Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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\ Ol'FICfi : No. 12 1'EAKL STREET.
.Delivered by Carrier In any part of Ibo City.
BustncM Ofllce , No. 43.
Nlfjht Editor , No. 23.
jii.\oit 3iixrnts.
N. Y. P. Co.
Council HlufTs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel Icons , 204 Sapp block.
IJcnl Hock Sprlnps coal. Thntehor , 10 Main
If jou want water In your yard or house
KO to Blxby' . * , 30-J Mcrrlarn block.
Chnrlos Locehrncr , a waiter nt the Grand
hotel In suffering from ti painful Injury which
ho suffered on Sunday. Ho was making Ice
jrcam , when bis hand became caught In the
coc wheels of the free7cr\ and ono of hU
Jlncont wns so badly mangled that It will
probably have to be amputated.
The Mendelssohn Quintette club will bo at
the Now Hroadwav theatre next Friday
evening. This Is ono of the foremost musi
cal organization * of the country and will no
doubt bo greeted with a full house. It will
not play In Omaha ,
The DcFries assault case , which was com
menced ubout a week airo , was on trial yes
terday afternoon In Justice Swearltipen's
court. H. J. UeFries and his wife , Julia ,
tvcro on hand , and so was Helen Havens , the
woman who claimed that the defendants had
been threatening to kill her children. After
the case bud been aired. Justice Swcarlneen
bound over both the defendants In the sum
of $100 to keep the peace until the first day
of the next term of the district court. They
pave the bond * as required and were re
.T. Stem Is the name of a man who was ar
rested yesterday afternoon for driving over
the hose at the Vine street lire. . Ho claimed
ho did not sec the hose until the front wheels
of his uii on had passed over it , and then ho
did not sea how bu was to ct iilon without
running the rest of the vehicle over the hoso.
unless ho pot out and carried it over. Ho
will have a hearing in police court this morn-
In the district court yesterday the case of
Cncko it Morgan against M. E. Smith , for
$ ir > , ( X,0 damages for wrongful attachment was
I on trial.
t Detective Hnysof Omaha was In the Bluffs
yesterday hunting for some tools that had
been stolen across the" river Ho went
through a number of pawn shops and at last
found a part of the stutl in a junk shop kept
by a man named Cameron , on Ui > | wr Broad-
way. Some of It had already been sold.
What was left was confiscated and taken to
Omaha to Its owner.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday to
J.V. . Nowland and Clara Mathers , both of
1'err.v , la.
Information has Just been received in the
Bluffs of an accident that befell C. E. Uralce ,
chief engineer of thn Avoca electric litfht
company , the latter part of last week. lie
was engaged , alonir with n number of em
ployes , in raising a largo smoke stack , und
Drake bad gone up to look at some of the
rope * . In some way , it is not known Just
how. ho foil and broke three ribs , besides re
ceiving sorntj internal injuries. He Is still
confined to his room.
The lioyul Neighbors of America will give
n social tomorrow evening at Hughes' hall.
A rr.uslrnl nnd literary prcgrnmme will bo
rendered , after which there will bo dancing.
I EltSOX.i I. f.l It.l Klt.l M'lt.S.
Dr. Hoe and wife have returned from an
extended tour through the south.
Mrs. L. II. bherrett nnd Mr. nnd Mrs.
Eugene Uuttsrworth of South Uend , Ind. ,
nre in the HlulTs , the guests of their uncle.
John I.lndt , at his home , 1)12 ) Fourth street.
Miss Hessio Stuart of the south Is In the
city , the guest of the Misses DeMnven.
Fred Oclso nnd bis brother-in-law , A. F.
Kchottc , returned yesterday from a month's
visit to Chicago , Chattanooga , Tenn. , and
other cities.
Mr. and MM. J. C. Hodgctts of Kansas
City nro visiting Mrs. Hodcetts1 parentsMr.
nnd Mrs. Charles Baughn , on North First
61 root.
Drs . Woodbury. dentists , 30 Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone U5. High
grade work a specialty ,
Black organdies , the latest In Mack wash
poods , every yard guaranteed absolutely fast
black , the greatest crnzo of tbo season , a
beautiful ranpu of patterns all the way from
ICcto c. Now is "tho time to moke your
selection \vhllo the choice patterns last.
Boston Store , Fothennghnm , Whltelaw St
> , , Council Bluffs.
Two Klrps.
The fire department was called out yester
day attornoon at 2 o'clock to the residence of
Mrs. Elizabeth Noack , at 245 Vine street.
Mrs. Noack had Just lighted a gasoline stove
and left the room for a moment. \ \ ncn she
returned her room in the upper story of she
house was In ( lames. It was some time be
fore the lire was extinguished , and in the
meantime all the furniture in the room had
been moro or less injured by the llamas ana
the water. The damage will amount to about
1100 , which Is fully covered by Insurance.
The lower part of the house was vacant , the
funilly who had been living there having
moved out a few days ago.
The icsldenco of N. C. Ptilllips narrowly
escaped being demolished by lire Sunday
night. Lnio in the evening some of the
family discovered a smell of smoko. A care
ful search was made all over the house , up
and down , and at last , when the door of a
closet upstairs was opened , the llames darted
out. A generous dooof water exttnguistied
the llames , and yciterdny the insurance
companies allowed him $12 for his damage.
Mr. Phillips was at a loss to account for the
origin of the ( lames until ho chanced to re
member that bo had gene tn the closet early
In the evening , and had lighted a match
while looking for some things , after which
lie had carelessly thrown the match on the
Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ;
within ono and one-half miles of the P. O. ;
all In bearing ; good buildings ; possession
pivtn at onco. Cull on D. J. Hutcblnson &
Co. , 017 Broadway ,
Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 53 $ B'd'y.
Will Ilnvo a Now Clinch.
The talk which was mentioned in THE BEG
' several days ago with regard to the erection
a new building by the members of the
First Baptist church , has materialized. At
the business meeting which was held last
Saturday nlgbt , It was formally decided that
tbo church would bo built. A committee was
appointed , consisting of W. A. Strong ,
H. F. Henry , Dc-acon Robinson. H. Pothy-
bridge.C. J. McNitt and W. A. Joseph , to act
as a building committee to devise ways and
means , and to report to the church as soon
us possible the results of their deliberations.
Several sites for the building UM already
bolng looked up , but no definite decision has
as yet Uccn mailo as to whether the building
* hull be erected on the present location or on
some other. Further developments may bo
expected In a few days.
Furniture , carpets , refrigerators , baby car
riages , stoves , crockery , and all house fur
nishing goods , cash or on easy payments ' at
Mandel & Klein's.
A I.ovcr for Ilcvcnue Only.
Edward Mosley was arrested by Oftlccr
lioblnson yesterday morning on a warrant
which chargcJ him with being a fugltlvo
from Justice. Edward , It scums , became en-
nmored of a younp colored lady In Omaha
named Itliea Cameron , and ho succeeded in
getting the young lady to reciprocate
to mo of hU affection. Wncn hu hid her
worked up to the proper pitch ho stele her
twcketbooK , containing & ! o , and nuido fcr
Iowa. When ho once got away all hU
wealth of ntTcctlon vanished HKO the mornine
dmv , and ho refused to go back to Nebraska
without a requisition. Ho is now In the city
Jail watting for the requisition to be secured ,
when ho will be taktn to Omaha for trial ou
. a charge ot larceny.
Dry storage at low rules , stoves and house
hold goods. J. K. Snyder , Pearl street.
Malr has all torts of fruit , shad o and orna
tnenta ! treot , Broadway , opposite postofttco
ttiMitn pnmt PAIIVPII ni IIPPO
iNE\YS \ MIOM COUNCIL BLUH'S , of Two Orook ? with a Kit of Burg
lars' ' Tools ,
Unified Dead Indlans-Thc City Hull
( jticNtlon A Missing Knllroad
Mini Will Have n
New Church.
\\hatwlllprobablyprovo to be one of the
richest catches of the season , so far as crooks
are concerned , was made yesterday after
noon. Ohlccr Kelley spotted a dlircnutable
looking character early In the afternoon as
he was trying to dispose of a flno gold ring
at a second hand store. The policeman did
not arrest him nt the time , but shadowed
him In order to capture , If possible , a pal
whom he suspected ho had. He at last fol
lowed the supposed crook as far as the cor
ner of Bnndway nnd Fourth street , and
there. In company with Oillcor Murphy , ho
arrested the parties.
At the police station they gave the names of
Frank Kelscy and Fred Fink. Kolscy bad
In his jiockcu , two revolvers , a powder llask
and seven Mexican coins of anelcnt date.
Fink had two revolvers , n can of powder ,
two drills , a fuse and a blow pipe. The
whole tbing was as neat a kit of tools as the
most enthusiastic of safe blowers could wUh
Jt is supposed that the two men are
the ones who did the Job at L. Harris'
bottling works on lower Broadway Satur
day night , although there Is nothing on their
persons that will assist In fastening the
crime on them. It Is not likely that they will
be allowed to go free , however , for If noth
ing can be proved against them here , there Is
a job In Omaha which will in all prob.ibllity
be laid nt their door. Last Saturday nleht
there was n safn blown open on Sherman
avenue In Omaha , nnd a lot of curious coins
were taken. Detective Hays of Omaha wa *
in the city yesterday nnd stated
that ho was not sure whether the coins that
were taken were Mexican or not , but if they
turn out to huvo oeen coins of that kind the
guilt of the two men will bo pretty thorough
ly established. The uarties who lost the
coins nro to be notified of the capture of the
suspects and will bo over In a day or two to
Another article that Is stipnosed to have
been stolen is a fine , large gold ring , with a
heavy seal , bearing the Initial "D. , " set with
chipped diamonds. This is also thought to
bo a relic of tno Sherman avenue expedition.
The pollco are well satisfied that they huvo
cotton hold of two desperate crooks , and
every effort will bo made to prove that they
are the parties wanted.
Ice ! Ice ! Ice ! ! !
If you want It pure and a
And at a reasonable pr
Follow no new dev lot.
But send to us In a tr
At our off
Mulholland &Co. , No. 4 Pearl St. , Tel. 161.
The latest addition Is the Sbantong pongee ,
India silk finish , sold everywhere for ' 'Oc.
our price 12J c ; n beautiful range o ! colors ,
: ) ine apple tissue , the f.real leader , for \ } c.
Lioston Store , Council Bluffs.
When about to build don't fail to 501 prices
on lumber of The Judd & Wells Co. , 813
Broadway. Telephone 267.
Masters on ISlufT Street Uncover
Indian Skeleton" .
r'or several weeks past workmen have been
jlasttng ou the hill just behind the residence
of Mr.V. . \V. Wallace on Bluff street. In
the course of the last three weeks no less
: han eight skeletons have been unearthed.
Six of them were of adults , while the other
two had belonged to small children.
The skeletons show unraistakiblo signs of
raving been those of Indians. With each
ono were found pieces of Indian blankets ,
some of which had been gaily decorated with
such ornaments as wcro dear to the Indian-
Ono ot the oodles had been burled in a
sitting posture , while the other had been lain
away to rest in the most approved modern
fashion , excepting that but ono had n coftln.
One of thosKoletons had evidently belonged to
one of the four hundred In Indian circles , as
his body hud boon honored oy being encased
in a rough onk box. With the bones was a
tomahawk and B large number of strings of
beads. All the bones were In a good state of
preservation. As fast as they were ex
humed they were made off with by
the workmen and by some small boys.
Sams of the.bonos , however , were kept out
sight and nre now lying In one corner of the
The Wallace hill has had something of a
record already as an ancient burial nlaco
About sixteen years ago u skeleton
of a whllu man was unearthed. It was
taken to a physician In the city who has i
something of a reputation aa a archaeologist
for examination. Ho said that the owner of
It had met his death by hanging. It was
supposed to have been the romiins ot ono of
the horse thieves who did so much to make
life In Potuwatturalo county interesting
during the early days , and who In all proba
bility caught his last view of the earth from
tbo summit of a long rope stretched taut.
Union Park races , Omaha and Council
Bluffs , JunuU-12 , f ,000 ; Sept. 8-11 , ? ti..VX > ;
Oct. 20-22 , M.OOO. For programmes address
Nut Brown , sec'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha.
Dress ginghams Everything In that line
from the Tc dress gingham to the finest
Scotch goods. At 7c , Sc. lOc and l'2 fc wo
show a beautiful range of patterns At 15c
wo show a very line line of zeuhyr ginghams ,
the style and finish almost as good as the
most expensive. Boston Store , Council
Uluffs. _
The Chop HOUKO A Kill a.
An injunction &ult which has just been
commenced In the district court by Henry N.
Yapp against John Linder and J. L. Peter
throws a now light on the failure of the
Council Bluffs chop house , which occurred
last week. Yapp states that ho signed a
lease of'the property at 15 Bain street ,
having been induced to do so by Llnder ,
who represented that ho had the
control of tha property , and the right to ex
ecute the lease He claims that he has since
found out that Under hud no right such as
ho claimed , bat tnat the building belonged to
Mr * . Jennie White. Ynop also states that
Under purchased.a chattel mortgage on the
property from Mandel it Klein , for f 19.-IO ,
and immediately closed him out.
In order to avoid trouble , Yapp
paid the oillcor thn amount demanded and took
possession of the prouerty , after execu
ting a bond for fi" > ( X He claims that after alt
thU had been done hinder and Peter , his
bookkeeper , entered the building after night
and nailed up the doors in order to prevent
the plaintiff from using It. Ho alleges that
the defendants have damaged his business to
the extent of ? 5,000 , and be asks a judgment
for tbo amount. He also wanted an injunc
tion restraining the defendants from inter
fering In any way with the peaceable ios-
sessloa of the place. The injunction has been
granted , and the building Is now In the hands
of Yupp.
The Illicit line of spring and summer roods ,
most expert workmen , Is what you will tiud
ul Heller's , the tailor , 810 Broadway.
Snugart A : Co. carry largest sloes of bulk
Held , garden and Uower seeds In the west
Catalogue and sample * by mall.
The Tollce Ilecor 1
A large crew of disreputable looking
humanity appeared before Judge McGee
yestnrday morning In pDlIco court. Some of
themwoi-ocharged with b3lug VUT aits , bu
they were discharged. Otln.r : weio char ,
with having been drunk and they wer
found not guilty and dUctargoJ.
Thomas Sweeny , the peanut boy wb
was accused of swindling ono J. B. Scott ,
out of t-l las' Saturday Afternoon at the trans
fer , said that bo had Intended to ( five back
the surplus change all the time , but ho had
not had time to do so before the train started.
Tne judge evidently did not bellovo the story
for bo gave the young man a sentence of
thirty days in the couuty jail on n charge of
Oscar Bonc.s , a gentleman of color , was
fined { 17 for drunkenness and disturbing the
neace. W. 11. Shields was riven ten days on
the streets for begging. W. II. Klchson was
fined $17 for drunkenness.
Try Duquette ft Co.'s Pomona fruit Julco
tablets. Tuey ore delicious.
L. A. Casper , the florist , will bo nl Fairview -
view cemetery all of this week engaged in
decorating .graves. AH plants ordered for
cemetery work will he set out free.
The Voters AVII1 Have a Chance to
I ) ( ( ! do the Question.
The city council mot last evening with the
mayor and ull the nldermon present.
Alderman Smith was instructed to pur
chase six drinking fountains to bo put nt the
locations where the present fountains stand.
A resolution In regard to the now city hall ,
the substance of which was as follows :
"Whereas , It U the opinion of this council
that the repairs which It has been suggested
bo made ou the present city building will bo
Inadvisable , and whereas , the city Is paying
out n largo amount each year for oflico rent
for Its oHIcials. and
Whereas , The city has a largo number of
valuable documents and no suitable place iu
which to keep them ; be It
Hesolvcd. Tbat a protx > sition be submitted
to the people ut the fall election providing
for the erection of a new city nail , to cost not
to exceed $ 'ioooo.
The resolution further provided that the
city bo authorized to float bonds to the amount
01 fuu.uiu on tue marnei , said oonus to
run for ten years. granting the
city the right to pay utter live years at Its
own option. Also' that n ono mill tax bo
levied each year , the proceeds of which wore
to be used in piylui ; Interest on the bands
and in forming u sinking fund for the pay
ment of the principle.
After some discussion the resolution was
A. C. GMhain asked the council to ap
point a committee to assist iu the prosecu
tion of the Fairmount park case. The mayor
appointed a committee. consisting of Wood ,
Casper , Van Brunt , Smith und Pace as that
The city treasurer reported that there was
{ 1'JMJ in the treasury to the credit of the
public library. An order was drawn In favor
of the trustees for that amount.
Mitts and gloves Our line is now com
plete in nlack silk mitts at 23c , 33c , 30c , Wo
and ( V > c. U'e think and say v-'lthout the
least hesitancy that we have the beat value
In the above that ever entered any city. All
pure silk and guaranteed fast blacks. Ask
to see them ; wo delight in showing goods ,
whether you purchase or not. Boston Store.
Fotherlnghum , Whltelaw 6t Co. , Council
Lace curtains cleaned from 50o to $1.25 per
pair , at Twin City dye works.
Trees , nil kinds , guaranteed to grow , prices
cheap , at Moirs' , Broadway , opposite postof-
An Increase of Poverty.
A member of a well known law firm In the
city is mourning the loss of his pocketbook ,
which occurred last SiimlavnicrhtThn 1-uv-
yer was out all afternoon and evening trying
to do what ho could toward keeping the Sab-
b.Uh In alcohol , und when ho went houie late
in the evening bo was feeling somewhat
mellow so much so. in fact , that he did not
know positively which end ho was Munalng
uoon. He called u hack driver and went
home. Yesterday morning when he looked
for his pocketbook it was missing , and the
attorney has not the slightest ideu where it
went to. The loss was reported at police
A Railroad Man Miming.
J. M. Shoemaker , a conductor on the Union
Facile , bos disappeared , and his family is
co isiderably worried over him. He came in
from his run last Friday night , dre v his pay
and made preparations for going out that
night , going to bed in his caboose. This was
the last seen of him , and no one knows any
thing of his whereabouts. The railway offi
cials state that he did not orescnl himself for
duty at train time , and they have no idea
what has become of him.
Underwear We can fit you out with almost
anything in the underwear line. Anything
we have not got in stork wo can got for you
if to bo found in Now York city , bavins' an
office In New York and nn experienced min
always on the spot brings us in direct com
munication with the great mercantile center
of the world. Boston Store , Council Bluffs
General Manager Whitman States the
Position of the Company.
CHICAGO , May IS. The situation between
the Northwestern railroad company and Its
discharged switchmen remains unchanged.
The officials of the road say they will reemploy -
ploy such of the discharged men as they lire
satisfied will provo faitbful and oftlcieiit em
ployes , provided they make application for
reinstatement at once. The business of the
road continues to run as usual.
Gjneral Manager Whitman states the posi
tion of the companv as follows : "Such ex-
employes ol the company as are capable and
acceptable will be given preference In filling
all vacancies tbat occur In our switching
service. So long as those at present em
ployed are capable nnd are desirous of con
tinuing In our service they will be retained.
Those old discharged men who have engngot
the company in incessant troubles by foment
ing strikes will never again be employed b.\
this company. Hereafter the company's of
ficials and not the Switchmen's Mutual Aid
association will run the company's affairs. '
Many of the discharged men recognize the
fact that they will not bo taken back and are
seeking employment elsewhere.
Coal Operators Trj
L-nn , Pa. , May 18. A special from
Scottdale , Pa. , says : Operators are making
a most determined effort to force the men a
the minors' convention tomorrow to vote to
abandon the strike , while labor leaders on
tbo other hand luvo been among the men am
say they are practically unanimous In their
desire to continue out. The Frick and - McClure -
Cluro companies started the Kcdstono
Youneston , Hawkeye Valley and Ollphan
plants with a few men and say they wil
start five other plants this week. Men are
coming Into the region in carloads , and it Is
doubtful If the strikers cau stand the pressure
much longer. They are suffering for toe
necessities of life und hundreds have no roe
to call their own. Altogether if the men do
not vote to go back tomorrow it will bo
because ovcrpcrsnaded by the leaders or because
cause independent operators or some power
ful labor organization pledge ? the greatlj
needed financial support.
Protect UK Xejjro Miners.
FIUNKM.V , Wash. , May IS. The negro
miners who arrived to work in the coal mines
of the Oregon Improvement company were
yesterday placed In possession of the houses
nnd tents provided for their use near th
mines. No attempt was made to moles
them. The negroes are confined to ccrtali
limits as far a.s possible and are surroundet
by armed guards. Much Indignation was ex
pressed last evening at a meeting of white
and a resolution was adopted protcstlni
against the presence of armed guaids.
Milwaukee' * Strike ICmlcil.
MIUVACKKK. WIs. . May 13. The strike o
the stonemasons and brlck.nyera has been
declared off , end the men and bosses hav
agreed , It Is a victory on the whole for to
bosses , although the strikers obtain an ad
vauco in wages. The men who had been re
ceiving 37' cents nu hour demanded 4jaud
will bo paid 40 cents. The only cenro sion
by the bosses was the granting of the 2'
cents additional In wages.
Preparing to Il-Mimn Wor'c.
Mivos Car , la , May IS. Advices re
i-clvcd today frtra several localities In the
I tate where miners have been on n strike nro
to tin effect tbat operators are about to resume -
sumo work , and before the week Is out the
usual output of coal may bo looked for.
Fate of an Old Man Who i-Dmppsarid from
His Honjfc. ;
n /
\rrestofn Lntl Who Vns on Jlurtlcr
IJcnt HoitiU for n Sew Court .
Jlouse Other State
NOIITH PLVTTE , Nob. , May IS. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. | The remains of
Jennls Redmond , who wandered away from
lorno wbtlo Insane some months ago , wcro
ound today some ten miles north of Brady
Iloml.s for n New Court Hotmc.
SOUTH Sioux CITV , Neb. , May IS. [ Special
oTiiB BEU.J The special election of Cov-
ngton precinct , comprising South Sioux
Jlty and Covlngton , for the purpose of vot-
tig bonds to the amount of $15,000 to apply
n the new court house building , will bo held
une 15. The bonds are to mature In twenty
ears , bo'irlng 5 per cent , interest. They
vill undoubtedly carry , and no trouble Is nn-
Iclpatcd in placing the bonds as they are the
Irst oonds Issued. The proposed building
vill cost . < i1,000 , the other SlO.uoo being
dado up by Individual subscriptions. The
> lan is to build the court house and donate It
otrether with the lot on which it is located to
ho county in consideration of the removal of
he county scat from Dakota City to South
Sioux City. Those tnoU doouly interested in
ho movement uro sangjine of success.
AVorklnu Cor a NVw U : > nl.
SofTit Siof.x CITY , Nub. , May \ " > . [ Special
o THE BEE. ) Tht-ro was organized
n this city last Tuesday a company ,
composed of C. D. Smiley , U. B. Dalny , Louis
Jeep , Frank Hunt and tL. . Daseiru" , the
object of which is to secure the building of a
railroad from South Sioux City to Homer ,
situated lift con miles southwest of hero.
Tno inducements to bulU a road Into this
territory are numerous , opening a it would
a scope of country now practically undevel
oped. The company has now $ \ ! . > ,000 paid In
capital , with authority to issue $ .VJO,010 if
necessary , and no expense will be snared to
make the undertaking a success.
llpntrloo Commercial li Iejjnt q.
BEATRICE , Neb. , May -Special [ Tele
gram to Tun Ben.l A Beatrice delegation
of twelve members started this afternoon for
Denver attend the Trans-Missouri
to - com
mercial congress. The delegates are Sena-
torG. F. Colllus , Mayor E. . It. Fogg , presl-
dent of the board of trade , C. B. Dempster ,
Councilman L. E. Walker , and O. E. Baker ,
S. C. Smith , \V. \Vashburn. . A. V. S.
Sounders , J. R. Baurks , E. \Vntrras and
H. W. Parker , board of trade members.
Commercial Agent John iwyer of the Bur
lington road also accompanied the narty as
one of the state dtlegatos appointed by Gov
ernor Boyd.
AVnntcd to Shoot.
MOUSE BLUFF , Neb.May IS. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEI : . ] Justice Swan today Is
sued papers for the arrest of James Eotlne , a
lad of about tuteen or sixteen years of ago ,
living four milc , from town , for an attempt
to shoot John Bowers. It seams that thcro
had been bad feelings befvccn the two fam
ilies for some time 'and yesterday the two
had met in the road and exchanged a few
words , when ycung Eotlne drew his revolver
ver and made an uttemnt to shoot , but the
weapon missed llro. Bpwcrs succeeded in
disarming the lad who is now under arrest.
Another Old Settler Oonp.
BEATIHCE , Neb. , May..t'S. , fSpoclil Tele
gram to THE BEE.INicholas Lopendnrin , a
resident of this city since Iot5 , died suddenly
at his borne on Elk and Tenth streets this
morning at 1 o'clock. The deceased was
widely and honorably known In this section
as a man of considerable means nnd great en
terprise. Ho was sixty-four vcari of aeo.
The cause of hU death was la grippe and
stomacb troubles. His wife and two married
daughters survive him. The funeral takes
place at 2:30 : tomorrow afternoon.
Not tu Need.or Aid.
Gor.nox , Neb. , May IS. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEK. ] The crop outlook was never
more promising. A pleatiful shower today
insures a flue wheat crop. Gordon has not
asked for a bushel of send or a pound of flour
from the state. Farmers nave shipped out
within tbo past ten days nineteen cars of
wheat and the ( louring mill has turned out
fnrtv hnrml < * nf flnur nor HPV fnr thn n.iit RY
months. Grangers and merchants are happy.
Sheridan county is all right
District Court in Session.
PiEHcn. Neb. , May IS. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. j The Mav term of the district
court convened hero today. The docket is
the largest ever known in the county. There
was seven criminal cases , among which are
W. M. Tiobj , colored , for murder , and Lea
Pernter , assault with intent to commit mur
der. There are also some very Important
civil cases.
nittcn ) > y n Mad Do ? .
ALIUOX , Neb. , May IS. [ Special Telegram
toTiiEBEE.J A. M. Edward at Bonassea
was bitten by a tnad dog on the hand Satur
day. It was his own dog and ho noticed that
It was acting peculiar for a few days. Mr.
Edward is a poor farmer and is much con
cerned over the matter. Ho would like to
take treatment from Dr. Pasteur If it were
An Ont Steal Company.
BEATKICE , Neb. , May IS. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] The Beatrice oat meal
company has reincorporated with S. K. Davis
president and treasurer ; John Orr.secrotary ;
Charles F. Hickman , vice president. The
capital stock is SW.OOJ , with $15,000 paid up.
The new incorporation will continue for
twenty years.
A Live Stock Shipment.
Wr.STBiuf , Nob. , May IS. ( Special Tele
gram to TIIE UEE. ] Last night eleven cars
of cattle and hags were shipped by special
train from this place. This town Is fast be
coming the livestock center of Saline county.
Crop prospects nro ur.usually good.
An Ate rnoy Huiipnofntrd.
BEATRICE , Neb. , May 13. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Br.E.-Goprga ] A. Murphy was
today reappolnted citjj attorney by Mayor
Un .Mini y Low'Teinperutnre.
WASHINGTONMoyJSlTno signal office
furnishes a special bulletin which shows un
usually low temperature f6r tho. season Sat
urday morning throughout Michigan , Ohio ,
West Virginia , western Pennsylvania and
western Now York. Killing frosts occurred
throughout Michigan and northern Ohio and
light frosts In the othe 'aistricts named.
flanchcr .Mudcivil hy Apaches.
CI.IFTO.V , Ariz. , May 'lNat Whltlum , a
rancher on the Blue river , forty miles north
of here , has been found dead In his cabin.
He was shot through the body nnd his cabiu
pillaged. Those who found him believe the
murder was the work of Apaches.
One Man liurni'd to Dcntli.
SAX FUAXCIH-O , Cal. , May 1S.-A gasollno
steve exploded In tbo rear of 315 Post street
late this afternoon , setting fire to the house.
Ono man was burned to death , and two men
huvo sought to profit by the
hljrh reputation of Johnunllotl 's
Malt Extract. Uowaroof tliotn.
I ook for the sl nature of
"Johann Hot ! " on the nock ol
every bottle. Eisner & Men-
delson Co. , 0 Barclay Stroat
New York , agents.
- - - - - -
\i \ would not pny the tuilor to innko up poor nmtcrlnl ; therefore , in bulnj : tnlsflts you nro always certain to > ; ot cloth
that will give good satisfaction and long sorvlce. Then the tailor takes fur more core with his work than is bestowed upon
factory work , where the iaca Is to slight the cannon t as much as possible in order to turn out work cho.vp. Another grcal
advantugo is that , among our line misllts , you will find the half and quarter nl/.es. and really better IHting roods than cnt
bo found In establishments that deal in ready inado clothing. Then DV ' buying misfits you are really putting in your pockol
what the tailor loses , for you got us good as the tailor would make you'for just about halt what the tailor would ofiargo.
All alterations done free of charge to insure a good lit.
C5 CuMerciinnt Tailor made at . JI2 00
10 W Mi-reliant Tailor mudu at . M 00 IS.1 (4 Mvn'linntTn I'Ttnuilu Nt SO CO J COO Merchant Tuilor mailo ixt
M (0 ( Vorchiuit Tiillur tiiuclu lit . 10 l" > 3J CO Men-bant linlnr m.idc ul II M 6 fO Muri'lmnt Tuilor iiiudo at 43)
4u Ui .Men-hunt Tiillrr innde nt . I ? a .
< ( ill Mi'ji bant Tnilni imidi1 ill 117. )
5 n.i.diut . ' 19 00 Mtm-lnint Tuilor niudo at S 00
< tO Merchant Tiillnr ut 'JO UJ 4. " > Oi Morclilmt Tillnr iimdo ut S OJ
( .0 OuMcrrhnnl Ti-llur ii.adc at . ' 'I V ) 13 u Mcr-tmnt Tuilor mailo ut 6 0
CO WMcri-hnnt Tailor made at . ( JO M 10 .Mi-r > liitnl Tu lor iindu at J ; UO
< v ( M.Mtrcliuiit Tutlur innilout . : J M 10 Wi Mrri-li nit Tailor made at . . . M 00 li 'JO Men-hunt Tuilor nmdo at 73J
' ,5 00 Merchant Tuilor uuido ut . iO IX ) Muichant Tailor in.iue ut MO ) 13 W Mi-ivhuiit Tailor nmdo ut 13)
A perfect fit warranted , unfl all goods sold on their merits. A guarantee in ovr > ry I'us-j just : \s represented , at tb
1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309.
1801 1 TOLD YOU SO. 1S91
The Jewel Vapor Steve is the best
generating stove in the market. The
Reliable Process is the leader in pro
cess stoves. The hot air tubes are con
nected by removable iron elbows , al
lowing easy access for cleaning pur
poses. The vaporiser is a perforated
brass cylinder hold in place by three
brass spring arms , and can be lifted
out and cleaned. Our stove is the only
one so provided. We huvo done away
entirely with the sub-flame. The llamo
can be turned high or low. They are
roing like hot cakes. The second car
load ordered.
Buy the genuine Philadelphia Lawn
Mower. It was unexcelled 17 years ago ;
it is unrivalled now. Those made 17
years ago were good , but those made
now are very far in advance of them in
every point of merit.
We have a full line of hardwood re
frigerators nt prices that will sell them.
Fly time iscoming. Gctyour screens
up before the Hies come and you will
escape lots of annoyance. I have the
largest and best line of door and win
dow screens in the market.
P. C. DKVor , .
504 Broadway , tind No. 10 Main Street.
O.f Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000
DIRECTORS I. A Mlllor , F. O aie.iion , K. b.
Ehueart. E. E. Hart. J. D. Edmundson. Oharlai
It. Hannan Tr.injiot Danklu ; bml-
nen. Largest caplvil an-1 surplui ot a. a/
bankln 9outliwe t ru IO.TX
Ol'FICE , 41.S Hroadway , Council Uluffs , la
\\tlf \ Jtorphlno Ilnhll
- / car.dlnlOto2od i.
pp rtlUcur 4. DB.J SIEFHESB.L.ttoon.O.
French Monthly Mngail ? . An inTnluiblohel ? to
Krenchitudonls and uncliur.Free sample ropjr
Addle : 1KU1.1TZ4 I'o.V. . Mall oa Sq. , New York
nTl n 11T SANI > .U.\VOOtrtA7-3UrKS ; nra t
DlJGUlA i onlr c.npsulos proicrlhoJ
.rp'j . for thi can
Oonorhooi and dlschaum fro u Ihj urloarr on
DiierltoJ oracjulroj. t\.Ui \ par oaf All Jraa
and a woman wcro seriously injured. The
cause of the explosion Is not known.
Olaf Uixsou and wife , occupants of the
house , were preparinc supiKjr nt the time.
Thev saved thn'r ' lives by jumping from the
window. A loJ ur named Eric Anderson
was severely burned about tte heud.
Churles Peterson , n visitor , rufused to Jump
from the window , nlthousn ; cvcrv ollort was
made to InOuoo him to do so , and he was
burned to death.
That DUtiirli tlio Silent
AVatches l-i Oiiuihn.
There is a new night watchman at the
Sheely block , and lute last uipht ho became
muddled from an over Indulgence in whisky.
When ho attempted to pull his hourly report
to the American District Telegraph oQice , In
stead of turning the knob to " 0. 1C. . " ho ave
.the knoD a whirl to pollco , then ttro and fol
lowed it with a call for a messenger. The
American District Telegraph people sent n
messenger boy nnd a policeman over to in
vestigate. The wntctimun was found lying
on u bench in the cellar nearly insensible
from the effects of liquor. When awakened
the watchman was quite ugly and was al
lowed to continue his slumber. A patrolman
koothis eyoon the building until morning.
At 12 : 'W o'clock this morning a basket was
left at the door of St. Joseph's hospital con-
taininc a ten days old infant. The child is u
boy , Thnre was nothing In the basket or on
the child's clothing to Indicate where It came
from. The sisters too * temporary charge of
the foundling.
Charles Carpenter was yesterday bound
over to the district court In the sum of fSOO
for stealing a watch from the dead body of
Captain Jones about a year ago.
thnrltloH anil Corrections.
IsniAN.u-oi.ii , lud. , May 16. The morning
session of the conference of chanties and
corrections today was devoted to hoapltui
cleanliness. Dr. Hul C. Wyman of Detroit
Is chairman of the committee on this subject ,
and his paper was the main feature of the
At the afternoon session fresh air missions
was discussed. The child problem was ulso
discussed informally.
At the evening session tin topic for con-
sldor.Uicm was "Charity Organizing in
Cities. " Mrs. Hauna Todd of Lynn , Moss. ,
chairman of the committee , made the report
upon that subject.
Violated the lieu l.nbor Ijaxv.
Piin.ADi.i'iiiA , May IS. John and Jnmes
Dobson , extensive carpet manufacturers of
this city , imported a short time ago a number
of weavers from England to manufacture
velvet. Tbo Importation caused great dis
satisfaction among the old hands nnd today
they struck. Toey claim that the Dodsons
have violated tncidl.-n contract labor U'.v ,
but the manufacturers claim the right to
bring in men under the clause permitting It
for starting u new industry.
" . Ind. , May IS. Kitella
a fourteen-year-old colored girl , was
held In f,000 bonds today for attempting
murder. Ilenjamin Hector , who bearded
with her family , hud annoyed ncr with his
attentions and bho dosuj thn dinner yester
day with POI-.OII for his bcncliu 'tU said , but
all the family were seriously affected.
DeWitt's Little Lany Uisers , only pill to
euro sick headache auu re ulaty the bowels
G. A. Scnoed nek , Proprietor , Offices 621 Broadway , Council
Bluffs and 1621 Farnnm St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and refinish goods
of every description. Packages received at either office or1 at tha
Works , CorAve. . A and 26th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Merchants who have -hop-worn or soiled fabrics of any character can hava
them rcdyed and finished equal to now
\\T ANTED A first clis ; < bn.ikuoDor. lady
profcrrfd. Address lock box Uts Coun
cil itiuirs iu.
\\7ANTr.n-Alonci- . el lit painters , brush
TV bunds. J. 11. 10112 , ' "Otfoiitn Muln , Cu.iu-
cll HlutlS.
\Y IrAXTED GiMxl clrl for cnoral houso-
work. " 00 Harmony street.
FOH KENT HouMi of flvo rooms. tS.OO per
month. One of seven rooms , $ I(1W ( per.
month. E. K. Mayno. BIO Hroadway. |
"VTICKLY furnished rooms to rent. C19 Cth I
- iavenue. . |
\\7AXTED-To buy pony for rhllilrcn'B use.
> Apply to Dr. lianchctt , Council llliitrs ,
\\7ANTEU Competent Rlrl for general
> housework at iir.'i Fifth avenue.
OH yAMS-Ourfiiie famllv horse , suitable
for rldlnsor driving. Apply to 130 S. 6th
' .reel.
TI'O lovers of horses The Inreost lot of oats
JL nnd the linest In thn city ; also liar and
feed a. * > ull klml , at . UoUUtcIn & Cos I'JSS
West Hroadway.
Tj'OH KENT llarn near court house. Apply
JP _ to II. W. Tllton. lleeomco. _
CI.AI UN OYANT and psychometric , or char
acter readings ; also diagnosis of dluiise. .
Pond loci * of hair for readings by letter , i-un-
duy iind evenings. Mrs. E. Hooper. 14. A ve
in , o K. neur corner 15th St. . Council 11 nils.
Terms. ! Wc und II W.
FOIt IinXT Two lu-wly furnished rooms ;
britb. hut and cold wiilur und steam heat
Grand liutc : annex , sen mil lloor.
MaTti and 11.11'oarl hlrocts Council lllutVs ,
FOU SALE or Trade A line imported
Ulyduidulu stallion. Cull on I ) . J. llutuli-
inson .v Co. . ( II * Hroadway.
SOME flno rusldeiii-u property for rent by
Day A Ili'ss. .0 1'uarl trout
171UK SALE Hotel centrally loJatoJ , dolns
J- peed builiifss. Or will exchange for good
farm in western Iowa.
Hotel lease , furii turo und fixtures ; an A
Mo. 1 chuiice to.t p Into a good paying busi
ness Ueasons for selling , oilier business re
quiring all owner' * attention.
llargalns In residence and business prop
erty. K. I' , onict-r , real citato and insurance
a ent. No. 12 X. Main fit. . Council lilulfs.
GAKDENS Some choice Harden luncl near
Coimt-ll IllnlT.forsalu on easy terms , also
vineyards and a lurxu lUt of Iowa farms.
Johnston > V : Van I'attun.
1KUIT farm for salu or trade ; well locate 1
und ull In bearing ; gooj house and barn.
Will take sorno good city property , and jooJ
time giveu on balance. Call on or address U.
J. IliiU'hlnson .V Co. . Cl" Itroadway.
Foil HENT The MeMahon block. 3 story
brick , with basement and elevator. J.V. .
Squire , 101 1'oarl struct.
FOK3A.LE or Kent 3lrdaa UaO. wlti
houiat , ur iU. . ttloe. I'JI ' Mala itOouaall
Bluff *
I \Vuiiilci-rul NVw Prooehu Vapor
Wo sell the only eenuino New Process -
and the celebrated Quick Meal New Process
stoves , the best mude. Ono difference be
tween the genuine und imitations is that the
imitations have a small needle-like tube to
draw off oil that .loa'tevaporato ; the gonulni
lias no such flimflam ; . Wo have sold nearly
ono hiir-dred already this season. Lights
like gas ; absolutely safe ; no smoke or soot ;
as simple us n cook stovo. See us before
buying. A few fine & 55.UO gas ranges closing
out at { 10.UO each.
The best ever offered ; 20 per cent discount
over last year's prices.
Highest grade only .M.OO. Screen wire
doors , frames , etc. , etc.
1 l-yolcs.
Largest stock in the -.vest. The famous
Little Giant bov'swhe l , the Victor , highest
grade , world's best wheel , both for ladles and
gentlemen. Coi.r. ft COI.K ,
41 Muln Street.
FirstNational : - : - Bank
I'aiil Un Ci : Hit ! , . . . . siiino ; ( ) ! ) (
o'.de t urinnlftx ! bank In the cltjr. Kureljn and
dnineitie iirlunviurvl local iranrltle * . KM > - | il
aitvntlon | iilit : tu 0''IUcilun ' < . Accounts of inillrlil-
rnli. Iwinkt. liAiikerianUfurporalljni ollcltod tur-
rovixjniltfiice InvltiM
liKO. I1. A.NHUll ) . I'ra Muni.
A. W. UIKKMAN. f'uMer.
A. T. HICK. Anljtont C hier.
Gas Heating Stoves.
No AHiiKi ! Xo
Just the thin ; ; for bath rnois. . hod rooms , eta
Cull und sec our ntr-o ak
C. B. Gns and EleatPlo Light Co.
211 1'earl and 210 Main Street
All kinds of DylnR and Clcanln ; done In tn !
Highest Style of this Art , Fadua and Stained
I'aDrlcs made to look ai good as no IT , Hod
I'eathurs donned Hy Munin , In l-nst Otasi
Manner. Work promntly done and delivered
In nil part ] of the country. Send for urlca
0. A. MAOHAN , Hrjp. .
101J liroatlwav. Near Northwestern Dopoi.
CHICAGO , May 10. Hcports ot generous rain.
Electric Truss 33 ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
Broadway , Council Bluffj , la
E. I ? .
over C. 15. Jacqucmln & Co. . Jewelry FtorJ
St. 11. CIlAJlilKlCIsIX , .11. O.
Kje , K r , No o and Throat
Council MluHv . . loira.
Her eyei , cros * i ye
painful and wt-ulc rUlon
i-aranhe , deafni" . ! , itl
( linrttM from thnITS , r.
tnrrh , hay fever , nithrni
nml nil ucuto nnd rhrunlo
artwtloni of the thrjiit u
fpeci.iltilati t-roi f.t-
t l wltlmtitiln ( ilii-oi accurately preicrlbod la
dirucullc.iiui. ultiMi curlnx chrun.c njnraUIl an !
tick houlnrlio. rfur ' opvrntluui , wli n noeei *
rjr. paliilenljr psrformod , uuurlru bolt roiultl
OKicc.bhiu-irt-llcnu bloci. ruotnl CuUncll UluHj , la
The New O.-iluii Hotel. In Council H.uir * . has
been completely rL-furiilthitd nnd tnodornlzod
tlir.iuuhuut , und l.s now ono of thu IKI hotels
in the srnie Itlsloc tel In the IMIVIII-SH part
of tin-city and tlui o.ectno motors piss the
diKirmory four mlnuto-i. I'iro usr pen and
lit o alarms throughout tin ? bulldlirr. Steam
beat , hot nnd cold water and Minslilnu la
every room. Table unsurpassed anywhere.
Kates , a nay.
GEO. M. WHITNEY , Manager.
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
is Now Open.
Cragin & Co. , Proprietors.
Medical and Surgical Institute.
Clironlc diseases of all kinds und deform *
Itlcs cpuclalt.i-s. No * . VUI ) urnl LUJJ llroadwar.
Council lllulT-i. la.
D. H. McDaneld & Co
Butcliers1 anJ Paciun' Supjliu ,
Markat Fixluns , Casing ,
nlcesttirl Saiisasa Mnk rV Machinery. fQV
X'.Main st. . Couiull Ululfi , 1 * . Alao aealor *
a llldei aad I ur * .