"nAir/v mmLrAV ! T\rAAr in rom THE 1)AILY ) BEE _ Knuon. EVttHY MORNING. TM01K or Sl'ItSC'lll PT10N. .Jially HOP 'without. 8uw1nyOno ) Year. . .J 60 Vnlly mid Pumlay , Onii Year . 10 no Hlx month * . ' ' ? } Thn-n inimtlip. . . . . . . * HsmlftV Hir. Uw rnr. . > Nntilrdav live. Onn \ < > r . 1 lluc.Onu Year. . . . . JW rtivnhrt. Tl.p Urn Ilillldliift. { oulh Oirnlif. ( nriii'r N null 2fitli Strcits. ( tumuli miiir * . 12 IVnrl Struct. Olilcico Olllci'.ai * Uininbrr of Cnmninrco. N w York , Itcf.inslli.MHiiil l.TrlbiincUullalng Washington , Mil I'onrtprntli htri-uU Allronminnlcntlons relating to news nnd rdltorlnl rnritti-r should bo addressed totlio Ldltorlnl Department. _ U.TTWt ? . AlllMidlnpiilotti'w and jomlllmirrvslinuUl tip nddrr M-d to 1 lit' ' Urn rulilMilnj : t'onipnny , Olnntm. Drafts rlii-i-Ki null tiosliiflliu onion to lie made. pnyublo to tliu order of DID coin liany . . Tiic BceFiilJlishiiii Company , ProDrictnrs TUT HII : ; BWOHN STATIUINT : : or CIKOUI.ATION fetilonf NrliniskH , I5- Coiintv of IJouplas. I _ Ocoru'o l'i. TAsrlmi'k , srr-rotarv of TIIKr.r. \ riihllfthlnK ronijinny. does solemnly swi-ar tlmt the nrtnal circulation of Tin : DAILY HEE or tlio WOUK cnilliiBMay 1C , 1691. was as follows : Himlny. May 10 Momlay. May II. , Tiir-sdnv. MHV I- . .T.n - n'tJiipmlny. May III . ' " o Thur/idiiy. / May II . . ! 1'ildnv. Mav IS . ! " , IB "l'- < ) Knturduy May . ' - - ' or.mtr.n n. TX.TIIUCK. Sworn tolcfnrc me mill subwrll oil In my ricserico thlslltti ( lay of Muy , A. I ) . Wl. r > .l' . I'm. Notary 1'ubllo. ftotpof Nnbrmkn. I County of Donclim , f " Giortrc 11. 'I7srliicl ! ; , 1 ring duly sworn , ( lo re * r nnd Niys lliat lie Is secret aiy of TIIK HKK I'uhllslilni ! company , Hint Iho actual avoraxc doily rlrt-tilntlon of TIIK DAILY HUB for tlio nionlli of May , ISM ) , 20,1 0 copies : for Juno. WM , fO.rOI copies : for . Tnly. If-PO.IIUfiJ copies ; for Atienst , l&'JO , IODD copies ! for f-epU'iulfr. 1KW , ai.STO copies ; for October. 100. il'.TCJ cop'psj for Novem- l.rr. WO , W.130 copies ; for December. 14M , E' . ? l roplis : for Jiinunry. 1MI ) , l'M4B rnnles ; for IVliruiiry. 1801 , SSniS copies ; for March , IE9l,24.0Oroplra. for April. INll. .II.'CS copied. ( JEOItflE II. T/SCIIUCK. Sworn to \ eforn nip. nnd subscribed IM my PJCSCIICO. tills Sd day of Muy , A. D. . I Mil. Ivotiirv Public. TIIK C'ineinnnti convention will have a doublo-hemler from Minnesota , This inukoH it rcnoinhlo very much ti convon- lion of the old parties. BY TIM : time the Clmrlostnn is c-oiled : tt | > the Ittitii will ho out of dimmer and the Esmornlda will bo satisfied , unless specially talented provuricatora. TIIKKK are ninotcon assessment lifo insurance companies or associations in Iowa. If the legislature should place a bounty on wildcats , several of these in stitutions would go out of business. CAI'H MAY is in dismay as well as Delaware just now. President Harrison has sold his seaside cottngo there , which moans that the watering place will not bo the summer residence of iho presi dential family this season. Tin : Iowa independent state conven tion wns called by nlno men who have hitherto alllliatcd with the democracy of that stale , which is merely a further proof that the proposed third party in Iowa is merely an annex to democracy. A si'ASM of reform has seized the Standard oil company and it will pump no oil on Suii'luy in Ohio hereafter. There IH a suspicion that the great pe troleum monopoly takes this action not so much out of respect to the religious holiday ns for the purpose of restricting the production of oil and maintaining prices. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IRRIGATION is the hope of western Nebraska. Its importance is being realized. Enterprises looking to the artificial supply of water for agricult ural purposes are springing up all through the arid region. The drouth of the past few years will provo to have boon a blessing in disguise if it develops a sy&tom of irrigation throughout the fortilobut rainless region. PltKHIDKNT IlAKUISOX hllB acted justly In commuting to lifo imprison ment the donthfcontoncoR of the men who two years ago rovoltou against the cruelty and oppression of the Navassa phosphate company and killed six of its olllcors. All accounts ngroo in saying that the laborers who arc taken to Na vassa under contract to worn a definite- length of time are subjected to the most brutal treatment. Once on the island they are in a state of practical slavery , and while , the company exacts from the men the fullest compliance with con tracts It is not at all scrupulous as to carrying out its part of the agree ment. It id reported that the situation on the island at the present time is so serious that mariners from the naval vessel Koarsargo are on shore to pro- eorvo the peace. The laborers are under martial law , commanded by armed otllcors , vho shoot them down at any sign of revolt , and they cannot leave the island until the company chooses to releasethem. . It is a state of affairs that calls loudly for reform , if the au- . thorlty exists that is capa'blo of reform ing it. IN view of the fact that the Italian government more than a week ago re called Its consul at Now Orleans , and that this action was duly announced by Premier Rudlnl in the Italian chamber of deputies , the request of Mayor Shakespeare for the recall of Signer Corto appears to bo somewhat inoppor tune. The objections of tlio mayor of Now Orleans to Wio Italian consul are not identical with these stated by Rtidini , but both substantially ngroo in pointing out that the trouble with the consul was , ho talked too much. This is nn unfor tunate defect for any ono at any time , but it is especially BO in the case of a consular or diplomatic olllcor when there Is n grave issue hotwoon his government and the country lie Is accredited to. The Italian government undoubtedly acted wisely In recalling Signer Corto , and having done so there is nothing more for Governor Nichols to do except to acknowledge the receipt of Mayor Slmkospoaro's somewhat extraordinary request. Thus another incident in the Italian controversy Is peaceably dis posed of. CHOP iiKronrs. Tlio crop ropprts published with this isauocover the country traversed by the Union Pacific railway. It Is gratifying to obsnrvo that from all but a very few locations the reports are favorable. The acreage is largely increased. Thostand of small grain is excellent and corn planting Is almost completed. In many localities corn is already up. The season ia fnr enough advanced to feel reasonably secure of a good crop of smiill grain. Insect posts are causing no apprehension. The sub soil is very moist and oven if the re maining spring should bo dry , wheat , oats and barley will probably make a good yield. The prospects for corn can not accurately bo forecast 'intil mid summer , but thus far the outlook is fav orable. . I'KMtr * IWTTOSKD. News roinns from Newark , N. J. , that no less loss than twenty-three pearl but ton factories have been roused into ac tivity by the McKlnloy tariff act. This must lo ) strange nowa in the oars of these who have said there Is not n pearl button factory in the United States. And more , the wages of these who have boon working in the factories huvo boon raised from 40 to 00 per cent. The dispatch says : "Several years ago there wore about twenty-three fac tories in Newark making pearl but tons alone. A change in the tariff on pearl buttons had a disastrous olTcct on the industry. Nearly all the factories closed. * * * In seven months after the McKlnloy bill wont into operation the trade is almost restored. " Possibly this report will bringsomo _ hope to the American people. Poir ! buttons are at a very high price com pared with the price a year ago ; but the principle of protection may not yet bo belled. Twenty-three factories are too many to enter into any consider able combine or trust , and tlio inevitable offcct will bo the fall In prices. That these factories are running is a stirotv that the present price is not so great ns the price of im ported buttons and that they are as good is more or lets evident because of the fact that they are in the market nnd are not perceived. The further notice that "All applicants got work" would indicate a restoration of an Amor- can industry to its former high posi tion. tion.A A a line Knrtn fhn f > n o wllll GIlrT.'nv 11m perfecting of machinery in the industry will bo ono of the great moans of reducing Iho cost of manufacture. What reduction may not bo brought about by the great American inventive genius must bo brought about by the universal law of competition. "As soon as the treasury department de cides about the introduction of pearl discs for buttons , whichisa cleat-evasion of the tariff law , more capital will bo in vested in button making , " says the same report. There is no doubt that for a time at least the users of American miulo pearl buttons will pay a heavy bonus for the privilege of wearing American made buttons. But in the duo course of time , when tlio pearl button industry has taken firm root on American soil and American workmen supplement their skill with machinery , competition among button makers will cause a marked reduction in prices , and when prices are lowered materially , a reduc tion in the tariff on pearl buttons will follow without in the least interfering with this important industry. Tin : OIL L\si'icion MUDDLK. Governor Thayor's action in connec tion with the state oil inspectorship is , to say the least , not commendable. His appointment of Games to the position was a scandal that cannot bo explained away on political grounds. But the course pursued in foisting Games into the office is not only contrary to usage , but of doubtful legality. The law fixes tlic term of the oil inspector at two years , but of course like other appointees or officers , ho can bo removed by the governor for cause which means for a broach of trust , neglect of duty or in- competency. Governor Tliayor made the first appointment under the law. by commissioning Smith Ualdwoll as deputy oil inspector. The commission was for two years , and after the expiration of that time Caldwell hold over until his successor was duly appointed. Governor Boyd , whoso acts wore valid in every respect while ho was in office , ap pointed Louis Hoimrod in place of Cald woll. ITolmrod's commission , under technical construction could not run less than the period remaining unfilled in Caldwoll's second term , which would have expired on July 1 , 1891. Now Governor Thavor attempts to summarily depose Hoimrod by issuing a commission for two years , beginning two or three days after Boyd was ousted. No charge has been preferred against Hoimrod and not oven a notice served upon him that ho has been superseded. All that Hoimrod knows up to thin date about Governor Thayor'rt action is the peremptory demand that Carnos has made for the possession of the books , records and instrumant.s , Following this donvnid comes another peremptory order to Mr. Iloimrod's dep uties , countersigned by the governor , to withhold from Hoimroil all reports of transactions under Iloimrod's adminis tration and to turn over to Carnos all the foes collected ami remaining In their possession for Inspections made by Iloimrod and under Hoimrod. This is a high handed and questionable proceeding. Tlio law authorizes the .state oil inspector to pay himself and his dcp utio.s out of the monies received for such inspection and Iho state inspector gives a 820,000 bond for the honest per formance of duty and faithful disburse ment of the funds. Now how can Hoimrod pay himself and his deputies for services that entitle thorn to pay during , the first week in May at least , before Carnos was commissioned , if they obey the governor's order. How is Helmrod to settle his accounts and how can his bondsmen bo hold rosponsl ble in the face of such arbitrary ac tion ? Not only has section 17 of the act creating the oil Inspector's office boon violated by removing Holmrod without cause , but common decency nnd plain business methods would dictate that duo notice of removal should have been served upon Iloimrod by the governor before ho is divested of his authority as state oil inspector. Under our form of government , governors are not Auto crats. They are creatures of law and their powers are defined and limited by law. If they want to enforce ntal execute - cute the laws they must themselves obey them. The annual convention of the Ne braska Business Men's association moots in Omaha today and will continue in session for throe dnys. The indications are that there will boa largo attendance and a profitable mooting. The gentle men composing this organization como from all parts of the state and are the guests of the jobbers and wholesale mer chants of the city , who will tender them n banquet Thursday ovoning. On behalf of the citl/.ous of Omaha Tin : Bun extends to the gentlemen a most hearty welcome and the freedom of Iho city. They will bo in most ex cellent hands , for the jobbers and their representatives will bo their hosts. If they do not enjoy themselves it will bo no intentional fault of their entertainers. The doors of Tun BKK building will bo open day and night , and tlio visiting business men are cordially invited to in spect it individually , collectively or in groups. In the language with which they are so familiar "It is no trouble to show goods" in this newspaper olllco. Our citizens all over the city will bo pleased to extend any courtesy which may add to the comfort , enjoyment or profit of the visit. It is hoped these who participate in the convention will find lime after concluding their regular business to visit the various points of in terest to which they will bo escorted by their hosts. Wo want thorn to go homo knowing what Omaha is and is to bo. Gentlemen , "If you don't see what you want , ask for it. " Omaha is anxious to have you enjoy yourselves and the keys of the city are at your dispos-il. ALMSOX o.v run iit The recent inturviow with Senator Allison regarding the present projpoc- tivo condition of the national treasury is likely to have a reassuring effect. No man in the country is bettor informed on the subject than the Iowa senator , and his habit of careful and conservative tatomont gives great weight to what ho nays. Mr. Allison exressod the opinion Lhat at the beginning of the next fiscal year , July 1 , there will bo a surplus in tlio treasury of about 330,000,000 , in dependent of the fractional silver , amounting to $21,000,000. This , ho says , will bo sufllclent with the then cur- ont revenues , to provide for current expenses and redeem the outstanding ! } ) or cent bonds as rapidly as they will bj presented for redemption. It is to bo presumed , that when the senator made this statement ho was not nw.iro of the fact that the pension demands for the current year will bo loss by about $10- , 000,000 than had been expected , so that it is probable the surplus at the close of the current fiscal year will bo in the neighborhood of $10,000,000. In the meanwhile G policy of the treasury in converting fractional silver currency into available funds is proceeding satisfactorily , witli the promise that at least half the amount will bo so converted. Then there is $ ( i,000XfO ( of silver bullion to bo coined into standard dollars and added to the available funds. From these figures it is clear that the treasury will have no difficulty in meet ing all demands upon it for current ex penses and can without the least em barrassment redeem the bonds falling duo in September , amounting to $51,000,000. Morothan half of these bonds are hold as security for book circulation , and in order to have them redeemed the banks must deposit greenbacks or coin to take their place , and this currency would become immediately available for redeeming , the bonds hold by others than the banks. Mr. Allison is of the opinion that the secretary of the treas ury will not need to extend any part of the -I js , and as the situation now appears ho probably will not do so. Several weeks ago Secretary Foster stated that there was no danger of a treasury deficit , and this assurance had a goo.l cllt-et in quieting apprehension , though it did not silence those who are predis posed to prophecy ovil. The demon strable figures and clear statement made by Senator Allison , fully sustaining the opinion of the secretary of the treasury , will bo accepted very generally by the financial and business interests of the country as conclusive. The only con dition now threatening to se riously disturb financial affairs in this country is the steady drain of gold to Europe , but there is probably unnecessary fear on this score , when our largo stock of gold Is considered. The speculators will do all they can to excite apprehension , but there can bo no serious danger to the legitimate business of the country from any los of gold likely to bo experienced from the present European demand. Aiiciirnccr BKl.VDOHPr1 assures us that the watch dogs that howl as it wore on the battlements of the city hall are not only harmless , but that they are in perfect harmony with the lloman csque style of architecture. Incident ally , wo aio gratified to announce Hint the giasticutuscsovor the main entrance are to bo chiseled down and remodeled to a resemblance to the long-lost species of winged reptiles which geologists toll us existed during the paloozofiu period. JunOK DtJNDV has kicked the Holfon- stoiu cases out of court and the St. Louis outfit will pay the costs in consequence. Tills crowd of title disturbers have been n nutsanco in Omaha long enough , hut no doubt they will rally to the front again and renew their efforts to extort money from citizens who own nnd have improved the property they have the as surnnco to lay claim to in North Omaha. IN spite of the dull times now upon lu the Omaha Methodists raised $23,000 on Sunday toward lifting the debt from their magnificent church property. The communicants and congregation will ac cept the congratulations of Tun BUB. RELIEF COHESION'S ' WORK , Sorry Exhibi'i f of Individual Qroed and IGshnoss , NUMEROUS DESERVING CASES RELIEVED , i Prospects foivfo ; Good Crop Year AH- hi r Clnifcli Morions e Against a Name- ICHO Mate Olllulnl. Li.stoi.x , Neb. , May 18. [ Special to TUB Br.i : . | The work of the state rollof commis sion has exposed sorry exhibitions of grcuJ and sclllshuess , nnd Inclilcntally It appears that the affairs of the commission have been mutinied with ilrmiiess nnd ability. There have 'been ninny coinphiluts from people who chilmo.1 a right to relief nnd asserted that thi.-y had boon noglculcJ. Over live tntidi-cd of those have been Investigated , nnd In not a slnslo ease was the complaint Justt- Hod. Tlio persons concerned hud either had relief or they were not dojervlnR because not In need. Hero are a few sample Instances : A plti-ous tetter , signed A. S , UroadUus , was sent from Ullss , Holt county , to layman J. GURO of Chicago bo gln for aid. Tlio letter wus forwarded to thu coninilssloiiois , which sent it to an ofllclal In Holt county for investigation. Ho reported that both Uroad- ihis and his wlfo huil been teaching school all \\lntor iiiul did not need ill J. Ho adiloil that Holt comity was able anil willing to relieve all distress within her borders. Kecontly a Mrs. N. J. Strohra canio to the commission with n printed circular signed by n preacher , n legislator later , nn editor and other prominent residents of Funm county. It painted n doleful picture of abject stilTorliig In that county. The lady came from Arapahoe , and she knew Unit her neighbors h'ld ' receive' ! no relief , not oven a bushel ot com. It hap- pencil tliat Dallas , la. , had donated a car of corn on condition that the receipts therefore bo kept separate from others. That corn had been sent to 13. 11. Muruhy at Arapnhoo. nnd the secretary confounded the fair appli cant by showing tier n pile of receipts bear ing Iho IKIIIICH of hur neighbors. Slio couldn't quitu understand it , but tliu.v had rn- reived thiou barrels from Hoalon which af forded inoiij relief tlmn nil the state had dono. The secretary asked if the barrels were filled with silver or greenbaclcs , but got no answer. Tbo lady wns quite sure they needed help over In Gosper county , nnd she thought sLo w.is deserving herself , although her dress would not have led ono to suspect it. SInce ITobruary 1 Furnas county has had * IKK ( ) worth of food , y.tiOO bushels of corn , , " > 00 bushels of seed potatoes , oats , wheat and other sup plies In proportion. There has not been an tmuiiuuii iur iciiui num umi , UUUIILJ JUL three weeks , nutl only tbreo to four hundred needy families were reported originally. In the fnce of these facts tlio commission is dis posed to questlolithe good fuith of the men who signed the pitiful bogging letter. Thu casu of J. A Kuilh of ICImball is an other sample. Ho scut , u begcIiiK letter to Judge Greslmui'.ort the scoreof being an ola suldtdr , complaining that ho had rcceivcd-uOUiln ? from the state sup plies sent to Kimbill : county. On Investiga tion the comiiiisfeion loUnd that ho lived near the county line./hid that ho had go no over Into Banner couiityj for relief , from which ho received his fulljuota ( of wheat , oats , bar ley , corn , potiitoj'S und food. It wna also learned that ho n'vvuoil a good farm. J. F. Funk ofjEJUhart , Ind. , president of the Alononlto publishing company , \vroto the commission on bjjhalf ofV. . F. Foreman of Logan county \V t { the statement that the latter hau had no relief. Ho know Mr. Fore man was a man SvUo wpuld not Ho ho was sure of that. TUio' Secretary of tlio commis sion ran over the records for six weeks and found that the Logan county mail had re ceived thirty-two pounds of nco , twonty-ono of hominy , tlftccri of oatmeal , two of tea and cofl'co , three sacks of Hour , and thrco sacks of cormucal. The Elkhart man gracefully acknowledged the corn or at l.east the rice. Hour , etc. The commission has Inquired Into every complaint that has been accom panied by a nanio. Homo in vestigations have boon made through local committees , others by county ofllccrs , and u largo number by n special agent of the com mission. Ono of the latter , H. U. Handall , on n recent trip looked up over one hundred such cases. The commission has learned of a number of private solicitors who have been abroad in tlio laud , but is not Impressed with th Ir suc cess. Ono limn from Sioux county raised 30 und spout about half of It for traveling expenses. Two precincts In Hitchcock county raised WO to scud a solicitor to fowa. Ho returned $ .i7. The commission has offered to help these private solicitors by agreeing to pay the freight on any gialn they might secure. Tbh offer has been made to llfty- ono solicitor. ! and not onu car of grain has been turned over bv * them to the commission. Captain Deck , anagent of the coinmlsblon , has just returned from a tour of Perkins1 , Frontier , Hod Willow nnd Furna. counties -and reports an encourag ing outloolc. Hu says there Is a bigger acreage of grain than over before The people huvo received their scod in n variety of ways. Seine came from the state , some from favored trlcnds and the banks helped others. Ono moneyed man near Grant has put out 10,000 bushels of seed on shares. Ho Is to receive one-third of the crop , and If It falls ngnin ho loses. Others make moro liberal bargains. The great cry was that thcro was no feed for the horses , and It would bo Impossible to put In crops. The horses are poor , but many fiirmow are working thorn half of the day and turning thorn out to grass the other half. Not mrny horses have died. The proinect for good crops Is oxcollent. The people are hopeful and business Is reviving. WIIII'I'I'.ll IX SUNDAY SCHOOL. After its regular exercises yesterday the St. I'nul Muthodlst Episcopal Sunday school resolved itself Into a memorial meeting in honor of the deceased wife of Uuneral Super intendent Calvert of the II. & M. During the exorcises an eccentric maiden lady named Uanghnrt , cntoroa the room and bo- Run pounding n joungmun named Walsh over the head and shoulders with a parasol. When interrupted she used vigorous and profane - fane efforts , and it required conslderablo force to remove her from the building. The cause of the assault U a mystery , but Miss Unnghart is so eccentric it is supposed her mind was unsettled. Naturally Iho affair created n sensation. A H\KK nvr run A sr\Tr. OHMCKU. Kicnanlson it Doty , railroad contractor , have been having ono of these business quarrels in which cawi mombnrot the linn accuses tlio other fif fraud , ami Richardson ! went into court with it , asking lor an co- counting , Doty has * lust lllod his answer making n general ilonliil , and ha goes on to say that a certain mUmber of thu board of transportation socuivd the linn a contract with the ICIkhorq imJ secured ona-thlrd of tlio profits as a raVo.vft. Unfortunntclv Mr. Doty neglected to muno their side partner in this'dual. AN OITILli KOH II ) . UlClIAltDS. The visiting iimf .fxamlmiiK hoard of the soluler.i' homo \v ( It 'Hold n inuotlnj ; this oven- iiiR nt Oriiiul IsTuiia. It is expected that .f. W. Llvonlnthouii ( or Hastings will then announce - nounco his resignation. L. U. Hlclmnls has been appoinioii und cominishionod to take bis placo. Captain H. . P.tlmor of Clatt&inouth has boon reuppulntml. IT WAS XOT A JOICK. A woinun of the town known as Mnbol StafTonl sulcldo.l last nisht in a room over the blacksmith shop at 'J.'O N street by taking a Uoso of strychntuo. Slid left another woman at tbo room early in the ovoiihiK , wont to Alexander & Jenny's drutf store. uavo her numo as Mrs. It. U , In ersoll niul bought a drachm of strychnine to poison rats. During the night she took the poison nnii told her companion of It , The latter thought it a Joke until ho began having si.uims. The unfortunate ulrl died before mudical aid could roach hor. She wu about twenty years old , und had been an ininuto of Ann Tripp's place at bOO N street , ilcr parents live at Hnlstenil , Kan. , nnd she had a hus band , William Stafford , nt Port Scott , Kun , IIUTC'IIINSON'8 KXAMI.VtTIO.N , Reports have boon sol In circulation that E. W. Hutchlnson , the slayer of Jennie tlrccn , Is acting to giro the Impression that ho Is Insane. The story Is nlso Moating about that ho actually was Insntio some yours nco. The Jailor says there 1ms bcon no material change In the old gcntlamnn's demeanor slnco ho was locked up on May n. Ho U about sixty years old , rnthor fenble , and with n defective memory. When n relative called on him ycstordny ho could not toll whether ho hnd been visltod by any Ashland friends nnd ho was forgetful nn to dates. Ho bos not talked to his Iccqors about tbo tragedy except to remark tlmt It \vos ton bad tunt a man at his ago should got Into trnuulo , Uutchlnson's preliminary examination wns delayed until the result of Mrs , Orecn'a In juries should bo determined. The examina tion Is to bo conducted by County Attorney Uncll , and both Hides Imvo ngrucrt to pmtpono it until after ho 1ms finished thoSheody trial , AX IIONOIt KOH TIIR ASKISO. Uovornor Tliayor has received tbo follow- loiter , which explains itself ; International Coupon of Hyglono and Teniiiiriiphy ) , I'rusldrnt II. U. II. the I'rlni'o of Wales , K. (1. , Ollk'tss i'J Hanover hiiuaro , Lon don , Apill 21. ISfll. The povcinorof tinHtnto of Nubrasku-SIr : Wo nro dlii-i'ted by his royal hluhni-ss. the prlnco of Walo.pr 'sl- ilont of the Kovimlh Intuiniitlonal con ruvs of liyglenu nnii dnnoKrapliv. to Inform von that liifi niyal lilKlniiM < t has Hied Auvust ID , IMII. for the iissi'tnlillng of tlio roiigri'si In I.on ilon. and to forward you t'opica of the prelim inary Htiiti'int'iit , with a list , of dolcLMitCH nl- leadr appointed , uhlchtutnislfiillvoTplaln to you tie | obloet of thn COIIRD'SM , Ills loyul hlglitiCHs fiiither il reels us to uxprcsj thn IIOJMI that the goMTiimi'iit of your .statu nlll see 111 not only tornd dcloKates to this eon- cmss us tlioy have done to former conjiri-sscs. but that they will also tic' ploaxod to forward a copv of thu piollinliuiry HtiitL'tnont i'nl herewith to sueh of thu learned soclctleH In your statn as would apiiuar to you to bo Interested In the subjects of the congress. \\o \ ha\o Iho honor to IIP. sir. your obedient servnntM , HOIXII.AS ( iAiiiN , Chalrinan of the Organl/lUR Ooininlttoc. W. II. Oiiiimii.n , lion. I'orelun Ki-cretary. If there Is anyone in Nebraska who wishes to attend this congress as n delegate the governor will issue the necessary credeu- tlals. _ liKltfTcrcnoo of Cltizcnq. Kporft. The main dlfllcuUy In dcaltnR with any question of municipal reform lies in tbo In difference and apathy of tbo great body of the citizens to the existing state of things. It is easy enough to suggest improvements in the methods and principles of municipal ad ministration , but the great question is , how nro you going to got your Improvements adopted ! These in power nro against tnein , nnd so long ns the pcoplo keep on putting such men in ofllco or allowing them to bo there , an insuperable barrier is in tbo way of introducing different methods. Tliu Ijcsson from .Now OrlcniiH. } I < 1 > 1 > C'HVMll. \ . There is no appeal from the action of the Brand jury nnd the stnto of Louisiana will probably do nothing In reparation of the mas sacre. It remains for the United States to licciuo whether indemnity of any Kind shall the grand Jury which will command uni versal assent. It , is that which emphasizes the necessity of moro stringent regulation of immigration. If , as the report Implies , our present laws permit nu influx of foreigners .vhlcli paralyzes civilized order and Justifies the shooting of unarmed prisoners tn Jail , it s high time that such an Inliux were stopped. _ _ Are Men Cm-closs ? Kate Ftclil tn the ! P < is/ifiii / ; ' < w. Our men , as a rule , however often they may resort to soap mid water , are far too careless in their attire so careless , In fact ns to offer an extraordinary contrast to our women , who , when endowed with money , devote moro time to 'clothes than all the rest ot my sex in the four quarters of the globo. The very woman who sails into a. hotel dining room arrayed In diamonds and Worth gowns , is content with a husband who an- pears In tbosarno linen and business suit ho has worn all day , nnd who thinks that , hav- ng washed hands nnd face nnd brushed his hair , ho has performed his whole duty to society. Getting into n dress coat is nn event like Christmas nnd Fourth of July a mo mentary concession to Mrs. Grutidy , rather than Iho outcome of eternal fiUioss and a tribute to homo. When the flowerets gnyly blossomed and the birts began to carol , Without any hesitation ho put on his light apparel. And , strange to say , ho didn't catch the ill ness that was rife ; In fact , ho seemed to gut uncommon comfort out of lifo. Glebe : Atchison's Idea of a swell is n man who has spring chickens to cat when they arn so small that it takes four to muko him n meal. Now York Sun : "What a curious way to build a path , " said Hawkinswho was spend ing Sunday with Iliiiiklnson in the suburbs. "You have laid It. out on the pattern of a stroke of lightning. " "You , " said Mrs. Hnnkinson , "John uses that path when ho comes homo from tbo club Saturday nights. It saves lawns und shrubs. " Chicago Herald "Is thcro : anything bril liant , about I'rozor's writings ) " nyostlio stars between the paracraphs. " Indianapolis Journal : "You see it was this way. The India-rubber man struck the ossi fied man and broke him. " "What did ho strike bim for ! " "Five dollars. When the manager found it out the India-rubber man wus bounced. " A bWIXIlUUN'IAN SIGH. Fair fugitive from fury fate , Sweet summer shim of the sea , Lifting love lyrics , lo , I ululate 'Cause thou forever canst not with us bo. Talisman : "Aro vou sure this broad is fresh , bak'er ! " "Well , I should say so it's tomorrow's. " New York Weekly : Young Lobbyloungor IIuvu you seen Mllo. Chnrmli , thu now pro- mi or dnnscus'j ) Old Clrayboard Not blnco I was a boy. Now York Sun : "I hoar that Mrs. Tomp- klns objects to devoting her pin money to dressing the babv. " "Yo-s ; it seems there was a slight diverg ence of opinion between Mr. and Mi's. Tomp- KIUS. She understood that it was to bo diamond mend pin money ; and ho. safety pin. " Good News : First Fly They are paint ing the hoiibO ontsldo. Lot's go oilt und got stuck In the paint. Second Fly I'd rathorj stay hero and got stuck lu the butter. Cloak Hoview : Clara How is your ball dress } Maude Out of sight. With His Thumb , A lioy U s.'ixl to II.IYU saved NullicrlatuU ( ruin Iniinilntlon. .Miillltuili's liavu bvin Aavnl doiii tlio Invasion of illsc.aso liy a battle of AVer's Sarsapnrllltt. Tina iiu-illcino Imparts tone to llio .system iinil strengthens every nrKan and Illuu of Hi' ) buily. " 1 have taken n Brent deal of medicine , but millilns has donu inu so much good 03 Ayer's Sarsapaillla. I experienced lu IK.-IIU. flclal cITecU before I had qnlto finished ono bottle , and I can freely testify tlmt It Is the best blood mcdlclmi I know of , " I. . W. Ward , sr. , Woodland , Tcxat , "Confined to an ofTlce , n * I am , fiom PIIO year's end to another , with little or no o'lt- door exercise , I flml nrrat help In Ayer's SarsHparllla , which I ha\o used for so ral yearn , and am at present uslDK. with excellent - lent resnlti. It cnablos mo to keep always at my post , onjoyini ; th best of health. " II. C , Ilarncs , Maiden , Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla DR. J. O. AYEU fe CO , , Lowell , Mam. Bold tiy DruKgUU. $ lilii. Worth Ji B bottle. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. 8J ? With Double Wire Suspensory. JATENTED AUO. 16,1887. IMPROVED IDLY 29,1890. nn. OWKN'B TAN1C 1IOIJY 1'KNSOUY will Illu'll- roatlcComplntntM lien- prnlnncl Norton's Debility , Co mo- ness , Klilnoy Pl pHfcea. Ncrv- omnoss , Tromb- llnx. Sexual Kx- tinuitlon , Wmt- Ingot bodr. l > li- cnsoa cnu ed by Indiscretions In Vouth.Ago , Mar- - - - rlcd or Blutclo „ Life. Btupe/uorr. 8KNT TO lUCSl'ONSIULK t'AUTIKS KOH CHll- TAIN COMPLAINTS ON UO DAYS' TII1AL. Also nn Kloctrlo Trim * unit Kelt Combined. Send Bo. po Uico for FIIEE lllintrnte < l book. 2M panes , whlcli will bo prill you In iilnln ucalud envoi- opo. Mention tills impor Artdn-sj Owen Electric Bel ) & Appliance Co , , 3O6 N. Broadway , St. Louis , Mo. DOES CURE In Its First Stages. no tare you gel the gcnutnt. BAD BLOOD I Pimples on the Face I Breaking Oat ) Skla Trembles ) Ilttlo Sores | Hot Skin ) Bolls i Blotches ) Gold Bores ) Bad Breath ) Sore Month or Lips | IT you uHVr from onjr of tnk * 'S ENGLISH WHY ? BBOAHyp , uWOOD Hire you rror nucil mercury ! It so , did you plvo youri.olf the npodnl attention at the tlmol Wo ni-i-d not tt'll you that you reiyi ro ablooil inodlclno. to ensure fri-odoin from tlio aftt-r ef fect * I r. AcUrr'n Kimll.h llloi.il r.lltlrlstho only Known mwllclnottmtv. Ill thoroughly eradi cate the poison from the J'trin. Gotj It.from yourdriiprli-t , or wrlto to ft . II. IIIHIK t.U .Is < : ( . . -10 Vt'rnt llroodwur. J erforU City. . . . . .i > . . mil in iini "QUOD AB OMNIBUS QUOD UBIQUE. " liritlib Medical Journal. "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " " The " best beverage. TRUTH , LONDON. SOLE EXPORTERS : THE APOILINARIS COMPANY , LD.f LONDON , ENG. FALSE ASSERTIONS tire roailu by unscrupulous in uuilnutiiicrHnnd dealers in porous plasters rcannl- Inj tliclr dirntlvo powers. IIKNSUN'S 1'LAHTKHH ate tlio only ones Indorsed hy over 5,000 pliyslclnns und pharmacists , limviiro of Imitations uutl substi tutes. YOU NEED WOT FEAR tlmt pcojilo will know your ImlrUil ) < > il If you line tlmt i.prftTt Imitation or imturo , Noono run ilrtrrt It. It InipilrlH color ninl frrsli lift ! tntlin luilr. i ; ilya | > - d. l'i ! < < , Ml. Olllrc.au rmk I'liHP.N. V la not plowunt to take , aa It Is com posed of all the modlolnnl qualities thntsro to mnko now and rloh blood without compolllner the consumer to pay $1 A BOTTLE FOR ONE-THIRD SYRUP which onn bo bought any where for thlrty-flvo osnta a gallon , na all evr- apnrillas aro. BEeQS' BLOOD PUBIblBRand BLOOD MAKER Is composed of pure medicine , and al lows the purchaser to add syrup wh'oh Is advlsoi when given to children. If ymir dniKKlit < looi not keep It nooopt no HiilHtltutu. but nrdur dlroct from IIUVIH MfV Co. . JUV-1U7 Mlctilitim Ht. , C'hloitm III. un.l tlioy will forward , iixnrus * preiiuld , ouu but- tla furil oriU forii IvIANV- ITIE SEWAISfES , Educational Institutions , OF VARIOUS NAMES , Can increase thur patronage by judiciously advertising through the best Newspapers. Wo have charge of the mlverlisi'ug of nearly nil of the Educational In.stitu- tious of the West nrn\ \ South , nnJ pub lish n large number of sample adver tisements we have virillcii. At the request of any College I'rcsiilcnt , I'riuci- . K-J ! . . : - u. pal or Secretary we will submit a list of papers with an adver tisement set in type , showing the cost and best methods for obtaining school patronage. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENTS , GO & 08 W. THIRD STREET , 'n , * omo. LINCOLN Floral Conversatory , South East Oor. a and 17th , Linoolu , Neb J\ \ W. S. Sawye r & Co PLANTS AND CUT FLOWERS , Goiioriil collection of plants : md out flnwun ulwnya on hand. 1'lorul cli.'slmboiiijnrH baskets , nlo. , for pn riles. WcilUliiKH and fiin- rals a specialty , and aunt tn any imr t o ft lid stato. l'i Ice list fire. DNuount. to undur- ukcraon funeral work. 'lYk'i > hem > , 'III. SSSS3 She Saved Her MOHEY , Anil go ran ovary tfooil Iluusuki'i'pur \ > T illiniys liar IIIKOII linnd linndCAMPBELL'S ' VARNISH STAINS. the only nrtldo civor iitoiliiceil with wlik'h nny | > r KOII CM n at itllKlit fxiiKniu nnii hy niiu ii | > | illtui uii rriitnlnnriil vnriiMi ulill liniiihcrSPtn lluremii lli"l Mciuli. ( Imlrx , TuMcx. Dnnri nnii till kliuM of wend work In liciiulllul tints of CIlKltmV.I.MT MAIIOUANV , ItOSIJWOOl ) , 0K.r VIJIt.MII.ION It will Klnnrt wnihlliK unit I" vary iliiniblii llulf a pouiiil will re'tiiliinnil UnlUm aolof clmira nii'l ' uli < | iliitwlllorllniillyrono nniinnl > urHflt Kur romm olio iiunrl tii oni ! ptllmi ncciirdliiK In H | < II I'llica HAM' I'INTS . 'Klo ! I'lNT * . flc. KklmnliiM DruK Co. , Oinalin , Wlinlosiilo AKuriln APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN , PtRFtCT IN FORM I-HATCHIISS III WARI if * t Softoxloul wtrt tbff aocltat. for imlwtrtmrn lltt Every 1IAN can lit BTRONd tnd VIOOKOU8 In all rupecti , YOUNQ MEN OR OLD , jufftllng from NERVOUa DE BILITY , Loit or rulllog Man- flood , Phyilcftl Excllifl. Miotftl Worry , Btnntid DivilopralDt. or icy FERBONAL WEAKNESS. n b. rtitorid to rriirrcr UEALTU > L < the NOBLE VITALITY of BTROflO HEN , tb. rrld. tail Fowtrof N.llon. Wo claim liy VPIIM of ( irncllro liy our I'xrlmlvn iripthniH n uniform "MOHOPOLY OF SUCCESS" 111 tmH- . Intrnll Dlumi , Wttkniiiiiaml 1 ADIetloEiof Men. Tetllmoiilall r" T , , . ' ' frotn SOHIatPS and Tcrrltnrlot. film Mrtlf Dnntu'llllrirntrrcet < < i\\ci\l \ \ > < > * l- NEW DUUK ( mill.torn IlmlJiltlin < - Otl Itwbllt yoactn. rail EipUnttlooi for HOME TREAT MENT , Too e n fci FULLY EEBTORED l TLoOncdl ERIElwfEbCALrCOBUF1FAl.rO1N0. ? ° . , . Y ! f *