Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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! '
How Tire PreoMents Were Received in the
Qato City ,
Tributes of ItcHpoct from
HcnrtH to Presidents Grant , Hayes ,
Arthur , Cleveland nnd
The first presidential visit to Ibis city was
mntlo In 1870 by President Hnycs , who was
on his way to California , The part ) con
sisted of the president and wlfo , the late
General Sherman and wife , General McConU
nnd one or two other personal friends. It
wus accompanied from Canton , O. , by Sen
ator Miindcrson of this city , who separated
from It nt this point. The dlstlnculshed vis
itors wcro met nt the depot by a committee
of leading gentlemen nnd driven through the
city , out to Tort Omaha and thence to the
train which awaited them at the depot. The
president evinced n great of Intciestln
Omaha which then , hownvcr , hud not donned
the metropolitan nttiro she wears today. The
president was shown the property
on North Sixteenth street which
ho had previously purchased , but
which ho later sold to good advantage.
I'lTHidcnt ArtliHi- .
President Arthur paid n visit to this city
In 188. ) . Ho was not , however , making u
tour through the country , but rather a novel
nnd entertaining trip to the National park.
Ho was accompanied by Senator Vest of
Missouri and the late General Phil Sheridan.
The party was admirably equipped for the
journey. They wcro accompanied by two
press coriesponOfnts. though a corps of
newspaper representatives had preceded
them to the point of disembarking on the
Union 1'aclilc at Hawlins , only , however , to
t > o disappointed , General Sheridan refusing
to allow the scribes to Join the
part. > . The piesldi-nt and his
friends wcro mot at the depot
In this city by n delegation of cltl/rns who
regretted the determination of tlie former to
visit no towns on the way to the patk and expressed -
pressed the hope that the journey would beef
of uninterrupted lost and plcasuio.
( iMicriil Grant.
When General Grant was returning from
his trip mound the world ho paid a visit to
this city which is still remembered by huu
dieds of Omaha's citizens.
JIo bud landed in San Francisco on Sep
tember ID , 187U , and icached tills city over
the Union Pacific Saturday , November 1 , of
the same year. Thousands met the distin
guished soldier , traveler and ox-president at
ttio depot. Notwithstanding the day was
dark , cold and blustry , thousands also lined
the streets along which the proct'sslon was to
pass. A hirgo number of the business blocks
wcio decorated with flaps and streamers and
the occasion was generally observed as a
holiday Hon George \V. Ltningcr acted as
chief marshal. In the procession were four
teen police under Marshal Wcsterdahl , the
Ninth infantry band nnd a battalion of that
regiment , a light battery from the fort , Com
pany G , Second legiment , Nebraska national
guards , Union Pacillo band , the lir depatt-
incnt , Urandt's band , Lyrun singing society ,
Union Pacific shopmen , several civic so
cieties , the MtiMincrrhor , the university
< adets fiom Lincoln , Custor and U. S. Grant
posts , Grand Army of the Republic , city
band , Company H , Second regiment , No-
brnska national guards , while the rear was
brought up with n long line of floats , lllus-
U tivuT > f. < 4h < ! .tiuercnntllonnd mechanical in
terests of tll'-Citj' ,
The column moved olong Tenth , Harney ,
Ninth , Fimmui , Fifteenth and Dodge to the
high school.
Jf The general rode In an open barouche clad
IV In n heavy overcoat nnd weaving a silk halt
which did not , b'y any means , appear as If I ,
had huurctcijntl.v como from the butter's block.
Ho wni nccompanled by the late Gcnnraj
Crook and Mayor Chase.
When the procession reached the high
school grounds not less than twelve thousand
people had assembled. The stnt'C was
thronced with prominent people from at homo
and abroad , among the latter being Governor
Nanco , who ivc'comed ' the great general In
behalf of the state. Mayor Chase extended
to him tlio welcome of the city. To these
speeches General Grant replied In a short nnd
slmplo manncr.and from the reply the follow
ing extract is taken :
"As I huvo had occasion to say , several
times slnco I loft San Francisco , \vo stand
higher abroad nnd infinitely better than wo did
twenty years ago as a nation and as a people ,
nnd , as the result of which today , the credit
of the United States in the European markets
Is higher than that of any other country in
the world. Wuuio more highly appreciated
than wo appreciate oursolvfli lib a whole. I
will soy that , as individuals , wo do not speak
well enough of ourselves. [ Laughter. |
Ladles and gentlemen I say again 1 am high
ly gratified to meotyou hero nnd thank you tor
jour kindness. " [ Cheers. ]
After the exercises on the hill , n reception
wus held in the judge's chamber In the
custom houso. The two companies ot
militia referred to acted as guard. The
chamber was beautifully decorated with
( lowers nnd evergreens. Thousands paid
their respects to the great man who was
assisted in the reception by Senators Saunders -
ers nnd Paddock.
In the evening nt the Wlthnoll house , on
the southwest corner of Fifteenth and Har-
noy , the general was tendered u banquet ,
by leading citizens of Omaha , being
escorted to his seat by General Crook ,
Governor Nance. General Mnndorson , S. II.
II. Clark , Senator Saunders and Mayor
Chase occupying seats at the snmo table
Tnoro were out two opeoches dollveied. the
committee restricting the oratory to the ef
forts of Senators Paddock and Saunders who
nt that time , represented the state in the
national senate. That , night the general was
the guest of General Crook i.t Fort Omaha.
In the morning the general's son. Colonel
Fred Grant , with his wife arrived from Chicago
cage and paid n visit to the fort.
The following day being Sunday , General
Grant attended divine service In the First
t < l K. chinch , then on Davenport street near
Seventeenth , \\horo an eloquent discourse
was delhored bv Kov. T U Mavlleld.
On Monday morning the general loft the
city being escorted to the IIluffs bv Mayor
Chase , Senator Saunuers , General Mamlor-
son , 1C. Hosou utor , T , L. Klmball , M , U.
Ulsdon , J. C. Honnell and L. M. Dennett.
I'ro.shloiit Clovclaiul.
President Cleveland made bis llrst and
onlv npnoarniKO In this city on October it ,
Ibb7 Ho was accompanied by his wife ,
Postmaster (3 onoral Vllas nnd wlfo , Colonel
liissoll and Daniel iLamont , his excellency's
private secretary.
The presidential party was mot at Council
niuffs , the train ranching that point over the
Northwestern road , the committee on recep
tion comprising Monsra. J , A. MeShauo , J ,
M. NVoolworlh , Senator Mandonon , Dr
Georcro L. Miller , George W. Holdrogo .
A. Paxton General G. II. Dandy , Max
Meyer , James E. Hoyd nnd Charles II ,
Tlio train comprised the cars Alfntra ,
Velesca ami P. P. C. When crossing the
brlilyo and about midway botwceu the
banks , the party assembled in the drawing-
room where the president was welcomed by
Congressman McShnnu In the following
words :
"Your excellency , in bohnlf of the people
of Omaha and Nebraska , 1 woteomo you to
this great Mnio and to our city , which Is the
largest In the state you are about , to visit.
Wo are gratified to sou you in the west , and
grateful that God has preserved and protected
yourself nnd wlfo through this journey ,
M hlch has happily been one of satisfaction to
nil your friends.Vo liopo that the remain ,
dor of It will ho as pleasant as that \yhlch
bus already been passed nnd that you may
return at Its close improved and bcnulltod to
your arduous labors in Washington "
The president was evidently 111-at-csso and
in replying , addressed the congressman us
"mnyor" an error which ho did not utter
ward correct. He said :
"I return to. you my hearty thanlci for tnls
cordial welcome to your btnto and the kindly
reference of Interest In the termination ol
my journey , I am sorry I can not stay much
longer with you In the promising and grow
ing west. Hut , though I am compelled to go
looncr than 1 would like under the clrctun-
( Uncos , I have no doubt that your energy
jrlll enable ino to ice wbat I would otherwise
03u for want of time. "
When the train arrived on this side of the
river It was met by Acting-Mayor Ucchel ,
GovernorThoycr nnd Senator Paddock.
The president stood near the rear door of
the train nnd ox-Governor lloyd stood almost
beildo him. Dr. Miller stood but a few feet
away and suggested to the governor thnt ho
icquost his excellency to make n short
speech , if only of live minutes' duration.
The suggestion was offered , but evidently
without relish by the president because ho
Immediately replied :
"No , no ; what's ' the use of wasting tlmn
when wo'vo got so lllllo to spend. Hut , If
you want mo to , I'll do It. "
"No , no , " said the doctor , " 1 don't ' want to
delay you. "
Carriages were In walling ns wcro repre
sentatives of the city round ! nnd not fewer
than 10,000 people. In the ptoslden'tlal car-
rlapo rode his excellency. Mrs. Cleveland ,
Governor Thnycr and Congressman Me-
Shono. Tlio carriage was diawn
by four magnificent block horses.
The body of the conveyance was
literally venecicd with Hewers of all tints
and colors , imbedded In the floral panel ot
the door. In tiny pink linmoitcllos , were the
words "Wo gieet you. "
A beautiful arch was erected at the corner
of Sixteenth and Fnrnnm streets wluoli was
artistically decorated and streamers and mot
toes floated from windows nnd hung acros"
the streets of the presidential drive.
At the high school , from which a view was
taken of tlio city , nn arch was erected on
which wcruengraved the words : "God speed
the man who does the right. "
In the procession the Second infantry of
Fort Omaha IOOK part , as did n number of
civic societies.
The grand lodge of tlio Uniform Hank ,
Knights of Pythias , was in session In the
city nt the time nnd added n gicat deal to the
effort of the procession by their gorgeous
The democratic state convention had been
held on the preccdlnc night and Its delegates
saluted the inesident as lie passed the Pux-
ton hotel.
After nn extended drive through the city ,
the party took the train on tlio Kansas City
ft St. Joe , and was whirled away to St.
President Hnrrlson'H VlwltH.
This recent visit was the fourth of Piesldont
Harrison to tills city. Ho llrst passed through
Omaha In ISS'J on his way to Helena , nnd re
mained over for several hours. Ho was
United Stales senator from Indiana at the
His second visit was on the occasion of the
marriage of his son , Hussell U. , to Miss
Mnmlo Snundrrs , daughter of ox-Senator
Saunders of this city.
The nuptials were solemnized In Trinity
cathedral on the night of January 8 , 1SS4.
The event was the most notable
in social circles for many years
in this city , and attracted n
great deal of attention thioughout the coun
try. On the nccnslon the picsldent was ac
companied by his wlfo.
The bridal party left on a tour after the
reception , which was held In the Paxton
hotel , nt which place Senator Saunders and
family wcro then residing. Senator Harrison
nnil wlfo remained n couple of days atult hen
returned to Washington. At that tlmo the
gentleman's nnino was beginning to be men
tioned in connection with the presidency , but
ho would not allow the matter to bo dis
cussed in his hearing.
The third visit was made In the summer of
ISSS , when ho ( the senator ) was the guest of
Senator Snunders.
His fourth visit to Omaha was as president
af the United States.nud his welcome was not
bo dimmed by that of any distinguished gen
tleman who had merited the hospitality of the
Gnto City.
Gosjler's Magic Headache Wafers. Cures all
licadtches In W minutes. At all druggists
Dr. Grain , S.W. cor. IGth and Dodge
ts. , euros cancer and nil chronic diseases.
Decision In Favor of tlie Chicago
Milwaukee ft St. Paul Ky.
The now Pulnco stooping cars of the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ,
with electric lights in every berth , will
continue to leave the Union depot ,
Omaha , at 0:20 : p. m. , dally. Passengers
taking tills train avoid transfer at Coun
cil BlulTa , and urrivo in Chicago at 0:30 :
a. in. , in ampiotlme to make nil onstorn
connections. Ticket olllcc , 1501 Furnain
street. P. A. NASH ,
J. E. PunsTON' , Goncral Agent
City Passenger Agent
The Paxton Hotel Fire
Did not effect the hotel proper in any
way so as to interfere with tlio operation
of the houso. Only tlio annex was dam
aged and guosls have boon cared for
without the interruption of u single day.
The "Twelve Temptations" on Sunday next
como to Boyd's opera house for their second
engagement this season. This beautiful
scenic production will bo witnessed with in
creased Interest , as it has been brightened
by now costumes nnd special features.
Constipation poisons tno blooa : DoWitt's
Little Early Hisers euro Constipation. The
cause removed the disease is gone.
For OurFare. .
On May 17 and 18 tlio Hurlington
route will soil round trip tickets from
Omaha to Cincinnati at ono faro , with
choice of routes via Chicago. Peoria or
St. LoulH , and good to return until May
2 ; } . This is an advantage offered by no
other line. Passengers leaving Omaha
at 40 : ! ! p. m. arrive in Cincinnati at 0:2 : ! )
next evening ; leaving Omaha at U:20 : p.
in. , urrivo in Cincinnati at 0:50 : the second
end morning. For tickets , bleeping berths
and full information , apply ut city ticket
olllco. 1223 Farnnm street.
Dishonest Carpel Ilontor.
Charles Walker was arrested last evening
for stealing two gold rings from Thomas
Scanlon , Twenty-third nnd Havcnport
.streets. Walker wus nmplovod Sutiirduy to
clean seine carpets at the Scanlon ret.idenc-0.
While there lui stele the rings and decamped.
Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup is the host
of all remediesforc'alldroti teething ; -J5 cents
a bottlo.
Honest Hut Mistaken.
Chtcauu Times.
OldGrlpgs 1 was roaaing , "Tildy thnt
ttosa Donhcur , that big Frenchwoman , is
soventy-fivo years old , an' paints us much ns
even she did ,
Mrs. Glggs I do declairl What desprlt ,
shamefaced critters them French women bo I
At her time of life I should think she'd bet
ter oo dolu' somethm' else than frlvolm' llko
n girl.
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky
Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palitable
and Wholesome.
No other baking powdur does suchVork.
SIZES 34 to 44 ,
" " " * \J "V" T" " "H"1
Nebraska GlotMna Co. ,
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth.
Colds , Sore Throat , Bronchitis , Rheumatism , Neuralgia ,
nnnmtnntlon of the Iu nm , Kidneys anil HoweK Sciatica , Chilblains , Krost llltos , Toothucho , lloadacho
Talus In the Hack , Chest nnd I.lmbs , nnd nil the usual
application of UAIIWAY'3 HKADV UlHiIKK , to the parts nffectod , will Irntnntly rollovo anil soon euro
sufferer. Into rn'illy In doses of from thirty to sixty drops , In half n tumbler of water , it will euro In n
moment * , Cra nips , tipnsms , Sour Stomach , Colic , 1 latulenco , Iloirtburn , DIarrliooa , alck lloidaclip ,
on. Voinltlnu. Cold I hills. Nervousness , sleeplessness , nnd alt Internal pains. 60 cents bottle , lor
nt d ruBKlsts. ItAIMVAV A , CO. . SS Wnrren St.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Package maVra tt gallon * .
Uuhcious , iparkl'ug , and
appotiilng. Sold by nil
dealers , f/ //'a beautiful
Picture Book find cards
sent tn any ono mldreenU" ' .
O. E. lllKHB A re .
Pimples on the Faoa |
Breaking Out )
Bkln Troubles |
Llttlo Sores | Hot Bkln |
Bolls I Blotches |
Gold Bores ) Bad Breath )
Bora Month or Lips |
If you Biiirir fiom nny of
tuc o vymploins tuuo
ll vo you over u < ed mercury I II BO , did you
clve your > olt the needed attention at the time I
, Ve i.d not tillyou that you require .Wood
mpdlclne , to ensure fnnloni from the after ef-
feet * l r. Ai'Uer' . KnKllsh Illond r.lUIr Istlia
only known medicine that will thoroughly eradi
cate the poison from tbo ? ' . " > mi
. \ . ? . ? . - ,
. . HOOK nil A.
ourdrng-irliit. or write to IV. . II. :
)0. ) , 40 We t Ilroudwny , > cworU City.
. . .1 n.llllllllllllllillllllillllll
National Bank
Capital , - - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 18DO , - OU.BOO
Oftlcers nnd Dlrectors.-IIenry W. VMos , President :
Lewis B. Itood , Vlcu-1'reMdont ; JumoiV Baram
V.Morse , John B. Collins , U. U Cuihlnir , J. N. U
1'utrlck. VY. II. B. UuKhei , cashier.
Corner 12th aud rarnamSti
A Gcnornl Dun kin ; lluslums Trainiotol :
Graduate Dentist.
A Full Bet of Teeth on 11 libber ,
for HVK I > OI.I.AH < . A perfect <
nt guaranteed , Teeth extracted I
without pain or danger , nnJ I
without anaesthetics , liold and I
i silver tilling ! nt lowest raets.
llrldgo nnd Crown Work. Teeth
_ _ without plates All work war-
Kntranro , IClu street elevator. Open ereulngi
until B o'clock.
- CAPSULES are th
DOG-UTAH and onlr capsules prescribed br
regular pbjrslUaai for thu cur a ot
Oonorhosa anil dUohargos irom tba urlnarr orvaai
nbcrlted gr acquired 11.6) perj uox AlldruK M
Corner llth and 1'arnum Ptreets.
wnnic or MAY ISTH.
CLAUENOI : DALE. Tin : ma HHAnnn
11UV. The Immisof u mini ; body of u boy.
UKSl'KKATl' CIlANC'nS , u comedy-dnumi In
three nets by tlio l''li/ oriilil-I.owls L'o.
Prof. C. Abt's Dissolving Vluus , uud u flrbt-
cl.iss Variety Kntertutniiiont.
1'rlduy , Ladles' Souvenir Day ,
Any lady , send stamp nnd get free samplepnrk-
nnu of Lyunin'N O.ik Leaf Speclllu for IVm lie
TroublKi , the moit Hiitressful lomalo remedy
over Fold. You 111 BOO the excellent otleit after
taking tlio tint treatment. fl.OJ ut driiKglsts or
by mall.
or give relief llko"Ur.ii > lerce' Magnetic l.laBtlo
Truss. ' * It li.lsrureJtluniBaiKlB I If you want the ,
1,110mi. . . aliiMurnpa liorfreal'HinphletNo. 1.
Maunrllo Elastic Trau Co. , ban lc'ranol co , CaL
Xotluo to Contractors.
Pouled proposals will bo received lit tlio
ollleo of J. I' . IiiislnK ; k Co. , Mni'oln , Neb. ,
room L"I , Klelinnl's block , for the eonstt notion
of an Opera lionsunnd business block , uornur
Tlilrtcentli and I' " stteots. Until Tuosdiiy
Jlny Stl. nt - p. in. A fortllk'd cliculc of if.'iOO
must accompany oauli ptoiioiiil.
Thu proprlutors r Hur\o thu right to icject
any and nil proixHaU.
rliins nnd spujllloitlons may bu seen at the
olllco of ,1 , r , lanklun-.V ; L'o.
IlondH In the stun of JiMMO will bo required
of the contractor toliom the contract la
a\\anl ( > ( l. ,1. 1' . IMNSIMI.
The annual meotlnz of stookholdrrs of the
rroinonl , iiklioni : & Missouri Valley railroad
company will bo liulu ut Ihoollluoof tluicom
pany In Omaha , Nub , , on I'rldny , .May ' . " - ' , IS'll ' ,
ill 'J ii'o.ouk p. in. for the election of cllrcoturs
and for thu transaction of unuhottior bnslnois
us may bo prusuntnd. D.iluil May b , l&'Jl.
J. II. Itum-iEM ) , fccerctary.
Omahn , Neb. , Oct. 25 , ' 80.
I feollt not only a privilege , but a duty to
sny a good word for Dr. J. B. Moore's Ca
tarrh Cure. Have been troubled tor years
with catarrh. Frequently had to resort to
thnt disagreeable hnwklng and spitting to
clear my throat of a tough , stringy raoous
that lodged there. Had tr.oJ dUfeent rem
edies without relief. A few applications of
Moore's Catarrh Remedy almost entirely re
lieved me. I recommend it whenever an
opportunity presents Itself.
Slooro's Tree of Ufa. n positive cure for Kldnor
and Liver Complilnt and nil blood diseases. l > oo < It
ay to Buffer when you can bo cured by using Mooro's
Trooof Life , the Great Life. Home Jy ?
Ooiak Hedml and SOF icil
Kortho treatment of nil Cimo.VIO AND SUUOIOAr.
D18UASKS. llmccn , Appliance ! for Duforinltlosnnil
Trunoci. Host Kucllltlos , ApparatiM tnd Itemodloi
I rorsuccutsful treatment of every form of dlnena
requiring -Medicalor Hiiruloal Treixtmont. NINUTY
11OOMS I'OK I'ATIUNrrf , llonnl nnd Attondanoa
lloit Accommoditloni ' . .Vest.Vrlto for clrculnri on
Dcformlllos and llracei , Trimoi , Club Feet , Curva.
turoi of Spine , I'lloi , Tumors , Cnncer , Catarrh ,
' llronchltlx , Inhalation , Kloctrlrlty , PnrnlyMi , Kpll-
, Kldnoyi , llladdor , Eye , Knr , Hkln and Illou I ,
nnd all furKical ( iperntloni. (1ISHA8K3 ( OK WOMKN
a Bpeclalto. Hook ot Ihea e \Votnen Free. We
hare lately added n lylnn In Department fur Woman
DnrlnR confinement ( Strictly I'rlvnlci ) Only Uulli.
blo.Medlcnl ln > tltuto MaklnK n tipoclitlly of Put'
All lllooil Dlioaioi 8iicco sfullr IrcntoJ. ? < edlclna
Dr Initruiuenti ent by mall or expron tecurely
tmcked , no marki to Indicate contonti or icndar
Ono persona. Interview preferred Call and coniult
us or send hltory of your < aie nnd we will end In
lain wrapper our 11OOIC TO .MUM rilBHi upon Prl
rate. or Norvou > UUo-uo ) , wlthquaitloutlK
Address nil Utter ) to
Dr. A. T. McLaughlln , Pi'aslJsa
'Jtb and llurnny ntrcuts. Omaha.
Beet Sugar Enterprise
M Cents u Venr.
Locust nnd Third St. , - Grand Island. Neb
Devoted lo the deTolop'nont of the beet augur In
dustry In the United rJtnten. Munufucturlnx KUKIII
from beeti , IIUH proven uauccess both In California
nnd Nebraska Tlio nveraite per tent of utiinr In J'o-
praiika beetB Is ItKI per cent In Oi-rmuuy 13 M.
( icrmnny mnniifucturei annually l.ViO.UOJ tons , more
than nny other country In the world. The ll H Ini-
portsunnuiilly lTOXXton ( of suiiar , which at live
ccntx per pound , would amount to f IfO.OOV/.O fethall
the U h munufuiture her own HKur ! beedlnx ,
cultivating , liurvestliiKimd manufacturlnif the tugar
leetdlfciiBiedln the Ileet Sugar Enterprise , gend
stumps for sample copy , ( irand Island. Neb ,
"fill laf If A If Klfr&l Bafferlne froro
Til WraK Mrra Ui ° eiTccl > o |
V & . youthful erron
early decor , vfaswlngwenknfHi , lo t uianhood , eto.
I will . 'nJ a TaluaClo treatise ( u alcdl contalnln ;
full partlculan for home cure , | " ; * of rharga
A. splendid medical work ) ihould bo read by even
man who IB ncrrnui and deMlluu-d. Addrrrt
1'rof , F. C. VO WLUJl , Hlooaui , Coun ,
Floral Conversatory.
South East Oor. G and 17th , Lincoln , Neb
W. S. Sawyer & Co.
General collection of plants and out flowers
always on hand , I'loral designs , bouquets
baskets , etc. , for p-trtlos. Weddings and tun-
rals a specialty , and sent to any uir t of the
stato. Price list fico. Discount to umler-
aUerson funeral work. Tulcuhonc , ; ill.
" 8ANAT1VO. " the
Wonderful Spanish
Hfmcdy , Is sold wlthn
to cure all Ncn ous ] ) )
carts , vucli mVcnk
Jlcmorj , JXts of llralu
PoworIicad chc ,
Wokffulnota , Lost Mai-
hood , NVrvou neB8 , Ijis
fltudc. all dralu ) and
Before & After Uoo.
. loss ol poncr of the
Pliotograplicd from life. ( Jencrathe OrKanB , In
pltliiT sex , cauced by
ovpr-crerllon , ) outhful Inilescrf lions , or the eicfsrh c
use or tobacco , opium , or ptlmiilanUi , w hlch ultimately
lead to Infirmity , Consumption and Intimity. Put up
In convenient form to carry In the vent pocket. Price
Jl a lurkcgc , or 6 for to. With every Vi order we ulvc
iwrlttcu Kunruntf to curn or refund Ilio
nioncj. bent b/ mall to any addrua. Clrculir free
Mention tlilj p per. Addrtex ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , nranch Office for U. S. A ,
JI7 ) ) eartiorn Slreet. rillOAOO. II.U
Kuhn & Co , Cor , 15th & DouRlus SU.
1 \ ruller idi. Cor Dili & IlouulasSU.
A II KiMtrr A Co ( ouncil lllutr * . U
Jtitri'ittt , lot' . IItit unit
tfttift inont Hiiltftiiitliilln
Hotel Jliiildlitu In Oinnliii.
tieiii'H In'Mi / / 11'iilln iininliiffrom
IxiHcineiit to roof. .Ill tin ; vrltlniin mill
Jtooi-H lined irltk AHbCHtui fit-it ; /
ui/iiW , iiifr//iif/ it innitiNMltilr to Itui'H
n\iivl ; . I'irn eKvinn-M mi'1 / ' ' "I"fin"
tln-oiii/lioiit f/in liHlltllnu. Mi'Hin In-lit ,
hot nnil colit niitff Hint HiniHliiiifi
crfi'i/roo/ii , 'Jublo uiiNnri > itnin ! < l tiny-
Corner 14th and Capitol Avanuo.
Jnst complatod , has 100 roomi , threa
btairwayo , from the top to the bottom , ha
fine eluvator and dinning room Barvloo , 1
tire proof throughout , flna billard rooms an !
thu finest toilut rooms in the city. Lar o
nmp le rooms , Suites with bath tcj. Cot
14th and Cacitol Avo. Street oar sorvloa in
all droc lions. Hates , from $13.00 tn $1,00
It can He irlttn In u rup of fulfce ur t . or In ar.
Irlei of fuutl , without the knowledge ol the ptlent.
f nee a > r/ . It U absoluttly liarnilxis and will sd ol
a permanent and speedy euro , whether thejpatlrnl It
ano < * er udrinker orau aloobolie wreek. IT MK * Kit
LAII , * . Jl operates so quietly and with auoh oer *
taint/ mat tua pallint underitoea oo Ineonvenleuoe.
and ere be le aware , his complete reformation te
ffeotud 46paf a book of particulars free ToDruadol
KUKH & CO. . 1Mb & Douf\t. \ & 1Mb Cummic Bta ,
T/1 * supplied bUAXB. . I1UUUE < c CO , mil
More than 15 years experience In the treatment of
A euro guaranteed In atoS days , wlthont holouol
nn hour' * tluio.
The most rompleta and absolute cure for elect and
all annoying discharges over known to the medical
profession. Permanently cured In from5 to lUday *
Or pain In relieving the hlaililar cured itlthout pnTrt-
or Instruments , no cutting , no dilating. The most
remarkable remedy known to modern science.
Cured In .10 to H ) days-I > r Mcdrew's treatment for
this terrible blooddlsenio has been pronounced tb <
most-uccessfpl remedy ever discovered for the nb-
eoliitu euro of the dlseise Ills success with this
disease has never been oqunlla L A eoinploto euro
And nil wotkuessos of tl o seMial organs , nervous *
ness , timidity and despondency absolutely curoJ.
The relief Is Immodlate and complete.
and all dlscniei of the blood , liver , kidneys , nna.
bladder permanently cured.
The doctor "Homo Treatment" for ladles Is pro
nounced liy all who have u od It to bo the mint tom-
pletonnd convenient remedy over offered for the
treatment of female diseases It Is truly a wonderlul
rctued ) . Hours for Indies , from t to 4 only
Mnivcllous HUCOJSS In the treatment of prlvnto dis
eases hns won for him n reputation whUhlstrnlp
national In character , nnd hln great army of p.illent.
reaches from the Atlantic to the I'acinc. 'Iheduitor
U n uiailiiato of 'regular" medlelno nnd has hay
IODK "ml careful experience In hospital pruttlco ,
anil Is classed unions the leadltiK speclallats In mod *
ern HLleuce Treatment by correspondente Wrlta
for circulars about of the above dlsoisen , freo.
Olllce , 14th anil Farmm StreotJ , Omaha
Nub. Entranoo on either street ,
. . . ,
H fry in id 1411 DodKU .Street , Omaha , Neb
bide Spring attachment , no horse motion.
liUII.IiEllfl OK
P'irst Glass Carriages ,
ii'mi ; rrmvdy lor nil tin
unnatural dlnthaifes nnd
prlvat ( llseiu iof men A
certain curn for th * > i
' tilting v , aktieu
. lottomcn.
urtonirb * JUprescrlbel.-
JTHEEvmCHiUicllCo In rtrnrnmendlng It Ui
1 nil sulTerars.
Hold l > y nrnmclilav ,
Tr . IlfC'IS 01.00.