THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : [ JSDNERPAY , MAY 20 , .1801. Was Qa\j \ In the Game ns a Spectator , PAD CLARKE'S ' ARM IS ALL RIGHT. tavlcB Touahcil Up 1'or Htatocn Hnnl 111(8 ( by tin ; Coming Cliam- lllOIIH lOll.V City AIn > \VliiH. Otnahn , 17 ; Milwaukee , 7. Sioux Clty < M : Kansas City. 11. St. I'aul No ( , 'anic ; rain. Minneapolis No giimo ; rain. MIIAVACKP.R , WIs. , May 19 , fSpoclal Tele gram to Tun HKI : . | Tlio Omahas turned the tables on Milwaukee ) this afternoon , de feating thorn wltli tlio Krcatost ol case. The homo team wns never In the ( 'atno nt any Stngo. DnvloH was pounded nil over the green , being touched up for sixteen lilts fora total of twonty-slr bases. Clarke , on the Other hand , pitched a strong , steady game , JcooplnR the hits well scattered. / The homo team scorned to lese heart from Iho first and played moro llko a atcurs tlmn ( salaried raon ; maVlntr costly errors whenever tnon were on bases. The visitors put up n Beautiful fielding Rome , not an error being phari o'l against ttiem. The work of Wulsli attdmrtwni the feature pf the fjnme , ho making thrco stops of what seemed snfo hits. Donnelly and Halltgnn carried off the batting honroi , the latter hav ing two stnglcn , a double and a triple. If the Omahas put up as good Dallas they tire playing nt present there la tto club In the Association has any right to defeat them. The only rcdeoimiHt featuroontho Mllwau- Jceq Hldo was Kddle Ilnrlto's homo run drive. The homo team ncored their first runs In the third on Alberts' slnglo nnil llurko's linnio run. In the fourth n haso on balls , Al berts' ' double , ( irlm's single and a wild pilch jiettod three rnori1. A baio on IkilU , two sncrlllco hits nrd a BinKlo gave the locals two in the six 111. Two Dingle ? "nil a double added ono in the eighth. Omaha started thu scorlnc in the ilrst. Shannon took lint on balls , Donnelly sU-tick out , Ilalllgiin Until out a double , Shannon scoring. Sutciliffo went out to'llrst , Twitehell jingled , Halhgan scoring. ( .Irinin sent a loud scrnpcr to Schrivor mid retired , In the second Walsh wont out from I'eltlt to Ilrst. McCnulcy singled , Clarke ( jot Ilrst in Alberts' fumble , Shannon lonlu lly to . [ Jurko , who dropped it. Donnelly cleared .ho bases with a triple , HalllRun inndi ! u lilt , Donnelly scoring. Sutcliffo How out to Duiignn , Twltclicll gotllrston balls , Uriflln Forced llalllgan out nt third. ! In the llfth with the bases full SutelllTo lined out n double clearing the bases. A uaso ton balls , Sehrivcr's error nnd llvo singles liolUxl flvo inoro runs In the sixth. In the eighth two singles , n double nnd . .rlplovas responsible for three moro. Score : t jm.wAtwr.i ; . OMAHA. ECOIIK IIr INNINHS. 0 0 L' a o 1 01 0-7 Uiualia V ! 4 U 0 3 5 0 a ' -17 v Earned runs : Milwaukee. 4Oinalin.T ; , Two- Iniso hltH : ( Irlrn , Allioit.s , Donnelly , Hulll-tan , jHutcllfTo , Grinin. Tlii-fo-linso hits : lliiillRan. flloino runs : llurkc. SHoInn bnsvi : Tulleholl , vwalHu. Double jilays : U'alih , Munition. Mo- " auloy. Klrst liaso cm halls : lly Diivlon , 8 ; 'my ' OlnrKo , i Hit by pitched hull : Duncan , JPchrlvor. Htruokoul : lly Diivli-s.2 : by t'l.-irku. 'f. ' 1'assod bulls : ( irlni , | ; SntolllVu , I. Wild " } ) ltchcs : Davles , 1 ; Olarue , J. Tlmo : Two Jioura. Umpire : fctrlof. Sioux City \VliiH Another. 4Sioux CITY , la. . May 10. Toilay the homo . team dofuatcd the Kansas City lllucs in the I ilrat game of the scries. The game was a [ ? oed deal of a dltigcliiK match from the out- [ sot. FitzRorald was lirst put In the box for ' .ho homo team , but was succeed o a by Do- | , vald In the sciwnd inning. The ISluos i ntohed ( Jonwny the Ilrst six lnnliiK aiid then Jut Sowdors In tlio IKIX. The lidding of both ( ldos was very loose. Score ; I M'UIIK nv INMNOs. KlouzCltr 0 1 2 1 J 0 * 4 Si-H Jinnans City 3 0 3 0 i 0 10 2-11 fclimiAUV. Knrnocl runn : BIoiu Clljr , 8 ; KnnKniCltjr , .1. Two- lilti , Htraun , HchilliockVlladM. . > o\-vclora. Jt'liroo-linso liltx : Hlranxn , Nldiolxim , 2 : Mnnnlnit , ptolon bnnoa : Hluui ( Ity , V ; KmisiisClly , 1. Ooublo | < lnyss Smllli. I'lckell nnil .Manning : .MnnnlnR , Fnt rna nml Wilton. Klrst lni oiui hulls i Slou.xClty , I ) ; Kniunn City,4. Ktrurk out : Dy Klt7turnld | , I ; ) > r Dewnlil.3 ; by C'tinway , I. 'I'lmu : Uuu hour and fifty inluutoi. Uuiplru : Colllnn. XA TlttXA I , 1 , 1.l ! f3 UK. WiitH thn Fourth from iTohn- nlo XVanl'M Cro\v. CIHCAOO , May -Captain Alison won his fourth successive game from the Brldo- Krootns today on perfect Holding and good patting. Score : jphlcuco . 4 10001 11 i-o JlrooUlyn . o 000 00 10 0-1 lilts : Cldcnco , 14 ; Itrooklyn , 7. Krrors : Chicago. 0 : llrooklyii. 5. llattorlus : Sloln ,1x111 ! KlttrldRu ; l ivutt nnil Uily. Karnud yuus : ChloiiRo , ! x WIIAT'a Till ! MATTKll , SEU'.Kl CINCINNATI , O. , May la-Boston suffered its third nnd greatest defeat here today. rlarkson } was hit hard nnd tils supnort was pot good. Bcoru : Cincinnati . _ . 1 0 n 0 00 43 i-lG { Uoston . . . . . . - 001 11 to 1-7 lilti ; Cincinnati. 15 ; lto-tt ii , in. ICrrors : Xlliiolniintl , 1 ; Itoston. 7. Italturlos : KuU- ( iyiourno. MiiUnnnnntl t'lnrk uiul Ihiirlustnn : , lliirkson , TuckiT mid lluniu'tt. Karnod runs : .Uiuolnuutl , 0 ; lltMtoii. 0. p DIVIDKK Till ! BrUlnS. PiTTsnuno , May 19.Tho Phillies hit Btaloy whenever they pleased and won from JPlttsburB cosily. Hcoro : a'ittsbnri ; . 0 000 01 2 'J 0 5 1'hlludulphla . t 0 1 0 0 ( I 0 0 - 8 llaso hits : I'ittaburir , Hi riilladclphta , 14. ICrrors : I'lttMinr--- ; I'lillailolplilu , in. Ituttor- Js : Stalcy nud l-'loldt ; Thorn nnd Olitinunts teamed runs : 1'ltt.sburjr , U ; I'hlluilolplila ' , I , GIANTS WIX A II A ME. CI.EVBI.AND , O. . Mav 10. Iii the Ilrst two Innings today New Vor mudo nluo of its ton base hits and wpn the game. Score : Cleveland . 3 " 00 00 1 l 0-2 ew Yoru . 420000001-7 ASSOCf.lTJO.V. Jlostoii Hoops lip nn Vi hlntlertl > farah Ti.wiml the T j ) . BOSTON , Mass. , May lU.-0'Ilrton pitched h good gnmo today , his work being very olToc- 'tivo but bis support was poor. Score ; 0-U - - - a i o l c o o o o i AJ 4lal lv . . . . . . - ! " vwvv Illtst Iloiton. IT UHiUvlllo. 4. hrrorsillos- ' ion , 4i ipulavllle.- Ilatturles : o'lirlonanU 'arrolli Daly nnd Ilyan. IJirnol rum : Ilos- onU. , STICK TO sr.cos't ) . DAI.TIMOIIE , Md. , Mny 19. Ualtlmoro itnycd nclosoand unintorcstltiK ( tame vlth Cincinnati today and \von. \ Score : lulllinoro . 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -2 Cincinnati . 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 1 I Illtn : Ilaltlinorc. 7 : Cincinnati. f > . Krrnrs : Inltlmoro. 2 : Cliiclnnatl. 4. llnltitrloa : Mc- ilnliim and IIoliliiNoni Kllroy und llurloy. .iitacil rusi Ilaltlinorc , 1 ; Cincinnati , 1. WAHittMtTo.v CAN'T ' MIX. AVASIIINOTON , Mny 19. Columbus defeated ho Wellingtons Unlay In mi interesting R.itno > y bunching tholr hits , akicd by racgcilvork > y the homo team. Score : VnnliliiUin . 81 0 U 20 00 ! - 0 Columbus . 0 0 4 0 U 4 10 1-10 IlltH : U'lvsliltiuton. 12 : Columbus , 14 , Krror-i : VjHlntntton. r > ; CiiliiinbiiH , l. lliirnt'il runs : V.-iililiuton , r. ; Colnniliiis. 7 , Ilatlorlos : Hcacli and Unnoy ; Kastoii and U'Connnr. KOHTL'XATK IIITTIMI 1)11) ) IT. I'liii.AitnM'ittA iayll ) . Tlio Athletics stic- ccdcd In dofoulliiK the St. Louis Browns his afternoon h > ' lucliy bnttlnir. Weoro : At.hlotics . 0 1 1 o : i o 1 1 0 7 1. 1,01111 . ia oo oo au o o I Ills : Athletics , It ) ; St. l.onls , o. ICrrors : ktlilotlcs. - ' ; SU l.o U , a. Hattcrics : Mains. 'alliilum and Cross ; Muakln. ( Jrllfltli and CiLiiin. Karueil ruin : AthlvtluH. 4 ; til. . .ouls , 1 , IllliiolM-Io\vii lii.'autu ) ( lanicH. \t Ottawa Oltnvva , 7 ; Aurora. 5. \t Qulncy Qulncy , 4 : Cedar Haulils , a , At LJavenport Davenport , 7 ; Oltuiuwn , 0. 1 < ' TJIK < , Western ARHOchitton Hlaiid in ; . I'lnycd. Won. Lwt. 1'crOt. Otnaha 17 11 .007 .iiiooln u. ' > il n , r > io ; llliyiuikoo. 3.1 IS 13 M7 Ilnnuapolla -ti II 1'J ,5110 ) onvor . . . , U7 II lit .SIS lonx City ' . ' 7 13 l.r .449 CnnsasUity L"H 13 10 ,41'S t. 1'aul 20 - . 10 : a JJ84 Pt'iitlonal l.caguu Stantlhi ) ; . I'laynl. ' Won. Lost , I'or O't. Ihlcapo 1 11 7 .G'.Kt 'lilliulolnlila ' 'I 1.1 11 . -rif. Jlovoland ' , ' 1 1.1 11 M' loston y.\ \ \i \ 11 .rc. Ittsburg ! KI 13 11 ffS \rm\c\yn \ \ \ L'l ] U 11 ,417 Now Vork 21 9 15 .Xft Uhicinnial ' . ' 4 U 15 37.I American j\ssfclutiou 1'lnyod. Won. Lost. 1'orCt. loston : ' 'I 8 .7.'iO laltlmoro 29 IS U , isi ; t. I.ouli ; U 11) ) l.-i .Mi Atlilotlci 20 H l' ,4S'I /oulsvillo ! ! fl 10 19 ,4S7 Coluinlius Id I. ' ) 1H ,4. > Jlriclnnial : ii 14 ' . ' 0 ,41'J Vusliluston 28 7 21 /'CO Hl'KKIl lll\G. Tor 1'jiuori. , Mny 10. Much business of Im- ) ortanco to horse brooders nil ever the ountry wns transncted by the cxocutlvo ornmlttco of the AmericanTrottlntr liojjlstcr association before the adjournment of the ircctors today. The directors voted to in- orporuto Uio following rula in the by-laws : . 'tint "nny pncer or otherwise eligible may bo admitted for registry ns standard when it las made a record In accordance with the rules of the association of 2y.'i : or hotter" 'I'o meet nny contingency of from hodccUionof the registrar , tlio following mard of censors \VM nppoititod : Lucns Jroadhcail of Now Vorl , W. 1' . lams ] of t'orro Ilauto , and C , H. Emory of Cleveland. All appeals will bo llnally consluered by this ) onrd ; In fact thov nro given absolute au thority la matters of registry. With reference - once to consolidation Mr. Uroadhcail said the National Breeders' associutloti would elloct amalgamation next December. Only One l-'uv : rlto AVoti. IJOOISVII.IE , Ky. , May 19. Good weather and a largo crowd for the llfth day's races. Trio bookmakers again hnd the best of it , only ono favorite , linlgowan , winning. l''lrst mco , sollhiK. ono nillo and ono hundred yards : Harry Smith ( Ho 1) ) won , Kuluolr MIO nad. llob-1 , third. Tlmo : 1:52. : Second race , soiling , llvo furlon a : Covorton 7 to A ) von , lloloii N Hocoiul , Heed Hoot tblrO , riino : Ill7 . Third race , the merchants' himdloap , ono nllo anil oiiu-sl.xti'cnlli : I'rntootlon (2l ( to 1) ) won. Dollklns second , liobcstilorio third , rime : 1:52. : l-'oitrth race , sellingono nillo : Otlrcy (4 ( to I ) von , Hob Foraylhu second , Ouo Dliiio third. I'lino : I4.r.j4' ; , Klfth race , Nowimirknt linndlcii ) ) , ono nillo and llfty yards : llalRu\vanD \ ( to .1)\von ) , Hruzos second , Mabollo third. Tlmu : li4U. ( ! SJ'AJIKS UF tii'OKT. A\'alkc l In from rotorNaiiolconCanipana"Old bport" am- jlod into town about 10 o'clock ycucnlay nornlni ; direct from Chlc.igo and roiortod : nt fid Kothery's hcauquarters nt the end of his oiig tramp. The old man was very footsore and so sleepy that he could scarcely Itoop awake and was put to hod nt the Hotoi Uicho- iiou , where StoviJns , Cainjiana's coinpotltor , is nursing his sprained unldi > . Camiiana declared that hu followed the line ol the Chicago & Northwestern road right through , dusplto the nsMH'llons of Stevens and his trainer , I'cmlcrKast , to the contrary. Ho was scat out hy a few Chicago cage sports simply to boat Stwens , and ho swore ho would accomplish it hy at Ictwta day. Jioth left Chicago at the samn tlmo and "Old Sport" wns , therefore , duo hf-ro at noon of yesterday and Stevens at the dinner uour today. Crowds nt tlio Iowa Shoot. DBS MOINKS , In. , May 1(1. ( [ Special Tele gram to TUB Ili'.Kj A largo nurabor of sportsmen from this nnil other stntoi arc in the city in attendance upon tha fourteenth annual convention and tournament of the Iowa Association for the Protection of Fish nailGnmo which bo aa tod.iy with n shoot at Highland Gun Club park. The convention proper will ho hold tomor row ovcalng for the election of olllcors nnd choosing place of next ineeUnn. Tlio tourna ment promisor to bo the most successful over held lu Dos Molnos. Today there were nt least 200 shooters , ninny of them being In the front rank , in attendance. Tlicro wcro twice over as many entries as was conducive to Rood worlc , but the crowd was n jolly ouo and iho best ot feolliiK prevailed. There wns un averano of thirty-live entries for each shoot , nud the ties were numerous. Charities and Corrections , INDIANAPOLIS ! , Ind. , May H ) . The confer ence of charities nnd corrections elected the following oftlcors this morning for the 1S93 conference , which Is to DO holit in Denver : President , Myron \V. Heed , Denver ; vice presidents , II. II. Hart , Minnesota ; John Glenn , Maryland ; Dr. Arthur J. Hronrn , Ohio : Mrs. Joseph Spear , Jr. , California ; A. O. Wripht , Wisconsin ; MUs Clara Barton , District of Columbia ; secretaries , Alexander Johnson , Indiana ; Amos \Vutson , District of Columliu : A. L. Welch , Colorado ; trcnsuror , \Vllliam I' . Latchworth , Now Vorlc ; ollleliii reporter and editor , Mrs , IsaholloC. Harrows , Boston , Tao proceedings today Included the reading of papers oa "Stnto board of charity'- and " 1'onnl nnd rofornntory systems. " Nathaniel E. Knsccran of llulTmo win ohoiou to tnko charge of the nssoclulloiib1 world's ' fair exhibit. _ _ Pronounced I'.dso. New Voiut , Mny 111 The Denver dispatch stntniK that -150 Bni-lts of nowspapsra had been received ntllluni , a annil mining cntnn near that city , during the last \voolr and Inti mating that nn attempt wns uolnfjmndo by certain railroads to Hwlniilo the ( jovcrnment , wns shown ton nostoMco oftlciul tod.iy. An examination of the records showed that no auch amount of the class of null matter Jo- scribed above had boon sent from New Yorkc to the address nnmcil. 'i'ho ' postoftlco ofll- cials said the rowrt | was falso. No griping , no nausea , no pain when Do Witt's Little Early Hlsors are taken. Small pill. Safepdl. Host pill. Cns of Cntnlopsy. KXNIXS Cur , Mo. , May 10. Fifty-six days 030 Anna Meadows the , twolvc-yenr-old daughter of Asa MoiJows of Indoponaonco , Mo. , wont Into n sort of cntnleptic trance. blnco that tlmo she has nolthcr eaten not moved until yesterday the phylclann uo- coedodln rousing her wllh aiioloetrio bnt- tory. Today shu was clven some nourish ment nnd upittnri to bo rcoaverlng. Her cuso Is conslilorcd ouo or the most remurku bio on record. Io\Vltt's ) LtUlB Knrty KIIO | only pill to euro sick headache ami regain to tbo bowels LOST THE FIGHT ON A FOUL , Outcome of the Batllo Between Billy Myer and Andy Bowen. NEW ORLEANS LAD DECLARED THE VICTOR , IotH of Hard Fighting In Which Hie Strpator Uyolonn AVns Handled About nnil Corliult. NnwOur.KAN ? , Ia. , May lO.-Tho proat Ightwcl ht glove flgtit between Andy Ho won and Billy Mycr , the " .Strcator cyclone , " oc curred tonight In the handaomo nroim of the famous Olympic cluu. Nearly three thousand icoplowltncisod thocncountor. The betting oday was $100 on Myor toSoOon Bowon. < nst May at Wrtst Knd these name tnon fought twenty-three rounds , at the end of vhlcb Myor's manager pave up the contest , * Iyor was not knocked out , hut bo presented ho appearance of a man very nearly com pletely benton , The agreement under which tonight's fight vas hudcalled , for the inon to weigh nt the ring side not over 181 pour-da. The Olympic club mnp up a PUMO of W.OUO , S2t > 00 of which vent to the wlnnor and $ T > OJ was given tno 03 er. Bowcn was seconded by Hob Farrell nnd the famous Tom Kelly , while Mji r was seconded ended by Link Popo. Kddlo Mycr and Alf Cennedy. Hon. Alexander Urowstor was appointed > y the managers of the club as rofcrco nnd everyone was doligtitoU when ho accepted , or the name of Alex Bro wster Is synonymous vlth all that is fnlr and square. llefcrco Drow.itor warned the seconds against Indulging In questionabletactics. . Ex- Mayor ( iuillotto ncteJ as master of ccrmon- es nnd lutroducud Hon. Alex Hrcwstor iw the ofllcinl of the evening. The Ilowon party entered the ring at ex actly 8:33 : and received a hearty welcome , 'rof. John Duffy was announced as the ofll- clal timekeeper. The Mycr party entered the ring at 8:57 : nnd received n qulot welcome. Immediately after Myor took his seat Bowcn walked across ho ring nnd shook bands with him. Bowcn vol tied In all ! ) ! pounds at Op. in. nnd Mycr voitrhod under the limit , A moment later 'aptaln tVUllam Barrett weighed the gloves mu pronounced them live-ounce , uccordiug to aw. Time was called at 0:15 : anil the men began their fight for a f3OOU purse. When the men advanced to the center of ho ring Bowcn was looking confident and Mycr was smiling. Mycr wns aggressive nnd Uowen was wary. In the tint round Bowcn knocked ilyer down twice , whllo ho himself received mt slight punishment. Bowcn used his left o fool Myor nnd wns successful , land In. iz leavlly on Myer's heud nnd body , ono blow on the ribs In the second i-ound sounding all > vor the hull. Myor received the most pun- shmontln the Ilrst. round , hut was the ag gressor all the time and seemed conlkleiit. Myer received a third knockdown in the .hlrd and his nose was bleeding profusely. In tnoHttli. sixth nnd seventh rounds Mycr continued on the npgrosslvo and received most of the punishment , Bowen escaping with n heavy blow on the forehead nnd ono on the arm. v In thti eighth round Mycr was still the np- presser , but not as cngor as formerly. Ho trlod to make Bowen load , but the latter was cautious and declined until near tlio end of the round , when Myor knocked him down clean. The next two rounds were nbout even , Bowen possibly having n little the best of It. Ju the eleventh round Bowen smasncd Myor in the eye , causing- to blood pro fusely. Still Myor continued oa the agpTJS- slve. slve.Tho The Now Orleans mnn was thoroughly irouscdln thu twelfth round and fought vic iously , but with bad Judgment. Toward the end of the round both landed heavy rights ; Myor seemed groggy. Ilounus in nnd 14 Myor scotncd disgusted wltn uowon's tactlca and begged Andy to load. Myor straddled in too far and received aleftinthoatoma'jh. Bowcn landed loft In the stomach. Mycr landed ono or two good ones and Bowcn turned to run , but Mycr clinched lilin. Myer land his rliUit tolld on Bowen's liond. Myor dropped his nnr.s to urge Bowen on. Desperate clinch occurred In the middle of the rlnff with honors csy. . Hounds 15 , 1(1 ( , 17 Myor's ' facial expres sion was laughable. Myor led for face nad Bowcn gave him hU head. Bowen landed right and lolt on t.ho body. Myer was still the aggressor. Ho had n terrible black and blue oyo. Bowen landed richt hand swlnp on the body and Mycr looked savngo. The round WHS tiresome. Myor till nnd ran away , came back and landed right ; Bowcn landed right nnd loft on Alror. I5owon landed n heavy light on Myor'a stomach and the larce nudionco cheered. A clinch occurred In Myor's corner with Myer on the ropes. Bowen lilt Myor a heavy right on the Jaw and nearly upset himself from the force of the blow. Rounds 18 , 10,20 Myer made a very rash attempt to land his rliht ; but Bowcn ducked the blow , but caugut it a moment lator. Myer was still the aggressor , anil Bowen played for his adversary's wind. Sharp clinch occurred , and Myer landed n terrible right ; another clinch occurred , nud Mycr In breaking away foil to the ground. Mycr was doing a good deal of the lighting , and seemed In these rounds to gain ground. Howen hit Myor n drlvo and urovo him out of the rppos. Bowcn led and landed , knocking Myoi * to the ropes. KoforeoBrowstor cautioned Myor to light fair. Kounds 21 , 22 , 23 Myer was enffor to fin ish the light , but could not land. Boweu landed a heavy right on Myor's sore oyc. Bowoa landed loft en the stomach without a return. Myor landed n vicious right nnd committed several fouls. Hound IM The round opened nnd Myor fouled Bowen several times , and the crowd became boisterous nnd cried , "Foul , foul. " In the midst of a wwtudo by Myer's and Bowen's seconds Kofereo Browstcr awarded the battle to llovvon on a foul. In n conversation with several Myor tnon they stated that ho Justly lost the buttle. On the whole , however , It must bo said that the mill was an unsatisfactory one. Note. At midnight President IsV well sent a telephone incssugo to the nowspanora sav ing that the linal decision in the light would bo rendered at noon tomorrow , Wednesday. CliUUKIT-Jjt Comparison oC thn > r iscln and I < lds oftho Two. Concerning the mooting between James Corbott and Putor Jackson , which occurs to morrow night bjforo the Golden Gate nth- lotlc club at ban Vrausisco . \V. \ Nnugh- ton , the well known sporting authority , writes tiius to the Now York Herald : A coniDarloon of the proportions of Jackson and Corbott will show that In niostpulnuthuy mo oxccedlnsly well inn tolioil. They nro of exactly the saino holcht. oui'li man measuring nix fi-el and nno-lmlf liioli la Ills "stock- Iir4 fei't. " t'orliott's cliOht iiiuiiburoinonl IN forty-four luchvs. Jncksou's forty. Thu Aus tralian , huwurur. has much thu better ilovel- oud shouldoMuf the pair mid nliipo placed nrouiul Iho upper poillim of thHr mmtomlt's so us to onclrvlu shoulder kniiljj nnd I'borit would provo JnoKsim to have tlio u.oro ex- tciinlvoilrlvliik' machinery. C'orlwU'H bleeps im'iutiro fotirtoni anil ono- half Inches and Jackson's font teen , Thofuru- iirni of uuoli man Not tluuiuiKMllMit'iislotiH , thirteen and nnu-half Inches Tlio girth < > ( Torbolt's thUh Is tuvnty-thrco Inches , whllo Jnokhon'H niensnrcs twi'iity-fiiur Inches. Corbutt's m'lcnt Is mild to bo IM1 pounds , nnd Donaldson assorts that Jim will bo nt Uio linn ro IUIIIKM ! In tliu ring. Jackson ut tlmo of writing weighs l'Ji : , unit ulll probably ho a pound or two lioavler cm tlio even iu of the contest. Thuru are llvo yunri1 illiloronco hi tholr ftc i . t'orDetl bolng twouty-llvo and JiioUson thirty , AsrwmU tKtlu UlcMiN wliloli. paradoxical us It may hi-cin , luchldos In UI'.H conm'ctlou clover foot uorl ; , Jitdtnon hus ( MX equals. llo la utioxorol the Jvm MUUCJ school , using both Imndi nnd limit In u purfr < itly t'iHy ; nnil imtural. us well ns a most oircctlvu innimur. llo Is an oxcvlicnt judge ot dlttnnou , can tlir.u liU blown to u nicety , has a rnp'd dullvury , nnd moreover u wonderful fiiculty ( or a volition returns , llo "ilucks" with iiriii'Ulon. nud whim bun prcs-icul can nklu llko a olinuiot * . Jnokiun'a loft lnuiil ( li'lhorlca ut huiid and body are telling , whllo bU right huuU huutt tmvo elton tiirncd tlxaUdn ofliAttloln till favor. Jim Corbclt lini vorjr.lltlto In coiuiiion with TnckNon so fur M liliidctllml.q of attack tire cnnenrncil. Ho U a aT ( film puncltor antl A punishing hlltor. ltyTllstirt mm" Is thnt Jim docH nut shoal JiU loft out IriilKht from thn shonlilur. but lioldi Ills urni In u imttly rigid stnto anduiyJIyur lils moit lull ing piinclies with a slfoldmr innvoineiit. llo "Km Lln'rn"iis nulok m a Umh.liowevur. and hy loatihiu tn tliarlglifrrtMiMhlmiwii bond out ordimgor. Illi Invuaiuit./iiliitlnit with ho.-nl , linndM and feet U * finlll ifnt to kuup n not over conlhl nt opponent In n slnto ofnorvmiH tropldiulon. < xml In nddltlon woiir lilin out by cuntlii u < r < itotiliiit | ) linck and ( iDilRliU from Iniaalnury .blows. .Ilin'i style wniild convor the ImprtsssVjh thnt ho Is moro of ft natural ooxcr than a tutored ono. ( 'orliot ' M anmrvul ohiulcK-Hw , < on lili foot. Holi molasllo aiu rubhor bail and uppixr * onlly nulroli > s-i M awmKlhnrooldinr hnrso. llo nnndiifk wllh iHpml rapidity to Jackson ami knows liow to block a man from imn'nliiiiirhtin vrlion aliMod , In the pmt h hinnot ul Ills rlnlit hnuiitlth rcmnrkablafrcnuoncy.hiitiUI the siiiiio hi ) knows how to place It with dlsiis < tron riMitltion nn opponcnfsjawor ribs. llo Is essentially a hoxumr tlio Aincrloun school nnil It will lpu.xtreinpy ) | Ititcrutllmr to unto how lil.s hie tics oomparu with thinoof JiicU on. whndoilvudhls lilonmif the nolilo nrt from stiulyltu thoinotliodsi of Xod Donnolly and Join M uco. In tliomattar of toinpornninnt JanksonM \ aiiniU-imtaui' over most knlKlitaof llioknuek- loi. Hols as cool IIH ( ho provorblnl Iceberg \vncn Inaction , and tlicro li no itii'li Instnaco onriieoril whuro lin hnilimthlH hanil. no mut ter how fast or furious the ooiiH'il may vraKo , Spum authorltlo.-ii'ontmia that In order to ho thnroiiRlily successful as H. llchlor a mini mint huvo consldorublo of lliu bulldoi In Ills nature. Thh muy boio. but ovcrythlnz else being ooiinl. the writer would' prefer to pin hln fallli to a emulous , lovul hojulod briilsur rather tlian tea hot bonded , liupiil- slvo sluRgor with a bump of combatlvoncss as latuo uaa KOOSO ' | ? K. .Mm C'orbett Is ilooldrdly not of the bootll ng hrowRd. heavy Jnwi-d typo , aim In fact both ho and Jackson may bo termed gentlemen puffll- IsH.Vithoiit a doubt , howtn'or , .Mm Is of an nxcltnblo nut nro. Ho has nmdothU atipnrunt by his uctlons when poslimaH nspuetntnr at Klovo , nud unless ho hns Hchoolud himself to a li ; i effervescent bnnrlnit wlion acllhR us a principle ho will boat fault In this particular connection when ho faces the ebony sjihlm. Tn HIIIII it | ) , I'orhott Is your.gor and stronKor thim Jjicksoii. llo Is probably us i-lcnor , ill- tlioujrh ( roni tlio illtToioiico lit their styles U roiunliisto bo soon which lit the most ctU'otlvo , JiifKHon lias weight ami oxpotlcnco on lih side , ami ho htm proved beyond ( Hsputii that ho Is not easily r\ttlnd : In thu rliiK. Taken all In all tlio match Is u good ono , and tlionopo of every Buaro sport U that the better man mav win. Lnst nlplitdispatohoi from San Francisco reported both men In the Uncst of condition and bottlntr decidedly cautious. VXC1LK N.1t'S [ fjOHS. lltirnlnK of the I'odoral IhilldliiK at .InoliHonvillc , KIu. JACK&OXVIU.K , Fin. , May 10. The losses and Insurance on the federal bulldliiR burned toJay ni-oi Alolnwlc blocli , loss S120OOU , insurance $35,000 ; Ocorgo I1. Drew hardware company , loss , ? < > 0,000 , nearly covered by Insurance ; James Douglas , books , etc. , loss $ ' 0,000 , Insurance' WO.OOO ; Church A Ilcndorson company , com mission house , low $1,100 , insurance $ I'JOO ; Nix , fruit dealer , loss2)0 ( ; A. W. Cockrell & Sons , lawyers , loss ti.OOD. itisuranco $1,000. Hamilton Dhston of Philadelphia had saws stored in the Mohawk block valued at $1,01)0 , on which there wntnn insurance of 1,200 , The loss to the Masonic lodge , the Grand Army of the liopubllc nnd other organism- tions is about So.OM ) , Ipsuranco SJ.OOO. The owner ot the building "occupied bv Britz & ICtia is Joseph H , Snntos. "Ills loss isi,000i ( insurnnraCOO. . John Olark's buildins was valued at $35,000 and ciirrlod nr. Insurance of SI ,801) ) . The stock had art estimated value of $20.lX)0. ) Insurance about $13X)0. ( ) On the first floor ot this buildlncr was the United States bonded warehouse , which con tained hotwcon ; ! OJ mid(500 ( bales of tobauco bcloiiRing to the KlinoK-lo and Kl L.oboclfrar inannfncturinR companiesi The policies wnro written by the companies on all the property in nny war involved in the lira amounts to $ M5 , 000 , \vhlch nbout 73 per cent Is a total loss. Tbo lire la still smoul dering and the heat in. neighborhood Is suffocating. The oxvuofs. or thu Mohawk block nro H. II. Sb/jpnvxkor / , H. M Shoo- in nltor and Mrs. Francos' "Shoemaker , all ol Cincinnati , nnd Ira. JUdfrtrJ. I { , II. Putnam of Saratoga. N. Y. Tlio Ifttal loss on the property is $500,000. a Verdict 1'orn Hoy. Luviinxci : , Kan. , May 1 ! ) . Edward Mitch ell , a boy living nt Ohithe , wns awarded $0,000 damages tiffainst the Union Paclilo rona this morning for the loss of his rljjht arm. The boy was stealing a ride nn n freight ear nnd vas pulled off the train by a young man \vho wns learning telegraphy and in Iho employ of the company. Iiti VXXAUTHEMt. Anolont Graves Oiioncil and tlio I'rc- iilstorio tikclcloiiN Konioved. CINCINNATI , O. , May 19 , Sixteen gnives were uncovered yesterday at Fort Ancient , thosltoof the greatest of the earthworks of that prehistoric people known ns the mound bulldei'3 , The excavation is under the uus- plcosoftho world's lair company nnd the direction of Prof. Putnam of Harvard , the Held work bolng in charge of Wnrron 1C. Moorehcad. Two thousand people were present , The skeletons disclosed were those of cloven men , ono woman nnd four children. Five were in a , good state of preservation. Tno others -were in various stages of dcca.y. In ono grave the bones were so nearly gone as to ptesen'o only the outllno in coarse ashos. In another the skull nlono remained. In the Jaws of which wore the well polished tooth. The skeletons wcro those of mon averaging flvo feet t\\o Inches in hoicht , thq tallest boln si.v foot ttvo inches. The burials wcro from three to live foot below tha sur face. The skeletons rested upon hard clay. Around them hnd been rudely sot Jlnt river- stones , then the earth had boon Illli-d in , and over all broad llatstonos placed. In tills rude oncasoinont their bodies have reposed for centuries. There nro evidences that the raon hnd died in con ( lift. About the neck of one oi the child skeletons wns found a necklace of bears' ' teeth and in two or thrco of the graves were found tomahawks and stone hnldiou , but no relics of especial value in view ol the almost countless number pre viously discovered. The graves will bo re constructed exuctly ns found for the world's fair exhibit of American antiquities , except that no earth will bo ovqr.tho skeletons. Si : H& * ' IKSTiSJlUA 5" . Thorn wore seven distinct shocks of earth- < iuako at SII.MII vlllo , ( M. , today , two of thuin very heavy. The ez.rowltoh has so far recovered from bis wound 114 to bo able to leave Japan fur Vliidvlnstouli. The postofllco at CotToyvlllc , Kan. , was rolihi'd of 0 In money and iiostauo htuiups. Thcru Is no oliio to the robbers. Tlio Il.iptlht women's homo mission society continued Its incitliiK"nt Cincinnati , giving niiieli attcntlnn to lnililni.sL'IioolH. ; , lli'fort * proiosatlon , Wrci Sallshnry will ask pnrllanicnt fur a grant rualllnR Oreat llritlan to iiiirtlelntitn In the tlrtiavn world's fair. Tlio Kentucky prohlbliloi ) state convention inouit l/onlhvllloimd luiiiliiatoclu full ticket wltli.loilah HarrU of I'fi uuuh for governor. Tlio OliiK3 ilniiiiuioturors' association , rep- rcstMitJns houses la IVnii.sylvanlii , OJilo , I n- dliina and Illinois , aruhololnga kucrot bcsilun hi t'li ICURO. | 0 n . Iri. HarrNoa vd.shrsto contradict the ro- liott that HholiiiH Bold Uvr cottiiKO at C'ano Muy. Mio will take iipliurrcsldi'iico ' thciofor tlnisuiiiinur. ) lj ) ; , I At Allmtnierqup , N. M. . wlillii ncnng of inon itfii. sewer HID nwl heaved in.biiry- a of thu wniYtnt/lt killing .1. A.Min- Allilno < 'HUj ' ) / I Tli vlllnuoof AineriihrMlch. , was destroyed hyafoii'nt llru today. , Tlio Inliabltaiiu us cupod on a railway uani Gnrtli , WU. , U curapluti'ly Mirruundi'iLllXilrc. * ' Tim Ituiuliiniizoliior ( ufllclal uazotto ) mi- noiinctithut4lorr ) WnjLululh..u inuiaboroftlio Iirlvy connull anil an attache of the ministry of HID liiturlor , lias t > eon aupulntcd linpurlal cuiiinilMloiicr for Germany at the Calcagu ' ' x , wnrM'nfalr. Tlio omo of MlM l'lioob.c Coti/.Iin. sock In ; to compel the cucutIviC9"Uiitto | | of tbnlio.ird of ludy inunuKorsof thu world'n fulr to rcstoiu her to tbo 'soorntarj'Hlilp. ' raino ui > be/am Kviloriil JudKO UlDdxott 'In ChlciiKo. Jllss t'oiulu'n motion to remand the cuso to ihn Htulo oourtMwaa donlcil. ' ' The ordyr of rnllroail conductors rrrelrod thoroportof the ( Iniiiicoooiniulttrp. Tt showed a doltclt for the yoirof : nimrly * Th coiniitlttuu rouoinviuii'led ' HID im > umjoii of tliopapor. Tim I'uiiductur nnil the Incrcubotif iJui's tui.r > oti ) help pay oiTtiiuiiiit | biviiius | , Tli ) > ri > | urt fonnil K'jol I'vpoiiaei had bi'cacorbltunt. . Ala inei'tlni ! tonlflliti of tbo world's fair dlrtvtori It wan uunln uocldoil not togratit tbfliuiiiliiuilii ralttof va-wt imbed for by thu various labor orfuhizitlfiu. Tlio Itibni coin- nilttuu It iinwlllliu IDinukn any prudlctioiu of iho rosull wllhniit furihur cniiNlilurnllun , Tlioy tcln riiphtjl I'owdi-rly to brlnit tha matter - tor bufuro tlio l nn ) ninll convention. PltEPMG FOR A HANGING , Obstructing the Gallows for the Fremont Murderers , TOO MUCH FAITH IN CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Cnuio or n Ilentrloo MIIII'H Suilden Death The Cornnrr'ti ItivnntlKa * tlun State Dentists In Scs- ulim at Kearney. FiifcMoxr , Neb. , May 1(1. ( [ Special to Tnr. BKB.J A gallows builder has arrived in the city and bc im work on the construction of the gallows upon which and Shepherd , the condemned murderers are to bo hung two weeks from Friday. This Implement will bo creeled , in the corridor of the Jail , In the nar row space between the middle cells nnd the cast wnll. As the tlmo for the execution approaches publlo Interest In the matter continues to iti- crcmo. Members of the Woman's Christian Temperance union have boon admitted to the ] nil when ) prayer sorvlco was hold. The two condemned inon , who have hitherto been Indlfforont tis to tholr present or future con- ( Ullon , knelt In prayer with the ladles. An effort will BO inndo to have the sentences commuted to llfo Imprisonment. A petition will be circulated In Furst's bohnlf. Shop- herd's parents , an ngod couple living uoar Crowoll , started by team at il o'clock this morning for Fremont Hero they took tno train for Lincoln , where the sorrowing old nooplo will supplicate Governor Thaynr to spare the HTo of their son. Too Much Knltli In Kalth Cure. BHA.TIUCK , Noh. , Mny 19. [ Special Tclo- Fram to Tun Uiu.1-Tho suddou death of the well known Nicholas Lcnoldovln in this city yesterday resulted In a coroner's inquest being held toJay on the body. The deceased was a man of rohust health nnd was an nr- dentndherentof the Christian sclonco doo- trlno. Ills illness nnd death was attributed to la pnppo nnd stomach troubles , whllo the physician's ' death certificate gave the came as putjunioiila. It was develop * . .1 dur ing the inquest that the physician giving the certificate wns not in attendance at the deceased's last Illness nor hnd ho so much ns scon tl j b dy after death , the cortlflcato being given on the symptoms as described by Kov. Dr. Htwvcl the faith euro doctor , In attendance. A number of leading physicians of the regu lar schools wcro summoned ns witnesses , nnd whllo no postmortem was held It was clearly developed that Mr. Lopoldovln's was cnusoa hy n two days' Illness of cholera morbus , nnd that death could have been readily averted by simple , timely and well known rcmodlos. The verdict was rendered lu accordance with the nuovo fuels. State UentlHtH. KBAUXEV , Nob. , May. 19. [ Speelul Telegram - gram to THE BEC. ] The State Dental as sociation mot hero tins evening In the club rooms in the now oporn house building. Only a preliminary meeting was hold. Tomorrow forenoon will bo taken up with the discussion of clinics and the balance of the day will bo talcrn with demonstrations peculiar to the dental profession. A full attendance from nil over the state Is expected tomorrow. There are present : W. "W. Vnnco , provident , Ifear- tioy ; recording secretary , I. W. Funck , Beatrice ! corresponding secretary , A.V. . Nason , Omaha ; II. 0. Victor , K. C. Trogdon , ID. P. Sims , Lincoln ; A. J. Cole , Norfolk ; H. C. Miller , Grand Island ; T. P. Skeodo , Snnorn ; J. II. JilcClenry , Beatrice ; Allen Irenes , Aurora ; K. H. Trlpp , Schuylcr ; _ Dr. Kirby , Omnha ; L. M. Matthews , Lawrence , ICnn , ; Dr. Marshall , Dos Mbines , la. Imycl County's Xew Town. NloniUKA , Neb ; , May 19. fSpoclal to Tnn BIEI : Several loads of lumber loft hero yesterday for iho now town called Spencer , forty-threo tulles west of hero. The first building will be n printing otllco owned by lions. II. IS. Donested nnd Snnford Parker and run by .1. 0. Sinteo. This new town is a candidito for the county seat mid n rail road. It has a beautiful location and is the result of the Niobrara and O'Neill combina tion. Tno nnmo of the town is said to bo temporary and will bo re-chrlstoned after some prominent rnllraud olHcinl when it is known which railroad company is to build Appointed. LoriCirv , Nob. , May 10. [ Special Tele- trram to Tin : BEC. j The appraisers ap pointed t > y the county judge for the purpose of appraisliif ? the damages of property holders - ors alont ? the line of the Loup City cunnl nro \V. 0. Brown. Hush McF.iddon , Samuel J. ITnir , S. II. Slav/son and Sanford Bassott. It isnowoxpoctod that wont on the canal will begin inside of two weeks , nnd the pro jectors claim they will have water runuincc In the snrao by October 1 of this year. Convicted of MniiRlniightor. JViLiAXcc , Nob. , Muy 10. [ Special Tolo- Krnm to Tin : UKC.J The trial of Charloi M. Thornton , who wna bound over to the district eourt for the killing of Fred Robinson on Oc tober 23 last , about twelve miles north of here , hus Just been concluded. The jurv was out about twenty IIOUM nnd broufiht In n verdict of manslaughter. The trial occu pied about throa uays. If a now trial Is not granted sontcnt'o will bo passed the last of the week and will probably bo light. IMIlitary 'JrnitHfer. SniN-nv , Nob. , May 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB nuc.i Company O , Twenty-Ural United States infantry , departed from how tonight for Fore , Uandnll , Dak. , via Colum bus , Many rejjrotsnro expressed to see such Kallant oOlcers 113 Major Boyle , Captain BonostcelandLIentcnnnt MeFnrlnnd Icavo Fort Sidney. This company has been at headquarters tno past seven years. A serenade - onado was tendered them tonight by the band. > I IlllNt ITS ill S "DE.vvnu GITV , Nob. , May 19. [ Special Teleprnm to Tin : HKH. ] The Ministerial association of the Methodist Episcopal church for the Indlnnola district convened hero this afternoon inid will bn in session until Thursday evening. C. A. Mastln of Mlndcn , presiding older , Is president nnd Kov. J. Llslo of Franklin is secretary of the association. The meeting opens auspiciously and with a fulr attendance. Iloavy Ualn Fall. IlYis : CIMBK , Nob. , May 19- . [ Special to THE BIB , ] The Heaviest x-nln fall over known In southwestern Nebraska hns con tinued for the past three days. The ground Is thoroughly soaked to n depth never before known. The pond storniro system is working to perfection , the many lagoons being filled with wntcr irom two to ten feet deep. This rain Insure * an excellent crop of small grain. Coutrnut Awarded. Nob. , May 1'J. | Special Tele- Brain to Tin : Ihi.j The contract for sur veying the big canal was lot lodav toV. . H. IClliot and ho U to proceed with the work at on ro. A ( 'roat interest Is centering around this enterprise ) nrul its completion Is nssured as soon M inonoy nnd time will permit. WatrrxvorlCH Ibr I rienil- fniRSn , Neb , , May -Special [ Telegram to TIIK Iki : . ] At a innctlng of the city coun cil tonight It was decided to put In watort worlts , nnd Knglnacr A. A , Hlchnrdson wns awarded the contract for making plans for a system coitlni ; * JO.OOO. \ Htoiunur Liuniolioil. Nob. , May 10 , ( Special Tolo- .Rrnmto Tin : Jlun. ] The atonmoron the Idko wns overhauled and launched today. The grounds about the lake will bo beautified , ami Kearney's favorite pleasure resort will bo bceond to none in the state. iV llraKuinan Injured. KEUINCIT , Nob. , May 10 , ( Special Tele- Brain to TUB UnE.j-Today Wllllata Mobler , a brakeman on the Ulnek 1II1U1 road , mot with n painful accident. The engine run off the track , and In working nbont the wheels n houvy bar of Iron foil oft the tender nnd crushed his foot. STJLltS VI' JUSCOUlt. I'ort-nu-Prlnuo Uniloi- J > fnrtlnl Imw nH a CoimtMiiiciicc. NEW YOIIK , May U ) . Martini law hni been proclaimed in Port-nu-Prlneo , armed soldiers patrol the streets night and day ana no ono Is allowed to enter or leave the city without n passport. The Hnytlnn capital Is literally in n state of siege nnd the causa of this con dition of affairs Is the agitation caused uy supporters of General Legltlmo , the deposed president. This wns the news contained in letters re ceived yesterday by inorctmnti cnunged In the Hnytlnn trade in Now York , nnd It amply proves that there Is more than n grain of truth In the rccont reports of another threatened outbreak in the little island re public. It wns nlso announced that Mr. Flnnln , minister of llnnnco nnd foreign af fairs In President Illppolyto's cabinet , had resigned , though no explanation of hU con duct was given. M. Lo Chard , the lottjrs stated , hnd been appointed to temporarily fill the vacancy. The ronort that nny nttcmpt hnd been made on the llfo of 1'resldont illppolyto wns denied. Jlo hns been in I'ort-nu-1'rlnco Mneo April < nnd no attempt therefore could have been made to kill him In .laynl nt the tlmu given In the report of some days ago. There was u rumor current nmone the merchants down town yesterday tnnt Ilnnnl- bal I'nco , present minister from Ilnytl at Washington , would rocolvo the appointment of permanent minister of finance nnd foreign affairs , in Hlppolyto's cabinet. Everyone In nny way Interested in Hny tlnn commerce eagerly discussed the now phase affairs had assumed. The exact data on which martial law was proclaimed In the Hnytitui capital was not given in the letters. It wns sold the supporters of Legltlmo had been actively engaged in stirring up n feeling ngninst the president's adminis tration. So far ns known the work of these ngitators wns confined to 1'ort-nu- Prinee , where Lcgitlmo's inllucnco hns al ways been strongest. The deposed presi dent , who is now sojourning in Jamaica hns , It is said , boon regularly posted on the work of his secret emissaries. President Illppolyto too , has not been napping , nnd ho is now de termined to nip the threatened uprising in the bud and nt thosnmotimi'.if possiblebrine the guilty ones to Justice. Wno Legitimo's ngents nro is not oven hinted nt. In other parts of linvtl everything is peaceful and commerce thrives , The result is that Hayti's finances nro steadily improving. So fnr ns the ceding of Mole SI. Nlcnolns to the United States for a coaling station is con cerned , it wns said to bo as fur from realiza tion ai ever. ALMOST TICKIjKU TO DKAIH. Iteinni-lcnhlo KflVct of a Itnllrond on a Pennsylvania Farmer. Piiii.Annu'iiu ; May 10. Joe Duhrlingor of Wrightstown , Bucks county , Is nearly laugh ing himself to death over the Now Hops ex tension of the Hudson railroad which runs by his farm. Ho weighed l r > pounds three months ago. The first train passed his farm on March 1. Duhrlingor hns laughed so much since then that ho only weighs 110 pounds. The doctors nro puz zled nnd Duhrliugor's friends nro awaiting the result with alarm. Durllnger is nbout fifty-eight years old. Ho is a native of Germany. When the Now Hope extension wool into operation with a stntion nt Walton , nbout half n mile from his farm , his property increased in vnluo nt once nnd he began to grin. All hU talk was of Iho improved vnluo which the extension would give his land nnd how his posterity would benefit thereby. Then ho boirnn to neglect his own work nnd took to watching the rnilroad men at their work. Ho win so tickled that ho took several of the railroad men to board for almost nothing. Duhr- llngcr's mirth grow ns tlmo wont on nnd ho < lci ! nothing but sit on his porch nnd wait for the trains to go by. His keen oars detected the whistle in the distance and thU wns so gratifying to him that ho would burst out into nncontrollablo laugh ter. Ho would inspect the track , laugh ing quietly to himself nnd return to his house to await the coming of the next ' train. Ho knows the time-table by heart and can tell the time every train Is duo. llo allowed everything to co to pit-cos on his farm. His wife hopes that the novelty will wear off ana that ho will regain his normal state. Ho does not laugh now quite ns much n ho did , but his interest In the care of the road Is undlmlnlshc-d. Monday ho walked eighteen miles to testify for the railroad In n case of trosrnss on the track. SOl.lUKIt ItVX The Case Heing Investigated lly a Court , ol' Inquiry. WAU.A W.VI.M , Wash. , May 19. The court of inquiry ordered by the war department to investigate the lynching of A. J. Hunt by the soldiers of Fort Walla Walla April ! M , convened yesterday. The court is composed of Mrlgadier General A. V. Ivautz , Colonel Thomas Mandcrson , Fourteenth infantry ; Colonel W. II. Carlin , Fourth infantry , and Captain Charles McClure , acting Judge advo cate of the department of Columbia. Thb In structions are to ascertain who did the lynching , glvo opinions as to who were re sponsible , nnd make recommendations for further action. Sheriff MeFnrlnnd of Walla Walla county , testified that he , in company with the prosecuting attorney , called on Colonel Compton , commandant at Walla Walla , on the evening of the lynching nnd requested him to call the check rolls early in thu evening. Colonel Compton ropl led that under the ruling of the wnr department ho could not call the rolls any carhor. The shorlft then related how on the night befnro the lynching ho was stopped on the reser vation by fifty soldiers whllo ho was convoyIng - Ing Hunt to the hospital , where the dying statement of private Miller was taken. Late in the night bofcro the lynching forty soldiers visited the jail , nnd told the sheriff they wanted Hunt. The sheriff said that after vain endeavors to get the colonel to call the check rolls before 11 o'clock , ho re turned to the city nnd in jesi tlmn nn hour the soldiers hnd broken open the gate and shot Hunt. The court will probably be In session the entire week. Forest Fires. Wn.MAMsroivr , Pn. , May 10 , Extensive forest fires are still burning to the west and north. Nn rain hns fallen In this city for three weeks ana hay nnd grain nro rapidly withering and turning yellow. A Oarlond of the Explosive Qooa Off Ncai Tarrytown , N. Y , CONCUSSION FELT FOK MILES AROUND , oT Killed FontH up Illown Into the ICIvi'V Twcnty-l-'lvc Itndly Injtirod. wx , N. Y. , May 10. There wni n horrlblo neeldont near hero today In which the loss of llfo Is estimated at between six teen nnd twenty and the Injured ns nmny more. An cnijlno nnd ono flat car were conveying n load of Italians nnd twonty-fotir cases ot dynnniltc , each case containing llfly pounds. The Italians were being taiton to n section of the road whore a.third track was being laid. A cell of rope lay In front of the truck of the engine. Just ns iho train win passing Holmes Point , tnldwny between Tnrrytown and Irvington , n spark from the onplno Ig nited the cell of ropo. The inovhiR train lanncd the llnmes nnd before the Italians realized their danger the ( lames reached- ono of the packages of dynamite. Ono man seeing the danger , sprang oft the lint car. Ho fell under the wheels and was killed. The next moment there was n rum bling noise , n dcnso cloud of smoke nnd n flying mass shot up In the air. Itoforo the explosion some of the Italians had tumbled oft nnd n few saved tholr lives by so doing. Ono man wns blown Jlfty feet into the air. Ho fell into the Hudson rlvor. Another man wns blown ever into the bluffs. The others wcro thrown In various directions. Several of them nro supposed to have boon blown into the rlvor. James NlskornnU ot Yonltors was nt the scene of the accident shortly after It oc curred , llo says ho counted sixteen dead men on the track nnd sixteen wounded. Ho un derstood that twenty haa boon blown Into tlw river. Most , of thorn wnro Italians. ( joorgo Ilulltor , the engineer of the train , wns cut on the head. So win Fireman Leonard I'nni. Pain also had thrco or four ribs broken nnd ho was badly shocked. John Smith , b rnkumnn , wns kilted. John Connors , the conductor , was badly injured and wns sent to his homo nt Trlvofl. Jimmy Carson , n boy employed in carrying powder , was nlso killed. John McCarthy , the timekeeper , was killed. The others killed wcro nil Italians. The names of the Italians nro not known. They nro known only by numbers. Twonty-llvo men are Injured. Among thorn wns Tom Finnogan , the blacksmith nnd foreman , his log being .smashed. Two bodies have been taken out of the river. Nobody knows how many moro remain - main tliom The two Italians who wcro not Itlllod by the explosion were so badly fright ened that they ran to the rlvor wnll nnd jumped Into the river. They have not been seen slnco. The waiting room of the railroad station in Tnrrytown was turned into n tompnrary hos pital , where nil the surgeons wiio could bo had operated on the sulTerors. The wounded were stretched on the waiting room lloor nnd ono Italian died. The lloor nftor tholr re moval looked like the lloor of nn nhhatoir. The blood lay nil nbout In great clots and pools. As to the number of mon on the train ac counts dlltor. Some say there was llfty-two. The lowest estimate placed iho number nt forty. Dlston , the boss , thinks there were ever forty nnd as a matter of account tno number of these blown Into atoms or Into the river is to a certain extent a matter of .specu lation. The train was torn to ntoms , the rallrond tracks ripped from their bed nnd n great hole many foot deep dug out of the earth , totally blocking the trafllc on the road for many hours. Up In Tarrytown nnd ncross tlio river in Nynck anil ull up nnd down the stream the force of the explosion was ter rific. The walls of several Tnrrytown houses were shaken nud cracked nnd window filnss How In showers to the sidewalks. Kven ever in Nynrk heavy Danes of glass wcro .smashed. The list of dead Is now eighteen. Of those thirteen nro accounted for and the remaining llvo nro in the rivnr. Gnngs of mon in boats nro now dragging the rivo- for thorn. Three of the Italians died in the Tarry- town hospital nftor being romovcd from tno wreck. Ten bodies were picked up along the track , whllo llvo were taken out of thu water. About thrco mlnuto * before the explosion occurred the Chicago limited express , having on board many passengers , passed this point. In tha high school of Tnrrytown n portion of the colling wns knocked down nnd a panio ensued among the pupils. The teachers with dllllculty prevented n stnmpcdo. CIVIIjI/ATKXV. HlshopNewman Makes Soinn Ilcmarkf ) on the Hiih.leut. A very largo nnd highly cultured nudionco nssemblod nt the Kirst Methodist church last night to hnar Bishop Newman's lecture on "Tho march of civilization. " The speaker said at thu beginning that the term civilization hnd never been satisfactorily defined. Gront minds wnro at variance as to what the standard of civilization should bu The Idea of ol organized government could hardly bo considered civilization for China had been the moat thoroughly organized govern ment for centuries back. The majesty of law could not bo considered the standard , fnr Homo might bo taken ns a typo of majesty in this respect , but thu Roman empire crumuiod nnd fell. In turn the speaker took up the Idea of lofty culture , commercial supremacy nnd state religion , but concluded that true civil ization meant moro than nny of those. All civilizations had been abnormal , the spoakorhold , some having ono idea predomi nating , nnd nt other times something else taking the lead. In our own civilization tlio question of money wns the predominant thought of the people , and wns the abnormal clement. Todd Masqueraded. Gcorgo Todd was nrrostod at tlio corner of Twenty-ninth nnd Fnrnam otroots late last night for parading nrouml in fcmalu attire. George had n complete ) suit of women's clothes on , but his wnll : and his unshaven face gave him away. Ofllcor Gorman thought the boat place for George was In the city Jail so ho wns sent there. That Hood's Sarsaparllla does posscsa cura than nny other similar preparation In tlili tive power 1'ccullar to Itself U conclusively country. If yon have never taken Hnoii'.i Miowa by the wonderful cures It has effected , Bamparllli , a fair trial will convince you of unsurpassed in the history of medicine. This Us excellence nnd merits. Take. It this Fcason , absolute merit It possesses by reason of the " I can hardly cstlmntn thu benefit received fact that It U prepared by a 'ombliintlnn , from using Hood's Karsaparllla. Last summer 1'rotiorlion mid I'roccivl'cculiar to Hood's I was prostrated for nearly Ilirco months , from Brusaparlllla , poor circulation known to no To Itself of the blood other medicine , I thought , widly which the full medicinal powcrof all the although my physician treated mo for nervous ' trouble. This spilucthosamo pyniitniii3 | returned Incrcdlents tised Is retained. Hood's Barsa- turned , and I concluded to bo my own physician ji.-ulll.tls ntil hly concentrated extractor Har- cian , and began uihij , ' Hood's Knrsaparllla. I eaparllla , Dandelion , Mandrake , Dock , Juni h.ivu nut lost nno day from my woik , nml feel per Herrles , nnd other well b jown vcgetablo like a dlffuront person. " U , J. itn.i'.v , llus ) . remedies. It las won Us v..y to the Icadlnj ; neat Manager ( Iniutlo , Kl , Cl.tlrsvlllo , Ohio. place among medicines hy its own Intrinsic llood't Kirtaparlllali > uM \ > l driiKKlit' . 811 ill undisputed merit , nnd has now a larger sale for gl. 1'roiurtJ by C. I. lloou i CO. , Lowell , Moil. 100 Doses On © Dollar