer ; furnished ; 200 N. IVth street.
AWELL-Pt'RNISHED H-room house , with
nil conveniences tind comforts , on paved
street : low rent to satisfactory ilmull family
with good references. I'nfurntshcd If dp-
Rlred. 20IU lllnney St. Kountro place. M5M *
IJIOR HENT Largo numbcrof houses , stores ,
JUnit , elo.i5.W p r month and up. Nor
list ' 1st of each month. GeorfO J , 1'uul. 1000
1'arnani streut , U0Jy2
FIVE room home. * H. 2I2J 8. llth street.
ni574 m 23
_ . . _ _ .
OIl KENT 2 ciglit-room brick houses with
cltr water , li and sower. 100 fuct from
cable lino. F. F. Williams , 1'lrst Nat. llank
building. 2
O504 Davenport St. . P rooms nnd all convent-
ences. I50.W ) ; 2303 Davenport St. , 11 rooms and
all conveniences , J70.00 ; 312 North 25th st. . 11
rooms and all conveniences. $63,00. These
hounos are In Iho best residence portion of
Omaha , two blocks west of high school. E. II.
Chapman , 524 1'axton block , owner. 6.M
"I/IOR UENT Pour 0 and 7-room flats with
JL1 bath , hot walcr. etc ; paved streets : near
business ; all Improvements ; only & 3 per mo.
References required. The Mead Investment
Co. . 442 lice building. 740
OR RENT-Tbo 10-room house. No 1013
Douglas st. -49
T71OR KENT Two 10-room brlok re-ldencos ,
JL all convonlencos. Junt comtilutod , W7-.VW
Georgia ave. Kent J40.01) ) for llrst year , llennl-
son & Ilros. U7
FOR RENT 1023 St. Mary's uvunuo ; 0 roorni
nnd bath.
2414 Cass strent , 10 rooms , S.V .oa
2400 Cass btreet. 14 rooms , * G5.0J.
R20 South 20th Mreet. 10 rooms ,
209 North ISth street. 14 rooms J75.00.
2007 St. Mary's avenue. 10 roonm. Special.
Inqulro Notherton Hall , Room U30 , 1'lrst
Natllank , 703-E1
FOR UENT Eight room hou o and barn. 624
South 27th street. Apply on the premises.
M740 25 *
FOR UENT. cheap ; a good ten room modern
house. Inquire 25- Capitol avenue. II.
H. Roblson. M075 J15
5-ROOM house , nice yard , shade trees , city
and cistern water , elegant neighborhood , 2
blocks from street cars. 1411 S. 7th avunuo , or
Hell's phartnncv , cor. llth and Mason , &o
F OR RENT Hnnl omo 11-room modern
liouso ; all conveniences ; In perfect order ;
paved streets : motor , and within B minutes
walk of poitotllcc. Nathan bhelton. 1C14 1'ar-
nnm street. Ml.'il
QG12 Cap. avenue , a nice fi-room collage nlth
A balh. luq. Ii l' p avenue. M279 2J *
plOR RENT 10-room house.ccnt rally located ,
JL1 modernImprovomculs. Inquire , 712 M. 10th.
FOR RENT C-room collate , bath , otc.
"Stanford Circle. " Apply , C. S. Elgutter ,
40V First National bank
TT OR RENT On Juno I , a nine-room house ,
JL' all modern conveniences , at 304 Daven
port street. 54U20 *
QEYF.NTEEN C.-R. brlok houses with bath ,
C ? sewerage , etc. , 'i block from Sherman avo.
Motor on Kynor street : J22.M per mo. Water
paid. O. F. Harrison. OW > . Y. Llfo. 8Sj
Forratu , ( tcttcto ] > offir t column on thtt page.
FOR RENT Kour elegantly furnished
rooms , all contonlencos , with good board.
Address. M 55 , Bee office. M7e7 22 *
FOR KRST Onoor moro furnished rooms
for gentleman and wlfo for summer
months In llrst class locality and modern
house. Best references required. Address M
52lloo. M 74021 *
FURNISHED back , with USB of front par
lor : also , two single rooms ; all conven-
lencos ; m ) Burl st. 775 0
"PLEASANT rooms , single or cnsulte. 115
i South 20th st. 77B
TT ' URNISHED nnd unfurnished rooms : light
JL' housekeeping ; reasonable rates , fill N
ISth street. 7C2-21 *
YERi * nice furnished or unfurnished rooms
cheap ; all conveniences. No. 303 N 22nd ,
705-21 *
TTlURNISHEDor unfurnished rooms for rent ,
JU modern. atM North 17th street. M021 20 *
TT1OR RENT Two furnished rooms ; 110.
JL' Northwest corncr3Jd and Cumlng streets.
M047-23 *
"PLEASANT furnMied room with board.
-IT References. 2214 Purnara. 20S-22 *
TTIURNISHED rooms for rent , reference * ,
-I ? 1721 Dodge streol. OI4-20 *
FURNISHED fronl room for rent n w cor
20th and Daveuport , 53S-18 *
ONE large south room for renl al 2100 Doug
las sticet. 543-20 *
TTiOR RENT An elegant suite of rooms for
JL family , just papered. overlfiJl Howard St. ;
prlro $19 per month. Stoetzcl , moved to 714
S.lOth. 404
"VTICELY Purnlshed largo south room for
l- > rent ; modern conveniences , 2019 Haruey
street. MM1
FOR KENT 1'urnlsliod rooms , 1007 Douglas
rpllE St. Olalr European hotel , cor. 13th and
JL Dodge , will hereafter make low rate * for
rooms by the week or luoulb , either with or
without board. Tbl
For rate * , ttt. , tee top of firtt column onits ( page
FOH HENT-3 or 4 unfurnished rooms for
light nousel-ueplng ; mo children , 2113 Grant
st. I G3-20 *
THltKi ; room * first floor and three on sec
end lu private house. 012 irontli lOtli street
M7M 20'
"TJ1OR ' HENT 5 pleasant rooms , modern 1m-
JL' proveiiionts. Kll S. 17th avc. 51120 *
UNrUHNISHED rooms , llrst floor , modern
Improvements , range In kitchen. 31C S.JGth
st. . M117J4'
KENT-il rooms , KM S. 17th st.
545 20
FOR UF.NT Pine , small family apartments.
all outside rooms , best locality , modern
Improvements. Inquire UJO 1'uxtcn liloclc. W7
Forrattf.ete. , teetopoffint roliimn im thlt pige.
A NICE furnl lind room and board for two.
. J4.0 per week. 2011 Harney street. 725-20 *
ILEASANTfurnMicdroom with excellent
table board. 493N , liuh otrcut. 70J-'JO %
OOMS end board , 103 OouElas. |
I'ANDbO.ME rooms with llrst class board :
i- references , issi Chicago street. MM4-3U *
T.ARGE nicely furnished front room , with
J-t board. SOW California street. S1S23 20 *
rooms ana lodging house , 1410
N. ICth. opnosltu Juiforsou square.
square.MSOSmnO *
BURNISHED room , and board , 1K2J D.
forratu , dr. , tee top of ; ir t toU'rnn on thli page ,
TTIOR UENT The 4-story brick bulldlng.wlth
or without power , formerly occupied by thu
Hoe Publishing fa,0ie Pnrn.ra it The buildIng -
Ing nai n On-proof cement bnfenient.comnleto
imam-boating flxturt < swiiter on nil thu floors ,
gag , etc. Apply at thu office of The lice. s.U
FOR KENT-Or sale , rny building on Jones
it. bet. 10th A ; lit b. G.A.LliiUquUu''.lj .
UENT Doilc room , at 6J1 N. Y. Mf < , >
-bld .
IfOR RENT The threo-story brick build-
Inp. 1110 lKuzlas street , tultablo for whole-
ala purpotei. liio per nienth , Cha Kauf-
mann , 1& Douglas it. C63
FOR RENT Drlck warehouse , two Itorlc-i
high basement , hydraulic elevator , track-
ngei bctt location In oily. A C. Powell. 321
Frrratft. tte. , > te topnf tn' ro/umn on Ihtl pngt.
E. COLE , rental agency , Continentali'blk"
T. 11. 1UEV , rental agent , 2X1 N. Y. 1,1 fe.
- - . . M : VJ m23
Forrattt , tie , , tcetop ofjlnt column on tltltpia )
BARNforrent. 2o231IowardL
M713 24
QO acre bine ( trn-9 pasture for horses , linldo
O city limit" , 11.00 per week , Inqulro H. A.
Homan. 4l3outli ! 13tli street MQs723
\\7E limu Iho best her o pasture In this
i i HtHte , at Gllmoro Station , thrco miles
south of Omnha ; 100 ncrcsof bluegrusi , n
water , board fence ; have ucood one-half mile
truck on Iho farm : will taku n few horses or
colts to break or train , llarton & 1'helps or
A. W. 1'hclpi & Son. M33 ! 23 *
I HAVE a good pasture , two tulles from
South Omaha , for horses nnd colts ; blue ,
timothy and closer grais ; horses called for.
Ueo. O , Onus South Omiiha > ! 54J-Mav :
rorratu , etc. , tee top of frit column on ( Mj pige.
\\7ANTKD To rent barn suitable for sit
' horses and thn'O waccm * . Address Pee
ple's Miitnuioth luitallmcnt House , C15 N. IGth
. st , 7fO 1
\\rANTED-A young bachelor of quiet
' habit * wants u cory room with use of
bath. Address , giving terms , M KJ Ilee ollU-a.
M 70020
BOARD WANTED-Wltb room , by single
genl , In nice prlvalo family ; modern Im
provements : price reasonable ; reference. Ad
dress M 54 , lice oflloo.
TVrANTED Good sired unfurnished room In
l private residence ; must bo cheap. Address -
dress M 40. llee. 720-10'
W ANTED lly Juno 1 , cottage ; not less
than llvo rooms ; within ten blocks of
Bee building ; give location and price. Ad
dress M 50 , llee ofllce. 7.20 *
" \\fANTED Suite of furnished rooms by a
ii prominent young business man. JIustbo
first-class and located bclween 17th and 23th ,
Howard and Chicago s-treols. Hoarding houses
need not apply. LCSllee. 330
\\7ASTED To renlUor 10-room house , mod-
i ern conveniences , no row preferred. Ad
dress lock box C > 2. Mill
For rattt , etc. , tu top of first column on thli page.
"LTIOR SALE Purnlturo of 21 room houie. All
JL rented and In coed part of city. Address
Goodrich. 007 g. 13th street. 410-J4 *
HOUSEHOLD furniture bv the piece at 1.103
Georgia . '
avo. 5S2-'JO
TpOR SALE At a sreat sacrlflcc , decant
J- ' household furniture , line carriage team ,
carriages , sleleh. harness and robes , al o fine
Jersey cow. A. J. Hanscoui , ltC4 Douglas it.
FORSAtn--Furnlturoof a 10-room house.
Cheap , House for rent. Inquire 10 Dodce.
Forralfj. tie.tcetopuf fret column onthto page.
A Good driving horse , looks well nnd safe
for lady , Ms N. Y. Life. 012Ji *
TJ1OR SALE I double carriage , 1 phaeton , 3
Jhorses , 1 double harnevi , 1 dnslo harness ,
1 fresh milk cow. Inquire at the Boston
store , 114 South ICth street. 133
F I OR SALE Family carriage. Leo & Nich
ols , stable 23th nnd Leavenwortli. M309
HORSE auction every Saturday. 2 p. in. , at
Pioneer siablos , 13th and Harney. Horses ,
wagons , harness , etc , Buyers and Bcllcrti
should intend these sales. 11. Houuni , Prop.
R. Wells , auctioneer. 3i3
, tie. , ne tnpofflrtt column on thlt page ,
Jersey cows for sale. Inquire atSlO South
15th street. Omulio. M75521
Forrafw , etc. , tcetop offlrtl column on ihlspage.
I/1OR SALE White pine sawdust and klnd-
JU ling nt Consolidated Box and Mfg Co. . 2Cth
and Walnut. Kindling J1.50 per load-clellv-
ered. Telephone , 172i 7T3 21 *
T71OR SALE An elegant flro proof safe with
JL1 burglar chest. I'hll Sllmmel , OU Jones st.
Omaha , Neb. 031
OR SALE Cheap , 1 full plalform oxtcn-
slon-top carriage , homo make , cost f450 ,
price 1100 : ono extension-top H platform car
riage , 1125 ; one oxtenslon-top carriage , new
cloth lining. JIOO ; one side-bar , canopy-too
surrey , * -O. Address W. U , Drummond & Co. .
carrlagu iranufactory. 10(1 (
FURNITURE boughl. bold , stored. Wells.
11111'ainaui street. 737
FINE upright piano nt a sacrifice. Inquire
after 7 o'clock , evenings , at 2410 Caldwcll
street. M.Y20
I71OR SALE No. 2 Remington typewriter ;
JL ! good as now , with oak desk ; cost JI33 ; will
take } 100. M , A. t'pton Co. , room 204. Bee
; building. 178
A GOOD piano at u big sacrifice , onlv $00.00.
Cull after 7 o'clock , evenings , at 2411) Calcl-
well street. M521
STEAMBOAT For tale Steam pleasure
yacht , with capacity tor Xi passengers ;
speed IS miles per hour : length 35 feet , width
of beam 8 feet ; upright htecl boiler sub
merged flue ; enclno lu horse power. All In
perfect order ; offered tor sale ut a bargain
and upon eusy tcrma. Address M 10 , Bee olllco.
5W-20 *
POR SALE 33 loads of sawdust ; also kind
ling , uiiluhu Ilov Factory , East Omaha.
For rater , etc. , rcetopof first column on thi * page ,
BICYCLE wanted A good second-hand
safety bicycle. Address M57 , Bee olllce.
MJ2 23 *
V\7 ANTED Horws and buggy : liorso must
IT huvo some speed In him. Telophone.1722.
Consolldate < l Box aud Mfg Co.,2 > jth and Walnut.
774 20 *
IF you have any old clothes to sell let nio
know by Mall. Kallsh , 215 ri. 13th street.
M C76-J1C
\VANTEItobuTi fur cash , fulllot InPIaln-
ii view add. northeast or northwest corner
preferred ; must bo a bargain. Owner address
51 , Bee otllco , by letter with dlscrlptlon.
737-21 *
Forratet , tie , , tee top of flrtt column on thl * p ge ,
GD. CASE Penman , teaches penman-
ship Tuesday aud Thursday ovenlnes , 214 1
S. Ibth street. M742 J2
BALDNESS positively cured. No ml-itako
about it. Send for descriptive circular
Address "Antl-Buld. " box 2W , Davenport , la
rpRACKAGE for lease. I have r. desirable
JL piece of trackage sltuutod on the corner
oflutb and Wllllarus st. about half an aero
w Ith an b-room liouso on It , which 1 will lease
to the right uarty for a toim of years. Ad
dress Peter Ullrich , KWJ N. 24th st. , Omaha.
570 20 *
"PASTURING for horsei , 200 acres on Paplo.
JL shade trees ; J2.50 per month : on Chalfeo
farm , near Surpy mills , six tulles s. w. nf
Omaha John Zimmerman. 777 21 *
KEMOYAL-Antlquurlan bookstore removed
to 1519 Farnam street. 7s | 31 *
JjiXORAVINO Wood. Inc.ehiilk , ele. Work
JlJ guaranteed on time and quality. Brlg-
luim. South Omaha. M1U7
GARDEN farm to rent. T , Murray. M74a
G OOD homn for ladles during confinement.
Inqulro uIJ1 rik M , I'rusll , 1470 t-outh ICth.
Mm J4
M APi'AUElreatnient.olectro-tliernmlbatliH ,
scalp and hair tre-itnient. ninnlcuio and
vhlropodlst. Mrs.l'ost/JI'JJi ' S.15thWlthnell blk.
\v . house mover , 613 South 17th
vtruot , nnd 13 outh 25th avenue.
* 'or ref , tte. nt top effnt rolnmri on f/il page
HIGH cla > dresMiiHkfng , Evening , dinner
and weddmz.trouscuu u Npociulty. Pit
and style urrun od perfect. It. U. Maxwell ,
Kaingo block , room t l 4a5J10 *
TT'NOAGr.MENTS to do dre < smaklng In. fam-
JLylllM _ solicited. MUs Sturay , 2010 llarnpy
TJ < KED Molile , 8. E. cor. rarnatu and IltU. v
"orraff * . tte , tettnp /Ir4f'fi"1' ' * "
FIUST nnd seeond mo'ilgske loan * . Alexi
Moure , 401 Iloo bldg. j { _ RBiuiM *
{ per cent first mortgaictl'lr nUlctmrd 0.
U Pntterson. .07 New Y.iSk LJfe. MC74
MOUTOAGES wnnted. ' \ < > t\V \ or short tltuo.
GeorgoG. Wnllaco , 31UVI , J. Drown build-
ng. 10th and Dougla- . ; . < . '
( j50,000to loan on Improved Omaha bu lne )
P property ntOpor cent , Interest. Address ,
Security Investment Co. . .Uticpln. Neb. M 134
MOhEY to loan on Imftriivtd city property
at current rate * : f unfit on linml ; no d ( > -
" ay. Goo. P. llfust & Co. . EKntnmgo bldg , 751
E. A. a M. Anthony. 3l.V. . Llfo building
lend money on farms In cliolco counlles In
Nebraska nnd lowiu also on px > d Qmiiha renl-
denco property ; lowest rates ; bo t terms ! nn
dolav ; money ready. Titles and values passed
on here. 733
BUILDING lonni 0 to 7 per cent : no addl-
llonalrhiirgt-sfor commission or attorney's
fees. W. II. Melkle , first National bank blilB.
[ 3UIVATE money to loan. J. D. Zittie , 1)14 )
L N. Y. Life. 757
. . rOHTOAGE loans wanted. McUaguo In-
JJLvestment company. 738
MONEY to loan on Omaha property , ridel *
Ity Trust company , 1014 lamam. 7M
"Ij APTEUN nionpy to loan at very low ratn.
Ml 11. 11. Iroy,2.fiN. Y. Life. M3J8
CHEA11 Money I'l.lln. Mortgage and Trust
Co. . wants gilt edge loans. Oeo. W. P.
Coates , repricntatlve , 7 Hoard Trade 31
I-'orratet , etc. , ttetopof finl colum'i on thli jciffi
MONEY lo loan by II , P. Masters on chattel
and collatoraliocurltlcs for any llmo from
to 12 months , in any amount to suit bor
Ixmns made on household goods , pianos , or
gans , hoi > es , mules , house * , leases , warehouse the lowest rules possible with
out publicity or removal of property.
My loans nro so arranged thai you can make
a payment of any amount nt any tlmo and ru-
dnco both principle und Interest.
If you owe a balance on your property or
have u loan lhal you want changed I will pay
UofT and carry It for you. If you find It moro
convenient call up telephone 1C21 and your
business will bo arranged nt homo.
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity , l/owest rates. II r. Masters ,
Room 4 , Wlthnell blk. 15th and Harney sts.Ti
HA. DAICNElt loans money on chattel so-
curlty. Room 51 , Chamber uf Commerce.
M3-M J 0
/"CHATTEL bank. 319 S. 15th st. . loans money
on chattels or collateral ct reasonable rates
M ONEY on furniture , horses , etc. Keystone
Mortgage Co. . room 203 bheely block. MSOI
MONEY loaned on furniture , livestocketc. .
from 1 to U months without publicity ;
lowest ratt-s. Duff Green , room 20 , Continental
block. M443 m'i !
/-lHATTLE loans at lowest rates , KM N. Y.
V-'Llfe. K A. Morris. MI-M'JO'
Forralw , tte.tretopof firtl column on thli page.
WANTED A permanent party with J2.COO
cash to Invest where no rKk Is Incurred
nnd take management of nur business ut
Omaha , Neb. JIOO per month salary guaran
teed nnd percentage of profits given ; mustbo-
pln soon and give bet of references. CJIvo
forroct name and address , and address The
II. L.Mfg Co. . St. Louis , Mo. ' M74S 20 *
FOR SALE Stock of drugs' and drug sun
dries , well assorted , Invoice at one thou
sand dollars ; for sale If laken al once for
seventy cenlnon the dollar Of wholesale price ;
Will Irado for clear property ; Address. T. H.
Clawson. York. Neb. ' 214-JO
HOTEL Lease and furniture of forty room
hotel doing coed business. Must be sold ,
even at a sacrifice , as 'proprietor ' has other
business. Centrally loeatou > 'Ineity ofUOOOD.
Address . S. Cooper , No. II ) , Main street ,
Council HlillTs. lowii. 13GJ4
FOR fcALF furniture * wid undertaking
buslneis In gooil tow.n. with or without
store building ; part cash , b.ilunco gll t edge
paper or clear real estate ; Invoices about
K1.000 , Box B4'J Lincoln. , 7M
OK SALE--An old cUaWlshcJ and good
-t- paying elirur store ; good reasons given for
soiling. K 20 Bco onleo , 6--
ForrafM , tic. , KCtop of first column on thlipage.
\\7ILLe\ehango flno '
my , j'oung Ihorough-
bred Engllhh mastiff bitch , pedigreed ,
for safety or bicycle , and pay some difference.
C. H. A. , &Jd S. 21st. Mffi20 *
WANTED-To trade piano for a family
) ior-.o and light phaeton buggy. A.Hospe.
1513 Douglas. 735
rpo EXCMIANOE K.OOO hardwHrd stock In
JL good Nebraska town , for S..OOO cash and
good Omaha real eitate : best reasons for sell
ing. C , K. Harrison , 012 N. Y. Life 733-2
T710R EXCHANGE Cash and unlncumbered
JL' 'farm land for a stock of boots and shoes.
Address P. O. Box 01 , Broken Bow , Nob.M70023
M700-23 *
FOR SALE or trade for unencumbered land ,
4 tenement brick house In Kouutzc Place.
Frank T. Ransom , 4UO Pa.xton bldg. 512 23
T7 < OR EXCHANGE JJ.009 equity In modern
JL ! g-room brick house , now. for clear out-
sldo lots well located. A. P. Tukey , Now
York Life. M 234
FOR SALE or trndu for unencumbered lend ,
C-room hou-o und 2 lots In Nebraska City ,
' " '
FraVk T."Hu'nBom. 4ia I'iix'tbri'bldg. 513'lSJ
/ " LEAN general stock of merchandise for
v farm und money. BovsOj , 1'raokfort , Ind.
FOR SALE A handsome family horse , re
liable and Rentlo ; good for double seated
rigor lualus' driver. Enquire 1403 Douglas.
Forrata.rtc , , see top of flr t column on thli page.
COME ono and all and learn your future
As 1 have been Iri Omaha nine months 1
will start west the 1st. Mrs. stover , 4CO NIGth
street. M704 21
MRS. WALLACE , clairvoyant ; naturally
elfted : tells past ami future , loto troub
les , absent friends , chuugo , travel , business.
JJUs Farnam street. Ul ) M23 ;
MRS. FORT , palmist fortune teller , telU
past and flit tire from lines of the hand li
old gypsy way ; ladles only ; fuo 91.03. I'.H4 ! N
24th. M7302i'
] \r \ US. Nannie V. Warren.clairvoyant. trance
writing and reliable business
medium , four years In Omaha , 119 iV. 10th.
TV fASSAGE Madam Delzler , over CIO S. 13th.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 200-JO
MRS. DR. DE SAN may bo consultoJ ut her
parlors on all affairs of life. Shu Is a cele
brated business medium and has a reputation
throughout Iho world for accurate und truth
ful readings of Iho past , present and future
events of your life. Every hidden mystery
revealed ; helps all who are m trouble ; never
falls ; gives udvleo on all points of interest ,
business transactions , love affairs family
troubles , block speculation , lawsuits absent
friends , lottery numbers , lucky dnys , Inter-
prcts dreams , locates disease , * , hidden treas-
tires and stolen goods ; restores lost affections ,
brings Iho separated togetbur , maKcs speedy
and happy murrlago4 wltti U > one you love
by piopcr advice : tells lUtliu ono you love Is
true or false ; give ] lucky .Jioman-Egyptlan .
talisman to help all out of trouble ; perfect
satisfaction guaranteedrbf inalli send two
stamps for Illustrated circular. IUJ North ICtl :
street , Omaha. j , j 61 ! ) M-T
cte. , teetop of JlrJt ftftimn on thn paoc.
O LDEST , cheapest and "jifctt'MnVapd liouso li
city. WlllUinsJc CroSs JU Harney btreot _
BVJ3T storage bulldlngilH lOnmlia , govern
ment bunded warelionfioj household goods
cared for ; lowetl rales. W , M : Ilushmuii , I01J
Lcavenworlh t.t. . 189
CilKAl'EST nnd boit stori / for fnrniluro.
Wells. 1111 1'arnaiu nUfa 'tif 7T
STORAGE of household ftods ; clean , < Jr >
plaee. privately stored , lermi moderate
wo also btore stoves Our Ins the summer : wo
will get them from thu IIOUSM nnd dellve
them In the fall In good trim. Tel. WO. I'M"
Douglas. Onmliu stove Itepalr Works. 7UU
Forratff , tte. , ttelnpofjlrtt column on ( Mi
H , v. n. ' ao o c Boo
AiiJege of music , will recrlvo puplU on the
banjo. gtudTo ail t-heoly blk. _ ai&- : . ' & *
GEO. I * . Ocllenbeck. teacVer of the banjo
with Hospc. 1M3 Douglas ; _ : | i !
riroitK buying n piano examine tbe new
ble KiuibaU piano. A.llospe.lSl J Doustai
For rain , clc. , itc lopaffrtt roumn on thli pag
I TAfENT lawyers nd solicitor ! . G , W Sues A.
Up. , llco lulidlng. Ornnhs. llratr-h office a
Washlccton , D. p. Couiuiutlou free. 75
' For ratc , rle.tttopof tnl coin m n nn th li p tjl
17IO It S A I , E or exrhangu for city ro < tdonc6
| JL uroDorty , 160 acre * level fnrmltnd Joinlnt
the ' town of Tllford , Hlaek 1II1U . . D. tx per
nere , wnrranten deed , Address C. M. Mend.
ai7 California street.
) J HA1E To worklngmen only ( < pecu-
Inters tieod not applylun time or monthly
aymcnti n nent col tn coat le t than actual
iiliio. Inslilo property , only ono block to
lectrlc line. Inquln ) at room UK.
National bank building ,
] acres niul lots In East Omaha see Star
Loan * Trunt Uo. M744 ' . ' 4
7 ' * ( > nSALn-Elght room hou o. full lot for
Ju' fj,3jO , enrjulro of owner at itai Illondo st
; lALE On monthly payment * , lot and
t wo houses on S. 15th st. , nciir DorcaO. .
P. Davis Co. , 1303 Purnam st , toi 23
J.L. . Rico , roalcttato. VC ! Life bulldlne.
. M.MJ7
FOR SALE A flno Improved form of SOO
acres ; 1UO under cultivation ; shitdn tret ;
rulu windmill , WIIROII scale * , otc. : 1W mlli-s
westof Umaha ; S3) pur aero. AdtfrussU Hllci7G7
[ 71011 South Omahn property , mninos * , traok-
-L ngc or residence , no tu the leitdltiz real c -
atc dealers In South Omaha. Kd Johnston A
Co. . cor. S4th nnd Is t . M7U3
[ T1OR SALH Extra barealn. cbolco ft\lM. !
L with building ; rent * JHUpor mo. ; one MOCK
rorn new P. O , O. I * Uroen. R 47 , Barker
FIVE-n > om hoiiRCs In Orchard lllll. ll.soj
each on inontlily payuiunts. Thoinus r.
tail. .Ill Paxton blk. 742
OR SAIiK. cheapeasy payments : 1'i-story
now u-room liouio. with bath , collar , ek\ ;
nil lot. N. Sholton. 1014 Parnaui. Oil
J. UIBSOX. solo acent Kountxo I'luco ,
room U , CrelKhton block. UJ3
r\O you Intend buylna or bulldliiK an ole-
J- Kant homo ? If so , the readlni ; of this add
naysavoyotl from H.003 to 1,0-W. The ad
vertiser oilers an elegant 12-room house on
ho finc t rcsldenro HI rout , ptvcd ; , In the cllv ,
mile from P. O . lot 01x140 , U block from mo-
orllne , lieu o tint every motlern convenience ;
irlco very low and would take a pcx.d resi
dence lot as part payment. Address L 37llen _
rorratti , < tc. , tee top of Jlnt ealiimn on thli page.
LOST Pocket book containing money , be
tween cor. of Davenport ann ICth st. nnd
SIS Chicago st. Return to IfIS Chicago t. and
receive reward , 7U7-'JO
OST On California street , between Plf-
' ternth nnd Twenty-first , two coats and u
ladles' light wrap. Plnder please notify Ileo
uml rccehc reward. MTso 20 *
LOST Jj.W reward will bo paid for tbn re
turn to 2214 Emmet t street nf brown nnd
wliltu pointer pup about u\cn montlx old ;
las ou chain collar with name. G. W. Shields.
M741 20 *
JO5T May 10 , Newfoundland dog. male.
J breast nnd two hind feet Hoped with
white , wide leather collar with name and iid-
rln > > s. Return to 1310 Douglas or 342 North
JTlh and get reward , Mocbins. MTJ1 20 *
LOST White bulldog ; ears clipped. Re
ward If returned to 014 N. loth treet.
Form/en / , tte. . ttetopof Unit polumn on thlt piji
LADY of culture and refinement mot youth
ful ) desires to correspond wllh n gentle
man of 4S to 'O ; matrimonially Inclined ; mem
ber G. A. R. preferred. Address M 33 , Bco.
M7B9 20' '
\\7ANTED-Mrs. P. P. Coffey , the wlfo of u
Tr mechanic , to call or address to No. ISO
I'rinco street , Brooklyn , N. Y. , to learn some
thing of great Importance. MTft ) 24 *
/1ORRESPOND A correspondence bureau
v > for ladles ami gentlemen , Particulars In
| > lnlri sealed envelope for-'c stamp. Lock Box
> 'G , Omaha. Nob. 77 < J m2a *
For rate * , rtc. , ace ( < ijio//ii t column nn this pige.
M ASAGE cabinet bath' ; , tape worms cured
In 24 hours. Mdmo Guciutto , 1923 Dodge.
M707JIG' '
M ASSAGE balh at Madam Smith's parlors.
3rd floor , 420 S. 15th street. 227-24 *
MASSAGE treatment. Electric baths by
lndy of experience from the cast. Hours
from I toC p. m. 1M > 7 Furnam street. MMO-22 *
\I ASSAUE Madam Delzler , ever CIO S. 13th
building. United States Indian school Her
vice , Genoa Industrial school , Genoa , Neb. ,
May 8.1S9I. Sealed proposals , endorsed "Pro
posals for erection of school building , " and
addressee to the undersigned at Genoa. Neb. ,
will be received nt this school until 1 o'clock
of June 1 , Is'I ' , forfuriHShlng Iho material and
erecting a K rU' brick dormitory building on
Iho school grounds In accordance with plans
and specifications Hint may be examined at
the ofllcc of the "Bco" at Omaha , Neb. , and at
this school. The necessary excavation und
grading will bo done by the school and the
gravel required lu concrete work furnished ,
unscreened on tbo ground , without cost to
tlio contractor. Certified Chocks. Each bid
must bo accompanied by a certified
check or draft upon some United State-depos
itory or solvent national bmk In the vicinity
of Ihe bidder's place of business , made pay
able to the order of the commissioner ot In
dian affairs , for at least 5 per cent of the
amount of the proposal , which check or draft
will be forfeited to the United States In case
any bidder or bidders receiving un awmd
shall full to promptly execute n contract with
good Qti'l suIliclent sureties , otherwise to be
returned to the bidder. The right Is reserved
to reject any and all bids or any part of any
bid If deemed for the best Interests of the
service. W. II. Backus , Superintendent
llcadqi.artors department of the Missouri
olllce of thu chief quartermaster , bt. Louis
Ma , May 20. W'l. ' Sealed proposals. In tripli
cate , subject to the usual conditions , n III be
received at this olllco and ut the olllces of tbo
quiirtcimasters at the following named sta
tions until 12o'clock noon , eential standard
time. Juno 19.191. and then opened , for furnish
Ing and delivering during the IKcul year bo-In
ning July ] , 1HU , of oats , corn and bran , at
Forts Leavenworth nnd I'.lley. Kansas : Torts
Reno and Sill , Oklahoma territory , und I'oit
Supply , Indian territory ; Porn l owls and
Logan and at Denver , Colorado , aild at camps
at Guthrle and Oklahoma City , Oklahoma
territory. Proposals for delivery ut other
points will bo entertained. Bidders must
state the places whore they uropo- to make
deliveries , The government reserves tbo
right in reject any or all b ds. or to contract
for eilher kind of supplies , or such portion of
each as may bo considered for the best Inter
est of the service , and to wulvo such dofeeU
us are not in conflict with the law. Prefer
ence will be given to articles of domestic pro
duction or manufacture , conditions of qual
ity und price 'including ' In the price of foreign
prodnctloin or manufactures the duty there-
un ) being equal. Blank proposals ami printed
circular , giving full Information , will bo fur
nished on application to this olllco or to the
quartermaster * of the stations numed. En
velopes containing proposals should bo
marked "Proposals for Ouls , Oorn and Brat
nl . " nntl uddrosseil to the under
fclgned or to the quartermaster * of the t.i
tlons named abe > o. C. W. Footer , quarter
master , U ? . A. , chief quartermaster.
Knrrell Finds Hisl < est Father
in a Soldlrr's Home.
.a , Ind. , May 19. Martin Farrell . ,
who lived at a small village In western Now
\ork , enlisted In Company Li. 140th New
York volunteer Infantry , In 1S01. Ho loft
behind a vvlfo and a five-year-old son. Tbe
mother soon died aud the son was adopted 10.v > .
a family named McCable , lie taking the name
of Ucorgo Farrell McCablo. The father was
never afterward beard from. For several
years Gcorgo bus been an agent for nn Insur
ance company. Last weeK ho was at Dayton >
on business and paid i visit to the soldiers'
home. In strolling through tbo Institution
ho noticed o grizzled Inmate thru he imagined
bore a faint resemblance to tlio picture of his
fnther which bad been among ; his mother's
roost valuable possessions. Imagine his ] eon /
on learnlcp , oiler questioning firbt his frutdo
nnd then the veteran himself , that ho was
/ace to ( ace with the father bo had thought
slain by a rebel bullet. Father and son left
ttio building together to bo separated no more.
A SuKK < * > < tfoii. e.K
There may be persons In this community
wbo ate at time troubled with colic , or K
ject to attacks of bowel complaint. If sothey
should try Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera 3n
Uiarrha'a Remedy. U will afford almost Im
mediate relief , and when reduced with water
Is pleasant to lane If liken as soon ns tbo
first indication of the ilise.vo is felt It beLI
Ward oil theattac-lc. Many people use It In
this way and find that U never falls them.
A5 ! or Jo-cent bottle may be obtained from i
your druggist.
"Sho's * live d' '
y co'ploxion kiraa
nftah d' blood wlmt'u dis lie a
beau'ful complexion yuar'ntced ' if d1
bloo < l nhi pure I IJcfo' d' Ix'd dat
am salvation fo' Aunt Sophj' . "
All we claim for it is an nncqtinlcd
remedy to purify the blood and in
vigorate the liver. AII Ui&ycar round
you can depend on Dr. 1'ierco's
Golden Medical Discovery in all
cases of blood-taints or humors , tie
matter what their name or nature.
It's the cheapest blood-purifier
eold through druggists. No matter
how many doses of other medicines
nro offore'd for a dollar.
Why ? Because it's sold on n
peculiar plan , and you only pay for
the good you get.
Can you ask more ?
"Golden Medical "
Discovery" is a
concentrated vegetable extract , put
up in largo bottles ; contains no al
cohol to inebriate , no syrup or sugar
to derange digestion ; is pleasant to
the taste , and equally good for
adults or children.
The "Discovery" cures all Skin
affection ? , and kindred ailments.
Floral Conversatory.
South East Oor. Q and 17th , Lincoln , Heb
W. S. Sawyer & Co.
General collection of piants and cut flowers
always on hand. 1'lnral designs , bouquets
baskets , etc. . for parties. Weddlnss and fun-
als n specialty , and bent to any par t oftho
state. Price Hit free. DUcount to undcr-
akcrson funeral work. Tolouhouc , 314.
DK , ncuriiRKn' SPECIFICS nre ncleuttnc&lly and
carefully prepared ; ire crlpUin i uiwl for many
years lu private practice wIti8UPc ! < " * .andfororer
thirty jrear used bjr tbo people. Every r ICRlo Spe-
clflo u a special euro for the dfa [ o nnnit l.
TD se fepfOlBcs euro wliliout ilruiTglnr , pnrg-
Iniforredacliistlio fjttcm , nnd nro In fnct nnd
dredtuetioierelcn rcmoillpHofthe arid.
Kevern , Congi tlon , luilammatlnn . . .75
VI WormH , Worm Fever , Worm Colic , 'J3
a J'rrlnf Collr.orTrrtlilCRorinfaiiU .V.t
4 lnrrhcn , of Children or Adults
A ilricuTerrt GripinglllllouaColio _
O Cholera Worbim , Vomiting
7 Cough * , Cold , Uroucbltlj
H Kenrnlirla , Toottaclic , raeriche . .
0 Jlondachf" , Blckllrodacbe , Vertigo
10 I > rspcp lu , Dlllnus btoinnrh. . .
11 s > upiirescdor 1'iilnful I'erlodH.
I'JVnftcn , too rrofusoJ'frtoOj
13 f'rnun. Couch. Dlfflcult ln-Hllilng. . . .
11 Unit Icheuni , Krvej : Usl.niDtlonn.
1/J KbeuinatlHin , Klicurnatlc rams. . . .
. Ague , ChillMalaria 311
17 1'lleIHlndor lllccdlnK .3(1
10 Cnlarrh , Innucma. CoMlu the Head .3(1
\Vbooplue Cough , Violent Courht. .3(1
. ( irnernl llplillllt.l'byrlCBlWcakiiOM .3H
Hldiiey DUeiiNe .30
JS Ncrioui Debility . _ . !
JJ'J 1'rlnarrVnnk.r . „
Bold by UrtiffFtatn. or ncnt pojtpalj on rtwlpt
of rrlce. Du flcurnrjiTS' itiM-'AU (114 ( jiani * )
rlonlr bo-jiiil In clolli end gold , mailed free.
Cor. William nd John Streets , New York.
Plnples oa the lacs | j
Breaking Oat | |
Skin Troubles | ;
Little Bores | Hot Skin ) ;
Bollii Blctctej ) I
Odd Boien BadBre th | ;
Bore Month cr Lpa ! |
If you tutter from OUT of ;
t e jmptums tuke
Hire you fTfr n o < l mercury ! If to , did TOU ;
plTe yourrtlf the necdd att'ntlon t the time I.
\Va i'f l not till you tint you require blood :
inMlc'ne , toeniuro from Jlie nfttr ef- ;
fccti Ir , Atkir1" EiiKll.h Illood Kllilrlitli * :
Death of a Centenarian
MII.WALKECVls. . , May It ) . 1'ctur Uomoro ,
an aped resident of LuPcrc , was buried there
yesterday. Ills lifo covers the time < in
before Washington's inauguration up to
three days ago , lacking about a month of
bolng 101 years tie was born at S' Johns ,
Canada , In June , 17S7. Ho wont to
thirty-seven years neo. Ho was twice mar
ried and had six children by his first wife ,
llvo of whom are living and married. 'Iho
oldest son , together \\ith his entire family , ,
ivas swept away in the inemorulilo Chicago
tire In Ib71. His youngest child Is four vcars
old. Tweutv-four pranachlldron and thirty
three crcat-gruiulchildren are his descend
Tints Ho retained all his fiieultlo * until quito
recently. Up to thrco years ago bo had never
ridden on a railroad.
Dr. 13irney euros cuinrrh , Dee
Foilontl liiilklliiK Uitrnrd.
Flo. , May 1'J Karly this
morning tdo largo building occupied by host
United States district court , post-
oftlco , Masonic lei a room , Grand Army
of tbo Republic ball and u num
ber of firms was liuruod A number
of people livins on the tnlrd Jloor barely
ocapel with their llvos. The po trna ter
snvr J the mail und furniture , while thu
other * occupying the building lost evurytl.lne.
Adjoinlnu building * are lurtMtuDPd und the
firemen are making an effort to keep the lira
witblu the 'imltf of tno buiMme de > triyod ,
The Ions already amounts lo ? 15ot > JOor moro :
partially lusuroj.
LHUe Early Uiiera , best pllL
The Ex-Queen Expelled bj The Ministry
After a Stubborn Struggle ,
One Mnn Klllrtl niul l-'iny Wounded
lit thn Itnttlr Hrtwoon Soldiers
nnd Ktitdoiit * Who Uimlu-d to
the rrl'om-r'H Itoione.
URLOIIADR , Mny IP. After n cotisultntlon
f the ministers ami I-CROIIU tlrts inoniltig it
vi : § ileolikxl to oxi > cl IXntallo from Servin
ud Instructions to that offcrt u'civ glvnn tliu
police. A strong forcoof Konunrmus tniiJo n
rosh attack Ux > n tbo ( ] uocn'.i pnloco niul
ucrcfdctt In bronkltif ; through the cordon of
tudonts nnd rltUcns KUfinllngNntullL' . After
a sharp fight the pomlarnioi succomloJ tn oi < *
crltig the palaco.
The gcndiirincA then forced their \vrtv Into
atallo's bedroom nml summouod brr to
irisc. as she must Instnutly leave Servian
territory. The quccu calmly replied that
ho would ylolil to force anil rcqucito.1 the
itudont * who so gallantly ilofcmlcil her to
nnko no furtUor rcslstnnco. Tie ; tiueoij
v : . then allowed to dress herself , anil
after bidding ml leu to the leaders of
n r defenders , during which the most touch-
ns scene was witnessed , the exiled queen
vas escorted to n private carriage , which
vn < waiting nt the pUaco entrance , nnd win
i&stlly driven to the railroad station , fol-
owcJ by the cheers of the students anil the
cHIois of Belgrade , whoso cntbu&lasm tinu
) ODn kept within bounds bv the disolnrof.
.ho overwhelujliig force of troops who lined
the ontlrc route to the railroad station.
At the station a special train wan In wali
ng and the queen wr. * immediately convoyed
on board. No sooner was the queen and her
lOrsoiml baggage aboard than tlio train loft
.ho dejiot for the Hungarian frontier ,
The iiopnluco Is enraged ngalnsl the min >
istor of war , Colonel Mllotii-i , who It Is tin *
loratood bus uuen the most active of the min
isters In inilsling that Natalie should bo e\-
pcllcd. The popular fooling ngnlnst him n
so great that It Is probable ho will bo com-
idled to tender his resignation.
In the light which took place last night be
tween ihe gendarmes who uttacltcO the students -
dents and citizens defending the queen's pal
ace , one man was IclUcd and fifty more or less
severely wounded.
or/tutvii : TICK coxstnvnox.
Indiana' * Stat < - Police lllll Declared
to Itc Illcual.
TnnitE HAt-rr , Ind. , May 10. Judge Mc-
Xult. In Iho superior court yesterday , held
that the slate police bill passed by the last
'gislaturo ' applying to Terre Haute , was un
constitutional for two reasons. Tlio first Is
because of the live-year residence clause on
the eligibility of members of the police de
partment , which the court holds as a viola
tion of article 23 of the bill of rights , which
provides that one class of citizens slia'l ' not
enjoy rights to which other citizens are not
eligible. The second reason Is bcenuso of
the clause dividing the police force equally
between the two parties , which the court
held is a violation of the same article of Iho
constilutlon. The decision Is In the uaturo
of nn ouster on the state police force nnd the
old heads of the city police will roinalii lu
charge unless a stay la granted pending < m
appeal , which is doubtful. The decision Is
awaited with the greatest Interest mid will
bo tbo end of the complicated police muddlu
which has been existing hero for several
I'Venoh Rnvnnt'.o Horrible Death.
AI.OIKK * , May 19. The French savant , M.
Kunckel Herculals , the president of the
Ethnological society , who was employed oa
the government mission of Investigating Iho
locust plague in thin province , bus met a
horrible death. While examining 11 deposit
oflocust eggs nt the village of Sidicrol ho
was overcome with fatigue nnd the boat ami
fell asleep on the ground. While sleeping ho
was attacked by a swarm of locusts. Oa
awakening ho struggled desperately to rs-
capo from the living flood , llu set fire to the
Insect , Inden bushes near him , but all his
efforts proved Ineffectual nml when llnally
the locusts loft the spot bis corpsa was
found. Ho was n member of the Krciuli
academy mid Iho author of several valuable
works on insects.
Fn-nl Fight Over n Girl.
KVOXVIU.K , Tenn. , May 10. A mo.t .
desperate light occurred yesterday
StacKhouso , in Madison county , North
Carolina , between six .vountr men.
The light cauio up about n girl with whom
two of the men were in love. Two me \voio
futally shot and ouo was cut with a raor : so
ho is not expected to llva.
INSTRUMENTS ' , plaooJ 03 roeorJ May 19 ,
WC Allen to Adam Stengluln. lot ) , bIK
IS , Waterloo . $ 74
( . ' II Iluruiiitl and \vlfu 1 1 I'lnrli's I'.H.
pUII. lot 4 , blKJ , I'otU-rXO'oUb'n l add
tofonth Oimilia .
1) ) KU.ny1110 wife tn I" .1 Hush , lots 10
nnd 'Jl. bll > 7. lUuvlln : LiroKii . coo
S M Urolvli to I Idelltv tiu > t eompanv ,
lot : i. hll ; i. Tiptou I'lrifp . " . : , -
O II Kminurluh to Adam Ktcnzloln , w JJ
of lot ( I. blj. | Waterloo .
I'ldolltv irii t comti.inv to llnnnoKiin-
1(0) ) , lot 19 blk 14 , Ili-dford PI too . J.TO3
CS ( frlnslniul mid wire to Jacob Van
Volt , lot > . I'clliain 1'lnco . 3.M3
A .1 .Me Don 11 Id and nlfo to II II llennl-
pcr , lot IS , blk i , O H M.iy ne'i ) 1st add to
V.i.loy . . sro
John .McDonald to 0 II Tuhuuk. . s 101.7
foot of w 41) ) foot nf o KU fi-et of lots i'
and3 , blk a. Capital lllll add . 13.0) )
E M Meyer an'l Ifo to ri Vu.itDii. . lot *
il7 niul i * . blk 1 , Siiumlcr * A. ll't , add to
Walnut lllll . fOO
0 I , Miller and wife to layman and O K
Sholos , lot" . blk . West End adil . 3..VM
Theodore Olson anil wlfo to .Mary E
Thomas , lot : i , blk 5. llummnncl 1'luco . 1.2X )
G II I'aymtniid nlfo to I'lilellly Hint
company , lot ' $ , I > IU i' , Wlloov's 2nd. . S XX )
IIC' I'nttcrsnn uiul w fit to , f W Iym in ,
lo s.flaiid ' J0'4 , Illiiiubjiu h .V Put
Ilyron Heed ot al to I'eter JtiiHun ,
lot'jl , folks,1'i.iiipbi'H'H add ; ra
H L Illgour li > ( i li I'/soliiifk. lot I'l ' , blk
4 , W LS-elb's add lo.Ninth Unmlia. . . ; i3 ]
A'lain ' Stfiigleln mi ! wife to Morter.son
A. C'o , lots 4. 5 , w ' , , lot i > . blk 15 , Wutut-
Ino J30
J W Pipe iinJ wife lo Herman /.ellur. o 73
ft lot I blk I , DioiMi I'wrk 2VJO
Willard Sent ! .mil wife to Cldilty IriNt
company , lot 11. ! Ik ! > , ub uf J I Ited-
li-k1 * add . . . 2,000
II J i > uminoll to ,1 Wipf. . w 50ft uf u 75 ft
lut 1 , blk 4 , HIUMII Park 1,023
W A Itodlck nnd wlfo to J I Itcdlck , Int
4 , Kviislgtun udd }
J K o > rt hherllT to li II r/.schiifk. lots 15
to ± . ' , blk 7 '
, PuUiuaii 1'lui'O . EJO )
Tol-il amount of transfoM . I 2I.
With Mis Thumb ,
A boy U san ! tn have saved th , > Nethi
from inunilallon. Multltinlej ha\e bet-n
siM'il from the Im.ismn , , ! disuasn by a
botll of Ayer'.s Saisapanlla. Th
Imparts time lo lhi ) stern nml
eveiy oigan and filut ) of tli" bml ) .
" 1 have taken a girnt deal tit
but Holding has done me so much gixxl ni
Ayer'a Kaniaparllla. I experienced lu IIUN Pllecu before I had quitr flnbliwl 0119
bottle , and I can frrcl ) testily that It Is the
best bliiod incillflnu I Know of. " I * W.
Ward , jr. , Woodland Texiu ,
"Conflnod to : ni oin > . , n I am , from wio
year's end lo another , ulih little or no out
door enerclse , I find great help In Ayer's
fiarsapirllla , uhlrh I lm\i imoil lor several
years , and mil at prcMT.t nsUiu , tth excellent -
lent raiiilu. It enabjfi 1110 to keep alwuj'i
at my poit , AiijoyuiK thu hel uf lioaltli. "
II. C Humes , MnlJoii. Mad.
. J. C. AVEJl & CO , , I owell ,