_ ll IjH TT-TTC OlttATTA DATIYV mOttUnVTCKHAV 1UAV 20 ISM. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL , BLUFFS. OFFICE : No. 12 PEARL STREET. Jcllveriii by Carrier In any part of tbo City. II , W. TILTON - - MANAGER , TELEPHONES ! Business Ofllco , No.13. . Night Editor. No. 23. MKXT1OX. N. Y. P. Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans , SO-l Sapp blocit. Heal Hock Springs coal , Thatcher , 10 Main If you want water In your yard or house po to Blxby'j , : ioy Mcrrlum block. Mrs. H. II. Frary's music pupils will pivo n recital this evening In Mueller's music hall. E. .1. Shubcrt has taken out a permit to erect a frame dwelling on lot 1 , block 10 , Cochnin's addition. It will cost r..VJO. William Muloney took n change of venue yesterday from Justice Cono's court to that of Justice Swearlngon. Ho will have tiial on the charge of assault next Saturday afternoon - noon at U o'clock. Estn , the ten-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mr.i. Albert He.uston , died yesterday morning nt 8 o'clock of congestion of the lungs , The funeral will take place this mornIng - Ing from the family reslUouce , y"J avenue C. Charles Matthai , Fred Ncal and James Andutton went off on a fishing expedition last Sunday and returned yesterday morning with a string of ninety-six ilno bluett bass. Just where they were gotten or what they cost It was itnnosslblc to icurn Uled , at the residence of her sister. Mrs. Kslay , 1W7 ( Lower Hroadway , at 10 a. in. , Tuesday , of consumption , Mrs , Anna Man- nliip. neo Miss Annn ( IcMpachcr , . Funeral ervlces will bo held nt St. I'rancis Xavier's Catholir church , Thursday , at 10 a in. The Kpsworth league of the Hroad- wav Methodist church met Monday evening nt the residence of F. 11. Orotitt. on Oakland avenue. An Interesting musical und literarv proeram was rendered , nftcr which a pleasant social tlmo was had. Attorney General John Y. Stone was in the city jesterday. Ho is preparing for the trial of the appealed case of the btato of Iowa ncalnst Thomas Hrooks , for the murder of Frank DcUoodc. The case will have n bcar- Ini. at thn present session of the supreme court at DCS Molncs. Daniel Sullivan was arrested yesterday by Poll Tux Collector McCIarcn yesterday noon whllo pummelling a drunken man named .lack Smith. Smith's face was rovorud with blood and ho was weeping copiously. Sulli van will bavo a hcariiii ; tuis morning on u charge of assault and battery. The advance sheets of the programme for the comlnir OhautaiKjiia assembly were re ceived by Manager ila/elton yesterday mornIng - Ing , ns published in the Chautauqua Cump and Firi'slde , a Journal which Is edited bv Dr. A. H. Olllott , tbo Held secretary. There nro still some features of the programme to bo arranged , but the larger part is already settled. J. Stein , who was arrested for driving over thobosoat the lire on Vine street Monday afternoon , was up lu pollco court yesterday morning for u hearing. His dofonco was that ho did not know the boso was there until ho had driven over it. Ho paid the costs of the suit , fo.s.0 , and was released. Dr. Conway - way , John Brown , J. W. Tinley , James Wil son , CJeorgo Lusch and -M Cristy were linsd Bums ranging all the way from JU.OO to f JO.TO for drunkenness. Josie Hulbcrt was lined $1IM0 for vagrancy. The case of "balvation"Valkcr against Nols Carlson was to bavo hud a hearing yes- tcrdav before Justice Hamtncr. It is i case which was commenced by Walker to collect a $ ' „ ' . " > rnward which Carlson offered for the return of a horse which had been stolen from him. The horse was found by Walker's son nnd taken to the pound before ho knew that there was n reward oITcred for it. Ho after wards learned of the reward , and fiuno to the city marshal to get It. Ho was offered * - for his trouble , but he spurned It. Wnlker was undecided for a time whether or not to have all tbo city ofllclals arrested on n charge of larceny , but ho finally decided to bring suit for the amount. The case was continued until tomorrow aftctnoon at S o'clock , _ Thn corset department of the Boston Store , Council Binds , is second to none in this west eru country. All the loading makes always In stool : at our popular prices , orders taken for any special cor-ct not in stock. Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la. L. A. Cnspor , the Ilorlst , will bo nt Falr- vlow cemetery all of this week engaged in decorating graves. All plants ordered for cemetcrj work will ho sot out freo. Loco curtains cleaned from 50o to $1.23 per pair , nt Twin City dye works. ft.itsox.ii4 I'A W. II. Dooley of Lo Hey , III. , ono of the proprietors of the Ogden bousa , Is in the city on a visit. John Stork Is homo from on extended trip through the routh. Mrs. Stork has also re turned from n visit to friends in St , Louis and Kansas City. J. B. Itcovo of Omaha , quartermaster of the Nebraska division , Sous of Veterans , and Post Colonel M. P. O'Brien of the same order , nlso of Omana , will bo In the Bluffs this evening for the purpose of assisting in the orgonlzation of n branch of their order In this city. _ Dress ginghams Everything In that line from the To urcss gingham to the finest Scotch goods. At "o , be , lOc and Vo wo show u beautiful range of patterns. At 15o wo show a very line line of zoohyr ginghams , the style and lluisti almost as good as the most expensive. Boston Store , Council Uluffs. _ Fruit farm for snlo on reasonable terms ; within ono und one-half miles of the P. O. ; all In bearing ; good buildings ; possession given at once. Cull on D. J. Hutcblusou & Co. , 017 Broadway. Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , MS B'd'y. Granted u The arguments for a now trial In the case of Dr. J. C. Shrador of Iowa City against Mr. nnd Mrs. David Hoover of Walnut were made In the superior court yesterday after noon , The case was tried about a wcok ago. The plaintiff wanted f 100 for foes for pro fessional services in a case which ho had been summoned to DCS Molties to attend. The result of tbo trial was n verdict of f.t.50 for the plaintiff. This was objected to b > the attorneys for the plaintiff , who claimed , that If the services were worth anything thov were worth inora than $ 'i.f > 0 , and they Imme diately tiled a motion for n new trial. Judge McGee heard the arguments und granted the request , _ Furniture , carpets , refrigerators , baby car riages , stoves , crockery , and all bouso fur nishing goods , cash or on easy payments , at Mandell Klein's. Dry storage at low rates , stoves and house hold goodx J. It. Snyder , Pearl street , Malr bas all sorts of fruit , shtulo and orna mental trees , Broadway , opposite postoillco TlilcveH Itrcak In. H. H. Field was mau.0 n victim to the wiles of houoobrcakers night before last. Ills res- Idouco on Frnnkllu nvouuo was wUerod through a basement window and a gold nvn ch and a pocketbook containing $11 were taken. Mr , Field was formerly sheriff , and chief of pollco , and has at times made bis boast that no ono would over get the drop on him by cither holding him up on the street or by entering his bouso by stealth. Ho ac knowledges the corn , however , with ns good grace us could bo expected under the circum stances. There Is no clue to the burglars. When about to build don't fail to get prices I on lumber of The Judd ft Wells Co. , S13 Broadway. Telephone 267. Union Park races , Omaha nnd Council Bluffs , Juno 0-12 , fl.OOO ; Sopt. ( Ml , fil.WX ) ; Oct. ' 'Ofl.OOO. . For programmes address Nut Brown , seo'y , , Merchants' hotel , Omaha , Try Duquetto & Co. 's Pomona fruit julco tablets , They are delicious. Shugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk Held , carden and tlowcr seeds In the west Catalogue aud tamples by mall. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Paving of an Alley Objected to b/ Prop erty Owners. CITY COUNCIL COULD NOT DECIDE IT , Contractors Go Ntcndlly on with the Work nna No Otic KCCIIIH to Care lu Inter Cure wltti Them. At tlic laU meeting of the city council a i > o- tltlon was icad from n number of pro [ > orty owners asking that the work of paving the nlloy between Seventh nnd Klchth streets and between Broadway and Pint nroniie bo nipped In the bud on account of the great cxi > oiso ) to which thej would be subjected. The council hemmed and hawed , and didn't know Just what to do iibout It , but there was a sort of vague understanding that , the contractor should bo required to stop the work until the council could have a chance to look around and find out just what ll wanted to I'D ' about the matter. Yesterday the work was going on Just ns usunl , and so far us Is Known , it will continue to go on until the end of the chapter. The city or property owner. } can enjoin the con tractors frnm rrnlut ? nn ulth tlm tvnrlr. htit f they do so they will h vo to stand ( food for all damages that tbo contractor may suffer by not being al lowed to KO on. No ono wants to stand good fnr the damages ns the contractors pnld In advance for all the material which Is being | iut Into the paving and the damages would iceorulngly mount uway up above the limits of the pockctbook of any ol them. It Is probable - able that the worlc will go on as was at llrst intended. 110STOX STOIIK. Council Hind's Sun UniltrclliiH. Just received over flOU sun umDrollas , the latest style handles. Gloria silk , guaranteed to wear much better than any all silkconing double the price , equal in appearance to nil silk-extra value , $ l.tt : , ? 1 fiJ ( , $1.75 , J2.S.1 and ? - ' SO. Aslt to see them. The best value over shown. Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la. Drs. Woodbury , dentists , HO Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone U3. High grade work a specialty. Black organdies , ttio latest In black wash seeds , every yard guaranteed absolutely fast black , the greatest craze of the season , a beautiful range of patterns all tbo way from lOo to-ir.c. Now is'the time to make your selection whllo the choice patterns lost. Boston Store , Fothcringham , Whltelaw & Co. , Council Bluffs. PLAYED PAKACaUTEd. Snm Patch nnd Steve Urodle Find Youthful KmnlntorH. A lot of small Doys were playing nt the unpor ciui of Fifth avenue last Monday evenIng - Ing , where the bluff U being cut away. They each had a small papar umbrella , which they loaded with sticks and stones nnd allowed to lloat , parachute-like , from the top of tbo blutf to the bottom. At last rinrrv Vim B'11111. the ten-year-old son of Alderman II. ii. Van lirunt , was struck with a bright idea. Ho rushed homo and soon returned with nn umbrella. Going to the too of the hill ho opened the umbrella , stepped bade n few feet and then inndo n run for the brink , holding the umbrella over his head. Flap , Hap , went the umbrella , nnd down , down , went the boy. The other boys lookeu on With bated breath , half expecting their com panion to bo dashed to pieces at the bottom of the hill. But they wcro disappointed , mid the small boy alighted on the ground , a hnn- dred feet from where ho started , as easily and comfortably as ho could wish. The whole tnlng seemed so nice that tbo eight-year-old brother of the hero had to have u chance at the now and delightful plaything. Ho , too , descended in safety , and in all piobablllty they would have been worn- ing the parachute yet had not some of the grown friends of the boys appeared on the scene in time to prevent any moro of the dangerous snort. As the matter stands now the two Van Brunt boys are heroes in the eyes of their companions , and it will piobably bo ten years before the last regret disappears from the hearts of the others at the thought of what they uilsscd. The Boston Store , Council Bluff- . , closes nt C p. m. except Mondays and Saturdays. Mon- dnvs 0 o'clock , Saturdays 10 o'clock. Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Trees , nil kinds , guaranteed to grow , prices cheap , at Muirs' , Broadway , opposite postof- lice. Court N'ewH. Mrs. Amelia Ouill has filed In the district court a protest against allowing the will of her late father , Joseph Holnmn , to bo ad mitted to piobato. She alleges that the will was not signed by her father with his free consent , but that ho had been childish and feeble for some tlmo prior to his death , nnd whllo In that condition was Induced to sign his nnmo to the paper by certain designing persons. She also claims that the witnesses did not sign their names to the will In the presouco of each other or of Holnmn. and on thcso grounds she asked the court to set aside the will and divide the propertv among the various children ofl though the will had never been executed. In district court yostordav the whole day was occupied by the $15,000 damage suit o'f Cocko A : Morgan against M. B. Smith. Part ot the arguments of the attorneys were made , aud they will bo completed this morn ing. _ _ _ Shantong pongee at the Boston Store , Council Bluffs , for I'Jjtfc a yard , tbo latest wash goods fabric known , equal to n China silk in appearance and ilntsh , warranted fast colors. Wo nro now showing a tcautlful ran co ot patterns and colors at the above price , ISJJjC. Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Ice ! Ice ! Ice ! ! ! If you want It pure and n And at a reasonable pr Follow no now dev ' lea. But send to us In a tr At our off Mulhollami & Co. , No. 4 Pearl st. , Tel. 102. Mitts and gloves Our line is now com plete in nlack silk mitts at 2oc , 33c , UOc , 50o and ( Wo. Wo think aud say vMthout the least hesitancy that we have the bcjt v luo In the above th-t over entered any city. AH pure silk and guaranteed fast blacks. Ask to see them ; wo .elight in showing goods , whether you purchase or not. Boston Store , f'othorlngbam , Wbltolaw & Co. , Council Bluffs. Coyno In Trouble The Cranglo-Malsh case , which fairly monpollzcd the papers about a month ago , has bobbed up again. Yesterday morning Fllck'uger ' Brothers , who represented the defendants at this end ot the line , received word from the prosecuting attorney of Kork Island county , Illinois , requesting them to send on n certified copy of the depositions which \V. L. Coy no sought to Introduce in evidence when the case was on trial , and stating that Coyno had been indicted for subornation of perjury In trying to got tbo Fluegols to sign their names to the papers. ClerK Campbell of thn district court , ami bis cntlro force of assistants , were busily nt work all day yesterday getting the copy Into proper shape. The trial of Coyno will take place next week. Visit the Boston Store , Council Bluffs , when In need of wall paper , window shades , loco curtains , chenille curtains , portleres.otc. Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la. The Ilnest line of spring and summer ( roods , mo t cx | > ort workmen , Is what you \ \ ill Una at Heller's , the tailor , : 0 Broadway. Protecting thn Flnh. "I wish you would clvo n wrlto up to 5 number of parties who are encaged In bunt ing and fishing illegally , " said ono of the most ardent of the lovers of sport In Councl Bluffs , yesterday to n reporter. ' 'Tho statutes of Iowa forbids the taking of flsu by seme , stmro , or netat any season of tbo year. Wo nro situated in n thickly populated com munity , with only slight resources In this direction at best. Ono would think that self Interest would prompt these follows to bo a llttlo careful how they make wav with the fish that arc In our streams , oven If their re gard for tbo liw did not ; anu yet the low Is being violated right along. "A number of us local sportsmen bavo banded ourselves together to assist In prose cuting to the full cxtout of the law anyone who may bo found taking llsu In this Illegal manner. Wo are Interested lu protecting the fish In nil the waters In this vicinity , but wo nro especially anxious to protect these In Honey crock. Pat Gllmoro has been sta tioned at the latter place for the solo purpose of guarding It and seeing that the law Is com piled wltti. Wo would llko to have the aid of all lovers of legitimate sport In driving thcso butchers out of their business. " AHiaulted a Young Girl. A bold attempt at an assault was mailo late last evening In the southern part of the city. A young man named Walter Luring was rid- lug on his bicycle near the corner of Kigbth street and Ninth avcnuo when bo hoard a woman scream a short distauco away , LookIng - Ing lu the dlrectlou of the sound ho saw n young girl running toward n house. Ho fol lowed her and inquired what was the matter , when ho learned that she had been over taken by a man Who put his band over her mouth to sllenco her after wtileh ho throw her down In the weeds , and would in all probability have accomp lished his purpose had it not been for tha np- nrnm'li nf l.nHnc mi Ma hlnl'i ln The r lf l was nleoly dressed nnd respectable lookinp and about eighteen years of ago. She pave her name its Amy Wilson. She could not describe her assailant as she had not had n chance to get a full vlow of his faco. Do Horses ' 1 nlk ? \Vo have our doubts on this subject , but if they couldwo believe tholrtirst words would bo to ask masters always to keep a bottle of Ilaller's Uarbed Wlro Liniment on hand. It Is unequalled for cuts , bruises and sprains. In fact , horses fairly cry for It. AljOXti AM ) UX.SOI ICKI ) . Anderson Dies In n f.nroutc * ( o tin * Hospital. Yesterday afternoon Ur , Klnir , assistant county physician , was called to see a sick man nt the southeast comer of Eleventh and Jones streets. Ur. King Immediately responded to the call , nnd found Joseph Anderson lying upon a pallet of straw in tin up stairs room. An derson was evidently suffering considerable pain , nnd the physician called n carriage and had the sick man removed to St. Joseph's hospital. Upon the arrival of the carriage at the hospital a chair was brought out for Anderson , and ho was carried into the re- coptlon room. As soon as the chair was placed upon the lloor in the room one of the sisters looked at the occupant and was .shocked to sco that ho was ucad. The man had died while beinc taken from the carriapo to the entrance of tbo hosuital. Coroner ilarripan was immediately called , nnd after viewing the body ordered the re mains removed to Htafy < & Heafy's under- taklnc establishment. Dr. King , assisted by Coroner Harridan , hold n post mortem upon the bodv last even ing. It was found that the left lung had shriveled up so 'hat it was smaller than the heart. Consumption was the principal cause of Anderson's death. The unfortunate man had gradually wasted away. Disease was found nmoug the organs of the heart , liver and kidneys. Coroner llarrigan will hold an Inquest at Heafy & Heafy's at J p. in. today. Anderson had no friends or relatives In the city. He bail been ill for n long time , and being unnblo to work managed to worry out n miserable existence. How long the man had been ailing was Impossible to learn ns no one seemed to know anytulng about him. DoWitt's Little Early Risers ; best little pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath. AIjItr.IGilT OKH.NMT MKE IT. lie AVantH to Uo Kclicvcd from tlio In- Hiiranc-o Company's HciM-lvorshlp. Hon. Thomas ll. Benton , auditor of .state , Attorney General Hastings. Mr. G. W. Al bright and- his attorney , C. J. Smyth , en tered Judge Irvine's court yesterday evening about 5 o'clock for the purpose of giving the Nebraska insurance company case another twist. Mr. Smyth stated that his client wished to bo relieved from the receivership and to surrender the responsibilities that had been placed upon him as receiver for the Ne braska Insurance company to some ono whom the court might appoint. Judge Irviuo promptly replied thathocould not relieve Mr. Albright without a report of what ho had done with the propsrty en trusted to him , and ho would not uo so even then until ho had consulted with Judge Wmteley with regard to the matter for there was danger of having a conflict In the orders of the court unless they proceeded very carefully. Ho advised Mr. Albright to hold possession of tno property until next Saturday when the insurance company has been notified to ap pear nnd nrcsent its side of the caso. The judco instructed Mr. Albright to allow Audi tor Bcuton full and free access to the books , but not to permit nny one else to have anv- thing to do with the property under bis charge. Mr. Albright said to n BKK reporter that the reason ho wished to be relieved of the re ceivership was that ho had been restrained by an order from the court from removing tl < o notes , books nnd papers to His oflice , nnd It was very inconvenient for him to work at the ofllco of the insurance company nnd at tend to bis own affairs at the same time. Under the circumstances ho simplv wished to get clear out of the matter nnd let someone take it who had nothing else to look after. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing byrup is the best of all remedies for children teething ; ' > cents a bottlo. COKE HTMtMKE. Snecinl Meeting of the K. of It. nt SuottdaU ; to Consider It. Pirrsiifito , Pa , , May 19. A special from Scottdale , Pa. , says : The Knights of Labor assembled here in special convention nt 10 o'clock to consider the coke striuo. The con vention Is largely attended. Nearly all the delegates say they have Instructions to con tinue thu strike. Several riots occurred this evening , ono riker being shot and slightly wounded. Ono of the sccodurs from the strikers' ranks who has been working was hooted bv n crowd of strikers on the street and driven Into the Scottdalo house by a mob of 1,000 men that would not disperse until the lire hose was turned on them. Shortly alter two deputies from the Valley works tried to assert their authority over the maddened tnob. A rush was made for the deputies , ono of thorn fired , wounding a striker. Tbo deputies were trampled under foot in n moment , but wore picked up nnd carried away by town police men , while the mob lied before another us- sault from the fire department. Soon an other rush was mado.tho deputies taken from the police and pounded nnd kicked In horrible - riblo manner. Under the advice of the lead ers the strikers finally lot them go. A Good Sulistltu'e. Instead of n cocktail In the mornini : "wo fellows at the club" taper off by taulng a re freshing drink of Sulpho-Sallno , Kvlotiou Not Icon. O.SKU.OOSA , la. , May 19. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BEH. ] Notices nro belngscrvod by the Excelsior coal company upon btrikinc miners that these owning houses on the com pany's promises must remove them and those living In company bouses must vacate them at once to make room for new men who are ready to go to work. About four hun dred strikers , most of them heads of fam ilies , are affected by these notices and trouble and hardship are expected. Thu conference of miners nnd operators which was to have been hold today will take place Thursday next. \Vo find St. Patrick's PIIU to be very extra and to give splendid satisfaction. They are now about the only kind called for. W. A. Wallace , Oaiis , la. For solo by druggists. ESJIERAUM MSI HAVE COAL. Probability TLat ( lu { Chilian Vossal Wil Eosorf toTorco- NOTHING TO PREVENT SUCH ACTION , i i The Pacific Mull'.Jjlc.Tiiishlp Company IHHIICS .Strict < , ) nlcr * to Its nt-Acapitleo Not to { , 'cn'lfuel. NnwOIIK , May tfl-A special to the Mall and Express from Acipulco says : "It seems certain that the Esmerrild.i must have recourse - course to s > omo desperate mentis to secure coal , for coal she must bavo If sbo Is to got back to Chili. It was announced today that the Pacific Mall steamship company has ordered Its agent hero not to soil the Es- moralda coal under nuy circumstances. This order was communicated to the commindor of the Esmcrnlda , and It Is now thought probable that the Chilian will taka coal by force. This is moro probable as It Is now almost certain that the Esmoralda's captain Is in command of tha Itatn , having boarded her when the two vessels mot off this port Frldav uleht. Should the aetlni ? nnntiln of the Esmoralda doclJo to taku coal by force there Is absolutely nothing to prevent him from hauling his vessel alongside the coal hulks and taking what ho wants , for the forts are worthless ns against modern ordnance - nance and the HsniorA'.da could if molested lav Acapulco in ruins in half nn hour. " There is n disinclination on the part of the officers ol the Pacific Mall steamship com pany to talk about the company's action touching the sale of coil to the Esmeraldn. Vlco President Houston was not willing testate state specifically whether or not the com- p.inj 's agent nt Acapulco had boon ordered not ' to sell the Esmeralda coal. He said , however , mat the only other station along that coast where she coujd got coal were San Diego and San Francisco. Tha dismantled steamer Moses 1 ivlor is the coal hulk of the Pacific Mail steamship company at Acapulco and Hos at the uioorinuM a few hu n- dred yards from the cltv water Iroiit and di rectly opposite the American cemetery. It is an easy matter for ttie Esmuralun to go alongside r.ud with her crew of 3SO men take on board coal at the rate of twenty-live to thirty tons an hour. Meanwhile 'tho city would be r.t the mercy of tbo Chilian guns. In ten hours she would have 300 tons on board. She would bo unmolested so far ns Mexican naval or military powers are con cerned. There are never moro than 50J sol diers In tbo vicinity of Acnpulco and the war vessel Democrata Is not equal In power to tbo Esmoralda's steam launch. Of course the Mexican authorities would protest , as would the Pacific mall agent , but the protest would bo of no avail in the fueo of the guns nf the Esmoralda. Citr OF Mn\ico ( via Galveston ) , May 19. A dispatch from Acapulco says that tbo Es- mcraldn's oflicers finished buying provisions list night and it is believed at Acapulco that the Esmcrnlda sccrctlv loaded some coal and was to receive moro this morning outside tbo harbor. Cnn Ho Sclzc-d in Chilian AVatcrs. WASHIXOTO.V , May 10. Secretary Tracy said tonight that tbo commander of the Charleston coula solr.o tbo insurgent steamer Itatn In Chilian waters , although ho declined to say whether or not she would do so in case the Itata Is not captured until she gets into these waters. St. Patrick's Pills give cntlro satisfaction. I have used them in my family. They arc tha best I ever used for the purpose. Frank Cor- nollous , Purcell , Indian Territory. For &alo by druggists. c.iXAnA cAirEi aoirx. Secretary Husk IssticHnn Order oil the Importation of S wine. WASHINGTON , May ,10. Secretary Husk today issued the following order : Dm-.uiTME.NT OK Aoitrcin.TuiiE , OKFICF. or TIIISbtiiKTAiiv : , WASHINGTON. I ) . C' . . May l'J ' , lb.Pl.hereas. . Under the act of congress np- pioved August 30 , 1MW , It has been provided by the department nf agriculture In order to uro- tect the sheep and swine of the L'niledtales fiom contagious discuses now existing In foi- clgn countries that all slici'p and swine Im ported from Great Ilrltaln and the continent of Europe must bo held lu quarantine for a period of not lo.ss than llftut-n days ; ami Whereas , The Dominion of Canada makes no ruquliomnnt of quarantine for sheep and swine imported Into that country from Uruat llrltiiln or tin * continent of Europe ; and \Miureas , To ncrinlttlio importation of the o nnlmaN fiom Canada into the I'nlted States without quarantine would bo dangerous to the > -took Interests of th < s United btate- > owing to the failure on the part of the Canadian au thorities to enforce this mensuie of piotco- tion , and would onublu Importers to evade the quarantine at I'nlled States ports : therefore ' It If ordered , That nil sheen or swine to be Imported from Canada Into the United States are hereby made mibjivt to the nuulatlnns of Ihu department of agriculture of date October ii. : 1V > J. mid the exception contained In the third an I sixth regulations of the said date as app lenblu to Canadian sheet ) and s\vlm > Is hereby rusnlndcdl and all animals minird In said regulations o.\copt cattle Imported from Canada aru subject to the same conditions and requirements us If they wore Imported Into the United Slates from Great llrltlan aud the continent of Europe. J. M. HU K , Secretary. Our customers nil speak highly In praise of St. Patrick's Pills. They are the best. Berry Bros. , Carroll , Nob. For sale by drug gists. the Advance. CINCINNATI , O. , May 19. General Manager Carroll of the Crescent road today refused the demand made by the engineers nnd Uro- men employed upon that system for nn ad vance in wages. The olllcorj of the road do not anticipate a strike. St. Patrick's Pills have given mo hotter satisfaction than any other. M. II. Proud- foot , druggist , Granada , Col. For sale by druggists. HIS SXKUi MISCAUUIQI ) , Chnrlcs Anstln > Norel Method to Set tle llln Hoard Hill. When Charles Austin was driven to the pollco station nt 1 o'clock this morning ho looKcd as If bo was prepared to make qtiito n visit. For some four months past Austin , who Is n colored man , has boon rooming with Mrs. Smart , nlso colored , at ' "JO North Thirteenth stroe. Austin ts qulto n dude and has paid his room rent with promises Instead of cash. Yesterday morning ho gave up his key to the house aim agreed that bis trunk and satchel bo held until his Indebtedness had been settled. Shortlv after midnight Austin effected an entrance Into the Smart domicile and with the aid of n friend carried his big Saratoga down the stair * ntid out into tbo street. Th noise awakened Mrs. Smart , who called n patrolman and tliu whole outllt , trunk nnd nil , wcro given quarters nt the jail. Austin wont bo bothered with room rent fern mouth nt least. Man Is often deceived In tbo ngo of n woman by her gray hnlr. Ladles , you can appear young ami prevent this grayncss by using Hall's Hair Ueuowcr. IIKVXAI , I VS. 1'HO1IIIIITIO\ . IJOIIK Haired Men and Short Haired Women Not Wanted In Iowa. Dzs MOINE.X , In. , May 19. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] It has just leaked nut hero In null- prohibition circles that emissaries of the REHDI So That You Will Not BB Deceived. ' Unscrupulous raanufncturors of medicines nro offering1 to supply the retail druggists with an nrticlo put up in red wrapper , almost identical in ponoinl - np- pciiranco , nnd closely assimilated In every detail to Carter's Little Liver Pills. In this way they hope to profit by the merit of Carter's Little Liver Pills , nnd pnlm oil nn imitation on the unsuspecting sufferer and purchaser. It is n source of wonder to honest people , that there nro men ready and willing to perpetrate such frauds. Let them bowaVo ft day of ; reckoning will surely como ; there nro "upright judges" in the land who will punish such people. But the moral of it all Is this : When you ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills insist having "C-A-R-T-K-R--S " upon and - , see that you get them. The proprietors of Carter's Little Liver Pills have spent hundreds of thous ands of dollars to make their value known. True merit always wins with the people , Carter's Little Liver Pills hnvo won. R Positive Cure for Sick Headache SMALL/PiLL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL. PRICE. To euro nillouincu. Blck Headache Conitlpntion. Malaria. Liver Complalnla. take the ufo and certain rcmedjr. SMITH'S ntothoSliAUjBIZEHO little Ivans to tha bet tle ' ) . Tli r are the mut coDTonlenti tult all BHU. 1'rlcoor ( liber lit * . 25 lenu p r bottl * . KISSING * ' 717 > 70 : I'boto irmrura. B * * panglsUoof tlili ploiuru for 4 e nUoopp r or laiupi ) . j F. Burrn & co. ak r of IJIIo D nn . 8U Loul . Mo Now York Voice have visited nearly every county in thli state for the purpose of pro curing a list of the voters at the last elec tion , which is to bo used as a mailing list for the Voice lu the forthcoming campaign for the repeal of the present prohibitory law. It Is now gcnerallv understood by parties well posted that the Voice will devote twice as much attention to thu impciidlnc struggle in this state as It did In Nebraska last year. It has nlso arranged , so it is reported , to toke the cntlro charge of tbo prohibitory side of the question. During the Nebraska light the Voice put In circulation In that state all ttie way from ten to sixty thousand copies of its paper each week until the cloo of thu campaign. It was generally conceded by nil who gave the matter any study that the work done by the prohibition ahect , while of a lawless and Illegitimate class of journalism , had n supcrllclal olTect upon a certain bet of Its moro Impressionable readers. It has also como to the knowledge of these who will have the niiti-prohibitiou camn.ilgu In charge that the New York Voice has made a formal request upon all prohibi tion organization" , national aud state , de manding that their organ bo given absolute and exclusive inanagcmont of the Iowa light. They set forth In their request that the work done uy the prohibitionists in Nebraska was wholly ineffective , and that while the anil's used their iroiioy to employ workers to bring out tbo votes on the the other hand the prohibitionists appropriated all their means to defray the expenses of orators , who traversed the state in every di- lection. The Voicn In Us demands urpes the avoid ance of a repetition of the Nebraska mistake nnd recommends that in the campaign now impending here that the services of low priced orators bo dispensed with , and that none but competent aud energetic Held workers and organizers bo employed. Most complexion powders have a vultrar glare , but 1'ozzoiii's is a true beauliticr whoso effects are lasting. Motor Coinpii'iloH Consolidate. Ccmu Hu'in * , la. , May H ) . [ Special Tel egram to Tin : BKI : . I The Thompson-Houston i company , grunted n franchise u few weeks i ago by the city council to put in an electric rnl'way ' , and tno old Cedar Haplds & Marion ' railway company have consolidated. The company is composed of F. 'W. Home , repre senting the Thompson-Houston company , aud J. S. Cook , W. 1) . Dougla ? , Charles H. Clark , James L. Hover and A. T. Avorill ot this city , nud the name of the corporation Is the Cedar Hapids & Marlon City railway com pany. A rnpltal stock of # IK,000 ( ) is author ized. A board of seven directors 1ms been D. Douglas aud Arthur T. Averlll. The fol lowing oflicers have been elected : James L , . Hover , president : Walter D. Douglas , vice president ; Charles II. Clark , treasurer ; Olenu M. Averlll , secretary. Lost n hofr. CciMiiRirin" , la. , May 19. [ Special Tele gram to TnnBii.J : Pat McAloon of Amana , a section boss on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , fell under n train nt South Amana this afternoon and his right limb was so had ly mashed that U will bo necessary to amputate it. He will probably live. The bett and cheapest Car-Starter Is sold bv the Bsr Inn t Sjllej'c CD , Chicigo , 111. With it ono man can move a , loaded car. Peculiar Accident. Mis orni Vu.uv : , Ir. , May 10. ( Special Tolcsrram to Tun Br.n. ] A peculiar accident Involving a mau , timber ana circular saw , oc curred at Mondamln today. William Maul , whllo sitting thirty feet from a saw in opera tion , was struck by a timber thrown from it. Ho bad three ribs broken and sustained in ternal Injuries which are serious. "That tired feeling" is entirely overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla , which gives a feeling of buoyancy and strength to tlio whole system. Murderer Sullivan Captured. Sioux CUT , la. , May 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tim UHE J Tim Sullivan , who mur dered Martin Uoyd at Peoria , 111. , some weeks ago , was arrested hero this evening. Police man learned that a brother , Con Sullivan , lived hero nnd watched him. Tim Sullivan , when arrested , attempted to bluff , but finally admitted his identity. Small in size , eroat in results : DoWltt1 Little Early Risers. Best pill for Constlpa lion , best for SIcK Headache , best for Sour Stomach. First-- NationalBank : - : - Bank -OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. I'nlil Up Canltnl , . . . . $100,000 Oldeil orxnnlietl bink In the cllr Korolini ami ilmiiutUC eii'lmturo nnil lusal pcurltloi. lljpeulni atlvatlon pulil tu oolluctluni. Acoiinti nf Injlviu- uali tunk , lniU'r < anlcoricrutlufU | nulldloj Cor- ru pomlumo InvlnM ( jio 1 * HANFOUO I'm litent. A , W lUKKUAN , rnihlor A T HICK , AntUtint Caililer. ffl fluffertni tram Til I U youthful erron carlrdec T , waiting weakneta , Icxt imiuhool , He. t will ten I a valuable trvatlui Ofalnlj contnlntnj full particular ! for home cure , VHI-I. ct charita A iplemlld medical work l ahuulu Iw read tr erer ) man who U nrnrntU anil UrhllUat'd. Adclrert L'rof. V. V. 1'OWLIUI , .tloodm , Conn IP \TMIO \ inn \ OPIIPUI ? JUftAilUo HAD A oUIUIll , IcoxTixt'r.n moM rinsr mvo believed lu tbcsa truths. It has boon charged that I am here to he.id off tbo third > arty movement. Why , If your movement Is io weak that ono small man can bond It off It s not worth the name of a movement. Chocrs.l I havo' been charged with failing o load this movement. My friends , this movement is too largo to bo led by any ona nan , [ Ctieers.J No ono man can lend It or stop It , " [ Wild applause.I Mr. Powdorly vent on to warn the conference against indue haste. No president coald bo elected his year If It was tried. Speaking to the Cunsas men , ho said they did not understand ha situation In his part of the country , where Ignorant foreigners were > rought to the polls and voted by numbers , Cansas bad nn Intelligent constituency , 'onnsylvauia required patient education and ho success of the reform movement depended ( lion the education of the people "Tho vnighUs of Labor will votp the principles of heir organisation ana when you form a larty embodying such principles as have been muounccd hero tonight you will find every Cult-lit of Labor .standing at the polls and doing bis full duty. " The meeting dispersed , cheering again and again for Powdorly and the Knights of Labor. A BAD SKIN DISEASE ) n Limb * 5 Years. He.lridilen ! l Ycurs. and Medicine * IVlc's , IVnrcd Ampulii'lon. Cured by Ciitl-ur.i nt Coit of $ 'J. 0. XIMV Does HIT Oun Work. A Wonderful Cure. I mutt n rlli an I toll > ou of tlia SIIPC-C I Ili.iroliml i mini ; tlic ( t I'HTUA UKMKIMt : * 1 lunl I'i'on rnuliloil fur Hourly llvo > o.m nltli nkln dl t < ne In liorlulit limb mill nil tlio ilootor * In thin rlty r < niM i > nnlliliv fnrlu I trie I u\ortlittnr until nt ln l I liouirhtlliould Imvi't" ln\o tlio llnih niiii | ttiti ii n' Iiekuoo Itini Mvol'o ' I t' > twice tlio ifiltirnl tltv. nil I could hiiroly hublilu roiiml on orntclio I wits n tlioliou-c. tnrt nf tlio tlmo In-J-lililon for Iliroo onr < * nnil rtiuiil tint 1:0 ! nut I Impponoil tn Umk In lie now < | inHr | nnil miw the CI I'll t HA nilviTtl i - nont. unit nn n In't n- url trkvl tli.it I ift > il t < i Iml- I < M nf tli UKsol.VI Nl' nnil tliroo lm\e "f tlio UTU I'llA I tun lion nlili > In ilo nil my nmk bnlh i hiiii'onnilo it of ilo > ra nml inv llnili H UK nuliiriil coulil pn * < llil ) oo unilcr miy i Irciinmt inoo Ills uiu t nimilcrfiil euro I linil ulion up liopc of vor boln/noil nunln. If tlili Hill lioiutit ) < > u. ) oii ro wo'coinotd m > o U to tlio lust iiilriinliiup All ) no not croilll iutlil will Hud mo tijr ndiliejklln ; me t the : il > o\o-umno < l ( It ) .Mlts HAKHIKT MICKLIIH. Io n CUr. In. Cuticura Remedies Are the greatest skill enios , blood purifiers , mil hiiincir remedies of nioilei M times. Cni- fiu Kr.'oi.vrNT , the noiv lllood and Skin 'nrlfler. Internally ( to eleanse the blond of nil inniirltlui unil poNonous cleiiients.and ) I'ni- cum , the cri-at Pklu Cure , and ( irricriiA OAP , an n\ < | til < dtu SUIn lleautllloi , cMuninllr toolear the tUn and sealp , and restore the lair ) , Instantly rcllovc and speedily euro every species of Itehln , limnlnu' . sealy. crusted , pimply , siTofnions. and lieredlttiry ISeases and huinois of the kin. sealp anil ilood. with loss of li.ilr from Infancy to ue. rorn pimples toer ifiila. Hold e\ cry w here. Price , CUTicrn * , Me : Hoi > , 2.V ; KFMJI.VKNT. il. I'lepared by the | 'OTTIII : D.iro .V. CIIEMICU. COIIPOIUTION. Huston. t-ff'send for"IIo toCuroSUln Dlsin es"Cl JUKI * * , T > i Illustrations , und lu ' testimonials I'M'black hoid . red. roiiKh , chipped and oily sk n ciued s ACHING SIDES AND B4CK , II p. Kidney and I'terluo I'alns and Weaknesses HII.IIVII : ; : > IN ONI : Ml.s- t'Ti : by thn Ci rii L'IIA ANTI-PAIN I'l.ASTtn , The llrst and only piiln- killing plaster. A fiKSUINK MICHOIIBKIIJ.EU Is KII > l > a UKHM KIIADICATOHCures nil dlM-n ci lec.in o It kllli the mlurobu or Kt'rni. 1'ut up anil rotalluj In t' , aud ) J sUf' . tlio Intlcr . ' 1-2 K'illuii sent nn- wheru prep.dd on receipt ol prlco ore' . O I ) Wo Unite iiKunrnntro to < uru. Tliu public , tuiilo nnil 1obber nuptilliMl bjr tlio Ijouitnuin Druu Co. . Mr1- C'ormlck.V I.unit. Oiuulin. ( ° A Molchur. HuHiird Myers nnd K. . I Sc > korn. outh Omah ; A.I ) Fos ter unit .M 1 > . Kills , Council 11111111. . , 41HU1U * lni nil. llluj bonttonnyimomlJre ty O. K , I1IHF.S A CO I'MUJ.-lpM- : DOCTOR Thcie Cclibrntcd ' I'lllsaroal'osltltoCaroforSlcl. : iaoKE 's 'niluolic , lIUi | > iiHitc s and ! Constipation. Smull , plcili * . ! I PURE ant nnd n ravorlto ttlth the ! ludlcn Sold In KnsUnJ for > > . Ud.ln Ainorlcn for SSc. Out ; llicir. from your Druezlitt , or ; I PILLS tend to H. II. 1'OOUI.It A CO , ; , < Glrit Itroijni ; , > r UrV. { CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK SI50.000 . SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70,000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 225.000 DinECTOtn I. A , Mlllor , P. O. Olemion. E fi Bhnis'art. I * E. Hart , J , U Edmundion. Uhirloi II. Ilanu.in. Transaot xener.il u.uikliu bust * nen. Largest capital and surplus ot auy bankln Southwoatern Iowa. INTERESTON TIME DEPOSITS , 27 MAIN STREET. Over O. I ! , Jaeqncmln Si Co. , Jewelry StorJ C. A. HAMMER , USTICE OF THE PEACE OlTIcn , 415 Ilioadway , Council Illuffs , In NEW OGBEN HOTEL. The Now Option llotul. In Council lllnlK IIUH boon ciiiilutcly ( | ) rcruriiKliL'il ami iiioduinl/ci tliroiiKliout , ntul Is nniinuof tliu liutt liotuls In thu Htiitu U Is louiitod In the liuslni'M jmrt of the city and tlio ulcutrlo niutiirx p iss tin diHir uvury four inlniitiM. 1'lro ( -seaiius niu lire alarms thruu.'huiit the building. Sloan hoat. lint and cold wiitcr mill hiiiishlno In uvery room. Tulilu iinsiirpas ud anyulivro Halts , r..DO a day. QEO. M. WHITNEY. Manager , 'THE ! QRANJD" Council Bluffs , la. This Elegantly Appointed Hotel Is Now Opan. Cragin & Co. , Proprietors. Sims & S federal courts. HDJIIIS . ! , 4 and 5 llcnu block , Council Illiiir.-t , la. KI , rillinllPPAttorney . ; at Law , .Vo. 10 | | 0lrl ; Ntriidt , ever llmh. null1 * Htoro. Tolopliono No. 8 VI. Hiislnoi hours. H u. in. to U p. la. Council Illulls In. Gas Heating Stoves. No ASHES ! No S Just the tlilnc for bath rooias , bed rooms , ota Cull und dee our lur u asaoi tniuut. C. B. Gas and Electric Light Co. Ill rear ! and 210 Mulu BtrooU I NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla - " } Of porfoot purity. Lemon -I - of great strength. Almond If Economy In tholrugo Rose etc.yl Flavor ns dollcntoly nnd dcllolously ns the fresh fruit. SPECIAL NOTFCKS. COUNCIL BLUFFS. " \ \ rANTIMTnouxpcrlt'iu'cdolothliK ) ! "tilca * * ' moil ut oni'o. HotoronoiM riMiilrvcIi | taroiiHClcitliliiK lluiiM' , Wl llroaihiay kVANTril A tlrst olii-n Imokeonnr , lady > ' pioforrod. Addles * look box u' > s IMiiu * WANTKO-At onoo , olsht painters , brush hand ! . . J. II. Urns , LMbouth Main. Umn- II HlulTs. \\rANTKI ) Uood clrl for ttcuoral house" ' work. SOO Iliiriiiony < ttrot < t. "JilOU HUNT House of live room . J''l > 0 poi -L niontli. Ono of se\en rooms , ! HkOO pui nontli. K. 11 M.iyne. Ul'l ' llroaih\ay. N ntuniie. . f mulshed looms to rent. ( > IO Uth AY TANTrO To buy nony for vhlldn U'H mo. Apply to Dr. Uaiicho'tt. Coiiiu-ll It nils , rANTiil : ( "oinpoti'iit ilrl for KOIIITII ! housruorlv at lU''l 1'lftli IIMMUII' 1/1O1 ! . \ , : - ( ) line fainllv hiu-f. smiahln -L fur rldlliKoi ( IrhiiiK. Apply to l.li s Clh Vivct. _ 1W Uorr of horses The Inrirost lot of oats anil the thifbt In thn oil ) ; aho h iv mill ooil iC , till kinds , ut s. ( iohlsteln & C'o a lr."J \j.'st Ilrnadway , 'foil Ii\T ! : Iliiin iii-nr court house. Apply -1 II. W. - - - - - - to Illlon , llr- 1I.AtUOVA YP and psyehometrle. ot ehar- neter readings ; also diagnosis of disease. Send lock of hair for readlims by letter f im- laysaml uM'iiln.'s. Mrs. i ; , Hooper. 14" ' Avo- inei : , neir corner l.'itli st. , Council II nils , Tetjns. MliaiulJUW. . , pOK HUNT Two iiewlv furnished rooms ) bath , hot and cold \vaterund steam heat Grand hotel annex , second floor. .K Tor Kent Wanted If you want tolniy , si'll or rent anything In iho real ostalo lln don't do It until you liuvn suuu our ar 'o list of h irRaliu. SHUII , \ . Wnlkcr , No. ll'J Main and 11.1 IV.irl streets Counull Idinl'H. .71OK SAM ! or Trade A line iinpurlod -L1 C'lydi'sdalo stallion Call on 1)I. I hi toll- insmi i'o. . . ( > 17 llio'idway. _ SOMi : Uno rusldtin ! < property for rout by Day , V 11 o-s , .111'tMirl stn-L't. ' . llotol luntrally located , dolnir fooil luisliiL's'4. Or will uxL'han o for nuoa farm Inustorn Iowa , Hotel lease , furn turo nnil lUturosj an A No. lohiincoto stop Into ti jood payini ; busi ness Koiisotm for t.elllii ! : , other business ro- iliilrliiK all owner's atleiitlon. HarKalns In rosldunco anil business prop * erty. It. I' . Olllecr , real estate anil insurance agent. No. 12 N. Mtiln st. . Council HIiitK GAHUINH : S-oino choice garden land near Council IllnlTH fors.ilo on easy teims nlso vineyards and a larn'o list of Ion i f.irmy. Johnston ft Van ratten. T/lKU11'farm for sale or tnidot well located -L und nil In bearing ; goo 1 house an I barn. \YI1I take homo Kood elly property , ami gooci t line clvui. on balance. Cull on or address l > . J. lliitehlnson tt. Co. . til" Hroadway. T71OK UKNT ThoTle MaiiotT iiiock7 .i story J- brick , with basement and oluvator. J.V. . Sipilre , JOI 1'o.irl street. FOIt"dA.LB or Koat Qirilon land. wlttT houiui. Or J. It. Itloo. Wl Main it. , OaunoU Bluff * 'ilioonderriil New Process Vapor Stove. We sell the only genulno Now Process nnd the celebrated Quick Meal New Process stoves , the bust mailo. Ono difference bo- twccn the genuine and Imitations is that the Imitations have a small necdlo-llko tube to draw olT oil that Jon'tovaporato : the genulm lias no such tllmflams. Wo have sold no.irly ono hundred already this seison. : Lights like gas ; abjolutcly safe ; uo smoke or soot ; as simplens u cook stovo. 9eo us before buying. A few line $ ; ir.00 gas ranges closing out at $10.00 each. The best over offered ; 20 per cent discount ever last year's prices. Ijau'ii MoworH. Highest grade only $ U.OO. Screen wlro doors , frames , etc. , etc. ItloyulcH. Largest stock in tlio.vest. . The famous Llttlo Olaut bov'swhe" ) , the Victor , billies u grade , world's best wheel , both for ladles uud gentlemen. COM : tc uoi.u , 41 Main Street. Mooiioiiilcal I It Is Iho amount that people save , not fid much Mhat they earn , that eventually makea them rich. In buying u household necessity llko a refrigerator It Is well to consider some thing un > o than the first cost In determining Its economy. The ( Jueriisey Household KnfrlK * eratorlsiiH handsome IIH u plecu of parloi furniture and costs less than any other lliMt- elass article , und stands at the huid us an ' economl/orof Ice , glvliiK the lowest cold all temperature. All tlio packing Is mineral wool , the bust non-conductor of heal ami inoUturu known. All parts can bo taken out and cleaned. Investigate the ( inornboy Household buforo Duylii- , ' . Lawn Mowci'N. The Now Quaker Oily Is In every respect tha counterpart of the 1'nlhidolplita , and nnicli eheiiner. I'rom $ J to i'Vo carry the Phila delphia also and you can take your choice. Screen DoorN and window screens , the largest and finest In the city , and all the latest noieltles In tha hardware line , nt hllUQAKT > \ . CO.'H. Nn. 11 Main fctteet , Council Illuir . 1861 I TOLD YOU SO. 1891 The .Towel Vapor Steve is the best pononitlng steve in tlio market. The Reliable Process is the leader in pro cess stoves. The hot air tubes are con nected by removable iron elbows , al lowing easy access for cleaning jiur- | ) c > < < eH. The vaporizer IH a perforated brass cylinder hold in place by three brass sprintr arms , and can bo lifted out and cleaned. Our steve is the only ono so provided. Wo have done away entirely with tliQsub-llame. The llama can be turned high or low. They are point : like hot cakes. The soconu cap load ordered. luuu ut uui . uuiLAWN MOWICRS. Buy the goiuiino Philadelphia Lawn Mower. It was unexcelled 17 yoara ago ; it in unrivalled now. These made 17 years ago were good , but these made now nro very far in advance of thorn it ) every point of morlt. HKI-M7 IP MU A Wo htivo a full line of hardwood re frigerators at priced that will bell them. Kly tlmo ( scorning. Ciotyour Boreona up before the Ilica como and > ou will o.scapo lots of annoyance. I Have the lartrest and best line of door and win dow bureons in the market. P. C. Di'.Voi. . 501 Broadway , and No. 10 Main Stroet. .M. ii. cii.t.iiitiitri\ . it. r.jf , Kar , Nmennil Tliruat Hliorlnllit. Council Illurti , . . Iowa. here MJTH , croat rye , t painful anil Kcak rUlmi , ' I'arnrhu , UcafneM , | JU * ilinrfoi from tliu iur < ) tarrli , Inr fuv r , nitlmm and nUutiilii and rhrunlo aiTi-fllontuf thu Ihrout u IHH'lallr ( ilno uyui ( It- twi without pulii. ( IH | UI acruratoljT i > ri' crll)0 < 1 In illnitullrniui , often curliiK thrunlo nouriUlt and ilck hvniiticho. H untie * I oi > oratlnni , when noctii- arr , falnluiilf performed , atiurln * Inj.t rutulti Omcoauu urt-lk-uu tdbck , ruouil Uuuuclt luB ! , U