Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Chicago Wheat Bulls Take AtlvantaRO of
Favorable News.
Unfavorable Crop Hcports from Dll-
forcnt PolntH New York Cereal
nnd Pi-ox talon ValncH The
World'H .MarkctB.
CtttCAno , Muy H. Tlio news today was all
luxorublo to tlio hulls In and they took
rxdviintai-eiif the situation to itl\o prices u
uliarp twist upwards at the oponliuthls immi-
Injx. Thuro were reports of moru or less
soM'ro frosts In northern Illinois and portions
of Iowa und that In the MuskliiKon valley in
Ohio tliu youiiK plant had bron vcreitly darn-
ngcd by frost I iu wo Ulier. Iu addition to this
It was reported that on account of the c-on-
tlmiddr > weitliur In the northnost lute
town wheat hud fulled to germinate I'urthcr-
nioietlio urltiitnutlc'lans in thu board Irid
fl uid ( Hit a ho i\y decrease In thu visible
supply , about ' . ' " > O.UCO bushels were reported
tuUen at Now Vork for exports ; buj liif orders
from abroad from New VuiU and the north
west were In the hands of bioUuisj thu cables
liroiiKht report * of cold weather and frost
In in my places In tairope. and added that
Palls was talking of famlnu pilcus. \\ltliall
of these lilts of current Iiitelllucuco to Lack
up tholr arguments In fionrot higher prices
it Is not surprising that the bulls were enabled
to put prices up ; In fact , thu surprising part
of t Is that lliey did not sul7u tlio oppoi tunlty
to main a more marked advance and they did
notiiioiu strenuously resist thu consequent ,
tictliin This , how ever , was only temporary ,
tlie result of short selling. Thu raiders , how-
CUT , I cc Hue frightened at their own temerity
In the face of the udxerso conditions and the
buying In of their lines of shorts
near ( lie close put the prlco up to atioiit
( intsldo llgnies again. Tint promulgation
of the Wisconsin crop luport which was gUeu
a bullish iiitoiprilnlluii , helped thu hitoi ad-
\aiu-e July wheat opened at Jl Ul' I.UJ , and
ini ckly aiUaiiced lo iioi't. liccuine .steady
und held foi u loiu tlmu at tin mUiimcd
nonius , UiciiH.iBgMl oir tot ! OJ'i ' , but rallied to
(1 U.I , and closed linn at $1 irJ'ti.
In coin us In lieit thu shorts wuro at u dls-
iiihuntuxo The weather showed rilns In
Missouri and Kuns is , tint none In loua , Illi
nois und N'ebiiisk.i The bull ciowd led by Hait-
lett I'ri7cr ; and I'atton Iliothers lifted prices
from ft'V ut the stall to f > H'iC. Olluilnus
hy country holdi'is c-uirlcd the maiket Ij.icU
to Ti7Jie UKiilii , lint the rise In wliual lifted It
to ps'ie Coiiiili } tiadois ute now watching
lluctiiatliins very closely , an I are soiling corn
mciie freely ut country stations.
Oats opened ut a slight , liupioxomcnt coin-
pired with Hatniday's olosu and ranged
lilKher , owing to repotted dry we ithur In thu
o its c'onnti } , local deuluis tuMn some fu-
tuiesoii this news.
I'luxlslons r.uued dull throughout thu ses-
Blon , thu lluctiiations hulng govunud c-hlolly
by chiitues In the pileuof corn Cuduhy was
repoitid tohiuei-oxeied u considerable HUH
ofshurl" July pork stai ted ut til' ' > . hold to
* ll IT"i. nndoir lotll.JJ'4. ' It rail od later to
til . ! T > . Thu lluc-tnalloiia In laid und ribs wuro
UMI | narrow.
The In idlnp futures rniiKcd ns follows :
.No 2-
Alny I 07 l oc.M
June 1 U'i' ( 1 ( Hil.- 1 uo' (
1 Ol
Mny ( IX
Juiii ) . . . . Mi" " .
July 5 ) n
OATH .No 2-
Jiino . . ( I now
July 62'I 47 ! < 40i !
Miss I'OUK-
M y 10 II 20
July 25 11 , i7- ! II .15
rli'ptumbcr. U ) II liO 11 00
; 40 C 40
July . 40.H } I. dJ'i
bipteiuliur. d 7fi 075
Ill IIS"
62' 6f5
? o7-N
July , - 6 00
bt'ptemticT tl . < fl JO
( 'nun quotations were as follows :
Fi.otlli Sternly , unchanged ; nprlng. $ . " > 00(3i (
6Wi | wlnloi KiOuQS'JU ; straits , $1 00ffl : > 00 ; bak
ers , $1 2."i4 10.
WHKAT-NO. 2 spring xvlieat , $ l.0fi > : No
Ssprliuwlieat , OocOfl.tU ; Na 2 rud , $1.0lV ©
1 Oh1 !
COIIN No 2 , fi2'4c.
OATHN"o. . 2. Me ; No. 2 white , 52ffi.VUc ) ; No.
3whlte. flO45.'c. }
Rxi'-No. , Ilil02c. ) (
Itni.hv No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b , 71 ®
70c : No. 4. f. o. b , 70O7.C.
I'I.AX bn-n No. 1 , J1.1U.
TIMOTHY hrti > I'rlmc. $ I.:5I.3TS4. :
I'OIIK Mess pork per barrel. $ I1.1511.20 ;
laid , pur cvvt. $ a40 ; short ribs sides ( loosu ) ,
$ r > M ! < iMliO ! dry salti d slionldurs ( boxed ) , $ i,10 ®
6..Hl ! Hhoit clear sides ( boxed ) , $ < L3)ffJj ) ( 40.
WiiiSKV-DIstillcr ! , ' finished goods per gal
lon , $1 17 ,
SlHlAit-Ctit leif , 5' e ; granulated , 4JJO ;
St indaid "A4i | e.
Receipts and bhlpilionts toduy were us fol
lows :
On the produce oxcliuiiKU today , tl-o liuttor
miirket wuslower ; u\trn cruamuiy. li'Jitilh'ic ;
extiu lliHts , ir > aioc ; llrsts. la dUu ; extra
daliy , HMl7eextra ! ! ; llrstB , Ill5o ; tlistH , iUc.
' "
Noxv Yoric 3Iiu-kots.
Nnw YOIIK , May IS.-ri.otili-IJecelpts , : il,423
paokiiKcs ; u\poils , 1,470 harroN , Tojsioks ;
market quiet , uiuliiiiieoit ; hiiles. 1(1.700 ( bar
rels ; low uxtrus. f.l.'Uffil M ; winter who it , low
Kr.ides , $ .1 IK SM ! iu ; fulr to fane } , JI.7U40 ;
pulenls. $ l. lX1tl.lJ ) ; Jllnnesota clear. $1 SOieVlO ;
btrnlKht , $4b5U5tiO ; Minnesotu patents , Jj.10 ®
'CoiiNviKAi-Qulot. stu.idy ; yullow wustoin ,
fl it ftst oo.
\VuiAT-Uecelpts : , ln.OU bushels ; uxports ,
El ) , 0.-J liushels ; sales , , | , -J44OOJ hushols fu-
turus ; IIOJ biishuU spot. Sjiot murkot
BlroiiL'or ; dull , No 3 nid. $ l.lO ai.l7 In store
unduluxutoil.lsl ; IS'J ' ulloat ; tl.K'jai.lU'i
f. o. b. ; uiiKrudi'd rid , $ . ( ® . | ; No 1 north-
"ii. o urrlxc. ; No. 1 hurd to urrlvc ,'J ' ; opt ons were slow on news from
ubroid ; jirlcis , however , udvancud on unfa-
xorublo weather luuorts und ufli-r openlns
U6l3.c up. declined ° , l c , hut soon ruirulnuil
hdl 4ii nd uloswl llrm < t 4iril'o ( over Sutur-
iV'frrod. . Muj , $1.1 441.10 % , ploslnu ut
J-j1" " ! June , $1.1 ® . , oloslnn ut $1.1 1' , j July.
$1.10411.115-10 , closliiK ut Ul.ll'j ; AiiKUst. $1.0(1 (
4tl ! ' „ clusInK ut $1.00' . ; boptomhcr. $1047 , ®
1.05' . . oloaliiKiit $ IOi ; October , $ I.O-iV' < itl 05' , ,
closliiK nt $ l.t ii ; December , * I.OfiVBl.u7 , cloi-
Intf utl Wl' , ; May (1MU ( , $1.071.10' . .
KXK Dull.stuady.
Htocl.8 of t-rain In store nnd ulloit Muy 0 :
\Vliuut. 410.1 1 bushels ; corn , Ml.1" ! " ) busliulh ;
ontH , tlU O1 ! hushuls ; rye , - ; hurley , w,04S
busliuls ; mult. KWt30 bushels ; noas. ' 'J7
llAiua.v MAI.T Dull
Ooiiv Uccelpts , ' . ' 1,400 bushels ; exports. l.KJO
bus he ; hules. 57(1,000 ( bushels futures ; 5'ooo ' )
" ? ! , Snot n-n-kut. Kteady , full ;
No. 8 , COiJttTOe. In uluxutor ; 7KIMO ullnat ;
uiuruded mlxed.n7'i(37fo ( ; 8to.imerml\ed.07'.c.
piitlonslSu to lcup and very dull. chuiiK-
liiK vvltli xvliout on lluht oirnrliius Muy , li'i'ie ' ,
closlnz nt GOiie ; June , UiQuPtc , elosini ; at
M Jc ; July.OI'.eWHe. closing ut ( WUc ; Auijiist ,
IU'Sf.ii4'c' , closltu ut lil'.e ; bepteinBer , CJ I
U.04'4 , OlOHlllR llttll'4C.
OArs-Htcolpts , U7.000 Dushols ! exports 140
biiBhe Is ; sales , 10.,000 bushels futures ; IU.OOO
Mint. Spot market quiet , iinchaiiKc'd ,
inlxeil western , 54i4i | o ; whlto western ,
50c ; No 8 Chicago , 67liQ&'C.
i'i Dull nnd flrmtstuto common tocholce ,
. 'e ; I'aclllo loast. ' 'S-a-l.'dc.
Sl.'dAU Haw , qulut. steady : rofliifd , dull ,
Piiiy ; No. G.USC : No 7 , Sti-IUv No 8. IHJo ; No.
0iT-inoi : No. 10 , a 7-lOe ; No. U , : i'c ; No. 1. ' ,
Bfi-ICc ; olT A. II 11-ICc : A , aso ; Krannluted , 4 > i
lit ! i-iro.
Moi.AHXErt - Porclsn , ( lulls Now Orleans ,
cjulol und steady ,
ltici. Stiudy.
r.WH < I'ulr. ( Ictnnnd firmer ; western , JG'i ®
If.Ue. IEeculpt4.A , < Hi < l packages
I'OIIKQuint , easier ; old nuxs , $1I.OO1200 ;
now IIICKX , tl .OixQl.1 ; extr.i prime. JII/.0.
CUT MrTS--Steudy ; ( inlet : pickled bellies.
S < , o : pickled HhoiililerM , 440 ; pickled hums , H'i
itin'ie ' : inlddlori. dull und llrm
I , Ann -KiHlur und ( lull ; western steam ,
Kr. ' , ! HHlev , 1,0 , ) tlurcus nt flfini&Q. 07' t. Option
iulcn , 2.5 M tlerees ; Muy , MC7 ; Juno. W.r,7j , July ,
IOW ; Anitiist , $1 Nl ; ollenlbcr | ,
Inciil WIN.
Iliniu-Qulct , xvciikj wostorndulry , H < S15o ;
n oiler n creamery , Il'iClfc ; KlKlns , l'io. '
ll , easy ; part ulums ,
'loltMlo MiirlcctH.
Tdi.rtiii. 0. , Muy 18.--WIIKAT 1 Inn ) cnsh ,
< OIIN Kteady ; ruHli , Ko.
li , Me.
Mliiucapoliiilicut Markot.
lliKNRAroi.iK , Minn. , Muy 18. WHEAT
rUmiplo whutit "low ; poor Kr.idc * very
iloffirucolnUfur tytbdayi IbOcurv ; bhluiucut * ,
30. Closlna prlcr-s ! No Ihnrd , May. $1.004 ! on
truck , $ l.oov ; No. 1 northern. Mny. $107 !
June , II.07' i on truck , l.or' I.OT'4 : No.
3 northern. Muy. $1.04 ! ontruek , $1.04 ® 1.05.
I'corln Markets ,
I'FottiA , til. Mny 18-CoiiN-Stcady ! No. 2 ,
CHic ; No. .1 , W'ld ' No. I , Mo.
OATS-Knsy ; No. 8 white , 5&iWUc ( No 3
xvhltr. 4'IU(3i'tc. ' ( ) !
HXK-Inuctlvo ; No 2. c.
\\III8KX' I'lrm ; wlne . 11.19 : spirits " ! !
The receipts nnd ahlpments today vvcro as
follows ;
St. Louis Markets.
ST. LOBIB. Mo , May IP. WIIBAT rirtni
hlRhori cash , | | .04'4i July , D3S.
COIIN Irrnjiilan c ish , 6'J'ic ' ' ; July. M'ic.
OATS iric'KuIur : ca ii. 4W40KOJ July , 4l'Je.
I'oiiK-Qnlel ul tll.rK3ll.G. , ( ! > i.
i creamery , IfOSOc : dairy ,
KAN * SOITV. Mo , Miy : l . WnnAT Quiet ;
No. 'J hard , cush , ItCc ; Muy , Uuobldi * No. vlrci ) ,
COIIN Kaslcr ; No. 2. cash , MJicj Jlny , SCo !
UATB-Kuslcrj No. 8. cash. 4'Hi ! Muy , 67 o
Mit.wAuiu-i : , WIs , Muy 1 WHEAT Quiet ;
No ' . ' spring , cash. $ l Olfll.OJ ; JuU , II.U.1 * .
COIIN r.usler : No K , ( klc.
( JATS-gulcl. Nn S whlto , 52'iM '
I'ltON ISKI.NS ( Jiilotj pork , July , ill 3j.
niitntli U hcul Market.
Dft.imi. Minn. May K WHEAT Market
dull but Him Hui > nlit | .t > "iciiiH I'ollinvlnu' WITH
thu closing nili-es : May , Jl.11'4. June , Jl ll" ;
July , tl.ll ; No I , till ; No 1 northcin , cash ,
tl U'l ; No. J noi them , cash. tl.UI.
CINCINNATI , ( ) . , Muy K WIIKAT In fulr
demand , No ' . ' red , tl UT ,
C'oltNeuU : No ! i mlM'd , rc )
( ) "lTiiseltled ; No. 2 mixed , 52S'i-5e. !
\VlltbKX--tl I" .
I rltlsh Oialn Trade Itevlew.
LOMIOV , May 18. The Mark l.nnu Hxpress In
Its weekly re\lew of the llrltlHh grain tiado
ajs : 1 ngllsh wheut ( Inclined Is. loieUn
w heats wuio less depressed and showed a frue-
tlonal liiiproxciiient. t'lillfoiiiliin wusciioted |
at { 4s and Ameilcnn icd winter at 40s Ul
Coin wiiMsteudy ut the let cut fall , Hurley ,
outs , bo.uiB nnd peas were dull.
A 10CKS AAlt
Nnw VOIIK , Muy 18. Tlio prlnclpul subject
of discussion InAall btreul today continued
to bo the inionein : : Hltuatlon und Its Inllnenco
upon tbo money market here , and dlller-
cnces.of opinion HCCIII to exist as to whether
tlio diuln to lanopo U ovororuot. H does not
us yet gl\o any Indication of serious alarm
oxerthesltnutlon. rndouhtcdly the late heavy
out o must place us nearei the end of the
inoxumunt Tlio shoit bear panic which o\-
Isted during thu closlns moments of Saturday
had entliely disappeared at the oponlng this
morning. Thu bulls , hoping that thu Into
London sollliu would glvu p inlc prlco-t uguln ,
wuro buying ut the opening. 1'list pilcus wuro
generally higher than Saturday's figures , but
the Impression was soon croitud Unit the
clltjues In tlio ubseiico of foreign hollliiK were
doing somoof it thomselxes and u wouk tone
wns soon duxuloped The traders bolng en
couraged to make a demonstr itlon against
the list In tlio afternoon s iw a serious biuak
In all the acthe stocks among the grangers ,
Now Kneliind , the Vlllaids. Chicago gus and
bonio others wore prominent , Theru was also
u proiouuccd weakness In Missouri I'ui'lfle.
Tlio bc'iiis lulylng upon u c-oiillnuutlon of thu
gold shipments dining the balance of this
month ut leust und thu short Inteiests In all
the leading stocks wuio inuie.ised materially.
The prubst.iu was bu.un just utter the
opening , which WHS generally higher
though lircgular , and whllu llttlo pio-
Rruss was miidu In thu foienoon.
the who o list caxo xsay shuiply
utter II ! o'clock , und ulthouiih there were ono
ortwo rallies in thu lute doalliijibcuused by thu
covering of shorts , tbo market Iliiuliv closed
weak nt the lowobt prices of tlui day. Thu
xvliolo list Is materially lower this oxonlng ,
uud Missouri I'lialtlu is down 2. Ht l.dula I'i ,
pruferrod IV : Kock Islund , Ht. 1'nul. Union
Pac-ltlu ouch l > i. AteliUon , Chicago Uas , Hlcb-
niond > t West Point , lit , and Luekaw annul
pur cent , bonds were again dull , and whllu
b > mpiithbln. with thn wculnu s In .shares ,
scored fuw mateilal losses , those uolng Kead-
Im ; Incomes , Oregon As , and Athlson Incomes
bulni ? most proiniiiciit. Thu bales wuro only
( JoNernment bonds , dull nud easy.
State bonds huxo been entirely neglected ,
I'etrolenm opened weak under u piossuru ot
sollliu orders from thu west nnd declined
slightly in the early do.illm ; Thu market
then rallied , after which It rem lined so tint 1
the elosu. Pennsylvania oil spot opened ut
67 ; highest. 03 ; lowest , GG3.i ; olosliiK at t > 8. June
options , 07J4 ! hlBhust. GS'i ; lowest , Ii71j ; clos-
'lotul sales , 51,000 barrels. F
'J be follow Iiu uio the olosiii ! ; quotations for
the loadlnp blocks on the Now \ ork 8took ex-
chunpo today
The tutul hulos of stocks loduy xvero
2.--VJOG thuri'H , Includlni ; Ati-hlson , 14,12 < J
Delaware , laiekuwunna.estern. . ( > ,7f > 0
Loulsxlllu .t Nashville. 15..CIO : Mlssour
I'liclllc. ftHOO ; North American , : tOVi : Nurtheri
I'nullle , 4,1.7fl ; Northern I'aclllc piuforrod , 8.S10
Richmond . < ; West Point , 4,410 ; St. Paul. 111,560
Union PnulUc , ! . ' 4,770 ; Wisturn Union , 3,080.
rinniiclal Itovioxv.
NKXV YOIIK , Muy IH.-Tho Post suys : The
uiink stutcment of Saturday wus so much of i
simiilso to people who hnxo concuntrntc (
their uttentlon upon the oxpuits of gold am
utterly Ignored nil other llnanclal conshleru-
tlons Unit this forenoon thuru was uoiiHldor-
anlu ( inestlonlnx how it could bo posslhlu thut
with only u loss nf $1,731,010 In thu spuclo
In the hunks there could huxu beci
exports of $ r,7-)0,000 In tlie weuU. and miiny
persons weru ready to UIBUU tint It wusduu
to tbo workings < if tbo uxenuo system In thu
hank statements , and thu statement on
urdiiy does not repn-sont thulr condition
Hut iiKiilnst tlilRiirjjnincnt uru the fuels that
on Aiirll 4 Ibo surplus reserve of the liuiks
w us $ n..l8'ii7ft ! nnd there WHS In the hunks at
lUBrecato of * 77I40.100 In specie. Theru hu
been exported fiom Now Vurk $ .N,4S , OJO o
told und the specie In tlio banks bus beun iu
duced tl.VJ.iOJO ) ! to tin u.'itrcvnto of $ tAt8.10 : |
nnd the resurxo to $4'i2,8.- | . This hinull loss
In Rpeelo und In surplus reserve shows thut
money Is comln ; | ( l from sources not tukoi
lute uccount by most people.
Tlio .Money Market.
Ncxv YOIIK , May IS.-MoNEv ON CAiav-Easy
rniiBlnir from 2 to 5 per cent ; last loan 8 nu
cent ; closing nllered at 'j per cent.
Piuviic MKncAsniB ; PAi-hii-Mo" percent ,
bTEHMNd i\CIMMIF. : - Qlllut Illld StOlldy
din 1 > My-diy bills und $1.M'4 fo
Thu following were the closing prices 01
} J 8 4 , ri > iil li > ri > il 11UJ4 XI K A T 5a . . fi
U B 4 , oiuiponj ll'ji ! Mutual L'nlontu . . . 11M !
4J , roulttfrtxl luu N J. Com lut Curl IIU !
4MiU , coupons , . . . | ( jj Northern 1'uc. ! l
rnclMol ( of VI . .IIOU ilo-'ili 110) )
I.oidilmin Mniui , 4 M NurlliwuKt con Kiln , , 1311
TeniHKi'o N ; , u , KO ilo debenture&i. . 101
< 'Q ' J . . . . \Ut \ < 4 -U U A. I. XI. ( Jon. 6
do 3 . . . . , . , . , , , 7tU ) s | , I. , i K l- , ( | on. M
Comulii Hoiillicrn M UTU St 1'nul foinuU . .
nt'1ttu1l1Clnoll"10'N 81 1' . C. \ . l > . Utt. . .
K A. U ( J.Uti | | .XU 11 1 * . l d. Tr , lUti.
. . 'I' > , < . bll ( T. 1' . It. ( ) , Tr , UCH .U | u ) Union I'.uino Uli , , 108 U ,
M K. A T. don'l ( i 7ci. \X'o t tflioro
Uuik CIc'iirauc'c-H.
-N.E.YXolKlMlxy ! IC-floarluss today xvero
. - . , , ,
$70.740lbO ; balances , $4.IOJU78.
. , May 18-Clcarlnst today
were 12.WI.453 ; balances , } . ' 4'(01. Money nt 0
Pilll.tDKi.riiiA , May 18. Cloirlnss todny
were IUVIS9.33I ; btlunic : § , JI,7WMI : money
4 ® ! ' } per cent ,
CINCINNATI , O , , Mny 18. Money RiMJJ per
cent. Now \ ork cxchanjo 17 Pcrcnntprc-
ililin. Clciirlnits. $ .1.VXliOO. )
llogTns. Muy 18. Hank cloiirlnzs toduy
wero. $10.119M'f ; b.Unnccs , $ lfii , : > , .vw. Money , ft
'n ' per cent. Kxclmngo on Now Voik , 10O15o
_ _ _ _ _
Hoston Htoulv Market.
HOSTOV. Muss , May 18. The followlnir were
ho cloMnz prlcra on stocks In the Uoaton
took murkol todny.
Atcldfnn . . ' . ' ' . . . . '
.V To ; > cka 'bV-'nlunirl A llccln .U'i
lo-tnn A.VILanjr .JtlCjl Irnnklln 17
ilo Mivlnn ICji i Huron 1
Chi. llur. A Qulncy 811 , KonriArijo 1 !
Usccoln K
' ' '
Fllchuuri/llH . . . . bl gulucy 101
do preferred. . . .711 unfa to Copper. .
Mam , Central IM rnniftrnck IIS
Meilcnnl'en com. . 2lVi ( AnnlMon Land Co 40
N V & N. Kin ? 14J. llnttun I.niul Co. . . .
do 7n 120 VV'rM r nd Innd Co.
Old Colony. . Hell Telephone . . 200
Itulliind common , . . . A ll.nnuon Store S
X\l Cunt com I'l XXnlcr 1'owor 1' 6
Alloui'z.Xlln Conow ( ) atjjo , .XI 1V {
Atlnntlc lui'l N K T . . . 10
lluatou A Mont. . 40)t ) llultn A II C . . . ItV
Denver Milling Stocks.
DENX'FII , Col. , Muy IP. Tran'.ictlons on the
nliihu exch UIKO wuro dull todny and thoiuh
iO00 seemed to change hands tin re wus no
trout demuiid for block or Inuruusu in v nines.
losing :
Allculmny , . . . IS Justice U ?
Amity | l < l.i'Kid'lender 4
Amnimut II Mtlln Itulo 110
Hillirnl , J ) | Mntclilc
Smiiuiilcr 7 ( Xlny Mntoppn 120
Mnnxkuk 4'i .Murillni-Millm 4" >
llnti't llnnlur 10 Ore fd
111 Indian M'/ll'iiy ' Hock . . .
MUSI * d'Jil'olo-l . . . .
llronntoir lil' ' I'ark c m
Calliope- .IJ'ii HciM .Nnlldiml
Century 101 ! Illdto . . . . 1J
Clay County 10 llunnliiK Udo . . . 2X
< n'lihiK 'I' il.oiivouwortll 10
Dliunuiiil II . . . . 11 l.liilm I pfd I'M A Oil . . 4'i I'nzilur " ' >
KIIIIIIUIIS y 'i ' Claudli.1 Vlj
( iolil 'Ircasuro JVticltyaburu 20
Ni w York Mlnlnv ; Quotations.
NP.VV Voittc , May IS The following are the
: lo > lnK iiilnlng stock iiiotutloiis | :
AlHo . . no Hotiic' i7iV7e luu
Adams con . . . Horn silver Sia
Aspe'n ts'O Iron silver . . . 120
lot A Ilulclier . SV ) XloTlrnn . . . HIO
In.lie . 101 Onlnrlo .IMIO
on Cain A X'a . 140i ) Vedlow Jacket . . . . 2W
) o id n nod . . Hi I'r nolsL'o Minlni ; StoukH.
S-\v riillN ( i co , Cal , Muy 18 On the stocK
e\c hunxo tliN morning ( | iiot itlons broke con
sider , ilily under thu pressure of Indellnltu
uiiiois on tlie stieet Se.u ly tliu v\hole mni-
> ul was allected , but Consolidated fornlu
V Virginia sulleied most , diopplns from I'jto
I3i. It rallied , liovvevei , heforu noon , closing
ut 1 > 4 down.
The Coflco Market.
ur llrst. no' ; uooil seconds , 0"i03 lels per
100 MIos. Kecelpts during the week. IJ.OOOh.iKs ;
purchases foi Tinted bt ites. 14 0 > 0 bncs ; ship
ments to the I'liltud btates , 14.000 buK ; stock ,
JI.OOO hairs.
HANTOS , Mny 18. Cot HB : Rood uxeuRc , 10,200
rels put W ) kilos Kecelpts during thu week ,
ll.OCO b.iRs : piiichuses foi the United fctutes ,
nonej block , 71,000 tus. )
Xcxv York CofTcc Options.
NEW VOIIK , May 18. ( . 'offco options opened
stu uly fl points tip to ft points down ; clos
ing dull lo 5 points down bales. J/'i ) bans. In
cluding M.iv. $ I7.N" > ; . .lunuflTTAuptemher ; ,
$1050 ; October , JIV.KKillOOO : December. $15 0V
spot Ul . dull und Bte idy fair Ciirn'ocs , I.'O.OJ ;
No. 7 , Slb.W.
Xoxv York Dry Oooils Mnrket.
NKVV York , M ly 1 The diy uool3 market
iipened vvltli upp.iient rju et , but some of th e
leading houses sold n good ninny goods forfu-
luiudu ivery , Includliu at iplo and fancy cot
ton us well us llnnnols , blanket and drea
L'ouds. Thcruvvasno cliungo In the market.
The tone was relutlvuly llrm.
United closed nt use for June.
COTTON fcKEii On/ Dull uud steady.
TAI.T.OXV Dull und unsettled ; city ( J2.00 for
p.ickuges ) . 5 1-lCrfi.Vje.
Tuni'KNTi.sK Diiilund lower ut039Uc. : !
llniEs Quiet und llrm.
PlO InoN-cJulct ; Amorlcun , $100TI800 ;
copper , nominal ; lend , steady ; domestic , $1.2.1 ;
tin , quiet and steady , $ J0.45.
ST. Louis , Mny 18. L ingeiiburB Ilrothers to
Cock-roll lliothurs : Thu following Is thu iiingu
of prices paid In this niuiket toduy for the
.Inly option :
coMxioiimr | Open. | IIUli | LOT | Cloae j jat'y
July . row KH
July 57
July 44H , 44
CIIICAOO , May 18.V. . G. McCormick & Co. to
I' . O SwartIc Uo : The wheat market has
beun inactive ! but firm. Unseasonable frosts
In portions of the country have created .somo
uneasiness as to tlio welfare of our growlu ; ;
winter wheat , and dry weather In thu north
west Is not favorable to spring wheat. The
rcsu.t bus been u great deal of quiet covering
of shorts and u firm undertone. Cables were
received from 1'iuiicu rupoitliu cold weather
over the continent , und fcuis of fnrtbei dam *
ugu to wheat. ' 1 he for thu day fiom
foul Atlantic ports weiu 230.000 bushels , and
2. " > , OOJ puckuees of Hour. Hxports for last week
wuiuU.tJ.OOJ bushels of wheut against U")0,000
the salmi week lust yeur ; 122,000 packages of
Hour against 1 ( > SIOJ packages lust year. Re
ceipts at thu eleven primary points were 4A-
tjl ) ) . blilpinonts % ' ) ,00' . The close of the mar
ket wus very quiet , traders noumlng In
clined to wait further weather developments.
Corn dull und lulhei weak. The receipts were
largo for toduy nnd for tomonow uro aoout us
luigu us wu ustlmiitud them in our luttui Sut-
urdny. Recelxers ( inotu thu car lot maiket
for Iso. 2 us steady , but foi lower lovvui
and veiy onll. Thu uigcnt demuiid for last
month baIng fallen off some uppieheiislon
ovlsted Saturday us to the growingcropon ac
count of dry vveiithei , but good ruins In the
southwest to lay have quieted this Oats wcru
( lull und thu market uninteresting. The de
mand for shipments seems to have fallen oil'
nnd tliu visible supply showed un Increase of
4U.OOO. l'iovIslons opened weak on account
of the receipts of ho.-s , being 5,000 In excess of
estimates , but quickly regained the decline
and were firm during thu balance of tbo ses
sion , although xcry dull.
GlilCAclo , Mny 18. ICeiinott , Hopkins ft Co.
to fc. A. A'ohorter Whout opened lower.
Cables huve b ( en u supporting feature and
their ubsemo duo to the holiday In Knroiio
coupled with good ruins In Kaiuas and Mis
souri caused some piessnro to sell. Some re
ports of damage In Ohio from frosts Ken
tucky and Dakota from diy weather , caused
u rally und the market advanced sharply.
The advance doydoiiud no xeiy strong sup
port , however , und free ollerlngs by seal pen
caused it to eusu off und be 'omu dull und
steady around JI.O-'lj. Wnllu there were no
markets on the other sldo private
cables reported frost In England and
unfavorable weather on the continent. Tliu
decrease of l.nno.001 In thn visible supply
ugulnst 1,000,000 lust year had Its effect und re
ports of thu salu of 110,000 cash wlie'it for ex
port fiom St. Louis und unzuL'cmunts of four
teen loads to urrlxu for thlpment fiom New
\ ork caused u xcry stuudy fc-ulltu. Thu closn
wns ulmost nt the top and thn nnderlono
fitoady. Trading Is ruvciy \ \ \ gradnully into
September and December options and vvo
adv Iso cautious selling of these on good tal
lies. Thu feeling In cash and July wheat Is so
strong , due to thu present und piospuctlvo
light stocks that wu th nit sales
h id better bo confined to thu far
oir options. Corn opened In symputhv with
wheat , but touched thulo-xost poli.tsoon after
opening. After advancing about Ie on good
hi ! ) Ing It WIIH ngiiln raided by the local crowd
on estimates of 775 cars for tomorrow The
nnderlono WUH strong , und buying sojinod to
bu better tliun bc'lllnir Uatt oponid steady
anil Him , and ruled llrm ut a slight advance
1 ho only news of Inipottunco wus In thu
Missouri weekly crop bulletin legaidlng tlio
olHiL-t of the lonso working und thu outlook
bud. Provisions weru dull und u llttlo lower
In sj mnatbyltb thn hog market. Ciidaby
bouglit porlt , and the paci.eri. bold ribs
i\poil.ssliowafullliu : oil lust wi u'i us com-
paied with the coiresnondlng week of las
v ear of i.uxi baircls of peru , IIHH,000 ) pounds o
lurd und : i.OOOKK ( ) pounds of bucon. Domcstlu
tradu wua ulso light.
OJIAJIA iin : stouii.
UMAIIA , Muy 18.
OATTMC Official rocolntH of cattle SO.
as compared with 1,1'iS --.itiirdav and 1.7'-
Monduy of I INI week. The quality of beeves
was poor and the market. wasSc to lOo lower
Itntcher slock wus steady. I'coUurs were
slow und uiinliungcd.
lloos Olllclal receipts of hoes 2nOO us
compared with 5,4 ( > . ° i batuidity und 1,75
Monday of last week. Thu market was
modelately actlvoand 5o lower. All sold , Thu
rangu of prices paid wus $ l.2.Vt&4 .VI , thu bulk
KOllln ; lit fiaViit.tU. I.U'ht. $ l.2Vil.40 ; heavy
$4.4 < i54.,0 ; mixed. $4 3.Vft4 40. Thu avcragoo
the prices paid was Jl.VJ't as compared with
$4 44 Suturduy and $4 ill Monday of lust week.
fciiEfci1 ThiTO wuro no fruh rcculots o
bhcep. Thu maiket wui > nominally steady
Natives , $ J.U.ViJM.00 ) ; ue.storns , JHO'ii'.M.
Koprciiontntlvu Sulcs.
str.stu ,
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. 1'r.
1. 000 H 00 10 1047 $1 M 1H r.1MJ.i03
1. llt'O 400 U 1035 4 IW 1-0 121562.X
3.1040 450 1.1100 500 4. 1118 6JO
11. . B73 405 7. 1.X1 5 U > ll..l."JO &U5
1. . 770 1 W 10. . 020 3 SO 1..1UO 3 40
2 010 1 ( rt 24. iU1 2 fiO ft , IOCO H ( W
2 8.M I M 11 . JJII 2 ( V ) 1 l.MO 3 75
2. S73 i h'i 7u ( i'i : ia i i r.'to 4 10
3 104J 210 1. 040 3 2S 2 1A1S 4 40
' . rsi 221 i.'Mto 240 2. . roe 275
1..14 < 0 2 2i L.liOO 260 1..2070 1123
n wa 2o.- 2. ' < o aio 7..loss aw
4. . 45. 200
and Disposition of Stock.
Olllelal receipts and disposition of stock us
shown hy the bool.n of thu Union Mockxurds
company for thu twenty-four hours ending ut
B o'c-louk p. in. Muy IK IfcQl.
Cur He-id Cnr' 'Heart ' Cnrs lluntt C'nri" llo.ul
S7 KW 111 ! .U
JjhJH ; " | Cattle I Item | bhct'p
iniidin I'nikliiK lo 712
ItiuO 11 HuniiiK'nil Co
Swift \ lo . .
I ho Ciiilnliy I'ntkliiR Co
Uituimnii \ llnim . , . .
Shlpperiinnil fvoderii . 3.1W
Chicago liixo Stock
CllicAtio , May IK Ibpcclal Toluol am to Tin :
IlEE. ] The receipts of cuttle conslstud of
nbont 12.UOO nallvus and 4.00J Tu\uns ( July n
small pioputtlun uf the latter vvcie good
I'lioujzh lo coino into competition with sucli
gi.ides of nutlvu cuttle as uio sought bi slilu-
liois. Ihuiefore thutcliihromulned Him , Tor
an ) thing not good enough to solid foiward thu
market wus dull .ind , though
them was no decided decline In uny
ilcbcilptlun Old cows und thin Mock
genetully were neglected und ciiuld
not bo moved at : uiythln. like satisfac
tory prlcos. Wnllr mo-it of thn day's trading
was at IMKS.'J 75 for COKH und hulls nnd at
DOt * > .K > foi hteers. tlie range of quotut ons
HUS JI Vh&ii.4i Thu outside ll uru culls for
extra quality steers n bettor iiiulltj | than
has boon seen In the yards lecenllj I'UY is
cattle sell uni where from fl.' ( or thin
bulls to * l.7.Vifi 00 for choice fed steers. ' 1 he
calf muikut was dull ut .MO500.
Moru hogs .irrlved today than anybody
looked foi und a Induction of lOc per lOvl
pounds , to which prjces vvi iu subjected , was
thoiesultof that f.iij. The demand fet eust-
ern uccount wus tictlvc und locul juckers
hought with f.ilr llher.illty und at u decline.
Thn supply was closely hought up. but the
miirket remained vveik throughout. C'lo < dt > g
nuot.itlons weio : $4J.'i < 2l 70 for light und $4 n
< S)4.75 ) for he.ivy mid medium weights. Light
und light iiiKed lots mudo up the bulk of
ottering und thu uver.igo qunllty wus very
common , There vvcro m.iny sales below $ I.M
nnd only xcry fen ut betlei than $1.70
CAiTi.E noculpH , 10,000 ; shipments , 4.000 ;
iiKirket loworr otlrn top iirlmo stouts $ " > 9 ©
005 ; othpl8.I.T51TS ; holfurs , * , ) .50B,4.5J ; Tex-
uns , $ l.755t4.8J ; cows. 4 , ' oOtSJ.75. '
Iloas Keceliits. 20.00J ; shlpmcntH. 10,000 ;
market weak und lovvei. rough und common ,
&l "MSI. 10 ; packets , fl 4l4 WiJ : prime hcax-y
and butcher weights , $4.0J4.7' > ; light , $4.00 ®
Siiuui' liuceipts , 5,000 , ' shipments. 2,000 ;
market steady ; Tuxuns , $1.12(4 ( ( 4.1)0 ) ; wostuins ,
F5.00 ( 555 ; InmLs , $0.0. ( &I55J.
Now York 1 Ivo took Markot.
Ni.xv YOIIK. May 18 HPKVES Itecolpts , 3.330
head , Including . > ! cars for sale ; market lOo
hU'her ; nntlvo steers , $5"iOi3u.2X ; hulls and
covvb , $ J 30BJ 50 ; dressed beef , steady at $150 ©
OAI.VM Receipts , 700 ; market ste.uly at
.7&Rft50 ; buttermilks. Jl 405H 00.
SHKKP Kecelpts , 1,32 , ' ; market lower. Limbs
, c lower ; mnikut dull. Miecp , $4.5)U5.S5 ;
yeurllngs , $11.0 VJJ7 00 ; lutnbs$7ll0458,7X.
Hods HecelpiH , ll.20 > . including 2 cars ( or
sale ; market nominally steady ut $4.JOB 5.oO.
St. Louis Ijlvo stock Market.
ST. Louis , Mo. M.iy 18. CATTM : Ilecoipts.
1.1103 ; slilpmcnts. 1.400 ; muikut steidy ; ( air
to fancy native stucis. $4.153,0.00 ; Tuxuns nnd
Indians , jOOl.4'J. '
Hodb Kuculpts , 2,010 ; " 0 ; mnr-
kot lower : hoavv , $ ) .50 < ii4G5 ; mixed. $1.00 ®
4.50 : light , J4.40S4.5X.
Kaohim City IA\u Stock Markrt.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , May 18 C\TTI.K Re
ceipts , 2,200 ; shipments , 2,000 ; market steady
for host , others dull ; steers , $4.UIr.r ! > S"i ; cows ,
$ J.40I 5J : stookoi- und feeders , $ J M © ! 50.
Hoop Receipts , 1,700 ; shipments , 2,300 ;
market steady to loner ; nil grades , ( JOD&I.U5.
O31A HA WHO 1,1 X t I.I1 JIA IlIiETS.
A good inuny liomogiovvn vosotablcs uro
coming In , which makes the market slow un
stock shipped fiom .1 dlst.ini'o.
NKXV I'oiATOI.S- II ) . -"JSV.-JVc.
houTiihii.N HEANS'u \ . $ i.T per 5 $ bushel
box ; htilng , $1.2" > per l bushel box.
Top UNIONS I'ur onnch , 20o.
Si'iNAi'n 1'or bnl , $ l.25Bil.50.
ToviATOKs Southern slock , bnslicl boxes ,
$5 00 ; fnncy , cr.ilos , d huskoth , $5 50 per crate.
I.Kn OCB Cholcu stock. 'U3IOC.
AHi'AUAdUS llomu grown stock , 50GOc per
do/ .
SQUASH- Per crate of 3 do/en. $ .V ) .
I'OTXTOIS Homo grown stock , 804iOOo : west
ern stock , $1 ooftl.lo.
I'lK l'j.A.NT-1'er 11) ) , 2@'J"o.
UAIIIS-IIPS I'ur dozen bunches , TOit25c.
l'Ks I'er bushel hex , $200 ; per ! j husliol
bov , 7" > e.
OuctniiiFitp IVr do/en , $1.25.
UAimAOh California block , per Ib , 2ic ;
southei n. per crutc151. .
.SOUTIIKU.N OAUL.IH.OVVEII I'cr dozen , $2.25 ®
" 'RI'TAIIAIUBMichigan stool' , per bubhol , 50o.
llrtTv-I'urbushol. $1 01.
( Hitliors I'or bushel. $1.00.
I'AHfMl's I'er bnsliol , $ I.oa
llhANo Mediums , JiCO ; navy , $2.75.
Tlicro xvero ulmostthrcu curs of strawber
ries huro yestcrdiiy. hut the demand was
prulty good und stocks nero fiilrly xvoll
cleaned up Shipping stock Is quoted lower.
The following quotations , uru based on yos-
teidny's sulcs :
oiiAMH.-i-l.os AiiKcles. $ J7. ® 'IOO per box ;
Riveras , UOO ; Riversides. J.LV ) .
1'ISK\i'l'lus 1'er.dt..2Vtt2.50. .
TiiAvviiuiiuiKS ler ; 24-quurt caso. $ .100 ( or
Ari't.m The market Is practically out ol
good shipping stool ( .
liKxioNs UholiOAtilulc , per bo$0 )0 ; ( uney
HANAVAH-I'or bunch , $ . ' .50)00 ) ( or fancy
slock (01 shipping.
C AI liOHMA OiiRiHiins 1'or 10-lb boxlf > 0.
Country I'l-oduoc.
Receipts were tiicitlorate. Hggs ndx'.incpr
under the Inllurnrnof tlio small unlviils und
good demand. Itdltnr contlnuus very vvuak.
Thu following qublallons uro based on yes
terday's sales : ' '
MAX' Ilest uplan < i10.oa per ton ; common
llmrtu Hulk of coed to choice country. 10
© lie. T
Kdds Ilnlk of sales , .
I'oUl.TiiX' Ulioue llxe hens , $4.00 ; roosters
und mixed. $ .1 boft-'l 75.
Flour ,
Omnliu Mlllln ? Co , Rollunco I'utcnl , $110 ;
Invlnelblu r.'itent. $ . ' .SO : tur Superlu-
tlvu $ J..V ) ; bnovvlluke , $ .MO ; 1'ancy riimlly
il.'T Ouvls Mill Co. , High I'utent No 1 nnd
Crcuni , $ . ' .HX ; Illno 1) ) . full patent.'TO ; Hawk
eye , half patent , $ . ' .40 ; Special Itoyul , Patent
No. 10. $ .1.10 ; Minnesota I'utent. $ > .1H ) : ICunsas
llurdheut , patent , J..M ; Nebriisku iirlnn |
Whunt , patent , $ - ' . ) . . . . .
Udknmp'H ready to rise biickwhott flour
$1.23 per c iso of M 2-lb puokugi's ; huckw
In bbU , N. Y. . $300 ; Kxcelslor brand. $ J. )
t-lap Jack Moul , J1.7J per case of M 2-lb pack-
a8t1.filtmnn'snold Medal , $203 ; Snow White
$2 10 ; Minwlluko. $ . ' .20 ! low grade , tl.G ) ; bran
$ . ' 00 | chopped feud , J-T.OO.
Kleetrlo Ijlilit Company FallH.
Nixv : AI.HANT , Ind. , May 18. The Noxv
Albany clcotrlo light company bus assigned
The estimated llaDilltloa nro { 60,000 , xvllb
aascts ot about tno sacno.
Standing Ecnr Pleads from Dr. Gunsa'in' '
Pulpit for the Indian.
An Knullsli Syndicate Closes n lcnl
for Cliluntfo nnil Mllxxttukco
UruwcrlcB Moro AVorhl's
FallDlHHiiUsi'actlon. .
CiiicAoo OFFICB OF Tun TJnn , I
Ciiicuoo , May IS. I
Standing Bear , the Sioux Indian who was
it-ought from Pine Ultimo a lew weeks ugoby
Mrs. A. n. Sickles , appeared In Dr. Gun-
solus1 pulpit ycstontay ovoninp nt 1'lyinouth
church. Standing Hoar said that ho was but
a poor , helpless man ana ho canio unions
hose who were rich and powerful to nsii for
vlnit wore merely rights and not privileges.
lo hoped , ho said , that the tlmo would coino
vuon tils pcoplo would have such churches
as ho was standing In , but they would first
eave food and fair play. If a white man
caino among his people tlioil ,
Hiked and hungry , ho would
bo clothed and fed. and the wluto pcoplo
one-lit to bo guided by a similar sphit of hu-
nniilty In dealing with the Indians.
A London and Chicago contioct corpora-
ion has closed the deal In all Its de-
: alls bv which certain Chicago and Mihxuu-
tco brovxcties are placed under contiol of an
English b.xndtcato. Sir Hairy Billiard of
London , \\lio bus bcon stopping nt the Kiclic-
lieu , was hero to look after the English Inter
ests. Ho vx ill leave for Milwaukee today or
Tin : lAints DON'T i.u\n IT.
Complaints are being mndo bv some of the
ady managers about the unsatisfactory pro
gress of their world's fair work. The local
ncnibors nro disposed to object to the small
riart allowed them in the management. They
argue that under the net of congioss they
were to bo the executive boiud of managers ,
J'hoy assert that the methods iccently
idoptcd by the executive committee of the
board of luily managers nro not conducive of
concentrated eflort.
General Osborno , minister to thu Argon-
Line Republic under Giant , arrived hero
today. In nn Inteiviow ho said , "Jn eight
xe.irs from now it will bo possible for anyone
to boaid u Pullman tialn at Chicago and lido
clear tin ouch to Patagonia. Houtcs nro al
ready survovcd and laid out. The route from
the City of Mexico xx ill bo to Paramo , down
the isthmus to the northern countiies of
South America , to Lima , Peru , nud thcnco
thiough the vallojs of the Andes to about
xvheie the Aina/on has Its sourco. Fiom
Lhcro it pioceeds southwest to the capital of
Holivlu , and then to the capitals of Paraguay ,
Uruguay and tno Argentine Hepublic
Patagonia is one of the richest of the South
Amciicjn countiies , nud the road will ex
tend into it. The road built on the broad
Amencaii guago plan \\ill cost from ? ' .IJJ ( ) ( to
$12.000 per rnilo. There is no lack of capital
and nothing in the way of an accomplishment
of the project. No greater obstacles lie in
the wav than wcio surmounted when the
Union Pacillc was built.
xxhsrciiV vi oi'i.c iv cincxno.
Among the western people in Chicago
today were the following :
At thoTrcmont O.V. . Phelps Mr and
Mrs. F. M. Phllllus , C. J Moore , Omaha.
At the Palmei J. M. ICnott , Sioux City ,
fa ; Joel Eaton , Council Bluffs ; Mrs. Ernest
Hiall , Omaha.
At \Velllngton-T. . J. Cronln , Helena ,
Mont. ; Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McCaitney ,
Thomas Hutton , Miss H. Hatton , DCS
Monies , la.
At the Leland -C. K. Ally , Provo , Utah.
At the Auditorium II. B. Chase , Dos
Moincs , la.
Bt tde Grand Pacific J. L. Henry , Hel
ena , Mont.V. ; . E. Seimor , Omaha.
Herman Kountzo Is in the city for a couple
of days on private business.
ODDS AM > ixns. :
It is not likely that the oldest house In
Washington , as the Bums cottage Is known ,
xx ill bo ono of the attractions at the Chicago
fair. A proposition to buy the house and 10-
move it to Cnicaga , as was done In the case
of Libby ptison , has. fallen through.
Uev. H.V. . Thomas is the originator of a
schema for the systematic exchange of pul
pits by the leading ministers throughout the
country of which ho says : "Kopies > cntativo
ministers would come to occupj' a position
similar to that of famous actors. In every
city they would have their special friends
and followers. On their visits to various
cities certain people would go to hoar certain
pieachors who would not go to church nt any
other tirno , and hence the visit of that cer
tain preacher would result in good to to-
ligion. "
A conductor on the Madison street cable
line bccamo suddenly 111 jcsteidayand
obliged to leave his car. His sweetheart ,
who happened to bo riding on the train ,
donned his cap and collected fares until
ho had recovered sulliciently to return
and again take charge.
Sentimentally , Jim Corbett is n favorite
here in Thursday night's contest with Jack
son , but ring followeis who bet to win fancy
Jackson. Nothing like two to one Is , how
ever , obtainable against the while man , notwithstanding -
withstanding it-ports that have beeu sent out
of the city to that effect.
A stntuo in honor of Chicago's first mavor ,
\Villiam B. Ogden , will soon bo elected on
the trinneular spot at the Junction of Wells
and Clarke streets , opposite Lincoln park.
I'llOTO ( ill.It'll Kit A tlllOST.
MTH. Sally Hates HUH Her Spirit Pic
ture Taken.
WEiisTnii , Mass. , May 18. The old Jacob
Tourtclotto homestead In East Thompson ,
which was built ever one hundred years ago ,
has obtained great local nototicty fiom n
curious incident. For many years Mr. and
Mrs. Windsor Bates and Mrs. Sally Bates ,
mother of Windsor Bates , lived there and
were known as industrious , plain , honest
pcoplo. Mrs. Sally Bates died March 'il ,
1SS > 5 , at the ago of nmoty-livo. Some tlmo
ago a traveling photographer took a view of
the premises. The pictiuo shows the house
from the front , with Mr. Bates holding a
horbo und his wife seated on a chair , wullo
at one of the windows in the sitting room
can bo seen ttio lifo-liko picture of Mrs Sally
Bates. The face btouds out clour and biiuht
and has been rcoogni7cd by many former
friends and acquaintances Mr. Bates said
that when the house was taken not n picture
of any kind was hanging lit the room , nor is
it a rcllection of any 0110 standing by. Ho
said it was the custom of his mother , when
attracted to the front of the house , to rush
up to this very window and'peer up and
down the road , exactly as the imago appears
in the photograph. OUT * ' tim vnvitcn.
A Peculiar Piece < ) C ItcllKloiiH
plliip In New tlcTM'y.
Nr.w YOIIK , May IS. Mrs. Emma Knce-
shaw , a respectable and bard wet king
widow , was "ruled out" or expelled last
Sunday from the Chlttondcn , N. J. .
Methodist Episcopal church , of which
Key , Mr. Doollttlo Is pastor. Thu cus
tom of ruling out or publicly denounc
ing n member from the pulpit has long
been obsolete in the Methodist church , and
the act of Mr. Doolittlo has caused talk In the
village and subjected the pastor to sharp
criticism. The congregation and outsiders
scorn couvfncod that the chargw against Mrs.
ICnfeshaw nro groundless. For a number of
years Mrs. ICnccshaw has boon a member of
the church In good standing and was re
spected by the residents of the Ullage.
Several months ago W L Adams , ono of
the leaders of the church , proposed to Mrs.
ICneeshaw to open a bakery shop. She waste
to prepare the stock and ho was to fit up a
sto-o. Mrs , ICnoashaw agreed and the firm
rented a store on Springtluld avenue. Thu
baking was done by Mrs. Knceshaw at her
homo. Piospoilty followed the linn until a
few weeks ago , when Adams , it Is sold , informed -
formed his partner that she was not entitled
to one-half the profits , and that thereafter
her commission would only bo on shares.
Mrs. ICnccshaw promptly rofmod to accept
the situation , and the firm dissolved partner
ship. The widow bo < rnn business on her own
iccount and piospcrcd. Adams purchased
ills poods olsowhr-ro , Adams at last , angered
by his former partner's Miceess , It Is alleged ,
tutored a formal chi\rgo through the church
deacons to the effect that Mrs. ICnooshaw
was acting In an unchristian manner in try
ing to obtain his business. After half an
liour's consultation Mis. KncoMmw was com
manded to appear before the deacons , but she
refused to comply and was at once con
demned. Sunday , In pursuance of lilt in-
tr.uctlons , Pastor Doollttlo publicly "read
the widow out of the congregation. "
Indignation Is rife among the residents
ever Mr. Doollttlo's action , and they have
shown their disgust with the church by ral
lying to Mrs Ivuoeshaw The members of the
congregation have also sided with tholr perse
cuted sister , ni.d 0110 of the members said
yesterday that dining the coming week a
complaint would bo made by a doicu ladies of
the church against Mr. Adams.
t Undly ( teuton In tlio Cnrlc-
ton Stake Itncc.
Nnw YOHK , May 18.- The World snys the
result of the races for the Corloton stakes at
Gravcsendon Saturday , and the violation
of ono of the important rules of racing by
the trainer for J. A and A. H. Morris ,
caused so much dissatisfaction that the
boatd of control will undoubtedly bo forced
to pass upon the matter. AU tills ttoublo
was caused by the late declaration of
Trainer W.Midam Waldron that ho Intended
to win with Husscl in splto of the fact that
Ton-Ill or , a stable companion , was faster
mid heavilj backed by hundreds who sup
posed the race would bo on Its merits.
U'liile it is usual for most owners who have
two or moro horses to nnino the her o they
pioposoto win with , the general policy o'f
the Mortis stable is to lot the best lioiso
take the pii/o , ns was llliisttatcd In the con
test preceding the Kusstll Teiiillor race ,
when the Morris horses Oppiussor and
Laughing Water , finished llrst nnd second
after a hard JlnUli. That state of affairs was
satisfactory to the public , and thoi plunged
on Torrinor , but at the last moment Mr.
Waldron declated that lie would win with
Hu scll , thus bi caking one of the castcin
lules which sajs :
An owner raring two or moro hordes In uraco
limy ( In laic ton \ with one of tliutn nnd bitch
declaration must bo iniido at tin ; Hum of
ueluhlim' out and Is to bo Immeil lately posted
on thu notice board A JocKov i Idlng a lior-o
with which his ottupi has not doclnrcd to win
must on no account stop such IIOMO except In
fax in of the stable companion Inlioo behalf
Mild duclar.itlon to win has been made
The particular point made Is that an owner
ma\ name ono ot his horses t6 win or ho may
not , but if ho does ho must not only declare
nt the tlmo of weighing , but hn\o the notlco
posted , so that the betting public may not bo
misled In tills case Tcirilier could have gal
loped In , but the Jockey was compelled to fol
low Institictions and hold him back , tuns per
mitting Uusscli to go on nnd win , to the dis
gust of nearly every parson present. The
stable owners nio not betting men and no
word has been said that they bonollted in
any way by Russell's victory , but the book-
nmkeis did , and there nro no1 a few who said
that it was a piece of sharp play englneeied
by tliem The rule covering this matteron eas'-
ein tracks is wrong nnd unsatisfactory. Bet
ters have little or no protection and there is a
strong demand to amend it so it will compel
bookmakers to put hoiscs owned by one man
down us n single animal , as the rules adopted
by the American turf congress obliges the
bookmakers on the western tracks to do
Evcrv honest goer favors it. Put the horses
owned by ono person together in the books
nud thereby prevent any further scramble In
that direction.
( jOSjler'sMngieHcadache Wafers. Curesall
headuchcs in0 minutes. At all druggists
Dentil ol' n Patient Wlio Had a Most
Peculiar Discabo.
Nrw YOIIK , May 18. Henry Welch , a
whlto man whoso skin had tunica black , and
whoso case had been watched with tbo gicat-
cst Interest by the physicians at the Presby
terian hospital where ho has boon smco Muy
0 , died at that institution ycstorday. Ono of
the hospital physicians had Just spoken to
him and had been answered in a perfectly n-
tioniil manner , without any evidence of im
pending death , and then had turned to the
next cot to speak to another patient. Half a
minute later the doctor happened to glance
at Welch and found that ho was dead.
Welch's case is ono of the most lomark-
able on record Ho was fifty years old and
was born in Iiclnnd of whlto parents. Thir
ty-fix o j oars ago ho came to America and ob
tained employment as a waiter. Fourteen
j cars ago ho ai rived iu Now York and mar-
liod. Ho hud four children , all of whom are
alive , but Ills vlfo died throe ye.irs ago.
About the Hist of the present joar Welch
beunn to have severe intermittent pains In
his side , which the physicians to whom ho
applied could not icllovo. Then ho com
menced to feel constantly lan
guid. Iu January his skin tinned
jellow as though from jaundice. This
continued until Welsh might easily have been
inistaKon for a quadroon. Six weeks later
he had the appearance of a mulatto. His
case was diagnosed by doctors ns hper -
thtophic cinhusis , or liver disease Ho en
tered the hospital May ( ! , and after that con
tinued to glow darker in color. When ho
died his ontno skin uas black.
His two little girls , who were at the hos
pital with their grandmother one hour after
their father's death , aio remarkably pretty
childien and whitens the offspring of any
whlto people. The dead man's little sons are
as white as their sisteis. The disease of
which Welch died was seated in the gall duct ,
which connects the gall bladder with the
ll\er , which in turn is supplied with the bile
neccssaiy for digestion. The gall duct is
very small and the passage tlnough the duct
of 'gall stones homotimes teais the walls of
the duct , causing great pain. The physicians
believe that in the piesent instinco the dis
ease had been unusually severe , owing to its
long standing. There are but two similar
cases iu the hospital records. Botn ended
in the use of Sulphc-Sallno cures ' iliounness ,
constipation and all diseases cuned by a tor
pid liver.
_ _
lo QucHtioiiH I'ropn indcd by
tlio 1ml hit-liil Alliaitu * .
BOSTOX , Mass. , Muy 18. The Industrial
Alliance sent out from this city the following
questions addressed to the members of the
next congiess :
1 , Do von fa\nr government ownership of
the tcluKraph throughout thu country ?
J. Ilo j on f.nur nmerninont ownership of
thu lalliuads ?
II Do ion fiuor the establishment of postal
Ks hanUs ?
4 In jour opinion , wlmt should lie thu
roliiiiiunf ciiironrv purcMpliu In the country
for the proper conduct of ll.s huslm tt/
Replies have been received from thlrtthroe
members. Some answriod only ouo or two
The first question live democrats and eight
iillinnco ansueieil yes ; eighteen democrats ,
llvo leimblic-ans and two alllanco mnwerod
no. To the second yes was mis-
worod bv two democrats , thrco
republicans and sixalllanco. . no by twenty-
ono democrats and two alHauco inon. 1 our-
tocn democrats , pine lopubllcans and eight
alliance favored the establishment of pontul
savings batiks , nine democrats and two ic-
publicans opposed It. _
1'it A r/ii.
MjHtcry .SurioiimlliiK a Lad'w Dlmip-
I > eurim < : -loured Lip.
Pruu , Ind , May 18. The mystery sur
rounding the disappearance of thirtcon-yoar-
old Willie Enfeldor , who was 1 vst seen In December -
comber 18 0 , and of whom nothing has boc-n
heard since , notwithstanding the most stren
uous efforts , has been cleared up by tils 10-
turn from Chicago wlmro his father found
him. The boy's story is u most romantic one.
After leaving hero ho wont to Chicagowhero
ho worked three \vcks in a poitco station ,
notwithstanding tlin fact that the newspapers
teemed \\itn thu descriptions of him anil do-
tcetivos were on the lookout. Prom there ho
went to St , Louis , remaining four months.
Thcnco ho went to Omaha , Dos Moines ,
Toxarknnu , and than returned to Chicago ,
> vhoru ho worked on a steamer between Chicago
cage and Buffalo. From there ho went to
California and baek again to Chicago , where
through business transactions ho was dls-
coveicd and Mr. Hnfolder advln'd of his
whereabouts , The boy is hardy and his ioa
son for not returning sooner was that ho
liked to travel.
i A CIA u i A it v Tit IK ms. *
The ) Stnrl n Kh-o ami Then Loot tlio r
Town. , Mo. , May 18 The principle b.isl-
iioss block in the town of Litnouto , three
miles uost of this city , burned yesterday ,
the loss being f-B.OOt ) . The llro WM started
by a gang of tramp * who proceeded to loot
the town ns soon as the bla/o was under way ,
A ntnhbcr of houses were ransacked and the
citizens wcto terror sttlckcn. The explosion
of 100 pounds of blasting powder In a burn *
lug hardware stoio added to ttio confusion , , MH . -
The marshal and nn armed posse succeeded
In putting the thieves to flight , capturing
four of them.
Surn.r , Wash , , May 18. A disastrous
llro raged In a raw of buildings at the corner
of Unlroad uvenuo and Mum streets eaily
this morning , but was soon extinguished.
I ho loss will not exceed $10.000.
Kis.isTos , Out , Ma > 18 - Disastrous busb
fires have bcon raginu for suvoral davs at
Ompah and In the \lclultj of 1'olgcr , Lnvant ,
Plo'Acr and Wilbur. Noir the lattoi plac-o
grout destruction has icsultcd.
M. D. Welch of Lincoln Is at the Mm ray.
Doe Haj ties has gone hunting and lislilng.
Mrs. U. J. Kilpatrlck of Boston is at tha
lion George H. Hastings of Cieto Is at tin
Hon John M Thurston loft yesterday foi
Fargo , Dak.
A B Hunt of the waterworks compiny U
confined to his room by sickness.
Auditor Thomas Bciitou , Wult M. Sccly
nnd B. H. Cowdry aio at the Millard.
Hon John Arklns , editor of the Rocky
Mountain News , Denver , Is at tlio Pavtou.
W. J. Carroll , of the legal dep.utinor.t of
the Union Pacillc railroad , loft fur St. Louis
> ostcrday on business.
Frank A Hobblns , formerly of Omaha.
lca\es today for the west , after a visit of
several \\coks with his folks.
F L Dovvd , lay dolugato to the assembly -
sembly of the Presb.uutl.m chuich at De
troit , started for that point jostonliy
Collector Alexander loft for the Ila ! > k Him
jcsterday. Ho uoes to look up and loporV
upon the tin mines of that wonderful legioc ,
Piesideut Underwood of the American
watcrwotks company was in the citv jostor-
dav Ho was on his way homo from iivihlt
to Denxur.
Captain Kovnolds of the waterworks company -
pany icturned from Denver jesterdav morn
ing , wlioro ho lias been superintending the
putting in of a system of waterworks.
Mrs. J. L McArthur ono of the editorial
writers of the Urativillo , N. Y , Sentinel ,
called upon Tim Urn yesterday. Tinlady1
expressed gicat surprise at th'o growth ol
Omaha since her former visit hoi o somoycuro
General Solicitor J. M. Thurston loft last
evening for Fargo , N. D , w hero ho will meet
ttio intci-iitnto commission and attend their
sessions , uftcrulch ho will accompany
them on a tiip to Spokane Falls and othc
Pacillc coast points.
Dr. Birncy euros catarrh , Hoc bll < * .
'J IK * Late Madam ISlavutslcv.
OMMM , Nob. . May 18. To the Editor of
TucBn : : Since the deatn of Madam Bl.iv -
utsky the ucwapipers tiavo been filled wil tk
scuirilous reports of all kinds re aullng Ih isN.
lamented lady , and have queer accounts of > v
professed interviews with prominent theosophists .
phists at different places , Including OmnlTa.
Much of this newspaper goasip has been got
ten up apparently for the sole purpose of us-
suillnc ono who is uo longer in n position to
defend herself of throwing dlit on a ptiro
soul a woman I and ridicule on a society , the
trucuatuioof which those gosslpors do not
seem to manifest the sllghtist knowledge.
Such pci-sous cortainlv do not possess tlio do-
slro of giving a somow hnt important account
of common events to the public.
A chaiactor like H. P. Blavatsky's ' was ,
with such decided qualities and force , taking
nn independent stand before the wet Id , as
she did , is bound to create opposition. As
far baclc ns history gives iis any rccoidvo
note that all such forces , nil such characters
did tno same. And ns Inversely us was the
strength independence and tnhoicnt force 01
the Individual , so has been tlio opposition.
Even if tbn lowest means of blackmail , da *
famatlou of character and 1 } Ing had to ho ro-
sortcd to for the sake of bosmearmg the
"messenger of truth"or for the purpose of
ridiculing nnd deriding lovers of truth , or
even tiuth Itself , often being attacked for i
higher reason than to cause the laughtotx
sncors of an Ignorant ciowd.
Madam Bl ivntsky must naturally have had
enemies , but to sco poisons held to bo In
standing in society ( who were silenced by the
courts of thu lann and forced to take buck
and ( boko their own venom l , to sco such per
sons , bufoio the body of tim madam is cold ,
publish to the four cornels of the cnrth
old worn out libels shows moro cowardice
than e\er a Judas evinced.
Hiiudicds and thousands of pcoplo In all
parts of the world know Madam II. P.
Bl'ivatsky ; oven heio in Omaha she was-
known. Numerous Indeed are thov who
would have suffered and died lor her and thoM
M inciples she promulgated
Locis of truth need only investigate. Wo
do not expect our enemies to know us or to
give a truthful account of the real character
of the theosophicnlsociety Who would tiiko
the opinion of the Phaiisoes or rabble as to
tlio iunoconco or guilt of a Socrates , a Jesus
or a Biunol
The writings of H. P Blavatsky are before
the world in themselves n wealth of lllora-
turo and Intuitive knowledge nnd wisdom
surpassed by few The thcosoplilcal cociety ,
her oflspring , is as permanent ns tiutli itself )
Us motto , "Thoro Is no ic-llgion higher tuan
truth ; " Its aim , "Unlveisnl brotherhood
nnd sclf-knowlcdgo , " Nowhere have I seen
those dlvlno principles promulgated ,
illustrated and in lifo Incorporated as was
doiio bv that illustrious and solf-saciitlclng
personage , Helen P. Blavatsky. Especially
in love nnd charity divine she was un
bounded-to friend and too , to ail alike , to all
that lives.
Max the shadow of her mantle fall upon
the thousands of her children that humbly
and soirowfully bow at the shrine of truth
uncovered to them by that unselfish , heavenly
messenger , H. P. Bl.ivutsky.
I. M. Bourn UM , F. T S.
The Corfu Mnuchtpr.
LONDJV , May 18. Tlio Gliotto quarter o !
Corfu Is still surrounded by military for tffiT
protection of the Jews Thu total number ol
killed will reach ono hundred , and twenty-
llvo died from privation. In an attack by
the Arinits on the villages snvcntIlvo per
sons wcio klllud and many wounded
The Babys
Health often gives fond parenta
very great anxiety nntl care. S. S.
S. , Is the popular remedy for chil
dren. It 13 safe , palatable and doea
the work. David Zartman , of In
dependence , O. , says ;
11A1IY Or ' 11112 WOUSP
orrnssivic , s H
on niood and Bkln diseases free.
Tin : sxvirr ai'iccino co. , A'H.AN I'A.O A
\VIIO.XK4AI.I1 CAHI1 CO.\ntlHiIN ( .XtHUyilA
IM. IWI .Xlurket I.trcot , Deatur. ColnrnJo.
KIUII , Ill , Hiul XVoiturn ( raunurlluttcr , lU.UXJ A 1 eiiiil7 | citu tniui , wltb Illlor , to
lonuto mr > hlp | > ul , anil otlion lo tiallllo l.llvo cuioi
nnil up. HlilpJ1 \ lait JrcluUt. ( mod , Uiuuu liuttor la
dimmnil durlu MaiicUabh ) fur uuulntloln oa dt <